Class of 1848-1850
U. S. MILITARY ACADEl\[Y. 207 NUMBER. 1848. CLASS RANK. CLASS OF 1848. 1369. (Born Mich.). WILLIAM P. TROWBRIDGE .... (Ap'd Mich.) ..1 Military History.- Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July I, 1844, to July 1, 1848, when he was graduated and promoted in t.he Army to Bn. SECOND LIEUT., CORPS OF ENGI~'EERS, JULY i, 1848. Served: at the Milit.ary Academy Observatory, in making Ast.ronomical Observations, 1848- 50; at West Point, N. Y., attached to Company of Snp (SECOND LIEUT. CORPS OF ENGINEERS, Nov. 30, 1849) pel's. Minel'S, and Pontoniers, 1850- 51; on Coast Survey, Apr., 1851, to Dec. 1, 1856, being engaged in the Primary Triangulation of the Coast of :Maine, >lnd Surveys of Appomattox and James Rivers, Va, 1851-53,- and Survey of (FrRs'r LIEUT., CORPS OF ENGINEERS, DEC. 18, 1854) Pncific Coast, including Astronomical, Tid,.I, and Magnetic Observations, 1853··56. RESIGNED, DEC. 1, 1856. Civil History.-Professor of Mathematics, University of Michigan, 1856-57. Degree of A. M., conferred by University of Rochester, N. Y., 1856. Scien tific Secretary of the Superintendent of the U. S. Coast Suney, 1857- 61, and on Hydrographic SUrYey of a part of Narl'llgull!;ctt Bay, R.. r., 1861. Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861- 65: in chArge of the Engineer Agency, at New York city, for supplying m,\terial8 for fortifi cations, &0., and [md shipping engineer equipage for armie~ in the field, 1861-65; and Superintending Engineer of the COllstl'llction of FOit at Willett's Point, N.
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