Notes for completion

Project number LGF project EZ site refs Project title and brief Named project owner / Project progress and description Last updated main delivery milestones Create a project number To identify if the project Insert site number(s) of Consistent project title in State the name and Note progress to date. Hxx in sequence. This or component(s) of it are related EZ sites. bold. organisation of the Note future milestones. number will act as a funded via LGF funds. Humber LEP to circulate Brief project description person who is unique reference across H – Humber LEP these site references in new paragraph below. responsible for this all LEP activity. record, and can be NY – York, North shortly. contacted for more & East Riding information. LEP Enter the month and year GL – Greater the record was last Lincolnshire LEP updated.

TOTAL PROJECT IMPACTS SINGLE CONVERSATION MATTERS Action progress notes Capital value (£M) Jobs Homes Project Stage Need for action Action Rank Current delivery barriers /Matters needing statutory agency action / intervention Insert total capital Identify the direct Identify the direct 4 – Detailed Planning 3 – Immediate action Project Stage x Identify those issues which are Note important updates since the entry was value of the jobs potential homes potential Stage (Has planning/ or intervention required. Need for action= currently, or anticipated to be last updated and important progress / project. This (including enabled) (including enabled) funding status) 2 – Actively monitor for 12-8 High Priority barriers to timely and cost- continued issues. Highlight other issues not provides an of the end of the end effective delivery. suitable for other columns. 3 – Pipeline Project action and delays. 7-4 Medium indication of scale, scheme, as used scheme, as used 2 - In delivery 1 – No (further) Priority Clearly identify the actions or potential economic in any appraisal. in any appraisal. attention required – for interventions required from impact, particularly Note if indirect. Note if indirect. 1 - Completed 3-1 Low Priority information only. statutory agencies in order for for privately funded the project to progress. projects.

Project title and brief Named Project progress and TOTAL PROJECT SINGLE CONVERSATION MATTERS Action progress notes description project main delivery IMPACTS owner / milestones

Capital Jobs Homes Project Need Action Current delivery Last updated value Stage for Rank barriers / Matters (£M) SCG needing statutory action agency action /


LGF LGF project? refs site EZ Project no. Project

Action Rank = Project Stage x Need for action= 12-8 High Priority (Red) 7-4 Medium Priority (Amber) 3-1 Low Priority (Green)


Project title and brief Named Project progress and TOTAL PROJECT SINGLE CONVERSATION MATTERS Action progress notes description project main delivery IMPACTS owner / milestones

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LGF LGF project? refs site EZ Project no. Project H01 Y - A63 Castle Street Bernice  Public exhibition £321m tbc x 4 3 12 Main scheme Highways is continuing to develop the a Improvement Scheme Beckley, spring 2017 main A63 Castle Street scheme and submitted the  DCO not approved DCO to the Planning Inspectorate on 20 Major Highways England Highway  DCO submission – s ------September. HE expect the decision from PINS on scheme to remodel A63 at September 2018. whether the DCO application is accepted by 18 Castle Street in Hull city England Highways England  DCO Approval/SoS October centre. Oct 2018 responsible for scheme Decision – February delivery with support Footbridge forms part of A63 2020. from HCC. Following meetings with HE Directors, HCC and Castle Street Improvement  Start main scheme Emma Hardy MP we are now delivering PQ Scheme – links Waterfront construction March bridge in advance of the main scheme (see area to City Centre Highways England HO1b) 2020 with completion (pedestrian / cycle bridge) engagement with by March 2025. stakeholders continues. (see HO1b) Garrison Road Improvement scheme is being funded separately by Highways England There are still a number Operations Directorate and is being delivered by of technical issues to the same contractor for PQB (see HO1b) resolve with HCC such as traffic management Regular monthly meetings with HCC ongoing to proposals and site address technical issues that need resolving compound locations. throughout the DCO and detailed design process Monthly progress meetings with HCC to Highways England keen to agree Statements of address these o/s Common Ground with all affected landowners / issues. stakeholders. These discussions have commenced and will be continued right up to the DCO preliminary hearing stage

The scheme cannot be built safely with the Earl de Grey Grade II listed building where it is. An assessment of the building’s condition has taken place to identify viable options to relocate the building. The proposal is to dismantle and rebuild, or jack and move, the building.

