
Vol. XC, Issue No. 22 SINCE 1916 Friday, March 7, 2003 . Revote ordered in three contested SA elections 6 by Jenny Rees tallied preferentially, Emmett said. THRESHER EDITORIAL STAFF "The instructions on the ballot prevented the votes from being tallied so that the voters' The Student Association will conduct vot- intent could be found correctly," Emmett said. ing for a second time in three races from the "I think a re-vote is the only viable way to get General Election ballot, the University Court the voters' interests represented and be in decided Sunday. U. Court ruled the SA must accordance with the SA constitution." hold voting again because of misleading Skye Schell, a Baker College sophomore instructions on the ballot for U. Court sopho- and SA director of technology, said although more representatives and Honor Council the electronic ballot itself will remain the same junior and senior representative. for the new elections, he will change the in- The new elections will begin at noon structions on the ballot. The instructions will March 21 and end at 1 p.m. March 26. The clearly state voters will have a number of votes same candidates will appear on the ballot, and of the same weight that will be equal to the no new petitions will be accepted. number of candidates elected in each race, U. Court justices decided to mandate the new Schell, a Thresher editorial staff member, said. vote after hearing a contest to the election filed SA Elections Chair Alan Pham, a Baker by Lovett College sophomore Robert Emmett, sophomore, said he is worried fewer students who lost the race for Honor Council junior rep- will vote in the new elections. resentative. For races in which voters elected "There's almost no chance that well have as multiple students to a single office, the ballot many students voting in this election as we had instructed voters to rank candidates in order of in the first election, which will be unfortunate MS* preference, although the SA bylaws state that because there's no way it's going to be as indica- those votes will not be tallied preferentially. tive of the students' desires," Pham said. "In an election for multiple offices, each Since U. Court's ruling, one of the candi- voter may vote for at most a number of candi- dates in the senior Honor Council representa- dates equal to the number of offices to be tive election, Martel College junior Stephen filled," the SA bylaws state in Article E-l, Zak, withdrew after he was elected the Martel msm Section 2. "The candidates receiving the most Honor Council Representative. With the num- usal votes shall be declared winners." ber of candidates equal to the number of posi- tions, the race will not be held. Although votes in multiple-choice elections SUSHI SUZUKi/THRESHfcR were tallied correctly according to the bylaws, In a separate contest to the election, Emmett claimed the ballot misled voters into U. Court ruled to uphold the decision of the Anti-war Willy believing the preferential system would be SA elections committee not to disqualify Rob used. Voters would have voted differently if Daniel, who won the race for Honor Council Sid Richardson College senior Arwen Johnson puts a Rice for Peace T-shirt on Willy's they had known their votes would not be See ELECTIONS. Page 8 statue during Wednesday's anti-war rally. See Story, Page 7. Four named to presidential search Undergraduate, graduate and Mo alumni representatives chosen »> | fe lege junior; and Will Rice College by Liora Danan (Hanszen '65). Crownover will serve as the committee's chairman. Board President Steven Caufield. a senior. THRESHER EDITORIAL STAFF of Trustees Chairman Bill Barnett The committee reviewed 18 ap- Most members of the search com- ('55) will serve as an ex officio mem- plicants before interviewing four mittee for the new Rice president ber. candidates: Weber, Wiess College have been selected. The committee, which is being junior and Thresher Editor in Chief The committee, which will begin formed after President Malcolm Rachel Rustin and Brown College meeting as soon as three faculty rep- Gillis' December announcement that juniors Kevin Bailey and Matt resentatives are chosen, is respon- he will step down as president Swineheart. Haynie said the process sible for recommending three to five June 30,2004, will determine the cri- was difficult because there was such candidates for board consideration teria for choosing the next presi- a strong group of applicants. by November. dent, interview members of other "Any of the four people we inter- Committee members who have universities about their search pro- viewed would have done a very good been chosen are undergraduate stu- cesses and finally conduct the appli- job on the committee," Haynie said. cation process. "[Weber] really impressed us be- • i * dent representative Andy Weber, a Sid Richardson College junior, Weber was selected as the un- cause he had some really good ideas graduate student representative dergraduate representative this about how to gather student opin- Miles Scotcher, the current Gradu- week by a committee consisting of ion, and he had really good ideas ate Student Association president, Student Association President Matt about how to determine what the alumni representatives Carl Isgren Haynie, a Will Rice College senior; needs for a university presidents KIJANA KNIGHT/THRESHER (Baker '61) and Karen Ostrum SA Internal Vice President Clare are." George (Jones '77, M.A. '78) and Johnson, a Sid sophomore; Honor Weber said effectively represent- Head over heals for culture board representativesTeveia Barnes Council Chair Joan Shreffler, a Lovett ing the student body is extremely College senior; Thresher News Edi- important to him and he hopes to Nehuen Rojas performs the capoeda dance during the Culture Fair Friday. (Baker '75), Steve Miller ('53), Ber- nard Pieper ('53) and Jim Crownover tor Mark Berenson, a Martel Col- See PRESIDENT. Page 5 . Ad hoc committee on INSIDE Springing for a break OPINION Page 3 Two many leaders Next week is Spring Recess and as a result there athletes releases report are no classes. Likewise, the Thresher will be taking A&E Page 10 the week off. We will return March 21. Randall White gets 'NORMAL' will continue at Rice," Matthews, a Have a fun safe break wherever your travels by Mark Berenson Will Rice College sophomore, said. may take you (even if only to the library). SPORTS Page 12 THRESHER EDITORIAL STAFF The committee's report suggests Senior Night at Autry The Student Association ad hoc a panel of junior and senior athletes Forced e-mail hiatus Quote of the Week committee on athlete and nonathlete speak to incoming students during In order to ensure that no students attempt to do relations reported to the SA Senate O-Week and encouraged O-Week "It's a crappy, old pool." work on the first day of Spring Recess, the e-mail on the recommendations it has pro- coordinators to involve athletes in — Jones College senior Jeannie Malanowski, captain of the women's club water polo team, with regard to the posed or initiated since its formation the week as much as possible. In servers will be down from 8 a.m. until 8 p.m. tomor- closure of the Recreation Center pool. See Story, Page 4. in January. addition, the committee's report en- row. During this time, Information Technology will perform maintenance on the server once again. Committee chair Derrick couraged team leaders to contact Weekend Weather new athletes during the summer to Matthews said the recommenda- Scoreboard Friday tions focus on Orientation Week. dispel stereotypes about the rela- Baseball Sunny, 52-71 degrees "We feel that if we can get a fresh- tion between nonathletes and ath- Saturday letes. Houston 3, Rice 4 man class that respects student ath- Southwest Texas State 4, Rice 10 Partly sunny, 54-76 degrees letes and doesn't have as many is- O-Week Student Coordinator Southwest Texas State 5, Rice 7 Sunday sues with integrating them in their Whitney Botsford said she supports Southwest Texas State 3, Rice 8 Partly cloudy, 54-72 degrees class, then hopefully that tradition See ATHLETE, Page 6 , « - •' ' THE RICE THRESHER OPINION FRIDAY, MARCH 7,2003

You no longer have to the Rice Thresher speak! We have a T-shirt for every occasion! Improving relationships The Student Association's ad hoc committee on athlete- nonathlete relations, which disbanded Monday, should be ap- T S plauded for accomplishing many things in a short time. AM *>T Among its recommendations, the committee suggested adding a varsity sports representative to every college government (which some colleges already have), conducting a "Did You Know?" campaign at each college, boosting student attendance at athletic events by encouraging halftime activities and other promotional LETTERS TO THE EDITOR ideas, and making changes to Orientation Week to promote inter- action between new athlete and nonathlete students. (See Story, things in the name of construction. I tential liability given levels of state Page 1.) Walk-out was an still miss the Jones deck that we and federal finding. That liability All these ideas constitute small steps in the right direction, and excuse, not a statement worked so hard to make in the mid- simply doesn't exist, though, in the we are impressed the committee was able to come up with these 1990s. If they keep paving over the current political climate. things that make Rice unique, soon While I don't want to get into a concrete suggestions and finish their business in less than two To the editor: I have a serious problem with the Rice will lose all the character that I long discourse on affirmative action, months. way that some Rice University stu- thought made it a fine school. At I hope you can admit that in a zero- None of the suggestions, however, involved coaches. Coaches dents would like to use geopolitical least now I know there is one group sum game such as enrollment, us- sometimes widen the separation between athletes and nonathletes events to skip out on an orgo class. the administration listens to less than ing criteria of any kind (SAT, race, at Rice. For example, many coaches encourage freshman athletes I noticed the banner hanging on the graduate students. sex, etc.) is discrimination. There are also significant problems with to room with each other, while the ad hoc committee suggests that Fondren Library advertising a March 5 rally against the war that Jennifer Steele the race-privilege correlation and the athletes room with nonathletes to create an improved level of said, "Walk out of class." This is Jones '94 use of affirmative action at all levels mutual understanding. Making recommendations to coaches would perhaps the most inane idea I've Applied physics graduate student (undergraduate, graduate, etc.). have allowed an even greater impact on Rice's cohesiveness, heard thus far at Rice. While most lawyers that I've because coaches have an enormous impact on their players and on What exactly does that accom- Israeli-Palestine film talked to think that affirmative ac- the way the athletic community is viewed. plish? What message does that send tion as used at the University of to whomever you're trying to send a was far from one-sided Michigan is likely to be overturned, Nevertheless, we are glad the committee wasted no time in message to? Does it say that stu- affirmative action advocates suggesting a number of good ideas. We hope that the Rice commu- dents are willing to walk out of class To the editor: shouldn't be overly worried. It's clear nity takes these recommendations seriously and that the efforts of in support of the Iraqi people? It says I applaud Simon Birenbaum's that no matter what the outcome of the committee do not go to waste. nothing of the sort. What it says is pursuit of dialogue between both the affirmative action cases, Rice that students are willing to disrupt sides of the Israeli-Palestinian con- will simply shield their intent and the educational process to attempt flict ("Israeli-Palestinian discussion continue along the same path. to make a political statement. lacked balance, dialogue," Feb. 28). There is, after all, the reality that If people supporting my opinion I, too, feel that only an equitable the administration and admission were to suggest the same thing, I discussion between the two sides office has no diversity of opinion Trying too many times would laugh in their faces. Getting can bring about a just and lasting and no willingness to comply. I'd up from your desk and marching peace. However, I find Birenbaum's also like to point out a hypocrisy I Placing Sid Richardson College sophomore Rob Daniel in triple out to Willy's statue to sing and hold characterization of John Pilger's think runs rampant in this particular jeopardy between the SA Elections Committee, University Court hands is not the way to get things documentary Palestine is Still the administration. It is simply inappro- and the Honor Council is unfair. Instead, the student body should accomplished. Issue to be flawed and incomplete. priate for the Rice administration to take the recent controversy as an indication that a number of rules Distracting professors, drawing I attended the same showing of take this affirmative action stance for the same reason it was inappro- need clarification across all student organizations. attention to yourselves—away from the film hosted by 90.1 KPFT Feb. 5 chalkboards and lesson plans—and but left with a different perspective priate for head football coach Ken It is absurd that the Elections Committee, U. Court and the interrupting the learning process for of the film as well as of the conflict. Hatfield to make his comments to Honor Council can each put a student on trial for essentially the students who might actually need What I found most striking about the Chronicle of Higher Education as same alleged violation (an e-mail to athletes encouraging them to that last 15 minutes of class does the film is that it provides perspec- an official member of the Rice staff. vote for other athletes). (See Story, Page 1.) nothing to serve your cause. It hurts tives of ordinary Israeli citizens as President Malcolm Gillis and it. It says to the true adults in this well as soldiers who abhor the ac- Hatfield are both entitled to having It was clear last week and it is clear now that communication world that you are nothing but a tions of the Israeli government in its opinions as individuals, but that right about the election between candidates and the Elections Commit- childish, tantrum-throwing kid who treatment of Palestinians living un- should not extend to political pro- tee was flawed. Instead of accusing Daniel of a violation that any throws a fit whenever you don't get der Israeli military rule. I rarely, if nouncements of the administration. student could have made under the circumstances and putting him -your way. Is that what the organiz- ever, hear or read of such views in The problem with this adminis- on trial three times. Organizations on campus should recognize ers are trying to say? the mainstream media. How can an tration, as evident in their response effective dialogue occur if these this problem and take clarifying steps to make sure it does not Do you really want to effect to Hatfield and the current amicus change? Try writing a letter to your views are not heard or ignored? filing, is that it believes in political happen again. elected representatives in Congress. Furthermore, Birenbaum la- pronouncements, just the politically As we said last week, the election code needs to be simplified to Write a letter to the White House. ments the film's depiction of Israeli correct sort. the rule that only appropriate officials (certain SA leaders and Write a letter to the Houston demolition of Palestinian homes and college presidents) are allowed to send election-related e-mails. Chronicle or to the Thresher. Don't Israeli checkpoints as "one-sided" Erik Hughes Now we demand another clarification: that of the jurisdictions of throw a hissy fit and expect people and argues that they are necessary Chemical engineering to take you seriously. for the security of Israel. graduate student the SA Elections Committee, U. Court and the Honor Council. Home demolitions, checkpoints, It is also clear from this mess that there is a great deal of Jack Hardcastle missile attacks, land confiscations confusion involving electronic campaigning. All student organiza- JVtV?ss freshman and torture have been a staple of tions — not just the ones involved in the recent incidents — should Israel's brutal and illegal 36-year oc- CONTACTING THE clarify their policies and possibly revise them to reflect a broad, cupation of Palestinian lands, an oc- Construction destroys cupation that continues in defiance THRESHER simple and clear SA stance if one is developed. uniqueness yet again of dozens of U.N. resolutions and The ambiguity surrounding electronic campaigning has caused international law. This isn't a "one- Letters a great deal of trouble. We hope students will view recent events as To the editors: sided" view. This is the reality 3.5 m Letters to the editor an opportunity to improve their guidelines and not as a chance to I've been at Rice University a long million Palestinians have been en- should be sent via e-mail to make an example of an inadvertent violator. time now, and there are many things during for nearly four decades. [email protected]. Letters about Rice that make it unique. How- I don't claim to have all the an- must be received by 5 p.m. on ever, the longer I stay here, more swers, but the issues put forth in the Monday prior to a Friday and more of these little things that Pilger's documentary have been ig- publication date. make Rice, well, Rice are being dis- nored far too long to the detriment • All letters to the editor mantled. The latest example is the of both the Palestinians and the Is- must be signed and include a Parking considerately elimination of the Facilities and En- raelis. These issues must be ad- phone number. gineering employees' horseshoe dressed if a fair and equitable peace • Letters should be no As the parking lot repaving comes to a close, members of the court behind Abercrombie Lot near is to be achieved. longer than 250 words in Rice community now need to re-learn how to park their cars. Many the Jones College tennis courts. I length. The Thresherreserves of the rows in the parking lot for commuter students and staff have don't know when they built it, but Ibrahim F. Ibrahim the right to edit letters for for as long as I can remember, the Martel senior both content and length. been undergone impromptu extensions—cars are parking in what F&E guys have been playing horse- should be driving lanes through the lot. (See Story, Page 6.) shoe there during lunch and Fri- Rice will always use News Tips When other people are looking for parking spots, they often days at 5 p.m., not to mention the • Tips for possible news sto- reach the end of the row and cannot go on to the next. In order to annual holiday dominoes tourna- affirmative action ries should be phoned in to get our of the parking lot, they must drive backwards for lengths of ment in the same location. the Thresher at (713) 3484801. 50 cars or more. This poses a serious safety threat for all in the But the other day I noticed that To the editor: plum lines for a sidewalk appeared First there was a new vocabulary Subscribing parking lot because drivers cannot see as much while they are right through the middle of it. For to practice affirmative action with- • Annual subscriptions are reversing. some reason, Rice feels the need to out visible intent thereby avoiding available for $50 domestic and So far. police have not aggressively ticketed in the newly re- pave over their horseshoe court to legal liability, and now an amicus $105 international via first paved lots, but that is no excuse to park irresponsibly. Each row has connect two parking lots. The really curae brief filed claiming a First class mail. designated openings on each end, and individuals cannot overrule stupid thing is that there already is a Amendment right. Maybe the prac- sidewalk that accomplishes this! I tice of "diversity" is a religion prac- Advertising these rules. Not only is it the polite and legal way to park but it is can't imagine why it is necessary to ticed by those who believe in the • We accept display and also best for everyone's safety. build a second sidewalk, except to over-determination of race. Rice classified advertisements. preserve the lines of the campus. probably has the right to discrimi- Please contact the Thresher Unsigned editorials represent the majority opinion of the Thresher' I know it may sound petty, but nate based on race as a private insti- for more information. editorial staff. Rice has already destroyed other tution, although there is some po- THE RICE THRESHER OPINION FRIDAY, MARCH 7, 2003 The glasses make me smrt Guest column Co-presidents are a nightmare for everyone Affirmative access: Most The two-headed monster has re- administrators have to get both of very effective speaker representing turned. For the second time in three the presidents together in order to student interests. years, the student body has elected accurately discuss anything. If one Finally, co-presidents often do a appealing real-world option Student Association co-presidents— of the two makes a decision or com- poor job of delegating. The argu- and that's a problem. I ments without the other's ment for co-presidents is that they don't want to take issue consent, there could be have two people working for stu- The following is the first of a series dent body. A study published in specifically with those be- huge problems. dent interests. However, I feel that of columns authored by different Newsweek states, "Since the [af- fore or after me, but hav- Additionally, there are the president should be utilizing the students on affirmative action. firmative access] plan was imple- ing worked for co-presi- many opportunities for rest of the SA Senate for help and mented, minority enrollment at dents and served as presi- conflict between the co- not relying on a friend. If someone OK. I get it. I understand that in UT-Austin has returned to dent myself, I know that a presidents, and no deci- needs a co-president for help, they're today's society it is only fair that roughly the same levels as when dual executive shouldn't sion can be made if they probably not giving enough respon- university admissions offices affirmative action was in effect." be allowed. I was really aren't on the same page. sibility to the rest of the executive strive for diversity in their stu- (Affirmative action became ille- proud when Will Rice Even if the two can work committee or to the senate. dent bodies. It seems gal in Texas after the that our universities feel Hopwood v. Texas deci- College voted last week Matt through their differences, I've always been against co-presi- that the best way to ac- sion in 1996). to amend our constitution their response time is dents and would have made it an Haynie complish this end is to to eliminate co-presi- slower and their actions issue during my senate term except In addition, the pro- use affirmative action, dents, and all the colleges are often muddled. last year's senate had addressed the gram also provides op- and the SA need to follow suit. Meetings also pose a problem. issue. Their vote on whether the while there is a supe- portunities to students Having co-presidents in college Although having two student voices office should be limited to two people rior alternative. who come from poor government could have disastrous in meetings with administrators or just one was an 11-11 tie. In the Affirmative action is economic back- implications, and the same goes for might be beneficial, there is a defi- strangest senate moment I've seen, in itself a racist policy grounds. Harvard I,aw the SA. We were lucky last year to nite negative impact when co-presi- that left the deciding vote up to the — rather than allowing Robert Professor Lani Gunier have no huge problems, but that dents meet with student groups. For co-presidents who, of course, voted equal opportunities for Moore noted that affirmative might not always be the case. example, the SA president and col- in favor of having co-presidents. If all, affirmative action access also "benefits The problems with co-presidents lege presidents meet at least twice a they had disagreed, however, we bestows benefits solely rural westTexas, which are abundant. Most obviously, there week, and often even more fre- would have had a perfect case in on racial minorities, ignoring is primarily white but also very are problems with communication quently. Having co-presidents cre- point. some disadvantaged students poor." with equally impressive CPAs and between them. There's no way for ates two voices for one office, which I didn't feel comfortable address- What about the students who test scores. President Bush, as two people to always be together, creates an unfair imbalance in those ing this so soon after the senate had have earned outstanding grades, governor of Texas, enacted a which means if only one of the two meetings that could easily breed re- made a decision on it, but the recent yet have failed to make the top 10 policy that not only guarantees gets information, it must go through sentment. election proves that the new senate percent because they attended ex- an ethnically diverse student tremely competitive high schools? an additional level of interpretation. Co-presidents also have an insur- needs to reevaluate the issue. I body, but also provides an equal While this may be the major flaw Misinformation can easily result mountable burden when giving strongly suggest the new senate opportunity for those who are eco- of affirmative access, it is impor- when information is relayed from speeches, which is a very important present the question to the student nomically disadvantaged. tant to remember that there are co-president to co-president. part of being SA president. Having body in the Homecoming Elections other factors that admissions com- There are also communication two people speak together is always so that we can avoid the inefficiency This policy, known as affirma- mittees take into consideration, problems for people who work with less effective. and possible disasters that a co-presi- tive access, guarantees the top 10 percent of all graduating Texas' such as SAT or ACT scores. Al- co-presidents. With a single presi- Besides matriculation and other dency can cause. high school classes admission to though it may not be a completely dent, there are no questions about public events, the president has to one of its state-sponsored schools, just system, it is surely superior whom to talk to or when to do it. speak before the Board of Trustees. Matt Haynie is a Will Rice College while lifting the racial stigmatisni to the alternative. With two presidents, students and That's a venue where you want a senior and S/l president. imposed on minority students by Also, affirmative action is affirmative action. meant to help those who are eco- In an inteview for a New York nomically disadvantaged. Ex- Guest column Times article, one Rice student tremely competitive Texas high claimed her accceptance to Rice schools are primarily located in meant more then her acceptance upper-class white neighborhoods, Thanks to vote, Beer-Bike's future uncertain to two Northeastern schools be- so the students disadvantaged are cause she believed the other primarily of the upperclasses. It's the day of Beer-Bike and stu- part of Beer-Bike that many people the excitement that comes with it. If schools' admissions officers The main downfall of affirma- dents are running wild all over the enjoy the most—would not happen. we're not willing to raise the blanket made their decision based more tive action is that it continues to place. The water balloon fight has There are countless other examples, tax $2 to support this event, why on her race than on her academic put race at its focus. A poor white just ended and everyone is waiting but it seems almost silly to enumer- should a major corporation come in merit, ("Using synonyms for student would not be given a ben- in the stands for the races ate them now that the stu- and sponsor it? Haven't we proven race, college strives for diver- efit even if he or she is in the top to start. Your best friend dent body has spoken. through this referendum that Beer- sity," Dec. 8). 10 pecent of his or her high school yells over to you that she's Perhaps this vote is Bike isn't all that important to us? Affirmative access, on the class. going to go grab some not, however, indicative What's more, we've sent a strong other hand, encourages giving Affirmative access, on the pizza and asks if she can of a general student voice message to the administration: We preference to students based on other hand, bypasses this prob- borrow two bucks from against Beer-Bike. I have like Beer Bike, but we aren't willing the quality of their academic- lem, while still advocating a di- you. Oh, she might need come to realize that many to pay for it. That doesn't make cam- achievements rather than on the verse educational experience for three — she isn't sure how students did not even ex- pus social life look like a very high color of their skin. Students who all students. much a drink will cost. pect the referendum to be priority to the folks in Lovett Hall. have worked hard throughout Under this program, minority This is the future of on the ballot and didn't So. when your friend next year high school, regardless of race, enrollment will continue to increase Beer-Bike. While this sce- Corey really think about the is- asks to bum $3 for pizza and Coke are automatically admitted to one and opportunities for those who nario isn't chiseled in Devine sue once they found it because food at Beer-Bike can no of Texas' state-sponsored univer- are less financially stable will stone, the blanket-tax ref- there. To a certain extent, longer be offered for free, don't get sities. emerge. While affirmative access erendum failed last week, Rice Program Council is upset. Realize that on some level, we Since school districts vary is far from perfect, it remains the leaving Beer-Bike in pretty bad responsible for making this issue have to take some responsibility for greatly in the racial composition best solution to the problem at hand. shape. For at least the past 10 years, known to students across campus; this event before anyone else will. of their students, it follows that the Beer-Bike committee has however, it is important to realize this policy greatly contributes to Robert Moore is a Sid Richardson struggled to put together an increas- that this event was brought up for Corey Devine is a Will Rice College creating an ethnically diverse stu- College sophomore. ingly large event in the face of rising discussion at two Student Associa- senior and 'Lifestyles' editor. costs. tion Senate meetings. This year, we tried to do some- Additionally, it was discussed at thing to rectify the situation and the RPC meetings, and it was covered in student body voted it down. What a news article and editorial in the The Rice Thresher, the official student does all this mean for students? At Thresher. The referendum was also newspaper at Rice University since 1916, is mentioned in the election guide the the Rice Thresher published each Friday during the school year, this point, it's unclear at best. except during examination periods and We've come to expect certain Thresher printed. Every student can- holidays, by the students of Rice University. things at Beer-Bike: free food, lots not be active in the SA or RPC, but Rachel Rustin of beer and a huge campus-wide they can pick up a Thresher and Editor in Chief Editorial and business offices are located event that is one of Rice's unique glance at the election guide. on the second floor of the Ley Student Center. social activities. Beer-Bike is as so- We should also consider the fact Olivia Allison 6100 Main St., MS-524, Houston, TX 77005- Senior Editor that many people did not complete 1892. Phone (713) 3484801. Fax (713) 348- cially important as these other 5238. E-mail: [email protected]. Web page: events. It's bigger to produce, but their voting. It's great that people NEWS CALENDAR Beer-Bike gets only $3 per student. want to voice their opinion in the Liora Danan, Senior Editor Erika Acheson, Editor People pay $20 for a Rondelet ticket. presidential race, but when eligible Mark Berenson. Editor Ajay Kalia, Editor Annual subscription rate: $50 domestic, Most college parties are free, but voters do not vote in referenda, those Lindsey Gilbert, Editor $105 international. Nonsubscription rate: first Daniel McDonald. /Iss/. Editor BACKPAGE copy free, second copy $5. Wiess charges for Night of Deca- referenda cannot pass with the Jenny Rees. Asst. Editor Jeff Bishop. Editor dence, and people happily pay $5. needed numbers. Time and time Hie Thresher reserves the right to refuse again we see that voting is impor- OPINION PHOTOGRAPHY In light of these facts, it's funny any advertising for any reason. Additionally, that for $3, students expect to show tant, and not voting can have serious Catherine Adcock, Editor Katie Streit, Editor Nathan Black, Asst. Editor Kijana Knight. Asst. Editor the Thresher does not take responsibility for up at Beer-Bike to eat as much pizza effects on events we think are im- Sushi Suzuki, Asst. Editor the factual content of any ad. Printing an and drink as many soft drinks as portant. SPORTS advertisement does not constitute an they want. It's equally amazing that I'd like to thank everyone who Jonathan Yardley, Editor Skye Schell, Online Editor endorsement by the Thresher. the student body thinks that this did vote for the referendum. It's good Dylan Hedrick, Asst. Editor John Donaleski, Cartoonist Unsigned editorials represent the majority event, which involves probably 100 to see that some people realize that ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT or so people on the planning end, fun, campus-wide activities don't opinion of the 77; rcs/if reditorial staff. All other Carly Kocurek. Editor BUSINESS opinion pieces represent solely the opinion of Polly D'Avignon, Business Manager can be pulled off without problem happen for free. Equally comforting Jon Schumann, Ass? Editor the author. on the little money the blanket tax is the fact that these people are will- Jennifer Quereau. Page Designer Lindsay Roemmich, Payroll Manager Emily Jones. Distribution Manager provides. Consider, for instance, the ing to pay for the fun Beer-Bike pro- LIFESTYLES Parul Patel. Subscriptions Manager The Thresher is a member of the Associated fact that parade and track security vides. Margaret Xu. Office Manager Collegiate Press and the Society of requires T-shirts, and that these I'm more than a bit disheartened, Corey E. Devine, Editor Professional Journalists. I never wanted this ADVERTISING job I wanted to be ... a lumberjack! T-shirts have to be made ard paid however, to see that so many people COPY for with the blanket tax. Now con- Robert Lee, Ads Manager who attend this event voted against Grace Hu, Editor Ethan Varela, v4ssf, Ads Manager f) COPYRIGHT 2003. sider the fact that without these se- it, even when they are more than Elaine Lee, Ass*. Editor Gretchen Raff, Classified Ads Manager curity officials, the parade — the willing to take full advantage of all Meghan Miller. Ass/. Editor W'p


