.... I' '" LEGZgL.ATI"VE LXDPJ,R¥~ COUP.. 771'Z8 "- , .o.. PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS, . ' .' VIC~0R£Ai B.C., H61 i ". Traffic..O 1 =deaths-1 vsv-xx~.~ :take.. .i,.. h }lid ,ay weekend to1 . i By THE CANADIANPRESS parked on a beach &t Davis fire deaths, one person who flight of stairs in her home, there" were 51 traffic NovaScotia had one traffic man electrocuted while Manitoba had two traffic Two menwho drowned ina Lake Provincial Park when died in a plane crash, one The Canada Safety Council fatalities. fatality and the man who cutting branches and the fatalities, a drowning and a freak accident near Mission, the brakes failed and the boy who died when a garage predicted ~0 to 55 persona Fourteen persons died in died in the plane eraah,'New woman who fell down the fire .death, Saskatchewan B.C., on Monday were truck rolled into 12 metrm of collapsed on him, a bey who would die in traffic accidents British Columbia in traffic Brunswick had three traffic stairs. Ontario had three had one traffic death while , among at least 79 persons to water.. ' I died when a tractor over- in the 78-hour holiday fatalities -- inclnding five fatalities and Newfoundland drownings, the tractor death Alberta had six traffic. die fin accidents across A Survey by the C~mtadisn turned on him, one man elec- weekend "1 persons in a single.car ac- had three traffic ~ deaths. and II traffic deaths. Last fatalities and the bey'killed Canada on the Day Press from 6 p.m. Friday to trocuted when he fell on an The worst Victoria Day cident near Burna Lake on Prince Edward Island was year, eight persons were when the garage collapsed. holiday weekend, late Monday night local electrical wire while cutting weekend on record was in Sunday. Four other persons fatality free. killed in traffic acnidenis on The survey excludes in- Police said the men were times, showed 68~ traffic hranches and a woman who 1972 when 87 pe'reona died in drowned in the province and had 17 traffic Ontario roads during the 78- dustrial deatl~, siaytnp and in the back of a panel truck deaths, lS drownin~, four died when she fell down a traffic accidents; Last year three died in house fires. fatalities, two drow~ngs, the hour period. known suicides,

|1 " Salvap 55 TAXI I TERRACE-K T Rupert Steel &. 11978 LTD'). Lid, 24 .HOUR SERVICE , COPPER BRASS / ALL HETALS wo hay & BATTERIES 635-5050 • ' i NON,-SAT, OPENTiL ii p,m,

LIGHT DELIVERY SERVICE Volume ~3 No. 99 20C Tuesday, May 22, 1979 Location SealGave Phoneil|4-ilil3il Natives DE A Y REFUSED demand inquiry into the Three to wolence RED LAKE, Minn. (~) . -- Harry Hanson said today, ,- Monday he will lay down his hammer and tomahawk and TALI~HASSEE.A~IA$SEE, Fla. group kept vigil outside the been put: to death in the "surrender to the FBr' as (AP) -- The Florida governor's mansionandthen electrtechafr compared with soon as a U.S. government Supreme Court refused moved to the door: of his 64 whitos~ investigation begins into the Monday to delay the exe- office where they knelt in 'The death penalty con- ~violence by tribal members cution of convicted mur- prayer, tinues to ho.a racial issue," at Red Lake Indian reset. Mack said, "Gov, .Graham derers Johnrobu SpeckeliakS and David Mack of Florida has refused:, to hear this vation. Willie Janasper Darden. Citizens Against the Death The tribal members for- ' issue. One ~oup ~ people After aan: lengthy private Penalty likened Graham to has been executed" elbly took control of the law meeting,, the Judges unaul- deposed Ugandan dictator. enforcement centre at Red mously • refused to stay ldi Amin the ousted,shah of Darden~ .' is i black. Lake at dawn Saturday in a Spenkelink'.link's execution .Ir'an and the shaha-suc. Spenkelinl~ls white. ', dispute between tribal They alsoso denied Darden's .... Speckelink happens'to be factions. Before an appeal by 4-to.3. censor, poor," Mack said. "That's ~agrecment ending the. con. Spenkellnk faces elec- Mack also said. Graham another common frontstion was reached late trecution~t 7a.m. today and refu~ed to acknowledge the denominator, l think Gay. Sunday, two youths hod been Darden one hour later in racial background of the Graham tried to cam0uflage killed and Red Lake was in Florida's electric chair ~ a death penalty in Florida, the issue by having a.white ruins. three-le~ed sent'built by where 132 black men have man executed." Several buildings were Convicts,with arms deeply burned and about 45 vehicles gouged by 'the struggles of destroyed at the northern the prisoners who died in it. Miunesota reservation. Meanwhile, in , New Allen Cloud, 17, and Orleans~ an emergency THE ELECTION Vernon Lussier, 15, died of appeal was handdelivered to gunsbet wounds. Authorities the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of FACT SHEET • said~however they still have . : ~ :.: ./ :~ Appeals: on Spenkelink's 1 d ~

' " not) sorted out .the .cy.. ', - • 1 Kitimat,raft race drew crowds Pictures n:a,~e:,;i:2 '~' .~: :': :' ~lf/,~'i',The:.Pe~oa.ds-k~ • 10TTAWA~,iccP')-Herearefanisandftguresabeut: •. cumsoances ot tnc neatas. , '.,~ .' ' ; ~,~ . . :, ~ . ,~" u -: . , . - -, ' ...... ~ ,m._e;,c.ou.rc to o~r~. e u.~, l, ~s-$19t federal general election = ,~ ~.~=_. ervatleniateMendaywas ].t.t.t.t.t.t.t.t.~'T]~l~rrO ~v'~'V]~l~/A'~r.J'r~ ~ : ...... ~: ...... StratfOrd, who refused to ,,,~ t,.,.ot~,,..o,=t.,~n r,~ttincn~=~iollsi.*t~ stable but tense Armed; "~:''u'L~x =z, *..~x~-a~uJ.~.x ~.. : ..; ', ~:": ':!"~' : • deiaytheexocutionearllerin, v ..... ~_,~..... w~; ...... "---r-----o------.~='. .Bureau of Indian Mfairs 'i ~'f ] • , i ''~ . ::i 1 ." ~ " t ' .. :".'" ' • ' theday. ' countryssevenumezones~ , :... po.~ce.wer.e.present. " . IM/M t~'VS~lQa'~J'~l Isl~nf~~-~-m,t~.~.l~,,c~ wA-~-m,~ . Robert Harper, iawyerfor Thevotors:Atoial14,6S0,55~.areellgthle, to'vote-- ;. nye,r as ymea!, 1TIUIILI-U I UUIU I'•gtLUD frill y.?~., _~,a~eo,parsu~ citizenslSorolder--comparedtolS,-8~0,333atthelast '~,.~.,~,~o~',f~'=~'~~. ~tiae Maus as Red~'~X~=~ Lake MONTREALun~+n~,r (L~),,~,~ --...... A ~^..= .... ,...... = ...... =, ,,.. ~:_ i __~,._, ...... '...... ~ ...... v~o-,, ,,,~,u~,,s election in 1974. If the turnout matches the 71-per.-eant more cause for commotion Down the street at the Toe embraced players, swigged one to the Bartow, Fla. judge , rate in .1974, about 10,500,000 people will east ballots Iridlan Affairssuperin. Downtown Montrea). broke than a win. But this is the Blake Tavern, owned by:the from a bottle of champagne, who sentenced Darden. tendent, at least tern-. into an orgy of Jumping and first time since 1968 the final former Canadians' player and got drenched with Darden's lawyers con- this time, porarily, w!th Nathan Joe whooping and horn~hoaking Cup game was played on and coach who guided the bubbly sprayed by tended in their .brief to The candidates: There are 1,-424 candidates com- Head, ehnef of tribal Monday night as ~e local home ice. team to eight Stanley Cup celebrating Canadiens. Florida's highest court that peting for the ~I seats in the House of Commons, an .: operations. hockey heroes wm their the clemency ' process, in "It was just a tremendous wins, a group o(fans boasted The game would normally average five candidates in each constituency, at least' It also was agreed that fourth straight Stanley Cup game," said Frank:Roberts, that the Canadiena really which the state cabinet with a 4-1 win over New York have been played .tonight, three in each and as many as I0 each in some Montreal petitions by Hanson would be presl~nt of Via Rail Canada own the cup and just loan it but was moved back a night considered whether t0 cam: considered for new elections Rangers, i and a loyal Canadians' out to other teams how and mute the sentence to life, has ridings and in Toronto-Reaedale. . Crowds poured out of the to avoid clashing with the for tribal council chairman, hockey fan who was among again. federal election.. denied their client due The pal.ties: Nine political parties are compet~i.i"~ : treasurer, secretary and Montreal Forum into Ste. the joyful throngs billowing process of law. The state officially, with only four given a chance of seating eight district representative Catherine St. on a~ drizzly from the Forum. Among the 18,076 spec- The Stanley Cup victory Supreme Court majority candidates. The Liberals, Progressive Conservatives,. posts. night shouUng i"We're "The Cup definitely tators who packed the parade is set for Wednesday, said that motion is without and each is contesting a!1:282:: Officials said Roger number one" and bellowing belongs here, and 'the Forum •Monday night was and if tradition holds, there merit. seats and 103 seats, 74 of them in quebec. Jourdain will remain tribal the Montreal heckey'antho m Cunadiens have the team to Prime Minister Trudeau, should be at least half a • The three minority judges, chairman and cannot be "Lea Canadians sbnt is." do it," Roberts said. who went down to the million fans lining the -however, said Darden should The Marxist-Leninist Party (144 candidates), the. removed until new elections The Canadieun took ~he best- Thousands of people Canadians' dressing-room parade route. The City• of be granted a two-day stay of Communist Party of Canada (71), the Union Popuiaire are held. Hanson has in- of.seven final serie~ in five poured into bars and after the game. In what was Montreal refused to issue a execution to allow the case to (69 in quebec), the Patti Rhinoceros (63) and Llbei'.i dicated he will obtain peti. games. ! restaurants to continue the probably his last pre-electton parade permit for. today, be argued. tarlanParty (59) are also on the haHote. So are 49 inde- finns with the signatures of Stanley Cup wins late old revelry. appearance, he happily federal election day. At the state prison, Supt. pendents and SO with no designation. at least 25. per cent of the hat to Montreal. The David Brierton told roper- reservation's 3,000 residents, Canadians have won the ters outside the gate Monday The lenders: , 59, prime minister which would be necessary trophy 10 of the last !S years that he would permit no since 1968, seeking to lead the Liberals to an us- for new elections. and a loss would almost be interviews with any death precedented sixth straight victory and to be the first I [ i[srael takes tougher row prisoners. Nor would he prime minister to win four elections in a row nines' discuss any of the Liberal Sir Wilfrid Laurier between 1896 and 1908. procedures leading up to the TR UDEA U SEES execution. , 39, leader of the Progressive Con. stand in ,negotiations "They should get some servaUves since 1976, seeking to become the country's • dignity on their way out,", youngest prime minister and the first born in Western MONTREAL WIN JERUSALEM (AP) -- PLO front. He said the ship uncultivated private land, Brierton said. Canada, at High River, Alto. MONTREAL (CP) -- Prime Minister Trudeau Israel will take a tough and was, released after the apparently to make room for Legal experts said Dardon. Ed Breadbent' 43, leader of the New Democeatio. eanght an errant puck, swilled champagne ;,vith detailed proposal to Friday's vehicles were removed. new Jewish settlements. The had more hope of escaping Party since 1975, aiming to improve on his party's high plan, the sources said, states the chair ~thon Sponkelink Stanley Cup hockey winners and drew screaming good opening negotiations with Before the Israeli cabinet point of 31 seats out of 264 in the 1972-74Parliament. wishes from Montreal fans Monday in. his final I~blic the United States and Egypt that the source of authority because his appeals hod not The record: Before this election, Liberals had won on Palestinlan self-rule in adopted its position on the for the autonomous regime gone as far. Spenkelink, a appearance before today's general election.. Palestinlan negotiations, IS, Conservatives 12. Liberals led the government for the West Bank of the Jordan Will be the Israeli military slender prison escapee from 66 years, Conservatives for 46. Eight of the 30 general Alonghe way, he received some valuable iast-m~uie Israeli Foreign Minister government. California, had four times exposure 'on national televisien, which carried! the River and the Gaza strip, Moahe Dayan and Defence elections before today produced minority governments informed sources said been denied an appeal by the and only three of the last eight elections produced a hockey final between the Montreal Caundiena and New Monday. Minister Ezer Weizman Begin and Egyptian U.S. Supreme Court. York Rangers live to millions of potential voters. asked to be removed from President Anwar Sadat will Spenkelink was convicted majority -- for the Conservatives In 1958 and for the Trudeau appeared rested and exuberant, bonyed by The sources, asking not to the six.man team that will meet in the Sinai desert town of killing his travelling Liberals in 1968 and 1974. a standing ovatien from a crowd of more than 1B,000 be 'named, said the Israeli conduct the talks for the of El Arish on Sunday in a companion, Joseph Syz- The standings: Commons seats by party in the when be entered the forum and wild cheers whe~ he cabinet adopted proposals Israel in the southern Israeli ceremony marking the mankiewicz, in Tailahessee smaller, 264-seat House in the 1974 election and at left. ' that are even more specific city of Beersheba, Cabinet return to Egyptian civilian in 1973. Darden was con- dissolution of that Parliament last March 26.. During the third period, he caught a wild puck'.shot than those drafted by Prime Secretory Arieh Nanr said control of the first sections of rioted of killing a Lakeiand over the boards, more than matching a feat by his chief Minister M6nachem Begin. after the meeting. the Sinai to be evacuated by merchant, James Turman, political rival, Conservative Leader Joe Clark, who In Beirut, a communique Both men agreed to Israel under the terms of the during a 1973 holdup.. 1974 Dissolution snagged a football tossed at him by some hotel workers from Yasser Arafat's remain as members of the Egyptian-Israeli peace Death warrants for both Palestine Liberation mission after pleas from treaty. men were signed Friday by at Jasper Park Lodge in Alberta earlier in the day.! Organization (PLO) said other ministers. The sources Lib 141 133 Mter the game, Trudeau dropped into the wlnuing Florida GoT. Bob Graham, P.C. 9~ B8 Israeli gunners and Leba- said Dayan and Weizman Begin's government who said: "There will be less Canadians' dressing room, where he was drenphed nese Christian militiamen agreed not to withdraw only NDP t6 t7 with champagne by winger Yvon Lambert and posed defeated a motion of no. brutality in our society if it is Soc.Cred. 11 9 fired on the Rashidiyeh if the cabinet adopted the confidence in parliament made clear we value human with other players around the Stanley Cup. Monh-eal Paleatinlan refugee camp plan as a set of guidelines lad. 1 5 won the game 4-1. Monday over the country's life." and the town of Ras el Ein, and "not as an official economy and an inflation Death penalty foes con. Vacant 0 2 Then he left the Forum, kissing women as he ~veat about 19 kllometres north of working paper to he rate officially forecast to. tinued their attack on and acknowledging the shouts of "good luck" from the Israeli border. The presented to Egypt. reach 60 per cent this year. Grnhem's action. A small other spectators leaving the gnino. communique gave no details Nanr said Israel intends Trudeau took his seat about 15 minutea befor~ the on casualties at the camp, the self.rule scheme to apply I I T I final started, i which has an ,estimated only to the Paleetinlan Thousands of fans shouted and cheered and the 13,000 Palestinians. inhabitants, with Israel IN TERRACE prime minister was thronged by well.wishers: and The Israeli military continuing to senti'el the land autograph-seekers, ea~nd said Israeli naval and resources. He also said "It's not the results tonight'" be said soon after IMMMMrecent,ly intercepted the plan, In aceordance with arriving for the fifth game in the best-~seven tirol. ~ |Mrutbound Latin tho demands of WeLtman Potential rapist sought "It's tomorrow nljht (el~tlou 15JSlltl that cotmtl," " AM|risen carlo Ihi.p and Dayan, Is a sol of guido, Trtld~aUlit next to hi| brother, Charles, and ~m'al HIq~ing Wgt Gerl~anr~toe lIMa for R~otiltlons, In. Tlrraco RCMP are H~pltal after I1~ wa9 attempted rape, sent the Police are InvNtiptiM Ve.iti~. for an eri~na~ in unldutified f~mlly rumba, Hi~ g~idr~n wed mt I~jnl room for msno~m Invmtlptin| the brutal s964ultadby an unknown Juvanile |iri to hospital, the incldgnt, and. my they ~e ~MPq eap~. T.~ n~ :ampromliO, attaok of a y,~ni lift, malaontheBenchMu)' 17 81to In dNerlbod as will N reloaminil mora= with him, !.Pdigmah dld not !~mkwlr THI 0ollr|N said lsraal who II prmtenuy halft i The allaUltt wh!t.h havlnl II~m'leilrequirlnl details after an in, '. "We | n|hool nigh" pp al~ INploIM, iPe l~htil orlts port of odllit will demand tim ri~t to trstld In Milk Mama, ill police diorlbe le an a number of llit~hol, voattilation, but iilli |M erP~M|e/i g ...... I |flproprlll! publlo and .... liB 'it lili l i lli[ il IlliH lime l I Ilill I I : .~ ~I~~, J i

Page 2, The Herald, Tuesday, May 22, 1979 ! • ,.~-' .ii'. PANIC BUYING ::'!::i:i: Executives deny they NEWS IN BRIEF ' CAUSINC, SHORTAOE?:::: , • NEW YORK (AP) -- shortage i'tself M to - A recent'-American The great toilet paper motorists'perception that Autot~chlle,.Aue~latim: I ~thhold gaso to drive up t. pries" WASH,NGTON,ip, -- from alio.ing construction shortage began simply, theshortageiawersethan ' cheek.of 40 Canlouming • ' WASHI~r~T~N tAP) -- testified before a Senate The city of Lancaster, Pa,, or operation of any decon- i Johony Carson made. a it actually is. , into d Washlngton~ D.C,, Oil c'O~PafW, executives energy subcommittee "There is no reasonable • asked a federal court t~mination equipment or Joke on the Tonight Show . "If you wake up in the gasntatlc~ found only two deniedMO'!Lda'ythat they are studying the present shor. limit to that in the short Monday to bar the Nuclear p~pingthat would discharge a couple of years ago morning, turn on the TV actually low on gas. The withlmM~:gasoline from iagea. run," Jackson said. .Regulatory Commission the rzdioactive water into about .supplies of toilet and see a news story -. rest were topping off.. the U:S,I ~arket to await Senators told the officials Shell's DeNike said his about long gas lines, ...Meanwhile, lttakeaJmt firm could use another 1.5 INRC) from permitting the Susquehanna. paper being tight, There highor~i~ice~and blamed the that they, like exasperated discharge of radioactive really was no shortase -- you're going to think, about as long to buy two country's gasoline squeeze motorists in gasoline station million barrels of imported waste ~;ater from the Throe Lancaster is abo~t 48 kilo- until Carson's Joke. 'Wow, I hotter go out and gallons of gas as it floes to on a lack of crude oil. lines, want an answer to the oil daily to keep its refineries Mile Island reactor into the metres from the reactor site. In a matter of days, ,,u~=um~saw,'- ...... - ...... eaidone, , buyy 10; So five .motorists .! "' Carter ' administration question of whether gasoline running at capacity. J.W. Susquehanna River. The'cl'ty asks the in- • toilet paper became a oil industry cxecutive. "- buying.two gallons each spokesmen testifying before is being held back to bid up Price, vice-president of The suit, naming the NRC junction until the com- rare commodity. Analysts say that'wlmt take about five times :as .a-/~ngre~lonal committee the price. Chevron, testified his as a defendant, was filed by mission prepares an en- Americans, believing hoifpaeaina panic-buying m~h ,. time as one 6lamed tight crude oil "I don't know of any oil company is "significantly the City of Lancaster vironmental impact state- Carson was serious, sltuatlou Is that motorists, motorist purchasing I0. 'Suppllos on unrestin the being withheld for higher short" of the crude oil it Authority in U.S. district ment"covering all the plans bought every roll of toilet start pulling up to gas gallons.. That time Middle East. prices,"said James DeNike, needs, court, to decontaminate the reactor paper they could get hold pumps as soon as the gas translates into lines. And And White. House press a vice-president of Shell Oil Annon Card, a Texaco The building housing No. 2 building at Three Mile of, Soon, lots of people gauge reaches the three- those lines, and news s~retory Jody Powell said Co. vicepresident, said world crude oil shortages likely reactor No. 2 at Throe Mile Island and dispose of the had several weekn' quartetmark, Instead of reports of them, cause the U.S .... Congress is "I can't answer that," Island has been flooded with radioactive wastewater supply of toilet paper -- waiting untilit is down to'., more people to, thlnk : pri~a'rily responsible for the O'Leary said. He will continue into the 1980s. but 'stores had virtually one-qunrtor, about topping off: • . . acknowledged that some oil C.R. : Sitter, Exxon Co. hundreds of thousands of contained therein." current gnsoline problems gallons of radioactive water none. Many analysis r ~y " " In other words;:"paulc .' vicepresident, said that and that President Carter is is probably being held back since an accident'March 28 The suit said the NRC ap- That phenomenon is paniebuying is tripped by . begets panic,...... •. -getting too much of the but said companies doing so industrywide refinery severely damaged the proved last month the plan to known as panic buying, the llret slgns-6f ti~t • .Eventually, the panic-/ blame, . may be acting prudently to production would approach And many experts say it gasoline supping-- ~ws buying, fever weag~ off,.. maintain their inventories, last summer's levels, but reactor core. decontaminate 250,000 is a major cause of the that eomp~l.es are.cut- and supplies return to Deputy Energy Secretary O'Leary said he doesn't still fall two or three per cent The suit asks the court "to gallons of radioactive waste current U.S. gasoline tlng shlpmnnto'.todealers something like normal; John O'Leary told a Senate know of any easy ways for oil short of the increased de- preliminarily and per- water currently Stored in the crunch. . or thaLgas stations are .analysts say. But no one hearing that shortages may companies to stretch their mand for gasoline. manently enjoin" the NRC reactor's auxiliary building. ulosing.Sundays, cutting is sure when that will, he eased somewhat if Iran tight s~ppllea any further. There is little quastlnn home or limiting sales to : h~ppan, though there are' increases its oil productlnn. Atthe WhiteHouse, Powell The problem is less crude oil criticized what he called that there actually is a a.fowgallons, suggestions On 'how' to.. He said there is a" chance and a higher demand, Fail to agree shortage of gasoline -- By.s~y/ng "top it off" hasten it. . "" Iran might export an ad- apologists in Congress who especially for gasoline, he he said have not accepted LONDON (AP) --' U.S. gained power in the British demand for the fuel has instead of: "fill ~.it up," One poasibility ~ to" ditional 2OO,-OOO to sO0,O00 testified, been going up at a four. barrels n day to the United responsibility for their votes State Secretary Cyrus Vance general election May 3 as • motorists ore setting off a "i'oplace maximum - The chairman of the and British Foreign *'not only very agreeable, percent annual pace, wholcchaino{eventsthat purchase limits -- which ..States. against Carter's energy energy committee, Senator proposals, Secretary Lord Carrington but very positive,"• while oil companies, analysts say can lead to analysts say,' encourage Henry Jackson (Dem, met for nearly six hours Vance avoided direct compensating for a trouble. But such an increase. panic buying . with 'O'Leary:ndded, woul~ only Wash,), said this year's "If the Congress had Monday on a range of in- reference to at the shortage of crude oil, The diff~mnee between minimum -purolmso make the U;S. "more shortage is a rerun of the passed "the proposals the ternationalissues but appar- news conference. He said have reduced shipments running around wi~ a levels. 1973 Arab oil embargo. This president sent up in 1977, we to dealers by about lO per comfortable" in a time of ently failed to agree on the European issues, the Middle quarter-tank of gas and "I think one 'thing that •continuing shortage. •time, he said, the Middle would be significantly better touchy issue of a new Anglo- East, Asian and Caribbean cent. three-quarters is about 10 every state should - O'Leary and executives of East 0il countries are off in terms of gas supplies American strategy on problems were discussed, But analysts say the gallons. If all of the 134 require is a-minimum five majcW oil companies limiting production in order this summer," he said. Rhodesia. adding that '*some African shortage should have millinncars and trucks in purchase of iS," said Speaking to reporters problems" Were touched beeneasy to manage. The the U.S. made that Larry Goldatein of the outside the foreign office, upon. lines which have ap- change, 1.34 billion U.S. Petroleum Research Carrington described his An informed source said peered in California and gallons of gasoline would Foundation. "That • will first meeting with a senior no conclusions were reached elsewhere have been due shift from the distrihotlea force people tokesp ~rom Anoth ,,r mishap is likely American official since the by either side on the not so much to the system togas tanks. topping their tanks.'" . WASHINGTON (AP) " mission named by President proved the extreme ' Conservative government Rhedesian question. The, chalr/nan of a U.S, Carter to investigate the vulnerability of nuclear House" of" Representatives nuclear accident• power." inquiry into the atomic The measure, passed The commission concluded His health is failing accident at the Three Mile unanimously, gives the in its report that control b()S ANGELES (AP) -- ~. "psychological problems." bland nuclear power plant commission the power to room operators were unable in .. Peql~yl~;ania. said subpoena and put witnesses to halt theworst U.S. nuclear lawyer for Johnny "The move was only Monday",~t~:same type of under oath and to inspect accident because their in- Weissmuller's wife said necessitated by fear that mishop~ly at any time certain records. strumenis gave them false .Monday it's the.health of the medically he might need 24. at anoth'~].l~.U.S. nuclear • Commission members last or misleading information. 74.year-old former Tarzan hour care," Ceembea said. frlendsfor life movie star that is failing -- "The problem is that Johnny facility..:. :r_'. , . . . week suspended hearings "I saw no operator error Repl~e~elltative James into the accident until it had not closely related to design • not his mind -- and that's has several medical con- Weaver (Dem. Ore.) made obtained the power. The or equipment error," why Weismuiler is being ditions that could endanger la vie nous ¢oneem¢ the assertion in presenting a Senate passed the bill Weaver said. transferred to a con- his life, were he to be unnt- "Operators and engineers valescent home; tended for a period of time. ropor.t byl hisspecial com- Friday, Albert Coombes disputed mission, stiggesting that "Such an accident not only involved from the start of the statementsbyJackStaggsof "Our fear was that ff he The Canadian La Socifitg canadienne ~luipmedt and imtrument could happen again but it is accident repeatedly told the the Motion Picture and just went wandering off Red Cross Society de la Croix-Rouge failure' played a much likely to at any time," task force (his commission) Country Hospital, where' without a nurse with him, he greater role in the March 28 Weaver told members of a they did not know the extent Weissmuller is staying, could get into a situation accident 'than operator House interior sub- of damage -- the degree of Staggs had indicated the where' he might be in error. committee. serious danger-- until one or actor is suffering from danger.' Meanwhile, the House ap ~ "Three Mile Island has two days after." proved and sent to the White House a measure giving :broad powers to the corn- • , .... .;, ...... ;,..~.L-,'.,:J3,:.~ C,;II~.~L,

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" ', "' '"| "J"."/'" "",- A" • , , ., p .C ". . ' .+ • ' .'. "1.. " : " .: ..., .... : .. ~;~.~;i ~..~~).~,~+~+?;~:?~;i~:~'".:!"': ...... :- ...... ; ...... :: ...... " . -, ..... - • ,., .;:~+~ ~:].,...,:,.:,~:.. , . ,...' ~ . : ..... ~(. • .+.:., ~.. . . ?.:. ,; ;:. X::L ++. ++:.,++:L, in +~.:,~.'? . --,', ...... : . , .' : ...... an.~ .. . award• . . . • , - :' ~ . 4,~+:~ , . ('. . , , , . ~++ +;~ , . /h' .... +, '. ', . , ~ + .~ ~':~::i'/~; ,::.~-/-'-: 'Th'~ ;' ibchi "" teie~iisi~ih'/ '.': ~,,~ .... ' ...... - " " :,. : ~tation," CFTK-TV;' "e 'from ,!:~'!.'~'~+~Z :/! . ~"+ " t.t~ol~atl, a ~.~alan.l ¢'KnPH5~is" e . t'ULICE' may" 20'" 'resulted 'in "$700 ot° several it m s , , ~+ " " 'award from the Radio ' " damage to the 'cars no in- clothing at the Skoaland- ~i~.~:~i i: ~,i:,' Television News :DiPeCtO ~ .' ': ~i ~hl(~ . " juries and one man charged Hotspring~ Resort oh~May~ i~-~i[i~!~ "ii: So.~,.,.,,;, ~¢ ~-,,oda 'fo'~: : "" !'~1 L. V V~,,I ' " under the motor vehicle act. 20 ' ' . " ...... '.: : ~.,:+,~ .'~'.+,. - .... ~.;_ _, ,,-~ =--~^. Terrace RUMP are m- A Greenville resident had: ~*+'~t~ " ' : ~uv©z'a]~ uz ul~.. uxujuz - • • . • .... . , . ,'. , . ~, :~i , '/'~ n,~,~In, i, m,, ,r,,,~-,~ ar+m ' Kitimat RCMP. are ad- vestigating the" theft of some $2,000. worth of =!terns, zn-- :f .( - ;"i,~!'i.ii~]'t:~/('J;:: .~ast f~--al~."...... : ~ vising..residents Of Swan, m oneyi,f'tom a 'downtown cluding a radio,~le~.~,~ :~il;~}~, i!~+i.~; ' 'l'heCharileaward, named "' "Swallow and Starling Streets. sin.re on~.ondayj, .. . : ~s, tape. ~Ca.+anq..:a.m.-: <:]~'~~;.~i ~;i~.~U for retired Breadeast News" of a Neighborhood Watch r,o]ic'.e/.r~e!vea[a.report d pz!f!e.r . sm.~en :..zrom~ "ms • , "' -, ~ ", .:: . ,~:-,-,,'+.i+~?P • ~!~'.~i; :~;i/, 8eiteral manager Charlie: meeting in the Nechako anrea..~,L~..xeme..Lage.across ve_hieteon_~a.Y.~Zu,. :,.~,, ;/"~ ".' ' 'wi~ t~ fnr ~nnt news. ,¢JCheO]" Library tonight at from water i.+lly nay on Terrace ~umr p.~caea up.

