■ '(fCJ V R e m e m b e r School Grand Rrhe$ W ill Be Awarded Tomorrow ^ Avorage Daily CirenlatioB IT tin M«Mth o f jannary, I M l The Weather 1 rotaeaar ef S. Wau0M V. 6,626 « af the Audit ffk lr 'fe n liM and triday. niat a f CT'-rglatlrBie ■nch change fai 7* - ; . Manche$Ur~^'^City of Village Chahh V O L . LX .. NO . 121 an Paga U ) MANT^HESTER, C0NN„ THURSDAY, FEBRUARY-20,'1941 (POURTEBN PAGES) PRICE THREE CBNIB A rm y C h ief Italian Naval* Prisoners Leave ilam ing Tobruk i. l|Reynold’s Certain Aid^ Says Planes To Aid Navy t -i Bill to Lead to War; Unspecified dumber of f-i Latest Type to Rein- 4^ V,. I »■ > force Pacific Fleet; Need No Labor Curb Situation Is *Serious*, f Washington, Feb. 80.— — Gen. Hillman Says ^Strikes (IP) Convinced Enactment of George C Maraball, Army chief of Are Rare Exception in B a by Bonds Measure May Lead* ataff, was reported to have told the Senate Military Affairs Com­ Defense Industry' and United States Direct* mittee ‘ today that the United To Be Sold No Additional Legis- ly Toward Declara* Stateo Intends to reinforce the Paclflc fleet Immediately with an li^tion Necessary to tion; Calls It *Bill unapecifled number of the latest A s Taxable type o f Arm y and N avy fighting Deal with Them; La­ For Defenselof British planes. Declining to reveal, even in the bor and Management Empire at Expense Morgenthau Announces secret session of the committee, Praised for Work. O f American livea's the number o f planes to be dis­ Financing P^s Ex­ patched for thia purpose, Marshall Washington. Feb. 20.— (/P) ceeding $1^00f000t Washington, Feb. 20.- "UUIIUIAJI lU9RlaT^.XU- ate of defense prodyc* C .); announced today tion .told the Housef JuMciary Washington,/^eb. 30—(47— Sec­ was opposed to the admbtis- Finance Units Committee today that retary Morgenthau, wielding the tration’s British aid bill be­ I "strikes are the rare excep­ Treaaury'a new powers to iaaua cause he wag convinced that tion in defense industry’’ and fully ta x w e aecuriUes, today an­ its enactment might lead the Favor Refund no additional legislation was nounced finunclng plana exceeding United States directly toward necessary to deal with them. 51.300.096,000. ' a declaration of war. Begin­ O f Bonds Plan He praised labor and man* lent Rooeevelt yesterday ning the fourth di^ of div Blgne^ a bUi raising the Federal agement^r the job they bate on the measure in the. debt/llmlt from 349.000,000.000 to were d(ifl^ together "to avoid Senate, the North Carolina House and Senate Com­ 365(000,000,000 aad giving the interruption of production,’’ senator described ft as "a bill Italian naval prisoners, some with baggage over their ahoulders, march out o f Tobruk (background) aa the town Is In flames. Tha and said they should be en­ (Ooatinued on Page Three) mittees Approve Only for the defense of the Britlah Libyan city war captured by the Britieh forem Jan. 33. In latest dispatches from Africa the Italians said pro-Fascist Ethlepians were couraged "in their use of the Major Proposal Before Empire at the expense of tha ®0?****^*** ^ them,fight the British and claimed to be holding their lines. The only fresh military news reported by the British from democratic conference table A frica was to the effect that the Italiana had to abandon Dangela and other points in Gojjam province in western Ethiopia becausa o f tha lives of American men and at Final Meeting' of Week technique.’’ activity of native patriots fighting under the banner of Halle Selassie. Port, London the expense of the American The committee, which ia dl; taxpayer.’’ BnOetin! ed over the need for remedial legis­ Hla opposition cams aa a sur- state Capital, Hartford, Feb. lation to cope with defenw pro­ Bear Brunt Pneumonia la Reported ' prise (o many Senatora becausa 10—<P)—T h e H o o h approved duction stoppages, called UUlman Reynolds hsd voted wltti tha ad- British Smash for teatimony after hearing from today a mmsura/aatbqrtalng Prevalent in Greece minlatration majority to raport W E Grand Prizes Offered his colleague, WnUaiti S. Knudsen, the oKy of BrldirBport'te ee- director of the Office of Produc­ Of Air Raids the BMasure from tha Foraiga Re­ fund flJiaSJXM In bonds after London, ■ Feb. 30.