NEWS IN BRIEF Pool closes for repairs # cleaner, less Rice-specific comedy. Spontaneous filming Athletic Conference championships "We have to go completely clean, by Mark Berenson our shows in the past have not been were held last weekend (See Story, TV pilot show THRESHER EDITORIAL STAFF clean," he said. "They've had some Page 12), but about half the team is "Whose Line is it Anyway?" may dirty words, some sexual jokes, some The 53-year-old Recreation Cen- preparing for a meet this week at soon have a crazy, college-aged spin- inside-Rice jokes." ter pool will be closed for about a Texas, and senior Mandy Mularz is off, and Rice students are some of The group has also been read- week as repairs are made to the preparing for NCAA nationals, the first to be involved. ing national newspapers and watch- pipes and filtration system. which are March 20-22. Seven members of Spontaneous ing national news to gather more Assistant Director for Recreation "It's very ridiculous — it's a big Combustion will travel to St Louis at material. Operations Richard Barnhouse said inconvenience not being able to prac- the end of spring break to film a tele- Bishop said he is unsure if the the pool needed to be shut down tice on campus," Voight, from Martel vision pilot that will be pitched to sev- show will be signed. because pipes were rusting and clog- College, said. "We need a new pool, eral cable networks including Com- "I'm hopeful, but I'm not overly ging the filters. and everyone knows that." edy Central, ESPN and MTV. optimistic," Bishop, a Sid Richardson "The rust was clogging filters, Jones College senior Jeannie The premise of the show is fun College junior and Thresher shutting down the chemical sys- Malanowski, captain of the women's and fast-paced competition between Backpage editor, said. "I trust the tem which regulates the chemical club water polo team, said the inability college improvisational comedy executive producer despite never quality," Barnhouse said. "We are to practice is not a serious problem. groups, Spontaneous member Alex having talked to him. He seems ex- ERIN WITTMAN/THRESHER completely replacing and revamp- "With spring break, it's not that Fay said. Spontaneous will face off tremely confident that [the pilot] will Chris Shepley was recently named a ing the chemical system because important," Malanowski said. "It against Washington University be picked up." certified chef de cuisine. rust has ruined it." would have been nice to practice troupe Mama's Pot Roast in various — Lindsey Gilbert Facilities and Engineering Plan- this week, but only if it is closed after games to win points. in a college kitchen," he said. ner Max Amery said one section of spring break that it is a problem." The games will most likely follow Shepley also received certifica- piping appeared to be from the pool's Malanowski said shutdowns have the rules of Comedy Sportz, which is North Servery chef tion as a chef de cuisine, which he original construction. been a recurrent problem. a family-friendly brand of competi- competing nationally described as a "working restau- Various campus groups including "[The pool] breaks about once a tive improv that discourages vulgar- rant chef." To earn this certifica- the varsity swim team, intramurals year," she said. "It's an old, crappy ity and swearing, Spontaneous mem- North Servery Chef Chris tion, chefs accumulate points by and club sports, as well as individuals pool." ber Jeff Bishop said. Shepley represented Rice at one of entering national contests, attend- in the Rice community and external Despite making all foreseeable The trip will be Spontaneous' first the most prestigious American col- ing school and working. Candi- members of the Rec Center use the repairs during this shutdown, future travel experience, although the lege chefs' competition yesterday. dates must also take a two-hour pool. Barnhouse said it had to be shut shutdowns will likely occur because troupe, which became an official Rice Chefs who compete in the practical exam in which they down despite its heavy use. of the pool's age, Barnhouse said. club in January after seven years as NACUFS Regional Conference in butcher two chickens, make a com- "It got to the point that it was no "We are trying to take care of all an unofficial organization, has talked Oklahoma, which is sponsored by plete entree out of each and pre- longer operating, and there was noth- the potential problems now, but that about collaborating with Mama's Pot the National Association of Ameri- pare several side dishes. ing we could do to keep it open doesn't mean other problems won't Roast before. can College and University Food Under American Culinary Fed- unless we stopped and shut it down," pop up because of the age of the pool "We had at one point been plan- Services, design an entree and sub- eration standards, speed and aes- Barnhouse said. — the door is still open for future ning some touring, both with them mit the plan for it several months in thetic presentation of the food are problems," Barnhouse said. going down to Houston and us go- Sophomore varsity swimmer advance. almost as important as taste, Shepley Amery estimated the cost of the ing up to St. Louis, but that fell Jenny Voight said the shutdown is Recently certified as a pastry chef, said. repairs to be between $1,000 and through," Fay, a Lovett College se- forcing the team to practice at a Shepley said he used the experience Shepley is one of three profes- pool in the medical center. Western $2,000. nior, said. as inspiration for his entree, model- sionally certified chefs on campus. The show is the brainchild of ing it on a dessert usually made with The others are Wiess/Hanszen Washington University's Richard berries. The dish, a layered Napo- College Servery Chef Roger Chapman, a senior lecturer in leon with Asian beef and vegetables, Elkhouri and Sid Richardson Col- POLICE BLOTTER screenwriting and co-author of the will be judged on many criteria, in- lege kitchen chef Ben Fonbuena. script for award-winning HBO film cluding color arrangement and por- Rice underwrote certification costs, The following items were reported to the University Police for the period Live From Baghdad, Bishop said. tion size. Shepley said. Feb. 26-March 4. Chapman will pitch the pilot to net- Shepley said he is excited about The head of Rice Catering before work executives in Los Angeles this his certification, but said it might becoming the North Servery chef, Residential Colleges spring. prove more useful in competition Shepley has been at Rice for three- Sid Richardson Feb. 27 Money stolen. Fay said Spontaneous is prepar- than in the North Servery. and-a-half years. College ing for the shoot by practicing "It'shard doing high-end desserts — Susannah Howard Brown College March 4 Cuff links and studs stolen from the commons.

Parking Lots West Lot Feb. 27 Police receive a report of three suspicious subjects in the lot, who they suspected might be responsible for the recent burglaries of motor vehicles. Subjects were issued municipal citations for criminal trespass and criminal trespass warnings from the university.