. ,~ _, .. : ': "):" i: ~'.: ~~"-'.':-'""'~':"-' "7 30 p m ...... Monday. No 'further details one impai .Rd dri~,e~ on'May' • , , .- ., ,. ;;. "' "',~, °'... ' • ...... " " were.i'elp~ed ' 19...... - r ( i . # • + .~1 i " ; '.It sa. reamer in our. ~..p. : KitimatRCMP gave three An"6u'tbdard motor wds A :1974 Yamaha' was • .:.: m.o we're very pmaseo,'.." • 24.hour roadside suspensions stoien from Lakelse Lake on recovered about 4:30 a;jd..on! • , : ., sala l~UtllttaUa~K, assmmnt on May 20. May 20.. " " May 19 in Kitimat. 0n.,e" man- . news dlreetorat CFTK. . Pollc~ .....are invmtigatlng has been charged with,theft . .Judges ~f0r.the award 'Joe DaUo~ta, of Kltlmat, the break-in.of.a downtowo of auto as a result: . ; ?h!:i:!i:/ commented the station, had. reported to Kitimat police • store iri Te}'race on May 20. Two Kiflmat people' were "utilized " fairly scant the theft of his $700 Nikon RUMP say they do not charged with impai.~ed resources on a :story of camera' from his car' Which ~ know"the.amount of damage driv.ing after mi~i+ght on overwhelming size to 'ex- .'was parked in a ear port on doneto'an'automobilewhlch May 19. • celient advantage." The" May 20. was v~hdallzed ~ the'Dog'N A gitimat adult h~ I~en chargedwith theft afler"a "\ ', anchorman for the coverage h two ear accident, on Suds. areq .on May 20, .; ,was,Bob Nicholson, while the shoplifting offense:, in news director was Greg • Braun Street in Kitimat on Som~0ne rePorted {he theft Kitlmat. ' " Peele .... i 1 , : :: ]

!2 - • .


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Page 4, The Herald, Tuesday, May 22, 1979

• . ;. _ '~- . ". . TERRACE/KITIM AT q daily herald Who, [. are. these• people?.. General Office. 535.5357 Published by by Greg Middleton When Liberal leader members of the press, and perhaps she was just ner- Her main opponent in this one of the most poiltically Clrculatlea. 6354357 . Sterling Publishers Pierre Trudeau was here a particularly photographers vons or thought this was the' race, Jim Fulton, the New aware ' universities in Today is the day you will few weeks ago he confessed and editors, are male. To he way to impress. She " Demoncratic candidate, Canada, the then newly* G EN, MANAGE R - Knox Coupland choose one of the five can- that in his 1974 campaign fair, however, she is also one becomes more human. ODe. claims her apprent pork formed Simon Fraser EDITOR. Greg Mlddleten didates running in the tour through this area he of the more high-energy impression lingers though. barrelling hasn't br'ought University in Vancouver, federal election here in didn't give Campagnolo people you will meet. She is addicted to her own much more gravy this way There he saw the turbulent, C I RCU LAT ION - TE R RACE. 635.5357 Sheens to represent you as much of a chance. He said. In,her first meeting with adrenaline. She is a power than would have come student activism of the 1960's KITIMATOFFICE. ~12-2747 your member of parliament. that he felt a sense of regret the editor of the Herald, a junkie. •naturally, no matter who through and went the route of expl~ ih ,number of Published every weekday at 3212 Kelum Street, Opinion polls, although that she was going up meeting forced after he tore Campagnolo began to was representing this area. Terrace, B.C. A member of Verified Circulation. they vary in accuracy, show against such a strong in- a strip out of her local puhlie- Fulton, a doctor's son who diseiplin~. ~-i~ ~lfted from campaign the moment she sciences, .s'0mething" he Authorized as second class mall. Reglstratlon number that while the majority of cumbent as Howard, as he relations man because she was elected. Her newspaper came up to the Queen 1201. Postage paid In cash, return postage guaranteed. voters have their minds sensed a dynamic and had made no effort to Charlotte Islands because probably enrolled in because column, a service most it was the most prestigious made up in advance, there is competant individual in a communicate with the paper papers offer the member of his father staked out some NOTE OF COPYRIGHT always a significant number hopeless came. and didn't answer calls, she homestead land there, has and expected of a doctor's parliament So they can keep Son. He tried English of undecided. Those un- Campagnolo pulled off one talked almost non-stop the in touch with "their con. been campaigning against The Herald retains full, complete and sole copyright In decided will swing a close . of the most surprising upsets entire time. Cam~gnolo is Campagnolo almost since literature and then moved stituents, is campaign into something with more eny advertisement produced and.or any editorial or race such as this one. in that campaign though. She one of these people Who can literature. the day she was elected. photagraphlc content published In the Herald• Federally the polls show turfed Howard out of office: ingest huge amounts of Altouglf it is his first time substance, political science, Reproduction Is not permitted. the election is a toes-up andwent on to become a star material, facts and figures," Among the achievements as a candidate, Fulton was in order to understand the between the Liberals and the in the Trudeau cabinet, and regurgitate them at will Campagnolo relies on is hew hound to run, and for the turmoil around him. Progressive Conservatives, While the amount of real theyway- a mother bird much she has done for this NDP, sooner or later. He has A government ruling that but with the New power" Campagnolo wields coughs up partially digested ridingl She makesmo bones worked in a number of you had to build a house on Democratic Party having may be questioned, that she' insects for her young. about bringing home' the campaigns and just slipped ,homestead lease sent him to made noticeable gains. went into the cabinet in her bacon. Her columns read into this one as a candidate the Charlottes to build a EDITORIAL first term in office is It is impressive.. It the way a vaudvitie per- 'house after he had his In Skeena, however, the like a completed shopping This country is facing a difficult decision. remarkable. Except for rare demonstrates a high level of list. She flaunts the grants "former's child goes on stage, degree. He returned to the situation is different. This occasions when a member of brain power and a and subsidies the federal University of Victoria to On the one hand we have a party which has been in riding was traditionally an it's all just part of the act. power too long. It has come to feel that it rules almost parliament comes into tremendous command of her government has made to support his wife as she NDP stronghold. Frank government with a special area of interest. It gives the firms and individuals in this finished her academic by divine right, On the other hand we have an op- Howard held it for years Cnmpagnolo got into position leader who inspires jokes rather than con- expertise, the firs.t term in impression of sitting across area as though it is her own polities later in life. The 46- requirements. despite a scandal when he the house is an ap- from a teletype design~l by largess. She gives the ira. fidence. The third party can certainly not win enough year-old mother of two went The probation service, to confessed to serving time in • prentieeship. Many new the peoplewhomakeBarbie pression she is signing which the young Fulton seato to form a government. It has in the past, jail. to work after raising her however, won support for some long-term and socially MP's spend that whole term dolls, cheques on a trust fund she family. She got involved in turned for a job, had the ]perfect opening for him on valuable programs in exchange for its votes in the Howard says he lost to flnding their way around and After a few meetings, alone is empowered to divide broadcasting and ran for newcomer Iona Campagnolo learning the rules. Many however, one realizes that up. school board. Fulton went to /the islands, a place to which house. Many people see a minority government as because he got too com- hardly every 'speak. They /it is hard to convince people' holding the power of an otherwise over-beating party. placent and didn't bother to are simply there to support to move. in cheek. campaign. Others say the the party lines. Fulton says the provincial To be realistic and somewhat cynical though, it is Native Indiana in this riding Campagnolo, however, has government was a little slow worthwhile to have a cabinet member in parliament, if put Campagnolo in became been exceedingly high at getting him his moving you think the cabinet minister has real power and is they wanted to make some profile. That she is an at- allowance so he took .the doing things for the riding. progress on the land claims tractive woman certainly deputy minister of the "at- The issue in this riding are coastal transportation, issue, helped in a world where the torney general's department economic policies as they effect the North and the i to court and successfully got management of fisheries. We also must look at the a garnishee order, lifting the broader perspective and balance the parties' stands on man's paycheque at source, national unity and international affairs as well as look to give Fulton his money. He at what they do for us. offers a copy of a letter It is up to you to look at the record of the incumbent, saying that unless the weigh the merits of the challengers and make your probation service open an choice. This paper, unlike many others, won't'tell who office in Baffin Island, to vote for. We've tried to give each candidate a fair Fulton will not get a transfer hearing. We've then taken a lock at the people who are to a more sought.after area. That, however, suits Fulton running. The choice, however, remains yours. just fine, except that the If you have not made up your mind yet, and we probation service doesn't realize many already know hew they will vote, take a offer him the challenge he few minutes to really think about aH these questions seeks. And that is why he is before you go into the polling .booth. running. Fulton laFs out his ex- perience with the probation service as his background research into What the ELECTION problems and needs are in this area. The hoarded, now 30.year-old, and socially conscious young man is ROUNDUP being• suggested as a younger and more sensitive Almost 15 million voters go Road-weary Clark was version of provincial NDP to the polls today to deter- quieter and more leader Dave Barrett. It is a mine Canada's political philosophical and Bi'eadbent good comparison .... . ' , destiny for the next year or spent a casual weekend, Rod Cousins is als0 being ~. .... four. opening a haseballgame,. They will decide whether" attending "~a~ music ~feStiVal Leauer. The comparison mnt Prime Minister Trudeau's and going to an outdoor doing him much good, Liberals deserve to he kept entertainment centre however, Cousins is being in office after 11 years or Monday. mockingly touted as a Joe whether he should be Clark, speaking to a crowd Clark yodnger brother, and replaced by Joe Clark, 39, at a chilly outdoor pancake seen as a bungler like Clark. and his Progressive Con- breakfast in Jasper, accused Cousins confessed his servatives. Trudeau of. "selling the naivete the first time he Or they could say it is time" country short." If he wins approached this" paper to for a real change and name the election, Clark plans to introduce himself. He went Ed Broudhent and his New retire to the luxurious Jasper on to demonstrate how little Democrats to lead the Park Ledge to meet his top he understood about polities country. advisors and plot the take- and the newspapers that In the eight weeks of over of the government. report on politicians by election campaigning Mid-way through the cam- trying to hire a reporter Trudeau, 59, asked the public paign, Trudeau said he away from a paper for the to return his Liberals to would consider tryi~ to campaign. When comments power so he can continue to continue as prime minister if were made about his inep, protect Canadian unity. the Liberals finished a few titude he cried "foul" and Conservatives, who last seats behind the Con- wondered why we had done- formed the government servatives. ' However, the it. After expressing his shock between 1957 and 1963, asked next day he said he regretted and horror at what he per- that they be returned to end having made the cling-to- ceived as attacks by other the confrontation' between power statement and added candidates and saying how Trudean and the provinces, that he was only speaking much it upset him that this most of them headed by about his "inner-most would happen, he went on to Conservative governments. feelings" and not about firm issue press release after plans. The Trudoau government press release that were such A Gallup poll taken after a gross attacks on Cam- "deserves a rest," Clark live television debate bet. said Monday in his final pagnolo as to be almost ween Trudeau, Clark and. parodies of political atlack~ campaign speech at scenic Broadbent showed the Jasper, Alta. While Cousins has in many , Liberal and Conservatiw ways the best background a Clark obviously was tired leaders tied, each with the but confident at the end of would-be member of support of 37.5 per cent of the parliament for the North the hardfought contest. decided voters. Brcadbent Iona Campagnolo campaigns Trndeau wrapped up his Jim Fulton on campaign trail could ask for, more thana was heartened by the 19-per* decade working for the campaign Sunday in Guelph, cent support for his party, up Ont., with a quote from the Federal Business from the 16 per cent of the Development Bank, he Bible - "Love ye one popular vote his party had in another," hasn't put his wealth of the last election. experience and knowledge In the wake of a public Clark said the poll ~ in- across. opinion poll that showed dicated the possibility of a Cousins even administered Liberals and Conservatives Conservative majority and the coup de grace to himself even, Trudeau ta:ked about Trudeau aides said a Liberal by himself in admitting that the need for strong majority was still possible. even if he won he would not leadership to deal with the Broedbent said the public is run again, threat of quebec separation. tired of both oldiine parties The political analysts who Brnadhont, campaigning and is seriously considering have been following the in Toronto, refused to say the NDP alternative. election campaign here, what he will do if the Clark said the Gallup poll members of the national Liberals or Conservatives indicated his party was most news media, say Cousins form a minority gov- popular in all provinces and has been left out here to ernment, A minority would territories except quebec, loose all on his own and that put Broudbent and Social where Liberals dominate. the Teries are not investing Credit Leader Fahien Roy in Trudeau ended his fight to much more than they have to pivotal pesillons because the stay in power with a three. Tony Organ for appearances' sake. This survival of the government day blitz in southern Ontario, riding was conceded by the could depend on their sup- He spent Monday with his Tories before the campaign port. three young sons. hogan. A minority government Trudeau drew large A on.-issue candidate, could be expected to last a cheering crowds everywhere ihdependent Tony Organ,. year or two before the prime he went in his final campaign who started his campaign to minister called a new appearances. HIs appeal for plug his personal vendetta election, A majority would national unity became less against those ~ho advocate mean that the government academic and more and would allow abortion on prohably would remain in emotional. demand, actually got into office at least four years, Alberta is traditionally dealing with some of the The Commons has been Conservative country and other issues, but not enough. expanded to 282 seats from Clark, on the eve of the to bring him out of the 264 and redistribution has election, could not resist a basement he'll share with made predictions more few final shots at Trudeau. independent Franz Colet difficult. A majority in the "Go get him," yelled a when the votes are counted. Commons would be 142 or Conservative supporter in And the most kindly thing more seats. Jasper. we can say about Colet was Trudeau turned on the Broadbent said his party's that he provided some en-. charm in the final days of the major theme is its pledge to tertainment with his pro- campaign, winning kisses fight for Canadian control of Progressive Conservative MP leaves Cousins holding the bags Franz Colet ma'rijuana plantation and bouquets from women. the resource industry. campaign...... • o . , . • • ...... , .. • ...... , •

• ~ , t ' ~ The Ilerald, Tuesday. May 22. 1979, Page 5

What s'League of Rights' ': by Linda Purschke Australian League alone accusations levelled against when Winnipeg Tribune describes the response to his. "...Mr, Gustlck has been should be enough to keel~him him. columnist Eric Wells felt March 1968 report on Pierre asked to address the large In the heat of last week's busy, since Butler and his In 1978, the •Canadian Gostick and. Duke were Trudeau's past. The 1968 OWeD Sound Kiwanis Club on provincial election, did organization do' more than Council of Christians and entitled to free speech report stated that in 1960, the state of our nation," anybody out there notice a just talk. They vigorously Jews, along with other ethnic regardless of their views. Trudeau led a Communist notes the March 1978 issue of StandingRib ? : large advertisement placed ~ promote their literature. organizations in Winnipeg, "...the test comes next delegation to Peking for Red On Target. "People are in the Daffy Herald bdMay 9/~ Buffer.himself is an author lodged a complaint against week (at the CRTC hearing) Victory celebrations and beginning to be concerned thednybeferethevotingwas whose articles include a CJOB Winnipeg when in .the first phase of a asserted Trudeau was and the hour is propitious for held? The. ad, which was pamphlet entitled The In- Gontiek and David Duke of proposal t6 produce a no-no "picked up by the U.S. Coast CLR educational work." about two4htrds of a page ternational Jew. An ad- the Ku Klux Klan appeared list of those who may speak Guard off Key West as he As the League grows, Roast and cost about $250, was vertisement for this on the station's open-line and those who may not," tried to row to Cuba in a more 'educational work' is placed by an organization publication says in part: show. Calling 'Gostick "a Wells wrote in his column of canoe and was deported attempted. Speaking tours called the Canadian League "Anti.semitism is shown to white supremacist", and not Novembpr 27, 1978. "At the hack to Canada." are conducted throughout ...... Rights, made no specific be an instrument, used by satisfied with the station's presen~ time 0nly RoD "That March 1968 report the country with Gestick, $ 4 nn:;, " political endorsements, international Jews to further response, the organizatlons G~ffck and David Duke are caused a national furore in Walsh, and Eric Butler Limit 3 aside' from the ambiguous their policy of world took their protest to the • on thePr0posed list." succeeding months," wrote phrase "Support Free En- domination. The in- CRT~ when CJOB's licence On Target a League Gestiek in 1974, "with all sbaring tbe duties. Each has " travelled throughout BC. A J,33i terprise" but did proclaim in ternatlonal Jew remor- came up for renewal; The publication, responded major party leaders Besides his public address in Can da G "" " bold type "British Colum- selessly places.the spotlight controversy was intensified enthusiastically to Wells' significantly clusing ranks to Victoria, on his last tour a fade bians, Don't be mislead by of expusure upon those In- column by reproducing deny public scrutiny Of Mr. NDP promises," dividuals responsible for the excerpts and exclaiming: Trndean's background and Buffer piaoned- to speak in "The Canadian League of present world turmoil." "Perhaps the enemies of .smearing this Service as Williamsv__, Lake, P,e Vanderhoof, G.,,o, ]Sliced SideBacon, 1 si Rights is a free association .The Australian League OBERLE our Christian heritage are 'hate literature'." Clinton, Chetwynd, Dawson ' of Canadians dedicated to (and the Canadian League) becoming concerned at the Phillip Butler, the field Creek, and Fort St. John. Scllnelders Kent I lb. Package ...... • the preservation of in- also encourages its members expanding influence of Mr. director of the B.C, League According to Phillip dividual freedom and liberty to subscribe to an Australian WON'T Gestiek and the Canadian of Rights, said in an April and supports the private tabloid entitled .The New l.,eagus of Righte." interview the League's areBuffer, funded the spaaking by money tours ownership of property and Times. Using the motto, "Ye SAY If that is the case, then the mailing list in B.C. is close to collected at each meeting or iShoulderot LambRoast$1 29 the means of production," shah know the truth and the "enemies o| our Christian 12,000. He stated the Strength says the ad. "It also is op- truth shall make you free," heritage" are probably of the League in B.C. lies andfrom books the sales (sample of title.literature Gun [ i; i;;di;~i.., p.i i.ii...... :';7' q. : posed to all forms of the latest issue (February, MUCH equally concerned about • mainly in the rural areas of Control Melans People socialism, regardless of the 1979) of The New Times says The Canadian League Gostick's colleague," Patrick the province and is par- Control, by Phoebe Court- label. The ad concludes With in boldface type: of Rights says they have Waish. Wainh is a former ticularily strong in the Peace ney). If these proceeds are &O .an address where any in. "When the now state of the ear ,of the member of undercover agent for the River district. not sufficient, the League I Rel.air Frozen 21 oz. Package...... m I terested party could write Israel was established by parliament in the region RCMP and, like Gustiek, has The B.C. newsletter of dips into the Provincial for "further information." terrorism in 1948 C.B, where they claim to have close associations with Eric October-November attempts Basic Fund, which is The League is much more Douglas made the prophetic the strongest support' in Buffer. He holds numerous to illustrate the League's donations received from than a "free association of observation that the long the province, but Frank titles in the Canadian growing respectability in sympathizers. Canadians dedicated to the term effect would be to bring Oberle, conservative League, and is also "general these regions of the "The last two years the preservation of individual the Jewish question, into member for Prince secretary of the World Anti- province: League everywhere has freedom", as becomes clear public debate which could Ge~)rge-Peace River, will Communist League" and "From Prince George expanded enormously and to anyone who researches ultimately prove disastrous not confirm or deny such "secretary of the Canadian comes word there was a the features have been not into the. League.or attends a to long-term Zionist reports. Friends of Rhodesia." His private meeting held with only the larger meetings, but League meeting. strategy....The~ widespread "I respect and take biography proudly notes he the local MP Frank Oberle the increasiqg flood of One such meeting was held showing of th~ propaganda serious account of ,every was a voluntary' witness (PC - Prince George-Peace literature thathas gone out, in Victoria on April 12. At film 'Holocaust' was an view, be it the Canadian during the hearings of the River). Mr. Oberle in fact ptusagreatdealmoreactlon that gathering the main attempt to st£m the anti- League of. Rights or any House Un-American Ac- requested it himself, which is being taken," muses" Eric speaker was Eric Butler, Zionist tide." [~ other group,"Dberle said tivities Committee in 1953. shows the growing.respect Buffer. "...judging from~the head of the Australian Since Bulle~ sees anti- when asked his opinion of , Walsh and Goslick co-edit he has for the people in- type of criticism that has League of Rights, whose son semitism as an "instrument the organization. On Target and The Canadian voiced in the League off been directed at the League, • (Phillip Buffer) is on the of international Jewry," he *'I respect the work Intelligence Service , Rights....Mr. 0berle has thib is the type of action receiving end of the address is naturally impatient when they are doing," he newsletters which give come a long way and the some people fear." given in the advertisement such accusations are continued. "They've League versions of "truth" League of Rights and the shown in the Herald. Over' levelled at' him. taken a poll in the nor- in Canada's national affairs. people involved in the VPA Editor's note: This in-depth 100 sympathizers, including "We're always getting that thern parts of my riding On Target contains mainly (Voter's Policy Association) • lock at the Canadian Lcag~. Lucerne. white. A Phillip Butler, came to hear sort of criticism," he that~!~showed the mood excerpts from newspapers, have had a great amount of of Rights and its affiliates Erie Buffer speak on League responds. "You can't be that' exists in this riding, usually with a following influence on htm" was originally prepared by Canada Grade...... gl philosophy. involved in this sort of work with~i~ dike capital commentary. The Canadian Other publications try to Herald staff writer Linda "The first thing we need to without being criticized and puniahinent, and the Intelligence Service has illustrate the League's Pursehke as a project for a understand about the Middle some of the criticism isn't results have been very more direct references on growing influence on a |ournallsm program at the East and the Moslem world malicious, it's just a failure helpful to me." He also federal government policies national scale. University of Victoria. is that back in 1948 the west to understand what the said he did not recall instituted under "Chairman agreed, not only agreed but League is all about," meeting with the League. Pierre". For example, in the actively promoted, the More thana few people fail When asked about the October 1978 issue, Waish driving of a thorn into the to "understand what the critics who contend the comments on, the "blatant Middle East, a poisoned League is all about." The League is anti-semetic, encouragement of por- Australian League has been nography" when discussing thorn in .the form of the Oberle had no comment ,L. political Zionist state of called a "fossil of the hathe did respond when Canada, Council grants. Israel" said Butler at the decadent and debauched asked a~ut th~League s . • Further discussing the

Victoria meeting. "T.~-weSt fascism ~..t~e:'~l~tti~/~late~t:(~.~n~sle~er/:Ohi'., Canada,~.C.~cil,. he ~...... "ll,O~ merely '-understood" th~:T0rties,"~by~meml~k'ofthe .... Targ~';i~:a,::/ ,L~ague : claims:;"~:'~,~ • '~'~:i]/ ' necessity of placating those Australian parliament; It, publication, issued a ":..the latest Annual DU,/ UO ':'vIT who exercise power through has also been denounced by supplementry section Report of the Council in- finance," he concluded. all 's established dated April 30 which gives dicates thai far from To eliminate this political parties. David the League's version of reducing grants to sub- .. -I~ -!1' "!; " "poisoned thorn" or to . Harcourt, an Australian the background of the versives hell bent on relieve the trials caused by journalist, alleges in his book prime minister, Pierre Canada's destruction, there "the fiends of so-called Everyone Wants to be a Trudeau. has been an alarming in- liberation against the Fuehrer (Angus & Robert- Oberle said the. crease in such grants under Rhodesian people", Buffer son, 1972) that Butler and the newsletter, which is the guise of 'the arts, explained his belief that Australian League have highly critical of humanities, social sciences' decentralization of power, links through members and Trudeau's past, "does not and 'cultural exchanges'." ." L achieved by "individual literature with the add anything to enhance The reputation of these action through association" Australian Nazi Party. the campaign. It is not my publications is illustrated in was the auswer. Harcourt in turn connects intention to exploit it," he the May 1974 issue of The As an advertisement for the Australian Nazis with the added. Canadian Intelligence individual action, Butler American and British Nazi This issue of On Target Service. where Gostick lives up tohis ideals. As head movements. has been used as part of of the Australian League, Such ~hargea are not an advertising campaign Butler speaks throughout confined to the Australian by the League of Rights Australia, New Zealand, and chapter of, the League. and appeared as part of Canada..He also travels Buffer works closely with the an advertisement place frequently to director of the Canadian by the League in the May and Rhodesia, League of Rights, Ron 18 issue of the Herald. The activities of the Gnstiek, who has had similar Boss is away Whole Tomatoes i :I:, BRITISH COLUMBIA SPECIAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 'til May 24th Hunt's..or 14. fl. oz. Tin...... 55CJ~ :"", NOW YOU DAN STUDY CR-320 Elite 30" wide range, Delay - Bake - Off oven timer, Recess porcelain top, Pint-out OAREER OOURSES IN YOgR OWN NOME elements with Infinite Heat switches, engineering programs, Math and PhysiCs for S.E.T. Removable oven dour. Large storage drawer. The Directed Study Centre at BC~., has correspondence courses in Hotel. Motel and Tourism, Road and HiEhway Engineering , Forestry for Technicians, Pre-entry Math for BClT I Lettuce Jli , HematoloEy for R.Tis , Business Administration RFS.I3 Satellite 13.5 cu, ft, Capacity Frost CNaoI':OrG:!eG'r°wn' 40cl :: Clear refrigerator. 10-year motor- I II~I ' II compressor warranty. Fresh food tO 3 cu I I[|ll 11 ft. Frozen Food': 3.1 cu. ft. Two t0-position I lie , II You can start at any time and learn at your own pace. Or if adjustable shelves, Butter compartment, l Ill II Two egg trays and two ice trays. Pear I Ill II you prefer, you can buy the course materials for interest and rollers. New eMrgy Mvi~ iasulatlm I Ill II

enrul later, if you wish.... ,eduo . ,m. I Ill II 10 YEAR GUARANTEE i. Ill Cucumbers c on motor compressor ~[klii~l m - frost free models FOR MORE INFORMAT!OH call o!,write |he . " 96 Directed Study Cenlre, Division of Continulng EdUcation and ,airrq. 1119 so ,,.,995-- Radtshes. o.o.. 2 45c industry Services, ' Gibson OTHER IN STORE SPEOIALS. I Potatoes .q.qGI ::: I No. i Grade ...... Vlbsww i . BRITISH COLUMBIA • :: INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Kalum TV, Stereo & Applianoes ]700 Willin~don Avenue, Bumaby, B.C. Canada V5G IH2 l'h,,r,o ~6(J4434-57J4 Kalum Eleotrio Ltd, Ioral 648 or 754 3234 him St. 636-6286 iii Jiiii!iuiiiii on, , i Page 6, The Herald, Tuesday, May 22, 1979

