



October 2007



The Istituto di Radioastronomia (IRA) is presently the only INAF structure with divisions distributed over the national territory. Such an organization came about because IRA was originally a part of the National Council of Research (CNR), which imposed the first of its own reforms in 2001. The transition from CNR to INAF began in 2004 and was completed on January 1st , 2005. The Institute has its headquarters in Bologna in the CNR campus area, and two divisions in Firenze and . The Medicina station belongs to the Bologna headquarters. A fourth division is foreseen in Cagliari at the Radiotelescope site. The IRA operates 3 radio telescopes: the Northern Cross (Medicina), and two 32-m dishes (Medicina and Noto), which are used primarily for Very Long Baseline (VLBI) observations. The IRA leads the construction of the (SRT), a 64-m dish of new design. This is one of the INAF large projects nowadays.

The aims of the Institute comprise: - the pursuit of excellence in many research areas ranging from observational radio , both galactic and extragalactic, to cosmology, to geodesy and Earth studies; - the design and management of the Italian radio astronomical facilities; - the design and fabrication of instrumentation operating in bands from radio to infrared and visible.

Main activities of the various sites include: Bologna: The headquarters are responsible for the institute management and act as interface with the INAF central headquarters in Roma. Much of the astronomical research is done in Bologna, with major areas in cosmology, extragalactic astrophysics, formation and geodesy. IRA-Bologna has strong interactions with the local University and is an important facility for educational activities at medium (master degrees) and high (PhD) levels. Computer science is also an important part of the activity at the Institute. Medicina: The station is directly associated with Bologna headquarters. It hosts the Northern Cross and the 32-m VLBI radio telescope, and houses the core of laboratories for the development of radio astronomy instrumentation and of SRT. Firenze: The division is hosted by the Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri. IRA-Firenze is involved with the design and development of radio and infrared technology, including the participation in the international projects ALMA and Herschel. Much research is also conducted at Firenze, including extragalactic astrophysics and star formation. Noto: This division manages the second 32-m VLBI radio telescope. The staff is also involved in the development of technological instrumentation. The scientific staff is limited to only 2 people, with interest in the radio emission of evolved , in addition to extragalactic studies. Cagliari: In the context of the SRT project, when the Istituto di Radioastronomia still belonged to the CNR, some permanent staff was recruited by the CNR to form the core of

2 the future division at the Sardinia Radiotelescope site. With the transition of IRA to INAF, the Cagliari personnel (6 people including 5 scientists and 1 technician) was temporarily assigned to the Osservatorio di Cagliari (for 3 years, until 31 December 2008). Therefore, these people are not considered as IRA staff in this document.

IRA participates in several international Consortia: in 1988 it contributed to the establishment of the "European Consortium for VLBI in Europe" together with Max- Planck-Institut fuer Radioastronomie (D), Jodrell Bank (UK), Onsala (S), Westerbork (NL), to provide the scientific community with observing time within the interferometric network formed by the radio telescopes of each institution (on a peer-review basis). Later the Consortium was open to other radio astronomy institutes from countries including Poland, , France, China, Finland, and others. In 1995 the Consortium decided to create an International Institute, the "Joint Institute for VLBI in Europe" (JIVE), with the financial support of the EC and of the research Agencies from the participating countries. The IRA was among the protagonists in the management of JIVE, in recognition of the importance of its International nature and great impact. JIVE manages the VLBI correlator and provides support to astronomers and the Telescope Network.

IRA is part of the international VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry (IVS) which coordinates geodetic observations.

Together with other ten countries (Australia, Canada, China, Germany, India, Netherlands, Poland, Sweden, United Kingdom, and United States) IRA signed the first Memorandum of Understanding to establish the International Steering Committee (ISSC), on August 2000, at the International Astronomical Union meeting in Manchester (England). This was superseded by a Memorandum of Agreement to Collaborate in the Development of the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) which became operational on January 1st, 2005. The Italian representative is now INAF. IRA/INAF is partner of the EC proposals SKADS (FP6) aimed at developing a design study for SKA, and is partner of PrepSKA, an EC (FP7) proposal to integrate the R&D work from around the globe in order to develop the fully-costed design of SKA.

IRA has been involved for many years in major space and ground projects, related to radio and optical-IR techniques. Beside the realization of the Sardinia Radio Telescope, the institute contributes to the management, design and instrument development of the ESA project Herschel, of the future large ground-based interferometers ALMA, LOFAR and SKA. IRA is partner of projects funded by the EC (FP6) for the technology and scientific developments including FARADAY, SKADS, EXPReS, ESTRELA, RadioNet, MCCT- SKADS. The Institute is currently actively involved in the preparation of the FP7 proposal for RadioNet.

