■ '(fCJ V

R e m e m b e r School Grand Rrhe$ W ill Be Awarded Tomorrow ^

Avorage Daily CirenlatioB IT tin M«Mth o f jannary, I M l The Weather 1 rotaeaar ef S. Wau0M V. 6,626

« af the Audit ffk lr 'fe n liM and triday. niat a f CT'-rglatlrBie ■nch change fai 7* - ;

. Manche$Ur~^'^City of Village Chahh


Italian Naval* Prisoners Leave ilam ing Tobruk A rm y C h ief i.

l|Reynold’s Certain Aid^ Says Planes

To Aid Navy

t -i Bill to Lead to War; Unspecified dumber of f-i

Latest Type to Rein-

4^ V,. I »■ > force Pacific Fleet; Need No Labor Curb

Situation Is *Serious*, f

Washington, Feb. 80.— (IP)— Gen. Hillman Says ^Strikes Convinced Enactment of

George C Maraball, Army chief of Are Exception in B a by Bonds Measure May Lead* ataff, was reported to have told

the Senate Military Affairs Com­ Defense Industry' and Direct* mittee ‘ today that the United No Additional Legis- To Be Sold Stateo Intends to reinforce the ly Toward Declara* Paclflc fleet Immediately with an li^tion Necessary to tion; Calls It *Bill unapecifled number of the latest A s Taxable type o f Arm y and N avy fighting Deal with Them; La­ For Defenselof British planes. Declining to reveal, even in the bor and Management Empire at Expense Morgenthau Announces secret session of the committee, Praised for Work. O f American livea's the number o f planes to be dis­ Financing P^s Ex­ patched for thia purpose, Marshall Washington. Feb. 20.— (/P) ceeding $1^00f000t Washington, Feb. 20.-

"UUIIUIAJI lU9RlaT^.XU- ate of defense prodyc* C .); announced today tion .told the Housef JuMciary Washington,/^eb. 30—(47— Sec­ was opposed to the admbtis- Finance Units Committee today that tration’s British aid bill be­ retary Morgenthau, wielding the I "strikes are the rare excep­ Treaaury'a new powers to iaaua cause he wag convinced that tion in defense industry’’ and fully ta x w e aecuriUes, today an­ its enactment might lead the Favor Refund no additional legislation was nounced finunclng plana exceeding United States directly toward necessary to deal with them. 51.300.096,000. ' a declaration of war. Begin­

O f Bonds Plan He praised labor and man* lent Rooeevelt yesterday ning the fourth di^ of div Blgne^ a bUi raising the Federal agement^r the job they bate on the measure in the. debt/llmlt from 349.000,000.000 to were d(ifl^ together "to avoid Senate, the North Carolina House and Senate Com­ 365(000,000,000 aad giving the interruption of production,’’ senator described ft as "a bill Italian naval prisoners, some with baggage over their ahoulders, march out o f Tobruk (background) aa the town Is In flames. Tha and said they should be en­ (Ooatinued on Page Three) mittees Approve Only for the defense of the Britlah Libyan city war captured by the Britieh forem Jan. 33. In latest dispatches from Africa the Italians said pro-Fascist Ethlepians were couraged "in their use of the Major Proposal Before Empire at the expense of tha ®0?****^*** ^ them,fight the British and claimed to be holding their lines. The only fresh military news reported by the British from democratic conference table A frica was to the effect that the Italiana had to abandon Dangela and other points in Gojjam province in western Ethiopia becausa o f tha lives of American men and at Final Meeting' of Week technique.’’ activity of native patriots fighting under the banner of Halle Selassie. Port, London the expense of the American The committee, which ia dl; taxpayer.’’

BnOetin! ed over the need for remedial legis­ Hla opposition cams aa a sur- lation to cope with defenw pro­ Bear Brunt state Capital, Hartford, Feb. Pneumonia la Reported ' prise (o many Senatora becausa 10—qir-* * ” hmOhj. CfeisfL Jul)« in JDriyfL To­ that national. 1 J)00,000 anti- Htlllnan, in a fbrinat autemeht, Large London Hospital from Ae OenMcratle ahto of ward Mogadiscio, Gip- pneumonia taUeto from drug State Theater Will Be said Isbor relations in defense In- existtagi the Hooee when n voice was manufacturers. Armed British duatriaa had a "remarkable record” However, I am bitterly oppoaad to taken. ital and Major Port of Jammed Last Session. fo r tha paat seven months. London, Feb. 30.—(P)—The in- any subterfuge or tbe circuravaat* Ha Ibitad 11 vital defanae Indus­ duMrial port of Swansea, ta South tag of tha present statutaa by aay SUte Oapltol, Hartford, Feb. 30 East Africa- Colotiy. tries—aircraft, aluminum, automo- W ales and London, where bombe type o f l^ a la U o o such aa this. The fourth and final session of Vessels Sunk —(a>—The Houae Fluaace Com­ hUes, ttoal, electrical machinery, wrecked one block of a large mittee voted# today to report Cairo, Feb. 10—UPt—The British Greeks Tfike The Herald’s 13th Cooking School engines, explosives, foundries and municipal hoapltal, killing aaveral (Caattaoed ea Page Paar) favorably on a measure authoriz­ machine ahopa, machine tools, lum­ Middle East command announced win be held at the State Theater Two Merchantmen Tar^ pattenU and a nurse,- bore the ing SodaUat Mayor Jaq>er Mc- tomorrow morning at 9:15 o'clock ber and shipbuilding — and said brunt of last night's attacks by ths Lwvy o f Bridgeport to reAtnd $1,- today its troops had smashed Two Villag es that statlstica ahbw^ that "idle- Ocrinan A ir Force. 585,000 in maturing city bonds. and is expected to attract an even get of Speedboat Tor^ across the Juba river in Italian neaa dua to atrikes cesutituted one- The government said bombers ’The action waa taken by the Somaliland in a drlye northeast­ larger attendance than the crowd pedoes; Bomb 4 Oth­ sixteenth of one per cent of the raked Swaiuea with high explo- Flashes! Republican • eootroUed oommittee In Two Days of nearly 1,000 woawn who filled time actually worked. alvea, damagtag "a considerabla (Late BalleMae of the (P) Wire) during a togMative recaaa while ward toward Mogadiscio, capital the theater for today's program. ers, Fire D^troyer. "F o r the first time in our. indus­ number of houses and businesa both chamwrs marked time and major port of that Bqat Afri­ trial history,” he declared, ''em'- can colony. Two grand prizes—a GIcnwOod gas premises.” Eumaalana Call awaiting g dedaion on the Bridge­ range and a year'a supply o f Rlnso plojrment has Increased sharply A direct hit was scored on the port meaaurea. The croasing of tha river appar­ Repulse Three Fascist Berlin, Feb. 30—(P>—The sink­ without an Increase In the number Belgrade, Feb. ently was made Juat north o f the —Will be given away to the lucky ing of two Britlah armed mer- London hospital, demolishing a matic quarters *ta H m committee's vote waa ^unter-Attacks in Al- holdera of the winning coupons. of itrikee.'' ✓ part o f It and killing several pa- tinanImoiM. one Democratic mem­ captured port of Cblslmaio in the chaatn^ by speedboat torpedoes, There were leas than half aa Sofia saM taalght tlwy''hafi bamrd Moat Intereatlag Sesaloa Uenta ta their beds. One nuraie’s reports that Romaala lead orfisrafi ber said. re^on o f Gelih, on the east banlO , bania; Italians Fire kuccesalul Iwmblng of four large many persons involved in etrikea body was found under the wreck- Rep. C. Raymond Brock (R.. of the stream. Today's session was not only the d u ri^ 1940, he aaid, "than in the nearly I.OOOPOO reaetvfeto to re- On Retreating Unit. most largely attended to date but merchantmen and the firing of a «««• irt for active duty oa er before ^ Hamden), chairman of the House . Counter-Attacking Italiana were corrcBpohdlng period of emergency Other patients were buried In commltt^ said he would aak tbd also proved one o f the moat in­ British destroyer were reported in 1915, or the war yeara of 1917 Sarch 18. Oae report rra rhlug beaten back, today's communique teresting fo r Miss Ruth Bean, The. debris. R i^ u e squads, doctors and House to approve, the Bridgeport Bfid. adding that "openitlena In Athena, Feb. 30.—(p)—Greek today by the German high com­ and 1915." Balkaa capitola waa that tha Ra- Herald's heine economist, staged nurses worked by the rays o f flash­ aalaa Array would be erfietafi to bill Immediately under suqienslon this area are developing wen." . aoldiera. preaaing mand after a sweep against Brit­ CreMtad To "Special Efforta” the Italiana In an informal Quiz (Contest that ish land and saa ohja^vas. lights yirough tbe night to relesse tbe Raaatoa froatter feOawtag of the rules when it reconvened. i Bskttte .liv e Days.- He credited the showing to the them. - Snggeate Aange In Laws Albania without let-up were re- made a rousing hit with her audi­ Combat Units of the luftwaffe "special efforta on the part of or­ withdrawal a f all Oaraaaa feeeea EferUer, Governor Hurley told The forcing of the river follow­ ported today to bave repulsed ence. The woman entered into the also "bombed dock facilities In Delayed Actfea Bomb Fauad from that part ef the eomrtry. Am ganized labor and on the part of Rcscae work waa halted when a newspapermen he had suggented ed five daya of fighting against spirit of the question and answer London, Swansea, Plymouth and management and government to ezplaaattoB of this waa that the three Fascist couqter-attacks In period with enthuslaam and it waa delayed action bomb waa discover­ Oermaas. • not fearing a BMalaa to leglalative leaden that they bitterly resisting Italiana. Repeated two daya and captur^ two "atub- Chatham," the daily communique aetUe labor controveralea without noteworthy that ..there were only said, while in the Mediterranean ed near another wing of the hoapl­ thrust at the BMuneat, wen ea- consider legislation which would R.A-F. dive-bonU> appaijlta on - thie hom ly dcfenota*>had( raaMtod rained down ta oae,London dis­ cigar factory o< webaSer Ctsea- ^-Blocks Nazis trict. two pedestrianf died under Reargue Laboi; norlii; gn blBcbr' V ; 1 on^Uia lehr. fae., colfepaed a t thalr wsrfc with P ig llM r south coast, waa bomoad the wreckage of an apartment at Nairobi, Kenya, sajd tiie ItaUgn today aafi were tahea to raealv- audianees she has had also, but the gommunique did not block, and two children were kill­ Ing hoapltal ter emergeaey traat- Case T oday garrison at Mags, in aouthbrn )n B ack seaslona. held ao far. mantion i t Turkish Papers Say Bul­ ed when a light standard'crashed ment. Physician aalfi 54 victiaw Ethiopia, had capitulated to South this' morning The communique said that • a were adofittod ta tha heayltol, ay* African troops. “v ’ -V garia Will Not Join (Oepttaaad Oa Page Two) paieatly overeoaie by aaaaa form A t this outpoFt. 40 ,mUea infide Paga Tw o) Ug K e ^ bobdar, aertoos. but aaid aaost a< the w an- 600 priaonera. mostly crable Iammcs’ to *Enr ca were diacharged wtthia iwa Board Seen Restric- Istanbul, Turkey, Feb. 30—<0— Germans Take hodra after they had beaa ad­ (CoaUaaed ea Page ’nree> -* ,U*Uring Assault. Officially contrail Turiciah pews- mitted. of Labor Act. jiapats w|d today that the Bulgar- . • • Navy Cook Book Will Be • • ? 'A # •. * Rome, Fab.' 30-rOe)—A quidi noniiHun^GiSlilion ac- French Gn^s Fire UByerito IM Glrto rmiaddphia. Feh. 30-riP)— The cord if Insurance that Bulgaria couatoa-aitack.lw Italian foroga New Britofai. fbh. 3fi*^*«F— Third U. S. Circuit Court Ap­ Jap T roops was rapartod today >y the Italian Revised; Beans Excepted will not Join the Axis and Miat li peals ocovaned today to haar i high coBunaad to hava baataa off actually constitutes an obstacle to any German advance through Bul­ B«nU.ilion Third I iT:) S SUSTSl. SST argunisata in a National Labor Re- with "ooaalderable loaaea" aa "ea- garia to Greece. latlona Board caaa in which It rul­ — Move South om y" assault on the oaMa at Cufra New York. Fab. 30.——Thabtbe time of the World war to mors Freight’ Car; Value Is r!re^*h^ to*^ w h^% bnha ed that the board's Jurisdiction "Bulgpria promiaea not to . en­ •4 ______ia the Libyan deaait. Navy cook book ia going to ba ro- than 8,000. eat la the rear of the trap etary over W » r diaputau ended with the (Tba communique did not idaa- ter the'tri-partlte pact” said the Set at 8320,000,000. vised. but the N avy lada wlU atlU Salfenf eating habits have ira- newspgpsr V akit, woodea baildtag. Depaty Fire sivBtitg of a coQaetivaly bargalnad Leave Fmrmoag apd Jap­ U;jr tha ‘ attgaharf, but "Fraa provod. too, aa h w tfie food fishlta Chief George Hoffmaa eattaaaSed employar-amploye agraamant rreaeh” ftiroas aggrStlag ttapa tM hava their apacial baana; timo- "It would net be, eq^ for Oor- at an the younger gencratfen. Tbo inany to go to fight ta Oreoeo Vichy, Franca, Fab. 30—(P ) — to tha baildtag at Counsel Uatad to raargua the an Presumably Headed Chad territory prgvfeusly bavo henorad subject of quip but raput- "moat and bread eaters" raUah against tne Greek and Turkish Traaaiportatioa autheritias assart­ fifiS . David Sahal. a asaadtor e f baaa raportod active ta tha CUfra case included attocneya repreaant* odly tba tastiest baaaa on lead or vagatabies, fruit aad aUIk more army ualas the w ay bad boan ed today that Oarmany had ra* ■raa, aaM thaasaada at ssato lag tha Board, tba C30 AoMrican For Hainan Island. area.) la. than they used to. thoroughly prepared as in Ruman­ quiaitiaBad 5590,000.000 worth o f ctoth wan damaged hp water Newap^Mr Guild, tha Ntw Jersey H w dally war huHatta aaid aw- Tba oook revision commlttaa ta m rading stock of Preach rail­ totiaad ualts had partlaipatod ta Mra. Mary da Oarmo ia and dMiaratlon makss this State Industrial Oounad and Tha Shaaghal. Fab. 30.—(O —Xa-^ diatottes aiqMrt who hi part at a program organised rs- 'reparation mote difficult” ways—every third freight ear ta N tw aifc. N . J.. 'M onilng Lefifei tba attack. Tha (Jufra regfea Is parta for which Tha Asaodated namatl to head a caatly by restaurant leadari work­ T w newspaper Ibn aaid It was Praaca. Of the raaiatader. only oae Marhsto at a Ofeaea Company which won a favqiab roughly 800 mifes from tha Madi- ing with Gaorga M. M offett dlrso- an- sxagyeratlott to tatarpeet tba Preaa waa unabla to obtain dUract tcrraaaaB coast aad about 150 bring tha oook book up to data, quarter are ta the unoccupied aoae New Yark. FVb. 30.—- 1 a t pyrup aauOiwaxd. ■ taarmad raylapd aak and pi involution tfeKa aad allow tha undsr a oolleetivs bstgaia* tba B u tc h ----- bmab Rumaaisa. eti i." be aaid.

M A M C M ta « c t tba'M nea- '4.

