INDEX 279 © in This Web Service Cambridge
Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-68083-7 - The Cambridge Companion to British Romantic Poetry Edited by James Chandler and Maureen N. Mclane Index More information INDEX 1820, significance for English poetry 12, apostrophe 245 14–20 Arabian Nights Tales 185 archaisms 84 Abrams, M. H. 3, 4, 252 Aristophanes 16 absorption 270 Armstrong, John, Sketches, on poetic abstraction 137 sources 60 Ackroyd, Peter, on the Gothic 39 Arnold, Matthew xx, 256 Addison, Joseph 80, 86 Arrot, Mrs, of Aberbothrick 249 Adorno, Theodor W. art, as knowledge, Adorno’s views aesthetic of dialectical negation 230 114n.4 on art as a commodity 230 Ashbery, John, and John Clare 272–4 on art as knowledge 114n.4 Asiatic Society of Bengal 186 on cultural production as art 223 Asiatick Researches 186 on Keats and Shelley 2 association, psychology of 200 on lyric poetry 218 Athenaeum xv “On Lyric Poetry and Society” 219, 220, Auden, W. H. 225 223 Augustus (Roman emperor) 45 aestheticism, and lyric poetry 223 aura 220 Aiken, John, Essays on Song-Writing,on Austen, Jane xii, xix British sources 60 Emma xviii Albion 44 Mansfield Park xviii “alphabetization” 241 Northanger Abbey xix America Persuasion xix, 117 independence encourages radical groups in Pride and Prejudice xviii Britain 183 Sense and Sensibility xvii legendary settlement by the Welsh authors, concerns to connect with readers 180 77 Anacreon 16 autographs, Blake’s views 104 angelology 171 Avebury 41, 44 annuals, poetry annuals 160, 161, 163 Aztecs 181 anticapitalism, in Romantic literary theory 222–3 Baier, Annette, A Progress of Sentiments,on antique sources, and classical sources, use in moral sense 141 poetry 35 Baillie, Joanna xi, 4, 10, 21 antiquity 37 Metrical Legends of Exalted cultural influence 44, 45 Characters xix influence on Shelley 47 Plays on the Passions xv Peacock’s views 49 Bakhtin, Mikhail, on novels 127, 132 279 © in this web service Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-68083-7 - The Cambridge Companion to British Romantic Poetry Edited by James Chandler and Maureen N.
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