«“√ “√«‘™“°“√ “∏“√≥ ÿ¢ Journal of Health Science ªï∑’Ë Ò¯ ©∫—∫∑’Ë ˆ 惻®‘°“¬π - ∏—𫓧¡ ÚııÚ Vol. 18 No. 6 November - December 2009

¥√√™π’ ªï∑’Ë 17 (©∫—∫‡ √‘¡ 6, 7), ªï∑’Ë 18 ¡°√“§¡ - ∏—𫓧¡ 2552

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˘ı˜ Author Index

®‘μμ‘¡“ ¡‚ππ—¬ (πμ) 177 ¥«ßƒ¥’ «—≤π»‘√‘™—¬°ÿ≈ (πμ) 550 ®‘πμπ“ æ≈¡’»—°¥‘Ï (πμ) SVII1854 ®‘√¿“ ‚æ∏‘Ïæ—≤π™—¬ (πμ) SVI1715 μ ®‘√“æ√ ‡°»æ‘™≠«—≤π“ (πμ) 33, (πμ) 212 μ—È¡ ∫ÿ≠√Õ¥ (πμ) 262 ®‘√“æ√ ¢’¥¥’ (πμ) 674 ®‘√“æ√ ‡¢’¬«Õ¬Ÿà (πμ) 665 ∑ ®‘√“æ√ »√’ª√–¿“¿√≥å (πμ) 43 ∑«’æ√ æ—π∏ÿåæ“≥‘™¬å (πμ) 455 ®‘√“æ√ Õπ—πμ»‘√‘ (πμ) SVII2050 ∑»æ√ ° ‘°√√¡ (πμ) SVII2058 ®’√–π—π∑å §”·Ωß (πμ) 854 ∑Õߪ“π ‡ß◊Õ°ß“¡ (πμ) SVII2050 ®’√»—°¥‘Ï °“≠®π“æß»å°ÿ≈ (√ß) 624 ∑—»π“ ™Ÿ«√√∏π–ª°√≥å (πμ) 836 ‡®√‘≠™—¬ §”·Ωß (πμ) 854 ∑—»π’¬å ¡πÿ≠æ“≥‘™¬å (∫ª) 790 ‡®√‘≠™—¬ æ“°‡æ’¬√‰æ‚√®πå (πμ) SVI1593, (πμ) SVI1607 ∑‘π°√ ‚π√’ (πμ) 515 ∑‘æ¬å«√√≥ ª√‘≠≠“»‘√‘ (πμ) SVII1887 © ‡©≈‘¡√—∞ §È”™Ÿ™“μ‘ (πμ) SVII2071 ∏ ‡©≈‘¡»√’ π—π∑«√√≥ (πμ) 597 ∏ß™—¬ ´÷ß∂“«√ (πμ) SVII2078, (πμ) SVII2141 ‡©≈‘¡»√’ ‘ßÀå∑‘æ¬åæ—π∏ÿå (πμ) 905, 932 ∏πæß…å ∑Õߪ√–æ“à (πμ) 43 ‚©¡ ÿ¥“ —ߢ¡≥’ (πμ) SVII1853 ∏πŸ»—°¥‘Ï §™√—°…å (πμ) SVII2050 ©—π∑π“ ®—π∑«ß»å (πμ) 428 ∏—π¬°“πμå –¥’«ß…å (πμ) 854 ∏—≠≈—°…≥å · π ÿ¢ (πμ) 33 ™ ∏‘μ‘¡“ π“¡ ‘√‘°ÿ≈ (πμ) 59 ™π‘¥“ ‡≈‘»æ‘∑—°…åæß»å (πμ) 322, (πμ) 537 ∏‘μ‘¡“ ‡À≈à“»‘√‘√—μπå (πμ) SVII1954 ™π‘π—π∑å π∏‘‰™¬ (πμ) 504 ∏’√“¿“ ∏“π’ (πμ) SVII1854 ™≈‘¥“ ‡°…ª√–¥‘…∞å (πμ) 163 ™«æ√æ√√≥ ®—π∑√åª√– ‘∑∏‘Ï (πμ) 589 π ™“≠™—¬ ®“√ÿ¿“™πå (πμ) SVI1810, (πμ) 251 π߇¬“«å ‡°…μ√å¿‘∫“≈ (πμ) 745 ™‘μ‡¢μ ‚μ‡À¡◊Õπ (πμ) 163 πß≈—°…≥å ‡∑»π“ (πμ) 915 ™ÿ¡æ≈ √à«¡∑«’ (πμ) 863 πß≈—°…≥å æ–‰°¬– (πμ) 515 ™ÿ≈’æ√ ®‘√–æß…“ (πμ) 504, (πμ) 863 π¿“æ√ ‚쮑𥓠(πμ) 43 ™Ÿæß»å · ß «à“ß (πμ) 504, (πμ) 863 πƒ¡≈ μÕ«‘‡™’¬√ (πμ) SVII2125 ™Ÿƒ∑∏‘Ï ‡μÁ߉μ√ √≥å (πμ) SVI1650 πƒ¡≈ «√√§åªí≠≠“‡≈‘» (πμ) SVII2089 ‚™μ‘√ ≈–ÕÕß∫—« (πμ) 515 πƒ«—μ ‡° √ ÿ§π∏å (πμ) 339 π≈‘π’ Àß å™ÿ¡æ≈ (πμ) 504 ± π—π∑¬“ °√– «¬∑Õß (πμ) 272 ±‘≥°√ ‚π√’ (πμ) 515 π—π∑“ Õà«¡°ÿ≈ (πμ) SVI1629 π‘쬓 ®—π∑√å‡√◊Õß ¡À“º≈ (πμ) SVI1842, (πμ) SVII2160, ≥ (∫°∂) 154, (∫°∂) 312, ≥∞¡π ‡©≈‘¡ππ∑å (πμ) 745 (∫°∂) 474, (∫°∂) 640, ≥√ß§å ®—π∑√åÀÕ¡ (πμ) SVII2125 (∫°∂) 796, (∫°∂) 956 ≥√ߧ廗°¥‘Ï ÀπŸ Õπ (πμ) SVI1834 π‘쬓 · ߇≈Á° (πμ) 163 ≥—∞∏’√™“ ¿—∑√»“»«—μ«ß…å (πμ) SVI1705 π‘æ√ ‡∑扙¬ (πμ) 771 ≥ÿ©—μ√“ ®—π∑√å ÿ«“𑙬å (πμ) SVI1578 π‘¿“¿√≥å “∏ÿ™“μ‘ (πμ) 515 π‘√¡≈ ≈’≈“Õ¥‘»√ (πμ) SVII2151 ¥ π‘√ÿμ √∂¢ÿπ∑¥ (πμ) 455 ¥«ß∑‘æ¬å Àß å ¡ÿ∑√ (πμ) SVI1810, (πμ) 251, π‘≈‡πμ√ «’√– ¡∫—μ‘ (πμ) SVI1795, (πμ) 202, (πμ) 526 (πμ) SVII1870 π‘≈ÿ∫≈ ‡√◊Õπ‚√®πå√ÿàß (πμ) 163

