TASTE and SMELL in BALZAC Fs NOVELS by Charles Leonard

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TASTE and SMELL in BALZAC Fs NOVELS by Charles Leonard Taste and smell in Balzac's novels Item Type text; Thesis-Reproduction (electronic) Authors Pfeiffer, Charles Leonard, 1896- Publisher The University of Arizona. Rights Copyright © is held by the author. Digital access to this material is made possible by the University Libraries, University of Arizona. Further transmission, reproduction or presentation (such as public display or performance) of protected items is prohibited except with permission of the author. Download date 05/10/2021 17:09:31 Link to Item http://hdl.handle.net/10150/319402 TASTE AND SMELL IN BALZAC fS NOVELS by Charles Leonard Pfeiffer A Thesis submitted to the faculty of the Department of French in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts in the Graduate College University of Arizona 19 4 8 Approved TABIS/ EB’ GOBlElgBS - ;]^ge ISTRCffiTXOT-lOS . v • .... .. ......»'.. ,=. ... •«....«. .. •;:1 ': THE SESSS OF' TABTE Tft' Bm i d ’S-SCSllSo...:...... : 1 1 : [email protected]^^1 S©1^SS3.0210 ■. -. @ .. .. .. ii Balzac and the Behse:: of: Taste ...:. =,. 13 •Hnman Reactions. ...... 19 Feels and.. Appeintments.. i....... 43 . 1 eOlS g o . 0 0 0 0 . 6 . 0 0 0 . .»• 0 0 0 .0 0 o' 0 0 •‘■0. e 0 a .0 0 o o 43 ... Eninhs .........«. * •».;.•.......•.......... .. a . 50 ' The Appointments, of Good Living. ...... 54 Etifa.ette. o . -. ....... ..... 56 .. IViealS. 0 o^'O: . 0 0 . e . 0 0. 0 :. 0 ,.^ 00.0 0 ... o o a. a. o a e. a O' 0 AS The Bl^Sensual in • Balzafets; SoTels .. 6 0 THE> S33S3E • OF • BMBBB IS/BAimd $S HOtlBSi....... ;.-:'.63'' ■ - Genenal Bisenssioh'0;.^ . .m. a. 63 ■ ' BdlnaeeaM, theBense; of Smell . .V.......... 70 The-''Sense of Smell in Balzac?s Sovels... 76 ..: Human Reactions o' . ....... h . ......., 76 . ■ : ', Materia.l ’ Factors in the Sense of Smell: 90 0OSBXlHS 1 OS .: o o o. 0 ... 0 o'.o 6 a a- . ... a o a o . a . V b . *'■'» . a: a a o - 105'' .otmsob.. sme o f - ■ ■ ■v ; tElSIS oo/o............ 1 1 0 : :otQsgteMth'ESismis..'$o.ihs sbes: m ■... • ■ is BAimo fs t o m m * . ..... 1 4 6 i.v.;..v BXBLioGSAisr of m m m % w m m . ............ 16 7 OTSiRAi.: ..... 1 6 8 ' . it .. 184227 ^ : iETROpnoTiqm : Honore de Balzac was born In Tours, May 20, 1799= At the time of his birth his father was fifty“three and his mother only twenty-one „ His childhood was unhappy =, How often throughout his life he refers to his loneliness as a childs and the lack of motherly love* Later he was to write to Madame Hanska in this dramatic passages ; Vous sayez.qua je n/ai jamais eu de mere. Sitot au monde j'ai ete envoye chez un^gendarme jusqu'a 1 ’age de quatre ans 0 Be quatre a six on mk mis en demi-pension et a six ans et demi, envoye a "Vendoine« J ’y suis restd jusqu’a quatorze ans et n’ai iru en tout ma mere que deux f ois , 1 _ ' ; ■ .He,was,very unhappy at the Oollege des Oratoriens de Vendomeo As an introvert and timid boy, he suffered deeply and never became adjusted to the discipline and life of his school. Books were his salvation. And more hardships were to be- his lot, when as a budding eorivain he was lodged in a garret in Paris in rue Lesdiguieres, At the time he was twenty years old, , ' ' - Physical suffering: II vecut deux moissahs presque bougerCo,,^ II souffrit d ’engelufes, cpmme au temps du college : puis d ’affreux maux de dents,' Mais il ayala, 1 o BenO Benjamin, La m e Prodigieuse d ’Honore de Balzacs : p= 330, - ' ^ : 'T v 2 pour ainsi dire, et dig^ra sessouffranees.continuant a .rimer' . %- And moral suffering too: Fantastic as it may seem at first sight„ the sensuous impetuous Balzac of the later years was throughout his youth almost ■morbidly shy < , 2 Here is his oto confessions • There were plenty of women in those days whom I worshipped from afar9 for whom I would have gone . through fire and waters They could have torn my soul in pieceso I would have shunned no sacrifice and no torture o Yet they belonged to dolts whom I would not have tolerated,as porters at my gate03 . Then followed disappointment.in his first great literary effort? Cromwell, a drama0 In spite of these experiences, note the remarkable passage defining suffering: "La.