The Faculty for removal and re-burial of the bodies in Trinity Burial Ground and for landscaping following the work have both been approved and we are waiting for the sealed documents. HE is aware that Historic England are still unhappy about the number of bodies we are proposing to make available for analysis, which are in line with the wishes of Holy Trinity Church.

Action Rank = Project Stage x Need for action= 12-8 High Priority (Red) 7-4 Medium Priority (Amber) 3-1 Low Priority (Green)


Project title and brief Named Project progress and TOTAL PROJECT SINGLE CONVERSATION MATTERS Action progress notes description project main delivery IMPACTS owner / milestones

Capital Jobs Homes Project Need Action Current delivery Last updated value Stage for Rank barriers / Matters (£M) SCG needing statutory action agency action /


LGF LGF project? refs site EZ Project no. Project H03 - x Paull / Haven ABP Site allocated for port Detailed 3 12 This area was covered This work is ongoing by ABP towards Strategic 205ha employment June related uses in the Planning by a simplified planning developing an outline planning application for site, of which 80ha forms 2019 adopted East Riding 4 regime established by the site. part of the Humber Green Local Plan an adopted LDO (now Port Enterprise Zone. This expired). site offers the north bank of the Humber area the Updates have been Habitat mitigation work greatest opportunity to attract requested, awaiting has been completed in land hungry tier one/two information will report line with the planning supply chain companies for orally at the meeting. conditions within the the offshore wind industry as LDO well as port-related Abnormal infrastructure renewable and low carbon LDO expired 13 June costs are inhibiting site industries. 2018. preparation. Options to The Humber Growth Deal address this are has allocated £3m of funding continually being to improve flood defences looked at. around the site. DCLG EZ Programme team are aware of infrastructure issues.

H04 x South Humber Bank Lesley  Update 19.04.16 - Up to Will Detailed 3 12 East Coast review has Next steps is to discharge requirements in (a) Enterprise Zone Potts The infrastructure £450 4,000 accel Planning had impact on the the DCO – m NLC including the AME erate 4 AMEP speed of highways network is AME P devel development AMEP: EA/NE/MMO – ongoing technical in design. P opme ------work to discharge conditions. nt of  Up to EA, Highways England, £130 Linco %,30 NE - need to expedite m lnshir HE consulted on various associated matters; 0 planning conditions ALP e advice delivered, no major issues, ALP from AMEP Lake archaeological details referred to Local s Authority’s own expert advice.

Action Rank = Project Stage x Need for action= 12-8 High Priority (Red) 7-4 Medium Priority (Amber) 3-1 Low Priority (Green)


Project title and brief Named Project progress and TOTAL PROJECT SINGLE CONVERSATION MATTERS Action progress notes description project main delivery IMPACTS owner / milestones

Capital Jobs Homes Project Need Action Current delivery Last updated value Stage for Rank barriers / Matters (£M) SCG needing statutory action agency action /


LGF LGF project? refs site EZ Project no. Project H04 x Killingholme Marshes Matthew  Project Started April £6,5 Will Detailed 3 12 EA – Inform Flood relief Tender processed failed due to receiving one (b) Drainage Improvement Collinson 2017 m accel Planning work applicant and this was considerably above Scheme NLC  Practical end date 31 (£3,4 erate 4 budget. devel March 2018 74,44 opme 0 DCLG agreed to a contract variation early in June Financial End date 30 nt of ESIF 2018 to move the scheme forward with time 2019 June 2018. Linco £1.9 allowed to undertake a full OJEU lnshir m procurement exercise. North Lincolnshire e Hum Council held numerous discussions with Able Lake ber around the future of the scheme and the s LEP; need to ensure sufficient security was in £1.5 place to prevent the OJEU failing due to m coming in above the funding envelope. GLE

P Due to the ongoing delays in obtaining £3m guarantees around the matched funding the Able) project began to slip against the agreed timelines. Therefore, DCLG informed North Lincolnshire Council they was in default on the funding programme in July 2018. As a result of this, the project is currently on hold and unlikely to proceed with the current ERDF funding and it will be reliant on private sector intervention now.

June 2019- No new updates at this point although North Lincolnshire Council are reviewing the site and it’s use’s as part of our Local Plan.