/f Lend a hand...to clean ourland rEllll ~1 :E-kl'l'l~l VI" ' "" ," ' dally herald SPORTS -With Chri s ~orter ...: i., .~,~.~: CANADIENS WIN IN FIVE Their ,-foUrth Cup in a row MONTREAL (CP)--Men- • Jacques Lemaire scored at Ken Dryden. in the" come up big on a.polnt-blank Dryden, who had, the disc treal Canadiens won ,their two goals -- including the Canadiens net. shot by Lemaire in the trickle under himas he fell to • fourth consecutive Stanley winner on a power play at Lemaire became only the second minute and was un- his knees. Cup, defeating New York 1:02of the second period -- fifth player 'in history to der heavy pressure until The Canadiene beeameer- Rangers 4-1 Monday night to and Rick Clmrtraw and Bob score a second Cup-winning Churtraw opened the scoring ratic in their own zone in the capture the best-of-seven gaine had one each for the . The others were former at 10:36. clesing" minutes of the National Hockey League .Canadieas, who won the CUp Canadiens Toe Blake, Jean He took a cross-ice pass period, and New York had final 4-1." on home tee for the first time Beliveau and Henri Richard from Rejean Houle and several decent scoring • since 19el against St. Louis and retired Boston Bruins blasted the puck past Blues. They have won six star Bobby Orr. Davidson from the right chances. • But, with one sec0nd left in Cups on the road since then. The Cup title is the 22nd in point. Yvon Lambert, who , the period, Rangers captain Carol Vadnais scored the the 70-year history of the also drew an assist on the [ rye Maloney was assessed New York goal, as Montreal Canadiens, their 10th in 15 goal, har~q~d the Rangers a cross-checking penalty by rt ended the Rangers' longshet years and their 15th in 24 goalie from the edge of his i'eferee Dave Noweil, and the (;Ryes Saf*sla* f~*.* AIw~vt ' hopes for their first cup years, crease and, in fact, was Cunadteas capitalized on the victory since 1940. Only the Canadiens of 1956 originally credited with the power play at 1:02 of the The Canadians reacted toa through 1960, who won five goal. The'Rangers, who go~ second' frame. ' fired-up Forum crowd of titles, have won more than their first shot at Dryden 18,076 by starting strongly four consecutive Cups• 7:11 into the game, evened Lemaire scored the go- and continuing the assault The Canadiens stormed the score 1-1 when Vadnais ahead goal on a rink.length against Rangers gonltender out of the gate to start the lofted a shot from the right rush culminated by a slap John Davidson, who faced 31 game, a thunderous ovation point at 16:52. Ron Duguay shot from the blue line that shots. from the crowd ringing in swiped at" the puck, missing flashed between Davidsou's The Rangers had 15 shots their ears. Davidson had to but perhaps distracting legs. ' BASEBALL ' Guidry suffers third loss GARDEN f New York Yankees left- Guidry was tagged for 13 Lou Whltaker was his run double, led Toronto Blue bander Ron Guidry was hits -- the most he has ever biggest tormenter, with Jays to an 8-1 victory over pasted ~'s he had never; been given up in a game - and three hits in three at-bats, Cleveland Indians in an DISCOUNTS pasted before and suffered saw his record dip to 4.3. The but it was Steve Kemp who afternoon game. Dkv~ his third loss of the season, 1978 American League Cy drove in the winningrun with Lemanczyk, 4-2, pitched his matching his total number of Young Award winner, who a seventh-inning single, fifth complete game this losses for last season, as had a 2S-3 record last season, Guidry also wild.pitcheda season avd matched his 1978 ON SALE Detroit Tigers beat New • struck out only fivel 'corn- run home as Jack victory total when he had a A- York3-1 iuAmerican League pared with the 13 he fanned Billinglmm, 4-3, scattered 14 record. baseball action Monday in heating Detroit 6-2 last eight hits for the victory, In-the National League, May 22 to 26, 1975 night, week. In other American League Bob Horner's three-run • action, Minnesota Twins homer in the fifth inning led We Reserve rallied with three runs in the Atlanta Braves to a 7-5 The Right to .,°,. inning and edged victory over Houston Astros. Limit Quantities LI'L i SQUIRTS Texas Rangers 7-6. Pinch- Atlanta's Gary Matthews hit

i hitter .Hosken Powell his ninth homer of the doubled home the winning seasonl added a double and run after run-scoring singles drove in two runs. Winner RAISING FUNDS ~ by pinch-hitter Willie Nor- Phil Niekro~ 5-6f left in the • wool and John CastiKo• ' i~"' seV~htli"~t~' Wa"CingLfour ASSORTED STEEL• 6XROEHcLue Tl~e vil'lage d Green, : will becoming to Terrace Mike Marshall ~ined liis~' consecutive'batters, ~'~ /~'" ~. ville has for the first time from time to time 11th save of the season, this Mike Schmidt belted his EVERGREEN STORAGESHED ROSEBUSHES this season, a girls miner throughout the current time for Pete Redfern, while 15thhome run of the season, softball team, called the season to play local Sparky Lyle, 3-3, was the tops in the league, to lead off "Li'l Squirts," and the teams, and new uniforms chief victim of Minnesota's the bottom of the sixth and SHRUBS Greenville Atlileflc Guild would look good, as well ninth-inningrally, help Philadelphia Philliea to Choose from Blue Danube, White with woodgrain 2 year rose• Nursery is trying hard to raise as give them "a ~'emen. Seattle Mariners clob- a 5.3 victory over St. Louis Andorra and Hughes finish panels and trim. pruned roses are trimmed money for the girls' dous morale boost. . bered Kansas City Royais 12- Cardinals. Steve Carlton, Junipers, or Norway, Great for all your storing both at the roots and uniforms. The Li'l Squirts ~re 7 with Willie Horton belting a who evened his record at 5-5, Dwarf, Alberta and Birds needs. branches. Ready to plant. sponsored by the threerun homer and Dan allowed only two hits after Nest Spruce and more. Some of the necessary Greenville Athletic Guild, Meyer contributing two the third inning and eight in Reg. 3.63 funds have already been and anyone interested in doubles and a single, all. Reg. 4.99 Reg. 199.97 raised through hockey helping can contact the Horton's homer, his ninth Willie Stargelrs seventh pools, bare sales, etc., Greenviile Athletic Guild, of the season, highlighted a ' homerinhislastninegames, but they still have a long Greenville, Nass River, fiverun third inning off Rich and his ninth of the year, way to go. The girls, B.C., .or they can he Gale, 3-3. Glenn Abbott, 2-5, helped Pittsburgh Pirates ranging in ages from six contacted at the survived a four-run first heat MontrealExpos 4-2, The Kmart 183 to nine years, have shown Greenville Ad- , inning to post his first, vic- " victory was the Pirates' Kmart IK Ah997 Price ~49d i Price i Price m real enthusiasm, and are ministration , Radio tory over Kansas City'since sixth in a row. Bert Blyleven, Each ~ I Each m Each ~ i, working hard to put a" Telephone, number 666- July, 1976. who at one stretch retired 13 I good team together. They 34, via Nass Radio. A five-run fourth inning, consecutive butters, prated I • keyed by Rick Bosetti's two- his first victory this season. CAMPUS GREEN BEDDING ASSORTED GRASS SEED PLANTS FLOWER BULBS

Covers 860 square feet. Appt0x. "9 plants per Choose from Gladioli Canada No. 1 lawn seed container• ,Choose from Holland Bulbs or rainbow mixture, 2 kg. Vegetables or Flowers• mixture giant flowering Gladiolus bulbs. Reg. 97c Reg. 2.57-2•77 Reg. 4.99 )

Kmart e, 144 Kms. ' 66 Price Price Price Eaci~ Each Each


6 , ROSEBUSHES ELECTRIC EVERGREEN LAWNMOWER SHRUBS Nursery pruned. 2 year Durable steel deck. White Choose from Emerald and field grown. Select grade. handle. Cutting height Turquoise spreaders. Assorted types. adjustable to5 positions. 6" Arcadia Junipers, Globe suretread wheels. Cedars and more. Reg, 2.29 Reg. 99.97 Reg• 939 .You K mart ' 66 Price Price KmartPrice I199 fmdal Each Each Each

Isn't it the best beer you've ever tastedY The Herald. Tuesday, May 22, 1979, Page 7

FINAL WHA t L t : .... : ,Jets end roller aS:ter the :, : nipeg scorers with two guala SJoberg/' said the Edmonton unemployed Smith in late S~ther also said th~:Dilerb Capturing the World .Ho~.ey season, marked often by another blow to the already- • Terry Ruskoweki, the were hurt by the absence of struggling Jets. player described as the eachwhtlePaulMaeKinnon, centreman, "Look where season- long after.the Association chomp~onship their laeklustre per- Lyle Moffat and Kent they were without him. I'm Racers folded -- and he forward Dennis Sohehuk who Sunday was the highest point refinance. MeVie's appointment "heart and soul" of the Jets. sparked his team to previous helped ignite the spark .that returned to the lineup Nilsson added singles., still waiting to see .quickly became the number in a roller coaster year for A winter Slump forced Ron Chipperfield, Bill somebody, anybody, beat one goalkeeper. playoff victories over New . general manager .John eventually turned the club Sunday after sitting out the England and Winnipeg. around. fifth game with a sore Flett and Dave Semenko hlmone-on-o~ once." Edmonton coach Glen The Jela won the Avcocup Ferguson to fire coach Larry replied for the Oilers. .Rich Preston of the Jets Sather said . mental S0bchuk spent most of for the third time, ifi the'sev- Hlllman in late February "We took a look at theaitu- shoulder. Sunday in hospital, being atlon here and took the road Ruskowski helped propel Chipperfield praised was named most valuable preparation, mental enth and final year of the and hire tonghminded Tgm Winnipeg defenceman Late- player of the playoffs, discipline and lack of piayoff treated for a su/pected case WHA, by defeating Ed, McVie, that we felt we could win the Jets by assisting on the of food poisoning. Ferguson was hired as with. When playoff time did first two goals as Winnipeg Erik Sjoherg, who returned Another man considered experience were the missing monton Oilers 7-3. to the lineup late in the key to the Jet playoff per- links for the Oilers. The third victory parade in Winnipeg won the best-d- general manager early in the come we were ready to play grabbed a 2-0 first period four years in scheduled'at hockey," said McVie after lead. season after being out meat formance .was goalie Gary "We played worse during seven final series 4-2. season with a big job ahead of the year with, an. injury.. Smith, who started the year the playoffs than we did in noon today when the Jets Before the league playoffs • -- make the Jets competitive the final game. "We have a lot of talent motorcade is to travel along despite the loss of Swedish And Winnipeg was ready, and a lot of guts and guys "I thought the key to thd ' with the Indianapolis any part d the regular started, few hockey ob- Jets winning it all was Racers. The Jets signed the season," the coach added. Portage Avenue. servers' would have picked stars Anders Hedberg and knocking off the favored .who want to win for the the Jets to t~ke the crown for Ulf Nilason to the New York Quebec Nurdiques in four team," Rmkowski said in a the second year in a row. Rangers. straight games before wild dressing room scene. They finished in third The'retirement of Bobby meeting Edmonton in the Willy Lindstrom and place during the regular Hull early in the season was championship series: Barry Long were top 'Win- Potential lawsuits at lndy INDIANAPOLIS(APi-- A trols the boost will be cause overriding the valve." Any Bob Cassaday, Cannon said cloud of potential lawsuits for disqualification," said driver or mechanic around he qualified an the first hung over the Indianapolis. driver Larry "Cannon after here will tell you that." weekend c~ time trlab using 500 on Monday as officials his protest was. heard, After leaving the,closed USAC'sfirst regulations. He listened to prote~ts about the "Then, they change the rules hearing with Binford, said changes allowing a controversial tim~ trials that and say you must have an referee Art Meyers, USAC smaller exhaust opening the decided the field. opening of at least 1.47 in the technical director Jack second weekend put him at a Tom Blnford, chief tailpipe. , Well, that's Be~kley and race registar competitive disadvantage. steward of the May 27 race, S said no decision would be ~ announced until all seven protests had been heard. The Geiberger wins Colonial prote~in involved efforts by e U.S. Auto Club to enforce FORT WORTH,'Tex, (AP) par73. "l had a few doubts . . ball game all over again.'" Its regulations restricting -- It was a grand plan and AI . All of a sudden I hit an iren Geiberger sank a seven- engine power. Geiberger. dreamed of it like that. foot par putt on the 17th and The dispute developed often -- the final hole of the "It gave me a lift. With two recorded a safe bogey at the Saturday when rookie Dick United States Open. He more holes ,ego, I thought, 'I 18th to elose out with a 72- Ferguson's qualifying run would lash a long iron to can go to work and try towin hole total of 274 for his first • was disallowed because the within an inch of the cup. this.' It seemed like a new victory since 1977. intake exhaust pipe on the There would be eheers and turbecharger Wastegate had champagne and a tap-in and been welded shut. Variations a" bunch of money. of that method of gaining Well, it wasn't the Open, or Two for Lopez additional power had been thelast hole, or even a cinch. going on all day, but it was Buthe did what he dreamed of, and it won him the CLIFTON, N.J. (AP) -- It was this time a year ago decided that Fergnson'sease that Lope,, a rookie, won the ,' was too flagrant, $300,000 Colonial Invitation Nancy Lopez is on a hot golf title. streak again, but she says New Jersey tournament for USAC at first said there her second consecutive could be no interference with With lfls four-shot lead success is a lot tougher the eroded, his confidence in secbnd time around. triumph on the way to a the manifold relief pressure record five straight vic. valve that helps control shambles and the wolves aL "I feel like l have to work his heels, the lanky • harder to win," she said. "It tories. turbonharger boost and seemed a lot easier last year. Lopoz, 22, who is skipping horsepower. Then, on Californian slapped a, five- this week'sevent in Coming, Sunday, USAC said the irontwo inches shy of h'hole: .. I had'~i0thing to lose and everything to gain. N.Y., won $15,000to raise her iniipipe must have a in-one on the parthree 16th 1979 tour earnings to more minimuminside diameter of hole. He pinked up an easy "Now I feel like I should birdie, restored his con- win all the time, rather than than $100,000. 1.47 inches• Since the just finishing in the top 10." She defeated veteran standard opening is about fidence and went on to post a Mickey Wright on the second 2½ inches, the latest USAC one-shot victory Sunday in a The headliner on the traumatic final round. Ladies Professional Goli hole of the five-way playoff bulletin was interpreted as after I~ollis Stacy, Jo Ann legalizing use of a washer to It left Don January, with a Association tour made it two 65, and Gene Littler, with a straight victories Sunday, Washam and Bonnie Bryant cut the s~/e of pipe and make were eliminated on the first it. oasis.., to override the 68, frustrated runners-up. emerging from a five-way "I hadn't done anything piayoff at the $100,000 Upper hole. valve. ": Wright. is th~ LPGA "USAC rules say that any sensational all day," Montelair •.Country Club Geiberg~rL.~onclude~ ; af~terl.~ tournament'-with her.. fourth recordhalder with ~82 career vidtory, of.the rYoar. victories :and 13 in one year. pressure vawe~which con- , firing a' ~]~ih~ '/~i'~Sv~. ' * • • , ~.

We're• • - . steer,• ng. a course. : ~ TERRRCEHOTEL "~" to g,ve you the best cargo ccm fulfil your entertainment needs service on the coast • ....~ m rn~ny ways... Dependableweekly servicetwice ~¢' ...... ~i /'E~f'L%'Tt~r~":%'~ ,.~ -Banquet Rooms -~~. Steel hulled covered ; :E / Hook-ups for ~' -Dining Room " ~:- * barges for all-weather~ ~ refrigerated containers ~ - "~" cargo protection.~ ' /and trailer units. ~ -Buffet Luncheon * Fully containerized ' i /Door to doorservice, "X"* daily 11:30-2:00 Nigh tly * cargo handling.~ I '~" " -Seafood Buffet tertainment * every Friday * ( ~ ) ~ 5:00-9:00 atthe ~, , ~" -Free gift for each ;g Post, the , mother who has D'or and for ~.~. * dinner in the ~ ~ :~ p .~ dining room your easy listening ~:~ * Sunday, * •And that's just ~, heavyaggregate'aSequipmentWellfor'~"~ May 13th pleas ure we have the ~, the beginning, construction rnining.sawmil, and other large prelects "~" duMaurier talent contest As part of Canadian requ'r'ngspecialized service' 4561 G ig fi * Pacifi¢'scoastalmarine Whateveryourtransportation re nalist, Terrace 's own transportation system we're reclu;rements-talk to us first, "~' abletoprovideacompletelyintegrated service, CP Rail's Our course is set to give you ~ 636 2231 *,~, Northland Service links the the bestcargo service on " LAURII[ TIIIIN lower B.C. rnal nland with the coast. "~' Kitimat, Terrace, Prince Rupert, "~ '~' and other northern points for For more information .~ ,.~ the fastest possible handling of call the CP Rail Northland .~. your cargo, With 75 years " Service representative in experience on the coast, we've your area. * in the got the people with the ex- Kltlmst 632-2131 "~ "~" 13ertise to make sure your Prince Rupert. 624-6200 "~ ~' shiprnortt is routed to its 'retrace .,.,,., AUGUSTINE LOUNGE. , destination Quickly and Stewart 636-2443 .~ ~. economically, .~. ' Whether reefer Cargo or 26 gonoralfr,ight, CPRail's NOrthland Service can meet 2285 Commissioner Street, j~ PLAYING FROM MAY 14 " your transportation needs. We Vancouver, B.C. VSL 1A9 can accommodate bulk loads Tel (604)255-3535 Telex: 04-51165 ,~ ~¢~:~¢~:~I~:~:~:~~~~~~~ such as lumber and A ihvtt,tltllldi:P/{llt/(:lt, lt;fil/MflH/lP(}l~t/~lfllllt; ...... , ...... •... I

Page 8. The Herald. Tuesday..May ~2. 1979 ¢'ORD ,,=AguN Live at Budokan ~;;~;,i Cheap Trick ~; SALE DATES: !•~;;i~' !~ i: ::~ 6.49 , Traek-~ .. MAY 22 to Cassette o. o ~ ", JUNE 2, 1979 It's A Game u,5.99 8 Track-Cassette 6.49

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": ~ @' " ' " |(:"TE E "U'I~rip~'~I~I"ll.l. l lJ.Vi#l, AiTI s , ,,, --, "Die,, ilerlild, Tuesday, May 22, 11179,Page 9

Europe. c!mIIPI s U,S' ' "". • RRAC ' "- -" " ' .... -"

¢ ,guzzles Oil r serves " PARIS (AP) -- Europaan International monetary that warned of a worldwide ' energy ministers accused system will be itia p~iflon to economic crisis if oil shor- ill " ill/// , O N me United Statep on Monday sustainAmerican oil In,ports tages continue unabated. o~ guzzllng the world'n oil re- at the present magnilhde?" • The bleak picture was sources ana warnea ot urunnerasld. . dramatized when Sweden, i ...serious economic con- Schlesinger replied that whose economy was until sequences if oil shortages while the ell squeeze "i earns" recently one of the strongest ,. ,persist, to be self-evident to:nero, in the world, asked for U.S. Energy. Secretary. bers of the lEA and to ( PEC, emergency aid from other it is not selfevldent ) the participating countries to James Schlesinger told. people of my country, ~r to make up a 17-per-cent accusers at a meeting of ministers from 20 industrial the Congress." shorfall in oil supplies. countries that they will have The revolution ,hleh Organization members are tobepatlentuntllhtseountry greatly affected Iranian oil pledged in a cnntingency supplies to the workl had ,plan to provide each other '!whetherresolves thethere debate is a asreal to brought forwa/'d "the day of with emergency supplies. problem with regard to oil." reckoning, tightened tl;e oil The current meeting is in- markets and ereattd a tended as a follow.up to an The ministers met as ponltiod In whichl our October session in which members of the In- logistical systemsl are members were asked to cut temational Ener8Y Agency, ~idt.ched taut," Schle~,er their imports. But Brunner an organization intended as .' . said efforts to reduce im- a sort of Western court. "While there is a great de- ports had failed so far terweight to the Organ- bate in the United ~;tates "because the United States izatlea of Petroleum Ex- whothertheollshortag~sare was not in a position to act p~rting Countries. The U.S. real or whether' they were accordingly." and Canadaare members of contrived by some Brunner's denunciation the organization; mysterious force, I think' contradicted recent figures In a speech released that the message is g ~tting that show the rate of U.S, outside the closed sessleu, through to the Anu rlnan consumption increased less Guido Brunner, energy people." in 19"/8 than that of France, commissioner of the He said U.S. consun ption Italy and Britain. European. Economic Com. this year has been "sub- Brunner said the oil reunify, charged that Ameri- stantlally below last ear's market will remain tight as cans are consumi~ twice as level, long as erlsis.t0rn Iran's much oil per person as Eu- The IEA ministers, in a production is down one-third. ropaaas. strategy session on p lictes "Things won't change and "Neither the world for dealing with oil su isles scarcity might be with us for economx as a whole nor the and prices, heard rt torts a long time." Iran angry .al. U.S. over new crl[lcism_s revolutionaryTEHRAN (AP) government-- Iran's these killings.'" in U,S.-Iranian relations The 79-year-old Iranian since the revolution toppled has reacted swiftly and revolutionary and re]liStens proAmerican Shah angrily to U.S. criticism of leader, Ayatollah Ruhiollah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi's its Islamic justice system, Khomeini, delivereti a monarchy in February. but stopped short Monday of blistering attack o~the The.Mojahedcen guerrilla letting the conflict become a Senate resolution ' on litate group, a heavily-armed full-blown crisis, radio Sunday |and political and military body, Foreign Minister Ibrahim Yazdi folds news conference newspapers Monday / has declared Friday a day of The raft race meant a lot of paddlingand, of course pictures page 12 that Iran recognizes a differ. oelaim~ ~e ~es~ era anti-American protests. 'enco between Thursday's, Pr~~llllllm U.S. Senate resolution that I condemned Iranian executions and the ever-all U.S. government policy on Iran. That realization, however, did not prevent the Iranian foreign ministry from asking the United States on Sunday to, delay sending its new -'-~' ambaasador'"to ::Tehran;. signalling a formal pretest of the Senate criticism. The U.S. state department was coneiUatory Monday as spokesman Kenneth Brown appealed for Iran to accept the new ambassador and said: SLIE , "We believe we should put the post behind us. We support the revolution's tip 10 objectives of freedom, Justice and democratic in- stitutions for the Iranian people. They will not be easy to achieve but we wish the new government well." EVER YTHING MUST GO President Carter an- neunced April 24 that be planned to send Walter Cutler, former U.S. am- REGAL liP bassador to Zaire, to Tehran .tr,,." .0,=. 0,.,. as a replacement for Am- Hide-a-Beds bessador William Sullivan, 6 piece BEDROOM SUITE who was called home April 4 I for what were officially described . as "con- Reg. '1199.95 sultatlons," Sullivan had a One..o. Only. 11" ~I--~il ill 5 / close working relationship oo. on, with the deposed shah. SALE -I[ V s98 § The Senate resolution, in- troduced by Senator Jacob only three left Javits (Rep. N,Y.) shocked Iran. Splashed by so act fast! newspapers, it drew im- mediate criticism from revolutionary militants for spotlighting recent executions after years of '..alleged Senate indifference to executions under the shah. LARGE SAVINGS Javlts was also attat.ked personally for his ties to ON Israel and for public _~e~$ ii sso/° o~! relations work his wife once 0 ~ll~ ntLec,e$ did for the state Iranian ¢ airline, Iran Air, MAYTAG., ) ce~ ','~e'- . ~o°/° In Wasliington, senate leaders defended the WASHERS, DRYERS, ~, ?lli~,l%oi $ ~b resolution, with Democratic Leader Robert Byrd of West DISHWASHERS Virginia saying: "I am glad iran has taken notice of the Senate action." ,#

