The Radiochemistry of Selenium
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Rt?v.1965 NUCLEARSCIENCESERIES National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council Pubtished $3y: United States Atomic Energ Commission COMMITTEEON NUCLEARSCIENCE S.K.Allison,Chairman f?.D. Evans,Vice Chairman UniversityofChicago Mass.InstituteofTechnology LewisSlack,Secretary NationalResearchCouncil E. C.Anderson BerndKahn Los Alamos Sci.Laboratory TaftSanitaryEngineeringCenter N. E. Ballou JerryB. Marion U.S.NavalRadiologicalDefenseLaboratory UniversityofMaryland MartinJ.Berger R. L.Platzman NationalBureauofStandards ArgonneNationalLaboratory C. J.Borkowski ErnestC.Pollard Oak RidgeNatl.Laboratory PennsylvaniaStateUniversity RobertG. Cochran KatherineWay A & M CollegeofTexas Oak RidgeNationallaboratory HerbertGoldstein GeorgeW. Wetherill ColumbiaUniversity UniversityofCalifornia(LosAngeles) LIAISONMEMBERS PaulC.Aebersold RalphG. Allen AtomicEnergyCommission AirForceOfficeofScientificReeearch J.HowardMcMillen NationalScienceFoundation SUBCOMMITTEEON NAOIOCHEMISTRY N. E. Ballou,Chairman W. E. Nervik U. S.NavalRadiologicalDefense LawrenceRadiationLaboratory Laboratory J.M. Nielsen G. R. Choppin GeneralElectricCompany (Richfand) FloridaStateUniversity G. D. O’Kelley H. M. Clark Oak RidgeNationalLaboratory RensselaerPolytechnicInstitute R. P. Schuman R. M. Diamond AtomicEnergyDivision LawrenceRadiationLaboratory PhillipsPetroleumCompany (IdahoFalls) A. W. Fairhall E. P. Steinberg UniversityofWashington ArgonneNationalLaboratory Jerome Hudie D. N. Sunderman BrookhavenNationalLaboratory BattelleMemorialInstitute J.D. Knight J.W. Winchester Los Alamos ScientificLaboratory MassachusettsInstituteofTechnology Radiochemistry of Selenium V. J. Molinski and G. W. Leddicotte Ismed,November1966 Union Crmbide Co@oration Mining and Metals Division Research Center Tuxedo, New Yoyk Subcommitteeon RadiOchemiStry NationalAcademy ofSciences— NationalResearch Councfl PrintedinUSA. Price$1.00.AvailablefromtbeClearinghoussforFederal ScientificandTechnicalInfmmaticqNationalBureauofStandards,U. S. DepnrunentofCommerce,Springfield,Virginia22151 FOREWORD The Subcommitteeon Radiochemistry is one of a number of subcommittees working under the Comni.tteeon Nuclear Science within the National Academy of Sciences - National Research council. Its members represent government, industrial, and university laboratories in the areas of radlochemistry and nuclear chemistry. Support for the activities of this and other subcommittees of the Committee on Nuclear Science is provided by a grant from the National Science Foundation. The subcommittee has concerned itself wi’thpreparation of publications, encouraghg and supporting ac%ivlties in nuclear education, sponsoring symposia on selected current topics in radiochemistry and nuclear chemistry, and investigating special problems as they arise. A series of monographs on the radio- chemi.sta?yof?essentiallyall %he elements and on radiochemical techniquesis being published. Initiationand encouragement of publication of articles on nuclear education In %rious subjec% areas of chemistry have occurred, and development and improvement of certain education activities (e.g., laboratory and