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March 7, College Glendon 1980 College Volume 19 no. 19 Photo Contest Winner; Ralph Schmidt. The 10% Option: A Losing Propo~ition By Cheryl Watson responsibility on the indi goode and Administration, res which show that if the of Governors which will not vidual institutions. It also that would not have enrol University increases tui be based on the recommen While students at other lets them 'off the hook' ment problems iftheoptio tion fees by the additional dation of the Policy Com universities were occupy when universities argue nal increase was imple 10% the break-even point mittee, who could not reach ing Presidents' offices and quate. If the institutions mented. However, theArts, will be reached with a 3 to agreement. It has been asking students not to pay do not pick up the addit Science and Glendon facul 3.5% drop in enrolment. suggested that this recom any increase in fees, stu ional 10%, it is quite pro ties who alreadyface seri That is, if after the increa mendation will ask for 5% dents at York were busy bable that the Ministry ous enrolment problems, se the University loses of the optional 10% to be circulating petitions and will use this as an argu would indeed be hurt. The more than 3.5% of present implemented. developing arguments to ment against further in University Administration Fiscal (Full-time) Equiva be presented to the Pol creases in funding from has made it clearthat a dif lents the increase will ha The Board of Govenors icy Committee of York . the Ministry. After all, if ferential fee among facul ve been a money losing pro will be meeting at the University. they do not pick up the ties is not desirable. postion. Glendon had a Glendon campus on Mon Student Leaders and the 10% then they cannot be Therefore, any increase drop in FFTE's ofl2%this day, March 10 at 4:00 p.m. Policy Committee met on all that bably off. over and above the stipu year without a fee increase in the Senate Board Room. Tuesday, of last week, to As for the university's lated 7.5% will be an a and although projections They will be discussingthe discuss theissue. Onestu position it varies from ins cross the board increase. are more optimistic for recommendation from the dent said after leaving the titution to institution. The the future, the fee increase President on the optional meeting that, he had no University of Toronto for Sheldon Levy, who works may have a very detrimen tuition fee increase. All in idea what was really .in instance has such a large out of the office of the tal effect. terested members of the the minds of the Policy number of students who Vice-president of Em The President, Jan Mac community are urged to Committee. apply that any students lost ployee and Student Rela donald, will be making a attend this very important The question of a tuition due to an increase in fees tions, has computed figu- presentation to the Board meeting. fee increase, specific- will be replaced by other ally the optional 10%, has students waiting in line. created a vast number of The argument of accessi Quebec: Year of the Referendum arguments for and against. blility put forward by stu Over the past few years dent leaders is valid, but taxpayers have paid about when any Board of Gove Saturday,March 8 Glendon College 85% of university education nors makes a monetory de while students have been cision there is little doubt paying 15%. The Ministry of the choice then will ma:" This is an opportunity to discuss the Quebec has made no secret about ke between the moral and their desire to increase pecuniarJ arguments. Referendum with dignitaries from all sides the percentage share, to York University's posi be paid by students, to tion is much different than of the political spectrum. something closer to 20%. that of U. of T. and Glen This chance may'not arise again. Registra The optional 10% clause don's is more pecurarious has enabled the Ministry than tha' of the University tion begins at 9:30 a.m., Saturday and costs to attempt to reach this as a whole. There are so point by plaeing the sole me faculties, such as Os- $1.00 for students. 