958 Journal of Health Science 2009 Vol. 18 No. 6 ¥√√™π’ºâŸπ‘æπ∏å

π‡√»ƒ∑∏‘Ï ¢—¥∏– ’¡“ (πμ) 863 æ√ ‘≥’ Õ¡√«‘‡™…∞å (πμ) SVI1629 πÿ»√“æ√ ‡°… ¡∫Ÿ√≥å (∫ª) 139 æ√–§√√™‘μ §ÿ≥«‚√ (πμ) SVI1650 æ«ß‡æ™√ Õ‘∞√—μπå (√ß) SVII2151 ∫ æÕ™¡ ©«’«—≤πå (πμ) SVII2133 ∫ß°™ ‡™’ˬ«™“≠¬πμå (πμ) 649 æ—™π’ Õ‘π∑√≈—°…≥å (πμ) SVII1887 ∫«√ · π ÿæ‘Ï (πμ) SVI1765 æ—™√‘π∑√å ™¡‡¥™ (πμ) SVII2089 ∫—≥±‘μ ™ÿ¡«√∞“¬’ (πμ) 163 æ“≥’ »‘√‘ –Õ“¥ (πμ) SVII2058 ∫ÿ≠π‘¿“ ÿ«√√≥°“≈ (πμ) 455 æ‘°ÿ≈ Õπ∏√√¡ (πμ) 826 ‡∫≠®¡“ ‡≈“ÀæŸπ√—ß ’ (πμ) SVI1795 摇™∞ Õ—ß»ÿ«—™√“°√ (πμ) 616 ‡∫≠®«√√≥ √–≈÷° (πμ) 504 æ‘μ√æ√ Õ∏ ‘ ÿ¢ (√ß) SVI1549, (√ß) SVI1567, (πμ) SVI1613 ª æ‘π—¬≈—§ μ—πμ‘≈’ªî°√ (πμ) 77 ª∞¡ «√√§åªí≠≠“‡≈‘» (πμ) 883 æ‘¡æå ÿ«√√≥√—μπå (πμ) 550 ª√–™“ ™¬“¿—¡ (πμ) SVII2112 æ‘¡æåæ√√≥ æ‘∏“πæ‘∑¬“√—μπå (πμ) SVII1870 ª√–æ—°μ√å ‡π√¡‘μæ‘∑—°…å°ÿ≈ (πμ) 322 æ‘¡æ‘»“ »—°¥‘Ï Õ߇¡◊Õß (πμ) SVI1822, (πμ) 84 ª√–æ—π∏å ¿Ÿ¡‘√—μπ√—°…å (πμ) SVI1692 æ‘¡≈æ√√≥ §ÿ≥ ‘∑∏‘Ï (πμ) 17 ª√–æÿ∑∏ ≈’≈“æƒ∑∏‘Ï (πμ) SVII2031 æ‘¡≈»√’ · ߧ“√å (πμ) SVI1810, (πμ) 251 ª√–¿— √ «‘∫Ÿ≈¬å®—°√ (πμ) SVII1853 æ‘√‘¬“ ‡≈‘»¡ß§≈π“¡ (πμ) 222 ª√–¿“ · ßÀ≈â“ (πμ) 826 æ‘ ¡—¬ √—μπ‡¥™ (πμ) SVII1854 ª√–¬ÿ°μå ‡ √’‡ ∂’¬√ (πμ) SVII1973, (πμ) SVII1983 æ‘ ‘Ø∞å ‡≈‘»«“π‘™ (πμ) SVII2125 ª√–«‘∑¬å Õ‘π∑√ ÿ¢ÿ¡ (πμ) SVI1641 æ‘ ‘∞ ¬ß¬ÿ∑∏å (πμ) SVII1853 ª√– ∫ ÿ¢ »√’· ߪ“ß (πμ) SVII1854 æ’√«‘™≠å æ“¥’ (∫ø) 131 ª√–‡ √‘∞ À≈‘Ë«º≈«π‘™ (πμ) SVI1593, (πμ) SVI1607 ‡æ™√¥’ ‚ÕÓ√√‘§ ÿ¿—§ (πμ) SVI1775 ª√“‚¡∑¬å Õ—¡æ√ ‘∑∏‘°Ÿ≈ (πμ) 696 ‡æ™√πâÕ¬ ‘ßÀå™à“ß™—¬ (πμ) 113, (πμ) 242, (πμ) 756, ª√‘¬ÿ∑∏å ‡®’¬√æ—≤π“§¡ (πμ) SVI1593, (πμ) SVI1607 (πμ) 873 ªí≠®æ√ π‘Ë¡¡≥’ (πμ) 703 ‡æ™√ ÿπ’¬å ∑—È߇®√‘≠°ÿ≈ (πμ) 515 ªí∑¡“ «à“æ—≤π«ß»å (πμ) 816 ‡æÁ≠·¢ ≈“¿¬‘Ëß (πμ) 489, (πμ) 674, (πμ) 826 ªî¬–πÿ™ ®‘μμπŸπ∑å (πμ) SVI1822, (πμ) 84 ‡æÁ≠π¿“ ™¡–«‘μ (∫∑) 149 ªî¬–πÿ™ ‡π◊ÈÕÕàÕπ (πμ) 756 ‡æÁ≠æ√√≥ ‡≈“Àæ—π∏å (πμ) 685 ªî¬“¿“ ·°â«Õÿ∑“π (πμ) 77 ‡æ≠»√Á ’ μ√“¡’§ÿ≥ (πμ) SVII2039 ‰æ√—μπå ߧ√“¡ (πμ) SVI1673 º º®ß»‘≈ªá ‡æ‘ß¡“° (πμ) 736 ¿ ¿“§¿Ÿ¡‘ ∏“«ß§å (πμ) 105 æ æß»∏√ æÕ°‡æ‘Ë¡¥’ (∫ª) 139, (∫æ) 462 ¡ æß»å∏√ ™“μ‘æ‘∑—°…å (πμ) 863 ¡π∑√—μπå ∂“«√‡®√‘≠∑√—æ¬å (πμ) 322, (πμ) 537 æ®π“ ∏—≠≠°‘μμ‘°ÿ≈ (πμ) 915 ¡√ÿμ ®‘√‡»√…∞»‘√‘ (πμ) 844 殡“π ºŸâ¡’ —μ¬å (πμ) 703 ¡“π‘μ ª√–°Õ∫°‘® (πμ) SVI1795 æ√™π° √—μπ¥‘≈° ≥ ¿Ÿ‡°Áμ (πμ) 187 ¡“»«≈—¬ ≈‘¢‘μ∏π‡»√…∞å (πμ) SVI1736 æ√∑‘æ¬å æ÷Ëß¡à«ß (πμ) 703 ‡¡μμ“ ‚æ∏‘Ï°≈‘Ëπ (∫ø) 780 æ√∑‘æ¬å ‡æÁ≠°‘μμ‘ (πμ) SVII2125 ‡¡∏“ ¥‘‡√°‚¿§ (πμ) SVI1684 æ√æ√√≥ ‡°‘¥„π¡ß§≈ (πμ) SVII2141 ‡¡∏’ ®—π∑宓√ÿ¿√≥å (πμ) SVII1928, (πμ) SVII1936 æ√√≥∑‘æ¬å μ’¬æ—π∏å (πμ) 504 æ√√≥√“¬ ¡‘μ ÿ«√√≥ (πμ) 504 ¬ æ√‡≈‘» ®‘μμåª√–∑ÿ¡ (πμ) SVII1965 ¬ß¬ÿ∑∏ √à«¡™“μ‘ (πμ) SVII2050

«“√ “√«‘™“°“√ “∏“√≥ ÿ¢ ÚııÚ ªï∑’Ë Ò¯ ©∫—∫∑’Ë ˆ ˘ı˘ Author Index

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960 Journal of Health Science 2009 Vol. 18 No. 6 ¥√√™π’ºâŸπ‘æπ∏å

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º øíπ§ÿ¥ SVII2151 º≈°“√√—°…“ 655 øíπÀπâ“∫π SVI1613 º≈°√–∑∫μàÕ ÿ¢¿“æ SVI1834 ·øÑ¡ ÿ¢¿“æ§√Õ∫§√—« 873 ºà“μ—¥ 339 º“μà ¥·º≈‡≈— °Á 803 ¿ ºŸâ§≈Õ¥ SVI1747 ¿—¬æ‘∫—μ‘ SVII1992 ºŸâ¥◊Ë¡ ÿ√“ 854 ¿—¬æ‘∫—μ‘ ÷π“¡‘ 33 ºŸâμ‘¥‡™◊ÈÕ‡Õ™‰Õ«’ SVI1629 ¿“√–‚√§ 313 ºŸâμ‘¥¬“‡ æμ‘¥ (¬“∫â“) SVI1673 ¿“«π“ 4 SVI1650 ºŸâªÉ«¬§«∫§ÿ¡¬“‡Õß 397 ¿“«–¢“¥ÕÕ°´‘‡®π SVII1954 ºªŸâ «¬‡¥É °Á SVI1566 ¿“«–§«“¡¥—π‚≈À‘μ Ÿß17 ºŸâªÉ«¬∑’Ë¡’ªí≠À“ ÿ¢¿“殑μ·≈–®‘쇫™ SVI1684 ¿“«–´¡‡»√÷ “â SVII1854 ºŸâªÉ«¬‚√§‡∫“À«“π™π‘¥∑’Ë 2 ∑’Ë¡’√–¥—∫ ¿“«–·∑√°´âÕπ SVI1608, 370 πÈ”μ“≈„π‡≈Õ¥μ◊ Ë” 404 ¿“«–ª√– “∑√—∫‡ ’¬ß‡ ◊ËÕ¡ SVII2071 º√Ÿâ ∫∫√— °“√‘ SVII2133 ¿“«–‚¿™π“°“√ 71 º Ÿâ ßÕ“¬Ÿ ÿ 33, 836 ¿“«–√Õ∫‡Õ«‡°‘π 945 ºŸâ ŸßÕ“¬ÿ∑’Ë¡’¿“«–Õâ«π 212 ¿Ÿ¡‘ªí≠≠“æ◊Èπ∫â“π SVII2058 ·ºπ°™“ß‚≈À–à 710 ·ºπ∑’Ë 883 ¡ ·ºπ¿Ÿ¡‘‡Àμÿ·≈–º≈ SVI1783 ¡À“«‘∑¬“≈—¬‡°…μ√»“ μ√å 436 ·º≈‡ª¥∑î ’Ë≈Ÿ°μ“ SVI1765 ¡–‡√Áß®“°°“√∑”ß“π 155 ¡–‡√ߪ“°¡¥≈Á °Ÿ SVI1692, 163 æ ¡–‡√Á߇¬◊ËÕÀÿ⡪ե 155 ¡—≈쑇æ≈Á°æ’´’Õ“√å 445 欓∏‘ ¿“æ∑“ߧ≈‘π‘° 728 ¡“μ√∞“π°“√欓∫“≈ SVI1727 æ≠“«“π√ 131 ‡¡≈‘ÕÕ¬‚¥ ‘ 378 æπ—°ß“π·°– ≈—°À‘π 428 ·¡≈ß “∫ 149 欓∫“≈ºŸâ®—¥°“√ºŸâªÉ«¬√“¬°√≥’ 404 æ√–Õ∏‘°“√Õ‡π° ¡À“«’‚√ SVII2058 ¬ æƒμ‘°√√¡°“√™à«¬‡À≈◊Õ 436 ¬“μâ“π™’«æ‘… SVI1775 æƒμ‘°√√¡°“√„™â “¬μ“ SVI1822 ¬“μâ“π‰«√— SVI1629 æƒμ‘°√√¡°“√∫√‘‚¿§ 59, 212 ¬“∫“â SVII2031 æƒμ‘°√√¡°“√ªÑÕß°—π 272, 587 ¬“√—°…“‚√§√‘¥ ’¥«ß∑«“√ SVI1578 æƒμ‘°√√¡∑“ß‡æ» SVII1973, 262 ¬ÿß≈“¬ 654 æƒμ°√√¡ ‘ ¢¿“æÿ 945 ¬ÿ∑∏»“ μ√å SVII1887 æƒμ‘°√√¡‡ ’ˬß∑“ß‡æ» 836 ‡¬“«™π 59 æ≤π“°“√‡¥— °Á 718 ‡æ™√ —߶“μ SVI1578 √ ·æ– 649 √° 649 √–¥—∫πÈ”μ“≈„π‡≈◊Õ¥À≈—ßÕ¥Õ“À“√ 414 ø √–¥—∫ “¬μ“À≈—ß°“√√—°…“ SVI1765 øíπ°√“¡·∑â´’Ë·√° 51 √–¥—∫‡ ’¬ß¥—ß SVII2071 øíπ°√“¡·∑â´’Ë∑’ËÀπ÷Ëß 826 √–∫∫∫√‘°“√ ÿ¢¿“æ 313