demonstration experiments with radioactivity] have been encouraged and assisted. Radioactive Contamination of reagents and materials has been investigated and specific recommendations made. This series of monographshas resulted from the need for comprehensivecompilationsof radiochemicaland nuclear chemical information. Each monograph collects in one volume the pertinent informationrequired for radiochemicalwork with an individual element or with a specializedtechnique. ‘IkeU. S. Atomic Energy Commissionhas sponsoredthe printing of the series. Comments and suggestionsfor ~her publicationsand activitiesof value to persons working with radioactivityare welccmed by the Subcommittee. N. E. lhllOU, Clwuknan Subcommitteeon Mdiochemistry iii INTRODUCTION This monograph on the radiochemistmy of selenium is one series covering %he rad%ochemis%ry of essentially all the elements. It Ls a revised and expanded version of an earlier monograph. In it are included reviews of nuclear and chemical properties of selenium, discussionsof methods of sample disso- lution and of separationreactions,descriptionsof couuting techniques,and a compilationof radiochemicalseparation procedures ~or seleniumas found in the literature. As new informationaccumulateson chemicaland nuclear propertiesof seleniumand on separationand measurementtech- niques, considerationwill be given to further revision OI?this monograph. Consequently as additional information hcomes available in Ixsthpublished and unpublished form, readers are encouraged to bring the a’thent%onof the author for possible inclusion i.nfuture editions of %his monograph. iv CONTENTS I. GENERAL REIFHENCESON THE INORMNIC Am M’?ALY!HCALCHEMISTRY OF SEMNTO’M . 1 II. GENERAL REFERENCES CONTAININGINI’ORMK!ZONON THE RAIIB CHEMISTRYOF SELENIUM . ...2 III. TAELEOF ISOT~S OF SELENIUM . ...2 rv. IE4TURES OF SELENIUM CHEKK3TRYOF CKCEF INTEREST !IU THE RADIOCHEMIST.. 6 1. INE30DUCTION . 6 2. THE NmrALIrc SANE . ...6 3. m Oxmzs . 6 4. 0= DATZONSTA3XS . .. 8 5. Sacs.. 8 6. COMPLEX IONS . 10 7. cEEtuTEs. 10 8. voLAmLEcoMPoLmnx. U 9. PRINCIPAL ANALYTICALM3THOIJ5. J-1 v. SELENIUMSEPAFWIONREAC!ITONS . 32 1. SEPARATIONEYPRECIPITJWCON. 12 2. SEPAEtATZONBY SOLVENTEXZ’RACTTON. u 3. SEPARMZONBYVOLATILITY. 16 4. ELECI’ROLYTICSEE’ARATION.. 16 5. SEFAMTIONBY IONEXCHKNGE.HHCNS. 16 6. SEPARATIONEY PAPER CHROMATOGFWWY . 17 VI. DISSOLUTIONOF SAMPLES CON’IMININGFZLR%WM. 17 1. MEmsmonms. 18 2. SALTS. 18 3. oFm. 18 4. BIOCHEMICALSAMPLES. 18 5. 0-. - . .. .. .. 18 v VII. HKZANXAND PRWAU1210NS. I-0 VIII. co~TEcHNIms. ● 19 lx SEPARATIONPROCEIY.JRESlWR SELEWOM . 26 x. INIJEXOF SEPARATIONPROCEDURES. 27 Xt. KEFEKENCES. : . 46 LIST OF TABLES I. TABLE OF TEE ISOTOPES OF SELEWUM. .3 11. CHEMICAL ANDPSYSICAL PROPERTIES OF ~ . .7 III . VOLUBILITY OF SFLENIUMCOMPOUNES. 9 Iv. SOLWENT EXCRACTTON SYSTEMS FOR SELENTW . 14 v. CALCULATEDWECIFTC SATURATIONMZCTVITICES FOR SELIWUM RADIONUCIJXEWPRODUCED BY T!HERMALNEUTRON CKPrUR3. 20 LIST OF FIGURES 1. PARTIAL CHMKCOFTHENUCLIEES SHOWING~ . .5 2. GAMMA-RAY SPECTRUMOF 7.1-HOUR Sea= . 21 3. GAMMA-FWi SPECITIUMOFl.21-D.&iSe75. 22 4. GAMMA-RAY SPECTRUMOF 17.5-SEC Se- . 23 5. GAbWA-RM SPE~OF56.&MIN Seam . 24 6. Gw-MsPEcIcurJd oF25-~N Se- . 