Combined Choruses Receive Honors
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The BEACON Baseball Season Wishes All Begins A Happy Holiday Saturday, April 4 Vol. XXIII, No. 21 WILKES COLLEGE, WILKES-BARRE, PENNSYLVANIA FRIDAY. MARCH 20, 1959 Combined Choruses Receive Honors BEARD JUDGING TONIGHT; Group Cops First Prize In Singing Competition; PRIZES AWARDED AT DANCE by Jean Shofranko Individuals Get Awards The fourth annual "Beard Dance," sponsored this year by the Biology Club, will be held by Marilyn Krackenfels tonight in the gymnasium. Dancing will be from 9 o'clock to midnight to the music of big name Last Saturday evening at the Edwards Memorial Congre- band recordings. Admission is fifty cents per person. aigtonal Church, Edwardsville, Pa., the combined chorus of Wilkes scored one of the biggest triumphs of its career by taking first place in the Welsh Singing Competition, "Eisteddfod." '' Competing against the Anthro- tones, the Keystone Consistory, and Model U.N. Assembly the Orpheus Choral Society, whose musical ability is widely recognized To Meet Here in April; throughout Wyoming Valley, Wilkes students copped honors in Wilkes Represents US. every field they entered. For the second consecutive year The judging for the best chorus Wilkes will be host to representa- as a whole was based on each tives of some fifty eastern colleges group's rendition of "The Heavens who will meet April 17, 18, and 19 are Telling" by Franz Joseph in the 1959 version of the Model Haydn. The trio featured in this General Assembly. selection were Jean Pyatt, Wayne Decision to conduct this year's Walters, Walter Umla, with Pat assembly was made (luring the re- Yost accompanying. In this part gional meeting of the council in of the competition, the Wilkes New York last October. Lois Bet- Chorus, directed by Bill Peters, a ner, president of the Wilkes chap- junior music major, outshone their tel, attended this session. competitors, and won the top a- Wilkes, in addition to receiving ward, a cash prize of two-hundred the honor of playing host to the fifty dollars. model assembly for the second year, Not only did Wilkes receive has also been honored by being se- honors for the entire chorus, she lected to represent United States also placed in the four smaller con- HAIR-RAISING SEXTET - The hirsute test-tube clinkers shown above are the mem- at next month's three-day session. tests in which representatives en- bers of the committees for tonight's big Beard contest and dance, sponsored by the The Model Geneial Assembly is or- gaged. Wayne Walters, who won Biology Club. From left to right are: Hugh MacDerment, refreshments; Marty Tansy, ganized on a basis of representa- first prize in both the amateur and from each school acting as ce-chairman; Calvin entertainment; Puma, co- tives baritone solos, received thirty-five Freeman, advisor; Alfred D'Anca, Tony representatives from member na- chairman; and Jerome Gutterman, I)ublicit). Photo by Swett dollars. tions in the United Nations Gen- Jean Pyatt, whi placed second in Women of Wilkes will be relieved $3.00 gift certificate from Joe Nar- Judges will be Congressman eral Assembly. the soprano solo, won ten dollars, Representatives from each "na- when the men shed their shaggy (lone's Record Shop. Daniel J. Flood, Welton J. Farrar, and the girls' chorus trio, composed tion" will hold meetings to discuss of Jean Pyatt, Jeanine Schall, and growths after the Beard Contest In order to give the dance a economics instructor, and William record hop atmosphere three well- R. Gasbarro, music instructor. their presentation of particular Patricia Lutz, tied with two other which will be held during inter- known campus personalities, Larry General chairmen of the affair policies which they will present and trios and were awarded seven mission. Men winning prizes for Choper, Bob Martin and Ray Pirino, are Martin Tansy and Anthony Pu- defend before the entire assembly. dollars and fifty cents. Altogether, the best moustache and goatee have volunteered to emcee a portion ma. Assisting committee chairmen One of the important ideas behind Wilkes College, entering the con- the purpose of the Model General combination, beard, full growth, and of the program. ale: tickets, John Maylock; enter- test for the first time, received Assembly is to promote understand- three hundred two dollars and fifty faculty growth Although the Biology Club is tainment, Al D'Anca; refreshments, will each receive a sponsoring the "Beard Dance" this Marianne Dran; prizes, Jane Ned- ing of the methods employed in cents worth of cash prizes. $5.00 gift certificate from the Hub. year, the idea was originated by the doff; clean-up, Leigh Humphrey; presenting policies and forming Mr. D. Tom