972 Journal of Health Science 2009 Vol. 18 No. 6 ¥√√™π’§” ”§—≠

√–∫∫¿Ÿ¡‘ “√ π‡∑» 883 ƒ √–∫∫√—°…“欓∫“≈©ÿ°‡©‘π SVII2089 ƒ∑∏‘Ïμâ“πÕ—°‡ ∫ lupeol SVI1578 √–∫∫ ÿ¢¿“æ SVII2017 √–∫∫À≈—°ª√–°—π ÿ¢¿“æ∂â«πÀπâ“ 489 ≈ √–∫“¥«‘∑¬“ 771 ≈°…≥–√–¥— ∫‰¢¡— π„π‡≈— Õ¥◊ 414 √â“𬓠SVI1810, 251 ≈—°…≥–∑“ߧ≈‘π‘° 771 √“¬ß“π°“√‡Ω“√–«Ñ ß— 187 ≈”¥—∫§«“¡ ”§—≠ SVII2039 √“¬ß“π°“√ Õ∫ «π‚√§ 718 ‡≈‡´Õ√å SVI1835 √’‡´ ´‘ø¥‘ ‚∑√øî§Õ‘摇¥Õ√å‚¡‰≈- ‡≈ª‚μ ‰ª‚√´‘ 455 ´ ∫‘ ≈‚≈´“Ÿ SVI1566 ‚≈°“¿‘«—μπå 462 √Ÿª·∫∫ 304 √Ÿª·∫∫°“√¥Ÿ·≈ºŸâªÉ«¬ SVI1662 « √Ÿª·∫∫°“√∫√‘°“√ ÿ¢¿“æ 606 «ß®√°“√πÕπ°≈—∫ 294 √Ÿª·∫∫°“√º≈‘μ·æ∑¬å SVII1906 «—≥‚√§ 894 √ª·∫∫´Ÿ ªª‘ á SVII1915 «—≥‚√§°“√√—°…“¥â«¬√–∫∫¬“√–¬– —Èπ ·√ßß“πμà“ß™“μ‘æ¡à“ 575 ·∫∫¡’æ’ˇ≈’È¬ß 616 ·√ßß“πμà“ߥ⓫ SVII2006 «—≥‚√§μàÕ¡πÈ”‡À≈◊Õß∑’Ë§Õ 696 ·√ßß“πÕæ¬æ™“«‡¡’¬π¡“√å SVII1853 «—¥‡®’¬ß ·¡à·®à¡ SVII2058 ·√߇ √¡®“°‡æ‘ Õπ◊Ë SVI1822 «—¬√ÿàπ SVII1973 ·√„¬Àà π‘ 155 «—¬√ÿàπ®‘μÕ“ “ 436 ‚√§°≈â“¡‡π◊ÈÕ≈’∫¥Ÿ‡™π 550 «—¬√ÿàπÀ≠‘ßμÕπμâπ 736 ‚√§°≈ÿà¡Õ“°“√Õÿ‚¡ß§å§“√åªí≈ 428 «®‘ ¬— SVII2039 ‚√§‡√◊ÈÕπ 915 «‘∂’™’«‘μ 177 ‚√§‰¢â‡≈◊Õ¥ÕÕ° 272, 883 «∏‘ °“√®’ “¬‡ßà π18‘ ‚√§‰¢âÀ«—¥π° SVII1936 «‘∏’°“√™à«¬„Àâøíπ¢÷Èπ SVII2151 ‚√§´÷¡‡»√â“ SVI1662 «∏‘ °“√∑“ßÕ’ ‡≈‘ °∑√ÕπÁ ° ‘ å SVI1783 ‚√§μ¥μ‘ ÕÕà ∫ÿμ— ´‘ È” SVII2006 «’‰Õ‡Õ 163 ‚√§∑“ßπ√’‡«™∑’ˉ¡à„™à‡π◊ÈÕ√⓬ 803 ‚√§‚∫∑≈Ÿ ´‘ ¡÷ SVI1775 » ‚√§∫√Ÿ‡´≈‚≈´‘ 649 »≈¿“«π“’ SVI1650 ‚√§æ—π∏ÿ°√√¡∑’Ë àß∑Õ¥ºà“π∑“ß »Ÿπ¬å‡¥Á°‡≈Á°μâπ·∫∫ 932 ‚§√‚¡‚´¡‡ÕÁ°´å 550 »Ÿπ¬å»‘≈ª“™’æ∫“߉∑√ 710 ‚√§æ“√°å π ‘ π— 780 ‡»√…∞»“ μ√å 322 ‚√§ÀπÕπ欓∏‘øî≈“‡√’¬™π‘¥·∫π§√Õø‡μ’¬π “¬æ—π∏ÿåπ”‡¢â“ SVII1853 ‚√§Õ“À“√‡ªπæì …‘ 718 ¢¿“æÿ 905 ‚√ßß“π‡´√“¡°‘ 587 à߇ √‘¡ ÿ¢¿“殑μ SVII1854 ‚√ß欓∫“≈ SVII2089 μ√’ 177, 905 ‚√ß欓∫“≈™¡™πÿ 96, 202, 526 ∂“π°“√≥å°“√∫√‘°“√欓∫“≈ SVI1727 ‚√ß欓∫“≈¥÷ߥŸ¥„® SVII2102 ∂“π°“√≥姫“¡‰¡à ß∫™“¬·¥π¿“§„μâ SVII2112 ‚√ß欓∫“≈‡¡◊Õß©–‡™‘߇∑√“ SVI1747, 378 π¡‘ SVII2050 ‚√߇√’¬π à߇ √‘¡ ÿ¢¿“æ SVI1715, 84 ¿“«–ª√“»®“°øíπºÿ 51

«“√ “√«‘™“°“√ “∏“√≥ ÿ¢ ÚııÚ ªï∑’Ë Ò¯ ©∫—∫∑’Ë ˆ ˘˜Û Key Words Index

¡√√∂π– SVII2078 Õ—μ√“ ”‡√Á®°“√√—°…“ SVII1965 —¡æ—π∏¿“æ¢ÕߧŸà ¡√ 804 Õ—μ√“‡ ’¬™’«‘μ 193 —¡æ—π∏¿“æ¢Õß∫‘¥“¡“√¥“ 351 Õ—πμ√“¬®“°ΩÿÉπ 587 “¡‡≥√ SVII1983 Õ“ “ ¡—§√ “∏“√≥ ÿ¢ 105, 790 ‘Ëß∑’Ë∑â“∑“¬ 139 Õ“ “ ¡—§√ “∏“√≥ ÿ¢ª√–®”™ÿ¡™π SVII2078 √“ÿ 322 Õ“À“√‡ªπæì …‘ 504 “‡Àμÿ 780 Õ“À“√‡ √‘¡ 905 Õ‘¡¡Ÿ‚π‡æÕ√åÕÕ°´‘‡¥ 455 À Õ‘¡¡Ÿ‚πø≈ŸÕÕ‡√ ‡´πμå 455 À≠‘ßμ—Èߧ√√¿åμ‘¥‡™◊ÈÕ‡Õ™‰Õ«’ SVI1641 Õÿμ “À°√√¡¬“ SVII1870 Àπ«¬ß“π “∏“√≥ à ¢ÿ SVII1992 Õÿ∫—μ‘°“√ 163, SVI1628 Àπ૬∫√‘°“√ª∞¡¿Ÿ¡‘ 873 Õ∫ÿμ— ¿‘ ¬— SVII2112 Àπâ“∑’˧√Õ∫§√—« 736 ‡Õ°´‚懴Õ√å∑’˺‘« 764 À¡Õπ√Õ߇¢à“©’° SVI1593 ‡Õ°´‡√¬å§Õ¡æ‘«‡μÕ√å ¡Õß 565 À¡Õπ√Õ߇¢à“·∫∫¥‘ §Õ¬¥å SVI1593 ‡Õ™‰Õ«’ 695 À¡Õæ◊Èπ∫â“π SVII2058 ‡Õ¥ å 836 À≈—°‡°≥±å«‘∏’°“√∑’Ë¥’„π°“√º≈‘μ SVII2141 ‡ÕÁπ‰¢«âÀπâ“ SVII2125 À¡Ÿà∫â“πμâπ·∫∫ 854 ·Õ≈°ÕŒÕ≈å 322, 537 ·Õ≈ø“∏“≈— ´’‡¡’¬ 1 445, 728 Õ Õߧ°“√Õπ“¡å ¬‚≈°— 139 Œ ÕÀ‘«“μ°‚√§ 187, 863 Œ«“πßà Õ°Á 131 Õ—μ√“ à«πμâπ∑ÿπª√– ‘∑∏‘º≈ à«π‡æ‘Ë¡ 550 Œ’ μ“¡’π 504

