Registered with the Reg. No. TN/CH(C)/374/15-17 Registrar of Newspapers Licenced to post without prepayment for under R.N.I. 53640/91 Licence No. TN/PMG(CCR)/WPP-506/15-17 Publication: 15th & 28th of every month Rs. 5 per copy (Annual Subscription: Rs. 100/-) WE CARE FOR MADRAS THAT IS CHENNAI INSIDE • Short ‘N’ Snappy • Karthik and CGK • The Subbudu story • The Academy’s rival • A Season of frenzy

Vol. XXVII No. 18 MUSINGS January 1-15, 2018 Will appreciation of this be taught in syllabus... Humanities still get short shrift (By Our Education Correspondent) Painted Stork (above), Cormorants (below left) and Pelicans (below right) arrive for the Season at Sholinganallur marshland. tatistical indicators of the Sphysical and quantitative aspects of the education system show Tamil Nadu in good light in comparison with other States. Sufficiency of infrastruc- ture, however, does not by itself ensure efficacy. Syllabus content and teaching method- ologies produce the final im- pact. The growing number of (Continued on page 10) ... as well as how to care for this ? Whither heritage conservation? (By The Editor) 017 is drawing to a close. the Chepauk Palace campus, a 2We must be thankful that section of the Government no major heritage structure Press located in George Town, caught fire or mysteriously col- and the office of the Deputy lapsed this year. What was on Inspector General, Registration the verge of collapse in Decem- Department. All three struc- ber 2016 remains in the same tures are now in a state of ruin state a year later. But we have and the Government has had acts of wanton demolition, announced that it is allocating as happened with Binny’s head funds for their restoration. The office. But there is a glimmer of projects, it is understood, may hope and this has manifested take over three years before itself by way of a Government they reach completion. announcement, earlier this This is, however, the same month. And so we end 2017 on Government that suddenly an- a positive note. nounced that at Madrasa-e- Apparently, there is now a Azam would make way for a Building Centre and Conserva- wedding hall, thereby clearly tion Department within the indicating it has no consistent Public Works Department. policy when it comes to heritage And this entity has been en- conservation. It also established trusted the task of restoring one fact – any act of protection three heritage structures in the city – the Humayun Mahal in (Continued on page 2) The rusted Munro statue (see page 3). All pictures by Shantanu Krishnan. CMYK 2 MADRAS MUSINGS January 1-15, 2018

Whither Once upon a glorious hall heritage? espite having the reputa- Inside were a set of other bore fruit and the monsoons Dtion of having been to all invitees, all of them with a left after giving us only a (Continued from page 1) there is clear evidence that a nooks and crannies of our city, resigned air that suggested that portion of their promised The Man from Madras they had been around since bounty. For people like The private entity or a quasi govern- or, conversely, demolition, de- Musings, who was once fa- time began. When MMM en- Man from Madras Musings mental body (like LIC) can get mously introduced as a street- tered they all looked up with who rejoice in the rain, this pends of the man/woman on the away with whatever it wants to spot – be it a minister or a bu- walker of the city, had some- hope as if expecting a rescue was a disappointment. And do. When the Government can how never been to the famed party and when they realised it now Chennai has settled down reaucrat. If the person favours on occasion protect buildings auditorium named after the was only MMM they all went to its winter, which is around protection, the structure will be that it owns, why cannot it Congress stalwart and Chief back to staring at the ceiling. one week of mild weather fol- protected. If not, no. Madrasa- make the private sector do so? Minister who put our State on The only animated personality lowed by a couple of months e-Azam has, however, tempo- Are there other commercial the industrial map of India. was a photographer who relent- of a reasonable climate. rarily been granted a reprieve, interests involved? The opportunity never arose lessly had every one of the But the average Chennai- by the only arm of the State that Harking back to the decision and MMM, while passing by invitees pose for pictures ite, or so MMM realises, takes the place on numerous occa- against a blank white wall has so far championed the cause to conserve the three buildings his cold weather seriously. of heritage – the judiciary. A sions, had often wondered as rather in the manner of a firing How else do you explain this listed in the beginning of this to how it looked inside. squad positioning a sentenced stay has been issued, following article, we would also like to proliferation of monkey caps, Last week, during the thick person. And when this was mufflers, shawls and, above a petition challenging the know the modalities of how it is done, he had the invitees demolition. of the Music Season, MMM all, earmuffs inspired by wild- proposed to be done. Will the was invited to participate in an grouped in pairs, triads and life? All of these and more the It now appears that the guidelines be the same as they pentads. Government’s track record on event connected with the re- average Chennai-ite has taken are for new constructions? Or lease of a book on how Celtic Having waited for more to sporting and MMM will not conservation is better than has the PWD now staff who are Music had influenced its South than an hour, MMM decided be surprised if many wear what it is when it comes to qualified to restore heritage private properties. And this is structures? If it is the former, it where lack of a clear policy or is a cause for concern. Conser- guidelines is hurting. How can vation architects have repeat- SHORT ’N’ SNAPPY a building like Binny’s be demo- edly raised doubts over the way lished when Court orders the Government clubs restora- prevent such an occurrence? tion with modern structures. How can Leith Castle be sold to The two cannot be equated and Indian classical equivalent. to explore the rest of the audi- thick woolly underclothing or developers as has recently been we need distinct guidelines for alleged? How can the Young This was held in the venue torium and found it to be in a flannel. It may not be long be- each. Does the proposed Build- named after ye olde Chief shocking state. He was eventu- fore houses in Chennai have a Men’s Indian Association and ing Centre and Conservation Minister. MMM was asked by ally summoned to appear on fireplace or two. the Life Insurance Corporation Department have the necessary the host, the proud father of stage and when he did, he The weather may not be of India cock a snook at the law skills? If that is so, we look the two children who had writ- found that the chairs were rick- by not restoring Gokhale Hall cold, but most of Chennai forward to some really good ten the book, to come straight ety and wobbled even as MMM appears to have caught the and Bharat Insurance (Kardyll) conservation exercises of which to the green room. It was only and other guests positioned affliction that goes by the same Building respectively when we can justifiably be proud. If on reaching the place that themselves. The event, badly name. All around the city you there is a clear directive from MMM discovered that this organised, in keeping with the hear nothing but sniffles, not we will have botched space was quite some distance rest of the hall, was mercifully the Court? It is because the attempts as was done in the case coughs and sneezes. And Government does not imple- inside the building. A volun- brief and MMM came away when you are in a music of the GPO. Let us, however, teer met MMM at the gate and clutching a shawl, a bouquet ment the law. In all these cases, hope for the best. concert, you hear all of these said he had been deputed to and a couple of books that later around you, in addition to the take MMM to the green room. proved to be full of howlers. main musician who, too, He then asked MMM if he, MMM was supposed to invariably has a sore throat MMM, knew where the green speak for a few minutes and owing to over-exposure and THANK YOU, DONORS room was. When MMM re- was dreading the prospect, strain, what with having to plied in the negative, this man what with the venue and the sing multiple concerts in the We today, publish donations received with thanks for was nonplussed. He muttered audience proving most season. something under his breath as the period from 01.12.17 till date uninspiring. It was just as The Chennai-ite is also to how MMM, who claimed to MMM was bracing himself for – The Editor forever be associated with the proud of his winter. Try a summons to the mike that the making fun of it by stating that Rs. 50: Fazal, M. arts, did not know a simple host came huffing and puffing matter like that. Then having it is nothing but mild Rs. 100: Sivasankaran, A; Thiruvengadam, V to MMM and whispered into weather and he springs to its guessed that MMM’s hearing, MMM’s ear that the event was Rs. 250: Yeshwant, R unlike his vision, was quite defence. The temperature, considerably behind time and says the affronted Chennai-ite, Rs. 400: Pradeep, B; Kasilingam, M. acute, became all smiles and so could MMM please truncate said apologetically that he, the dipped to 24 degrees Celsius Rs. 900: Parthasarathi, R; Uthandaraman, A. his speech. MMM asked in re- or some such freezing point volunteer, too did not know sponse as to how much ought Rs. 1300: Parthasarathy, N.S. where the green room was. and if that is not winter, the to be cut. All of it was the re- Chennai-ite would like to However a couple of phone ply, accompanied by a pleading calls peppered with colourful know what can be called cold look. MMM agreed whole- weather. Moreover, they say language set him on the right heartedly, reflecting internally direction and he bade MMM by way of additional proof, the CHENNAI HERITAGE that this was the only plus air conditioner had to be to follow. point in the whole miserable No. 5, Bhattad Tower, 30, Westcott Road, Royapettah, Chennai 600 014 switched off. Is that even Rather in the manner of afternoon. remotely possible in Chennai? I am already on your mailing list (Mailing List No...... ) / I Morgiana in Ali Baba leading It was only as he left the And so, MMM concludes, we have just seen Madras Musings and would like to receive it hereafter. the cobbler, the volunteer led stage that he realised that he are heading for a winter of MMM through a labyrinth of had no idea as to how to make discontent. G I/We enclose cheque/demand draft/money order for sorts, all dimly lit. In a way this Rs. 100 (Rupees One hundred) payable to CHENNAI his way to the exit. He was all to the good, for MMM fumbled about for quite a HERITAGE, MADRAS, as subscription to Madras Musings could only dimly make out the Tailpiece for the year 2017-18. while before what appeared to condition of these spaces. be a genie out of Alladin finally Cobwebs hung low, as if from he season of good cheer is G rescued him and helped him As token of my support for the causes of heritage, here and The Man from a horror movie set, the walls leave. Overall, it was an unfor- T environment and a better city that Madras Musings espouses, Madras Musings, together with felt damp and in many places gettable experience that MMM I send Chennai Heritage an additional his good lady, also known as had water seeping through hopes he will not have occasion Rs...... She Who Must Be Obeyed, rather in the manner of a mine to repeat. (Rupees ...... ) Please shaft and as for the floor, it wishes you all a great 2018. keep/put me on your mailing list. was littered with props and Last year had ample scope Name : ...... objects of all kinds. Through A Winter’s Tale for humour and satire and ...... all this the volunteer led something tells MMM that the Address: ...... MMM relentlessly on and he rains came and terrori- new year will not be any ...... eventually fetched up in the T sed everyone in the city. different. All cheques to ‘Chennai Heritage’. DD/Cheque should be sent by green room. The prayers of the majority –MMM Speed Post only. January 1-15, 2018 MADRAS MUSINGS 3