\ - I :W' r MANCHESTER EVENINO HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20,1941 PAGE TH RBli : «? • M 'f^i‘5^ t ^;?■ «' '. h N (N <». i;fc;:;v.l;1^ MANVMK.nLT..- COKN: TKV'SDAY, FSBRUARY 20, JHI-" J: TWO they nesivsd for tbs bonds In sx- ____L ■tveet; two cekes of Lux toilet Greeks Take Germans Claim Baby Bonds cei# of tbs purahass p t ^ H«>w One Woman Lost Part, London soep, Anna Jylkka, 16S Oak atreat Masonic Ball • South Church Concert Temple Beth 'Pemporatily/ the trilasury re­ State Firms two loaves of Bond bread. ^ToBeSold/ tained Its 610,000 per person per [. S. to Buy Trailers Mra. John M. Derby, 12 Vernon Two Villagfes Sholom Neuf9 Armed British year limit cm ownership of b i ^ 20Pomid$ofFAT B e a r B ru n t .street: two pounds of Domino sug­ ‘ Friday Night >onda, but excluded from the com­ G et Contracts ar, Mrs. Frod Bchuctx, 23 Cooper putation o f any one persona’ nold- Proves to Be Success Friday, FaS. 81—Evanlng aanr- / As Taxable street; two boxes of Lux. Mrs. Mc­ in n any baby bonds received by GOF Women Are Told Icea at 8 p.m.. Mra. A. L Ostrowa Vessels Sunk Guire. S8 CUnton street; six- In Two Davs inheritanoe. Lost £ For Defense Workers OL Air Raidg Town's Leading Social •/ will give recitations at a apeclal (OSfrttaOTd ! Eight Awarded Jobs by pooad can o f Spry, Mra. Pearl use Faga 0#9) Bt. ^ Oneg Shabbath aftar the aervlcaa. The bill signed by the president, Another was Beat, 63 Church street; a week’s Event to Be Held in L ^ n id Appredrt^«•3SSruS^^SuS2raPentland (CMttnMd From Pago Ooa) (Oaattoii«a From Fag* Om ) which also Incraasad the debt lim­ 5- ^ cortfint to lh « electrical equipment A r m y ; N a v y > G i v e # ™ r s . t . o m n e |»/raw______to aaaert_____ heraeit , because (PfiattoMi Pram Page Om ) supply of Bond bread, M n . C. B. Audience Spends ant the florist for floral decorations, Saturday, Feb. 28 — Morning Treasury the power to Issue tax­ I ^ U ^ y c n i m e i i t t o r i n a n c e « f each trauer. mrvlcea at 16 a.m. Lecture da the able aeeurltlca of all types. it from $49,000,000,000 to 966,- T e l l s o f S o m e C m r e n t ' there was e "hacklar" in ^ clu^ Hubbard. 178 Main stre eta p ro n Temple Tomorrow* « X -Ri * ' Bhmest Thompson for the nec- of successes. Thei Greeks have not single speedboat, operating In 000,000,000 also authorised the * — - B I » ln In S n i v r U • -trailer owner haa electric W ork to Tw o Concerns through tha roof and struck the made at school, Mra. Charles HIU. E n j o y B b l e E v e n i n g , essary work on the stage back subject:' “Aklba—The life Of A heavy fog, sank two armed mer­ Morganthau'a flrsf aetton aarty When your bowOa and kSdsayp aa . D D I. J I Kennedy assured the club yet taken Tepelenl, key point In Great Talmudtot” Treiaaury to change the limit on a " ® , “ * * P ^eaUng or automatic re fij^ ra tw M e a s u r e s t o B e B a c k e d ! member in queatton that the way bed In which they were ateeping. 47 Edwards street; a week's sup­ the drive on the southern Albanian chant ships totaling 10,006 tons In today waa to order all baby bonds fall to perform their work oorract- Air activity ceased for the night The town's leading social event, Various Numhers* ground. No aervicea f«# children. baby bond holdings, and offtciato equipment In W* trailer he pajra Washington. Feb. 26—W —The to handle such e peracm waa In the ply o f Bond breaid, Mra. M. J. port of Valona. The counter-at­ the southern part of the North ■old after March 1 to be taxable. ly your system cannot thronr sS *n® Ptoblem o f Short- shortly after midnight but shortly the annual Masonic Ball, will be T Sunday, Feb. 28—Young Peo­ have indicated that It will be cut extra ft>r that ackUUonal electric —Mrs. Kennedy^ Talk, i assembly. The thinking majority, O'Connor. 20 ^ ru c e street; two tacks reported here presumably Sea while planes on armed recon­ the waste materials and digastie# award of these contracts to Con­ before noon today sirens sounded ple’s Lieague meeting in the veatry A bit later, at a- praaa conference, sharply. ■ 1 ^ o f Houses* enerify. Otherwise he pay* a said Mra. Kennedy, la always boxes of Lux. ’Taresa Nicliola, 18 held tomorrow night In the main By James B. Hatchlaaon were In the Tepelenl sector.) naissance struck mercliantmen In often becomea deranged—you losa necticut firms waa announced by an alarm In London. The all- at 4 p.m. ^ he announced plana to Issue $1,- energy and activity. Perhaps hs* atraight $ a t» for hit lot. *6 feet The February meeting of the lo­ right.. It haa to be rtght. Russell street; one pound of Red lodge room of the Maaonlc Tem­ Lost night at the South Metho­ British Smash The Gre4k'government spokes­ convoy north of the Hebrides and •quare. with electricity and water clear sounded tn lass than an hour. Tuesday, Feb. 25— Red CYoas 232,666,006 worth of refunding ae- fora you refltoe it you’ra losing tha War Department: When a group of people and White coffee. Mrs. R. CaaelU. man reportod that In one phsM of off the English east and south­ Taken A t Hla Word Twtarday, In Waahlngton,, a cal Republican Women's cluJb, held ple. Advance reaervaUona indicate, dist church, the choir under the Cfircle of the Sisterhood will meet curitlea, probably-next week, on a your appeal and g e t t ^ obJeetlOM located at each lot ColUns Co., CoIUnavUle, mat- bring to a diacuaalon thought, in- No air activity waa reported. Sycamore street, Glastonbury; the fighting a Fascist company east coaate “so heavily that their liTTg—t under which the Federal yesterday afternoon. In the John that the brilliant .^ a lr will be well direction of Clifton C. Bralnerd, from 16 a.m. to 8 p.m. taxable basis. ably fat. To Ooot S1.0M Each tocke $1,620. Ullect and truth and coma to a do- Naaabar U le d la Swaasaa. band of bananas, M n . Helen 8al- attended. Robert Boyce, general River Defense which bad begun to retrrat was loss to apparent.” Kansas City—(JP)— Uncle Sam Oueanunant <*ould buy camp trail- MathW room of the NaaoiMc Tem­ He also said he would borrow Take one-half teaspooafBl o< Under the gotemment plan, the Leads and Northrup Co,. Hart­ eiaion, that final JndgMSBt Oasuattles in Swansea Included mond, 207 Spruce streeL committee chairman, reports all In organist and cbolrtnaster, pre­ fired upon by fellow Italians and The destroyer bombed and fir­ took SUuiley L Leonard, 21, at bis $100,000,600 of cash per week un­ Kruschen Salts in a gtauM of water m l t e***^*"*' oawpa throughout rederal government would pur­ ford. modernlxatlon of controllera. ple waa wall attettdM and o f urib l i l ^ t They can raeonsidar nuaaber o f persona killed, the Also, Jumbo Rinao, Doris Werner. readlneaa. sented a concert, the proceeds of forced back to the front lines. ed, according to the high com­ word. Lronard wrote on hto draft Oasis Attack til further notice on nearly taxable every morning half an hour before lln atata and rent theae quartcra chase iihd equip trallera at an es- $1,802. usual Interest from the fact that raadnd n vote, but tha finalnal Jodg. air and home security mlnistrias 11 Cross street; five-pound box of The classic simplicity .of the which was to be used for the pur­ In Somaliland mand, was off Harwiah, on the questionnaire " I’m not making this Italian Cost Heavy east coast. ei day bills. breakfast, cut out pastry, fatty In dafanae------workera at fr--- m U to tlmated average cost of fl.OOO American Braaa Co.. Waterbury, the guest speakers ware lira. Cor* ment of the thinking majority announced. Domino sugar, Mrs. McKee, 191 Temple lodge room has been dec­ pose of renovating and replacing out. If jrou want me come and get ■t man per a‘eak was made , j i „ wpuld be The counter-attacks by the Ital­ Beaten Back Airports, factories and'rail fa­ meats—and go light on white brgai rod. $38,022. rlnne Rooeevclt Alaop of Avon, ahonld need no ravistoii. London, the southern part of Oak street; box of regular aixe orated In keeping, so that it will choir vestments. The gratifying To Exchange Seenritlea me" The Draft Board did. Leonard, hr the Senate Approprta- outMde the city limits at and Mrs. John J. Kennedy of Hart­ (Continued From Page One) ians coat them heavily In men and cilities were said to have been ef­ bread, potatoes, butter and crsSni* " y » „ Miller Co.. Meriden, brass strips. PnatMaaentfirr Balan England and ana point in east Rinao, Mrs. C..DeCarlt. S3 Walnut make a beautiful setting for tho attendance and personal contribu­ The refunding program, details arraigned on a draft evasion swsa Commlttoa. The -W-- plan,---- y m estimated coat of ^ an acre ford. Mra. Alaop M aavaral yean material, the apokeaman said. fectively bombed by reconnais­ In three weeks get on the scaled $6,550. A motion Should be mode nnd Scotland also ware attacked but ■treat; two cake# of Ufebouy aoapi colorful evening gowns that al­ tions from Interested friends has (Oontiniied from Page One) of which Morgenthau said he could charge, was held for. a Federal _____ ^ Dtfpnst Coordinator per year and Inside city limits prosident of tha Hartford' County were reported captured along with Three hundred Italians and much sance planes yeaterday. Runways and see bow many pounds of fat Bridgeport Rolling Mills Co.. seoendad befora it la dlaouased. A in all eases tha reported number Mn. John Bartley, 140 Eldridge ways sparkle the evenL assured the success of the project. rifles and machlne-gDins. not announce uiitll watching the grand Jury. have vanished; notice also that you ^ F , Falmer and late yesterday at coat of from $100 to $300 peiS Bridgeport, smalt arms ammuni­ Republican Woman’a Association parnon making n motion beUevea equipment were captured in yes­ and hangars at two airports were -of caaualtiaa wa6 amalL ■treat; aet of 12 cook hooka. Mrs. Excellent music for the'dancers Mr. Bralnerd choee as the Direct Bits Scored terday's fighting alone, he added. can. during which two 8,606-ton reported badly damaged and a financial markets over the week­ have gained tn enerni—your skin aHpitwoB. hgr requeet of the Pres- acre. Not more than 150 trailers tion. 131.080. is now legislative chairman of that in It and la ready to champion I t Uwa. the cornmlttea wrote Into body, and Mrs. Kennedy la tha The raids extended from early Robert J. Donahue, 40 Spruce Is assured through engagement e<, foundation for the program a South African airmen, striking The high command’s communi­ steamers and “othera of smaller number of workshops In Scotland end, provide for the exchange of seems deafer and oyw brighter— would be located In a camp. Scovtil Manufacturing Co.. Wa- Do not make a motion Just to "gat group of Interesting selections, of the aiat dadeWnn.’ M l W.STO.OOO Management of thaae trailer well known authority on parlia­ taut n l^ t until ahortly after mld- street; alx-pound can of Spry, Vir­ Ute Farmington Valley Club or-| ahead of these land forces, report­ que spoke only of restricted "mop­ tonnage" were reported damaged. were said to have suffered. new securities in exchange for iy> reUevs you feel younger in body and keen­ terbiirv. small arms ammunition, it befora tha houae,” said tha chMtra, a band that has playcq ^xwhich It can be said each had out­ to Snanoe this undertaking. e«mpe would come under the di­ mentary procedure, or as many nlghL ginia Flavell, Hartford Road. ed a heavy assault on Yavello, 200 ping up activities” In which it said The British were said to have A moving freight train near $545,000,000 of 8 3-8 per cent bonds er In mind. $84.006. speaker. Informal discussion may fOD some of the leading soci^ standing merit and an Interesting Misery at Ur. Palmar toW the commlttca rection of the Farm Security Ad- now prefer to term, "Club Lead­ Meichaadlaa Begs miles northwest of Moyale, on the “ some scores of prisoners were lost five fighter planes In opera­ York waa reported attacked, aev- and $677,000,000 of m per cent COLDS Get a b o ^ o f Kruschen Balts Noble and ,Westbroo|( Manufac­ be voted, l^ o ra tha moUon la events In Hartford and vicinity. performance followed. tions over Libya and two bomb­ that thle type of emergency hotis- mlnlatratton when completed and ership.” Merchandise bogs: Mra. Bather Kenya-Ethlopian frontier. Direct taken.” eral c m set afire and a aectlon of Treasury notes, both coming due IJseiS (a famous ^ g U a h fonojala) piata turing Co., Kaat Hartford, mark­ made, with tha chairman aaatad N o v o l Ba$e at Bre$t This band will give a concert while Opening Offering hits were said to have been scored ers In Etost Africa. TaSIcIs tag haa been approved In 26 arraa only those workers certified as Bnalneaa -Neetteg Gorman, 86 Unden street; Mra. A. (Greek sources in Yugoslavia on track leatroyed. for payment on March 15. or new effervescent — sparkling- taTUM aUta and a partial liat In- ing and knurling machine, $8,267. Mrs. N. S. Cutlar, the president, with tha club mambara. The lead­ thp guests are assembling from The opening offering was the on the fort, camp, administrative The Italian high command com­ The Oermana also reported to­ S a l*« pleasant, at leading druggtoto employed In national defense In­ Watorb\iry Farrel Foundry and Attacksd by British B, Beruby, 18 Arch street; Mra. A. the Albanian frontier reported the Morgenthau aald further plana Nm « Dr ese tluSed camp areaa In Bridgeport dustries would become tenanta in conducted the busineas meeting er is not suppoasd to discuss any­ 8:30 to 9 p. m. Dancing will be­ Prologue to "Dream of Gerontius'’ buildings and barracks. munique on yesterday’s war ac­ day that their speedbMta had everywhere; lasts 4 weeks and to Machine Co.. Waterbury, vertical London, Fek. 3 ()V (^ —^The naval O. Cochrane, Holl street; Mrs. W il- Eleventh Italian Arm y In the for lasuing small oavinga ■ tamps, 666 CaesS Ontse by Ellgar. This always popular and New London. It waa under' thlB government controlled plan and after reports of the offlcen thing while tn the chair. She aald gin Immediately after the grand In northwestern Ethiopia, the Skumbl valley was retreating tivity dimlas^ the campaign In sunk two British merchant ships certificates and bonds to attract inexpensive. Money hack If not preasea, $71,138. base at Brest and docks at Ca­ Uam Knofakle, 43 Flower street; number was well su^g and all of T»t "HeS-lir-TtoSi" • W aaSarfal that the Hartford area was j trailer camp aitaa. and various committeaa were reed, a point of order can be raised any march which Is scheduled to form British have reported continued slowly after heavy fighting.) Albania with the sentence; "On of about 10,006 tons each o ff the small investors had "not Jelled tealweet fully satined. eonaklered althoiigh a | camp Delivery dates were not dis­ turned the meeting over to Fro- time by a member of tha aaaem' lais. both tn Qerman*oceupled Jean Allen, 57 Branford street; I P o rtly after nine o’clock. the required essentials treated In success for a spreading revolt of the Greek front there was no par English coast. France, wars attaekadNUut. night Mra. C. W. Wood, 58 Woodbrtdge Fighter-Planes Sent enough yet" to be announced, but of the tnireau office jn- j understood that a major closed. irram Chairman Mrs. Oeorga F. bly,, with tha sUtamant " I rlM to Many reservations have been the manner expected. The mys­ natives of untamed GoJJam prov' tlcular action to report." he had asked Congress for a $3,- ~\’-^ddltlonal contracts announced by British aircraft, the A ir Min- ■treet; Martha Meyer. 68 .Cigelow tical atmosphere and religious Britain him Implemented her Snatches Tricycle from Boy doatad that tha traOer « » « P 1 o ,f c,^pany of Hartford has leas- ISorat who presented Mrs. Alaop. a point of order." made through WllUam M. Ander­ Ince against the Italians and said pledge of assistance to Greece by 000,000 deficiency appropriation by the Navy Included: The latter explained that aha had ultry announced today. street; Mra. J. H. DltUneyer, 25 son, secretary-treasurer of the spirit were factors aa was also the aright not be acoepUhle In Hart- ^ ^.. purchasedpurchi a larga acreage A club may make Ita own rules, that a British drive In that area sending an unannounced Inumber Salt Lake C3ty—(P>— A truck to pay for publicity, and advertlS' Corbin Cabinet Lock 0>., lust returned from a Southam va­ and tn response to numerous ques­ The air ministry’s commi^qua Courtland atreet; Mrs. Thomas committee, but It will be possible expressive shading. The eqlo part might reach Addis Ababa, the driver gave the candy-from-a-baby ing coats of the program until directly acrosa the etreet from the Murphy. Jr., carter etieet; Mrs. of Hurricane fighter planes, each Curb Stocks M m y la TWa Area Pratt and Whitney plant In East (American Hardware Corp.. tuc- cation and waa not a i familiar tions Mra. Kannedy explained in ■aid: \ to secure admission cards at the was taken by Robert Gkirdonr'bari- capital, within a month- trick a new twist. Kenneth Chris­ July li cessor). New Britain, drawer with proposed legislation ae she James A. Young, 466 Main street; tone, and In this work he waa armed with eight machine-guns. R is no aecret that today Wind- Hartford and la to start work eoon regard to nominations, approving "Last night coastal command door. , British-trained tribesmen were These Hurricanes have put m their tensen told police; A truck Jolted Must Include Excess Amosnt Add the compfeting all of ISO trallara In thro locks. $24,301. hoped to be later. It waa the aim aireraft.wttacked the enemy naval Mrs. Robert Lewie, 46 Fairfield A number of dinner parties to beard to advantage. The accom­ Am Gen ...... laying out a model trailer camp reports of officers, paiUeularIjr' reported to have captured NJabara, appearance here In recent da>a. to a sudden stop In front of his A provision for taxing of baby campa on the old Spring- Eagle Lock Co., Terryvtlle, of the County association to hava the treasurer, unlaaa the report base at Brest and the docks at atreet'. C. D, Buake, 87 Park street; precede the event have beenjfXJsn». paniment by the ensemble > was Asad Gas and El A for aircraft workera. south of Lake Tana and the town The R.A.F. reported yesterday Cits Serv ...... borne. The driver leaped out. Jerked bonds specified that persons re­ touch to yoyr gown road and another 100 trallera The influx of trained machine wardrobe locka, $6,605. on file at Its Hartford headquar- has been audited, stating that par­ Calais. None of our aircraft Is Mra. Hermah Slmler, 87 Stark- ned by members of AtaSW^ster also of a high order in this offer­ of Piccolo Abbal in the aame re­ a tricycle from under cniristensen's Maewhara In prixuite aec- ura in the Ooodwln buili" w e ^ e r street; Mra. Savlno, 60 ing.' it concentrated on Italian positions El Bond and Share deeming baby bonds must include workers from other sections of liamentary prooedura is getting at missing from theae operatibna." lodge and their friends, w e ad- gion. AJabara la 156 mUes inside the Tepelenl ^ ..OW , bombli 4-year-old boo, nut It Into his.truck back yarda' and 1 0 wh Infounstlpfi. jg . jw ; iooosip, A,.....■ - ‘X Rptb^lkpjiEl ■^e* -_____ \ | I I I I M u i Hill* same time protecting tha rights a t ______rdTrififfimeA'^S W im dao^i 186 mUea northwest of y -»n d In -itonrtieo- groa haa f tn 'vUlages and motor ' tninspoitr of housing. Many heads of fami­ Steta P fa M t M Byatani the minority. kept the R. A. F. from making 10 Trotter'iffreet: Mrs. E. A. OruR, at mldfiigbt, with Mrs. William sung by David Hutchinson, a re­ Addis Ababa. ___ _ -1 ^ :- / quest number. The song calls for on the roads. lies after securing work In the lo­ "W e aa Republleana, aald tha It la rude to call out “Question" any major eortla agatnat Oer* 15 Foster i t ^ t ; Mrs. .CJberles h . Bray, catering. No Change On Other Fronts 11m taro campa In South Windsor cal national dafanse plants and In Labor Case speaker, should work toward mak­ In tha effort to stop dtscusalon. A many. Peckhem, 44^Lydall streeUMrs. a rendition in which the spirit of - / a CORSAC rtSi haws BO trallara aU operatad humor to preeminent. The singer On other African fronts, includ* unable to secure apartments ing tha Rapubllean party stand motion Is lost whan It has been B. Dlckinaon, ^ 1 H artfoilH lm d ; Mother Earth has a heart Ing those' in Eritrea and Libya, to­ U acecifbuMa with State Board of either in Manchester or Bast for th# t h li^ ws bellava in." She Mrs. Joseph 'N w ltkow Skl, 24 Iron, according to scientists. set this mood In a finished man­ ■aalth raqulrainenta. with alactri- (ContIntMd From Page One) moved, aacondad, voted on and day's GHQ war bulletin aald there Jap Troops Hartford, bought trallera and Hated a number of btUa, namely voted down. I f a motion is not sac- Endiidge strMt; M n . O. H. Row- ner without any over-emphaala. In by PENTLAND dty, ruanink water plpad to aach Dependant Chlldrtn—a grant; Cooking School the work the singer waa ably as- was "no change in the situation.” hired space la one of the South o n M , nothing can be dona but BtU. 802 Main atreH: Ethel M. In Eritrea, the stubbornly resist­ Her, emiM lot space and having ment. he continued, "the goal i t Juvanila Court and Juvonlla Pro* ■Isted by Mias Ullian Kittle aa 'ac­ Move South ■ ■ J- 1 Windsor campa. _ ^ proceed with tha order of huatneaa. Chapman, 3860 Main abset, Glas­ ing Italians for two* weeks 'now ‘ toOeta. waahbig iooma. There la a ragulatlca In Cast the (National Labor Relations) baUon Systam, Housa Bill 465, companist, who in the difficult Next Laotura Prizes Tomorrow tonbury; Mra. James M ^d am , 86 have been holding up the British nertatlon space. At each of Hartford prchlMUag tha aaub- a k has bran achieved afid the and brlafly axpUlnad tha natura of task allotted her, displayed excel- St our skilled florists cnata a corsage that compis- Mrs. Kannsdy propoMs at the Griswold street; Mrs. ENBartley, around Cheren, 46 miles north of (Conttnned From Page One) UUM South W inuor camps over 60 UMmeat of a trailer camp in the board has no further Juriadtetlon tha propoiad laguiauon; aha sut- 'Sure 1 was a ! lent technique. /menu to perfection your gown for tha Masonic Ban. per eant o f tha tralleiitcs are em- with respect to the labor dlaputa." next meeting to oonduot demon­ 58 Hemlock street; Mrs. Rtusell H. Asmara, the capital of this East city llmlU but a property owner ed that wa hers in Connecticut (Oonttnued From Page One) dime a dance Mole Qnartet (Thina and small contingents have Choose from cameliaa, orchids, gardanlaa, roses, Saved tn the United Aircraft -Bmvrtes Board Gnder strations wttti the club members Coffin. 642 East Middle ^rn p lk e. A male quartet, 8ydney 8trick- African colony, in their drive to­ has a right to rent space la hla hava never had a atata probation Marlow's prises: Mrs. Guthrie; been entering there recently. ^ ‘ and othar naarby defanaa system. Wa must try to get It set as In a ngular meeting. She stat­ demonstrated that the women of dame . . . but land, Rudolph Swanson, Robert ward the Red Sea coasts sweet peas, and other corsage favoritaa. Phone us yard or on hie land to trailer own­ The ruling reversed an NLRB ed that books such aa Robertson's 21 Hemlock atreet; Mrs. William Demands Use of Bases ers. Scattered about the ouUklrts up and then change It eventually Manchester are swift to absorb and he w as the Gordon, and Fred Bendall, sang There still was no indication for suggestions or better, corns In and see ua. Oaed ttAO a Week order directing the retfietatement and Cutting's are merely for ref­ RUley, 144 Highland street; NeUle Other reports were received that of East Hartford are numerous of Miss Agnes Fahy. an employe of to sonieihing better. reUIn the gUt of what 1 am try­ two numbers; "Winter Song," by whether Gen. Sir Archibald P. Remember, Pentland prtcas are low. (Call 6247 or Oparaton of thaaa two campa erence, comparable with a diction­ Doyle, 284 Tolland Turnpike; Mrs, only guy who•• SB Japan had demanded, at the Tokyo farms and outlying homes where the morning Ledger Company, Legislauon leading to tha ra- ing to tell them about the finer ^Bullard, and a negro folk song, WaveU, having conquered eastern H M to 6».00 a weak ae- ary. The way to become familiar Gertrude Custer, 79 School street; "peace conference" ^tween Thai­ 4444). theee trailer reeidenU have sought with back pay from the time of registration of everybody in Con­ point# of being 4 houaewlfe." she ever gaye me "Hang out De CHo'es,’’ by Hall. In Libya, would thrust on westward with club organisation is by prac­ Mrs. Lucille O'Brien, 64 Union toward Tripoli. (The Italians re­ land and French Indo-Chlna, the realdenee within easy driving dle- her dismissal In September, 1037. necticut before 1642, la another said. "The repllea to my questions a break!" these offerings the group gave a use of bases and transport facili­ subject the apeaker urged the tice and demonstration. street; Mra. E. Mlnlcuccl, 178 Oak ported yesterday that German tanca of their work. M Isa. Fahy and the Guild contend were quick and Intelligent and In­ contrasting interpretation that ties in those two countries which Aa these trallera are incraealag ed she was dismissed because of I embers to look Into: the Merit On account of the Jan Struther dicate to me that there IS keen In­ street; Mrs. Rose McOuskey, IS I waa interesting and hearty ap- dive-bombers had pounded British System. Regional High schools, lecture on the afternoon of the Cumberland street; Florence Howe, tanks and troop concentrations ap­ could be used for Naval and mili­ rabidly, the problem of aenltation union activity. At the time she was terest in maintaining high stand­ plauaa greeted the work. tary moves against Singapore. for the offlcUU of Eaet Hartford praaldant of the Newark local of and other matters of education March masting, March 16. which ards In the homes In this communi­ no address; Mra. Frank Chamber­ A ladies' trio, Mrs. Alice Scott, parently poised for such a drive.) were also briefly referred to. Mra. many of the members will dealra lin, 51 Purnell Place; Mrs. Anna Thes^' Included the French end of the State Board of Health tha Guild. ty, It la certainly a deep pleasure Mias Helen Hyde, and Mtoa Jessie Naval base at Camranh Bay, on Alsop said the G. O. P. women to attend, the president M n. Cut­ to have audlencea of auch high Enaman, 791 Main street. la one that la sure to give greet Four daya after handing down DowUng, sang a group of three Indo-(3ilna'B east coast, airports ooncera during the coming sum­ should be Interested enough to ler said announcement of the Special Prises the decision, the appellate court calibre. I am Indeed grateful for numbera, the first of which waa Assert Pact and railway and highway facilities SPOIL SUEP? mer months. ordered reargument of the case be find out what the*sltuation la, and change will be miule later. the way the women of Manchester Special prises: Dewey-Rlchman the beloved "Prayer” from Hansel W S-pepeae Va-teo-nol up each aaa- then notify their legislators what After the lecture. Mra. Frank LUPINO In both countries. fore the full bench. have received me during my stay silverware, Mrs. WllUam McCabe, Ta»i Dvinn *• =.»un Mt.ll., and Gretel. by Humperdinck. In •M l. . . (U n ehrinka aeroOsa WMi- they desire to hava dona. Gerlack, Mrs. E. B. Hutchinson Reports of these demands, at­ heaMa; <$> Soolbss Irrtlattao; <$> Last Monday, the court granted here and I sincerely hope that the 118 Rusaell street; flowers from this aelection Uie trio waa heard ' Blocks Nazis Pralsaa County Group and othar members of the social ?!‘.;r.qrv H« Tr‘fd W jmnn tributed to Chinese cloae to the iMpa Sara naral pasiaee. clearing the Guild and the New Jersey State State Hieater will be filled tomor­ Mltlkowald, Gertrude Abbey, 87 to advantage and a delightful of­ Japanese military In Shanghai, m tePeelng ttajaiMa eeugeiaon. Germans Take Industrial Counsel permission Mrs. Alaop took time before committee, served tea, cupcakes row for my last appearance." fering In a harmonious subdued CS . (Thurch street; free cleaning from I H c A 3 s n I (Continued From Page Oee) said they were made by Foreign participate In the reargument. leaving for another meetlity, to decorated with red, white and blue MlSa Bean also devoted a por­ U. 8. Cleaners, Mra. R. McNeill, 830 spirit made the number a worth- commend the enterprise of the I , born to be Minister Yosuke Mateuoka In the YKU¥|^TM-IIOL French C*ars , I _ ■ ...I I T „ Icing and cookies. The Sowers on tion of her aeasion to answering Center Street: free wash from New w ^ a one. Two other pleaainff of- County Aseoclatlon, of wlilch Mra the attractive tea table were also f ' / J J ,n ' ' d that, "although we made this dec­ conference in which he heads the questions that had been submitted Model Laundry, Mra. Rose Mc- faringa by this grodp were ‘‘Daf- Japanese mediators. C A. Goodrich o f Robert Road la In rad, white and blue laration with Bulgaria, our doora to her In writing by her audlance. Sherry. 218 School street; frittera : ^ criminal fodito,” and "Houae In the W o o ^ ” Sweeping economic concessions (Oontinoad From PSge One) Guardsmen Given president. In arranging for tha ap- ■a well as continuing her demon­ are closed to Germany and we with variations, Mra. Adam lalelb. H I > ti J n d s theae selections being treated in a also were demanded, the reports earanca on Wadnosday afternoon, strations of the beat methods of dainty and pleasing manner. shall keep our obligations to have been even more severe re­ 277 Highland atreet: apple pie, were made said. SStarchIi 19. In Hartford of Jan a r ’ U a a a f cooking, baking and homemaking. Selection By ClMir Greece and Britain." gional Bhortagea of provlslona Farewell Party Struther, author of the bast seller, A m i y x .J D .ld Mra. Alfred Howland, 71 Strick­ / lor a plow The Prise Wluners The cb(fir waa beard to advant­ We don't often which art found abundantly In cne ••UraMrs. UMiniver," ln iv a r " ofn f wham whom Irwin I ' land street; banana tea bread, / ^ . n 0 1 a Informants In Sofia, siding with More than 4,000,000 persons are Afina Bidwell, 14H HackmaUck age in the always popular and t t I N S I # W NItKtY* 66 Praaf, 77H% Orele ■tO„ Nertfard, gesa./ section but lacking In another—In Edman of the New York Herald Quix Contest winners: Can of Tommy Gun Axis interpretation of the Turk- employed in motor vehicle manu­ Tha Automotive Trades Bureau Says Planes paint, Mrs. Jennie Uiiano, 148 ■treat: ebaeaa Wafers, Mra. Robert charming "Bridal Chorus" from facturing and allied lines in the My this and the absence of transport. Tribune wrote. "England Uvea In "Tha Rose Maiden" by Ck>wen, ish-Bulgarian pact when It waa of tha Chamber of Commerce held Maple atreet; 2 bottle# of Clorox. Templeton, 14 Beech atreet; muffin United States. Bines tha war began, the price these pages and ^igUab poetry HUMPHREY Here the choir was heard disclos^ last Monday, expressed wrhen we do we of a freight ear tn Europe haa ris­ a farewell party at tha Villa Uvea agam at iU deceptively sim­ To Aid Navy Mias Frances R. Savitsky, 148 pan aurprtae, Mra. A. G. Bronlda, belief that the accord might force Louisa In Bolton last night for vanthga, aa the varioua en from an averaga of 66.000 ple best. Mrs. Mlnivtr would love South Main atreet; alx-pound can 457 Center street. menti were exemplified in the Greece to give up her fight against mean it. Here franca to lOO.OiOO. so tj>.e cars now seven members of the towns auto­ this book. So will very many of of Spry, M. J. Stowall, 162 Center Special award: 8hal-0-Ftyer Italy. ft E SPECT ■ FO U L LINE motive industry who will leave (Ooattnoed From Page One) skillful manner ao long asaoclated th German hands represent a value Mra. Mlnlvar'a readers." street; -f.'. ■ S30.3TS at the legal rata of ex­ uation. In the Pacific gs "serious.” conaolaUon of six-pound can of JOjTOus vivacity with the accom- and if German armies move across of the National Guard. and those who have heard her leC' 16 Arch street; box o f Lux, Mra. DRAMATIC THUNDERBOLT Bulgaria toward Greece. Both change. Those honored by the Bureau Spry, G. Slmonln, 28 Dudley street. panlng auggestlon of > chiming ture were charmed with her • per- Ne OMnmeat ea PoUoy J. Addy, R.F.D. No. 1; quart o f OF A D07FN YEARS Turkey and Bulgaria had concen­ Some cars are being turned out were Richard J. Keeney, Bert H. belto as a background. In this of ■onallty, declaring it waa all too Some committee members said Clorox. Mrs. Josephine Kelsh, 258 faring the choir certainly lived up trated armed forces on their com­ at the Denain worka and In other Gibson, Jr., Kenneth Smith, RoIIin abort Her husband la a member plants In the occupied none, but Marshall refused to comment on Oak street; Jumbo Rinao, Mrls. to Its reputation. mon frontier. Valllant. Gordon Wells, John of the Scots Guards. Her elder administration policy tn relation to John Demko, 151 Birch street; Local Trainees w they are hooked for delivery to Baldyga and Harold Wilson. N ovdty la Presented / m / son Is sUU In echeel In England! tha Far Eaatarn aituation but as­ Wear-Ever Juice saver pie pan. Robert Von Deck, well known Germany. Speakers Included Jack Sanaon, two children a n with her In New Mrs. A. Atkins, 76 8L John street: president of the Chamber; E. J. sured them there waa no Intention Are Transferr^ local drummer, presented two old York where she la vtaltlng a rela­ on the part of Army and Navy two quarts of milk, Mrs. Walter P. tlnM numbera, “ Dan Tucker," and McCabe, executive vice president; tive. UGLY SURFACE Elmore Hohenthsl, chairman of chiefs to "atrip" American de- Schultx. 107 Spruce street; two "StoterS" and was accompanied by Mrs. Kennedy’s Lactura Two more Manchester men sent the Bureau; and W. A. Cole, form­ fansaa in tha effort to speed up bottles of ClorcK, Mra. Robert J .WllUam Snedick, a young flfer Do os huodredt Mrs. Borat then Introduced Mra. to Fort Devens, have been trans­ SKIN DISORDERS er chairman. war equipment deliveries to Brit­ Doggart, 81 West street; box of from Newington who to earning o f other folks BACKACHE, Kennedy, who gave the first of ferred to other sectloiiia Joseph M renown by hto playing. The instru­ Eccema Itcklng—Baskea— ^FI*>*Plea ain. ice cream, Mrs. 8. J. Straughan, two lecturaa. on parllamantary do — come lo- Prefacing hla nm aika with tha 338 Bast Center street; Jumbo Yaworskl has been transferred to ment used by Mr. Von Deck, has Over the years ao many Ihouaande rocedura or club organisation, L day to Ihmmmd' Fort Knox, K y„ to be assigned to a history gring back to Revolu­ of bottles of Ifoons'a Emerald Oil I Charsessre3% LEG FAINS MAY , ra. Kennedy posaessan a plaaMng warning that what ha waa divulg­ Rinao, M y ^ Nowsch, 76 Oardan have been sold to help sufferers find either the First or the Fourth Ar­ tionary daya. '^ e n Mr. Von Deck monchljr on bal- Personal Notices voice and personality, and Judging ing to tha oommttteaman waa not ■treat; r ^ of Statlcr towels. Mrs. NOW qiilck ease and comfort from the hla sacret," General Marshall waa Ralph HaUlday, 11 Griswold mored Divisions of the Army Base to announced as a feature on any Itehlns and torture of EcsemiL Itch- ances up to BE DANGER SIGN t by. tha way tha &emban Intar- PLAYING program It to assured tbat some­ ins Toes and Feet, Rashes, Pimples $100,,' 2% on balances rogated her. aha Is weU versed on raportad to have speoified whet ho street; Jumbo Rinao, Mra. Gaorga at that fort. O f TirsJ Kidnoya ^ Albert R. * Cadleux. another thing of Intereat to to be present­ and many othsr externally caused above. Co-tigoert not re­ her subject and competent to train considered "an Irraduclhla mini­ O’Brien. 54 Union street: alx- skin eruptions that we unhesltat- quired. U backark* aa4 las Card of Thanks mum” of aircraft and other equip­ pound can of Spry, Mra. WUbart draftee who ^ sent to Devens, ed and last n i^ t was no excep- insly say to you—Try Moose's vilairaMa.iloat Tha (ymlly of Hudwlg Urlrh wlah IndlvlduaU or clasaaa Interaatad la ment which the United States Oarrlso^ 89 Ashworth stract; can haa been tranMerred to Ninth .tlon. Mr. Von Itock ga vf a drum- Emerald Oil to help clear up m y I Far s fYwsssIRtriissf less stsTHH .NatuisswrM r M vwstse jros to oKproia their thanks to the I t She aaldTva ^ 6 value MTHTE mlng exhibition that waa so c^- unslshtly eztsrnally caused akin saadanaalMa. n*lthhor* and frlanda (or thair should have on hand to moot any of Rad and White coffee, Mra Coast A r t lU ^ , Harbor DafenM, trouble. Try It for ten days; If then , J en N i^ 'u lM avataUag m»nv klndn»»»*a and oxpretiloni o( of phyatcal exardsa. but wa PLtTS! JANE WIT'HElftl thuaiaatioally received, be was ra- haven't qulU raaUsad tha value of ■ttuatloo that might develop any­ George Nixon. 161 West Center of Boston at Fort Banka, Man you are not fully and completely t im s t m a t FINANCE c a r siH v 4 sweeew wiele eel eTtS# avmpathy. etpeoltlly th those arho' la »nrmith WUl Be 8 e n « r quinHired to respond to an encore, satlsfled th* makers will refund the Mood. Ttiar M 9 M M SMOli PMS aa«M I lav* an aenaroualy hf their eerviree mental exercise. For more than where In tho erorld. ri TBS Main St. ptaWaday. thto aelectloB being a atlning one purchase price without question. *6*^ Oenuino Leather at the time of. tho death of our wife 20 years wbmen hava bean work­ Aid to Britain, he was reported What better proof could we slve of J H—msm a aipA S . U.tkaft b Um a kMaw t%hm asd.tlUn and mother, Margaret Crieh. to have told the committee could UUed "Rally 'round the Flag." , Tel. E4M peleeeeee wMe mattw Maxe ing la clutaa, poUtleal. aodal and ^ A quartet, Mre. Alice Scott, our belief In the quality and value Elate Theater la iba Uoad.ThM dMi m may aUrt smbIm Utarary and hava mads wonderful be speeded up materially by paa- of Emerald Oil than such a suSran- R a in ila c haekaebm. rW m aUasal^ kspaiMTIemM In Memoriam , Mrs. nteUe Otoon, Welter Myers, tes aa this. Why not try it.',Q o to CARRYING aSE progreaa. Lact of Uma has bean aage of the BrlUak aid bill, ^ c e M eeaae Fla. In rherltlied memory for a de co-ordination of produetioa for the ^ DON'T M iss TODAY • FRIDAY and Howard Ward, sang three your drussist today, set a bottle poSaw Iia4w iU eyiis. hwtikw bH dij5w \nted husband, and fa.ther Joseph the excuse offered by many mora numbers, “ Oountry Gardens" by and prove It. WITH FURCMASI OF a. iraauMiartcaatypaMaemarHktMn-trap mat ara«aaty Unnae. who passed away on Fab, Britlah and for the Arm y and 5laadburaiatiaadbwa(asay------iMliaMtb>»irtiMa|att«aa> woman for not tMtlng up club Grainger, "Magic Flute” by Moa dim anon :nth. ltd . work, and It does taka time that Navy would thee become p ^ b le . IV>Bt aai PS anas »iib vavr k t d ^ w M aS w art, and “Marlannl" an Italian n itl A*k roar dniant-te IVm • To livs In tha haarta of dear ones could be ahortanad. Bndlasa dta- Would EWmlaab Oompetttlen THE MILITARY BALL COLORWABE TO LADIF4I! Folk Song. In these offerings the wSaTaa left behind !• never to die cuulon in the averaga meeting la This, he was quoted as saying, era gave a worthy intorpre- Iho It milm M kMaoyMaoy tub«tubaa Saab oat noiane. followwl by mora dtacuratam In would eliminate especially "com the several settings and aaa amMa (i tha blooil Om Doaa'a t'Uk. tfre. Blltebeth Dome and Family. ntlDAY NIGHT, FEa 28Ui -1 STATE ARMORY KRSOMAL RADIO gioupa this la followed again by petition” over various types of QahsU fwork received the well earn- telepV>fia eonvaraatlons at home planes. Once the bill became law, pplauae of the audience, Last Call To Join and the whole procedure rune Into be said ecM production bead could CALL 3810 LOHIAID duet by Mrs. Eunice Hohen- .11 W II U I houra. We do not do anything determine the etandardlned types end M ra Grace Melberger, about I t but If we ran our nomae of plan'ee to be produced for both Ststs Armory ~ R A. M. to 10 P. M. that way we would never get the "Old Mother Hubbard” , written tho British end American forces umnoR In the oratorio style of Handel,, This Happy Crowd! work dona. and Industrial production could be TICKETS WILL BE DELIVERED! was a humorous (Bering. Thto Symtaoi b N speeded on theae types. WASHER THE m i JOE STEBBINS W)Uf D SW RB AND STRIKES IN THE CLUB MATCH The first thing needed then U was one of 'the exceptionally well D on as of people are pleased aa Panch with tkiai The Army chief of staff waa received offerings and was enjoy­ eystem, the eecond le more lend­ described ae haviiig dlecuaeed at THE OTHER NIGHT HAD HIS OPfONENTS ELABBERGASTEO. WHY JO E'S SUDDEN ■dvea over the grand baya in lovdy fumitnre Ulcy^re ers. Many wonran wUl hdp, but ed by the audience. length the raportarta that American K«W WHAT The ever popular aelection, they refuse to asaunM chairman- foond at Kenip’a big February Sale! And this week ia proved Inferior to for-1 "Come to the Fair" by Easthopd BURST OF ENERGY? JUST THAT JOE DOESN'T VWSTE HIS PEP IN THE BASEMENT. ■hlpa and If they do conaant to ■tgn typae u aetaal combat. \ hiywahtid Martin, was sung as a dust, the your last chance to get your share! lead, they wlU procure a copy of TnMse reports were due largely, HIS FURNACE WORK IS UGHT AND EASY NOW. HE'S USING- Roberteon’a Laws, or Cushing's staigen betag Miss Ruth Nyman, reported to have aald, to I soprano, and Mrs. Belledna N. But there are still plenty of valncn left becaun we manuel. or appeal to Mrs. Ken­ that planaa which the PLUS! Mansur, sito. Tness todies whose offered you so nuuey in the first pince . . . lint hi mnsi nedy or aome one else for tnstruc- Arm y and Navy ceoeldarad obeo* “TOO MANY GIRLS" Uoa, when they abouM have heai Ban - Blch Carlaos vedoes blend weU gave a 'pleaatng they are such good values in q i ^ t y and price, they're lata were 4mcog tha first to he| Interpretatkm of the number. % preparing ifor It during their whole furaiebed the British. disappenring fasL period m membership In the eluh. A*26»Valuel TBe concluding numbers were aa SO HURRY IN! I t , a u i « - | .jw follows: "The Clock" by the ■;g^*ySiijy£al BINGO Men’s chorus, "The Alphabet" by T o m o rro w the Women's chorus, "A ll Through K o p p m s C o n and SsL the Night” , also by the men, and rMirraiD tbs full dKdr tai the finals, "Bee the SOLID MAPLE DINETTE SET ^ ^ O N I Y J b W Tonight u p r s A LOT lA S III whh high-tea Koppm Coke in the fate. OoaqMrtag Hero Comes" from the tnijr perteUe radio, oratorio, "Judas Macepbasgs" by Juat try it for a few daye and youH aee why. Imagine saving Table Extends to Scat 6 e flesliHfflit bettery* vteiwiai The final chorus was a tariiHng and fitting finale to a wen many tripa to the baaement to tend the fiimaoe. Imagine ■ a ils csBMra. an wan aet q [i^ up to par with ] at both table and ROBINSON produced coaoert. Mentkia ehoutd etoin: 8tx44 table extoade to SSxM them. WhUe the position of preo- othera [ODDFELLOWS HALLI having only a amaU pail ai aahea to dtapoae of every week. fee mads of 2tia. Otaoe Mellm- Idant or chairman of aa ergaaiaa- toekea. CtoUrs have IBlsBtj o f stathnis. ger, who ably amistod as aocom- tloa U one of raaponatbUlty, aftar NANRlt Mr WATERFAll Inugina no heavy work of shaking down tba ftimaoe, just a axtra eeasfertt eCreag $24.75 up la aldkatB rlU h b------^ ' for several of the offer- all the work to carttad on hy Uw gBotla j h lk of the gratae once a day. Lika Jda, thara are membara. Tha chalrama^or peaa*- YVETTE soeb fanettoos a great deal tttainiandB of fmrritiee vrbo aave time and work by uaing dant to amply a guMa, than to no munltloa bat that aS 3o r : ! " S “: : i 30 COMJNC3DAYSONLY o f tba MoeaMury work to 'Babiad, need for bar or hiss to he aeif- eeulpmmt eeold go SS Gbbmb...... fLOO Prtas Per Gbbw tha Boeae" and ao It to hut right' Koppen Coka. 'W hy not join them? Try Koppere Coke now! lO b A S B e d to s ! ccnactoua. Her week outsMa to ^aty. to mentVei the fonowtag for epe- CRTiTAUTE also tosaortoaL 4 flpsrtii GhSNs * . * ...... 110*00 Prty_fy.^*y* M A N RANGE OIL Some ccamlttoa ctol oanoMBdettaa la thto reapect: The apeaker gave eeveiol aaaia- they 1 SpsctalGhsss ....•...-•••••I*.•••**• *#60*00Prm# IO m Roth Ny- T H c G iO lo h MORIARTY iag liiefanii oaa eg theas relat OBOr P riB t GlOxOt. Mta. Oraee L. p u i eg se Ooleni tag to tha aaariaty eg a ctah toad BROTHERS er to ta t a astattaf aadar way aal fLM «m r 6 F h AY • i J i i l p I B r tha 9ao k iVidHty . '•'r i f 1 ^ . • -.X-.V.'.vT \ r

