12.1 Information Resources and Technology Management
INFORMATION RESOURCES MANAGEMENT 12.1 Information Resources and Technology Management A. Proponent: Assistant Director for Information Technology Division (ITD) and Chief Information Officer (CIO). Telephone: 202-307-9677. B. Purpose: To establish United States Marshals Service (USMS) policy governing the planning, management, operation, and use of information technology (IT) and information resources (IR). This policy applies to all persons who use USMS IT resources, including but not limited to employees, contractors, task force officers, and interns. This policy applies to classified and unclassified computer and telecommunications systems, technology, peripheral devices, and resources that are acquired for use by, owned, operated, or managed by USMS offices and users. C. Authority: References to selected laws and regulations applicable to this policy directive are in Appendix 1, Authority. D. Policy: ITD is responsible for the promulgation of policy, procedures, management and oversight, and provision of support services for all IR management and IT systems in the USMS. The Tactical Operations Division (TOD) is responsible for the management and provision of support services for secure telecommunications equipment and services. 1. The Assistant Director for ITD, also known as the CIO, is responsible for: a. Advising and assisting the Director, Deputy Director (DD), Associate Directors (AD), Assistant Directors (A/AD), United States Marshals (USM), and other senior USMS staff in order to ensure that the USMS plans, acquires, manages, and uses IT and IR in a manner that enhances mission accomplishment; improves work processes and paperwork reduction; provides sufficient protection for the privacy of personal information; promotes citizen-centered electronic government; and is consistent with all applicable federal laws and policy directives; b.
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