2 Pro Tern ••w••••••••••••• March 7, 1980 These Days ... en bref March 10 Notes of Interest Comite Academique: The Faculty of Education Les etudiants de l'Univer programme qui dure nor a ete decouvert, le Centre Faculte d'Education will invites applications from site du Quebec a Chicoutimi malement trois mois." de Linguistique Appliquee be presenting Marcella students interested in n'ont pas voulu choisir en du Cegep s'est empresse Durane speaking on Social teaching. For information tre l'ANEQ (Association Est-ce possible? Un Wa de detruire un nombre tel Class Divisions in Educa and application forms, Nationale des Etudiants du tergate cegepien? A Dan de documents que le broy tion and Multi-cUItural please contact the Educa- ... Quebec) et la RAEU (Re son, il semble que cer eur a dechets s'est brise ism. March 10, 1980 in . tion Office, Room 228 or groupement des Associa tains professeurs aient devant la tropgrande quan Room 204, York Hallfrom call 487-6147. tions Etudiantes Universi reussil'impossible. Ainsi, tite de dechets qu'on lui 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. taires). Ils se sont donc af Fun d'entre eux a pu louer soumettait. Le programme des moni filies auxdeuxorgan~smes. au:ie frais du Cegep Da wson March 10-12 teurs a ete approuve pour deux penthouses et septap L'Universite d'Ottawa Are you graduating next I'annee academique 1980 "Jeunesse Canada Monde partements de deux ettrois avait une soiree benefice year? The photographer 81. Les entrevues auront supporte les regimes re pieces dans un edifice lu pour Penetang samedider Steve Lassman, will be on lieu le 25 mars et le 15 pressifs". Voila l'accusa xueux du centre-ville de nier. Le spectacle etait tel campus, March 10-12 in avril. Pour plus de ren tion que porte un groupe Montreal. Ce meme· pro lement bon que deux glen tIle Hearth Room. seignements, veuillez d'etudiants qui est revenu fesseur a aussi garde a doniens qui y etaient, ont There is a sitting fee of contacter S. Legault, d'Haiti. Trente des trente son usage personnel un decide de se rendre au $8 which includes 6 poses Bureau 138 ou telephoner deux participants au pro systeme de. son de l'ecole "pub" le plus proche. La and a colour composite of au numero suivant: 965 gramme a HaIti sont reve d'une valeur de $15,000. biere y etait bonne mais le the graduating class. 5996. nus trois semaines seule Lorsque son manege et service faisait "pitie" pa ment apres le debut du celui d'autres professeurs raft-il. Convention ontarienne au Quebec En fin de semaine der vers l'Ontario.'Glendon a ses niere, des representants problemes mais bien des des differents campus on ecoles post-secondaires en tariens de niveau post ont i de pires. Certains secondairequi sont plus ou colleges du nord de l'Onta moins bilingues se sont rio n'ont meme pasde dac rencontres a Aylmer au tylos fran~aises. Quebec. Cette rencontre Tous ensemble,lesrepre s'est faite sous les aus sentants ont chercoo des pices de Direction-Jeu solutions pourameliorer la f~ nesse, un organisme pro vie fran~aise. L'une des vincial au service des etu propositions pourrait etre 1\ /' diants francophones en d'une grande utilite pour "'. // Ontario. Glendon. 11 s'agit de lafor Glendon y avait deux re mation d'un reseau de presentanls: Ronald Leduc spectacles qui unirait tous et Nicol Simard. lIs ont les campus ou il y a des cherche a mieuxfaire com francophones. On pourrait prendre a D.J. (Direction ainsi organiser des tour Jeunesse) la situationglen nees d'artistes. Il nous en donienne. 11 est a noter que couterait ainsi beaucoup quelqu'un avait ete engage moins cher pour faire ve l'annee derniere par D.J. nir des artistes. Esperons pour brosser un tableau qu'il y a des gens a I'ecou- de la situation de chaque te et qui sauront en profi campus. Le rapport, intitu ter I'an prochain. le "Le complexe des diffe Lors de cette convention, rents", ne presentait pas certains besoinsont ete GlendQn tel qu'il est. nous soulignes. Ces besoins n'etions pas seuls a semblent etre des signes avoir des choses a pre avant-coureurs de la for ciser. Et il semble bien mation, d'une federation que la situation ne soit des etudiants francophones pas tres reluisante a tra- des colleges et universites de I'Ontario. Mais bien des choses devront changer a vant d'en arriver la. Nous aurons probablement un bulletin de liaisonI'anpro chain, ce qui permettra de ne pas perdre contact. Education A jack rabbit start is OK for jack rabbits ... ... .but for drivers, it's a waste of $$$. Every time you slam down the gas pedal from a standing stop, you burn four times more gasoline than you would if you accelerated smoothly. That's costing you $$$. And stick to the posted speed limit. Speeding = more gas used = $$$* *Plus fines. Ministry of Co·operating in Transportation and ® Communications Ontario Hon. James Snow, Minister Harold Gilbert. Deputy Minister Energy Ontario March 7, 1980 .e•••e•••••••••• Pro Tem 3 G.C.S.U. Elections - 1980 CANDIDATES V.P. ACADEMIC Martin Green and publicizing its unique Being V.P.