- souf- • ' ; . ■ . - • ; ' ' ... h francs est I ’appfentissage des grandes volontes humaines0n He was twenty-two years of age when he met Madame Laure de Berny= She was twenty-three years older, yet it was love, ideal love: ”11 n 8y a que le dernier amOur d *une . femme, ecrira plus tard Honored qui satisfasse le premier ' ■ • 5 ' ; - . amour dtun homme«” He was. later,to write: ^ La premiere fois que je vous vis, mes sens furent emus et.mon Imagination s 1alluma jusqu8au point de vous croire une perfection, je re sals laquelle, mais enfin, imbu de cette idee, je fis abstraction de tout le rests et ne vis en vous que cette seule c h o s e , 6 I, Rend Benjamiho op, oit,, p P 39° ~ ■ 2o Stefan Zweigo Balzac, p 0 55o - 3o Ibid., p. 58. ‘ - : h ko- Indrd Billy. VIe de Balzac, Vol, I, pp. 59-60. 5. Bene’'Benjamin.' op.: oit,, p. 59. ' . 6. Andri Billy, op. cit., p. 52. - She became his "Dilecta11' and her love, devotion/ guidance, and encouragement had a tremendous influence on his career as a writero But though the difference in age could not permanently satisfy his vigorous manhood3 she remained his best friend until her death in 1 8 3 6 = Later on, Madame Bvelina Hanska also was to be the inspiration of our author for his laborious literary efforts because writing was a very tedious task for Balzac, How often he worked sixteen hours a day, night and day, is de­ scribed in this passages Vers six heures du soir, apres un repas legSr,, 1 1 se couchait pour se faire reveiller au milieu de la nuito Alors 11 endossait son froc, s ’asseyait a^sa table et sa plume, o = = une plume de corbeau, = = = a la lumlere des bougies tandis gue son cafe dont 1 1 ab= ; sorbait, tasse sur tasse, sans sucre, demeurait chaud sur une veilleuse de porcelaineo-'- XJnfortunately his love affair with the Polish lady was doomed to be another abnormal and unhappy relationship <, Her husband, of course, was a heavy stumbling block, as well as the geographical impediment. of long distance sep- . arating them, and the lack of adequate transportation* Al­ though she. became his ^Sredilecta,n still two long, seven- year periods passed without their seeing each other= And in other highly temporary love affairs Balzac could not find any real happinesso When at.last, after so many years of disappointments due to debts, overwork, and other jo Andr§ Billy = op= cit = * Vol. I, p 0 228o' ™ ~ difficulties he was free to marry Evelina, unfortunately Honore de Balzac was illo He succumbed to his lingering illness only" five months after his marriage <, Els' lif e.iwas"' indeed a-tragedyo As Zola has said: ' . Le roman de sa vie fut son mariage avec" la Con- tesse Banska. II avaft connu cette dame mariee. II . 1 8aimait depuis seize ans, lorsqu'il I ’epousa enfin, peu de temps avant sa mort„ 1 . ■ .h - - v , It is easy to understand why he would turn pessimistic in his novels.when his own life was indeed so unfortunate0 : Le Breton thinks.that his pessimistic attitude was derived from his way of life <> He was. like a lo eked-up prisoner; and his association with the lurid side of Baris life,- the.sub­ ject of so many of his novels, only*:depressed himo Note this passage from Le Breton: - . - La vie reservait a-Balzac de plus eruelles lepons0 VSais pour bien le comprendre, 1 1 ne suffit pas de connaitre tous les embarras materials et toutes les tristesses de la" vie 0 /II he suffit pas de se rappelef q.ulil a .yeeu emprisonn son travapl et qu 8 1 1 y a . - en lui centre la societe un peu de colere'du forpat, du prisonnier, qui a travers ses barreaux voit passer . .