,,,.,0relations o,Is In American 20 ,. 30% OFF hands and reminded Washingtonmtiment by Stateof Secretarya com- DINING &BEDROOM Cyrus Vance to friendly eonniri.relations...,_..,.i between the MacKENZIE FURNITURE- SUITES natural thatsaid crimlnak It Is ofonly ~~.,~,, . ,L (KITIMAT) LTD . old Iranian regime should be purdahed now. I VI---~ i PHONES:632-7161 or 632-7182 executed 213 people since February, io e/~ "A revoluilOnin hit takenbe i' YOU May & , Use Our Convenient Budget Accounts, / 0FF %% place out" co.try," • Slid. "What lurlitlled us il tho faot thai tl lilti time killed Our youth 5ut |ilOU,S, limb malptlililtd nlltllle 0q i '[ Page I0, The Herald, Tuesday, May 22, 1979 ij ..- " ! 2r:les trio sing .: .,." at Clapton wedding . !t ~ ~. LONDON (AP) -- The The secret gathering cele- Daily Express says three Clapton, performed on a brated the recent wedding it/ former Bealles played and makeshift outdoor stage Tucson, Ariz., of Clapton and sang together at a weekend before 200 invited guests. Harrison's first wife, Patti, reunion celebrating the They sang 1960s Beatles hits who was divorced from the -'' . marriage of rock guitarist such as Sgt. Pepper's Lonely exBeatie in 19'/7 after It Erie Clapton to George llearte Club Band. years of marriage. Harrison's former wife, • Patti Boyd. The reunion of Harrison, -.. Paul McCartney and Ringo Elton-John at Start" took place at Clapton's mansion home at Ewhurst, Surrey, about 30 kilometres Soviet concert frem London, the newspaper LENINGRAD (AP) -- Moscow for the Monday says. Soviet teen-agers, some night concert. John Lennon, who lives in apparently willing to pay the • The best-known Western .... ;,,~ ~'~ Now York, was the only rouble equivalent of $150 on rock singer ever allowed to former Beatle missing, it the black market, pleaded tour the Soviet Union, John, says. Monday for tickets to a bizarre dresser, told The .reported gathering flamboyant British rock star reporters he had no idea may have been the closest Elton John's concert at what kind of reception he the Beatles have come to a Oktyabrsky Hall, would receive from his So- full musical reunion since viet audience. The 32-year-old singer they broke up in 1969, "One of the reasons I ? m The newspaper says the arrived aboard a first-ciass wanted to come here is three ex-Beatles, joined by overnight train from because I didn't know what to expect," he said. "So that makes you play harder." 4 Before John's train left Moscow on Sunday night, two middle.aged Russians pushed past railway security /- guards to get the rock star's autograph. One of the Russians gave him a present .", -- a small, hard-to-find guidebook to Leningrad's Hermitage Museum. Hours before John was scheduled to perform inside the 3,500-capacity hall here, young people outside the Frank Howard on left newly elected MLA talks to constituents. auditorium pleaded with foreigners and passerby to ,:.., sell them a ticket. Although the dates of four John concerts were an- Sweden outlaws child spanking nouneed on Leningrad radio 0nly two weeks ago, young STOCKHOLM (AP) -- A Swedenwill become the taken an increasingly in the 1950s. It sees physical "any act which, for the Russians complained that new law tl~{'forhids parents first country with such a law, negative view of beating or chastisement by parents as a purpose of punishing, causes the concert hall was sold out from beating, spanking,• adopting it in the In- spanking as a means of natural means of correction thechild physical inju Shnu h by the end of April. cuffing or,~'~therwise har- ternational Year of the bringing up children." ' and an "ethical, moral and I cgtdisturbance is mild and "Only important people, ruing thei~ e~aildren takes Child.The law is a new step There has been no religious right." passing." It is meant to officials, can go," said Luba, • effect in S~v*~n in July, but in a long process aimed at organized opposition to the The sect operates its own include psychological • 20, a student at Leningrad some parents are not happy protecting children's rights law but reactions from "pilgrim" schools in protest punishment, but legal ex- University who was hoping about it. here. A children's om- jurists, lawmakers, and against the public school ports have criticized the for a ticket. budsman and an emergency parents have been mixed; ~:'~ system, and Hans Brynte, wording on this too vague. One father questioned said phone watch 'for youngsters Said one annoyed fathar~OF"': principal of one Maranata The new ban does not Officially priced at $9 (six he thought spanking was already exist. roubles) each, tickets were good for children, and a three: '" '~' school, said: • carry any specific punish- said to be selling on the blank spokesman- for the small When the minority Liberal "There's' a difference "If the authorities try to ment. However, ordinary market for as much as $150. Maranata religious sect said government introduced the between deltberatesparddng stop us we will go un- criminal law allows sen- Just buying two tickets frankly: "We will go un. bill to ban parents from and what I would call an derground and fight on. They tences of up to 10 years for would exceed what the derground if we have to but spanking last March, Justice outburst of temper. I never are suddenly outlawing an serious cases and up to two, average Soviet worker earns we will continue to exercise Minister Sven Romanus said spanked my kids in cold old cultural tradition and years in milder ones. in salary in a month. our natural rights." it means "our society has blood, only on the spur of the parents are declared idiots Protecting children from moment. I am sure it does incapable of rearing their bodilyharm has been a long not hurt them but help . children. People in other processinSweden. Flogging. them." countries will laugh at this in schools was partially Most critical Of .the law and a whole ge.neration will banned in 1918, but as late as were spokesmen for the be criminalized because 1958teachers in lower.grade. ' Maratiata :sect, a" group' of some 'SOCiologistsshall have'* schools were.stiU'~llow6,~t,t6~L. aboiR 300~om:~l~6~i~li[*'~ their way." .... use' some~phystdtl,purrlsli~jh from the Pentecostal Church The new law prohibits ment on students. Information scientist blast insurance numbers BANFF, Alta. (CP) -- to be pushed." the association is aiming to Alan H. MacDonald balks at He is concerned because make it aware of the im- giving anybody his social information will be taken out plications. insurance number, although of the hands of highly skilled Developing the potential of it's routinely requested for .intermediaries and citizens computers without a policy cheques, crediteard ap. will have direct interaction framework will be like plications and a host of other with the system. "trying to unravel a strand daily transactions. "Who wflldecide what gets of DNA without even a basic MacDonald, 36, incoming on the system? knowledge of chemistry." president of the Canadian "Until now information MacDonald 'said if the Association for Information specialists like librarians government ignores the Science (CAB), says "the have been like taxi drivers information issue and lets use of that simple (social who have ferried us to in. foreign-held companies insurance) number in so formation. Now, I hope, they dominate the scene then many files does make will become like driving Canada will lose. tremendous economic instructors. He said Ottawa has been sense." "Our society is in- slow to develop a national "But the social price we formation illiterate. The information policy. Federal must pay is not worth it," the average lawyer, doctor or taxation policy wan out of director of libraries at the educator operates with a step with an Industry that University of Calgary said in "rudimentary knowledge of ineludss newspapers, wire an interview following the information science." services, radio, television, association's recent annual MacDonald said the conference, librarian and information libraries and computer ,It's a key to so many specialist will survive the hardware and software other files," revolution because the companies. Development•of MacDonaldeaidbreachiug government or public ltbrary the actual computer hard. the security cedes of any will be ons of the few neutral, ware is tax deductible but computer system isn't hard uncommercialized in- software, or programming ifft a person knows how to do stitutions dispensing data. development,, is not. "It's a function that must The association's was told The potential for computer be preserved." thpt 30,000 to 40,000 potential burglary is one aspect ot the He said the federal Jobs have been Io0t because information and computer: government must take foreign.owned companies revolution that worries responsibility for the effects process their Canadian data MacDonald, although ho's of computer technology and outsidethe country. Fill it up with premium. enthusiastic about what computers can do. .oDoo.dassociation must .,d consider Teens charged III can do for your car stereo, cassettes don't run out of gas cassettes. the implications of the social And there's no finer premium somewhere down the road, And every year, hundreds automation, data banks and ¢11" tape than Maxell. we've constructed them to toler- home television systems ,,, wild party of thousands of people linked to central information Every type of Maxell tape ances as much as 60% higher who own computers. PENTICTON, B.C. (CP) auxiliaries and the force's is designed to give you the widest than industry standards. We use car stereos "The CAIS provides the -- Sixteen persons were three police dogs were used, frequency response, the highest the finest high-impact styrene, neutral ground.., where the arrested early Monday on are driven technological, economic and charges of obstructing police The trouble was centred possible signal-to-noise ratio precision pins, polyester and to the same sociologicalimplications can after RCMP broke up three along the motel.campground strip along Highway 97.. and virtually no distortion. All of screws. conclusion. be dealt with." parties involving up to 600 He said the information in- persons. The spokesman said that a mt:•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••i•••••••••••••••••MM••••••i••••••••••••••••Mdustry has eagerly awaited Ball was set at $300 cash few bottles were thrown "but ~.llf Cot pomt,o~ o~ Anemic, 60 O.ford Or,~, ~'h~. N J 07074 the transition to centralized for each of those charged, ! guess that's to be ex- electronic data and media. They were to appear in court pected," There were no UNIVERSAL SOUND OENTRE .... WHERE THE MUSIC IS! One television screen in a today. Injuries. home, linked to a central Police said iS, from the He said the 16 were data base and other TVs, Vancouver area, are in their arrested after they ignored could serve as an en- late teens or early 20s, Also police orders to disperse, tertainment, communication charged is Vince Nieolson, Police also towed 24 vehicles Give yourself a little credit. and calculating device. 30, manager of the Laguna that illegally parked in the But such a eontral{zed Motel, one of the two motels area. system has enormous where police broke up Extensive damage was for 3a a- potential for abuse, parties. done by the revellers, but no A rsa,y. KITIMAT "If somebody wants to A spokesman said that estimate was available, the Char Ca.rd censor a book he's going to parties at two motels and a spokesman said, 107 Nacheko Centre have to do it to thousands of nearby trailer park became He said that in unrelated Exiay: copies. But if somebody •unrulY, with 15} to 200 per- incidents, five other persons 632-3177 wants to censor a national sons at each party. He said were arrested for being. newscast only one button has that all available police, drunk In a public place. i " <'.,, ..:,. i~: .:-.'.." =.:. The Herald, Tuesday, M:, > :'~. Its,!,. Page I I !L . 'o...( /

... i:i • ...... unions pro | A!;,g~ NDP ,,,:~.,:i~,::],;~:~ TORONTO (C]P) -- Union CLC members voted In its of Railway and Airline r I members that make up the favor. Clerk's Interchange fills Canadian Labor Congress The article says the l~'s seven pages with material will not give their answer to Clark "is even more hostile supporting the NDP.. CLC president Dennis Mc- to unions, and further to the Fred Ta~chnik, CUPE Dermott until Tuesday, but right on social and ecnnmnlc assistant, public relations many of their trade issues" than Prime Minister director, says the influence publications have fully en- Trudeau, of the union media would he dorsed his plea to support the The Public Employee, ueationable without the New Democratic Party in published by the Cnnadian eking of the labor body. the federal election. Union of Public Employees, But as a part of the cam. The front cover of features Breadbent un the puign, he says he believes its Steelabor, the national cover, while the Brotherhood impact will be felt.

" ~'~.i!~ ., '.~-~ pubneatien of the United II II Steelworkers of America with a circulation of 200,000, features a color cartoon in a SHORT TERM OOMMEROIAL pre.election edition -- "Mouse Land, a fable as told FUNDS NOW AVAILABLE by .(former NDP leader) Royal Trust new has short-term funds available for Tommy Douglas." conunercisl and industrial securities and apartment The tale, contlnund on loans. One, two and three ye~ terms for existing inside pages, tells an Or- properties arc IE4 percent. Five year terms for new weliian saga of a hand of and existiog properties are U percent to 111/4 percent. mice who replace their Amorisatiou pe~nds up to 25 ,years. All enquiries elected eat government with welcome. Please contact Bruce Hansum or Bob their own species. It also Horton. includes a question-and.

~..~wr,~,~Ot ~ ~'' * ,~ .... , answer interview with NDP Leader Ed Brcadbent. ROYAL TROST MORTiAiES The CPU Journal, the publication of the Canadian I-~, : 248 Bernard Avenue Paperworkers. Union, Kelowna, B.C. VIY 6H3 $7 ~,*~, ~) devotes its front page to a 762-5200 message from president Rates subject to confirmation. Henri Lorrain, who informs union members that Breadbent and the NDP are "the alternative to Pierre Trudeau and Joseph Clark." the leaders of the Liberal k % and Progressive Con- servative parties. TERMINAL The CLC's own City workers unload new trees for Little Park publication, Canadian EXPRESS Labor' has devoted its last • two editions to the election. (s!5-aiso). Newspap,~...!~. disputes Election ,~,, Like~pem, mnny it carries other =on a full.pugs news. . - . . s~ogan: "The Perfect Union • ' -- Me and the NDP. '~ Pared Fiokup & Delivery EDMONTON (CP) -- The would inhibit a newspaper advertisement is not defined Among its articles is an "I trust that you will lay pretatiea of the act, at some imaginary dialogue written Journal and two federal from publishing certain in the elections act. whatever charges you feel persona~, risk to my im mmmm mmmio m a~ m a election candidates material in its ' news "It i~ obvloua, from the are necessary in order to reput'ation,...because by Ed Finn, public relations director of the Canadian Light Packages & Parcels' ' deliberately violated on columns. ' meddling by your depart- have this matter resolved in something like this should Brotherhood of Railway, Monday an interpretation of. Copies of the two can- ment in the proper news a courtroom." Chairs -- Rec|iners -- End Tables -- a section of the Canada Else- didates' replies to the functions ni' a newspaper not be leR so loeaely defined Transport and General Portable T.V. question have been sent to The Calgary Herald, that it's left tot he inter- Workers. floes Act. that you have abrogated to pretation of a civil servant in Finn's answer to a query Suites (Kitchen& Living Room) Mike MacDonald, the German. yourself a right to censor the following German's deeisinn Ottawa. The press'should not Beds & Box Springs Liberal candidate in Ed- In a letter accompanying legitimate role of a that an openeoded question be hampered in its news ' on the NOP's chances in the monten West, and Lynn the material,, Journal newspaper and we cannot such as The Journal's was an gathering on the basis of election is that the party advertisement, decided not MASTER BEDROOM DREf3ERS OR CHESTS Fogwili, a New Democratic publisher J. P. O'Callaghan tolerate such unwarranted such ill-defined wording." would win at least 50 or 60 ' FRIG'S, STOVES, WASHER OR DRYERS runah~ in Edmonton East, said: interference with the to publish its traditional seats ff half the 2.3 million •agreed to assist The Journal "This is clearly in iraditionni freedom Of the election.eve supplement. m~ me ~ mmm~em ln.seek~ a court teat of a violation of your ~ in- press and the freedom of The Journal, rather than controversial interpretation terpretation of the act and speech' that every Canadian put 60 candidates in jeopardy District of Terrace Only of what constitutes ad- would apparently constitute has come to expect as a of possibly breaking the law • verttning by political can- a valid reason for you to lay right. if the amwers to the questlun didates,. charges under the act "The definition you and were published in Monday's. The Journal invited against the candidate con- your officials have placed on edition, ran that section of chief elections com- cemed and the Journal, the word advertisement in the questionand-answer missioner, J. O. Gorman of • "I will never concede the the conteXt of what you refer feature in Saturday's paper. Ottawa, to take court action. right to a bureaucrat to in. to as open-endndquestions is It decided to test the act with The answers to a question flucnce what may, or may totally unacceptable to any the co-operation of MUC- addressed to about 60 can- not, be published.in news. free-born newspaperman. Donald and Ms Fo~vili. didatm by the newspaper in columns. and I feelit is time that Such "I felt ~.It*~oidd :' be ~' paring an election sup- "It is my opinion that it definition should be tested in detrimental to all cahdidates Femnnt were defined by was never the intention of a courtroom. We cannot if they were prevented from German as an," adver- Parliament to allow allow your definition, answering legitimate tisement. Pdblication of such bureaucrats to have reached among yourselves questions of concern to the material on the eve of a authority to prevent a. in the bureaucratic isolation blic," MacDonald said in federal election could be newspaper from publishing of your office, to stand ~plaining his pealtion. subject tea maximum fine of in its news columns without surrendering out Ms. Fogwill said: I~,000 on summary con- responses to questions posed cherished editorial "I'm opposing the inter- victim. to candidates by the prerogative of free speech. VACATIONS AT $4.00 The newspaper Md sought newspapers." We will never tolerate m~vm to the fofiowiog 0'Callaghan's letter anything that amounts to a question: What is your stand pointed out that the word gag on the press. PER DAY WITH TIMESHARE m issues of particular im- OWNERSHIP pact in your constituency? German ruled that it is illegal under the elections Amber was once regara. uct far candidates to respond t,d ~ts :t precious stone. It is 'SOUNDS INCREDIBLE BUT IT'S TRUE' to such opencnded questieas :, fo~ilized resin. It comes ~-uaily in shades of light on the eve of an election. He ,.llow, orange and brown. TIMESHARING said the word edvertinement ',tuber from China and h one of the hottest vocation realities on the market today.., the main attraction is that a buyer can in a section of the act covers ,¢urma has yellow and red- own a vacation home without a large capital investment.., you purchase only those weeks required such questions even when dish-brown tints. Some for your vacations one, two, three, four or more. they are run in news amber is cloudy and some columns. dear. It is a "living' The Journal said it refuses ~rganism and will chang, HOW DOES IT WORK to accept a decision not it~ color w.ith age. Some A once only payment of $lS00.00"and you own a fully furnished, fully maintained vacation homo in cnnlained in the act but limes inse,'ts were trappec 9r~tish Columbia for one week of every year. A small fee entitles you to membershipin o national ex- arrived at by consultation in the resin which harden change network of over 200 member resorts world.wide including these in HAWAii -- Hale between the officers under ?d and preserved them Kamoole--Kiehei, Maul; Islander Inn Kauai--Waipouli, Kaual; Kant Oillfisher--Koilua, Kona; The Gorinan's Jlnlsdlctinn that .hen the resin was changed to amber. Kuleona Club--Lahaina, Maui; Maui Sunset--Kihe, Maui; Royal Kuhio--Honolulu; Kuaio Surf Club--Honolulu, also 16 resorts in Mexico -- 14 in Florida -- 12 in Spain and many more in other !!ii popular vacation areas throughout the world. Hooker Early European peoples ,~,o.j,u~M,t,, used amber as a jewel ud as incense because It glves lawsuit Mi a pleasant pine scent u it burns. It has an elsctrJ. INVESTIGATE the advantages of disputed ~ed quality and will attract ~ust if rubbed. Today CANADIAN TIMESHARE OWNERSHIP BEFORE NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y. amber Is cut into beads ud (AJP) -- The Hooker ~eeorative carvings. PURCHASING OUTSIDE CANADA Chemicals and Plastics Corp. said Monday a IT'S ALL HERE We offer ownership in perpetuity for you and your heirs with indefeasible title registered in British Columbia. proposed government We are experts in the *Accommodation up to five people with no extra charge. lawsuit against the firm over :are and selection of *Exchange privileges in over 200 resorts world.wide. the Love Canal chemical iewelry. See us for all your gourmet~~d~nln g |eeds! eCanodian management with Strata Council now in operation. dump site would be un- eControl of maintenance expenditures by the members/owners. Jnatm~ eProtectlon under Canadian Low. A U,S, Justice departm.ent ,,Payments in CANADIAN FUIqDS. spokesman in Washington. said eerllar in the day the *Member of Ihe Vancouver Better Business Bureau. government is preparing a entertainment, major civil suit seeking millions of dollars from dancing Ho~ker for the dumping of [ ACCOMMODATIONTTOO----- COSTS THROUGH TIMESHARING. 1 toxic chemicals at the Love' HUNDREDS OF WEEKS NOW OWNED BY SATISFIED Canal dump and other ores in the Niagara Falls area. B.C. RESIDENTS Government lawyem hope ehtertaJnment, to stablish a legal precedent dancing, that would make the original Listen to out'morning commercials on the John Reynolds Show, manufacturers respnnsible Tuesdays ... amateur nite Radio CJOR/60 Vancouver for the disposal of toxic Thursdays ... dance contest '0 materials. Prizes ... both nites Im mm m qmm Im |m i m m mlm m a m i m W..mm m m m m m mm I mm Hooker, in a statement I- - I issued Monday, said: "We J Inexpensive Vacations ST. IVES RESORTS j believe that a suit by the U.S. at Pteetlglous Resorts 203.515 Cottonwood Ave., Coqultlam, 8,C, VtJ 2R4 Justice department would be JEWELLERSLTD. unjustified and, in fact, !~NAMEIL~d~ In'ere'" me: Tel 16041.9,31.2494 (Collect). . jj saunter.productive." conventions, It n dded: " We are already I actively working with local, meetings, I AOOgESS...... I steleand federal agencies to we.qq,ngs Identify and comet any problems that might be wE WELOOm you L ...... J associated with past TO THE REST ,,, 636-8141 1632-21711 I I i I ...... operetinns. II 1 I j '[. tt.,~' ![" ," I :,=" ,•• .. • ;.'; .... • .'• . ,... !i -I~., ' !1" t.! ~'" "

Page le, The Herald, Tuesday, May 22, 1979 %' ' ~t'/ -. . . -: . ,....

,t 2r:les trio sing I at Clapton wedding LONDON (AP) -- The The secret gathering cele: ...... ~ .... ~,%~=~!~.~~ Daily Express says three Ciapton, performed on a brated the recent wedding In ...... ~,~;,,.jjL..~,_.,.,,.L,.LL.'£~:..,...L.,L.=. ~,.£ ~';.;~ ...... ~. former Beetles played and makeshift outdoor stage Tueson, Ariz., of Clapton and sang together at a weekend before 200 invited guests. Harrison's first wife, Patti, reunion celebrating the They sang 1950s Beetles hits who was divorced from the marriage of rock guitarist such as Sgt. Pepper's Lonely exBeatle in 1977 after 11 Eric Clapton to George Hearts Club Band. years of marriage. Harrison's former wife, • Patti Boyd. The reunion of Harrison, Paul McCartnoy and Rlugo Elton-John at Starr took place at Ciapton's ,:- - mansion home at Ewhurst, Surrey, about 30 kilometres Soviet concert ~,.. ~ from London, the newspaper LENINGRAD -- Mnscow for the Monday says. (/~) Soviet teen.agers, 'some night concert. t • John Lennon, who lives in apparently willing to pay the • The bast-known Western '\ . New York, was the only rouble equivalent of $150 on rock singer ever allowed to former Beetle missing, it the black market, pleaded tour the Soviet Union, John, -, : - . says. Monday for tickets to a bizarre dresser, told 7 The •reported gathering flamboyant British rock star reporters he had no idea may have been the closest Elton John's concert at what kind of reception he the Beetles have come to a Oktyabrsky Hall. would receive from his So- full musical reunion since viet audience, they broke up in 1969. The 32-year-old singer "One of the 'reasons I ,-< The newspaper says the andved aboard a first-class wanted to come here is three ex.Beat!es , joined by overnight train from because I didn't know what to expect," he said. "So that makes you play harder." 4 Before John's train left Mescow on Sunday night, two middle-aged Russians pushed past railway security guards to get the rock star's autograph. One of the Russians gave him a present • ,': .. -- a small, hard-to-find guidebook to Leningrad's Hermitage Museum. Hours before John was /. scheduled to perform inside the 3,500-capacity hall here, young people outside the Frank Howard on left newly elected MLA talks to constituents. auditorium pleaded with foreigners and passerby to sell them a ticket. Although the dates of four John concerts were an- Sweden outlaws child spanking nonaeed on Leningrad radio Only two weeks ago, young STOCKHOLM (AP) -- A Sweden will become the taken an increasingly in the 1960s. It sees physical "any act which, for the Russians complained that new law the[forbids parents first country with such a law, negative view of beating or chastisement by parents as a purpose of punishing, causes the concert hall was sold out from beating, spanking, adopting it in the In- spanking as a means of natural means of correction thechlldphysicalinju$hnuh by the end of April, cuffing o~6therwise har- ternational Year of the bringing up children." ' and an "ethical, moral and I cgtdisturbance is mild and "Only important people, ming thei~?~lldren takes Child. The law is a new step There has been no religious right." passing." It is meant to officials, can go," said Luba, effect in Sw'&ien in July, but in a long process aimed at organized opposition to the The sect operates its own include psychological 20, a student at Leningrad some parents are riot happy protecting children's rights law but reactions from "pilgrim" schools in protest punishment, but legal ex- University who was hoping about it. here. A children's om- jurists, lawmakers, and against the public school perts have criticized the for a ticket. One father questioned said budsmun and an emergency parents have been mixed." system, and Hans Brynte, wording on this too vague. Officially priced at $9 (six he thought spanking was phone watch 'for youngsters Said one annoyed father~ibf ,i principal of one Maranata The new ban does not roubles) each, tickets were already exist. three: .... school, said: carry any specific punish- good for children, and a "There's" a difference "If the authorities try to ment. However, ordinary said to be selling on the black spokesman, for the small When the minority Liberal between deliberatespanking" stop us we will go un- criminal law allows sen- market for as much as $150. Maranata religious sect said government introduced the Just buying two tickets and what I would call" an dergroundand fight on. They tences of up to 10 years for frankly: "We will go un- bill to ban parents from outburst of temper. I never are suddenly outlawing an serious cases and up to two• would exceed what the derground if we have to but spanking last March, Justice average Soviet worker earns we will continue to exercise Minister Sven Romanus said spanked my kids in cold old cultural tradition and years in milder ones. in salary in a month. our natural rights." blood, only on the spur of the parents are declared idiots Protecting children from it means "our society has moment. I am sure it does incspable of rearing their bodily harm has been a long not hurt them but help . children. People in other process in Sweden. Flogging - them." countries will laugh at this in schools was partially Most critical of the law and a whole generation will banned in 1918, but as late as weresp0kesmen for the • be eriminalized because 1958 teachers !nloWer-grad.e. ' Marafiata :sect ' a' group' of' some sociologiSts shall have schools We~:stil¥~dlow4~i~t&'~. about ~Off~'~Yefisona"~/Yt6~split '': their way." use' some ~pliysfegl, ptmtMi,.~ from the Pentecostal Church The new law prohibits ment on students, Information scientist blast insurance numbers

BANFF, Alta. (cP) -- to be pushed." the association is aiming to Alan H. MacDonald balks at He is concerned because make it aware of the ira- giving anybody his social information willbe taken out plications. insurance number, although of the hands of highly skilled Developing the potential of it's routinely requested for .intermediaries and citizens computers without s policy cheques, crediteard ap- will have direct interaction framework will be like plicatioas and a host of other with the system. "trying to unravel a strand daily transactions. "Who will decide what gets of DNA without even a basic MacDonald, 36, incoming on the system? knowledge of chemistry." president of the Canadian "Until now information MacDonald said if the Association for Information specialists like librarians government ignores the Science (CAIS), says "the have been like taxi drivers information issue and lets use of that simple (social who have ferried us to in. foreign-held companies insurance) number in so formation• Now, I hope, they dominate the scene then many files does make will become like driving Canada will lese. tremendous economic instructors. He said Ottawa has been sense." "Our society is in- slow to develop a national "But the social price we formation illiterate. The information policy. Federal mnatpayianotworthit," the average lawyer, doctor or taxation policy was out of director of libraries at the • educator operates with a step with an industry that University of Calgary said in rudimentary knowledge of includes newspapers, wire an interview following the information science." services, radio, television, association's recent annual MacDonald said the conference, librarian and information libraries and computer "It's a key to so many specialist will survive the hardware and software other flies." revolution because the companies. Development of MacDonald said breaching government or public library the actual computer herd- the security cedes of any wlil be one of the few neutral, ware is tax deductible but software, or programming compu~r system isn't hard uncommercialized in- development,• is not, if a person knows how to do stitutions dispensing data. it. . "It's s function that must The association's was told II The potential for computer he preserved." that 30,000 to 40,000 potential burglary is one aspect of the He said the federal Jobs have been lost because information and computer: government must take foreign-owned companies • L revolution that worries responsibility for the effects process their Canadian data MacDonald, although he's of computer technology and outside the country. E ,Fill it up with premium., enthusiastic about r what t computers can do, m What premium gasoline which results in high octane sound. Becauseof this, we believe i I can do for your car, premium tape And to make sure our /Vbxell makes the world's finest asseciationM.oVoo., must consider Teens charged the implications of the social [] can do for your car stereo, cassettes don't run out of gas cassettes, -~ changes coming with office And there's no finer premium somewhere down the road, And every year, hundreds home television systems tape than Maxell, we've constructed them to toler- of thousands of people linked to central information at wild party Every type of Maxell tape ances as much as 60% higher who own computers. PENTICTON, B.C. (CP) auxiliaries and the force's is designed to give you the widest than industry standards. We use car stereos "The CAIS provides the -- Sixteen persons were three police dogs were used. neutral ground.., where the arrested early Monday on frequency response, the highest the finest high-impact styrene, are driven technological, economic and charges of obstructing police The trouble was centred passible signal-to-noise ratio precision pins, polyester and to the same sociological implications can after RCMP broke up three along the motel,campground and virtually no distortion. All of screws. conclusion. be dealt with." parties involving up to 600 strip along Highway 97. He said the information in- parsons. The spokesman said that a dustry has eagerly awaited Bail was set at $300 cash few bottles were thrown "but