Other Areas Entrance 3 Feb. 28 Traffic stop. The subject had previously been issued a criminal medium 1-topping trespass warning and was arrested for criminal trespass and remanded to Harris County Jail. Subject was pizza & 2 cans of Coke :•§ also issued another criminal no coupon required trespass warning. Pius *ax Deep dish may be extra %/• '•{

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UJe also serue: Detail's and Travel Information: Get The Door. ^ Breadsticks Cheesy Bread BROWNSviLLe It s Domino s. CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU Coca-Cola Buffalo Ulings • 1-800-626-2639 [email protected] THE RICE THRESHER NEWS FRIDAY, MARCH 7,2003 Controversial group at Faculty Council approves code changes by Rachel Rustin of the spirit of the Honor Council proposal March 18. THRESHER EDITORIAL STAFF undertaking," Zammito, the history Zammito said the Faculty Coun- environmental conference department chair, said. cil also wanted to hear from the Faculty Council voted unani- Zammito said the Faculty Coun- General Counsel's Office in time by Lindsey Gilbert sion practiced rappelling and mouslyTuesday to support proposed cil also passed a resolution, urging for a campus-wide election to occur THRESHER EDITORIAL STAFF other climbing techniques with changes to the Honor Council con- the president to have the General this spring. ropes. The day-long session at stitution and suggested the student Counsel's Office address concerns "We think it's important that all Accusations of ecoterrorism Brazos also included civil disobe- body vote on these changes this se- about the proposal publicly. the intelligent and constructive input did little to disrupt the 11th an- dience role-playing games and mester, Faculty Council Chair Jack President Malcolm Gillis had on these constitutional changes be nual student-run environmental discussion of nonviolent strate- Zammito said. asked for input on these changes made available to the student in an- conference, conference organizer gies. The proposed changes alter the from the Student Association and ticipation of the vote," Zammito said. Cameron Naficy said. The rope session was prima- appeals structure for the Honor the Graduate Student Association in Honor Council Chair Joan About 100 people attended the rily a fun, interactive session to Council by replacing the first level of addition to lhe Faculty Council. The Shreffler said the Faculty Council Feb. 28-March 3 conference, en- teach skills for possible use in appeals — currently the assistant proposed cnanges are slated to go to has been very receptive to the con- titled "This Land is Your Land: environmental activism, Nacify dean for Student Judicial Programs a vote of the student body once they cerns of the Honor Council. Public Lands' History, Philoso- said. For example, rope climbing — with a board including the assis- have been approved by those three "I was delighted to receive such phy, and Controversy." skills could be used to hang pro- tant dean and two faculty members. groups. overwhelming support from the Fac- In an article published in the test banners in trees or to bodily The second level of appeals will re- The Student Association Senate ulty Council," Shreffler, a Lovett Houston Review last week, Lovett prevent deforestation by partici- main the president. The changes decided Feb. 24 not to voice an opin- College senior, said. "The faculty College senior Owen Courreges pating in tree sits. also limit the grounds of appeals and ion on the changes, as any changes have a large stake in the honor sys- condemned the involvement of Tree spiking was in no way change the recommendations the must be approved by a three-fourths tem here at Rice, and so it is impor- environmental group Earth First! advocated or discussed, he said. board and the president can make vote of the student body before it tant to us that they support a pro- in the conference, and said one of Courreges said he got his in- when they consider appeals. goes into effect. The Graduate Stu- posal that give them direct involve- Sunday's sessions at Brazos Bend formation about the conference "We are very much in sympathy dent Association will vote on the ment in the system." State Park would be used to pro- from the Web site and did not mote ecoterrorist strategies. contact the environmental club. The Houston Review is an online He has written several articles publication targeted toward politi- for the Houston Review and is Committee to begin meeting this month cally conservative college students. also its cartoonist. At the Brazos session, led by Courreges said he is con- PRESIDENT, from Page 1 came forward with a very strong president of Rice University is prob- Naficy, a Jones College junior, cerned that the annual environ- gather input at college government commitment for presenting the stu- ably the most important decision and an Earth First! colleague, mental conference is radicalizing meetings, through the SA Web site dent voice, and it's a commitment that can be made at Rice," Isgren about 25 participants learned to and moving away from main- and by making himself approach- I'm going to stick to," Weber said. said. "The leadership of the new use ropes and rope climbing tech- stream ideas. able to students. Director of Alumni Affairs Mark president is extraordinarily impor- niques to scale trees. Rice Environmental Club Co- "I'm really going to represent the Davis said the alumni association tant to the success of our univer- Naficy said Courreges' accu- President George Wells, a Jones undergraduate voice in particular, board reviewed 26 nominated candi- sity." sations are false. senior, said this year's confer- and I'm going to work hard as best dates before choosing Isgren and Isgren said he thought energy, "His article was not one that ence had a wider range of speak- as I can to make sure our choice best George as its representatives Feb. 19. communication skills and academic wielded any power with anyone, ers and activities than in past fits the will of the current student George, also an alumni member experience were all important at- but it caused some ears to perk up years but said each element had body," Weber said. of the Board of Trustees, served as tributes to look for in a future presi- initially," he said. something valuable to offer. Weber said another of his ideas, the executive director for the 1984 dent, and he said he thought Gillis Public relations officials at "I wouldn't say that Earth about which he has already con- presidential search committee that left the committee a high target to both Rice and Brazos contacted First! represents the philosophy tacted Gillis, is to shadow Gillis to selected George Rupp, Gillis' prede- achieve. the Environmental Club with con- or goals by any means of the get an idea of what a university presi- cessor. "We can only hope that we do as cerns after reading the article. Environmental Club," he said. dent does on a daily basis. Haynie "I thought that because of that good a job finding his successor as The President's Office re- "They just present a different way said Weber's preparation and ideas experience, I could contribute to this the search committee did finding ceived more than 10 e-mails from of looking at things." are what finally put him ahead of the process, and I just thought it would him," Isgren said. non-Rice students opposing the Wells said although the Envi- other candidates for the position. be really exciting and interesting," President of the Faculty Council conference, Vice President for ronmental Club sponsors the con- Weber said he was honored to George said. Jack Zammito could not be reachef. Public Affairs Terry Shepard said. ference, the conference planner have been selected to represent un- Isgren said he was also excited for comment on the selection of fac- In the article, Courreges states, has a great amount of autonomy dergraduate students. about the committee's work. ulty representatives to the search "Earth First! routinely destroys and conference content and struc- "I think I was chosen because I "I think that selecting the new committee. property and drives spikes into ture varies from year to year. trees that cause chainsaws to buck Shepard said he is not con- and maim loggers. The 'spiking' cerned that the Earth First! name am QAI S7 MAWI of trees with steel rods causes will bring negative attention to Rice. Mm\0Wwm chainsaws to whip when they hit Naficy said he had not seen the ' Ill m'I 1 ^' a111 m the tree, endangering the lives of articleuntil he spoke with Shepard. lumberjacks." Shepard said the conference is The article included President a student event, not a university Malcolm Gillis' e-mail address event, and as long as the club fol- and encouraged concerned read- lows the law, administrators will ers to contact him. not interfere. Naficy, who is a supporter of Funding for the conference, Earth First!, said it is a move- which cost several thousand dol- ment, not a centralized organiza- lars, came in part from Rice's En- tion. and most activists who par- ergy and Environmental Systems ticipate believe in civil disobedi- Institute and Rice's Center for the ence but also in nonviolence. Tree Study of Environment and Soci- spiking, which was an aggres- ety, Naficy said. Houston Earth sive environmental tactic first First! and another environmental used in the 1970s, is no longer group, the Live Oak Alliance pro- prevalent today, he said. vided only logistical and organiza- The Earth First! Web site tional support and did not contrib- states. "We believe in using all ute money, Naficy said. the tools in the tool box, ranging Wells said many of the people from grassroots organizing and who attended the conference involvement in the legal process were either members of the Hous- to civil disobedience and ton community or students from & Amina monkeywrenching." other universities, and few attend- On the Web site, "monkey- ees of the Brazos session were Plus Special Guests wrenching' is defined as unlaw- Rice students. ful sabotage, and the Web site Environmental Club secretary % The Album Leaf states tactics range from altering Tim Perkins attended many of billboard messages to road recla- Saturday's panel discussions and mation to tree spiking. speakers, and said he detected The attendees of Sunday's ses- no undertones of ecoterrorism.

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JB|| _— , *' " , ... ' •. 2 Committee considers u; 0-Week athlete panel ATHLETE, from Page 1 discussed was encouraging first-year the idea of a panel of upper-classman varsity athletes to live with athletes, but she does not yet know nonathletes. The idea came from sur- if it is feasible. veys the committee asked varsity ath- "It's contingent on the schedule letes to complete, Matthews said. and finding the appropriate time to Morgan said although the slip that in," Botsford, a Wiess Col- committee's work is officially over, lege junior, said. "The ad hoc com- the ideas of the committee will hope- mittee is really excited about it, and fully be incorporated into other ath- ZsM'l so am I." letics-related groups at Rice. ' - Botsford will send a letter to co- "I know that all the people on the £pSpis ordinators and advisers later this committee are committed to helping month recommending ways to en- make a change, and a lot of it is trying ^fSpPI V*"* - sure the greatest possible success to go through the various groups like with incoming varsity athletes. [the Student Athlete Committee and Students for Athletic Spirit and Sup- P!L Varsity golf team captain Ryan ~'ii Morgan, a member of the ad hoc port]," Morgan, one of the student ROB GATTI/THftESHER committee, said the improvements leaders of SAC, said. A car in the residential student section of the West Lot is trapped between three cars. The car got in such a position in O-Week will need to come from Getting these groups to start talk- after parking illegally in an old parking spot marked by the faded parking stripe on the side of the car. both sides. ing was one of the most important "We all thought it was impor- actions undertaken by the ad hoc tant to ensure misinformation dur- committee, Morgan said. ing O-Week was kept to a mini- "All of those groups have begun West Lot gates to be activated mum, both in terms of student ath- to talk to one another — they've letes not being influenced by up- been separate since they've been in the West Lot because burglars perclassmen who have had bad formed so that we are not doing all by Daniel McDonald ing, which is designed to accommo- will not be able to enter the lots in experiences, and also that the rest doing separate things for the one THRESHER EDITORIAL STAFF date student, faculty and staff or con- tinuing studies students who do not a car. of the student body doesn't get bad goal," he said. "Instead, now we will Students, faculty and staff may live on campus. "The people who tend to [bur- information about what athletes are know what others are doing and how need to remember their proximity A streetlight will also be added at glarize vehicles] are people who doing," Morgan, a Lovett College to help each other out." cards along with their car keys and the intersection at Shepherd Street come in on cars so that they can get junior and one of Lovett's 2003 Matthews said he wants one of the driver's license every morning, as and Rice Boulevard by the begin- away faster," he said. This will pre- O-Week coordinators, said. SA's standing committees to continue the gates in the West Lot will be ning of next year, and a new en- clude that kind of thing." Matthews said he plans to work to implement some of the ideas the ad activated as early as the end of this trance, Entrance 11, will open at the The en tire parking-gate project cost towards reviving varsity sports repre- hoc committee considered. month. intersection. $3.68 million, Paul Sanders, senior sentatives at each of the colleges. Committee member William The stadium lots' gates were Binford said the new exit at Shep- project manager and planner said. "I want to revive the varsity rep McKee said changing the relations scheduled to be activated earlier this herd Street will be the best way to Sid Richardson College junior system so if nothing else, people can will be a gradual process. month, but the activation was de- exit the campus to the north. En- Becca Schendel said she thinks un- know when games are, because "We can't see instant results, layed so the West Lot would not be trance 11 wiil also allow fans to leave authorized cars parked in the lots is there are so many of them," but we are seeing steps that are gated during Beer-Bike, Associate faster after baseball and football not a major problem. Matthews, the incoming SA Internal encouraging for the next four Vice President for Finance and Ad- games. "I think there are enough spots in Vice President, said. years," McKee, a Lovett sopho- ministration Neill Binford. Some of the lots have chains that the lot to where it's not necessary to Another idea brought up but not more, said. West Lot gating was expected to can be lowered to allow lot-users to gate the lot," Schendel, the incom- be complete by mid-January, but leave those areas more quickly after ing Sid president, said. "I've never the project was pushed back, sporting events. not been able to find a spot, so I think STUDENT ASSOCIATION Binford said. "We've just had to make the lot's it's a waste of money." The Alice Pratt Brown Lot, next configuration more flexible," Project Brown College sophomore Jason The Student Association met Monday. The following were discussed. to the Shepherd School of Music, Manager Jeffrey Bryson said. MacFarlane also said he does not which has had "horseshoe" bollards Students will immediately be- think the gates are worthwhile. • Applications for the 2003-04 director of publications will be — metal posts — placed around it, gin to see the benefits of having "By adding the gates, it's one available after spring recess. The director of publication is in charge of will include visitor parking at a rate the West Lot gated. These benefits extra hassle to get through to get to the Newcomer's Guide and other SA publications and designs the of $0.75 an hour. inlcude a decrease in the number my car," he said. Homecoming T-shirt. Students interested in applying should contact The rest of the lots in the West of illegally parked cars, Binford Some students have complained Student Media Adviser Jen Cooper at [email protected]. Lot are surrounded by wheel stops, said. of having their cars blocked into which are designed as a lower- "The idea is essentially to protect parking spots by other cars parking m SA Election Committee Chair Alan Pham briefed the senate on priced alternative to bollards to pre- the parking that we need for ourselves according to the old lines in the University Court decisions regarding the General Elections. U. Court vent people from parking in the lot and our visitors," he said. "There will West Lot. determined that contested multiple-candidate elections need to be without using a prox card at the be fewer cars, I guarantee it" Binford said if this remains a prob- redone because of misleading voting instructions. The election will take parking gate. Rice University Police Chief Bill lem, one solution might be painting place after spring recess. (See Story, Page 1.) The lot by the Rice Media Center Taylor said he expects the gates to the old lines green as was done in has been turned into commuter park- decrease the number of burglaries the lot by Cohen House. • The senate approved a memo to be sent to the University Standing Committee on the Undergraduate Curriculum regarding pos- sible changes to the LPAP curriculum. The letter encourages LPAP to be graded on a pass/fail scale.

5814 Kirby • SA Internal Vice President Clare Johnson and External Vice President Melissa Andrews summarized the findings of the focus group In Rice Village on University Standing Committees. The group determined that under- graduate representatives to the University Standing Committees needed to stay in closer contact with the SA. (713) 432-7272 • The senate unanimously approved a resolution in support of the Texas legislative bill that would make books purchased for academic Better Ingredients. purposes tax free. (See Story, Page 8.)

Better Pizza. • Chairman of the SA ad hoc committee on relations between athletes and nonathletes Derrick Matthews discussed the committee's Papa Johns recommendations. The recommendations were based on surveys con- ducted by students and focus on Orientation Week and on increasing Pizza Bucks interaction between athletes and nonathletes. (See Story, Page 1.) • The senate approved a resolution in support of creating a Rice environmental policy. The senate also approved changing the name of now available in the Rice Special the Space and Facilities Committee to the Environment and Facilities Convenience Store! Large one topping pizza Committee. (See Story, Page 8.) One two liter Coke® SA changeover will take place March 17 in Willy's Pub in the Student Center. The next meeting will be on March 24 at 10 p.m. in Farnsworth Late Night Pavilion in the Student Center. Rice Special $9.99 Large one topping pizza LOVING CREATOR One two liter Coke UNFOLDING RELIGION $8.99 HUMAN FAMILY After 9 p.m. The Bah£'f Faith We support Rice athletics. 1-800-22UNITE THE RICE THRESHER NEWS FRIDAY, MARCH 7,2003 Hundreds protest U.S. Lecturer examines definition of art by Ian Everhart less an end than a means and can be piece that is beautiful. THRESHER STAFF used as a tool for cultural awareness. Danto went on to say that in po- For example, the 1993 Biennial liticized works such as Guernica, policy at anti-war rally Art doesn't have to be beautiful, Exposition at the Whitney Museum which depicts an aerial bombard- artist and philosopher Arthur Danto of American Art displayed a continu- ment in the 1937 Spanish Civil War, by Lindsey Gilbert "When students get riled up here, said in a lecture entitled "Beauty and ous loop of footage of Los Angeles beauty is not necessarily desirable. THRESHER EDITORIAL STAFF it's usually internal." Politics" in the Grand Hall of the Police Department officers beating "Beauty is not always right," he Speakers at the rally were Rice Memorial Center Wednesday Rodney King. said. At a rally that drew attention Hannah Hawk, spokesperson for evening. The event was the last of Danto said the exhibit is an ex- Politicized art shows the world from local and national media, the Muslim Public Affairs Coun- the three lectures in the President's ample of art that is not beautiful. as it is, while traditional art tries to about 300 people braved an early cil; University of Houston His- Lecture Series this year. "The person who made the tape create a refuge from real horrors afternoon downpour to protest tory Professor Bob Buzzanco; Danto, a professor emeritus of ... was not an artist, and there were and suffering, Danto said. potential war with Iraq. Rice Philosophy Professor philosophy at Columbia University, questions raised as to whether it In a question-and-answer session Students walked out of classes Alastair Norcross; former Texas evaluated the nature of art and how ought to have been included at all." following his speech, Dantosaid he Wednesday at 11:40 a.m. and con- State Representative Sissy it has changed in recent years. He he said. does not like Daniel Libeskind's re- vened in the academic quad in Farenthold; outgoing Graduate said he has used his background as The King video, like Pablo cendy-unveiled design for the recon- front of Willy's Statue for the hour- Student Association President a philosopher to try to reconcile these Picasso's Guernica, is not beautiful struction of the World Trade Center long rally. Some protesters held Miles Scotcher; Hanszen College conflicting ideas. and therefore does not fit the tradi- and said he thinks planners should signs saying, "No war for oil," junior Ben Ratner and members Critics used to believe art was only tional definition of art, Danto said. have waited several years before me- "War, what is it good for?" and of the Rice slam poetry team. as valuable as it was beautiful, Danto However, if a work stirs emotion in morializing the event, as was the case "Earth to Bush: The people say, Ben Burford, a Brown College said. In recent years, art has become the viewer it can be as powerful as a with the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. 'No war.'" freshman, attended the rally ABC reporter Sam Donaldson wearing a bright green T-shirt he interviewed Sid Richardson Col- bought last week to show his sup- lege senior Charlotte Albrecht, a port. Many participants wore the coordinator of the rally, on his live shirts, which feature a dove hold- Campus-wide listserv proposed radio show Wednesday morning. ing an olive branch and read "Rice The Associated Press, the Hous- for Peace." by Rachel Rustin different listservs. "We can pull out information for ton Chronicle, KHOU Channel 24 AT-shirt was also draped over THRESHER EDITORIAL STAFF The letter calls for the Registrar's organizations for students who re- and independent radio station the torso of Willy's statue. Office to give the SA e-mail addresses quest it for specific reasons," Montag KPFT also reported on the event. Albrecht, the outgoing Sid The college coordinators have pro- for ?11 students. said. "We would need to entertain Part of the National Youth and president, said the group sold 150 posed that the Student Association SA Co-President-elect Bryan [the Family Educational Rights and Student Peace Coalition's "Books shirts and plans to order more. run a listserv for all students that would Debbink said this listserv would be in Privacy Act], talk to legal counsel Not Bombs" student strike, the Albrecht and others founded post information about campus events. addition to the current SA listserv, and that's how we would pursue it." rally was one of many that took Rice for Peace last month in re- In a letter to Registrar Jerry which would be used only for SA busi- FERPA is a federal law that re- place across the nation Wednes- sponse to the escalating tension Montag, the coordinators proposed ness. Students would be able to quires that educational institutions day. Students at about 300 uni- with Iraq. RSPA was formed at that this listserv be "the single source unsubscribe from the new listserv. not release information about stu- versities staged walkouts to pro- about the same time, RSPA co- to send any requests for announce- "The campus-wide listserv would dents without their permission. test the Bush administration's founder Ketch Morse, a Hanszen ments, postings, etc. by any group, be a completely separate entity that Hanszen College Coordinator policy on Iraq. freshman, said. department, organization associated serves the purpose of consolidating Glynda Cumby said this listserv Sid sophomore Michael Smith Morse said he was anticipat- with Rice trying to reach the general the repeat e-mails people get about would lighten the e-mail load of both said he came to the rally to op- ing fewer than 100 protestors, student population at Rice." campus-wide issues," Debbink said. the coordinators and the students. pose war and found it refreshing and attendance at the rally far In the letter, the coordinators said Montag said he did not know of "We get multiple copies of things to see Rice students practicing exceeded his expectations. the new listserv will provide a place any problems from a technical stand- from multiple departments," Cumby activism. Associate Director of the Cen- for students and organizations to point but said he felt a meeting said. "If there was some kind of a send announcements and will limit needed to be set up to discuss the clearinghouse, then that would be a "I'm out here to show that al- ter for Education Nonie 1 though Rice students can be apa- Harcombe, who has worked at repeat e-mails students receive from rationale behind the proposal. good thing." thetic, not all of us are apathetic," Rice intermittently for 30 years, he said. was one of several faculty and Rice for Peace and Rice Stu- staff members who attended the protest. Three students awarded Envision Grants dents for Progressive Activism, two new anti-war groups on cam- Harcombe said she identified by Mark Berenson dents to have their work recognized," States and in Thailand, he said. pus, planned the rally. with Scotcher, who spoke about THRESHER EDITORIAL STAFF Savory said. Barnard will use the grant money Albrecht, a member of Rice opposing violence in Iraq but who The submission deadline for this to build an interactive Web site for Peace, said Donaldson asked does not consider himself a paci- With help from Envision Grants, year's contest is March 28 and infor- where members of the network can her if a student rally can make a fist. Before this year she had Rice students will set up a literary mation on submission will be adver- interact and also to translate docu- difference in the face of a war that never attended a rally. contest on campus, support child tised. ments from English into Thai. seems inevitable. "This was new for me the way advocacy in Thailand and imple- A second award was given to The final award was given to Albrecht said she thinks it can. this demonstration was new for ment a teacher training program in Hanszen junior Kye Barnard, who Brown College sophomore Holly "With the vision of the Bush Rice," she said. California. will set up a program of child advo- Carter, who will start a program in administration it doesn't seem Albrecht said Rice for Peace Envision Director Jinny Sisson cacy in Thailand. California that will give prospec- like there is anything we can do will continue its efforts even if said three Envision grants of $1,500 Barnard said he became inter- tive teachers an opportunity to gain to stop it, but I think it is impor- war breaks out. Both RPSA and each were awarded last week to all ested in children's rights in Thai- experience through teaching sum- tant that people who are resisting Rice for Peace plan to host teach- three students who applied for a grant land this past summer after working mer enrichment sessions. this know that other people are ins, which are issue-specific dis- The first award was given to for a non-governmental organization Carter said she will run a nine- resisting it too," she said. cussion panels, after spring Hanszen College sophomore in Bangkok that focuses on week program this summer that will Political or social protest on break. Stephanie Savory, who wants to children's rights. offer biology, chemistry and physics the Rice campus is a relatively "I think that being the kind of launch a literary competition at Rice. The program he will create in- classes to rising high school students. rare occurrence, Albrecht said. university we are, being in the Savory said the literary contest will volves a network of child rights ad- Sisson, an Earth Sci- nee: .'search "Being here four years, it's kind of environment we are — in have three categories: essay, cre- vocates in the United States and in scientist, said tins year's final Envi- very much a rare thing to see academia — people would be ative writing and poetry. Winning Thailand. The network will include sion Grant deadline is March 20. students riled up about anything more likely to come to something works will be published online, and social workers, child psychiatrists and the application is available at political or social," she said. that is educational," she said. the authors will be given cash prizes. and members of the law enforce- http://www. ruf. rice. edu/~leadi ng/ "The idea is to allow more stu- ment community both in the United envision.html.

