Libby, Mont. Phone 87 THOMPSON FALLS Singing of a New Song by the Pep- Eugene F.Ggerl Couldn’T Figure out Ent Polls, and Will Be True of Any Clerk
PAG à £IX THE WESTERN NEWS, LIBBY, MONTANA Thursday, October 24, 1940 24 and 25 for a state district meet D. F. Fewkes for state legislator, Masons to Troy. ing. The faculty of the Libby schools F V. Klinke for county commis- Tuesday evening six members of will attend the meeting on Friday NATIONAL sioner and Marshall Murray, for tbe Libby Masonic lodge motored to and school will not be in session county attorney, all believe in an Troy to attend lodge as visitors, Uét then. old age pension, and are friends of Those who made the trip were Mar- i y AFFAIRS labor.—Pol. adv. shall Murray, Ed Kemp, P. V. Kit- Lost and Found ley, William Seims, Donald Har Hie TAMARACK Revitwtd by SUMMONS. Did you know that Virginia Gee greaves, and J. F. McCully, Published weekly by the Students of Libby High School has a pair of mysterious shoes CARTER FIELD In the District Court of the Elev- her possession? Sometimes they | enth Judicial District of the State THE STAFF walk right out from under her and of Montana, in and for the County ALBERT hide, but its lucky for her that Bill of Lincoln. Eleanor Rodgers Enth nsinstic voters MONTANA.. eh«» Seims is in existence. He seems to A. J Thomas, plaintiff, vs. O. A. 1 “ ■” * r‘ Associate Editor Raymond Rubard , know their hide-out. strongly influence public Champlin and O. R. Champlin and ANDERSON Austin Fraser, as County Treasurer Sports Editor Bill Seims The Poison gang seemed to have polls . ‘I nde- OF BILLINGS "pOUNDED lÿiS lost one of its members Saturday opinion of Lincoln County.
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