Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 117 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION
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E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 117 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 167 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2021 No. 163 House of Representatives The House met at 9 a.m. and was To these iconic images, history has school sweetheart, 4.1 GPA at Oakmont called to order by the Speaker pro tem- now added another: that of a young High School, ‘‘one pretty badass ma- pore (Mrs. DEMINGS). marine sergeant in full combat gear rine,’’ as her sister put it. She could f cradling a helpless infant in her arms have done anything she wanted, and amidst the unfolding chaos and peril in what she wanted most was to serve her DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO the besieged Kabul Airport and pro- country and to serve humanity. TEMPORE claiming: ‘‘I love my job.’’ Who else but a guardian angel amidst The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- The entire story of the war in Af- the chaos and violence of those last fore the House the following commu- ghanistan is told in this picture: the days in Kabul could look beyond all nication from the Speaker: sacrifices borne by young Americans that and look into the eyes of an infant WASHINGTON, DC, who volunteered to protect their coun- and proclaim: ‘‘I love my job’’? September 21, 2021. try from international terrorism, the Speaking of the fallen heroes of past I hereby appoint the Honorable VAL BUT- heroism of those who serve their coun- wars, James Michener asked the haunt- LER DEMINGS to act as Speaker pro tempore try even when their country failed ing question: Where do we get such on this day. them, the idealism of a generation that men? NANCY PELOSI, House of Representatives. tried to bring enlightened modernity to Well, here is the answer: We get such an afflicted society, and, most of all, men and women from little towns f the stark contrast between good and across America like Roseville, Cali- MORNING-HOUR DEBATE evil, tyranny and freedom, barbarity fornia. They leave their family and The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- and justice, and brutality and mercy. friends in pursuit of the highest virtues ant to the order of the House of Janu- Above all others, this is the image of which human beings are capable, and ary 4, 2021, the Chair will now recog- that describes it all. It is given power they do it because their country asks nize Members from lists submitted by and immortality by the spirit of the them and because it is noble. the majority and minority leaders for young woman in this photo, Marine I don’t know how to offer condo- morning-hour debate. Sergeant Nicole Gee. Through the ages lences to Nicole’s family, to her hus- The Chair will alternate recognition to come, this picture will speak of the band, Jarod; her father, Rick; her sis- between the parties, with time equally sacrifice of blood and treasure of 20 ter, Misty; and her family and friends. allocated between the parties and each years of struggling and of the vision, The loss they bear is beyond my com- Member other than the majority and hope, liberty, justice, and humanity prehension. I can only offer my awe minority leaders and the minority that summoned patriots like Nicole and gratitude that humanity has with- whip limited to 5 minutes, but in no Gee to leave their homes and families in itself a small band of brothers and event shall debate continue beyond and place themselves in harm’s way on sisters like Nicole Gee; for without 10:50 a.m. the other side of the world. As Shake- them, America, that ‘‘last best hope of f speare put it: ‘‘This story shall the mankind on this Earth,’’ would not be good man teach his son.’’ Historians possible. NICOLE GEE EULOGY looking back on this age will find its A few steps from here in the rotunda The SPEAKER pro tempore. The story summarized in this single picture is a fresco called The Apotheosis of Chair recognizes the gentleman from and illustrated in the life, dreams, and Washington. It depicts General Wash- California (Mr. MCCLINTOCK) for 5 min- ultimate sacrifice of Nicole Gee. ington in uniform ascending to the utes. They will note that her life ended heavens flanked by Victory and Free- Mr. MCCLINTOCK. Madam Speaker, just days after this photo was taken at dom and surrounded by the essence and every American knows the image of the age of just 23 years. They will re- fruits of a free nation. And in that de- George Washington crossing the Dela- member that this angelic