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l-SOO-GO-GUARD www. I Xv"-'" ' THE RICE THRESHER NEWS FRIDAY, MARCH 7,2003 U. Court: Daniel not in violation S A passes textbook, ELECTIONS, from Page 1 students regarding qualifications for "The Honor Council cannot pick junior representative. Daniel, a Sid and opinions on the Honor System." and choose what portions of the Richardson College sophomore, sent Shreffler said she believes al- election they want the SA to run. environment resolutions an e-mail to varsity athletes encour- though U. Court is the proper body Someone contested the election, aging them to vote for athletes in the to hear a contest based on an al- based on the accusation that greatly. by Jenny Rees elections. leged violation of the SA bylaws [Daniel ] was in violation of the elec- 'Textbooks are hundreds of THRESHKR EDITORIAL STAF F The elections committee decided and election code, the Honor Coun- tion procedures, and so the Court dollars, and we're paying eight to Daniel complied with the rules Pham cil is responsible for interpreting examined whether or not his e-mail The Student Association Sen- ten dollars [in taxes] per text- communicated to the candidates. Al- rules in the blue book. Although it was in violation of not only the elec- ate unanimously passed two reso- book, so that's $30 to $50 we each though discrepancies existed be- is within U. Court's jurisdiction to tion code and the bylaws, but also lutions Monday. get to save," McKee, a Lovett tween Pham's instructions and the rule Daniel did not violate the SA the relevant portion of the Honor One resolution was a request College sophomore, said. election code, which bans unsolic- election rules, Shreffler said, the Council blue book." that Rice adopt a policy of envi- The resolution on environ- ited e-mails by candidates, the com- Honor Council has the right to sus- Daniel said he did not violate the ronmental conservation and mental conservation and mittee decided not to punish Daniel. pend members who violate the rules rules in the blue book. sustainability and create a stand- sustainability was proposed by Lovett College sophomore Travis of the blue book. "If the Honor Council was able to ing committee to work toward Kolodny and Wiess sophomore Youngblood, who lost the race for look at the facts, I think they would those goals. Phil Levine. Kolodny and Irvine Honor Council junior representative, see I was acting on behalf of the SAC The other resolution was a state- are students in University 303: contested the election, claiming Daniel committee, not my campaign," ment of support for Texas House Environmental Issues: Rice Into should have been disqualified for send- 'We're going to be Daniel said. Bill 286, which would create a tax the Future, a course that explores ing a mass e-mail as part of his cam- SA Co-Presidents-elect Bryan exemption for college students pur- environmental issues at Rice and paign. U. Court upheld the decision looking over the way Debbink, a Wiess College junior, chasing college textbooks. sustainable policy regarding the of the SA elections committee. and Michael Leggett, a Wiess se- SA President Matt Haynie, a environment. Youngblood said he believes the SA runs things and nior, said the online voting process Will Rice College senior, said he The resolution encourages U. Court should have disqualified needs to be revamped, and sections proposed the resolution on H. B. the university to adopt an offi- Daniel regardless of Pham's e-mail. making sure everything of the SA bylaws and election code 286 after he received an e-mail cial policy on environmental "I think U. Court should have need to be clarified. from a representative of the Texas conservation. abided by the actual election code, is in order.' "We're going to be looking over A&M student government, which "We request the creation and not by what one guy fallaciously said," — Bryan Debbink the way the SA runs things and mak- had already passed a resolution adoption of an institutional com- Youngblood said. SA president-elect ing sure everything is in order," in support of the bill. mitment to the environment that Daniel said because he did not Debbink said. "He asked if we would be in- shows cognition of Rice send the e-mail with the intent of Brickman sent an e-mail to the terested in adding support to University's responsibility to as- campaigning, he did not violate the members of the elections commit- their efforts, and I thought it was sume a leadership role as a devel- bylaws or election code. "It states very, very clearly in tee and Debbink and Leggett, sug- pretty clearly something that stu- oper and implementer of solu- "The e-mail in question was not a our blue book that the Honor Coun- gesting several changes to the SA dents would be interested in sup- tions to our global environmen- campaigning e-mail," Daniel said. "It cil is strictly the body responsible bylaws and election code. Brickman porting," Haynie said. "Our main tal crisis through administrative was sent on behalf of the [Student for interpreting everything in the recommended the SA correct the goal in passing this resolution actions as well as academic pur- Athlete Committee] by me to en- blue book," Schreffler said. "Once discrepancy between the bylaws was to add support to the Texas suits," the resolution states. courage athletes to get out the vote somebody is a current member, and the election code on the num- A&M efforts." The resolution also urges ber of signatures needed to contest and become more involved in stu- [the Honor Council] can vote on The resolution states H. B. President Malcolm Ciillis to cre- an election. dent government." whether the member should be 286 would benefit college stu- ate a University Standing Com- Candidates for positions on the suspended for any kind of viola- Brickman suggested next year's dents and support the Texas mittee for Environmental Con- tion of our rules." Honor Council must follow addi- elections committee design a new economy, since students would servation and Sustainability. tional rules imposed by the blue book Brickman said he believes type of electronic ballot for multiple- be more likely to purchase text- The resolution also states the in addition to the 5A bylaws and U. Court is the proper body to de- choice elections; create a sample books in Texas. SA will change the name of its election code. Article VI ofthe Honor cide whether Daniel violated all rules ballot that would show voters how to Haynie introduced the idea for space and facilities committee to Council bylaws states, "Campaign- that applied to his election, includ- vote correctly in preferential, mul- the resolution at the Feb. 10 sen- the environment and facilities ing by candidates for Honor Council ing the SA bylaws and election code tiple-choice and referendum elec- ate meeting and wrote the reso- committee and refocus the goals office shall be limited to: a. writing a and the Honor Council blue book. tions; and re-write the program for lution the following week in col- of that committee to include envi- campaign statement for the Thresher, "The Honor Council has a coop- the electronic ballot so candidates laboration with Wiess College ronmental conservation. b. speaking at forums organized by on each ballot appear in a different eration with the SA to handle their freshman Jack Hardcastle. SA blanket-tax organizations and open order for each voter. He also recom- Kolodny and Levine intro- elections, and if the Honor Council Internal Vice President Clare to all candidates; c. making a state- mended the committee clarify elec- duced the idea for the resolution has the SA run the elections, they Johnson, a Sid Richardson Col- ment at the SA elections rally; d. tion code on electronic campaign- at the Feb. 10 senate meeting. have to agree to the policy of con- lege sophomore, proposed the entering into discussions with other testing elections," Brickman said. ing and unsolicited e-mails. Like the resolution on H. B. 286, resolution to the senate Feb. 17. the environmental conservation "The only objection to the resolution was presented at the original idea was from [Jones Feb. 17 senate meeting. / will not correct the teacher I will not correct the teacher College junior] Alan Kolodny Haynie said he hopes the reso- regarding the possible detri- lution will have an impact on I will not correct the teacher I will not correct the teacher ment to the Texas budget," policy at Rice. Haynie said. "My argument "The university does a lot of I will not correct the teacher I will not correct the teacher against that was that there will sustainability and conservation ef- I will not correct the teacher I will not correct the teacher be other constituencies that may forts already, but there's no con- want to fight against this for crete policy, and we would like to I will not correct the teacher I will not correct the teacher various reasons, but from a see that happen," Haynie said. student's vantage point, it's "The university doesn't do a ter- I will not correct the teacher I will not correct the teacher 100 percent positive." rible job with these issues, and I will not correct the teacher I will not correct the teacher SA senator William McKee, Dr. Gillis has been a strong sup- who is working with Haynie to porter of sustainability in his pro- I will not correct the teacher I will not correct the teacher inform Texas legislators of the fessional career, but I think we all resolution, said he believes know the university can continue I will hot correct the teacher I will not correct the teacher H. B. 286 will benefit students to do more things better." I will not correct the teacher I will not correct the teacher I will not correct the teacher I will not correct the teacher I will not correct the teacher I will not correct the teacher Teen^fS&cfomgr

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ri/F FAI L OF MISS SAIGOS THE THRESHER'S RECOMMENDATIONS FOR EVENTS AROUND Quiet American' explores dark and light in Vietnam HOUSTON THROUGH • - ': ;i •••: MARCH 20, 2003. Tina Gupta FOR THE THRESHER EDITORS The Quiet American paints a shad- owy picture of Vietnam in the 1950s. Opening with the dead body of Alden picks Pyle (Brendan Fraser) in the dusky ?• waters of Saigon, a formulaic mur- der mystery launches into an explo- tonight ration of political, moral and roman- tic themes. THE SOUND WE m MAKE TOGETHER 'the quiet american' Rating: *** 1/2 Artist Harrell Fletcher (out of five) spent time collecting In theaters. video of Houston groups

ranging from gospel The release of The Quiet American choirs to garage bands was delayed after the terrorist attacks to Falun Gong disciples of Sept. 11 due to its anti-American and anti-imperialistic undertones. and elementary kids. However, the controversy that delayed Fletcher's work is the film apparently has not had a nega- tive impact on its success. Director compiled in The Sound Phillip Noyce recently won the 2002 COURTESY MIRAMAX FH MS We Make Together. Best Director Award from the Na- Michael Calne plays Thomas Fowler, a veteran British correspondent in The Quiet American. Fletcher will be present tional Board of Directors for both Rabbit-Proof Fence and The Quiet tanglement is set against the larger moral code to live by. resentative of Fowler and Pyle's vi- for the opening American. drama of the region. The film builds with an impending sion of Vietnam, Noyce does not reception, and there are Noyce captures the dark and be- France's grasp on Indochina is inevitability: Fowler and Pyle are mor- fully draw out the dramatic potential weakening as the country spins into ally ambiguous, driven by an obses- of the romance. Ultimately, it is the t two "assignments" for witching beauty of Vietnam, most par- ticularly of Saigon. The streets bustle violence with the same frenetic en- sion for Phuong, and through her, an underlying political and moral ques- Houstonians on his Web with throngs of pedestrians intercut ergy that makes Saigon so visually obsession with Vietnam itself. These tions that are most compelling. The obsessions ultimately doom the both site, www.learningto by bicycles and cars, creating a con- enchanting. The communists have political manipulations and moral stant press of people. Close-ups are been gaining ground on the French, men to their fates. ambiguities play out visually not only characterized by the ever-present but a new mysterious political power Caine is brilliant as Fowler, a vet- in the shadows and smoke of Completed assignments sheen of sweat, a constant reminder is emerging, first manifesting itself eran British correspondent. Caine's Fowler's opium pipe, but also in the of the oppressive heat and humidity. with a brutal massacre of a village in weary voice expresses the quiet rage images of war. q will be added to the 9 The most breathtaking scenes of the North Vietnam. of a man who remains the perfect, The camera works to create sharp exhibit. film capture snapshots of Saigon's This force later turns out to be reserved Englishman even when the visual contrasts between the massa- 7 to 9 p.m. at nightlife, in which the bright lights General The (Quang Hai), a mega- only thing he cares about is taken cre of villagers in Northern Vietnam and colors contrast a darkness popu- lomaniac supplied by the CIA to from him. and the whorehouses of Saigon. How- DiverseWorks, 1117 lated by unknown dangers. shore back the communist wave. Fraser is surprisingly strong as ever, Noyce would have had a sharer, East Freeway. Go to Through flashbacks, Thomas American imperialism, with its co- the seemingly earnest Pyle and can more direct film if he had devoted Fowler (Michael Caine) narrates the vert sponsorship of anti-communist nearly be forgiven for earlier trans- more time and attention to the politi- film, explaining the process through Vietnamese factions, is replacing gressions such as Monkeybone, and cal and military conflicts of the back- G for details. which his self-proclaimed objectiv- France's more direct colonialism. Dudley Do-Right. drop. ity is challenged upon meeting Pyle, As the mystery progresses, the Hai Yen is entrancing as Fowler's Noyce presents a dark analysis growing romantic and political ten- and Pyle's exotic savior. Her smooth this weekend a young, idealistic American medi- of Vietnam at the fall of Indochina cal-aid worker. The friendship sours, sions are superimposed on moral and graceful movements are filled and the entrance of American impe- however, when Pyle openly declares tension. Surrounded by political and with a quietness that reveals an in- rialism through a story of passions, CANDY AND his love for Phuong (Do Thi Hai romantic complications, Fowler's ner strength hidden from the men yet it is the shadows of The Quiet PUNISHMENT Yen), Fowler's mistress of two years. objectivity must give way to a judg- she depends upon. American that seduce the viewer to V Fowler and Pyle's personal en- ment — he must determine what Although Phuong is largely rep- enter into a sultry Saigon night. The utterly bizarre film A SETTING ON THE adaptation of Roald DRYER