974 Journal of Health Science 2009 Vol. 18 No. 6 Author Index

Author Index Volume 17 (SVI-SVII), Volume 18 January - December 2008

A = Abstracts P = Perspective B = Book review R = Refresher course E = Editorial S = Special article L = Letter Sr = Special report M = Miscellany SA = Synthesis Article N = News SC = Short communication En = Editor’s note Cr = Case report O = Original article Sc = Statistics corner Ga = General article Ra = Review article

A Chaikledkaew U (O) 332, (O) 549 Akepatcha K (O) 76 Chaimuang V (O) 835 Akharasuwankul A (O) SVII2030 Chalermnon N (O) 755 Akksilp S (O) 650 Chamavit P (Ga) 153 Amornwichet P (O) SVI1640 Chanasawang W (O) SVI1828, 745 Angsuvajrakon P (O) 623 Changsrisuk S (O) SVI1704 Anuntasiri J (O) SVII2057 Chansang C (O) 893 Appassakij H (O) 643 Chansang U (O) 893 Aree R (O) 574 Chantawong C (O) 435 Aree W (O) 387 Chantong W (O) 872 Arkaravichien W (O) 261, (O) SVI1821 Chanjaruporn M (O) SVII1935, (O) SVII1943 Arora R (Ga) 311 Chanprasit C (O) 596 Atisook P (Cr) SVI1558, (Cr) SVI1577, Chanrueng Mahabhol N (En) 154, (En) 312, (En) 474, (O) SVI1620 (En) 640, (En) 796, (En) 956 Augsornrat S (O) 744 Chansawang W (O) 95, (O) 744 Aumkul N (O) SVI1640 Chansuvanich N (O) SVI1588 Chantawong C (O) 435 B Charoenpone S (O) 112 Bamphenyu S (O) 931 Chatpituk P (O) 872 Bhumiratana A (O) SVII1843 Chavilax L (O) 862 Bhumiratanarak P (O) SVI1697 Chawiwat P (O) SVII2140 Boonchom R (O) SVII1982 Chayapum P (O) SVII2124 Boonploy V (O) 413 Chiarapattanakom P (O) SVI1589, (O) SVI1601 Boonrod T (O) 271 Chiewchanyont B (O) 643 Boontahen W (O) SVII2057 Chirawatkul A (Sc) 641 Buamanee K (O) 779 Chinda-in R (O) 955 Buranawanich W (O) 211 Chirawatkul S (O) SVII1869 Chomdej P (O) SVII2101 C Chongthanakorn A (R) SVI1841

«“√ “√«‘™“°“√ “∏“√≥ ÿ¢ ÚııÚ ªï∑’Ë Ò¯ ©∫—∫∑’Ë ˆ ˘˜ı Author Index

Chongthawonsatid S (O) 192 Jarupach C (O) 261, (O) SVI1821 Choombuathong A (O) 130, (Rc) 303 Jearakul W (O) 454, (O) 735 Choowattanapakorn T (O) 843 Jeenapongsa R (O) SVI1588 Chuesuwan A (O) SVI1782 Jetuwong S (O) 171 Chumworathayi B (O) 171 Jiamjarasrangsi W (O) 162 Chunthai R (O) SVII2057 Jiraphongsa C (O) 514, (O) 872 Chuwongwattana S (O) 709 Jirasrattasiri M (O) 853 Jirawatkul A (Sc) 641 D Jitpratoom P (O) SVII1972 Danprachankul S (O) 643 Jittanoon P (O) 95, (O) SVI1828 Detpithak A (O) 684 Junpen U (O) SVII1869 Diregpok M (O) SVI1691 Junsarm S (O) SVII1869 Duangdech W (O) 201 Juntee S (O) 872 Dutsadeevettakul S (O) 201 Junhom N (O) SVII2132 Juthasong J (O) SVI1672 E Elvesio Kasikam K (O) SVII2070 K Eungwijanpanya S (O) 903 Kaewmalee A (O) SVII2057 Kaladee R (O) SVI1735 F Kamchuchat C (O) SVII2077 Futrakul S (O) 514 Kampheang C (O) 862 Kampheang J (O) 862 G Kamtanode K (O) 717 Gasigij G (O) 377 Kanchanapongkul J (Cr) 632 Gespradit C (O) 171 Kanchanasut S (O) SVII2101 Kanchanatawan W (O) SVI1600, (O) SVI1612 H Kanjanupathum K (O) 122 Harnphadungkit K (O) 32 Kasatpibal N (O) 755 Haruehansavasin S (O) 369 Kasemsup V (O) 562 Herunsalee A (O) SVI1588 Kasikam T (O) SVII2070 Hnuklub O (O) SVII2111 Keawutan P (O) 83 Hongchumpon N (O) 514 Keeddee J (O) 684 Hongsamoot D (O) 261, (O) SVII1886, Kerdnaimongkol P (O) SVII2150 (O) SVI1821 Kesornsukhon N (O) 333 Hutangkabodee S (O) SVII1886, (O) SVII1905 Kespichayawattana J (O) 42, (O) 221 Hutapanom W (O) SVII1869 Kessomboon N (O) 148 Ketiwpmg S (O) 171 I Ketkowit K (O) 271 Intaraluk P (O) SVII1905 Khadthasrima N (O) 872 Intarasak S (O) 615 Khamsaen J (O) 454, 735 Intarasukum P (O) SVI1647 Kheawcharoen O (O) 32, (O) 488 Intawong C (O) 435 Khiewyoo J (O) 673 Isramalai S (O) 1 Khuntason S (O) SVI1735 Itharatana P (Cr) SVII2158 Kietmetha V (O) SVII2030 Kitphati R (O) 514 J Konggumnerd R (O) 1 Janwithayanuchit I (O) 709 Kotcharak T (O) SVII2057

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Kovitwatanapong R (O) SVI1746 Nguegngam T (O) SVII2057 Koyadun S (O) SVII1843 Nimmanee P (O) 709 Krasuaythong N (O) 279 Niramitsantipong A (O) 514 Krisdapong S (O) 70 Noosorn N (O) SVI1829 Kudngaongarm R (O) 695 Noree T (O) 525 Kunchit Gunavaro P (O) SVI1661 Nualkaew S (O) 138 Kunnasit P (O) 10 Nuaon P (O) 763 Nuntawan C (O) 605 L Laohapand P (O) 695 O Laohapoonrangsri B (O) SVI1809 Oranrigsupak P (O) SVI1782 Laongbua C (O) 525 Laosirirat T (O) SVII1964 P Lapying P (O) 503, (O) 684, (O) 835 Padee P (O) 138 Laungaram Y (O) 241 Pagaiya N (O) 525 Leela-adisorn N (Cr) SVII2158 Pakpianpairoj C (O) SVI 1589, (O) SVI1601 Leelaphret P (O) SVII2038 Palaard W (O) 882 Leelasithorn S (O) 562 Pannarunothai S (O) 32, (O) 488 Lertmongkhonnam P (O) 229 Panuthai S (O) 843 Lertpitakpong C (O) 332, (O) 549 Paoin J (O) 403 Lertsukprasert S (O) SVII1914 Paoin W (O)186 Lertwanich P (O) SVII2132 Parinyasiry T (O) SVII1905 Likittanaset M (O) SVI1746 Patsadon S (O) 931 Likityingwara L (O) SVII2016 Patamasingh na Aydhaya (O) 797 Limchaiarunruang S (O) 122, (O) 250, (O) 763, Patsatsawatwong N (O) SVI1714 (O) 882 Pattarapornchaiwat S (O) SVI1588 Liupolvanish P (O) SVI 1589, (O) SVI1601 Paungmoung P (O) 709 Pawun V (O) 514 M Penkitti P (O) SVII2132 Maneein W (O) 664 Perngmark P (O) 744 Manit A (O) 413 Phadungvit W (O) 862 Manonai J (O) 172 Phatinawin L (O) SVII2016 Manoonpanich T (Ga) 795 Phoglin M (Ra) 789 Meenongwha J (O) SVII1869 Phophattanachai J (O) SVI1726 Mookdadilok O (O) 321 Phumeesat P (O) 709 Muangchana C (O) 361, (O) 815 Phumvichuvatt L (O) 241 Muenpa R (Ga) 311 Phunpanich T (O) 461 Muenphon S (O) 461 Picheansathian W (O) 241, (O) 755 Mungaomklang A (O) 514 Pimsamarn S (O) 650 Piolueang N (O) 104, (O) 229, (O) 444 N Pitanpitayarat P (O) SVII1886 Na takuathung U (O) SVII2111 Ployubon K (O) 250 Nakhapakorn K (O) 893 Poechom K (O) 58 Namsirikul T (O) 70 Pokawinpudisnun R (O) 596 Narinpaijit W (O) SVI1764 Pokpermdee P (Ra) 148, (S) 473 Natakankittkul S (O) SVII2070 Polachai S (O) SVII1869 Neramitpitagkul P (O) 332 Polasak J (O) SVII1869

