p IJr Jlnbtrgrabaatr VOUJM£ 56. NUMBER 2 Dra matics Off Earl y tart Hey! Friday ight

Playbill Will Include Three One-Act Plays; Warren's "You Can't Win" Will Be Given by Footlights Club.

Th un iver ity dramatic sea on will be off to an early start with the pr sentation of the Playbill pr ductions at Mitchell Hall next Friday night. Thoma. Warren's original play, to "You an't Win," which wa sub­ mi t<'d in the Dean mith onte t Ia t year, will b given by the Footlight Play r , wllile th Pup­ P s have chosen a on -a t play, " onflict," and th guest arti. t , th L niversity Drama Group, will pr s nt chnitzler' "The Far well upper." Eliza th MacFarland will di­ r th Puppets' one-act play, and B tty Jane Brown, Blanche L , Mina P re s, and Joseph Holz­ man compri e the cast. Barbara Hutchings and Tom Warren will rv as understudies. The plot concerns a watchful moth r who evidently believe that het· childr n will never be able to tak care of themselves. Her at­ t mpt to r un her daughter's life and the difficulties she encounters' provide comedy for the story. ' In pre nting "You Can't Win," the cast of which has n t as y t be n cho n, the Footlight Play­ ~r a~ t ~d ing toward originality 10 ~mv r. tty dramatics. Th play, w~tt en by a member of th group, Wlli }}(' t goo , directed and pro­ due d by amateur artist . This Colleg Hours Each Month, will b th . econd original play to giv<'n within the year at Mit­ Stafes Chairman C. R. Kase chell Hall, the other one being ".mall at Larg ," written by John wen h rt and produced by the E 52 Players. "You Can't Win," directed by Carroll ox i a tory with a typi­ cal college setting. The action tak . place on the sl ping d k of a fra ernity house, and the character are veral upp r-cla - m n and a i sified fre hman. The fun begin when an intrud r break. in and thing begin to happ n. Th original title of the play wa. "It Happened on D k" but it ha b n conformed to "Y~ u Can't in," the point of the story. . lr . Harry Gabriel will direct h Drama Group' pr entation of "The arewell upper." Mr. Laur­ n Wtl on, ajor R. W. Argo, nd . l r . arl R s ar among the <' 8.1 . REVIEW 2 Incinerator Review' Re w n lish D partment is planning to r - By Jake Kreshtool W4t 1Rrutrw This week will go down the The Offl I I tud.,nt NewtJia.,.r of the Unlveralt1 of Delaware 10 vive th faculty-student smoke talks thi Whirlwind . .. annal . Not "annals," take note y ar. Ev ry morning a 7:45 s veral but "th annals." Th rea.·on wili commuters tunc their auto radios b mad evident in a momen . The nited N dl ss t say, we f el that this is an to Yoichi Hiraoka and his xylo­ R view'8 Revi ws r comm nd: a a ·tivi y which sh uld rec ive the whole­ phone. Xylophon music is very book. We do not go o far a to pi •a ant to tak early in th morn­ review on . Indeed, u h a r ver. h art rl upport of h s ud nt body. In pa t ing, and th way Hiraoka zips in sal of policy at this critical tim lh r vail d th pinion that an out o a sel ction is 1' ally might w 11 mean the fall o! the (T\cc as amazing. franc, with reverberation'! b ing n ugh nta · b lw n W li. l ned in oursclvc f lt and h ard in v ry nook and h r morning and h ard him run cranny of th globe, cv n to the ll&l'll&e&NT&O POll NATIONAL ADY&ItTI81HO eY and th stud nt body as through "The Flight of the Bumble­ farthe t rea h . of Turvy Hall. National Advertising Senice, Inc. incli idual.. b c." In a whirlwind of tinkling A, a ~orollary to t • xc·ellent Coll•l• Pt~l!llllur• R•/Jr• ~ei!JIIu• k ys (or what vcr it is you call th cout·. in iology (. ymb•,J: 'oc 420 MAOI.ON AVrt.. N IIW YO K, N , Y. Lm~l fall his program waH inau urat hing. ) he hov red ov r th flowers, 301) offer d by th minc•nt ~fr. CHICAGO • IOITOII • LOI AIIULII • SAil P~ANCII CO an all •mpt to r medy thi iluali n. dart d in and got his poll n and aldwcll, we would like to . ugp;e t IH.V II•:W 'I J<:J. I•.I'IIONhS. waH off in !e. s time that it takes an extr mely valuabl little book Jt(•vi •w Ollie •-N •wnrk Gli-F.x uslon 10 his fl'or o say Yoichi Hiraoko. by hat famous an hropolo •L t Pt'C'HK or J t'li.