—(JPi—Word lations Coroailttea for Senate ean- River Defense tion Management. / sharp debate In which Demo­ has been received here that aideraUon. Ha had conslataatly re­ pneumonia la prevalent In KnwSaan informed the committee fused previously, however, to aay crats eontended that Socialist At School Tomorrow yastorday that labor ^disputes had Bombers Rake Swansea M ayer tuappr McDevy'a decal whether be would support tbe bOI. In Somalilanai4^^„ „ ^ not cauaed any Important delays. policies were maouad. The bill I Ha rgeommenfied no Igglalatlve With High Explosives; "Not O ppe^ to Olviag AM" i mer Princeu Maring o f Graaca. was sped te the Sraiate uu$»r aetlan undar tha clrcumataaca#. "I want to atato,'* Raynolda told auepeueloa a f the mlea. Sdipe ' accaptod today' on behalf of Direct Hit Scored on i2S:i:lQ«™ian8 Qaim Fotata To "Martiaiwable lieoerd” . acut»i»rlBg.,*W>qir-* * ” hmOhj. CfeisfL Jul)« in JDriyfL To­ that national. 1 J)00,000 anti- Htlllnan, in a fbrinat autemeht, Large London Hospital from Ae OenMcratle ahto of ward Mogadiscio, Gip- pneumonia taUeto from drug State Theater Will Be said Isbor relations in defense In- existtagi the Hooee when n voice was manufacturers. Armed British duatriaa had a "remarkable record” However, I am bitterly oppoaad to taken. ital and Major Port of Jammed Last Session. fo r tha paat seven months. London, Feb. 30.—(P)—The in- any subterfuge or tbe circuravaat* Ha Ibitad 11 vital defanae Indus­ duMrial port of Swansea, ta South tag of tha present statutaa by aay SUte Oapltol, Hartford, Feb. 30 East Africa- Colotiy. tries—aircraft, aluminum, automo- W ales and London, where bombe type o f l^ a la U o o such aa this. The fourth and final session of Vessels Sunk —(a>—The Houae Fluaace Com­ hUes, ttoal, electrical machinery, wrecked one block of a large mittee voted# today to report Cairo, Feb. 10—UPt—The British Greeks Tfike The Herald’s 13th Cooking School engines, explosives, foundries and municipal hoapltal, killing aaveral (Caattaoed ea Page Paar) favorably on a measure authoriz­ machine ahopa, machine tools, lum­ Middle East command announced win be held at the State Theater Two Merchantmen Tar^ pattenU and a nurse,- bore the ing SodaUat Mayor Jaq>er Mc- tomorrow morning at 9:15 o'clock ber and shipbuilding — and said brunt of last night's attacks by ths Lwvy o f Bridgeport to reAtnd $1,- today its troops had smashed Two Villag es that statlstica ahbw^ that "idle- Ocrinan A ir Force. 585,000 in maturing city bonds. and is expected to attract an even get of Speedboat Tor^ across the Juba river in Italian neaa dua to atrikes cesutituted one- The government said bombers ’The action waa taken by the Somaliland in a drlye northeast­ larger attendance than the crowd pedoes; Bomb 4 Oth­ sixteenth of one per cent of the raked Swaiuea with high explo- Flashes! Republican • eootroUed oommittee In Two Days of nearly 1,000 woawn who filled time actually worked. alvea, damagtag "a considerabla (Late BalleMae of the (P) Wire) during a togMative recaaa while ward toward Mogadiscio, capital the theater for today's program. ers, Fire D^troyer. "F o r the first time in our. indus­ number of houses and businesa both chamwrs marked time and major port of that Bqat Afri­ trial history,” he declared, ''em'- can colony. Two grand prizes—a GIcnwOod gas premises.” Eumaalana Call awaiting g dedaion on the Bridge­ range and a year'a supply o f Rlnso plojrment has Increased sharply A direct hit was scored on the port meaaurea. The croasing of tha river appar­ Repulse Three Fascist Berlin, Feb. 30—(P>—The sink­ without an Increase In the number Belgrade, Feb. ently was made Juat north o f the —Will be given away to the lucky ing of two Britlah armed mer- London hospital, demolishing a matic quarters *ta H m committee's vote waa ^unter-Attacks in Al- holdera of the winning coupons. of itrikee.'' ✓ part o f It and killing several pa- tinanImoiM. one Democratic mem­ captured port of Cblslmaio in the chaatn^ by speedboat torpedoes, There were leas than half aa Sofia saM taalght tlwy''hafi bamrd Moat Intereatlag Sesaloa Uenta ta their beds. One nuraie’s reports that Romaala lead orfisrafi ber said. re^on o f Gelih, on the east banlO , bania; Italians Fire kuccesalul Iwmblng of four large many persons involved in etrikea body was found under the wreck- Rep. C. Raymond Brock (R.. of the stream. Today's session was not only the d u ri^ 1940, he aaid, "than in the nearly I.OOOPOO reaetvfeto to re- On Retreating Unit. most largely attended to date but merchantmen and the firing of a «««• irt for active duty oa er before ^ Hamden), chairman of the House . Counter-Attacking Italiana were corrcBpohdlng period of emergency Other patients were buried In commltt^ said he would aak tbd also proved one o f the moat in­ British destroyer were reported in 1915, or the war yeara of 1917 Sarch 18. Oae report rra rhlug beaten back, today's communique teresting fo r Miss Ruth Bean, The.
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