Action Rank = Project Stage x Need for action= 12-8 High Priority (Red) 7-4 Medium Priority (Amber) 3-1 Low Priority (Green)


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LGF LGF project? refs site EZ Project no. Project H04 x East Halton Flood Defence Matthew  Will Detailed 3 12 EA – Inform Flood relief NLC has been invited to full application now (c) Scheme Collinson accel Planning work by DCLG for a reduced amount and therefore NLC erate 4 are awaiting confirmation from Able they will devel put the required £7 mil match in. The June th 2019 opme application needs to be submitted by the 10 nt of of January 2018. Able will be confirming Linco before Christmas if they will make the match, lnshir if not then we will not be proceeding in the e near future with the project as we will lose the Lake ERDF funds and the EA funds. LA has s chased Able repeatedly since April 2017 for a resolution. North Lincolnshire Council took the decision to not proceed with the DCLG application as we, at that time, had concerns over planning consent, matched funding and did not feel we could deliver the scheme within the envelope. This has been relayed to Able our decision and we have advised them to consider applying directly as the main applicant. Discussions continue to be held with the EA around the future of the £4 million allocated to the scheme.

June 2019- HO4 (b) No new updates at this point although North Lincolnshire Council are reviewing the site and it’s use’s as part of our Local Plan.

Action Rank = Project Stage x Need for action= 12-8 High Priority (Red) 7-4 Medium Priority (Amber) 3-1 Low Priority (Green)


Project title and brief Named Project progress and TOTAL PROJECT SINGLE CONVERSATION MATTERS Action progress notes description project main delivery IMPACTS owner / milestones

Capital Jobs Homes Project Need Action Current delivery Last updated value Stage for Rank barriers / Matters (£M) SCG needing statutory action agency action /


LGF LGF project? refs site EZ Project no. Project H06 Y - Lincolnshire Lakes David Lucent section 106 £1.2b X 6000 Detailed 3 12  Additional capacity Integrated Flood Defence and Drainage (a) Housing Site Development Boreham agreement signed. n Planning would assist with Strategy has been agreed with the EA which New development on the , NLC Land purchased proje 4 accelerating delivery sets the platform development levels. west side of Scunthorpe April completed April 2017. ct, – a bid to HCA has Collaboration agreement has been signed by delivering 6,000 new homes, 2019 first been submitted to NLC and EA. phas resource dedicated community and commercial Maltgrade application Flood Defence Scheme is nearing e staffing for this facilities. for 2,500 homes was completion. £600 project. Scope of entry includes presented to and Northern junction contract of intent is in place m, applications for 6,000 new granted outline This bid was successful – awaiting confirmation of match funding inclu homes, plus LGF flood risk permission, subject to and £112k has been before contracting with GLEPP. des, mitigation project and an agreed section 106 secured to this effect. H06( Lake One works are currently on hold whilst Highways England M181 by NLC Planning b), Environment Agency – assurances are sought over match funding terminal junction / de- Committee in July 2016. HO6 long term resilience of for the project – contract is in place for trunking. (c), site delivery.

H06( Highways England HE are working with KMG to provide a d) HCA to assist delivery solution for the site to allow progression. HO6 of housing numbers Southern Roundabout tenders have been (e). returned and a preferred tenderer is in place – currently in the alcaltel period. Viability work is nearing completion to allow the completion of the section 106.

H06 Lincolnshire Lakes – Lake David £5m Detailed 3 12 Full planning with conditions was granted (d) 1 Boreham lake Planning 01/11/2017. , NLC 4 Works have commenced on discharging pre- commencement conditions which cover Feb 2019 archaeology, ecology, waste and environmental issues. £400k of pre-construction activity costed. Contract for construction now in place with Clugston. Works are currently on hold, whilst assurances are sought over the match funding for the project. GL LEP have been informed of the difficulties with the project.

Action Rank = Project Stage x Need for action= 12-8 High Priority (Red) 7-4 Medium Priority (Amber) 3-1 Low Priority (Green)


Project title and brief Named Project progress and TOTAL PROJECT SINGLE CONVERSATION MATTERS Action progress notes description project main delivery IMPACTS owner / milestones

Capital Jobs Homes Project Need Action Current delivery Last updated value Stage for Rank barriers / Matters (£M) SCG needing statutory action agency action /


LGF LGF project? refs site EZ Project no. Project H48 Hedon Airfield Planning application £200m 600+ Detailed 3 12 Planning consent The project is due to go before to go before proposed ‘ Yorkshire Energy Jo submitted May 2017. Planning required. 4 ERYC Planning Committee in November Park’ comprising 212 acres Barnes subject to the submission of further Feb 2019 Highways Agency information and consultation. access to A1033 Significant progress has been made between statutory consultee and Yorkshire Energy Environment Agency – Park with the assistance of Humber LEP’s Flood Risk issues Single Conversation Group.