-N WUl'k ilol ... * * Will uppy. The title of the :chol~ Hll '''SR. Po try D partment . . . at·ly work is How to Tl'l/ Your OH GU.TAVE, MY GUT VE! Frie11dsj'rom tit· Apes. You can have your n nny ood- We. be.lievc th~t Mr. Cuppy's man contnbut10n to 1 nc will prove And your Ozzi• Nelson, too. nlight ning to the mor • : •l'ious students in the cours . 8 Gt Hot IV<' 01 c fans of Gusta ' Haen­ srh ·n's We know, personally, . peaking for ourselv s, m r ly in pa::ing, ------A 1/(l 110 one else wil clo I m hin h re. incid ntally, that th r ha\'e been DITOI - IN- Ill i ither are not inlere ted Now we do not likr his woocl winds innumerable occasions, particular­ ly in th se past hectic day: of re­ J . William W(•IIA, 38 1/i.~ llWI!J) ters arc tame. in improving thi relation hip or they are organization in every hing with '\I A(;(NI; hlll1 Of( LJut the' thing that holds us spell­ hound which we have be n connect d A t'lhur Hu il l n, '3. I th re have been occasions when Is lh t •ety he spells his name. w~ ll lSOI{V J~ lllT R SPORTS EDITOR ff r. hav wondered. 'I homn!' 'ooch, '38 We sugg st to the Editor· of THE upporling them. Aml if /JOlt nwens ·hen ,w REVIEW that a copy of 'uppy' f>lo .• \ ' ll!IU ~ hlllT lt Gttsla1'C' rraensch ·n llany 'I'. Slnlmun, •au n in r rmal gath ring of prof s rs and I n words that do not 1)lf'a8 , Hol to Tell Your F1·iends from the A]J s will prove an invaluable ad­ CEN FHAT. , TJ\Fl~ Thr1·r•' ll be diHsaensch n . l:u.l nls will b n ficial to all tho e in dition and aid in THE REVIEW of­ 11 l'l>N' Wudllll' on. ':18; 1~. J. Wilson, '39; Jnm s PaRt ronla nschen 1 fice, considering the state and the I I tl·hi.on, '!lll; It 'f.\ i! so n, '30; Jn ·oiJ Kl' hlo 1,'3 ; a t ndanc . The fa ully m mb r will b - From Hacwu·hcn devotees. (;, \ . Hulwr, ':!U; Wullt•r Mo k, ':10; John .·w n ~ * frequ nter. of that 1acca of hutt, 'lj(); HPid ,'tonn. , ' 0; Jtuss<'ll Willard, '41; · m m re cl s ly a quaint d with th it· "' Fre hmen and Loung of Lit ratti. V 11lisun Ri ·hal'd, on, ' 1; Pnul Lo c l, '4 L; Etlwurd Complaint ( 'oodl, '11 1; ' . 'I'. Smilh,' l; John Bnllnnl, '41; pr We would Hke to have it under­ i Ol'gl' Quill, ' L stood right now that w are l1EN1' neither p tulant nor qucrulou:, but that we are full of intere. t in the chool, its stud nt , and in it wei­ far . The other evening the Com· mon rved som undoubteclly nu. A. S'T n tritious chocolat ice cream for Lui de s rt. A I rolled this delicacy under my tongue, I was stricken with veral horrible thought . Wa thi arne chocola e ice ; William cream being erved at th other '4 ; mil nd of the campu , which hall Hunin - remain namele ? Was this all partly of a mon· strou plot? r wa it merely due to the mi guided and well-meaning ef· fort of the admini tration? Th point i thi : ch c late, in In upf r . . any form, while it may be nutri- PL ,R I he n wht. P nng for · v r.al Y, ar tiou i · certainly not beneficial, now, what th u ual r actt n 1 to e p cially under the xi ting cir· hi!ol ,' 1\r t h dt' m ti' 1' UJ f lawar a ·ti it. h ~ dip~ mati,~ cue. " ually," she cumstance . f r. atd Q~t tly. Th Y br ath a sigh) ho ola , d ar read r from 11 'g \ undt-t• th nbl' 1 ~nd r hip . om • ju cr },t f and . th n get up and both end of our lovely campu , \ it •. Pnl rl I'm~ r I ave.. W whtsp red our thank i an aphrodi iac. m r and tptoed out of th building. What carnage may be \'rou ht L1 IJ t r t th dit r • * * by orne inno ent individual? You would be urpri d! On the Facult ...