--V dans la rue des gens libres et heureux, : Rappelons - nous surtqut qu 8 il a ve'on presque eonstamment penche'- sur les fealites les plus vulgaifes, les plus basseso - How difficult such a monastic life must have been for a man born to enjoy life with.exuberance and eUthUsiasmi For Balzac ’s ^pessimism was not so;instinctive as it might be for a Schopenhauer, Balzac justifies.: his choice of vulgar le Emile Zola0 Les Romaneiers Naturallstes, Po 9o r ' r 2o Andre Le Breton, Les. Causes, pp. .180-181, sulaleets '-fr©»' a' dramtie:: angle o . ..He says: : L ’amteur: s’attend a; d }a.atres reproohes 9 pa^mi '' ,lesq.uels sera: celui 6.eimtiiq3?aiite; m i s il a deja . , ' iietieBieirb explique" q.u8 il a. ponr idee f ixe de deerire '.la. soai.ete daps:: soil entiers telle qu$elle. est o o = ■: It seems apropos to note that Brimetiere, who is rather cob." servatives does mot. eonsidem Balzac? s novels immoral: . ■ Coneluons dono^sur la morale des romans de Balzac . qu$ ils ne sort pas a proprement parler, t?nl moraux?7 . ni..ffimEaorauXjJ?iaais oe qu’ils sont et ce - pm 1 ils de--" " valent etre, em_tant que "representation” de la vie ; ■ V de son temps 0: ■lis soht, imia©rdnx;-ftdomme l ?histoire et coznme la vie, ce qui revient a dire' ils, sont done aussi rnoraux comme- elles s puisque.
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    Western Kentucky University TopSCHOLAR® WKU Archives Records WKU Archives 2-1968 UA51/1/4 Library Leaves Vol. 22, No. 5 WKU University Libraries Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.wku.edu/dlsc_ua_records Part of the Archival Science Commons, and the Cataloging and Metadata Commons This Other is brought to you for free and open access by TopSCHOLAR®. It has been accepted for inclusion in WKU Archives Records by an authorized administrator of TopSCHOLAR®. For more information, please contact [email protected]. * / N BOOKS RECENTLY ADDED TO THE HELM LIBRARY Vol. 22, No. 5 February , 1968 GENERALITIES 010 B471 1967 Bibliographical essays. 1967 LS 011.02 M836c Morse, G. W. The concise guide to library research. 1966 Ref 012 M558Zd Dell'Isola, F. Thomas Merton. 1956. LS 016 P197 Paperbound book guide for colleges. Ref 016. 099 T472u ' Tilton, E. M. A union list of publications in opaque 1964 microforms, 1964. Ref 016.5 J4l6s 1965 Jenkins, F. B. Science reference sources. cl965, Ref 016. 226 M568i Metzger, B. M. Index to periodical literature on Christ 1966 and the Gospels. 1962, 1966. Ref 016. 2266 M434c Mattill, A. J. A classified bibliography of literature on the Acts of the Apostles. 1966. Ref 016.353 M143g McDermott, B, S. Government regulation of business including antitrust information sources. 1967. Ref 016.407 R36li Rice, F. A. Information sources in linguistics. 1965. Ref 016.658 G552a Goeldner, C. R. Automatic merchandising. cl963. Ref 016,7785 Un3L U.S. Library of Congress. Library of Congress catalog. 1953- Ref 016. 78 Un3L U. S.
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    LA JEUNB FILLE DANS LA COMEDIE HUMAINE D'HONORE DE BALZAC by DAWNA LOUISE MITCHELL B.A., University of British Columbia, 1963 A THESIS SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS in the Department of French We accept this thesis as conforming to the required standard THE UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA April, 1972 In presenting this thesis in partial fulfilment of the requirements for an advanced degree at the University of British Columbia, I agree that the Library shall make it freely available for reference and study. I further agree that permission for extensive copying of this thesis for scholarly purposes may be granted by the Head of my Department or by his representatives. It is understood that copying or publication of this thesis for financial gain shall not be allowed without my written permission. Department of o ^ ^ The University of British Columbia Vancouver 8, Canada Date a^'A 2,fy 7 3, ABSTRACT Honore' de Balzac filled the imaginary world of his Come"die humaine with a vast array of characters of all ages, types and social classes. Although, in general, the girls among them play a secondary role, they nevertheless form a group which is not only interesting, but which receives a special form of attention from its creator. In Balzac's view, the typical girl (who is also his ideal) is sweet, pure and docile, and most of the girls he depicts fall into this category, although they often combine with these passive traits a surprising degree of will-power.
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