' j. lIANCHEStER E V E ^ G ttERALD, MA^GHESTER. CONN. THURSDAY. j^BRUARY 20,,194t PAGE MANOIESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN.' TjajRSDAY. FEBRUARY 20, FOUR T should complete It . by closing ^ y y Opposes Manchester Banks Closed time tomorrow afternoon. Barber shop* In town also must A4P St«rM wM h o faf.. Nk iliM an Sees No Finance Units Fire Dfetrici: 'am s by taw, be closed Saturday. Obituary Dale E iook your cu vu loiicq. ^ ip y a r d Use Offices in the municipal build­ On Sat^raay ing will not open. Labor Curb Need Favor Refund Now Protected ' TMoorrow • ~ ' ise Final aesoion of Herald Cooking EVERYTHING ra#* Om ) ______Pest^^ Expansio^L. at New Lon School at State theater, 9:15 a. m. Residents W^iifned to Do Administrators Aaaigned SUPER Of Bonds Plan All Apparatus, Covered See Radio Music War don Would Jeopardize Also 30th annual Masonic Ball Busines^ Tomorrow; at low prieoa— ««-tad> will iMiv* tht By Liability Insurance; <3iecks in Hands o f ' 99 ‘ at Masonic Temple. Vichy, Feb. 20—(AV-The Minis­ dutroytac or topoMrttn tW; (CratlaiMd From Page Om ) Oid^iSM eiiit _ ^ _ propertlra were carefmly searched, Submarine \Program. Also, annual Father and Son try oft Industrial Production as­ |Ue for yoartolf P r o p e r t y O w n e r s U u t descriptions made of all land and Barber/Shops Closed. m«t«ra|Xrit o t coopemUon^ ft its Provisions. Far from Being Settled banquet at Concordia Lutheran signed provlslnnal administrators reUrd our dcfome offort. favorably, its action coming aoon V v r T A e o l 1 A H * IS anno boundaries as well/as those of ad- church. to 114 more Jewlsh-owned shops Conpare Thew "AddMonal ' lactoloUon. theiu- after the House Oommlttse vote. t w t o t a l O f l U o ; P r i c e Joining owners. /They prepared New London, Feb. 25r—(/•)— In Also, M. H. S. • Meriden cage In ob^rvonoe of Washington's IMes Aged For the first time since the for- tbe opinion of toe. Navy \ Depart­ «t not eoUwI for." When the measure came into O O O I releases of m o r t ^ e s and other New York, Feb. 20.—Although4 NBC-Red—8, Fannie Brice; game at State Armory. Birthday, Saturday. February 22, In ParU to)mpany ta M. C. A. group/at Whiton Memo­ payers *‘a decent break" by 13, he reached hla SSth birthday. toe new airport will be located. with two price points: The meth- | and variety. \ rial hall. IM that when the Defenm A d v ^ No. 2, the two trucks at No. 4, the these sections during tbe past two engaged in the construction of sub­ TURKEYS spreading debt retlrenhent over a Until his last Illness Mr. Mann­ Commissioner George L. Burke ,.‘od to be used in determining pay- MBS— 7:30, Arthur Hale; 8:30, March 16/— 29th anntx'crsary u 2 8 ‘ truck at No. 3 and the automobile years. marines. It has toe contract for 41 s£?'rs"~.3Kri.5; period of years. Opponents charg­ ing was active and vlgoroua and toe Public Works Department, ment of fees (It waa on a blanket I In Chicago Tonight; 9:30, Sin- cele b ra ti^ of Miantonomoh Tribe. cft the chief are naoied In Um The appraisen took into conald-j still to be launched, and four which ed, however, that the move was Interested in everything of world m Governor Hurley entrust­ 'basts before), and toe particular fonetta; 10:30, Chicago symitoony. No. 58. I/O. R M., at Sporta Cen­ nMpM i« i«*“f '“S " ^S" policy. AU apparatus In Hose No. eration toe more than 700 aerta have been launched are being com­ bacta. That waa apprortd uaam- "political," contending that he wide interest It is aot so long ago ed toe task of acquiring the ap \rate or total sum to be paid (toe ter opxWells atreet. I ’s house Is not Included In the 7 which ta undeveloped. This ia eith­ pleted for delivery. ■NUBly by the commlaaioa. he sought to strengthen his position that he made the remark that he proxlmktoly 1,600 acres, stated old contract called for approxl- What to expect Friday; M i^ h 17. — Entertainment at as a potential candidate ^or re- policy. It is not owned by the dis­ er swampland or 1a full of trees To Construct Frelghtera h e a v y STEEK beef - PORTERHOUSE, m U and provided ■ that defenae did not expect to grow old until will be nSiceasary to condemn the nuitely $4,400,000 in 1940). The war—CBS 8, 9 a. m., 3:55, S L Bridget's church hall. ' m u u r N Y. SIRLOIN, CUBE, B O U O M ROUND election in the 1941 election. trict, but was purchased by mem­ and brush with pracUcallyi no It was reported last month that STEAKS ooOtraoton ahould live up to Fed- Two handsome prises- a alx-^ TTip Spry Shal-O-FTyer he waa IK). other properties In order for the value for farming and without ex­ Also It continues to appear that 6:30 p. m.; NRC-Chalns 8 a. m., bers of No. 1 and by Cheney on American-Norwegian combine, _ March 19. — Mothers' Oub Des­ HEAVY STEER BEEF - SIRLOIN, ■ a l and atata labor laws. pound can of Spry and a Lifetime beanty . . . built to last a lifetime He was a carpenter by trade State to aecuroritle. tensive clearing. Bach of toe pro­ radio will insist on continuation of 1:45 p. m.; NBC-Blue 8:55 a. m., sert Bridge at Legion Home. and employed by various people, Brothers. headed by Alfred Holter of Ne^ ROASTS FACE RUMP, BOTTOM, PORTERHOUSi Riduaei TO Accept Sprv Sbal-O-Fryer were Riven The U. S. Engineer Departpient perUes were carefully indexed aa Broadcast Music, Inc., organized 5:30, 6:45 p. m.; NBC-Red 9 a. m„ March 25. — Annual concert of undaratand from the pa^ia, . . . makes deep or shallow frying Depre§$wn Predicted Cost Of ProtecUos York city, refugee Norwegian rt- TEA aws'y free to lucky winners by already has estabhqbed field to acreage, houses, tobacco barns, by toe broadcasters as toe main 6:25 p. m.; MBS 11, 11:45 a. m., FANCY HUIman said, 'that Ford refuaed as aimple as A-B-C-. Safe, too. A For thia probeetlon ths district duatrlalist, had acquired the Groton O Clef Club at Emanuel Lutheran Mias Ruth Bean, well-known to After War Boom paid $326.70 for the personal lia­ tn toe' old boarding\houee b f the other buildings, house lota, uncul- source of their muaic since the 1:16, 2:30, 5 p. m. church. U M B LEGS S E L E a E D SPRING to aecapt theae provtalona." local wromen. at the cooking school. special Safety Ring holds fat at Uvated property, aasesament and split with ASCAP. That would put NBC-Red— 1:15, The SUhou- Iron Works, a World War shipyard He Acum ed his views on the state Capitol, Hartford. Feb. 20 bility and $115 for the property American Sumatra Com ity, tn April 38.— 16th anniversary con­ America's Finer Tea S T R iaL Y FRESH - WHOLE The Shal-O-Fryer and one aix- more even tem|>erature . . . ab- —(/F)— A depreoaion which will fol­ appraisal. major rivals In radio’s music sup­ ettes; 3:45, Vic and Sade; 6:30, near The Electric Boat Ouhpany’a . quMttlon o f deoylnir defense con­ damage coverage, or a total of the Bull Run district, tW e r the cert of Beethoven Glee Club at PORK LOINS OR EITHER HALF pound can of Spry were awarded soUltely prevents spattering w low Connecticut's current indus­ 20 finrveyoin Employed ply field for the first time. Reveries plant, and was to construct fast High school auditorium. tracts to violators of the Warner $441.70. B direction of Col. Oeorge/Bargdon FANCY YOUNG MILK-EED to Mrs. A. C. Thompson. 17P Msple boiling over . makes It easy to trial proapq^ity like a "tremen- A force of 20 surveyors from toe CBS—12 noon, Kate Smith frelghtera for the British and act and other labor Imam. The policy carries an endorse­ of toe Providence, R. L, dlqWct. Allied fleets. FOWL 4 TO 4H LBS. street and a consolation prise of a serve crispy, digestible fried foods d ,s shock" was the prediction tOp ment In which It is stated Uiat any Its crews have been tn/toe fields Public Works Department took Topics tonight: comment; 3:45 p. m.. Exploring *Tve advocated that of course Space; 5:30, CBS concert orches­ The EHectric Boat Company an­ HAM* — tUNNYFItLO six-pound can of Spry went to any time. Women love this Fryer day of state labor repreaentsUvea member o f the department Injured making surveys since roriF the field immedtatcly after toe The war—NBC-Red 7:15, 7:45; defenae comes first.” HiU* MBS 8, 9:16, 12:30; CBS 8:55, tra. nounced last month that “in ac­ C aoketf WHol* ar EIIK*r U.l) Lt 29< — W Mid. "When the War Depart- Georgette Slmonln, of 28 Dudley , and the new all-purpose shortening, seeking the passage of legislation or kUled by the fire trucks or the month—less than tww weeks aftei bill waa signed by the governor Green School bolstering the aise of the unem­ d surveyed toe-outaide boundar- 10:45, 12; NBC-Blue 9:30, 10:30; NBC-Blue— 12:30, National cordance with Naval contract Ov.n t BMmt aaya to the 0PM that we street. I Spry. ^ chleFs car is not covered. Governor Hurley signed toe Air- New New BoNleuCbick ,e.tRo*.l LS A I ” ployment compensation fund. May Start Protest NBC 12. _ Farm Institute; 2, Music Appre- sppeciflcatlons,/" it had filed a report •on. material only from a Mrt spiniima America’s Town Meeting from MBS—2:30, Philadelphia onhes^ the' eatabllsYmeht' of The yard ..... rs'E'SH aaU«tal~^ ts BMtsln ''admtu that uhtcBS we go trated by No. 1 company. The road right of way/leading to toe __ * HAM* — •uNNvrtrto the Mto-flf pioyment' compensatk'’^ bills at and made a number of Birmingham, "A re We a United tra, Jose Iturbl; 4:15, Opening might Interfere with the company's to her aid she is Inst. members afe called to answer •RWIIBU WhAla or Iintor Halt LS 25' HADDOCK brash aside that policy. - About Tow n three-hour public hearing' of the haSb waa attained/s week from the maps by^hich UUe searchers, ap­ People?” Ersldne Caldwell, Mark ceremonies. Camp Grant, Rock- fulfillment of national defense con­ ?Vut when there U more than "In view of the fact that wo are alarms of fire In the district Just Ume the plan wae forwarded by Lincoln and Wasbington RANCV FNC*H NATIVI riL U T S LB General Assembly’s JudlciaiV as are the other companies. The praisers and others could be pro­ Ethridge, John Temi^e Graves II; foifl. 111. tracts through shortage of skilled Brtlleil 2 TO m LS* LB 2 l * M e cootpaDy* 1 abouid UUnk that constantly being called upon to the W ar DHpartment. perly guidedX government ngeociea would pre- give asststanoe to Great Britain The office and salesroom of the Committee yesterday, clashing district pays Cheney Brothers $5,- MBS 10, Sen. Burton K. Wheeler Short waves: DJB DJD Berlin, tabor. 1941 Models Now on Displuy H(AVV COAN FID )—Philip Class. CIRCLE surance companies, utilities and Mantoester was caused by an au­ ber. the State has assumed toe demnaUon. 5:00—Girl Alone. l 6:00— Ad Liner—Dance program COFFEE 2 %29‘ by an executive order, make effec- fighting. be a large turnout. Refreshments penter. He retired about ten years It ia understood that the Engi­ M. Plant, millionaire Waterford, Song, "Washington and Lin­ Involvement In the present war, nnd a Social follow the defenae Industries, told the com- ago from active eniployment, but tomobile driven by one of the de­ pro-rated portion dt taxes from 6:15— Lone Journey. 5:15—1116 O’NelU’s coln” , girls of oiass. ' tlve certain amendnyenta to the mlttse that such legislation aa they partment’s officers, who was a neer Department hopes to have S:30—Jack Armstrong. Conn., sportsman, apparently was .WaMh-Healey act which GDOgreae he said would be “directly con­ business. busied himself around his home October 1, 1940, untU^toe date title th air base completed to toe Mint 6:30—Ad liner ' Talks abou' Washington, Betty favored would not Imperil the member of No. 1 company. The was obtained. \ 5:45—lif e Can be Beautiful. Dusk, Nancy Stone, Ruthmary twice refused to approve. tributing to the destruction of and property while his health per- that toe first plane will be able to 5:45— Scattergood Baines In good health today despite toe American Idemocrary. The Young People's Singing state's present unemployment m ltt^. only other death tliat resulted Tenants will be alleged to re­ 6:00—News and Weather. 6:00— News, Weather ■’hex” of .a letter writer who Walker, Elinor Miner. On Usnve of Abaenca fund, now totaling $47,00i0,000. f.om an accident' waa when land on or about May 1st. When 6:15—Strictly Sports with Bob OrassM 2 oer 35' company of the Salvation Army Mr. Manning's interests were main on tbe premises rent and tax finished it Is estim ate that 2,000 6:05—Hedda Hopper’s Hollywood threatened to strike him "deaf, Play, "The Prophecy", Col. Waah Iteprsaentative Mlchener (R.. "Upon t!he abouldera of the Both factions agreed that the member of No. 1 company feU Steels. will meet tonigbt at fl:15 at the mostly In the Fifth School District free until the Etaglneerx Depart­ officers and men of toe U. S. Air 6:20— Edwin C- Hill dumb and blind.” ington, DoUglaa Rand; Dr. O aik, PEAS hitch.)..^Inquired whether HlUman American jnxpayer billions of dol­ present unemployment act ahould from the tiller seat of the hook ^ 0 — Sslops Orchestra. / Clifford Adamy; Capt. Crawford, S r a p e f r i l t ***.Tz** 5 foo 1 5 ' lars in adatkmal indebtedness wiU Salvation Army citadel. Every one where he was treasurer many ment is ready to take ov^ . Many, Corps will be quartered at the 6:30— Paul Sullivan Reviews toe Aasiatant U. S. Attorney Ray n iS M C t H N ntaln^. whUe a $l.-a-year man be ll)>erallzed, but differed aa to years,. He also served for several and ladder truck when returning however, already are makmg s r OTnaidMmell Thomas. Roger Adamy; Robert Bell, Ken­ be placed,'* he continued, "and our ie urged to be present. News mond Ickes disclosed last night Ictbcrs Lsttscs califosnia hiao 5 ' for (he government, hla poaitioo as extent. terms aa committeeman of the front io fire. rangements to locate themeelvea 7:00— Fred Waring's orchestra. neth FaIrweather; Jim. a stave, CALIFORNIA nation will be virtually bankrupt 6:45—The World Today that Plant had received a letter wealdent of the Antalgamated Industrial leaders said they fa­ district. He was one of the 15 se­ on nearby properUes. / 7:15— Professor Andre Sebenker. Harold YeFort; Pheasant, an In­ —we will be respcmslbte for the In view of the Interest In the Adopts Emergency Signal 7:00— Amos 'n' Andy from a Vermont state prison in­ T m a t s M siD.siec 2 LS* 2 5 * OoOilng Workers of America. HIU- vored increasing the weekly mini­ lected at the town meeting in The Commiaoioner said that full 7:30—Big T6wn. mate demanding a share of toe dian, James Anzelonl; Interpreter, unwarranted murder of American Jan Struther lecture In Hartford, 7:15— Lanny Ross man repUad that he waa on leave mum from $6 to $6 and payment 1906 to draft a new charter for cooperation was given in the J).ur' Fairfield, Feb. 20—(/P)— A fire 8:00— Fanny Brice. former playboy's fortune, with the Francis Diamond; Trader, Ernest soMlera, and we will wind up with Wednesday, March 19, the Man­ Group’s Banquet 7:30— Vox Pop SsstbsmYam 4 iss 17* LB o f abeence bnt reoaived hla same of )>eneflts for 16 raUwr than 13 the town of Manchester which chase of toe (and by toe owners, Department signal to call out 8:30—The Aldrich FamUy. "hex" as the alternative. Kritamacher^r , Sachem, Harry chaos, crepe, poverty.-disease, pes­ chester Mothera- club dessert- 8:00— Ask It Basket— Jim Mc- aataiy from Uw union "ma tta con- weeks, and recommended that no was over s year in preparation practicaUy all of whom are inter­ special policemen of the Home De­ 9:00— Bing Crool^ and Bob Identified as Burglar. Specto-; Warriors, Carlton Wood- tilence, unemployman;. perhaps bridge announced for that date WiUiams X tributito to national defenae." Aa change be made in the present and became effective ih 1906. Plaus Completed ested In the new Government pro­ fense (Committee for Emergencies Burns. The convict, who claimed to house, Arthur Highter, Randall Over Z Million lought Daily I will be postponed a week, and held 8:30—a t y Desk Derby. h fovmwment official, he added, "I revolution, and serious assaults maximum of $15 a week. Aa foreman of construction of ject from a National Defense point was adopted here last night Ap­ 10:00— Rudy Vallee program. have "occult power” and who at the Ameriran Legion home on 8:55—Elmer Davis—News Song, "Tuneful Hosts," Class. PARKER n ilR IIIT O F<^ a limited . have oeaeed to be CSO or AFL." will be nMde on our pre.aent Amer­ The labor leaders urged mini­ Cheney Brothera outaide houaea of view. proximately 200 men have enlisted 10:30—-Program from New York. wrote part of toe letter in blood ican way of life." Leonard street, March 26. * mum and maximum payments os 9:00— Major Bowes' Hour Olher 6 Ft. Models from 899.9J5 HUUnan eaid flatly that he did and other buildings he traveled St. Mary’s Girls’ Friendly socle A ll legal work necessary for the for defense. The signal would bring 11:00— News and Weather. which he said was Plant's, was DATED 5 tHT-ooi^ Doz 10* British propaganda, the 'North high as $10 and $20 a week, re­ 10:00— Glenn Miller's Orchestra UUIIU I about on a bicycle. He was one ty have plans well under way for completion of the transactions them together at firehoiiises to 11:15—Chuck Foster’s orchestra. identified by Ickes aa Leonard J. Terms Trades not Rivor a blackUst syatem but spectively, with benefits to be paid 10:15-t-M us1c Patterned for Danc­ Carolina senator aald. "hns swept Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Olertney of of the first In Manchester to own were bandied by Lee V. Gaffey and await further orders from Police 11:80— When Day 1s Done. Sumner, imprisoned for burglary. OATMKAL MOLAtSCS ON •M 02 ha mpromeil the opinion that all for 20 weeks. its annual turkey supper and eu' ing COOKIES HONEY COCOANUT ' AiKO 10* the Ameriran people off their East Center street have left for a a whejtl and although he owned tertalnment Tuesday, February Richard F. Cbrkey, Asstatanta Chief Arthur J. Bennett. 12:0O-^War News. Besides toe threat of physical STomrasENSiniE? coCBpanlca, "M g or small" ahould Following the hearing .the Judi­ 10:30— On Wings of .Song WImc ttamach !• •Sreek** eat esfl. feet" ao that some Americans | vacation at Fort Lauderdale. Fla. and drove a fine horse and later 25 at 6:80 in St. Miai^’a pariah A. M. harm, the letter, dated Jan. 16, "be made to live up to every law "who are interested only in the __ _ ciary Committee named Rep. El­ waa tile owner of an automobile, 12:05— Glen Gray's orchestra. 11:00— News, Weather feelle feedi intdnf hmwj» Baior house. Miss Marjorie May Is also said the writer, would cause tUiiciof eefttsM* brodi OMde fieai on the hooka." defense, p r o t^ o n and preserva- and Mra. Karl E. Story of bert O. Manchester (R » of Wln- le did much of hla traveling 12:30— Leo Retaman's orchestra. 11:06— Sporta Roundup The witneaa aald that In times general chairman of toe supper Plant financial damage, unless he Soeplets. Becb Bouplet onatstm m Potterton's cliester and Senator Joseph T. around Manchester on a bicycle. 12:55—News. 11:10----- News of the World Uon of Amerlcanlam are branded Oxford street will return from committee, and reminds all who sent $1,000 \o the prisoner and Bodi VUeinia Bt 3 Ibe. fiMfWisb. mich a* the present, “no one should Rourke (D ) of New Haven, a sub­ He continued to ride it until a Miss RUTH BEAN 1:00—SUent. 11:25— Musical Interlude by some M dupes and klfth Col- yfoy, N. Y., tomorrow, accom- have not secured their tickets that $24,000 to a Windsor, Vt., resi­ %54 aad dspt stores, pacers. 539 M AIN STREET AT THE CENTER BUTTERS e-clots** J7e esiMTB 3S t' a sAApY*^ u 35e he above the law" and that labor committee to consider the bills short time aga 11:30— Guy Lombardo's Orchestra umnists' bwrauae they have pot by their son-in-law and reservations will cloee this eve­ LECTURER AT THE dent and 'capital “ahould not quibble.” proposing amendments to the un­ Mr. Manning leaves two daugh­ Tomorrow's Program 12:00—News SOUPIETS ereFless ttsfhntS Klven full support to the British .’laigjhter. Mr. and Mrs. Earl K ning. Miss'Edith Thrasher heads Ickes said U. S. Commissioner He aald'that both aklM in the aid program. employment compensation law. ters and a son. They are Miss A. M. 12:06— Henry Busse's orchestra FRESH EGGS s !:; ooz27< ^ToozlR * current AlUs-Chalmefs strike at Moore, who are to spend some Named to a aub-mmittee to tbe ticket committee. ' Miss Mar HERALD COOKING SCHOOL Isaac Platt had forwarded a war­ First Defense Line at Home Mabel A. Manning, Mra. Ruth E. 6:00— Knights of the Road. 12:30—Jerry Wald's Orchestra hCllwaiikee “ wanted to talk a Uttie time In town. Mr. Moore Is con­ study propcflials to ravlse the elec­ Peck of Prospect street and At- guerite Vbnnard ta to decorate toe rant for toe detention of Sumner REFINED valescing after six weeks in the ENDORSES 6:85— News 12:55—News when he completed his sentence. PURE LA R D 2 15< rnsra" about a projected settle­ 'Our first line of defense Is here tion laws were Rep. Stanley P. t irney Frederick R, Manning of pariah hall with toe patriotic col 6:30— Gene and Glenn. at home, nut thousands of miles hospital at Troy, where he under­ ors. with toe assistance of a group ment of the diepute which defenae Mead (R ) of New Canaan, Rep. Msple street 7:0(V—Morning Wat;ch. MEDIUM SHARP as-sy," he continued. "And the went a mastoid operation and of toe other members. Tomorrow’s Program CHEESE u 2 5 < oUeftslns nrrnnged last Saturday. E. Lea March, Jr., (R ) of Old'* The funeral will be held-Sunday 8:00—News, weather. a. m. R«-Eiiltots la Navy. aimple truth of the ipatter la that later was treated for streptococcus Miss Evelyn O rison who waa Ha added that be did not want to Lyme, and Rep. Fred O. Faulkner afternoon at two o'clock at Wat­ 8:15—;Newa from Here and 7:00— News, <>Weatoer Britain herself does not believe infection, (D ) of New Haven. kins Funeral home. 142 East Cen­ appointed to have charge of tbe L. 2 1 dlaeuBs details while the rase was Abroad. 7:10— Music Off The Record — Ray New Haven. Feb. 20—(JP)—John MILD CHEESE that our first line of defense Is In executive session, the com­ entertainment, inejuded in the ter street. 8:30—Radio Bazaar. Barrett A. O’Brien, 25, an ex-machinlst over ther»'." '' mute# voted favorable reports on ticket price, has arranged to have The Ukeltbood of addiUotial Volunteer Red Cross workers 8:55—w n C s Program Parade. 7:56— News, Weather mate first ctaas, re-enitated at the m m m m Y i Double your awney b*ck ouaFxeeel Newl Quick ActiasI lagialatioo was doubted by Repre- " I confers to the sccusaUon that arc reminded tivat tomorrow after- two bills which wnuld change the Mrs. Charles WatOrs two one-act ptaya preaentad by 9:00—Nows Reportar. official name of the Methodist Epis­ 8:00—News of Europe Navy Becrultlng station here to­ AMH DACI-MoU Ftsvon mntative Wattar (D« Pa.), one of I am an iaolatIunUt,'' said Rey­ iu>on from 1:30 on, the headquar­ Mra. Susab (Strong) Waters, toe Paint and Powder Club of the 9:15—Food News. \ day and was transferred to toe WHITE SAIL I I - I I copal Church and Its societies to High school. This la ths fresh 8:15— Shoppers Special — Music the committeemen. He aald he be­ nolds, '1 lielleve that wr should ters in the Cheney office building 74, widow of Charles Waters, died 9:80—Knights of tbe Road. N Time : tibmarlne Base, New London, for PRESERVES'!^ 15* conform to the national church. man and sopbomon dramatle lieved that faare that labor trouble look after America first. • • • rear, will be open and in charge of at the Manchester Memorial hos­ 9:45—T U 'W e Meet Again. aaslgninent. GlEANStROcANslir FOR A REAL TASTE THRJU1 Another bill concerning Methodists club. Miss Isabel Worth and 8:30—New s Weather waa a aertoun (actor would be a1- "*Some call us contlncntslirts. the American Legion auxiliary. pital late last night. She waa ad­ 10:00—^Tbia Small Town. 8:35— Shoppers Bpe<^ would make the date for the elec­ Mtas Anna McGulro of the High . Ikyod by the teaUmony of WilUant some appeaaere. some Fifth Col­ Mra. Russell Pitkin, the chairman, mitted to tbe hospital on January 10:15—Hawaiian Serenaders. 9:00— Praes News hopes for a large turnout of unit tion of trustees a matter of Church school faculty are directing. An­ 10:30— ^EOen Randolph. S. Kandaen. director of the Office umnists, some traitors, some pro- 30. Born In Wapplng the daugh­ 9:15—American School of the A ir members and others. rule rather than statute. other entertainer who wlU U^a 10:45—1 ^ Guiding Light. o f ftodnetioo Management. r^asls. but whatever they call iia. ter of toe late Mr. and Mm Frank 9:45—The Shining’ Hpur COSTS LESS part in tha program at about 11:00—The Man I Married. RUMSOMD RtDDLtS Cm pNII'r^o Beats because we are intereeted In Strong, she ia the last of 12 chil­ 10:Oo.—By Kathleen Norris 25' TASTES B ET T a eight o’clock ta Tony Obrlgbt, 11:15— Again The Storm. ®ANN NAOI — ^UMN OR 1 tX t«1 0 America first, our view upon the Group J of 8t. Bridget's church dren born to that coupla. She mar­ 10:15—Myrt and Marge THAN EVER. Hartford Police xylophonist and orcbeqtm taadar. 11:80—The Road of Ufe. M n s WITH T^ATO BAUCK CANB A t Keynolds Certain Issue of eaving America for women will hold a rummage sale ried Charles Waters tn Wapplng, -10:80—Stepmother 5 Why doe* LotHo loring IQMliVVUJ i\\ tomorrow from nine o’clock .on In but soon after tbqlr marriage they 11:45— David Harum. SOFT ^ Americans stUl prevalla In our 10:46—Woman of Courage lock fha ewpboordf . RellNI Oitt qu*i^r.'VE°a. hearts and minds." the small vacant store, off Depot Captain Js.Dead moved to Waterbury where Mr. 13:00—Noon—^Treet Time. QUICK ON T Y fIS T Aid Leads |o War Square formerly occupied by Ed­ Waters was em ploy^ and was la­ M P.M. 1 1 :00— Classic in Tempo Quker Oats NtOULAN PKO R D Administration loaders turned ward Moiiarty. Public Records 12:15— Gene and Glenn. 11:15—Martha Webster BREAD thuml|s. down today on a chance to ter a forerow •• ' American ‘ io®r* 1 0 * Hartford, Feb. 20—- p. m. r W l l TAMliY NAN 1 f * B LB BAd ID t|t>on to vote upon.' In the legislation. the Connecticut Power Company, 1, Capitol avenue, and a member < T h ere Is no man In this )>ody left today for s vacation 'at Nas­ of the Hartford Police Depaijtment houaekeeper tor Burdette Hawley, company to Abe Levin of New 1:15—The UtUe Show. 16:15—When A Girl Marries V k S 2 2 * Duit abhors .war or bates war more sau, Bahama Islands. He planned since 1908. died early this morn­ of 53 Cottage street. She was a Britain and Haakell Kargman 1:30—Marjorie MUIs. 12:30—Romance of Helen Trent Bartaa'a CM ^b 13:45—Our Gal Sunday than I do, and I intend to do every­ lo go to Miami,. Fla., by train and ing at his home. 17 Mountford charter member of the Waprtng Hartford, the premtaas at 907 3:00— Tour Neighbor. fiartaa't Tar°.i^ CaM tb *c“ah« 1 1 * MMMiy SWYDT thing In my power to keep oiir New IVaffie Light from there to Nassau by boat. Grange and retalnsd her member-, Main street are to be occupied by out 2:15—Medley .Time. 1:00— News, Weatbqr Guar.ntMd 100% street. binobr OEiv P u n HyUro* — «t* e ..OBuntry from becoming Involved In Captain Langrish suffered a e h l^ n the Orange even after toe tatter parties at an aniiuri Matinee. 1:05—Mali) Street—Hartford ■ r M M I I r y brcao RIIa y.a. ShertMira this war. LafiTopptwed to this hill. Kenneth' Rmlth, who has been shock Sept. 4, 1939, and for some leaving Wapplng and was a mem­ rental of $LS00. Thera ta an op- -U x ty Marlin. 1:16— Woman In White ^ or king At Uon provided for a five year re- KINNEY Staley's Cabs Sta re | i H. R. 1776, bMauae I am convinr- employed in the office of Ernest time was a patient at 8t. Francis ber at bar death. Her nearest reta­ Perkins. 1:30—Right To Happineos •d that its passage may lead us dl- Roy s Depot Square Garage, waa tlves are nteoss and nephews. neural. -Pepper Young'r FamUy. 1:45— Life Can Be Beautiful ■lUMFoeo hospital. The funeral will be held Satur­ In a second lease, Abe Larin Staley'a Care Starcb Wctly toward], and to a dedaratlon given a rnlUtary set yesterday b y. Captain Langrtah waa the son of t4S— Vic and Bade. 2:00—Young Dr. Malone o t war." . ■ ^ The traffic light at School and day aftarnoon at 2 o'clock at toe and Haakal) Kargman rent toe 2:15—Joyce Jordan— Girt Interne fin . twM Mr MEW U P Tlay Beat FANCY the employees in the garage. Mr. Edward J. Langrish. Br„ a retired W. P. Qutah funeral home, 225 ernne promlkee to Louie A pt«r of Reynolds termed “rldmulous" a Main street waa put tn operation Smith severs his connections with member o f toe Haritford Police De. 2:80—Fletcher WUey I ef DHelBf Ideez 9e iu$eteve yesterday. It was proposed three Main streeL Rev. Homer Ginns, Hertford (or^fd or prors, nine A It tuefced teidne RiiiDM. lau Tamta Jake Matement by Wendell U. Wlllkie the garage Saturday as he will be partmcoL His brother, John T. 6:45— Home of the Brave yearo ago to protect' crossings pastor of toe Metbodtat church of months and eleven dsiys at a rate Father and Son .the 1940 Republican presidential inducted with toe AnU Tank Com­ lOnwey'r mow ho«s e qerqaevs 8:00—Mary Margaret McBride Cake Flaw BUNNYP1ILO Moataac, befiore the Foreign Rela- made by High school pupils from Langrtah ia a detective sergeant In i^tferdvtOe, formerly of the North Of S125 monthly. There ta Includ­ pany on Mommy. 3:15— Golden TVeaeury of Song tloiiB Committne. Under question­ th high school to the Franklin the department. church, will officiate ed an opUon to renew this leese. SwaastfawB Cake Hear Captain Langrtah was born In AppOcBtloB To Hold Banquet 8:80—The New England Home ing by Reynolds. WlUkie told the achooL _ and toe burial will be In toa fam- Sritis0''CNNA JCmOC dylM NONE KTTEIi Neal Ellis, 13-year-old son of Hartford, toe son of Edward J. Uy plot la Wanting casaetary. The AppUeaUen for a building per­ 3:45—Interiude of Dance Melodies Brapa Jaa PUNK eonunitte# that If Britain fell "U>- A t the nteeting of the police that ors pocked wHk telid 8:55—W ar Commentary. Weather W M ta Hauw commissioners held tn December Mr. and Mrs. Sidney EUls of 118 Langrtah fir., and the late Annie funeral home win be open from mit baa been made by Howard no. 2H mtonowr this country would lie In cesiforl oed leng woerl CAM the war w;ithiir 30 to 60 days. the contract was signed and the East Center street. wlU be confirm­ Rooney Langrtah, tomorrow afternoon until toe Hastlnga, who will erect on land Members of the Brotherhood of ABB Frafh neat toieaUoncd further, WtUkle said light was t have been in opera­ ed at a ceremony (Bar Mltxbah) to Besides his father and brother. funsraL *' .. of Calvin T. Brown of Aga*'*™- fihewa everywhere roy Shey the Concordia Lutheran church f xn M w m n RaB Cherrias pim o EVAP. tnM Jf Httler captured the BritUh tion before the Oinstmas vaca- be performed Saturday morning at Captain Langrtah leaves his wife, situated; on OreeU road west ot are "Aaierica'i Saierleil WlU bold their eighth annual ban­ Nutrition Group Y o u c a is s f M o a U aa o f the tilgnsm of botior idee when $rou ride in the carl When Rayy be would attack the United UoB. but dela.vs prevented com­ 10 o'clock at Temple Beth Sholom Mrs. Catherine Kelly Langrtah; Doane atreet a alnfle dwriUng at tois yoorh Ford wIm we tell you that it you enjoy ita big-car gantlsnesi on bumpy RaB Reart la g FaaB MILK lersfkinq Sheec". . . you wR quet tomorrow evening at 6:30 at A f R O ou«m B i orber Btatea “in a ralaUvety short time." pleting of the work. As school by Rabbi Berthold Woythaler. In Two daughters, Mias Winifred B. a coat of S4.400. VOOT’B Not Responsible •oe, wtieo you lee dwail Cowe the church, and a larger turnout meeeuree longer iaaida the body . . . wider roads os well as on smooth highwaya! W bM Scraffle PHILAOCLPHIA bruid* cotebbud Calls Wlllkie ".Alarndst" closes tomom»}- until March 4 in- the evening at toe Masonic Temple Langrish and Mias Justine D. Formed in State X X in total Bsating width . . . MMsr fai wind- you note its soothing quistnsm at all Hmeal in... . Iry en o pak freai eer ta expected than at any prerioua 1 7 4 COST ie A3P Siorad Reynolds aald WUikie was n„ i strucUon in its manual operation his parents will entertain relatives Langiisb; a son, Edward N< Lang- ohMd. renr window and total window area When you cExnpefe ha ride with that of cme Saap Craiaa white *am. 2 " K O S 2 3 * by pupils of the school or the Jani- affair of toe kind. Judging by the *Warmlst." and he olao arkied: and friends tn honor of the evenL rlah: two alstsrs, Mrs. Frank F. In Auto Death Hospital Notes osert sale etienot Nip,Osferd . . . tfami anything aim in ifs price n ote. costinc morel •Tn the eyes of every military toia. will be delayed until the advance ticket aata to toe Dads Storro, Feb. _____ ABB Matcbaa eousLa-rw B exo. 17* Foisy and Mias Katherine V. aod Strop Stylet. Seeds erHidl You can grt aome idee o t Ha riding eeee Drop in on any Ford Dealer slnd drive a be made the rtdiculoue state- opening of school next monUv. A committee of ex-aenrice- men aad Boaa. Langrish, all of Hartford. tkm ot e State Committee on Nu­ when we tell yon that Ford o p tin g frame really peat Ford cart Then ask for a "deal” that if we aid Great Britain and town officiale will meet at the. Admitted ycaUrday: WUltahi A group from the Ladies Aid SWM F^rowSSaP ScAKts 25* cSs 5* Captain Langrish also sras a HarUord. Feb. 20—OP)—Ooreoer society of toe church win prepare trition as pert ot toe national end ride atabiliser were completely re- on your preeeot car. You’ll be plaasantly I* the extent of providing pltoea State armory tonight to further member of Tbe Hartford Gun Club, Hustua. 108 HeoiY atreat; Mra. Frank E. Healy today found NBse EUen 8. Garinui. RockriHe; Ru­ a roast beef supper, aad aU that fo r her, with which idie can at- Russellg Observe plans for a teaUmonisI dinner to and toe Holy Name Society of St. Kaltab. PlalnviUe, net criminally fenae program was anaomiced „ •oprenacy of the air, that dolph Haupt 118 Cooper RUl goeo orlto I t Girts from-the Young ^ 'g lv e n tte members of t)ie Na- AugusUne’s church. responsible tor toe death of John. *5 0*6 Nople’s society wU serve as day at the UnlrorUty at Oonaaetl- would rocoaquer all of the ter- tiohal Guapl ooon to entrain (or a H. Bryan. $3. also of PlainviUa. aa street cut, with Martoo Bvaas SPAM WSltrWB66. HORMEL'S m .by Hitler. 54lh Auniversary year’s training in Florida toe result of an autoroabila aeci- n sT *rtT rd yesterday: Joaeph *Xsr coarse w « au know that Day. 146 sCsfle atreet; Wallaee fh o committee, of which Walter tensBon nutrittonlst, as chalmmn. A H o r m e lO OZ I6ent. A ll Sizoal 12 IPKWOlZOZ ilQ c could not be conquered DarUng. 8 Charch street; Mrs. Kohta ta chairman, has prepared The committee wae nam ^ |w The finding stataa that sn ths A U W id th s! an tatareeting program, with Rev. I*reeldint Albert N. Jorgenean, mr mm mn arm met: Product • CANS HAM dm CANS " v Cha Mr. T o Oimquer or to te- IQghteca retatlves at 'Mr. anA Schedule At P. O. Hannah •ereneon. .444 Canter osrad tenlbory, the toot sight of Dec. SL KaUah was op­ Haary McKnight of Emanurt ecOng at the uineatlan at toe Mn. Ralph RusscU. of 24 Winter erating a car In PlatavlUs, which street stUVtr Irasse aed^proved today ia Just as neeio- Death: Taeterday. Mrs. Susan Lutheran church. New Haven, as United Stataa Deportment at •troet, gathered at their borne last struck Bryan aa he was.crosstag top principal speaker, apd Oscar Agriculture and The Grant Ford oeoMfi mtBf estra mmm q m ^ a u H m the foot naMMrof N a-j Mght m observance of tbeir S4to For the Holiday Waters. 63 Cottage street Iff. It.would be eaoier De LfiBff-StfikoM West Mela skreet. near Strong O. Andersen, pnet praeldent at the Aesociatlott. SLnOar oomnfftteae tadan wUbaet aatia eeal h r e fi^ y c^ iM w Um prio*. For HORMEL’S wedding nnaivernary. A tuxircy today: Philip Rleh. 140 BEEF STEW ____ r • ' eouBtiy by radio Rev. Earl R. Story iinltsd la Center. Brotbertood aa tooetmaotor. are being farmed In ether etetee. 6 * * ' ereSter aafeti•afety sad leager dtnnsr wms served and ths evening Font office schedules for Wash marriage last night st 10 a'clora "At the time of ths accldwt.' Center etteat tie the DMtY gH H figiiifi. than It spent Ip romlnlscsnces nnd Birth: Ttoday. e eon to Mr. and Sktoey BUlott wUl ^ e a k for the Mra. Dakin aaM toa rnmmlftae M H -q q H w r or Meoaqaar a ter^ ingtou's Blfthday. BaUirday. will St the psTsonags of the South HealYs report said, “ the accased fathers amTEraeet Flerliw for tbe fiadta*Dtrti Members Ot the fnmily Mrs. Austin BtaseQ, 15$ SMridge would bold Ita first Tniitlsg Fri­ MOOM CAN ^ 2c™ 19*l be as follows:. There will be Metbodlst church. 50 CMotd sraa driviiiig on his owa right of ooMt Organiet Fred Werner will day at tide weak at toe eotmtT thslr pnronts with n city delivery, no parcel poet de­ way aad neither he nortar tbe vm vwmiother aUest y/ street. Wands EUxsbeto Stoko plajr ta r community otnglng. building la Bnrtfard. ttn o n t k •fasraey tn boasr « t the livery and no rural rorrier delkv- of Palmer. Maas, end WilUtoi paseengers la the car bod' ' oooo too Diochorgod today; abo. amraaaMM.AaMt. lodSip toe Unpnet". .Fahey, 8n l^xaee etreet; M n . win he to plnn n yrognm gt edu- He'lmml ride, lAefiy aew lU ifln il Mrt iert a B MahHMOt o t Navy sry. The lobby win be open from DsLoOg' c f Hartford. The decehsed until after . Mr. and Man. Runseo 6 a. m. tartil 18 w on. Ths end tofant doagh- eathm aa a iM tie a far Rirth A. ■lad to laiTeniM SPell ths Uhttnd BUtan In th be plade; Mas 01* iSTijSinas-esi;; -d-tos-lhths KINNEYS » - * J. - ' ■ » . - V- . .V ,-f \ ■i'f’ : \i ' * ■ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. ^ N N / THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 20.1941 F A G f MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20,1941 V -r*

