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Navarrete Et Al.,Manuscriptrevised This is a repository copy of Feeding management strategies among the early Neolithic pigs in the NE of the Iberian Peninsula. White Rose Research Online URL for this paper: Version: Accepted Version Article: Navarrete, Vanessa, Colonese, Andre Carlo, Tornero, Carlos et al. (6 more authors) (2017) Feeding management strategies among the early Neolithic pigs in the NE of the Iberian Peninsula. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology. pp. 1-26. ISSN 1047-482X Reuse Items deposited in White Rose Research Online are protected by copyright, with all rights reserved unless indicated otherwise. They may be downloaded and/or printed for private study, or other acts as permitted by national copyright laws. The publisher or other rights holders may allow further reproduction and re-use of the full text version. This is indicated by the licence information on the White Rose Research Online record for the item. Takedown If you consider content in White Rose Research Online to be in breach of UK law, please notify us by emailing [email protected] including the URL of the record and the reason for the withdrawal request. [email protected] International Journal of Osteoarchaeology Feeding management strategies among the early Neolithic pigs in the NE of the Iberian Peninsula Journal: International Journal of Osteoarchaeology Manuscript ID OA-17-0026.R1 Wiley - ManuscriptFor type: Research Peer Article Review Date ubmitted by the Author: n/a Complete List of Authors: Navarrete, Vanessa, -niversitat Autonoma de .arcelona, Prehistoria Colonese, Andre, -niversity of 0or1, .ioArCh, Department of Archaeology Tornero, Carlos, Institute of 4uman Paleoecology and ocial Evolution , Archaeology Antol6n, 7erran, -niversity of .asel , Integrative Prehistoric and Archaeological cience von Tersch, Matthe8, -niversity of 0or1, .ioArCh, Department of Archaeology ubir9, M. Eul9lia, -niversitat Aut:noma de .arcelona, -nitat d'Antropologia .iol:gica, Dpt. .A.VE Comes, Pau, -niversitat Autonoma de .arcelona, Institute of Environmental cience and Technology Rosell, Antoni, -niversitat Autonoma de .arcelona, Institute of Environmental cience and Technology a<a egu6, Maria, -A. .arcelona, Departament de Prehist:ria Iberian Peninsula, Early Neolithic, husbandry practices, pig diet, stable Key8ords: carbon and nitrogen isotopes Page 1 of 30 International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 1 2 3 Feeding management strategies among the early Neolithic pigs in the NE of the Iberian 4 Peninsula 5 6 Vanessa Navarrete1*, André Carlo Colonese2, Carlos Tornero3, Ferran Antolín4, Matthew Von 7 2 5 6 6,7 1 8 Tersch , M. Eulàlia Subirà , Pau Comes , Antoni Rosell-Melé , Maria Sa,a 9 10 1 -aboratori d.Ar/ eo0oolo1ia, 2epartment of Prehistory, A tonomo s 6niversity of 11 7arcelona, 08193, Catalonia, Spain. 12 13 2 7ioArCh, 2epartment of Archaeolo1y, 6niversity of York, York, YO10 522, 6nited 14 Kin1dom. 15 16 17 3 Instit te of H man Paleoecolo1y and Social Evol tion AIPHES), 43007, Tarra1ona, Spain. 18 19 4 Inte1rative PrehistoricFor and Archaeolo1icalPeer SciencReviewe A6niversity of 7asel), Spalenrin1 145, 20 4055 7asel, Swit0erland. 21 22 5 CRAPAC, 6nitat dDAntropolo1ia 7iolE1ica, 2epartament Animal 7iolo1y, Plant 7iolo1y 23 and Ecolo1y, A tonomo s 6niversity of 7arcelona, 08193, Catalonia, Spain. 24 25 6 Instit te of Environmental Science and Technolo1y, 08193, A tonomo s 6niversity of 26 27 7arcelona, Catalonia, Spain. 28 29 7 Instit ciF Catalana de Recerca i Est dis AvanGats AICREA), 08193, Catalonia, Spain. 30 31 *Corresponding author: Vanessa Navarrete. -aboratori d.Ar/ eo0oolo1ia, 2epartment of 32 Prehistory, A tonomo s 6niversity of 7arcelona, 08193, Catalonia, Spain. 33 vanessa.navarreteH 34 35 Keywords: Iberian Penins la, Early Neolithic, h sbandry practices, pi1 diet, stable carbon 36 37 and nitro1en isotopes 38 39 Abstract 40 41 The socio-economic relevance of domesticated animals d rin1 the Early Neolithic in the 42 Iberian Penins la is indisp table, yet we essentially know little abo t the way they were 43 mana1ed. Amon1 domesticated animals, pi1 ASus domesticus) was a common food so rce and 44 45 previo s st dies have shown the potential of stable isotopes for assessin1 variability in pi1 46 diet in relation to h sbandry practices. Nevertheless, this approach has never been applied to 47 the earliest pi1s in the Iberian Penins la. Ie analy0ed the carbon and nitro1en stable isotope 48 49 composition of pi1 bone colla1en from several Early Neolithic sites in the NE Iberian 13 50 Penins la. Ihile pi1 J C val es were similar across different pop lations, there were 51 si1nificant differences in J15N val es between sites. These are attrib ted to different pi1 52 h sbandry systems, which may reflect distinct social and spatial or1ani0ation and interaction 53 54 1 55 56 57 58 59 60 International Journal of Osteoarchaeology Page 2 of 30 1 2 3 with environmental conditions d rin1 the Early Neolithic in this re1ion. 4 5 Introduction 6 7 The establishment of farmers and their domesticates marked a t rnin1 point in the socio- 8 economic and c lt ral landscape of the western Mediterranean in the Middle Holocene. 