Natural England – A revision to the existing application is Wildlife Mitigation currently being prepared which seeks st approval from ERYC for the 1 phase of the project including Eon and Assanti Data Heritage England - Centres developments.

Sport England Historic England has maintained its objection to the proposed development.

Additional meetings between Highways England, Natural England and applicant planned.

Action Rank = Project Stage x Need for action= 12-8 High Priority (Red) 7-4 Medium Priority (Amber) 3-1 Low Priority (Green)


Project title and brief Named Project progress and TOTAL PROJECT SINGLE CONVERSATION MATTERS Action progress notes description project main delivery IMPACTS owner / milestones

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LGF LGF project? refs site EZ Project no. Project HO6 Lincolnshire Lakes David Funding for the £13m Detailed 3 12 The South Junction has been granted (c) Highway Works Boreham Southern Junction has termina planning planning permission in January 2019 – , NLC been confirmed by ting 4 PA/2017/1386. Highways England at junction The South Junction’s delivery will be £8.6m, and for the June developer led by Maltgrade. A contractor is in Northern Junction by 2019 place to commence construction pending GLLEP at £1.9m. financial arrangements being put in place by the developer to cover the match funding required, in addition to the remaining £6.9m Housing Growth Fund from Highways England. £1.9m GL LEP funding for the Northern Junction is in place following the judicial review of the funding. . HE have agreed that the Northern Junction can act as a temporary terminating junction and as such be delivered in advance of the Southern Junction. Works on the Northern Junction require the signing of a section 6 agreement between NLC and HE, this is currently ongoing and once signed HE will instruct Aone+ to undertake a review of the WSP designs. Clugston have been appointed to construct the Northern Junction. H52 X Siemens Mobility Factory – Siemens Outline planning: Spring £200m 700 - 3 3 9 Development of Outline Hybrid application for the development of EZ site Mobility 2018 Planning application Plots C, D, E and F of Goole 36 consisting of: June underway. Assistance a) Full Planning Permission for the diversion Detailed planning: late of statutory agencies of the existing surface water drain and Construction of rail 2019 Summer/Autumn 2019 required. associated works and b) Outline Planning manufacturing facility at Permission for the construction of up to Goole. Start on site: late 2020 85,000 sqm of floorspace for a train manufacturing facility (Class B2), including Complete: 2022. ancillary office (Class B1) and warehousing (Class B8) facilities, a test track, car parking, servicing facilities and associated landscaping and infrastructure was submitted to Council on 26th April. Assessment of this application is underway.

Action Rank = Project Stage x Need for action= 12-8 High Priority (Red) 7-4 Medium Priority (Amber) 3-1 Low Priority (Green)


Project title and brief Named Project progress and TOTAL PROJECT SINGLE CONVERSATION MATTERS Action progress notes description project main delivery IMPACTS owner / milestones

Capital Jobs Homes Project Need Action Current delivery Last updated value Stage for Rank barriers / Matters (£M) SCG needing statutory action agency action /


LGF LGF project? refs site EZ Project no. Project H53 Corridor Dry Hull City Milestones: Laying of a £24.7m 2 2 4 Dredging currently underway in docks by EA Dock Council large area of concrete (full contractors. Gary hard standing between Maritim MMO License for River Hull dredging obtained by Taylor two redundant dry e EA Project to reconnect this part of docks between Dock Heritag June Reports on dock gates obtained and contractor the city centre with the Office Row and the e specifying required works. waterfront, offering a new 2019 River Hull project Preparing for River Hull Dredging and Arctic visitor centre and dry-berth for cost) Corsair Move Early summer the Arctic Corsair telling the Project programmed to complete Sept 19 maritime story of the city. Dredging of section of River Hull

Moving Arctic Corsair trawler. H17 ? Humber: Hull Frontage Lucy Business case for Flood £45m tbc 113,00 Detailed 2 No specific SC actions Interlinked delivery - Skeffling managed improvements Package Marshall & Coastal risk Grant in 0 Planning 12 identified yet. realignment is important for delivery of the Frontage Improvements Package. Improvements to the tidal Environm Aid (FCRM GiA) 4 flood defences on the ent approved in 2017. Humber frontages protecting Agency Decision on Hybrid application made by SoS - the city of Hull. Feb 2019 allowing delivery to commence on certain , construction expected sections. to start early 2019 Reserve matters app for Albert Dock and Island Subject to additional funding, Wharf due Spring 2019 and Full App for Victoria there is an opportunity for an Anticipated to complete Pier July 2019. enhanced scheme that by 2021. supports wider regeneration

plans along the frontage.