group, The Magic Lantern, G staged a dramatised version of TWO REMEMBERED Ponniyin Selvan. Had they known, when they chose the play, that the centenary was two years away? No. They had just thought that the ecstasy of sacrifice that lay at the heart of Recalling the novel was a fine note on which to close the 20th Cen- tury. Karthik, Ilango, and I talked about very little else. “I Ponniyin think Kalki has decided that the time has come,” said Ilango. And so it had. Selvan – Mini Krishnan The translator’s note The publisher’s note introduced me to Kalki and I It is now widely acknowl- edge, that Kalki was the first It was in 1996 that Karthik can truthfully say that I spent so many happy hours following the Tamil writer who used the an- Narayanan suggested we pub- cient history of famous Tamil lish Ponniyin Selvan in transla- fortunes of Vandiyathevan (so like D’Artagnan) that I won- dynasties and the region as the tion in time for the centenary. I background of attractive sto- thought to myself: five hundred dered what I’d do when the work was over. ries. Ponniyin Selvan, which chapters… 2,400 pages? The deals with the life of Rajaraja equivalent of at least ten of the A year later our celebrated illustrator joined the team and Chozhan, is the last of the three short novels I was editing for great novels, the other two be- Macmillan’s Modern Indian we had endless discussions about what he had to leave out! ing Parthiban Kanavu and Novels project of translations Sivakamiyin Sabadam. with the support of the MR.AR. Once it was known that the Educational Society. translation was underway, not a The best historical writing day went by without a call from though it would sound odd to line would hook neatly into requires not only a precise “What’s it about?” I asked readers who did not know some conversation or incident. and, without once breaking a stranger or an enquiry from an knowledge of the incident or acquaintance, “When will it be Tamil) we should use variations Perhaps, the most memorable of facts that laborious research has stride or fumbling for expres- of the same name to indicate such lines (not that I tried to sion, KN narrated the story of collected, but the capacity to the attitude and relationship of take this out!) is Sendhan weave the matter as so to form Ponniyin Selvan and as he did, I G We remember the speaker to the person re- Amudhan’s “She who gave a lasting fabric which discloses was drawn, like so many thou- KARTHIK NARAYA- ferred to. Hence, for example, birth to me is a great soul but an sands before me, to the magic character and motive. Imagina- NAN with these notes the different presentations of unfortunate woman” (ch 23). tion is thus no less necessary to and drama of Kalki, one of the on the most signifi- the same name “Chozhar” and Two lines later he explains why greatest story-tellers of our the writer of novels as it is to a cant work he did. “Chozhan”, “Aditha Karikalar” he thinks she is unfortunate, historian. In both cases, it has time. and “Aditha Karikalan”, in but readers who know the story “Who will translate such a to be used with restraint and both cases the first variant be- will know what a loaded sen- judgement. A novel, which is work?” I mused. ready?” Excerpts published in ing the respectful form of ad- tence this is because in it lies “I will,” said Karthik with not true to life, will kill itself. the Literary Review of The dress. the secret of Sendhan Facts woven round an attrac- perfect confidence. That was Hindu spread the news even fur- Before I saw the first lot of Amudhan’s origin and future. the first step. Then I turned to tive story are better grasped and ther and bookshops began to chapters I thought to myself: There were so many small remembered than when given other practicalities and any- ask when they might place or- Surely, we can abridge some of incidents and coincidences thing that looked like a moun- as dull narrative of the conven- ders. it, used as I was to the style of connected with the smooth tional historial type. tainous difficulty simply pow- Karthik freely handed over seralised novels with the novel- progress of the work that my dered before us. his scripts for re-workings and ist recapping situations and curiosity about the original It is this aspect of Ponniyin With the assurance of sup- revisions and never once hesi- plots and even him/herself as grew. When did the first chap- Selvan that fascinates me, when port by the MR.AR. Educa- tated to take a decision when the novel progressed. But to my ter first appear in print? Six I started reading it in serialised tional Society, work on the we came unstuck, always and amazement I found that not a months before I was born and form, ever since it first appeared project began. There followed instinctively keeping in Kalki’s single line this great novelist in the same year that Ilango, our in Kalki magazine. I used to wait three years of collaboration on shadow. A tireless re-writer of wrote could be taken out be- illustrator was! A few months anxiously for the weekly to ap- what I call the Gone with the his own work, it was he who said cause a hundred pages later (in before our book went to press, a pear at the doorstep and grab it Wind of Tamil Nadu. Karthik that, following the author, (and Kalki’s life a few weeks) that highly motivated local theatre before the others. It was a voy- age of discovery which subse- quently made me appreciate the diversity, the richness and depth our culture, tradition, art Rebel with and religion. Translating Ponniyin Selvan has been a real labour of love. Every time I flinched during the a cause exercise, the impish Vandiya- (By K.R.A. Narasiah) thevan, the conniving Azhwar- kadiyan, the fascinating rom early in his life C.G.K. ship, was carrying troops, left Nandini, the majestic Kundavai FReddy, former Business Calcutta for an unknown desti- and all the other characters ap- Manager of The Hindu and nation on January 23, 1942. On peared before me enthusing me founder Director of the Re- March 10th, she altered course with their conversation and ar- search Institute of Newspaper due east, heading for Padang, guments. Development, an organisation Dutch East Indies (now Indo- C.G.K. Reddy can be seeen in the second row, fourth from left. with which the Press Institute nesian port). A number of friends ex- merged. Never had literally. He The following passage is submarine. . .was torpedoed, island a few hours later. Learn- pressed concern whether the started his life as a mariner, hav- from A Short History of the Brit- listed to port and disap- ing that Shahabuddin was in an translation will ring true to the ing joined the Training Ship ish India Steam Navigation Com- peared” Army hospital, he went to see original. At the same time, a lot Dufferin as an engineering ca- pany by Hilary St. George him. As Shahabuddin says in of them who read the excerpts A badly injured Shaha- which appeared in The Hindu det. On graduation, he was Saunders: buddin and some others his autobiography, “The whole posted as fifth engineer in ss “. . .the ill-fated Chilka of the night he sat on a chair were quite appreciative. If this watched from a lifeboat, the translation can reproduce even Chilka, a vessel belonging to the (Captain W. Bird), a passenger ship go down. Four terrible days next to my bed, and he was ship which had been con- a minuscule portion of the gran- British India Steam Navigation later they reached Nias Island, there to help me to turn from verted into a trooper, was on deur of the original. I will feel Company. Along with him was 75 miles west of Sumatra. one side to another. Reddy another Cadent navigating of- the way to Padang. . . she wanted to stay with me, but it satisfied. never arrived, for on 11th Reddy, fortunately not ficer, Sayeed Shahabuddin. The March 1942 she met with a wounded so badly, reached the (Continued on page 4) – Karthik Narayanan 4 MADRAS MUSINGS January 1-15, 2018

Regarding the “open letter”, ence teachers in Geography is all four points are indeed valu- minimal and miserable. able and will be considered by Teachers of Social Sciences A statue to save the Committee. in State Board schools in Tamil write to draw your attention to the condition of the Munro Nadu have never been taught Dr. M. Anandakrishnan Statue on the Island Grounds. It is covered with rust and in To be considered the Geography and History of I Chairman poor state, due to neglect (Picture: Page1). I am informed by he view points expressed in SCERT Syllabus Committee Tamil Nadu. No standard book the GOC that this is Chennai Corporation’s responsibility, and TMadras Musings (December 8/15, Fifth Main Road is available in the market on that it has not budgeted for repairs and maintenance of the 16th) will be considered in all Madan Apt. this subject. The SCERT has statue. I was also informed that the Army is willing to under- seriousness by our Committee. Kasturibai Nagar, Adyar not taken steps to update the take the job, just as it did for the railing around the statue. The In essence, the following Chennai 600 020 knowledge of the teachers in estimated cost is around Rs. 2 lakh, which the Army has offered Geography and History. They to spend. The Corporation and the Secretariat is unwilling to points were made: Spilt accept this offer. G The syllabus for Social depend only on the textbooks published by the Tamil Nadu I fear, as does the Army, that the civil authorities will only Sciences “has fallen short of t is indeed interesting to note paint the statue over and ruin this heritage asset of Chennai, if expectations – it is just flat Ithat Musings had time and Text Books Committee. Fur- it takes up the restoration, unless it commits itself to a heritage wines in old bottles”. space to comment on school ther, the teachers spend little expert-monitored restoration. G There is stress on informa- syllabi! (MM, December 16th). time in libraries. Hence, their V.R. Raghavan, Lt. Gen. (Retd.) tion rather than knowledge. The views expressed by knowledge in Social Sciences is [email protected] G “All these subjects – the Muthiah and the two con- static and confined to text Humanities as it were – are cerned educationists are true books. EDITOR’S NOTE: Thomas Munro, beloved in South India now clubbed under the sub- and appropriate. Comments are As a result, Humanities have wherever he was posted, was considered by Rajaji as