CLASS OF 1853. 1579.. (Born 0.) .....JAMES B. McPHERSON......... (Ap'd 0.) .. 1 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1849, to July 1, 1853, when he wa~ graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LmUT., CORPS OF ENGINEEHS, JULY 1, 1853. Served: at the Military Academy, as Asst. Instructor of Practical Engineer­ ing, and attached to Company of Engineer troops, at West Point, N. Y, July 30, 1853, to Sep. G, 1854; as Ass!. Engineer in the construction and repairs of the (SECOND LIUET., COHPS OF ENGINEERS, DEc. 18, 1854) Defenses of New York harbor, and Improvement of the navigation of the Hud­ son River, 1854-57; as Superintending Engineer of the building of Ft. Dela­ ware, Delaware Bay, 1857,-lmd of the construction of the Defenses of AIea­ traz Island, Sun Fra.ncisco, Cal., 1857- 61; and in charge of the Engineer (FIRST LIEUT., CORPS O}' ENGIXEERS, DEC. 13, 1858) operations at Boston harbor, Mas., and Recruiting Sappers, Miners, and Pontoniers, 186l. (CAPTAIN, 19TH INFAN'rRV, MAY 14, 1861: DECLINED) (CAPTAIN, CORPS OF ENGINEERS, A.UG. 6, 18(1) Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861-64: as Aide­ (LIEUT.-COL. STAFF-ADDITIONAL AIDE-DE-CAMP, Nov. 12, 18(1) de-Camp to Major-General Halleck, and Asst. Engineer of the Department of the Missouri, Nov. 12, 1861, to Feb. 1, 1862; as Chief Engineer on the Staff' of Gene1'l1.i Grant in the Tennessee Campaign, Feb.- Apr., 1862, being engaged in Operations against Ft. Henry, Feb. 2-6, 1862, - Buttle and Cap­ ture of Ft. Donelson, Feb. 13-16, 1862, ·-and Battle of Shiloh, Apr. 6- 7, (CoL. nTAFF-A.nDITIONAL AlDE-DE-O,urp, MAY 1, 18(2) 1862; as Asst. Engineer in the Advllnce upon and Siege of Oorinth, Apr. 15-May 30, 1862; as Military Superintendent of the Railroads in the (BRIG.-GENERAL, U. S. VOLUNTEERS, MAY 15, 1862) District of West Tennessee, June 1 to Oct. 2, 1862,-and wus present 011 the staff' of General Grant during the Baltle of Iulm, Mis., Sep. 1!J, 1862; in command of Brigade, Oct. 2- 14, 1862, with which he moved from J".ckHon. Ten., fighting his way to the reur of Corinth, arriving on lhe evening of Oct. 4, 1862, too late to participate in the battie, but he immediately joined in Pursuil of the enemy to Hipley, Mis.; in command of Bolivar, Ten., Oct. B -2':;, (iVIAJon-GENERAL, U. S. VOLUNTEERS, OCT. 8, 1862) 18G2, - of 2d Division, Department of the Tennessee, Oct. 16-24, - and of 2d Division, 13th Army Oorps, Oct. 24-Nov. 2, 18(;2; in the Vicksburg Cam­ paign, Nov. 4, 1862, to July 18,'1863, commanding the right wing lill Jan 18, 1863, and subsequcntly lhe 17th Army Corps, and was engaged in the March to, and Occupalion of Lagmnge, Nov. 4, 1862,-Reconnoissance lo, and Action at Lamar, ]I.:[is. (in cOlllmand), Nov. 12, 1862,- Flank Movement to Oxford, Mis. , Nov.-Dec., 1862. having lhe lead in the Advance, and t.he rear, on re­ tiring, after Colonel Murphy's SUlTender of Holly Springs, Dec. 20, 186:2, - in 334 GRADUATES OF THE NUMDER. 1853. CLHS RANK. OrganizinlJ and Massing his Corps at Memphis, Ten., Jan, 18-Feb. 20, 1863,­ Lake ProYldence, Feb. 20 -Apr. Hi, 1863.- il'lovement to Brninsburg and turning Grand Gulf. Apr., 1863.-Battle of Port Gibson, May 1. 1863,- Battle of Ray­ mond (in command), May 12, 1863, - Captllre of Jackson, May 14, 1863.­ Battle of Champion Hills, May 16, 1863,-Assaults on Vicksburg, May 19 and 22, and Siege of tho place till its unconditional Surrender. July 4, 1863, he being one of the Oommissioners to :fix the terms of capitulation; in cOlllmand of the 17th Army Corps and District of Vicksburg, July 4, 1863, to (BRIG.-GENERAL, U. S. ARMY, AUG. 1, 18(3)" Mar. 26, 1864, from which he sont out several important expeditions into lIIississippi and LouisiaUl1, and was engr.ged in the Snrp~'ise of the en~~y's camp at Canton. Oct. 15, 1863,- nnd on Genem! l:>hcrman s Ratd to Mel"ldu\n, :1.'lis.• F eb. 1-25, resulting in great destruction and large captmes of the enemy's resources; in command of the Department and Army of the Tennes­ see, ;VIar. 20 to July 22.1864; in Reorganizing and )iassing his Army at Hunts­ ville. AI'I.