On behalf of INAF, IRA-Bologna hosts the Italian ALMA Regional Center.

For any further detail on the institute organization and projects see the web pages.


The research programs of IRA are extensively described at the institute web pages (http://www.ira.inaf.it/inaf_ira/Research.html) and reported in Annex 1. IRA scientists collaborate with other Italian and International research institutions as well as with Italian and foreign universities. In the following a summary is given with emphasis on the relevant achievements, instruments used and future prospects. For the detailed description of the topics, see Annex 1. The site where most of the research is performed is indicated in parentheses.

Surveys and observational cosmology (Bologna). The institute is involved in many survey projects in the framework of large international collaborations. In particular, IRA has a long-standing tradition in radio surveys since the pioneering work with the Northern Cross in the early seventies which produced the B2 catalog, with about 10,000 sources at 408 MHz. Nowadays, IRA is involved in surveys carried out in the radio, optical and X- ray bands. Large sky surveys at all wavelengths are of fundamental importance to astronomy. Complete, unbiased surveys provide a description of the general properties of celestial objects, and are necessary tools to build well defined samples of different classes of objects to be used for cosmological studies. The observation and analysis of deep radio fields performed at IRA have allowed the characterization of the sub-mJy and µJy populations, responsible for the flattening of normalized counts at 1.4 GHz, and the characterization of large scale structure using data from both optical and X-ray surveys. These studies are carried out with the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA), the in USA (VLA), the Giant Metre Radio Telescope in India (GMRT), the Parkes radio telescope in Australia, and the ROSAT X-ray . A survey project for a legacy e-MERLIN proposal has been presented at the special session in Manchester (October 2007) and will be further discussed with other international groups working in this field. Research activity in this area include studies on surveys such as: - ATESP 1.4 GHz and 5 GHz surveys - VIRMOS-VLT Deep Surveys (VVDS) - VLA-VVDS Survey - VLA-COSMOS - B3 VLA Survey - CMB Foreground Emission Surveys - The North Ecliptic Pole Survey

Extragalactic radio sources and their evolution (Bologna). The scientific research on extragalactic radio sources is one of the most active fields of the Institute. The ultimate goal is to understand the origin of the radio emission, in all its different aspects, in young and old sources, small and giant sources, active and relaxed sources, and their polarization

4 properties. The studies at the radio, optical, infrared, X-ray wavelengths are used to compare different emission mechanisms and to determine the evolutionary properties of radio sources. Results obtained in this field are: estimates of the ages of radio sources and of their cosmological evolution, estimate of the jet velocity and propagation, relation between radio emission properties and other wavelength properties, interaction between radio sources and the environment. This research relies on facilities including the VLA (New Mexico), the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope (WSRT) in The Netherlands, MERLIN, the Hubble Space Telescope (HST), the Italian Telescopio Nazionale Galileo TNG (), the IRAM 30m Telescope. Topics in this research area include: - Ageing of Radio and Relic Radio Galaxies - Giant Radio Sources - Radio Sources with Recurrent Activity - Hot Spots in radio Galaxies - High-Redshift Quasars - Millimeter Studies of Low-Luminosity Radio Galaxies - The HST View of Radio Galaxies - Searches for Radiatively Inefficient Accretion Disks in Low-Luminosity AGN

Clusters of galaxies (Bologna). Studies in this field are focused on the physical conditions of the Intra Cluster Medium (ICM) and in particular on the non-thermal components (relativistic electrons and magnetic fields), and their interaction with the thermal one. Studies of clusters and cluster galaxies are not confined to the radio domain but rather adopt a multi-band approach which includes both the X-ray and optical domains, in the local and distant Universe. Such studies provide important pieces of information on the formation and the evolution of the largest structures in the Universe. IRA has a leading role, internationally recognized, in the study of the non-thermal cluster emission. Several cluster halos and relics have been discovered and studied by IRA scientists, who obtained statistical results, polarimetry, spectra and multi-frequency spectral images (from 74 MHz to 1.4 GHz) that are suggesting the connection between non-thermal processes and cluster mergers. In addition, strength and structure of cluster magnetic fields have been obtained from Rotation Measure studies. Another important result obtained in X-rays is the negative evolution of clusters, i.e. the decrease of high luminosity clusters with respect to the local Universe. The observations are performed with the VLA, WSRT, GMRT, the X-ray XMM-Newton and Chandra. Future programs include studies with new generation instruments operating at low frequency (LOFAR, LWA). Topics in this area are: - Halos and Relics - Observational Study of the Properties of Radio Halos - The Analysis of Magnetic Fields in Clusters - The Radio Luminosity Function of Distant X-Ray Selected Cluster Radio Galaxies - The Effect of X-ray Point Sources on Cluster Scaling Relations - Dominant Dumbbell Galaxies in Nearby Clusters and Central Galaxies in poor Groups