the best ject Social Science, an obvi- only a day after the fair: it is all lost ground in school education. civilian to have ever worked in the Madras Presidency. Munro ous misnomer.” cries in the wilderness. Alas, I join you to cry over was a former Governor of Madras who contributed much to land reforms and education. We hope our Governor of today G In the 1960s and ’70s there From Std. VI to X, Social the split milk. Sciences, as a subject is, and has takes a personal interest in this renewal. was a systematic study of K.S. Ganapathy been, a burden to both teachers History and Geography. Former Member, Legislative Economics and Civics were and students. Besides, it is an Council, Tamil Nadu Dates and monarchs should place and are taught as separate not included till the Higher ever-increasing subject. The [email protected] give place to the changes in the subjects with only the name Secondary level. NCERT is responsible for this life of people. For example, in changing from Social Studies to Mere rhetoric G The syllabus at primary level maul. The SCERTs of the western Tamil Nadu, Telugu- Social Science with no scientific is praiseworthy. At the States follow the line. was surprised to find two speaking people can be found thinking of any sort necessary. middle level, there is no clar- The NCERT, which had Ipieces concerning Social from Mettupalayam to In UK, Economics is intro- ity. The secondary level is been bringing out quality Geog- Studies syllabuses in MM, De- Rajapalayam. From where did duced at school level as a prac- the most overloaded. raphy and History text books cember 16th. Your comments they come and why has to be tical subject without any theo- These are valuable points for schools till 1986-1987, has are worthy of being considered taught. It would be found they retical rigour. Students are which will be considered by the shifted stance and is adopting by the committee. But the com- had migrated from the black asked to find the market prices concerned sub-committees. new text book writing tech- ments by two unknown teach- cotton soil of Andhra to a simi- of different commodities and There is an unfortunate im- nique, plunging the school stu- ers are to be discussed in depth. lar black cotton soil land. The hypothesise why they change. pression that the syllabi have dents in distress. During British days, the sub- migration might be due to natu- Unless classrooms get out of ex- been drawn up keeping in view For the students of CBSE, ject was ‘Outlines of the History ral disasters or invasion. Stu- amination-oriented teaching competitive exams such as Social Sciences is a bugbear. of England and India and Ge- dents should be encouraged to and the capabilities of teachers NEET. Far from it. The attempt Students are trained to give by- ography’. When a new curricu- ponder over these factors and are enriched, no reform would all along has been to emphasise heart answers to questions. lum was drafted in 1948, the find answers. Historical and be worthy and meaningful. It the fundamentals. I agree with There are no fully qualified subject was rechristened as So- geographical factors contrib- would just be rhetoric. the view that a great deal will teachers. Most of the teachers cial Studies and an integrated uted to their migration. But this depend upon the kind of text have done only Economics or approach to know the story of was too high an expectation S.S. Rajagopalan books and the capability of History in their degree courses. human civilisation was sug- and the integration of History 30, Kamarajar Street teachers. Knowledge of the Social Sci- gested. and Geography never took Chennai 600 093

(Continued from page 3) A REBEL WITH A CAUSE the phone that the police were was not possible as he had to searching the room he was stay- accompany the rest of the offic- George Fernandes for working When he was rescued by the The three years in jail gave ing in at the Hotel Imperial and ers to Goonoongsitoli, the capi- against the state, in what he be- Japanese after the sinking of the him some maturity in thought, concludes CGK was Dynamite tal of Nias Island. Saying came known as the Baroda Dy- Chilka, he was infiltrated into CGK says. It was during this in every sense. goodbye, he told me that if he namite Case. India with the help of the time that he met Dr. Ram CGK’s son C. Rammohan returned to India before me he The accused were charged Indian Independence League. Manohar Lohia and became his Reddy, who served in Govern- would get in touch with my par- with smuggling dynamite to The 19-man party entered follower. He went away from ment, wrote in The Hindu about ents in Calcutta and inform blow up government establish- Teknaf, a small town in politics, but June 26, 1975 CGK’s sufferings during emer- them of my position.” Reddy ments and railway tracks. The Chittagong District, in Septem- transformed him when the gency in an article titled When kept his promise. The two kept accused were imprisoned in ber 1942. One of them was Emergency was declared. He Friends Disappeared. As member in touch for years after that. Tihar Jail, Delhi. CGK did not caught and became a collabora- got in touch with the under- of Parliament, from Karnataka, Shahabuddin moved to Paki- seek help of his uncle, Sir C.R. tor. All of them were ground movement and found Reddy took active part in vari- stan after Partition. Reddy, former Vice Chancellor apprehended and were first himself as an accused in Baroda ous discussions involving per- Reddy’s nephew Dr. Amulya of Andhra University and its ar- taken to Red Fort and then to Dynamite Case. He writes, sonal freedom and safety. Reddy, has produced a mono- chitect, who was quite an influ- Madras. nearly 30,000 persons were in Amulya Reddy adds the last graph, Lest we forget C.G.K. ential person then. Tried for waging war jail then, which swelled to note: “He was reading a PG Reddy which tells the story of CGK has written elaborately against the king, under the 150,000. He compares this with Wodehouse book in the Inten- CGK. Incidentally, Amulya’s about this case in his book, Enemy Agents Ordinance. He 40,000 people in jail at the sive Care Unit (Vijaya Hospital daughter married into Shaha- Baroda Dynamite Conspiracy: was tried with others by Mr. height of the Quit India move- in Madras) before his operation. buddin’s family! The Right to Rebel. In the pro- E. Mack, a Sessions judge. The ment! On the day he was going in for After Reddy and others were logue to the book (1977), when Judge being compassionate K.M. Mathew of Malayala the major surgery that resulted rescued and imprisoned by the he was selected to join the person was unwilling to sen- Manorama offered CGK a job in death, he asked for a piece of Japanese, the Japanese planted Dufferin, he wanted to get into tence all to death, all of them in Malayala Manorama, after he paper and penned his last testa- 19 of them as spies in India. the Navy, but was rejected as he being youngsters. He sen- quit The Hindu. Together they ment: “I have had the good for- They were all caught and five was marked as a Gandhian! tenced four to death and had established RIND in Madras. tune to enjoy the affection, regard were hanged for conspiring While he was in Calcutta prior others detained till 1945. PII-RIND Mathews was the and generosity of friends, relatives against the British. CGK was to joining Dufferin he was CGK saw in the early hours chaiman. and colleagues. These are what sentenced to three years rigor- drawn to Subash Chandra Bose August 9, 1943, Satish Bardan, In his autobiography, The made my living worthwhile and ous imprisonment. and met him once. When Bose Fouja Singh, Anandan, Eighth Ring, Mathew talks about have come to my aid in battling CGK was to be charged with escaped, one of the men ar- shouting Bharath Mata ki Jai CGK and says in the Baroda some very difficult times.” “May I sedition once again. During the rested for enquiry was CGK and Mahathma Gandhi ki Jai as Dynamite Case, he was the sec- say Thank you & wish you the 1975-76 emergency, he was ar- Reddy! This was when he was they went to the hangman’s ond defendant and had before best?” He passed away in De- rested in June, 1976 along with yet in his teens. noose. his arrest had been informed on cember 1994. January 1-15, 2018 MADRAS MUSINGS 5

4-page Margazhi Musings – A special feature

G SUBBUDU The family’s sole calling card

rrespective of the many bu- with Krishnamurti Bhagavatar. adopt Subbudu as his sishya and Ireaucratic positions I have Subbudu, barely eight or nine, make him a full-fledged musi- held and the awards I have re- was sitting beside the cian. My father politely de- ceived, I invariably introduce Bhagavatar, listening intensely, clined, saying that music would myself to people by saying, “I am keeping talam on his lap and, always remain his hobby. Subbudu’s youngest brother” like a jack-in-the-box, pointing This picture takes me to that has opened many doors for out small lapses in my sisters’ 47th Street East Rangoon. The me. In fact, all the members of singing. That day, Subbudu the cosmopolitan city of Rangoon the family exploit their one and critic was born. was known for its variety of only visiting card, “SUBBU- To test the boy’s ability, one street hawkers. There was this DU”. day, the Bhagavatar sang a line late evening Burmese hawker People have asked me why selling fried peanuts singing: the name Subbudu. Is there a G by Maybay salo paasiyan, Maybay Telugu connection? Well, yes salo paasay, or words to that ef- and no! My maternal grandfa- P.V. Krishnamoorthy fect! ther was a Tahsildar in the (The author, who is 96 Our young ventriloquist, Guntur District of Andhra years old, held top Subbudu, repeated his cry accu- Pradesh. The family was at positions in All India rately and the hawker was sur- used to imitate birdsong, animal cially a comic one. Playing home with Telugu. When the Radio and was the prised and startled. This went sounds and even the sounds of Hanuman was his forté. He boy was named Subramaniam, first Director General on for some days and, finally, musical instruments. One day needed no special make-up to my uncles chose to nickname of Doordarshan) one evening, the hawker spot- he tried to imitate the trumpet- play the monkey god. He con- him Subbudu, in the true ted Subbudu and chased him up ing of elephants and unfortu- torted his face, nobody knows Andhra tradition, and the name to our door. My mother had a nately forgot to close his ears how, and lo and behold, there stuck. When Subbudu’s name is from a keertana and asked hard time explaining to him which resulted in his hearing a stood Hanuman! mentioned, some pictures of us Subbudu to sing it in solfa notes. that it was a mere childish ringing sound in his head for a There was one problem in Rangoon float in front of me. To the teacher’s surprise prank. She also had to buy some long time! while acting with him. He My two elder sisters Subbudu reeled out the swaras. peanuts to pacify him! Acting was in his blood. would suddenly start ad-libbing Rajeswari and Pattammal were The next day the Bhagavatar Mimicry came naturally to There was no drama without his his own dialogue and his co-ac- attending their music lesson asked my father if he could Subbudu. Even as a child he playing an important role, espe- tor Ramamurthy (my immedi- ate elder brother) on the