yv* Of patrtoUnm «i*n »ny othfr havd been almost twice M tone as House Passes SERIAL STORY rtament bocoun#- they army *• the Bntlah Hat of war fata|UlM. Lotteries Before Solans prymtM* a »rm t d«al of tnrth. an­ Our horror and Indignation'oyer, DRAFTED FOR L6VE other treat deal of half tnith and the slaughter by bomba in Kng^ O f 4 New Ehgiand States Guam Project lEmHi0 lirritt 6oly a amall apHnIcUnf of ahablute land la wholly natuml and com­ BY RUTH AYERS f&'TiSSE.I'a’i. H)*U«tM*tO «T TH* pletely Justified It la our calm said they probably would waive right If we get 18,000 ptawf MXAI.D PUHTINO CO, IMOL falsehood-,and then proceeaaential difference between as a source of corttiptlon—they're Lottery tickets aren't new to Senate Now. i'nowadays, the type." For Jubilee Center Items Donnell Seated Now Doubled closed the plane produetloa flg n w ' especial relation to these kllllnga New Ehlgland. Ifaaaachuactts used mahoa ketaoworfl, teylag to eseapo Aad now the black, bright eyes Danish Ships Vital to Life coinmlttM of six Democrats and at hla pttas conference yestwdfljfi» pritlah Torylam, German- Naatlani becoming hardy ^Ijlrtnlala In • Btorm la the olr oofl the atoros ■^PNitNed Beary Bmnina BseaM ~ we are suffering from a benumb­ search of respectability m con­ them to help flnance her part in were taking In April’s yellow hair Today: four Republicans to Investigate Of toe January plans deUvertSA k i : •aadajrs and HoftdayaHotii and Italian Faaclam. the French and Indian wars. Washington, Feb. 20.— A of emotloas. The hall beglos ao toe. election. With authority to re­ Offlea at Maaa^ta?)i servative old New England^ and doU-lasbed eyes and the Mis- 6-9—Junior boys' gams gi room Knudsen Predicts 18,* said. 957 went to the Army, Navy th« Pent The people of America, they aa, ed pamlyala of our moral aense. Harvard College, Yale and Dart­ House-approved, project fors de­ they reocih Keat’e home. April tereA white bands. Vina del Mar, ChlU, Feb. 20.— their convenience to restrict this Raymond lliom as Is Ap* Decision o f Missouri Tri* count all ballots. Mend Claad Ifattea Palnleaa taxes, proponents x m II kaears If eke oieeto Keat'e aoat open (E. 8. and W. 8.) or Britain. He refused Infornuithhi It ia improbable that there is mouth took advantage of them velopment of Guam as a Naval 1 April saw the look of chagrin/ UPi — PreUdent Pedro Aguirre tralflc and endanger toe life ' of Senator L. N. Searcy, majority *ert, ahmild do -In advance what them; morally wrong and conau^ ehe win be twrealed ae aa Impoa- Cerda holds this his government's Chile." pointed Chairman of '6-8:30—Junior basketball league bunal Climaxes Battle 000 Aircraft During of the type of planes, or BrttahA aOMCMPTtON RATM any consldembie part of the Ing the meager funds of the poor 4[or building purpoaias, and public outpost headed today toward an ' on Kent’s face and Sha SMke tS. 8.) floor leader and chairman of the share. Tear hy wall the people of Russia did beiatadly utlllaed them for an requisitioning last Saturday of He aald Chile bad not declared committee, said toe court decision 85?'Wentli ay Walt • ^W American people who realiae that and unwary, foes aasert. But lot­ uncertain reception in tha Senate. I qidckly. 'But 1 am tha type,’'^ She Arrangements Croup. 8:30-10—P. A. C. boya baaket- Over Governor. Present Year. The January production compar­ In the World War «et out of the teries are before the legialaturea gmaMng variety of money-nsaldng ! trilled and evin to haraeU It waa thrM blockaded Danish freighters toe freighters to be Chilean prop­ might not halt toe Inquiry. •liwia Oaty ...... every year we kill in automobile The propoaal, rejected twice Eaonpe From aa AuaA was vital to the defenM'pf Chile’s erty and added;' "We are diapoa^ ball practice (E. 8.) » ed with. December deliveries at TtB lialTeered Oea Tear 'conflict and atay out. and devote of Maine. MassachiiaetUi New schemUK ! exactly what knew Ann would Manchester Grange at ita regu­ "I sUIl think all toe ballots When Fkpeull hall was damaged previously lest If offend Japan, 'Chapter'X. economic life and enUrely within of their use only as substitutes for 7:30-8:30— Men's ssrlmmlng Jefferson CUty, Ma. Feb. 20j—(F) Washington, Feb. 20—(FV Janu­ military aircraft. ______- - i themselves to the bufldlnt of a accidents considerably more than Hampshire and Connecticut again went through the House without have aald. "There's nothing like lar meeting last n l^ t to the Ma­ classes (E. 8>) ought to be recounted," he ex­ MBMBKR OT hy fire in iM j. Boeton eelectmen Step 'by step. Aunt mxabetb the bounds of international law. toe ships of warring countries —Six WMks late, Forrest C. Don­ plained. "Of courM, that would be ary's record-breaking output of The OPM chief voiced saUstae* eight times as many persona as thla year. opposition yesterday as part of a the, Sight of hills,, fresh air and “We sonic Temple made plans for cele­ 7:30-10—Bowling alleys rcMrv tion over the progrcM of ths plaa TM“ l J ^ ! ! I S ? ^ ‘’i.'’2iS?.ie.. stmnt community life capable of Beat Reception In IBS.1 asked the Legislature to legallM Carter descended the atnira. sunshine to make you feel fit." will prove tn nations which which cannot now dq bu8lheaa.on nell hopes to become governor of done after the Mating of Donnell." 1,036 planes showed today that the there were American aoldlers who $242,000,000 Naval base develop­ object to our procedure that It was our coasts. We will um toe boats bration of toe Diamond Jubilee ed tor MIm Von Deck group gr (E. to assemble giant bombers from It •nulled Is ta* ••• •! self preservation and based upon Maine's legislators have . had a lottery to flnanCe^ repairs. John And with every atep. It was to “And hailstones, too, I pre­ Mtseourt Monday. No Ruling on Racoout United States aircraft Industry has Hancock, who later JiyMlded - over ment program. April Burnett like the ax falling Carried out in accord with both only during toe conflict and we eoroetime tola year and appointed S.) parts to bs manufactured by auto jT 'iiV '.u r T h .V K :; 'what the,- ran principle, of p'«r'j lottery schemes presented to them Senator Johnson (R-Calif) told sume." , ' / Rnynxmd Thomas chairman of toe 6- 7—8mall gym resesi-ed for The red-haired St. Louis Repub­ Donnell aloo has naked the Su­ doubled ita output since last sum­ In every biennial session since the continental Congresa-taat pro­ the loop tightening. national and international legal will pay for their use aa well as preme Court to stop the legislative factories. First deliveries may M Ulla aasei aad alee tha i<**a' saws democracy the same being aocla)-' years of the War of Independence, newamen, however, that the Guam Outside, the elect etruck the rules," he said in an interview last return them to toe legal owners In committee of ariangementa boxing (E 8.) lican was declared governor-elect made this fan, be Mid, with tbs aaMianod Saram 1933. The best reception was ac­ duced the Declaration of^n de- "Still afraid of Aunt Elisabeth, by the Supreme court yesterday, committee from recounting bal­ mer. ' . All rlalta af rspabltcatloa al ' Blit the real gravity lies In the ap pendence, aponaored the petition, project waa almost certain to be windows aad the wind was a night at his summer residence. perfect condition.” The “ O ra c ^ were to charge of 7- 6—SmaU gym reserved for The performance led William 8. rate rising'to 100 of the Mg four- lam. corded them in 1935 when the aren't you?” Kent waa whispering howhng mob. handball (E. 8.) climaxing a flght by toe Demo­ lots.The court did not rule on that aaaeial Slawuehaa haeain are alao parent fact that there are very which wes granted. oppoMd tn the Senate. Personally, close to her ear. "Sbe’a really a Denmark Proleats Action The Argentine ambassador ask­ toe totereatlRg program, preMnted Knudsen to M y, "We'll be doing all motor ships a month by mld-1949. *aaarvaing the state only $40,000 velopment of the Navy’s share of a n j^ n g fooUsh like fainting in “It is part of the ever-growing the Navy Department by the Elec­ Ellxatoto was a rscluM, a proud, port. the bases. a heap on the floor. So this waa arrodant person who stayed on recognition that labor la not brings compliments golorel •d. tric Boat Company, aubmarine it! Ann and old'Miss Carter had London. Feb. 20. — (JP) — The commodity, and that society as a Churchill, however, achieved Is the mad lust for power a tos^'blll. shut in by her glnger- 1.000 Residents, Mostly Both Pilots Killed building concern, and .declaring migh never met. d houM and the walla of toe Royal Air Force ia taachtog whole has a definite responsibility oMsplate wcceta with his aaton- monopoly of capltallam? Is race It was obvious from Kent's In­ to place labor on the pUine .of dig­ MMAmi MiniRS Leant haw ai that another shipyard at New ing for.J. Eldgar Hoover. | rmat garden. Families, Sent to Nud* 29-year-old Prince Bernhard of Supply stR ^ UUag reinforcement of the Army hatred even a distinguishing capi­ Then V e went Into the billiard i Man About HEALTH AND DIET troduction, from toe way the Hadn’t there been a love affair The Netherlands how to be a In Bomber Crash nity to which It is entitled," the n London would be a competitor for chief executive said last night to ! lawUllMaNar FREE of the Nile, which made it poaatblc talistic traltt Waa Muaaollnl a room. In epite of all the people ^ \ADV1CE gnat aunt waa studying her. I: yean ago, a tale of a scouhdrel Occupied Poland. fighter pilot — but It ia doubtful fore. ' labor and might hold up the aub­ and the photographer and finger- ^ you could drop dead from ah( wbo'd courtad her and then ab­ addressing toe Connecticut chap­ for him to flght a wkr of detail In capltaliat when he started? Was whether he will get hla motoer-ln- El Paso, Tex., Feb. 20—OP)— ter of The International Asaoda- marine program. printere, you could tell that there M anhattan relief, April Burnett knew to* sconded with most of her fortune? Vienna, Feb. 20.— — In a Cooking Sckoel wMch tha Italian army has been Hitler a capitalist?' Waa Joseph aren't any pool-room hanger- ■ - ly Gaorqt Tudar- FnridslMd by the McCoy would have come to the en<2 of law’a consent to do much active One at eight Hudson bombers en tlon of Public Employment Serv­ Critlclim of the apparent ob- At any rata. Aunt EUisatoto lived step regarded by VlenneM as one combat work. ices. (ES."* pMcticsUy eUroinated. Now he Stalin a capitalist? Ia hr a capi­ aroundrrs in the Pieaident’a offi­ Health Service her life then and there. / remote from PattonavUle, her only route east for delivery to toe Brlt- mn atniction of the freighter enter­ New York— People who are of toe Anal chapters to Germany's The genial y i ^ g husband of He declared that "the continued h n dona an equally aatonlahlng talist now? Waa hli outrageous cial family. The modemlatic pool In toe blessed laat-mlnufe re­ contact with toe outside world Is Air Force struck a steel radio IN Crown PrinceM Juliana volunteer­ tower, crashed and burned here advances made In our labor legia- tataHmal— w k m y a k ih i— I attack on Finland a capitalist*' prise took public form when an. in­ table, of polished natural wood, color-blind are supposed to be able Address commasIcaMons to The prieve, ahe found the frotto mask through KenL the orphaned neph­ efforts to clear Vienna of Jews, thtafl—to the Japanese and. It la was ao fresh you could tell there ed for Instruction on how to per­ yesterday, killing both pilots. lation is definite proof that a fry wMi purer Spry. dependent union of Electric Boat to recognize camouflage better Herald. Attention MoOoy of her face lifting a sm^: "It’s ew she had brought up from 1.000 Jewish residents of toe city,form one of the toughest and most helleved. to Hltlar aa well—In war? hadn't been any dice rolled on It. Health St^rvtas The other seven bombers were democracy can through popular , M* Mm (rir F.raMat 4 mvitrn. | ilmrtiiiiBii m ir Company employea took action in than others and consequently are very nice to know yoo,” she be­ childhood. mostly families, were banished yes­ dangerous Jobs of the war to order processes approach a solution of TMUM(ak(HrMMtanni)alaMaM.«ha | rULLritauatnnllsodl to the Singapore area and setting blah. It ts bretl of a negation of First on toe list aa a cauM of Nip gave one last shake to his the tray with toe tiny crystal gob-, colonel of Dutch forcea and aide to I toaipuataia la rtqkt (or hylis. Dtaia m ■ merrlal yard , and has also been At a long table, there were a serve in this purpose. land. \ were being flown from Burbank, the Japa barti on Vhelr heels. The anything and everything but class Now 1 am told by Alec Temple­ death In America and Canada, the back and barked. lets In toe mock manner of a Queen Wilhelmtoa. I ahaatna* paear. Bu f 9. ' lot of fellows filling out thelf Kent covered the awkward Relchsmarahal Hermann Wil­ Calif., to Canada. SBMSli^NtiJwvh I tad Dotles tkrir oonarlouxneaa.. Perhaps class con- expressed by Jhe American Legion queationnaires. Some were having ton, the blind Welsh genius of disease coating more Uvea than waiter. The Netherlands government-ln- mSWWfraaoAW’Ul—a.rifm .Jadm'l-. i megnltude of this undertaking pauM by saying^'"Let's all go to The elderberry wine at flrat alp helm Ooerlng, it was recalled, m M exUe has its own formatlona'flying Kilied^were Pilot Marino Gug- taug. So v iv y a i at New Yondon and. we believe, a lot of trouble. You ought, to tell the piano (he gives those devas­ any other, public health enemy llelmetU, 42. of North Hollywood, Darlan Leaves I wmt/arSpry$»tmeithM*‘lwUm4l0/ry.. ! wse eo great that it has taken aclouaneas la not to be condemned the library. lt;s the only warm was warming, tangy. The Are to a Vienna speech ehortly after with the Royal Air Force now and *-rtAS waweMeW la M* realee • " bta)—I M Minr to Do sB] the head of ybur Journalism de-. tating Interpretatlone of "big number one -yea It la heart dis­ Calif., and oo-Pilot Robert McKee, tha AHa completely by aurpriae. out of band; perhaps it ia an ea- by the New London City Council. place In thla ark of a houae. We’re glowed. A drowsWess came over anschluos to 1936 that toe city toe prince ia described as keen and lag wNk Spry—koUaft Representative Downa of Nor­ partment to put in a course on shot" musicians), that a blind ease. would be without Jews within 30, of Burbank. Paris for Vichy Tha 'Japaneae are In aomcUilng aentlal element In the progress of questionnaires. It would help a\lot man's hearing Is so acute he la It is eaUmated that thousands freezing, Aunt Ellxatoto. Maybe April and ahe shut tor eyre brief­ eager for the excitement of com­ For. Every Purpose RUTH BEAN ly as she heard Kent telling his four years. bat work. Robert GroM, president of Lock­ koae-moklng export, clviUaation. But when It ta over­ walk suggested at yesterday's if aonie of the boya (and Invaluable In detecting aero­ of Uvea could to saved each ySar Jasper could bring us some cof- ' Hctuld Coo ''vary like a panic, as indicated by aunt more about too day’s ex- (py>ur thousand Jews were Mid NevertheleM It is doubted that heed Aircraft Corporation, aald It • _* aayai meeting that the matter might be could remember nght off where planes. Not only one plane, but from this great killer, for to A waa Lockheed's first accident in Vichy, France, Feb. 20—(F)—It SdMol their sudden abandonment of all fed and allowed to become an nb- "Jsaper/’ Miss Carter said, “ has cursion. to have bMn Mnt from Vienna to toe queen would conMnt to her Quality Work and Conslstflnt Senrice Has Broufht Us made the subject of a Congreaslon- and when they were born, what numbers of planes, and a smart great extent It ia a preventable Poland on OcL 31. 1939.) delivery of Mveral hundred air­ was learned from PSria today that "Cooking tba Spry mum BEAN hallleoaity and their almost tear seMlon, aa it has In the minds their complexion la. etc. After 'gone to meeting for an hour” With Outside, the sleet still struck toe daughter's consort taking any FULL FLAVOR way al Inquiry .If It were not satisfac­ fallow can eaally pick out the disease, especially In ita early Second Transport TMo Month great part in flying involving toe planes to the BritUh. Vice Premier Admiral Jean Dar­ A Constantly Increasing Number of Customers. sMana eompllmeata ful protestations that they have of so many American radicals, It "complexion," one fellow wrote: stages. Unfortunately Ignorance this, she led toe way down toe windows but not so violently and vkrious typea of plane. the wind-had changed Its tune to Testorday's transport of Jews danger of active combat work. lan left for 'Vichy after seeing for the oeek. That’a IriS'^Mshi? _ can and does overaet all aense of torily settled. A suggestion to "Green. On account of a hang­ '^ ^ If would be a wonderful on toe part of toe patient, and de­ hsill to toe library. was repoirt^ to have been the sec­ what I eenstantly M intaatlon whatever, of atartlng I t . was a big' room, book-lined. one of melancholy Instead of a ActreM Given Divoree. French AmbaoMdor Count Fer­ / DEMONSTRATION which there will be many aecopda. over. ’ thing In defense work," he ex­ lay In securing the advice . of a ond tola month, toe flrat having Poetal Servlee Establlelied. nand De Brlhon and German Am­ Htor from woman at TeoMiTow Mofoiag A t' fl:U a war. proportion. After that we had taken what wltX.an open grate Are which batUe cry. . ^ Vichy, France, Feb. 20—(F)— my Cooking Sehoola" New Lcmd.on should be one' of plains. "Not only would it re­ physician play an Important part left Feb. 14. The newspaper Le Journal said bassador Otto Abets on whSt was A. M. At tha Steto .1 But It ia Impossible to imagine There la no siich thing aa claaa hereinafter will be laughingly re­ lease inen with normal vision In contribuUng to toe increasing bnrtiM in an orange and ruby AprU stood up. "I must start The latest contingent waa per­ the greateat of American ship­ ferred to as photographs; then glow. \ Aunt Ellsatoto took toe for home,” ah# said tuddwly. Bern, Switzerland. Feb.‘'*20—UP) today the divorce of Motion Pic­ described officially as a "purely ADMISSION FRB Churchill permitting a powerful distinction In the natural detests- fdr o tt^ duties; It would bring number of deaths from heart dlt- mitted to take baggage n6t ex­ —Postal oommunlcstions Jaetween Informative vlslL" building ports. The outcome of moved with the finger-printers. In atralght^cked seat at toe desk, Mother and Dad wUl to worried ture Actress DanleUe Darrieux and Manchester G>at, Apron British army, made up largely of tloha of free men for the obscenities Into play such people as myaelf ease. ceeding 220 pounds, including bed- Italy and Switzerland, auapended her husband; .Henry Decoin, was Several oources aald Darlan did this affair Is of the keenest Inter­ ended with the finger-printers. In who have hearing that Is ex In a recent column*! emphaalxed leaving April and Kent to sit to­ about me.” • , clothing, utensils and two pairs of TSteran troopa, together with a of cruelly and falsehood and ani­ spite of all the non-criminal fin­ Oh, not ysL" Aunt EUaatoth Feb. 15 without announcement of announced in Paris. Decoln had not see former Vice Premier tremely acu|e and who have, been toe necessity of at l ^ t a yearly gether on th« leather lounge. shoes. If posalble. The Jews were the reason, were established to­ Pierre Laval during hla brief stay. large number of bombers knd mal-like ferocity and fundamental est not only to New London and gerprinting that's going on these said and now her eyes were directed Miss Darrieqx to plcturea compelled by force of clrcum physical examination, and perhaps A little inarmed by toe aunt’s permitted to take their money, but day. to Hollywood and France. He arrived In Paris Monday and and Towel Supply Service AU- m r hatml that are the bone and sinew Groton'but to the atate of Connec­ days, these men seemed a little bright and toarching eyes, even brighter than ever. "I understand were required to convert It Into flgktlng planes and a considerable confused by the clientele. Maybe stance to make their ears take the no part of the examination is more the next day received French offi­ T E L . 5S70 ticut and In a much broader and Important than the check-up on | though toe er of being dls- that you stag? It would to kind Polish zloties. What poaseMlona 159 SO. M AIN STREET VlflBTaSlI FlAVOm - ooHcantratlon of naval unita, to be of the Naxl-Kasclat concept. Or they weren’t 'ised to fingerprint­ place of their eyes." of you to let me hear a tong or cials, including toe heads of the even more vital aenae t'l the Templeton sa ^ he put It this the heart, for many times insidi- covered as an postor was over, t h ^ could not carry .they were police and war veterana .. hamobUixed at Singapore for kny In the overwhelming determina­ ing people who never did anything once Into ner- two before you leave." forced to' leave- behind, turning Sprys d v e F ous heart dlaesM may . to recog-1 April launched whole country. Neediest delay In worse than mlaquote an ambas­ way to army oCnMals; Kent turned to April. Yes, length of time. He ia- po more tion of the American people that •The first esM h^l le a per­ nlzed by toe doctor, even when voua cHatter. \ their apartment keys over to a rep- the building of freight shipt at sador or misspell a congreaaman'a Ann, sing for me." rerentatlve of .the Jewish com­ Itktiy to do that than be was to that concept must be banished name. fect sense of pitch, vne plane ap­ there are no manifest symptoms. "We had a lovely day. Miss thla criala la a crime. On toe other band, an Individual Carter. We drove miles out In But April pushed by 1 ^ . munity. sJlow the Army of the Nile, to be from the face of the earth—so NoMMly Got Mad proaching has only a''Naingle drone, push6d bVwtli® doorjto tb€ pwrtor My boss, standing there tn line, or note; but two p tw M even may complain of a rapid heart toe country for a steak fry. M d in Egypt, besieged by Graxl- that 'human happiness may again beat, too slow a beat or Irregulari- "A steak fry?" Ttie tiny mar­ where Aunt EUxabetk was heard the Inatructidga given the traveling In the sobMK, direction, opening the ksyboafil of toe •Sjl'a Italian expedition. become a possibility. men ahead of him, so when he have different vlbrationa which ly of toe beat, or piUpttation. All Unet of an aunt lifted her brows Underwood Strike Japan la the next enemy dVle for any trained listener, or ' spotter, of these may mean some heart' dla- as it April were talking of a can- piano, and ran to tha hall. Nip, stepped up he knew; Just w’hat to keeping ffuard by her coat sprang •Usalnation xnd it will be a revers­ W ashington do. Apparently he knew too well, can pick up. A spotter \wlth a oider, and then there may to\ no nibal roast ''What a peculiar The. Center Of Activity War Deathn, Auto Deatha actual disesM present. However custom." to hla feet. . „ » Settlement Near al of Churchill form If be does not. because the printer gave him a fine sense of pitch can diatinguiah "I’m going home, I tall you, I mighty siiaplclous look and aaid: how many different types, of whatever the cause, a visit to your “Not at all. Aunt Ellxatoto, go after be.r eea and land forces There was printed In this news- Daybook ' "You've been fingerprinted , be- doctor la , your beat laauzapor- Kent cut in loyally. "It|i fUn. B ^ April sobbed. "I cant •‘'jr planes—Oghtera, bombers, etc-— n^bt. I never could ting. 1 MSte ini aoutaaasterem Asia with the pape.r thla week an Aaaoclated —— -hB# J set StimmHf” foie." are approaching without the least There may to no other aymptonu tldea, Ann lovaa roughfkg It out- Hartford, Feb. 20.—; (F5 —An To another friend who had a singing." J ■ Imminent settlement and end of a Bame ^ergy—aadMergy— the same meaa- Press dispatch from I./>ndon tn Washington—Open letter to a trouble. Blind spotters were obvlous to toe patient, excepting doors.” With that, she opened toe door InrThe Kitchen Is The acar on hla thumb, the same print­ that ha geta all out of breath when Aunt Ellxatoto survey the strike at toe Underwood-Elllott- ura Of succeasuccesa—with which he which It was stated that the total student tn Journaliam I; Well, used effectively In the last war. I er said chaorfully: "W ell pal, think they ydll be used In this climbing atalrs or running for a I Ann who wma AprlL "I al and slipped through. Flshar typewriter plant was f o ^ aMonlahed the Italians In UbvA deaths In Great Britain resulting they got me. Butch. I mean the we'll never have, any trouble pick­ XTb Ba Osnttaaed) * AT THE HERALD COOKING SCHOOL f , one." strret car, of there may to dixzl-| thing to to look at her,' ahe Id, cast today by membere of the The British have a war to' flght Secret Service. I'm not complain­ ing you up." And ons of the other toe Workers' Grievance (Jommlttee. from the German air attacks, • • • . n ^ o r a slight pufflnesa of MISS RUTH BEAN, LECTURER ing—but aince you aeem determin­ men told a co-worker of mfaie: This MHM of pitch, as Tern ankles. Ths workert were told at a msM a' Mg war, against a major an- frorfi the opening of the Battle of 15 of toe' Revenue Act of You rs ed to embark on a tea of printer's "You’re practically a perfect crim­ pleton cslls It, is easily borne out Patlenta who know already that that one-half of toe adult popula- meeting last night that they prob­ USES NOTHING BUT tagonlst. It is ^unbelievable thiR i Ei^gixnd on June 18 last year to inal; your prints don’t reglater." toey are suffering from n htort uon of this coimtry has had a whichever U greater, shouldto ably would not have many more, ink, I thought you ought to know by the many bund in New York and in . deUrmlnlag ToM they win allow an Important partjthe date of the dispatch, had been Pereonally, I thought that waa who regularly attend the Broad­ ailment are inclined to t}tlnk ■ too ringworm infection sometime dur- d a ^ to "enjoy toe fresh air," aa what Jqumaliam',wlth a capital J the dost, so adjusted. mouW be Of their forces' and their air and. 23.081. llast m«mth. the same dis- no way to talk to a fellow who way theater. They teU me a much atoutslt and to tkke life ing Ufe. and this la a popular name combattee members, speaking to Is coming to. Jukt tn case you had worn hla fingers almoat to used, k the property was acqulrw asa armaipeBt to be held inactive,| i^tch relateil, 720 men had been think that reporters\blow Into the blind lUtener knows "every line so easily that th«Y' actually make ^tycn for several dlaeasM of the general terms, said .definite WEST SIDE DAIRY the bone on typewriter keys. But after F^ruary 98. IMS. the 00^ progress had beta made toward a Senate and yell at Vuce President of an actor's face" after he has their condition srorse through In- akin which are caused by smaU except as OtherwlM provided In over a long period of time, on 1 killed. 567 women and 189 children nobody got mad. . sufficient exerclM. I t should al- vegetable fu)}gl or moulds. Ah MtUement- Wallace. "H I Hank. what's After all,, It's in a newsman's ■teen” him in s play. - secUon 113. aa amendeij. by ^ 'Pasteurised Alilk and •5Cream * merely defensive garrison duty, j under 16 That makea the Janu- new'8?"—or breeze into the White . Incidentally, there Is an organi­ ways to remembered that the I forma are contagious, and eaauy .Anotbcr'masa mMtlng will be day's wjrk In these times- of war tioaa 213. 214, 215, aad X2S.; j^Satuntay morning, and to the tlaouaands of miles away from the | ari- total of fatalities 1.476. Hmiae and Say, "Look, F. D., 1 abroad and national defense at sation at 111 East 57th St. whoM heart la a muscular organ, and [ transmitted ff o A one person' to Revenue Act of 1939, ah' Try It Yourself I / A MODERN GAS RANGE? gotta have the lowdown..." tost muscles improve with ex* t- nnotoef, and thay are frequently TinUme. Frahk R. Odium, coun- 'main theatre of war. by an enemy [ Either, the list for the perl-xl home. And all of lu atill aren’t as sole fupetion Is to secure tickets used. i ■ I Butch, you’d better start think­ eta*, The other extreme la. tso found on nnlmala and are convey- the committee. Mid, on­ already exhausted by several years ; of the tkr battle or that for the much on the spo» as the hoys who to entertainment features for Neo^ The taxpayer's return __ ing along diffe^nt llnea. The oth­ York's thousands of sightless peo-. much exerclM. which la aa bad ]•<* ed to humans by .handling. The atate toe following facta: er conference with toe manage- cover War-Navy and have to wear at w ^ d probably be held- You Have Seen This Beautiful of eonfllet with an almost unarm-1 tingle month ts gnm enough In all er day word went aroUnd that All their plcturea and Identifications pie.' It Is known aa Tbs Ught- worM than not enough. Exerejee- treatment u the aame for any lo- real estate, the location and f de­ TELEPHONE 7066 c4 ^ t Indomitable China and lacx- cons, ience. particularly In view of accredited newamen and vyomen on tigns on their coat lapels—or houM for tbs Blind, aad lart year such aa wmlhtog. M flo^* P«>vldlhg caUoa od the body even though scription of land and t a p r o ^ in Washington were to present iag the ’Intejmal resource* for the the fact that much the greater those who cover Civil Service and it obtained, and gave away, more it la nA ca^ed to the point of I caused by a diffarent type. Your meats; (b) for bonds or othsr evi­ themselves at the 'White House fatlque and under a proper dletairy druggist can supply you arlth oos suecaasf ul conduct of any real can only enter and leave by one than 19.000 ticketa. dences of iadebtednesB. nams of l>art of the rictlms haCe been civil­ pronto. To get fingerprinted and door, although the building has Movie mnnagsrs give regular and exerclalng reglmaa, many ouf-1 of Mvarnl fuagloidM and thsM are iMiiins corporatloo, particular Is- Boy Scout News CLEKWOOD RANGE war. mugged And fill out queatlon- I ) ♦ • a a ians and a great many of them, al­ tlx. aUotmsnta of tickets. Somstimea feren are enabled to live nlmoetj quite tucceaafuL WM, BZDOUDtt < 'As tha oarda now lie Japan la tn naires. 7 1 Just thought rd let you know, mnnsgera of Broadway thaatsra a normal span of life, or they may and <0 for atocka. name of co^ most exactly half. In fact. wom * better chance in this'eountry aeeklng to leaaen cost to himself. It Is literally bet you co'Udn’t get In to see Har­ them to the UghthouM’s offleoa. tboss ^ say readsrs IntsreMsd in I propsrty, diiectly o r IndtrecUy. Of Connecticut for individual taatructioa and the American sriu for the defeat of old L Ickea' fourth assistant Jani­ 1 am here to chaUenge you to a "There must be huildreda of receiving more detailed Informs-I between (n ) memton * ts full of 'tmparfactloiM. kept aaylag: Ttralghten up that • • A between n free economic sjra- esucago— (iF) - - Mra. Patrlda ^ tm ta t each krtl^. or 1 wUl belftparSaU to coaMdered aa frosa of America. TboM who do not Am Im Y trua. Aoaallp Jt cow So. why aoc bciag your aaiz ttet many huaiaa beings ia the Une Uiere"—you know, like uah- s M to forward all tbrea^for tanl too aalo,or oxebaage of capital as- day. i mit to htams it for aff the tem aad laotatlonism. Selafehrs affsetioa for her hus^ posseM their highest badge of ■u more—aad la saow cssm areacriMiM haratu ba fliltd.* Ualtad flutes in 1940. e iw «t a Bvovle on Saturday nlMit oMta In etamse. laata na of tbo UM day o f Mch Hartfecri—Army etaarioera ae- rank may secure it by applying to rat the worid aad to eoarioca Pretty mooa, I got up to the Snik —C$ni« Baath. piajrwright. band. flaaniaL cooled Juet like tor coptad 195 Moes OQaasettout Manchester Division Tha wrar death list for January coffee, eto told Judge OorneUus J. tbeir patrol loader. that tho whole horrible waa, aa noted shove, 1,476. Our wkere a Secret Service man gave la dotarmlaiag "gain" In.caM of draftaas fas ths fleisctlvs Bsrriee, An the ocouta at tbs troop srs me some cards and explained Artcr nil. love is a mild form of Harrlioiton beenuM: "On OcL 90. brlngisff to 99T tbs ouakber se- WELDON DRUG CO. which humanity la ta- MitoBmMle death list, for the insanity, and It doaon't last over 90 199T. Jnet after Faet the toeaktast Quastkm^Jtrs. D. E. Tilta9: *Ta pronosty aoqjutnd baCoce March 1; remindsd that tbs mMHiigs srs where to suTlte and where not to Mgmarm on tbs fhns tba aaam as liu r th a cast, or tha fair marlMt saptari alnsa ths f oo lh rin ft pM I tte nautt of “ capitaltsUc write. U waa « htUe coofuaing, d i ^ . table, my huaband went oht to buy ■ew biU OB Tnasday. nights at .m oa^ because BKwth tn And an tho fast botwesn the vahM aa af Mareb 1. Ifllfl. ari- tlod spaosd Tbssflay^ Y^atastaSb T i§ ahaip. ru aBaflt. kecaiiM tho ehtde iiefla fleaeter A. «. cream fto tba oMMa. I dldat bear lat|sats wars rejaetari; i Hadhiag atai.. montt mii ouch fataUtiaa reach f^Qsa Mm a ^ lB tmULa year latar-' SMtad aa - i ieelflifl to Q i W , m - m flir tw a day, ww g^4g[p? ' . ■ ’ . ay ;■/ ■pKina^ ‘?rx-.-a