~OletiCowBota4~On Of Amet,¢o. 60 O.tord Ot,~, ~a~ N J 07074 the transition to centralized for each of these charged, ! guess that's to be ex- electronic data and media. They were to appear in court pected." There were no UNIVERSAL SOUND OENTRE . . . . WHERE THE MUSIO IS! One television screen in a today, injuries. home, linked to a central Police said 15, from the He said the 16 were data base and other TVs, Vancouver area, are in their arrested after they ignored could serve as an en- late teens or early 20s. Also police orders to disperse. tertainment, communication charged is Vinoe Nicolson, Police also towed 24 vehicles Give 5 arself a little credit. and calculating device. 30, manager of the Lagnun that illegally parked in the But such a centralized Motel, one of the two motels area. system has enormous where police broke up Extensive damage was f°r potential for abuse, parties. done by the revellers, but no "If somebody wants to A spokesman said that estimate was available, the KITIMAT censor a book he's going to parties at two motels and a spokesman said. chArY, have to do it to thousands of nearby trailer park became He said that in unrelated t07 Nacheke Centre t day: copies, But if somebody unruly, with 150 to 200 per- incidents, five other poreons 632.3177 wants tO censor a national sons at each party. He said were arrested for being, newscast only one button has that all available police, drunk in a public place, v , n'~.',, F ..~. r~ "" F . F i F .... 1 The Herald, Tuesday M> :"~. :m Page II .. :, ,., '~'•' ;: .i•,"

. . ,-:!~.~t:..'. '.;~,::'/~:.'~:~'~x~'::.~".',~'., •~:s~ ,~ ~. • ~ ~:~;~~!~I~I~~...... ,~ .... Unions pro NDP

.~.., i!!!'i~ !~ ~ m~e~n~%~C~m~ke U~ faCL~rmemberevoted in its of Railway " , Clerk's Interchange fills Canadian Labor Congress The article says the P~'s seven pages with material will not give their answer to Clark "is even more hostile supporting the NDP. CLC president Dennis Me- to unions, and further to the Fred Tabachnik, CUPE Dermott until Tuesday, but right on secisl end ec~0mnlc assistant.public relations many of their trade issues" than Prime Mlnkter director, nays the influence publications have fully an- Trudeau. of the union media would be •dared his plea to support the The Public Employee, questionable without the New Democratic Party in published by the Canadian becking of the labor body. the federal election. Union of Public Employees, But as a part of the cam. The front cover of features Breadbeat on the paign, he says he believes its Steelnbor, the national cover, while the Brotherhood impoet will be felt. pubHcatica of the United Steelworkers of America with a circulation of 200,000, NlU features a color cartoon in a SHORT•TERM COMMERCIAL pre-election edition -- "Mouse Land, a fable as told FUNDS HOW AVAILABLE by .(former NDP leader) Royal Trust now has short.term funds available for Tommy Douglas." commercisl and industrial securities and apartment The tale, continued on loans. One, 'two and three year terms for existing inside pages, tolls an Or- properties are II~A percent. Five year terms for new wellian saga of n band of and existing properties are 11 percent to 11//4 percent. : i~! - ' " mice who replace their Amorizatioo periods ,up to 25 .years. All enquiries elected cat government with welcome. Please contact Bruce Hansom or Bob ~I~ own species. It also Horton. includes a question-and- answer interview with NDP Leader Ed Broadbont. ROYAL TRUST MORTGAGES The CPU Journal, the publication of the Canadian 248 Bernard Avenue Paperworkers • Union, Kelowna, B.C. VIY 6113 devotes its front page to a T62-5200 message from president Rates subject to confirmation. Henri Lorrain, who informs union members that Broadbent and the NDP are "the alternatiVe to Pierre Trndeau and Joseph Clark," the leaders of the Liberal and "Progressive Con- servative parties. TERMINAL The CLC's own City workers unload new trees for Little Park publication, Canadian EXPRESS Labor' has devoted its last two editions to the electlen. Like many other union news. (m-x80) Nc wspaper. disputes Election zt, Impers, itcarriesafulLpage i , sl~M~e ~'nd~t~/eNE~.t; Union Parool Pickup & Delivery EDMONTON (CP) -- The would inhibit a newspaper advertisement is not defined "I trust that you will lay pretatlon of the act, at some Among its articles is an Journal and two federal from publishing certain in the elections eel imaginary dialogue writte~ whatever charges you feel person~, risk to my • o mm mm mm mm mmmm mm mm mm m mm ~ m ~'mm election candidates material in its 'news "It Ii obv|ons, from the are necessary in order to reput'ation,., tlecause by Ed Finn, public relatiom deliberately violated on columns. meddling by your depart- have this matter resolved in something like this should director of the Canadian Light Packages & Parcels' Monday an interpretation of. Copies of the two ean. ment in the proper news a courtroom." Brotherhood of Railway, • Chairs-- Recliners ~ End Tables -- a seetim of the Canada Elec- net be left so loosely defined didates' replies to the functions of a newspaper that it's left to tbe inter- Transport and General Portable T.V. tlmm Act. question have been sent to that you have abrogated to The Calgary Herald, Workers. Suites (Kilchen & Living Room) Mike MacDonald, the Gorman. preintion of a civil servant in Finn's answer to a query yourself a right to censor the followingGerman's decision Ottawa. The press "shouldnot Beds & Box Sprlngs, ~.: Liberal candidate in Ed- In a letter accompanying legitimate role of ' a that an openended question be hampered in its news" on the NDP's chances in the monton West, and Lynn the material,. Journal newspaper and we cannot such as The Journal's was an election is that the party gathering on the basis of MASTER BEDROOM DREf3ERSOR CHESTS " Fogwtll, a New Democratic publisher J. P. O'Callaghan tolerate such unwarranted advertisement, decided not such ill-defined wording." would win at least 50 or 60 ruuni~ in Edmonton East, said: interference with the to publish its traditional seats if half the 2.3 million FRIG'S, STOVES, WASHER OR DRYERS agreed to assist The Journal "This is clearly in traditional freedom Of the election-eve supplement. insaeking a court test of a violation of your in- press and the freedom of The Journal, rather than ~iroveninl interpretation terpretation of the act and speech that every Canadian put 60 candidates in jeopardy District of Terrace Only of what constitutes ad- would apparently constitute has come to expect as a of possibly breaking the law • vertlalng by political can- a valid reason for you to lay right. if the answers to the question didates. charges under the act "The definition yon and were published in Monday's The Journal invited the against the candidate con. your officials have placed on edition, ran that section Of. chief elections eom- cerned and the Journal. the word advertisement in the questionand-anawer mluinaer, J. O. Gorman of :"I will never concede the the context of what you refer feature in Saturday's paper. Ottawa, to take court action. right to a bureaucrat to in. to as opan-ondedquestions is It decided to test the act with The answers to a question fluence what may, or may totally unacceptable to any the co-operation of Mac- addre~ to about 60 can- not, be published in news free-born, newspaperman Donald and .Ms. F~ .... ~datem by the newspaper in columns. and I feel it is timethat such • "I felt ! 'it ~'~O~d" "be ~- preparing an election sup- "It is my opinion that it definition should be tested in detrimental to ,ill cahdidates plement were defined by was never the intention of a courtroom. We cannot if they were prevented from Gurman as an " adver- Parliament to allow allow your definition, answering legitimate questions of concern to the H AWA lleement. Publicationof such bureaucrats to have reached among yourselves material on the eve of a authority to prevent a in the bureaucratic isolation blic," MacDonald said in federal election could be newspaper from publishing of your office, to stand ~ plaining his position. subject to a maximum fine of in its news columns without surrendering out Ms. FogwiU said: $2S,000 on summary con. responses to questions posed cherished editorial "I'm opposing the inter- vtctlon. to candidates by the prerogative of free speech. VACATIONS AT $4.00 The newspaper had sought newspapers." We will never tolerate answers to the following O'Callaghan's letter anything that amounts to a questloo: What is your stand pointed out that the word gag on the press. PER DAY WITH TIMESHARE on issues o/particular im- pact in your constituency? OWNERSHIP Gorman ruled that it is illegal under the electimm Amber was once regaro. act for candidates to respond t'd as a precious stone. It is 'SOUNDS INCREDIBLE BUT IT'S TRUE' to such openanded questions :~ fo~.~ilized resin, It comes on the eve of an election. He r ually in shades of light TIMESHARING said the word advertisement ,,llow, orange and brown. in a unction of the act covers ',tuber from China and Is one of the hottest vacation realities on the market today i.. the main attraction is that a buyer can such questions even when Aurma has yellow and red- own a vocation home without a large capital investment.., you purchase only those weeks required dish-brown tints. Some for your vacations one, two, three, four or more. they are run in news amber is cloudy and some colmnne. clear. It is a "living' The Journal said it refuses organism and will changs HOW DOES IT WORK to accept a decision not its color w,ith age, Some A once only payment of $1500.00~and you own a fully furnished, fully maintained vacation home in co~tained in the act but times insects were trappe¢ arrived at by consultation British Columbia for one week of every year. A small fee entitles you to membership in a national ex- in the resin which harden change network of over 200 member resorts world-wide including these in HAWAII -- Hole between the officers under ed and preserved them Gorhmn's Jurisdiction that when the resin was Kamaole--Kiehei, Maul; Islander Inn Kauai--Waipouli, Kouai; Koni Billfisher--Koilua, Kono; The changed to amber. Kuleono Club~Lahoino, Maul; Maul Sunset--Kihe, Maul; Royal Kuhio--Honolulu; Koala Surf Club--Honolulu, also 16 resorts in Mexico -- 14 in Florida -- 12 in Spain and many more in other Hooker popular vacation areas throughout the world. J Early European peoples a,hm o romeo mmum~ oN" used amber as a jewel and lawsuit as incense because it gives off a pleasant pine scent as it burns. It has an eleetri- disputed cM quality ~nd will attract INVESTIGATE the advantages of NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y. dust if rubbed. Today CANADIAN TIMESHARE OWNERSHIP BEFORE (AP) -- The Hooker amber is cut into beads and PURCHASING OUTSIDE CANADA Chemicals and Plastics decorative carvings. Cm-p. said Monday a IT'S ALL HERE We offer ownership in perpetuity for you and your heirs with indefeasible title registered in British Columbia. proposed government We are experts in the lawsuit against the firm over care and selection oi *Accommodation up to five people with no extra charge. the Love Canal chemical jewelry. See us for all your *Exchange privileges in over 200 resorts world.wide. dump site would be un- gourmet g needsl *Canadian management with Strata Council now in operation. Justified. *Control of maintenance expenditures bythe members/owners. A U.S. Justice department • *Protection under Canadian Low. spokesman in Wnshing(on. *Payments in CANADIAN FUNDS. said earlier in the day the *Member of the Vancouver Better Business Bureau.. government is preparing a entertainment, major civil suit seeking I I IJ millions of dollars from dancing Hooker for the dumping of toadc chemicals at the Lave" [ ACCOMMODATIONTO,O,O--v.-- COSTS THROUGH TIMESHARING. 1 Canal dump and other sites HUNDREDS OF WEEKS NOW OWNED BY SATISFIED in the.Niagara Falls area. B.C. RESIDENTS Government lawye~ hope entertainment, to establish a legal precedent .that would make the original dancing, manufacturers responsible tbton to out'morning commorclale on the John Reynolds Show, Tuesdays ... amateur nite Radio CJOR/60 Vancouver for the disposal of toxic materials. Thursdays ... dance contest Hooker, in a statement Prizes ... both Rites issued Monday, said: "We beUevethat a suit by the U.S. I Inex~mivo Vacations ST. IVES RESORTS Justice department would be JEWELLERS LTD. at Prestigious Resorts 203.51S Cottonwood Ave., COcluitlam, B.C. VSJ 2R4 I unjustified and, in fact, I ~.~l~li~f.,ore,t, me: Tel. (604).931.2494 (Coil,el) I counter.preductive." conventions, It added: "We are already ectivaly working with loca|, meetings, I "" ~-~ .AM1 ...... I state and federal agencies to weddings I AOORESS...... I identify and correct any problems thnt might be WE WELOOME toil L ...... "_'_'_ ...... : ...... ""'"'_ ...... '_""_ ..o associated With past 632-21711 operations. TO THE BEST ... 638-8141 ,.,.. , .. ,.... |

Page 12, 'lh t, tiler:rid, Tu~doy, May 22, 1979

The Herald looks at


It all started off with a breakfast race, raft ~i-;;-¢~;-,,:;;~-,,~:-~:- ' .-, . :_ ~,'., •

: . ~..~ .\.jA

,-.:.,i:':'.:,,, '.i ,::

It was a heyday for the photographers


Some just took a break

.... : ....::.,-.,~. ~,,.,., '!¢ .~ .

A lot of hard paddling was involved

When you got to the end of the race came the problem of getting the raft out of the water )

The Herald, Tuesday, M.y 2~., 1h79, Pnge 13


• / .; • . "-*Y H'ere's a :guide to the election By 1'HE CANADIAN PRESS' appears under the can- . unfold gradually over six or The gaining rule, however, differently with a different that the 32 seats in the four Ontario battle is a saw-off, New Democrats, elSbt , Here are some tips for do- didate's m the ballot paper. seven hours while electors on has to be balanced against lineup of candidates. Atlantic provinces will split British Columbians may Conservatives and four ltyoarself analysts who want T~e party whose can- the Pacific Coast find out other factors such as Nationally, the realign- up more or less evenly, the settle which party governs Liberals, to'follow the results of the didates win meat seats gets how throe-quarters of the historical voting patterns in meat .of ridings has. given Liberals will roll up moot of when choosing their 28 MPs, It was days before 31st federal election as they to he the government -- its country has voted only the riding, any regional more weight to the vote in the 75 Quebec seats and the I0 per cent of the total, recounts in other ridings roll in Tuesday night. •leader the prime minister -- moments after their own trends for or against his Western Canada, compared Conservatives again will In 1972, Liberals and Con- gave Trudeau's Liberals a , How the clectlon choeses the if it takes 143 seats or more. polls clase. party, and whether slow. to Quebec and the Atlantic capture most of the 49 servatives were almost minority win by 109 seats to government If no party wins such a Winners win quickly, unless reporting rural polls in a region. Of the 18 additional - Prairie seats, neckand-neck going into 107 for the Conservatives, The general electlen is clear majority, the loader it's a tight race mixed urban-rural con- These assumptions may be British Columbia, but that . ". :. seats, nine are in the four the NDP wielding its best- really 282 separate mini- who can form a coalition or a Generally, especially in stituency might swing western provinces -- one upset,, especially if the NDP province declined to settle ever show with 31 seats, elections, with anywhere looser or shifting alliance compact urban ridings, against the early loader. each in Manitoba and picks off seats in Atlantic the issue when it ch~e 11 Social Credit holding 15. from three to 10 candidates with enough other members winners and looers in each Comparisons with 1974 are Saskatchewan, two in- Canada and makes gains in competing in each con- of Parliament may govern, constituency are known diffi-cult Alberta, five in British Saskatchewan and as long as he retains stituency for a seat in the within an hour of the polls One snag in trying to read Colamb~ -- and one in the Manitoba. Or if Social Cr,~lit House of Commons. All but • majority support on major closing -- unless it is a close trends this time is that com- Northwest Territories. whittles down Liberal 69 of the total 1,424 can- programs and ~uea in the race down the last few Quebec has one more, On- strength in Quebec by taking Commons. parisons with riding results didatea are affiliated with a ballots. in the last federal election tario seven. more than an expected eight political party, whose name Eight out of the 30 previous As votes are reported from are awkward. The 75 seats in Quebec, a to 10 seats there. general elections failed to individual polling stations This is net only because traditional Liberal The three-way fight among produce a clear majority for through each Constituency's there are more eligible stronghold where that party Liberals, Conservatives and any single party. In fact, main returning dflce, the New Democrats for the 95 voters -- 14.9 million com- won 60 seats "last time ! S UR VEY only three of the last eight result may become clear pared to 13.5 million in 1974 sgalost three for the Con- Ontario seats -- one-third of elections resulted" in long before the last stattoas servatives, now are bal- the national total -- t~,us -- but also because the Yl majority governments, in are heard from. makeup of the constituencies anced by 77 seats in the four becomes crucial. Last time, RESULT 1958, ~'903 and 1974. " Thus, if one candidate is is different. There now are Western provinces, where the 88 Ontario seats split55 The most recent minority •leading and gaining in three 282 ridings, up from 264, and Conservative strength Liberal; 25 Conservative and government wan the 1972-74 progressive poll reports of only 16 of them have the overpowered the Liberals 49 eight NDP. FAVORS Liberal administration significant size, the rule of same boundaries as five seats to 13 in 1974. The Ontario outcome which lasted 18 months thumb says he or she is a years ago. Ontario and British should be indicated, unless NDP before opposition parties winner. For example, The chief electoral office Columbia are key bat- it's squeaky tight, by soon •combined in the Commonsto CandidateA is a sure thing if has calculated what the 1974 tlegreands after 9p.m. EDT -- after OTTAWA (CP) -- The vote it out of office. he or she is out in front on winning margins would have Political election 10p.m. in the Maritimes and New Democrats are the The party leaders vying to results from 20 of 258 polls in been in each riding if the strategists consider the two hours before the B.C. onlymajor federal party head the next government as the riding, stretches the load boundaries had been what election will be won or lost in palls close. with near unanimous prime minister also have to after 45 polls are in, and they are now. But this ex. Ontario and ' British Buf if the result should he agreement on the impact win a Commonsseat. Liberal widens the lead further after eludes the possibility that Columbia. • as close as early opinion of, foreign investment on Pierre. Trudeau is running S0 polls. electors might" have voted This is based on the belief polls suggested and the the national economy, against six rivals in Men. results of a survey treal-Mount Royal, ...... = III1 released Thursday by the Progressive Conservative Committee for an In- Joe Clark against four in dependent Canada show. Yellowhead, Alta., and the Dennis Conly, the New Democratic Party's Ed group's executive Breadbent against five in BUSINESS DIRECTORY director, said the results Oshawa, Ont. ' 1 of the 10-question survey Spcial Credit Leader II ! sent to 600 candidates Fabien Roy, contesting when Parliament was Beauce, Que., agalust five III I I I I III I dissolved show "that with rivals, 'has only 103 can- Ready Mix Concrete, Sand, Gravel, Top Soil, Drain the exception of the NDP. dic~tes in the field across the VAN'S OONTRAOTIM rock, Patio Blocks, Concrete Gravel, Bags of comprehensive strategies coffntry, 74 of them in Que- Cement, '/4 Yard Concrete Mixer available for rent. for repatriating the bec. MR. FIX-IT Furniture Repair economy have not been How the results are reported 1 WE DELIVER SATURDAYS forthcoming from the 0'~ election night, the APPLIANCE REPAIRS Restorations, Hope Chests PHON E 53S.3936 ' major parties," voting ends at 8p.m. local F.J.H. READY MIX He said the committee times. The counting and 3781 Puquotte St. Terrace, B.C. ~Custom Made Furniture Refinishin Construction Ltd. is maintaining a non- reporting of ballot 'totals partisan approach to the begins minutes later at each ~General BuildinEContractinE May 22 election but "can't of more than 58,000 indi- Phone 635-9205 help but recognize that vidual polling stations. t~ 635-5585 the NDP is. the only party The number of stations re- Plant Off Krumm Road making • noises about porting results-in each con- WILFRED HOGUE 2510 Kalum St. Terrace Thornhlll foreign ownership," stituency ranges from the 70 The organization seeks in the Eastern Arctic riding Canadian control of the of Nunatslaq to the 400 in the For insights Plumbing • Heeling - Commercial Servicing economy and is now ' Toronto-area constituency of Residential • Industrial • Specializing Gas Fitting headed by retired NDP YorkScarborongh. into insurance and Sheet Metal Shop MP Max Saltsman. Because the polling ~--Family Planning Conly said the com- stations are strung out over ~--Mortgage Insurance mittee received 133 seven time zones from ~--Busineas Insurance Charlie Belanger completed questionnaires Newfoundland to the Yukon ~--Ineome replacement of the 600 sent out, the territory, the reporters; of ~--Registered Retirement Planning PLUMBING& HEATING LTD. ' majority from NDP results poll by poll in each ~LTD • "UniqueBathroom Boutique" candidates. He refused to constituency follows the say hew many- re- setting sun westward over s Brian M0ntpmery ' 4435 LAKELSE AVENUE• . • period of 5½ hours. Representative . spondents .were sitting ~Ir~c-~.E I a,s~ o .. /0^ ~..; P.O. Box 534 Pt!ON E 635.9319 t', MPs. And because election law Business A4anu~ILife Business forbids the publication of any TERRACE, B.C; VSG 4BS OR 63';.9320 The results show only 635-9236 The Manufacturers Life Insurance Company 635-9236. three of 73 NDP results in a region until the WATCH FOR OUR COLUMN 'ASKKOBE' , Install & Service Gas, Wood& Oil Furnaces respondents do not be- voting ends there, Atlantic lieve the country's Canada sees the verdict current economic problems can be attrib- EASTSIDE uted to' an historical GROCER Y & LAUNDROMAT Terrace Electronic, Repairs Ltd. reliance upon foreign Signs investment. OPEN SERVING TERRACE & KITIMAT Nine Liberal can. didates accepted that 7 DAYS A WEEK ~e SERVICE ON ALL PICK-UP AND DELIVERY theory and 21 did not. The tO MAKES OF T.V.'s Progressive Con- To Serve You Warranty Depot for SERVICE servatives were more Zenith, Phillips, Hitachi, evenly divided with 14 WEEKDAYS8-11 WEEKENDS9-11 Sylvania agreeing and 12 follow -4438 Lakelse 635-2104 ~MON. - SAT. 8 a.m.. $ p.m. •BROCK FUGER 394t OLD tAKELSELAKE DRIVE disagreeing. By THE CANADIAN PRESS 638-8387 TERRACE,S.C. On the need for more Election.watchdrs should YOUR FRIENDLYCONVENIENCE STORE 4623 Lakelse 635-4543 foreign investment to look for tell.tale signs of a strengthen the economy, developing trend Tuesday 10 Liberals, nine Tortes night as poll results roll in. and two New Democrats Although results in one agreed, while the region don't necessarily FOM MALE GLACIER majority disagreed. mean voters are in the same / D & A JANITOR SERVICE Only a few Liberals and mood elsewhere, a string of PRE-FAB GREENHOUSES .~ 4418 Legion Avenue Conservatives said the gains for one party in standard of living would Atlantic Canada, for $108 and up ~,%" Terrace, B.C. he adversely affected ff example, or the toppling of Rug cleaning by hot water extraction more restrictions were prominent veterans, could BAKKERS MODULAR STRUOTURES ' 2 rooms & hallway - $70; most houses placed on foreign in. foretell a country-wide FREE ESTIMATES vestment. All but two pattern. Phone 638-1768 evenings or New Democrats dis. And while Quebec is a A Complete Glass and agreed. province unlike the others in View at 3961 Dobie St. 636-6622 4732 Ralliwell The NDP was more most elections, Social Credit Aluminum Service evenly split on the viq,ioriea in many more than " IA12.M]4~ question of whether at. eight seats there could mean tswa should offer tax in- that Pierre Trudeau's *L centives only to Liberals are in trouble Canadienowned or nationally. controlled enterprises SMALL APPLIANCES- LAWN MOWERS- with 30 agreeing and 36 But if New Democratic Jungle Jim's Pet Store Cleaners Ltd., RENOVATING. BICYCLES- ETC. disagreeing. Con- Party candidates knock off a servative candidates fe~v Atlanlie seats and gain - " FOR THE BEST IN favored the move 2O to ground strongly in Ontario, --Largest Selection of Fish in the Pacific SUEDE AND LEATHER eight and Liberals 16 to this could foreshadow a Northwest CLEANING 13, replay of the 1972 election Handyman Unlimited --Complete line of small animal and bird 2 LOCATIONS ."! paJ!es were nearly when no party won a clear products unanh~,ous in agreeing majority-- at least 143 of the 4404 Legion Avenue and Mini Mall that Canadian banks 282 seats this time. (Next fo Mr. Mikes) Call BILL or DALE , 3943Mountalnvlsw should increase their Among contests the 4607 LAZELLE AVENUE 5384277 or 63$.3957 Terrace, B.C, loans to Canadian en- analysts will be watching 638-1864 635-2838 trepreneurs. Only six closely: Liberals, two Tories and In Newfoundland, New two New Democrats Democrat Bryan BlackMora disagreed; is Sunning for Liberal Thirteen Liberal, 22 RESIDENTIAL PpM~II~ ~ATER William Rompkey in Grasd Pro-teoh Electronics Engineering FOR HEATING/~TERA'~jO~. 8~LVICE Conservative and 61~ NDP Falls-White , BayLabrador, candidates believed aiming to snap an unbroken Canadian businesses SE RVING TERRACE & KITIMAT CASH TAX ? ~ " ...... ~r string of Liberal victories Should be taxed a.t lower there and broaden the NDP rates .than foreign. WesorvlceAllCommerctal&HomeEMertslnment BILLS TAX SERVICE ': beachhead in Newfoundland ApplianCeSwarrantylnCludlngDepotMicrowave . Jan e0 controlled companieS, A beyond last fall's byelectien I Ibt ' Heating l~e majority thought win by Fonse Faour, seeking • senyoso.ndeslgn,K.w~ 4920 HALLIWELLAVENUE TERRACE V" t7 IL-7 e federal govenment re-election in HumherPert Morse Eklctrephenlc should take action to au Port-St. Barbe. increase Canadian HammondCerflfisdTechnlclsn 10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. - control of the economy. If Deputy Prime Minister The candidates Allan MacEachen slides in "--'o- ,-,,- Phone 636.3971 generally agreed Cape Breton Highlands. Canadians are willing to Came, as he did only once in make personal secrifteas the last nine elections -- to decrease foreign crushed by the 1288 Con- ownership. Most would servatlve sweep -- then the make less foreign own- Liberals in Nova Scotia and Call us at 635-6357 9 to 5 ership a unilenal priority. elsewhere are in deep trouble. .. ". ( i '~ " ,':rid. '['tlesday, May 22. 1,°/79 • , '...... N

