Holy Cross R.C. Church 61-21 56Th Road Maspeth, N.Y

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Holy Cross R.C. Church 61-21 56Th Road Maspeth, N.Y HOLY CROSS R.C. CHURCH 61-21 56TH ROAD MASPETH, N.Y. 11378 THE PASTORAL STAFF Most Rev. Witold Mroziewski - Pastor Rev. Andrzej Salwowski - Administrator Rev. Karol Burda - Parochial Vicar Deacon Szymon Sliwa Rectory: Phone (718) 894-1387 Office Hours: Monday through Friday 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM Saturday Morning 9:00 to 12:00 only Emergencies - Anytime Mr. Adam Mikula - Music Director - Organist Religious Education - Phone (718) 894-1387 Mrs. Jolanta Neubauer - Coordinator Rel. Ed Office Hours: September thru June 6 to 8 PM - Tuesday and Wednesday 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM - Saturday Schedule of Services MASSES - MSZE ŚWIĘTE: Weekdays: Monday to Friday: 7:30 AM Polish 8:30 AM English Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday: 7:00 PM Polish Wednesday: 7:00 PM English Saturday Morning: 7:30 & 8:30 AM Polish Saturday Eve: 5:00 PM English 7:00 PM Polish Sundays: 8:00, 11:00 AM & 7:00 PM Polish 9:30 AM & 12:30 PM English Confessions - Spowiedź Saturdays: 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM & at 6:30 PM - 7:00PM First Friday: 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM Devotions - Nabożeństwa Tuesday - Our Lady of Czestochowa, after 7:00 PM Mass. First Thursday - Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament after 7 PM Mass. First Friday - Sacred Heart of Jesus after 7 PM Mass First Saturday - Marian Devotions at 6:30 PM. Third Sunday of the Month - Divine Mercy at 6:00 PM. October, May and Lent have special devotions - announced in the bulletin. Baptism: Second Sunday of every month 11:00 Polish & 12:30 English All Baptisms by appointment only. Instructions every first Monday of the month: 7:30 PM English, 8:00 PM Polish Marriages - by appointment only - 6 months in advance Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time Every member should be properly registered. October 30, 2016 No marriages or Baptisms may be performed unless one is registered. Church Law requires this. October 30, 2016 Holy Cross Church 2 SATURDAY November 05 SOBOTA 05 listopada 7:30 † Dusze Polecone Roczne Wypominki 8:30 † Mieczysław 5 PM † Mary & John Kruk & Family 7 PM † Franciszek Potaczała SATURDAY October 29 SOBOTA 29 pażdziernika SUNDAY November 6 NIEDZIELA 6 listopada 5 PM For the People of the Parish 8:00 † Stanisław Kłok (Rocz) i Tomasz Kłok (Rocz) 7 PM Prośba o zdrowie i Boże Błogosławieństwo 9:30 † Janina, Wacław & Kazimierz Gorzelski dla Edwarda Lepkowskiego 11:00 † Krystyna Hajduczek i Władysława † Wiesław Mierzejewski Gładysiewicz † Irene Mandarino 12:30 † Jean & Anthony Jusza (Annv) SUNDAY October 30 NIEDZIELA 30 października 7 PM St. Hubert’s Mass 8:00 † Tadeusz Okula, Honorata i Paweł Okula 9:30 † Madeline Wierzbicki 11:00 † Stanisław i Leonard Mroczkowscy 12:30 † Wladyslaw Serafin DONATIONS 7 PM † Józef i Maria Zebryk i za zmarłych z rodzin BREAD AND WINE Rakieć i Boradyn This week’s bread and wine is in memory of Wanda Kurdziel MONDAY October 31 PONIEDZIAŁEK 31 października donated by Irene and Joseph Kurdziel. 7:30 † Jadwiga i Wacław Grabowski 8:30 † JoEllen Truskolaski (Annv) 7PM † Helena (Rocz) & Michał Polak PLEASE PRAY FOR TUESDAY November 1 WTOREK 1 listopada OUR BELOVED DECEASED: ALL SAINTS DAY WSZYSTKICH ŚWIĘTYCH 7:30 † Eugeniusz Kirejczyk i Janina Ciborowska 8:30 † Kazimierz Wilczewski 11:00 † Steven i Stefan Łaski 7PM † Czesław Sienicki i Bogusław Orent WEDNESDAY November 2 ŚRODA 2 listopada ALL SOULS DAY WSZYSTKICH ZMARŁYCH 7:30 † Dusze Polecone Roczne Wypominki 8:30 † Souls Commended to Our Prayers 11:00 † Dusze Polecone Roczne Wypominki 6 PM † Souls Commended to Our Prayers 7 PM † Dusze Polecone Roczne Wypominki THURSDAY November 3 CZWARTEK 3 listopada 7:30 † Tadeusz Okuła, Honorata i Paweł Okuła 8:30 † Jerzy Backiel 7PM † Maria Klimaj i Jarosław Koc FRIDAY November 4 PIĄTEK 4 listopada 7:30 † Stanisław, Paulina i Tadeusz Charliński 8:30 Asking for God’s Blessings and good health for David Ciocian 7PM † Leszek Malinowski October 30, 2016 Holy Cross Church 3 FROM THE PASTOR ALL SOULS NOVENA We will begin our All Souls Novena on ALL SAINTS DAY November 2 and we will continue to pray for our TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 1, beloved deceased for eight more days. Tuesday is the Feast of All Saints, we We invite everyone Monday to Sunday remember all the holy men and after 7PM Mass. women who have gone before us into the Kingdom of God. We seek God’s help so that we BAPTISMAL CLASS can imitate the saints and one day join them in the MONDAY, November 7 7:30 PM English fellowship of God’s Kingdom. 