5 AGN studies with VLBI (Bologna, Noto). The Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) technique provides the highest angular resolution currently achievable in any field of astronomy. VLBI allows the study of radio galaxies and quasars in the innermost regions of Active Galactic Nucleus (AGN). VLBI studies have a long tradition at IRA, with particular emphasis on the properties of extragalactic jets, their implication on the AGN unification models, and the life cycle of radio galaxies. Important results have been obtained on low-power radio galaxies, which have been demonstrated to host relativistic jets similar to the high-power radio galaxies, and on evolutionary models for Compact Steep Spectrum (CSS) and Giga-Hertz-Peaked Spectrum (GPS) sources, and their polarization. New prospects in this area are related to: i) observations at very high resolution and frequency (86 GHz - 3 mm) with the Global Millimeter VLBI Array (GMVA) to study the inner AGN regions not visible at lower frequency because of resolution and self-absorption, ii) observations of gamma-ray emitting AGN, which will be detected with the incoming satellites GLAST and AGILE. The VLBI observations are performed with the European VLBI Network, which includes the Medicina and Noto radio telescopes, the American VLBI Network (VLBA), the High Sensitivity Array (HSA), the GMVA, the Japanese space VLBI antenna VSOP. VLBI proposals in collaboration with the LAT-GLAST team have been submitted at the October dead-line. Research topics in this area include: - Relativistic jets - Unified Models - Giga-Hertz-Peaked Spectrum (GPS) and Compact Steep Spectrum (CSS) Sources - GPS/CSS Evolutionary Models - Polarimetric Observations of GPS/CSS Sources - Secular Optical Behavior and Structural Changes of BL Lacs

Interstellar medium and star formation (Bologna, Firenze, Noto). Multi-line and continuum radio and (sub-)mm observations of molecular clouds across the are performed with single dish and interferometric telescopes. The main aims are to determine the physical and chemical properties of individual clouds, and to study Galaxy-wide phenomena such as abundance gradients and gas-to-dust ratios. In the study of star formation the emphasis is on the earliest phases of massive protostars: chemistry of prestellar cores, jets and outflows, and maser emission. Regarding the latter, water masers in star forming regions have been monitored for 20 years with the 32-m Medicina antenna, which has produced the most extensive database of its sort currently available. These data allow the detection and analysis of the variability (in time, velocity, and flux density) of these sources in great detail; interesting sources are followed-up with VLA and VLBA observations. In addition to these facilities, it is made use of the Effelsberg 100-m antenna, TNG, James Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT), IRAM 30-m, Plateau de Bure Interferometer, Sub-millimeter Array SMA. Topics in this area are: - Galactic - Star formation - Early stages of massive star formation

6 - Masers in Regions of Star formation and in Circumstellar Envelopes - The Jet/Disk Systems in Low- and High-Mass Young Stellar Objects - Theoretical Radiative Tranfer for Polarized Light in non-LTE Stellar Atmospheres - Metal Abundance Gradients in the Galaxy with Planetary Nebulae - Radio emission from binary systems

Theoretical Research (Bologna). The theoretical group at IRA mainly focuses on models that try to understand the origin and evolution of extragalactic radio sources at different scales, from radio galaxies and quasars to radio halos and relics in clusters of galaxies. Among the most important results we mention the origin of cluster radio halos, models for the reacceleration of relativistic radio emitting electrons, the role played by cluster turbulence in non-thermal cluster processes. These studies make use of a cluster of 16 computers at IRA (Mach-16) and supercomputers at the Italian Interuniversity Consortium for Supercomputing CINECA. Scientific topics in this area include: - X-ray Emission and Energetic of Radio Galaxies - Origin of Radio Halos in Galaxy Clusters - Statistical Properties and Cosmological Evolution of Non-Thermal Processes in Galaxy Clusters - Cosmological Numerical Simulations

