Spiritual Spectrum 2011 No 21.Pub

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Spiritual Spectrum 2011 No 21.Pub Ð ð ² î ² ð ² Î à ô Â Æ ô Ü Ð Æ ô ê Æ ê ² Ú Æ Ü ² Ø º ð Æ Î ² Ú Æ ² ð º ô Ø î º ² Ü Â º Ø Æ A PUBLICATION OF THE WESTERN PRELACY OF THE ARMENIAN APOSTOLIC CHURCH OF AMERICA ARCHBISHOP MOUSHEGH MARDIROSSIAN, PRELATE Co-Editors: VERY REV. FR. MURON AZNIKIAN VERY REV. FR. BARTHEV GULUMIAN 6252 Honolulu Ave., La Crescenta, CA 91214 Tel: (818) 248-7737/8 Fax: (818) 248-7745 E-mail: [email protected] WWW.WESTERNPRELACY.ORG ĸ. î²ðÆ Ø²ÚÆê-ú¶àêîàê 2011, ÂÆô 3 14th Year, MAY-AUGUST 2011, No 3 Ðයôàð äðÆêزΠܩê©ú©î©î© ²ð²Ø ²© βÂàÔÆÎàêÆ Ðàìàô²äºî²Î²Ü ²ÚòºÈàôº²Ü Àܸ²è²æ ²ß˳ñѳë÷Çõé ѳÛáõû³Ý ½³õ³ÏÝ»ñáõë ѳٳñ« Ñá·»Ï³Ý Ù»Í óÝÍáõÃÇõÝ ¿ »õ å³ïÙ³Ï³Ý ÛÇß³ï³Ï»ÉÇ Ñ³Ý·ñáõ³ÝÇ ÙÁ Ù³ëݳÏóáõû³Ý μ»ñÏñ³Ýù« »ñμ Ù»ñ ³½·ÁÝïÇñ гÛñ³å»ïÁª Ø»ÍÇ î³ÝÝ ÎÇÉÇÏÇáÛ êáõñμ ²ÃáéáÛë ·³Ñ³Ï³É Ü©ê©ú©î©î© ²ñ³Ù ²© γÃáÕÇÏáë Ðáíáõ³å»ï³Ï³Ý ³Ûó»Éáõû³Ùμ ÙÁ ÏÁ å³ïáõ¿ ûٳ- Ï³Ý ßñç³Ý ÙÁ£ ²ñ»õÙï»³Ý Ødzó»³É ܳѳݷݻñáõ Ù»ñ »ÙÁ å³ïÙ³Ï³Ý ÝÙ³Ý Ñ³½áõ³¹¿å ѳݷñáõ³ÝÇ ÙÁ ÏÁ å³ïñ³ëïáõÇ ³Ûë ûñ»ñáõÝ£ Àݹ³é³ç»Éáí »ÙÇë ÎñûÝ³Ï³Ý ÄáÕáíÇ« ²½·³ÛÇÝ ì³ñãáõû³Ý »õ Ù»ñ Ññ³õ¿ñÇÝ« ì»Ñ³÷³é гÛñ³å»ïÁ« Û³é³çÇÏ³Û 6¿Ý 23 ÐáÏï»Ù- μ»ñÇÝ« Ðáíáõ³å»ï³Ï³Ý ßÝáñѳμ»ñ ³Ûó»Éáõû³Ùμ ÙÁ åÇïÇ å³ïáõ¿ Ù»ñ »ÙÁ »õ Çñ ûñÑÝáõÃÇõÝÝ»ñÁ åÇïÇ μ³ßË¿ Ù»ñ ÅáÕáíáõñ¹Ç ½³õ³ÏÝ»ñáõÝ£ ²½·³ÛÇÝ ²é³çÝáñ¹³ñ³ÝÁª Ñá·»õáñ³- Ï³Ý³ó ¹³ëáí« ÅáÕáí³Ï³Ýáõû³Ùμ« ÝáõÇñ»³É ͳé³ÛáÕÝ»ñáí« ÝáõÇñ³μ»ñáÕ 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