CLASS OF 1853.

1579.. (Born 0.) .....JAMES B. McPHERSON...... (Ap'd 0.) .. 1 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1849, to July 1, 1853, when he wa~ graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LmUT., CORPS OF ENGINEEHS, JULY 1, 1853. Served: at the Military Academy, as Asst. Instructor of Practical Engineer­ ing, and attached to Company of Engineer troops, at West Point, N. Y, July 30, 1853, to Sep. G, 1854; as Ass!. Engineer in the construction and repairs of the (SECOND LIUET., COHPS OF ENGINEERS, DEc. 18, 1854) Defenses of New York harbor, and Improvement of the navigation of the Hud­ son River, 1854-57; as Superintending Engineer of the building of Ft. Dela­ ware, Delaware Bay, 1857,-lmd of the construction of the Defenses of AIea­ traz Island, Sun Fra.ncisco, Cal., 1857- 61; and in charge of the Engineer (FIRST LIEUT., CORPS O}' ENGIXEERS, DEC. 13, 1858) operations at Boston harbor, Mas., and Recruiting Sappers, Miners, and Pontoniers, 186l. (CAPTAIN, 19TH INFAN'rRV, MAY 14, 1861: DECLINED) (CAPTAIN, CORPS OF ENGINEERS, A.UG. 6, 18(1) Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861-64: as Aide­ (LIEUT.-COL. STAFF-ADDITIONAL AIDE-DE-CAMP, Nov. 12, 18(1) de-Camp to Major-General Halleck, and Asst. Engineer of the Department of the Missouri, Nov. 12, 1861, to Feb. 1, 1862; as Chief Engineer on the Staff' of Gene1'l1.i Grant in the Tennessee Campaign, Feb.- Apr., 1862, being engaged in Operations against Ft. Henry, Feb. 2-6, 1862, - Buttle and Cap­ ture of Ft. Donelson, Feb. 13-16, 1862, ·-and Battle of Shiloh, Apr. 6- 7, (CoL. nTAFF-A.nDITIONAL AlDE-DE-O,urp, MAY 1, 18(2) 1862; as Asst. Engineer in the Advllnce upon and Siege of Oorinth, Apr. 15-May 30, 1862; as Military Superintendent of the Railroads in the (BRIG.-GENERAL, U. S. VOLUNTEERS, MAY 15, 1862) District of West Tennessee, June 1 to Oct. 2, 1862,-and wus present 011 the staff' of General Grant during the Baltle of Iulm, Mis., Sep. 1!J, 1862; in command of Brigade, Oct. 2- 14, 1862, with which he moved from J".ckHon. Ten., fighting his way to the reur of Corinth, arriving on lhe evening of Oct. 4, 1862, too late to participate in the battie, but he immediately joined in Pursuil of the enemy to Hipley, Mis.; in command of Bolivar, Ten., Oct. B -2':;, (iVIAJon-GENERAL, U. S. VOLUNTEERS, OCT. 8, 1862) 18G2, - of 2d Division, Department of the Tennessee, Oct. 16-24, - and of 2d Division, 13th Army Oorps, Oct. 24-Nov. 2, 18(;2; in the Vicksburg Cam­ paign, Nov. 4, 1862, to July 18,'1863, commanding the right wing lill Jan 18, 1863, and subsequcntly lhe 17th Army Corps, and was engaged in the March to, and Occupalion of Lagmnge, Nov. 4, 1862,-Reconnoissance lo, and Action at Lamar, ]I.:[is. (in cOlllmand), Nov. 12, 1862,- Flank Movement to Oxford, Mis. , Nov.-Dec., 1862. having lhe lead in the Advance, and t.he rear, on re­ tiring, after Colonel Murphy's SUlTender of Holly Springs, Dec. 20, 186:2, - in 334 GRADUATES OF THE


OrganizinlJ and Massing his Corps at Memphis, Ten., Jan, 18-Feb. 20, 1863,­ Lake ProYldence, Feb. 20 -Apr. Hi, 1863.- il'lovement to Brninsburg and turning Grand Gulf. Apr., 1863.-Battle of Port Gibson, May 1. 1863,- Battle of Ray­ mond (in command), May 12, 1863, - Captllre of Jackson, May 14, 1863.­ Battle of Champion Hills, May 16, 1863,-Assaults on Vicksburg, May 19 and 22, and Siege of tho place till its unconditional Surrender. July 4, 1863, he being one of the Oommissioners to :fix the terms of capitulation; in cOlllmand of the 17th Army Corps and District of Vicksburg, July 4, 1863, to (BRIG.-GENERAL, U. S. ARMY, AUG. 1, 18(3)" Mar. 26, 1864, from which he sont out several important expeditions into lIIississippi and LouisiaUl1, and was engr.ged in the Snrp~'ise of the en~~y's camp at Canton. Oct. 15, 1863,- nnd on Genem! l:>hcrman s Ratd to Mel"ldu\n, :1.'lis.• F eb. 1-25, resulting in great destruction and large captmes of the enemy's resources; in command of the Department and Army of the Tennes­ see, ;VIar. 20 to July 22.1864; in Reorganizing and )iassing his Army at Hunts­ ville. AI'I.• Apr., 1864; in the Invasion of Georgia, May 4 to July 22, 1864, in command of the AI'my of the Tennessee (composed of the 15th. 16th, and 17th Army Corps), being eng,lged in the Mo\'ement by Snake Oreek Gap to turn th" cnemy's left. ;Vlay 7- 13. 1864. - TIMtie of Resaca, M"y 14- 15. 1864,-Occu­ pntion of Kingston. May 18, 1864,--Movement on Dallas, with consto,nt fight­ ing, May 18- 28. lS64,··-Battle of Dallas, ;Vby 28. 18G4.-ilfovement on Kenesaw, with almost daily heavy engagements, May 28...June 20, 1864,-­ Battles of Kenesaw Mountain, June 20 -Jllly 2, 1864,-Pllrsuit ot the enemy, with severe Skirmishing, July 3- 17, 18(H, - Occupatioll of Decatur, July 17, 1864,-and B:1ttles of Ath\uta, July 21 und 22, 18G4. KILLED, JULY 22, 1864, IN THE REPULSE OF A SORTm FROM ATL,lNTA, GA.: AGED 35.t

• General Grallt in recommeoding him (or this promotion, says: "He has been with me in every battle sin ce the commoncement. of the Rebellion, excopt Belmont. At Forts Henry nnd Donelsoll, Shiloh, and Lhe Sioge of Corinth, ns n St.aff Olficor an 1 Enginner J his Ro n 'ices WOre con­ spicuous and higbiy meritorious. J\t tho second battic or C:orintu, his skill as a soldior \VUS dis played in successfully c:urylng rcilJ.forccmont s to tb e bcsicgCfl garrison, wb en the enomy was between him aod the point to be roached . In Lh e advance through Central ,Mi ssissippi, Goneral )lcPmmsQx commanded one wing of t110 army with all tho ability pos3iblo to show, be having the hmd in Lhe advance , and t.h e rear l' etirilJg. Cl In t.h e campaign Rnd Eiogc tcrmill;.\ting with t.h o fall of Vi cIc sburg, Gonc ral MCPHERSOX has filloj fl. co n S pic.nQll.~ part. .At Lh o D.lltlo of Po rL Gihson) it was under his direction thUL tho e nemy was drivcll, lnte in the a t't Ol'll OOn, CroUl a po ~ it.ion they hllli sl1ccec(le d. in holding all day flgn ins t a~ obRLinntc uU,;lck. His Corps , (.tIC luivnncc always under ili£ immocliilt.3 oy e, were t.ho pioneors in tho m ovement. from Port Gib ~ou tJ H lwldnson)g Ferry. From thu nort.h fork of t.ho Dayc.u Pierre to Black Hivc!' it WllS n constant skirmish , t.h 3 wbole s kil fully managod. 'I'h'] cnomy was so closely pressod as to be unable to d est.roy the ir bridge of bOl t.S nfw r them. From Huwkinson's .Forry to .Jacks::'ITI: the Scvcntconth Army Co rps In \1'chNi on rOl ds not travollod hy other tr oo ps, fighting the entiro R ltLie of Rlymonct alone . anJ the hulk of Joh D.s t ~ n 's l\nllY WAS fOll g- ht by t.his Corp.3, cntlrely u~ der the Illa n agu m ~ nt of G:mcral MCPDERSO:S-. At Champion Hill , tho ~ v c nt ;}C n ~ h Corrs mHl G:mcl'i'l1 ~l c Pn E rt..~ x w et'o coaSpiC'.iOUS . All lhat. could b ~ t.ermed a battle the re, w as fought by the divi:S ions of GCIl l!l'al MCP IlE nsO ~"S Corps an a General H OVE\"S Division of the Til i rt ~c l1th C ~ I · P~ . III Lho A~S tL lllt of the 221 of May on the fortiflcnf.ions of V lC k ~ bur ~ , and during the entire sicg'l!, GOlloral MCI'lIER­ SO n and bis command took unfa.dlng laurels. He is one of tbe ablest e ngin eel's, aud mo~ t skil­ ful gentwals . I would resp2ctfuJly, but urg~ntly, recommeud his promotion to tbe pos ition of Brigadier-G eneral in the Hcg nlnr Army." Awarde ::t , Or:t . 1~63 , tl. madal of honor, by tho officers of his Corps, [or the gallant manner III wbicb be haa led them duriug tbe Campaign and Siege of Vicksburg. t Soon after h jp death, General Grant addressed the folJo\ving lettol' to t.ho ngaJ. gl'nn :.I mother of Gonera.! McPHI;nso" ; HEADQUARTERS ARMIES ~,. mE U~TI": D S1',ATlli, J CITY PO'''T, VA .. Aug. 10, 1861. My D&An )UDAlI : Your very wolcomo lotter of tho 3d Instant has reacbod mo. I aID glad to know the relatives of tbe laUlcnted Major-Genernl 2tICPHERSos aro aware of the more than friendship exis ting bot ween him and myself. .A natioll grieves at tho loss of OIl C so dear t.o our uation 's cause. It js a sol fish grief, because the nation had more to c x ~c t from him than from almos t nnyoue living. I join iu this sc-Ifls b ~ric f, and add the grief of pcrsonallovG fu r thc­ de parted. He f<'rmed for some t,imc one of my military family. I knew him we ll. To kn ow him wus but to loye him. It may be some coasolntion to you, his aged grandmother. to know U. S. MILITARY ACADEMY. 335

NU~(BER. 1853. CLASS RANK. l580 . .(Born Va.) ...WILLIAM P. CRAIGHILL ...... (Ap'dVa.) .. 2 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. :Military Academy from July 1, 18i9, to July 1, 1853, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to Bn. SECOND LIEUT., CORPS OF ENGINEERS, JULY 1, 1853. Served: as Asst. Engineer, in repairing Forts Pulaski and Jackson, Ga., and in Improvement of Sa.yannab Riyer, 1853- 54,- in the repail's and construction of the Defenses of Charleston Harbor, S. C., 18ii4-55,-i\Od in building Ft. (SE<;OND LillUT., CORPS OF ENGlNEERS, MAR. 3, 1855) Jefferson, Tortugas, Fla., 1856; as Assistant to the Chief Engineer at Wash­ ington, D. C., 1856-59; as Superintending Engineer in building Ft. Delaware, Delaware Bay, 1858; at the Militt\ry Academy, as Principal Assistant Professor (FIRST L[EUT., CORPS OF ENGINEERS, JULY 1, 1859) of Engineering, Aug. 31, 1859, to June 18, 1863,-and Treasurer, July 27, 1861, tu June 24, 181)3; and in command of Detachment of Engineer Soldiers at West Point, N. Y., July 27, 1861, to June 24, 1863. Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1862- 66: as Chief Engi­ neer of the Diyision of Brig.-General G. W. Morgan (), June 23 to Oct. 4, 1862, being engaged in the Defense of Cumberland Gap, E. Ten., June 23 to Sep. 17, 1862,-and of the Depflrtment of the Monongahela, (CAPTAIN, CORPS oJ,' ENGINEERS, MAR. 3, 18(3) ,June 10 to Aug. L 1863, being engaged in constructiug the Defenses of Pitts­ burg, Pa., which was threatened by the command of Gen. John Morgan and ot.herrebel miders; as Assistant to the Chief of Engineers at Washington, D. C., Aug. 1 to Sep. 16, lS63; as Asst. Engineer in the construction of t.he Defenses pf Baltimore harbor, Md., Sep. 16, Ul63, to June 13. lS64; as Chief Engineer of the and Sth Army Corps, Apr. 20 to June IS, 1864; at the Military ACfldemy, 1864, as Instructor of Practical Military Engineering, June 22 to Aug. 31, 1864,-Principal Assistant Professor of Engineering, June 22 to Aug. 31, lS64,- and Treasurer, June 22 to Aug. 31, 1864; in com­ mand of Detachment of Enginoer Soldiers at West Point, N. Y., June 22 to Aug. :n, lS64; as Member of special Board of Engineers tor the Defenses of San Francisco, Cal., Aug. 9, lSfi4, to ~lt\r. 21 , 1865, - 01' Bo,lrd for Defenses of Willett's Point, N. Y., Apr. 9 to June 20. 1865, --and of Board, June ~O to Noy. 10, lS65, to carry out-in detail the modifications of the Defenses in the vicinity of New York, as proposed by the Board ofJan. 27, 1864; as Sllperintend­ (BYT. LmUT.-CoL., MAR. 13, 1865, FOR FAITHFUL AND MEIlITORIOUS 8EllVICES DURL.'1G THE 'YAIl, AND PARTICULAIlLY FOR SERVICES IN THE DEFE~SE OF CUlIIDEIlLAND GAP AND THE ULTERIOR OPERATIONS OF GENERAL MORGA..'1'S FonCES) (BV'l'. COLONEL, ~lAn. 13, 1865, Fon GALLAN'.r AND ~!ERITOlliOUS SEIIVICES DURING THE R:"~BELLION: DECLINED) (~LVOR, CORPS OF ENGINEERS, Nov. 23, 1865) ing Engineer of the Defenses of Baltimore Harbor, Md., Noy. 10, 1865, to Sop. 11, 1867,--Il-nd of the Improvement of the Patapsco RiYer, bolow Ft. Mc­ Henry, and of the Susquehanna RiYer, near Havre de Grace, Noy. 10, 1865, to Sep. 11, lS67; and as As~istant to the Chief of Engineers, in charge of the 4th Division in the Engineer Bureau at 'vVasbington, D. C., Oct. 19,1866, to Civil History.-Compiler of "Army Officers' Pocket Companion," 1861. Tmnslatol' of Dufour's" Cours de T'lctiques," lS63, - and (jointly with Captain Mendell), of Genera1 J omini's "Prtlcis de l'Art de la Guerre," 1862.

that every offic(l.r and every soldier who serycj under your grandson felt tho blgbest rcverenCJ

for his patriotism, his zeal, his great, almost ullcqunllod 1 ubility, his nmiabilJlYl and nIl th:l manly virtues that can adorn a commander. Your bcrol1vcmcut is great, but canllot exccol minc. YourS truly, U. i:l. GRANT, LieUl.en(lllt.-GonoraL 336 GRADUATES OF THE

NUMDER. 1853. CLASS n.I.Xl>.

1581.. (Bom 0.) ...... JOSHUA W. SILL ...... (Ap'd 0.) .. 3 Military History.- Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1849, to July 1, 1853, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT. OF ORDNANCE, ,JUI,y 1, 1853. Served: as Assistnnt at Watervliet A)'senal, N. Y., 1853-54; at the ~1ilitary (SECOND LIEUT., ORDNANCE, MAy 11, 1854) Academy, as Assistant Professor of Geography, History, and Ethics, Sep. 23, (FmsT LIEu·r., ORDNANCE, JULY 1, 1856) 1854, to Aug. 29. 1857; on Special duty at Allegheny Arsenal, Pa., 1857- 58; in command of Vancouver Orclnance Depot, Wash., 1858- 59; as Assistant at Wat81~:~i et Arsenal, N. y', 1859- 60,-alld at Ft. Monroe Arsenal, Va. , 1860; in command of Leavenworth Ordnance Depot, 1860; and on leave of absence, 1860- 01. RESIGNED, JAN. 25, 186l. Civil History.-Professor of Mathematics and Civil Engineel'lng. in the Brooklyn Collegiate and Polytechnic Institnte, 1861. Military History.- - Served d1ll'ing the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861 -62: as Asst. Adjutant-General of the State of Ohio, Apr. - .July, 1861 ; in the Western Virgin~'\ Campaign, July-Aug., 1861, being engaged in the COIll­ (COLONEL, 33D OHIO VOLUXTEERS, AUG. 27, 1861) bat of Rich Mountain, .July 11, 18(31; in Operations in Kentucky, Tcnnessee and , Sep., 1861, to Sep., 186:1 (in command of Brigade, Nov. 30, 1861, to Sep., 1862), being eng,'ged in the Movemcnt on Bowling Green, Ky., I\Ild Nashville, Ten., F eb., 1802,-March to Huntsville, Ala., Feb.- Apr.. 1862, -taking possessi"': of the railroad from Dect.tur to Stephenson, by which Northern Alabama was occupiec1, - and Action at Battle Creck, Ten., July, (BRIG.-GENERAL, U. S. VOLUNTEF..IlS, JULY 16, 1862) 1862; in command of Diyision (Army of the Ohio). in the Advance into Ken­ tucky, Oct., 1862, being eug'1.gcd in the Battle of Perryville, Oct. 8, 1862,­ and Pursuit of General Bragg's Rebel forces, and j\'Iovement to Nashvillc, Ten., Oct., 1862; in the Tennessee C>1mp>1ign (Army of the Oumbei'land), Oct.- Dec. , 1862, being engaged in the Battle of Stone Rival', where, while gallantly cndeavoring to rally his brig>1.cle, he was KILLED, DEC. 31, 1862, AT THE BATTLE OF STONE Hn'ER, TEN: AGED 31.

1582 .. (Born Ga) ...... WILLIAM R. BOGGS...... (Ap·d Ga.) ..4 Military History.- Cac1et t\t the U. S. Military Academy fTom July I, 18M), to July 1, 1853, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LmuT., Top. ENGINEERS, JULY 1, 185:3. Served: on temporu.ry Artillery duty, [tt the Military Academy.. 1853; in the Topographical Bureau, and Officc of Pacific Railroad bnrveys, 1853- 54; (TRANSFERRED TO ORDNANCE CORPS, Jmm 28, 1854) as Assistant at Watervliet Arsenal, N. Y., 1854-57,-and at Baton H'lUge (SECOND LmuT., ORDNANCE, DEC. 31,1854) (FIRST LIEUT., ORDNANCE, No\,. 17,1856) Arsenal, La., 1857-59; Inspecting Ordnance Stores at Point Isabel, Tex., 1859, being engaged against Cortinas' MmdctLll Maruuclers, in the Combat neal' Ft. Bl'owu, Tex., Dec. 14. 1859; and on Foundry duty at Pittsburg, Pa., 1859-61. RESIGNED, FEB. J, 1861. Joined in the Rebellion of 1861-66 against the Uuited Stat(\s. U. S. MILITARY ACADEMY. 337


1583. ... (130m Pa.).. ...FRANCIS J. SHUNK...... (Ap'd at Large) ..5 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1849, to July 1, 1853, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to EV'r. SECOND LIEUT. OF OrtDNAJ.,(CE, JULY 1,1853. Served: !IS Assistant !It Allegheny Arsenal, Pa., 1853-54,-at St. Louis (SECOND LIEUT., ORDNA...'!CE, JUNE 8, 1854) Arsenal, Mo., 1854,-- and at Watervliet Arsenal, N. Y, 1854-55; at the Mili­ (FIRST LIEUT., ORDNANCE, JULY 1, 1856) t!lry Academy, as Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Mineralogy, and Geology, Sep. 10, 1855, to J 'ln. 15. 1857; as Assistant at W!ltervliet Arsenfll, N. Y., 1857-58; as Chief of OrdnaI.tce on Utah Expedition, 1858-60; on leave of f\b­ sence, 1860-Gl; and as Assistllnt at Washington Arsenal, D. C., 1861. Served dUl~llg the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861-66 : as Chief of Ordnance on the Port Ropl Expedition, Oct. 13, 1861, to Apr. 3, 1862, - of , Apr. 3, to May 31, 1862,-of the , .Tuly 17 to Sep. 10, 1862,- ann of the Army of the Potom'lc, Sep. 10 to Nov. 14, 1862, during the Maryland Campaign; as Asst. Ordn"nce Officer at Alleghany Arsenal, Pu., Dec. 6, 1862, to Feb. 25, 1863; as Chief of Ordnance, Department (CAPTAIN, ORDNANCE, MAR. 3, 18(3) of the Gulf, Mar., 1863, to Feb., 1865; at Richmond, V'l., in collecting I,nd shipping Rebel Ordnancc, Apr. 3 to July 3, 1865; and as Asst. Ordnance Officer !It W!ltel-town Arsenal. Mas., July 3, 1865, to Oct. 31, 1865; on leave of ab­ (EVT. MAJOR, MAr:. 13, 1865. FOR FAITHFUL AND MEIllTORlOUS SERVICES IN TlIE OllDNANCE DEPARTMENT) sence, Oct. ill to Dec. 3, 1865; as Asst. Ordnance Officer, at 'Vatertown Arsenal, Mas., Jan. 1, 1866, to Apr. 19, 1867; as Chief of Ordnance, First Military Dis­ trict (Virginia), Apr. 26, 1867 to (j',iAJOR, ORDNA..'!CE, M.Ul. 7, 18(7)

1584 . . (Born 0.) ...... WILLIAM S. SMITH ...... (Ap'd O. ) .. 6 Military History.- Cadet !It the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1849, to July 1, 1853, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to Bn. SECOND LIEUT., OF ARTILLERY, JULY 1, 1853. SECOND LIEUT., 2D ArtTlLLERY, JULY 9, 1853. Served on Recruiting service, at the Ft. Columbus Depot, N. Y., 1853-54. RESIGNED, JUNE 19, 1854. Civil History.-Asst. Engineer, Illinois Central Railroad, 1854,-- and in the service of the Unitecl States on the Public Works ,\t Chicago, Ill., 1854. Prin­ cipal of Buffalo, N. Y., High School, 1855-56. Civil Engineer, Buffalo, N. Y., 1857-58. making various smveys, &c., on the Northern Lakes. Engineer !lnd Secretary of Tnmton, New Jersey, Locomotive and Machine M!lnufacturing Company, 1858- 61, !lnd employed in sinking cylindel'S by the pneumatic pro~ cess, for piers for milway bridge across the Savannah River, 18.59-61. Military History.-Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861-6<1: at Camp Dennison, 0., as Asst. Adjublnt-Geneml of Volunteers to Erig.-General Schlekh, May- June, 1861; ill Western Virginia Campaign, July, (COLONEL, 13TH OHIO VOLUNTEERS, JUNE 26, 18(1) 1861, to Jau.1862, being engaged in the Movement at Greenland Gap, to inter­ cept retreating rebels, J nly, 1801,-Expulsion of Geneml Wise's forces from Rip­ ley, Aug., 1861, Skirmish near Sutton, V,l., Sep. 1, 1861, - Action at Carnifex Ferry, Sep. 10, 1861,-andPnrsnit ofGenera.! Floyd's forces from G'luley llriclge out of West Virginia., Dec. 1861, p!lrticipating in seveml skirmishes; in the 22 338 GRADUATES OF THE

NUMll';:R. 18.53. CLASS RANK.

Tennessee and Mississippi Campaign (Army of the Ohio), Feb.--June, 1862, being engaged in the Movement on Bowling Green and Nashville, Ten., Feb. 1862, - in charge of rep<>irs of railroads centering at Nashville, Mill·.-Apr. 1862, -Battle of Shiloh, Apr. 7, 1862,-Advimce upon and Siege of Corinth, (BRIG.-GENERAL, U. S., VOLUNTEERS, APll. 15, 18(2) May 20-30, 1862,-and opening milroad from Corinth, Mis., to Decatur, Ala., June, 1862; in command of 2d Division (Army of the Ohio), in guarding the triangle of railroads connecting Nashville, Decatur, and Stevenson, .July, 1862, -of Bowling Green, Ky., Aug., 1862,-and of 4th Division (Army of the Ollio), in Movement on Louisville, Ky., Aug.-Sep. 1862, - in the Advance into Ken­ tuckyand Tennessee, commanding 4th Division (ArlllY of the Ohio), being engaged in the Battle of Perryville, Ky., Oct. 8, 1862,- Pllrsllit of General Bragg's Rebel forces, with frequent skirmishes, nearly to Cnrnberland Gl1p, Oct" 1862,-and March into Middle Tennessee, Oct., 1862; in commimd of 1st Division, 16th Army Corps, in the Vicksburg Campaign, Jan.- July, 1863, being engaged in gllanling the rnilroad from Memphis to Gra.Ild JllUction, Mis., Jan.-June, 1863, - iu renr of Vicksburg, till its surrender, Jnly 4, 1863,­ and in Operations against Geueral J. E. J ohnston's relieving torces, partici­ pating in seveml skirmishes, and the Reoccupation of ,Jnckson, Jllly 16, 1863; .illld (IS Chief of C"va!ry of the Dep,wtment of the Tennessee, July 20 to Oct. 16, J863, lind of the i\Iilit , ~ry Division of the M:i~si"sippi, Oct. 16, 186:3, to Jllly 15, 1864, being engaged in Raid, in command of 7,000 C'''''llr)" from Memphis, 'Ten., to West Point, Mis., Mar. 10-25, 1864, p'll'ticipaLing in engagements (It .the 'rallahatchie River, Mar. 12, West Point, Mar. 16, Okolona, Mill'. 20, 1864, ,nnd freqnent skirmishes,-and nt Nashville, Ten., the headquarters of the Military Division, April-July, 1864. RESIGNED (SICK), JULY 15, 1864. Civil History.-Fiu·mer, Oak Park, Cook CounL:, Inear Chicago, Ill., since 1864. Civil Engineer and Contractor since 1865.