Dahl's classic children's tale, Willy Wonka and the One man show questions meaning of 'NORMAL' Chocolate Factory has reached cult status for a Carly Kocurek When faced with a series of per- "I got incensed after the Oklahoma "It gives me an opportunity to stay THRESHER EDITORIAL STAFF sonal crises, White decided to return City bombing because I lived in Okla- reason. Now you can reasonably current... and make fun Randall White is NORMAL. to theater. The first dates for NOR- homa City for a couple of years and of the whole loopy universe of people catch it in a cult setting NORMALis a one-man show with MAL were set before he had written I've got a lot of personal connections who do wacky things to help corpora- as part of the Landmark 11 characters, written with the goal the play. there, and I got incensed when the tions ... corporate retreat type of of forcing people to reevaluate their "A friend of mine in another state charlatans descended," White said. stuff," White said. "You know, like River Oaks Theatre's prejudices and identities. who was managing an arts complex "There was this whole corps of 'Why am I on all fours? How does this midnight movie series. that had a theater in it said let's go quacks and pseudo-therapists that help me balance my spreadsheet?" ahead and book you in, pencil you in Tonight and tomorrow at descended.... A friend of mine, who White said his primary issue re- for something that you'll write and had no credentials whatsoever was normal' mains that of identity and normalcy. midnight at the Landmark perform," White said. "Basically, we hired to work with rescue workers Audiences identify with the charac- secured dates for a performance of a doing rapid eye movement therapy to River Oaks Theatre, Randall White ters in interesting ways. *9 show that had not been written yet help them through their grief." "One of my characters — the Fort 2009 West Gray. six months in the future." March 13-15 and 21-22 at 8 p.m. Worth man— [isa[ foul-mouthed son and March 23 at 3 p.m. White developed the concept for of a bitch, and [for] my little Church of DiverseWorks, 1117 East Freeway. the show from a series of personas 'In our desire to Christ daddy, it's his favorite charac- Student rush tickets $10 at the he had created as a type of party gag. ter," White said. door. More info at When one of his friends suggested belong we glom "It just stuns me, but because of he give his comic personas some- where that character ends up and the thing substantial to say, White de- on to other BELIEF point that he reaches resonates with cided they would be the perfect ve- systems when it's my father and resonates with other White's show represents a return hicle for dealing with issues of nor- older white men in the audience. It to his initial career plans. malcy and identity. harder to stake lets them connect with the thing triat "I grew up in a theater family, The show has flexibility, something we all have in common, not what sepa- White said. "My brother Roger, that allows White to tailor the show to out our own.' rates us." who's the [head women's] tennis where it is being performed. Allowing people to identify with coach there at Rice, is unfortunately There are some things I use these people outside their normal range of the oddball in our characters to convey," White The exploitation may have infuri- social interactions and connections is family, the jock. said."There is nothing more thrilling ated White, but he still could see the one of the primary tenets of NOR- The rest of us were than seeing the messages unfold for absurdity of the situation. MAL. Another is allowing people to all theater people." an audience without them really "I got so incensed I took that [situ- willingly break with the identities that After graduating knowing it. That's really the beauty ation], twisted it and made it into a they have constructed for themselves. from the University of theater. Audiences can sit there character who uses interpretive dance "Many times in our desire to be- of Oklahoma in and laugh ar.d on a few occasions to help corporations through times of long, we glom on to other belief 1976 as a theatre kind of squirm in their seats, and transition," White said. "So of course, systems when it's harder to stake major, White says what they don't realize is that the she works with Enron, but over the out our own," White said. "I think • I he "got cold feet" writer's message is kind of filtering years, she's had plenty of opportuni- really, that's one of the undercur- and headed away in and changing their perception — ties to work with other groups." rents of the show. That indepen- from the stage and their perspective — just a tad." In addition to to ridiculing use- dence of groupthink, and how that's into the nonprofit The characters also allow White less forms of therapy, the character difficult, because the pressures are sector, where he to address specific issues and cur- criticizes the strange rituals of cor- upon us to think like everyone else worked for 20years. rent events. porate culture. around us that we like." I 1 THE RICE THRESHER ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT FRIDAY, MARCH 7,2003 11 Sparking a revolution f f" by Elizabeth Pienkos

When I think of fire stations, I think of a resting place for shiny trucks And, by Heath Flagtvedt, represents such unorthodox ideas In it, the carrying long ladders and even longer hoses. I think of a bunch of fire artist experiments with a genre known as "copy art" as he makes fighters sitting around upstairs playing cards until an alarm suddenly multiple-generation color copies, which he then prints onto silk. rings, when they jump up, slide down the proverbial pole and rush into "[Flagtvedt] enlarges [his copies] ona plotter, and they're amazing," uniforms. I think of Spot, the necessary dalmatian that has somehow Sanchez said. "They're sheen and attractive, but it takes a certain made its way into the American collective unconscious as amount of acclimation to accept the fact that this is art. It's not the mascot for these institutions. like, you know, your everyday painting or sculpture You Fire Station 3 is none of these. It is a contemporary art have to acclimate to the fact that something expressive can museum, but it actively calls into question the accepted actually take other forms, and so we work really hard to sort definitions of museums and art. of create [and] generate the idea that you have the liberty to Although it originally began as a fire station in 1905, explore something that is unexplorable." 1919 Houston Avenue was later converted into an Sanchez wants to "encourage [viewers] to see art for apartment, which is how Charlie Sanchez (Hanszen '99), the founder, what it is, not for the pretense that it has become," he said. president and director of the museum, found it. The museum not only challenges its viewers, but its artists as well. One "It's been an interesting ride," Sanchez said about transforming the exhibit presented the works of collage artist Rene Cruz Sanchez had Cruz building into a museum. "It took about six months to make it viable." take some of the pieces that weren't displayed and arrange them into another After opening Fire Station 3 in February 2002,thedirector continued collage. Sanchez said that he wanted "to make him identify with something to put his heart and soul into the place. that is a lot more large than his preconceived notion of art, so he intermingled "It was my thing. It was my baby," he said, "It was my money, my things that were not meant to be together." effort, my time It was me I haven't slept the last 10 months." An ongoing What he achieved is a museum that is as much a work of art as the project at Fire exhibits. Station 3 is the Fire Station 3 is not your "Generally speaking, it's not textbook — it's not like white walls and showing of unique typical fire station. It is not you hang shit," Sanchez said "There's deteriorating walls, plaster walls, independent like half of them, like half brick walls and it's really diverse in that way. It's films partnered your typical museum. It does got an aesthetic that is not norm, and it's also very titillating We've w I t h the not show your typical art. worked very hard to isolate the space, to create the right results." organization, In addition, the director hopes that his museum will impact the way Microcinema artists show their exhibits and the way Thesefilms, like theotherart exhibited, areunknowntomost of thecommunity. that people see them. The screenings take place on the last Friday of every month, and they "If your work works better with the typically draw more than 100 people "Generally speaking, it's not noise around you, then you should In addition, they host a show called "Nameless Sound Collective," (• textbook — it's not like white° influence yourself by that," Sanchez said which features music from improvisational ensembles. On March 2 1 "You should hang your work that way." and 22, Fire Station 3 will showcase the Muslim community with poetry walls and you hanq shit." What people find when they enter by a Muslim activist and a class called "The Art of Happiness." —Charhe Sanchez the museum is work that defies modern Fire Station 3 is not your typical fire station It is not your typical conventions and definitions of what art museum It does not show your typical art. Some might see this as a should be failure to accept modern conventions, but Sanchez does not "Our primary tenet is that we're trying to represent... the mediums, "Failure does not exist in my space," Sanchez said. "Nobody thinks the people, the general impetus that does not get the attention that it that failure is possible It's not a legitimate word around here " needs, which is often unorthodox ideas, not just materially but also Success at Fire Station 3 comes from giving a voice to the unheard conceptually," Sanchez said. "Mostly we'd like to pursue the things that and from making viewers question their assumptions areunderappreciated That is the most deliberate intention that wehave— Sanchez encourages students interested in pursuing this concept of just to find the things not being heard and make them vocal." success to get involved with Fire Station 3 For more information, go to: The most recent exhibit, Polymorphous Perversity or the Future of or call (71 3) 256-8704

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PAGE DESIGN BY JENNIFER MPHU i A *** * * " llfP5 ' ' . Y ' \ Thresher Sports Page 12 THE RICE THRESHER JL. Friday, March 7,2003 Hoops squads host Fresno with tourneys looming

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MATT CRNKOVICH/THRESHER ROB GADDI/THRESHER Junior center Yamar Dlene scores two of his career-high 24 points Saturday in Rice's 75-58 win Senior center Johnetta Mayes guards in the backcourt Feb. 8 against Tulsa at Autry Court. The over Hawaii. The men's basketball teams plays Fresno State tomorrow night at 7:15 p.m. Lady Owls host Fresno State tomorrow night at 5 p.m. Men expecting to capitalize on Fresno postseason ban Lady Owls aim for high WAC seeding in home finale 4 that of the Spartans and the Wahine by a by Rohan Wagle a sense of urgency because we're within by Adam Tabakin grasp of reaching our goals." combined 64-29. THRESHER STAFF THRESHER STAFF Recent developments with the Fresno State The men's basketball team finds itself in a program have helped Rice's hopes of reach- The Lady Owls control their own destiny unique position heading into tomorrow night's ing the postseason. The Bulldogs announced tomorrow night as they aim for the second 4 1 showdown with Fresno State University at Monday that they are suspending themselves seed in the upcoming Western Athletic Con- It's senior night, so I don't 7:15 p.m. at Autry Court. from NCAA postseason activity in an effort to ference tournament. The Owls have their eyes on a postseason lessen NCAA sanctions that will be imposed After facing the University of Nevada last want to leave Autry with a bid to either the NC AA tournament, in which in light of an academic fraud incident on the night, the women's basketball team takes on loss. I can't fathom that.' Rice has not participated since 1970, or the men's basketball team. Fresno State University tomorrow at 5 p.m. at National Invitational Tournament, which has The Western Athletic Conference Board of Autry Court. The Lady Owls come in on a hot — Kim Lawson not featured the Owls since 1993. Although this Directors voted Tuesday to adopt a resolution streak, having won seven of their last nine Senior point guard is one of Rice's best seasons in recent history, stating that a team ineligible for NCAA tourna- games and three in a row for a 10-6 confer- head coach Willis Wilson (Will Rice '82) said ment play is also ineligible for the WAC tour- ence record. the team is focused on each game. nament. The decision leaves the University of Rice completed its first road sweep of "We have an expression that we use on Tulsa, the University of Nevada, Rice and SMU the season last week with a 56-47 win over "We were so deep," head coach Cristy game day — 'tonight is tonight,'" Wilson battling for the top seed in the WAC tourna- the University of Hawaii Saturday and a McKinney said. "Our bench really was criti- said." [You] can't rest on yesterday, and you ment and opens the door for a surprise auto- 71-63 decision over San Jose State Univer- cal in both games, and I think our depth can't look ahead to tomorrow. We're at a matic qualifier as the tournament champion. sity Feb. 27. Depth played a key role for the really helped us." point right now where we have to play with See MEN, Page 15 Lady Owls, as the Rice bench outscored See WOMEN, Page 15

WEEKLY SPORTS SCHEDULE Mularz qualifies for NCAAs Where and when to support Rice Athletics by Debbie Miller would've been a close meet," junior Jackie Corcoran said. "They aren't impossible to beat, THRESHER STAFF Friday 1 p.m. Men's Tennis vs. Oregon (Jake Hess) but it's difficult with our small size." Duck, duck, duck, duck, duck, duck, duck, duck, VUK! For the third consecutive year, the swim After the first day of competition, the women team took third place at the Western Ath- stood in fourth place. The medley relay team, Saturday 5 p.m. Women's BBall vs. Fresno State (Autry Court) letic Conference Championships, held at the comprised of freshman Jane Keith, sopho- Jimi Hendrix played at Woodstock ... Palo Alto College Natatorium in San Anto- more Lauren Hill, junior Elaine Lee and senior 7:15 p.m. Men's BBall vs. Fresno State (Autry Court) nio Feb. 26-March 1. Mandy Mularz, highlighted the first day by ... Vasco Bridges plays the national anthem at Rice. Although Rice's goal was to finish at least breaking the six-year-old school record with a second, many Owls set personal season-bests time of one minute, 44.23 seconds. Sunday 1 p.m. Men's Tennis vs. Pennsylvania (Jake Hess) in the event. Mularz helped the Owls move up to third We'll bring the milk, they'll bring the Quaker Oats. "We were shooting for second, so next year place with her victory in the 50-yard freestyle. Tuesday 7 p.m. Baseball vs. Texas (Reckling Park) well shoot for it again," sophomore Kiana Mularz won the event for the second straight Taheri said. "[SMU] is a great team and hard year, swimming a 22.59, which automatically Imagine the parking problems this game will cause. to beat, which is a good thing—it's important qualified her for the NCAA Championships Tues. March 18 7 p.m. Baseball vs. Nebraska (Reckling Park) to be with a team you know is fast." March 20-22. Mularz retained her 50-yard 25-cent Popcorn(husker) Night. SMU won the championship for the sev- freestyle crown and was the only non-SMU i 1 enth year in a row, dominating all the teams swimmer to win an event Thursday. Wed. March 19 7 p.m. Baseball at Houston (Cougar Field) with 1,006.5 points. The University of Nevada "Mandy is amazing," freshman Meghan UH radio: UH uniforms look like dogs urinated on them finished second with 656 points, and Rice Brown said. "During the season, she hadn't March 21-23 all day Men's Tennis Rice Invitational (Jake Hess) trailed in third place with 506.5 points. been as close to the NCAA cut as last year, but A home tournament at Jake Hess? Inconceivable! "Nevada is a much bigger team with a lot of when she got out there, she was totally focused, divers, so even if we swam 'lights out,' it See SWIMMING, Page 15

* 1 THE RICE THRESHER SPORTS FRIDAY, MARCH 7, 2003 13 .Women's tennis hits the road again

by Wei-Han Tan Chao had one of the biggest wins, doubles for Rice's only doubles win, THRESHER STAFF crushing Florida State's Amberly also won in three sets. Tantee 6-1 in the third set after each of Chao's win tied the match 3-3, The women's tennis team lost a the first two sets went to a tiebreaker. leaving all eyes on junior Jeri heartbreaking 4-3 match to 58th- Gonzales. Behind 5-2 in the second ranked Florida State Sunday but must set after losing the first set, Gonzales Recover for its March 11-15 trip to won five straight games to take the California, where the Owls will play 7 used all of that anger second set. She then went to a third- difficult matches against No. 29 San and focused... harder— set tiebreaker before losing 8-6. Diego State, No. 74 Long Beach State, "I've been in that position before, No. 40 Pennsylvania and No. 35 Yale. I used it all to beat her.' with the dual match riding on my "We were disappointed, but we just shoulders, and I was so nervous that need to take it and move on," fresh- — Karen Chao I would lock up and not be able to ®man Lauren Archer said. "We've been Junior tennis player play," Gonzales said. "In this situa- close to the win we're looking for — tion, I was very happy with the way I our upset win — and after this week- came out. Of course, in my mind I mmmm end, it just doesn't get any closer." "We were pretty neck and neck still replay what I could have done After breezing past the Univer- through the first two sets, but in the differently, but I am really happy sity of Texas-El Paso 6-1 Saturday, second set tiebreaker, my opponent with the way I competed." wmmi the Owls struggled early against cheated me," Chao said. "She Gonzales said Rice is inching Florida State. thought it was set point, but it wasn't, closer to its breakthrough win ^ "We were losing really badly at and the referee wasn't watching. I against a ranked foe. first," junior Karen Chao said. "We was really pissed off and got a taunt- "We should be beating these top lost the doubles point pretty quickly ing warning. I used all of that anger teams," Gonzales said. "I know we are and were down on almost all the and focused even harder — I used it going to get that win that we're look-

singles. It just didn't look too good. all to beat her." ing for. I wish this match against ROB GADDI/THRESHER Then all of a sudden, we all just Freshman Blair DiSesa, who Florida State was it and that I walked Junior Jeri Gonzales slices a backhand against Southwest Texas State Feb. 1 came around." teamed with Archer to win 8-1 at first away with the win, but I gave it my all." at Jake Hess Tennis Stadium. Top-ranked baseball team heads to La. Tech to open WAC play

