Starshell‘A little light on what’s going on!’ Volume VII, No. 64 Autumn 2013 50 years and counting! National Magazine of The Naval Association of Canada Magazine nationale de L’Association Navale du Canada Please help us put printing and postage costs to more efficient use by opting NOT to receive a printed copy of Starshell, choosing instead to read the FULL COLOUR Autumn 2013 | PDF e-version posted on our web site at http:www.nava- Starshell When each issue is posted, a notice ISSN 1191-1166 will be sent to all Branch Presidents asking them to notify National Magazine of The Naval Association of Canada Magazine nationale de L’Association Navale du Canada Starshell their members accordingly. You will also find back issues posted there. To opt out of the printed copy in favour of reading Starshell on our website, please contact the Executive Director at
[email protected] today! PATRON • HRH The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh OUR COVER ... ‘50 Years and counting!’ HONORARY PRESIDENT • H. R. (Harry) Steele A flight deck crew member of HMCS Toronto gives the red wand sig- NATIONAL PRESIDENT G nal for caution to the pilots of a CH-124 Sea King (celebrating 50 years Jim Carruthers,
[email protected] in service with the RCN this year!) as crewmembers secure a load be- PAST PRESIDENT G Ken Summers,
[email protected] neath the helicopter while conducting a vertical replenishment deck evolution during Operation ARTEMIS on August 18th, 2013. TREASURER G Derek Greer,
[email protected] Photograph by MCpl David Singleton-Brown, CF Combat Camera, IS2013-4004-04 BoaRD MEMBERS G Branch Presidents NAVAL AFFAIRS G Richard Archer,
[email protected] IN THIS EDITION...… HIStoRY & HERitaGE G Dr.