stage, would wait endlessly for his cue lines, which never came. The prompter would be tearing his The Subbudu story hair in confusion. But the audi- ence would thoroughly enjoy G Sometimes in the mid-nineties, B.M. Sundaram interviewed Subbudu. In March 1942, most of us Indians evacuated Rangoon...We his interventions. Vengusami The remarks in the interview bring out Subbudu as he was – aggressive walked and walked – 484 miles – and reached Cherrapunji in a Iyer, the director, would tell my and hard hitting. Modesty obviously did not rank high in Subbudu’s list of month and 22 days. All through the trek we drew our strength virtues. from nama sankeertanam. After stopping at a camp near brother: “Subbudu, you are at y father’s uncle, Mosur Subramania Iyer, asked my father Cherrapunji, we continued our journey until we reached Simla. liberty to insert your own lines, Mto come to Rangoon, where making a livelihood was easier. My family settled there. I again plunged into music and drama. which the audience seem to en- So, my parents moved to Rangoon in 1902. I was born on March My second music review was despatched from Simla. It was joy, but for God’s sake get back 27, 1917, in Manali near Chennai. about a music recital by Sattur A.G. Subramaniam. He was, no to your cue lines!” My father was a strict disciplinarian. He forbade me from be- doubt, a good vidwan. But he went on repeating the first line of Even as a youngster the song Nee irangayenil ad nauseam. So in my review I remarked coming a professional musician. If I went out, I had to return Subbudu wrote plays like home at night, however late the hour. Another reason was that I that it was akin to coaxing a monkey sitting on a tree to come down! I ended it with the line “This adhika prasangam (imperti- Prahlada and Seeta Kalyanam to enjoyed commenting upon the music of others whenever oppor- be staged at home with house- tunity arose. Hence I did not entertain the idea of becoming a nence) may please be excused”. But Kalki, after publishing it in performer. Perhaps it was the second reason that was responsible Kalki magazine, wrote to me “Adhika prasangam baley jor! hold furniture as props and for my becoming a critic. Todaravum.” (Impertinence excellent! Continue.) From then on, sarees as curtains. Subbudu I reviewed music programmes of artists visiting Simla. After I did not, and do not, have an interest in watching sports – be played an important role in the about three years in Simla, I got a job in the Accountant General’s musical activities in Rangoon. it cricket or any other game, direct or on the TV. I cannot play office in Delhi. cards. I read books by famous authors and great scholars. That’s V.K. Narayana Menon was the Station Director of AIR Delhi. He was there at the wharf to re- all. I used to write short articles for my school magazine. He was regularly writing music reviews for The Statesman. When ceive artists visiting from India I didn’t want to become a music critic. It came about by acci- he was transferred to Madras, he asked me to do the job, after and spent most of his time with dent. Gottuvadyam Narayana Iyengar came to Rangoon around introducing me to the Editor of The Stateman. I was really ner- them, attending to their basic 1936. I then wrote a short article for Ananda Vikatan, under the vous, for I was not good at English. But Menon dispelled my dif- needs and creature comforts. caption Kalai Kappalerugiradu, in which I made a reference to fidence and worry. The Editor of Statesman also called me to sug- For one concert by Muthiah the local vidwan-s – “Ulloor kizhangal irukkumpozhudu Narayana gest that I write reviews. At last I agreed and continued to write Iyengarin tenisai manadukku perum inbam tandadu” (There are for 47 years! I started in 1950 and my first music review pub- Bhagvatar, the accompanist fell many local oldies, but Narayana Iyengar’s honey-like music gave lished in The Statesman was on M.L. Vasanthakumari’s perfor- ill and Subbudu volunteered to great pleasure to the listeners). This landed me in trouble. Some mance. I like her music very much, it had plenty of imagination, accompany him on the among the ‘local oldies’ approached lawyers to issue a legal no- which most of the present day front-rankers are lacking in. How- harmonium. Although reluc- tice to me. Luckily the sensible lawyers turned them down saying ever, I didn’t fail to comment that she should take care of sruti tant, the vidwan agreed and “It is a general view. He has not mentioned anybody by name. alignment. “Let her not follow her master in this aspect.” MLV Subbudu was even paid a sum So, even if you sue him you won’t win”. I got seven rupees and didn’t mind but appreciated my objective suggestion. eight annas from the magazine as remuneration for my first mu- of Rs. 50 in appreciation. sic review. I was 19 at that time. (Continued on page 8) (Continued on page 8) 6 MADRAS MUSINGS January 1-15, 2018 LOST LANDMARKS OF CHENNAI – SRIRAM V

JAGANNATHA BHAKTHA SABHA The Academy’s rival, firm, but helpful oday it is barely remem henceforth his partner in run- George Town, Jalatarangam Tbered, but in its time, the ning the sabha. Ramaniah Chetty, and if the R. Rangaramanuja Iyengar. Muthanna. Jagannatha Bhaktha Sabha was All performances were held music pleased him the artistes an organisation to contend with on the same verandah. Those were sure of being given a gold Satyamurti felt it was time that equal, including the Academy! in the world of fine arts. Writ- were days when Egmore High medal or two, on the spot. the first non-Devadasi woman That ended the federation and ing about it in connection with Road had hardly any traffic and Other illustrious members in- performer – C. Saraswati Bai – it would take years to become its 15th anniversary celebra- the garden of Veda Vilas was cluded Dewan Bahadur K.S. was honoured, he approached reality, long after the demise of tions in 1933 (which therefore vast enough to ensure that ex- Ramaswami Sastrigal, Sir C.P. the Madras University Syndi- the JBS. The sabha also did not indicates that the Sabha was ternal noises did not penetrate Ramaswami Iyer, the publisher cate suggesting her portrait be join the December Music Sea- founded in 1918), Dr. V. the verandah. The JBS took its G.A. Natesan and the manager unveiled. When no satisfactory son rat race. It held its festival Raghavan said that it was com- roles and responsibilities very of Orient Longman’s – W. answer was forthcoming, it was in August, to coincide with parable to the Music Academy seriously. It “existed for helping Doraiswami Iyengar. to the JBS he turned. The sabha Janmashtami. Titled the Sri in many respects. That, coming struggling members of the mu- Concerts at the JBS began rose to the occasion and Jayanti series, it attracted the from a pillar of the latter sic profession, for employing and ended on time and no per- organised a grand event in best performers in the field. organisation, was quite a com- and encouraging all deserving formance was ever held up for 1939. A souvenir compiling ar- Ariyakkudi, Chembai, Musiri, pliment. musicians and Bhagavatars any reason. Thus it was that ticles on the lady was brought Semmangudi, M.S. Subbu- For all its high sounding without any idea of saving for during a Harikatha concert of C. out and the portrait was un- lakshmi… you name them and name, the JBS was at heart a itself.” Simplicity and dedica- Banni Bai, one of the daughters veiled in the 1940s. The JBS as- they had all sung for the JBS. simple sabha. It operated from tion to the arts was its ideal. of the house who was attending sociated itself with two other That such an organisation so the verandah of Veda Vilas, the That did not mean it diluted its the performance, went into noble causes. Thanks largely to wedded to the arts did not sur- residence of Rao Bahadur T. standards in music. Making a labour. She was immediately Rangaramanuja Iyengar, it vive comes as something of a Rangachariar, located on name at the JBS was very diffi- ushered in even as the helped Madras Lalithangi, the surprise. Or perhaps it is not so Egmore High Road. The prime cult and careers took off if the Harikatha continued. A short mother of M.L. Vasantha- surprising after all – the Sabha mover was Rangachariar’s son, JBS audience approved. while later someone came out kumari, bring out a book of after all did not believe in sav- R. Venkatachari aka Muth- Among those who made to announce that it was a girl. Purandara Dasa songs. It also ing anything for itself. It was in anna, a powerful personality in their debuts as performing The child was named helped Rangaramanuja Iyengar a way quixotic. With the world of music notwith- artistes at the JBS were the sis- Rajalakshmi and we know of bring out his compilation of Muthanna growing old and standing certain physical dis- ters Brinda, Muktha and her today as Mrs Y.G. Tyagaraja songs titled Kriti- passing away, the JBS could not abilities. A close associate was Abhiramasundari. The mridan- Parthasarathy. Through all that manimalai, in time for the meet at Veda Vilas. It later the vitriolic music scholar, gam exponents Palghat Mani drama the Harikatha had gone composer’s death centenary in shifted to a school in Egmore writer and player R. Iyer and Palani Subramania on, and ended on time. 1947. and held concerts there for a Rangaramanuja Iyengar. Pillai were introduced to The JBS, as was said earlier, The JBS was a tad haughty while. But with Rangaramanuja Muthanna was the founder and Madras audiences here, as were believed in helping musicians too. Thus it was that it resented Iyengar too ageing and moving in his acidic memoirs titled the vocalist duo, the Alathoor who it felt were deserving of its the Music Academy’s strong- to Bombay to live with his Musings of a Musician, Ranga- Brothers. M. Balamuralikrishna kindness. The composer Papa- arm tactics. When the latter daughter, JBS faded away. ramanuja Iyengar writes of how came to Madras in 1941 at the nasam Sivan was a major ben- organisation suggested a federa- Today a few letterheads are all the two met. Iyengar had taken invitation of JBS and his con- eficiary. The first compila- tion of city-based sabha-s, the that survive of the Sabha. Veda up a job at the MCtM School in cert here was reviewed in glow- tion of his songs was published JBS was more than willing. But Vilas is now a compound with Purasawalkam and had just ing terms by critic Kalki by JBS and released in 1934. A when the Academy said that several houses in it, all built by then moved from Mannargudi Krishnamurthy. Two years purse was put together by the such a body ought to recognise the descendants of T. to Madras. He had come to at- later, mridangist Vellore members and given to Sivan on it as the leader with all other Rangachariar. tend a concert at the JBS when Ramabhadran had his debut on the same occasion. The public- sabha-s being subservient to it, Today a sabha functioning in Muthanna, who had earlier met the same verandah. ity-averse Veena Dhanam was the JBS withdrew at once, an open-air location with no ar- him at Mannargudi, welcomed A regular in the audience coaxed to perform at the JBS on Muthanna firmly stating that in tificial amplification can only be him and declared that he was was the chit fund magnate of a couple of occasions. When S. his eyes all organisations were imagined.