Action Rank = Project Stage x Need for action= 12-8 High Priority (Red) 7-4 Medium Priority (Amber) 3-1 Low Priority (Green)


Project title and brief Named Project progress and TOTAL PROJECT SINGLE CONVERSATION MATTERS Action progress notes description project main delivery IMPACTS owner / milestones

Capital Jobs Homes Project Need Action Current delivery Last updated value Stage for Rank barriers / Matters (£M) SCG needing statutory action agency action /


LGF LGF project? refs site EZ Project no. Project H21 Outstrays to Skeffling Lucy Seek the necessary tbc tbc Pipeline 2 6 Environment Agency Project moving forward. Essential for Managed Realignment Marshall permissions during Project - led scheme delivery of key flood alleviation schemes and Needed to allow defence Environm early 2019. 3 linked development proposals ent improvements in other No specific SC actions Agency places within the estuary to Work anticipated to required at this time. Two separate planning applications to be proceed and protect the Feb 2019 commence onsite in submitted, one for the west side and one for Estuary environment. The Summer 2019 the east.side of the project. scheme will be located

between Hawkins Point and Skeffling on the north bank of Proposed that the site the Humber Estuary. will be operational during 2022-2023 The scheme is a partnership project between EA and ABP, to provide compensatory habitat as part of the Humber Flood Risk Management Strategy. Delivering intertidal habitat for losses arising from coastal squeeze, flood defence works and future port development

Action Rank = Project Stage x Need for action= 12-8 High Priority (Red) 7-4 Medium Priority (Amber) 3-1 Low Priority (Green)


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LGF LGF project? refs site EZ Project no. Project H15 Foreshore Tidal Ian FDGiA Business case £11.04 In 2 4 Work continues in line with the stated programme. Defence Burnett, approved March 2018. m Delivery The Livingstone Road

Tidal defences at Hessle June 2 section of the scheme Enabling works (repositioning the lighting Frontage – Submitted 2019 is still being progressed EUSIF Business case columns on Cliff Road and Livingstone Road) originally as part of AEEFAS. in case there are issues approved December are complete. Project noticeboards The scheme will benefit with the agreement with 2018. acknowledging the funders have been placed approx. 4,500 properties. Highways England. on site, in line with funder’s requirements.

LGF Business Case approved January Highways England have confirmed that the 2019. contract documentation for the concrete stepped barrier option on the A63 is being processed. This proposed barrier will replace Start of construction: the Livingstone Road section of Stage 2. In April 2019 respect of this, a section 274 agreement has been received by the project team, and is currently with the Council’s legal team prior to Readiness for service: signing. March 2021

It is expected that the tender for the works at Hessle Haven Sluice will be issued in the near future.

Action Rank = Project Stage x Need for action= 12-8 High Priority (Red) 7-4 Medium Priority (Amber) 3-1 Low Priority (Green)


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Capital Jobs Homes Project Need Action Current delivery Last updated value Stage for Rank barriers / Matters (£M) SCG needing statutory action agency action /


LGF LGF project? refs site EZ Project no. Project H36 X South Humber Bank Measures to secure the Detailed 1 4 Some of the potential Agreeing approach to habitat mitigation for Provision of Strategic NELC provision of strategic Planning growth identified will South Humber Gateway sites. Work with Ecological Mitigation Site mitigation sites along 4 require locations Humber Nature Partnership, NE Lincs, NE South Humber Bank Ecology the South Humber bank adjacent or close to the and others. Group established with a are also a key estuary because of the NE – Working with North East Lincolnshire. winde membership, which contributory factor nature of the business Implementation of the strategic mitigation led in 2010 to the signing of towards economic operation in promoting sites is key. growth. growth in this area, a Memorandum pf Work ongoing with Environment Bank of the Environmental Understanding, providing a Work to understand this acquisition of land. commitment to deliver a more fully has been protection and

mitigation solution via the undertaken and a mitigation will be South Humber Gaterway practical solution necessary and Discussions between NELC flood risk Project. towards the delivery of compensatory land will manager and Environment Agency as to the mitigation have also need to be identified identified land for compensation and been advanced, with a and provided. mitigation and impacts on future development prefferd approach to of flood schemes in the area. mitigation identifying Environment Agency 120ha of mitigation and Natural England LGF grant £2m approved. land.