i1 n. - 3 ~ uill

w D c E 0 II. L L A L w E A G R E E


I ~ THE Compl t 8 nkin AIR F ciliti


IGHTS AT 6:35 . 'E\ Hf . n .(,, WDEL

' I

I~ F.'t \ R TIO ilmington- Colleg Grad Want Travel 111('" • - Now playing is Swing Mu ic, Survey Show !, lady G org and War- 11 1'1 n William in ~adam e • AJq Laurel and lfurdy in ''Beau Hunk ." . . . Rhlt trio of tar. om to th Eng·

Hi far ·

am r ru m n

L - 4 UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE REVIEW • Gridders M eet rstntiS In Debut; Temple First Soccer Blue and G ld Lineup till Tentative· Fr hm ' WITH THE BLUE M tche trenu u chedule For occer Te m t un H ost of Returning Letter- Clarkmen In Good Shape *AND GOLD* men Bolsters Bowdle's But Lackin g In Contact Lineup. Work Experience. Purpose of ournamen t Is As w go lo pr R. lh night bc­ o R evea l Poss i b l e With a wealth of veteran ma- l Coach Lyle lark's Blue and t rial and several good prospects, Gold juggernaut will mak it de­ h Varsity Material. oach Andy Bowdle should again but of the 1937 season omorrow produce a winning soccer agg1·ega- when it meets a v t ran Ur inus o.f tion. el ven at Collegeville, Pa. H eavy chedule oach R efu tatement A s usual, tho soccer team is con- oach Clark says that tho team fronted with a str nuous chedule, is in fairly good condition but re­ m oti ng such topnotchers as Tern- fu s very definit ly to make any pie, Buckn 11, and Wes t hest r statement regarding th probable 'tale T achers. The team will op n outcome of Saturday's encounter. b • .in f\n Hhape, its season on October with Fearful of injuri s to a limited Temple, which leaves the locals number of men, the Blu Hen to ntld that lhcy't'' with but one we k to round into coaches have restricted practicek playing shape. during the past week to calesthen- w• ugg '!i Uncertain Lineup ics and other conditioning exer- oach Bowdle has had several cis s, along with signal drill . r i '? ...... scrimmag s, xperimenting with Backs Lig ht and Fa. t various combinations. The tentative The Blue and Gold backfield, l n re rRi nuR--th y na•t starting lin up i a s yet uncertain composed of Captain Dick Rob­ Hurkncll ' RiMO ill'l Ia t , al ur­ b caus , as the coach put it, "every- erts, Howie Viden, L w Carey, and h r ld thnt body is fighting hard for hi posi- Ernie Geor ge, promises to he light du a nd but fast, and the play which the tion.' In order to trength en his team will u e have b en d vised to t o t nk off ns , Mr. Bowdle will use several utilize the peed and . hiftines of veteran hacks up in the line. the backs to t he be t advantage. 