Till January 11: Margazhi Musings, drawings by K.G. Narendra Babu p.m. Lunch will be prepared by a an art exhibition featuring the (at DakshinaChitra). Temple Dikshitar to stimulate work of A.V. Ilango, Biswajit Till January 31: Crystal Dreams, an the offering to the main deity. Balasubramanian, Chandra art exhibition by Olaf Van Cleef Morkonda, D. Sashikant, Laksh- (at DakshinaChitra.) * * * mi Srinath, Manisha Raju, January 7: Apparao Galleries Out- DakshinaChitra Workshops Ramesh Gorjala, Shalini reach presents a Destination Children (Age group 10-14) Biswajit, and Thejomaye Menon. Lecture in a day trip to The January 6: Worli printing on T- shirt. Resource person: Prabhu. The Margazhi and Village Festival January 3-7: Thira Poothan On view will be: Lord Ganesha, Nataraja Temple, Chidambaram 2017-18 at DakshinaChitra has a sculpture assembled from by Prof. Madhusudhan Kalai- January 27: Wheel pottery; Re- (Kerala) by Raman Smaraka source person: Palani. been tailor-made to suit the festive Thira Poothan Kali Sangam. A plumbing parts by Shalini chelvan. Departure at 5 a.m. and mood, offering the rich and varied Biswajit, paintings of Andal by return approximately at 9 p.m. February 17: Miniature fridge ritualistic art form in which magnet making. Age group: 10- folk art forms of South India. people dance in costumes. A.V.Ilango and Manisha Raju, Lunch will be prepared by a December 27-31: Therukoothu interpretations of Vishnu by Temple Dikshitar to stimulate 14 years; Resource person: January 10-16: Pongal celebrations Rekha. Contact: Lakshmi: (Tamil Nadu) by Sri Thanthoni- featuring folk dances such as Ramesh Gorjala, Shalini the offering to the main deity. amman Therukoothu Nadaga Biswajit, Thejomaye Menon, For details: 9841022477, 98417 77779. Karagattam, Mayilattam and * * * Sabha led by D. Elumalai. Poikkaalkuthirai attam by Thanjai photographs of idli, dosa, vada by 7358526183, events@ apparao January 1: Thappattam (Tamil D. Shashikanth, Biswajit’s car- Adults G. Raju and his troupe. January 7: Handmade soap and Nadu) by Asathaladi Tharatha- January 17-21: Pattada Kunitha/ toons of the sabha scene and January 7: Apparao Galleries Out- ppatta Isaikuzhu from Thiruvan- dance, and Lakshmi Srinath’s reach presents a Destination Creme making. Resource person: Pata Kunitha by Daiah Janapada Kanchana namalai district. Thappattam is Kalavidaru (Karnataka). collection of sarees with Lecture in a day trip to The also known as Paraiattam and January 24-28: Dappu a group marghazhi poo motif (at Forum Nataraja Temple, Chidambaram * * * features single-sided dance by Bharathi Kala Samithi, Art Gallery). by Prof. Madhusudhan Kalai- Ceramic Workshops played by the dancers while they (Andhra Pradesh). January 7-31: Chettinad Thilai chelvan. Departure at 5 a.m. January 6, 7 & 13: Ceramic Bon- perform. * * * Vaasal – an exhibition of line and return approximately at 9 sai Pots January 1-15, 2018 MADRAS MUSINGS 7

ing artists need to have an al- ternate career as being a full- A Season of time musician or dancer is not economically viable, which also possibly does not leave them much time to practise. (Sartorial concerns too take frenzy up considerable time especially among women artists, so that t’s been another December Many artists have their annual they need to plan and place or- Imusic frenzy with several sojourn ahead. So, what is the ders well in time for the Decem- organisations conducting music outcome of this overkill? ber season.) and dance programmes total- A sense of ennui seems to hit During the December sea- ling to some thousands. The the artists, audience and critics. son, many sabha-s conduct “Season” these days begins even Many of the reasonably known around five or six concerts a in November due to dearth of names perform in all these festi- day. Naturally the attendance is auditoria, but the frenzy has vals. When they perform so of- poor; particularly during the been at its zenith from mid-De- ten it becomes mechanical and mid-day slots set aside for aspir- lights, make-up, etc. The con- automatic involuntary action cember. Unlike a decade ago, lacks involvement. Perhaps ants, the listeners are either at cert could just be an addition to after every item these days irre- lunch or enjoying their siesta in their bio-data to hopefully en- spective of whether the musi- able them to get a chance the cian rendered the raga, kriti, and next Season. If they manage to tala properly; these seem imma- get their fellow students, col- terial. Many in the audience are leagues, some friends and fam- busily looking into the ily to attend, they would be programme books to decide which programme and canteen to visit next! G by Even during the year, the V. Karpagalakshmi many regular monthly concerts have led to supply far exceeding the demand – considering the lucky. A sabha secretary once number of sabha-s organising declared, “I can only provide concerts and the number of as- the platform, it is up to the mu- piring or even established art- sician to bring the listeners.” ists. You cannot also blame the The audience too does not audience for leaving early as seem to care much about the they face problems of transport, quality of the concerts; except traffic and security on the way music and dance series are now they do not even have the time the air-conditioned comfort of for a few elderly diehard veter- back home, even though the so- held throughout the year – we to learn new kriti-s! It must, the auditorium. How would the ans, the rasika-s are so busy with called night concerts end latest have the Ramanavami festival, however, be admitted that some musician on stage feel, this in WhatsApp and Facebook that by 10 p.m., unlike in the past the mid-year series, musicians do have the capacity spite of having to pay to get a they are rarely fully aware of when they would go on till mid- Gokulashtami series, Navaratri to make a decent job of it, but chance. It is worse for dancers what is going on and just ap- night. festival, NRI festivals, the youth the efforts of many others are who need to spend a consider- plaud mechanically when oth- As for the critics, they seem festivals and what have you. rather sad. A majority of aspir- able sum for the orchestra, ers do. Anyway clapping is an to be as bored as the audience with the often stale music and this is reflected in their reviews which too turn out to be equally The Margazhi music blend stale. Many of them see hesitant to mention anything critical when it concerns a popular art- ist. Mridanga artists, however, here is something ineffable morning darshan and prayers. comes into full view after play- line to yet another auditorium Tabout the month of The ancient Tamil scriptures ing hide and seek with the fog have a valid grievance that crit- for a different brand of music. ics do not mention anything Margazhi. The great poetess that include Thiruppavai, and cloud, the daily pilgrims Just as the audience is in- Andal refers to Margazhi as a Thiruvembavai, Tirupugazh etc., wend their way to some of the about them except that they dulging in a frenzy of sabha hop- provide percussion support. But month devoted to spiritual pur- cast an ethereal spell over the sabha-s that will be beaming out ping, the musicians too keep up suits. Lyricist nonpareil temple precincts even as the full-throated -s from the truth is that majority of the their schedule with the large critics don’t know much about Kannadasan describes the hero- faithful shrouded in moth-eaten highly acclaimed groups. It will number of sabha-s dotting al- ine as the Marghazhi amongst woolen shawls, ear-muffs and not be too long before a hyp- tala and how it is manipulated. most every other corner of the A workshop to improve the crit- months in one of his evergreen stoles shuffle across in a blur of notic spell causes many of the city, their vocal chords showing songs! It straddles the mid-De- movement in the inky pre-dawn devotees to start clapping their ics’ knowledge about percussion strains of a relentless beating! details might be a good idea. cember and mid-January pe- darkness. hands and gradually begin to Does the music pall? To pre- riod, when there is a precious Hark! the gentle clang of dance in a trance. I also wonder how the vent any form of cloying, eater- organisers manage it financially nip in the air in a city better cymbals (jalra) and the beats of The music component of the ies and canteens are placed stra- known for its ‘hot, hotter, hot- the or from ‘Season’ on which the idée fixe with the hall rents, rising main- tegically outside the auditoria tenance costs, the sound system test’ climate! across the Mada Street (or the rests, takes over around 8 am to entertain the palate too! How does the Margazhi streets that skirt any temple) with lec-dems at a couple of (which is often an excuse, with Time for all votaries of Carnatic the volume chasing people Magic work in Madras? A kind announce the approaching high-end sabha-s that amply Music to dig into a huge variety of spiritual catharsis sets in, in footsteps of a group sing- demonstrate the science and art away), particularly when most of snacks made as deliciously as of the concerts are free. Artists what is known in the native al- ing the Praise of the Almighty of this great tradition. From 10 at home (as they announce at manac as the month of Dhanur. in the form of Abhang (devo- am till the end of the day even may get a pittance as remunera- every opportunity in the Press tion compared to the effort they The orthodox home is up at 4 tional compositions of the the cobble-stones on every and on social media). am; (kolam) designs us- Warkari saints of street would seem to reverber- need to put in to learn and prac- A lot of buzz and excitement tise the art; perhaps that is why ing rice flour are drawn in front like Jnaneswar, Namdev, ate with music as the innumer- is added to the scenario with of the main entrance, Tukaram), Namasamkirtanam