Parliamentary Assembly Parliamentary Assembly Doc. 11474 3 January 2008 Strengthening co-operation with the Maghreb countries Report Political Affairs Committee Rapporteur: Mrs Josette DURRIEU, France, Socialist Group Summary The report deals with Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco. These Maghreb countries have shown the will to reinforce collaboration with the Council of Europe. Over the last few years, these countries have made progress and have carried out numerous reforms with regard to democracy, the rule of law and human rights. Moreover, they have firmly committed themselves to inter-religious and inter-cultural dialogue. Even though the situation varies from one country to another, nevertheless the report highlights common problems such as attacks on public and political freedoms, the absence of an independent justice system and the persistence of islamic extremism. The report also gives account of the different types of cooperation with the Council of Europe which already exist, particularly with the Venice Commission, and calls for such collaborations to be strengthened. Finally, the report looks at the possibility of further collaboration with the Maghreb countries and proposes possible action plans that could be implemented by the Parliamentary Assembly, the Committee of Ministers, the Secretary General and member countries. F – 67075 Strasbourg Cedex, e-mail:
[email protected] tel : + 33 3 88 41 2000, fax + 33 3 88 41 2776 Doc. 11474 A. Draft resolution 1. The Parliamentary Assembly refers to Resolution 1506 (2006) on the external relations of the Council of Europe and reiterates its commitment to promote democracy, the rule of law and respect for human rights beyond the current borders of its member states, in neighbouring countries and, in particular, in the southern Mediterranean through dialogue and co-operation.