List of Competent Authorities of the Member States Within the Meaning Of

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List of Competent Authorities of the Member States Within the Meaning Of EUROPEAN COMMISSION DIRECTORATE-GENERAL FOR HEALTH AND FOOD SAFETY Directorate E – Food and feed safety, innovation E1 - Food information and composition List of competent authorities of the Member States within the meaning of Directive 2009/54/EC on natural mineral waters The following list is based on the information from Member States provided since 2005. Prepared by: Health and Food Safety Directorate-General Unit E1 - Food information and composition (Last revision: January 2021) Commission européenne, B-1049 Bruxelles / Europese Commissie, B-1049 Brussel - Belgium. Telephone: (32-2) 299 11 11. Directive 2009/54/EC MEMBER Competent authority Contact person STATE Bundesministerium für Gesundheit E-mail: [email protected] Abteilung für Lebensmittelrecht, -sicherheit und – Functional mailbox: [email protected] AUSTRIA qualität II/B/13 Website address: Radetzkystraβe. 2 AT-1030 Vienna Official control: Functional mailbox: [email protected] Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain Website address: http://www.favv- Food Safety Center Bvld. du Jardin Botanique 55 BE-1000 Brussels Market autorisation: Federal Public Service Public Functional mailbox or contact email: BELGIUM Health [email protected] Food Chain Safety and Website address: Environment Department Food, Feed and Other consumption products Eurostation Square Victor Horta, 40/10 BE-1060 Saint-Gilles/Brussels Functional mailbox: Ministry of Health [email protected] BULGARIA 5, Sveta Nedelya Sq. Website address: BG-Sofia 1000 Official control: Contact email: [email protected] Ministry of Health [email protected] Ksaver 200a Website address: HR-10000 Zagreb Market authorization and official control: Contact email: CROATIA Ministry of Agriculture; [email protected] Directorate of Agriculture and Food Industry, Sector Website address: of Inspection in Agriculture Ulica grada Vukovara 78 HR-10000 Zagreb Commission européenne, B-1049 Bruxelles / Europese Commissie, B-1049 Brussel - Belgium. Telephone: (32-2) 299 11 11. Directive 2009/54/EC MEMBER Competent authority Contact person STATE Health services of the Medical and Public Health Functional mailbox: Services of the Ministry of Health of Cyprus [email protected] CYPRUS 1 Prodromou Website address: CY-1449 Nicosia Czech Agriculture and Food Inspection Authority Functional mailbox: CZECH (CAFIA) [email protected] REPUBLIC Květná 15 Website address: CZ-603 00 Brno Danish Veterinary and Food Administration Chemistry and Food Quality Division Functional mailbox: [email protected] DENMARK Stationsparken 31-33 Website address: DK-2600 Glostrup Functional mailbox: Terviseamet/Health Board [email protected] ESTONIA Tartu mnt 85 Website address: EE-10115 Tallinn Finnish Food Safety Authority Evira Functional mailbox: FINLAND Mustialankatu 3 [email protected] FI-00790 Helsinki Website address: Health security, controls: Functional mailbox: DGS- Health ministry [email protected] Health direction Website address: 14 avenue Duquesne FR-75007 Paris FRANCE Labelling, marketing: Consumption Ministry Functional mailbox: Bureau- Consumption Direction [email protected] 59 Boulevard Vincent Auriol Website address: FR-75013 Paris 3 Baden-Württemberg RP Stuttgart Functional mailbox: [email protected] Ruppmannstr. 21 Website address: https://rp.baden- DE-70565 Stuttgart RP Karlsruhe Functional mailbox: [email protected] Schloßplatz 4-6 Website address: https://rp.baden- DE-76131 Karlsruhe RP Freiburg Functional mailbox: [email protected] Bissierstr. 7 Website address: https://rp.baden- DE-79114 Freiburg im Breisgau RP Tübingen Functional mailbox: [email protected] Konrad-Adenauer-Str. 20 Website address: https://rp.baden- DE-72072 Tübingen Stadt Stuttgart Functional mailbox: [email protected] Hauptstätterstr. 