able sabha-s bend over back- their presentations are the huge influx of NRIs who lacklustre. In order to kindle nagaswaram music is played on (devotional) and Dasar-nama wards to run a tight schedule of make it their Annual , the radio or any other device (songs from Purnandara Das concerts by the neophyte, the audience interest, new ideas are visit home and temple and re- being tried out, such as the- which these days includes the and his parampara.) The group over-the-hill veterans and the new contact with their roots in smart-phone, I-pad and I-pod or groups gather momentum as highly popular ones (prime time matic narrations by a speaker their ‘native place’. Their pres- with compositions sung by a with the boom box placed at the day breaks while the good of the evening) regardless of ence certainly adds an impetus any random spot in the house! samaritans from the homes lin- how thin or good is the audi- musician – but these too are be- to the local economy in terms coming rather routine affairs. After coffee and Suprabhatham, ing the streets stand with ence! Temporarily withering of sales of a whole range of items the visit to the neighbourhood steaming cups of coffee to warm under the overkill of music, the And, of course, there are from dresses for Bharata Natyam jugalbandi-s with some unusual temple is mandatory, where the the cockles of the singers’ sabha-hoppers will soon bestir back home in the Big Apple to Oduvar beckons the hearts, so to speak. themselves with a strong dose of combinations to attract the au- neighbourhood to join in the As the yellow disc of the Sun ‘degree’ coffee and make a bee- (Continued on page 8) dience which wants novelty. – (Courtesy: Sruti) 8 MADRAS MUSINGS January 1-15, 2018

Germany, where they recorded Wordless with M.G. Ramachandran a Gopulu The family’s sole veena duet with a local gramophone company. On its release, the recording was re- G The late Gopulu during his viewed by a German critic who Ananda Vikatan days had a calling card was so magnanimous in praise series of wordless jokes that that he wrote that if he was ever brought about loud laughter. banished to a lonely Robinson These were brought out as a Crusoe island he would like to book, in 2005, and a copy was (Continued from page 5) mentioned. Even as a student for 24 hours. Even during recently sent to me by take the veena duet recording Charukesi. We are pleased to he won the coveted gold medal the hazardous trek from Burma, with him. Next day Subbudu publish these cartoons for a Subbudu and, we, his broth- for scoring the highest marks in he chanted Rama Lakshmana wrote in his column that he new generation of Madrasis. ers were pioneers in introducing Tamil in the matriculation ex- Janaki jai bolo Hanumanaki to would request the critic to en- – THE EDITOR Indian music on Rangoon Ra- amination. keep the morale of the trekking sure that he took not one copy dio as early as 1936. Tamil Subbudu was spiritually in- party up. He was indeed a spiri- but all the copies of the record- Drama troupes also visited clined right from his younger tual force for the entire commu- ing! No wonder I was playing Rangoon and Subbudu spent days. He would walk five miles nity. hide and seek with my boss for much time with them. up and down to visit a Once a friend asked me if I the next few days. Subbudu used to write short Hanuman temple in Rangoon was ever personally embar- People have asked me how it pieces for The Rangoon Times in every Saturday. When we rassed by Subbudu’s writings. was for two brothers to work for English, for which he was paid shifted to a suburb, Bauktaw, he One incident is deeply etched the same cultural clientele. My Rs. 2 per piece. He sent some organised regular Saturday in my memory. My boss in All reply has been that there was no items in Tamil to Ananda bhajan-s and nagar oorvolam-s in India Radio and his , a clash of interests. My job in the Vikatan but his name was not Margazhi and akhanda nama veena maestro, went to media was to seek the coopera- tion of artists almost “kaala thottu vela vaanganam” (to touch their feet to get the work who have been done), while Subbudu’s job was Margazhi teaching them “kaala varanam” (to pull the rug Carnatic Music on from under their feet) if they Skype. Of course, fur- faltered. ther progress is made music Yes, Subbudu was the uni- when the gurus follow them to Yankeeland for versally known music and blend the Cleveland festival dance critic, but the human side and other concerts of this man is not well known. (Continued from page 5) planned from the East He was not one of those fair to Bayside! weather friends. On the con- joss sticks and material, not This magic does not last an Plum cakes and wine will take trary, he would be the first to to mention enough snacks from eternity. It soon fades out; the over the palate and canticles report at your doorstep when Grand Snacks, Suswad etc., to city’s problems with water and and carols will soothe the “fe- you were in urgent need of help. last a few months! Kurtas from vered brow” as night falls and power will soon surface and cry We in the family can never Fab India, silks from cools the atmosphere. The Star for attention. The heat will re- ever forget how he voluntarily Kancheepuram and arty items turn with renewed vigour, but of David will shine brightly from from Arts and Craft Expositions many a household for at least a gave up his collegiate education not before Santa Claus makes when there was a financial cri- compete for the greenbacks. his annual visit on his sledge fortnight, assuring humanity sis in the family. He took up a The annual visit, combined and offers goodies to wide-eyed that despite niggling problems with Christmas holidays, also children in their make-believe the sweet tenor of Life will hold job in the Imperial Bank to keep gives an opportunity for the world. The churches flaunt good forever. the kitchen fires burning. One brood of the NRIs to pick up quaint cribs and chime merrily V. Kalidas of his most significant contribu- extra tips personally from the for Christmas and New Year. ([email protected]) tions to society was when Bihar was struck by its worst earth- quake in history. Subbudu im- mediately organised help in the streets of East Rangoon and went from door to door collect- ing rice and dal, and hundreds The Subbudu story of bags of these were sent im- mediately to Bihar by a cargo company free of cost. This oc- (Continued from page 5) it is but natural that my style of writing would be similar to a scorpion’s sting. The papers for which I write have not curtailed casion brought out the my freedom in any way. organisational, innovative and I was regularly writing for Ananda Vikatan and Kalki. In fact, I don’t agree that I raise some artists to great heights and bring leadership qualities of young Kalki made me its reporting representative in Delhi. At the same down others. Even if it is so, it is never intentional. I go by the Subbudu. He demonstrated time, I was writing for Idhayam Pesugiradu and Dinamani also. stock delivered by them. The artists themselves are not consis- that talent, to be meaningful, My music reviews were ‘piecemeal’ affairs. tent in their performances. If they are good, I say so and if the My reviews were not always welcome. If I pointed out mis- had to be harnessed to serve same artists, on other occasions, are not good, I say so too. This humanity. takes, which musician or dancer would welcome it? I can’t help shows that I am unprejudiced. my reviews being pungent. When you state facts, no one appreci- Nobody has ever come to me with any presents in order to get When we talk of Subbudu ates it. But the public welcomed my reviews. I have made a name a favourable review. I don’t expect any such thing. I am far from in this field, I have my own style and I take pride in it. When I we cannot forget his alter ego – even entertaining any idea of taking bribes. That’s why artists are Chandra his wife. What a write something, it is easily understood by the common man, really scared of me and avoid me. which would otherwise be impossible. It is a pleasure for me – As for the complaint that I leave a concert in the middle with- woman! She was a mother not you may call it ‘sadistic pleasure’ – but I don’t care! I write what I out sitting through it, I never remain in one place for long. I do only to her three children but to feel. I have gained in experience by listening to great masters in not enumerate the songs rendered by the artist, for I am not an Subbudu also. He needed her the field of music and dance. It has taught me a lot more than AIR announcer! If the artist is not in a position to satisfy my ears motherly touch to soothe his what the present day artists know. Wherever there is a slip I point while I am in the hall, how could his or her performance suddenly nerves. She was a terrific host- it out. If the music doesn’t touch my heart, I don’t hesitate to say become good after I leave the hall? I get out, whenever I want to so. But writing such reviews was never a bed of roses for me. ess. Her home was always a full do so. I never note down the items rendered on a piece of paper house. Was there an akshaya Many times, it has brought unwarranted trouble. or in a diary. Everything is recorded in my memory. The essence, I am more proud of my style than the content of my reviews. It if any, is reviewed. patram in her kitchen? is my way of writing that attracts the reader. Once Kalki told me, Yes, I have made an indelible mark in this field. Otherwise, To sum it all up: Subbudu “The readers should forget the music and the musicians reviewed, how could you expect the papers to pay me airfare, provide good but should talk about your writing.” I follow that and have been was made in Rangoon, chiselled board and lodging, arrange an assistant with a typewriter, besides in Delhi and sold in Madras! – successful in my field. I was born in Vrichika (Scorpio) lagna, and paying me sumptuously! They have high regard for me and my writing. (Courtesy: Sruti) (Courtesy: Sruti) January 1-15, 2018 MADRAS MUSINGS 9