TERRAGE DRUGS m. 3207 Kalum 635-'/274 Vitamins and To}s, Toy's, Toy's

CLASS IFI ED RATES SUBSC RI PTION RATES Skeena Health Unit 3215.2 Eby Street LOCAL ONLY: SUBSCRIPTION Terrace, B.C. 635-6307 RATES Tile Terrace Concert KERMODE FRIENDSHIP Require one miilwright, fully For sale: "18 foot Smoker Warehouse space and or 20 words or less $2.00 per Effective The following are a few of Insertion. Over 20 words $ the services offered locally Association annual general SOCIETY THIRD ANNUAL experienced in log conveyers Craft, 40 HP Evinrude with manufacturing space October 1, 1978 meeting will be held on MEETING June 2, 19"/9 and hydraulic motors. Jet 635-5605 after 5 (PS-23M) available immediately. Any cents per word. Single Copy 20c by your Health Unit Staff: 3 or more consecutive In. CHILD HEALTH CON- Thursday, May 24th in the l:OO p.m.--Opening of Gantry cranes & cutoff saws. size from 900 to 26,000square By Carder mth 3.00 Caledonia Lecture Theatre Meeting--Presideot, Willard Call 624-6188 in Prince feet. Reasonable rent. sertlons $1.50 per Insertion. By Carder year 33.00 FERENCES: Held weekly at the Health at 8 p.m. All those persons Martin, Spiritual prayer-- Rupert. (C7-29M) Phone: 635-3231. . By N~II 3 mth 15.00 who bought 78-79 seasons E~der, LilsMason ~ .:. RETAILOR REFUNDS: By Mall 6 mth 25.00 Unit every Tuesday from Flrst Insertion charged for 1:30.3:50 p.m. Please phone tickets are eligible to par- hztroduction of Guest 31: : OFFICE SPACE By Mail year 45.00 ticlpate In the election of Speakers (to be announced) GARAG E SALE One Simson-MaxwelI 6 2 stores, total of 2800 sq. ft.. whether run or not. Senlor Clthen year 20.00 for an appointment. Absolutely no refunds after Held at the Th0rnhill officers for the coming 1:30 p.m.-Introduction of -. • .~ ;. eylinderdieselwith25KVAI Can be separated to 1400 sq.~ ad has been set. Elementary School on the season. Chairperson-Adoption of For sale: 1 1965 International phase 110-220 volts Stamford ft. areas. In choice locations British Commonwealth and fourth Friday of every • Alternator. One Caterpiller-6 on Lazelle Shopping Centre~ United States ot America one Agenda-Minutes of Sep- Tandem, 1 Rambler H-top cylinderdiesalwith25KVAI Terrace, B.C, 635.3576or 255.' CORRECTIONS: month from 1:30.3:30" p.m. year 55.00 Famlly Play-"Andreclesand tember 23, 1978 Meeting- and Garage sa]e May12 &19 phase 110-220 volt. Cater- 1939VanootJver. '(dfn.23.4- Please phone for an ap- the Lion" by Travellers Presidents Report- 3955 McNeil, Terrace, in- pillar self regulating AC Must be made before 2nd pointment. Theatre, Friday, May 1land Treasurers Report- chides car, truck parts for Generator. Both units in ' Box 399, Terrace, B.C. Babysltters who bring Saturday, May 12at 8 p.m. In Appointment of Auditor 2:00 Ford & Rambler, household Insertion. V8G 2M9 the Terrace Little Theatre. Allowance can be made for children must have parents p.m.-Nominations for Beard items, tools, bike carrier, 5 =..'jr good condition and low only one Incorrect ad. written consent for Im- Advance tickets at McColl's of Directors-Executive ton truck wheel rims, tires hours. (C5-28M) HOME DELIVERY munhatlon. Re__al Estate. DirectOr's Report Program etc. Phone 635-3566. (C15- 4L HOMES Terrace & District ADULT CLINICS The Ladies Auxiliary of the Director's. Report-Canada 23M) ..... For sale 2 acre lot with two. BOX NUMBERS: Thornhlll & District 75 cents plck up. These are held at the Health Royal Canadian Legion Works Reports 3:00 p.m. b~,droom trailer. Ap- Phone 635-6357 FOJ~RENT ~- $1.25 mailed. Unit on Monday, Wednesday Branch 13, are holding their coffee break 3:30 p.m..Guest proximately 1O miles east of and Friday from 3.4:10 p.m. Spring Smorgasbord at the Speaker-Guest Speaker.- For rent: 12x54ft furnished Terrace on paved road. For CLASSIFIED DISPLAY: by appolntment only. Legion, Sunday, May27 from Guest Speaker 5:00 p.m. Hat mobile home in Thornhill. more information call The Herald reserves the 4 to 7 p.m. Everyone Supper prepared by Ker- Also trailer space for rent. 2339 (PI0-30M) Rates avallable upon right to clesslfy ads under PRENATAL 'CLASSES request. Classes are held throughout Welcome. (NC-25M) mode's Ladies Auxiliary. 400 Yamaha Enduro. New We take applications until appropriate headings and to "SOCIAL EVENING" (NC- engine, good condlflen. IstofJune. For appointment Choice residential lot. Over set rates therefore and to the year at Intervals for NATIONAL CLASSIFIED Are you interested in Co- June 1) $1,200 OBO. Phone 638-103:: .phone 635-7690. (PS-28M) ~/~acrewithpanoramlevlew determine page location. expectant parents. Phone operatives? Do you know after 5 p.m• (stfn-tfn) of river and mountains. RATE: the Health Unit for details The Herald reserves the how they function? Are you 1 1978 250CC Can Am Asking $15,500. Phone 638-* 22 cents per agate line. right to revise, edit, classify and registration. aware of their history, their MIntmum charge $5.00 per or relect any advertisement HOME NURSING CARE effect on society their motorbike. Low mileage. 1772 after 6 p.m. (PS-24M) insertion. and to retain any answers Nursing care In the home for Best offer takes. Phone 035- Property for sale: Close to 2 those who need It on referral philosophy and goals,... Well AUCTION SALE 6310 days. or 635-5708 For rent: the Terrace NDP acres, 3 miles from town, All directed to the Herald Box come on out and see some On the spot cash for your evenings. Ask'for Matt. (C5- office. Available June 1, cleared. $12,000. 635-7480 LEGAL • POLITICAL and Reply Service, and to repay from 'their family doctor. TRAI~!SI ENT AD- free films on May24 at 7:00 furniture, appliances, an- 23M) 1979, air-conditioned. 4623 after 6 p.m. (C3-22,25,25M). the customer the sum paid Terrace area only. p.m, in the Senior Citizens tlques. We buy and sell VERTISIHG: HEALTH PARADE for the advertisement and Room of the Terrace anything of value. Consign Lakelae Avenue. Phone 635- $3.60 per column Inch. box rental. For 4 year old children. Held Arena... NO CHARGE!! ! your car, truck, boat, bikes 2552. (Cffn-14-5-79) ,on third Monday of every Box replies on "Hold" Free! .....v or what have you to the Sat. 2 BUSINESS PERSONALS: Instructions not plcked up month. Developmental, 111efilmstobeshownare:. p.m. Auctlnn Sale, Terrace $4.00 per line per month. within 10days of expiry of an vision, hearing screening THE ALTERNATIVE: . Auction Mart, 3233 Apsley, For sale: Suzuki 125 TK On a 4 month basis only, advertisement will be done. Please phone for up. Calgary co-operative 1975 Vega Hatchback. 35,000 polntment. Assoeiatio~ promotes the co- Phone 635-5172. WE have the motor cycle asking 1850,00, miles, P.S., AM radio w-8 destroyed unless mailing buyers. Open every day for Fender super Reverb am- House for sale: well Con. track tape deck, radial fires: DEADLINE PRENATAL BREATHING Instructions are received. operative alternative to retail sales. (ctf.6.04.79) plifier asking $575.00. strueted, fully finished, 3 all round. Excellent con. DISPLAY: Those answering Box & RELAXING EXERCISES being a ~ietim-eustomer of Craftsmen 10 inch radial bedroom. 1296 sq. ft., ditlon. $2,200. Phone638.i212. 4:00 p.m. 2 days prior to Numbers are requested not Held every Monday at. private business. The film army saw. Like new. $425.00. Franklin fireplace, Eosuite (ctf.2OM) publlcatlcn day. to send originals of ternoon at 1-2 p.m, includes an examination of Phone 635-5683 after 5 p.m. plumbing. Finished documents to avoid loss. V.D. CLINIC co-operative principals. (P5-22M) basement with 4th bedroom. For sale: 1975 Astre. Good CLASSIFIED: Held every Monday at 3:30 Looks at different types of All claims of errors in co-operatives, and INSIST ON THE BEST 1 girls 3 speed bike. 2 end Close to schools -- hospital. 4 condition. Radials. Asking 2:00 p.m. on day previous to advertisements must be or by appointment. day of publication Monday to SAN ITATION illustrates the difference Concrete septic tanks in tables. Call 635-2547 after 5, yrs.. old. For more in- $1500.00 Phone 5-2103. (PS- recelved by the publisher between co-operatives and stock. Get relief with a anytime on weekends. (C3. formation please call 635. 28M) Friday. within 30 days after the first The public health inspectors ALL CLASSIFIED CASH I~bllcatlon. are now situated in Eby other corporations, concrete investment. 16,18,22M) 2819. (P20-14J) For sale: 197t Toyoto 1200. WITH ORDER other than It Is agreed by the ad. Street. They will be pleased THE ANNACKS: - Schmitty's Excavating For sale: 2 F-78 summer Forsale by owner 3 bedroom Van. bought car. 635-2668. BUSINESSES WITH AN vertlser requesting space to assist with any sanitation Eskimos in Northern Quebec 635-3939 tiros, 2 F-78 winter tires, 2 E- 2O0xBO lot. Large L.R•, (C1-22M) ESTABLISHED ACCOUNT. that the liability of the problems. formed a co-operative (ac-18-5.79) 70 summer tires. Phone 035- fridge, stove, 26 inch color Herald In the event of failure SPEECH AND HEARING sawmill, fish freezing plant GEMINI EXCAVATING 5605 after 5 p.m. (PS-23M) T.V. etc. All reasonable 1970 Mustang Mach I. 4 Service charge ot $5.00 on all to publish an advertisement CLINIC offers considered. Owner speed. Open to bids until Held at 4612 Grleg Avenue. and small boat building LTD. For sale: Culvert-36 inches leaving town. Phone after 3 May 31, 1979. Contact G. N.S.F. cheques. or in the event of an error inudstry. This film (WesAndrews) by 24 feet long. Good well p.m, 635-4740. (P10-26M) Warrenn at 635-7177 between appearing In the ad. Hearing tests will be done by illustrates the role of co- Backhoe Work cribbing. 635-7460 after 6 WEDDING DESCRIP- referral from family doctor 0perative..s in developing Hourly & Contract p.m. (C3-22,23,25M) Duplex (Thornhill) 2 8:30 & 5 p.m. (Ctfn-17-5-79) vertlsement as published northern areas, . TIONS: shall be limited to the or. community health nurse. 638•1155. .635-3479anytlme bedrooms each side,~ fridges. 1976Corvetto, silver & blsck, No charge provided news amount paid by the ad. LONG TERM CARE seriesThese of filmsfree film are nightspart of put a (eft) Forsale: 10-Hundred-15tires and stoves included. Large 7,500 miles, 350 engine with submlffed within one month. vertlser for only one In. Office at' No. 205.4621 Lazelle on white spoked rims 035- lot. $32,500.00 635-7460 after 6 holley carb. & minifold. FI $5.00 production charge for correct Insertion ,for the on by the Co-operative HARLY'SPAINTING 2969. (C3-24M) p.m. (C3-22,23,2SM) wedding and.or engagement portion of the advertlslng Ave. Tel 635.9196. Operative Group and Nor- & DECORAT!NG heads, headers, auto trans. pictures. News of weddings space occupied by the In. Assessment and planning for with shift kit. PS PB PW tilt those eligible for Long Term thern delights co-op. FreeEstima:es For sale: 1 car bed, 1 Moving must well, 4 & telescopic steering, Four (write.ups) received one correct or omltted ltem only, (thanks to the Terrace Co-op Phone bassinet, 1 baby rocking bedroom house, full finished wheel discs, AM-FM stereo. month or more after event .and that there shall be no Care. for getting these films in for 638-1095 chair, 1 baby chair, all like basement, fire place, Gymkana suspension, radial AID TO HANDICAPPED us). We hope to continue (p-4-5-79) $10.00 charge, with .or liability toany event greater these films, and the new. Phone 625-4377. (NC- workroom. Close to schools T-A's. Never driven in rain wlthout plcture. Subject to than the amount paid for Office at No. 205.4721 condensation. Payable In such advertising. Lazelle. Tel 635-9196. discussion periods that go - SKEENA COLORS staff) & downtown. View at 4640 or snow. Phone Rupert 624- Assessment and guidance Wabhorphone'635-2667. (PS- 6987 (P3-23M) ? advance. Advertisements must along with them, about once For sale: sawdust or chips 18M) comply with the British for vocational and social a month. Come outand take Residential delivered very cheap. When CLASSIFIED A N. Columbia Human Rights Act rehabilitation done by part. Phone 635-9415 for Commercial Painting available. Phone 635-3939. To be moved, will sell as Is at back.1978 Chevy Only 17,000 Chevette kin. Asking hatch NOUNCEMENTS: which prohibits any ad. consultant. more information. (ne-24m) (Cl0-1June) greatly reduced price. 2 $3500.00 or best offer. Phone Births 5.50 vertlsing that discriminates The Annual "Royal Purple Phone 638-1835 bedroom unfinished cottage 635-6971. (P5-25M) Engagements 5.50 agalnst eny person because Kitimat A.A. Construcvion Day Tea" for Senior Citizens (a[4) 34. FOR RENT m blocks. Size 16ft-20fl on ~ -- Marriages 5.50 of his race, religion, sex, Group in Kltimat: telephone of the area will take place MISg, • Kojer Road. Some building 1970 Mustang, repossessed. Deaths 5.50 color, nationality, ancestry 632-3713. Wednesday June 6, 1979. at " materials & bathroom fix. Open to bids. Contact Rick Funer.~ls i't '3.50 or place of origin, or because MEETINGS: the Elks Hall on Sparks For rent: boat trailer- lures within. Will consider Smith. 635-7117. (cffn-24A) Cards of Thanks 5.50 his age is between 44 and 65 Monday - Step Meetings. Street from 2 p.m. to4 p.m. handles up to 30 fooler, best reasonable offer. Phone "" Memorial Notices 5.50 years, unless thecendlflon Is 0:30 p.m. Lutheran Church. sponsored by. the ladies of Texas Oil Corp. seeks well- Phone 632-6310 (atfn-2-5.79 624-5679 (P20-1June) 1978Camero Z28.4spd., very justified by a bona fide Wedhesdays Closed the Order of the Royal established, successful .low mileage. Extras. :I PHONE 635-6357 requirement for the work Meetings 8:30 p.m. United Purple. If there are folks not company as distributor for For rent trailer space at Beautiful 2 bedroom home. Repossessed. Open to bids. Classified Advertising Dept Involved. Church. contacted in previous years line of high performance Sunnyhiil trailer court. 362,; With garage on a quiet Contact Rick Smith, 635.7117 Fridays- Open Meetings 8:30 who would like to attend, or roofing porducts Kalum St. or phone 5-968? street, close to downtown & between 2-5 p.m. Monday to p.m. Skeena Health Unit, any recent Senior manufactured by it (P5-18,25,1,8,15) schools. Phone 635.7319 (C5- Friday. (ctfn-12-4.79) ~e i COMqUN!TY Do you feel you have a Kitlmat General Hospital. newcomers to the area Canadian Subsidiary. 23M) !• drinking problem? There Is AI.Anon Meetings - Tuesdays please phone 635-2415, 635- Outstanding growth and 138.WANTED MISC. ForSale: 1979Datsan280ZX SER¥tCES.... - 8:00 p.m. United Church 2927, 635-5121. (NC-BJ) profit opportunity. No prior 52. WANTED 2x2, 6,000 km, has all options. ,! help Must sell $14,500. Phone 635- Welgh# Watchers meeting Avallablel (nc) roofing experience TO RENT 2371 before 4 p.m, weekdays KERMODE FRIENDSHIP necessary. We're exports in Needed ride into town week- held every Tuesday at 7 p.m. Phone 635.5636 only. Ask for Mike (pl0- at the Knox United Church ALCOHOLICS l" " ;| BINGOS our field, offering complete days between 8:15 and 8:45. Wanted to rent bachelor apt. 23m) Hall, 4907 Lazelle Avenue. ANONYMOUS COMING EVENTS*. Tuesday, May 1-Regular [raining at our International Live on Old Lakelse near or room for immediate oc- MEETINGS: small bingo Headquarters at no cost. Apex Red & White. Will pay cupancy. Contact the 1969 Plymouth Readmnner SKEENACENTRE Men. 8:3g p.m. United Sunday, May 13 Giant Bingo Applicants should have for gas. Phone 630-1753 after Manager of Saan Stores Ltd. 383 Magnum, 4 speed trans Tuesday, May 22-regular marketing and application 5:30 p.m. (NC-Staff-until Phone 635-2786 or Sandman headers. Asking $2300. Skeena Centre offers to the Church. BIRTHRIGHT Senior Citizens of the Mon. 8 p.m. - Alanon - WORKSHOP small bingo ~apabiliUns. Contact F.L, further notice) Motor Hotel 5-9151 ask for P. Phone 635-3359 after 4:30 Terrace and Thornhlll area Skeena Health Unit. Saturday, May 26th at 9:30 at Sunday, May27 Giant bingo Rudy, Southwestern ,O 3 Martel. (Cffn-7-5-79) p.m. or view at Highway lBE Veritss School. Birthright Doors open at 7:30 p.m. at Petroleum Corporation, Box 39, No, 5 across from scales. the following services: , Th'Jrs. or Sat. 8:30 p.m. Mills Memorial Hospital. (nc.tfn) believes that every ex- Thornhill Community Hall. 789,Fort Worth, Texas 76101, MARINE Responsible, workingeouple (P3-22M) • Activity Centre for hun. pectant mother has the right Fer further information call telex: 75330g, Cable: requires 2 bedroom house. dlcrafts to give birth and every child 635-4906 (nc-25M) SWEPCO. (A3-17.18~) For sale: marine outboard Have well mannered Irish 1971 Datsun 510. Very clearn Day care for working Birthright Office has the right to be born. The Annual GeneraIMeeting Certified Preschool 9.6 Viking with 5 gallon fuel Setter. Interested in long $800. Phone 8-1304, (P5-24M) people. Alternative to Abortion Therefore, the local chapter - Drop-in for companslonshlp 3-4621 Lakelse - 635-3907' and Election of efflcers of Supervisor: Experience tank. Asking $400. Phone 5- term rental. Rent with option of Birthright seeks to the Terrace.Figure •Skating preferredw.'.hSpecialNeeds 5305 or view at 5217 West to buy 8:30 - 4:30 Monday- 1968Scout. 4 cylinder. Runs & coffee. Wednesday 1 p.m. - 3 p.m. provide support for any Monday thru Friday 8-4. Club will be held on Monday, Children, to commence Sept. Haugland. (C5-28M) Friday call 635.6255 Local 52. well. No rust. Asking $450,00 and 4 p.m. - 5 p.m. or phone expectant mother in May 281h at 7:30 p.m. in the 1, 1979. Apply in writing Weekends or after 5 call 8- Phone 635-3758 or view at Transportation available, anytime: Lisa $35-3164, distress. The Workshop will Senior Citizens Ror.m at the before June 15, 1979 to: Ms. For sale: 16 foot Squareback 1080 (Ctin 4.6-79) 3512 Hanson Street, (P3- Contact Skeenavlew Lodge. Carol 635-5136 (nc-tfn) provide information on 635-226S. arena. For more information Jennifer Davies, Executive canoe. Complete with 2 lip 23M) Birlhright .and training for please phone 635.2351. (nc. Director, Child Development Johnson motor. Paddies & 2 Wanted to rent: 2 bedroom Rape Relief any person wishing to work 28M) Centre, 172-3rd St., Kitimat, life jackets. Phone 638-1661. house. Needed desperately. 1978 Camaro Z28. Black on MI LLS MEMORIAL Abortion Counselling as a Birthright Volunteer. B.C. V8C 2H5. (AB. (C4-25M) Please call 635-6728. (P5- black. 4 speed T bar root, THRIFT SHOP & Crisis Line fer EVERYONE IS WELCOME. Terrace Church of God Is 18,25M,1,8.15June) 28M) 7500 miles, still under Mills Memorial Hospital Women The speakers include: Dr. opening a private school 1976 - 24 foot Flberform warranty. Asking 18200.00. Auxiliary would appreciate 630.6300 Aranas-psychiatrist, Dr. called "Terrace Christian Wanted: full time Phone 635-3573. (CIO-31M) Academy" beginning Sep- babysitter, bench area, Merc. 233 HP. 2 wiper, rod any donations of good, clean Van Herk-doctor, holders, dual horn, trim clothing, any household representative from Kitimat lamber 1979, Grades Kin. Phone )after 6 p.m• 635-2462 tabs, compass, galley pack, 1976 VW Deluxe .Rabbltt. (P3.M22) items, toys etc. for their WANTED DONATIONS Birthright office, and a dergarien to grade 12 In. , anchor pack, toilet, 8 foot For rent 900 sq. ft. air-.... afterWith extras.5 p.m. (NC4-23M)Phone 635-5401 THRIFT SHOP. The Three Rivers Workshop representative from cluslve. The format used will Pioneer dinghy, CB & an- conditioned mainfloor office For pickup service phone for the Handicapped ere Department of Human be the accelerated Christian LOCAL ESTABLISHED tenna. 1977 H.D. Trailer. space. Separate street level 635.5320 or 635-5233, or leave looking for donations of any Resources. There will be a Education. Anyone desiring CONTRACTING Flying bridge. 635-4777. entrance. Four year old donations at the Thrift Shop old, broken or used pieces of $2.00 registration fee; lunch Information please call COMPANY (ctfn-25A) building. Prlmelocation, off- on Lazelle Avenue on furniture, a Iso any discarded will be provided. For more Robert L. White at 636.1561 requires an accounts street parking. Telephone Saturdays between 11 a.m. wood products we could use information cell 635-3164 or write In care of Box 31 payable person, Ap. 1977 Heavy Hauler Tandem Mrs. Simpson 635-6595, 9 1975Chev a/4 Ton 4x4 Stepslde (NC-25M) and 3 p.m. Thank you. for recycling or renovating. Terrace B.C. VSG 4A2. (NC- pllcant must be mature, beat trailer with or without a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays. 3007.4spd.after Phone 5 p.m. 638-1121 (cff-19-4-79)or 635. Call us at 635•2238 between 30 June) responsible, have con. power winch. Designed to (Cti'n-14-5-79) 8e.m. and 3 p.m., we will try The Kitlmat Museum shows sh-uctlon experience and have 24 foot beat. Phone 635- ,.,, INCHES AWAY CLUB during May and June a rare Meet every Tuesday night at to make arrangements for KINSMEN BINGO a thorough knowledge of 4777 (Cffn-16-15-79) 1975 Chev 3/4 Ten 4x4. Step pickup. collection of photographs by side-4 speed. Phone 638.1121 8 in the Skeena Health Unit. pioneer woman Mattie May26, 1979 all office procedures. 197624ft Flberform Merc 233 WAREHOUSE and or 635-3007after 5p.m~ (Ctfn. For more Information phone Gtmterman. Come and share Tota116 Games Please apply in writing HP. 2 wiper, rod holders, Retail Space 1-5-79) 635-3747 or 635.3023. DooropenB:30 Including a complete dual Iorn, trim tabs, com. available on new By. 'PREGNANT?' Mattie's refreshing views of Game 8 p.m. resume to: i I _ Ill NEEDHELP? life at Arrow Lake, B.C. 1976 Ford F250, 360j Ladies Slim Line Club meets Call Birthright for an from 1890-1920. Museum Terrace Arena Box1195 paSSPioneer galley dinghy, pack, toilet,CB & 8an- ft. pass. Phone lautomatic, p.s,, p,b., 27,500J For further information Terrace Herald 638-1166 Imilee, $5900.00. Call 635-1 Monday evening--6:30 alternative to abortion. hours 12-6, Friday 12.8, tenna. p.m.--Unlted Church Phone 632.4602 anytime. dosed Sunday & Monday. phone Terrace, B.C. 1977 HD Trailer Flying (cfln.13.04;79 J~2 between 8 a.m. and SJ 6M.2002 (ctfn.11.4.79) basement, Kttlmat. Room 233, Nechako Centre. (NC-29June) (nc-26,5,79) ...... , ,, Bridge. (ctfn.1-6.79) . Ip, m. D~77 (ctfn) I , I i* ' ':; ;;" ':""~.... "' " ' " "' '..... ' "i '* ''~' /"'"...... , ..;'.i-,,.:,, . -. • .,: • .. :.::./i. ": :." . : :?! i i!! : :i The Herald, Tuesday, May 22, 1979, Page 15 ...... ";~'""';::"~'":":":":>:" i'.: '" ;;.' ..*.:i...'.'." .'.'-. OFFSHORE SPECTACULARS The Can,.dian Red Cross Society: 1974 GMC Van fully cam- DIVORCE perizod. Very low mllesge- QUICK-INEXPENSIVE We B,C. boastswhale.ofra show loaded with extras- prepare your divorce papers diet probably consists mostly of Few. i fishermen, and regtJlar :./ / Automatie 350 VS. Must be over the ph0ne.fast. For salmon, weekend beaters' i n these area~ seen to be appreciated, more information cell Self- . .- Phone 635-5637. (P3.28M) Counsel Services, the law How common are they in B.C." have not.had at least one close office of Jack D. i James, waters? The Fisheries Research experience with the killers or ForSale: Lean holder sdilng M.B.A.,LL/B Toll free 112- Board, Pacific Biological Station "black-fish" as the coast people 1978 Chev Chyan ½ ton. Has ' 800.663-3035 (in Vancouver in Nanaimo, estimates some 300 ca!l them. radio, P.S., P.B., & A.T. area call 986-3366). (Atfn- mkiller whales live off the B.C. For many bthers; their first ~-7::/- ~: -~ . ~;.;,,: ~,:~:~,,.~:+g. coast. Th'ey have counted more contact John at 4624A Gre~g.- -- Tue) view of these magnificent Ave. 9 a.m. to5 plm. (CS./ ,~:~:,~:~/~5,:~: *~-~:~/~;'~'~/" than 20 families, or pods, rang. mammals has beth from the :~ ing from '1 to 20 members 24M) = = ....~-."" .~"., ;.>~,.'~ each. B.C. Government Ferries. Killer whale pods are ocoasionally seen• I~. Courier" with canopy, on the busY Horseshoe Bay- friends for life radio. Good tires. Asking ~ .," ~ They also determined that APPRAISER ~• B.C. killer whales were poma- Nanaimo and the Tsawwassen- $1100,00, Call 635-6422 after 5. Swartz Bay crossings: I (Ph-22M) . Expanding firm requires nent, year=round residents. How- appraiser. Minimum three i ;~:-:; ever, the best time of year for But the whales are frequently W/8 Ford P-U 4x4 Excellent years experience required. ~ sighting them (mostly due to encountered on the North Island condition. Wired for compel Interesting scope of duties- .. ., ;~.. weather) is late spring to fall. ferry from Ke!sey Bay to Beaver LOGS FOR SALE responsibilities including: Phone 638-1640 after 5 p,m. Bullkiller whale off Vancoaver Island. These am. some of the more Cove. In fact, they are so APPLICATION NO. 5013 (Cg-~hM) residential, commercial, By Erich Hoyt from several days to months, likely spots: common in these watet:s that the Species - Lodgepele Pine Saw Lo~ Total Volume- 39'2.2 industrial. Salary and and can be seen within one • In Georgia Strait, they can ferry captain, often doesn't Cubic Metres Log Average- .,I0Cubic Metres Location For ~le: 1977 Ford ½ ton benefits dependant upon - Terrace, B.C. ability, experience and Coastal British Columbia kilometre of the beaches of be found along the west side of bother to announce them. That van. 22,~o miles, 6 cylinder boasts great deep fjords teeming Pacifio Rim National Park. Dur- San Juan Island and in the Gulf is, unless they cam• right beside APPLICATION NO. 5016 standard. C.B. Really good academic qualifications. with salmon, a rich variety of ing the winter, the grays migrate Islands, especially along the the boat--and then the skipper Species - Ledgepole PineSaw Logs Total Volume- 418.9 condition. 3 extra tires. Excellent long.term op- navigable waterways, an([ myr- to the warm, protected lagoons .Vao~:ouverIsland shore south of slows the engines to have a look Cubte Metres Log Average- .33 Cubic Metres Location Asking t~00.00. View at 4818 portunity for conseientious - Terrace, B.C. lads of island paradises varying of Baja, California, to give birth Nanaime. They are often seen himself. - OisonStreet or phone 635- individual sealing career in APPLICATION NO. 5018 from a few square metres to and raise their young before travelling closetoshore. f~55. (Ph-~M) private sector. Applichtions British Columbia has become Species -,Spruce Saw Logs Total Volume - 779.5 Cubic may be made in "strict Vancouver Island, the largest heading up the west coast in • In Johnstone Strait, any- famous for its killer whales. The Metres Log Average. 5.16 Cubic Metres Loentioo - 1977 Long Box pick-up with •confidence to Mr. D.K. Lane, inhabitable North American spring, where from Alert Bay to Kelsey B.C. coastal Indians were the Terrace, B.C. low mileage. 1977 Okanegan P.O. Box 668, Terrace, B.C. island. The surest way to see them is Bay, is 3'prime whale country". first to recognize the intelligence, Further details for iuspeciion will be supplied on Camper, fully equipped. (A5.~M) Along this coast, and a special by boat, though they can often • Near the village of Namu, sheer power, and beauty of the request by: Phone 635-7851 after 6 p.m. part of its attraction, are the be viewed from shore, feeding in where one of the first areas was Help Wanted: Heavy Duty creatures, putting them on their INDIAN HEAD TRADING CO. LTD. (P10-29M) whales that inhabit those deep the shallows. The first sign of captured for an aquarium, killer poles and crests. Today, B.C. Suite 501 - ~ Granville St. Mechanic must have fjords and the ease With which them will he their sky-high blows, whales can be seen af the en- knowledge of marine killer whales--seen in aquar- Vancouver, B.C. veil 3H4 . - whales can be seen "in the Then, if you look closely, you'll irance to Fitz Hugh Sound and 59i /MOBILE engines. As well as heavy iums all over the world--are like Phone 736-6556 duty equipment. Phone 624- Wild". see their gray, mottled back and Rivers Inlet. ambassadors from out province. .. HOMES : 6188 Prince Rupert. (C5- In the last few years, a new wide tail flukes as they di~ve, a South of Prince Rupert. in But here we are lucky: We can sport~you might almost call it Douglas .Channel and the appro- For sale: 1973 Camperized 22~) see them, "in the wild:', almost that--has developed along the MURKYTRAIL pdatcly-named Whale Channel. VW Van. Rebuilt motor. B.C. coast. It's whale watching. any Sunday. Spare winter tires. Phone If the water is clear, you can • North of Prince Rupert, bar- This is a Tourism British • Of course, fishermen dating 638-1121 days, 635-5807 watch these up-t0-16-metre- daring Alaska, in Portland Inlet. Columbia feature. Project Plan evenings. (PS.24M) back to the early coastal natives long cows of the sea "bottom "Sub Trade Tenders" are have always watched whales. feed", sifting the sand for tiny T.REV I / fi ¢or sale 22x52 Glendale Vista requested by Jaemar But, today, a widespread fasci- shrimp-like krill and leaving a of The Week Villa fully furnished set up In Construction Co. Ltd. (Pine nation with the whale has led murky trail behind them. more and more people to want local trailer park. Phone 638- Tree Construction) 18557 Sometimes you can follow "Playbaek Tennis 'Court' to see for themselves the largest i:'INISF! 1044. (cffn,1-5-79) 96fh Ave. Surrey,' B.C. V3T them this way, and they may Basketball for the kids and tennis for you, or vice 4W2. Phone (~04) 888.644& creatures that have ever lived on even come over and look at versa. This unit lets you practice beth, combin/ng a Noble 1~68 .ifhree bdrm,' Telex 04.365516. For the this planet. you--"spyhoppiog ~'. But al- regulation.height basket and backboard with a remov- Waller. with large addition following AI. Co. of Canada ways, e~,antually, they're gone--.~- able tennis practice wall. You can switch from one to the whlch contains 4th bedroom, projects at Klfimat, B.C.: FAST SWIMMERS off exploring or searching for other in minutes because the tennis wail is attached with Wood heater In addition, will • (1) extension to building lS3-. B.C. claims more than a screw hooks and eyes. richer pastures. Uprights are axes, spliced with ½ inch-diameter lag-. heat complete unit. Addition Quote by May 6fh, 1979, (2) dozen species of Cetacea (the B.C.'s favorite whale, which extension to building 281. screws, if necessary, to make theproper height. Diagonal Is Insulated and wired, scientific name for the order of inhabits the entire coast from Quote by May 30fh, 1979. (3) cross members are also 2x6a and mny be mortised into Exterior Is done In cedar whales and dolphins). Most of southern Vancouver lsMnd to the uprights. A ~x4 crossbar and toggle belts secure the siding. Lawn in front, new building no. 287-Quote them,-humpbacks, gperms, by June Sth 1979. further Prince Rupert. is undoubtedly unit to the overhang of house er garage. Basket and greenhouse end woodshed in finhaeks and mink whales-- the killer whale. backboard, purchased as a.unlt, are attached to uprights back. Lot size 75x100. Phone projects to follow. Tender rot'ely approach close to shore. with screws so that the basket rim is 10 feet above the documents for viewing af The bulls arc the firstto be 635.2641. After 5:30. (p20. .The)/ are fast swimmers and recognized with their tall, up' to ground. 22M) Terrace, P.G., and Van. may dive for over an hour at a Wing frames of lx2s are assembled with nails or building exchanges. (A4-7, time. So, if you See them, it I~h-metre dorsal tins'that look corrugated fasteners; then galvanized netting la 14, 21, 2gM) like witches' hats and their stretched across framework and stapled in place, Lattice 'For Sale: 22x32 Gendall would still be difficult to obtain a chubby eight-metre:long bodies, u strips may be used to conceal netting edges. Vista Villa fully furnished, close look. Most of them live in With females and subadults, the '.'~STROLLING ACROSS THE' FINISH LINE of the (e) 1979, Beta-Plans, Inc. set up In Iocel trailer park. the vast open waters noah of dorsal fin is shorter and. carved, six-mile "Fun-Run" at Mission Bay Park, San Diego, are Distributed by Toronto Sun Syndicate " Phone 636-1044. (0fn-2-4-79!. Vancouver Island to Dixon En- only up to two-thirds of a metre Kenneth G. Pickle of the San Diego Fir• Department trance, but there is no one place high. and his baby boy. In this race, sponsored by Trevira ~~ ...... " ] 12x68 trailer, raised living off the B.C. coast where-you can NO ENEMIES ~ !n the too twenty. I " "= ..... room, with fireplace. go andt:~lmC'tto encounter them. Characteristic o.f all killers is ~ i I Terrace-Kitimat Daily Herald i Separate dining, large hutch. k Fridge & stove & dish. But two other species of the contrasting black back and I I Ig.O. bx~ I In old Scandinavia, it was whales are readily accessible, washe~. Bar room, glass white belly and eye patch. These • IB~m,l_'ll'im- • I .rJOrlWaU, Oat. Kill |118 . ~, .~ , I 4'bar thou0ht,.tha{..rowaw .~tree ,~, and these are gray whales and unique marki~gs"seem"hl':suit I ...... I, ' ' ,, ' ', " "'i .... shelves stools, @asher branches placed over the killer whales ororca. & dryer, extra clothes closet door would keep the their "'dram:ttic'" character, be- laD I~all~ll Al~l~lm,wngu•q,a I Please send me PianNnmber-- I in shed. Phone 635-4896 cause killer whales are among house safe from witches. GENTLE GIANTS (furnished or nnfurnished. the most intelligent, strongest I OLgnlUML urrun I URI I I I I I forcharges). $3.00 (includes see for handling II (Pt0-1June) ..~---~etto, .,~----_.,~ ~_.] During the spring, up to and fastest creatures in the sea. f'~.~;~,/I 13,000 of these barnacled "'gen- Theyhave no natural bnemies. Please send me the Dote-Plan catalogue I For Sale: 22x52 Gendall ~,,~4--~_.~.~.~,-~,,~//] tic giant's" migrate to the Arctic, And they cat anything from fish THE JOB: - Varied typing & Clerical duties Posting customer accounts for $3.00 (includes 50¢ for handling J Vista Villa. Fully furnlshedr ff.-~l,,.~,,~~-[ lolling off the west coast of Van- and seals to dolphins and larger - charges) containing over 150 original do- I set up In local trailer park. - Cashier duties it-yourself proJeeto. I Phone 638-1044. (¢f~.23-4- Some Indians had different couvcr Island from Rafacl Point whales which they subdue with • Some customer neeount work. names indifferentseasons, to Ucluelet. Trio gray whales intelligent pack-hunting nleth- I 79) remain in the area anywhere ods. In B.C.. however, their 3end eheqne or money order made out to Deeo-Plam! For sate: 1073 12x6g g NO FANCY GEAR NEEDED ine. I bedroom Safeway Manor I THE SKILLS - Good typing ability Please PRINT your nnme and address: I furnished mobile home. - Accuracy with figures Phone 635-9605. (C~24M) I I - Some previous clerical experience. I lqAl~z ...... " ...... I 1977 14ftx68ft Atoo fully Childr a IADDmUm,.*,..O.,H.,.*,.H.*H,HI**.eO*,,.., ,,U.l,llI,Hll*l*.gJH I furnished, set up in Park Ave. Trailer Court. Phone 63,5-2667. (Ph-~M) into riverbank p!easures This is presently n half time position with the I I Deluxe 1978 Diplomat possibility of developing into full time. I cl~ ...... -1 bedroom fully furnished, installed in traile~ park. To By Murphy Shewchuk [PlOV...... zn, ...... I view Phone 635-4365 or 838- I I 1233 (Ch-mM) With the Year of the Child Phone 636.6310