21-0. Vet W ill Not Play In regard to the starting line- The s rimmages thus far have men, t he Delaware football men­ r v a! d the following 'prosp cts: tor i still il,l. doubt. H owever, the J ay Vees Opp se Timme, goalie; Mink, Douglas. following linemen will probably Wharton, and Aranoff, fullbacks· see action: Jack Daly and Earl Newark Highlets aptain Bant, Me ord, Mai, Gray- heats, ends; ''Fritz" Ware and son, Ste I man, and Layton, half- Olaf Drozdov, tack! s ; " harlie" backs; Thompson, Ander on, Wil- Allen , Wilmer Ap ley, and Allen In eason' Opener son, Boyce, Tyler, Doordan, Hu-m- Glaspy, gua rds; "Ken" Lockwood phries, halme'rs, Dunlap, and and "Sid" udowski, centers. Coach Floyd Doughty's ampb II, linem n. Other men on reserve are "Mike" The t am will miss the services I ola, Bruce Lindsay, ' harlie" h arg s To H ave Five­ o.f flashy Bob Lippincott who, be- Ferrell, "C h ar 1 i e" Kenworthy, Game Schedule. caus of a h avy schedule, will not Larry Hodgson , "Jim" Dickinson, be abl to play this eason. linesmen; Angelo Luciano, Fenton Carey, "Tommy" Ryan, and "Ed­ Th Blu and Gold junior var­ die" Grah am, backs. si y .fo tball t am open d its five­ They'll Call Him AI R e port how r inue Good game sch dul this afternoon Reports from Ursinu warn tha had the courts against N wark high sch ol on North Dakota tate ju t wei- our fir t opponent thi . ason will lh . Ia r's field . H owever, the com d a n w bang-up center direct be a formidable foe. W i h nine ve­ gam was played too lat to be from Honolulu, but wonders how eran and with a forward wall ·ov t"d I y thi. w ek's REVIEW. hi name will lo k on the prog1·am that av rages 1 5 pound , Ursinu , Thursday nigh oa h Floyd It', Tin Yan Jim n! und r the leadership of "Hop" Dough y gave ou th t ntativ Porambo, aptain and cen er, ha s at· ing lin up which found ick­ Games To Be Broadcast an extremely powerful tenm for in~on and , wi ft at h end po. i­ such a small • ch ol. La. t , a ur­ tionH, Emil , urh and ".Jo " Jul­ day they h ld Bu knell to a three A iun t\!'; t::wkle. ; " .. tan" !olin and well-known gas r fining com­ touchdown win. onsidering Buck- ,Jack S<'hn f r, guard~; "Bill" pany has ontrnctcd to broad ast nell's str ngth, r. inu: made a .~hnw. e •nt r; Jaek Doordnn, (Juar­ all laware football games, both commendabl howing. tt•rbnck; .Jack H ealv and "Bill" and The m mbers of the ~ r. inu R • 'd ul t ht• hal fha~·k post!i, and backfi ld run, pas., kick, and 'l[t. \Vat \ ''1\\' 'I' nt fullback. ~tr ngth. a tentative bl ck well, but ar till workinl(' .l. \'. kil'king ' ill he g m with lh ~ wnrthmore J. V.'. too ~lowly in their scrimmage to l~itl ll Ti111m • und R • d. :.: ·h dulPd a~ a hom<' game eith r pi a. th coach 'unwv')l Poi nt will h mt'l Or­ on Odober 5 or c obcr 1~· Th ~, )f Earl · to! •r (i ' in an a" ay gam und r ~euson will b wound up again. t tln Hllig-ht~. Follll\ ing. on Octob •t' Pt•t kiom •n Prep on the locals fi ld Hall. 10, tht• .r. \'.'~ ''ill journ<'y up lo Oc tol <•r 27. Tonight W olf Cln~ mont to •ncoun PI' th rch­ Co:H'h Doug-hty ha. the follow­ Fr . hmen lltl'n' out tit. nn<' fnm d f0r its ing suh... ti u c• · on which to t·e]y: Timm1· and Tohin, hark·; Duffy, Rnc'l'hll". and Ros:. c nci:; nde;._ ~nn . tnl'kl<': '\Ic·Lan and , rott, urn out! g-untrl·, and Wh<'el<'r and Waldron, fir t on a big one. t•ntcr •.

