SETI searches at the Sardinia (SRT)

Andrea Melis

INAF – Osservatorio Astronomico di Cagliari

Big History, SETI and future of Humankind, IASF Milano, 15 July 2019 Agenda

• Overall view of the Sardinia Radio Telescope

• New development in the context of an Italian Operative National Program (PON)

• SETI activities:

- Involvement of the SRT in the Initiatives - Implementation of the Kahrnunen-Loeve Transform (KLT)

• Conclusions Radio telescopes in Italy " " " Sardinia Radio Telescope

The Sardinia Radio Telescope is a general purpose fully steerable radio telescope able to function in the range 300 MHz – 115 GHz.

6th IAA Symposium on Search for Life Signatures, Paris March 26-27, 2015 " Focal positions " First light receivers

ROACH2 SArdinia Roach2-based Digital Architecture for (SARDARA) Andromeda observed with SARDARA at SRT

CASPER boards evolution Square Kilometer Array Reconfigurable Architecture Board (SKARAB, alias ROACH3)

MeerKat SKARAB-based building Analog to Digital Converter Hybrid Memory Cube Full-Stokes high-frequency resolution spectrometer

Polyphase Corner Turner Polyphase ADC Filterbank (HMC) Filterbank Auto & Integr. Cross Polyphase Corner Turner Polyphase ADC Filterbank (HMC) Filterbank Radio Frequency System on Chip (RFSoC) Abaco commercial system Breakthrough Listen Initiatives

- 100 millions of dollars in ten years for dedicated SETI observations

- Green Bank Telescopes & Parkes offer ~20% of telescope time


- Pulsar search

- search Italian team visiting UC Berkeley (July 2018) Breakthrough Listen team visiting SRT (June 2019)

KLT KLT for SETI@home Conclusions

• SRT will start to get the data, in the framework of the Breakthrough Listen initiatives, in a few months (begin of 2020)

• A few percentage of SRT telescope time will be dedicated for SETI, especially for galactic center search in C-band and K-band

• The KLT will be used in parallel to the FFT, as well as hopefully adopted by SETI@home project THANKS FOR YOUR ATTENTION!