N ' • -■ '7 •. ^


------^ ^ Prize School-Major A t v O i

veeter Company had voted^ifi fa­ obllgatlone with Banana Doughnuts Latest Tas|e-Th#Ult Xo StHTt SoOH Will Ask for Extension CIO Officials vor o t a strike call. The union’s Italy. / Says Ginsul Dalton Tries to Tie Executive Committee, which thus Tobey Charges Quayle Lied No Doubt Left But tbe ambasMdor gained power to call a atrlke at he did not bellevs (be On New Bridge Of Life of Farm Plan Leave Parley any time, offered tp negotiate flutes would declare .ator . Heads Spies with company offlclato. ThAphtot Brazenly to Senate Group On Exjpansion Oermany, “an that sltuailk. Armies’ Hands makes farm machinery, haa no treaty obOgatioae) wID ae«^ defense orders Three other I. H. Pinch of War Costs As Soon as Weather Washington, Feb. 20.— Spoctol N « '» » present program of pegging prices “However,” he added, ”lt Is not an alleged visit to Gerinany. to the neighborhood of $10,000 it surpluses are either owned by thp hito back and forth ovar the CI(>-UnUed Automobile Workers effect a t San Diego^ Calif., and begh releao^. o f such commodities aa wheat, my wish to Impart the Impreasion EBn-too Midi T V HofBia.) Mrs. Crockett, a Swiss native to reported. corporation or are stored under Ita London— (Cable Correspondence ero^ra of the dummy until union, Ipft Milwaukee laat night union employes of the Nash Kel- “There caa he no longer any corn, cotton, and several other it waa noticed that a rope that Republicans have not who said she once played In mov­ Open Grill Type farm products at prices above loans. I of The Special Newa Service) — after withdrawing from negotia­ vlnator plant at Kenoshs Wls., doubt," Tobey’s report aald, “ teat B y iUclMrS O. MaoM«k The n e v span, much wider than the student’s feet was he (Quayle) sought to lead the guilty of equally grave violation'. ing pictures under the name of levels which would prevail under Commodities owned by tba Big, bald, amiltog Hugh Dalton to tions with the company and oaylng voted to strike. Alice Gulden, asserted she went to the present one, will be of the open agency on Jan. 31 Included: Corn, to bum. they could eee no purpose to fur­ committee astray ia Its investiga­ The committee ahould have exam ' BdJW*— (O orr«iT«»«tonc« the normal operation of the economic nported unofficially Germany at the request of Wiede­ It’S "dollars to doughnuts" your family will like these grand grill type used on ^ e new Housa- 200.207.000 bushels with a book the chief spider to tee web Britain tion. • • • The committee should toed the affect of contributions laws o f supply and demimd. youth was a student ther conferences Nows Sorvlco) — Wsrtirae mann who wanted her to find out tonlc river bridge,’ and over the value o f $151,931,000; cotton, 6,- spreads to the ends of the earth to Only yesterday William S. seriously considar the advisability wealthy families to various state new. brand new crispy rings of goodness which flfiOO.OOO.OOO In Ldana that the attention to toyinf its hsnd on If he still was a Hitler favorite. right Inside the batter! Make them for ‘bake sales , parties, to Mystic river at Mystic. The sur­ 183.000 bales valued at $364,858,- an effort to tie the hands o f A xis Knudsen, director of the Office of of punishing him tor contempt, for Republicqrrcommittees • • •. Tbe corporation already has ap­ him because he dis- Says Story “All Bunk** face of the present bridge has Armtsa through the British Minis­ Wives’ Deaths not forwarding ail the dooumentx ■ after months o f slmoet peeco- thrill the family. proximately $1,300,000,000 tied up 000; rubber, (acquired In a barter theV’cult’a” e ffig y plan Production Management to Wash­ “It’s all bunk,” said Otto A;- provided a danger spot for years deal with Great Britain Involving try of Economic Warfare — the ington. forecast that the dispute requeated and for perjury.” ___J ooiKliUoas In t V midst o f war. Secretary of Navy Enox ■N as it Is narrow, and to bad weath­ to loems to growers on surplus to advanc*. He apparently Hoecker. the attorney whom cotton), 86,853 tons valued at $30,- “i^ent weapon” in the war on a would be settled by today. Retort to Loans Rare Olestial “Vrfth the country becinning to er la slippery. A sharp 4:Urve in farm commodities and in crops was,unhang by the fire. Laid to Poison Wiedemann said would do his talk­ \ Bananas “sui9to?lo get around" 623,000; tobacco, 332,320,000 thousand fronts. Resist Closed Shop Demand Tobey’s refaranoa waa to the the Btaeh—long after the sUy. Not one man In 100 knows Wil­ the western end approach also to taken over under foreclosure of Members ^ the “cult,” t ing for him. Hopcker referred to theae daya, all the way from pounds valued at $70,399,0()0. Agents all over the world pour Declaring that tbe AUto-Chal- committee’s toveatigatlon of loans iny, snd the foe, Britain — liam Franklin Knox. Everybody 1940 e) irnings considered a hazard. The new past-due loans. Its lending power about 20 to number, stuck the complaint which made the fol- bregkfast ’til bedtime. Now they thousands of reports dally Into mers management bad declared its •rr^Snltog $100,000 by R. J. Rey­ Display Tonight rs todustrtal Itfe and her peo- knowa Frank Knox la secretary of bridge will be built to eliminate is limited to $1,600,000,000. pins to the effigy before burn­ lowlnx charges: are .trunnlng rings around dough- The first day of summer Is wel­ Dalton’s office so be oan decide rsototance to tee union’s chiaf de­ Miner Confesses Part in nolds, North Carolina cigarette rpsnooal suppHes are reguiat- the navy. Yet they’re the same nuU-\take them sugared or plain, the ^indesirable features. Officials said that the corpora­ ing it and explained they were Under a verbal agreement with $50 to $100 tion probably would need much comed in Fairbanks, Alaska, with where to direct the Havy to seize a mand— a closad shop— Hall said manufacturer, to the New Jersey New York, Feb. 20— (F) —Tbe .more cloady now, peraon-^ristened William but take two at a time, they’re so A reconstruction of the bridge “invoking all the occult meth­ Second Death; Asserts - ' - - —..-j Frank Wiedemann, Mrs. Crockett left more than the $200,000,^ :^un- a .midnight baseball game. ship, tell tee R -A E . where to ods of ancient anfi modem al the 6.800 workers at tbe HUwau- and New York Democratic State curtain goes up tonight on the last thm i Ukai.thtot«- tolL- . returned the following December Baaisaa Doughiints was nuhed tfeasurer oTthe Na­ f < ^ and Industry, have key men in the N ew Deal’s arms | Heir to «ftUU,U F o rij funds have'been needed to morel GeFtokh'abuyefk for eMkiitikl war Hitler. cnaliange . play iHt stsgei after having spent IS.OOO of her (New, Tested Recipe) supplies. He added: "There also w ill be tional DemocriiUe Committee last ■ tiiarged with the tasks of setup. Borin a Bostonian, he necessary places, heretofore. This Springfield, HI., Feb. 20.— (J>)— years ago and again present­ turned mld-weetemer. A soldier own funds, which she wanted re­ 5 Cups sifted flour tune Seeking to Set| year after a complete survey of Belle\-ea W ar WUI Laat Leag additional worksra to La Porte, month. ing Jupiter and Saturn to stellar ; Italians adequately without turned, along with payment of an willed It and that If Tw o years ago a ooroner’s Jury to- In two ware, he now rune the 4 teaspoons baking powder the problem, it was learned the "I am aometimea accuMd ot Ind., Plttaburgh, Pa., Boston, Tobey declared that testimony roiee. dotkiag them and keeping agreed salary of $500 a month for food to It inevitably veatigaUng the death of Mrs. navy. Found hto education and 1 teaspoons soda Aside Trust. railroad wouIO aid to the work, being over-optlmtotic,” Dalton aald, Maas., and Oxnard, Calif., that also by Quayle and Reynolds had been The Hayden Planetarium dla- InduatriM running full blast the six months she was gone. Pride Protection ..Economy CWfmany. hto wife at Alma (Mich.) coUege. 2 teaspoons salt and the town meeting endorsed "but I) have alwaya niade It clear will accept tell challenge and show Marie Zubr returned a verdict of 'diametrically opposed” regarding cloeed that soon after dark the Stringent coodlUons. There had been a mUunder- 1 teaspoons nutmeg O f Bpato he aald: Soldiered with the Rough Riders Brockton, Mass., Feb. 20— (JP)— the expenditure for*-the town’s | that I'believe tbe war will lakt a their resentment by withdrawing death from unknown causes. She dreumstances of the loan to the planets will approach each o(har Mere BIgMIy Bnferoed standing between Wiedemann and blockade Spain—we Just to the southern sky snd be vieibie 1-4 cup shortening Heir to a ^$600,000 cigar fortune, share. long time. their services.” , New Jersey and New York Oom- flood ratlaalng, stlU Mss drasUc In ’9E In France In *17. the Nam offtetale at home concern­ her imports.” waa the wife of Carl Zubr, 88, a one above the other In s true He waa Landon’a tunning mate 1 cup sugar in laundering | ‘W e ahall not be able to destroy A labor dispute at tbe Lacka­ mltteaa, and that when Quayle . in other countries of Europe, ing bto ability to fulfill hie duties Henry F. Waitt, 39, has testified When Italy’s present war stocks cool miner. nqrth.eouth line if the weather la In 'S«. Hto Chicago DaUy Newt 3 eggs, well beaten to a day what Hitler and the Ger­ wanna, N, Y., plant of Tbe Beth­ waa recalled he saw “fit to change xe rigidly enforced than it as consul general and “ to properly 1 1-2 teaspoons vanilla extract to his suit to gain custody of It of oil, metals, textllea, rubber,>er, Ironiron The woman’s vital organa were hto views." clear. tombaetad Rooaevelt’a domeetlo man warmongers built to seven lehem Steel Company threatened Hoarders are arrested under fulfill bto duties as head of the 3-4 cup mashed banhnas (about Deaths Last Night] with p and coal are exhausted, Dnlton preserved tor medical research at The conjunction will be the last policy, but FDR nonthelesa called that his earning* for 1940 were be­ years nor can It be denied that to bring about a walkout affecting Quayle originally testified, To­ at e f shooting by a firing squad propaganda division of the govern­ 2 bananas) iMld, "she w ill becoipe a gravetve e t^ 14,000 employee. , a hoopital but the study was poat- bey said, teat he first suggested In a aeries of three la which the him into the unity cabinet. Serves tween $50 and $10(). Germany haa looted great atocka nomic liability to Hitler.” ‘ extreme cases. An effort to be- ment of Germany to the United 1-2 cup sour milk or biktermllk Brighton, England-;-Slr Hamll- | CIO President Philip Murray, poned by the press of other work. the loans to a telephone call to planets will have paaeed and ra- as the navy’s man In OPM, along Waitt la seeking in Probate of valuable materiala to the coun­ Bade to control skyrocketing States.” 1-2 cup flour for rolling ^ew U llta uiifu d I who also Is chairman of the Steel Last Sunday, on ths second sn- Reynolds. Later, Tobey recounte— Australian Friday Night Soon have more and tbe time will dosen cookies. *Ann-SNeEzr m tsa ! waa obvlouwy inserted to preju apple Juice, fresh or canned grape­ aecktog annual paid wtcatlons. ' sen authorlaed by decree, but haa traction. on the same tremendous Minister Sir John Oreig Lateam come when our air bombardment dice the case." fruit Juice, orange or lemon Juice. Majority Favsm Strike at yet been applied. bill of stage entertainment,;,la the called on Vice Foreign Mtototer I tolll succeed to sn even greater ex­ The Bell Alracobra l i ' a one* .ttufyiBradfrom place monoplane which featxires Chicago—‘The CIO Farm Equl^ The atrvlce o f an Individual, Internationally famous slnglhf Trust Provided for Dog Chulchl Ahaahl at the Foreign Of­ tent than It does now. I beUeve It Ctoaary Faethere Boae ■y an AlUson liquid-cooled en s^ mant Wtorkers Organising Com­ '-'httch as a factory feitecuUve, for sensation of the air-waves, the fea­ fice today and the two talked for 1 76 Years will be one of the determining Salem, Mass., Feb. 20— —A mittee announced that a m ajority dii^pan hiy-'fBverV Mample. or of a wbols cat^ory tured star of the NBC Camel $2,000 trust fund for a pet dog, an hour. Dome!, Japanese news J f TuCRz/jK): fweton in bringing the war rea- mounted behind the pilot. The ICVanaton. HI,— —Mre. George plane haa a speed of about 400 o f 5,900 w (^ e r a at the McCormick a ( psrsona, auch aa tailors, could Cigarette Hour, gorgeous, lovely is provided In the will of. Mrs. An­ agency, said Oluuihl Informed Sir I ' sonabto soon to a victorious end.” Trine, taking a aeriee of allergy miles an hour. W orks o t tha Intsrnatlonal Har- he requisitioned under the de- Yvette. She’ll steal any audience’s nie M. Kimball, of Saugus, who John the reports o f a “ F ar Etost- | As fo r psaca alma, Dalton aald teste at Northwestern University ins WONORFULi THE NeWMiTI-SNEEZE’ heart with her Inimitable song died last month. ern cristo” were groundless. the "quaUty o f paaoa we shaU win — ______£______rtfi O A O I LEARNED Indaetry to being tuned up to ■ityUsma r clinic, noticed ths big. bulging mus­ to measured by ths strength o f our RMSO IS 9 8 % FREE OP THAT SNEEZV ftoduee mschtoes for mecbenlxed Other great acta featuWd on cles of a fellow sufferer. ’’You,’ w ar affort now. W a khaU attain AB(XJT1H6NEW WWrTATING *90AP»DU6T* vrarfare aa rapidly as possible^ to this same MU are WOR'a-onusual she said, “ have tbe muscles o f • DIAMOND NO good paaoe aims hereafter un- *ANTI-SNEEZe'RlNS0AT prlortty to all other output Mar- musical aggregation. "The Sons of baseball player.” Further conver­ lass we have good bomb alms im>w . THE (SRAND HOME-MAKING sation dtocloesd that the man was . “Soon we ehall dominate tbe f/WD NEW RMfiO WITH ns *SU0S- sittl Rodolfo Oraalani attributed The Purple Sm *>" and also the LECTURE. DISHWASHING 'OOeSflOMUCHfARTHSL Brittoh succiweea to North A frica world’s most sensational aerial Is semi-pro player and, w h e n ^ rs . air ovar Germany, and from that IS SO QUICK AND to overwhelming superiority over act. The 7 Fredysons, who have Trine prtltely inquired what h* waa A y the complete defeat of Gsrv i H H V PLEASANT NOW UKiffTIMBmEE the Italian foroes to motoriaed thrilled niUUons on both con­ allergic to,,to responded: "Ctonsry BEVERA(XS ■tany will foUow quickly.” equlpmant tinents. festhera.” . . . AND FOR ksy Wespou sf Bteekade Oeaeeatratlng Oa Planes One of the key weapons of tha Italy, like ^rm any, alao to con- blockade to the “ship’s club," THIS EASY VALUE! l y eantratiag on buUdtog of new bat ALL OCCASIONS whereby only ahlM and cargoes tie and bombing planes, designed jflave Pleased Thousands with ’ approved by tbe Ministry o f Elco- to bs fester, further fiytog and “NOT JUST FLOWERS homio Warfare are given coaling better armed than the adversar>-'s. BEST QUALITY BEVERAGES and other faclUtlaa in Brittoh n Tbe Mtotolry of GuUds haa j aweeping powers. Where tadus- * BUT Mn happy' to tell you that we N EW 1 9 4 1 trtee o i ' secondary importance between two-thlrda and have big reaer\-ea ot raw msle- -fourths of aU the mercanUle riato, the Bilnistry may requisition | Greetings... Miss Ruth Bean Faaoaa Food Aotlwrlty of the world to this them fo r orime toduatrles. When j ime,*’ aald Palton. “You can Railimul facUiliea have beto used | FLOWER EASY USES AND RECOMMENDS to what extent that has tor ahipmenta which are conaider- To those attending the Cooking School, ' freed tbe Navy for other, more ; ed aon-essentlal, the ministry may : . BY important, duUea.” ^PIRALATO R -tate'them over.-" Where • luxury we extend our best wishes— ^^for an en­ DIAMOND BEVERAGES Dalton strives to control Asia tMOducUon to absorbing ^Industrial A t I k e exports a* weU as imports. WASHER energy, it may ration or other- joyable session—and may you profit by MIUKOWSKI “For instance; tbs otbsr day we wtoe ttmit prodoctioo and aalel Lady, d v e 7W eyes a heflSl HERALD COOKING S^OOL happened to bear—don’t ask me Some ItaUana have put tbelr the many helpful suggestions offered. We Mean Your &op ia aad see the l lggesl vahw Vint tlK Mandesta* Herald money into Industrial stocks and how— that a- cargo o t valuable wnsker yea’ve over eeea. ife modem French patoUnge was broad a e ^ R’s a 1941 SMdell h real astata to ths search for aats 7 Invsetmeata Decrees UmlUng dlvi- w altl^ at Ltobon. Tha''ahip, on roaiolas isaluiee larinded aa New~£ngland Favorites Since 1865 ■edate aeffiaq laM year lor,910 ficato to seven per cent, doubting i way to New York, happened CookiDg Sdioid Spring SUrrS-DRESSES-COATS to 820 M e . M O O n K B C a iU ll ' the tax oa dlvideBda from 10 to 20 j stop at Barmuda and soese Cf TUB el bowl-baaeto ceaeinxMna rcent. and permitttog aelxure of r my boys bapfienad to go aboard to Heed worideg . . . Mg statdy par oaat of a n rise to real se­ Pale iWy fl / ^ M take off ths patoUnga. They'd -Tomorrow’s Pri:^ NEED CLEANING NOW! StreaadlaecI Wtieger wtdt Opectal Danoii$tratioD Sptate valuea are detogned to give Lime Dry 81/ • White Birch toive been worth quite n lot of dea­ lers and those dollars would havs SolEty 0esrteen • • oMedtseesuTtap J^AOIBI Hsvs ;tha goveraasent rteervia for war loiUiMdlrt. Make ready tkaae emafortoble Sprtog etetkea yea’U be LimeRidicy Cream •son used to pay tor antl-Brlttoh , Wmm Bivs De*cU A Pie Server Binftoi thaai awMil Wboa yea stroB tote S p r i a ^ propaganda, sabotage and all aorta * ' ^ rv«s wifi ba assded. for tbe kaow yea teak gead. bava n aS asa tis t o year M a r t appear- Oraage Dry Orange « things.” S K IT WORK! AaslaMa In Appenronea deficit to expsetad to reach aaea. TlmPa wbat V. 8. Cteaatog caa da fer yeat IMOTr.You'Hfiad Urt (two bUUoB dol-1 GoUea Giag^ Ak t t Lime t A man of Ugbtbonaa atature. raiMpla. ite toe New fillin g bald bend and twinkling for the fin t year o t war | of “Wallace” Make ’ lin so is 9SM Asa s f tow la Juas. Hue eyes. Daltea to amtoUto In DIAL 7100 FOR PROMPT PICKUP T m -A d e tbai weskes AhH ps decroas aiitborias tbs | ...in their modem “Peraowdity” pattern. CHOSEN B Y teucsrance but tonvsa no douM 80% to 199% I o f ” saan> to ooiTSCt Btaladju*t* This pattern comes with the famous “ sterling Saraaparilla • Leawi* be is ruthteos to eatotetog w e re cletk ee to transport — dqUya aad i .“I RECOMMEND- MISS RUTH BEAN blockads. 'indto wasAwsssb Aifiyan'MCs- inlaid” and is of the finest plated ware you pet lead, it’s osver tost Riaas’s apssdf sods ■sksfibb- I Jams—by iwstrictliig frsickt ' **GemMSif k M ^******j^ food to laM.h'sgaa- waibisg qsicfcct aad assist. Cous s t ^ I to earioad loteKXNG SCHOOL istoro she goM.ahort honMf,” tbe to L A N D D Y E R S 1HE If ANCHEETEE 'tba anolte | 10c 15c -pito o t thto Hw al- THE OmCIAL W A8BM MACHINE 83$ Main Street Near Ward’s | jNEXT TIME CALL 60291 r*edy to gobig ebsrt herself and AT THE BBHALDfOOOiaMO SCHOOL HBEALD EXPEBT 1 Cnigtog w in bkve The Dewey'Richman Co. FOR ALL YOUR CLEANING** MILIKOWffil Ths Florist I ^ IMiUttOND BEVERAG $^ BUTH JEWELERS — STATIONERS — OPTICIANS iBal0as,Ra0i. Leciarar« Sajrs A t Tli* HftaM I S'..' I •86 MAIN STREET AK. S M m ,±j. .:v