• Apr., 1864; in the Invasion of Georgia, May 4 to July 22, 1864, in command of the AI'my of the Tennessee (composed of the 15th. 16th, and 17th Army Corps), being eng,lged in the Mo\'ement by Snake Oreek Gap to turn th" cnemy's left. ;Vlay 7- 13. 1864. - TIMtie of Resaca, M"y 14- 15. 1864,-Occu­ pntion of Kingston. May 18, 1864,--Movement on Dallas, with consto,nt fight­ ing, May 18- 28. lS64,··-Battle of Dallas, ;Vby 28. 18G4.-ilfovement on Kenesaw, with almost daily heavy engagements, May 28...June 20, 1864,-­ Battles of Kenesaw Mountain, June 20 -Jllly 2, 1864,-Pllrsuit ot the enemy, with severe Skirmishing, July 3- 17, 18(H, - Occupatioll of Decatur, July 17, 1864,-and B:1ttles of Ath\uta, July 21 und 22, 18G4. KILLED, JULY 22, 1864, IN THE REPULSE OF A SORTm FROM ATL,lNTA, GA.: AGED 35.t • General Grallt in recommeoding him (or this promotion, says: "He has been with me in every battle sin ce the commoncement. of the Rebellion, excopt Belmont. At Forts Henry nnd Donelsoll, Shiloh, and Lhe Sioge of Corinth, ns n St.aff Olficor an 1 Enginner J his Ro n 'ices WOre con­ spicuous and higbiy meritorious. J\t tho second battic or C:orintu, his skill as a soldior \VUS dis played in successfully c:urylng rcilJ.forccmont s to tb e bcsicgCfl garrison, wb en the enomy was between him aod the point to be roached . In Lh e advance through Central ,Mi ssissippi, Goneral )lcPmmsQx commanded one wing of t110 army with all tho ability pos3iblo to show, be having the hmd in Lhe advance , and t.h e rear l' etirilJg. Cl In t.h e campaign Rnd Eiogc tcrmill;.\ting with t.h o fall of Vi cIc sburg, Gonc ral MCPHERSOX has filloj fl. co n S pic.nQll.~ part. .At Lh o D.lltlo of Po rL Gihson) it was under his direction thUL tho e nemy was drivcll, lnte in the a t't Ol'll OOn, CroUl a po ~ it.ion they hllli sl1ccec(le d. in holding all day flgn ins t a~ obRLinntc uU,;lck. His Corps , (.tIC luivnncc always under ili£ immocliilt.3 oy e, were t.ho pioneors in tho m ovement. from Port Gib ~ou tJ H lwldnson)g Ferry. From thu nort.h fork of t.ho Dayc.u Pierre to Black Hivc!' it WllS n constant skirmish , t.h 3 wbole s kil fully managod. 'I'h'] cnomy was so closely pressod as to be unable to d est.roy the ir bridge of bOl t.S nfw r them. From Huwkinson's .Forry to .Jacks::'ITI: the Scvcntconth Army Co rps In \1'chNi on rOl ds not travollod hy other tr oo ps, fighting the entiro R ltLie of Rlymonct alone . anJ the hulk of Joh D.s t ~ n 's l\nllY WAS fOll g- ht by t.his Corp.3, cntlrely u~ der the Illa n agu m ~ nt of G:mcral MCPDERSO:S-. At Champion Hill , tho ~ v c nt ;}C n ~ h Corrs mHl G:mcl'i'l1 ~l c Pn E rt..~ x w et'o coaSpiC'.iOUS . All lhat. could b ~ t.ermed a battle the re, w as fought by the divi:S ions of GCIl l!l'al MCP IlE nsO ~"S Corps an a General H OVE\"S Division of the Til i rt ~c l1th C ~ I · P~ . III Lho A~S tL lllt of the 221 of May on the fortiflcnf.ions of V lC k ~ bur ~ , and during the entire sicg'l!, GOlloral MCI'lIER­ SO n and bis command took unfa.dlng laurels. He is one of tbe ablest e ngin eel's, aud mo~ t skil­ ful gentwals . I would resp2ctfuJly, but urg~ntly, recommeud his promotion to tbe pos ition of Brigadier-G eneral in the Hcg nlnr Army." Awarde ::t , Or:t . 1~63 , tl. madal of honor, by tho officers of his Corps, [or the gallant manner III wbicb be haa led them duriug tbe Campaign and Siege of Vicksburg. t Soon after h jp death, General Grant addressed the folJo\ving lettol' to t.ho ngaJ. gl'nn :.I mother of Gonera.! McPHI;nso" ; HEADQUARTERS ARMIES ~,. mE U~TI": D S1',ATlli, J CITY PO'''T, VA .. Aug. 10, 1861. My D&An )UDAlI : Your very wolcomo lotter of tho 3d Instant has reacbod mo. I aID glad to know the relatives of tbe laUlcnted Major-Genernl 2tICPHERSos aro aware of the more than friendship exis ting bot ween him and myself. .A natioll grieves at tho loss of OIl C so dear t.o our uation 's cause. It js a sol fish grief, because the nation had more to c x ~c t from him than from almos t nnyoue living. I join iu this sc-Ifls b ~ric f, and add the grief of pcrsonallovG fu r thc­ de parted. He f<'rmed for some t,imc one of my military family. I knew him we ll.
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