by Jonathan Yardley & THRESHER EDITORIAL STAFF Sophomore righthander Wade SCOUTING THE WAC Townsend had already beaten the Rice has won every WAC championship since joining the conference University of Houston once this year in 1997, and the Owls are favored to do so again in 2003. Here's how from the mound, but he came their competition stacks up: through with his bat Tuesday in the baseball team's 4-3 win over its in- San Jose State Spartans Nevada Wolf Pack tracity rival. Taking advantage of an obscure 2002 record: 45-17 2002 record: 25-32 rule, head coach Wayne Graham WAC: 21-9 (2nd) WAC: 10-20 (4th) temporarily shifted Townsend, Postseason: Went 0-2 at Postseason: Dirt not quaiif Rice's starting pitcher, into the lineup Stanford regional. as his own designated hitter in the Current record: 6-8 sixth inning for his first collegiate at- Returning position starters: 3 bat. Townsend hit the first pitch up Return chers: 2 Series at 1 the middle for an RBI single to give Outlook: f "ftfieWer Er the Owls a 2-0 lead. Sueelman'^andfreshn . He was quickly removed for a Brett Hayes 1 < are teac: pinch runner, and Rice was allowed last to use a new designated hitter for started pitchers are struggling. the rest of the game. Townsend said sophj lie did not know the collegiate rule Durfe Louisiana Tech Bulldogs I that allowed the oddity, but it didn't return^ bother him. third jpsj 2002 record: 21 37 "Coach Graham knows every- (.45®P?Tsenior catcher Rick WAC; .7 23 mm. thing about everything, so 1 was just Gueffa (.453) have been the Postseason: Dfiffit qualify like, 'Okay, take care of it, and I'll offensive keys so far. hit,"' Townsend said. "I've been starters: 6 working hard on my hitting — the Fresno State Bulldogs itchers: 2 coaches have been working hard •2E with me — and the crowd was real 2002 record: 32-27 STUART SINCLAIR/THRESHER WAC: 19-11 (3rd) excited, so I was pretty excited." Junior centerfielder Jeff Jorgensen drives in the game-winning run with a Postseason: Did not qualify squad th Townsend worked six shutout ninth-inning sacrifice fly Tuesday against Houston. innings as the Owls, ranked first in Current record: 4-11 baseman Kyle the nation by the National Colle- ing a 2-1 game at the College World The Owls recovered in the bot- Returning position starters: 5 giate Baseball Writers Association, Series. The game has already sold tom of the ninth when sophomore Returning starting pitchers: 0 Hawaii Rainbows improved to 12-1 on the season and out, although students can still gain shortstop Paul Janish led off with a Series at Rice: May 23-25 took a 2-0 lead in the best-of-five free admission. single. Junior second baseman Outlookjj^Jiead coach Mike 2002 record 16-40 Silver Glove Series against UH. Rice heads to Hawaii March Enrique Cruz attempted to bunt 4Mer for WAC: 5-25 (6th) 14-16 before rehiring to Houston Janish to second but worked a walk Bennett for a March 18 home game against from UH lefty Brian Henderson. ^n't^x^ftcta Nebraska and the third game of The Cougars called on ace Brad Fre Tm expecting us to the Silver Glove Series March 19 Sullivan to shut down the Rice threat, ler^ar at Cougar Field. but a passed ball while Blackinton msl come out swinging the The two road series open the WAC was attempting to bunt put runners "on th^-yotfng season. season for the six-time defending at second and third. After Blackinton Junior third baseman Casey bats well. I think we can conference champions. Rice went walked, junior centerfielder Jeff McGehee is the leader of a bear down start off 28-2 in conference play last year, an Jorgensen hit a fly ball down the struggling lineup. 4-0 start. astronomical record that Townsend right-field line that scored Janish the WAC season strong.' says will be difficult to repeat. with the game-winning run. — Jeff Blackinton "You can never put a number out there, but I think if we play forcing Blackinton to catch all 36 Cruz's three-run triple keyed a Junior catcher well, we could definitely win the 1 innings. six-run fifth inning in an 8-3 win. WAC," Townsend said. "I think Coach Graham knows "It's been difficult — I'm not go- Cruz drove in three more runs in we're rolling pretty well right now. ing to lie," Blackinton said. "I've Sunday's 10-4 win, giving him 11 "It's definitely nice to have a cush- If we continue the defense and con- everything about been fatigued a little bit. I look at it RBI, tied for second on the team. ion on them," junior catcher Jeff tinue the great pitching and hit- everything, so I was more as an opportunity to get good Junior leftfielder Chris Kolkhorst Blackinton said. "It's always one of ting, I think we should do alright at-bats. I wasn't able to hit as well as also had a big week, driving in three our goals at the beginning of the year against [I,a. Tech]." just like, "Okay, take I hoped, but I just tried to keep runs in Saturday's 7-5 win and picking to win the Silver Glove. It's a solid Sophomore first baseman things solid on the defensive side up three outfield assists in four games, foundation for us to work off of." Vincent Sinisi, who leads the team care of it, and I'll hit.'" and get wins out of it, which we including two important throws Tues- were able to do." day. Rice is currently fielding at a .994 Rice will attempt to build on that with a .421 batting average, hit a solo — Wade Townsend foundation when Western Athletic home run in the fourth inning to Rice picked up three wins against clip, far better than last year's .972 Sophomore righthander Conference play opens this week- start the scoring Tuesday, and Southwest Texas State University average. The Owls will look to con- end. The Owls face Ixmisiana Tech Townsend's single keyed a two-run last weekend, highlighted by tinue their excellence in all facets of University, which finished fifth in sixth that had Rice cruising. Friday's strong pitching perfor- the game this weekend. 2002, in a three-game road series The Owls' momentum took a hit in Blackinton said the ninth-inning mance from sophomore righthander "I'm expecting us to come out that starts tonight. the eighth inning, however, as UH rally capped off a tiring five-day Jeff Niemann. The 6-foot-9 starter swinging the bats well," Blackinton Rice will then return to Reckling rallied against freshman lefthander stretch in which he started all four won his second consecutive WAC said. "They've got some tough Park March 11 to aim for revenge Matt Ueckert. Junior closer David games. While Blackinton normally Pitcher of the Week award by allow- pitchers, but I think we can bear against defending national champion Aardsma, dominant so far this season, catches only one or two games a ing just one run in seven innings of down and do a real good job with University of Texas, which beat the surrendered his first run of the season week, senior catcher Justin Ruchti work and striking out a career-high them to start off the WAC season Owls three times last year, includ- on a wild pitch that tied the game. was sidelined with a sore hamstring, 10 batters on his 20th birthday. strong." i I 14 THE RICE THRESHER SPORTS FRIDAY, MARCH 7,2003 Men's tennis hosting No. 65 Oregon, Penn team perspective when you individu- by Jonathan Yardley Perhaps the toughest loss of the ally win your singles and doubles," THRESHER EDITORIAL STAFF day came in the most entertaining match at No. 2 singles. Owl fresh- William Barker said. "We lost some The men's tennis team may have man Rob Searle took on Alex close matches which could be lost a tight 4-3 decision to 13th- Zharinov in a match that featured classed as luck. I don't think we ranked University of Minnesota trash talking and controversial calls were unlucky—I think we just didn't Feb. 27, but the 35th-ranked Owls by both players and a thrilling finish. play the big points well. I don't be- are characteristically confident head- Zharinov broke Searle twice in the lieve in luck." " ing into this weekend's matches third set to take a 5-2 lead and serve In other singles matches, Jack- againstthe University of Oregon and for the match. son lost a second-set tiebreaker and the University of Pennsylvania. Searle rallied, aided by the official's junior Vuk Rajevac blew a 5-4 third- Rice takes on 65th-ranked Or- decision to side with Searle on sev- set lead, but Haerle showed charac- egon this afternoon at 1 p.m. and eral close calls. With both players in ter by rallying from a 3-0 third-set deficit to win his match. • •*' *r>**:lys&loSl faces the Quakers Sunday at 1 p.m. a contentious mood, Searle had two t-**j» j "•>»'•2*,# *$©3 The Owls are expected to win both break points to tie the match 5-5. His Haerle joined the team fromf ':&mm matches, but junior William Barker forehand deserted him, however, and Stuttgart, Germany, as a mid-year said the Ducks' top doubles team Zharinov escaped after several ten- transfer and has been an excellent poses a threat to Rice's nationally sion-filled deuces for a 6-4 win. addition as an experienced fresh- top-ranked doubles tandem of him- William Barker, who watched man. He is already getting used to self and twin brother Richard Barker. much of the match after winning his the hectic schedule at Rice. "Against Oregon—it'd be nice to singles match, said the nature of the "It was very busy, especially the beat a ranked team again — I don't match hindered Searle's comeback. first week with choosing courses ^ see any trouble winning," William "His emotion hurt him," William and also practicing," Haerle said. "It* Barker said. "From an individual Barker said. "He had two break was busy, but I think it didn't take point, they have a very good first points at 15-40, and he hit forehands very long for me to adjust." doubles pair, so for me and my long both times. He got carried away Haerle said he expects Rice to brother, it's a big doubles match. with the emotion too much, and he win both matches this weekend, and For the team, it's just taking care of didn't play his own game, which as a the team will then travel to the Blue- what we need to take care of." freshman you tend to do." Grey Invitational in Montgomery, The Owls are still disappointed William Barker and his brother Ala., March 13-16. in a Feb. 27 home loss to the Golden had a tough time in doubles, rallying The tournament features several Gophers — a 4-3 match that could from a 6-3 deficit for a 9-7 win, and highly ranked teams in a 16-team, have gone either way, as every Rice the Owls lost the doubles point in head-to-head tournament, and the defeat went down to the wire. especially cruel fashion when fresh- Owls are guaranteed four matches. "They played well, and we played man Tony Haerle and senior Cody "That's the next big one," Will- well," head coach Ron Smarr said. Jackson fell in a tiebreaker 7-5. Both iam Barker said. "There are poten- "It's a match that we could have won Barkers won their singles matches tially four matches, three of which<•' 5-2 or 6-1. We played hard, com- in straight sets, but the rest of the could be top-20 teams. That's where peted hard, and we're still going to Owls had a tougher time. we should make an impact. It's our have a lot of good teams to play." "It's tough to look at it from the next opportunity." Men's track finishes second in WAC

by Dylan Hedrick his teammate. Senior Erik Mazza and In the triple jump, sophomore Jason Powell finished fourth, and THRESHER EDITORIAL STAFF sophomore Aaron Redman finished seventh and eighth, respectively. Oleksy finished seventh. Although the men's track and "The four half milers all deserve The Owls earned 16 team points in field team could be excused for be- special recognition," Warren said. the pole vault competition, as junior ing content with its impressive sec- "They all had a great team race." David Jacobs won a tiebreaker with, ond-place finish at the Western Ath- Sophomore Marcel Hewa- Harlan to finish second at a height of letic Conference Indoor Track and mudalige joined Davis, Mazza and 15-7. Walsh finished seventh. Field Championships, the Owls are Pessing in the distance medley re- Oleksy and Harlan starred again in CALEB REDFIELD/THRESHER taking a different attitude. lay race, as the Owls finished in the high jump competition, as Oleksy Assistant coach Shaheen Ladhani gives a thumbs-up sign as junior Richard "We are certainly happy with sec- third place. In the 1,600-meter relay Barker serves in doubles play Feb. 27 at the Jake Hess Tennis Stadium during finished third and Harlan sixth. race, Wiggins, Mazza, Davis and Rice's 4-3 loss to Minnesota. ond place, but at the same time we are "The hardest part [of the meet] slightly disgusted that we didn't win," Pessing successfully defended their was having to clear one height in head coach Jon Warren Clones '88) indoor crown from last year by once the pole vault, go and run in the * said. "We had the confidence to win." again finishing first in 3:12.78. hurdles finals, then come back and Rice was closer to the champion- Rice failed to pick up points in the do another pole vault," Harlan said. ship than it has been since 2000, as long distance events, hurting their "I was happy to earn quite a few SMU finished ahead of Rice 147-139. chances at winning. points for the team. It gives you a Rice's title attempt was led by "We needed some help from great feeling." senior captain Ryan Harlan, who other teams in the mile and the 3,000 Harlan also praised the team's competed in 10 total events in the [to displace SMU]," Warren said. "It cohesion in such an important meet. three-day competition. He earned is just such a good conference in "It was the first time that the team the meet's High Point Award for those events." clicked," Harlan said. "The team had totaling 32 points in the five events Rice's outstanding field event one heartbeat that meet, and they all of the pentathlon, two heats of the squad needed no help from other came through. You couldn't ask for 60-meter hurdles and one heat in the teams to gain points in its events. The any more. It was an honor to be out high jump, long jump and pole vault. All-American long jumping duo of there with those guys." "I just did what the team needed," seniors Vaughaligan Walwyn and This weekend, the Owls will send ^ Harlan said. "It was my last indoor TommyOleksy gained 18team points runners to 'last-chance' meets in an ' meet, and it definitely is an honor." by finishing in first and second place effort to have more qualifiers for the Harlan opened the competition respectively. Harlan also competed NCAA Championships March 14-15. in spectacular fashion, setting a in the long jump, finishing sixth. "The 'last-chance' meet will give new WAC record in the pentathlon "All season I have been working me a chance to move up in the national INSTEAD OF ANSWERING MACHINES, by totaling 4,058 points to best his on a 20-step approach, but this meet rankings and be an All-American for own record from last year's WAC I went back to my old 18-step ap- the second straight year," Walwyn Indoor Championships. Sopho- proach," Walwyn said. "Using that said. "I just have to get my rhythm * more Ryan Walsh finished second old approach, I popped a big jump." back and have a big weekend." with 3,203 points. It was Harlan's HUMANS fourth consecutive WAC indoor pentathlon championship. Harlan WITH ANSWERS. GEICO AUTO INSURANCE. won the 60-meter hurdles, long jump and shot put and finished Women fall shy of 4th title second in the high jump and fourth MA- M ithh i in the 1,000-meter run. would be able to compete. it by Dylan Hedrick "Tosay [Harlan] hadagreatmeet THRESHER EDITORIAL STAFF "I didn't think [Beckford] Immediate coverage by phone. would be an understatement," War- could run on Friday," head coach Low down-payment t convenient payment plan*. ren said. "He is our iron man." Even with all the pieces in Victor Lopez said. "She went Still sore from the pentathlon place, conference championships through the preliminaries just Round-the-clock claim service. competition, Harlan returned to com- don't come easily. fine, and we watched her closely pete in the 60-meter hurdles. Harlan The women's track and field that night. Saturday she came and junior Ben Wiggins finished one- team entered last week's West- back and had a great meet for not two in the 55-meter hurdles last year, ern Athletic Conference Indoor running for a full week." CALL OR VISIT US ffiR A FRIE RATt QU0T€. but Wiggins was edged by one-hun- Championships in Boise, Idaho, Despite her illness, Beckford as the favorite to win an unprec- DIRECT dredth of a second in their attempt managed to defend her 400-meter to repeat. Harlan remained the fast- edented fourth straight title, but dash title with a time of 53.97 5405 Betlaire est hurdler in the conference. left with a respectable second- seconds, making her the first Wiggins placed second in the 400- place finish, 7.5 points behind runner in conference history to (713) 665-4202 meter dash in 48.19 seconds and the University of Nevada. win an event four years in a row. finished fourth in the 200-meter dash. One of the pieces that fell Later in the day, Beckford fin- Rice runners stood out in the 800- into place was the health of se- ished second in the200-meter dash meter run, as junior Adam Davis set nior Allison Beckford. The vet- in 24.24. Junior Keia Watkins and fmikfltf 'A'rs "aw.* Ct.' it • fiflMUuMy t* <•«•*»*»* eran star battled bronchitis the »%• *• ;< *. irfKC, n«v a new WAC record to win the event, sophomore Yvonne Umeh finished and senior Daniel Pessing broke the week before the meet, and her fifth in the 400- and 200-meter old WAC record to finish just behind coaches were unsure if she See TRACK, Page 16 THE RICE THRESHER SPORTS FRIDAY, MARCH 7, 2003 15 Nevada crushes men's basketball Woods: We own Fresno MEN, from Page 12 cent in both halves was the fact that percent from the field. Diene scored Rice has some business to settle we were able to get the ball inside," a career-high 24 points, dominating WOMEN, from Page 12 matchup. Still, finishing second with Fresno State, as the Bulldogs Wilson said. "We had really good the low blocks to grab 12 rebounds With junior forward Elisa is important to the Lady Owls. needed a last-second shot to beat ball movement, and the shots that and block three shots. Inman out after suffering a sec- "It's in our hands," McKinney Rice 71-70 on their home floor Jan. 4. we took from the outside were good "Yamar has been very consistent ond-degree ankle sprain early in said. "We don't have to have any Rice faced Nevada on the road looks. A couple didn't go down, but throughout the year," Wilson said. the San Jose State contest, sopho- help to do it. We just have to win Wednesday, but the Owls collapsed I think for the most part the fact that "In a lot of respects, it's been a learn- more forwards Annie Peck and two games, so that's going to be in the second half after leading by we were able to attack the basket ing year for him. But I think more so Michelle Woods stepped up to our goal. I like the fact that we don't leight. The Owls shot less than 50 really made a difference." than a learning year, it's been a year carry the load. need any help to finish second." percent from the free throw line for Junior center Yamar Diene led where he's been able to gain confi- Peck led the team with 11 The game against Fresno State the game, and the Wolf Pack rolled the team with 16 points and also dence. So I really think he will con- is senior night for the lady Owls, to an 86-68 victory. grabbed seven rebounds. tinue to get better." as it is the last home game for the Tulsa beat Fresno State Wednes- Sophomore forward Michael Har- McKrieth held Hawaii forward four seniors—guards Kim Lawson day, leaving the Golden Hurricane ris added 15 points, and sophomore Carl English, who is tied for first in 'Our bench really was and Kara Iiggett and forwards and Wolf Pack tied atop the confer- forward Jason McKrieth had 11 points the WAC in scoring with 19.6 points Aarika Florus and Starla James. ence. Rice needs a win to ensure and nine rebounds. It was McKrieth's per game, to only 14 points. Harris critical in both games, "We will have motivation be- staying away from the top seed in the clutch play with 13:05 remaining that added 15 points for the Owls. cause, number one, Fresno did tournament, which will likely be the changed the momentum. The Owls took a big lead into half- and I think our depth beat us early in the season, and, host Tulsa. The Owls are currently "Coming in, we tried to pound time, but Hawaii closed to within two really helped us.' two, it's senior night, so I don't tied for third place with SMU, just the ball in down low [because] we points with 6:43 remaining in the game. want to leave Autry with a loss," one game ahead of Louisiana Tech. had an advantage there," McKrieth The Owls responded with a 17-0 run, — Cristy McKinney lawson said. "I can't fathom that." In last week's two home games, said. "With them, if it's a five-point highlighted by a basket from Diene. Head women's Past results indicate a signifi- cant home-court advantage for Rice's renewed defensive efforts lim- game or anything less, it's still reach- "Coach told us to stay focused basketball coach |V ited their opponents to an average of able. We just tried to go back to what and to not get wrapped up in any- Rice, as the Bulldogs have never 55 points. Rice beat San Jose State we were doing in the first half that thing different than what we've been won at Autry Court. University Feb. 27 by a 65-52 score, made it successful, and that was doing," Mance said. "He told us to "We own Fresno," Woods said. as the Owls consistently shot 50 per- going down into the post." stay on the court and think about points and eight rebounds "That will be a fun game. I'm cent from the field. Rice's shooting was on target our mission, and that was to do the against Hawaii, while Woods set excited about it, and I think the "I really believe one of the rea- again against the University of Ha- things that we're doing—play smart a career high with 12 points in 27 rest of the team is too, being back sons we were able to shoot 50 per- waii Saturday, as the Owls shot 52.8 ball and not turn it over." minutes against San Jose State. at home for the last two." While McKinney said Inman's After this weekend, the lady status for this weekend is uncer- Owls head to Tulsa, Okla.,forthe tain, Woods said she gained con- WAC tournament March 10-15. Swim team finishes third at WAC Championships fidence from her experience The WAC is so competitive that SWIMMING, from Page 12 time in the 200-yard freestyle to fin- meet, the Owls went all out on the against San Jose State. the spot in the tournament final made her cut and made it look like a ish fifth, while Keith and Healey final event, the 400-yard freestyle "It definitely boosted my con- opposite prohibitive favorite Loui- piece of cake." swam season bests in the 100-yard relay. Healey, Taheri, Mularz and fidence," Woods said. "I think siana Tech is wide open. ^ Five Owl swimmers set season- backstroke. Corcoran set a season-best time. when I play good defense, my 'To lose six games and still be " best times in their events in day two, "[Healey] impressed me," "The 400 free relay was most ex- offense kind of follows." second in the WAC says that including junior Toni Ciffolilli, sopho- Corcoran said. "She went fast and citing," Taheri said. "It was amazing Rice dominated the game there's definitely a lot of parity in more Jenny Voight, Hill, Brown and dropped a lot of time in both her 100 that we could still get up for it. At against San Jose State but had a the WAC," lawson said. "I think freshman Laura Healey. Ciffolilli, backstroke and 100 freestyle." that point we had no energy, we tougher time against Hawaii. this tournament is going to be sophomore Adi Bichman and Bichman led the team on the last were running on heart and "We just finally got a run going very exciting because ... there's Corcoran finished fifth, sixth and sev- day of competition with a third place [Corcoran], who had just swum the where we hit shots and were able not much distance between the enth, respectively, in the 400-yard in- finish in the 1,650-yard freestyle, just mile, did a great job and swam a to capitalize," McKinney said. second-place team and the sev- ® dividual medley Friday night ahead of Corcoran. great time." Rice and Fresno State entered enth-place team. Two Owls set personal bests in the The 100-yard freestyle proved a With the WAC Championships the weekend tied for second "I'm glad we are on the upper 100-yard butterfly, with Mularz swim- strong event for the Owls, as complete, the Owls will travel to the place, but the difference between end and not on the bottom end, ming her fastest career time of 55.76 Mularz placed fourth and Healey Short Course Championships in Aus- the second and third seeds is but we're not taking any of those en route to a fifth place finish, and and Taheri finished sixth and sev- tin as a last chance to qualify for the marginal because the two teams teams that are in the lower half of Taheri earning ninth place in 57.25. enth, respectively. NCAAs. Mularz will skip the meet to will still be headed for a semifinal the bracket for granted." Corcoran achieved a season best Although Rice could not win the train for the national championships. 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(Just a mile away from the Rice campus) 7710 Main Houston, TX 77030 16 THE RICE THRESHER SPORTS FRIDAY, MARCH 7,2003 SPORTS NOTEBOOK Gairdner strong at game's first goal with a man ad- allowed an average of just five goals Former Duke coach vantage, and Rice led 3-1 after the per game. takes over volleyball first quarter. "The tournament was a very Trinity fought back in the sec- important first step for our young WAC title meet Former Duke University head ond quarter and took advantage of team," head coach Dave Lee said. TRACK, from Page 14 Gairdner tried to run through coach Jon Wilson was named the sloppy Rice defending to tie the "We clearly have an opportunity meter dashes, respectively. soreness in the 60-meter hurdles new head volleyball coach Feb. 27 score 5-5 by halftime and take a to make a run at the Texas Divi- Beckford's final event of the the next day but did not qualify by Athletic Director Bobby May 7-5 lead after the third quarter. sion Championships and to qualify day was the 1,600-meter relay, for the finals. Senior Tiane Burke (Will Rice '65). The Owls rallied with a big for the National Collegiate Club and the Owls won the race in a and freshman Funmi Jimoh Wilson had a 301-187 record fourth quarter, however, sparked Championships this year. We need NCAA provisional qualifying time placed third and fourth, respec- during his 16 years at Duke, lead- by sophomore midfielder Will to maintain our focus on what we of 3:40.40. Beckford, Umeh and tively. ing the Blue Devils to seven Atlan- Sparker's two goals. Sophomore want to accomplish in what is now Watkins were joined by junior "The morning right after the tic Coast Conference champion- Chris Sramek was a key defender, a very short season." Ruthann Gairdner in the win. pentathlon, I was stiff," Gairdner ships. Duke was nationally ranked as Rice took a 9-7 lead before hold- The Owls will host the next One variable that did not fall said. "I was just trying to get points three times during his tenure, and ing on for the victory. Texas Division tournament at the into place for the Owls was their for the team." four of Wilson's players were "It was good to finally get an- Houston Medical Recreation Cen- performance in the distance While Jimoh placed in the 60- named ACC Player of the Year. other one in the win column," ter March 29-30. events. meter hurdles, another fresh man, Duke also qualified for four NCAA senior midfielder Jack Dawson — Dylan Hedrick "We were expecting better Nina Mayes, made her mark in tournaments and advanced to the said. "Hopefully, this will spark doubles in the [one-mile run] and the 60-meter dash. Mayes won Sweet 16 in 1984,1993 and 1994. the team for the remainder of the Men's rugby puts up the [800-meterrun],"Lopezsaid. the event in 7.48, just 0.04 sec- Ten of Wilson's former players season." "We just ran out of ammo." onds off the NCAA provisional were named to the ACC's 50th Rice's next game is at home fight against A&M Lopez said Rice was at a disad- qualifying mark. Umeh finished anniversary team in 2002, more against Houston March 21. vantage because the Owls took seventh. than from any other coach or pro- — Cary Kottler Although the Rugby Club en- just 20 competitors to Boise, com- "Nina had a great freshman gram. tered its last match of the year pared to Nevada's 30, and five outing," I>opez said. "It was very "[Wilson] brings remarkable Women's water polo without a chance at the playoffs, it freshmen ran in their first cham- good for her to run with such talent, expertise and energy to gave first-place Texas A&M Uni- pionship meet for Rice. maturity and seniority." Rice," May said. "I am confident has winning weekend versity a hard battle. Mayes said she was also ex- that he will continue the ascent of Although the fourth-place Owls cited about her performance in ourvolleyball program in the West- The women's club water polo cannot make the Texas Rugby her first championship meet. ern Athletic Conference and in the team traveled to Texas A&M Uni- Union playoffs — only the top two 'You cant help but "I was really focused and had NCAA." versity last weekend to compete qualify — Rice lost only 27-17, the a good summer, which carried Wilson has spent the past six in the Collegiate Watei Polo powerful Aggies' closest match of look back and see over into my indoor season," years with Wycliffe Bible Transla- Association'sTexas Division tour- the year. Mayes said. "Once I was lined up tors, serving for the past four years nament. After A&M took an early 5-0 places where wecould in the blocks, all of a sudden, I in Uganda and Kenya. Rice went 3-1 overall, playing lead, senior lock Jay Christian heard Nevada start singing their The 50-year-old received his un- three matches Saturday and the earned a field goal opportunity with have done better.' cheer. My focus got even higher final match Sunday. The Owls beat a crunching tackle. Sophomore dergraduate degree in anthropol- — Ruthann Gairdner because of that." pez said. "There are juniors Beth Hinshaw and Ally winning a second consecutive Junior Kelly Benedict led the scored a spectacular try to keep just so many variables to win a Daum, who tied for third and sev- WAC Eastern Division title. way for Rice by scoring 13 goals, Rice in the game. track meet." enth, respectively. Freshmen Flo- — Rice Sports Information while freshman Alex Woodruff Although Rice had its chances, Senior Tanya Wright had the rence Nwagwu and Jimoh tied netted 12 goals. Sophomore Jes- the Owls could not break through conference's second best time in for fourth in the high jump, and Men's lacrosse edges sica Schumer, playing in the first at the end of the match. Vigen the 800-meter run and the fourth senior Rebecca Ferry finished water polo match of her life, scored finished with four field goals in the best time in the one-mile run, but eighth in the triple jump. After Trinity 9-8 Saturday 11 goals over the two days of com- ten-point loss. finished eighth and fifth, respec- losing by just 7.5 points, Gairdner petition. Other scorers included "I was proud of our team to- tively. Freshman Megan Sandler said the Owls are ruing missed The men's club lacrosse team senior captain Jeannie Malanowski day," senior captain Cary Kottler picked up important points with a chances. with 10 goals and junior Elizabeth rallied from a two-goal deficit to said. "We finished the year with second place finish in the one- "You can't help but look back Decker with four goals. defeat Trinity University 9-8 Sat- a strong effort. Our guys are mile race in a time of 4:56.07. and see places where we could urday in a tightly contested battle. Without any substitutes, de- going to be a team to reckon Both Wright and Sandler quali- have done better," Gairdner said. Senior midfielder and co-cap- fense was especially important for with next year." fied for the final of the 800-meter "That just means that we will be tain George McGuirk scored the Rice. Junior goalie Emily Spears — Benjamin Drake run, but neither finished in the extra fired up for the outdoor top five. season." "Although they competed Rice suffered a close defeat in well, we were expecting better last year's outdoor champion- doubles in the mile and 800-meter ships as well, losing by just two [race]," I>opez said. points, and the team is increas- Even when Rice got record- ing its efforts to take this spring's breaking performances, the Owls outdoor title. Select runners will finished behind the Wolf Pack. attend "last-chance" meets this cover club sports! Gairdner set a school record with weekend in a final effort to qualify yr\The cover IM sports! 3,876 points in the pentathlon but for the NCAA Championships, finished second behind Nevada's while the remainder of the team Princeton Erin Kelly. Gairdner won both will continue to practice through (h spring break. Review the 60-meter hurdles and 800- Better Scores Better Schools. meter run in the pentathlon. "This week begins a transi- thresher-sports@ "I'm ecstatic," Gairdner said. tion week mainly for relaxing and a t "I [set a personal record] in all recovery," Lopez said. "Next five events, which was beyond week we will begin our specific- my expectations." phase for outdoor training." ClassSize-8 GMAT