underway, 1979 is a good time ~E MOBILE HOMES to encourage a simple, natural combination--kids, creeks and TRADERS GROUP LIMITED New mobile homes fishing. from as low as $100.00 Over the years, adult fisher- 4609 LAKELSE AVENUE down. O.A.C. Set up men have, in their own way, end delivered, trades made the sport of fishing much welcome. more complicated than it need be. Fancy hand-tied flies, expen- sive floating lines, custom-made Phone collect rods and imported reels carried 591-5105 about in high-powered boats I~'I N N'I'N~ " have tended to brand angling as (elf) the sport of kings. With the multitude of creeks, rivers and lakes within walking NEEDED Ir~EDIATELY BY distance of most British Colum. bia communities, it shouldn't be In B.C.. there's always a creek for a kid. SEVERAL FINNING BRANCHES this way, too often, a few metres of nylon while watching from a distance, For sale: 1976 7½ foot travel Ever since Tom Sawyer was a monofilament, some No. 12 let the fry do their own thing. JOURNEYHEN HEAVY DUTY mate camper, furne.=e, 3 boy, children have known that hooks and a handful of worms. Children who have an oppor- way frldge, stove, alee.,~ 4. special rods, reels or lines are not Add transportation to a clean tunity to spend a little time HECHANICS, Like new condition, extras. necessary for a day of enjoy- creek and heaven has been wandering along a creek bank Offers. 635-3795 after 9 p.m. ment on a riverbank. After all, created. can gain an increased respect for CAT EXPERIENCE PREFERRED (PS.~3M) fishermen--young and old-- SPECIAL SPOTS nature and themselves. The enjoyed this sport thousands of The British Columbia Sport plants and insects that inhabit For .sale: II foot camper years before the first sporting Fishing Regulations Synopsis, the water-edge environment can BUT NOT ESSENTIAL, $2100. Certified check or goods store opened. put out by the Fish and Wildlife be fascinating. cash. View at 47@ D~tvis or Branch, lists dozens of creeks,' Watching the slow moving APPLICATION NAY BE HADE Phone ¢~4630, (P6-~gM) HANDFUL OF WORMS rivers and lakes that are restric- shadow of a trout in a quiet pool Most children know this, They ted to fishermen under 16 or TO: 1976-13½ fL Okamgan travel is'a memorable experience, even know what they en,Ley and they over 64 years of age. Bo~ton Bar .trailer, eleetrlo brakes, for older kids, Just being alone enjoy keeping the art of fishing stove, heater, icebox, spare Creek, in the Coquihalla Valley at the water's edge without the FINNING wheel. View at 4720 Tuck simple and uncomplicated. From nerth of Hope, is a fine example feeling of obvious adult control ,Ave. or photo 838.1063 aRor 9 the time most children got loose eta *'frothing torrent" that would can be aft important and valu- TRACTOR'&EQUIPMENIC~ LT~ p.m. (NC~-~3M) near a puddle, they've known excite the imagination of any able part of growing up. how to spend an enjoyable day youngstei. The Ashnola River In the sounds of a swift-flow- 4621KEITH AVENUE 1 1978 Vanguard 20 foot walking down the middle ef a near Keremeos, while not re. ing stream the adult world fades motor home. Shower, flush clear, cold, gurgling stream. stricted, is another favorite "kid away and a new world is created TERRACE, B, C, toilet, 3 way frldge (6 eu.fl), What children want to learn is creek." in which the child's imagination forced air furnace, Good how to coax a tiny hook and a However, whether the creeks is king, CONTACT ' condition. Phone 63~ ~06 or battered worm into the watery are close or far, most young Such an outing is un adven- 633-e000. (P3-SSM) nooks and crannies behind each children need the patient super. ture most children would relate boulder until a wary trout makes* vision of an experienced adult to to their peers with pride. It is an STAN PETERSON Moving must sell rebuUt a fatal mistake, help them find a safe location adventure that could also give camper. FIts ½ ton true, •Although Huckleberry Finn is and get started properly. them increased pride in the HENRY HB~NSBERGER Sleeps four, fridge, stove, said to have made a birch rod. .With a little advance planning sink with cablnest & tanks. natural heritage that is British string and safety pin do the job, and some sound basic instruc- Columbia. $500.00 OBO. Phone 838-1041 today's youngsters prefer a sire- lions, the "supervisor" should or 638-1098~(C344M) This is a Tourism British pie rc~l, u reel that doesn't tangle then be able to step buck and, Columbia feature, | • f

:t Page 16, The Herald, Tuesday, May ~, 1979 ."-

I : I

DEAR FRUSTRATED:Move Swro N~ wo'~ B~itii ,i5 I6 17 ImP. YOU didi't ~ive me YOUReddm~l MY address " ' ' N • is. 13Z ItS_y.Ddve , Beverly Rills, Calif. 90~1|. But all mall , " 18 Mdrea6d .to me in care of your newspep0rWill reseh me. A(~08S 3'/It runs in ~ Paid notices 11 Marries i, 1 DEAR ABBY:My mother Just finishedreciting the same 1 An Old the sink I :.:.:,:.'-::i:i:i:!:!:!:i:!:iC.:,:.: speech she recites every year just before Mother's Day. It '~ast~ 39 Moray 57 Bein~ 17 Netherlands .I begins,"Now please don't throw your moneyaw~y on a gilt DOWN commune for me... I don't need anything." people 41 Actress: 1 Greek under. 19 Role 2' II ' Abby, I know my mother doesn't NEED anything, but I § ~C Patrlda - ground '~ Of a large enjoy givingher presents, and it takes the pleasure out of it wheel part 4~ Sow bug Stir ~onUnant for me when she takes this attitude. I wish you'd tell YFret 4~Ari~e 35 . 36 ~37 38 mothers that children of all ages enjoy giving gifts on S Roman road =4 intelligence Mother's Day, so please accept them graciously. IJ taught ~ Optical = Peer Gynt'a t SOMEBODY'S DAUGHTER novelist , here phenomenon mother i~ .i~ 4~ • , 13 Kimono DEAR DAUGHTER:Don t blame your mothar; Her •t- 8ash Traaspom- s Coward NMenace ]gDICr~! titude fs typical of moat mothers. They don't wut their tion by 6 Lawyer's 2'/Despah-lng 43 I I chJldren to deny themselvesenythfs I h order to buy • gift; 1| Record water . oeg.. ~ Wrath. i know. Wl~n ! wu a ehiJd i recal~vividly iiy own be- 1~ AVOUCh loved mothcr (now10ne 34 yCl~l) liar , "P~B don't buy II P~dn. 511'0 ? Aradudd ' 30 Thrice, in DEAR ABBY: I have a question I'm sure many o~her me any presentl. 15ave everythinI ! nell," 80 Jneteld of " :,;'e~,-,~ eye 8 Labor music women my age would like to know the answer to, so plesee buylnl a lift I lovo her something money couldn't buy. ! ~l~,~ us St Cake hard 3s ,(~elllata check with your'medicalexperts and print your answcr: .~ro~ a poem or a letter, telkn~ her how much ! appredated furldture I am 48 and have not had a period in • year. Can I still get net. xe.are later n realixM how much they must have meant 19 Celestial decorator 9 Hostess' M Messurlng pregnant? [o ner,.Ncause ~.ter s b~ died I found them tucked •w•y both, ~3 Lettuce need devices • NO JOKING MATTER amoq ner Iouvsnlrs--811ncauy bound tole~er with 8 rib- ~ _'-'° 54 Competed 10 Fencing 23 Secluded boa. She had saved every one of theml ~ ttoalan U People sword recess DEAR JOKE: Even tbeugh your elumrel for lot- officials are AverugesoluUon time: 27 win. 40 Irish tfnI prelosnt nl/m, i advise you ~o t~ke prsnsutione on CONFIDENTIAL TO J. R. E.. Relax and 5e yourNif. ~1 Earth as a CRYPTOQUIP 5-14 every conceivahlooccasion! "The most exhaglJ~g tM~ I k life hJ I~Jn I iM~Mr~o (Anne goddess iClHI I IcIomSITIAIPIE SI sea god Llndherlhl ' ~3 "All DEAR ABBY:I have been reading your columnfo~ years ISIOIOINIEIRIIAIS T UIT El 4~ Long draft ATJ CX BANABMAS XFTJB CPS I51CIEINIEII iRIAITITIEIR] (colloq.) and I really enjoy it, but I do believe you have lost your About --" marbles. ITIAIRIEIIEIMI¢ IRiSISIEI 43 Delicate ISHJPHMAB NFISHMFTI You ask your readers to write and let you knowif they see , Z4 Swamp tree RIEIN!O~SIAID/ ' I ~bdc DEAR ABBY T.shirte, nightgowns,or any other item for IAIDIAllEITITIAi~IOIREi 44 Biblical Saturday's Cryptoqulp -- SO-CALLED CLASS DUNCE HAS sale bearingyour name,saying it's being done withoutyour • Sl .'~ljeefive ISII INICL~A[I IRILIEIWN ISI word of permission,and that unlessyou put a stop to it you will lose Prebkmn? You~lfanl better if y~alot time ~4fynr chad. suffix OUTSHONE MOST CLAaSMATBS. your copyrighted name. You ask us to let you know the F~ • p!remd reply wdt~ to Ald~, lkm'6~O0, Lee 3ZMuelcal reproach Today's Cryptoqulp clue: H equals A name and address of any store carrying such An8~le,,Cad, 9006~. Plum emde~e stamped, oslf.addru~d 46 Shield Items, but you don't give us YOUR addressl Sure, we can 11~e C01ptoqufp is a simple substitution cipher in which each omvompe..... &~OUlm SEll IOIMISiEINID]I IVIEi 47 Rubbor trees, letter used stands for another. If you thinkthat X equals O, it send it to the newspaper/like l'm doing}but it takes more 34 Land time and we can't be sure the letter will ever reach you. So EIRIOIDIEISmRE EL EEIDI 40Early will equal O throughout the puzzle. Single letters, short words, please, Abby, willyou print your address? Thank you. measure DE IRli IDIEMISIEIDIEI~i Persian and wm'ds using an apostrophe can give you clues to locating FRUSTRPTED -35 Divtdon of • , 5-14 ~0 Supreme vowels. Solution Is accomplished by trial and error. school year. Being, Ol~/~ King Fu~ru YWI(II~IM,Inc.

the AMAZING SPIDERMAN By Start Lee and John Romita

4 HOROSCOPE ~.'-"-~.~, OPPOSE LL~ ARE/ ...... ~l YGUR. JITOUT!.,t~ YOU./ ~,/.',,J FOR TUESDAY/MAY~, 1979

ARIES AQUARIUS ~ (Mar. 21 to Apr. 19) ~'*~:~, (Aug. 23 to Sept. ~.) (Jan. 20 to Feb. 18) Dubious flnandal project3 You'D. get a good ides of Try to maintain cool. should be avoided. Expect home lmprovmnants plans, Getting upset will only carry little positive feedback from ut may have difficulty over into your other affairs • others, but travel plans are rm~ the necessary cash. unfavorably. Expect a busy :I, favored. Still, it is a good Ideal. day of communicaUons. }i TA XUS LIBRA (Feb. 19 to Mar. 2(~) (Apr. 20 to May 20) (sept. = to oct. Private worriss and inner After a disturbing encounter Surface dissgreements may tensions will mount ffyou keep re joint assets, you may be in dis~ke the real problem. Use them to yourself. Let close CATFISH the mood for seclusion. Plan your intuition to get to the ones into your private world. By Roger Bollen and Gary Peterrnan for a holiday that will suit your heart of the matter, especially 0pen up. needs. re parinarships. YOU BORN TODAY are AH, - ' oE u.y Idealistic but somewhat (May 21 to June 20) (Oct. ~3 to Nov. 21) nervous. Your natural Consider prbrlties. Modest Expect interruptions skepticism makes you a born social gains are not worth the delaying the completion of critic. Not for you a routine effort if you neglect respon- work projects. Protect health job. If you suppress your slbilitien in other areas. Be and nerves. Talking things originality and try to fit in amenable. over with a close one !helps. with the crowd, you become temperamental. You can CANCER succeed in any line that (June 21 to July 22) W~=~ SAGrFrARIUS ~-~ . (Nov. 2~ to Dec. 21) x"~.~" •reflects your ideals and are Maintain ideals about usually found in such fields as Entertainment plans are career projects, but it may be acting, composing, music, ....._ "; . .: : change ~'- ~:-. ":'. • "-" " ©,Irmwce~oo~M..N.V.N,,,~O.~. difficult to initiate new plans subject to -- possibly sculpture, writing, and now. Distractions may due to an extra *work ensineering. Your srestast compete with duty. assilpunent. Learn to derive success comes when you ally pleasure from your work. yourself with universal LEO principles. Then your original CAPRICORN turn of mind can make a. the WIZARD OF ID By Brant Parker and Johnny Hart Opposition to your ideas (Dee. SS to Jan. 19) Va~If contribution that benefits all may be a sign that the.plan as Talking things over is your mankind. Blrtbdate of: is shouldn't be finalized. best bet re a domestic Laurence Olivier, actor| A. Curiously enough, your in- problem. Instead of laying Conan Doyle, author; and tuition puts you on the tight down the law, accent reason Richard Wa~ner, composer. track. and be adaptable. ,. ~)1979 King Peatur~ Syndlcite. Inc.

B.C. By Johnny Hart •

DOONESBURY , " . By Garry Trudeau

i ' 7/Lq/~ff s,/L;It:~(, ~, Z~,M,4N~V/. m (:~..~- OtM'rlN~ NIT~~A- R~NION, ~ ' I~Y , I#MNU~DR. ALl IMH~W 7~LY/4//, NHAT.

• f tI~UI~L4~,=COU~! [ INHOI,YR4.qOSM/ " \ o / \ / / //% / /

F I " r ' The Herald, Tuesday, May 22, ID79, PaZe tT

GUNNAR EDLUND :"::":i!:":• " : TERRACE-KITIMAT" ' .... " '-" .... ""

