Aall, Jacob 393 Aasen, Ivar 13, 393 Aberdeen 133, 227, 277
Index Th e index includes all proper names of persons, places, events, ships, journals, newspapers etc. but no work titles except those by unknown authors (such as Beowulf). It also includes a number of central thematic entries. Fictional and mythological fi gures are not included. Aall, Jacob 393 391, 402 Aasen, Ivar 13, 393 Alfred, King 40, 224 Aberdeen 133, 227, 277 All the Year Round 369 Abildgaard, Nicolai 232, 235, Allchin, A.M. 325 246‒47, 311, 328‒29 Allen, Paul M. and Joan deRis 229, Åbo: see Treaty of Åbo 234, 319, 329, 403, 500 Aborigines 16 Allison, Th o. 141‒42 Abrahall, Chandos Hoskyn s 357‒58 Alps 19, 27, 39, 48, 54, 137, 139, Abruzzi, Duke of 428, 439n 184, 260, 296, 298, 315, 355, Academy of Dijon 178‒79 444 Acerbi, Guiseppe 301 Althing 41, 42n, 303, 486, 489 Adam of Bremen 42, 164 America (see also Canada, United Addison, Joseph 138, 143‒44, 166 States, Vinland etc.) 16, 28, 41, Admiralty: see British Navy 47, 49, 56‒57, 62‒65, 68, Adolf Frederik 149 75‒76, 79, 89, 92, 121‒22, 124, Aegean 34 133‒34, 200, 204, 226, 264, Aelfric of Aynsham 157 272, 274, 276, 280, 305, 327, Africa 47, 63, 75, 115, 139, 193, 334‒35, 338, 340‒42, 345, 350, 226, 288, 374, 426, 487 352, 372, 377‒78, 394, 398, Afzelius, Arvid August 330, 396 417, 423–24, 428, 430‒31, 441, Agassiz, Louis 354‒55, 378 447, 452‒3, 459, 461, 465, 485, Agricola 36 487‒88, 490, 493, 495 agriculture 176, 182, 188, 216, 390 America 452 airship: see aviation American Federation of Labor 493 Aitken, George A.
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