1585. . (Born N. Y.) ....JOHN M. SCHOFIELD ...... (Ap'd Ill.) .. 7 Military History.-Caclet at the U. S. Military Academy from July I, 1849, to July 1, 1853, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT. OF ARTILLERY, JULY 1, 1853. Served: in garrison at Ft. iVloultrie, S. C., 1853; in Florid>" 1854-55; at the (SECOND LIEUT., 1ST ARTILLERY, AUG. 31, 1853) Military Academy, 1855-56, as ARSt. Professor of Natnral and Experimental (FIRST LIEUT.. 1ST ARTILLE1W, AUG. 31, 1855) Philosophy, Nov. 19, 18,35, to Sep. 30, 1856, - and Priucipal Asst. Professor, Sep. 30, 1856, to Aug. 28, 1860; and on leave of absence, 18GO- 61, during which time he became Professor of Physics in Washingtou Univerity at St. Louis, Mo. Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding Stt1tes, 1861 -66: as Mus­ tering Officer for the St,1W of Missouri, Apr. 20 to May 20, 1861; in Operations (MAJOR, 1ST MISSOURI VOLUNTEERS, ApR. 26, 1861: Am'ILLERY, AUG. 19, 1861) (CAP'rAlN, 11TH INFANTUY, MAY 14,1861 : DECLINED) (CAPTAIN, 1ST AUTILLEUY, MAY 14, 18(1) in ~Iissouri, May 2'3 -Nov. 27, 1861 (Chief of Staff of Gencml Lyon. i\!by 25 to Aug. 10, 1861), being engaged in the Action of Dug Spring, Aug. 2, ·-Skir­ mish at Cunan Post-office, Aug. 3-4, 1861,-Battle of Wilsoll's Oreek, Ang. 10, 1861,-lWd Action of Fredericktown, Oct. 21, 1861; in COllllllllllll of the Militia (BUIG.-GENERAL, U. S. VOLUNTEERS, Nov. 21,18(1) (BRIG. -GENERAL, MISSOURI Mll..ITa, Nov. 26, 1861) u. S. MILITARY ACADEMY. 339

NUlIllER. 1853. CLASS HANK. of Missouri, Nov. 27, 1861, to Nov., 1862,-of the District of St. Louis, M.o., Feb. 15 to Sep. 26, lS62, - and of the" ," and District of South-west Missouri, Oct. 12, 1862, to April, 1863; as member of Army and (iVL.JOR-GENERAL, U. S. VOLUNTEERS, Nov. 29, 18(2) Navy Board, to eX'tmine the condition and fitness of the Mississippi Gun and Mortar-bol~t Flotilla, Dec. 9-:n, 1861; in command of 3d Division, 14th Army Corps (Al'my of the Cumberland), Apr. 20 to May 13, 1863, - of Department of the Missouri (ex-officio Major-General commanding Missouri State Uilitia), i\hy 13, 1863, to Ja.n., 186,1, -:md Depltrtment and Army of the Ohio, Feb. 9, 1864, to Jan. 29, 1865; in the Invasion of Georgia, in command of the Army of the Ohio, May 2 to Sep. 7, 1864, being engaged in the Demonstn.tions on Buzzard's Hoost, MIlY 8-10, 1S64,-Battle of R esaCll, Uay 14-15, lS64,- Bat­ tle of D,dlas, May 25- 28, 18ti4,-M:ovement against Lost Uounhlin, with numerous severe engagements, MllY 28 to June 18, 1S6t,- Action of Kulp's FarIll, June 22, 186-!,-llattle of Kenesaw Mountain, June 27-July 2, 186,4, ­ P,lssage of the Chattahoochee River. Jnly 8, 186!,- Opemtions in front of At­ lanta, July 19-22, IS6-!, - B,lttie of Athlnta, July 22, IS64.-and Siege of Athtnt.'1, July 22-to Sep. 2. 1864; in comm[lnd of the forces opposed to the Hebel Army under Gen. Hood on his lldvance from Florence, Ala .. into Ten­ nessee, Nov. 14 to Dec. 1, 1864, being eng,lged in constant skirmishing, Nov. 26 -29,-and Battle of Franklin, Ten. , Nov. 30, 1864; in command of the 23d (BRIG.-GENERAL, U. S. ARMY, Nov. 30, 1864) Army Corps in the B'lttie of Nashville, Ten., Dec. 15-16, 1864,-Pursuit of the Rebel Army of Gen. Hood, Dec., Ul64,- and Movement via Cincinllati, 0., aud Washington, D. C., to the mouth of Cape Fear Hiver, N. C., Jan. 15 to Feb. 8, 1865; in command of the Department of North C,troJina, Feb. 9 to May, 1865, being eng"ged in the Capture of Ft. Anderson, Feb. 19, :md Wil­ mingLon, Feb. 22, 1865,-- BaLtle near J(in~ton , Mar. 8-10, and Oecnp'ltion of the place, March 14, 1865, - M,uch to Goldsboro, whcre he uniterl wiLh Gen. (BVT. iVIM . -GE~Er.AL , U. S. ARMY, MAR. 13, 1865, FOR GALLANT AND MERI­ TORIOUS SERVICES I~ THE BATTLE OF FRANKLIN, TEN.) Sherman's Army, Mar. 22, 1865,-and SllITender of the Rebel Army, under Gen. J. E. Johnston, at Durh,un St'ltion, N. C., Apr. 26, 18G.5, he being de­ tailed to execute the Military Convention of Cilpitul'ltion; in commf1ud of the Department of North ClwoJina, Apr. to June 21, 1865; on Special duty in Enrope, June 22, 1865, to Aug. 16, 1866; in command of the Depal·tment of the Potomac, headquarters Richmond, Va., Aug. 16, 18G6, to Mar. 13, 1867,­ (MUSTERED OUT OF VOLUNTEER SERVICE, SEPT. 1, 1866) and of the First Military District (State of Virginia), Mar. 13, 1867, to

1586, . (Born N. Y.) ...•MATTHEW M. BLUNT ...... (Ap'd N. Y.) .. S Military History. --Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from Sep. 1, 1840, to July 1, 1853, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT., 2D ARTILLERY, JULY 1, 1853. Served: in Florida Hostilities against the Seminole Indians, 1852- 55; at the (SECOND LIEUT., 2D ARTILLERY, SF;P. 30, 18(3) Military Academy, 1835- 59, as Asst. Professor of Mathematics, Sep. 29, 1855, (FUIST LIEUT., 2D ARTILLERY, lI:[,m . 31, 1855) to Aug. 31, 1859,- -and Principal Asst. Pr~fe s ~or, Sept. 2 to Nov. 3, 1859; and in garrison at Ft.. Independcnce, Mas., 18<>0-61. Served during the R eueJlion of the Seceding States, 1861-66: in Defense of (CAPTAIN, 12TH I~m\NTRY, MAY 14, 18(1) 340 GRADU ATES OF THE


Fort Jefferson, Tortugas, Fla., J ~n. 17 to Sep. 13; 1861,-and of Ft. Pickens, Fla., Sep. 13, 1861, to Feb. 21. 18fl2, being en(;aged in its Bombardments, Nov. 22-23, 1861, and Jan. 1, 1862; in the VIrginia PeninsulaI' Campaign (Army of the Potomac). Mar.-Aug., 1862, being engaged in the Siege of York­ town, Apr. 5-May 4, 1862,- Battle of Gaines' Mill, June 27, 18G2, where he was wounded,-and Battle of Malvern Hill, July 1, 1862; in the Northern Vir­ ginia Campaign, Aug.-Sep., 1862, being engaged, in command of I{egiment, (BVT. ~WOR, JULY 1, 1862, ~-Oll GALLAN1' AND MERITORIOUS SERVICES AT THE B3.TTLE OF J\1ALVERN HILL, VA.) at the Battle of Mauassas, Aug. 30, 1862; in the MaryIa.nd Campaign (Annyof the Potomac), Sep.-Nov., 186::l, being engaged, in command of I{egiment, in the Battle of Antietam, Sep. 17, 1862,-and March to Falmouth, Va., Oct.­ Noy., 1862; in the I{appahannock Campaign (Army of the Potomac), Dec .. 1862-July, 18G3, being engaged, in command of Regiment, ill the Battle of Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862,- and BaHle of Chancellorsville, May 2-4, 1863; (BV1'. LlEUT.-COL., DEC. 13, 1862, FOR GALLANl' AND J\1ERIl'ORIOUS SElIVICES AT l'HE BATTLE OF FItEDERICKSBURG, VA.) on sick leave of absence, July G to Aug. 20, 1863; as Superintendent of Regi­ mental I{ccruiting Service, Aug. 20, 1863, to May 10, 1864; in commltlld of Provisional Itegiment at Belle Plain and Port Royal, Va., May 10 to June 6, 1864; in the I{ichmond Campaign (Army of the Potomac), June 6 to July 26, 1864, being engaged in the Assaults of Petersburg, June 17-18, 1864,-alld Siege of Petersburg, June 18 to July 26,1864; on sick leave of absence, July 26 (BVT. COLONEL, JUNE 19, 1864, FOR GALLANl' AND MERIl'ORIOUS SERVICES IN FRONT OF PETERSBURG, VA) to Oct. 1, 1864; on Mustering duty at Elmira, N. Y., Oct. 1 to Nov. 1, 1864; us Chief Mustering and Disbursing Officer for the State of Delaware, Nov. 1, 1864, to Oct., 11:165; and in command of Regiment, at Talla.hassee, Fla., Oct., (MAJOR, 7TH INFA.l'1TRY, JULY 30, 1865) 1865, to Jan., 1866.

Civil History.-Degree of A. M. confelTcd by Columbi~ College, N. Y., 1856.

1587. . (Bom Ind.) ...... THOMAS HIGHT...... (Ap'd Ind.) . . 9 Military History.-C!\det at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1849, to July 1, 1853, when he was graduated o,ud promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LlEUT. OF DRAGOONS, JULY 1, 1853. Served; ~t the Cnvalry School for Practice, Carlisle, Pa., 1853-5,1; in garrison (i:lECOND LIEU'!'., 2D DRAGOONS, MAY 24, 1854) at Jefferson Bl1rracks, Mo., 1854; on frontier duty at Ft. Leavenworth, J\Io., 1854,-and Sioux Expedition, 1855- 56, being engaged in the Action of Blue (SECOND LIEUT., 1sl' CAVALlW, MAR. 3, 1855: DECLINED) Water, N. M., Sep. 3, 1855; on Recruiting service, 1856-57; on frontier duty (FIRST LIEUT., 2D DRAGOONS, FEB. 2, 1857) tit Ft. Leavenworth, Kan., 1857,- Utah Expedition, 1857- 60,-and March to Oregon, 1860; and on lellve of absence, 1860-61. Served during the I{ebellion of the Scceding States, 1861-63; in Organiz­ (CAPT,UN, 2D DRAGOONS, MAY 13,1861: 2D CAVALRY, AUG. 3, 1861) ing his Regiment, Oct., 1861-1\'1ar., 1862; in command of Squadron in the (LIEUT.-COL., 1ST MAINE CAVALRY VOLUNTEERS, OCT. 19, 1861, TO Man. 14, 1862) U. S. MILITARY ACADEMY. 341

"N U)lBER. 1853. CLASS RANK.

Virginia PeninsulM Campaign (Army of the Potomac),. Mar.-July, 1862, being engaged in t.he Siege of Yorkt.own, Apr. 5-May 4, 1862; as paroled Prisoner of War, Aug. 31- Sep. 30, 1862; in the Defenses of W.lshington, D. C., Dec. 14, 1862-Jan., 1863; in the Rappah!mnock Campaign (Army of the Po­ tomac), Jan., 1863; and absent withont leave, Jan. 21 to Apr. 27, 1863. RESIGNED, APR. 27, 1863. Civil History.-Unknown. Military History.- Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding States, (LIEUT.-COL., 31ST 1LUlm VOLUNTEERS, M.m. 12, 18(4) (COLONEL, 31ST MAINE VOLUNTEERS, APR. 29, 1864) 1864, in command of Regiment (Army of the Potomac), Mar. 12 to June 7, 18M, being engaged in the Richmond Campaign, May 4-June 7, 1864, partici­ pating in the B.~ttle of Lhe Wilderness, May 5-6, 1864,- BaLtles of Spottsyl­ vania, May 12 and ·16, 1864,-Skirmishing on NorLh Anna, May 31, 1864,­ and Battle of Cold Harbor. June 3, 1864. DISCHARGED, JULY 2, 1864. Civil History.-Druggist at Augusta, Me., since 1864.

1588.. (Born Ct.) ...... GEORGE R. BISSELL...... (Ap'dMo.) ..10 Military History.·-Cadct at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1849, to July 1, 1853, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BYT. SECOND LIEUT. OF ARTILLERY, JULY I, 1853. Served on frontier duty at Ft. Gibson, I. T., 1853- 54,-- Ft. Washita, LT., (SECOND LIEUT., 3D AIlTILLERY, OCT 2, 1853) (FrnsT LmUT., 3D ARTILLERY, MAY 12, 1855) 1854-55,--and Ft. Yuma, Ca!., 1856. RESIGNED, SEP. 1, 1856. Civil History.-Clerk in the U. S. Asst. Treasurer's Office at St. Louis, Mo., 1859-61. Teller in the Merchant~' Bank of St. Louis since 1861.

1589 .. (Born 0.) ..... THOMAS M. VINCENT...... (Ap'd 0.) ..11 Military History.- Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July I, 1849, to July 1, 1853, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LmUT. OF ARTILLERY, JULY I, ,1853. Served: in Florida Hostilities against the Seminole Indians, 1853-55; at (SECOND LIEUT., 2D AnTILLERY, OCT. 8, 18(3) Tampa, Fla., employed in compiling a sketch of South Florida, Aug. 22 to (FIRST LIEUT., 2D AnTILLEIlY, OCT. 20, 1855) Oct. 22, 1855; on various Staff duties in Florida, Oct,. 23, 1855, to Mar. 15, 1856; in garrison at Ft. Hamilton, N. Y., 1856- 59, - nnd Plattsburg Barracks, N. Y., 1859; at the Military Academy, as Principal Asst. Professor of Chemistry, (CAPTAIN, 18TH INFANTRY, MAY 14, 1861: DECLINED) Mineralogy, and Geology, Aug. 31, 1859, to July 1, 1861.' 342 GRADUATES OF THE


Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861-66: as Quarter­ master, 2d Artillery, June 1 to July 1, 1861; as Asst. Adjutant-General ill t.he (RVT. CAPT. STAn'-AsST. ADJUTANT-GENElIAL, JULY 1, 18(1) Army of North-eastern Virginia, July 21-23, 1861, being engaged in the Rattle of Bull Run, July 21, 1861; as Assistant in the Adjuj,unt-General's Office, at (CAPTAIN, 2D ARTILLERY, JULY 25, 1863, TO JUNE 11, 18&1) Washington, D. C., in charge of t,he Recruiting service for the H,egular Army, July 30, 1861, to June 29, 1862, and of the Volunteer AI'mies, June 30, 1862, (CAPT. STAFF-Ass'!". ADJUTANT-GENERAL, AUG. 3, 1861) to May 1, .1863, nnd in ('harge of the Orgnnization and Miscellaneous Business of the Volunteer Armies of the United States since June 30, 1862, MAJOR STAF}'-AsST. ADJUTANT-GENERAL, JULY 17, 1862. BIT. LIEUT.-COL., AND Bv'I'. COLONEL, U. S. ARMY, SEP. 24, 1864, FOR ~hmIToRIous AND F,UTHFUL SERVICES DURING THE REBELLION. BVT. RRIG.-GENERAL, U. S. ARMY, MAR. 13, 1865, FOR FAITHFUL AND MERITORIOUS SERVICES DURING THE REBELLION.

1590.. (Born Mass.) ... HENRY C. SyMONDS...... (Ap'd Mass.), ,12 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from Sep: 1, 1849, to July 1, 1853, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BIT. SECOND LIEUT. OF ARTILLERY, JULY 1, 1853. Served: in garrison at Ft. Columbus, N. Y" 1853- 54; on frontier duty at Ft. (SECOND LIEUT., 2D ARTILLERY, OCT. 18, 1853) Defiance, N. M., 1854- 56; in garrison i\t Ft. Independence, ~Ias., 1856- 57; on frontier duty at Ft. Snelling, ~lill" 1857; at the Military Academy, 1857-61, (FIRST LIEUT., 2D ARTILLERY, JAN', 31, 1856) as Assistant Professor of Geography, History, and Ethics, Aug. 29 to Nov. 1, 1857, - Principal Assistant Professor of Geography, History, and Ethics, Nov. 1, 1857, to Oct. 4, 1859, - and Assistant Professor of Geography, History, and Ethics, Oct. 4, 1859, to Jan. 7, 1861. Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861- 65: as Com­ (CA!'"l'. STAFF-CO)!. OF SUBSI8TE..'ICE, l\hY 16, 18(1) missary in the Defenses of Washington, May 11 to Sep. 1, 1861,-·and at (l\iAJOll STU·F-COM. OF SUBSISTENCE, FEB. 9, 18(3) (CAl'1"UN, 2D ART~LLERY, AUG. 1, 1863) Louisville, Ky., Sep. 1,1861, to Nov. 17, 1865. BVT. LIEUT.-COL" AND BVT. COLONEL, ~hR. 13, 1865, FOR FAITHFUL AND ~IERITORIOUS SERVICES DURING THE REBELLION. RESIGNED, Nov. 17, 1865. Civil History.-Merchant, New Orleans, since 1865.

1591, ,(Born Ga.) ...... JOHN S. BOWEN ..... , .....(Ap'd Ga.) .. 13 Military History.-Cudet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1848, to July 1, 1853, when he was graduated anel promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT., MOUN'fED RIFLElrEN, JULY 1, 1853. U. S. MILITARY ACADEMY. 343


Served: at the Cavalry School for Practice, Carlisle, Pa., 185:3-55; and on (SECOND LIEUT., MOUNTED RIFLEMEN, JULY 20, 1854) frontier duty at Ft. McIntosh, Tex., 1855. RESIGNED, }IAY 1, 1856.

Civil History.-Lieut.-Colonel Georgia Militia, 1856,- and Captain 1fis­ soUl'i Militia, 1859-Gl. Architect, Savannah, Ga., 1856,-and at SL. Louis, Mo., 1857-61. Joined in the Rebellion of 1861-66 against the United States, and while a Prisoner of War (paroled at the Capitulation of Vicksburg, Mis.), DIED, JULY 16, 1863, AT RAYMOND, MIS.: AGED 34.

1592.. (Born Md.) ...••••.. GEORGE BELL ...... (Ap'd Md.) ..14

Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1848, to July 1, 1853, when he was graduated :md promoted in the Army to ~ BVT. SECOND LIEUT. OF ARTILLERY, JULY 1, 1853. Served: in garrison at Ft. Hamilton, N. Y., 1853- 54; on frontier duty at Ft. (SECOND LIEUT., 1ST AUTILLEUY, OCT. 31, 1853) McIntosh, Tex., and Scouting, 1854-56; in Florida Hostilities against the (FIRST LIEUT., 1ST AUTII,LERY, JUNE 30, 1855, TO MAY 14, 1861) Seminole Indians, 1856; on front.ier dutY'1t Ft. Brown, Tex. , 1856 57, - - S.\n Antonio, Tex., 1857- 58, being ou Commissary duty and in cha,rge of Ordnance Depot, Apr.-June, 1858; in ganisou n·t Ft. McHenry, Md., 1858-59; on }Inrch to Ft. Clark, Tex., 1859; :md on Coast Survey, Nov. 15, 1859, to Api'. 24, 1861. Served during the Rebellion of the Secediug States, 1861-66: as Bem'er of Despatches from the Geueml-in-Chief to the commanding officer at Indianola, Tex., Mar. 23-Apr. 23, 18G1; wiLh Battery in Defense of Washington, D. C., Apr. 24- 27, 1861; as Depot Commissary and Quartermaster at Anuapolis Junction, Md., Apr. 27 to June 28, 1861; as Assist.ant in the organization of the Subsisteuce Department for, and sening in the Manasslls Cllmpaign of July, 1861; in charge of Alexandria Subsistence Depot, VIl., and of the instruction (CAPT. STAFF-CO~L OF SUDSISTENCE, AUG. 3, 1861) of Volunteer COlllmissaries, Ang. 1, 1861, to ~iar. 25, 1862; as Principal Asst. Commissllry to t.he Army of the Potomac in the Virginia Peninsular Camp,\ign, l\Illl'. 25 to Aug. 28, 1862; in charge of Alexandria Subsisteuce Depot, VII., fiud (LLEU'l'.-COLO~EL-COM. OF SUDSIS'!'ENCE, U. S. VOLUNTEERS, AUG. 28, 1862, TO AUG. 15, 1865) of the instruction of VollluLeer Commissaries, Aug. 28, 1862, to June 15, 1863; as Chief of Commissariat of the Department of the Susqueh....nna, headquar­ ters, Harrisburg, Pa., June 15 to Aug. 5,1863; in chflrge of Alexflndril\ Subsist.­ ence Depot, Va., und of the instruct.ion of Volunteel' Commissaries, Aug. 5 to Noy. 5, 1863,-n.ud of Washington Subsistence Depot, D. C., Nov. 5, 1863, to (Bn. MAJOR, BVT. LIEUT.-Cor•. , AND BYT, COLO:olEL, NIAll. 13,1865, FOR FAITHFUL AND 3iIERITORIOUS SERYICES DURING THE REDELLION) (MAJOR STAFF-COM. OF SUDSISTE:oICE, App_ 25, 1865) Oct. 26, 1865; as Chief of Commissarh1t., Department of IVn.shiugtou, Oct. 2(;, 1865, to ,-and of the Department of the Potomac, Dec. 0, 18Gr;, to 344 GRADUATES OF THE


1593.. (Bom Ky.) ...... JAMES D. BURNS...... (Ap' dIll.) . . 15 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1849, to July 1, 1853, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT. OF ARULLERY, JULY 1, 1853. Served in garrison at Newport Barracks, Ky., 1853-54,-and at Baton (SECOND LIEUT., 2D ARTILLERY, Nov. 1, 1853) Rouge, La., 1854. DIED, OCT. 2, 1854, AT BATON ROUGE, LA.: AGED 24.

1594.. (Born Va.) . . .. .WILLIAM R. TERRILL ...... (Ap'd Va.) ..16 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from .July 1, 1849, to July 1, 1853, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to 13VT. SECOND LIEUT. OF ARTILLERY, JULY 1, 1853. SECOND LIEUT., 4TH ARTILLERY, Nov. 4, 1853. Served: on Recruiting ~ervice, 1853.·54; in garrison at Ft. Hamilton, N. Y., 1854-55; in conducting rec1'Uits to Texas, 1855; in garrison at Ft. Hamilton, N. Y, 1855; at tbe Military Academy, as Asst. Professor of Mathem(l,tics, Sep. 4, 1855, to July 1, 1856; on frontier duty at Ft. l'IIackin(l,C, Mich., 1856; (FIRST LIEUT., 4TH ARTILLERY, M.w. 31, 1856) • in Florida Hostilities against tbe Seminole Indians, 1856- 57; on frontier duty at Ft. Le,wenwortb, quelling Kansas Disturbances, 1837; and on Coast Sur­ vey, Mar. 17, 1858, to ~hy, 1861. Served during tbe Rebellion of tbe Seceding States, 1861-62: in tempo mry comm(l,nd of tbe 24Lh Pennsylvania VolunLeers, at Washington Arsenal, (CAPTAIN, 5TH ARTILLERY, MAY 14, 1861) D. C., May, 1861; as Acting Inspector-General of the Department of Washing­ ton, June, 1861; in recruiting and organizing his Battery, JUly- Nov., 1861 ; ns Commandant of Artillory at tbe Camp of Instruction. nenr Louisville, Ky., Nov. 21 to Dec. 21, 1861; llS Cbief of Artillery of 2d Division (Army of the Ohio), in l'IIlljor-Genernl Buell's Campaign in Kentucky, Tennesseeeand Mis­ sissippi, Jan.-June, 1862, being engaged (commanding a Battery) in the Ba.t­ tle of Shiloh. Apr. 6-7, "-- and in the Adv,~nce upon and Siege of Corinth, Apr. 10 to MIlY 30, 1862; in Major-Geneml Nelson's Kentucky Operations, Sep.-Oct., 1862, being engaged in the Defense of Louisville, Sep. 1862,-and (BRIG.-GENERAL, U. S. VOLUNTEERS, SEP. 9, 1862) Battle of Perryville, where, while urging forward his brigade against the enemy, he was KILLED. OCT. 8, 1862: AGED 29.

1595.. (Bom Pa.) ...... LOUIS H. PELOUZE ...... (Ap'd Pa.),,17 Military History.-CaJ et at the U. S. Militm'y Academy from July 1, 1849, to July 1, 1853, wben he was graduated and promoted in tho Army to Bn·. SECOND LlEUl'. OF ARTILLERY, Jm.y 1, 1853. Served: in g'lrrison at Ft. Nittgam, N. Y., 1853-51; on frontier duty at Ft. (SECOND LIEUT. , 4TH ARTILLERY, Nov. 11, 18(3)

$: ce TERRILLtS Dattory," say!"; the official desP:llCh," was a hos t in itself Ita Ore was territlc. It was h,mdled superbly. Wherever C"pt~jll TERIULL turlled his guDS, silence prevailed on Ihe pl.rt of tho enemy." U. S. MILITARY ACADEMY. 345


Brown, Tex., 1854-56; in Florida Hostilities against the Seminole Indians, 1856-57; on frontier duty at Ft. L elwenworth, in quelling Kansas Disturb­ (FIRST LmuT., 4TH ARTILLERY, MAY 1, 1856) ances, 1857- 58, - Adjutant. 4th Artillery, Dec. 14, 1857, to Apr. 24, 1861, and Acting Asst. Adjutant-Geneml of the 2d Column of Utah F orces, May- .July, 1858, and of the District and Department of the Platte, July 18, 1858, to June 10, 1859,-·Ft. Laramie, Dale, 1858-59,- and Ft. Randall, Dak., 1859-61. Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861-66: as Acting (CAPTAIN, 15TH INFA.l'lTllY, MAY 14, 1861) Asst. Adjutant-General on the Staff of Major-General Dix, July- Sep., 1861,- ­ and of the Port Royal Expeditiolllwy Corps, Sep., 1861, to ~'Iar., 1862; IlS Act­ ing Inspector-Geneml of the Department of the South, Apr., 1862, being engaged in the Capture of Ft. Pula~ki, Ga., Apr. 11, 1862 ; as Acting Asst. Ad­ jutant-Geneml of Geneml Shields' Division, ~by-June, 1862, and of 2d Corps, (MAJOR STAFF-ADDITIONAL AIDE-DE-CAMP, JULY 3, 1862) Army of Virginia, July-Aug., 1862, in the Shenandoah Campaign, being engaged in a Skirmish near Port Republic, June 9, 1862, -and Battle of Cedar ~'Iountain, Aug. 9, 1862, where he was severely wounded; on sick leltve of absence, disabled (LmuT.-CoL. STAn'-AssT. ADJUTANT-GEN., U. S. VOLUNTEERS, AUG. 20, 1862, TO AUG. 1, 1865) by wound, Aug. -Oct., 1862; on Speciltl duty in the Defenses of Washington, D. C., Oct., 1862,-Jltn., 1863; as Asst. Adjutant-General of the Department of Vir­ ginia, F eb. 20 to July, 1863,-and of the Department of Virginia Itnd North Carolina, July-Aug., 1863; on Special duty in the Adjutant-General's Office (MuoR STAFF-ASST. ADJU'!'AN'r-GENERAL, U. S. ARMY, MAR. 24, 1864) at Washington, D. C., Aug., 1863, to May, 1864, - and in the Wltr Department since ~I!ty, 1864. BVT. LmuT.-CoL., SEP. 24. 1864, FOR GALLANT AND MERITORIOUS SERVICES AT THE BArrLE OF CEDAR MOUNTAIN, VA. Bn. COLONEL, ~IAR. 13, 1865, FOR DILIGENT, F Al'rHFUL, AND MERITORIOUS SERVIOES IN THE ADJUTANT·GE~ERAL'S DEPARTMEN'.r DURING THE REBELLION. En. BRIG.-GENERAL, U. S. AR~IY, :NIAll. 13, 1865, FOI~ MOST VALUABLE AND MERITORIOUS SERVICES, BOTH IN THE FIELD AND IN THE ADJUTAN1'-GEl'o"ER.-\.L'S DEPARTMENT, . DURING THE REBELLION.

1596..(Born GOo.) ...... OWEN F. SOLOMON ...... (Ap'd Ga.) .. lB Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1849, to July 1, 1853, when he was grac1uated anc1 promoted in the Army to BV'.r. SECOND LIEUT. OF ARTILLERY, .JULY 1, 1853. Served: in gan-ison at Ft. :Moultrie, S. C. , 1853,- and Ft. Myers, Fla., 18,~3 -5 4; on frontier duty Itt Ft. Brady, Mich., 1854 ~5,-!IJ1d Ft. Brown, Tex., (SECOND LmUT., 4TH ARTILLERY, Nov. 25, 1853) 1856; in garrison at Jefferson Barracks, :Nlo., 1856- 57; in Florida Hostilities against the Seminole Indians, 1S.~7 -58; and on frontier c1uty at Ft. Leaven­ (FrnST LIEUT., 4TH ARTILLERY, OCT. 31, 1856) worth, as Acting Asst. Adjutant-Geneml, Feb. 6 to ~Iay 18, 1858, in quelling Kansas Disturbances,-ancl Ft. Laramie, Dak., 1858-59. DLED, SJi:P. 27, 1859, liT FT. LARAMIE, DAR.: AGED 30. 346 GRADUATES OF THE

NU:\lDER. 1853. CLASS RANI..