Evans, from Johns- Winners of the best moustache and Class of 1958 who featured it for publicity and judges, Jerome Gut- resolutions in assembly session. town, Pennsylvania, the adjudicator goatee awards will each receive a the past three years. te rman. Other objectives are the creation for the evening, commended the of a close representation of the 'Wilkes Chorus for their "excellent U.N. Assembly and the following tone quality, perfect tempo, strong of philosophies and ideas which are entrances, and tremendous enthusi- SPRING WE EIEND ACTIVITIES CHEERLEADERS ELECT found in the individual countries. asm." A tentative schedule for the Special praise was given to the GENE STICKLER M.G.A. sessions has been set up as three soloists in "The Heavens are WILL BE&IN HERE APRIL 10 Gene Stickler, junior Philosophy follows: Friday, April 17 - Official Telling," who, Mr. Evans com- by Connie Stukowski and Religion major, has been opening at 1 p.m., registration of mented were "well blended." The elected captain of the Wilkes Cheer- d e I e g at e s, plenary sessions, The School audience, too, was highly impressed Spirit Committee of Wilkes is now formulating leaders for next year. caucuses, plenary t o p i c discus- by the Wilkes showing, as they be- plans to hold the College's first Spring Weekend on April 10, The Barre Hall resident from sions, evening dinner; Saturday, gan applauding even before the 11, and 12. Louisville, Kentucky, was selected April 18 meetings, caucuses, Wilkes Chorus had reached the Mary Louise Spinelli, chairman of the committee, has an- to lead the yell team by all present committee meetings, dance in the climax of the number. nounced the following schedule for the weekend: on Friday cheerleaders in a vote held last evening; Sunday, April 19 - ple- Since the Chorus was really the \veek. nary sessions, voting, S u n d a y Women's and Men's Choruses com- evening the Lettermen will sponsor their annual April Showers church services, sessions following Dance in the Stickler became the first Wilkes bined, the prize money will be di- gym; Saturday's activities include an outing from Colonel in history in his freshman the services, luncheon, and adjourn- vided evenly and will be added to 12 to 5 o'clock at a site to be de- The Inter-Dormitory Council is aid- year and has been active with the ment. the treasuries of each group. cided upon and parties in Catlin ing in the arrangement, the Bi- squad foi- three years. ology Club is procuring a site ofr He is an active meniber of Cue S.A.M. MEMBERS and Sterling Halls from 8 to 12 'n' Curtain having been seen in the NOTICE NOTICE! o'clock. the outing, and S.A.M. is taking care of the invitations. role of Sandy in Paint Your Wagon. Dinner Meeting Because of the Easter vaca- The dorms will have a combo for FIe also played the part of the hotel The March dinner meeting will licn, 'here will be no BEACON dancing and entertainment with the This weekend is open to all stu- proprietor in Annie Get Your Gun. be held on Monday, March 23, at until Friday, April 10. Mary Jean Quartet in Sterling Hall dents of Wilkes. Day students es- Stickler has held several parts in the Bob Kelly's Supper Club in pecially are urged to attend this the drama group's one-act produc- Kingston. The dinner will be and the Ambassadors in Catlin NOTICE! Hall. On Sunday all the dorms affair and better acquaint them- tions and won the oscar for being served at 7:00 p.m. The entree will selves life. can be will be open for inspection from 2 with dormitoiy Dates the supporting actor of the year be roast turkey. Tickets All reporlere, business per- to 4 o'clock. and guests are also welcome. in 1957. obtained from Jake Zook, Dave Sc nnel, organizational officers Practice sessions for the aspiring Compton, Jim Braniff, John Tiediek, and publicity directors, and any The idea of having such a week- cheerleaders will be held immedi- Louise Gatto, or Martha Menegus. Richard interested parties are urged to end was proposed by the School NOTICE ately following the Easter Recess. The speaker will be Mr. attend a journalism seminar Spirit Committee and this commit- All Rehabilitation and PL 894 All men and women interested in O'Denald, President of Northeast- tee is also handling trying out for a position on the ern Pennsylvania Chapter of S.A.M. next Tuesday evening from 6 arrangements accounts will close Book- for the affair. Other organizations at the squad are urged to attend these The donation will be $2.25 per per- til 8. The meeting will be held on campus are now aiding the corn- store on March 24, for this semes- sessions in preparation for tryouts son. Please try to attend this reg- at 159 S. Franklin Street, (Art PDFniittee incompression, planning the weekend.