K.P. Balaji (1926-76) died in an air crash in Bombay. From Kathakali in Kerala, he moved to Marg, that cultural journal in The religious Bombay. JoiningThe Illustrated Weekly of In- 1. Which South American nation dia, he was with it from 1954 to 1961. He recently launched a crypto- then got into advertising with S.H. currency called ‘Petro’ to circum- Benson’s and rose to be one of its vent US-led financial sanctions? Directors. His son, K.P. Karunakaran, 2. Name the youngest of the fa- wave in settled in Australia, put together a mous Kapoor brothers and a collection of his writings and published Dadasaheb Phalke Awardee who them as a commemoration of his passed away recently. father’s 40th death anniversary. Over 3. Who has been chosen for Time Madras the next few issues, we publish a few of magazine’s ‘Person of the Year’ for Balaji’s Madras-focused articles that 2017? appeared in The Illustrated Weekly in 1964-65. 4. Who won the Ballon D’Or f you happen to visit Madras solemnity of the occasion – nor these days, you are very likely does it in any way unsettle the TODAY’S ARTICLE IS ON award for the fifth time, equalling I RELIGIOUS FERVOUR IN MADRAS. Lionel Messi’s record? to gather the impression that faith of the truly devout. The 5. Which mega religious Indian the city – and perhaps the rest world is but Maya, and it is event has been inscribed in of the South as well – is cur- surely too much to expect that being such a potent mass me- would be evolved for, say, UNESCO’s Representative List rently under the influence of a all who seek redemption can dium, it is only fair that it should Anasaktiyoga?) The discourses of Intangible Cultural Heritage of religious wave. On any fine have the privilege of starting be used to bring religion of a kind are reported – pardon the pun – Humanity? morning, open the city edition out with a clean conscience. to the common man. We must most religiously. They are nor- 6. American scientists have of a newspaper and cast but a Religion has, of course, al- not be too critical, but must try mally given a place of honour proved the existence of a new cursory glance at the engage- ready made inroads into Tamil to cultivate the habit of looking on the back page, away, you form of matter which was first ments column: a long list of Nadu politics. Quite a few po- at the brighter side of things. We presume, from such mundane theorised almost fifty years ago. all know that the average film- things as ministerial corruption What is it called? “discourses” virtually crowd out litical leaders down South other mundane items such as a or a distant and pointless war in 7. On December 1st, which em- Chamber of Commerce meeting Viet Nam. Much imagination is peror, the first in two centuries in displayed in giving punchy his country, made a declaration or a symposium on the ethics of These diverse – if also at times perverse – headlines to Puranic episodes, that he would abdicate his throne India joining the nuclear race. on April 30, 2019? Enter one of our ever-popular ‘manifestations of religious fervour are and apparently no effort is spared to give them a contem- 8. On December 6, Donald “coffee clubs” and, while you perhaps not altogether irrelevant to the times Trump made a statement to wait patiently for a plate of porary significance. While I give we live in. Current events constantly remind recognise which city as capital of steaming idli-s, gods and god- no credence to the claim of a Israel, leading to political debates desses all around smile down at us that the world has indeed advanced well friend of mine (he remembers a globally and a veto by the UN you benignly from the var- into the dark age of Kali. headline: “Adjournment mo- Security Council later? nished splendour of new calen- tion in Ayodhya – Bharata’s re- 9. A colony of cave-dwelling dars. Or step out into the sun, turn creates stir”). I have often horseshoe bats in China’s Yunnan ’ been startled out of my morn- and from the roadside, popular nowadays quote the s as goer in India is notoriously gull- province have been identified as Purana- film actors and actresses, emu- ing sleepiness by a purely coin- the source for which outbreak in facilely and unctuously as they ible, or different – or both. He is lating popular heroes and hero- quote the Constitution. And it easily entertained. He looks for cidental juxtaposition of head- the early 2000s that killed more lines in adjacent columns: than 770 people across 37 coun- ines of mythology, fix you with is common knowledge that a happy endings – if not in every- tries? magnetic eyes from the garish new and totally ingenious inter- day affairs, at least on the silver “Keep away from politics – Krishna’s advice to Arjuna” or 10. On December 14th, the Walt expanse of giant-size posters. pretation of the Ramayana ac- screen. It is, however, pointless Disney Company announced its These diverse – if also at cuses the noble descendants of to condemn him for these alto- “Student agitators lathi- intent to acquire a large portion times perverse – manifestations Raghu of having secretly gether innocent failings. If you charged – The triumph of of which iconic studio group for of religious fervour are perhaps harboured expansionist accept that human nature has Karma”. At least once I have $52.4 billion, pending regulatory not altogether irrelevant to the schemes. By the same token, not undergone any major seen Lord Krishna credited with approval? times we live in. Current events the killing of Bali was given the change through the ages, why this simple and pithy statement: * * * constantly remind us that the ugly tinge of a political murder should you find it hard to accept “Honesty is the best policy”! 11. What first is attributed to Dr. world has indeed advanced well and Vibhishana was looked that even some of our Puranic I have no doubt that this Abraham Pandithar’s ‘ into the dark age of Kali. And Vidya Mahajana Sangam’? upon as the mythological heroes displayed a penchant for “publicity” for religion is well- the reinstatement of Dharma equivalent of a timid but un- sermonising or delivering long- 12. In which theatre was intentioned and serves a good being everybody’s concern (or Keechaka Vadham, considered the scrupulous Leader of the Oppo- winded speeches whenever an purpose. It is certainly not out first Tamil film, released? at least, we are told, it ought to sition. As for Ravana himself, opportunity came their way? of place in these times when a 13. Which business house was be), you must not really he emerged far less black than Personally, I find Sivaji Ganesan person has to buy a ticket founded by K.R. Sundaram Iyer grumble that commercialism we had foolishly supposed him far more convincing as Karna (devotees often complain about and his nephew Easwara Iyer? has entered the field or religion to be – indeed a much-misun- than as, say, a “roadside Romeo,” malpractices at the booking of- 14. Enclosed within Anna Salai – or is it vice versa? – and that derstood hero, a rather sad and who was not been too keenly fice) or stand in a queue to have and Graeme’s Road, this person spiritualism is being brought solitary figure, addicted perhaps watching his calories. And when darshan of your favourite deity. has nine streets named after him. down to the common man with to a few startling vices but oth- it comes to that, who can say It is not unusual nowadays to Who? the simplicity of, say, ten easy erwise quite a match for Rama with any certainty that, under see a devasthnam advertising 15. Which simple dance form, in- lessons! in statesmanship and worldly extreme mental duress, Karna special puja-s and rituals in the volving no instruments, can be of I am not being quite fair, of wisdom. (“After all,” quipped a did not twirl his moustache, or newspapers. (Buy three kotiar- varieties like Poonthatti, Deepa, course, when I bracket the reli- local wag, “ten heads are surely even break into a song? chana-s and save 15% – or an Kulavai or Mulaipari? gious discourses with the calen- better than one!”) Neither his- Newspapers in the South offer to that effect, perhaps 16. How many prakaram-s and dars and posters. In most case, tory nor legend leaves us room have also, in their own right, slightly differently worded, re- gopuram-s does the Srirangam these are conducted with the to speculate whether an at- taken up the theme of religion temple have? minded me the other day of a utmost dignity and sincerity. tempt was made in those days with some gusto. Editors, con- 17. Which Madras theatre com- popular slogan for an economy You do not have to be deeply to impose the official language trary to common belief, are not plex had a discotheque, ‘Nine size toothpaste pack!) But, of religious to enjoy – or even Gems’, and a restaurant called of Ayodhya on the innocent necessarily dictators. Often course, if elsewhere in India, ‘Navaratna’? profit from – a learned exposi- citizens of Kishkindha. they find it expedient to fall in Ganesa can be represented 18. Which Bharat Ratna awardee tion on the role of bhakti in day- The man in the street, admit- line with popular taste. (One wearing a Gandhi cap, or a wa- chose the name ‘Tamil Isai to-day life, or a not-so-learned, tedly, is far less subtle or even ageing editor I know keeps an terproof wristwatch, we in Ma- Sangam’? but more lively, discussion on blasé than the politician, and he eye on his paper’s circulation as dras cannot also object if a pic- 19. For what reason was M.S. the significance of Karma is being constantly exposed to apprehensively as he watches ture of Siva and Parvati carries Subbulakshmi banned for five in the context of the new bud- religion with all the devastating his own blood pressure!) A under it a bold caption: years by the