NELC match funding approved as part of Work is being extended South Humber Industrial Improvement to develop a Humber Programme. Habitat and Compensation Mitigation Plan ERDF bid submitted March 2016. (HHCMP).

Action Rank = Project Stage x Need for action= 12-8 High Priority (Red) 7-4 Medium Priority (Amber) 3-1 Low Priority (Green)


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LGF LGF project? refs site EZ Project no. Project H48 Y - Drain FAS Rachel Phase 1 of the scheme c£30 800 Detailed 1 4 Holderness Drain FAS Creation of multi benefit Glossop involved purchasing million Planning The EA submitted the full business case for – Hull 155ha of land alongside 4 scheme incorporating flood No specific SC actions FDGiA funding and received comments from City the Holderness Drain to storage, amenity, habitat required at this time large project review group. The EA have Council the east of the city. creation and improving water however it is worth responded to comments to re-submit final quality to enhance the built noting that the versions of FBC mid-June. Based on the FBC environment through Lucy The land purchase timescales for delivery being accepted at the end of June, indicative blue/green infrastructure. Marshall, completed on 31st of this scheme are milestones have been updated. It’s a partnership scheme Environm March 2017 using LGF challenging. with Hull City Council, East ent and Flood Defence JBA Bentley has been awarded the contract Riding of Yorkshire Council, Agency Grant in Aid. for design and build of the construction phase Environment Agency, June of the project. Yorkshire Water, Natural 2019 Outline Business Case England and the Yorkshire was submitted to the Wildlife Trust. £5 million of funding has been confirmed from EA in Spring 2018 for Highways England. FDGiA funding. Full

Business Case to be submitted April 2019 for approval and award of contract March 2020.

Phase 2 – construction of scheme to begin winter 2019 if other sources of funding are secured.

Due for completion Spring 2021 H38 Kingswood (Hull) For noting only, no Pipeline 1 3 . Covering 31ha, this area is action to be taken Project - located between the 3 expanding Kingswood residential area and the River Hull. This represents an important source of land for future economic growth in Hull.

Action Rank = Project Stage x Need for action= 12-8 High Priority (Red) 7-4 Medium Priority (Amber) 3-1 Low Priority (Green)


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Capital Jobs Homes Project Need Action Current delivery Last updated value Stage for Rank barriers / Matters (£M) SCG needing statutory action agency action /


LGF LGF project? refs site EZ Project no. Project H47 - - Grimsby West Urban Currently proposed as a 3,300 Pipeline 1 3 Historic England have responded positively to Extension NELC local plan designation. direct Project - a pre-application consultation on Phase 1 Plan-led growth proposal on Planning applications 3 proposals affecting nearby heritage assets the western side of Grimsby expected from late March 2018 The Adopted LP sets out with capacity for 3,300 new 2016. development criteria for the site, including homes. heritage requirements agreed through the Plan process.

Action Rank = Project Stage x Need for action= 12-8 High Priority (Red) 7-4 Medium Priority (Amber) 3-1 Low Priority (Green)