. • • - f . > I, • • / ■ ■ r, ; . ; , . _ • ; MANCHB8TER KVEI^INQ HEBALO. BfANCHEVTSK. OONM« TRUltSDAr, FEBRUARY 20.1941 MANCHESl'ER KVENpiIG HfiRALD MANCHESTER (30NN. THURSBAY, FEBRUARY 20,1941 f, ■ F A O ri Joe Medwick’s Reform Anipcos Annex Bristol and Windham Top Raiders Tied St. Johns Win Sixth Key to Pennant Hopes Rec Cage Lead Class A Tourney Entries In Rink Gash Straight in Rec Looji he Upset VikingB, 343O4 New Havan, Oonn., Feb. 80.—(919 CtoM B entries w«n Branfefd, GlBstonburF Higli Six T —Bristol and Windham high T Derby* Beat Hartford, Maneheater CoinplM by Stodrato of Manchratcr H itSchool MIm Helen EcUn, FhoiHy Adeloer Of Brooklyn Dodgers In Independent Loop; schools top a record low number Trad^ Middletown aiid Woodrow Gains 3^ Deadlock in Over SUbros, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20 of Glaas A Uwtltutlons who filed WUson of that dty. New Britain #OL. vin, Na *4 Yanks Nip Falcons. entries todajr in the 0>nnecttcut Trade, piatavttto. Seymour, Weth­ Hockey Encounter. ersfield and Windsor. !,1b^ Star Slugger b Happy scholastic bashetban toummnent Former Student Legion of Honor || A ctors W atch Frank's Amoeoa defeated the slated to start next toeek. In d sM C, the applicants were •The Glastonbury- higb school Cobras O p ^ New Members And Gontented; Gives Local Sport .Vikings last night 84 to SO to a Secretary Walter B.. Spencer Berlin, Bloomfield, Canton, Bacon hockey team held a favored Man- Enjoys Army Life thrill-packed battle at ths West said the smaU list, subject to re- Academy of Ootebester, Platt of chaster Rahtors stxtet to a 6-8 all Students’ Background Up Ck>ll for Campaign; Virion due to last mtouu entries Essex, Fsrmtngton. Utebfield, G reen Frid ay D"«h Crocew by 6s. By Margnief FInvell i In the girls* gym classes ons of Amusing Play Side Rec gym to take over first tie to an overtlrM hockey elash at For Council Chatter place while the Tanka managed to before the deadline tonight. Includ­ Morris Plainfield. Portland. SUf- 39; First Playoff lU really amuaing to alt here the Up-dancing sUpa la referred Team Exudes Confi­ the local rink yesterday. and watch Sidney trying to write to aa the "baH-Kshaajge” but some aqueexe by the Falcons. 87 to 21. ed Hertford Public high and WU- ford, Thonuuiton, Wi FuU of praise for ariuy life, Bill Savitt of Hartford, who to by of Watorbury, but these achoola Staples of Westpo^ Bltoworth Next Wedneaday. Discussed in Assembly Snort-Wise. ..You might think of the girls insist upon calUng it Henry Daraa, M. H. S. ex. '42 now ISock and Buskin Have dence in Coming Race. Messier and Blanchard w«re the The flrst period was fost wsU Bristol Cagers Vie with Mid-Year Elections* fdr { known for and wide for hia pro- stars for the Assoco aqUad and were virtually eliminated, the for­ South Windsor and W( ' played aad acoraleaa unUI with hehad a big day'a work ahead of the "ball and chain” . .The. humor private Dama in Medical detach- < motion and support of sports, call- * ■* of the whole thing comes In when Entertainment Given By Gayle Talbot Fitzgerald and Frey ^ayed simi­ mer because of its record and the Academy. about two mlndtea to play OosteUo Champfi at the Eaat Tb* high scoring S t John's yOsd l,asl Time in School; him. Of course, we will adnilt men 208th Coast Artillery Anti- { ed na yesterday to take issue with latteruue to faUure to make prop­ Speneer said under the preaent to DimmocK Htll. The fla« pole iB it's no easy task but some of the actual dancing la being done Aircraft regiment, home on leave lar roles for the VUdnga. Tommy of Glastonbury rifled home a shot up sevsntjMilBO potats in a Bas of Counlrieo, the Center Perk now eUnde at By Apprentice Groltp. Havana, Feb. 10.—(Fj—^The our recent column on the PA’s- Martin and Joe Aceto led the er apptieatlon. arrangement. Hartford MbUc fell from the blue ttos. The period end­ Side Rec Gym. New Rule in Action. those sctlon.s he goes through to and the step being mastered.. .. from Camp Edwards^ Falmouth, Gems and their Inability to get Senior LoogM cam* last algbt at the top of thla hill. At thU Ume Then the innocent shouts of “ball Mass., described New Camp and change that has come over Joe Yanks to victo r whila Frank WU- The other entries received so far one |«me shy and Withy waa out ed with Qlaatonhury holdtng a 1-0 Thrilling Experience* the town pump etood near the get an idea are really terrifle..... together on the third and deciding were those of Bridgeport Baaalck. because it tailed to at the TomOiTOW pight at tha East the Esst Md* Bae as they oeuadir You should be here. Zlmmy; you’d and chain” get us all out of step. Army routine for World reporter "Over the Teacups,” a spark- Madwiek to 12 months to one of son and Re|ehenbach played best lead that the Raiders were unabte center, and wa« uaed by almost New .'itudent ■Council representa­ I Ung comedy, waa presented during. clash of their cage series...he for the FalVons. Box scores: last year’s champions; Bridgeport beginning of the season. to overcoBM unUI the third period. SldpXec at 8:80 o'edock, Manebes- And Famoui Heroes get a real laugh. Sid seems U Then there’s the student who Sunday. -. tha most Interesting and signlfl- told ua that we were grossly mis­ trounced the stlhroo Clothtora and alt the town's people. tives snd alternates were elected says bis conscience doesn’t pre­ Camp Edwards contains the Sock and Buskin meeting by' Frank’s Ameeo Central, Hartford Bulkeley, and The ClsM A prellmtoary round* Then the Raldere reaUy opened up. ter Green wlU face tbe Bristol kept ttolr soeend reund slate cloaa be enjoying himself, however, for I members of the Apprentice Group cant features of th^ Brooklyn informed as. to the terms over p. B. r. T. Weaver, New Haven Commercial will be played sU ^ n g Fth. 24 at Dug from Family Pasts Sophomore .\saembly last week. he's always had the ambition to vent him from doing .something latest type of wooden, air condi­ which the rivals have agreed to paced by the brilliant play of Billy Qobraa to a (fontrat Connecticut Jeanette Flynn and Warren I this week. The play was ideally Dodgara training camp. 2 M«aater, rf ...... 5 0-4 10 and HlUhouse, Torrington, Water- the New Haven /Arena. The Class Roecoe. With two mtoutes gone, he with sis straight whiia. The game If the new rule stating that be­ write a column in order to get but keeps him from enjoying it tioned shelters for draft units se­ disagree,., League game. The gaaw will •hie American and European ■ >{ubbard started the Sophomore lected from its area, and one of I suited to entertain the critical ,.11 Is aonMfhtag to he pointed out 8'Rlce, If ...... 1 0-1 3 bury Croeby qnd West Hartford. B early rounds will be contested feinted the goalie out of the cage was fairly cIol: during ths first ginning next year representatives even with us----We can’t see. I members of Manchester' High's?^ 8 Mohr, c . . . . t ... 8 0-0 6 Spencer said there waa a possi­ in the Wesleyan gym. Middletown, have little hrartog o* the cham- hBiUcgraind which lies behind M. program by though, where Sport-Wise gives Amusing IncidenUls.... June the largest training centers In the ' marveled at, like the artillery- and tapped to a beauty. About four half but tha Cletttors soea bafsn eign background of, some of the will be chosen only at the begin­ xxiuntry with facilities for bousing I leading dramatic club. znod hotel to which the team Ssvltt declared that hto Gems of­ 8 O. Blanchard, r g .. 8 3-5 8 bility the bobrd''which meets to­ with the setol-final and flnata at minutes toter the scoring team of pioashlp, aa tbe Green, by winning to lira la ths third quarter sad the H. 8. pupils was discussed by 30 ning of the school year is passed him much opportunity. Allen trying to convince people fered the PA ’a a forty per cent studenta The history and cu»- that the marks on her legs from and tridning some 45,000 tro*^. Ilie plot of this quaint play is'' Vquartared and the city’s "legion 2 J. Blanchard, Ig.. 1 0-8 2 morrow, might re-conslder the Yale while Ihe C dtvtokm win per­ Donahue and Roacos again cUckad. 10 straight leagua games, cannot North Bndera walked Oiray from alsdeat apeakers in Uiree aa- toms of Poland. Rtissla, Germany, by the Council, this win have been las charndng as it la plausible. H split of the gate receipts after ex­ 2 J. Tedford. Ig ... 2 2-2 « Hartford Public and Wllby cases. form to Weaver hlgh’e gym. Evidently some girl has a prob-j her booU Isn’t dirt!----Bud We- Dama gave the following dally of death- hiu drivers, many of penses and gave the local/champa Donahue srith the puck to the be beaten out for the UUA their opponents, 79-48. MoibUea Wednesday morning. Sweden. Italy, and Great Britain the last mid-year election. schedule in operation at the camp I presents the rather pitiful dllema whom still are living after years enemy comer bad no chance for a Tbe Bristol team to noW on a Heaay Qrytt was tb* scortag lem for she writes the following: | den Uklng up the new job of the privilege of checl^ng the ad­ 15 Wnb whatever nen'out tendencies were briefly described in connec­ A list of the Student Council and added many interestlhg com­ y f 1 of two lovely old ladies, who have Of careening through the capital’s 15 4-15 84 ahot, so he rifled a beautiful paaa six-game winning strsak and wUl star of tha mraaSag a* ha threw la members and sltemaiea follows: You sav vou'll always love me I searching for his hat now that he received rough treatment from the missions to see that''all the fans Vikings Umy may have had concealed be- tion with this. [keeps his coat hid.?. .The stu­ ments in explanation of camp life. vi-Ridtag streets. paid...the PA’a rojected this of­ to Roecoe to front of the cage, the be out to break the wlimtog ten hoops and a foul ahot for a Eleanor Struff gave a summary Main Building true 5:45—Reveille, exercises. j world, in a j>Ieaslng manner. Bappy aad Goa teated P. B. F. T. Btreak of the Manchester boys. \ Mad good posture, clear diction, And I've no right to quesUon you. dent, who in the recent "back­ fer. he said, -and demanded a 2 C. Bsllia, rf 1 8-4 5 latter tent home a aide ahot and total of tx-snty-on* pointSL Every of the activities of many of M. H. 31, Kenneth Chapman, Teresa 6:MI—Mess, I Their friends and relatives are not ludwlck, for one of the few the' Raiders led 2-1. The BristoUtea ara tod by "Ate” member of the wtnnteg team scor­ h ''«s4 tbs poise and aaaurance that But every place we’ve ever gone ground survey” wrote that hb was aware of the pUgbt of the women. straight guarantee of |200... 8 E.Fraher, I f ...... 0 0-0 0 High Natators Upset S, anceatera w*ho had attained fame Deyorlo; 28. Joe Bellla. Russ Cole; descended from Adam and Eve. 7 ;(»—Work. timed, to hto slugging career, nei­ We’Tl play to Manchester eVery With, two mtoutes to play the D*Aprile and Ed Lyndi, weU ed at least three times from ths -' naUta from careful planning, the through -worthwhile accomplish­ I've never had my glasses on. 11:3(X—Recall When Mrs. Tucker’s friends come 3 Fitxgerald. c ...... 4 1-2 0 known to Maneheater fans for mhatcurs vividly described scenes 27. Bob Donnelly. Ted Cummings; And every night that we have met ther to holding out for more night in. the week for that 2 J. Beilis, rg ...... 2 0-S 4 Qlastorihury team pulled a trick door as they tamed thirty-seven ments. 1^00—Mess. ^ Elsie Hcatler to visit. Mrs BeaMsley quickly their stellar basketball plairtog «a i«rc n U of long ago. 26. Marv Bantley; 25, Ern.est My hair was always neatly set Vacation has reached us a little dons a nudd’S cap and apron. money wtor sulking over his salsr/. amoimt” said B ill... 2 J. Toman, rg . . . . 1 0-4 2 out of their beg and put to a alx- baskets. Johnny Greene was the Robert Herrman presented some Fisher, Elale Heatley; 24 James earlier than the rest of you so ITOO — Drill, 6un Assembly Instead of offeri^ to punch pho- Uconn Frosh by 43-32 during thalr high school days M g gun agata for the Clothtora aa. A ebtpnd drawing of a family Now I wonder If you would keep classes. However, should Mrs. Beardsley’s 8 H. Frey, I g ...... 8 0-10 10 man rushing offense with no goalie. Along with theee two ouUtandtog U«a, s w partiUons of the trunk of the highllghU in the lives of Knight. Renato Nicola; 23. Mildred we’ll collect the "penny for our It didn’t require much thinking togra|Jicda as he waa just a year We were also told by the Gems* It waa hare that Roecoe got hto ho sank atna baskets aad thros many of the ancestors of Manches­ that rule. 5:00—Recall to decide whether db not Elsie I friends arrive, the maid’s uniform playera are McLaughHa. Maal and to abow the percentage of Sheldon. John Olaon; 22, Inex If you could see me not In school. thoughts” and skip on. is worn by Mrs. Tucker. The farce ago, be to drbooplng It up and i n ­ sponsor that no guarantees were 15 11 8-38 SO third and last goal with a shot foulA JC. B. 8. parents and grandpar- ter people. These went back as far Hampton. O. Fisher; 19, Howard 6:00—Mess. Heatley would hold a place in the ning an ovht; lioplcal stadium for pah) in the flrst two games play­ Gain Fourth Victoi^ in Logan, also Bristol standouts. Nekt Wedneaday evening at 0:00r-Ltghta Out. Legion of Honor. Her four-jrear Is soon uncovered In a captivat­ Score at half, 18-15 Amoco. Ref­ from center ice that waa a beauty. Tbe Green wtU atart the same ini la different countries aa 16S« when Connecticut was flrst Johnson, Mae KJellson; 18, D. Mc­ ing manner. two hot hourii every day and whip­ ed... "we Mve the PA ’S nothing eree, E. BtoseU. On the foceoff Canapa took the eight (Kcloek tbe first game of tbe an apptUpriste asttlng for founded. 'The men, aald Dama, are com­ scholastic record speaks for It­ ping himself Ihto eondition. at Hartford and we got nothing at Eight Meetl; Gatchell five men aa to past games, namely Cabe, F. Mohr; 17, Eric Porterfield, fortably quartered in well heated, Marian White, as Mrs. Emily puck, weaved arid shot. Score 8-3. play-off* for the Rae title wfll he participants. This chart waa Ohe of the mrtnbers of June Raymond Quish; 15, Douglas Turk­ self. Medwlck is happy and content­ Manchester," he said...the PA Pete Stauro aito Red Qavello up played liotween fit. John’s and Results of Poll double deck barracks, each ac- Elsie’s }ove of people and her Tucker, gave a moat convlnctiig Yanks Ends Duties as CoHch, On the next faceoft Oaasa let go front; Harold Sehuets cantor, and Charles Campbell and rStom' family ran a private school ington, Robert Aatnger; IS, Albert performance. She proved her ver- ed. and thqt to doing to be power- management, had stated that the . JF.,... Mortort^ Tbe. under the. direc* ere Connecticut. Unt- ommodatlnar 70 to 8Q_ men,.. The r'li ynS w*? Aft ' ~ ...... guards. Oapahle rassrvss are 'edfofd', enpria sapieni heir drive to Overcome ctocto- 1 e ! Milliliter. If! ! 0 0-2 0 Into overtime but there was no ten vtettna u) the Saintala the -flEieCwEs Symbol of Responsibility reafly good. Nurae’s Preparatory course whichto a^i^ found to the strong eomblMtlon of the coltegsi was given by Blanche Franklin Building After evening mess, time is free aonal maid with assuraace aad nati to the National League. He 1 H. Phelon, h ... . 2 0-1 4 scoring la this period. second round. \ 'ItM Jimlor>8enlor program waa Snow'a gre«1-grandfather. William As a result of not breaking his she 4ias followed throughout her was a great hitter dven when he Savitt said he felt we had dealt Manchester Hlgh'a sFlmmara Frsd Server and Dick Chapman at 25. Richard Jagoutx, Robert Me- and there are two theaters each four years at M. H. 8. I f her perfection. 1 w . McGeown, rg. . 2 1-1 5 preaented Coach Nate Gatchell In the final game a t the Rae by dialrman, Donald ^der- Samuel Johnhon, an ancestor of mother’s heart by going to ses. The results of a poll taken this w a s dlsaattsfled at St> Louis, and rather harshly with he and his 3 C. Liipien, Ig .. Oases snd Costello stood out for forwards, John Oormah at canter, Cann; 24, John Dougah, Richard with a seating capacity of 1,500 plans for the future hold out, she’ll Mae Kjellson portrayed Mrs. . 3 0-0 6 with a highly appreciated farewell and Jimmy Murray, Ruaa AUese, league, the flnt'\ round rhamna _____ Ruasall Cole apoke on kfsry Johnson,\was the flrst sena­ George Washington received as a week among M. H. 6. students In Mary Beardsley, the companion of I can oome back to thump tha Gems. .."Our flrst interest is 3 E. Weiss, Ig ...\ . 2 2-3 6 Glastonbury, while all individual easily dtopoosd of the FMrIWd •Xmat Onr Ancestors Hsvs Done", Dougan; 23, Nancy Anderaon, at camp, and the Woman’s Club seek entrance to the Hartford placing Hartford on the basket­ gift yesterday aiteraoon in gain­ playing for the Raiders wsO dons or Cy Blanchard at guards. ’Thera tor from Connecticut and a signer gift from London, a pocketknlfe Mrs. Tucker. Her part also called at about fiSO to toe cleaa-up 2 J. Aceto, c .. . . . / a 3-4 7 Qrorers, €3-89. Ooetob Johnny Hod- pUntlnr out the mUitary, indu»> Robert Alvord; 22, Ralph Carlson, order to discover geographical of Hyannia hold open dances at Training Hospital after gradua­ ball map,” he declared, “not to ing a 43-32 triumph over the Uni­ ay Billy Roecoe. Theee two teaau to very Uttle to ehooae from anaong of the Declsrstlon of Independence. William Burke; 21, Elale Aq>ln- which waa the best that could be for quick diangea la character. for4VT the Dodgers t b ^ will be toad suhstltuled (r ^ Iy as Ms {rial, and intallectual achieve* backgrounds are as follows: that town about 12 milea from tion. Hvery tough. In seeing bow much ^ e can get out versity of Connecacut frashmen.to will bettle It out Friday at tha local the flrst and second fives on the Verne Hslladsy thid about aomf. wall, Wallace Curtis; 18. Shirley bought.. Because she likes people, she Mae was competent In thla role, In fact, the club’s 12 13 11-17 87 dual meet at Storrs. It was the eharga* rroutood tb* uavtetortaw of forsfatheni of-M. H. 8. Eighty-eight per cent of the Camp Eldwards. chaaoea depend prlmarily\on his of the game financially...! think rink at four o^clock. The Raiders on Green team. Manager Jolamy its. taveators. skilled crafta- of the mileatonea of Manchester'a Tedford, Albert Zamaitls; 17, Few boys possessed knives then, Dama explained that camp ac­ has gained many friends from her giving a charming interpretation Falcons \ first time to at least seven years Grocar* Rod Reimtr iMa the 1086 students answering were ^ the part. doing jpat that \ we did the PA ’s a favor to playing P. f B. F. T. Sunday wUl be out to avenge their Sullivan expects a bard fought salnera cotton plantatlan history, mostly alom^ Industrial Ralph Scudleri, Doris Rota; 16, so George prized it very highly. So tivities are many. Already battery extra curricular actlvltiea. them a seriea.. .After all. we gave that the loeal natators have pla­ game to the Oreea'a try for their gun for the Goo Hooao gaag oa ho highly In fact, that he never used It bom in New England: 61 percent During her flrst and second Shirley Kimball, a a , Mias Joa stoto he has recovered^com- 0 G.’ ^Bvana, r f ___ . 1 0-2 2 ned a defeat on the Uconna. defoat of a sreek ago from the amaooed a total of twenty potatA ship buUdera, and tea lives. Be msntktnM thA early be­ EUln Person. Norman Pratt; 15, In Manchester, 20 percent In other add regimental baaketball teams them the biggest crowd they ever canter Springs. thirteenth cnoseeutive win. The art Bumbered among M ginning ot the Manchester^venlng until be was of age. have been organised and there Is year she was a member of the Young, plays the role of a aiiddle- plately Di m tha terrible beahtog 2 F. Wilson, If ... . 5 3-5 13 This was the last meet under Ho was ably amtotad by Pat Mart Carolyn Miller,. Charlotte Montie; Connecticut cities, and 6 percent had to Manchester.. .1 was glad of 3 Reichenbseh, c . •TIm Hneups: public, to Invited to the game. played HersM and Rogers Paper Mill. Tradition has it that this knife^ a regular camp paper. choir; during her second and third aged woman who trlas her beat to he auffereovlast season, and \be that but I don’t feel I can risk . 4 0-2 8 Oetchell’s direction sa he to soon dock aad Earl Yost For the ton­ 14, Grace Liewls, C. Luplen; IS, in other New England states. Ten act aa a yoimg woman. Shirley 4 R. Riindes. rg . . 1 0-1 1*1 lira Otostoxbary part la the development of Barbara'Murphy revealed amus­ Ruasell Irwin, Barbera Keeney; 11, played an inoportant part in the Other . recreational facUitlea year she was a member of Biology looks t t w b eyes are cltsr sad $200 guarantee when bad weather 3 to leave for s year's service to ers Allca* sad BMtfors dM the bolh. per cent of the students were bom Chib; aa a jimlor, she belonged to gives an excellent performance, sharp aad ha to meeting the bau 3 B. Wilson, i g ___ . 2 0-2 4 the U. 8. Army a* a first Henten- Ootomsn\...... L Oi aouBtry. ing and somewhat startling iinec- Henry Fay, Barbara Donnelly; 12, history of our country, turning the In eastern United States outside mentioned by Dama are guard might give us a smaU crowd and of ths scoring. Box scores: fortunes of our atruggUng colonies. house meditation, and K. P. detail the Hon>e Econopilc Club and showing delightful p<^. squarely la banlng practice. He^ a big deficit., .forty per cent of 1 H. Fay, Ig ...... 1 0-2 2 ant. He will be succeeded as coach Iw / BOiW the interesting sness- dotea about aoms of the So^o- Robert Hennequin, Robert Hamil­ of New England. Two percent Betty True portrayed Misa During the dark days of Valley (kitchen poUce) provided for men Girl Reserves—now she is Presi- shows ao aymptoips of ehyneas at '^ e net seems mighty fair to me." by Wilmot Reed, who to already Donahue...... J. Caaapa Derby to Miss P. B. ' _ _ of aoms of the students, roy- more’s forefathera. The system the ton. ’’ of the student body were bom In Lsura Polhemua, friend of Mrs. 13 14 8-14 31 F- * • 1 aBy and team have been dlacov- Forge, When Washin^on waa try­ found A. W. O. L (absent without dont—and she also belongs to So- tha plate, even tbObgb some of the handling soccer and tennis at 3 H.Qrysb,rf ...,10 f-4 21 1 dentist in a small Italian town used Barnard Building foreign countries; 8 students were Beardsley. She Is the clever girl Referee, E. Bisscll. Rosooe ...... y, OoeteUo ictad Jack Turkington. ing to keep his army from starving official leave), manhia and Student CounclL El­ BroMUyn pitohera w eady are cut­ eter J. Foley, coach of the Manchester High. The Striqimlag 8 8. Orysb, tf .... 8 6-2 18 1 was unique and lota of fun for \ 28, Pat Vendrlllo, Mary Topping; born In Canada, 4 were bom in sie’s school activties do not mono­ who discoven the true State of OoacheaT Assodatlon of Connecti­ Bradley Entry of the Kehlers la Penn- everyone,’ except the victim. and freezing., his enemies were A great surprise for Daraa was ting loose with more, speed than gatuck High basketball team, 8 M . Rohaeba. e . .8 1-8 U ' ’ ’1 in, Calvin Crooks, Lois White Ireland, 2 were bom in Scotland, 2 polize all of her time, she claims, affaln in the home. Betty gave a oomrel. cea that hia club will not cut presented the local mentor Jqhnaon . (Hllto reacued by The last Sophomore speaker, Don hoqse; 26, Alice Schmidt, Harold equally busy trying to discredit the discovery of many Manches­ 2 finssWasIri. rg . . . d 2-8 14 1 froRT a hostile in Sweden, 2 in Poland, 2 In Italy, ter boys at camp Including a num­ and we can readily see thla commendable account of herself in To mow how serious he feels compete to the state championship with a pen and pencil set at OoMh Nats Ctotakea rd Stidham, went back sa far as 1630 PoM: 25, Irens Mstchett, Jean him with the Continental Congress, and 1 In Germany. thla ride. 8 SoutliMffll, ig .. 4 0-2 ' • i «t tad nMB.- The Downing ber of former M. H. S. students through her obvious connections about coaling hack and repaying ent this year ... Foley Dorazio Hits Waterbury last Saturday, the pre­ Tkompaw Bums Famed Spdnsman Not A . Rubacha, Ig . .2 64) td tell events in which M. H. 8. an­ MllU^waki; 24, WlUUm Lauten- Harassed by the care's of the camp Not quite half of our parents with the Rainbow Girls and the The play was directed by Miss sentation being made by J. O. P. 0 IhpUly are dsacendsnta ' of tha and graduates. Presidant L u ry MacPball'wlth a said the decision waa reached "In 3 X Kossh. rg .... 2 r 1 cestors had participated. He bach, Jeanne Malteropo; 23, Inez within and by the attacks of his were bora in New England-M3 Girl Scouts. Lois Parker, coach of the Apptoa- the interest of the boys’ health Manherx, Crosby coadi and presi­ Hews..,. A1 Hoatak to la Cliloago Undaay .. To Hate ffis Colon 1-4 ~ ‘ for which the street, eo poUtlcsl enemies without, he grew Private Daraa enlisted in the paaaaat Joe has consented to putting the blast on Sam PUm. Krohn ■ 1 ■■■!» — fi as a boras of Britain's brought It up to more recent UmM Cado, Sharwood H su ^; 22, Irene per cent. Of that 43 percent, 13 208th regiment last year and went We were surprised to find in tlce Group. gtre up go^ completely until the after a / schedule of strenuous ‘Dive’ Charge dent of the Association. and told about It by describing discouraged. Summoning his gen- percent wkre bom in Manchester, The members of the backstage manager of Tony Sato, who beat In Kentnckj Qasfiic. 75 27 8-16 16 1 M a t hUntoters is named. Tbs Dowd, MlMred Dion; 21, James to Camp Edwards with bis regi­ Elsie the peculiarity of liking ' end of the csmpalgn. Thst mesn! games” , ./although a Class B George Simpson, Mancheeterto Sperea — Raiders, Duke aad World War Incidents. Britton, Imria Chrlson. eralsr he laid before them the trials Twelve percent of our parents were everything—we couldn’t find a crew certainly deserve credit for school, Nimgatuck has' long com­ most conslBtenl point-getter, again blm for hia share of the middle­ faaaiiy waa driven from ment In January. He generally soaictbing to Medwlck, for h« to s weight title eome time back, Thompeon; Qlaatonbury, Barker, P. F, T . , --j durtag the Revolution and Earl Rice was chairman of the —Emma Reich. that were besetting him. He read bom In eastern states outside of gets leave every two weeks and thing which met with her dis­ their efforts. The drab stage of peted to theCIass A event and has captured the 40-yard free style as LoutoviUe, Ky„ Feb. 80—erci^t In Ireland; 8 percentny\n Discussion Held Miller. Oh, yes, we miut add sha liked Naugy rimply because the Cfoptato Bob ^rlrington, .Orfltalll Ume. l/^r- Brown. Attica, closets, and prop­ hto sticks for the duration. Foleymen hs've blJirayB proven and Vancour, thirds by (jMtelU, Victor O. Jonas, Boston Evening For the fourth time alnoe 1980 1 ■! II IIW 1 ^ Batty True read a set of statls- speech war "When Teaching In a Novel Way were in vain. With sorrowful 'Italy; 4 percent In Poland; 2, likes Ms Jt aad Science Immenaely Tease b Oonfideat Allentown, Pa„ Feb. 30—(4V- and movies even more so. erty vcloseto were ransacked by "sweet" tourney BtoseU and Roy Turktogton. The Globe: "After reading the papers there w<'I be no Bradley entry 14 l b 18-28. 48 y what par cent of School Was Dangeroua”. A rela­ hearts they all withdrew leaving cent In Ehigland; 2 percept in 3n Lend-Lease Bil Perhaps Madwlck’s example has Ous Doraxlo—who should know— Sweden: 2 percent In Germany; 2 Elsie’s visible determination and memheis of the costume commit­ latter to a sophomore who has snd listening to the sngtdahed when the nomlnatlona for the $76,- Score at half, 22-82 St. JohafA its aad grandparents were tive of hers tau^t in Poland at only General Knox, Washington’s helped to make the Dodgers one says “I didn’t quit or take a dive Weel Side Bee 000-added mUe-and-a-quarter raea the time of the Ruastan Invasion most intimate' friends among the percent In Austria; 2 percent In ambition will without doubt bring tee In an effort to find suitable State AthleUc Del ity Commis- in hia fight with Joe Louis. iroven a pleasant surprise to tha wails of the B. C. alumni—both (Ess Alleys) Referee, M n r^ . Rscently, during Mis8^ Parker’s Canada; 2 percent In Lithuania; There has been a discuasion In her a successful career and In fu- clothes__ for the acton. Betty True pf the moat cheerfully confident sioner Basil P. Fi trick has treast stroke. Edward Wallett Is academic aad suberay—over the for three-yeaiwilda are announced BaCte BUduon dsacHbed tha during the World War. officers. As they sat there in outfits In my experience. Tliey’re Furthermore, the Philadelphia English periods, small cards were and 6 percent In other European Lewis Pipe’s htatory classes, ture years when members of her I and Mae KJellaon worked together announ'ced that he reinstated another swimmer who has shown week-end, I waa very glad to bear March 8. aad for tha fifth tUne Meitarty Bt*o.\ • dally ilfb of children In 8wsden Shirley Snipman described how iglence, Knox bn some pretext hor- not rilently and digntfledly:'cock­ heavyweight believes there are Pagsnl’s West Mdas defeated there will be no Bradley starter loag ago, aa bar grandmother bad her pioneer ancestors made char- given each pupil by the teacher. coimtries. this past week, on the paasam of class become 111 perhaps a remedy | on thla job. Jimmy DeForest of herviUe, "apparently some punch drunk surprising strength and staying yeeterday that Boston College was P. X F. bowed the pocketknlfe of bis chief. the Lend-Lease bill parUcularly of Elale’s pleasantness and capa­ Betty ICrickson waa periiaps one ‘ ier sura Ilka the Yankees were to Mass.. .DeForest was ius pended power in the last four meets, while Mortorty Brottsn 8 to I tost when the field parades to the pest Y - 9 kaawa It SpbiBUig sad weaving coeI in Dltn. Holding It before the much-tried Of our grandparents on both the senators sa well as punch drunk BtlU open apd doing bustnesp rO gtt to tbs West Side Rec lesgus 0 Murdock, if ....8 18 These cards, the pupils learned concerning the amendment pro­ bility along with her nurse’s train­ of the busiest memben of ths 'their last great streak, but from for illegal use of a boxing license the relay array has proven a pow- the same old stand." May 8. wad was tbs winter night rsersa- William Peterson told of the ac- commander, he recalled the old father’s and the mother’s side, only fighters.” whlto SUbros won s 4 to 0 victory 81-]rsarH>ld eolooal, who 0 Moerohouoo, If ..2 a • J were to be filled out from the In- 2 'percent were bom In Manches­ viding for a concurrent reaolu ing will prove BO. group during the production of the Durocher on dosm they’ll tell jrou on December 10, 1940, ,\at the Ous, who was knocked out by er house to notching tbi*ee wins. Tha UoB,.aad tbs long walk to church tivtUea of his forefathers In the story Washington had often told they're a good team and explain ovsr ths Fsltfiald Orocenr. Frank has been (*onftoed to. hto home at 1 Yost, c ...... 8 1-8 hills of Vermont formatlra gained from their.hav­ ter, and only 23 percent were bom Uon. This concurrent resolution —Margaret Flavell play. As property manager, Sports Center here.. .incidentally, the Brown Bomber to the second It was Mancbeater'a fourth vic­ Ted Wieman, Prtaceten coach, 1 aeary bundiQr waa a treat wbldi him of his mother's gift. Earnestly why ttisy should best the Reds. that wta the last boxing card pre­ White roUed 14d for the stogie Idla Hour farm near Lextogton Schtoldg*. fg .. 1 A 8 yraa aleraya looked to. Inex Oado took her audience to ing read a fiction or non-ficUon In the United States. Almost a gives Congress the right, with a prompter, and occasionally aaalat- round of thJlr heavywelg^ title tory to eight meets. touring the eon belt and fork 0 Murray. Ig ...... 0 1-1 he begged him In memory of that For Instance, Van Ungle Mun­ sented locally... .Sumnaary of the Meet 1 865 for tbs tii^e. all winter becausa a t lU health, (Baoe Boren explained bow an Italian village, describing the book Hated on their book charts fourth (22 percent) of our grand­ majority vote, to take away the ant director, she found plenty of bout last Monday nl^^t at Phila­ league...BUly Jurge* sUtt has to •Mnres (4) 1 Rolmer, I g ...... S 8-8 incident to sacrifice once more his powezs it has bestowed upon the work and worries. However, this go, who has been virtually a pitch­ 130-yard medley relay—Won by wrote 'to old friend CoL Jttatt J. Rnsillih Bumaraca have been scenes, customs, and everyday Each pupil chose facts from his parents were born in livland. Ten Home-Making Staff delphia, unltmbered hto vo^UMi- turn the right side of hto bead to E. BoUaSky ...109 112 109—880 Bflnn, pnisldm t a i Churchill 1 Hodhmd. Ig ....2 0-8 life. book snd combined thfm Into personal Indignation, and despite percent came from Italy. Other president without pis signature, if work gives Betty valuable expert- ing etlpplc since 1987. appemra to 'Whether or not Windham High lary last night and answered OonnecUisut (Kurts, Zeus and HOl- get tha most out at a radio pro­ ■« J ebaaged by adding "son'* of "dat- the slanders' of h|s enemies to con­ ba bacit with a good arm again of WUlimantic, unbeaten to 14 H Lsrsoa ...... 97 99 119—804Downsr yeeterday (that *T haven’t 0 HlUaskl. r f ...... 4 0-8 s ^ tar” (standiBg for dausditcr) to "Collision with an Iceberg" was three Intbreating sentences. Also, countries are represented as fol­ he does not use them to its asUs- ' A s ITbnl Film, member Pennsylvania State Senator John man.) 'Hipc. 1:128. gram. However, be suffered ao .. ■ tinue to serve his country In her and to talking about winning 25 straight games, will, be an entry to 220-yard free styto—Won by E. OaveOe .,..192 118 104—848 got a horse I caa start" to tbs fi tha father’s drat name. TUs-miUias an exciting story told by Irene a sentence or two waa to be given lows by our families two genera­ faction. . A t t ^ O n t e r e n C e of sock and Buakln, appUed the J. Haltiaka’a charge that he "took dlssy spells after working out la W. Saow ...... 96 104 96—801 4 desperate need. The point In question Is wheth­ garaaa. He to throwing hard, with the state daas A tqumey at New a dive.” WUson, M; 2nd. Hugo, C; 3rd Downs ctossle. 28 4-8 5B n It alaMWt Impossible for 8wediah Mstchett while coming to Am­ on the , r^mmendaUon of the tions ago; 8 percent were bom In makeup, a task requiring sldU and the Miami sun sad* that’s soms- M. Bwlck ...... 100 184 81—81ff B ut he added, *T want my same padple to tribe their ancestry bark erica from Irelai^ the host on book, that la. If the pupil, when As Knox recalled this to his Germany; 6 percent In England; 6 er it la Constitutional or not to I practlee.. a smooth follow-through that has Haven next week depends entirely ‘I thought I waa winning the Blocksteln, C; 4th, Muldoon, M. thtog...Sam Watters, sserstary take away these powers without Duroeher more than faintly hope­ on the decision of the Connecticut Tlroa, 2:41.7. old boxes, aa*l I want to assure aaare than a few gcncretlons. which her father came had a nar­ he had finished reading the book mind,. Washington arose, greatly percent In Sweden: 5 percent In A Joint Refresher Meeting of —JUns Allen fight until they told me to of the Pirates, caa oouat 400 Uck- 827 644 818 1668 you 1 havo oemo flao two-yoar- row escape when It htt an iceberg the President’s signature, upon ito ful. Interscholaatic Athletic Confer­ dreaatog ^room that 1 had iO^yard free styto—Won by B. Btonsn, rf ....6 Beabm Otoea told of some of would tell someone else about it. agitated. For quite some time he Poland; -4 percent In Scotland; 4 the Connecticut Home Economics eta a minute...BUI flklff, asw Oreesry (6) olfo which will wto for mo to R. AUcal. tt ...,B nea. CaM Grace. strode to and fro across the room; percent In Scotland; 4 percent In nullification becaxise Article, ,L “An ru need to do to hold the ence on the status of East Green­ knocked out,” said Ous who at­ Simpson. M: 2nd, WaUstt, M; Srd, Ibe thrill lag experiences her Mias Parker’s Idea of oerrecUng Association and the Connecticut Meraky, C; 4th, Jonxa C. Time, manager of the Seattle coast S. Veahert .. 89 99 96—384 1942." Bollfors. c ...... 8 glBudfbther encountered when he "Maynower to Manchester" by then, picking up the paper con­ Canada; 2 percent in Austria; -2 Section 7 of the cmuiUtutlon statos Dietetic Association waa held on ether Mde to five runs a game and wich Aca^m y of Rhode Island tended a local fight. B. Plsah . .. 66 92 96—296 the rcfiorta was clever. One line that the President’s signature U I caa*t mtos.- Mungo declared. ... .a team mukt play fifty per "When I came back to my cor­ 20.7 MOondB. leamiers, is gsttiag a terrific Colonel Bradloy wrota that F. BtossIL I g ___ 8 waa a daring, adventurous sailor Qereldlne Wetherell summhrlxed taining bis resignstlon, he tore It pencent In Uthuanla; 1 percent in February 14 and 15 In New Haven. buildup In tito papers out thsre.. < H. Oordy . ..81 79 99-249 frtoado auggootod ho maho a coos- the accomplishments of famous was put In the left hand comer required on a concurrent resolu­ Sport-W ise "We’ve got a bunch now that can cent of its games In its town class ner after the flrst round 1 told Divtog—Won by Doggart, M; Btanchsrd, rg ..8 an tbs *Tforth 8tar,” a clipper atalp of the report if the three sen Into fragments ’France; and 1 percent In Russia. Two Of Mandiester High’s Home poM to Jimmy Armstrong^ Blr- H. K eens .. 99 110 108-820 oltoMatary entry with olthor Bry­ C ...... 4 ancestors of high school students. It is Interesting to note that the tion passed by Carlson, Edith McComb. editor wjU be back on the job for of Cookie Lavegetto, Pee Wee Greenwich to an out-of-state Truemaa ....128 107 114—848 ler.- and that he would “bet on which was pulled up by a rope to three lines in the left hand comer H.S. Mennen Win; fore. if It gives these ppwers to the next issue, but until then— Reaae, Pete Ooecuart and Dolf 9dK)01 and the d A C . therefore, uus recalled. "Th|it’B all I re- 100-ysrd back stroke—Won by Hawl ••BKape,*’ the bteath-taklng for fathers and grandfathers, the The program began with a tour Sanator John Haluaka ehargaa B. Pagaal ...... 96 107 116—819 enTthlng;- added to hto lettst' to a height of about 200 feet. It waa A few of the cards were read aloud the President, it can take them of the Yale Dining Halls and tea The Manchester Mgb quintet CerallU, waa aitm g on a single must rule on Its clasaification.. mmeber.” Zdtoaa, C; 2nd, OrfltMU. M; Srd, A. atory of how a group of RuaaUns by their writers and many Inter­ trend of the times U clear. Where away without hto lignature. But the 15,902 spectators—Ha- Turktogton, M. Time, 1:16.7. Qua Doraslo took a dive for Joe F. PDu4riat\....ll7 112 107—886 OMonel'Wton: fled from the oppreaalah of the situated In the center of the town / Suffer Defeat aa 36 percent of the grandfathers was served. A talk was given by pulled out of the V>ag jts aixtb lobby sofa, ' if the two games with Greenwich R. Andtolo’ ....US 96 99-397 "So many peopla. among Ramblers Beat which waa about atx milea In dia esting facts about each' book was The other point argued to ^ t Miss'Adeline Wood of Teacher’s victory to fourteen starts last Fri­ T think Clnfcfanatl to going to are ignored, or If Greenwich to luaka amoite them— remsfhber 00-yard breat stroke—Woo by Louto...U way of you caa teU t Ckarua government and the bor-. of M. H. S. students have been Louto must havo seen Qua! chin Esebe^ C; 2nd, Vancour, M; Srd, F. Whlto ...... l U 146 106—968 frioadfl, acquatotancoo and s tra u - meter. found. The following by Lucille ,-v ______Congress had no »1*nt College, ■Columbia University, on day night when It romped to an mtoa Billy M y m at shortstop rated the same aa. an "A " school, when tt has beoopM ascesaaiy for on. wtlf play my horsoo to tM rora of war In IMS n-as told by The last speaker, Jamea Brit­ Coleman Is an example of one of farmer!/ only 5 percent of our away these powers w lth ^ t ^hli quite platoly, too, because a right Roy ’Dirlttogtao, M; 4th, Reanik, any member i t tha “bdm-e> Dorothy 8Uvefateln. The Manchester High twDnr fathers are fanners. But, while 28 “Q u lM for Food Purchasing.- In easy 43-18 conquest over the Mc- more then they think." said Caniil- then Windham to certain to qualify 689 887 684 1660 wtotor books just for keek; 1 bate Eagles by f -1 ton, told a thrilling experience of these'reports; signature unless an amendment is the evening, at the S t Valentine Grathmen.. .. Russ Cole turned to 11. “EddUrTVOost did ell right ...,bu t If Greenwich to regarded cross to tbs button ended Dora- C. 'ilroe, 1:288. month- club to go Into the tank Verm Dion presented acenee her ming team plied up one defeat anaam percent of our grandfaUwis are. sio’S challenge. 160-yard relay—Won by Man- , Msriarty Irsttsrs (1) to 000 them tooo ttolr money hia great grandfather. While trav­ Seventeen one win this weekend. made Dinner,., Governor noRobert A. Hur- aa outstanding performance when to the Woim Seriea, hut he lookb as a "B"- opponent, Willy’s record for Joa, we're wutlng to lean. .132 104 109—838 awsy without a chance to oo much UMther’a family in Ireland had eling on a ahip as a cabin boy. they or were, connected with factories, sU.uUonal and If the prejttd^S L to,the gatl Haluska had aaaerted ha spent chaster (Boh ’Purktogton, Tenney. MahOBsy , knoem. These included descriptions By Booth Tarklngton The fifth defeat to the Mermen 50 percent ,of our fathers are In thertog oa the he accounted for five twin point­ a little frail to play a.whole sea­ would consist of six "A " games D* Nelson * • • • • 87 , 87 as havo a otarter. For this rea- New Haven Lofiefi - to were attacked by piratea. He ea- The book "Seventeen" Is' the signature ^u lr^ JSLSl SL bUL i R . -Chase Wood-, ers in the tast period,...Tommy aad seven "Br games and the team 10 years to ths ring himself sad Wallett Slmpeon). ’Itma, 1:888. cd the sod. thatched-roof bouae, ^as handed out by Crosby to the industry, 'rte shift In “building son.” / "when 1 speak of- divas 1 know A, Ftoh ...... 107 190 127-884 t n. I have entorsd pelUmr horse." caped by hiding under a kitchen story of a boy'a ( William SylvVnus bore of 43-29 and a victory over Davis rivaled this with four bas­ tar BadMM Breaaa iMvahs would"not'M eligible under the Now, that’s a howl that’s hard Haasen ....124 110 1)0—8U Cellar Qub; Bears anti school leasoos, and church services; cabinet. trades has been alight; from 11 should be required to annul these ^ important p ^ Hoptofr what Pm talking abont- r . Saturday nights the children would Baxter) love affair with a g iA Veaver 41-25. percent of our grandfathers, to 17 kets and two foul aboto. ••AaiMhar thing,r.” o H b ^ Lava- rules of the d A C . to taka— H. Bsagstoa -.88 .. 110-198 Oas of tt* ' boovy duty radial Emma Reich. (Lola Pratt) who la Tlalting T But Ous reported *T never heard Ih a t Loots parttod to a faks. | Hornets on Top. scrub the furniture with eand. The results of the Crosby meet pereent of our fathers. Surprising­ powers. oart He®**®*"*®* dletiUca aasoda- getto,/Those fellewakrara m m . gone Brosira . . •, , 10$ . .^^108 motors uood la soma of tha latast friend in his neighborhood vicinity. of him aa a boxer and nobody I’vs Sports Roundup blacken their shoes, and take a was as foUows! Manchester start ly, only 3 percent of M. H. 8. The men of Monahan clinched two fuQ yean vrithout a A aemi-prb basketball tourney spoken to has ever haard of him. Ttonty ...... 106 107—318 Amoricah aiiitoora, pursuit pianss hath in preparation for Sunday. As you can expect he has his trou­ ed off by losing the one twenty fathers are connected with Insurr the C. C. L L.tUUe for the eighth Injury to a regular, bacept to conducted, annually to Holiroke, But, as BIU Corum suggsats la and bombara contains about 5800 Such dtocuatoo* Saturday, February 15. I* he knows anything whatever By Eddke Brtots the Jounal-Amsrican, maybe it Bjr t h e Arnold Cleveland told bow his E. Hartford Falls bles, three of them are; a tux, yard relay, fwlmmlng for Man ance. time to fifteen years by drubotog right before tha series when Maaa, aad the promotera are eager about the fight game aad 538 842 568 1688 parts. f . The Philadelphia Ramblers, who grsat grandfather, s cU-ver busi- auto and a slater Jane, but fortu­ cheater was Orfl*eIII; Vancour and dents among the numerous speakers Middletown 88-18 at the bcU city slreate had the flag won. to have the local PoUbh-Amerieana New York, Feb. 20.—New York was just s “Haluakanabon.- being w e ^ a x e l E. Munsell. PhJ>. who what happened Mondey night be have been traeted Uka orphana by Bsaa man, started his modest lum­ nately, his mother helps him out Wallett. The' two twenty yard Friday night... .West Hartford thing has happened to ua. ; as aa entry to this year's event, to knowe that I didn’t quit or taka a fight managers era keeping an eye the rest of the eastern dlvtolon an Before (darkemeii of most of them. The ending Is dash gave a first place to Gordon shies them to spoke on “Recent Trends to Nu- assured herself of second _ be held Mgrcb 8. . . .eight teams on Warren Wilson, Cnemaoo’s ber Nistnaaii in the 1800's w^en Machine Operation date discuss!^ of ^ and Ruth O’Brien rmmfrom ./ J B fa ffo u t .t ^ turn." dive.” season, (zre threatening to make Amartca was a land of the poor both surprising and disappoin^g, Wilson and a fo u ^ to W. Mul- downing Meriden 42-28... chosen for the tourney and sduthem conference heavyweight queaUona with fri^da. . ' Bursau of Home Economics, finally got hto bstttog The Philadelphian addad I nev­ things hot for somebody durtag hut one rich in opportunity. The but also very humuroua. ddon. Joe Murphy, 41R. I the standing to dhte to as foUowsl fifeeted,. with tbs aastotancs I’s a top prize of $160 for tha er took a dive to ray Ufa, nor did champ. The kid hasn’t bad a fight Bees Deal Still in Air the ringing stagsa of the AaMti- In a hard fought, though easily ■ I would recommend thia book to J. Simpson captured the forty Openeil to Seniors Washtogtan. D. C. who talked pn W .. L. all year* since every Clemaon foe hualBsas]^ ved.a striking aucceas "Illustrative Material for the ^ Oomell engineer. It ’s ao U « I ever take part to a ‘fixed’ fight can Roekry Leagns rauipatgu. - and la order to get his goods to won battle tast Friday night at-the my frienda because It contains the lyard dash with his teammate, Ten- Bristol ...... 7 ■ .0 that semsone said Babe Herman of any kind." has forfeited to him ..;.the Oo- I The Ramblen have ^ e a t aO nfiy taking fourth place. The div-' Teacher in Her Work." Other .716 7W B y TheAModatad Prtit marksC be had to build a railroad Armory, the M. H. 8. quintet troubles of the boys and girls uur Attention of senloro was called World’ Analysis West Hartford .; . (. 5 2 cdliM have played right field to IL Haluaka attended the tight lumbta sad Chevy Chase chibs But Quinn Remains Homi year In the. cellar while Itoctag- ing event gave a third place to apeakers were Margaret Chaney, Manchester ...... 8 4 .429 anowt 8fty miles long^ chalked up their alxth victory of age, and it contiUiis enough hu­ recently to an opportunity to be­ 'a f t g h t a the gpeet of another State Sena­ near W aa ^ g to n a n bidding for fleld, Provhtenc* and New fbivea J. Doggart and fourth place to phJ>. of Connecticut College for Middletown...... 2 6 J50 this year's women's national golf Rersboy 1. Indlanapolto 0. “Aftar the Whale." an exciUng the season with a 43-18 victory mor and sadness to make ua come familiar with the operation worhen and George A. CowgUl, tor, H. Jerome Jaepan who Intro­ Philadelphia 8, Now Raven 1. ' were taking tnraa playtag follow atmy of the dangers experienced Roy 'furkingtoii. Finds Democracy Meriden ...... 1- d .148 OlMto]r*a Maehlae Shop duced a resolution to the Pennsyl­ tournament...Fred Dighy of the 26—or>—Prosldent * aad w * honasUy baltova that Waa the leader. But with only ttrao over East Hartford. s feel kind and lenient toward our The hundred yard dash was won of Hollerith bookkeeping machines. 1 Ph.D. of Yale University. Pittsbnigh 4, Ctovetond 2. Boston, Feb. by bar grandfather on a thr^- During the flirat quafter. East friends and their faults (fknfo ABeye) By Hie AsMcUtcd PrcM vania Senate two weeks ago saek- New Orleaiia Item to waging a * *no pooltiott- to * '^ ’ *** *• to beta o*.’' weeks before the end of tt* by Captain Bob Turkington, with Thia will Include Instruction to the The teacher# who attended the The Manchester Trade cagera Boh QutaB to mantart whaling schooner, "Ths i Hartford had better luck than U>e "Is the spirit of democracy em- emvenUon found It very enjoyable Cl^elanfi—^Tony Mnsto, ' 2(M, tog an toveatlgatloo of the Pena- ooa-man campaign to l a ^ tha But that dDoant moan ha wUlf^r season, the Quaker City Blnks coming in fourth. The various operations of punching, turned back the Hartford machin­ Chicago, ouQjxHntiMl Buddy Knox, sylvanla athletic commtosioo and talk about the atatus of stand pat xrlth the youth-studded i u « going sU out to the bstU* for BmUow," was told by Louiae Silk Town boys, coming out on top hundred yard back stroke gave bodleiHn M..H. S .t" was the and worthwhile. Boston College coschtog job for Montreal at .Toronto. Flux. sorting aad Ubulating and will ists to a acoro at 45-29....tno Richards 102—278 166, Dayton, 0 „ (10) aaaerttog Doraxlo and Louto om tlons for tba purchase of the Bos­ Unsup whtoh did so well In the' s playoff pooitioa. with a score of ten to seven in fa­ third and fourth places to "Babe tlon debated to a recent High Gloria Sapienxa '42B. Larry (Moon) Mullins, now Chicago at New York Aroeri- ■ Jotis Goldtbwaite described cover all auxiliary machines. Katkaveck took care of 19 points Kittle ...... 97 116 88—800 Altentown, Pa.—Chalky Wright, w en tmevenly mqjched. of Tom Lieb’s Usutenants at n o rl ton Boos but ITo togalficant that last two months of the th40 saa-' A 8-1 . victory over Now, Hav- vor of the opposition. Omtelll and J. Doggart respec- These HJachlnes are a recent de­ School World meeting. can* SoaSB of the hsudabips his grand- However. Ito the second quarter. for the locals with Pardak ae- HoUand ...... 9d 103 120—830 120, Loa Angeles, stoppsd Frankie d a ...If San Franctooo deOldas tq “preoeura of huolaeaer* koopo him aon. ,m ‘a Bagler last Mght toft FhU- tlvely. velopment to the bustoeaa n»achlne counttog for 10 points of the 48.. B. Johnaea ....128 118 UO—848 tsthsr faced at the age of 15 wb6n East Hartford bogged down badly,' Manchester team of Wallett. Student cSmcU to an Ideal m i^pto Terraaovn. 127, New York (6). WUkea-Barre. Pa.—Howard Bur­ go for profootball, tha boya say “No booeban chib caa stead' adsIpWa just ttree games out at ha 'ma away from home to light la By Boh Korlaad field and are rapidly being I “K n ave nf H earts” The team can enter the Glaas B Des Moines, Is.—Les 8avo)d, ton. 147 1-2, Wilkes-Barre, out­ Buffalo in Beoton today oo Mo ctnb sm- tMfu ptac* and 4 1-2 out of fttut and the local quintet swept Into a Bob Turkington, Tenny and Simp­ Tlay Tbornhill will coach the team pat." said the forthright Quina. tha OvU War. Heat, lack of water, Well it's cbme at last, yes It’a duced to the Hartford areas. This tourney with a ctoM alate. • 899 422 420 1241 180. Des Moines, outpointed Bel- pointed Pranctoco Mcntaaari, 149, baihs for pre aoaaon trolaiag at “Bvso a eham|dqnabip occupiod jototly by tt* bopcieas lead, having the score at son lost the one sixty yard relay. .Mrs. Leo Durocher has tab ngsas Are VIsIsrs few hUaketa. sickiicas handicap- reaUy here. Permission has at last Is the flrst opportunity for pupils “hL^r^o^^reJ^^-Now in Production (•) man Martin, 212, Chicago (10). New York (10). an option on two houses at naarby la Aatonlo, Tosaa. -Aj the Ctaotanatl Ekda i Rods aad BpriiigftoM ~ the gun 23-12 in favor of Manches­ Victory for Manchester waa ov elected by the atudenta, and r u to a iiw v v The (koarmaa of South Wtodaor Tbs T ig m trounced the Green tha aohUcra ter. It yvas during this quarter been received for the production er Weaver to score of 41-25 last in any school to this, area to leara 92 96 121—8)1 Ballerosa, L. L "tt's otlU up to tt* air," ta during tt* off esaonn In root of the oostam 1 “Although my grandfather the operation of these ipaachtoea. of the school are <**‘^*^ . alasoat reached the half century 86 91 96—278 Hornets by a 82-29 margin. A l­ 71-year-old keeper tt* idto, but to a pair a t wtatirn dL that the local Dionne forg^ the of “The Knave of Hearts." This is Tuesday at the Rec. pool ' a e at to tn _gain strength. ear made history he wasn’t far hirh for : fourth and final play to be pro- Instruction will be fumUhed by the this organixatlbo. In addition, Th e Knave of Hearts,” to the liiarii last Friday night/’ by trim­ sees**** 84 94—887 vord, Tounuud aad (towUno paced reoponoa to a query about that matehsa the Hordwy Boai* total of sixteen points, a Again M. H. 8. started by Ibe- counoU aids In the "Marrii of, PiinieHsg Again tbe attack with IS, 14 and 11 -^Bseehall den______, ____ it waa being made,” * jduced at Paint aad Powder's an­ ing the one twenty yard medley International Bustnesa Machine ^ m SU rlM h M M llM t of four plays to be preaented ming TetryviUe 85-16. y? .Tha EU»> ...... 120 m 96—827 High to Oppose Meriden I' Clark Griffith, who elalma to a a t ptaas ter purebaso of tt* k«ep movtng ahead aad oxporl- out ladtaaapolto. 1-B aad the entire game. worth quintet neared another un­ potato In order. Chartler lad the f Idaburgb whipped the toadtax Harwarth In telling In the next period, the boys nual public performance. re^"’ ; hwlmming frr M. H. 8. were Corporation. Classes will be held on tha avaatog of March twanty- have piay**l i* Dm first night bai chib'aI'a oontroOtag otodi by a oyn* men Ung. ^ T h a t’s why wo go to tha adssBturea of her grand- one afteraooo a week from 2:50 to for the n e ^ at ^Ssilflrat, by Paint and Powder. beaten eeaaon aad bkmI Ukaly theii 887 884 407 1178 iooera with 10. Box score: to of aovoral omn. ^rlagtratatag camiio. It’s that* avd aM Barun~ 4-2. from m^t door were unable to OrfttelU. Vancour aad Tenney. ball gams bade to 1911, to iat It Tigsre laMft who in U M waa a reporter 8:50 beginning March 6th/ The Sailing Chrtotmaa Seaia ^ o ^ that PompdabUa tha third C-D state ehampioaafafp. riSMtoas (8) ’Juit am no pooitioa to. Herb Foatar apaibod tt* attaalr score a single point, even on fouls U la to be directed by Mias The two twenty yard free style Here in Season’s Finale again...ha to tiyiag to have hto p. B. r. T. that w* try and dackto Itt the Oasaha Bae, at that Ume gave a first and third place to first tostructlon will be froip ds^ aoring the 8. A. A. are Its otner i ^ of Hearts to search iWsfih epesesed.118 107 98—818 talk Estaot Ifcv.' Bavea. aesolaB twn but they held Manchester to the Anna McQulre. Mias McGuire la Benatora play tbs Phllttos mx 1 Bi n iis rf ...... 4 6-1 I man far oach podtksk" also dtrsctlng "the Contest Play.** Gordon Wilson ’and W. Muldoon. criptlve materials'of the machtoas. worthwhile activities. • 1for a wife. According to an TlM M. H. 8. mermen sttffcred ...180 119 197—8M that For tastaaeo, Qutan infinitesimal score of tlx points, their fourth defeat to starts at Mw ares hi Ortoado, April 8. tai tbs 0 Towmsnd, If ..... 8 4-6 14 third victory oversr tha tba Bagka thta as adth ths United Cante ths forty yard dash and After tbeaa have been maMered the Other high school clubs “ ^ I S d e n t rule, the future queen wtx P ite o ...... 128 86 114—881 Maadmater High cIcmb an to-flcaa Mertdea apriaga aa upaet to first spring nosturnal axhiMttoa agata It might taks a tt* flrst boss job wlB ia ths purndt of the maktng the score at the end of typify democracy as they aro m i pastry or be hantohed the hands of Ooaley High at P. DoIm Mp .... 84 94 106-284 2 Alvord, e ...... 9 9*1 U the third. 29 for the local boys, to A atagp crew has been picked J Simpson snd B. WaDett cap­ classes will' transfer to .Hartford dlffarelit bpskethall campaign to--| tha Middtotowa for fourth placa. game la history. to uMha - tha wtth Max Wsat, ~ Stttiag BuU. Whta tured first aao second places. Bob part s^-managad. 8o«m on a mule. ^ Watertniry by the score of 48-28 marrow night at the State Armory. Bristol sad West Hartford collfato 1 MsOum, Ig ...... 19-6 1 12 for Hartford. for the production and they will for actual experience. 6n' the ma- 1 OandtaA r g ...... 8 1-8 l l sett aad Don Maitao attacked and Turkington again took first chtoes--tlBM and day to be sMlled pats to town evanU: band ^ o ^ j j^ftar putting up a Wu* « f .A ltlK ^h both taama took foui 448 418 486 1280 agalaat Meriden High aad w U ba | to the otter Leegue UlL Apparently the hoys from acroos work band la.haad with Bock and O iBpsrs (1) lb ready and wUUag vOto form prednet, aD bat t li^ to Indtsaa, tha the hundred yard dash with Sisstra amreh paradsa, k*d,8oek i^nr to cook. Lady Vk>- first placaa. the opponents gatoec Its aevepth victory 181 Blood Tomsw Davto. local var- the Pittsburgh^ pro by a civlUaa ths way became desperate; figur- Buakla’s stags manager who will later. . thdr potnte from aacooda and T. OokpMo ....107 108 118—8U tD tsik ftboot pfomlilBf jrooBK abow him aad direct the erew. Binka coming in third. Any acnlor to eligibla for this and ItesldB entertains aohr-’ — Itatta, to dtocovered * not * "knowing----- starts. Although held to a 27-94 atty forward aad raptahi, to esrtata ptaas to have a, llfi-plaea ‘ ~ dub. Ba thtaha tt bas a Joat Oody. lag they 8ad aHrytMaf to gala M OrfltoUi splashed ttr vic­ community orgaatoattoe^ to cook by the Knava of thirds---- GfipL Boh Turktogtoa. BTtPd ••..••.•* 88 86 aad Bothing to kaa, they put' oa a course, regardleea of whether they nwrgta la beating Martdaa la the of soortag iw ^ M for the ssaaoa as 1 RamlB. rf .. fofiatolitattMr ~ m faaMly Mm tory and took flrst piece in the Talk* tqr [Haarta “Red" Sim peon. Gordon WQsoa. VUnllp ...... 68 86 107—! flrst oagagement. the daikeraen for over am sooriag sptacd and made the waaf TIm caata of the plays have bcea have bad other machine work to Ed Wallett, and Herb Tenney ac­ Suchy ...... 180 8( ha had eoaopltod 108 petata to data GtoorgrSelto^hti^ 109 ai 2 Balvataro, tf hundred yard hack stroke. at# days, and student Wall from bars on ______an favored to turn back tbe la- aad hto ctaoaat rival to hto nmntng dertnl total of six -poUits "n * cboaea but they will not ba aa- To off In grand style school or not,—providing they have counted for the locate .first ^aces Waahkwtaa- • -A lf Aafienoei, PI- ABarowtos, K had one year of bookkeeping. asaembUea. aa weU asM I knows the story so there just isn’t amts A i 88k Toemen weren’t exactly lag- nouaeod aatU next week. Mssrhsatnr won the one sixty any to repeattog t t Rut tf you 421 299 464 1$7%1«2?5 **15?.’? aWe to gain rats roohlo shortatop, ip way aut J Pbvsn. c PupUs Wnh no booklmeptaig may w to taka eh arfaof 3 %mt ^ o a iy tftnie wtas in 16 gamqa* potato. A l Vtaooli to third n id a ttougb. aad while Beat yard leiay wflk WMtott, Tuiklng- know tha atory, ooom ( c---- Coach *T*tto" Wlgren la flread la ths heid-out Ms 1 ODondr, try the course but It to antlclpatod •# tt«* IfdbcIhMtir ims abeafto cHadisd naxUanl sobrad thooq iniprmHes thla pap to tte too, Taaiuft and aimpaun swlm- sHmIbar jfou kgontJII. or i ^ ) pleased w ltt the Gn Jan. 1. 1949, tltor* Ms poiata. tha local cagcni la olr- Knave of th ^ wtn have saisw dMKmIty with track catoBjtoteo I ■ la the OC3L •4 la A total of M potirto to OMlM 1) writ' M. R 8. It. ■ . the ocoa M the gaa .Cor Uam I to swim ' ^ i7.?*^->'¥5> • =«.T- • ■ f'-' *f''- r%v«^ •“ .'O 'f* ^ J. -(IfM i * ' \ '' ' ” ■ f f ••'■■', ■ ’»*1 " V ■■ ' u ' ■ ■ ' ' - { ■:


aSDRTDBR Time-To Quit Fooling BT r/7^ R E HIT//^?// //;r HiNCE TuCviESS Die. ^ i f w »iOV0,NEW 0058-fVU) BUY GET r S ao y -to S ow up'CHJiCHESfi'’ S r EAriCM, OLD Box-SAFE/ Young Man—I erant to buy a Mrs. Gee—William, how do yon Sounds tike a rebuke, doesn’t tt? ^L L Y Fu n n y ^ 1 * 4 3 8 diamond ring. ■uiqieee thoee donana and dossna Iklkatlve L ad^A Mg man like - ■'toi Saleeman—Yes, air. HoW about of empty bottles got Into the cel- you might te bettor occupied than one of our combination asta? Three la r r ip, cnid}y„efitehlJlg.ilttle fla k ___ mm pRtek: eitga'84ttieht,'‘ dftddlng Arid ■Tftraee^Tm"eureT don't* Imow. A n gte^ P arh apa yiou’re right. teething? 1 never bought an empty bottle In But if this flrii.had kapt his mouth Loat tm i rm tm i I AatoMoNlM Ftor Salt 4 Afartaitfit*— t^iiblic Hearing my life. shut ba wouldn’t te har|L U People with gi;|evancee are sel­ Tlf^BT—MLOtN WRIST WATCH iftii PLYMOUTH convarUhl# Annual Fair Richest RidianI Works dom popular, since grievances are Tha man who la ears^ to teU jjrt^fcrwn^^ap coupe $M). 1MB Plymouth coach ,POR RENT—B ROOM tenement, Probably slowness is a - habit firo, 1M2 Chevrolet roadater 42t. With garage, on Laurel Place. In ­ O f Zone B oard usually unpleasant. but tb* man late to work la ael- tha truth dose not nead as- good IBM Dodge aedhii BBB. Brunner'a quire at M Church atreet or tete^ To Set Good Example dom.late quitting. a'memory as seme othera U 08t—IT JKWm, LADT-8 Bulo- 80 Oakland atreet. telephone B181. phone S lU . Of Rockville Fitemen Sbapdy SbOerglri—T want you Open late eveninga to vaccinate roe Where it won't Even a'downhill road tt It gou W wriat watch, between, Ewt Next Thursday Set for After their much-talked-of trip O ator atreet, mnil St. John rOR BENT—« ROOM flat, up- .show. very far has noma uphUl spots la ITtoder pleaafe return to It St. ■talra, ateam heat, garage. Adulta Large. Advance Sale of Presentation of Ap­ Doctorr-Oksy! My fee U ten' abroad, ths Greenings ioM their Hu«im w Svrvirea (Mlartdl IX preferred. Apply 14 Edgerton St WOfe Taylor Hm Job dollars in advance. ' ' . experience to their envious frisnda. M m atreet. Titkets R eported; Ex* peals; Those oh Hand. Service Station at $18 trlba. ’ Neighbor—And what did* you ASHES, PAPERS removed week­ A t tha' Shoerglri—Why in adygnee? OUT OUR WAY BY J. R. WILLIAMS OUR BOARDING HOUSE Dwight Indian Training Doctorr-Because I often weak­ think of Venice? ' It la reported that during 18 WITH MAJOR HOOPLB i ly. Chambera Trucking. Phoni pe^ Large Attendanc® Week; EsthnatM His ar Marbla City, Okla.. Mrs.' Greening (turning to her months of tte World WWar a rT X ; 50,- 4atoinoMte« f'ni Halo 4 Next week TIniraday, at atght en Ih aueh cases and don’t charge r * 62B0. WilUe aupportadported himself____ te doing husband)—Venice? Venice? Did 810 American aoldiera were fclQed, Hcy. iMOQRy VBH , BUTT HB IF \CO OONT 6UAOOW NW eOY'— NOU JUFTTOfiSaO OMt paetJiX i: POfTTIAC liedan. At Three Nights’ Event p. m., the Boning Board pt Appeals Wealth at $8,000,000; ^ t o r work Later, he attended Anything.. Legion k Set We go to Venice, George? and during the last 18 mootha WABTr-AIWT WOM’T PLAY IP ME, MOWO NDU KNOW I ,M0Mi8SnJ9 INTO m a WASTEBASWrrSO] S1I6. 1N7 Oldamobile deluxe There win te’ a •net-Togatter'* wm hold a public hearing on aev- Baeona OoUego at Muskogee and 83,010 persons have been kttled la THBPe PLEKjrrv I RUN) HIM y o Building—Contrarting 14 o f all Pbqioaa odBcars, eqmmitteas, Husband—Don't you remember kAierr a oena . iiAiO e^ /YmM 1 I WAst "osMateF WrtA lOB Mlteteaf —— * ••Aan $M»». It'S? WlUys deluxe Rockville, Feb. —(Special)— eral petiUons that have recently Tulsa, Okla., Fab. 20.— Mul­ thro mlUts-y achoola. Of courM you are dissatisfied. that we stopped there, but there nutomorae neetdente la tha United court attandahts and dim collec- Nature arranged it so. It is dls- ISW. M day ^.'uarantee, at BUILDING AND Jobbing, t For Defense The forty-fifth annual fair of the come before the body. Among ti-Millionaire Winis Taylor, new \AOawamoe SinaU FracUon was a flood on, so w* didn’t leave States. 3rour own tenoa. Cole Motor*. tora of East Central' Pomona “B^ek gold” waa struck on .'Satisfaotion that spurs us Into ratea. A-1 work. Writa Box RoekvlUe Fire Department wlU Orange on Thun^y, Fob. 37, at them are Intended converakma of claimant to the title of “world’s the station. WALkoU/lM’” ’ ' ^ ' b o u w c e l id " Niettr Aloo now DO "cow 9W5 VBS.'— ' I’TS <31^^ MAW,' a ia i. ______Herald. two dwelling stnicturea, tocntlon Taylor’s land In 1838 and alnha IKl M U D * TH* M U P .' open this evening In th* Town hall the Vernon Glrtege hall. The rtcheat Indian,” works at a filling that tline hla fortune has Incresj^ There are $8 non-fatal injuriee j^CMt-SAIX—DODOS 4 cyl. aedan, Nearly All Members Holne Boonomkw* Committee of of a new dwelling, and permlsaion station for 818 a week because he A h in tmist is the man who for each death fittrihuted to t r i­ and wlU continue for Friday and to operate a gasoline station on ed te l*8pa teid bounds. His week Only members of th* church B good Urea, nmnlnR erder. Tel. Knoling—Siding I7A Vernon Orange wlU aefve n supper wants to “set a good example for ly allownnce is but a small fr^ makes u a same terrible mistake fle aeddente la the United States Signinl Up; Important Saturday evening with an entar- Hartford road. kere Invited to the reception for at 7 p. m., which will be follow­ my tribe.” tlon o f the interest on his ro->ney the new pastor. But when a amall twice. aimuaUy. WE SPECIALIZE IN roofing and tslnment program and dancing ed by a round table discijsslon of W«Ndd Bolld Apartmento Nor la the Job Just a playboy’a ant. as the principal remains un­ Meet Monday. ' George Porterfield wisbee ths boy saw preparations being made aiding. Workmanahlp guaranteed. each evening. Tha proceeds of tha the work for Uie next year. Hus- passing fancy. He’s been doing touched, It piles higher and high- for the attendance of an adult of Tima paymenta arranged. Alao bmida sORl wives are Invited to at­ right to convert a commercial and common labor in servlca stations ar. Commander Elmer Wedte> oT affair will go to the Bremen’s bene­ tenement structure a t 88 Bpiruo* his household, he asked whether HOLD EVERYTHING carpenter work. A. A, Dion Inc., tend and a eoeial hour la planned. more than a year, despite hla flock An idle existence was dlstaate- he might go too. the Dllworth-Comell Poet, JAmeri-' fit and welfare fund and aa always ReaervnUons should te made street Into nn apartment building. JB9 Autumn atpe^t. Phone 4860. there haa been a large advance sale of oU wells and a fortune he eatl- fUU he said. He tried to overcome Mother—You can’t go, Gleim, can Legion. Rtated thla nicmlng through Parry A. Lathrop, Master Edith M. Buck desires to convert matoe at approximately |8,000,- boredom by traveliiig and has M cK D IN E T of ticket*. because jrou are not a church mem­ of Pomona, and should te sent n two tenement at. 184 South Main 0 0 0 . been In all the IS suites, Canada BMrrHKItN that merabera of the poet had Th* ant*rtala(aent program will ber, and only members are to go Mnvtng— I riKliing— not Inter Uiaa'Frlday.-Pbb. 31. street for three tenement use. ‘Moat rich Indiana are laxy.” and Mcxleo. Travel, too, became reachad the three quarter mark Includs four act* thla evening aa this' evening. FOR REAL KSTATS Htnrag* td Mine Velma Mimro’ Mieat Vbee- C. Elmore Watkins wishes to lo- Taylor declares. ‘They figure they tireaome. Glenn—But I am a member. AND INSURANCB among the memberahlp in algning follows; The Three Dancing daY afternoon at the home of her cat* a new home on the Lakewood will never have to work, ao they FJnaUyi he moved Into a modest AUSTIN C H A M B E R S-local and up for the defenaa program. Thoea Whitaa, three eanaatlonal tap daa- parents. Mother—Oh, no, GlennI you Circle tract nearer the street line never try to make ttemaelvee anaitment and went Job-hunting. aren’t. I hope that When you get Long Diatanca Movara. Tal. 6360 who have not yet complied with cara, with one of tha glria doing Mr., aad Mif. Wedtoy Hale of than regulations permit capable of earning a llvtng. I want He says be haa founo servlca sta­ 68 Holllatat atnet Impersonations of dance stars. to be a little older you will te the request are urged to do Iso be­ Sprin^ekl, Mite.^were recent vis­ Mortarty Brothers, dealring to to show my tribesmen that woik tion work a pleasure. Bawling and though. fore Saturday at thla weeki Ar- George Rowland, ace’ Juggler will itors at th* home of Mrs. Mlnnto operate a gasoline station at 428 hurts nobody.” readlng are his favorite pexUines.' jugXie cannon l*lla, tennis hall^ and Miss Mabel Howard of Bolton Glenn—Well, I ’member where AfanrliPKtPr K p fm in iit SX rangemeat* have been completed Hartford road, must gain xonlng Altowaaoe Umlted Ths next chapter in the Sen^- the church 1s. I 'member what the to have extra help at the home on cigar boxes and so able of Price Seen ...... ,....|11 etaill eta H alp W a n ted — M ala Xd tha Louisa Anderson Cohvalaaoent All Horses and Cattle handling more money, the Indian Friend—^What’s the matter? T H E B Q A V ^ S eiere a*r Irraaelar laaertleaa will serve a hot roast beef aand- The oom dlttee In charge In­ 4o«.t4«jTiimw,eiwoT.aMtt»4wr«>f. . Home, ta Improving rapidly. Department might be Induced to Toung Wife—Oh, my husband Is eherfod at ta* oec tIaM rate wlch and other refrethmenta after cludes Fred Ertel, chairman. Frank Much faitsrest was taken In the Rescued Except Cidf; ao abepnt-mlnded. After breakfast aa»ltal ret** ter loae tana avoir WANTED-KITCHEN halper and Mehr, Jr., secretary; Albert Nut- grant an increase In hla allot- te a edvartiMna eivaa are* reeaaat. two waltera. The Tea Room, 8M the meeting Monday, Eebruaryi 34. fact that the drum iwad by Rhtert Labor Costs Higher; hs left a tip on the table and when Ate erdarad Aafar* tae taird er Thla meeting is Important and all land, John Schwars, Charlee Hay and Tools Lost. menta. < BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES Main atreet. Von Deck at the epnmri' at thq “There's nothing wrong in want- Feed Sopply Is Poor; 1 handed Min Ms hat he gave me afib 4Ar will a* eaaravd *air (er members are urged to attend. Felstek■V ottoOtto KaaiKasulke. George Neu­ South Methodist church in Man­ another tlp^ the aeteel aeMbar of tIaMa th* ad mannI ted u d WUllaiWUllam WelgoUl. Bolton, Feb. 30.—(Special)—A iw to advance myself,” he inslBts* Friend—Welt^^ that's nothing to apaearta. eharglaa at ta* rau eam- chester. last evening, once belong­ “But my flnt reason for taUag Shortage to Continue. dB aet a* all* v enae er ratenda eae lligcs—K(ra»—fata 41 large dairy barn owned by Sebaa- worry about Just force of habit MbORiMiy ed to the Maine famOg In M ton. thla Job ta beeause X want to com­ no v»Mo \ XM he taad* as *i* tiat* ada etwana* Clareaeairaae# J. McCarthyMe haa baan Mr. Von Deqk tails ua that R be­ tiapo Oambolatl and containing Toung Wife—'ITiat’s what wor- dfM Uk* iftb dw. FEMALE DOG 8PATED, 13.50. longed to Jenaq___ , C„ Maine of the X6 tona of hay and some farm mand the rospaet of others by Hartford, Feb. 80.—(8V-A rtae rlee me. He kissed me when I gave Re "tni farMdFt aieeinr m m * am Report Let-Up elaetad praMdant e t th# newly proving that I am gble to make teon y iMifi ooEti- held. feawle cats Bpaysd $8.50, mala famous ^*Ti« Met” a ^ that Joniia oqulpment, was burned to the In .the ;i^6e of milk withta n few him his overooat. ' -' caU altered 81.M. Dr. 0. B. Bit- orgaalaed Haa’a League of tha St. I my own w ^ If necessary.” YuaMHo youm ,’2gOTWrT|fT ffY T ■ The aenM vui net a* reeaeeetai* Bernard’s church. Other offlcara menUoned It A copy of tha tkx] ground shortly after 10 o’clock monthnwas predicted today by f*. 1 am Bwr* taen one Ineerr m tneee- good, Jr., 10 LaSella Road, West list was brought forth and thla this forenoon on Route 86, near Ftavon PbdenU Manageraitet. N o man can get 81,000,000 A aen ad ear ddverttaameat erdered Hartford, or 03 IWvai streat,,Mld- Of Applicants are, vice president, Peter Baker: msrabere of The Connecticut tie mere taea ea* ttnM. secretary. Rev. A. A. Oelat; treas­ ae^on of the list dated 1880. Bol­ the Bolton-Hebron like, t Two Oddly, he is in favor of U. 8, honestly except ourselves. And we dletowa. management of Indian funds, in* WhOlteme Milk Producers Ooun- Ehd laadverteat earteeiea *t 1a- urer, Rev. James Q. Dolan; record­ ton, Conn., says: hones, seven cows and two calves haven’t done It yet demeet aebltaatlaa et bdvbrtluaa Next Come to my mixdc. I keep were saved by the owner who waa chiding hla own. Moet red men, cu: v n he rbatIBad ealr by eaneelUttee FOR SALE— Ri n g in g canary W orkers at Legion ing secretary, Henry Murphy. •f -th* ebenra mad* tar ta* aarvtev bjrda, female, $1, malaa $5 up. 73 In m y robm, unable to save a remaining large be aaya, do not realise the value The. councll held a regular meet­ The new organtiatlon will start Enough of Eaeh kind td mpply .a calf which perisheAln the flames. of money in great quantltlee and, ing ytetarday In conjunction with Tt’s just force of habit—he used to be a conductor back Linden atreet. Home Warn Autoists with about one hundred members S T A M P N E W S AllAM wwrwwwvaARadvertieaaMata meatmi eaeforta Saloon; ' ' -. > Animals are Bateased without supervlsioo, would squan the annum meeting o f The MUk borne,** la atrte *v»r and triHHirepartroo* with O f Last Minute Rush. and win hold Its next meeting on Five Flutes, one Plaho Forts, throe Tha fire waa fannad by a strong der It fooUahly. Produesr-Demera Aaaociatlon pf . leaafauoBS eatereed~' br r r*Mwb>iaa ...... I* nt Worccater, Mass., Novamber Warden Robert T. Fltspatrick Meviaa—Traektaa—4lt*rate •> ** tesy Auto.” / Elane Kupchunos. atx-year-old th* troop committee: Mra Arthur Fablle Paaaansvr sa rvta a...... 8*-a ALBERT'S f u r n i t u r e CO. daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Frank Chatterton, Mra Neal Benton. 1 2 - 2 0 . and the Borough court of bur- Daily Pattern TOONBRVILLB FOLSS BY FONTAINE FOX lauav—-raparina ...... fl Open Sat. Eves. Kupchunoa, of Ellington Road won Mra Frederick T. Hartenstetn and Mr. and Mra. John B. Morton gesBie have leeued an ordinance •feasloeal Sarri€s*a ...... It have moved from the Howard prohibiting the parking of aptomo- wairtaa It Hartford Store—43 Allyn St. the first prise In an Amateur Con­ Mrs. Henry Meyer. iflniiaa—Drains'—civaeins 14 test given by Billy Fields and hia Banquet March 13 home In Mnnto street to Hlgh|bUes and.other vehicles between PaMsni 8S8i L o c a l A m u s e m e n t s Tallal OaaSa an* Sarvieo . . . . . tl FOR SALK- - BRIDGE LAMP., Weitemers, which was aponaored The fourteenth 'annual ban­ street___ . RockvUte.______the hours of midnight and 6 a. m. WaetaA—•aeineaa SarvtM . . . . M smoking cabinet, bed, Spring and Perry Laihrop, of Vernon, man-1 in the borough of Stafford Springs, DAliy Gum iNO O 0NTB9T A S lO HOW MANY CARS ON THE NOON FRSMHT RSwatiaeal by the Volunteer Fire Department quet of the Rockville Fish and This elevar new design wm pro^ OSaiSM aa* Claaaaa ...... II mattress, rugs, excellent condi­ of Rocky Hill. For first prlxe the Game Club will be held at the ter of Xastx Central . Pomonalfor a period of more than two a perfect gold mine of smart spora Frtvata tnairaetlnns II tion. Tel. 7404. win ring on Billy Fields’ program Rockville House on Thursday eve­ Grange, has annoiuioed a gst-4o-1 houra. n a new ordinance will take elothea for spring and summer. It Daaaina ...... tl'A Monday, over the air. ning, March IS. A turkey dinner gether of all offloeia, oonunltteea. I effect on March 1. The violation of Meslcai—Oramati* ...... tl i court attendanta and Ponxma dual any provlalon of thla ordinance fatchides a apocts frock (s*e th* WawlaS—ln»« raettona ...... SI Mra. Agnea Malchuk, o f Elling­ will be served at seven o’clock foU fin 1 UtUa strtjwd mcetch) with flared Machinery end loot* 6 3 ! eoUeotora at Vernon Grange hell ' n be punlabable pimlal by e fine not naaaHal ton Road was taken to the Rock­ lowed by excellent entertainment ■Urt and aunback that you’ll frolic SaaSa—Stacka—rMurlsaCM II ville hospital on Tuesday, whera on Tburaday. night. February 87.' exceeding 810 fOr each offenae. m Baeiaaea Oraananlttaa ...... It TRACTORS, NEW AND used tro- ' and apeakera known nationally In Mr. and Mra. Leonard Asquith, In during tha summei tpo Hanar la l^a ..... II plements. Dublin 'Tractor Oom- "he will undergo a major operation tha sporting world. Tha Home Econom ies CkNamlttea tomorrow morning. of Vernon Grange win serve a| of Stafford Hollow, have announe- to come. Also,' on* of the Hvla aaS Wtaatlaaa pany. Providence Rd.. WUIlman- The tickets for tha event are tremely populftr . basqn* Js M ils Wsatad—Vamala ...... t l tic. Thera la to be a mualcat enter­ ■npper at t:$0. ed tha marriage of their daughter, Malp IBaaiaA—etala *ta 81A0 and may ba aacured from Dorothy to WlUiara Lasbuiy, ate blousas which tnmsforma It'' Sawswaa Waatad ....v;..'.;:'...!*-* tainment given at tha Methodist the committee oonaiatlng of tha church, thla evefilng at 8 o’c’oek. of Mr. and Mra. Carl Lasbury e t once into the amartest kind/of Mats WaniaS—Mala av F*mala II following. J. Stanley McCny^ Pnepect streeL The areddtng took runabeut suit The square lieck- a sM Ii WantaS ...... Il-S Wanlik— lo Koy Sk The committee liieludes the Rev. • ■•J ■KsaUena WantaA—Faiaala II Davton Loomis, Mra. Rlchart Pack chairman, Percy F. Barrett, Ken place. September 18. 1840 at the lliw, dart-fitted waist and tucked SUaattaaa Waata4--Ma)a , t» iCASH PAID FOR OLD GOLD; neth Little, Dr. John E. Flaherty, South Coventry iwaie of the bride’s brotber, Leon­ BhoOlders n^Jee it very 'flattering BMSleTinaDI Aapevlaa and William J. Sansoin. , Refrash- U va Slavk, l*»4i Discarded Jewelry, dental gold menta will be on sale. Tlie public A. E. Chatterton. Fred Ertel.. E*!- ard M. Aiqulth In Baltimore, Md I d v to slim figures. etc. 883 Mkn ati^et, over Thrifty la inrited. Jackaon and Charles Sweetland. M n . Lasbury la a graduate o f Sand tor tM* design (No. f t ■ |-> Sal A O ffleen e i a M te • a••aaevAA •I C3eanen, Room 14. Schoato CSoae Stafford High school sad tha Bry­ 41 The South Windsor Dlacuaaion at Obvantry Qiaaga thla avaBiog. 8881) right awayr Make It up FnaHri aaS Aapaiii 4l I League wlU hold a dance at the The pubUc sckoola of the Town with sate oCtlccfi iovlUag a eorre- ant echooL Provklenee, R. L Sha for street wear in llaiuid, serge, ♦ of Vernon will cloae on Friday, has been employed with the Aetna WaatsA —Pata P«el»rr—Steek 44 Rntims Withttol Hoard 59 South Windsor Tewn hall tomor­ sponolng officer,' and the giieaOi flat crepe or rilk print. Later Far Salai. WUevIlai row evening. February 21 for one week’s vaca Insurance Oompeny. Hartford. MT: AIOalM Far Sal* ...... U being reapoqalbla.for.the program. on repeat It eSverm times In The Wapping Unoas trounced Uon. They will reaume their ' With 8va nelghberlkg chufchM Laahhury also a feraduate of Staf- plqua, Itaisn. gfaigham — and fo r Maata eaS AaavaaorlM ...... 44 ftord High aebool and tha Want- tIMtns Materials ...... 41 FOR RENT—FURNISHED room. th* Wcthersflalds Monday night at Blons on Monday, March 3. co-operating, a aerlaa. of Leoton I e ^ 1 ^ . worth laeUtute In Boatoa. Is em- gote hard sports wear, seer­ —WatekM JvvvlTT 41 Telephone 4345. •, the Community House. Score w u ■ervicea ^ te held at 8 sa4 ator* eauiptnent ... I4 South Windsor, Monday niiht. Young People Here Hem B. Tuthill: South O inatry. !• « « Maroh-lat, at tk* Karva ...... M score 35 to 31. ' March 18. Itev. Geoege MRae; __ 14 raqolres t iM yards of 89- Apt>aral—Fara ...... II Ktmau Wilh.Mil Ktaird 59 ’The W apping Community church ladi aaateeim erlthout nsp and -Ta A ar ...... M and the South Windsor CongregS' TentobTe Date • yards ef hfald tor trimming. Avar* llatala FOR RENT—ROOM with garage, Efforts by the directer mt the L-_ fur gentleman. 157 Pitkin atreet. tipnal church will unit* in aom* If Far n -PatMn of this attrac­ of their Lenten eervieos. The first NaOonal Youth Admintotrotkxi.to l3 gnukuat Eaam ...... ww TelepbofM 4640. secure Jote for local aad Set for Banquet tive aedel so d 18c in COtn, Tour ^FaetaS ..• • .....v ...8 a -a « on Aah Wodweaday night will sou. Sereral tram B e ^ Gbveaev* • " 1$ Naaoa Address. Style, Number and eearA-AaMrle...... SS be la tha Wapptag Community girts between the ages of Id and l aaraata ...... SI plan to attend tha aaousL W . „ . . Stee to The Herald Tbdsy*s Pet- Haardvra Waatrd St-A church. During Lent-' an adutt 94 who are unem^yed. la not Day of Prayar obaafvnnoa whleh Roae No. 8. of tha MaMhaater WA-Bnar« ...... S| meeting with murii Biipceei, la ten Servlee, 108—Tth Ave„ New group wrin moat every weak at tha wm te M d fit tha nahwo. Ogn- Sre dapartmauL lari alght Toek. N. T. a. WANTED— MEN BOARDERS. Wapping paraonaga to iharw order te secure a Hat at pupUa gregriloaai ehntte e « Wadaenday i a eoaualttea with Paul OwvInl aa 5asrbM>a tar Maal . . a* Home cooking. Inquire at 38 New- vanoiia Important thomas of Chris­ who graduated from kanebeatar Febraary SA teitentog at USW^ chatruMn. to arraaga ter tha eom- Jtad. right this mtaute, for a ^ ^ a a l ...... aa copy ef the new. Patten Book! It’s » a # t ...... te man atroet. tian Faith. DtSarent merobera High achool la tha mld-wiatar Stere U pfky who n g rivid hand ipaajra annum dtenef. Ttey ariect' Far RatH ..... SI win ,laad tha discuaaions. ehisB, Principal B ailey waa cen-^ inlurtea In nn nnto naeidewt aq lad aa tte teataUva date n brinlaat faatfion pnrada of the meeUnga are open to aU. tacted. Init te tnfprsied the ibp^ Fte. IS. la rim a pattMt at tha iMarah XS aa as test Spring stylee, fat derigna that . The XjmSimf Aid aodety of the reeentatlve e t the NTA that all WbMhaia HoM teL I tha company are yon earn muOy mate at, boaSe' Coenmuatty chureb will hold Ite of tha graduatas, wte ware not Bert R. Jfya. who M t HM daylaM Rs that it you want—from home RENTAU refittlar awetiag Friday afternoan | cooUnulag forthcr : sMatiaetp terTMwt-lkBld the *s to dnmy rtothsa, ^torts SEE AETHUR A. at 8 o’dote. at the home of .the employed. ■to. lingatte. aad ndornWe chil­ i 's PritaiR -M i firiton Miilt t u Paopla’a Fallowahlp Church ara raquaat- tba Pariah Houaa at rrom thara thay will the Oantar diureh thara to No oppoaiUon to a Manctaaater reapecta to the 18 to IS Mil. aaklng for an aXtanalon c t Uw who have Mndly Invited them time lit which local trotera can ha attend thalr moating, to hear a made. n>aa rfgiatered yeatarday dlatlngulahad apdaker from Trln- and sen Robert, o t ttgelow street ALWAYS ROOM TO PARK LOVELY to whan the bill waa alrad before **- 'ity C^ega. left thla neonring for Miant, St legtalatlve oommltteo on clUea Petersburg and other placea of In- ,\ L a r r a b e e t s . terougha In Hartford. ThoXhlll The Happy Birthday Club mat tereat la Florida. They expect, to b a r b e r s h o p look at .... would provide an opportun^y for taat night at the home ot lira. spend some tlaie In Weshingtonoo votera to be fnade duringAuguat. Earl Swallow, of Canter atraet. the setum trip and be absent from 15 PITKIN STREET aa well aa at the regular^mea. A Oarda were enjoyed In the early town about a month. atatewide extension ofyroter mak­ part of the evening, after which a ing may be made under a new aupper ot varloua covered diahaa general atatute, it reported. waa aerved. A beautifully deco­ rated birthday cake waa a feature. Nine-year-old /Robert Schanck Mra. Swallow waa presented with HAVE A BETTER TIME AT RRYMANDER’S! V No Doubt She Used of 501 Hllllanyatreet waa only a puraa of money. The club which TONIGHT.. .DANCE TO THE TUNES OF OUR NEW allghtly Injured yeeterday after­ la composed of twelve members Monique Make-Up Blend noon at thy^Adama atreet bridge meets ntonthly, and the birthday when he ^-88 hit by the car of of each occurs In a different month of the year. Hawaiian Orchestra Try thia all day—all waatter maka-iip foundation. Jamea p ie m a n , 7S Florence atreet./hie boy puahed a wagon You ow« It to youfaalf to “Look Your Boat." Tour Into («e path of the motoiiat, who BEST OF FOOD ALWAYS! differant ahad«a—perfect blending—delightful reaulU! waytinable to avoid the accident. FINE WINES — UQUORS AND BEER . A^laymate of the hoy eacaped in- ^ry. Treated tot cuta and brulaea i r CLOSED at Memorial hoapltal, the boy waa ALL DAY ICs As Wrong |o Waste Space As It Is to $1.00 later dlacharged. REYMANDER’S RESTAURANT SATUF*tAT 35*37 Oak Street ------fclaplKme 39£2 -... -Waste Money! Think of the added comfort and convenience an extra ALICE CO FRAN February tSad (Known Aa t|oeen Alice) WASHINOTON’S BIKTHDAT° attic room will bring. Use it for guests—for study— or for play . . . but take advantage of that waste space Idfjodfi Sajhn 8PUUTCAL MEDIUM Seventh Unaghter o f a Seventh Son OPEN NOW! $9.18 a month converts it into a charming room. Bom With a VelL ’Til. 9 P. -M. FRIDAY Come in today and learn how it can be built, decorated Hotel SherMaa — ntre«4 Entrance Bendlnga Onlly 8 A. M. to 8 P. M. THE MANCHESTER and insulated with a single material AT NO EXTRA • Main Stfvel Phone 5009 Or By Appointmant. In the Service MANCHESTER BARBERS of the People for 88 Tenm. COST! I f 1 Obarah Street. Hartford, Oaan. ^ ASSOCIATION PUBLIC MARKET 8 -n s f


