TB 380-41 Final!
klg DISTRIBUTION RESTRICTION STATEMENT The technical or operational information in this manual is required solely for official use; therefore, distribution is authorized to U.S. Government agencies only. This determination was made on 1 January 1993. For further information, see page i of this document. WARNING: Military or civilian personnel who misuse or disclose to unauthorized persons information marked For Official Use Only (FOUO) may be subject to administrative sanctions brought under UCMJ Article 92, or in accor- dance with AR 690-700, Chapter 751, Table 1-1. Elec- tronic copies made of any publication herein must (1) bear the Four Official Use Only marking, and (2) include this WARNING in its entirety. Protective marking is in accordance with paragraph 3-200, Exemption 3a, AR 25-55. Destroy by any method that will prevent disclosure of contents or reconstruction of the document. Headquarters, Department of the Army Date of this Publication is 1 August 2003. Current as of 1 July 2003. This bulletin supersedes TB 380-41, October 1994 and rescinds the use of DA Forms 2008 and 2009. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY TB 380-41 DISTRIBUTION RESTRICTION STATEMENT OUTSIDE THE U.S. GOVERNMENT RELEASE: Requests from outside the U.S. Government for release of this publication under the Foreign Military Sales Program must be made to Commander, U.S. Army Security Assistance Center, ATTN: AMSAC-MI/I, 5002 Eisenhower Ave., Alexandria, VA 22333-0001. Request from outside the U.S. Government for release of this publication under the Freedom of Information Act must be made to the Director, Communications-Electronics Command (CECOM), Communications Security Logistics Activity (CSLA) at ATTN: SELCL-ID-P3, U.S.
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