8:00 PM Polish The Masses will be celebrated: We ask that all families and/or godparents who Monday, October 31 7:00 PM - English need to attend Baptismal instructions, should call Tuesday, November 1 7:30 AM – Polish the rectory to register that they will attend. 8:30 AM - English This will make it easier to prepare 11:00 AM – Polish enough chairs for everyone. 7:00 PM - Polish ADORATION OF THE BLESSED ALL SOULS DAY SACRAMENT Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in church WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, every First Thursday at 7:30 PM for an increase in This is the day we pray for our vocations to the priesthood and religious life. deceased relatives, friends and Everyone is invited to attend. parishioners. We pray for them so that, through our prayers and sacrifices, they may share eternal FIRST FRIDAY This Friday November 4th is also the First Friday life and be counted among all the saints. Names of of the month. Masses will be celebrated at the the deceased entrusted to our prayers will be read usual times with the addition of a Liturgy at 7 between all the Masses. There will be the special P.M. in the evening. devotion with procession inside church for the Confessions will be heard on Friday from 6 to 7 PM. souls in purgatory at the end of the 7 PM Mass. FIRST SATURDAY The Masses will be celebrated: Devotions Marian Devotions at 6:30 PM. 7:30 AM - Polish SATURDAY NIGHT VIGIL 8:30 AM - English On Saturday, November 5th we are having a vigil 11:00 AM - Polish which starts at 6:30 PM and ends at 11:00 PM. This 6:00 PM - English includes the 7 PM Mass. All are welcome to 7:00 PM - Polish participate in the whole vigil or part of it. Our parish St. Hubert Hunting and Fishing Envelopes are in back of the Church for this special day. Names of the deceased Club will participate in the 7:00 PM Mass on entrusted to our prayers will be read Sunday November 6 with traditional between the morning Masses on All Souls decorations in the church as is done in Poland. Day and before the evening Masses. We also There will be also a dance with a special meal in remember the deceased at a special Mass the school hall on Saturday November 12, every first Saturday of the month. Envelopes Tickets are $50 each and may be purchased may be dropped in the collection basket from Richard Maks: 917-299-0222. before November 2. October 30, 2016 Holy Cross Church 4 ANNUAL OGŁOSZENIA PARAFIALNE CATHOLIC UROCZYSTOŚĆ WSZYSTKICH ŚWIĘTYCH APPEAL WTOREK- 1 LISTOPADA We encourage all to continue the Tego dnia czcimy naszych braci i siostry, którzy odeszli już do wieczności i nice tradition of our parish in supporting the osiągnęli Królestwo Niebieskie. Prosimy ich work of our Diocese of Brooklyn by donating to o wstawiennictwo za nami u Boga, abyśmy i my the Annual Catholic Appeal. Our generosity makes mogli również dojść do Chwały Nieba. a big difference. Our goal this year is $64,601. So Msze św. będą odprawione w następującym far, as of September 17, we have pledges of porządku: $20,765 from 116 donors which is 32.14% of our Poniedziałek, 31 października goal, while we have already paid in $18,018 which godz. 19:00 w jęz. angielskim is 27.89% of the goal. Wtorek, 1 listopada Please keep up the good work and help our Parish godz. 7:30 w jęz. polskim & Diocese as much as you can. God Bless! godz. 8:30 w jęz. angielskim godz. 11:00 w jęz. polskim YEAR OF MERCY godz. 18:00 w jęz. angielskim DIOCESE OF BROOKLYN godz. 19:00 w jęz. polskim BLESSING OF 6 HOLY DOORS CLOSING CEREMONY, NOVEMBER 20, 2016 DZIEŃ ZADUSZNY środa 2 listopada Cathedral –Basilica of St. James modlimy się za naszych wszystkich Bishop Octavio Cisneros wiernych zmarłych, aby przez nasze St. Joseph’s Co-Cathedral modlitwy i ofiary mogli osiągnąć Niebo i żyć Bishop Witold Mroziewski wiecznie razem ze wszystkimi świętymi. Regina Pacis Basilica Imiona zmarłych poleconych naszym modlitwom Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio będą czytane przed wszystkimi Mszami. St. Thomas Aquinas Po Mszy Świętej o godz. 19:00 Bishop James Massa odbędzie się procesja i modlitwy za wszystkich Our Lady of Mount Carmel wiernych zmarłych. Bishop Paul Sanchez Tego dnia porządek Mszy św. jest następujący: St. Gerard Majella godz. 7:30 w jęz polskim Bishop Raymond Chappetto godz. 8:30 w jęz. angielskim godz. 11:00 w jęz. polskim godz. 19:00 w jęz. polskim Attendance October 22-23 1,610 DZIEŃ ZADUSZNY First collection $1,328 Koperty na wypominki są wyłożone z tyłu Second collection $4,688 kościoła. Imiona zmarłych poleconych naszym modlitwom będą czytane w Dniu Zadusznym Collection per capita $3.73 pomiędzy Mszami Św. Oprócz tego w każdą MEETINGS THIS WEEK pierwszą sobotę miesiąca odprawiamy Msze Monday, October 31 at 7:00 PM English AA Święte za wszystkich zmarłych. Koperty prosimy at 8:30 PM Polish AA oddać przed 2-gim listopada razem Wedn., Nov.
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