1597.. (Born N. Y.).LA RHETT L. LIVINGSTON ... (Ap'cl N. Y.) .. 19 Military History.- Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1849, to July 1, 1853, when he was graduated and promoted in the Ar!ny to BVT. SECOND LIEUT. m' AR"l'ILLERY, JULY 1, 1853. Served: in garrison at Ft. Capron, FIa., 1853- 54; on frontier duty on n-Iarch (SECOND LIEUT., 3D ARTILLERY, DEC. 24, 1853) through Utah to California" 1854- 55,-Ft. Miller, Cal., 1855- 56,-Indian Hos­ (FIRST LIEUT., 3D ARTILLERY, J ...N. 3, 1856) tilities, in Tulare Valley, Cal., 1856, - Ft. Miller, C'll., 1856- 58,-Ft. Leaven­ worth, Ran., 1858, - March to Ft. Ridgely, Miu., 1858- 59,- }L1rch to Sioux Agency, 1859, - -and Ft. Ridgely, Min., 1859; on leave of absencc, 1859-60 ; in Gonducting recruits to Oregon, via Upper Missouri River and Columbi.l, 1860; on frontier duty at Ft. Vancouver, Wash., 1860- 61; and in garrison at San Francisco harbor, C.ll., 186l. Served duxing the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861-66: in the De­ (CAPTAIN, 3D ARTILLEItY, OCT. 26, 1861) fenses of Washington, D. C., Nov. 17, 1861, to Mar. 10, 1862; in the Virginia Peninsular Campaign (Army of the Potomac), in command of Battery, MaT.­ Aug., 1862, being engaged in tile Siege of Yorktown, Apr. 5 -~Iay 4, 1862,­ and Battle of Malvern Hill, July 1, 186'2.; on sick leave of absence, Aug. 25 to (BVT. MAJOR, JULY 1, 1862, FOR GALL.~::ST AND MERITORIOU!l SEUVICES AT THE n.tTTLE OF MALVEUN HILL, VA .) Oct. 24, 1862: on the March to Falmouth, Va., as Chief of Artillery, General Stonenllll1'S Division, Oct. 31 to Nov. 24, 1862; in the Rappahannock Cam­ paign, as Chief of Artillery of 3d Army Corps (Army of the Potomac), Nov. '2.7 to Dec. 30, 1862, being eng~~ed in the Bombardment and Battle of Fredrwks­ burg, Dec. 11-15, 1862; as l'dusteriug and Disbursing Officer at Elmira, N. Y, Jan. 29. 1868, to ,June 16, 1864; in comm:md of Horse Artillery Brigu(lc, find Chief of Artillery of Cavalry Corps, during Gen. Sheridan's ShenftnuOlLh Cam­ paign, July, 1864, to Mar., 1865, being engaged in the Action of Kearnysvillo, Aug. 26,1864; on Recruiting service at Ft. Columbus, N. Y., Ua.r.-Oct., 1865; (BYT. LIEUT.-COL., AUG. 28, 1864, FOR GALL,tNT AND MERITORIOUS SERVICBS AT THE BATTLE OF SMITHFIELD, VA.) in ganison at Ft. Warren, Mas. , Nov., 1865, to

1598.. (Born N. Y.) .. RICHARD C. DURYEA ...... (Ap'd N. Y.) .. 20 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Militn.ry Academy from Jnly 1, 184\), to July 1, 1853, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to Bn'. SECOND LIEUT. OF ARTILLERY, JULY 1, 1853. Served: in garrison at Ft. Independence, Mas., 1853- 54,-Ft. Moultrie, (SECOND LIEUT., 1ST ARTILLERY, DEC. 24, 1853) S. C., 1854-55, 1855- 56, - and RAy West, Fla., 1856; in Florida Hostilities against the Seminole Indians, 1856- 58; in garrison at Key West, Fla., 1858, (FmsT LIEUT., 1ST ARTILLERY, DEC. 6, 1855) -and Ft. Adams, R. I., 1858-59; and on fronLier datyat Ft. Leiwenworth, Ran., 1859, 185\)-60, 1860; in garris')n at Baton Rouge, La., 1860- 61,-Ft. McHenry, Md., 1861, - and Washington, D. C., 186l. Servcd during the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861--U6: in Defense of (CAPTilX, 1ST Anl"n.LERY, MAY 14, 1861) Fort Pickens, Fla., Apr. 19, 18G1, to May 11, 18G2,-and of Pensacola, n'lay 13 U. S. ItULITARY ACADEItfY. 347


to Aug. 31, 1862, being engaged in the Repulse of the Rebel Attack on Santa Rosa Islrmd, Fla., Oct. 9, 1861,-and the Bombfll'dments of Ft. Pickens, Nov. 22-23, 1861, and Jan. 1 and May S, 1862; in the Department of the Gulf, at New Orleans, La., Sep. 2. 1862, to Feb. 5, 1863,-and at Plaquemine City, L a., F eb. 6- 28, 1863 ; as Chief of Artillery of 3d Division, 19th Army Corps, in the Teche Campaign, Mar.- July, 1863, being engaged in the Combat of Camp Bisland, La., April 12-13, 186:3,- ActioIl at Centreville, Ln., April 14, 1863 ,-and Biege of Port Hudson, May 27-July 8, 1863; on leave (13VT. MAJOR, JULY 8, 1863, FOR GALLANT AND MEIUTORIOUS SERVICES AT THE CAPTURE OF PORT HUDSON, LA .) of absence July 26 to Aug. 24, 1863; as Superintendent of Volunteer Recruit­ ing Service for the State of Michigan, and Mustering and Disbursing Officer, at Detroit, Mich., Aug. 24 to Nov., 1864; in the Siege of Petersburg, Va., (COLONEL. 7TH NEW YOUK HEAVY AnTILLEllY, DEC. 26, 18(4) Jan. 12 to Mill'. 15, 1865; in command of Ohio Provisional Brigade in the Shenandoah Vi.llley, 1vIo.r.-July, 1865; in garrison in the Defenses of Washing­ (BVT. LmuT.-CoL., ~Un. 13, 1865, FOR GALLANT AND MEUlTORIOUS SERVICES DURL.'1G THE REBELLION) ton, D. C ., July- Oct., 1865,- Ft. 'frumbull, Ct., Oct., 1865- 0ct., 1866; on (MUSTERED OUT OF VOLUNTEER SERVICE, JULY 3, 18(5) leave of absence, Oct. 11 to Nov. 10, 1866; in ga.rrison at Ft.. Trumbull, Ct., Nov., 1866, to

1.599 . . (Born Mus.) ....,JOHN G. CHANDLER...... (Ap'd Uns.) .. 21. Military History.-C'lde.t at the U; S. Military Academy from Sep. 1, 1848, to July 1, 1853, when he was gmduated and promoted in the Army to I3VT. SECOND LmUT. OF' AIWILLERY, JULY 1, 1853. SECO:>lD LIEUT., 3D ARTILLERY, DEC. 24, 1853. Served: on voyage to Californi'l, 1853; in garri~on at Ft. '.vood, N. Y., 1854; and on frontier duty on Ml1l'ch through Utah to California, 18i:i4 -- 55, - I3enicia, (FruST LmU'J:., 3D AllTILLERY, MAY 31, 1856, TO Nov. 1, 1861) Oal., 1855,- Ft. Orford, 01'., 1855- 56,- Hogue River Expedition, 1856, being engaged in several Skirmishes against Oregon Indians,- Ft. Yuma, Cal., 1856-57, ·-San Diego, CaJ., 1857,- Ft. L eavenworth, quelling Kansas Dis­ turbances, 1857, - Adjutl1nt, 3d Artillery, Dec. 27, 1857, to May 17, 1861,­ Benicia, Cal., 1858-59,-and San Franeisco, Cal., 1859-61. Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861-66: as Chief Quar­ (CAY!:. STAl''F-AssT. QUARTEmIASTER, MAY 17, 18(1) termaster of the Department of West Virginia, .July 2:3, 1861, to Feb. 1, 1862, being engaged in f.he Action of Caruifex FelTY, Sop. 10, 1861, - of the 4th Division, Army of the Ohio, Feb. 14 to Apr. 9, 1862, being engaged in the Battle of Shiloh, Apr. 7, 1862,- of the Pitt..~b urg Landing Depot, 'fen., Apr. 10 to July, 1862,- undof Lhe Army of the Ohio, July- Nov., Ulfj2, being present at the Battle of POl'l-yville, Oct. 8, 1862; as Chief Qmll'termaster of t.he Nine­ teenth Army Corps (Department of the Gulf), with the mnk of Lieu!.. -Colonel, Nov. 17, 18(;2, to Aug. 1, 1865, being present at the Siege of Port Hudson, May 25-July 8, 1863,-Experiition to Sabine Pass, Sep., 1863, - at Opelousas, La., Nov., 186a, to }Iar., 1864, - Red River Expedition, Apr.-May, 1864, pM­ ticipating in the Action of Mansfield, Apr. 8, 1864, flDd Battle of Pleasant Hill, Apr. 9, 1864,-und the Operations of 13th Army Corps in Texas, (BVT. ~WOR, BVT. LmUT.-COL., AND BVT. COLONEL, MAR. 13, 1865, FOll FAlTRFUL AIID MERITORIOUS SEllVICES DURING THE REBELLION) 348 GRADUATES OF THE

NUlIIDEn. 1853. CLASS RANK . . June-July, 1865; as Depot Quartermaster at New Orleans, La., Aug. 1 to Oct. 18, 1865; 011 leave of absence, Oct. 18 to Dec. 13. 1865; as Depot Quarter­ master at New Orleans, La., Dec. 13, 1865, to Apr. 16, 1866; orders nnd on lenve of absence, Apr. 16 to Aug. 8, 1866; as Chief Quartermaster of the Depn.rtment of Dakota, Sep. 18, 1866, to Feb. 21, 1867. MAJOR STAFF-QUARTER~IAS 'rER, .JAN. 18, 1867.

1600.. (Born N. Y.) .....ROBERT O. TYLER...... (Ap'd Ct.) .. 22 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Militnry Academy from July 1, 1849, to July 1, 1853, when he was gmduuted and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT. OF AnTlLLERY, JULY 1, 1853. Served: in gn.rrison at Barmncas, Flu., 1853- 54,-and Ft. 'Wood, N. Y., (SECOND LIEUT., 3D ARTILLERY, DEC. 24, 1853) 1854; on frontier duty on i\'larch through Utah to California, 1854- 55; in gnr­ rison nt San Francisco, Cnl., 1855- 56; on frontier duty nt Fts. Vancouver and (FmsT LmUT., 3D ARTILLERY, SEP. 1, 1856, TO Nov. 1, 18(1) Dalles, and on Yakimn Expedition, 1856,- nnd in gnrrison at Snn Francisco, Cnl., 1857; on frontier duty at Ft. Yuma, Cal., 1857- 58; on Spokane Expedi­ tion, Wash., 1858, beillq engnged in the Combat of the FoUl' Lakes, Sep. 1, 1858,- Combnt on Spoknne Plnins. Sep. 5, 1858,-and Skil'mish on Spokane River, Sep. 8, 1858; on fI'ontier duty at Ft. Ridgely, Min., 1859,- March to Sioux Agency, 1859, - nnd Ft. Ridgely, Min., 1859- 60; on lenve of absence, 1860-61; and in gnrrison at FL Columbus Recruiting Depot, N. Y., 1861. Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding StateR, 1861-66: on Expedi­ tion to relieve Ft. Sumler, S. C., Apr., 1861; in reopening communications with Washington, D. C., through Rlltimore, Md., May, 1861; as Depot Quarter­ (CAPT. STAFF- ASST. QUARTER~IASTER, MAY 17, 18(1) mnster, at Alexandria,Va., for the Army of the Potomac, May 23 to Sep. 21, 1861; in the Defenses of Washington, D. C., Oct., 1861, to Apr. 4, 1862; in the Vir­ (COLONEL, 4TR CONNECTICUT VOLUNTEERS: 1s'1' HEAVY ARTILLERY, AUG. 29, 18(1) ginia Peninsular Campaign (Army of the Potomac), Apr.-Aug., 1862, being en· gaged in the Siege ofYorktown, Apr. ll-May .<1, 1862, in clmrge of Siege Batteries, -Ca.pture of Hanover C. H., May 27, 1862,-Battle of Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862,- and Battle of Malvern Hill, July 1, 1862; in the Rappahannock Campaign (BllIG.-GENERAI" U. S. VOLUNTEERS, Nov. 29, 18(2) (Army of the Potomac). being engaged in the Battle and Bombardment of Fredericksburg, Dec. 13- 15,1862, in command of the Artillery of Centre Grand 'Division,- and Bllttle of Chancellorsville, May 2-4, 1863; in command of Ar­ (BVT. MAJOR, DEC. 13, 1862, FOR G,\LLANT AND ~iEllITOIlIOUS SE1WICES AT THE BATTLE OF FREDEllICKSBUltG, VA. ) tillery Reserve of the Army of the Potomac, May 2, 1863, to Jan. 1, 1864; in the Pennsylvania Cltmpaign (Army of the Potomltc), June 14 to Scpo 15, 1863, being engaged in the Battle of Gettysburg, July 1- iJ, 1863,-and Pursuit of (BVT. LrnUT.-CoL., JULY 2, 1863, FOR GALLANT AND MEllITomous SERVICES AT THE BATTLE OF GETTYSBURG, P A. ) the enemy to Culpepper, Va., July 4 to Sep. 15, 1863; in the Rapidan Cam­ paign (Army of the Potom!lc), Oct. - Dec., ]863, being engaged in the Combat of Rappahannock Station, Nov. 7, 1863, - anc1 Mine Run Operati.ons, Noy. 26­ Dec. 3, 1863; in command of Division of 22d Army Corps, covering Washing­ ton, D. C., and the commnnications of the Army of the Potomac, Jan. 1 to l\Ility, 1864; in command of Division of Heavy Artillery, attached to 2d Army U. S. MILITARY ACADEMY. 349


Corps, May, 1864; ill the Richrn:ond Campaign (Army of the P otomac), May­ June, 1864, being engaged ill the Battles about Spottsylvanio., May 17- 20, 1864,- Battles of North Anna, May 23-24, 1864, - Battle of Tolopotomy, May (BVT. COLONEL, MAY 17,1864, FOR GALLANT AND MEHITORIOUS SERVICES AT THE BATTLE OF SPOTTSYLVANIA, VA.) 30, 1864, - and Battle of Cold Harbor, June 1, where he was severely wounded; on sick leave of absence, disabled by wound, June-Dcc., 1864; as (BVT. MAJOR-GENERAL, U. S. VOLUNTEERS, AUG. I, 1864, FOR GHEAT GAL­ LANTRY A1' THE BATTLE OF COLD lL~RBOR, VA.) Commissioner on the part of the United States for disbursement of Cotton Fund for the snpply of Rebel Prisoners, Dec., 1864, to Aug. , 1865; in command (BVT. BHIG.-GENER.~L, U. S. AmIY, MAR. 13, 1865, FOR GALLANT AND MERI­ TORIOUS SERVICES AT THE B.U~LE OF COLD lliHBOIl, VA.) (BVT. MAJOR-GENERAL, U. S. ARMY, lI'L\.R. 13, 1865, FOR G,~LLANT AND MERI­ TORIOUS SERVICES IN TIIE Fml,D DURING THE REBELLION) of the District of Delaware, and Eastern Shore, Scp.-Dec., 1865,- and of Penll­ sylvan;'" Delaware, and Eastern Shore, Dec., 1865- Jan., 1860; flwaiting orders, (MUSTERED OUT OF VOLUNTEER SEHVICE, JAN. 15, 1866) JIill. 15 to July 10, 1866; and l\ 8 Chief Quartermaster, Department of the South, Aug. 17, 1866, to (LIEUT.-COL.-DEP. Qu,\.RTERl\L\.STEH-GENERAL, JULY 29, 1866)

1601.. (Bom N. Y.) .. WALWORTH JENKINS . . . (Ap'datLflrge) . . 23 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. ]\,lilitary Academy from July I, 1849, to July 1, 1853, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT. OF ARTILLERY, JULY 1, 1853. Served: in garrison at Ft. Monroe, Va., 1853-54,-and Ft. McHenry, Md., (SECOND LIEUT., 1ST ARTILLERY, DEC. 24, 1853) 1854; on frontier duty conducting Recruits to Texas, 1854,-and at Ft. Dun­ can, Tex., 1854-56; III garrison at Ft. Moultrie, S. C., 1856-57, 1857- 58,-Ft. (FmST LmUT., 1ST ARTILLERY, FEB. 16,1856, TO 1.UY 14, 1861) Monroe, Va. (Artillery School for Practice), 1858-59; at the rt{ilitary Academy, 1859-61, as Asst. Professor of French, Aug. 29, 1859, to May 11, 1861,--anel as Principal Asst. Professor of French, May 11 to July 2, 1861. Sel'ved eluring the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861- 65: in the Dc­ (CAPTAIN STAFF-ASST. QUARTERMASTER, AUG. 3, 18(1) fenses of Washingtou anel the Manassas Campaign, July 4 to Sep. 21 , 1861, being engaged a~ Acting Asst. Adjutant-General to General Franklin, July 4 to Sep. 9, 1861,-in the Battle of Bull Run, July 21, 1861,--and as Asst. Qnar­ termaster, Army of the Potomac, Sep. 9- 21, 1861; as Chief QUlwterm"ster of the Department of the Cumberland, Sep. 24 to Oct 10, 18(il, - flnd Depot Quartermaster at Louisville, Ky. , Oct. 10, 1861, to July 8, 1862; ilS Chief of Artillery of the Defenses of Louisville, Ky., July 14-Sep., HlU2, as Actin~ Inspector-General of the Army of Kentucky, anel Chief of Stafr of General Nelson's' Division, Sep., 1862; as Chief Quartermaster of t,he District of West­ ern Kentucky, Oct. I, 1862, to Nov. 20, 1863 ; awaiting orders, Nov. 20, 186:3, to Aug. 23, 1865; and as Quartermaster o.t Ft. Kearny, Neb., Aug. 23 to Oct. 7, 1865. RESIGNED, OCT. 7, 1865. Civil History.-Author of •• Q. M. D., or Book of Reference for Quarter­ masters," 1864. COl~1 Dealer, at Louisville, Ky., since 1865. 350 GRADUATES OF THE


1602.. (Born Pa.) ....N. BOWMAN SWEITZER...... (Ap'd Pa.) .. 24 Military History-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July I, 1849, to July 1, 1853, when he was graduated and pI'omoted in the Army to 13vT. SECOND LIEUT. OF DRAGOONS, JULY I, 1853. Served: [1t the Cavalry School fO!' Practice, Carlisle, Pa., 1854; on frontier (SECOND LmUT., 1ST DRAGOONS, JULY 25, 1854) duty at :Ft. Union, N. M., 1854,-Ft. Ll1lle, Or., 1854,-Scout,ing in Southern Oregon, 1855, -·1~ogue Rivel' Expedition, 1856, being engaged in several Skir­ (SECOND LIEUT., 2D CAVALRY, lIL.n. 3, 1855: DECLINED) (FIRST LIEUT., 1ST DRAGOONS, SEP. 4, Hl55) mishes,-and Ft. Walla W[1l1a, Wash., 1856-57; on Recruiting service at New Orleans Depot, La., 1858; on frontier duty at Ft. W,tlh\ Walla, Wash., 1858- 59, -Escorting Wagon Road Expedition from Ft. Dalles, Wash., to SaIt. Lake City, Utfl.h, 1859,- and Ft. Walla Walla, Wash., 1859-60; and on R eel'uiting service, 1860-61. Served dUl~ng the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861-66: as Aide-de­ (CAP'l'AIN, 1ST DRAGOONS, lIL.y 7, 1861: 1ST CAVALIlY, AUG. 3, 1861) Camp to Major-Geneml McClellan, July, 1861, to lVInr. 31, 1863, during hiq (LIEUT.-COL. STAFF-ADDITIONAL AmE-DE-OAJVP, SEP. 28, 1861, TO lVL.n. 31, 1863) Western Virginia Campaign, and while commanding the Army of the Potomac, and as General-in-Chief at Washington, D. C., being present in the variolls movements and engagements of the Vit'ginia Peninsular and Maryland Uam­ (BVT. MAJOR, JULY 4, 186~, FOR GAJ~LAN'l' AND MERITORIOUS SEIIVICES DURING THE PENINSULAR CA:llPAIGN IN VIRGINIA) paigns; in Reorganizing the dismounted cavalry of the Army of the Potomac, at Washington, D. C., May-Aug., 1863; in comllllmd of 1st Cav.ury (Army of the Potomac), in Operations in Oentral Virginin, Aug. ,1863, to May, 1864, being engngod in various Skirmishes, Reconnoissances, Raids, and on Picket duty; in the Richmond Campaign (Army of the Potomac), May-Aug., 1864, being en­ gaged in the Combat of Todd's Tavern, May 7, 1864,- Capture of Spottsylvania, O. H., Ml1Y 8, 1864,- " Sheridan's Raid" to Haxall's Landing, and returning to New Castle, Mac)' 9-29, 1864, participating in the e ngagement.~ at Yellow Ta.vern, May 11, ~Ieadow Bridge, MOlY 12, Mechanicsville, May 12, and Hawes' Shop, May :.l8, 1864,-Actions of Oold Harbor, June 2-4, 1864,- and "Sher­ idan's Raid" towards Gordonsville, June 7- 28, 1864, participating in the Battle of Trevillian Station, June 11-12, 1864, .md several Skirmishes; in the Shenandoah C.=paign, Aug., 1864, being engaged in Skirmishes and Actions at Newtown, Ang. 11, Cedarville, Aug. lG, Kearnyville, Ang. 26, Smith­ field, Aug. 28, and crossing the Opequlln, Aug. 29- 30, 186


l.603 .. (Born Fla.) ...... JAMES L. WHITE ...... CAp·d Fla.) . . 25 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military ACfldemy from July 1, 184.9, to July 1, 1853, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT. OF ARTILLERY, JULY 1. 1853. Served: in Florida Hostilities against the Seminole Indians, 1853- 54; on frontier duty, at Ft. Snelling, !Jfin., 1854-55.- Ft. Steilacoom, Wash., 1856, (SECOND LIEUT., 3D AllTILLEHY, DEC. 24, 18(3) -Expedition againstPuget Sound Indians, WaHh., 1856, ---San Francisco, Cal., 1856-57,-Ft. Yuma, Ual., 1857,- Recvnnoissance on Colorado River, 1857-58, (FmsT LmUT., 3D ARTILLERY, Nov. 11, 1856) -Ft. Yuma, Cal., 1858.-and San Bernardino, Cal., 1858; on Spokane Expe­ dition, Wl1sh., 1858, being engaged in the Combat of the Four Lakes, Sep. 1, 1858,-Combat on Spokane Plains, Sep. 5, 1858.- aud Skirmish on Spokane Hiver, Sep. 8. 1858; on frontier duty at Ft. Vancouver, Wash., 18;;8- 59. - 01nd commanding escort to Sup'3rintendent of Wagon Road t<> Ft. Benton, Dnk., 1859-60; and on leave of absence. 1860-6l. RESIGNED, iYIAIl. 3, 1861. Joined in the Rebellion of 1861- 66 against the United States.

l.604.. (Born S. C.) ...BENJAMIN ALLSTON·...... (Ap·d S. C.) .. 26 Military History.- C,.rlet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1849, to July 1, 1853, when he was graduated and promoted in the lu:my to B,"l'. SECOND LIEUT. o~· DnAGOONS. JULY 1. 1853. Served on frontier duty in Operations against the Indians in Washington Territory, 1854-55,- I·'t. Lane, Or.• 1855--£6,-Ft. Tejon, Cal., 1856,-lUld Be­ (SECOND LmuT., 1ST DRAG<>ONS, OCT. 22. 1854) (FmsT LIEuT., 1ST DRAGOONR, SEP. 8 1855) nici,\, C[\l., 1857. RESIGNED, JUNE 20, 1857. Civil History.-Aide-de-Camp, with the rank of Lieut.-Colonel. to Gover­ nor Alli:ton of South Clll'olina, 1857- 58. Rice Planter Oll 111e .Pedee River. S. C., 1857-61. . Joined in the Rebellion of 1861-66 against the United States.

l.60S.(Born N. Y.).BENJAMIN F. CHAMBERLAIN . . (Ap'd N. Y.).27 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, ]849, to .July 1, 1853, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to DVT. SECOND LmUT. OF INFANTRY, JULY 1, 1853. Served: in gn.I.Tisoll at Newport Barmeks, Ky., 1853; and on leave of ab­ sence, 1853-54. RESIGNED, JA.:'1. 30, 1854. Civil History.- }

* ~on of GovernorR F. W. ALlsrox, South Carolina. 352 GRADUATES OF THE


Virginia; in the Defenses of Washington, D. C., and about Centreville, Va., covering the approaches to the Capital, June, 1862-June, 1863; and in the Pennsylvania Clunpaign, June- Oct., 1863. HONORABLY DrSCHARGED (SICK), OCT. 26, 1863. Civil History.-Unknown.

1606.. (Born N. Y.L ....JOHN H. EDSON...... (Ap'd at Large) .. 28 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1848, to July 1, 18G3, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT. , MOUNTED RIFLEMEN, JULY 1, 1853. Served: at the Cavalry School for Practice, Carlisle, Pa., 1853 -55; on frontier (SECOND LIEUT., MOUNTED RIFLEMEN, AUG. 16, 1854) duty at Ft. Davis, Tex., 1855, - Scouting, lS55,~ Ft. McIntosh; Tex., 1855,­ Scouting, 1855-56,- Mm'ch to New Mexico, lS56,- Ft. Union, N. M., 1856, -Bent's Fort, Col., 1856-57,-Hatch's Ranche, N. M., 1857,-Ft. llillmore, N. M., 1857,-and March to Ft. Bliss, Tex., 1857, being engaged against Co)'o­ iero Indians in a ::lkirmish on Gil" River, near ::laddie-back Peak, N. M., June 27, 1857; at the Cavalry School for Practice, Carlisle, Pa., 185S; on frontier duty at Ft. Union, N. M., lS.58- 59, - Ft. Defiance, N. M., 1859,-and In. Union, N. M., 1859- 60; and on leave of absence, 1860. RESIGNED, SEP. 1, 1860. Civil History.-Unlmown. Military History.-Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding States, (MAJOR, 1ST MASSACHUSETTS CAVALRY VOLUNTEERS, Nov. 4, 1861) 1861-62, in assisting in organizing his Regiment, at Readville, Mas. DrscIlARGED, JAN. 7, 1862. Civil History.-Clerk in the Provost-Marshal General's Bmeau, at Wash­ ington, D. C., Apr. 1,1863, to Aug. 10, 1864. Superintendent of Zanesville, 0., Oil and Mining Company, since 1864.

1607. . (Born D. C.) ..... THOMAS WILSON...... (Ap'd at Large) . .29 Military HistorY.-Cadet at the U. S. Militlwy Academy from July 1, 1849, to July 1, 1853, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to Bn. SECOND LIEUT. OF INFANTRY, JULY 1, 1853. Served: Oll frontier duty fit Ft. Ridgely, Min., 1853, - Ft.. Snelling, Min., 1853-54, -und Ft. Ridgely, Min., 1854; in garrison at J eft'ersoll Barracks, (SECOND LIEUT., GTH L'IFA..WRY, OCT. 26, 1854) Mo., 1854; on frontier duly at Ringgold Barracks, Tex., 1854- 56; in Florida Hostilities against the Seminole Indians, lS56-57; and on Coast Survey, May 25, 1857, to Apr. 15, 1861. FrnsT LruuT., 5'rH INFANTRY, APR. 1, 1857, TO SEP. 25, 1861. Served elm'ing the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861- 66 : with Head­ quarters Guard to the General-in-Chief, at Washington, D. C., Apr. - July, 1861; as Acting Asst. Adjutant-General, Defenses of W"shington, D.O., July 15­ (CAPTAL.'1 STAFF-COM. OF SUBSISTENCE, OCT. 25, 1861) U. S. MILITARY ACADEMY. 353

NUl\IllER. 1853. CLASS RANK.

Oct. 25, 1861; as Commissary of Subsistence at Annapolis, Md., in provIding supplies for General Bnrnside's Expedition t.o North Carolina, Oct. 26, 1861, to Ma~' , 1862,- in the Virginia Peninsular Campaign, May- Aug., 1862,- in th" Maryland Campaign, Sep.-Nov., 1862, being present at the Battle of Antietam, Sep. 17, 1862, - 011 the Rappahannock, Nov., 1862-June, 1863,- and in the Defenses of Washingt,on, June-Dec., 1863; as Chief of Commissaril,t of the Army of the Potomac in the Richmond Campaign, Dec. 26, 1863, to June 9, (LmuT.-CoL. STAFF-COM. OF SUIlSISTENCE, U. S. VOLUNTEERS, DEC. 26, 1863, TO AUG. 1, 1865) 1865, being present on thc Staff of the Commanding General of that Army (BV'£. COLONEL, U. S. VOLUN:rEERS, AUG. 1, 1864, FOIt FAITHFUL AND :MERITORIOUS SEItVICE IN THE FmLD) during all its movements and engagements, till the Capitulation at Appomattox C. H" Apr. 9, 1865. BYT. MAJOIt, BVT. LIEUT.-COL., AND ]3VT. COLONEL, U. S. AImy, AND Bv1'. BRIG.-GENERAL, U. S. VOLUN'£EEItS, MAIt. 13, 1865, FOR FAITHFUL AND MEItITORIOUS SEIWICES DURING THE REBELLION,

1608. . (Bol'll Ind.) . . . .. WILLIAM W, LOWE .. ,., .... (Ap'd 10.) . . 30 Military History.-Cadet at the U, S. Military Academy from July 1, 16·19, to July 1, 1853, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BV'£. SECOND LIEUT. OF DR.WOONS, JULY 1, 1853. Served: at the C,m"lry School for Pmctice, Carlisle, Pa., 18G3-54; in garri­ son at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., 1854- 55; on Recruiting service, 1855; in gar­ (SECOND LmUT" 1ST DRAGOONS, OCT, 22, 1854) rison at Jefferson Barracks, :Mo., 1855; on frontier duty at Camp Cooper, (SECOND LmUT. , 2D CWALItY, M,ul. 3, 1855) 'I'ex" 1855- 5(j,-Ft. lnge, Tex., 185G--57,-Ft. Mason, Tex., 1857,-Scouting, (FIRST LmUT., 2D CAVALRY, DEC. 1, 1856) 1857,-Ft. Mason, 'I'ex., 1857-58,- Adjutant, 2d Cavalry. }by 31, 1858, to May 9, 1861,--Hcouting, 1858,-Ft, Belknap, Tex., 1858- 59.--Camp Cooper, Tex., 1859-60, --and Scouting, 1860 ; on leave of absence, 1860-61; on frontier duty at Ft. Mason, Tex., 1861; and in garrison at Ca.rlisle Barracks, Pa., 1861. Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861- 66: in the De­ fenses of Washington, D. C., JI1ay 6, to Dec. 10, 1861, participating in the (C.'PTAIN, 2D CAVALBY, n-IAY 9, 1861: 5TH C"VALIIY AUG. 3, 1861) j\'[anassns Campaign of July, 18(j1, and was engaged in the Battle of Bull Run, July 21, 1861; in Organizing his Regiment, Dec., 1861- Feb" 1862; in the Ten­ (COLmmr" 5TH IOWA VOLUNTEER CAI'ALRY, JAN. 1, 18(2) nesseeCampaign, Feb., 1862. being engaged in the Attack and Capture of Ft. Donelsml. Feb. 13-15, 1862; in command of Fts. Donelson, Henry and Heiman, Feb., 18G2, to Mar., 1863, being engaged in repulsing seveml attacks upon the works; in Cavalry Operations in Middle Tennessee, North Alabama and GeOl'gia, commanding Brigade or Division, Mar. , 1863, to July, 1864, being (BV'£. MAJOR, OC'I'. 9, 1863, FOR GALLANT AND J\IAUGA, GA.) engaged in sevel1l1 Skirmishes; in Remounting the Cavalry of the Army of the (BvT. LmUT.-CoL., DEC. 15,1863, FOR GALLANT AND MEIUTORIQUS SERVICES IN THE CAVALRY ACTION NEA.It HUN'!'>lVTLLE, ALA.) Cumberland at Nashville, Tcnn., July. 1864, to Jan. 2'1, 1865; at Ft. Leaven­ (MUSTERED OUT OF VOLUNTEER SERVICE, JAN. 24, 1865) 23 :-354 GRADUATES OF THE


worth. KlUl., as Acting Asst. Provost-"M:arshnl General, Superintendent of Vol­ unteer Recruiting service, and Chief Mustering and Disbursing Officer for tEn. COLONEL, U. S. ARMY, AND EVT. ERIG.-GENEnAL, U. S. VOLUNTEERS, MAR. 13, 1865, FOR GALLA..'1T AN)) MERITORIOUS SERYlCES DURUW THE REBELLION) (Bn. BRIG.-GENERAL, U. S. ARMY, 1fLrn. 13, 1865, FOR GALLANT AND J\b.R­ ITOIUOUS SERVICES IN THE FIELD DURING THE REBELLION) Kansas, Nebraska, Dakot.'l, and Colorado, Feb. 14, 1865, to July 30. 1866; on leave of absence, July 21, 1866, to !!A.roR, 6TH CAVALRY, JULY 31, 1866.

1609.. (Born Va. '...... JOHN R. CHAMBLISS...... (Ap'd Va.) . . 31 Military History.- Cttdet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 18'19, to July 1, 1853, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to Bn. SECOND LmUT., MOUNTED RIFLEMEN, JULY 1,1853. :Served at the Cavalry School for Practice, Carlisle, Pa., 1853-54. RESIGNED, MAR. 4, 1854. Civil History.- Planter, Hicksford, Va., 1854-61. Major Staff (Aide-de­ Camp to the Governor of Virginia), 185&--61,-Colonel, Virginm Militia, 1858- 61,--and Major Staff (Brigade Inspector), 1859- 6l. Joined in the Rebellion of 1861- 66 against the United States, and was KILLED, AUG. 16, 1864, AT DEEP BOTTO}'!, VA.: AGED 31.