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LGF LGF project? refs site EZ Project no. Project H40 Harbour and Peter Preferred Outline £150m 200 100 Pipeline 1 3  Grant approved by Outline Business Case and Delivery Plan Marina Ashcroft, Layout agreed and set Project - Y,NY&ER LEP under reviewed in 2015. Create a new Marina with ERYC out in adopted AAP. 3 Local Growth Deal Design and cost confidence work completed sailing berths for leisure craft June Design and Cost Round 3 for £4m in May 2016 as an ‘Early Contractor to the south of the existing 2019 Confidence work funding to support Involvement phase, leading to suggestions harbour and improve completed by completion of Project for an alternative layout. Design and infrastructure for the fishing consultants in May Discussions completed with Harbour Procurement phase. fleet, as well as potential 2016. Commissioners as Trust Port body and offshore wind industry, within Stage 2 Preparatory ------Cooperation Agreement signed by the existing harbour. The Work proposed to Commissioners and ERYC.. development will also include enable the Project to Arup (Leeds) appointed in February 2016 to new commercial, leisure and Delay in gaining proceed to the Delivery complete the Environmental Impact housing uses on filled land licences from Marine Stage, involving Management Assessment. Bird survey monitoring work. immediately to the west. preparing: a Project Organisation. Arup (Newcastle) appointed in February 2017 Design; the various to complete Project Design and pre- information to support Delay in obtaining land construction tender stage. applications for a and harbour orders- Harbour Revision Order additional time and cost Liaison completed with various statutory and other consents, for CPO & Public consultees - site is in a Conservation Area and; pre-construction Inquiry. and harbour walls are Listed. The proposal tender documentation. Delay in obtaining will also affect Crown Estate land and require planning and other Marine Management Organisation licences. consents due to Initial feasibility and business case work ecology, heritage and completed in August 2017, followed by other issues. further work on the design, masterplanning, Increase cost over business case and socio-economic impact of estimate. two Concept Designs. The outcome of further options, costs and Marine Management benefits studies received in December 2017 Organisation and alternative proposals are now being considered by the Council and Historic England Commissioners. Following discussions with Environment Agency the MMO, further work on these proposals is Natural England on hold until future funding regimes are known, but the Commissioners are pursuing Crown Estate improvements to existing harbour infrastructure utilising existing LEP funding.

Action Rank = Project Stage x Need for action= 12-8 High Priority (Red) 7-4 Medium Priority (Amber) 3-1 Low Priority (Green)


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LGF LGF project? refs site EZ Project no. Project H07 Anlaby and East Ella Flood Ian FDGiA Business case £21m In 1 2 Phase 1: Works are now officially complete. Alleviation Scheme Burnett, approved Dec 2015 Delivery Complexity of tunnelling operations Phase 2: Construction of the Sydney Smith (AEEFAS) June LGF Offer letter 2 remains as a risk to Lagoon and connecting. The main contractor The scheme will reduce 2019 received March 2016 programme. The is Colas SIAC Ltd. The programme direct damages to 4,000 Planning Approved situation is being continues with works to the double spillway at properties during flood March 2017 closely monitored. Western Drain and the connections to New events. Start of construction Marr Bridge Phase 2: Jan 2018 FDGiA and LGF approvals Readiness for service: Phase 2 bulk engineering operations are now granted – scheme fully March 2020 complete. The remaining tasks consist of funded works to the access track from Road, the field bridge and access steps.

Phase 3: Tunnel, EDU and connecting watercourses. The Main Contractor is North Midland Construction Ltd. The Phase 3 operations continue in line with the programme.

All LGF funding has now been claimed.

Action Rank = Project Stage x Need for action= 12-8 High Priority (Red) 7-4 Medium Priority (Amber) 3-1 Low Priority (Green)


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LGF LGF project? refs site EZ Project no. Project H41 Y Port of Immingham Sea Teresa Development of a full £9.5M 7,346 0 1  Funding approval  Commitment from ABP for Defence Improvements James, scheme for the Port of new required from FDGIA contributions for Phase 2 currently Scheme NELC Immingham and all jobs and ESIF progressed. frontages. The and  ESIF ERDF Bid  Business Case approval due from proposal should 7,000 LPRG in June 2016 therefore be considered submitted – April safegu  ERDF approval awaited. as the best option as it 2016 arded  Design and Construction approved. provides a 1 in 200 year FDGIA business case standard of protection due to LPRG June  Procurement of lockgates and sea defences to be progressed April-July to existing businesses 2016 for approval 2016 and residential ------properties, as opposed

to allowing current defences, which are in Letter of comfort a poor condition, to already received from expire. This would be Natural England and completed in two Environmental phases: Assessment completed Phase 1 – Replacement of lock gates and improvements to immediate lock frontages – Works to commence in summer 2016 (Dependant on Defra Large Project Review Group) and lock gates to be replaced early January 2017. Phase 2 – Improvements to frontages from Immingham to Stallingborough including improvements or replacement of assets – April 2018

Action Rank = Project Stage x Need for action= 12-8 High Priority (Red) 7-4 Medium Priority (Amber) 3-1 Low Priority (Green)