• , . • " =~. . ~ ' ,':~ .':~'/..'.... : He.... is truly . ::~ '... " da"lly heralO, 'b~!'g¢~tt Symans old folks home right now. I After" Lunch l'm in- "Oh that, when I was back ~, :~:'.-":-~.. : • find Rik Oaykin who also troduced to one of the town's in Sweden a couple of years Tbaplaneheadlngnorth, llvesin'Dsrrace, buthasa major.rcalestatedealers. A THIRD SECTION for Prince Rupert and. cabha0utnearKitselas. Rik dignified older man. Heeyes me..twenty-twonieceal"ngo :my"el,. gave it Heto L :: iii!:;iii!:i!::)i Terrace. Vietorfa and the ansures me that Gunnar is mewtthvivtdsuspieton-"so eays it with proud mirth. And Sunshine Coast below me- celebrating Spring out in you're writing for the I notice that he still has the that archipelago of Islands, Klisefas. He also takes time newspapers,eh? Well, about old. Swedish and SWedish- .... ~ .: ..~k':':l:':'~:. ' " coastal mountains, the to show the home he has .two years ago there were American newspapers piled loveliest place to live in recently acqulred...a large articles on Terrace in the beside the table, newspapers Canada. Our "banana belt". 10g home built in 1909, Vancouver Province and the going back twenty, thirty And fading behind me new, squared logs. The oldest Toronto Globe. They • years. Vaneouver, Simo~ Fraser use standing in Terrace. described Terrace as the "How loug ago did y0d Univorsity...that university And inside, the high- boom to~n that bust.- Said come to Canada, Gunnar?" so curiously paradigmatic of ceili nged living-room, there were 400 houses for "Now that was in the mid- much that in going .on in complete with a gothic hiebe sale here, and no buyarb. twenties. We were Just like Canada to.day. The battle ha .the wall, for religious Absolute nonsense: I cows on the boat coming betweep unions an~i statues and a Cross. "The checked, there were fewer over, yeak Meat of us didn't management. Or between an original family here was than 25 houses available at speak any English. We just imaginary Canadian iden- Catholic", Rik explains. the time. Terrace has grown had a numbei'. I bad twcuty- llty, and any real identity we There in. no train going out r,~pidiy in the past few years. five dollars in my pocket, still have left. The battle to Kiiselas to-day. But the We're •part of a northern and a ticket to the prairies. I between knowledge as stallon-mastar smiles-"tell development line you went to Saakatoh~an with a technocracy and knowledge you what, I think I can Easterners don't even know group. The farmers came as enhanced being. Yes, the arrange for you.to go out on a about• Edmonton through and picked out the hands very architecture of so many work.traln tomorrow. That'e Jasper, Prince George, they wanted. Fifty cents a ~ef these new. universities better that a seven mile hike Hazelton, Tarraco-Kitimat, day to start. The farmor who looking like a map of...the • through the Spring mud." I Prince Rupert...over picked me said "You'll be mnd-media mind. A cynical wander through Terrace. At million people. Those good for kids". I was small, knowlngness, as against any first sight it's llke any med- newspaper articles wore a and his wife h~d Just died. He reverential contemplation of West town in North America. case of the fiction of facts. wanted a baby.sitter. Later I life. Except for those big old It's our spirit that counts, came bare to B.C., riding The clouds swallow the trees, and the spectacular And we're still growing. Tell freight up to McBride. We mountainseapa. I talk with site amtdst the mountains. I them that!" were cutting ties and poles". my neighlzmr on the plane, ' notice a huge new K.Mart I stroll along to the town "Where wnsit you eat on explain that I'm going hack Imllding, looking like a grey- newspaper office. Browse, the rattieseake?" to see the B.C. north, concrete dungeon. One of the through therecent pai~.rs. A "...I was working'for the Terrace, where I once lived" shoppers says "yes, we call high leprechaun portrait of railway, at Spencer's six months, writing ha the It Fort Desolation. Their Trudeau, announcing his Bridge; maybe 1932. We was bush. I fell in love with the main co~icorn was to get it arrival to speak In a few having lunch, It was early Terrace region, its Trnm- built in time for Christmas days. A weekly column by spring,-the ground was peter Swans, Kermode shopping last year.". Ious Campagnolo, Liberal. starting to thaw out. I was nears, and the. old fron- On to the City Hall, to see M.P. for the region. I try; sitting on .some grass and tlersmen, like Gunnar the ones~cimen of gor- several..."many months of rocks, by a stump, suddenly Edlund. I ask.her if she 'mode bear'.-stuffed x~'the planning, dikcussion, and thegroundhegantowiggie.I knows Torracoat all. "knew Counil Chamber'~i is lobbying...coustrucllon... Jumped up and choutnd. Tbat • " ~Torrace?" "sba laugba--"my h~nu,~r,,1 utr.... ~,',,,,.~o. valued at ~W0,000.;.a bridge: snake poked its head up uncle, George LitUe founded hear.Infactitisasub.speele...... w =...~ vw. hei2~3ng~construct.ed.tbrcugl.z.. a ..angry, ~.m.e out and began Torracel Yea, he came from of black bear, Cream white ' $ 3,000 gram tron= mo tbac ratmng, stuff, yeah. Atwead; Ontario, at the turn Andnot mere.IvAn ,,nl~,,~,,'. federal govornment...I will Then moved away slow. We of the century, started a The game w'ar-d"en"s~ w--fie continue to monitor its was all too s e~'ed to do lumber mill. As the town tells me. that there are pro.gress..:etc.". Stunned, anything.;.". Gdmmr talks gcew he bronght out Ontario probablv about twentv in the Jas~eneofmeediturs"doall with a musical lilt that Is maple and birch trees, to Terraee re~ion ~ll,,v'~,, Cam~gnalo,s articles read almost Ir'inh. His head plant along the streets. His ri~no_r_usly,..... protected." "" like a government,, perib bobbing up and down, his brothor, my father,.helped to "Anyone who ~hnnt~ n barrel list? He smiles steeldng feet twined around build the little settlement at Kermode bin-r-oe-tS'-'- '"- wrily, "yep, that's Just what the rungs of the chair. Kithelas, with all its old = shot .... ,, Ontario gabling and sheen ys laugh!ng. The bear wshe does . I remember When " did you, come to is unique to the Terrace . a~h~.. Iona Cna~psgnolo Terrace? verandahs..." Kltsolas, the area, and one of the islands m ~arllament, in Ottawa, "About 1936. 'Working to small, and now mostly furth~ down the B.C. coast- popl~ingup and down like a repair damage by a fl.ood., abandonned settlement The town has become nrouci pmsuc'cerea~.nox prize. Ann yeah. Putting nana and ms about seven miles out of of its nrivate b~nr I~ ,nw contrasting her with the back, all by hand. Sixteen Terrace, where Gunnar - ~ - ...... ~rno~n the, ~n~O, ~,.,~,, three-dimensional gumness hours a day, twenty-five Edinnd lives. ' "~Terrs~e--t~n~" ~'~h'-" of someone like Jean Pigott. cents an hour it was. About We'aro hopping over the Kermode Bea'r'~ ...... ,~...... =.. ,=...... 300peopleinTerr~iceinthem mountain tops now, lake- • . =,.,,= ~w.,,,~, ,,..~,. u.,= d~vs ~'~*'. ~hnn I o,,, .~,. studded. And the sudden I stroll the town, check alone in .a small ..new f~rs't'ham'-e.'B~u~lTi;~ ~i~ An early photo of an early pioneer • .~ '?r valley of Terrace, at the anotheroftheinrgehotelsA resca.uranf au_verusing inmbartrellher~ Bulltfour conjunction of the Skeene porirait of Robhie Burun erencn cumins• ~ omcover or five homes around here, ...... a.nd Kituumkalum rivers..~over the front~dooi" And a that the chef is Thnlslan He v,mh " ~:wA~, h=~= n,. bour Kitim a,t e mb ra cing diningroumsoying ,P~-ease .and sla. rts laiking of French a~iCaeada, Icanhavemy a. regioh of" some 50,000 wear shoes and shirts in thin cmsmcal and romantic own ~arden" • peupl~. As I enter the town I dining roumP' On to the poeiry,quniinglineafiarline I~anco~'oundtheroum, cannot help noticing those Northland Delieateasan fo~ a from Lamartine, de Vigny, huge maples, birch trees, snack lunch. A first-cleas and Hugo. , sweatur-ceat.as bright asAnd Gunnar'sthe fresh aloogtbamainsireets.Anda "dell", with the creamiest Next mo'rning I'm on the white ceiling. The tops ef tin street named Atwoed. After •hot chocolate in' Canada. early work-train loaded cans carefully nailed over sQttlingin to a hotel, I set out Musing on Gunnar. How down with foods, a bottle of any knotholes, and painted, to find Gunnar Edhand. often he came by our little cognac, some Swedish George Little may bathe cabin in the bush, always bisuits from the '.'dell" "Have you managed to formal founder of Tei'rnce, (remembering that Gunnar I~y this piece of land yet, bringing fresh vegetables Gtmnar?" but for me Gunear is "Mr. from his garden. Leaving came from Sweden). Half. Terrace"; Guunar spends them on the-poreh if we an-hour later I'm getting off, "No, I "just lease it. Fifty part of the years in the old weren't there. Gunnar, in his in the bush, at Kitsefas. The dollars a year. I can only buy folks homo, in Terrace, and seventies, striding along tiny white box of a station it if I build one of them ex. us much time as he can out in through the bush to and from with the red. message pensive houses, like ~135J)00. his settler's cabin near town, full knapsack on his scrawled on it wall-- with a flush toilet, all that Kitselns. No, he's not in the back. "Shirley..from St. Laurent, stuff, yeah..." He 'looks out Ne~vfoundland. Kisses the window, the hilkide he help..." I turn into the bash, has tolled and turned to those iridescent blue jays garden sprouting before our • following me, querulous at eyes. All the hillsides my arrival. The mud along Gunner has dear, tilled, in the old lumber trail this area. Tile soil he as sometimes up to my knees. nursed, loved. His mate The huge foi'ests towering lying in'the ground down in around me, mossy. And the the near trees. Kitselan, it is constant feeling of a' Gunnar s land. He cleared humanoid face perring out at gave it to us. Is there no way me. The feeling that must to thank him...for his life? have given rise to the Later, I'm back.' in Sasquatch legend. Till I Terrace, Gunnar's stole reach a clearing, a rise of dignity ~sonate In me. But purple crocussos. And the my planets groufided. I have Indian graveyard at the foot six fr~e hours. I quickly of Gunnar's hillside. The old phone a friend. Yes, he'll grave plots, carved stones, drive me there. Yea, they're "Chief Sba-Gann..." And one still out there, at the far end of the plots carefully tund~l, of the Lake, Scott. We hurry the plastic flowers, Gurmar's out. Lakelse Lake, to the far life-campanion lying there. end, out near whore AI As I tom up the hillside, Capone once bad his nor- the cleared land, the huge thern hideaway. Out to a grey stomps standing like peint-"there they arsl" The petrified dinosaurs. Gun- Trumpeter ~am, only fifty nar's vegetable garden feet awayl They spend each sprouting its first rhubarb. Spring her~, en route north. And at the top of the hill, These majestic birds. Once perched like a canary, the close to extinction, now yellow eispboard cottage, back, a clarion in our land. with its blue and red trim. So noble... The outbuildings all neat, Noble-that's the word I bright. The neatly slacked wanted. Gunnar--y~,u are piles of 'firewood. Gun-. noble I narland. I pold up the hill, Scott Symous is an award- take off my boots in the side winning Journalist and shed, with its cedar,back novelist who recently flooring, and knock. Gunnar opens, steel.grey eyes in- completed n series of 12 terrogating. Then his articles for the Toronte musical iaugb--"it's you. Globe and Mall. The aeries Well, I always knew you'd covered Canada (In subject come backl" matter) from coast to coast. It has also been publlibnd Ir l step inside, Gunnar French, in the mnJos bubbling around in hie French.language Montren, stocking, feet, wearing a newspaper, Ln Pressv. handsome floral sweater. Symons, who Ilve,~ in coat, stoking up the stove. I Terrace for six mo~': , in drop into one of his old 1976 and noted that "Terrace wouden chaim, catching my was kind to me" graciously breath, getting out my of- offered this article to the fering of food and brandy. Dally Herald as his W~ If Soon we are drinking some of thank you to thlJ ;I6~MM Gunnar's mint tea. Gunnar B.C. eommuelty~ perched erect on his chair. Herald report~. His body as trim and neat as photographer Brhm Oregg his home. did the photee which so. "Where did you get that compauled 8ymanl piece in Warning: Healtha~l WelfareCanada advises that dangerto health increaseswith amoontsmokad-a~oid inhaling. Gunnar, called 'Mr, Terrace' handsome swelter-qoat, the Globe and Mall and Gtlfllllr?" which ere printed h~o, A~'ale per cilarette - Reiular:"Tar" 14 roll. Nic,09 rag. K~ Size:"Tar" 12 roll.Ntc. 0.9 rag. ~,qi +

B • Page 18, The Herald, Tuesday, May 22, 1979

• • ...... ""'-"-'.'."°~.....~...... ~.~.....~.*.~.~....~.....:..~:~:....*...... ~...°:....~:~.~...%.,...~.~:.:.:.::..~:.:~:.:.:~:.:~:*:~:~:,%:;:.:~.~..:~:~..:1..;.:.:.:.:..~.:*.;:.:;:;:..;:;.;:;.;.;5.;:;5:;:;:;:.:;:;:;:;:;.;:;:;:;:;:;%:.:. ..%:°: CAR'S' T R u.CKS. VA H S THE TERRACE/KITIMAT DAILY HERALD AUTOMOTIVE SECTION

...... •.~ ...... `.~`.~.~...... ~..~.~.:.:.:~:~:.:.:.:~.~.~...... ~.....~.~...... ~....~..:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:~:.:.:.:.:.:.:~:.:.:.:.:.:.:.$:~:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:~:.$:.>:.:.:.:.:.:~:~:::~:~::::::::::;:;:~:;:::;:;:::~:i:.:.:.:~:.:.:~.;.;~: ...... ;.~,;... :,:,;,:,;,;,;,;,;.;...;.~,;,;,;,;,:,;,;,

-: ;i + :", , ,. I ,+ +++++ .+,=+ +.~++{+~++~:++ + ~:+..:.,~: ++,~:,,,+++-+=+~+~++ ,=::=~+:.~++llliillimi~...~- • ++ ' i i•+.~+ + + ++ !+]+ +. ~ +:++.J +:i,I++,?+:+~.~ ? : • ~ ,+ +''/ i" I Dual *

+., , .+++,,+ + ::++ +,~+ + +,...... +.+•.+ ,+,,+ +..+ ! + ! ; + ,: +,~ + t.++ +,~+,~ + 1 I ++ Solution" '" +2•: +"/"•'' i'•. : A little brass valve not "It receives less .. ++ [11 heats much bigger than a pen- cooling air. As it knife is about to up, pressure increases, so " . revolutionize the truck it expends. This puts tire industry says Cory more of the load on this Fleming of Cedarland inside tire, and the /'/+;+ +++, ++++ Tire Service in Terrace, problem intensifies." B.C. And the Ettco Valve? Recently returned'from "It equalizes pressure an annual customer between the duals and service conference at Kal keeps them equal unless Tire's head office in pressure falls fourteen Vernon, he says the ~ttco pounds below normal - Equalization Valve is the then it closes, to keep one first effective develop- tire functioning even if •+ ++ + ++++,++:++ +++++ ++;+i +++ #+,! -+ -+++° ment in tire hlstory to the other loses all air. A solve the problem of clearly visible red unequal air pressure in marker shows the duals. current pressure at a Developed in ~ Swit- glance." i =+ i + :?+' +~+,++. zerland .and already The Vernon meetings proven throughout included Goodyear and Europe, at firstglance it other product in- looks like a 'T' coupling, formation, customer mounted on each outer service studies and ex- dual and connected by • tensive discussions. I high pressure hoses to "The theme of the both valve stems, conference was im- "The dual system has .proving internal ap- always .had one major ..preaches to customer flaw" he explains, "in•' service, in order to better !t that two wheels bolted our external per- together revolve at the formance.., and in the .... "" same speed, yeton even a competitive market of . .+'."...... • gradual turn, one rolls today we're having to ...... further than the other, hustle to stay on top" .... The inner wheel scuffs, says Cory. , !, 5' Cory Fleming of Terrace, B.C. (left) and Bruce Cameron of Barriere examine revolutionary Ettco Valve at Kai Tire Customer Service con- ference in Vernon April 29- May 1. */-5~::',::,.::::;:'.:.;,;:;:;:;,;%:,:..,,,:,.,:,:.:,:,:,;,;,;,,,;...... /...... ;.,....%.;.;.;.;...... :.....;...;...;...... , ,,,,,,,,,,.,.,.,.,,+.,.,, ...... -...... :...... i1'

MARK YOUR SHOCKS Good For Smoother Ride, Better Control on the Road. Check for condition• SNOW ,TIRES! . + VISIBILITY ' KITCHENER,- Ont., Marking the tires with weathering effect of Good For Safe Vision. May 4 - Radial snow tire a piece of chalk or crayon exposure to the at- owners should mark their Check windshieldwipers, washer prior to storage takes mosphere and the stress system, headlights, turn signals, tires "left" or "right" only a few minutes, yet of internal air pressure. backup and broke lights. prior, to removal for insures proper Regular Special storage this spring in remounting next season, Miokey 241-1 CI-IEV 283-302-327-350-400 40.55 36.45 order to maintain the Nell adds. 241-3 PONTIAC 267-455 46.65 37.30 same direction of for- Conventional bias and It's "Safety First" Thompson 241.5 DODGEPLYMOUTH 383-440 .62.40 49.90 ward rotation when the bias-belted snow tires Before you head out for portable all-purpose fire 241-16 DODGEPLYMOUTH 273-360 • 46.65 37.30 tires are remounted next need not be marked, those wide open spaces for* extinguisher is designed to Vaivo 241-25 CHEV 396-402-427-454 59.95 50.45 winter. your vacation or camping' handle fires caused by spills 241-47 CHEV283-302-307-327-350-400 since they are normally 49.95 38.95 "Changing the normal rotated from one side of trip, mak¢ a check list of of gasoline, grease, oil, as 0ever| 241-49 . CHEV396-402-427.454 66.00 49.50 direction of rotation on a the car to the other, Nell things you should take along well as wood, paper, fahrie, radial tire after it has points out, however, for a safer journey. etc. It comes complete with a 6296 MOROSe Ladder Bar 247.87 197.95 been 'broken in' by studded bias and bias- heavy-duty strap bracket for switching the tire and belted snow tires should A first aid kit is important easy mounting in trailer, 1015 S~PP Oil Treatment wheel from one side of not be rotated from side but don't forget about mobile home or car. 2.45 1.50 car to the other, can to side, to prevent stud 2OO8 STP Gas Treatment 1.23 .95 protection from fires. Traveler model T-lie cause ride problems or lessening from driving Appropriately called the P2 VENTURA roof Vents result in less than op- torque. contains a non-toxic chemi- 58.40 35.00 "Traveler". the new Kidde cal Travel Scoops 33.56 26.00 timum service," says Bill Nell advises motorist~" Nell, manager, product to store mounted snow CASLER 67-68 Chev I/2 &% ton 4WD 231.67 185.30, service for BF Goodrich tires uninflaled in sealed •Header 331, ' 69-72 Blazer Canada Limited. plastic bags to reduce the 307 to @0 Engine size iPipes ,m CASLER 64-66 Tempest 320 231.70 197.35 64-73 GTO-Lemans - 350-455 • 70-76 Firebird - TransAm - 3r~455 8910' HEDMAN Ford 65-75 352-360-390 8912 163.0U 124.00 HEDMAN Ford 69-72 a/4 ton 4WD 162.08 124.00 4108 HOOKER 68-75 GTO 350-455 Pontiac 4301 '216/90" 175.00 Tests prove a tune-up HOOKER 68-72 GTO Ram Air 400-455 ' : 219,90 175.00 6113 HOOKER 66-69 Ford 390-428 6115 216.90 175.68 saves an average of a HOOKER 70-71 Ford 429 218.90 175.00 2888 APPLIANCE BLACKJACK 09-76 Blazer 307-400 2923 156.00 120.40 APPLIANCE BLACKJACK 70-75Chev Van l& to I ton 156.08 120.40 gallon of gasoline in 2979 APPLIANCE BLACKJACK68-76 Chev t/~ to 1 ton 2WD 165.00 120.40 every tankful. 81 PHANTOMI 80" Sidepipes 108.00 63,60 |Ida 8ooo CANADIANPer 99.78 79,00 pipes moo CANADIANPer 90.75 72.60 - DRO801A ROCKET 125.00 91,20 PUTCO BLAZER Running Boards 260.00 325.00 LESS 20 PERCENT on all PERFORMANCE MAN|FOLDS' on HOLLY CARBURETORS Riverside Auto Wreokinl Used Cars & Trucks

Ready for the road at Reduced Prlcl~ ii 76 FORD F2S0 - ' 73 FORD COURIER 72 FORD 4x4 72 CHEV PICKUP 69 FOBD CONVERTABLE + 24 HOUR TOWING

4129 Substation Road APR'77 VALUABLE TRAVELING COMPANION FOR THE CAMPER is the new 636-6837 63164363 all-purpose portable Kidde fire extinguisher which can be easily mounted in trailer or car for easy access in any emergency indoors or outside at campsite. ,~ " r~ : ~ .'

rhe Hei't~d, rueeday, May 22, 1979 Page 19" "

;:;:;:;:;:;%_,;:;5,,:,:,%*,,,:,:,:g',:~:g,~:,:,:,:,:,:.;,;,;,;,;,:,;, ~,;%,,,,, ,',',:,i';,;';';';:, ", ",', ',:~:_,:,:t~;,:~:,:~:,:,;,;,;,:.;-:.;,;.;.:,.,;,; .;,:,:, ..;,.-,,;% ,,' .',','-'.'.'.'.',',',-,'.-,'.'.'.',',',',-,-,-..,.,..-,.,.,.,..-....,. ,...... ' " ' • ...... %..%°...... %..%%..'...°...'...... '...~.....:.:.:...%..:...:..~:.:~...:.:~:.%..:.:...:...:.:..:'.':'..;.:...:~::.~..%..:;:;....~;.:.:':.:.:.~.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.....~.~.;.:.:.:.;.:.; ;.:.:...:.:..o:.%:.-...:...:.:.:.-.:~:.,v...:...... ,.•.•,.,..,. • :::::I

CAlls "Tiluci(s" VAILS • o .-•. , ;. : • THE TERRACE/KITIMAT DAILY HERALD AUTOMOTIVE SECTION • ...... , ...... ~.~.~.~%~.~.~..~..~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~:~:~.:.:~:~:.:.::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:~:.:..:.::::~:~:~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.~:.:...~:.:..~:~:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:~..:.:....~ :: : "-.

•".*• . Watch. ThoseCredit Cards When Traveling ._ ...... "~

•It's vacation time'again. [housands of .dollars. It's writing. You should find out the loss of the card itself. • Make sure you get What are the chances you'll easy for a thief to steal your the terms of the contract There are a number of i .your card back 'every time be using a credit card to pay card,, forge your name and before using your credit precautions you can take to you use it. ",'~".. , ' fori'gas,.hgiels, "~es/aufants "ring' upbills Of hundiedS of card. ' prevent credit card theft on • Check your cards •':" • i :.. ,', ' Oi"sonheoihei'asp~, tof~our dollars in fi few hours. .It is now possible to your trip: '. : .'i.:" "'-" !" irip?. Ityo.u'/.e:like7[,000,'000 Depending on the rules of periodically to make sure purchase insurance for ' • Keep your credit cards they're all there. • : ..... ,. other Amcrica~, you .own the company that issued the PEglGREEg cred]t-dfili o/~ao,ii liomO- and identification cards • . .~ "." onO"i)r.m0re.cards.-.= mile' • Keep a fist of your 'card, you can be held liable owner's policies ata minimal together in a separate case : . peopl'e accummulat'e" as cards with you, with their for these fraudulent charges cost --.. an additional $3 to with a zipper. Cards can slip many as 15 oi"20 and account numbers and in- until you notify the company $6 per itear.Unfortnnately, out of your wallet very you'll find them one Of the structions for reporting loss. of yogr loss. however, most of these plans easily. gsE[I CAIn most convenient ways to puy Some firms limit the Always report the theft of a for your travels. do not take effect untilafter • Never set your card credit card !mmediately. extent of your liability; you report your loss. down on a" counter, hotel If so, be on.your guard others hold you responsible dresser, etc.; neyer leave it in • Save the receipts from iiiO|iii[ flip 006 OF COi#iSt against theft. The loss ofa for the full sum until you Your best protection your glove compartment or all your vacation purchases credit card may cost you notify them of the loss in against liability is to avoid coat pocket. and compare the receipts with your monthly state. meht. Take special ca/e in

• • • - , , ., ,' e~amining your gasoline Make Camping a credit charges. Double billing occasionally Occurs; some gas companies have a Family Affair central clearing house for 1974 TOYOTALAND ORUISER • exchange of charges, so you With a little pre-plan- "stretching-time" more an- ' may get one bill from the • e •e e • • Joe ••e eeoc 040, eeee• eeeoeeeeoeee ooeeeeoeoee•~e• e eeoc oee•e " ning, you can make your joyable. I clearing house and another $499 • " next camping • trip• a real from the gas company. , " • family, vacation. As an. aid Dried and ,[iceze-dried '~.. . i'..to, easy packing, ham every-foods are nutritious, light- By taking better care of 1978 FORD F600 3 Ton :. " " :."': one .store supplies in one weight,, and easy tO pack. your credit cards and With 18' van body, only 12,000 miles '.'".' ,' " s " ' • ." ' ' Andea number of enjoyable watching how you use them, . • .. : .;... : pecml.place; Keep a .check • . • o•=• • • •• H• • • ••o• oH~' $12,99 :'. ;: ,," .... 'list'ofni~ce/;sdry./:ain(/eq'uip-: meals .can be made 'corn- you'll have a happier '..,:..' " ' .merit .and .m'a'tch Items pletely from.dry milk, soup, vacation and help cut down '~..~.:'"',..':. figains.t R~..in fl/is '~'ay, ~ou: powdered, jui~:e and pack- on the estimated $100,000,. :.:'. , :' will}.be" s'ur.e'~tot 11o' .fOrget aged "dinners, for cooking'. 000 in annual losses from 1976 PONTIACASTRA • '. • "'.' items yOU may be'dnable'to i:onvenience.:-. • credit card fraud. 4 eyl., 4 speed $24951 • - • To save.time; prepai.e~ .... • ..purchase . • 'later..• "" .... " .'" food 'ifi advande whenever ------~ _ .-- u ...... -..; :' "i .'" ". ",'.". l/.r~.queni "cam~)eis"'.m'ay'pdssible.and st6re it it) an ice • ~-...>..,~ firid'.,t heliffui to keel) dul~li-'¢hest-cooler..inelude a plas- 1978 ¢HEV ½ TON PIOKUP '" ' i". ' cat6 kltclien'ut~n~ilsi'n'~ pie's.tic.jug. Of.frozen water for ; "hie baskei '~vith'the. res( 'of dri*nl/ing when the ice meRs. ~..~]];:.~.~y:..o~:.]o.,.?.~?...: ...... your outdoor'equipment for Each member of the ram- $6196 time-saving convenience. ily should keep a duffel bag You needn't purchase spe- to separate dirty clothes 1976 6M enEweAe 1 TON cial campground imple- from clean ones. Plastic ~~d. .ments, as standard kitchen bags can be used to store wet Dual wheel Camper Special. Loaded with aU 0ptiow. O:l: : items are less expensive and bathing suits and towels• ...... ;;...... , ...... $980 • jus t as easy to use. . Accommodations should You'll want to plan your be planned with the entire ! meals in advance to insi~re family's preferences in 1973 6RAN TORINO , >~~ai,~2:. having, all necessary ingre- mind. Tents and recre- .,.oow..onw.o..o $1995 !! dients.' Include several pic- ational, vehicles offer un- e ~e eo~ee eo oeeooeoeeeoeeooeooeolleeoeoeeoeeeeeo •nic. menus ~tol enjoy, while limited possibilities for -.". "driYiog to,' your destination. either "roughing it" or hav- • :.,' These special .'n~e,a],s will 1974 BLAZER4x4 ::% ."' ,'make' step-'overs ~ind ing a- comfortable "home.make. their 'RV s as corn-: Tent camping offers le~s ,.,.. •~way "from home." Every-. fortable as 'home. It is not: vat•at•,n, with preferences one .can make- a list of pref- t ee • • •o *e eo oe eooe ** • * • * •0 * ••o •l•••••••m,••• o •e • ••• eo • ooooooeooe • ~ ,'_.,~ . ~ -.._ $6296 ..o, erences concerning camp unusual to'see vehicles with reflected in simpler ways. ,,,o quarters and a family dis- carpeting, draperies, azr-. MotorHoi.:e' Feaiures cussnoncan be held "" conditioniag,, hbating, and Your family may want to so tues,-plumbing facilities. In con- follow the example of those tUNED ENGINES MEAN CLEANER AIR •1977, GMG 4x4 ¾TON PIOKUP -..: Plenty of storage is what needs may be met. trust, others may prefer less who place an old rug in the most families need come va- yg:.radlo Recreational vehicles of- trappings and conveniences doorway to [~revent o• • lee oil o lie •o el el, • oe •el e •Oleeee el ,Oleo •el oil • elOlkell) UO a cation time, and today's fur families a variety of in favor of a back-to-nature sand, and leaves fromlitter- $6895 motor homes offer just that. choices. Many" choose to experzence, ing the tent floor. ._e~e~.~.~£.~;n£: _ ~_;,_;_~_;~ ~; ~~~; ~; ~:,~ ~; ~;,,;~__~,,,~ . In "addition to spacious i • , cabinets within, the new 1972 DODGEVAN " i1 !~i motor homes also offer out- side storage for all that "rme ...... $239, r sports gear. ".....;...... J~iii!: ~:tli;!~ [~ ~.~ ;.~ % ~. I

• Travel Tips • Get the most.out of that • o,oo-' oooooeooo"°-°' eo oeoooooeooooeoeeoo,ooeeo- e o oe, ,oooo(*ooe" $4696 trip of a lifetime by plan. ning ahead. Ask those .who've "been there" for 1977 B210 DATSUNHATOHBAOK pointers,-- they may be able to steei you clear of time- '-'"*"oeo • ooo eoe • o0o • • • oo moo oe • o4t •co eo • eoo| ee, •4 oeee eeoc e• oe • ..eeoc $3796 wasting tours and tip you off • ~: to sights well worth your while. ' LEASING An Alternative to Private Ownership • . Check your local library for information on the Advantages Include; places you'll be visiting... No Capital Investment .4 the more you know about an Budgeted Transportation Costs area, the less time you'll Current Model Transportation waste,while there. Simplicity If you have time, and are going to a foreign country, Convenience :Rudy up on the language, Possible Tax Advantage 2 Being able to ask the sim- ENQUIRE TODAY. plest questions in the ,local tongue will add flavor and NEW FRONT-WHEEL DRIVE ,enjoyment to your travel, and is a courtesy to the pen- SPECIAL - pie you will encounter. PLYMOUTH HORIZON TC3. Knowing something 1967 DUIOK WlLDOAT about the culture of a land Also available in 'a 5 door model - 1979 Motor Trend Car • V8, auto ...... ,..WMUVe~OR also adds greatly to your so- • .urn there. of the Year Winner• GOOD SELECTION IN STOCK• DON'T DELAY - TEST DRIVE TODAYI On4he-Road Convenience There are many new ap- ® ® Terraoe Totem Ford pliances that operate from . .,, .o dashboard cigarette lighters, ~ora realdealZ~,o~X~ss~ at ..o,. nnd they can make travel- Sales Ltd. ing by car more convenient Cll RYSLER than ever. TERRACE CHRYSLER 4831 Kelth Among the latest prod. 836-4984 ;7/;; " uct~i/~vailable are toasters, Dealer ticence Humber DO0430A coffeemakers and heating SALES/SERVICE pots, 4916 HIGHWAY 16 W. D3D-7187 t o'-j.,...... i --

Page 20. The Herald, Tuesday .~,q,' ~, t9'/9

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KITIMAT 101 Nechako Centre Phone 632-5000 TERRACE 305 Skeena Mall Phone 635-4948

f ......