1610.. (Born Pv..) ...... WILLIAM McE. DYE...... (Ap'd 0.) .. 32 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. llIilitary Academy from July 1, 1849, to July 1, 1853, when he was gmdnated and promoted in the Army to Bn. SECOND LIEUT. OF INFANTRY, JULY 1, 1853. Served: in garrison at Ft. Columbus, N. Y., 1853-54; on frontier duty at Benicia, CuI., 1854,- Ft. Reading, Cal., 1854,-escorting Inspector-General, (SECOND LIEUT., 8TH INFANTRY, Nov. 9, 1854) 1854,-Ft. Davis, Tex., 1855, - aud Scouting, 1855; as Adjutant, 8th Infanhy, Oct. 1, 1855, to Oct. 10, 1859, and Quartermaster, OcL 10, 1859, to May 14, (FmsT Ln.'UT., 8TH INFANTRY, FEB. 1, 1856) l861,-at Ft. Davis, Tex., 1855- 57, 1857-60, and S,tn Antonio, Tex., 1860; on leave of absence in Mexico, 1861; and on Recruiting service, 186l. CAPTAIN, 8TH INFANTRY, MAY 14, 1861. Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861- 66: on Recruiting -service and Mustering duty, Aug., 1861, to July, 1862; in command of Camp Kirkwood, 10., Aug., 1861; in Operations in Missouri and ArlwnBas, Sep. 26, (COLONEL, 20TH IOWA VOLUNTEERS, AUG. 25, 1862) 1862, to June, 1863, being engaged in a Skirmish at Newtonia, Mo., Oct. 4, 1862, - Skirmish Ilt Fayetteville, Al·k., Oct. 28, 1862,-Eattle of Prairie Grove, Ark., Dec. 7, 1862, - Skirmish at Van Buren, Ark., Dec. 27, 1862,- at St. Louis, Mo., during threatened Raid, April, 1863,-and at Pilot Knob, Mo., May, 1863; in the Mississippi Cltmpaign, June-July, 1863, being engaged iu the Siege of Vicksburg, Mis., June 14--.July 4, 1863 ,- rmd on Expedition up Yazoo (BVT. MAJOR, JULY 4, 18G3, Fort GALL.~N"T AND "MERrrORJ;OUS SERVICES DUIUNG THE SmGE OF VICKSBURG, MIs.) U. S. MILITARY ACADEMY. 355


River, July 11-22, including Skirmish and Capture of Yazoo City, July 16, 1863; in Operations ill the Department of the Gulf, July, 1863- 0ct., 1864, being engaged on Lower Mississippi, July 26 to Sep. 6, 186 3 , - ~Iorganzia Expedition, Sep. 7-0ct. 10, 18S3,-on Expedition to 'l'exas, Oct. 23, 1863, to Jan 5, 1864,-on Recruiting service, JUll. 5 to Mal'. 30, 1864,--in cOlUma,nd of Brigade in the Red River Campaign, Apr. 2 to July 29, 1864; as Presi<;lent of (Bn. LmuT.-CoL., M,\,y 28,1864, 1·'OR G,tLL.-\,NT AND MERITORIOUS SERVICES DURING THE RED RIVER CAMPAIGN) Board for Examination of Officers, July 29- Aug. 18, 1864; in command of Brigude, , Aug. 31-~ep. 30, 1864,-Atchafulay,\ Expedition, Oct. 1-10, 1864,- und Expedition from Morganzia to White River, Oct. 10- 18, 1864; in Operations in Arkansas, Oct. 18 to Nov. 29, 1864; on sick leave of absence, Nov. 3D, 1864, to Jan. 5, 1865; as Mustering and Disbursing Officer, Jan. 5, 1865, auti. Acting Asst. Provost-Marshal General, Feb. 17 to Mar. 17, 1865, of Kansas, Nebrasku, Colorado, und Dakota; in command of Regiment and Camp of Dist.ribution at Mobile, Ala., Apr . -~!fay, 1865; as Agent for the (BVT. BRIG.-GENER.tL, U. S. VOLUNTEERS, MAR. 13, 1865, FOR GALL .tN~· AND MERITORIOUS SERVICES DURING THE REBELLION) Exchange of Prisoners, May 18 to July 8, 1865: in gurrison at Plattsburg, (BVT. COLONEL, APR. 9, 1865, FOR GALUNT AND MElUTORIOUS SERVICES DURING THE CAMPAIGN AGAINST MOBILE, ALA. ) N. Y., July, 1865, to MUSTERED OUT OF VOLUNTEER SERVICE, JULY 8; 1865. MAJOR, 4TH INFANTRY, JAN. 14, 1866.

1611.. (Born Ten.) ....HENRY B. DAVIDSON...... (Ap'd Ten.) .. 33 Military History.- C'ldet* at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1848, to July 1, 1853, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to Bn. SECOND LmUT. OF DRAGOONS, JULY 1, 1853. Served: at the Cavalry School for Practice, Carlisle, Pol., 1853; in g,urison at Jefferson Barracks, Mo. , 1853- 54; on frontier duty at Ft. Union, N. M., 1854,-Albuquerque, N. ~I., 1854-55,-Scouting, 1855, being engaged with (SECOND LmUT., 1ST DR-WOONS, JAN. 20, 1855) Apache Indiaus in a Skirmish on Penasco River, N. M. , Jan. 18, 1855,-Ft. Stanton, N. M., 185G, - Ft. Vancouver, Wash., 1855- 56,-Ft. Dalles, Wash., 1856, - Oregon Hostilities, 1856, being engaged in 0. Skil'mish, Mal'. 27, 18G6, -Ft. Walla Walla, ·Wash., 1856-57, - S:m Francisco, CaL , 1857- 58, - and Ft. (FIRST LmUT., 1ST DRAGOONS, Nov. 30, 1856) Walla Walla, Wash., 1858; on Spokane Expedition, 1858, being engaged in the Gomb,lt of the Four Lakes, Sep. 1, 1858,-Combat on Spokane Plains, Sep. 5, 1858,- 'lnd Skirmish on Spokane River, Sep. 8, 1858; as Quarter­ master, 1st Dragoons, Dec. 6, 18;:)8, to May 13, 1861- at Ft. T ejon, CaL, 1858-60,-San Francisco, Cal., 1860- 61, - and Ft. Tejon, Cal, 1861; and on (CAPTAIN, 1ST DRAGOONS, MAY 13, 1861) leave of absence, 1861, at the expiration of which, having f'liled to report for duty, he was DROPPED, JULY 30, 1861. Joined in the Rebellion of 1861-66 against the United States.

• Received hi. appointment as Cadet, for his gallant services as "Sorgeant of Tenuessoo Vol· unteers, at the Battlo of Monterey, Mex., Sop. 21-28, 1846. 356 GRADUATES OF THE

NUMBER. 1853. CLASS RANK. l.6l.2.. (Born 0.) ...... PHILIP H. SHERIDAN ...... (Ap'd 0.) .. 34 Military History.-Cadet nt t,he U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1848, to July 1, 1853, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT. OF INFANTRY, JULY 1, 1853. Served: in garrison at Ncwport Ban-acks, Ky., 1853; on frontier duty at Ft. Duncan, Tex., 1854,--La Peua, Tex., 1854, - 'rurkey Creek, 'rex., IS54,-and (SECOND LIEUT., 4TH INFANTRY, Noy. 22, 1854) Ft. Duncan, Tex., 1854-55; in gflrrison at Ft. Columbus, N. Y., 1855; and on frontier dnty, escorting Topogmphical party from Sacl'amento Valley, Cal., to Columbia River, Or., 1855,-Yakima Expedition, 1855,--Ft. Vallcouver, Wash., 1855-56,-Scouting, 1856, being engaged in Defense of the Cascades, Apr. 28, 1856, - Gl'tlnde Ronde Resermtion, 1856,-Ft. Hoskins, Or., 1856-58,-and Ft. Yamhill, Or., 1859- 61. (FmsT LIEUT., 4TH INFANTItY, MAR. 1, 1861) Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861-66: as President (C.U'TAlN, 13TH INFANTItY, MAY 14, 1861) of Board for auditing claims, at st. Louis, Mo., Nov. 18 to Dec. 26, 1861; flS Chief Quartermflster and Commissary of the Army of South-west Missouri, Dec. 26, 1861, to Mar. 12, 1862; in the Mississippi Campaign, Apr.-Sep. , 1862, being engtlged as Quartermaster of ~1ajor-General Halleck's Headquarters, on the Advance to Corinth, Mis., Apr. 18 to May 25, 1862; in command of Brig­ (COLONEL, '2D MICHIGAN C,,-VALHY VOLUNTEEHS, M.ting in Skirmishes at Boone­ ville, Blackland, Donaldson Cross-rmlds, and B'lldwin, June, 1862, --and Action of Booneville, July 1, 1862; in command of 11th Division (Army of the Ohio), (BHIG.-GENEHAL, U. S. VOLUNTEERS, JULY 1, 1862) Oct. 1-Nov. 2, 1862, on the Advance hItO Kentncky, being engaged in the Bat­ t.1e of Perryville, Oct. 8, 1862,- and ~i!\· rch to the relief of Nashville, Ten., Oct.­ Nov., 1862; in COmIlli1l1d of Division (Army ofthe Cumberland), in the Tennestiec Ctlmpaign, Nov., 1862-Sep., 18G3, being engaged in the Battle of Stone River, Dee. 31, 1862-Jan. 3, 1863, -Pursuit of Rebelti under Van Dorn to Colnmbia and (MAJOR-GENERAL, U. S. VOLUNTEERS, DEC. 31, 1862, TO Nov. 8, 1864) Franklin, eapturing train and prisoners near Eagleville, Mar., 1863,-Advance ou Tnllahoma, June 24-July4, 186:3,-CapLure of Winchester, Ten., June 27,1863, -Crotising the Cumberland Mountains and Tcnnl'.ssee River, Aug. 15-Sep. 4, 1863,-and Battle of Chickamauga, Ga., Sep. 19- 20, 1863; in Operations iu and about Chattllnooga, Ten., Sep.-Dec., 18G3, being engaged in the Battle of Mis­ sionary Ridge, Nov. 23- 25, 1863; in OccupatlOn of East Tei1lIestiee, Dec., 1863­ Mar., 1864, being engaged in the Skirmish of Dandridge, Jan. 17, 1864; in com­ mand of the Cavalry Corps, of the Army of the Potomac, Apr. 4 to Aug. 3, 1864, in the RichmClnd Campaign, being engaged in the Battle of the Wilderness, May 5-6, 1864,-Combat of Todd's Tavern, May 7, 1864, -CapLnre of Spott­ sylvania C. H., May 8, 1864. - Raid to HaxaU's Landing, and returning to t.he vicinity of Chfltfield Station, May 9-24, 1864, cutting the Virginia Central, and Richmond and Fredericksburg Railroads,-Action at Beaver Dam, May 10, 1864,- Battle of YeUow Tavern, May 11, 18&i, - Combat of Meadow Bridge, May 12, 1864,-Actions of Hllnovertown, 'and Tolopotoruy Creek, May 27, 1864,- Battle of Hawes'Shop, May 28, 1864,-Action of ~1etadequin Creek, May 3D, 1864, - BaLtle of Uold Harbor, M,\y 31-June 1, 1864, - Rairl towards Charlottesville and return to Jordan's Point, on the James River, June 7- 28, 1864, cutting the Virginia Central and Richmond and Fl'edericks­ burg Railroads,-BatLle of Trevillian Station, June 11 -12, 1864., - Actioll at Tnnstall Station, June 21,18fH,-Skirmish of St. Mary's Church,. June 24, 1864,- and Action of Darbytown, July 28, 1864; in command of the Army of the Shenandoll.h, Aug, 4.-7, 1864, and of the Middle Military U. S. MILITARY ACADEMY. 357


Divisien, Aug. 7, 1864, t{) Mar. 25, 1865, being engaged in the Battle · (BllIG.-GENERAL, U. S. ARMY, SEP. 20, 1864) of Opequan, Sep. 19, 1864.-Battle ef Fisher's Hill, Sep. 22, 1864,-Battle ef Cedar Creek,· Oct. 19, 1864,-Actien ef Middletewn, Nev. 12, 1864,-Raid (MA.lOR-GENERAL, U. S. AmIY, Nev. 8, 18(4) frem Winchester t<> Petersburg, Feb. 27-lI:Iar. 24, 1865, destroying the James River and Kanawha Canal, and cutting the Gerdensville and Lynchburg, VD:­ ginia Central, and Richmend and Fredericksburg Railroads,-Cembat ef Waynesbere, Mar. 2, 1865,-Actiens ef Nerth Anna Bridge and Ashland, Mar. 14- 15, 1865,-and numereus miner Actiens and Sl.;rmishes; in the Rich­ mend Campaign, Mar. 25 te April 9, 1865, being engaged in celUl11rmd at the Battle ef Dinwiddie C. H., Mar. 31, 1865,-Battle ef Five Ferks, Apr. 1, 1865, -Battle ef Sailer's Creek, Apr. 6,1865, -Actien ef Appem.,ttex Statien, Apr. 8, 1865,-several miner Cavnll'Y Engagements in Pursuit ef the enemy, Ap]·., 2-9, 1865,--and Capitulatien at App'lmatt<>x C. H., ef the insurgent army under General R. E. Lee, Apr. 9, 1865; en Raid te Seuth BesLen, N. C., en the Dan River, and returning te Petersburg, Apr. 24 to May 3, 1865; and in cemmand of the Military Divisien ef the Seuth-west, June 3 te July 17, 1865,-of the Military Division of the Gulf. July 17, 1865, te Aug. 15, 1866,-of the Depart­ ment of the G-nlf, Aug. 15, 1866, t<> Mar. 11, 1867,-and of the Fifth Military District (Louisian.l and Texas), :tI'I,U'. 11 to Sep. 5, 1867,-of the Department of the Misseuri, headquar ~ers Ft. Leavenworth, Kan., Sep. 12, 1867, te

1613.. (Bern Me.) ...... WILJ~IAM A. WEBB ...... (Ap'd Me.) .. 35

Military History.-Cadet aL the U. S. Military Academy from Sep. 1, 1849, te July 1, 1853, when he was graduated and prometed in the Army te BVT. SECOND LIEU'J\ OF INFANTRY, JULY 1, 1853. Served: in garrison at Ft. Columbus, N. Y., 1853-54; en frentier duty at (SECeND LIEUT., 5TH INF,~NTRY, DEC. 31, 18iH) Ft. Steilaceem, Wl\sh., 1854-55,-condncting recruits to Texas, 1856, - and (SEceND LIEu·.r., 9TH INFANTRY, MAR. 3, 1855: DECLINED) Ft. McInt{)sh, .Tex., 1856; in Florida Hostilities against the Seminole Indians, 1856-'-57, being engaged in a Skirmish near Bowleg's Town, Mar. 13,1857; in garrisen at Jeffersen Barracks, lifo., 1857; on frontier dut.yon Utah Expedi­ (FIIlST LIEUT., 5TU INHNTUY, ApR. 1, 1857) iion, 1857- 60; and on Recruiting service, 1860- 6l. CAPTAIN, 16TH INFANTRY, MAY 14, 1861. Served during the Rebellion ef the Seceding States, 1861: as Mustering Officer at Chicage, Ill., July-Sep., 1861; en leave of absence, Scp. 8 to Nov. IJ5, (COLoNEr" {2D ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS, JULY 2IJ, 1861) 1861; and in cemmand ef R-egimcnt in Military Operations in Missouri, Nev. 25 to Dec. 24, 1861. DIED, DEC. 24, 1861, AT SMITHTON, Mo.: AGED 24.

:If!: Tho Thanks of Congross were tendered, Feb. 9, 1865, to General Shoridan,tor " the gallant.ry, military skill, and coul'ag i3 displayed in t.he brilliant series of victories achie'loo by his army in 'be valley of the Sbonandoab, especially at Ccdnr Run." 358 GRADUATES OF THE


1614.. (Born Vt.) ...... JOHN L. GRATTAN...... (Ap'd N. H.) .. 36 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from ,July 1, 1848, to July 1, 1853, when he w',s graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LmUT. OF INFANTRY, ·JULY 1, 1853. Served on frontier duty at Ft. Lammie, Dak., 1853-54, being engaged in an Action with the Sioux Illcliano, where he was KILLED, AUG. 19, 18M, NE,~R FT. L,m.tMIE, DA.K.: AGED 24..

1615.. (Born r.ras.) ...... ELMER OTIS ...... (Ap'd 0.) .. 37 Military History.- Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1849, to July 1, 1853, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT. OF INFANTRY, JULY 1, 1853. Served: in garrison at Newport Barracks, Ky., 1853; on frontier duty at Ft. Clark, Tex., 1854,-Camp Blake, Tex., 1854,-Ft. Duncan, Tex., 1854,-Ft. (SECOND LIEUT., 4TH INFANTRY, I?EB. 3, 1855) Clark, Tex., 1854- 55, - Ft. Leavenworth, Kan., 1855,-SiollX Expedition, (SECOND LIEUT., 1ST CAVALRY, MAR. 3, 1855) 1855,- Ft. Leavenworth, Kan., 1855-56,-and March to Ncw Mexico, 1856; on Recruiting service, 1856-57; on frontier duty in escorting Kansas Boundary (FmST LIEUT., 1ST CAVALRY, FEB. 28, 1856) Commissioner, 1857,-Ft. Leavenworth, Kan., 1857- 58,-and on Utnh Expe­ dition, 1858; as Acting Ac\jutnnt of 1st Cavalry at St. Louis, Mo., 18.58; and on frontier duty at Ft.. Riley, Kan., 1859, - Mllrch to Ft. Atkinson, Kan., 1859,-Ft. Riley, Ko.n., 1859-60,-Expedition o.gainst Kiowa Indians, 1860, ­ and Ft. Wise, Col., 1860-6l. Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861-66: in command (C,U'T,UN, 1ST CAVALRY, MAY 1, 1861: 4TH CAVALRY, AUG. 3,1861) of six Compo.nies of C,walry at Ft. Leavenworth, Kan., Dec. 25, 1861, to l!'eb. 11, 1862, - and of Major-Geneml Buell's Escort, Feb. 14 to Mar. 3, 1862; on sick leave of absence, Mar. 8 to July 15, 1862; in command of Convalescent Barrncks at Louisville, Ky., Jnly 15. 'Uld of the Post of Louisville, Ky., Sep.a to Oct. 1, 1862; in command of 4th Cavalry (Army of the Ohio), on the Advance into Kentucky, Oct., 1862, being eng,'ged in the Battle of Perryville, Oct. 8, 1862; in command of Regiment, Nov. 7, 1862, to Jan. 7,1863, and of Brigade, Jan. 7 to Feb. 24, 1863 (), in Major-Geneml Rosecmns' Tennessee Campaign, being engaged in the Battle of Stone River, Dec. 31, 1862,- J,'n. 3, 1863; on sick le,we of absence, Feb. 24 to Apr. 10, 18G3; in command of 4th Cav­ aJryat Murfreesboro', '['en., Apr. 10 to June 24,1863 ; on sick leave of absence, June 24 to Sap. 1, 1863; as Mustering and Disbursing Officer for the State of Ohio, Sep. 1, 1863, to July 4, 1864; as Special Inspector of Cavalry for the De­ (MAJOR, 1ST CAVALRY, MAY 9, 1864) partment of West Virginia, July 5-21 , 1864,-for the Army of the Potomac, July 21 to Nov. 14, 1864,-for the Middle Military Division, headquarters at (BVT. LIEUT.-COL., OC1'. II), 1864, FOR INDUSTRY, ZEAL, AND FAITHFUL SERVICES) Harper's Ferry, Va., Nov. 14, 18G!, to }VIay 31, 1865,-at Washington, D. C., (BVT. COLONEL, ApR. 15, 1865. FOR FAITHFUL AND MERITORIOUS SERVICES DUllING THE REBELLlON) June 1 to Sep. 30, 1865, - for the Military Division of the Mississippi, at Ft. Leavenworth, Kan., Oct. 1, 1865, to Aug. 6, 186o', - and for the Military Di­ vision of the Missouri, at St. Louis, Mo., Aug. 6, 1866, to May 29, 1867. U. S. MILITARY ACADEMY. 35!)


1616.. (Born S. C.) .. ..ALFRED E. LATIMER...... (Ap'd S. C.) ..38 Military History.--Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from .July 1, 1848, to July I, 1853, when he was graduated and promoted in the Amly to BVT. SECOND LIEUT. OF INFANTRY, JULY 1, 1853. Served: in garrison at Ft. Columbus, N. Y., 1853-54,- at Benici>l. Cal.,1854; on froutier duty at Ft. Humboldt. Or., 1855, --Ft. Laramie, Dak., 1tJ55- 56,­ Ft. Pit'rre, Dak., 1856,-and Ft. Randall, Dak., 1856-58; on 'fopogmphical (SECOND LIEUT., 2D INFANTRY, FED. 5, 1855) duty, 1859-60; and on frontier duty at Ft. Ripley, Min., 1860,-Long Prairie, (FIRST LIEUT., 2D INFANTRY, APR. 18, 1859) Min., 1860,-and Ft. Ripley, Min., 1860-61. Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861-66: in the De­ (CAPTAIN, 11TH INFANTRY, MAY 14, 1861) fenses ofW'lshington, D. C., June 20, 1861, to Aug. 23, 1862 ; in command of Regimental Recruits, Aug. 23. 1862, to Aug., 1863, of Company, Aug., 1863, to Mar., 1864, and of Regiment, J\lltlr. 1864, to F eb., 186.5, at Ft. Independence, Mas. ; as Superintendent of Regimental Recruiting Service, Mar., 1864, to F eb., 1865; in command of Battalion of his Regiment (A.rmy of the Potomac), be­ fo!e and near Richmond, Va.., Mar. 1 to Sep. 26, 1865; on leave of absence, Sep. (Bvr. MAJOR, MAl\. 13, 1865, FOD GALL.~NT AND MERITORIOUS SERVICES) 26 to Oct., 1865; in command of Company at Richmond, Va., Oct.-Dec., 1866, (TRANSFERRED TO 29TH INFANTRY, SEP. 21, 1866) -and of the Post of LynchbUl'g, Va., Jan. 14, 1867, to MAJOR, 19TH INFANTRY, JUNE 25, 1867.

" 1617 . . (Born N. J.) .... BENJAMIN F. SMITH ...... (Ap'd N. J .) .. 39 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July I, 1849, to July I, 1853, when he was graduaood and promoted in t.he Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT. OF INFANTRY, JULY I, 1853. Served: in garrison at Ft. Columbus, N. Y., 1853; on frontier duty at Ft. McIntosh, Tex., 1854,--Ft.. Clark, Tex., 1854, - Scouting, 1854, being engaged in a Skirmish with Camanche Indians, near Nueces River, July 5, 1854,-Ft. Clark, Tex., 1854-55,-Ft. Duncan, Tex., 1855,-Ft. Kearny Neb., 1855-57,­ (SECOND LIEUT. , 6TH INFANTRY, ~IAJl. 3, 1855) March to Bridger's Pass, Utah, 1857,- Ft. Leavenworth, Kan., 1857,-quell­ (FIRST LIEUT., 6TH INFA~TnY, DEC. 24, 1856) ing KansM Disturbances, 185T·5S, - Convoyil\g supply tmin to Uhth, 1858,­ Ft. Bridger, and MOl'mon Expedition, Utah, 1858, -March to California, 185S, - San Francisco, Cal., 1858 .. 59, ~Ft . Gaston, CI1I., 1859, -and on Navajo Ex· pedition, 1859; in garrison I1t 8,\n Fmncisco, Cal. 1850, - and Newpol't Bal'l'acirs, Ky., 1860; on Wagon Road Expedition from Ft. Benton, Mon., to Ft. Wallo. Walla, Wash., 1860; and on frontier duty at Ft. Churchill, Nev., 1860- 61. Served during the Rebellion of the Receding States, 1861-66: on Mas· (CAPTAIN, 6TH INFANTRY, MAY 14, 1861) tering duty at Philadelphia, Pa., Aug.-Sep., 18G1; in command of Regiment (Army of the Ohio), in the Tennessee Campaign, Nov., 186l-May, 1862, being (COLONEL, 1ST OHIO VOLUNTEERS, OCT. 12, 1861, TO MAY I, 1862) engaged in the March to Pittsburg Landing, Ten., Mar.-Apr., 1862,-Battle of 360 GRADUATES OF THE


Shiloh, Apr. 7, 1862, - and Advance upon Corinth, Apr. 9- 30,18(;2; with 6th (BVT. MAJOR, ApR. 7, ]862, FOR G.~LLANT AND n'lERITORIOUS SERVICES . AT THE BATTLE OF SHILOH, TEN.) Infant.,"), (Army of the Potomac), in the Virgini., Peninsular C"mpllign, Mfty­ Aug., 1862,-being engftged in t.he Battle of Gaines' Mill, June 1l7, 1862,- fl.nd Battle of Malvern Hill, July 1, 1862; in the Northern Virgini" Campaign, Aug. ­ Sep., 1862, being engaged in the Battle of Manassas, Aug. 29- 30, 1862; in (COLONEL, 126TH OHIO VOLUNTEERS, SEP. 10, 1862) command of Regiment, Oct.-Dec., 1862, of Brigade, Jan.- July, 1863, and of H,egiment, July, 1863, in Western Virginia Operations, being engaged in the Action at MElrtinsburg, June 14, 1863; in command of Brigade (Army of the Potomac), in Operations in Central Virginia, July, 1863- Apr., 1864, being engaged in Pursuit of t.he enemy (retreating from Pennsylva.nia) to Warrenton, Va., July, 1863, - and Action of Looust Grove and Mine Run, Nov. 26- 27, 1863; in the H,ichmond Campaign (Army of the Potomao), May-July, 1864, being engaged in the Battle of the Wilderness, May 5- 6, 1864,--Battles of Spottsylvania C. H., May 9- 20, 1864, - Battle of Tolopotomy, May30, 1864,-Battles and actions of Cold Harbor, ,June 1-13, 1864,-and Siege of Petersburg, June 17- July 5, 1864; on sick leave of absonce, July 5 to Oct., 1864; on Board to visit the Milib\ry Hospitals of the State of Missouri, Oct.-Dec., 1864; in command of Brigade, 6th Corps (Army of the Potomac), in the Richmond Cllmp,.ign, Dec., 18oJ--Apr., 1865, being engaged in the Siege of Petersburg, Dec., 1864- Apr. 2, 1865, participating in the Assault Imd Capture of the enemy's intrenched picket line, Mar. 2(;, and of main lines, (BYT. BRIG.-GENERAL, U. S. VOLUNTEERS, MAR.' 26, 1865, FOR GALLANT AND MERITORIOUS CONDUCT BJ'.'YORE PETEltSBURO, VA.) Apr. 2, 1865,- Pursuit of the Rebel Army to Jetersville, Apr. 1l-5, 1865,-and (BYT. LmUT.-COL., APR. 2, 1865, FOR GALLAN''c AND MERITORIOUS SEnVICES IN FRONT OF PETERSDUIW, VA.) Convoying 1,600 Prisoners of W",r to City Point., Apr. 6-8, 1865; on March to Danville, Va., Uay, 1865; in the Dep'lrtment of South Carolina, Sep., ]865, to (UUSTERED OUT OF VOLUNTEER SERVICE, JUNE 25, 18(5) Ang. 15, 1866, being Provost-Mm'slIal General of {.he Department, Oct.- Dec., 1865, - in comlIland of the Sub-District of Georgelown, S. C., Dec. 20, 1865, t.() Apr. 25, 1866,·-as Acting Asst. Commissioner of Bnreau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lunds, Dec. 20, 186;), to Aug. ]G, 18GG, - and in cOlIlmand of the Post of Georgetown, S. U., Apr. 25 to Aug. 15, 1866; on Re­ cruiting service, Ang. 20, 1866, to Apr. 30, ],867; and on frontier duty at Ft. Philip Kearny, July 3, 1867, to MAJOR, 27TH INFANTRY, JULY 28, 1866.

1618. . (Born Ala.) ...... SILAS P. HIGGINS ...... (Ap'd Ala.) . .40 Military HistorY.- Undet at the U. S. Milittwy Academy from July 1, 1849, to July 1, 1853, when he was gradnuted and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT. OF h'l!'ANTl

NUMBER. 1853. CLASS RANK. ------1619 .. (Born Va) ...... HENRY H. WALKER...... (Ap'd Va. ) ..41 Military Hi,>tory.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July I, 1849, to July I, 1853, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to Bn. SECOND LIEUT. OF INFANTRY, JUT,Y I, 1853. Served: in garrison at Newport Barmcks, Ky., 1853-:34; on frontier duty at FI;. Thorn, N. M., 1854, -Ft. Fillmore, N. M., 1854- .55, --Scouting, 1855,­ (SECOND LIEUT., 6TH INFANTRY, MAR 3, 1855) March to Ft. Stanton, N. M., 1855,- und Ft. Fillmore, N. M., 1855; in gar­ rison at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., 1855- 57; ilS Aide-de-Camp to Governor (FIRST LIEUT., 6TH INFANTRY, MAY I, 1857) Walker of Kansas, May 1 to Aug. 3, 1857; in quelling Kansas Disturbances, 1857; US Aide-de Camp to Bvt. Brig-General Clarke, Aug. 3, 1857, to Nov. 22, 1860, at S'ln Francisco, C.:.J.; on frontier duty at Ft. Churchill, Nev., 1860-61. RESIG~'ED, MAY 3, 1861. Joined in the Rebellion of 1861- 66 against the United States.

1620.. (Born Ind.) ..... EDMUND C. JONES ...... (Ap'd Ind.) .. 42 Military History.- Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from .July I, 1849, to July I, 1853, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEU'!. OF INFANTRY, JUT,Y I, 1853. Served: in g.lmson at Ft. Columbus, N. Y. , 1853-54,.-and at Jefferson Barrack,~, Mo., 1854; on frontie!' duty at Ft. Ridgely, Min., 1854-55,-March to Bent's Fort, Col., via Ft. Leavenworth, Kan., and thence to Ft. Gibson, (SECOXD LIEUT., 7TH INFANTRY, ?r!.-I.R. 3, 1855) I. T., 185G,-and at FL Smith Commissm'y Depot, Ark., 1855- 57; in garrison at Newport Barmcks, Ky., 18[)7-58; on frontier (Jutyat Ft. Leavenworth, Kan., (FIRST LIEUT., 7rH bFAN1'I:Y, AUG. 1, 1857) 1858,--and on Utah Expedition, 1858- 60; and on Recruiting service, 1860-62. CAPTAIN, 7TH INF.-I.NTRY, MAY 23, 18Gl. Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding Sk~tes, 1862: ill garrison at Ft.. Columbus, N. Y., Feb.-May, 1862; and in arrest, Mlly--July, 1862. CASHIERED, JULY 9, 1862, FOR" DRUNKENNESS O:S DUTY." Civil History.-Unknown. DIED,1863.