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SOUTHWEST TEXAS 3 RICE 8 Three-point goals — Rice 5-15 (Mance 1-3, Smith 0- Rice (13-12,10-6 WAC) 2. Archer (RU) d. Spirta (UTEP) 6-0, 6-2 BY THE 2, McKrieth 0-2, Gillespie 3-6, Moore 0-1, Harris 1- Maynard 1-5 1-2 4, Lawson 1-5 4-5 6, Woods 3-8 0- 3. Gonzales (RU) d. Rezar (UTEP) 6-1, 7-5 1), Nevada 6-16 (Snyder 0-2, Okeson 2-7, Petty 1-3, Score by Innings ft H E 0 7, Hayes 2-7 1-1 5, Cunningham 1-4 0-0 2, 4. Chao (RU) d. Furdyna (UTEP) 7-5, 6-3 Green 3-4) NUMBERS SWT (5 8) 000 010 020 — 3 8 5 Singleton 0-10-0 0, Peck 5-111-4 11. Beckler 3-6 0 5. Fisher (RU) d. Boykova (UTEP) 6-1, 6-3 6. Goodrich (RU) d. Bjorklund (UTEP) 2-6, 6 4 (10-4) Rice (9-1) Oil 060 00X — 8 13 1 0 8, Jeffries 1-5 0-0 2, Liggett 3-6 2-2 9, Elder 0-0 2- Rebounds — Rice 30 (Diene 6), Nevada 43 (Snyder 10) feb. 27-march 5 SWT: Paul Schappert, Mark Davis (5) and Jarrett 2 2, Florus 0-1 0-0 0 Williams. Rice: Jeff Niemann, Matt Ueckert (8), Lance Totals: 20 59 1116 56 Doubles Assists — Rice 15 (Gillespie 4), Nevada 13 (Okeson 4) Pendleton (8) and Jeff Blackinton. 1. Archer/DiSesa (RU) d. Furdyna/King (UTEP) 8-3 2. Exelby/Rezar (UTEP) d. Chao/Gonzales (RU) 9-7 Win — Niemann (3-0). Loss — Schappert (1-2). 2B Hawaii (13-11, 7-9 WAC) Attendance — 6,617 — SWT: Spencer (1): Rice: Sinisi (5), Stansberry (3), Abele 1-5 1-2 4, Roper 1-7 0-0 2, Gabriel 0-2 4-4 4, 3. Boykova/Spirta (UTEP) d. Fisher/Villalobos (RU) Davis (4). 3B — Rice: Cruz (1). HR — SWT: Covert (1). Atuaia 5-10 2-2 13, Allen 4-6 4-12 12, Willoughby 4- 9-7 HAWAII 58 RICE 75 9 3-4 11, Nishimoto 0-1 0-0 0, Macfarlane 0-2 0-0 0, Sanders 0-2 1-2 1, Spooner 0-0 0-0 0 MEN'S TENNIS TRACK AND FIELD Hawaii 25 33 — 58 Totals: 15 44 15-26 47 Rice 38 37 — 75 MINNESOTA 4 RICE 3 Three-point goals — Rice 5-9 (Maynard 1-1, Lawson WAC INDOOR CHAMPIONSHIPS 0-2, Woods 1-1, Beckler 2-3, Liggett 1-2), Hawaii 2- Hawaii (15-10, 7-9 WAC) 9 (Abele 1-3, Gabriel 0-1, Atuaia 1-4, Nishimoto 0-1) Singles Martin 9-14 5-6 23, English 4-15 4-5 14, Zivanovic 0- Men's team standings 1. R. Barker (RU) d. Haug (UM) 6-1, 6-3 2 0-0 0, Campbell 1-5 0-1 2, Kuebler 3-11 0-0 7, Rebounds —Rice 42 (Peck 8), Hawaii 35 (Willoughby 1. SMU 147 BASEBALL 2. Zharinov (UM) d. Searle (RU) 3-6, 6-3, 6-4 Carter 3-6 0-0 8, Peciukas 1-3 0-0 2, Holliday 0-0 0- 8) 2. Rice 139 3. W. Barker (RU) d. Wettengel (UM) 6-3, 6-2 0 0, Akpan 0-3 2-2 2 3. UTEP 116.50 HOUSTON 3 RICE 4 4. Lievano (UM) d. Jackson (RU) 6-4, 7-6 Totals: 21-59 11-14 58 Assists — Rice 11 (Lawson 6), Hawaii 9 (Abele 4) 5. Haerie (RU) d. Ticer (UM) 2-6, 7-5, 6-4 4. Boise State 92 6. Estes (UM) d. Rajevac (RU) 6-2, 2-6, 7-5 5. Fresno State 80.50 Houston (6-7) Rice (12-1) Rice (18-8, 10-6 WAC) Attendance — 2,455 Name (pos) AB R H Bl Name (pos) ABR Evans 1-1 1-3 3, McKrieth 4-11 0-0 9, Diene 9-116- 6. Louisiana Tech 44 Doubles Robrts 2b-ss 5 0 1 0 Jorgensen cf 4 0 8 24, Mance 3-5 6-7 13, Smith 0-3 0-0 0, Gillespie 7. Tulsa 39 1. R. Barker/W. Barker (RU) d. Haug/Ticer (UM) 9-7 RICE 71 SAN JOSE STATE 63 Cho 3b 3 0 Kolkhorst If 4 0 3-6 0-0 0, Walton 0-10-0 0, Kollik 0-0 0-0 0, Harrison 2. Estes/Lievano (UM) d. Rajevac/Searle (RU) 8-5 Papa... lb 4 OSinisi lb 4 2 0-0 0-0 0, Moore 2-3 0-0 4, Harris 6 12 3-4 15 Women's team standings 3. Wettengel/Zharinov (UM) d. Haerle/Jackson (RU) Rice 36 35 — 71 Musslwht ss 4 0 Davis rf 3 1 Totals: 28-53 16 22 75 1. Nevada 127.50 9-8 (7-5) San Jose State 30 33 — 63 Mitchell cf 0 OBubela dh 2 0 2. Rice 120 Farrington rf 4 2 Twnsnd p-dhl 0 Three-point goals — Hawaii 5-20 (English 2-8, 3. UTEP 93 Bruce dh 2 0 Skggs pr-dh 1 0 Campbell 0-2, Kuebler 1-6, Carter 2-4), Rice 3-8 MEN S BASKETBALL Tully ph 1 0 Stansbrry 3b 3 0 (McKrieth 1-2, Mance 1-3, Smith 0-1, Gillespie 1-2) WOMEN'S TENNIS 4. SMU 80 Lucas If 3 OJanish ss 3 1 5. Lousiana Tech 71 Buchnn cf-2b 3 OCruz 2b 3 0 RICE 68 NEVADA 86 Rebounds - Hawaii 28 (Martin 14), Rice 41 (Diene 6. Tulsa 62 FLORIDA STATE 4 RICE 3 Logan c 3 0 Blackinton c 3 0 12) 7. Fresno State 53 Bott c 1 0 Rice 35 33 — 68 8. Boise State 43.50 Totals 33 3 2 Totals 31 4 Assists — Hawaii 14 (Campbell 8), Rice 19 (Smith 6) Singles Nevada 29 57 — 86 1. Moldovan (FSU) d. Archer (RU) 6-2, 6-2 9. Hawaii 10 Score by Innings R H E Attendance — 2,018 2. DiSesa (RU) d. Denny (FSU) 7-5, 0-6, 6-2 3. Gheorghe (FSU) d. Gonzales (RU) 6-2, 5-7, 7-6 (8-6) Houston 000 000 030 — 3 9 0 Rice (18-9, 10-7 WAC) SWIMMING Rice 000 102 001 — 4 8 0 Mance 2 5 0-1 5, Evans 00 1-2 1, Smith 1-6 1-2 3, SAN JOSE STATE 52 RICE 65 4. Chao (RU) d. Tantee (FSU) 7-6 (7-4), 6-7 (5-7), 6-1 McKrieth 2-7 0-0 4, Diene 4-12 0-2 8, Gillespie 5-11 5. Fisher (RU) d. Cordell (FSU) 6-4, 7-5 DP — Rice 2. LOB — UH 7, Rice 8. 2B — Farrington 3-4 16, Walton 0-2 0-3 0, Kollik 0-0 0-1 0, Harrison 6. Mihailescu (FSU) d. Goodrich (RU) 7-6 (7-5), 6-1 WAC CHAMPIONSHIPS San Jose State 28 24 — 52 (5), Sinisi (6), Davis (5). HR — Sinisi (2). SH — 0-1 0-0 0, Moore 1-2 4-6 6, Harris 10-13 4-6 25 Buchanan (1). SF — Jorgensen (3), Stansberry (2). Rice 31 34 — 65 Doubles Totals: 25-59 13-27 68 Team standings SB — Lucas (2), Buchanan (1). CS — Stansberry (2). 1. Archer/DiSesa (RU) d. Gheorghe/Tantee (FSU) 8-1 2. Lawrence/Moldovan (FSU) d. Chao/Gonzales (RU) 1. SMU 1,006.5 Nevada (16-11, 11-6 WAC) WOMEN'S BASKETBALL 8-2 2. Nevada 656 Houston IP H R ER BB SO Snyder 7-12 2-3 16, Okeson 3 9 5-6 13, Petty 2-5 6- 3. Cordell/Denny (FSU) d. Fisher/Villalobos (RU) 8-2 Flores 3.2 3 1 1 0 1 6 11, Hill-Thomas 1-2 7-10 9, Paul 4-6 9-10 17, 3. Rice 506.5 Putman 1.1 0 0 0 0 1 Green 5-9 7 9 20, Wilson 0-0 0-0 0, Browne 0-4 RICE 56 HAWAII 47 4. Hawaii 487.5 Gartz 0.1 3 2 2 0 0 0 0 0, Ochs 0-1 0-0 0 U1EP 1 RICE 6 5. Fresno State 403.5 Wagner 0.2 0 0 0 0 1 Totals: 22 48 36 44 86 29 27 — 56 6. San Jose State 344 Mays 0.2 1 0 0 0 0 Rice Singles Henderson 1.1 1 1 1 1 1 Hawaii 26 21 — 47 1. DiSesa (RU) d. Exelby (UTEP) 6-0, 6-3 Sullivan 0.1 0 0 0 1 0 Rice Townsend 6.0 4 0 0 3 9 Ueckert 1.1 3 2 2 0 0 Aardsma 1.2 2 1 1 0 3