«“√ “√«‘™“°“√ “∏“√≥ ÿ¢ ÚııÚ ªï∑’Ë Ò¯ ©∫—∫∑’Ë ˆ ˘˜˜ Author Index

Pongnikorn S (O) 171 Silaporn A (O) SVII2057 Pongpan S (O) 76 Silpapojakul K (O) 643 Pongpueng S (O) 586 Singchungchai P (O) 122, (O) 250, (O) 763, Pothiban L (O) 843 (O) 882 Prakobkij M (O) SVI1809 Singkaew W (O) SVII2057 Prangthong U (O) SVII2057 Singtipphun C (O) 914, (O) 944 Prasanthong R (O) SVII2016 Sintuwong S (O) SVI1764 Putthasri W (O) 503 Siripakorn S (Ra) 293 Sirirattanaprug S (O) 717 R Sirisa-ard P (O) SVII2070 Rangsipanuratn W (O) 709 Sirivanarungson S (O) 350 Ratanadej P (O) SVII1869 Smithsuwan P (O) 514 Raungroadroong N (O) 171 Songkham W (O) 596 Raumtawee C (O) 872 Songkram P (O) SVI1683 Reabroy L (O) 488 Songsamphant K (O) SVI1756 Riewpaiboon W (O) 488 Sonpugdee C (O) SVII1982, (O) SVII1991 Rodart S (O) SVI1794 Sontham P (O) 835 Rodkhunthod N (O) 461 Sonthichai C (O) 514 Ruamchart Y (O) SVII2057 Sookpeng S (O) 770 Rungreonkulkij S (O) SVII1869 Sornpeng W (O) 650 Srichantapong S (O) SVI1764 S Sriluan R (O) 862 Sadeewong T (O) 862 Sripramodya O (O) 797 Saengnill W (O) 279 Sriprapaporn J (O) 50 Saensupho B (O) SVI1774 Sriratana S (O) 525 Saksorngmuang P (O) 95 Srisangpang P (O) SVII1869 Saksorngmuang P (O) SVI1828 Srisupornkornkool K (Ga) 639 Sangelek N (O) 171 Srisuriyawet R (O) 435 Sangkamanee C (O) SVII1843 Sriuranpong V (O) 162 Sangkar P (O) 261, (O) SVI1821 Sriwat S (O) SVI1756 Sang-la P (O) 835 Sriwisate S (O) SVII1869 Sangkitporn S (Ra) 293 Subsandee K (O) SVI1559 Sangsawang C (O) 514, (O) 872 Suengthavorn T (O) SVII2150, (O) SVII2088 Sansiriwong S (O) 76 Sukkum W (O) 221 Sansuk T (O) 42 Supradit S (O) 70 Sarit-apirak S (O) 172 Suttharangsee W (O) 1 Saroj W (O) 444 Suttirat S (O) 461 Sasiwongsaroj K (O) 586 Suwannakan B (O) 461 Sathukhun V (O) 427 Suwannarat P (O) 562 Satuchat N (O) 525 Swaddiwudhipong W (O) SVII2057 Sawangsupakul W (O) 396 Sawanpanyalert N (O) SVII2101 T Sawanpanyalert P (O) 893 Tachasana W (O) SVI1782 Seangjaew S (O) 50 Tanalad W (O) 872 Seetamanotch S (O) SVII2005 Tangcharoensathien V (O) 525 Seetamanotch W (O) SVII2005 Tantilipikorn P (O) 83 Serisathien P (O) SVII1982, (O) SVII1991 Tanvatanakul V (O) 112

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Tapchai N (O) 779 Udomsubpayakul U (O) 172 Tavornpitak Y (O) 271 Ukachoke K (O) SVII1953 Tawong P (O) 112 Umpornsitthigool P (O) 702 Teerawattananon Y (O) 332, (O) 549 Ungboriboonpisal S (O) SVI1746 Teeyapant P (O) 514 Tengtrisorn C (O) SVI1661 V Tessana N (O) 931 Vajiraporntip A (O) SVI1661 Thaikruea L (O) SVII2005 Vasuton T (S) 112 Thanakwang K (O) 10 Vapattanawong P (O) 825 Thanee T (O) SVII1869 Villarruel AM (O) 1 Thanyakittikul P (O) 931 Virasombat N (O) SVI1809, (O) 211 (O) 536 Tharasawang S (O) SVI1588 Thavorncharoensap M (O) 332, (O) 549 W Thephamongkhol K (O) 50 Wadwongtham A (O) SVII1927 Theppisai U (O) 172 Waiwatana K (O) SVI1589 Thitiboonsuwan K (O) 549 Wallepong K (O) SVI1809 Thonglek S (O) 514 Wangpitipanit S (O) 605 Thongpraparn T (O) 50 Watcharakorn S (O) 727 Thrakul S (O) 605 Wattanaruangkowit W (O) SVI1621 Thungjaroenkul P (O) 525 Wattanasirichaigoon D (O) 562 Tinnawutipong K (O) 673 Wiboonjak P (O) SVII1843 Tojomda N (O) 50 Wongbutdee J (O) 279 Tomuen C (O) 171 Wongvitvichot S (O) 162 Toovichian N (O) SVII2132 Wongwat R (O) SVI1829 Trameekhun P (O) SVII2049 Worarat S (O) 221 Trasin S (O) SVI1714, (O) SVI1726 Wuthiwan W (O) 514 Tungkanasup S (O) 104 Tungsawut S (O) 872 Y Tum B (O) 271 Yasothon C (O) SVI1672 Yenyuwadee A (O) 779 U Yongyuth P (O) SVII1843 Ubolnuch K (O) 50 Yothasamut J (O) 549 Ucharatna W (O) SVII1982, (O) SVII1991

«“√ “√«‘™“°“√ “∏“√≥ ÿ¢ ÚııÚ ªï∑’Ë Ò¯ ©∫—∫∑’Ë ˆ ˘˜˘ Subject Index

Subject Index Volume 17 (SVI-SVII), Volume 18 January - December 2009

60th Annivesary of the World Health Organization (Ra) 148 Appearance (Ga) 153 2008 Oral Care Cost of Cholera Outbreak in Khon Kaen, , 2007: Chiang Mai Community Hospitals (O) 684 Warning of Multi-drug Resistance Vibrio cholerae (O) 872 Collaborative Project to Increase Production A of Rural Doctors to Tackle Physician Shortage A Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Evaluation in Problem of Ministry of Public Health (O) SVII1914 Community (O) 605 Communication Channel Influencis on A Home Stretching Program to Prevent Recurrence Health Voluntees “Knowledge and Participation of Clubfoot Deformity after Treatment with on Bird Flu Prevention and Control in Mae Wang Ponseti Technique (O) SVI1601 District, Chiang Mai Province, Thailand (O) 112 Activities Reflecting Quality of Pharmacy Services Comparison of Genital Injuries in Prepubertal and and Satisfaction with the Services: Pubertal Girls with Sexual Abuse (O) 186 A Case Study of Maha Chai Community Caring Comparison of Cervical Cancer Incidences in Areas Clinic (O) SVI1821 with Screening Programs between VIA Alpha-thalassemia 1 among Married Couples and Non-VIA (O) 163 in Six Northeastern Provinces (O) 735 Comparison of Antibody Detection between An Appraisal of Logistic Regression Models Reported Immunoperoxidase (IIP) and Immunofluoresence (IFA) in Published Articles in Two Thai Health Journals (O) 673 for Diagnosis of Leptospirosis (O) 461 A Situation Analysis of Drugs Addiction in Comparison of Patient Controlled Analgesia Alone Sukhothai Province (O) 350 and Patient Controlled Analgesia with Contineous Assessment of Current Situation on Infusion Post Total Knee Replacement (O) 403 Emergency Preparednes for the Health Sector Computed Tomographic Scans of Brains in Chachoengsao and Communities in Phuket, Thailand (O) SVII2005 Hospital: A Retrospective Study of the Indications Assessing Enforcement of Policy Alcohol and Findings (O) 574 Accessbility and Alcohol Purchasing (O) 549 Controllable Hypertension with Holistic Approach (Ga) 639 Cost-effectiveness of 12-month Pit-fissure Sealant on B First Molars (O) 835 Brucellosis as an Emerging Disease in Thailand: Cost of Products Loss Due to Premature Mortality A Report of Three Cases with Review of Literatures (O) 643 Ralated to Alcohol Drinking in Thailand (O) 332 Current Information of Medicinal Plants: C Psuedevanthemum Palatiferum (Nees) Radlk. (O) 138 Capacity Building of Family Health Leader (O) SVII1935 Causes of Delays in Contracting Construction Companies D in E-auction by Service Units under the Office Definitions of Quality of Family Folder Information and of Public Health Permanent Secretary Its Hindrances in Primary Care Units within the 2007 Fiscal Year (O) SVI1794 in Satun Province (O) 882 Choices of Work by New Nurse Graduates and Demographic Factors and Cholera in Thailand, 2007 (O) 192 Opinions on Policy towards Incentives and Rural Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever Control Competencies Retention (O) 525 among Public Health Volunteers (PHV) Cochroaches are more than their Disguting in Rayong Province, Thailand (O) SVII2088