19 :37 F D Jcr.,(' . llil.rh or Prep . ·o. Po. wight :rhnol 7 Rack lfll ,:! Rack lij.t Ill f:ncl 177 Center 17 F.nd 170 ack 1110 Ra k 1 : Tnckle 1.5 Rack }l 1. 171 111. 2 oe The ROVING REPORTER C mmitte Et• ryonc knows the opinion a. pp al In ' tve; colltUC hll of its Fr. shman. class, ~ It( it tt•ou ld be tnt r Sti~1U to /mot(' tdtu/ th F1· shm n thmk of r itY am thr. roll• Uf. Ha a~· a I w quot s c it• d f,·om th mouth of th . y ar': ~~H clrt s w/rr11 asked, " What is 1' opi iu 11 of D laware oll g ?" 11011 11

H• rutllll Kr 1tUCI' (Mech. Engr.) Colle l!t> i .K. Th Rat Rul s are . upHfious ex~c p~ for th.e nam batig-e:, which atd .m makmg ac­ qu aintance·. alutmg the. upp r­ da . men i: a m r formahty that cou ld bt> replaced by om ompul­ ,0ry vt>rbal salutation. 1\t;l [,01'/'tl'oOd (Ag.) I nt~·n• .-t shO\\n by th upp r- cln~:nH'Il in th' Fr shmen in help­ ing- them accl imate them elves to the s( honl is a valuable aid. Th :ocialbility am ng thtJ students is un quail •t l in all o.f my form r ·chool li fL'. Robrrt .lfr !JI'I' (M h. Engr.) \I. L I can't find anything • rong with colleg . The Rat Rules arc ,\ . 1 111 . a Kood idea but the oph ar to . oft. m·. '1' t' rue 1. 1 Pff• ll•tchins (Ch. Engr.) I think U Ia' are is a fine small roll ge. I am very w 11 plea ed with the facilitie in the course I am pur:uing. Ed [,yt~t·h (C'h. Engr.) f w y an;, on on College Printin The many interesting aclivitie artists in th open to the Fr shman were a abroad. Bid plea. an ~u rprise. However, I Ja per D eter and his troup of Job hink the fr : hmen are grouping Hedgerow Play r s journ y from r too mul'h for the good of the class Ro e Vall y on D c mb r 2, wilh as a whole. mething hould be promises of a mo · njoyable ve­ done to bring these groups to­ ning, for th y ar to p1· nt Eu­ ~reth r in unison. g n 'Neill' well-known play Dial 1 t1 Clan·nt·r Fogg (Ch . Engt·.) "The Emperor--Jone ." f the Delawnr oll ge is well organ- Hedgerovians, Jittl ne d be said; ized unci very democratic. I was O'Neill's play i as familiar to impre: ·eel by the campu its everyone. This h ould b a wel­ TH beaulifu 1. come innovation to the program. Darl O'Dnnncll (A. & S.) Th day during F reshman Minner Complete Training \V ek w re dry and long, due to so In Navy Reserve Corps mu ch laps of time between activi­ tieR. .My in erest is, h owever, in­ cr a. ing no wthat I have a definite ~<' hedul . Trd li ,.;",.. ,. ( ec. Ed.) r am mor than plea ed with my choke of college-Delaware. It is a v ry nice place including the stu­ den . and Prof as w 11 a. th campu:. and urpas es all pee a wn:. h. Engr.)