9 10 -ivestock mana1ement practices in the Early Neolithic contrib ted to the emer1ence of new 11 work processes, inte1rated new prod cts in the h man diet, and cataly0ed the transformation 12 of nat ral environments A7arker, 2005K 7londel, 2006K Leder, 2008). Iith some eMceptions in 13 14 the north of the Iberian Penins la, the h ntin1 of wild 1ame declined in most re1ions, while 15 livestock became the most important so rce of animal meat and other secondary prod cts 16 ASa,a, 1998K C erra et al., 2008K Marn N Morales, 2009K Alt na N Marie0k rrena, 2011). 17 The farmin1 practices incl ded complementary eMploitation of pi1, cattle, sheep and 1oat 18 19 AAlt na N Marie0kFor rrena, 2011K Peer Sa,a, 2013). Review 20 21 Amon1 domesticated animals, pi1s ASus domesticus) played a role as meat s pplier d rin1 the 22 establishment of farmers in the Iberian Penins la ASa,a, 1998, 2013). Their relative 23 ab ndance varied considerably between sites dated to early Neolithic periods Afrom 4 O to 24 25 23.9 O of domestic animals) s 11estin1 different scales of h sbandry re1imes ASa,a, 2013K 26 Sa,a et al., 2015), b t the form of these practices still remains hi1hly el sive. Traditional 27 h sbandry practices may have involved home-based systems with complete to partial stablin1 28 of herds in close proMimity to settlements, or eMtensive mana1ement of herds in semi-free to 29 30 free-ran1e re1imes. Ihile these mana1ement practices are known from modern traditional 31 comm nities in northern Mediterranean areas AAlbarella et al., 2007K HadPiko mis, 2012), and 32 have been also post lated for prehistoric 1ro ps in E rope A7alasse et al., 2016), their 33 34 occ rrence d rin1 the Neolithic in the NE Iberian Penins la remains nclear. This 1ap in o r 35 knowled1e prevents a f ll nderstandin1 of the socio-environmental si1nificance of animal 36 mana1ement practices d rin1 the establishment of early farmin1 comm nities in this re1ion. 37 38 H sbandry practices s ally imply some de1ree of h man control over animal diet in order to 39 40 ens re their adaptation to and performance in local environmental conditions, promote health 41 and prevent diseases. 2 e to their omnivoro s nat re, pi1s have access to a broad ran1e of 42 food so rces which can be mediated by c lt ral practices. 6nder h man control, pi1 diets can 43 be manip lated and s pplemented with a1ric lt ral and animal prod cts. Individ al animal 44 13 12 15 14 45 diets can be investi1ated sin1 stable carbon A C/ C) and nitro1en A N/ N) isotope 46 compositions of or1anic tiss es, s ch as colla1en in bone A2eNiro N Epstein, 1978K Schwarc0 47 N Schoenin1er, 1991K Ambrose, 1993K Sealy, 2001). Previo s st dies have demonstrated the 48 potential of b lk colla1en carbon and nitro1en stable isotopes for determinin1 the de1ree of 49 50 omnivory in pi1 feedin1 behavio r, and this information has been sed to reconstr ct pi1 51 mana1ement strate1ies in prehistoric and historic times AMats i et al., 2005K Pechekina et al., 52 2005K Hamilton et al. 2009K Hamilton N Thomas, 2012K Mad1wick et al., 2012K 7alasse et al., 53 54 2 55 56 57 58 59 60 Page 3 of 30 International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 1 2 3 2015, 2016). 4 5 In this paper we investi1ate the stable isotope ecolo1y of pi1s from siM Early Neolithic sites in 6 the NE Iberian Penins la datin1 between ca. 5700 and 4200 cal 7C AFi1. 1). 6sin1 stable 7 8 carbon and nitro1en isotope analysis we assess the main dietary components of the pi1s in 9 relation to wild and domestic herbivores, omnivores and carnivores, and disc ss the 10 implications for nderstandin1 the variability of h sbandry practices in this re1ion. 11 12 table isotope analysis of bulk collagen 13 14 Colla1en is the maPor protein in bone and its carbon and nitro1en isotope composition are 15 16 indicative of individ al diet over a relatively lon1 period of time Ae.1. 5-15 years dependin1 17 on the a1eK Hed1es et al., 2007K Hed1es N Reynard, 2007). 2ietary information derived from 18 colla1en J13C and J15N val es is 1enerally biased toward the protein fraction in the diet 19 For Peer Review 20 ASchwarc0 N Schoenin1er, 1991K Ambrose N Norr, 1993K Sealy, 2001).
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