C H I C A G O A Spiritual & Cultural C Quarterly eZine of the Vivekananda Vedanta Society of Chicago A No. 22, 2019 L L I N G Table of Contents Page EDITORIAL 3 SWAMI TYAGANANDA 5 ADVAITA VEDANTA: BASICS SWAMI ISHATMANANDA 11 TRAVELOGUE, 2018: SOUTH EAST ASIA (PT 2) INTRODUCTION TO THE COVER PAGE 16 ADVERTISEMENTS 20 Editor: Swami Ishatmananda Vivekananda Vedanta Society of Chicago 14630 Lemont Road, Homer Glen. 60491 email:
[email protected] chicagovedanta.org ©Copyright: Swami-in-Charge Vivekananda Vedanta Society of Chicago NO 22. 2019 Chicago Calling 2 Editorial: The Philosophy of The Bhagavata The Bhagavata is one of the famous literatures Human beings get a conception of God through of the Hindus, popularly known as a book of Avatara. Divine Life. The Absolute Reality, the pure-consciousness The Bhagavata philosophy is based on direct has been realized as Purusha. experience of the absolute Reality. Through the analysis of three mental stages - The philosophy has two aspects waking, dream and dreamless, we find the pure- 1. Theoretical – also known as Brahma-vada. consciousness and understand that the 2. Practical – also known as Bhagavata-Dharma. phenomenal world is nothing but our mind’s Brahma-Vada or the Theoretical part of the projection. Bhagavata asserts that Brahman or Atman is the Similarly Purusha projects the world out of only absolute Reality-that is the essence of itself. Bhagavata philosophy. The concept of Purusha, is thus helpful in According to this philosophy-this universe, understanding the identity of man, God and including body-mind and ego is an expression of Nature.