58 Website address: DE-70178 Stuttgart Landkreis Böblingen Functional mailbox: [email protected] Parkstr. 16 Website address:,Lde/start/ DE-71034 Böblingen Service+_+Verwaltung/Veterinaerdienst+und+Lebensmittelueber wachung.html?QUERYSTRING=Veterin%C3%A4rdienst+und+ Lebensmittel%C3%Bcberwachung GERMANY Landkreis Esslingen Functional mailbox: [email protected] Am Aussichtsturm 5 Website address:,Lde/ DE-73207 Plochingen 50792.html?QUERYSTRING=veterin%C3%A4r Landkreis Göppingen Functional mailbox: [email protected] Pappelallee 10 Website address:,Lde/start/ DE-73037 Göppingen Landratsamt/Veterinaerwesen+und+Verbraucherschutz.html Landkreis Ludwigsburg Functional mailbox: Hindenburgstraße 20/3 veterinaerangelegenheiten.verbraucherschutz@landkreis- DE-71638 Ludwigsburg ludwigsburg Website address: buerger-info/gesundheit-verbraucherschutz/ veterinaerangelegenheiten/ Landkreis Rems-Murr-Kreis Functional mailbox: [email protected] Erbstetter Straße 58 Website address: http://www.rems-murr- DE-71522 Backnang Stadt Heilbronn Functional mailbox: [email protected] Bahnhofstraße 2 Website address: DE-74072 Heilbronn Commission européenne, B-1049 Bruxelles / Europese Commissie, B-1049 Brussel - Belgium. Telephone: (32-2) 299 11 11. Landkreis Heilbronn Functional mailbox: [email protected] Lerchenstr. 40 Website address: DE-74072 Heilbronn Landkreis Hohenlohekreis Functional mailbox: [email protected] Hindenburgstraße 58 Website address: DE-74613 Öhringen Landkreis Schwäbisch-Hall Functional mailbox: [email protected] Eckartshäuser Straße 41 Website address: DE-74532 Ilshofen Landkreis Main-Tauber-Kreis Functional mailbox: [email protected] Wachbacher Straße 52 Website address: http://www.main-tauber- DE-97980 Bad Mergentheim|2177.7012.1 &FID=2177.7012.1 Landkreis Heidenheim Functional mailbox: [email protected] Felsenstr. 36 Website address: http://www.landkreis- DE-89518 Heidenheim an der Brenz nundVerbraucherschutz/index.htm Landratsamt Ostalbkreis Functional mailbox: [email protected] Julius-Bausch-Str. 12 Website address: DE-73430 Aalen =63&id=1706 Stadt Baden-Baden Functional mailbox: [email protected] Briegelackerstraße 8 DE-76532 Baden-Baden Stadt Karlsruhe Functional mailbox: [email protected] Alter Schlachthof 5 Website address: DE-76131 Karlsruhe Landkreis Karlsruhe Functional mailbox: [email protected] Beiertheimer Allee 2 Website address: https://www.landkreis- DE-76137 Karlsruhe Landkreis Rastatt Functional mailbox: [email protected] Am Schlossplatz 5 Website address:,Lde/ DE-76437 Rastatt Veterinaerwesen+und+Lebensmittelueberwachung.html Stadt Heidelberg Functional mailbox: [email protected] Bergheimer Str. 69 Website address: DE-69115 Heidelberg,Lde/HD/Rathaus/Behoerdenwegwei ser.html?amtsID=864762 Stadt Mannheim Functional mailbox: [email protected] Schlachthofstr. 21 Website address: DE-68165 Mannheim gestalten/verbraucherschutz-gesunde-lebensmittel-sichere- dienstleistungen-tierschutz 5 Landkreis Neckar-Odenwald-Kreis Functional mailbox: [email protected] St.-Rochus-Straße 12 Website address: http://www.neckar-odenwald- DE-74722 Buchen elt_+Landschaft+und+Verbraucherschutz/Veterin%C3%A4rwese n.html Landkreis Rhein-Neckar-Kreis Functional mailbox: [email protected] Adelsförsterpfad 7 Website address: http://www.rhein-neckar- DE-69168 Wiesloch,Lde/Startseite/Landratsamt/Veterinaeramt+und+Verbrau cherschutz.html Stadt Pforzheim Functional mailbox: [email protected] Heinrich-Witzenmann-Straße 13 Website address: DE-75179 Pforzheim buergerservice/pf0/egov/info/a/amt/veterinaerdienst-und- lebensmittelueberwachung.html Landkreis Calw Functional mailbox: [email protected] Vogteistr. 44-46 Website address: DE-75365 Calw Verwaltung/Verwaltung/Dezernate-und- Abteilungen/index.php?mNavID=2442.97&sNavID=2442.97&L a=1 Landkreis Enzkreis Functional mailbox: [email protected] Zähringerallee 3 Website address: DE-75177 Pforzheim index.php?object=tx|2.3.1&ModID=9&FID=141.38.1 Landkreis Freudenstadt Functional mailbox: [email protected]
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