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Dental Management for Recessive Dystrophic Effects of Perceived Self-Efficacy in Weight Controlling Epidermolysis Bullosa Child-Patient (Cr) SVI1559 Promoting Program on Consumption Behavior, Development and Psyehometiric Evaluation of the Waist Circumference, and Body Mass Index among Sexual Health Protection Scale (SHPS) for Obese Elderly (O) 221 Thai Female Adolescents (O) 1 Efficacy of Primary Screening Development Direction of Health Promotional School of Cervical Cancer (O) SVI1697 Operation (O) SVI1726 Efficacy of Smoking Cessation Programme: Development Model of Tuberculosis Patient’s Integrating into Periodontal Treatment (O) 695 Service System in Muang District, Endonasal Endoscopic Dacryocystorhinostomy Kanchanaburi Province (O) 903 (EESC-DCR) for Treatment of Nasolacrimal Duct Development of Buddhist Health Measuring Obstruction, Modified Wormald’s Technique (O) 333 Instrument (O) SVI1661 Development of Cultural Sensitive Technologies F for Mental Health Promotion and Prevention Factor of Complications in Patients Undergone of Depression: An Action Research in Two Provinces Tonsillectomy in Chai Nat Hospital (O) 377 of Northeast, Thailand (O) SVII1869 Factor Related to the Relapse of the Methamphetamine Development of Multiplex PCR Detection by Pooled Addicts in Pluak Daeng Hospital (O) SVI1683 Sample in Alpha-Thalassemia 1 (O) 454 Factor Related to the Turnover of Health Personnel Discoid Lateral Meniscus: The Cadaveric in the Deep Southern Provinces. A Case Study and Arthroscopic Studies (O) SVI1589 of Yala Province (O) 844 Discriminant Analysis of Hospital Accreditation by Factors Affecting Responsiveness to the Fund Personal Characteristics on the of the Local Health Security Committee Community Hospital in Udon Thani Province (O) 104 in Krabi Province (O) 763 Disease Mpping for Surveillance and Control at House Factors Contributing to Additional Disabilities in Level Using Geoinformation Freeware(O) 893 Leprosy Patients during Treatment in Thailand (O) 931 Drug Quality Assurance under the National List Factors Influencing Visual Behaviors among of Essential Medicines (O) SVI1746 Secondary School Children Dust Hazard Risk Perception and Protection among in Nakhon Hat Yai Municipality, Ceramic Factory Workers (O) 596 Changwat Songkhla (O) SVI1828 Family Structure, Family Functions, E and Sexual Risk Behaviors among Female Editors’s Note (En) 154, 312, 474, Junior-High School Students: 640, 796, 956 Nakhon Si Thammarat Province (O) 744 Effect of Botulism Antitoxin on Food Borne Food Supplementary Consumption of Females Botulism Outbreak in Nan Province, in Mueang district, Nakhon Ratchasima Province (O) 914 Thailand 2006 (O) SVI1782 Foreigner Illness and Re-emerging Infectious Diseases Effectiveness of Pulmonary Tuberculosis Care in Thailand 1997-2006 (O) SVII2016 in Mueang, Ranong Province (O) SVII1972 Fried Pupa of Silkworms Food Poisoning Outbreak Effects of Education and Facility Provision due to Histamine Toxicity in Seven Provinces on Needlestick or Sharp Injury Preventions Thailand, Dec 2007-Jan 2008 (O) 514 among Nurses in an Emergency Room (O) 755 Future of Family Planning Services among People Effects of Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) Living with HIV/AIDS (PLHIV) in Thailand (O) SVI1640 on Sealed Drinking Water Factories in Rayong Province (O) SVII2150 G Effects of Nurse Case Manager and Multidisciplinary Guideline on Fitness for Work in the Steel Work Section Clinical Pathway for Type 2 Diabetic Patients, at Bang Sai Arts and Crafts Centre Lop Buri Hospital (O) 413 under the Patronage of the Queen (O) 717

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H Sexual Risk Behaviors in the Elderly Health Behavior in Health Personnel at Risk to in Chiang Mai Province (O) 843 Over Waist in Suphanburi Province (O) 953 Knowledge Attitude and Research Utiliztion of District Health Care Assessment of Patients with Acute Coronary Health Center Personnel, Phattalung Province (O) 122 Syndrome in Sung Noen Hospital, Changwat L Nakhon Ratchasima 2007 (O) 211 Health Care Service Model of Hypertension Patients: Laser Therapy Applied to Clinical Dentistry (Rc) SVI1841 Nang Buat Subdistrict, Doem Bang Nang Buat District, Learning Process as a Driving Force for (O) 615 Policy Implementation on Participatory Health Care Utilization among Burmese Migrant Workers Development of Pre-school Child Center Prototype: in Ranong Province (O) 586 Non Thai District Case Study, Health Impact of Alcohol Consumption Behavior Nakhon Ratchasima Province (O) 944 in the Lower Northern Region of Thailand (O) SVI1829 Lifestyle of Women Attending the Health Volunteers and TB Prevention (Ga) 795 Menopause Clinic (O) 172 Hemorrhoid Remedy from M Cissus Quadrangularis Linn (O) SVI1588 HIV Infected Pregnancy in Magnet Hospital Perceived by Professional Nurses Chachoengsao Hospital (O) SVI1647 in Vachira Phuket Hospital (O) SVII2111 Hospital Based Emergency Care Systems MAKE IT Model: A Model for Research in Thailand, 2007 (O) SVII2101 Development in Healthcare Unit of Ministry of Public Health (Ga) 311 I Marital Relationship: Wife Beating Behavior in a Identification of Factors Associated with Rust on Province of Central Southern Thailand (O) 815 Medical Instruments Following Steam Sterilization Marital Relationship of Parents and Amphetamine in Mae Sot Hospital, Tak Province: Addiction of Students in Secondary and an Experimental Study (O) SVII2057 High School Level (O) 361 Impact of Becoming Member of ASEAN Maternal Risk Factors of Delivering low Birth Weight on Thai Drug Industry (O) SVII1886 Infant at Choaprayayomraj Hospital (O) 369 Implementing a Model of Caring Depressives Maternal Participation in Intrapartum Care in at Kham Khuean Kaew Hospital, Chachoengsao Hospital (O) SVI1756 Changwat Yasothon (O) SVI1672 Measure of Agreement for Categorical Data Imported Bancroftian Filariasis: Parasitological by Kappa (Sc) 641 and Serological Responses to a 300 mg Medical Rehabilitation Services and Outcome Evaluation Single-dose Diethylcarbamazine and Process: A Situation Analysis in Thailand (O) 488 Drug Resistance Monitoring (O) SVII1843 Medical Response to Deep South Violence: Influences of Family Function, Social Support and Case Study of Yala Hospital (O) SVII2124 Self Esteem on Virtual of the Young Volunteer- Melioidosis in Adults at Chachoengsao Hospital (O) 387 Spirits: A Case Study of the Community Hospital Mental Health Status and Intelligence Level of Novices in Province (O) 229 in The Phrapariyuttidham Schools Influences of Family Functioning, Emotional Quotient, Sing Buri Province (O) SVII1991 Social Support on Helping Behaviors of the Microbiological Quality of Vegetable and Young Volunteer Spirit: A Case Study of Juice Beverages in Sealed Containers Community Hospitals in (O) 444 in Samut Prakarn Province (O) 709 Minilaparotomy Hysterectomy in the Management of K Benign Gynecology Diseases (O) 797 Knowledge and Attitudes toward HIV/AIDS and Model Development of Community Avian Influenza Surveillance (O) SVII1943

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N Prevention of Reoccurrence of Duchenne Muscular Noise-induced Hearing Loss and Its Determinants Dystrophy in Affected Families : Cost-effective among Workers at Vachira Phuket Hospital (O) SVII2077 Analysis of Carrier Detection in Nontuberculous Mycobacterial Infections in Relatives of the Patients (O) 562 Ban Pong Hospital (O) 779 Priority Setting of Research Projects in Health Nursing Service Situation of Nursing Department and their Budget Support in the Fiscal Years 2002-2006 at Nan Hospital (O) SVI1735 of Department of Mental Health (O) SVII2049 Provincial Disparities of Under-five Mortality O in Thailand (O) 825 Occupational Malignant Mesothelioma in Thailand (Cr) 162 Public Health in Globalization (S) 473 Open Gingival Embrasures between Maxillary Puffer Fish Poisoning: A Review of 29 Case at Chon Buri Incisors after Orthodontic Treatment in Adults: Hospital (Cr) 632 Prevalence, Association of Pretreatment Maxillary Incisors Shape and Malalignment (O) SVI1620 Q Oral Health Care Utilization on after the 5-year Quality Improvement of Tuberculosis Management in Universal Health Care Coverage Implementation Buri Ram Hospital (2007-2008) (O) 623 in Thailand (O) 503 Orthodontic Treatment of Severe Class II, Division 2 R Malocclusion: A Non Extraction Case (O) SVI1558 Real-time Dose Calculation in Radiographic Examination (O) 770 P Reasons, Behaviours and Expected Change, if Level Parkinson’s Disease (Ra) 789 of Health Risk was Known, in Snacks and Patients’ Final Visual Outcomes of Open Globe Dringks Consumption of Thai Adolescents (O) 70 Injury Treatments in Maha Sarakham Hospital (O) SVI1774 Reduction in Blood Culture Contamination Rates (O) 241 Perceived Roles and Actual Roles of Health Personnel Reinforcing Life Skill for Preventing and in Malaria Prevention and Control, Correcting Amphetamine Addiction among Yala Province (O) 250 Saiyai-Sampan Group at Bang Bua Thong district, Perception and Behavior in Prevention Nonthaburi Province (O) SVII2038 of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever in Relationship between EQ and Sexual Behaviors Ubon Ratchathani Province (O) 279 of Thai Adolescents (O) SVII1982 Percutaneous Nepholitomy versus Open Surgery Reorganization Outcomes of the Ministry for Renal Calculi (O) 396 of Public Health in 2002 Related Performance-related Pay Project Evaluation to AIDS Control and Prevention (O) SVII1953 of Sung Noen Hospital, Resilience Experiences of Elderly in Changwat Nakhon Ratchasima, 2007 (O) SVI1809 Tsunami Diaster (O) 42 Permanent Vascular Access : 20 Year Experience in Resistance to Temephos of Aedes aegypti Chaoprayayomraj Hospital (O) SVI1704 Linnaeus Larvae (Diptera: culicidae) (O) 654 Physician Retention in Community Hospital Review of Food Poisoning Outbreak Investigation of Thailand: A Case Study of Reports in Provinces of the Health Region 5, Changwat Nakhon Ratchasima (O) 536 2005-2007 (O) 727 Preliminary Effects of Group Exercise and Individual Risk Factors Associated with Birth Asphyxia (O) SVII1964 Psysical Therapy Training on Gross Motor Function Risk Factors of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome among in Children with Cerebral Palsy (O) 83 Stone-Carving Workers in Chon Buri Province (O) 435 Prescription Review by Community Pharmacy Joining Role of Phra Anek Mahaviro in Sustainable Utilization Community Caring Clinic under the National Health of Medicinal Plants in Ban Chiang Community, Security Scheme: A Case Study of Mahachai Community Mae Chaem, Chiang Mai Province (O) SVII2070 Caring Clinic Nakhon Ratchasima (O) 261