1621..(BoruN. Y.) ..ALEXANDER CHAMBERS ....(Ap·dN. Y.) .43 Military HistOly.- Clldet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1849, to July I, 185:3, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT. OF INFANTRY, JULY I, 1853. Served: in garrison at Ft.. Columbus, N. Y., 1853- 5·!; on frontier duty at Ft. McIntosh, Tex., IS54,-Scouting, IS54, - Ft. McIntosh, Tex., 1854 55,-­ (SECOND LIEUT., 5TH INFANTRY, MAR. 3, 1855) escorting Capt. Pope's Artesian-well Expedition in New Mexico, 1855-56, being engaged in a Skirmish, nenr the month of Delaware Creek, N. M., June 13, 1855; ill Florida Hostilities ng,linst the Seminole Indians, 1856- 57, being en­ gaged in Skirmishes in Big Cypress Swamp, Mar. 5- 6, 1856, .and i\~ar. 13, 1857; as Adjutant, 5th Infantry, June 9, 1857, to Aug. 23, 1861; 111 garrison at 362 GRADUATES OF THE


Jefferson Barracks, Uo., 1857; on frontier duty on Utah Expedition, 1857-60, (FIRST LmuT., 5TH INFANTRY, JAN. 19, 1859) -March to New Mexico, 1860, -Ft. Fauutleroy, N. M., 1860,-and on Navajo Expedition, 1860- 61; (Illd on leave of absence, 186!. Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861-66: on Mustering duty in Iow.1, Apr. 30, 1861, -Uar. 12, 1862; in the Tennessee and. Mississippi (CAPTAIN, 18TH INFANTRY, MAY 14, 1861) Campaign, Apr. 4 to Sep. 19, 1862, being cngaged in the Battle of Shiloh, Apr. (COLONEL, 16TH IOWA VOLUNTEERS, MAR. 24, 1862) 6, 1862, where he was twice wounded, -Adv..~nce upon and Siege of Corinth, Apr. 9-May 30, 1862, -guarding railroad at Bolivar, 'fen., June-Sep., 1862,­ (BVT. MAJOR, APR. 7, 1862, FOR GALLANT ",'1D MERITORIOUS SERVICES AT THE BATTLE OF SHILOH, TEN.) on Reconnaissance from Burnsville, Mis., to Iulm, Mis., Sep. 15, 1862,-and in Battle of Iulw, Sep. 19, 1862, where he was severely wounded; on sick leave of (En. LmuT.-CoL., HEP. 19, 1862, FOR GALLANT AND MERITORIOUS SrlRVICES AT THE BATTLE m'IuKA, lUIS.) abseuce, dis[\bled by woullCl, Oct. 1, 1~ 62, to .Jun. 12, 1863; in the Vicksburg C[\mpaign, Jan. 17 to Aug. 11, 1R63, being engaged at Young'~ Point and Lake Providence, J au. 17 to Apr. 12, 1863,-Siege of Vicksburg, lVIay30-July 4, 1863, (Bn. COLONEL, .J ULY 4, 1863, I··OR GALLANT AND :MERITORIOUS SERVICES DURL'IG THE SmGE OF VICKSDURG, MIS.) -Reoccnpation of .Jackson, July 16, 1863, --and with Army of Observation at 13l,lck River Bridge, in rear of Vicksburg, .June- Aug., 1863; on Expedition to Monroe, La., Aug., 1863; in command of Brigade in gal'l'ison at Vicksburg, (BRIG.-GENERAL, U. S. VOLU:>'TEERS, AUG. 11,186:3, TO APR. 6, 18(4) ~iis., Aug., 1863, to Feb. 1, 1864; on Goneral Sherman's to Meridian, and returning via Canton, Uis., Feb. -.Mar .• 1864; with his Brigade on Veteran Fur­ lough in Iowa, Uar. 12 to May 12, 1864; as Mustering and Disbursing Officer at Davenport, Iowa, May 12 to Nov. 25, 18G4; in command of Battalion of Hlth Infantry at Lookout i\

1622 .. (Born ICy.) ...... JOHN B. HOOD ...... (Ap'd Ky.) .. 44 Military HistorY.-Cadet at the U. S. :i'liilitary Academy from July 1, 1849, to .July 1, 185:3, when he was gmdul1tecl and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT. OF INFANTRY, .JULY 1. 1853. Served: in garrisonl1t Ft. Columbus, N. Y., m53-54; on frontier duty at Ft. Jones, CaL, 1854-55, - escorting Lient. Williamson's Topographical party, 1855,-Ft. Mason, Tex., 1856 -57, - Scoutillg, 1857, being engaged in a hand­ (SECOND LIEUT., 2D CAYALRY, NIAR. 3, 1855) to-hand Conflict with Lipan and Call1anche Indians, at the head of Devil's Run, Tex., .July 20, 1857, where he was severely wOllnded,-Ft. :i'l


1623, . (Born Ten.)",.,. ,JAMES A. SMITH", ... (Ap'd at Large) .. 45 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1848, to July 1, 1853, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT. OF INFANTRY, JULY 1, 1853. Served: on froutier duty at Ft. Riley, Kall., 185:3- 54, - rmd Ft. Atkinson, Kan., 1854; in garrison at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., 1854-55; 011 fr0nLier duty (SECOND LIEUT., 6TH INFANTRY, MAR. 3, 1855) at Ft. Riley, Kan., 185G.-Sioux Expedition, 1855, being engaged in the Action of Blue Water, Sep. 3, 1855,-Ft. }{em'ny, Neb" 1855-56, - 1<'t. Pierre, Dale, 1856,-in quelling Kansas Distl1l'bances, 1856,--Murch to Bridger's Pass, Ut,1h, 1857.-Ft. Leavenworth, }{un"1857,-in quelling Kansils Disturbances, 1857- 58,- -Utah Expedition, 1858,-March to California, 1858, - Benicia, Cul.. l858,-March to Colorado R.iver, 1858-59,-Camp Prentiss (neur San Ber­ nardino), Cal., 1859,-Ft. Yuma, Cal., 1859-60,-and Ft. Crook, Cal., 1860-61; (FrnsT LIEUT., 6TH INFANTRY, DEC. 2, 1859) and on leave of absence, 1861. RESIGNED, MAY 9, 1861. Joined in the Rebellion of 1861-66 against the United States.

1624, . (Born 0.) ...... ROBERT F. HUNTER...... (Ap'd 0.) ..46 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1849, to July 1, 1853, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT. OF INFANTRY, JULY 1, 1853. Served: in garrison at Ft. Columbus, N. Y, 1853- 54,-and Jefferson Bar. racks, Mo" 1854; on frontier duty at Ft. Riley, Kan., 1854-55,-Ft. Leaven· (SECOND LIEUT., 2D INFANTRY, MAR. 3, 1855) worth, Kan., 1855,-Ft. Ridgely, Min., 1855-56,- Ft. Pierre, Dale, 1856- 57, -und Ft. Ridgely, Min., 1857: Oll Recruiting service, 1858; ()ll fl'Ontier duty at Ft. Ridgely, Min., 1858; Suspended, 1858--60; and on frontier duty at Ft. (FIRST LIEUT., 2D INFANTRY, JAN. 19, 1861) Kearny, Neb., 1860,-Pawnee Reserve, 1860,-and Ft. Kearny, Neb., 1860- 61. Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861, in the Defenses of Washington, D. C., June 20 to Sep. 4, 1861. CASHIERED, Nov. 19, 1861, FOR" DRUNKEIDo'ESS ON DUTY." Civil History.-CJIaim Agent fit Washington, D. C., since 1861.

J.625 .. (Born Va.) ...... THOMAS M. JONES...... (Ap'd Va.) .. 47 Military History.-Cudet at the U. S. Military Academy from .July I, 1849, to .July 1, 1853, when he was graduated and promoted iu the Army to BV'r. SECOND LIEUT. OF INFANTRY, JULY 1, 1853. Served: in gUrl'ison at Ft. Columbus, N. Y., 1853- 54; on frontier duty o.t Ringgold Barracks, Tcx., 185-1,-Ft. Davis, Tex., 1855-59,1859- 60"-08 Quar­ (SECOND LIEUT., 8TH h'l"ANTRY, MAR. 3, 1855) termaster, 8th Infantry, Mal'. 5, 1857, to Oct. 10, 1859,_Adjutant, 8th (FrHST LIEUT., 8TH INFANTRY, JULY 19, 1858) Infantry, Oct. 10, 1859, to Dec. 13, 1860, at San Antonio and Ft. Mason, Tex.,-and as Aide-de-Camp to Bvt. Major-General Twiggs, Dec. 1il, 1860, t-O Feb. 28, 18G1. RESIGNED, FED. 28, 1861. Joined in the Rebellion of 1861- 66 against the United States. 364 GRADUATES OF THE


1626.. (Born O.} .... AUGUSTUS H. PLUMMER...... (Ap'd Pa.} .. 48 Military History.- Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, lS49, to July 1, lS53, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to Bv'!'. SECOND LIEUl" OF INFANTRY, JULY 1, lS53. Served: on fl'ontier duty at Ft. Riley, Kan., lS53-5·1, - and Ft. Atkinson, Kan., lS54; in garrison at J efferson Barl'<1

1627 .. (Dorn Ten.} .....JAMES B. McINTYRE ...... (Ap'd Tex.) ..49 Military History.-·Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy fmlll July 1, 1849, to July 1, 1853, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT. OF INFANTRY, JULY 1, 1853. Served: on frontier dut.y at Ft. Brown, Tex., lS53-54,-Ft. Belknap, Tex., 1854- 55, -Sioux Expedition, 18;)5,-Ft. Leavenworth, Kan., 1855-56, -~Iarch (SEOOND LIEUT., 1ST C,WALRY, MAR. 3, 1855) to Ft. Kearny, Neb., 1856, - Scouting, 1856, flgainst Cheyenne Indians, being engaged ill a Skirmish near Ft. Kearny, Ncb., Aug. 20, 185G, - Ft. Leaven­ worth, Kan., 185G-57, - Cheyenne Expedit.ion, 1857, being engaged in the Ac­ (FmST LIEUT., 1ST C,WALRY, JAN. 16, 18(7) tion on Solomon's Fork of the K,\nSaS, JUly 29, 1857, and ag'linst Kiowa and Cflmanche Indirms in a Skirmish nenr Grand Saline, Kan., Aug. 6, 1857, - Ft. Riley, Kn,n., 1857- 58,-Quurterm>1ster, 1st Cn.yalry, Apr. 15, 1tl58, to Apr. 30, 1860, - Utah Expedition, 1858, - Ft. L el1vcnworth, Kan., 1858,--Ft. Riley, Kan., 185ac-March to the Arknnsas, 1859,- Ft. Riley. Kan., 1859 -60,-Kiowa and Camanche Expedition, HlGO, - flnd Ft. Wise, Col., 18GO; find on leave of absence, 1860- 61. C.lPTAIN, lSI' CAYALRY, MAY 3, 1861: 4TH CAVALl:l:, AUG. 3, 1861. Served during the Rebellion of t.he ::;cceding States, 1861-66: in the De­ fenses of Washington, D. C., Sep. 22, 1861, to ~iar., 1862; in command of a U. S. MILITARY ACADEMY. 365


Squadron of the Escort of Major-General McClelln.n in the Virginia Peninsular Campaign (Army of the Potomac), ~Iar. - Aug ., 1862, - ,md in the Maryland Campaign, Sep.-Nov., 1862; on detacheq serYice at Washington, D. C., Dec., 1862-Mal'., 18(;3; in Operaiions in Tennessee and Alabama, commanding Com­ pany, lI1ar.-June, 1863, and Regiment, June- Dec., 1863, being engaged in the Cavalry Action at Franklin, Ten., May 10, 1863,-Action uear Chickaumuga, (Bn. MAJOR, MAY 10, 1863, 1mR GALLANT AND MERITORIOUS SERVICES IN THE CAVALRY ACTION AT FRANKLIN, TEN.) Ga., Sep. 25, 1863,-and numerous Skirmishes, lI1ar.-Dec., 1863; on leave of (BVT. LIEuT.-Cor", SEP. 25, 1863, FOR GALLANT AND MElUTORIOUS SERVICES IN THE ACTION NE .~R CHICKAMAUGA, GA.) absence, Dec. 24, 1863, to Feb., 1864; in command of Regiment, Mar.-Nov. 17, 1864, en route from Nashville, Ten., to join the Army of the Cumberland, in the Invasion of Georgia, and retUl'll to Nashville, Ten., being engaged in tho Cavalry Operations of the C'lmpaign; on leave of absence, Nov. 17, 18(;'1, to Jan., 1865; in command of Regiment at Gravelley Spring, Ala., Jan.-Mar., 1865; on Recruiting service at Bnitimore, Md., Mnl'. 1, 1865, to Jan. G, 1866; and in command of Ft. Brown, 'fex., May, 1866, to Jan., 1867,-and Ft. (MAJOR., 3D CAVALRY, JULY 28, 1866) Larned, Jan.-May, 1867. DIED, MAY 10, 1867, AT F:r: LARNED, KAN.: AGED 34.

1628.. (Born Mo.) ...... LUCIUS L. RICH ...... (Ap'd Mo.) .. 50 Military History.-Cadot fit the U. S. :Military Academy from July 1, 1848, to July 1, 185:3, when he was graduated and promoted in tho AmIY to By'!". SECOND LIEUT. OF INFANTRY, JULY 1, 1853. Served: in garrison at, Newport Barracks, Ky., 1853· 54; on fwntier duty at Ft. McIntosh, 'fex., 1854, 1854-55,- l"t. Clark, Tex., 1855- 56, - Ft. McIntosh, (SECOND LIEUT., 5'rH INFANTRY, MAll. 3, 1855) Tex., 1856,-and Seouting, 1856, being eng,\ged against Lipan Indians in a Skirmish on the head-waters of Nueces Rivel', Tex., Apr. 13, 1856; in Florida Hostilities against the Seminole Indians, 1856-57, being engaged ill a Skir­ mish, Mar. 6, 1856; ill' ganisoll at Jefferson Bnrracks, Mo., 1857; as Aide-de­ Camp to llrig.-General Harney, July 11 to Nov. 4. 1857; on frontier dut.yon Utah Expedition, 1857- 58, 1859-60, - March to New Mexico, 1860, - Navajo (FIRST LIEtJ'r., 5TH INFANTRY, JaN. 19, 1859) Expedition, 1860,-and Ft. Fauntleroy, N. M., 1860; and as Signal Officer of the , 1861. RESIGNED, MAY 13, 1861. Joined in the Rebellion of 1861- 66 against the United States.

1629.. (Born Ten.) ...... REUBEN R. ROSS ...... (Ap'd. Ten) .. 51 Military History.-Cudet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1849, to July 1, 1853, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LmuT. OF IN1',lN'rRY, JULY 1, 1853. Served in garrison at Newport Bunaeks, Ky., 1853. RESIGNED, JAll;. 2-1, 1854. Civil History.-Asst. Engineer, Mississippi and Tennessee Railroad, 1854. Principal of Chu-ksyille Academy, T en .. 1855- 61. Joined in the Rebellion of 1861-66 against the United States. 366 GRADUATES OF THE

NUMDER. 1853-54. CL.\SS RA:-lK.

1.630.. (Bom Ind.) ...... WILLIAM CRAIG...... (Ap'd Ind.) .. 52

Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. lIiilitary Academy from July I, 1849, to July I, 1853, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT. OF INFANTRY, JULY 1, 1853. Served: in garrison at Newport Barmcks, Ky., 1853- 54; on frontier duty on Sa.nt!> Fe Roule, being engaged in pursuit of Kiowa and Camanche Indians, from whom he captured 400 horses and mules,-Santa Fe, N. :M.. , 1854- 55, ­ Adjutant of Colonel Vrain's Battalion of New ~'Iexicun Volunteers, Feb. 18 to (SECOND LIEUT., 8TH INFANTRY, M.Ul. 3, 1855) Aug. 14, 1855, being engaged in several Skirmishes,-Aide-de-Camp to Bvt. Brig.-(jenernl Garland, Oct. 1, 1855, to Sep. 15, 1858,- at Santa Fe, N. M., 185S, - mId at Ft. :Marcy, N. M., 1858-69; in garrison nt Ft. Columbus, N. Y., (FIRST LIEUT., 8TH INFANTRY, OCT. 19,1858, TO :MAY 14, 1861) 1859- 60; and on Coast Survey, ~'1I\r. 9, 1860, LO May 6, 1861. Served during the Rebellion of the SececHng Slates, 1861- 64: as Asst. Quar­ termaster in Western Virginia, May 6, 1861, to Aug. 2, 1862; as Asst. Depot (CAPT. STAFF-ASST. QUARTERM.ASTER, MAY 17, 18G1) QtuU~' erruaster at Ft. Union, N. lVI., Sep. 21, 1862, to Feb., 1863,-at Ft. Crtl.1g, N. M., Mar., 1863,-and at Ft. Union, N. M., Apr., 1863, to Apr., 1864. RESIGNED, APR. 5, 1864.

Civil H 'story.- Farmer, Huerfuno River, near Ft. Garland, Col., since 1864. P. 0" Bent's Fort, Col. 366 GRADUATES OF THE


1630.• (Born Ind.) ...... WILLIAM CRAIG...... (Ap'd Ind.) .. 52

Military History. - Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1849, to July 1, 1853, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT. OF' INFANTRY, JULY 1, 1853. Served: in garrison at Newport Barracks, Ky., 1853-54; on frontier duty on Santa Fe Route, being engaged in pursuit of Kiowa and Camanche Indians, from whol11 he captured 400 horses and mules, - Santa Fe, N. MoO, 1854-55, ­ Adjutant of Oolonel Yrain's Battalion of New ~'i:exican Yolunteers, Feb. 18 to (SECOND LIEUT., 8TH INl'ANTBY, M.\R. 3, 1855) Aug. 14, 1855, being cngnged in several Skirmishes,-Aide-de-Camp to Bvt. Rrig.-l;ieneral Gnrlaud, Oet. 1, 1855, to Sep. 15, 1858, - at Santa Fe, N. M., 185tl, - ·and at Ft. Marcy, N. M., 1858-59; iu garrisou at Ft. Columbus, N. Y., (FillsT LmuT., 8TH INFANTRY, OCT. 19,1858, TO MAY 14, 1861) 1859-60; lind 011 Coast Survey, Mar. 9, 1860, to May 6, 1861. Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861-64: as Asst. Quar­ termaster in Western Virginia, May 6, 18G1, to Aug. 2, 1862; as Asst. Depot (CAPT. STAFF- ASST. QUARTER~IASTER, MAY 17, 1861) Qum1ermaster at Ft. Union, N. M., Sep. 21, 1862, to Feb., l863,-at Ft. Oraig, N. M., Ml,r., l86S,-and at Ft. Union, N. M., Apr., 1863, to Apr., 1864. RESIGNED, ApR. 5, 18&1.

Civil H'story.- Farmer, Hnerfano River, near Ft. Gnrland, Col., since 1864. P.O., Bent's Fort, Col.

OLASS OF 1854.

1631 .. (Born Ya.)...... G. W. CUSTIS LEE·.....(Ap'd at Large) .. l Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy fTOm July 1, 1850, to July 1, 1854, when he was graduated and pTOl11oted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT., CORPS OF ENGINEERS, JULY 1, 1854. Served: as Asst. Engineer in the construction of Ft. Olinch, Amelia Island, F1'l., 1854- 5G, - in building Fts. Pulaski and Jackson, Ga., 1856,-on Im­ (SECOND Lmu1'., CORPS OF ENGINEERS, M.\.ll. 3, 1855. provement of Savannah River, Ga., 1856,-in the constrllclion of Ft. Clinch, Fla., 1856-57, - and in building the Defenses of Fort Point, entrance. to San Francisco Day, CHI., 1857- 59; as Asst. in the Engineer Bureau nt Washmgton, (FIRST LIEUT., CoRPS OF ENGINEERS, OCT. 20, 1859) D. C. , 1859- 61; and as Superintending Engineer of the repliirs of Ft. Washing­ ton, Potomac River, Md., 1861. RESIGNED, MH. 2, 1861. Joined in the Rebellion of 1861- 66 against the United St(ltes.

~ &m of General RoBERT E. LEB. U. S. MILITARY ACADElIfY. 367

NU~[nER. 1854. CLASS RANK.

l.632.. (Born Mas.!.. .••. .HENRY L. ABBOT•...... (Ap'd Mas.) . . 2 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy, from July I, 1850, to July 1, 1854, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECO::-lD LIEUT., Top. ENGINEERS, JULY 1, 1854. Served: as Assistant in the Office of Pacific Railroad Surveys, Washington, D. C., Oct. 12, 18S4, to May 1,1855,- on Survey of railroad route between California and Oregon, May 1, 1855, to May 19, 1857, and as Assistant in (SECOND LIEUT., Top. EKGINEERS, OCT. 2, 1855) office of Explorations >lnd Surveys, Washington, D. C. ,- and on Hydrographic Survey of the Delta. of the Mississippi River, La., M"y 19, 1857, to July 1, (FIRST LIEUT., T;}p. ENGINEERS, JULY. 1, 1857) 1861. Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861 - 66: as Asst. Top. Engineer on the Staff of Brig-General McDowell, July 5- 15, 1861; as Chief Top. Engineer of Geneml Tyler's Division in the Manassas Campaign of July, 1861, being engaged in tlJ.e Action of Blackburn's Ford, July 18, 1861,-and Battlc of Bull Run, July 21, 1861, (BVT. CAPT., JULY 21, 1861, FOR GALLANT AND lVIEnrroRIous SERVICES AT THE B"TTLE OF BULL RUN, VA.) where he was wounded; as Asst. Top. Engineer in the Defenses of Washing­ ton, on the Staff of Geneml McDowell, July 23 to Aug. 21, 1861,-and as Assistant to Gener[ll Barnard in the construction of field works south of the Potomac, Aug. 21, 1861, to Mar. 19, 1862; >lS Aide-de-CaIDp to General Bar­ nal'd in tlJ.e Virginia Peninsubr C.1mptlign (Army of the Potomac), M>1,r. 10 to July 24, 1862, being engaged in the Siege of Yorktown, Apr. 5-Ma)' 4, 1862,­ (BVT. MAJOR, MAY 4, 1862, FOR GALLAN'J' AND MEIUTORIOUS SERVICES AT THE SIEGE 01' YORKTOWN, VA.) (CAPTAIN, Top. ENGINEERS, JUNE 18, 1862; CORPS oJ! ENGINEERS, MAR. 3, 1863) and various Engineer dnties of the Seven Days' Operations before Richmond, JlUle 26- July 2, 1862, including the prepartltion of maps; on sick leave of absence, July 24 t,o Sep. 2,~ , 1862; as Aide-de-Camp to General Barnard, Sep. 25, to Nov. 11, 1862, being engaged in fortif~'ing the southern ap­ proaches to Alexandria, Va.; as Chief Top. Engineer of General Banks' Expedit.ion to the Gulf of Uexico, Nov. 11, 18G2, to Feb. 10, 18G:3; in com­ (COLONEL, 1ST CONNEC'l'ICUT ARTILLEllY VOLUNTEERS, JAN. 19, 1863) mand of Regiment or Brigade in the Defenses of Washington, Feb. 28, 1863, to Mny 10, 1864; as Member of the Board of Engineers to Reorganize our system of bea-Coast Fortifications, Jan. 27 to May 31, 1864; in Organizing Siege Tmin for the Armies opemtil1g against Richmond, Apr. 20 to May 10, 1864; in command of the Siege Artillery of the Army of the James, May 13 to June 23, 1864,-and of the Siege Artillery of the Armies operating against Richmond, June 23, 1864, to Jan. 5, 18G5; as Chief of Artillm'y of the Expe­ (BVT. BmG.-GENERAL, U. S. VOLUNTEERS, AUG. I, 18M, FOR GALLANT AND DISTINGUISHED bERVICES IN THE OPERA'J'IONS BEFORE RICHMOND, AND ESPECIALLY IN THE LINES . BEFORE PETERSBURG, VA.) dition to Ft. Fisher, N. C., Jan. 5- 22, 1865; in comllland of the Siege Artil­ lery of the Armies operating against Richmond, Jl1n. 22 to July 13, 1865, be­ ing engaged in the Siege of Petersburg till Apr. 2, 1865, including the Mine (B"T. MAJ.-GENERAL, U. S. VOLUNTEERS, lV1.\1\. 13, 1865, FOR GALLANT AND MERITORIOUS SERVICES DURING THE REBELLION) (BVT. LIEUT.-COL., l\fAn. 13, 1865, FOIl GAI..LANT AND MERITORIOUS SERVICES DUllING THE SIEGE OF PETERSBURG, VA.) 368 GRADUATES OF THE

NUMBER. 1854.

Assault, July 30, 1864,-Buttle of Ft.. Steadman, Mar. 25, - llnd Assault of the Rebel Intrenchments, Apr. 2, 1865; as Chicf of Artillery of the Department (BVT. COLOXEL, MAR. 13, 1865, FOR GALLANT AND MERITORIOUS SERVICES DURIl'G THE REnELLION) (BYT. BRIG.-GENElUL, U. S. AllllY, MAR. 13, 1865, FOR GALLANT AND MEllITORIOUS SEllVICES IN THE FIELD DURING THE REBELLION) of Virginia., May 10 to July 13, 1865; in command of Brigade in the Defenses of Washington, D. c., July Hi to Sep. 2.5, 1865 ; awaiting orders, Oct. 4 to (MUSTERED OU T 0," VOLU NTEER SERVICE, SEP. 25, 1865) Nov. 23, 1865; in command of the Engineer Battalion at Willet's Point, N. Y., (MAJOR, COllPS 01' ENGINEERS, Nov. 11, 1865) ~nd as Superintending Engincer of the const.ruction of Ft. Schuylcr, N. Y., Nov. 25 to Dec. 12, 1865; as Ass!.. Engineer in examination of the Mississippi Levees, Dec. 12, 1865, to May 29, 1866; in command of the Enginecr Bilttal­ ion at Willet's Point, N. Y., [lnd as Superintending Engineer of the construc­ tion of Ft. Schuyler, N. Y., June 1, 18G6, to ; und as Member of Board of Engineers to conduct Experiments in the Use of Iron in P ermanent Defenses, Sep. 11, 1866, to May 18, 1867. Civil History.- Correspondent of the Imperial Royal Geological Institute of the Austrian Empire, Dec. 17, 1862; and Member of several American Sci­ entific Associations, 1862-67.

1633. . (Born N. Y.) ....THOMAS H. RUGER...... (Ap'd Wis.) . . 3 Military History.- Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy [rom July 1, 1850, to Jnly I, 1854, when he was grarluated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LmUT., CORPS OF ENGINEERS, J ULY 1, 18,:;4. Served as Asst. Engineer upon the repairs und construction of the Defenses of the approaches to New Orleans, La. , 1854- 55. RESIGNr.:D, APR. 1, 1855.

Civil History.-Counsellor at Law, Jilnesville, Wis., 1856- 61.

Milita.ry History.- Served during l.he Hebellion of the Seceding Slates, 1861- 66: in command of Hegiment in Operations in Maryland and the Shen­ (LIEUT.-COLONEL, 3D \VISC O~SIN VOLUNTllliRS, JUNE 2g, 1861) ..ndoah V,l11 ey, July, 1861, to Aug. ,1862, being engaged in prevonting t.heassem­ (COLONEL, 3D "WJSCONSINVOLUNTEERS, AUG. 20, 18G1) blage of a Rebel IJegislatnre Ilt Frederick. Md., Sep., 1861. --Movement to Harrisouburg, Va. , F eb., 1862. - Combat of Winchester, May 25, l SG2, - Hetreut to Williamsport, Md., May, 1862, - und Arh-ance t.o Little Washington, Va., .July, 1862; in the Northern Virginia-Campaign, Aug.--Sep. , 1862, being engaged in tlJCI B a- ttle of Codal' Mountain, Aug. 9, 1862; in the Maryland Campaign (A.rmyof the P otomac), Sep. -Nov., 1862, being engaged in the Battle of Antietnm, Sep. 17, 1862,-and March to l~alm o uth, Va., Oct. - Noy., 1862; in command ofBl'igade of (BRIG.-GENERAL, U. S. VOLUNTEERS, Nov. 29, 1862) 12thCorps (Army ofthe Potomac), in the Rapp.lhannock Campaign, Dec. , 1862,­ June, 1863, being engaged in the Battle of Chancellorsville, May 2- 4. 1 8G::~ ; in tho P ennsylvauia Campa,ign (Army of the P otomac), June-Aug., 1863, being enguRe d in the Battle of Gettysburg (conunanding Division). July 1- 3,186:3, ..·­ and March to Warrenton, Va., July, 1863; in Suppressing the Draft Riots in U. S. MILITARY ACADEMY. 369


New York city, Aug.-Sep., 1863; at Tullahoma, Ten., guarding the Nashville und Chattanooga Railroad, Oct., 1863,-Apr., 1864; in command of Brigade of 20th Corps in the Invasion of Georgia, May 4 to Nov. 8, 1864, being engaged in t.he BIlWe of Resaca, May 15, 1864,--Battle of New Hope Church, May 25, 1864,-Action of Kulp HouRe, June 22, 1864,- Combat of Peach Tree Creek; July 20, 1864,-l1umerous Skirmishes on the March, May-July, 1864, - Siege of Atlanta, July 22- Sep. 2, 1864,-and Occupation of Athnta, Sep. 2 to Nov. 8, 1864; in command of Division of 23d Corps, in the Tennessee Campaign aga.inst the Rebel Al'my of General Hood, Nov. 15 to Dec. 8, 18(;4, being engaged in Operations about Columbia, Nov., 1864,-and Ba,ttle of Frank1in, (BVT. MAJ.-GENERAL, U. S. VOLUNTEERS, Nov. 30, 1864, FOR GALLANT AND MEIUTORIOUS SERVICES AT THE B,~Tl'LE OF FRANKLIN, TEN.) Nov. 30, 1864; in organizing the 1st Division of 23d Corps, at Nashville, Ten., Dec. 8, 1864. to Jan., 1865; in command of his Division in Operations in North Carolina, l,'eb.·-June, 1865, being engaged in the Movement up the NeuSe River, Feb.-Mar., 18S5,-Action at Wier's Forl{, near Kinston, Mar. 10, 1865,-Sun-ender of the InslU'gent Al'my under General J. E. Johnston, tit Durham Station, Apr. 26, 18G5, - and in garrison at Charlotte, May-June, 1865; and in command of the Departmcnt of North Carolina, June 27, 1865, to June 12, 1866. MUSTERED OUT OF VOLUNTEER SERl'ICE, JUNE 15, 1866. Reappointed in the United States Army, with the rank of CoLONEL, 33D INFANTRY, JULY 28, 1866. Served in command of Regiment at Macon, Ga. , Nov., 1866, to Feb. 7; 1867,-and of District of Chattanooga, Ten., Feb. 7, 1867, to BVT. BRIG.-GENERAL, U. S. ARMY, MAR. 2, 1867, FOR GALLANT AND MEIUTORIOUS SERVICES AT THE BA'l'TLE OF GETTYSBURG, P A.