Music Academy? get. You need not also be put off force that crude commercialism leading daily of Tamil Nadu, I “Viswanath & Co. Ltd., Provi- 20. With which musical genius by the possibility that at such can muster. Mythological believe, employs a special senior sion Merchants – 100% pure would you associate ‘Melhar- functions you run across a themes have always proved reporter to cover religious dis- gingelly oil our specialty.” mony’, a synthesis of the Eastern couple of dissipated film artistes money-spinning charms for our courses. (Whoever would have and Western schools of music or a few allegedly corrupt politi- film producers. I am told that as imagined that one day the Gita Perhaps even Ravi Varma which relies on compositions cians. Their presence does not a box-office draw, they rank sec- would be taken down in short- would only have smiled indul- based on orchestration? gently at it! (Answers on page 10) necessarily detract from the ond only to sex. But the cinema hand or that a grammalogue 10 MADRAS MUSINGS January 1-15, 2018 Humanities still get short shrift (Continued from page 1) instructions in English and find SCERT says that there has infiltrate into the syllabus and and of mixed cultures in it difficult to cope. Conse- been a ten per cent increase in these are of no use to students Singapore, is of the view that unemployable graduates, in- quently, when they graduate, content, perhaps with a view to except to give them a dismal Humanities are given insuffi- stances of their having to take the students have a poor grasp of bring the State syllabus in line view of our social surroundings. cient weightage in the curricu- up lesser positions unrelated to the subject and low ability to ex- with requirements of competi- Burdensome and irrelevant lum. Lumping an odd mixture their qualifications, and Tamil press in English. Upon gradua- tive standards of NEERT etc. contents lead to mindless rote of subjects under one group as Nadu students finding it diffi- tion, this group is left with paper This is long overdue and must to secure minimum marks Social Studies does not add sub- cult to compete in all-India eli- degrees that cannot fetch jobs. be commended. It should not, needed to avoid failure; they do stantive value but results in its gibility tests expose the qualita- Specialised training to high however, remain a dead letter not serve the basic purpose of completion as a mere ritual. She tive weaknesses of the State’s school teachers to teach Com- without adequately trained developing thinking capabili- adds that subjects like History, education system. To meet this municative English and getting teachers to handle the higher ties, critical faculties and well- Geography and Environment challenge, the Government a the students accustomed to the standards. The introduction of rounded personalities. should be taught separately by few months ago set up a com- medium of learning professional higher content must be incre- According to experienced qualified teachers. Value Edu- mittee to work with the State subjects being English, are es- mental and must begin in doses teachers what is lacking under cation should cover Ethics, Council for Educational and sential to keep pace with the from the primary stages so that Social Science is any attempt to Heritage, Civics. According to Research Training and come up needs of ‘real life’. A library with students are not confronted develop in the student a holis- her, although there is provision with a new syllabus for Higher language and English books with an abrupt rise in standard tic view of the eco-system, for Value Education in the cur- Secondary Schools. should be mandatory and chil- at a late stage. Many teachers natural resources, landscapes, rent syllabus, it is hardly pur- The new syllabus, claims dren must be encouraged to read stress the need for concomitant climatology and natural cycles sued with any enthusiasm. Han- SCERT, is “a more holistic one books as regular habit rather changes in the evaluation and and preservation of heritage. dling this subject also requires that aids real life.” The syllabus than rely on the internet. examination patterns. Accord- Ideally, History, Geography, special training of teachers who for the first time has included an Knowledge of English and of an ing to P. Saravanamurugan, a and Environment should be should be able to pose open- exclusive position paper on In- additional Indian language is an teacher from Coimbatore, what taught as special subjects by ended issues to children so that formation and Communication ideal qualification to avail of a set our old State syllabus a teachers qualified in such sub- that they are not handed infor- Technology (ICT) and elabo- larger pool of opportunities be- notch lower than CBSE is “the jects. Heritage, environmental mation, but taught to think for rated its importance in the cur- yond State boundaries. reduced relative prevalence of and civic issues should be themselves, discover values. rent scenario. ICT has been in- SCERT says that importance analytical and application- taught for putting them into She offers teacher training in troduced at the primary level it- has been given to vocational based questioning patterns.” practice and not just to pass ex- Value Education free of cost. self, so that learning is not con- training in subjects such as agri- The most important correc- ams. The heritage and environ- The Stanford Humanities fined to textbooks but extended culture, textile technology, tion in syllabus should have ment of the students’ domicile Center puts forward the case for at the teaching access to the nursing, arts like music and been bringing about a better must be made known to them, Humanities in Education in the internet, introducing students drawing, and even sewing. balance between Sciences and sowing in their minds the seeds following succinct terms: to technology as part of the cur- “We’ve designed it keeping in Humanities. The revised State of curiosity that would lead “Through exploration of the riculum. Subject to availability mind the market standards.” School syllabus for Social Sci- them spontaneously to inquire humanities we learn how to of qualified teachers for this Whatever that may mean, the ence by the State Council of into the nature of the wider think creatively and critically, module, it is a welcome step and concept should be commended Educational and Research world around them. to reason, and to ask ques- it is of practical significance in (though it can be asked why not Training (SCERT) has been the Moral instruction as part of tions… these skills allow us to “real life”, provided students are mechanical, auto or electrical subject of criticism by experi- the syllabus in the olden days gain new insights into every- made aware that the informa- engineering, or even plumbing enced educationists. Instead of has fallen a victim to the drive thing from poetry and paintings tion they will find from these and carpentry?) as it is a practi- trying to bring about a better for “secularism”. Vijaya to business models and poli- sources will not always be the cal approach. It enables, to a de- balance, the syllabus for Social Murthy, an educationist of fifty tics.” most accurate. gree, the system to sort out stu- Science, heavy and overbur- years’ standing and having Will the SCERT give our Like familiarity with the com- dents of different aptitudes and dened in terms of content, is taught students in Tamil Nadu children the opportunity? puter and the internet, a work- learning capabilities and sending hardly changed at all from the ing knowledge of English has be- some to vocational training after previous syllabus. It lumps His- come an overarching necessity, basic schooling and training, the tory, Geography, Environment, Answers to Quiz besides knowledge of focused others with higher learning ca- Economics and Civics into one subjects. Knowledge of subjects pabilities to graduation and pro- general subject, making it 1. Venezuela; 2. Shashi Kapoor; 3. ‘The silence breakers’, mostly without communication skills is fessional degrees. It avoids sub- unfocussed and tiresome for women who highlighted sexual harassment; 4. Cristiano Ronaldo; 5. today inadequate for employ- jecting all, indiscriminately, to a students and virtually impos- Kumbh Mela; 6. Excitonium; 7. Emperor Akihito of Japan; 8. Jerusalem; ability. If the medium of instruc- one-size-fits-all type of educa- sible, for teachers to complete 9. The deadly 2002-04 SARS virus outbreak; 10. 21st Century Fox. * * * tion in secondary stage contin- tional content. It makes more the course in time except to of- ues to be Tamil, students in pro- 11. Held from May 27, 2012, it is considered the first organised effective use of available re- fer facts to be learned by rote. Carnatic music conference in the State; 12. Elphinstone; 13. Easun Group; fessional courses will need to be sources. It opens earning oppor- Under cover of Current 14. Aziz Ul Mulk; 15. Kummi; 16. Seven and 21 respectively; 17. Safire; 18. taught technical contents in tunities according to capacity Issues, political overtones and Rajaji; 19. Singing Tamil songs in the first section of a concert; 20. The Tamil, but they are faced with and aptitude. caste/gender biases tend to latest Sangita Kalanidhi, Ravikiran.

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PublishedPublished by S. by Muthiah S. Muthiah for Chennai for ëChennai Heritage, Heritageí, No. 9, Cathedral 260-A, TTK Road, Road, Chennai Chennai 600 600086, 018printed and by printed Anu Varghese by T J George at Lokavani at Lokavani-Hallmark Southern Printers Press Pvt. Ltd., Pvt. 122,Ltd., Greames 122, Greams Road, Road, Chennai Chennai 600 006, 600 edited 006. Editedby S. Muthiah,by S. MUTHIAH. 2-F, 1st Cross Street, Vijayaraghava Road, T’Nagar, Chennai 600 017, and owned by Chennai Heritage, Regd. Office No. 9, Cathedral Road, Chennai 600 086.