«“√ “√«‘™“°“√ “∏“√≥ ÿ¢ ÚııÚ ªï∑’Ë Ò¯ ©∫—∫∑’Ë ˆ ˘¯Û Subject Index

S The Effect of Stationary Bicycling Exercise Satisfaction of Service Recipients at the Administrative on Thigh Muscles Strength in System Development Group: Office of the Postoperative Anterior Cruciate Ligament Public Health Permanent Secretary (O) SVII2140 Reconstruction Rehabilitation (O) SVII2132 Satisfaction on Aerobic Dance (O) 130 The Efficacy of Integrated Diabetic Program on Sealant and Permanent First Molars Status among Glycemia Control in Type 2 Diabetic Patients (O) 427 Grade 3 Students in Nakhon Sawan: The Evaluation of Cooperation in the Management Academic Year 2007 (O) 58 of Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Budget Service System and Payment Methods for Medical between the Ministry of Public Health and Rehabilitation Service in Thailand (O) 32 the National Health Security Office (O) SVII1927 Sexual Behavior among Vocational Student in The Indidence of Short and Intermediate Term Adverse a Southern Province (O) 271 Effects afterSubacromial Steroid Injection Shortening Time Required for Bone Scan Report (O) 50 of the Shoulder (O) SVI1612 Singleton Breech Deliveries at Yasothon Hospital: The Monitoring and Evaluating System A Retrospective Study (O) SVI1621 of Implementation of Provincial Health Sleep-Wake Cycle (R) 303 System Development (O) SVII2030 Stem Cell: Introduction, Status and Prospects (Ra) 293 The Outcomes of Extremely Low Birth Weight Strategies of Food Management System of Infants in Chaopraya Yomraj Hospital (O) 664 Thailand (O) SVII1905 The Prediction of Mortality by Using the APACHE II Suicidal Factors of Patients at the Mental Health Scoring System in Intensive Care Unit, and Psychiatric Clinic at Chaophya Hospital (O) 201 Wiang Chiang Rung Hospital (O) SVI1691 The Surgical-Orthodontic Correction Sustainable Alcohol-free Village Model: of Mandibular Prognathism in Skeletal Class III Ban Non Ma Khuea, Ka Bin, Malocclusion (O) SVI1577 Amphoe Kut Khaopun, The Universal Coverage Fund Allocation Model Changwat Ubon Ratchathani (O) 862 in Nakhon Rachasima Province in 2001-2007 (O) SVI1714 Treatment of Embedded Tooth Maxillary Incisor T by Artificial Eruption with Fixed Orthodontic The Accuracy of Subacromial Space Injection: Appliance: A Case Report (Cr) SVII2158 An Experimental Study Tuberculous Cervical Lymphadenitis 5 Years Experience under Arthroscopic Assessment (O) SVI1600 in Chao Phya Abhaibhubejhr Hospital, The Appropriate Number of Physicians Prachin Buri (O) 702 for Thailand (O) 321 The Development of School to the Gold Medal Health W Promoting School: The Success Lesson of Work-Related Eye Injuries in Inpatients 3 Schools (O) 95 in Mettapracharak Hospital (O) SVI1764

984 Journal of Health Science 2009 Vol. 18 No. 6 Key Words Index Volume 17 (SVI-SVII), Volume 18 January - December 2009

4M management SVI1794 awareness 10 60th anniversary 148 B A Bang Sai Arts and Crafts Centre 717 Acanthaceae SVI1438, 131, 138 behavior 279 access to care 503 benign gynecologic diseases 797 access to resource SVI1828 bhavana 4 SVI1661 accessibility 549 bird flu 112 accuracy SVI1600 birth asphyxia SVII1964 acute coronary syndrome (CS) 211 blood culture collection kit 241 adolescence 1 blood culture contamination 241 adolescent SVII1982, 70 body mass index 221 advers effects SVI1612 bone scan 50 Aedes aegypti 650 botulism SVI1782 aerobic dance exercise 130 breech presentation SVI1621 agenda 148 brucellosis 643 AIC process SVI1726 Buddhistic Health Measuring Instrument SVI1661 AIDS SVII1953, 843 budget SVII2049 alcohol 332, 549 buget administration SVII1927 alcohol abstinence 862 burden of diseases 321 alcohol consumption behavior SVI1829 alcohol drinkers 862 C alcoholic drinks 862 capacity building SVII1935 alpha-thalassemia 454 cardiac arrest assessment 605 alpha-thalassemia 1 735 cardiopulmonary resuscitation 605 amphetamine addiction 361 caries free status 58 amphetamine SVII2038 Carpal Tunnel Syndrome-CTS 435 anterior cruciate ligament SVII2132 carrier detection 562 anti-inflammatory activity SVI1588 cause-effect diagram SVI1794 antiretroviral drugs SVI1640 causes 789 antitoxin SVI1782 ceramic factory 596 APACHE II 193, 201 cerebral palsy 83 arthroscopy SVI1600 cervical cancer SVI1697, 171 artifical eruption SVII2158 cesarean section SVI1621 asbestos 162 Chachoengsao Hospital SVI1756, 387 ASEAN SVII1886 challenges 148 assault 815 Changwat Nakhon Ratchasima 536 attitudes 843 child development 76 attitude of research utilization 122 child-patient SVI1559 Avian Influenza SVII1943 children 76

«“√ “√«‘™“°“√ “∏“√≥ ÿ¢ ÚııÚ ªï∑’Ë Ò¯ ©∫—∫∑’Ë ˆ ˘¯ı ¥√√™π’§” ”§—≠

choice of work 525 disability 931 cholera 192 disaster SVII2005, SVII2124 CIPP Model SVII1927 discoid lateral meniscus SVI1589 Cissu quadrangularis L. SVI1588 disease control and prevention SVII2088 class III malocclusion SVI1577 disease organisms 153 clinical manifestation 779 disease surveillance and control 893 clinical pathology 735 disease surveillance model SVII1943 Clinical pathway 413 division 2 malocclusion SVI1558 clubfoot SVI1601 DOT 616, 623 cockroaches 153 DOTS SVII1972 committee of school development SVI1726 drinks 70 communication channel 112 drug addict 350 communities SVII2005 drug quality assurance SVI1746 community based medical education SVII1914 drug related problems 261 community caring clinic 261 drugs industry SVII1886 community hospital 211, 536 Duchenne muscular dystrophy 562 community hospitals 104 dust hazard 596 community nurses 525 community pharmacy SVI1821, 261 E competency level SVII2088 eating behaviour 70 complication 377 e-auction SVI1794 computed tomography 574 economic 332 consumption behaviors 221 education 755 continuous infusion 403 education facility provision 755 contracting construction SVI1794 effect of integrated diabetic program 427 control 10 efficacy in primary screening SVI1697 control and prevention SVII1953 ELBW 664 cost 332 elderly 843 cost-benefit analysis 562 elderly persons 42 cost-effectiveness 562, 835 embedded tooth SVII2158 cost per case prevention 562 emotional aspect SVI1661 cost saving 562 emotional quotient 444 culture sensitive SVII1869 empowerment SVII1943 enabling factors SVI1683 D endoscopic 333 dacryocystorhinostomy 333 entrance skin exposure 770 data quality 882 epidemiology 779 Deep South Violence SVII2124 EQ SVII1982, SVII1991 delays SVI1794 ESRD SVI1704 dengue fever 893 evaluating SVII2030 dengue hemorrhagic fever 279 evaluation 503 dental management SVI1559 evaluation research SVI1809 dentistry SVI1841 exercise 639 Department of Mental Health SVII2049 experimental study SVII2057 depression SVI1672, SVII1869 development model 903 F development process 95 facility provision 755 diagnosis 789 factors 377