Win — Aardsma (2-0). Loss — Henderson (0-1). Hold — Ueckert (1). Blown Save — Aardsma (1). WP — Flores (2), Gartz (1), Ueckert (1). Aardsma (2). HBP — by Flores (Janish), by Flores (Davis). PB — Bott 2 (3). Attendance — 2,618 RICE UNDERGRADUATE SCHOLARS PROGRAM (RUSP) SOUTHWEST TEXAS 4 RICE 10 (HONS470/471)

SWT (5-10) Rice (11-1) Name (pos) AB R H Bl Name (pos) ABR H Bl Tierce cf 0 0 Jorgensen cf 5 0 1 0 RUSP is designed for juniors or seniors from any department Suarez ss 2 1 Kolkhorst dh 4 2 2 1 Martinez If 3 lSinisi lb 4 12 2 who are considering graduate school and/or academic careers. Spencer rf 2 0 Davis If 5 110 Covert dh 1 lBubela rf 2 3 2 1 Students who are accepted into the program undertake independent Coles 3b 0 OJanish ss 4 12 2 Cooper lb 1 0 Stansbrry 3b 5 110 research projects mentored by a faculty member identified by the Carter c 1 OCruz 2b 2 0 2 3 Ramos 2b 0 0 Blackinton c 2 10 0 student. Research grants in the range $250-$ 1,700 per year are Chancllr ph 1 0 1 Totals 37 10 4 Totals 33 10 13 9 awarded to help pay the costs of RUSP projects. Many students

A Score by innings R H E attend a professional conference and present a paper. SWT 000 101 002 — 4 10 1 Rice 000 205 12X — 10 13 1

Dp _ SWT 1. LOB — SWT 8, Rice 9. 2B — Martinez During the first semester (3 credits), each student writes a 2 (6). Bubela (2), Cruz 2 (4). HR — Martinez (2). SH — Carter (3). SF — Cruz (1). SB — Martinez (3). CS funding proposal, prepares oral and written progress reports and — Sinisi (2). begins work on the research project. Weekly class meetings deal SWT IP H R ER BB SO Sawicki 4.1 5 2 2 3 2 with a variety of topics related to research and scholarship. In the Robbins 0.2 2 3 3 1 1 Parr 0.2 1 2 2 0 1 second semester, (variable credit, usually 3-6 credits), students focus Abschneider 0.1 2 1 10 0 Gultz 2.0 3 2 2 1 1 on research/writing and present their results orally and in the form of Rice Humber 8.0 8 2 2 0 7 Pendleton 1.0 2 2 2 10 a scholarly paper.

Win — Humber (3-0). Loss — Robbins (0-1). WP — ^ Sawicki (2), Gultz (1). HBP — by Sawicki (Janish), by Sawicki (Blackinton), by Parr (Blackinton), by Gultz The RUSP faculty coordinators for 2003-2004 are: (Kolkhorst). BK — Parr (1), Abschneider (1).

Attendance — 2,275 Don Johnson ECE (dhi@ > x4956 James L. Kinsey Chemistry ([email protected]) x4937 SOUTHWEST TEXAS 5 RICE 7 James Pomerantz Psychology (pomeran @> x3419

SWT (5-9) Rice (10-1) Name (pos) AB R H Bl Name (pos) AB R H Bl Tierce cf 5 1 1 0 Jorgensen cf 2 1 1 1 Suarez ss 5 0 1 0 Kolkhorst If 4 1 2 3 For further information, consult the RUSP web page: Martinez If-rf 5 0 2 OSinisi lb 4 2 3 1 Spencr rf-2b 4 0 0 1 Davis rf 4 0 0 0 Chancellr dh 4 1 2 OBubela dh 2 0 0 0 Chavez pr 0 1 0 0 Emerson phi 0 0 0 Coles 3b 4 0 1 OJanish ss 4 0 1 0 Cooper lb 3 1 2 1 Stansbrry 3b 3 2 2 1 (or look up the HONS470/471 page from the Rice University home Carter c 3 1 2 2 Cruz 2b 4 1 1 0 Perdue ph 0 0 0 1 Blackinton c 3 0 0 0 page). This web site includes information about applying for the Williams c 0 0 0 0 Ramos 2b 3 0 0 0 2003-2004 program. Applications can be filed either electronically Zigal ph If 1 0 0 0 Totals 37 5 11 5Totals 31 7 10 6 (preferred method) or by hard copy. The web site also contains a

Score by Innings R H E FAQ list and the names and email addresses of current RUSP SWT 100 300 010 — 5 11 0 Rice 301 200 01X — 7 10 0 students. Please feel free to contact any of the faculty coordinators or LOB — SWT 8. Rice 5. 2B — Chancellor (1). Cooper current students. 2 (6), Carter (3), Jorgensen (2). HR — Carter (1), Kolkhorst (1), Sinisi (1), Stansberry (2). SH — Blackinton (3). SF — Spencer (1). Jorgensen (2). SB — Sinisi (4). OPEN HOUSE FOR INTERESTED STUDENTS: SWT IP H R ER BB SO TUESDAY. MARCH 18 7-9 p.m. Duncan Hall 1049 Covert 3.0 6 6 6 2 5 Hankins 3.0 2 0 0 1 2 Robbins 1.0 1 0 0 0 1 Cazeres 1.0 1 1 1 0 1 Rice Baker 6.0 7 4 4 0 6 Application deadline: April 4,2003. Townsend 1.2 3 1 1 2 0 Aardsma 1.1 1 0 0 0 2

Win — Baker (2-0). Loss — Covert (0-3). Hold — Townsend(2). Save — Aardsma (3) WP— Covert (4), Baker (2). BK -- Covert (1).

Attendance — 2,317 ty-



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Let your prof be the one with THURSDAY Tennis Invitational the hangover in your 9 a.m. Rice men's tennis hosts the CALENDAR The Beer Debates will take 20 Rice Invitational today through place at Willy's Pub in the Rice Civil War Lecture Sunday at the Jake Hess Tennis mar. 7-2: Memorial Center from 9 p.m Stadium. to 11 p.m. The Technology, Cognition and Culture lecture series continues Shepherd Symphony with a lecture by Edward L. FRIDAY WEDNESDAY Ayers, Hugh P Kelly professor The Shepherd School TUESDAY of history from the University of Symphony Orchestra is Virginia. Ayers will present his performing a concert at 8 p.m. 12 lecture titled 'Processing the in Stude Concert Hall. The aka the Bush administration Put your ecoterrorism skills to Aw, shucks. It's Past: The American Civil War as program includes works by good use, you dirty jackasses. baseball. The Phantom of Liberty will be Information.' The lecture will Stravinsky and Brahms and showing tonight at the Rice The Shell Oil Sustainability Rice baseball takes on the take place from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. will be directed by Larry Media Center at 8 p.m. The Conference will be held today University of Nebraska at in the McMurtry Auditorium of Rachleff and David In-Jae movie is in English and French and tomorrow in the Shell Oil 7 p.m. at Reckling Park. Come Duncan Hall. Cho. with English subtitles. Tickets Foundation Auditorium in out in front of the park at 6 cost $5 for students. The film Baker Hall and in the Jesse H. p.m. for free food and prizes South Asian Society 8 Mile II and a corn-shucking contest will alsobe shown Saturday and Jones Graduate School of Cul-de-Sac will be shown sponsored by the Rowdy The South Asian Society of Rice Sunday at 8 p.m. Management. Events will be tonight at 8 p.m. in the Rice held today and tomorrow from Owls. University proudly presents SAS NIGHT 2003: Bollywood Media Center. Quack Quack Quack 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Answer all of your urgent Idol, a night of finesse, flair and Rice men's tennis takes on the questions about the current fun. The shows will be held { University of Oregon today at MONDAY windchill factor in the western tonight and tomorrow night at 1 p.m. in the Jake Hess Tennis stratosphere. 7 p.m. in Hamman Hall. Tickets HOW TO SUBMIT Stadium. 17 for members of the Rice The twentieth annual William F. community are $6, and non- CALENDAR ITEMS Too bad there aren't any jokes Marlar Lecture will be held SATURDAY about the Irish. Rice tickets are $9. Also tonight in the McMurtry included with admission to the Deadline is Monday at 5 p.m. Happy St. Patrick's day!! Wear Auditorium of Duncan Hall. show is a catered Indian dinner. prior to Friday publication. Hr green and pinch a leprechaun The event is sponsored by the To purchase tickets, contact t Basketball game or steal some Lucky Charms or Rice Space Institute and the Ashwini Komarla at Submission methods: Rice basketball plays Fresno whatever it is you do. Department of Physics and [email protected] or Insiya Fax: (713) 348-5238 State today at Autry Court. The Astronomy. Luis J. Lanzerotti Hussain at [email protected]. E-mail: [email protected] women's team will play at ... and so the duck turns to the from Bell Laboratories will be Campus Mall: Calendar discussing "Weather in Space: Editor, Thresher, MS-524 5 p.m. and the men's team will clergyman and says, "I don't No, not International House of know about you but as Effects on Technologies." The play at 7:15 p.m. Tonight is Beer. But how cool would that Calendar submission forms are soon as my wings dry out, I'm lecture will take place from senior night, and Martel be? available on the Thresher office getting the hell out of here!" 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. f College senior Vasco Bridges International Beer Night will door. will be playing the national Hope you got your fill of sun take place tonight from 10 p.m. anthem on his saxophone Submissions are printed on a over break because classes to 2 a.m. in Willy's Pub. between the games. start again today. WEDNESDAY space-available basis.

MONDAY To the eight colleges and One for me and one for FRIDAY Martel Dorm: my homie It's a major decision! Willy Week starts today, so Come celebrate Willy's thresher-calendar@ Today is the deadline for This pretty much explains why start filling water balloons and birthday all day today in the sophomores to file their majors this week's calendar sucks stocking up on WD-40. Watch academic quad. with the Office of the Registrar. Today is the first official day of out for those Martel students spring break so get out and get especially. a damn tan and stop blinding us. Percussion Concert The students of the Shepherd School Percussion Studio will TUESDAY perform a marimba concert tonight at 8 p.m. in the Hirsch Orchestra Rehearsal Hall. Calling all scalpers Rice baseball plays the Presented by the Office of the University of Texas today at President. No, it really is. 7 p.m. at Reckling Park. The The First Wives Club will be game is sold out except for shown tonight at 7:30 p.m. at student tickets, so get there the Rice Media Center. early and tell your friends from Admission is free, but seating is out of town to bring some cash limited. An open forum before or else they will be sitting on a the event will begin at 5:30 p.m. main street bench. A question-and-answer session will follow.

Announcing The Jameson Fellowship American Decorative Arts & Painting 2003-2004 Dream it. Do it. Disney.*

Rice undergraduates and graduate students We're recruiting on campus! interested in art history, history, or museum studies are invited to apply for the Jameson Fellowship in American Decorated Arts and Rice University Painting. The Jameson Fellow will spend the 2003-2004 academic year as an intern at the Monday, March 24, 2003; 4:00 PM, Blair Conference Room-Student Center Bayou Bend Collection of the Museum of Tuesday, March 25, 2003; 12:00 PM, Minor Lounge-Student Center Fine Arts, Houston. Bayou Bend, located in the River Oaks section of Houston is regarded as the best house museum west of the Mark your calendars — All majors and all college levels invited. This is your chance to go inside Mississippi, and contains an outstanding array this world-famous resort, build your resume, network with Disney leaders and of American painting. sculpture, and meet students from around the world. decorative arts from the colonial period and through the 19lh century. Check out a Walt Disney World1 College Program paid internship. 24-hour secured housing is offered. College credit opportunities may be available. Visit our website at Application instructions are available in the Department of Art & Art History, 429 Sewall and then come to the presentation. Attendance is required to interview. Hall. Applications for the Jameson Fellowship arc due by Wednesday. March 26, 2003 (extended front 03/19/03). Stipend 6g)U(r^>iSf4Ei»World Award: $10,000, plus travel allowance. ss,COLLEGE PROGRAM wd wcollegeprogram. com Dept. of Art & Art History , 429 Sewall Hall. 713 348 4815

EOE • Drawing Creativity from Diversity • ©Disney 20 THE RICE THRESHER BACKPAGE FRIDAY, MARCH 7, 2003 ? II My roommate is in Panama City and the only tits I'm gonna see are Rassul's.

We're losers. We have no plans for spring break. But Well y'all, luckily, some nice people sent us some nice postcards I'm writing from my office. telling us about the nice times they're having. Bastards. I had plans for this awesome road trip, you know, like that movie. But Suckers would you believe I couldn't find Rice U. my keys? Weird. Hello girls and boys, — M-Ditty M\ the beautiful, We spent the p^t seven dajs wonderful people Howdy y'aW . mv new s0happy Hove so much at Si»S^ ' Rice 13- This is so wo nderful. Student Body Rice VJ. — Zen -r-SSSSS?

Hey guys,

I'm out here in sunny San thought, don't st»PYoJrnevv president Francisco. I had no idea this place was so homoheterogeneous. And by homoheterogeneous, I The Good 01' Boys n m Not sure what to do for spring break and strapped for cash? mean queer. And by queer, I Rice U. Here are some guidelines from Baker Upper Fourth: mean strange and diverse. Aw, I hate 1) Buy a kiddy pool. 4) Strip down. this place. 2) Buy beer. Cheap beer. Lots of it. 5) Get in pool. — Coach 3) Fill pool with water. 6) Drink. (Seriously, this is what we're doing.)

1 Hey everybody, # margartta \

Vm in Maputo Jf de of{ those two The three people Baker Misclass, Tried and True bought with ® ^Jds didn't stand a "I have a strange woman sleeping in my "Donkey punches — what an uncourteous who actually pav bed every night. She's 20 months old and thing to do." attention to the- lays between me and my wife. And when — Wise Baker 6th year she's not sucking on my wife's tit, she's kicking me in the head." "I don't know what's wrong. I take it out, 5egg««ain,tthere,t°°'Later — Baker associate wave it around, say 'take it dammit!' but nothing ever happens." "Basically, everyone would be subscribed — Gaebler £1 fresuffrttf de to the SA Hstserv, and it'd be their responsibility to get themselves off." "My mouth is on fire. I feel like I just gave — Someone on Thresher editorial staff Satan a rim job.""This will make much more sense once we're touching women." "What's wrong with this chair?" — LPAP dance instnictor "I've had lots of sex in that chair." This Backpage brought to you by "Yeah, it used to be in front of your "This says let's get drunk and screw." computer." "You really wanna screw in that little BAKER UPPER FOURTH — This is about one of the chairs in Upper glass?" the place where love happens. Fourth. We aren't saying which one. — More Baker associates You got to see Rassul's tits? All I got to see was Christopher's classifieds.

RICE A1UM SKI J ING used Soloflcx sys- HOUSING HELP WANTED tem. Great price for Rice student/alum!!! 1737 SUNSET. Two-bedroom, two- BARTENDER TRAINEES NEEDED. System includes butterfly machine, leg ex- bath apartment. New carpet, fresh $250 a day potential. Ix>cal positions. tension/ curl attachment, dip bar and numer- paint, central air, all-electric kitchen Call (800) 293-3985 ext. 155. ous weigl it stmjjs. Awesome system, $1.100 with dishwasher. Great floor plan for for the whole set Call Jay at (713) 522-8353. roommates. Owner pays utilities. MONTESSORI SCHOOL near Rice $1,090 with lease and deposit. Call University looking for substitutes and Andover at (713) 524-3344. afternoon assistants. Ideal for students needing flexible hours. Please call CLASSIFIED ADS 1301 RICHMOND. Two-bedroom, one- (713) 520-0738 and ask forTara. Rates are as follows: bath apartment with hardwood floors, central air and dishwasher in all-electric I AW OFFICE near Medical Center / kitchen. $675 plus electric with lease and Upper Kirby district seeks part-time 1-35 words: $15 deposit. Call Andover at (713) 524-3344. help: filing, word-processing, errands, 36-70 words: $30 general office tasks. Please fax a resume 71-105 words: $45 LOOKING FOR AN APARTMENT? or letter of interest to (713) 721-3112. Please give me a call. I've been help- Payment, by cash, check or ing Rice students for years. I can find NOW AUI)ITIONING—Cold Stone credit card, must accompany apartments in any area (no private Creamery is looking for talented your ad. listings though). Sandy Courson — crewmembers for its Village Arcade loca- Apartment Locators: (713) 782-4431 tion . If you love ice cream and people, please Deadline is Monday at 5 p.m. or [email protected]. apply online at www. coldsUmecreamery. corn prior to Friday publication. or call (713) 63(W)100. 1301 RICHMOND. One-bedroom The Rice Thresher apartment. Carpeted floors, fresh Attn: Classifieds paint, central air, all-electric kitchen MISCELLANEOUS with dishwasher. $565 plus electric 6100 Main St., MS-524 MCAT REVIEW books for sale. New Houston, TX 77005-1892 with lease and deposit. Call Andover and old books and practice tests. at (713) 524-3344. Cheap. Call (832) 778-6385. Phone:(713) 348-3967 Fax: (713) 348-5238 FOR RENT: small house, 610 and $3,500 FEE PAID TO EGG DONORS. Ella Boulevard, one-bedroom, one- "Have a heai t — give an egg." Give the The Thresher reserves the right $1 Lonestars bath, appliances, new carpet, paint gift of life to help infertile couples. to refuse any advertising for and mini-blinds. Large yard (no yard Reply to [email protected] or any reason and does not take work required!). $425 per month (214) 503-6553. responsibility for the factual Favors at the D plus deposit. Please call Valeria at content of any ad. (832) 594-0627. RECYCLE this newspaper afteryou read it.