1634, .(Born Me.) ...... OLIVER O. HOWARD .. , ...... (Ap'd Me.) .. 4 Military History.-Caclet at the U. S. Military Academy from Sep. 1, 1850, to July 1, 1854, when he was graduated Ilnd promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT. OF ORDNANCE, JULY 1, 1854. Served: as Assistant at Watervliet Arsenal, N. Y., 1854-55; in command of (SECOND LIEUT., ORDNANCE, FED. 15, 1855) Kennebec Al"enal, Me., 1855-56; as Assistant at Watervliet ArRennl, N. Y., 1856; as Chief of Ordnance during Florida Hostilities against the Seminole Indians, 1857; and at the Military Academy as Asst. Professor of Mathemat­ (FmST LIEUT., ORDNANCE, JULY 1, 1857) ics, Scp. 21, 1857, to June 3, 1861. ~ESIGNED, JUNE 7, 1861. Civil History.-Dcgree of A. M. conferred by Bowdoin College, Me., 1853. Military History.- S61·ved during the R.ebellion of the Seceding St,\I,es, 1861- 66: in the Defenses of WashingtOll, D. C., JUlle-July, 1861; in command (COLONEL, 3D MAINE VOLUNTEERS, JUNE 4, 1861) of Brigadf\ in the Mann,ssas Campaign of July, 1861, being engaged in the But­ tIe of Bull Ruu, July 21, 1861; in the Defenses of Washington, D. C., July 23, 1861, to April 4, 1862, being engaged in Reconnoissances to Fnirfax Station, Va., (BurG.-GENERAL, U. S. VOLUNTEERS, REP. 3, 1861) 24 370 GRADUATES OF THE


Mar. 3, nnd to the Rappahmmock, Mar. 18, 1862; in the Virginia Peninsular Campaign (Army of tho Potomllc), Apr. - June, 1862, being engaged in building wharves and roads, and unloading stores at Yorktown during the Siege of the place, Apr. 8 to May 4, 1862, - and Battle of Fair O.lks, June 1, 18li~, where he was twice severely wounded, losing his right arm; on sick lel\ve of [\bsence, disa\)led by wounds, June 2 to Aug. 27, 1862, devuting himself, when conva­ lescent, tu mising Volunteers; in the Northern Virginia Campaign, Aug.-8ep., 186~, being engaged in a Skirmish near Centreville, i:3ep. 1, 1862, - and cover­ ing the retreat to Washington, D. C. , Sep. 1- 2, Itl62 ; in the Maryland Campaign (Army of the Potomllc), Sep.-Nov., 1862, being engaged in the Battle of Antietam, Sep. 17, 1862,- and on the March to Falmouth, Va. , Oct.­ Nov., 1862; in the Rappahannock Campaign (Army of the Potomac), Dec. , (MAJOR-GENEUAL, U. S. VOLUNTEERS, Nov. 29, 18( 2) 1862,-June, 1863, being engaged in the Batt.Je of Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862,-in command of 11th Army Corps from' Apr. 1, 186:3, - and Battle of Chancellorsville, May 2- 4, 1863; in command of lith Corps (Army of the Potomac), in the Pennsylvania Cillllpilign, June-Sep., 1863, being engaged in the Battle of Gettysburg, July 1- 3, 1863,-Pursuit of the enemy to WalTt'ntcn. Va., .July, 1863,-and guarding the Omnge and Alexandria Railroad near Catlett's Station, JUly- Sep., 1863; en route to Bridgeport., Ten., Sep. 24 to .oct. 4, 1863; ill Operations about Chattlmooga, Oct. 27 to Noy. 26, 1863, being .engaged in the Action of Loo l~ out Valley, Oct. 29, 1863,- ·and BIlt.tJe of Mis­ :Hi onary Ridge, Nov. 2:3- 25. 1863 ; on Expedition for the Relief of Knoxville, Ten., Nov. 26 to Dec. 17, 1863; in Occupation of Cilattanooga, Dec. 17, 1863, ,to May 3, 1864, being assigned to the command of the 4th Corps, April 10, 1864, when tho 11th and 12th were consolidated to form the 20th COl'PS ; in ·command of 4th Corps (Army of the Cumberland), till assigned, July 27, 1864, to the command of the Army of the Tennessee, in Lho Invasion of Georgia, May 3 to Dec, 21, 1864, being engaged in opcmtions around Dalton, May 7-12, 1864,·- Battle of Resaca, May 14-15, 1864,·-Action of Adairsville, lvlay 17, 1864,-Action of Cassville, May 19, 1864,- Battle of Dallas, May 25 -26,1864, - Action of Pickett's Mill. May 27, 1864, where he was wounded,- Battles and Skirmishes about Pine and Kenesilw Mountains, June 20 to July 2, 1864, ­ Action of Smyrna Camp-Ground, .July 4, 1864, - Combt\t of P each-tree Creek, July 20, 1864,- Siege of Atlanta, July 22- Sep. 2, 1864 ,. - Combat of Ezra ,Ch.urch (in command), July 28, 1864, - Battle of Jonesboro', Aug. 31- Sep. 1, 1864,- Surrender of Atlantt\, Sep. 2, and Occnpation of the place, Sep. 2 to ,Oct. 4, 1864, - Pursuit of Rebels under Geneml H ood into Alabamil,' with fre­ quent Engagements, Oct. 4 to Nov. 1, 1864, - March to the Sea, from Atlanta -to S,witllnah, with numerous Actions and Skirmishes, including the Combat of Griswoldsville, Nov. 16 to Dec. 13, 1864,-and Sun'ender of Savannah, Dec. 21, 1864 ; in the Invasion of the Carolinas, commanding the Army of the Tennes­ (BUIG.-GENEHAL, U. S. ARMY, DEC. 21, Hl64) see, Jan. 4, to Apr. 26, 1865, being engaged in the Actions of Pocotaligo, Jan. H, River's Bridge, Feb. 3, Omngeburg, Feb. 12, Congaree Creek, Feb. 15, Cheraw, Mal'. 3, and Filyetteville, Mal'. 11, 1865,- Battle of Bentonville, (BVT. MAJ.-GENEHAL, U. S. AmIY, MAR. 13, 1865, FOH GALLANT AND MERITORIOUS SERVICES AT THE BA=LE Ol' EZRA CHURCH, AND DUnING THE C.l.MPAIGN AGAINST ATLANTA, GA.) Mar. 20-21, 1865,- Oecupation of Goldsboro', Mar. 24, 1865,- and numerous Skirmishes during the Campa.ign terminating with the Surrender of the Hebel Army under General J . E. J ohnston, at Dllrilam Station, N. C., Apr. 26, 1865; ·on the M!l.rch to Hichmond, V,•. , Apr. 29 t o May 10, 1865; and as Commis­ ·sioner of the Dureau of HefllgeeR, Freedmen, !lnd Abandoned Lands, at Wash­ ington, D. C., since May 12, 1865.

Civil History.-Degree of LL. D., conferred by Waterville College, Me., 1865,- by Shurtliff College, Ill., 1865,-and by Gettysburg Theological Semi­ nary, PIl., 1866. U. S. MILITARY ACADE~IY. 371


2635 .. (Born N. H.) .. THOMAS J. TREADWELL"". (Ap'd N. H.), .5 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Milittwy Academy from July 1, 1850, to July 1, 1854, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT. OF OUDNANCE, JULY 1,1854. Served: as Assistant Ilt Alleghany Arsenal, Pa., 1854- 55.-at Washington (SECalm LIEUT., ORDN,\.NCE, Nov. 17, 1856) (FIRST LIEUT., OUDNANCE, JULY 1, 1860) Arsenal, D. C., 1855-57,- and Frankford Arsenal, Pa., 1857-61. Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861- 66': in command of l?rankford Arsellltl, Pa. , Apr. 22, 1861, to Apr. 17, 1862; on Special duty in the Department of the South, Apr. 17 to Sep, 3, 1862; on Special duly in the Ordnance Bureau, Washington, D. C., Sep. 17,1862, to Aug. 1, 1863; in charge (CAPTAd , ORDNANCE, ];!AR. 3, 1863) of the construction of Indianapolis Arsenal, Ind., Aug. 5,1863, to Feb. 1, 1864; at the Uilitary Acadelny as Instructor of Ordu;\Uce and Gunnery, Feb. 11 to Sep. 13, 1864; and as Princip:J.l Assistant to the Chief of Ordnance, in the Ordnance Bureau, at Washington, D. C., Sep. 14, 1864, to BVT. MAJOR, AND BVT. LIEUT.-COL., MAR. 13, ,1865. FOR FAITHFUL AND MERITORIOUS SERVICES DURING 'XHE REBELLION. MAJOR, ORDNA.l'!CE, M.rn. 7, 1867.

1636, . (Born D. C.) .. CHARLES N. TURNBULL" . (Ap'd at Large),.6 Military HistorY.- Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from Sep. 1, 1850, to July 1, 1854, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT., Top. ENGINEERS; JULY 1, 1854. Served: as Asst. Top. Engineer on Survey of Boundary Line between the United States and Mexico, 18.54-56, - and on Survey of Northern Lakes, (SECOND LIEUT., Top. ENGINEERS, ApR. 30, 1856) 1856-59; at the Uilitary Academy llS Asst. Professor of 1\Iathematics, Aug. 29, (FIRST LIEUT., Top. ENGINEERS, JULY 1, 1859) 1859, to Jan. 16, 1860; and as Light-house Engineer of 1st and 2d Districts, Jan. 24, 1860. to Aug. 12, 1861. Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding Shttes, 1861-65: on Recruiting Hen 'Ice for Top. Engineer Troops, ltt Bo~ton, Mas., Se]). 3 to Nov. 23, 1861; on the Stafr of Major-Gencl'lll11utler, Nov. 23, 1861, to Mar. 20, 1862; as Chief Top. Eugineel', Deplll'tmcnt of the Gulf, Mar. 20 to July 2, 1862; on sick leave of absence, July- Oct., 1862; as Chief 'fop. Engineer of the Depa.rtment (CAPTAIN, Top. ENGINEERS, JULY 14, 1862: CORPS OF ENGINEERS, MAR. 3, 1863) I)f the Missouri, Nov., 1862, to May 7, 1863; with Battalion of Engineer troops a.t hel\dquarters of the Army of the Potomac, 1\1ay 7, 1863, to July 10, 1864, being engaged in Skirmish and in throwing Ponton Bridge across the Itappa­ hmlllock at Fl'Ilnldin's Crossing, June 5, 186:3, and over Occoquan and Potomac Rivers, for the of the Army of the Potomac to Pennsylvania, .June, 1863,- in gum'ding Train at Westminster, Md., during the Battle of Gettys­ bUl'g, July, 1863,- in constructing Bridges l\cross the POtOID[lC while pursuing the enemy to Virgini[l, July, 1863,-in making Bridges and building Block­ houses between Rappahannock Station and Warrenton Junction, Va., July to Oct., 1863, - in Ponton Bridge over the Rappahannock at Kelly's

• Son of Colonel W,LLlAll TURYBULL, Top. Engineers, U. S. Army. 372 GRADUATES OF THE


Ford, for the passage of GeBeral French's·comm,\ud, and engaged in Skirmish, Nov. 8, 1863, - in constructing Bridge on Rapidan, at Jacobs' Mills, in Mine Run Operations, Nov. 26, 1863, and again in the advo.nce to the Wilderness, May, 1864,-at Headquo.rters in the Richmond Oampaign, in all the Battles to James River, Mo.y-June, 1864,-as Ohief Engineer on Geneml Sheridan's Raid in June, 1864, including the Battle of Trevillian Station, June 12,1864,­ and In Siege of Petersburg, July 1- 14, 1864; as Ohief Engineer of the De­ fenses of Baltimol"e, Md.• July 10 to Nov. 5, 1864, being detached on Recon­ noissance to select sites for works to protect the lower Fords of the Susque­ hanna, against Rebel Raid, Aug., 1864; o.s Ohief Engineer of 8th Almy Oorps, (BVT. MAJOR, AUG. I, 1864, FOR GALLANT AND MEnITORIOUS SERVICES DURING THE OAMPAIGN BEFORE RICHMOND, VA.) "-nd on Engineer Recruiting service, Nov. 5, 1864, to Nov. 10, 1865; o.nd as· Superintending Engineer of the Defenses of Baltimore, Md., Nov. 5, 1864, to (BVT. LIEUT.-Oor,., aND BVT. OOWNEL, MAR. 13, 1865, FOl~ GALLANT AND MEnITORIOUS SERVICES DURING THE REBELLION) Nov. 10, 1865,-and of repairs of Ft. Hnmilton, N. Y., Nov. 16-Dec. 31,' 1865. RESIGNED, DEC. 31, 1865. Civil History.-Oommission Merchant at Boston, Mas., 1866, to

1637.. (Born Aln.) ...... JAMES DESHLER ...... (Ap'd Ala.) ..7 Military History.-Oadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July I, 1850, to July I, 1854, when he wo.s graduo.ted and promoted in the Army to SECOND LIEUT., 3D ARTILLERY, JULY I, 1854. Served: on frontier duty at Benicia, Oal., 1854,-and Nome Lo.ckee Re­ sen-e, Oal., 1854- 55; in garrison at Oarlisle Barracks, Pa., 1855; on frontier (SECOND LIEUT., 10TH INFANTRY, MAR. 3, 1855) duty on Sioux Expedition, 1855, being engaged in the Action of Blue Water, Sep. 3,1855,-at Ft. Laramie, Dak., 1855-56,-Platte Bridge, Neb., 1856.-Ft. Snelling, Min., 185G-57,--Utah Expedition, 1857-60,-and Ft. Garland, Col., (FmST LIEUT., 10TH INFANTRY, SEP. 17, 1858) 1860; on detached service, 1860- 61; on frontiEll' duty at Ft. Wise, 001., 1861; and on leave of absence, 1861, which having overstayed, he was DROPPED, JULY 15, 1861. Joined in the Rebellion of 1861- 66 against the United Stflt('S, and was KILLED, SEP. 20, 1863, ,\T THE BATTLE OF OmCKAlUUGA. GA.: AGED 30.

1638. . (Born Vt.) .. '" .HENRY W . CLOSSON .. . .••.... (Ap'd Vt.) .. 8 Military History.-Oadet at the U. S. Uilitary Academy from Sep. 1, 1850, to July 1, 1854, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to SECOND LIEUT., 1ST ARTILLERY, JULY I, 1854. Served: on frontier duty at Ft. Yuma, Oal., 185!-·55,-Escorting Lieut. Michler on Boundary Survey, 1855,-8an Antonio, Tex., 1856,-Ft. Olark, Tex., 1856, -Scouting to the head-waters of the Nueces, Tex.• against Lipan (FIRST LIEUT., 1ST ARTILLEEY, OCT. 31, 1856) Indians, Apr. 10-20, 1856, - Ft. Olark, Tex., 185S,- aoel Sconting, Aug. 20­ Sep. 9, 1856, being engaged in the Pursuit and Surprise of three parties of U. S. MILITARY ACADEMY. 373

NUMDER. 1854.

Lipans, Ang. 20, 1846, near the mouth of Pecos River, Tex.; in garrison at Baton Rouge, La., 1856; in Florida Hostilities against the Seminole Indians, 1857; in garrison at Ft. Adams, R. I., 1857-59; on frontier i1uty at Ft. Clark, Tex.. 1859-60,--and Ft. Duncall, Tex., 1860-61; and in garrison at Ft. 'faylor, Fla., 1861. Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861-66: in Defense of (CAP:t.UN, 19TH IN~'ANTIlY, )IA.Y 14, 1861: DECLL'

1639.. (Born N. Y.) ... JUDSON D. BINGHAM ...... (Ap'd Ind.) ..9

Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Militllry AClldemy from July 1, 1850, t-o July 1, 1854, when he .was graduated and promoted in the Army to SECOND LIEUT., 2D ARTILLERY, JULY 1, 1854. Served: in garrison at Ft.. Wood, N. Y., 1854-55,-and Barrancas Barracks, (FIRST LIEUT., 2D ARTILLERY, U.m. 12, 1856, TO AUG. 1, 18(3) Fla., 1855-56; on Coast Survey, Mar. 22, 1856, to June 12, 1857; in garrison at Ft. Monroe, Va. (Artillery School for Practice), 1857, 18,37- 59; on Expedi­ tion to Harper's l!'erry, VIl., to suppress John Brown's Haid, 1859; in gan-ison at Ft. Monroe, Va. (Artillery School for Practice), 1859- 60; and on frontier duty at Ft. Ridgely, Min., 1860,-Expedition to the Yellow 1Iiedicine, 1860,­ and Ft. Ridgely, Min., 1860-61. Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding Su\tes, 18(j1-66: in charge of (CAPT. STAFF-AsST. Qu.mTERMA'sTER, MAY 13,1861) trains and supplies of Gen. Banks' eommand in Maryland, Aug., 1861, to Feb. 12, 1862,-and of Quartermaster's Depot at Nashville, Ten., Mar. 1862, to 374 GRADUATES OF THE


Mar. 1863; as Chief Quartermaster of 17th Army Corps (Lieut.-Col., ex-officio), Jan. 1, 1863, to Apr. 23, 1864, and of the Army of the '.rennessee, Apr. 23 to Aug. 25, 1864, being present at Lake Providence and Milliken's Bend, La., Apr. 9- 23, 1863- Siege of Vicksburg, Apr. 23 -July 4, 1863, - Occupation of Vicksburg, July- Nov., 1863,-:Hemphis, Ten., Nov., 186S,-Feb., 18Gi,- Ex­ pedition to Meridian, Feb., 1864, - at Huntsville, Ab., MlLr.-Apr., 18&1, - I111d in the Invasion of Georgia, including the Siege of Atlanta, May 4 to Aug. 25, 1864; as Inspector (Colonel, ex-officio, Aug. 2, 1864, to Dec. 31, 1866), of the Quartermaster's Department, Aug. 2.5, 18G4, to Dec. 31, 1866; as Chief Quar­ (BVT. MAJOR, BVT. LmUT.-CoL., AND BV'I'. COLONEL, lVI.Ul. 13, 1865, FOR FAITHFUL AND MERr£oRlOUS SERVICES DURlXG THE REBELLION) (BVT. BRIG.-GENERAL, U. S. AmIY, APR. 9, 1865, FOR FAITH~' UL A..'W 1\iEru:­ Tomous SERVICES IN THE FmLD DURING THE REnELLlON) termaster, Department of the Lakes, Jil.n. 8, 1867, to MAJOR STAFF-QUARTERMASTER, JULY 29, 1866.

1640 .. (Born Va) ...... JOHN PEGRAM ...... (Ap'd Va.) .. 10 Military History.- Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from .July 1, 1850, to July 1, 1854, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT. OF DRAGOONS, JULY 1, 1854. Served: on frontier duty at Ft. Tejon, Ca,l., 185<1--55, -'Ft. Riley, Ran., (SECOND LIEUT., 2D DRAGOONS, MAR. 3, 1855) 1855-56,-Ft. Lookout, Dilk., 1856,- -lLnd Ft. Randall, Dak., 1857; at the Mili­ tary Academy os Asst. Instructor of Gavalry, Jan. 12 to Sep. 11, 18m; OIl (FIRST LIEUT., 2D DRAGOONS, FEB. 28, 1857) frontier duty as Adjutant, 2d Dragoons, Sep. 8,1857, to Aug. 8, 1859, being on Utah Expedition, 1857--58; on leave of absence in Europe, 1858-60; and on frontier duty on Navajo Expedition, 1860, - Albuquerque, N. M., 1860,--Scout­ ing, 1860, being engaged in a Skirmish, Oct. 24, 1860,- and at Taos, N. M., 1860-61. RESIGNED, MAY 10, 1861. Joined in the Rebellion of 18,61-66 against the United States, and was Mor­ tally Wounded in the Combat of Hatcher's Run, Va. DIED OF 'VOUNDS, FED. 6, 1865, AT PETEnsnURG, VA.: AGED 33.

1M1 . . (BornN. C.).•..CHARLES G. ROGERS ...... (Ap'd Va.), . 11 Military HistorY.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from JUly 1, 1850, to July 1, 1854, when he was gmduated and promoted in the Ar~y to BYT. SECOND LIEUT. OF DRAGOONS, JULY 1, 1854) Served on frontier duty at Ft. Leavenworth, Kan., 1854-55. R,ESlONED, FEB. 1, 1855. Civil History.-Professor of Mathematics, Giles College, Pulaski, Ten.. 1856-61. Joined in the Rebellion of 1861-66 against the United States. U. S. MII,ITARY ACADE1I1Y. 375

NUMBER. 1854.

1642.. (Bom Pa.) ... ..•THOMAS :T. WRIGHT·.... (Ap'datLllrge) ..12 Military History.-C:ldet at the U. S. Military Acad&my from .July 1, 1850, to July 1, 1854, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT. OF DR,\GOONS, JULY 1, 1854. Served: in garrison at Jdferson Barracks, ~io., 1854; and on frontier duty (SECOND LIEUT., 2D DR,\GOONS, ~lAn. 3, 1855) as Adjutant., 2d Dragoons, June 12, 1855, to Apr. 30, 1857, - Sioux Expedi­ tion, being engaged in the Action of Blue Water, Sep. 3, 1855,~-J!'t. Kearny, Neb., 1855,-Ft. Riley, Kan., 1855-56,- queiling Kansas Disturbances, 1856, (FIRST LIEUT., ~D DRAGOONS, FEB. 28, 1857) -and at Ft. Riley, Kan., 1856-57. DIED, ApIl. 30, 1857, NEAll CruC,\GO, ILL.: AG~D 24.

1643.. (Born VIl..) ...... :TAMES E. B. STUART...... (Ap'd Va.) .. 13 Military History.- Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from Jnly I, 1850, to July 1, 1854, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT. OF MOUNTED R.IFLEMEN, JULY I, 1854. Served: on frontier duty, en route to'l'exas, 1854-55,- Scotlting against Mus­ (SECOND LIEUT., MOUNTED R.IFLE~IEN , OCT. 31,1854) eulero Apache Indians, 1855, -and at Ft" McIntosh, Tex., 1855; in garrison at (SECOND LIEUT., 1sT CAVALRY, ~Lm. 3, 1855) Jefferson Barracks, Mo., 1855; on ft'ontier duty at Ft. Leavenworth, Kan., 1855,-as Quartermaster, 1st Cavalry, July 5, 1855, to May 31, 1857,-Sioux (FmST LIEUT., 1ST CAVALRY, DEC. 20, 1855) Expedition. 1855,-Ft.. Leavenworth, 1855- 57, quelling KnnsasDisturbauces, ­ Cheyenne Expedition, 1857, being eugaged in the Combnt on Solomon's Pork, Kan., July 29, 1857, where he was severely wounded,-Ft. Leavenworth, Kan., 1857,-Convoying Santn Fe mail, 1857, - Ft. Riley, Kan., 1858,-Utah Expedi­ tion, 1858,-and Ft. Riley, 185!:!- 59, quelling Kansas Disturbances; on leave of absence, 1859; !1.S Volunteer Aide-de-Camp to Colonel R. E. Lee, on the Harper's Ferry Expedition to suppress Jolin Brown's Raid, 1859; and on frontier duty at Ft. Riley, Ran., 1859- 60,-Kiowa nnd Camanche Expedition, 1860, being engaged in a Skirmish neal' Bent's Fort, Col., July 11, 1860,-and at Ft. Wise, (CAPTAIN, 1s'r CAVALllY, Apr. 22, 1861) .Col., 1860-61. RESlGNED, MAY 14, 1861. Joined in the Rebellion of 1861-66, nga.inst the United States, and was Mor­ tally Wounded at the Battle of Yellow Tavern, Va. DIED OF 'WOUNDS, J u:sF. 11, 1864, AT RICHMOND, VA.: AGED 31.

1644.. (Born N. Y.) .... ARCHIBALD GRACIE ...... (Ap'd N. J.) ..14 Military History.-Cndet at the U. S. ),oIilitary Academy from Sep. I, 1850, to July 1, 1S5!, when he W!\S graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT. OF INFANTRY, JULY 1, 1854.

• Son of Surgeon JOSD'li J. n. WRIGHT, U. S. Axmy. 376 GRADUATES OF THE


Served: on frontier duty at Ft. Vancouver, Wash., 1854,- Ft. Dallcs, Or., 1854-55,-Snake ExpcdiUon, 1855,-Ft. Boisee, Ida., 1855-56,- and Ft. Van­ (SECOND LillU"!'., 5TH INFANTRY, ~IAR. 3, 1855) couver, Wash., 1856. RESIGNED, MAY 31, 1856. Civil History.-Cotton Factor, Mobile, Ala., 1856-61. Joined in the Rebellion of 1861- 66 against the United States, and was KILLED, 1864, BEFORE PETERSBURG, VA.: AmID 32.

1645 .. (Born N. Y.) ...... JOHN R. SMEAD *...... (Ap'd at Large) ..15 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1850, to July 1, 1854, when he was gmduated and promoted in the Army to SECOND LIEUT., 2D AlnILLERY, JULY 1, 1854. - Served: in garrison '1t Carlisle Barmeks, Pa., 1854-55; on frontie!' duty at Ft. Massachusetts, Col., 1855-56,-Santa Fe, N. M., 1856,- Ft. 8tanton, N. M., 1856-57, -and on Gila Expedition against Apache Indians, 1857; at the Militlny (FIRST LIEUT., 2D ARTILLERY, MAH. 3, 1857) Academy, as AssL Professor of Nat.ural and Experimental Philosophy, Nov.~21, 1857, to Jan. 13, 1M!); in garrison at Ft. Hamilton, N. Y., 1859; und on Coast Survey, May 19, 18G9, to July 20, 1861. Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861-62: in command of a Company of District of Columbia Volunteers, in Defense of Washing­ ton, D. C., April-July, 1861; on Regimental Recruiting service, Aug. 3 to (CAPTAIN, 5TH ARTILLERY, MAY 14,1861) Sep. 1, 1861; in Organizing his Battery at H lLrl' isburg, Pa., Sep. l -·Noy. 20, 1861; in the Defenses of Washington, D. C., Nov., 18(H-Mar., 1862; in com­ mand of Battery atbtchod to the Artillery Reserve in the Virgini•• Peninsulnr Campaign (Army of the PotomRc), M,H. - Aug., 1862, being engaged in tho Siege of Yorktown, Apr. 5-May 4, 1862,- BRttie of Mechanicsville, ,Tune 26, 1862,-Battie of Gaines' .Mill, June 27, 1862,--and Battle of Glendale, June 30, 1862: and in the Northern Virginia Campaign, Aug., 1862, being engaged in the Battle of .Manassas, Aug. 2\)-30, 1862. KILLED, AUG. 30, 1862, A'!' THE BATTLE OF MANASSAS, VA.: AGED 32.

1646.(BornNovaScotia).MICHAEL R. MORGAN.....(Ap'd Ln.) ..16 Military History.- Cadet nt the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1850, to July 1, 1854, when he was gradunted and promoted in the Army to SECOND LIEUT., 3D ARTlLI.ERY, JULY 1, 1854. Served: in garrison nt San Francisco, Cal., 1854-55,-Ft. Snelling, Min., 1855-56,-nnd San Fmncisco, CIlI., 1857; on frontier duty at Ft. Miller, CoJ., (FmsT LmuT., 3D ARTILLERY, Nov. 11, 1856, TO Nov. 1, 1861) 1857,- and Nome Lackee Roserve. Cal. , 18,57- 58; in garrison at Benicia, Cnl., 1858; on Spokane Expedition, Wash., 1858, being engaged in the Combat of Four Lakes, Sep. 1, 1858,-Combllt of Spokane Plains, Sep. 5, 1858, - and Skirmish on Spokane RiYer, Scpo 8, 1&58; on frontier duty at Ft. Vancouver, Wasil., 1858; in garrison at Ft. Monroe, Va. (Artillery School for Practice), 1859; on Harper's Ferry Expedition to suppress John Brown's Raid, 18S!); and in galTison at Ft. .Monroe, Va. (Artillery School for Practice), 185!)-61.