986 Journal of Health Science 2009 Vol. 18 No. 6 Key Words Index

family folder 882 health sector SVII2005 family function 229, 744 health services 586 family functioning 444 health system SVII2030 family health leader SVII1935 health volunteer 112, 795 family planning SVI1640 health workforce projection model 321 family structure 744 hearing loss conservation program SVII2077 fasting blood sugar 427 helping behavior 444 FDA license 709 hemorrhoid remedy SVI1588 feedback 241 HFP 514 final visual outcome SVI1774 histamine toxicity 514 fitness for work 717 history 148 fixed cost SVI1714 HIV (Human immunosuppressive Virus) 702 fixed orthodontic appliances SVII2158 HIV-infected pregnancy SVI1647 folk healers SVII2070 holistic approach 639 food label 70 home stretching SVI1601 food management system SVII1905 hospital accreditation 104 food poisoning 727 hospital emergency care SVII2101 foreign policy 473 human capital approach 332 foreigner SVII2016 Hwoan ngoc 138 functional assessment 488 hypertension 10, 615, 639 hypoglycemia 413 G hysterectomy 797 genital injuries 186 geoinformation 893 I Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) 574 immunofluorescence 461 goats 643 immunoperoxidase 461 Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) SVII2150 impact assessment framework SVII1886 grade 3 students 58 imported bancroftian filariasis SVII1843 gross motor function 83 incidence SVI1621, 171 group exercise 83 incremental cost-effectiveness ratio 562 guideline SVII2101 indication and findings 574 information SVII2140 H insurgency 853 haem SVII2088 intrapartum SVI1756 hamstrings muscle SVII2132 health 914 J health behavior 955 junior-high school female students 744 health care assessment 211 health care model SVI1672 K health care service model 615 knowledge of research utilization 122 health care system 321 knowledge 112, 843 health impact SVI1829 health personnel 250, 955 L health professions 853 laser SVI1841 health promoting school 95 law enforcement 549 health promotion and disease prevention SVII1927 LBW infant 369 health promotion 130 learning process 95, 944 health promotional school SVI1726 leptospirosis 461

«“√ “√«‘™“°“√ “∏“√≥ ÿ¢ ÚııÚ ªï∑’Ë Ò¯ ©∫—∫∑’Ë ˆ ˘¯˜ ¥√√™π’§” ”§—≠ leprosy 931 N lifestyle 172 nasolacrimal duct obstruction 333 lipid profile 427 National Food Commission SVII1905 Local Health Security Committee 763 National List of Essential Medicines SVI1746 Local Health Security Fund 763 National Program to local wisdom SVII2070 Eliminate Lymphatic Filariasis SVII1843 long-term migration SVII1843 new nurse graduates 525 lupeol SVI1588 noise exposure level SVII2077 noise-induced hearing loss SVII20774 M non extraction SVI1558 Mae Chaem community SVII2070 non work-related eye injuries SVI1764 magnet hospitals SVII2111 nontuberculous mycobacteria 779 malaria prevention and control 250 northeastern provinces 735 malignant mesothelioma 162 novice SVII1991 mandibular prognathism SVI1577 nuclear medicine reporting 50 manpower planning 321 nurse case manager 413 mapping 893 nursing service situation SVI1735 marital relationship 361, 815 nursing shortage 525 married couples 735 nutritional status 76 maternal SVI1756 maxillary incisros SVI1620 O mechanical transmission 153 obese elderly 221 medical instrument SVII2057 occupational cancer 162 medical rehabilitation 32 open gingival embrasures SVI1620 medical response SVII2124 open globe injury SVI1774 medicl rehabilitation 488 oral care 503, 684 melioidosis 387 orthodontic correction SVI1577 meniscus injury SVI1589 orthodontic treatment SVI1620 meniscus variation SVI1589 outbreak investigation report 726 menopause clinic 172 outcomes 664 mental health and psychiatric patients SVI1691 over waist 955 mental health promotion SVII1869 outbreak 726 methamphetamine addicts SVI1683 microbial drug resistant 872 P microbiological quality 709 parkinson 789 migrant workers SVII2016, 574, 586 participant 944 minilaparotomy 797 participation SVI1756, 112 model development SVII1943 participatory process SVI1726 model 311 patient controlled analgesia 403 monitoring SVII2030 payment method 32 mortality 201 PCNL 388, 396 mortality disparities 825 peer reinforcement SVI1828 multidisciplinary team 413 people living with HIV/AIDS (PLHIV) SVI1640 multiple logistic regression analysis 673 per capita cost 684 multiple-dose diethylcarbamazine SVII1843 perceived self-efficacy 221 multiplex PCR 454 perception 279 Myanmar migrants SVII1843 performance-related pay SVI1809 perinatal risk 664

988 Journal of Health Science 2009 Vol. 18 No. 6 Key Words Index

perinatal transmission SVI1647 radiographic examination 770 periodontal treatment 695 rapid eye movement 303 permanent first molars 58, 835 recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa SVI1559 permanent vascular access SVI1704 recurrence SVI1601 pharmacy services SVI1821 re-emerging infectious diseases SVII2016 Phra Anake Mahaviro SVII2070 regenerative medicine 280, 293 physical aspect SVI1661 rehabilitation casemix 32 physical therapy 83 rehabilitation SVII2132 physician requirements 321 reinforcing factors SVI1683 physician retention 536 reinforcing life skill SVII2038 physician shortage SVII1914 relapse addiction SVI1683 pit-fissure sealant 835 renal stone surgery 396 placenta 643 reorganization of the Ministry Ponseti technique SVI1601 of Public Health SVII1953 pooled sample 454 reponsiveness 763 predisposing factors SVI1683 reporting 673 premature mortality 332 research development 311 preparedness SVII2005 research utilization 122 prepubertal girls 186 research SVII2049 pre school child offices 944 resilience 42 prescription review 261 resistance 650 prevalence 10 resistant mutations SVII1843 prevention 755, 795 retrospective study 387 prevention and control 112 return on investment-ROI SVI1809 prevention of genetic disorder 562 risk analysis 283, 293 primary care unit 882 risk factor 369, 435 priority SVII2049 risk perception 596 productivity loss 332 role 250 professional nurses SVII2111 rust SVII2057 protection behaviors 596 Pseuderanthemum palatiferum 138 S puffer fish poisoinig 632 Saiyai-Sampan group SVII2038 pubertal girls 186 satisfaction SVII2140, 130 public health globalization 473 satisfaction to pharmacy services SVI1821 public health volunteers SVII2088 saxitoxin 632 pupa 514 scale development 1 purchasing 549 screening SVI1672 SEA type 445, 454 Q sealant 58 quadriceps muscle SVII2132 sealed containers 709 quality improvement 50 sealed drinking water SVII2150 quality of diabetes care 413 self care 615 quality of emergency service 605 self esteem and virtue 229 quality of life SVII1972 separation of prescribing and dispensing 261 quality of pharmacy services SVI1821 severe class II SVI1558 service recipients SVII2140 R serviellance report 192 radiocephalic fistula SVI1704 sexual abuse 186

«“√ “√«‘™“°“√ “∏“√≥ ÿ¢ ÚııÚ ªï∑’Ë Ò¯ ©∫—∫∑’Ë ˆ ˘¯˘ ¥√√™π’§” ”§—≠

sexual behavior SVII1982, 271 trade and international relationship 473 sexual health protection 1 treatment 931 sexual risk behaviors 744, 843 training 241 sharp injury 755 transmission 643 short-term migration SVII1843 tsunami disaster 42 silkworm 514 tuberculosis 623, 795, 903 sleep-wake cycle 303 turnover 853 smoking 695 type 2 diabetes mellitus 427 smoking cessation programme 695 snacks 70 U social aspect SVI1661 under-five mortality 825 social support 229, 444 unit cost 684 Southernmost province 853 Universal Health Care Coverage SVI1714 Standard nursing practice SVI1735 Universal Health Coverage 503 stationary bicycling SVII2132 utilization 503, 586 steam sterilization SVII2057 steel work 717 V stem cell 280, 293 V. cholerae El Tor Ogawa 872 stone-carving workers 435 vaginal delivery SVI1621 strategy SVII1905 vegetable and juice beverages 709 stress SVII1991 village model 862 student 361 violence 815, 853 subacromial space injection SVI1600 visual behavior SVI1828 subacromial steroid injection SVI1612 visual inspection with acetic acid-VIA 171 sub-acute and non-acute care 488 vocational students 271 sub-contracting pharmacy SVI1821 volunteer spirit 229, 444 success rate SVII1972 suicidal factors SVI1691 W supplementary diet 914 waist circumference 221 surgical guideline SVII2124 Wat Chiang Mae Chaem SVII2070 surgical SVI1577 weight controlling 221 surviellance report 192 wife beating 815 SWOT analysis SVI1714 wisdom aspect SVI1661 women 172, 914 T workers 596 tackle physician shortage problem SVII1914 work-related eye injuries SVI1764 TCL (Tuberculous Cervical Lymphadenitis) 702 World Health Organization-WHO 148 temephos 650 Wuchereria bancrofti SVII1843 tetrodotoxin 632 THAI type 454 X Thailand SVII1869, SVII1905, X-linked recessive disorder 562 192, 514, 643, 872 the non-rapid eye movement 303 Y tonsillectomy 377 young volunteer spirit 444

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