United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
UNITED NATIONS TD United Nations Distr. GENERAL Conference on Trade and TD/B/COM.2/INF.11 20 March 2007 Development ENGLISH/FRENCH/SPANISH ONLY TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD Commission on Investment, Technology and Related Financial Issues Eleventh Session, Geneva, 8-14 March 2007 LIST OF PARTICIPANTS Note: The format and data of the entries in this list are as provided to the secretariat. TD/B/COM.2/INF.11 Page 2 MEMBERS AFRIQUE DU SUD H.E. Mrs. Glaudine J. MTSHALI, Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Geneva Mr. David ALDRICH, Department of Trade and Industry, Pretoria Mr. Lesley GOVENDER, Department of Trade and Industry, Pretoria Mr. Johan VAN WYK, First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva Mr. Simon QOBO, First Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva Ms. Susanna CHUNG, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva ALGERIE M. Boumediene MAHI, Premier secrétaire, Mission permanente, Genève ALLEMAGNE Mr Holger RAPIOR, Counsellor, Permanent Mission, Geneva Ms Friederike KÄRCHER, Advisor, Permanent Mission, Geneva ANGOLA S.E. M. Arcanjo Maria DO NASCIMENTO, Ambassadeur, Représentant permanent, Genève M. Eduardo NETO SANGUEVE, Conseiller, Mission permanente, Genève M. Amadeu de Jesus LEITÃO ALVES NUNES, Attaché (Affaires commerciales), Mission permanente, Genève M. Rui Pedro LIVRAMENTO, Mission permanente, Genève ARABIE SAOUDITE Mr. Adel M. AL-MUBARAK, Commercial Attaché, Permanent Mission, Geneva ARGENTINE Sr. Darío CELAYA ALVAREZ, Consejero, Misión Permanente, Ginebra AUTRICHE Ms. Elizabeth MARSCHANG, Counsellor, Permanent Mission, Geneva BANGLADESH H.E. Mr. Toufiq ALI, Ambassador, Permanent Representative, Geneva Mr. Mohater HUSSAIN, Economic Minister, Permanent Mission, Geneva Mr. Andalib ELIAS, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission, Geneva BARBADE Ms. Corlita BABB-SCHAEFER, Counsellor, Permanent Mission, Geneva TD/B/COM.2/INF.11 Page 3 BAHREÏN H.E.
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