• Son of Captain RAI'II!"" C. S.lIEAD, 4~b Artillory. U. S. MILITARY ACADElIIY. 377


Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861-66: as Chief of (CAPTAIN, 11TH INFANTRY, MAY 14, 1861: DECLINED) Commissariat to the Port Royal Expedition, S. C., Ang. 12, 1861, to Mar. 31, (CAPT. STAFF-COM. OF SUBSISTENCE, AUG. 3, 1861) 1862, and of the Department of the South, Mar. 31, 1862, to ~lay 1, 1864, with rank of Lieut.-Colonel on the staff of the 10th Army Corps, ii'om Noy. 8, 1862, being present on Morris Island during Opel'll.tions against Fts. Sumter, Wagner, and Gregg, July-Noy., 1863; as Chief of Commissariat of 10th Army Corps, May 5-Julle 16, 1864, and of the Armies operating against Richmond, .Tune 16, 1864,-June 6, 1865, being present near Bermuda Hundred, ::\Iay 5­ June 17, 1864,-Siege of Petersburg, June 17, 1864,-Apr. 2, 1865,-Combat (BvT. MAJOR, BVT. LIEUT.-COL., AND BVT. COLONEL, JULY 6, 1864, FOR DIS­ TINGUISHED SERVICES AS CHIEF CO)!. OF SUBSISTENCE OF THE ARMIES OPERATING IN THE CA.c'UPAIGN OF 1864, BEFORE RICH}IOND, VA.) of Chapin's Farm, Sep. 29, 1864,- Engagements before Petersburg, Mar. 30-31, and Apr. 1- 2, 1865,- and Pursuit of the Rebel AI'my, terminating Apr. 9, (BYT. BUIG.-GENERAL, U. S. ARMY, ApB. 9, 1865, FOR GALLAN'f AND iVIEm­ ~'ORIOUS SERVICES DURING THE C,\J'UPAIGN, TERMINATING WITH THE SURRENDER OF THE INSURGENT AI,MY UNDER GENERAL n.. E. LEE) 1865, on the Capitulation of General R. E. Lee at Appomattox C. H.; as Inspector of the Subsistence Departme.nt (Liout.-Colonel, ex-officio, June 6 to Dec. 29, 1865) at the Headquarters of the Armies of the United States, June 6­ Aug. 25, 1865; as Depot Commissary at Ft. Leayenworth, Ran., A];lg. 25,1865, (MAJOIl STAFF-CO)!. OF SUBSISTENCE, Noy. 17, 1865) to May 28, 1866; and as Chiof of Commissariat, Department of the Missouri, May 28, 1866, to

1647.. (Born S. C.) ...... STEPHEN D. LEE...... (Ap'dS. C.) ..17 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy fi'om July 1, 1850, to July 1, 1854, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to SECOND LIEUT., 4TH ARTILLEIlY, JULY 1, 1854. Served: on frontier duty at Ringgold Barracks, Tex., 1854-56; in Florida (FIRST LIEUT., 4TH ARTILLERY, OCT. 31, 1856) Hostilities against the Seminole Indians, 1856-57, being Acting' Asst. Adjutant­ General of the Department of Florida, Aug. 22 to Sep. 18, 1857; as Quarter­ master, 4th Artillery, Sep. 18, 1857, to Feb. 8, 1861; and Oil frontier duty at Ft. Leayenworth, Ran., 1857- 58, quellillgRallsas Dislurbauees,- Ft. Laramie, Dale, 185S, -conducting R ecruits to 4th Artillery, 1859,-and Ft. Randall, Dak., 1859 -61. RESIGNED, FEB. 20, 1861. Joined in the Rebellion of 1861-66 against the United States.

1648 .(Born Va.) ...... MILTON T . CARR ...... (Ap'd Va.) .. 18 Military History. -C~lc1et at the U. S. Military Academy froUl July 1, 1850, to July 1, 1854, when he was graduated and promoted in the Almy to BVT. SECOND LIEUT. OF Dp..\Goo~s, JULY 1, 1854. Served: in grarison at Jefferson Barracks, .Mr). , 1854-55; and on frontier (SECOND LIEUT., 1ST DIaGooNS, MAR. 3, 1855) duty, in conducting Recruits to New Mexico, 1855,-- Ft. Craig, N. M., 1855-56 -Scout,ing against Apache Indians, being engaged in several Skirmishes, 378 GRADUATES OF THE


1856,-Ft. Craig, N. Ni., 1856, ·-NIarch to Arizona, 6nd Exploration of the country north of Calabazos, 1856- 57, - Camp Moore, N. M., 1857, - March to (FIRST LmuT., 1ST DRAGOONS, JUNE 20, 1857) Ft. Buchanan, N. M., 1857,-Murch to California, 1857- 58,-San Francisco, Cal., 185S, - Ft. Crook. Cal, 1S5S,- ]<;xpedition to Honoy Lake, 185S, - Ft. Crook, Cnl., 18G8-59,- Scouting, 185!J, - Ft. Tejon, Cal, lS5!J-60, - Scouting, 1860,-Ft. 'rejon, C'll., lS60- 61, - and Ft. Crook, Cal., lSG1. Served dUl'ing the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861-63: in the De­ (CAPTAIl'I, 1ST DIUGOONS, MAY 31, lS61: 1ST CAVALRY, AUG. 3, lS(1) fenses of Washington, D. C., Nov., lS61, to Mar., lSG2; absent sick, Mm'. 29, lSG2, to Jan., lS63; in comm,md of regiment at Flllmouth. Va., Jan.-·Feb., lS63; on siek leave of absence, Feb. :l4 to Sep., lS63; as Mustering and Dis­ bursing Offioer at Wheeling, Va., Sep. to Oct., lS63; and absent without 16>we, Oct- 1 to Nov. 15, 1863. WHOLLY RET11IED FROM SERVICE, DEC. 29, lSG3. Civil History.--Unknown.

1649 . . (Born N. C.) . ..WILLIAM D. PENDER ...... (Ap'd N. C.) .. 19 Military History.- Cadet at the U. S. lVIilitary Academy from July 1, 1850, to July 1, 1854, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LmuT. OF ARTILLEItY, JULY 1, 1854. Served: in Florida Hostilities against the Seminole Indians, 1854-55; on (SECOND LIEUT., 2D ARTILLERY, AUG. 16, 18(;4) frontier dnty at Ft. Thorn, N. M., 1856,-Ft. Craig, N. M., 185G,--Scouting, (SECOND LmuT., 1ST DIIAGOONS, MAR. 3, 18(5) 1856, being engaged against the Apache Indians in a Skirmish, at Alnlfligre lI'lountain, N. M. , lYbr. 20, 185G, - Murch to California, 1856, - Ft. 'rejan, Cal., 1856-57, - Ft. Walla Walla, Wash., 1857,-Ft. DaUes, Or.. 1857, - -Ft. Van­ couver, Wash, 1857- 58, --IIUd Ft. Walla Wulla, Wash., 185S; on Spokn,ne (FmsT LIEUT., 1ST DRAGOONS, MAY 17, 18(8) Expedition, Wash.• lS58, being engaged in the Combat of' Four Lakes, Sep. 1. 1858,- Comhat on Spokitne Plains, Sep. 5, 1858,- and Skirmish on Spokane Hivor, Sep. 8, lS58; OIl frontier duty at Ft. Walla Walla, Wash., 1859,- Ulld Ft. Vancouver, Wash., 1859; in Ore~on Hostilities. 1859- GO, being engaged in a ~kirmish neal' Harney Lake, May 24, 1860, -and Skirmish neal' Owyhee HiveI', June 23, 1860; on frontier duly at Ft. Walla Wall,~, Wash., 1860; as Adjutant, 1st Dl'l1goons, Nov. 8, 1860, to .Jan. 31,1861, at San Francisco, Cal.; and on Hecl'Uiting service, 1861. HESIGNED, MAll. 21, 1861. Joined in the Rebellion of 1861-66 against the United St~tes, and was KILLED, JULY 3, 18G3, AT THE BATTLE OF GETTYSllURG, PA.: AGED, 29.

1650.. (Born N. Y.) ....LOOMIS L. LANGDON ...... (Ap'd N. Y.) ..20 Military Histo!y.- Cadet at the U. S. Militm'Y Academy from .July 1, 1550, to July 1, 180-1, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LmUT. OF ARTILLEIIY, JULY 1, 1854. Served: in gal'l~son at Ft. Monroe, Va., 1854; in Florida Hostilities against the (SECOND LmUT., 1ST ARTILLERY, AUG. 21, 18(4) Seminole Indians, 1854- 5G, being engaged in an Action in Big Cypress Swamp, U. S. MILITARY ACADEMY. 379


ApI:. 7, 1856; and On .frontier duty at Ft. Brown, Tex., 1857- 59,-and Brazos Santiago, Tex., 1859-60, having charge of the Dismantling of the Forts on the (FIRST LIEUT., 1ST ARTILLERY, JUI.y 13, 18(0) Rio Grande, and of the Stownge and Transportation of the Public Property therefrom. Seryed during the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861- 66: in De­ fen8e of Ft. Pic·kens, Fla., :Feb. 7, 1861, to .Jan. 7, 1862, being engaged in tbe (CAPTAIN, 1ST ARTILLERY, AUG. 28, 18(1) Repulse of the Attack on Santa Rosa Islnnd, Fla., Oct. 9, 1861,·-and the Bombardments of Ft. Pickens. Noy. 22 -23,1861, and July 1, 1862; in garrison at Ft. Jefferson, Tortugas, Fla., Feb.·-June, 1862; in Operutions in S<'uth Carolina, June 14,1862, to Feb. 5, 1864, being engaged (clJmmancling Sieg3 and Field Batteries) in the Descent upon Morris Island, June 10, 186::l, - :\uu Siege of Ft. Wagner, July 10-20, 1863; in command of Battery and Artillery Brignde in the Expedition to Florida, Feb. 5 to Apr. 26, 1864, being engaged in the B{lttie of Olustee, Feb. 20, 1864; as Chief of Artillery of 1st Division, (BVT. MAJOR, FEB. 20, 1864, FOR GALLANT AND · r>IEIIITORIOUS SERYICES AT THE BATTLE OF OLUSTEE, FLA.) 10th Army Corps, in Operations on' James River, Ilcar Bermuda Hundred, Va., May 5-Sep. 28, 1864, being engaged in the Action of Howlett's House, May 10, 1864, - Assault and Capture of the enemy's Defenses near Chester St,.tion, May 11-14, 1864,-Bnttle of Drury's Bluff, May 16, 1864,-Defcuse of Bermuda Hundred Intrenchments, with frequent Skirmishes, May 20-Aug. 28, 1864,­ and Siege of P etel'sburg, Sep., 1864; in comllland of Battery in Operations before Hichmond, Sep. 29, 1864, to Aug. 18, 1865, being engaged in the Assault and C,\pture of New Market Heights, Sep. 29, 18G4,-Repulse of At­ (Bv'r. LmuT.-CoL., SEP. 29,1864, FOR GALLANT AND MERITORIOUS SEHVICES IN ~'HE ATTACK ON FT. GILMEH, VA.) tack on New Market Hoael, Oct. 7, 1864, - as Chief of Artillery of 25th Army Corps (Army of the Jnmes), Feb. a-June 18, 1865,-and Asst. Inspector. Geneml, June 18- Aug. 18, 186,5; on sick leave of absence, Aug. - Nov., 1865; in command of Companyat Brownsville, Tex., Nov, - Dec., 1865, - Braz()s S,\U­ tia

1651.. (Born Pa.) ...... JOHN T. GREBLE ...... (Ap'd Pa.) .. 21 Military History.- Cadet at the U. S. Militl1ry Ae.ademy from July I, 1850, to .July I, 1854, when he was gmdm\ted and promoted in the Al'my to BVT. SECOND LIEUT. OF ARTILLEHY, JULY I, 1S54. Served: in garrison at Newport B~rrilcks, Ky., 1854; in Florida Hostilities (SECOND LIEUT., 2D AHTILLEHY, SEP. 27, 18(4) uoaillst the Seminole Indians, 1854-55,1856; at the Military Academy, 1856- 60, ~ Asst. hofessor of Geography, History, and Ethics, Dec. 3, 1856, to Sep. 24, (Frns'r LIEUT., 2D ARTILLERY, MAH. 3, 1857) 1860, - nnd Quartermaster, Aug. 31, 1~59, ~o Jan. 5, 1860; and in garrison at Ft. Monl·oe, Va. (Artillery School for PractICe), 1860-61. Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861: in Defeuse of Ft. Mouroe, Va., Mar.-Mt\y, 1861; au Ord!1ance duty at Newport News, Va., May 26 ··June V, 18tH; and on ExpeditIOn to Big Bethel, June 9-10, 1861, (Bn. CAPT., BVT. l\'IMOR, AND BVT. LIEUT.-COL., JUNE 10, 1861, FOR CONSPICUOUS GALLANTHY AND iVIERITORIOUS CoNDUCT IN THE B.\'TTLE OF BIG BETHEL, VA.) beiucy encyaC7ed in the Action of Big Bethel, where, while covering our defe~ted ~o~ps with the fire of his artillery, he was KILLED, JUl-iE 10, 1861: AGED 27. 380 GRADUATES OF THE


1652. . (Born S. C.) ....JOHN B. VILLEPIGUE ...... (Ap'd S. C.) .. 22 Military History.- C,ldet at the U. S. Military Acn.demy from July I, 1850, to July I, 185! , when he Wfl.S graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEU·I'. OF DRAGOONS, JULY 1, 185!. Served : in garrison at ,Jeffel'son Bl1l'rll.cks, Mo., 1854-55; on frontier duty at (SECOND LIEUT., 2D DRAGOONS, MAR. 3, 1855) Ft. Lell.venworth, Kan., 1855, - -8ioux Expedition, 1855,-on the Upper llns­ soud, 1855-56,-March to Ft. Lookout, D,lk., 1856,- Ft. Kell.rny, Neb., 1856- 57,-Ft. Laramie, D"k., 1857,-and on Utah Expedition, 1857-58; at the (FIRST LIEUT., 2D DRAGOONS, MAY 27, 1857) Cavalry School for Practice, C'lrlisle, Pa., 1859-60; and on frontier duty at Ft. Crittenden, Utah, 1860-61. . RESIGNED, MAR. 31, 1861. Joined in the Rebellion of 1861-66, against the United States. DIED, Nov. , 1862, AT PORT HUDSON, L-L: AGED 32.

1653.. (Born Vt.) ...... HENRY A. SMALLEy ...... (Ap'd Vt.) . . 23 Military History.- Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1850, to July 1, 1854, when he was graduated !1nd promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT. OF ARTILLERY, JULY 1, 1854. Served: in g[lrrison at Ft. Monroe, Va., 1854-55,-Baton Rouge, La., 1855,­ (SECOND LIEUT., 2D ARTILLERY, OCT. 2, 1854) Ft. McHenry, Mel., 1855- 56, 1856-57,- and Ft. Lafayette, N. Y., 1857; and on frontier duty at Ft. Brady, Mich., 1857, - Ft. Snelling, Mill., 1857-58,- Ft. ~'luckillac, Mich., 1858,- Plattsburg B'"W1Cks, N. Y., 1859-60,- and Ft. Mack­ inac, Mich., 1860- 61. Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861-65: on Head­ (FIRST LnmT. , 2D ARTILLERY, ArR. 25, 1861) qnarters GUllrd of the General-in-Chief, at Washiugton, D. C., May H-June 19, 1861; as Mustering Officer of Lamon's TIrig,me of Loyal Virginians, and Actiug Qnartermaster and Commissary at Williamsport, Mel., Juue, 1861; as Aide-de-Camp to Major-General Dix, July, 1861; in Organizing 5th Vermont Volunteers, at St. Albans, Vt., Aug.-Sep. , 1861; in the Defenses of Washington, (COLONEL, 5TH VERMONT VOLUNTEERS, SEP. 16, 1861) D. C., Sep. 18G1, to Mar., 1862; in the Virginia PeninsulRr CRmprdgn (Army of the Potomac), Mar.- May, 1802, being engaged in the Siege of Yorktown, Apr., 1862; on leave of absence, MRy 17 to Sep. 10, 1862; at the MilitlLry (RESIGXED VOLUXTEER COM)IIS~ION, SEP. 10, 186~) AClLdemy as Principal Asst. Professor of French, Nov. 11, 1862, to Aug. 11, (CAPTAIN, 2D ARTILLERY, AUG. 1, 1863) 1863; flS Acting kIst. Inspector-General of the Dish'ict of West Florid.l, Nov., 1863, to May, 181H ; in mounting 15 and 20-inch Rodman guns in outer Bat­ tery of Ft. Hamilton, N. Y., Juuo 1G-July 10, 1864; on Mustering duty a~ Albany, N. Y., July 10 to Sep. 18, 1864; and on Recruiting service at Troy, N. Y , July 10 to Sep. 18, 1864, ·- and at New York city, Bep. 18, 1864, to Feb. 11, 1865. RESIGNED, i\1An. 8, 1865. Civil History.-Unknown. U. S. MILITARY ACADEMY. 381

NU~lDER. 1854.

1654.. (Born Pa.) ...... SAMUEL KINSEy...... (Ap'd Pa.) .. 24 Military History.-Cl\det at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1850, to July 1, 1854, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT. OF ARTILLERY, JULY 1, 1854. Served in garri~on at Ft. Moultrie, S. C., 181H,-Ft. Monroe, Va., 1854-55, (SECOND LIEUT., 1ST ARTILL'ERY, Nov. 2, 1854) -and Ft. McHenry, Md., 1855. DIED, JULY 14, 1!l55, AT WASHINGTON, D. C.: AGED 21.

1655.. (Born Ga.) ...... ABNER SMEAD ...... (Ap'cl Glt.) ..25 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1850, to July 1, 1854, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army t.o BVT. SECOND LIEUT. OF ARl'ILLEHY, JULY 1, 1854. Served: in garrison at Ft. Monroe, Va., 1854,-Key West, Fla., 1855-56,­ (SECOND LIEUT., 1ST ARTILLERY, Nov. 4, 1854) Ft. Moultrie, S. C., 1856-58,-and Ft. Monroe, Va. (Artillery School for Prac­ (SECO}lD LIEUT., 2D DRAGOONS, llhR. 3, 1855: DECLINED) tice), 1858-59; on Expedition to Harper's Ferry, to st'lppress John Brown's Raid, 1859; and in garrison o.t Ft. )ionroe, Va. (Artillery School for Prnctice), (FmsT LIEUT., 1ST ARTILLERY, Nov. 22, 1860) 1859-61. DROPPED, APR. 11, 1861, "having, when 'll-ith his company, under critico.l circumstances, tendered his resigno.tion in order to from duty therewith."

1656.. (Born N. Y.) .....OLIVER D. GREENE ...... (Ap'd N. Y.) .. 26 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. ;\iilitary Academy from July 1, 1849, to July 1, 1854, when he was graduo.ted and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT. OF ARTILLERY, JULY 1, 1854. Served: on fronLier duty at Ft. Reading, Oal., 1854--55,-and Ft. Washita, (SECOND LmuT., 2D ARTILLERY, Nov. 25, 1854) I. 'r., 1855-56; in garris0n at Ft. Monroe, V'l., 1856-57, 1857; on frontier duty at Ft. Leavenworth, and quelling Kansas Disturbances, 1857- 58; in g'lrrison o.t Carlisle Barra.cks, Pa., 1858; on fronLier duty on Utah Expedition, 1858, - Ft. Leavenworth, Kan., 1858,--;-Ft. Riley, Kiln., 1858-59,--ancl Ft. Leavenworth, Kan., 1859; Ilnd on Const Survey, Nov. 26, 1859, to June 15, 1861. . FI.RS'l' LIEUT., 2D ARTILLERY, APR. 25, 1861. Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861-66: ill the Defenses of Washington, D. C., JIUle IS-Aug. 3, 1861, participaLing ill the Manassas Campaign of July, 1861, and was engaged in the Battle of Bull RUll, July 21, 1861; as Asst: Adjutant-General of the Department of the Cumberland, (CAPT. STAFF-Ass'!'. ADJUTANT-GENERAL, AUG. 3, 1861) 382 GRADUATES OF THE


Sep. 24-Nov. 15, 1861,- of the Dep,utment of the Ohio, Nov. 15, 1861, to July ,1862; on sick leave of absence, July-Aug., lS6:.!; as Acljutant-Gen­ (f-U.roR t>TAFF-AsST. ADJUTANT-GENERAL, JULY 17, 1862) eTaI of6th Corps (Army ofthe Potomac), in the Maryland Campaign, Sep.-Nov., 1862, being engaged in the Batt.le of Sonth Mountain, Sep. 14, 1862,-Battle of Antietam, Sep. 17, 1862, - and March to Falmouth, Va., Oct. - Nov., 1862; on tour of Inspection in the Department of the South, Dec. 17, 1862, to May 1, 1863; as Assistnnt in the Adjutant-Geneml's Office at Washingt.on, D. C., May 1 Lo Aug. 26, 1863; as Adjutant-General of the Department of the Uis­ sOUl'i, at St. Louis, Mo., Aug. 27, 1863, to Sep. :.!1, 1864; awaiting orders and (UAPTAIN, 2D ARTILLERY, OCT. 1, 1863, TO JUNE 13, 1864) Oil leave of absence, Sep. 21, 1864, to Sep. 3, 1866; as Adjutant-General of the Department of the Arkansas, Sep. 3, 1866, to ,-and Secretary for Civil Affairs in the Fourth Military District, Mar. 26, 1867, to

1657.. (Dorn N. Y.) .....STEPHEN H. WEED...... (Ap'd N. Y.) . . 27 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1850, to July 1, 1854, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT. OF ARTILLERY, ,JULY 1, 1854. Served: on frontier duty at Ft. Brown, Tex., 1855-56; in Florida Hostilities (SEcolm LIEU'!'., 4TH AnTILLERY, DEC. 18, 1854) against the Seminole Indians, 1856-57; and on ii'ontier duty at Ft. Leavenworth, (FIRST LmuT., 4TH ARTILLERY, Nov. 16, 1856) quelling Kansas Distm'bances, 1858,- Platte Bridge, Ran., 185S, -and Utah E:,:pedition, 1858- 61, beiug engaged in an E:,:pedition against P,w,mte and other hostile Indians, Nhy-Sep .. 1860. p,U'ticipating in Skirmishes at Egan Uafion, Aug. 11. and at Deep Creek. Sep. 6, 1860. Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding States. 1861-63: as Execntive (CAPT. STAFF-AsST. QUARTEHUASTER, ~rAY 13, 1861: DECLINED) (CAPTAIN, 5TH ARTILLERY. MAY 14, 1861) Officer at Regimental headquarters, Waohington, D. C., Aug. 17-Sep. 2. 18tH; on Recruiting service at New York city, Sep. 2 to Nov. 11, 1861; at Camp Greble, near Harrisburg, P'l.• Nov. 11. 1861, 'to Mar. 8, 1862: in the Virginia Peninsular Cmnpaign (Army of the Potomac), Mar.- Aug., 186:3, being engaged in the Siege of Yorktown, Apr. 5-May 4, 1862, - -B,\ttle of Ga.ines' Mill, June 27. 186Z, - and Battle of Malvern Hill. ;June 30 -July 1, 1862 ; in the Northern Vir­ ginia C....mpaign. Aug. - Sep.• 1862, being eng'\gecl in the Battle of Manassas. Aug. 30, 1tl62; in the Maryland Campaign (Army of the Potomac). Sep.-Nov., 186:3, being engaged in the Battle of Antietam, Sep. 17, 1862, - and March to Falmouth. V fL•• Oct-Nov. • 1862; as Chief of Artillery Corps, at Falmouth. V'l .. D e~. 3, 1862, to Jail. 23. 1863; on lelwe of absence. ,Jan. 23 to Apr. 18, 1863 ; in the Rappahannock Campaign (Army of the Potomac), Apr.- .June, 1863, being engaged in the Battle of Chancellorsville. May 2 ·4, 1863,- ancl in comm,lnd of Artillery Brigade, 5th Army Corps. May 10·-Jnne 6. 1863; and in (BRIG.-GENERAL, U. S. VOLUNTEEllS, JUNE 6. 1863) the Pennsylvania C,,,mpaign (Army of the Potomac), ,Jnne-July, 1863, being engaged in the Battle of Getty.burg, ,July 1-2. 1863. KILLED, JULY 2, 1863, AT TilE BATTLE OF GETTYSBUllG, PA.: AGED 30. U. S. MILITARY ACADEMY. 383


1658 .. (BomN. Y.) .. E. FRANKLIN TOWNSEND .. . .. (Ap'd Wis.) .. 28 Military History- Cadet at the U. S. :Mjlitary ACl\demy from Scpo 1, 1850, to July 1, 1854. when he was graduated and promotcd in the Army to Bn'. SECOND LIEUT. OF ARTILLERY, .JuLY 1, 1854. Served: on frontier duty at San Diego, Cal., 1854- 55,-Escorting Lieut. (SECOND LIEUT., 3D ARTILLERY, JAN. 31, 1855) Parks' Topographical party in the Mojave River country, 1855,-lInd lit Ft. Yuma, Cal., 1855- 56. RESIGNED, MAR. 11, 1856. Civil History.-Counselor lit Law, Milwaukee, Wis., 1858- 61. Military History.-Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861-66: in command of Battalion of 16th Infantry in the Department of the (CAPTAIN, 16TH INFANTRY, MAY 14. 1861) Cumberland, Dec., 1861-Feb., 1862; in the Tennessee and Mississippi Cam­ paign, commanding Battalion (Army of the Ohio), Feb.-June, 1862, being en­ gaged in the March to Nashville, and Pittsburg Landing, Feb.-Apr., 1862,­ Batile of Shiloh, Apr. 7, 1862,-and Advance upon, and Siege of Corinth, (BvT. MAJOR, ApR. 7, 1862, FOR GALLANT AND ~iERI'l'ORlOUS SERVICES AT THE BATTLE OF SHILOH, TEN.) Apr. 9-May 30, 1862; in the Movement of his Company (Army of the Ohio\ through Mississippi, North Alabama, "nd the line of the Nashville alld Chatta­ nooga Railroad, June 26- Aug. 5, 1862; in command of Ordnancc Depot at Nashville, 1'en., Aug. 5, 1862, to July 1, 1865, - nnd of 12 Companies of the (BVT. LIEU'f.-COL. , M,\R. 13, 1865, FOR CONTIl\'UED AND FAITHFUL SER­ VICES IN THE ORDNA.l\[CE DEPRTUENT) 16th Infantry, (It Nashville, Ten .. July 1, 1865, to Apr. 24, 1866; on Recruiting Service, Apr. 24 to Sep. 30, 1866; in command of Company (It Nashville, Ten., (T1UNSFERRED TO 25TH INF.~NTRY, SEP. 21, 18(6) Oct. 3, 1866, to Mar., 1867, - and at Paducah, Ky., Mar., 1867, to Md of 25th Infantry, and the District of Memphis, TCll., May 31, 1867, to

1659 .. (Born Ala.) ....ALFRED B. CHAPMAN ...... (Ap'd Ala.) .. 29 Military History.- Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from Sep. 1, 1850, to July 1, 1854, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to Bn. SECOND LIEUT. OF ARTILLERY, JVLY 1, 1854. Served: in Floridn Hostilities against the Seminole Indians, 1854-55; and on (SECOND LIEUT., 3D AnTILLERY, FEB. 15,1855) (SECOND LIEUT., 1ST DRAGOONS, MAR. 3, 1855) frontier duty, at Albuquerque, N. ~I . , 1856,-on Escort, 1856, - ·Albuquerque, N. M. , 1856. - Cltmp Moore, N. M., 1856, - Ft. Buchanan, N. M. , 1857,-Gila. Expedition, 1857, being engaged against the Apache Indians, in the Combat on Gila River, N. M., June 27, 1857,- Ft. Buchannn, N. M., 1857- 58,- Ft. Tejon, Cal., 1858-59, - Scouting against Mojave Indians, being engaged in a Skirmish at Beltll's Cro~~ing of the Colorarlo River, Cal., .Jllll. 9, 1859,-Ft. (FmsT LIEUT., 1ST DRAGOONS, JAN. 6, 1859) Crook, CaL, 1859- 60,-i:md Ft. Churchill, Nev., 1860-61. RESIGNED, ~IAY. 14, 1861. Civil History.-Counsellor at Law, Los Angelos, Cal., since, 1862. 384 GRADUATES OF THE

NUMBER. 1854.

