Some Excavations on the Line of the Antonine Wall, 1994–2001
Proc Soc Antiq Scot, 132 (2002), 259–304 Some excavations on the line of the Antonine Wall, 1994–2001 Prepared for publication by Andrew Dunwell*, Geoff Bailey†, Alan Leslie‡ & Andrea Smith** from reports and contributions by J Atkinson, G Bailey, K Cameron, A Duffy, C Ellis, J Evans, B Glendinning, J Gooder, M Hastie, A Leslie, R McCullagh, E Photos-Jones, P Robins, K Speller & R Strachan ABSTRACT The results of over 30 separate excavations and watching briefs along the line of the Antonine Wall are presented. The alignment and character of the frontier works and fort defences were clarified in several places. New information was obtained regarding a possible enclosure on the north side of the Wall near Auchendavy. INTRODUCTION Roman Temporary Camp (Lowe & Moloney 2000), Falkirk Roman fort (Bailey, forthcom- This report pulls together the results of over ing a), Kinneil (Glendinning 2000), and Mum- 30 excavations and watching briefs conducted rills annexe (Bailey, forthcoming b). A ford along the line of the Antonine Wall between discovered near Rough Castle, which was 1994 and 2001. Preliminary accounts of the originally thought to have been Roman, as it results of these investigations have been pub- lay beside the Military Way, was subsequently lished in the relevant issues of Discovery and proved to have been prehistoric (Discovery Excavation in Scotland and Britannia. Excav Scot 1995,12&1996, 42; Hamilton et Summary mention is made of some of the al 2001). interventions recorded here in the recently The format of this report follows those of revised fifth edition of The Antonine Wall: A previous compilations (most recently Keppie Handbook to the Surviving Remains (Robert- et al 1995) in many respects.
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