rewswis tui«<8 Fancy Selected Seafood N

Fresh Eastern HaUbut — Swordfish — Perch Fillets

ONERAL Fresh -tierrlii^w ••••«•■•• ••••«•##0• • ae~i'e*~i IBoston ^siuefish •••■••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 lbs* 29c JEWELER With Esch 91.00 Pnrehhsc S e r v i c e Smoked Filleta •— Chowder Clams —• Steaming Clams — SUte Theater Baildinv s Jumbo Smelts — SmaQ aad Large Oysters. of Richflhtd Rsgiilar with 7S7 Main Street G s m UiI*. y o D l j i ^ FOR A DELICIOUS MEAL! c Friday, Saturday and Sunday Oitfy! o Pcnonal attention First Prize Smoked Picnics, Tenderized, 4 to 5 pounds Watch and Jewelry h each ...... lb. 26c

I s o &tpevt prepan$non Monaco Motor 8a l ^ Repairing At Comer Cottage and Oak Streets FRUIT AND FRESH VEGETABLES Tnederate costs hove WE GIVE UNITED TRADING STAMPS! Green Beans, extra fancy...... qt. 19c Reasonable Prices s ever been the policy of this orpanitetion Fresh Green Peas ...... 2 qts. 25c ~ — resportslble for Fancy Green Cucumbers...... 2 fo r 19c Florida Juice Oranges, Indian R iver ...... doz. 2^*290 Largeat Assortaient of m etea4y growth and Greeting Carda for success In serving All Purposes In Town AT OUR BAKERY DEPARTMENT tha public. € Cherry Cakes...... each 29c CHEFS SPECIALS Ginger Squares...... doz. 19e WALTm N. LECLCItC I BETTER EVTS Rosat Turkey Ronat Beef Furer.l aervica Cupcakes, Walnut or Cherry ...... *. .doz. 25c At the OiUi Grill I Half Brolleni Steaka . *5ww*tms,ecNM. Jelly Donuts ...... doz. 27c Dance to the Tnsee ot [ TstSrliMI. S4T4 - sus Veal CntleU Our Own Made Vitamin B*1 Bread ...... loaf 10c the Onk GriU Swlngatera Veal ScaOopIne I Clamn and Ojratera WINES • MUUORS — FRIDAY GROCERY SPECIALS On the Half Shell AND BEER Kraft’s Cheese in 2-pound wood boxes. White and Yellow

American and Vchreeta ...... 49c WE CATER TO BANQUETS

Salmon, Columbia River, Royal Scarlet, med. flat can 20c SO Oak street Crab Meat, Royal Scarlet, fancy.. : ----- med. flat can 25c Tel. 8884 ' O A K GRILL LwiaVNSi' Shredded Codfish (Beardsley’s ) ...... pkg. 12e

Macaroni, Spaghetti or Elbows, Rwal Scarlet, 3 pkgs. 19c Potato Salad, Fresh Made, Royal Scarlet... .1-Ib. jar 17e \

Sardines, Eagle Brand, American ...«...... 3 cans 17c Hut Device Clam Chowder, Royal Scarlet, Fancy ...... qt. jar 25c

Leaves nothing to guess* I M v e Krispy Crackers (Sunshine) ...... l*Ib. pkg. 15c

work in the delivering of oil Lux or Lifebuoy S o a p ...... cake 6c to your house.

You get every bit of the S afely ...... m . . C I M liVfi,,, C « e amount of oil you order and the Red Seal Meter on the If your windshield wiper jSHHIBHtt i.Lb. c«n ... 17c

truck records the amount works very slowly or not at delivered and the figures all, we can repair it. We DIAL 5137 — FREE DELIVERY!

are printed on a ticket de* also have a very complete livei^ to you. stock of new wipers.

AH our oil trucks are

equipped with meters. NORTON HOLD WINTER OUTt with For service, quality, de­ ELECTRICAL 'D 1> Mt eaeagh, that yoar pendability and accuracy, haattag plaat la eapaMa af pra*

buy your from . INSTRUMENT CO. teettag you agaliut wtatar^

Hilliard St. Phone 4060 leaHienturaa. M m m t da aa

wItMa BMdaiata faal ooatat G. E. WILLIS & SON, Inc. i t Woojfti Which diiwaade tha ataal ail*

Coal, Lambcr, Masonn’ Supplies, Paint cleat tael. Aad that leade right PHONE 4496 2 Main Street Tel. 5125 Manchester te ear great ffWel 001 gor

moot heat, least eaat, try oaa

EL OIL taak-smag. Dowwgo haetal..

tt1lh so many uses for PINEHURST SHELLHSH auc- tajigerlneo, dlscowr bi.w eou-

nonilr«l It to get them at Opened Chowder ^lams ftllAilGEOlL l*tnehunit's luw price. ' l*ul 35c pint In Any Qouitity — Any TlRia -7 them In the -rhUdren's SheU Quohaugs. Steaming Clams. WhQieaale and Retail Inacbes, aer^e them In salads, Cherrystone Clams. at breakfast and luncheon. I f YOUR SAFIOUARD AGAINST Oysters ...... pint 33c Serdleso, easj to peel. Priced BANTLT on . COMPAMT special iat today. S ca llo p s...... pint 39c CENTBRSTREET PHONE 5292 INPIRIOR fUfSTITUTiS WHIN SUYINO 0

Peaches, 8 oa Serving the Public for 23 Years.

TANGERINES 4 eans ...... Pears,' s oa., iUl coal looks pretty much alike in the bin, \ m - /

8 eaas ...... 2 doz. 25c -what a difference in ^ e furnace! When you buy coal*

look for die RED trademaric spots that say: "Here’s After your doctor has HOME^AKING SCHOOL SPECIALS finish^ his diagnosis genuine fo m o u s R eadin g A n th radte—tfae lo w ash

Old Homestead Ifin Lux . .2 for 19c, Lff. 21c the treatment invari­ hard coaL Here’s the premium Uumdered opal that SOMERS, CONN. Rinso, 2 for 19c, Lg. 18c ably, calls for a pre- costa yoo not a panny extra, but sum you nuuqr R

fay its loog-bum ing, non*cUnkeriag.pcrform* Lux Toilet Soap, 3 for 19c aqription. Another full week's Bargain

Lifebuoy .... 3. for 19c The qnidter ^yon gel nace.** H ow about ttying a few tons?

D in n er that preacriptkm, the Starting February 22 to February 28, lackariva.

sooner you can atari SPIY M k M t MENU: - --- Inking the medicine. Oieckorboard Feed Stmre 4 7 c 17c ^ Martini or Manhattan Cocktail That Pieacriutiou Caa Be DIAL 7711 Soup * Gear G>nsomme Oystarattaa 10 APEL;.PLA< PLACE MANCHESTER

la Tour Haudaui La Broiled Sirloin Steak

aaoaa*a« .bottle 13c aad 25c Aa Hear By Pkaalug Hash Browh Potatoes French Fried Onions

FISH NOTE . . . The Halibut thia week ia absolutely freak, V Hot Rolls and Butter Home Made Cherry Pie or lee Cream A rc white, tender flah . . . 4« lower tkaa last w e^ Coffee Tea' Milk yeewkPs Bread now contaiM VitaaiiB B*l. We will have 7057 K fresh HG TART COOKIES to soU at Sic . . . Lady Flagen laeaaaa wu-will caB far READING and Drake’s Jelly RoOb. ^ Friday, FebruaW 21 and 28 ' .

PI*ee Your Holiday Order Now fer 15*Ponud Fancy Taikeya FULL COURSE LOBSTER DINNER ...... $1.M W it to : ^ •$ 29c lb. Alae YaUew,.Tag 10 to 12-Peuad Tatkeys at ly LARGB^ SIZE ...... 3L$9 39elh. Wo Aro. At Te Don’t forget— Wo Have Griei FadHtics far Partisib lof Any SIseAtOmr liitoiitfdM HMarlcrBam A naaiy.

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