25 vi Radiochemistry of Selenium V. J. Molineki and G. W. Leddicotte Union Cmbide Corporation Mining and Metals Dim’sion Research Center Tuxedo, New York r. GENERAL REFERENCESOH INORGANICAND ANALYTIC cBIM13TRYOF SELEMIUM 1. J. W. Keller, A C rehensiveT!reatiseon Inor anic and Theoretical (Lon~% Green and Co., Inc., New fork, 1960), VO1. x, =2. 2. W. F. Hlllebrand,G. E. F. LundeU, H. A. Bfi@t, ~d J. I. ~f~, APPlied Inorganic Analysis (JohnWiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 1955), Chapt. 19, p. 327-338. 3. W. R. Schoeller end A. R. Powell, The Analysis of .~,n~ralsand Ores of the Rarer Elements (Hsf’nerPublishing Company,New York, 1955)~ Chapt. XIX, p. 8-254. Robert C. Brasted, ComprehensiveInorganic Chemlst~, Sulfux, Selenium,TelluriuuI,Polonium and O~g en (D. Van Nostrand Co., Inc., Princeton,New Jersey, 1%1 ). 5. H. Remy, Treatise on Inorganic Chemlst~ (Elsevier,Amsterdam,1956), Vol. I, p. 741-752. 6. J. ~einberg, W. J. Argersinger,and E. Griswold, InorUanic Chemistry (Heath, Boston, 1960), P. 434-455. 7. C, L. Wilson and D. W. Wilson, Comprehenslve Analytical Chemistry Elsevier, Amaterdmz, 1959). 8. G. Chariot and D. Bezier, @antltatlve Inorganic ATIalysis (John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 1957). 1 9. N. V. Sidgwick, The Cheml.cslElements and Their Cmp2uudB (University Press, oxford, 1951) . 10. B. S. HopkinB, Chapters in the ChemiEtryof the Less FamiliarElements (StipesPublishing Co., Illinois,1939), Chapt. 19. 11. Selenium amd Tellurium Abstracts,prepared for the Selenium-TelJ.urium DevelopmentAssociation,Inc. by Battelle Memorial Institute,1959-1964. II. CXNEML FEIERENCES CONTAININGINFORMAITOIV ON THE RADIOCHSTRY OF SELENIUM 1. w. w. Meinke, “Nucleonics”,hal. Chein.~, 104R (1960). 2. G. W. Leddlcotte,“NucleonIce”,Anal, Chem. ~, 143R (1962). 3. G. W, Leddicotte,“Nucleonlcs”,Anal. them. ~, 419R (lg64). 4. H. L. Finstin and J, Miskel, “RadiochemicalSeparationTechniques”, hnual Review of Nuclear Sciencej, 269 (1955); 5. H. J. M. Bowen and D. Gibbons, RadiosctivationAn- 16 (oxford UniversityPress, Herd, 1963). 6. G, W. Leddicotte,cd., “The Radiochemi8tryof Selenium”,Natl. Acad. Sci. - Natl. Research Council Rept. NAS-NS-3030 (1961). III. TABLE OF THE ISOTUPES OF SEUKHJM The radioactivenuclldea of selenium of interest in the radiochemiatryof 8elenium are given in Table I. This table has been ccunpiledfrcm information (1) (2) appearingin reporte by Strominger,et al. and in the Nuclear Data Sheets . ltLgure1 shows the seleniumportion of the chart of Nuclides(3) including the adjacent elements. TABLE I TA8LE OF ISOTOPES OF SELENIUM Isotopic Type of Pa-title Reactions - * ‘f-life = w se70 &m B+ As75(d,7n)Se70 %71 4.5 m ~+ p: 3.4 &75 (ti, 6n]se71 7, 0.16 8.4 a EC,~+ 7, 0.046 A.e75(d,5n)Se72 se7m 44m ~+ p: 1.7 AS75(d,k )Se7m; 7, 0.88 *74(y, n)Se73m., Se74 (n,2n )Se73m *73 7,1 h ~:EC ~; 1.29,1.65 As75(d,k) Se7m; y, 0.36,0.066 Se74(y,n)Se7s; Se74(n,2n)Se7= ~74 0.87$ a?? 5 121 d EC 7, 0.265,0.136 Se74(n,y)Se75; no 9+ 0,28 ,0.405 As75(p,n )Se75; As75(d,2n)Se75 se7e 9.@ *77 7.584 se- 17.5 s IT Y, 0.162 Se7s(n,7)Se77m; U fission ~7e 23.52$ *7em 3.9 m IT y, 0.096 Se7e (n,7 )Se7m; Se=(n,2n)Se7m; Br7g(n,p)Se7m; U fission 3 TABLE I (Continued) Iflotoplc Type of Particle Ener Reactions = w ‘f-life