Because It's Got What It Takes It' tbe CoUege o'Per any two others combined

A Wh lly a d 1 of th R v luti n ry cl - Parker's ;p · J[jne Vacum4ticl

nd DELAWARE REVIEW 6 UNIVERSITY OF ·-- · E · tom-this idea of striking Dad for IScott, chairman, John Healy, attd appr~~ri~tion to cover the co t-- of DRAMATICS Frosh Enghsh x ~mpta o n ' funds. Dr. H. M. J. Klein, a history Thomas Ryan was appointed. cond1t10nmg and replacing worn (Continued from Page 1) I More Formal llus Year professor at Franklin and Marshall Following a short discussion of cheerleaders' sweater . The Iaybill staff is compos d ollege, found a letter dated 1788 leniency of Rat Rule enforcement of J ck K arns, busin s man­ n being questioned about addressed to Peter Rhoads, Sr., a Treasurer Ryan reported a tress­ ng r; Virginia. Rupert, pub~icity Fr shman Engli h, Dr. W. member of the Pennsylvania As- ury balance of $452.08. YOU'LL ENJOY: halrman; m k -up, B tty Grtmm; Syph rd gave the fo!!owing state­ sembly. Rhoads, Jr., needed money One Council office was filled dur- Me n ry painting, Jan t Grubb; ment: so he had written: ing the evening when Alfred ostum a, Phylis Me lain; prop­ "The privilege of possible ex­ "Dear Father: . Green, newly elected Sigma. Tau Our Hot L'lnches rly, B tty J. Brown; lighting, mption was ext nded to the .Fresh­ "Your favor of the thtrteenth Phi representative was elected to HOME COOKI G K •n t I man: and stag man- man class in a mor formal man­ last I received on the eighth · · : replace Martin Tannen, previous ag r, Harold Tiffany. ner this y ar. Rath r than waiting Gibson's surveying is not immedt- s. T. P. repr sentative and cor­ Tasty Toasted Sandwiches for a period of time to pass before atcly necessary, but it (the book) responding secretary. Fountain Delieacie giving examinations, ·_mption would greatly assist me. In this you The meeting closed after George was bas d on a series of three may please yourself, and I am sat- Baker, Sophomore non-fraternity tests given the first week. About isfled. I will, with the help of God, member, suggested that the Hu­ 35 stud nt w r granted this learn that the money you have ad- manist Society take over the The Goodie Shop prlvil g , in which Jane Gaffney vanced me shall not be lost." "smoke-talks" inaugurated last 133 E. Main Street of th Women's Coil ge was finally year and the Council approved an t·ecomm nded for exemption." No information was available on COUNCIL VOTES the g nernl pr·eparation of the (Continued from Page 1) i r. ·· ------s~ I I clasB as to cit! s and school . ditional men on his committee, i E. J. HOLLINGSWORTH CO. ! President Lattin promised appoint­ I I ment next week. William Wells j OLD COMPANY'S LEHIGH COAL ! Striking Dad For Funds Is resigned from the College Hour : Lumber • Mmwork • BuDcliq Supplies : I Palata • Hardware • Fuel on - Armour'• Fertillzera I Old Custom, Letter Reveals Committee and was replaced by ! Phone 507 NEWARK , DELAWARE i Charles Brown. A Scholarship and I I 1 • I ust an old college cus- Discipline Committee of Frank .. ------~------...... ;, ,

NfilJ~ tiflg ]JetterJas . .. because they're made of ILD RIPE tobacco

.. . til y11 !fOil 0 •

tO •. ITT