1660.. (Born Va.) .....GEORGE A. GORDON.... (Ap'd atLarge) .. 30 Military History.- Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from .July I, 1850, to July I, 1854, when he was graduft ted and promoted III the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT. O}' ARTILLERY, JULY I, 1854. Served: on fI'ontier duty at San Diego, Cal. , 1854-55,-Ft. Riley, Ran., (SECO ND LmUT., 2D ARTILLERY, FEB. 20, 1855) (TRANSFERRED TO 2D DRAGOONS, MAR. 3, 1855) 1855-57, - Quelling Ransas Distmbances, 1857, - Utnh Expedition, 1857- 60,­ (FmsT LIEUT., 2D DRAGOONS, J UNE 4, 18(8) March to Oregon, 1860,-and Ft. Crittenden, Ut.ah, 1860- 61. Served during t.he Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861-66: in the Defenses (CAPTAIN 2D DRAGOONS, MAY 30, 1861 : 2n CAVALRY, AUG. 3, 1861) (If Washington, D. C., Oct., 1861, to Mar. 1862 ; in the Virginia P eninsular Campaign (Army of the P otomac), M,w. -June, 1862; on Proyost Guard duty, being engaged in t.he Reconnoissance neal' New Bridge, Va., Mar. 2<1, 1862,- ­ (BVT. MAJOR, MAR. 24, 1862, FOR GALLAN'r AND MERITORIOUS SERVICES ON THE R ECONNOISSANCE NEAR NEW BRIDGE, VA.) and Siege of Yorktown, Apr. 5-May 4. 1862; on leave of absence, June 18 t.o July 9, 1862; at Harrison's Landing, Va. , July- Aug., 1862 ; in the 1I'[aryland Campaign in command of Regiment (Army of the P otomac), Sep.-Oct., 1862, beiug engaged in the Battle of South Mountain, Sep. 14, 1862,- ancl Battle of Antietam, Sep. 17, 1862; as Inspector of horses at Washington, D. C., Oct. 24, 1862, to Jan., 1863; in the Rappahannock Campaign (Army of the P otomac), Jan.-June, 1868, being engaged in command of Regiment, Feb. 6-1Ihr. 26, 1863, - -and as Chief Ordnance Officer and Commissary of Musters at head­ quarters of Cavah-y Corps, Apr. 5- .Tune, 1863 ; on sick leave of absence, June to July 6, 1863; on the March to Wan-enton, Va. (Army of the Potomac), being engaged in several skirmishes, July, 1863.: fl,bs ent sick and inspecting horses at Washington, D. C., Aug. to Oct., 1863 ; in command of R.egiment., Oct., 1863­ Feb., 1864, and Company, Feb. to May, 1864, near the R fl,pidan River, engaged chiefly on Picket duty; in the Richmond Campaign, as Aide-de-Camp to Gen­ erals Menitt fl,nd Torbert, and Commissal-Y of Musters to 1st Division, Cavalry Corps, ?lIay 5 to Aug. 29, 1864, being engaged in "Sheridan's first Raid" on Hiehmoncl, fl,nd second to Trevillian Station; as Commissary of Musters, (BVT. LIEUT.-COL. , J UNE 11 , 1864, FOR GALLANT A~D MERITORIOUS SERVICES AT THE BATTLE OF 'fnEVlLLIAN STATl O ~, VA.) Cavalry Corps, in the Shenandoah Campaign, and as Special Inspector of Cfl,yalry, Department of West Virginir" Aug. 29 to Dec. 7, 1864; as Ass t. Com­ missfu'y of Musters, 1st Cavalry Division, Army of t.he Shenandoah, Dec. 7, 1864, to May, 1865; on the Staff of General Merritt as Acting Asst. Adjutn.nt­ General, June to Aug., 1865, and Asst. Inspector-General, Aug. to Noy., 1865; on frontier duty at Ft. Riley, Ran., Dec. 22, 1865, to Feb. ] 2, 1866,- and Ft. Dodge, Ran., Feb. to Aug., 1866; on Recruiting senice, Aug. 5, 1866, to

1661 . . (Born Ill.) ...... JOHN O. LONG ...... (Ap'd at Large) . .31 Military History.- Ca·det at the U. S. Military Ac!\demy from July I, 1850, to July I, 1854, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECO'lD LIEUT. OF INFANTRY, JULY 1. 1854. Served: on frontier duty at Ft. Riley, Kan., 1854-55,- Ft. Leavenworth, (SECOND LIEUT., 2n I NFA~Tl\Y, 1IiAR. 3, 1855) U. S. lIIILITARY ACADEMY. 385


Ran., 1855,- Ft. Pierre, Dak.,1855-57,-Ft. Randall, Dak., 1857,-Ft. Lea­ venworth, Ran., 1858, -Ft. Randall, Dak., 1858-59, -·Ft. Laramie, Dak., (FIRST LIEUT., 2D INFANTRY, JAN. 19, 1861) 1859-60,-alld Ft. Abercrombie, Dak., 1860- 61. RESIGl\ED, MAY 2, 1861. Joined in the Rebellion of 1861-66 against the United States.

1662. . (Born Ala. ) ...... BENJAMIN F DAVIS ...... (Ap'd Mis. ) .. 32 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from Jnly I, le50, to July I, 1854, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT. OF INFA"I.'TRY, JULY I, 1854. Served: on frontier dut.y at Ringgold BalTacks, Tex., 1854-55,-Ft. Stanton, (SECOND LillUT., 1s~' DRAGOONS, ~iAR. 3, 18(5) N. M., 1856,-Camp :Moore, N. :M., 1856, - Ft_ Buchanan, N. M., 1857, -Gil'l Expedition, 1857, being engaged with Apache Indians in an Action on Gila River, June 27, 1857, where he W(lS wounded,-Ft. Buchanan, N. M., 1858,­ March to California, 1858, - Ft. T ejon, Cal., 1858- 59, - Colorado River, CIII., (FmsT LIEUT., 1ST DRAGOONS, JAN. 9, 1860) 1859,-Ft. Tejon, Cnl., 1859-61,- and Los Angelos, Cal., 1861. CAPTAIN, 1ST.CAVALRY, .JULY 30, 1861. Served during the Rebellion of t.he Seceding Stlltes, 18(>1-63 : in the Defenses (LIEUT.-COL., 1ST CALIFORNIA C.HALRY VOLU"I.'TEERS, AUG. 19 TO Nov. I, 1861) of Washington, D. C., Jan.-:Mar., 1862; in the Virginia Peninsular Campaign (Army of the Potomac), M:ar.-June, 1862, being engnged in the Siege of York­ town, ApI'. 5- :\1:ay 4, 1862, - and Bat.tle of Williamsburg, :Muy 5, 1862; in com­ (COLONEL, 8TH NEW YORK CAVALRY VOLUNTEERS, JUNE 25, 18(;2) mand of Regiment at Relay House, Md., July-Aug., 1862; in the :Maryland Cl>mpaign, Sep.- Nov., 1862, being engflged in the Defense of Hflrper's Ferry, Sept. 12- 14, from which he cut his way through t.he enemy's lines nnd reached Greencastle, P II., Sep. 15, ] 862, - and several Skirmishes on t.he Mllrch to Fal­ (BvT. ~IA.JOR, SEP. 15, 1862, FOR i\1ERITORlOUS SERVICES IN THE WITH­ DRAWAL OF THE CAVALRY FOIlCE FROM HABPER'S FERRY, VA., AT THE SURRENDER OF THAT PLAC,'E) mout.h, Va., Nov.! 1862 ; i~ t!Ie R appahanuock Cnmpaign (Army of the Poto­ mac), atBelle Plam and VICllllty, Dec., 1862-J an., 1863, -and guarding the Rap­ pflh,mnock, Feb.-June, being engaged in several Skirmishes,-and Combat at Beverly Ford, June 9, 1863. KILLED, JUNE 9,1863, AT THE COMBAT OF BEVERLY FORD, VA.: AGED 31.

1663. . (Bom Canada) .....JAMES WRIGHT...... (Ap'd N. Y.) .. 33 Military History.- Cudet at the U. S. :Military Academy from July 1, 1849, to July 1, 1854, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BYT. SECOND LIEUT. OF MOUNTED RIFLE~mN, JULY 1, 1854. Served: at the Cavalry School for Practice, Carlisle, Pu., 1854-55; and on (SECOND LIEUT., MouNmD RIFLEMEN, iVuR. 3, 1855) 25 386 GRADUATES OF TllE

NUMBER. 1854. CLASS RANK. frontier duty at Ringgold Barracks, Tex., 1855, - Ft. McIntosh, Tex., 1855,­ Scouting, 1855-56,-ltinggold Barracks, Tex., 1856,-Ft. Clnrk, Tex., 1856, -March to New Mexico, 1856,-Los LunRS, N. M., 1856-57, - Scouting, 1857,­ Ft. Craig, N. M., 1857, - ancl Albuquerque, N. M., 1857. DIED, OCT. 26, 1857, AT ALBUQUERQUE, N. M.: AGED 28.

1664.. (Born Va.) .....WATERMAN PALMER...... (Ap'el Pa.) .. 34 Military History.·-Cadet at the U. S. Military AC'ldemy from July 1, 1850, to July 1, 1854, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT. OF INFANTRY, JULY I, 185'!' On authorized graduation leave of absence, July 1 to Oct. 11, 1854. RESIGNED, O(:T. 11, 1854. Reappointed in the United States Army with the rank of SECOND LIEUT., 1ST ARTILLERY, JUNE 7, 1855. .served in garrison at Ft. Moultrie, S. C., 1855. DIED, Nov. 18, 1855, AT FT. MOULTRIE, S. C.: AGED 23.

1665.. (Born Pa.) ...... DAVID P. HANCOCK...... (Ap'd Pa.) ..35 Military History.- Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1849, to July 1, 1854, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT. OF INFANTRY, JULY 1, 1854. Served: on frontier dul,y at Ft. Arbuckle, I. T .. 1854-G7,-and Ft. Washita, (SECOND LIEUT., 7TH INFANTRY, MAn. 3, 1855) I. T., 1857-58; in garrison at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., 1858; and on frontier (FIRST LIEUT., 7TH INFANTRY, APR. 20, 1858) duty on Utah Expedition, 1858-60,-March to New Mexico, 1860,- Albu­ querque, N. M., 1860- 61,-and Ft. McLane, N. M., 186l. Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861- 66: iu Opemtions in New Mexico, May-July, 1861, being engaged in the Action of )iesilla, Ari., (CAPTAIN, 7TH INFANTRY, MAY 27, 1861) July 25, 1861,-and }lIarch from Ft. Fillmore to Still' Augustine Sprin<>s, July 26-27, 1861, when he was surrendered to Texas Insurgents, and not excl;'anged till Aug. 27, 1862; in command of Regiment (Army of I.he Potomac), in the Rappahannock Campaign, Dec., 1862,-June, 1863, being engaged in the Battle of Fl·edericksburg. Dec. 13, 1862,- and Battle of Chancellorsville, May 2-4, 1863; in command of Regiment (Army of the Potomac), in t.he Pennsylvania Campaign, June-July, 1863, being engaged in the Battle of GettysbUl'g, July (BVT. MAJOR, JULY 2, 1863, FOR GALLANT .~ND MERn'OillOUS SERVICES AT THE BATTLE OF GETTYSBURG, PA.) 1-3, 1863,-and Pursuit of the enemy to Warrenton, Va., July, 1863 ; at New York city for the suppression of Draft Riots, Aug., 1863; in garrison at Ft. Schuyler, N. Y. , Sep., 1863, to ~iar., 1864; as Mustering and Disbursing Officer at Carlisle, Pa., Mar. 3 to Oct. 10, 1864, being also in charge of the Drafted Men of the NIidcUe District of Pennsylvania, with which he moved to the Defense of the State against General Early's Rebel I{aiders. July, 1864; in garrison at Ft. Richmond, N. Y, Oct., 1864, to May, 1865,- Ft. Clinch, Fla., (BVT. LIEUT.-COL., MAR. 13, 186G, FOR G.u..LANT A~' D MF.illTORIOUS ~ERVICES AT THE BATTLE OF GETTYSBURG, PA.) May-Oct., 1865 (commanding Battalion, May-July, 1865), -and Tallahassee, FIn. , Oct., 1865-Jan., 1866, Apr.-July, 1866; on Recruiting service, July 28, 1866, to U. S. MILITARY ACADEMY. 387

Nu~tnER. 1854. CLASS RANK.

l.666 .. (Born D. C.) ...SAMUEL T. SHEPPERD..... (Ap'd N. C.) .. 36 Military History.- Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1850, to July 1, 1854, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT. OF INFANTRY, JULY 1, 1854. . SECOND LIEUT., 2D DRAGOONS, MAR. 3, 1855. Served on .frontier duty at Ft. Leavenworth, Kan., 1854-55. DIED, JUNE 27, 1855, AT FT. LEAVENWORTH, KAN.: AGED 24.

l.667.. (Born S. C.) ...WILLIAM M. DAVANT ...... (Ap'd S. C.) .. 37 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1850, to July 1, 1854, when he was graduated 'and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT. OF MOUNTED RIFLE}

l.668 .. (Born Ue.) ... CHARLES G. SAWTELLE .. ..• (Ap'd life.) .. 38 Military History.- Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1850, to July 1, 1854, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT. OF INFANTRY, JULY 1, 1854. Served: on frontier duty at Ft. Ripley, !Ifill., 1854-55,-011 Sioux Expedi­ (SECOND LmUT., 6TH INFANTRY, MAll. 3,1855) tion, 185S. - Ft. Laramie, Dale., 1855-56, - Ft. Pierre, Dale., 18G6,-Ft. Leav­ enwOl·th, Kan., 1856- G7, - Quartermaster, 6th Infantry, Feb. 15, 1857, to May 17, 1861,-queiling Ka11sas Disturbances, 1857-58,- Utah Expedition, 18G8, aud on Mllrch to Californill, 1858 ; in garrison at Benicill, Cal., 1858,­ and 8,m Francisco, Cal., 1858-59; as Quartermaster on N,wajo Expedition to Southern California, 1859; in garrison at Benicia, Cal., 185H- 60; on leave of (FmST LIEUT., 6TH INFANTRY, JUNE 5, 1860, TO MAY 17, 1861) absence, 1860; and in garrison at Benicia, Cal., 1860-61, being Acting Regi­ mental Adjutant, Apr. 29 to July 10, 1861. Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861-66 : in charge of the Quartermasler Depot at Perryville, Md., }Iay, 1861, to Mar., 1862; in the (CAPT. STAFF-ASST. QUARTEmr,I.STER, MAyI7, 1861) Virginia Peninsular Campllign, disembarking aud forwarding troops and sup­ plies for the Army of the Potomac fl"Om Ft. :1Ifolll'oe, Mar. - MllY, 1862, - from the White House on the Pamullkey River, May IS-June 30, 1862, --and from Harrison's Landing, July I - Aug. 17, 1862 ; in Superintending the embarka­ tion of the Army of the Potomac f!'Om Ft. Monroe, Newport News, Hampton and Yorktown, Va., Aug. 18-Sep. 7, 1862; as Acting Chief Quartermaster of the Army of the Potomac, Sep. 7-Nov. 12, 1R62, supervising the forwarding of supplies from Washington during the ~faryland Campaign; as Chief Quarter­ (LIEUT.-COL. STAFF, U. S. VOLUNTEERS, Nov. 12, 1862, TO FED. 15, 18G4) master of 2d Corps in ll1e Rappahannock Campaign (Army of the Potomac), Nov. 12, 1862, to Jan. 24, 1863, being present at the Battle of Fredericks­ 388 GRADUATES OF THE

NU:llBER. 1854. CLASS RANK. burg, Dec. 13, 1862, as Chief Quartermaster of Right Grand Division; >18 Chief Quartermaster of Cavalry Corps (Army of the Potomac) , Jan. 2-!-June 13, IHC,3, being engaged on "Stoneman's Rllid," towards Richmond, May, 1863; in superintending the removal of stores from Aquia Creek to AleXl',ndria, Va.. , June, 1863; as Asst. Chief Qmtrtermaster of the Army of the Potomac, June 21-Aug. 6, 1863, being engaged in forwardmg supplies from Washington and Alexandria, Va. , for the Pennsylvania Campaign; as Chief Quartermaster of the Cavalry Bureau at Washington, D. C., Aug. 6, 1863, to Feb. 15, 18M; ttS Chief Quartermaster at Brownsville, Tex., of the forces on the Rio Gri\l1de, Feb.-Apr. 30, 1864; in charge of transports and supplies, May 15-19, 1864, for the relief of General Banks' Army returning from Red River, which he met lit the Atchafa.Jaya, and coustructed a bridge of DOO feet across the river, using 21 Inrge steamers as pontons; in charge of the steam transportation in the (LIEUT.•COL. tlTU'F, U. S. VOLUNTEERS, MAY 27, 1864, TO MAY 25, 18(5) Department of the Gulf. May 1D-June 6, 18C!; as Chief QUtntermaster of the (BVT. ~LI..JOn, BVT. LIEUT...COL., AND 13VT. COLONEL, MAR. 13, 1865, Fon F,UTHFUJ, AND MERITORIOUS SEUVICES DURING THE REBELLION) (BVT. BRIG.·GENERAL, U. S. AR~rY, MAR. 13, 1865, FOR F.UTHFUL AND MERITORIOUS SERVICES IN THE QUARTERMASTER'S DE­ PARTMENT DURING THE REBELLION) Militar~ Division of West Mississippi, June C, 1864, to June 2, 1865, being en­ gaged 111 forwarding troops and supplies for the , and Expe. dition terminating in the Snrrender of the Rebel forces under Gp,neral Taylor; as Chief' Quartermaster of the Military Division of the South.west, June 3­ (COL. S1'AF~" U. S. VOLUNTEERS, MAY 25, 1865, TO J ,I.N . 1, 18(7) July 17, 1865,-of the ~Iilitary Di"ision of the Gulf, July 17, 18G5- Aug. 15, 1866,-and of the Department of the Gulf, Aug. 15, 1866, to MAJOR STAFF-Qu,mTER~r,I.STER, JAN. 18, 1867.

1669 .. (Bol'll Ten. ) ...... LEVI L. WADE ...... (Ap'd Ten.) .. 39 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July I, 1850, to July 1, 1854, when he was graduated, but not commissiollp.d on account of feeble health. DIED, SEP. 13, 1854, AT FLORENCE, kkl..: AGED 21.

1670 .. (Born Ga.) ...... JOHN T. MERCER ...... (Ap'c1 Ga.). 40 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1850, to July 1, 1854, when he was graduated and promoted in the AJ'my to BVT. SECOND LIEUT. OF INFA-,,,"TRY, JULY 1, 1854. Served: in garrison at Jefferson 13arracks, Mo., 1854-55 ; on frontier duty at (S}:COND LIEUT., 1ST DRAGOONS, MAR. 3, 1855) Ft. Union, N. M., 1855-56,-Ft. Thorn, N. M., 1856,-March to California, 185S,-San Diego, Cf~l., 185C- 57, - Ft. Tejoll, Cal., 1857-58,-Scouting, 1858,­ Ft. Tejon, Cal., 1858, - Ft. Crook, Cal. , 1858,-Scouting, 185R. - Ft. Crook, (FIRST LIEUT. , 1ST DRAGOONS, JAN. 8, 18(1) ntl., 1858-59,-Scouting, 1860,.- and Ft. Crook, Cal., 1860-61. RESIGNED, APR. 26, 1861. Joined in the Rebellion of 1861- 66 agt\inHt the United States. U. S. MILITARY ACADEMY. 38~


1671.. (Born R. I.) ...... ZENAS R. BLISS...... (Ap'd R. I.) ..41 Military History.-C,~det at the U. S. Military Academy from ,July I, 1850, to July 1, 1854, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEU1'. OF.INFANTRY, JULY 1, 1854. Served: on frontier duty, in conducting Recruits to Texas, 1854,-nt Ft. Duncan, Tex., 1854-55,-Ft. Davis, Tex., 1855- 56,-Scouting, 1856,-Ft. Davis, (SECOND LIEUT., 8TH INFANTRY, MAR. 3, 1855) Tex., 1856,-Scouting, 1856,-Ft.. Davis, Tex, 1806-58,-Camp Hudson, 'rex., 1858,-Ft. Inge, Tex., 1858,-Ft. Mason, Tex., 1858- 59, - Ft. Clark, Tex., 1859,-Camp Hudson, Tex., 1859·60,-Conducting Recruits to Ft. Lancaster, Tex., 1860,·-and Ft. Quitman, Tex., 1860- 61. FIRST LIEUT., 8TH INFANTRY, OCT. 17, 1860 Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861- 66: on March from Ft. Quitman to San Antouio, Apr.-May 9, 1861, when he was surrendered to (CAPTAIN, 8TH INFANTRY, .i\'Lw 14, 1861.) Texas Insurgents undel' General V,~n Dorn, and remained a Prisoner of War (COLO:s'EL, 10TH RHODE IsLA:s'D VOLUNTEERS, MAY, 18(2) until Apr. 5, 1862; in the Defenses of Washington, D. C., May-Aug., 1862; on (CoLONEL, 7TH RHODE ISLAND VOLUNTEERS, AUG. 21, 18(2) March from Pleasant Valley, Md., to Falmouth, Va., Oct. - Nov., 1862, being engaged in a Skirmish near White Sulpur Spring; in the Rappahannock Cam­ paign (Army of the Potomac), Dec., 1862, to M,ll'., 1863, being engaged in the B:lttle of Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, 1862; in Movement of 9th Corps to Ken­ (BVT. lIL"roR, DEC. 13, 1862, ~'OR GALLA..l"l' AND MERITORIOUS SERVICES AT THE BATTLE OF FREDERICKSDURG, VA.) tucky, ~far., 1863,-and to Vicksburg, Mis., June-July, 1863; on Expedition to Jackson, Mis., resulting in its Reoccupation, July Hi, 1863;.on return of9f.h Corps to the , Aug., 1863; in command of Lexington, Ky., Oct.-Dec., 1863,- and of the District of Middle Tennessee, Jan- Mlll'., 1864; in Moyemcut of 9th Corps from Tennessee to Virginia, Mar., 1864; in charg" of depot of supplies at Alexandri.l, Va., Apr., 1H64; ill command of BI'igade of 9th Army Corps in the Richmond Campaign, May. 1864, being en­ gaged in the Bllttle of the Wilderness, May 5-6, 1864,-and Battles of Spott­ (BVT. LIEUT.~Co7_, MAY 7, 1864, FOR GALLANT AND MmUTolUous SEltvICES AT THE BATTLE OF THE WILDERNESS, VA.) sylv,wia, May 9-12, 1864.; on sick leave of absence, M,W 13-July 1, 1864; in command of Brigade at the Siege of Petersburg, July- Aug., 1864, including the Mine Assault, July 30, 1864; on sick leave of absence, Aug.-Oct., 1864; on Boarel of Examination, Oct., 1864, to June, 1865; on Recruiting service, July 13, 1865, to ~ftlr. 2, 1866; in command of Company at Baltimore, Md., (MUSTERED OUT OF VOLUNTEER SERVICE, JUNE 28, 1865) Mar.-Apr., 1866,- SchuylkillArsenal, Pit., Apr., 1866,-andatFt. Porter, N. Y., Apr.- May, 1866; in command of Dish'ict of Chester, S. C., and Asst. Com­ mission

1672.. (Born 0.) ...... EDGAR O'CONNOR ...... (Ap'd Wis.) .. 42 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. l\'1ilitary Academy n'om July 1, 1849, to July 1, 18M, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT. OF INFANTRY, JULY 1, 1854. Served: on frontier duty at Ft. Gibson, I. T., 1854-55, - March to Big Tim­ (SECOl\"']) LIEUT., 7TH bFANTRY, M.ul. 3, 1855) 390 GRADUATES OF THE


bers, Arkansas River, 1855, "':"'Ft. Gibson, !. T., 1855- 56, 1856-57,-Ft. Ar­ buckle, I. T., 1857- 58,-ancl as Quartermaster, 7th Infantry, Mar. 18-June 0, 1858. RESIGNED, OCT. 22, 1858. Civil History.-Lumber Merchant at Beloit, Wis., 1858-6l. Military History.-Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding Stutes, (COLONEL, 2D WISCONSIN VOLUNTEERS, AUG. 2, 1861) 1861-62: in the Defenses of WilHhington, D. C., Aug., 1861, to Mar., 1862; in the Department of the Rappahannock, being engaged in guarding the Alex­ nndria and Orange RElilroad, Apr. 1862,- -in conHtrncting Railroad Bridges at Brooks'Station and across the Rappahannock at Fredericksburg, Apr. - May, 1862,--March to Warrenton, Va., and returning. May- June, 1862, - and Recon­ noissance in force to Omnge C. H., July 2<1-27, 1862; and in Northern Vir­ ginia Campaign, July-Aug., 1862, being engaged in the Combat at Groveton, Aug. 28, 1862. KILLED, AUG. 28, 1862, IN THE COMBAT AT GROVETON, VA.: AGED 29.

1.673.. (Born Ten.) ...... JOHN MULLINS ...... (Ap'd Mis.) .. 43 Military History.- Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 184.9, to July 1, 1854, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEu'r. OF INFANTRY, JULY 1, 1854. Served: on frontier duty at Ft. Belknap, Tex., 1854-5.5, - Ft, Riley, Kan" (SECOND LIEUT. 2D DRAGOONS, MAR. 3, 1855) 1855-56,--Quelling Ku,nSfls Disturbances, 1857,-Utah Expedition, 1857-58,­ (FIRST LIEUT., 2D DRAGOONS, JUNE 14, 1858) Ft.. Laramie, DulL, 1858-59, 1859·-60,-and escorting Cfiptain Raynolds' Topo­ graphical part,y, 1860; and on detached service, nt Washington, D. C., 1860-6l. RESIGNED, AFR. 24, 1861. Joined in the Rebellion of 1861- 66 ag~\inst the United States.

1.674 .. (Born Pa.) ...DAVID H. BROTHERTON...... (Ap'cl Pa.) ..44 Military History.- Cadet at the U. S. Milita ry Academy from July 1, 1850, to July 1, 1854, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BYT. SECOND LIEUT. OF INFANTRY, JULY 1, 1854. Served: on frontier cluty ,1t Ringgold Barracks, Tex., 1854-55,-and in (SECOND LIEUT., 5TH INFAN'l'RY, MAR. 3, 1855) escorting Captain Pope, while ID l\king Heconnoissance ofPacific Railroucl route, 1855- 56; in Florida Hostilities against the Seminole Indians, 1856-57; in gar­ rison at Newport Barracks, Ky., 1858; and on frontier duty on Utah Expedi­ (Fms'!·LIEU1:'., 5TH INFANTRY, AUG. 22, 1859) . tion. 1858-60,-March to New Mexico, 18GO,-and Ft. Fauntleroy, N. 1\'1:., 1860-Gl. Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861- 66: in Opemtiolls in New Mexico, July, 1861, to Mar., 1865, being engaged in the Defense of Ft. (CAPTAIN, 5TH INFANTRY, SEl', 25, 1861) U. S. MILITARY ACADEMY. 391


Craig, Jan.-Feb., 1862,-Combat of Valverde, Feb. 21, 186:!,-Action of Per­ (BVT. MAJOR, FEB. 21, 1862, FOR GALL,\N'l' AND MEmToRlouS SERVICES AT THE BATTLE OF VALVERDE, N. M.) alta, Apr. 15. 1862,-Scouting :l.g,\inst and Apache Indians. Aug. 11­ Sep. 8, 1863,-a.nd March to Texas, Mar. 2-25, 1865; in command of Regi­ ment and Company at Fmnklin, Tex., Mar. 23-0ct. 15, 1865,-and atFt. Bliss, Tex., Oct. 15, 1865-July 7, 1866; and in command of Albuquerque, N. M., Aug. 12, 1866, to

1675.. (Born Ten.) ...... HORACE RANDAL...... (Ap'd Tex.) .. 45 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1849, to July 1, 1854, when he was gmduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT. m' INF,\NTRY, JULY 1, 1854. Served: on frontier (luty in conducting Recruits to Ft. Washita, I. T., 1854-55, -Ft. Davis, 'I'ex., 1855, - Scouting, 1855, being engaged against Apache Indians (SECOND LIEUT., 1ST DRAGOONS, MAR. 3, 1855) in the Surprise of their camp near Ft. Bliss, Tex., JUly 22, 1855,-Ft. Union, N. M., 1855, - Los Luuas, N. M., 1855- 57, being engaged against Apache Indians, in a Skirmish near the Almaigre Mountains, N. M., Apr. , 1856, and in an Action Ileal' Gila River, Nov. 30, 1856, - and Ft. Buchanan, N. M. , 1857; on Recruiting Service, 1858; a,nd on frontier duty at Ft. Buchanan, N. M., 1859- 60. RESIGNED, FEn. 27, 1861. Joined in the Rebellion of1861-66 against the United States, and was KILLED, APR. 30, 1864, IN THE BATTLE OF JENKINS' FERRY, ARK.: AGED 31.

1676.. (Born 0.) ...... JOHN McCLEARY...... (Ap'd 0.) .. 46 Military History.- Cadet at the U. S. Militnry Academy from JUly 1, 1850, to July 1, 1854, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT. OF INFANTRY, JULY 1, 1854. Served: in g.nrison at Newport Barmcks, Ky" 1854-55; ' on frontier duty on Sioux Expedition, 1855,-Ft. Pien-e, Dak., 1855-56,-Ft. LIn-arnie, Dak., (SECOND LIEUT., 6TH INFANTRY;, ~IAR. 26, 1855) 1856-57,--Cheyenne Expedition, 1857, being engaged in a Skirmish at Ft Crittenden, Utah, July 29, 1857, -escorting Captain Van Vliet, Asst,. Quarter­ mastel', to Ft. Keamy, Neb., 1857,-Ft. Laramie, Dale, 1857- 58,--Utah Expedi­ tion, lS58- M.lrch to Californiu, 1858, - Benicia. Ctll., 1858-59,- l\iarch to the Colomdo, 1859,-San Francisc/), Cal., 1859, - Benicia, Cal., 1859, - Scouting, 1859- 60,-and Ft. Churchill, Nev., 1860; on leave of absence, 1860- 61; and on (FmST LIEUT., 6TH INFANTRY, JUNE 5, 1860) frontier duty at Ft. Yuma, Cal., 1861. Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861-66: in the De­ (CAPT,uN, 6TH INFA.l"TRY, MAY 17, 1861) fenses of Washington, D. C., Deo. 19, 1861, to Mar. 10, 1862; in the Virginia Peuinsular Q.lmpaigu (Army of the Potomac), M.n. - Aug. • 1862, being en­ gatmpaigll, Au<:(. -Sep., 1862, being engaged in the Battle of Manassas, Al 1<:(. 30, 1862; in the Maryl.lud C'lmpaign (Army of the Potomac), Sep. -Nov., 1862, being engaged ou Pioket duty during the Battle of Antietam, Sep. 17, lSG:l, 392 GRADUATES OF THE


-Skirmishes near Shepardtown, Sep. 20, near Leetown, Oct. 16. and at Snicker's GR,P, Nov. 3, 1862,-and March to Falmouth, Va., NOI'., 1862 ; in the Rappahannock Campaign (Army of the Potomac), Dec.; 1862-.T11ne. 1863. be­ ing engaged in Operations about Fredericksburg, Dec. 11- 16, 13G2.-llnd Bat­ tle of Chancellorsville, lIiay 2--4, 1863; in the Pennsylvania C:llupaign (Army of the Potonmc), June-Sep., 1863, being engaged iu the Battle of Getty"burg, July 2- 3, 1863, - Pursuit of the enemy to Warrenton, Va., J"uly, 18G3,--aud as (BVT. MAJOR, JULY 2, 1863, FOR G ,~LLANT AND MERITORIOUS SERVICES AT THE BATTLE OF GETTYSBURG, PA.) Acting Asst. Inspector-Geneml of Brigade of 5th Army Corps, Aug. 5 to Sep. 8, 1863; in garrison in New York harbor, Sep. 11, 1863, to Mar. 18. 186':! ;' on Recruiting service, Mar. 18, 1864, t.o Oct, 4, 1866; on Court-MaJ:tin.l, Oct. 4 to Nov. 23,1866; in commnucl of Greenville, S. C., Nov. 23, 1866, to May 5, 1867, -of NewhelTy, S. C., May 6, 1867, to

CLASS OF 1855.