young lady piction, Washington beckons. ware, the fallen rifleman at Gettys- was cut down with 12 of her brothers From little towns like Roseville, burg, and the marines raising the flag and sisters by incarnate, insensate evil. California, decent young men and at Iwo Jima. Our history is punctuated They will ponder where that young life women with promising futures like Ni- with moments of individual heroism might have led. cole Gee have answered. I don’t know and virtue so profound and moving That is an important question, and how their families can bear it, but I do that they live forever in the memories the answer is known to all who knew know that we owe them. Before her fa- of our countrymen and the proud story her. She could have done anything she ther left the stage at a community me- of our country. wanted. She was married to her high morial, he had one request. He pleaded: b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H4559 ® Pdnted on recycled papfil. VerDate Sep 11 2014 15:08 Sep 22, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A21SE7.000 H21SEPT1 rfrederick on DSKBCBPHB2PROD with HOUSE H4560 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 21, 2021 ‘‘Never forget her please, never forget Colorado’s Sixth District for being Dr. Shannon-Bannister addressed her.’’ named the second healthiest county in this gap by creating the Aurora branch We can never repay that debt except the United States by the U.S. News & of the NAACP. to honor her memory, keep her sac- World Report. I extend my gratitude to Dr. Shan- rifice always in mind, and to draw in- With all due respect to the rest of my non-Bannister, current president Omar spiration from her dedication and devo- colleagues, there is no State like Colo- Montgomery, and all who have dedi- tion to God and country—to all those rado. We are home to 300 days of sun- cated their time and expertise to the who sacrificed everything ‘‘to proclaim shine, the Rocky Mountains, world- Aurora NAACP over the last 30 years. I liberty throughout all the land and class outdoor recreation, and excep- thank them for their commitment to unto all the inhabitants thereof.’’ tional small businesses. the residents of my district and for f In a year defined by a devastating continually working toward this cru- public health crisis, our State added cial mission. MI CASA RESOURCE CENTER another accomplishment: community f The SPEAKER pro tempore. The health. SERGEANT GEE COMMEMORATION Chair recognizes the gentleman from With six of America’s top 257 health- Colorado (Mr. CROW) for 5 minutes. iest communities in Colorado, Douglas The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Mr. CROW. Madam Speaker, it is my County ranks second. Home to count- Chair recognizes the gentleman from honor today to recognize the accom- less walking trails, community-build- North Carolina (Mr. MURPHY) for 5 plishments of Mi Casa Resource Center, ing events, and innovative infrastruc- minutes. now in their 45th year of service. Mi ture solutions, Douglas County is a Mr. MURPHY of North Carolina. Casa was founded in 1976 by a group of great place to live. Madam Speaker, I rise today with eight Latina mothers who dreamed of a So come out to see what it is all great remorse. Two weeks ago, U.S. better world for themselves and their about. I invite my colleagues to visit Sergeant Nicole Gee, a marine from families. They wanted a safe space to Douglas County and the rest of my in- Roseville, California, was tragically develop skills for employment and edu- credible district to see for themselves killed in action during the August 26 cation and expanded Mi Casa to include what makes the Centennial State one bombing at the Kabul International business development—delivering of a kind. Airport in Afghanistan. training for low-income entrepreneurs As a physician of 30 years, I have RECOGNIZING THE CAREER OF VITA LANTZ written hundreds of letters to families who just needed an opportunity. BROWN Today, Mi Casa is a pillar for women, whose loved ones have passed away. Mr. CROW. Madam Speaker, it is my Latinos, or anyone looking for business The letters that I wrote to Sergeant honor today to recognize the career of or career support in the Denver metro Gee’s family were amongst the hardest Vita Lantz Brown. In Arapahoe Coun- area. I have ever written. She gave her life in ty, the saying goes: If you want some- In the midst of the devastating pan- service and sacrifice to our Nation thing done, ask Vita. And, if Vita asks demic, Mi Casa launched 45 new busi- alongside 12 other marines and beloved you to do something, you just can’t say nesses, supported 45 Coloradans pivot U.S.