Geodetic Activity (Bologna). This research activity is based on observations performed with VLBI techniques as well as other classical and space geodetic equipments. Investigations on relevant geodetic parameters are carried out applying different observing techniques, aiming at combining observations and inter-comparing results. In particular, studies of the troposphere water vapor and crustal deformations are currently carried out with the Medicina and Noto 32-m VLBI dishes as well as other VLBI and GPS sites. Troposphere water vapor monitoring might represent an important application in the correction of radio data at low frequencies and it is crucial in climate studies as well as in meteorological applications. IRA has a leading role in the International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry for the 'Local Ties' activities and co-location issues. Topics in this area are: - Crustal deformation - Troposphere Water Vapor - Local Ties - Antarctic Geodesy

The extragalactic interstellar medium and star formation (Firenze). The research is aimed at assessing the role of dust and gas in the formation and evolution of galaxies and active nuclei (AGN). Radiation transfer in dusty spiral disks is performed through a 3-D Monte Carlo code, and has been applied to a suite of multi-wavelength observations. The role of dust is investigated in star-forming objects at different redshifts and locally at low

7 metallicities. A CO survey with the Plateau de Bure (in the context of the NUGA – NUclei of GAlaxies - collaboration) uses molecular gas as a mass tracer to investigate the triggering and fueling of AGN. The kinematics and morphology of the circumnuclear gas in AGN vary widely among galaxies, thus excluding the existence of a unique mechanism for angular momentum removal. The study of the explosion rate of type 1a supernovae and the ISM enrichment over a range of redshifts has shown a mass threshold of 5.5 solar masses at which both the efficiency and the timescale must change drastically. The paper describing the existence of such bimodality was chosen by the Nature magazine as a Science Highlight in 2006. Observations are performed with the Spitzer satellite, Plateau de Bure Interferometer, JCMT, VLA, TNG, ESO Very Large Telescope (VLT). Topics in this area include: - Extinction and emission by dust in spiral galaxies - Molecular gas in galaxies with Active Nuclei - Supernova rate and stellar populations - Low-metallicity star formation - Dust formation and evolution in a cosmological context - Metallicity and dynamics of galaxies at z > 3

Technological developments (Medicina, Firenze, Noto). The technological activity of IRA is related to the development of large instrumental projects. After the realization of the radio telescopes of Medicina and Noto, the technological research and technical staff is deeply involved in the construction of the Sardinia Radio Telescope (SRT), in particular in the construction and implementation of primary and secondary mirrors panels, active surface, tertiary mirrors, receivers, back-ends, servosystems and antenna control software, and antenna auxiliary equipment. New- generation receivers have been built to provide continuous frequency coverage, quick commutation, frequency agility, and multi-feed capabilities. A new-generation receiver at 4.3-5.8 GHz has been installed in Medicina and checked. The multi-feed receiver at 22 GHz is now under test. Our ultimate goal is to cover the frequency range between 300 MHz and 100 GHz. The realization of state-of- the-art back-ends, both for continuum and for spectroscopy, is in progress. What is needed for SRT is a back-end with a bandwith between 100 MHz and 2 GHz, several tens of independent channels, and a high spectral resolution. The experience acquired from ALMA will be incorporated. In addition, the VLBI antenna network undergoes frequent upgrades. In this framework, a Digital Base Band Converter (DBBC) has been built at Noto, which uses innovative techniques, and that will be applied to VLBI analogic back-ends. This project is endorsed by the European VLBI Network EVN, and involves several international partners, including China. Another big project is related to the Design Study of the Square Kilometer Array (SKA). The re-instrumentation of part of the Northern Cross large Array aimed to test low cost effective electronic, sub-systems, adaptive beam-forming, multi-beaming and RFI mitigation / excision algorithms. All these concepts need to be verified on the BEST (Basic Element for SKA Training) in order to be transferred to the european EMBRACE

8 demonstrator since they represent the heart of the SKA philosophy. The final step of BEST (BEST-3) will offer about 7000 m2 collecting area. Topics in this area are: - Upgrade of the Medicina Radio Telescope for High-Frequency Continuum Observations - Software Development for Sky Surveys with a 20 GHz 7-horn multibeam - CMB Polarization Experiments: Study of New Instrument Architectures for Observations of the B-Mode of the CMB Polarized Emission - The 32m-Dish System at Medicina - Square Kilometer Array Design Studies (SKADS) - LOw Frequency Array LOFAR - Development of Multi-Tasking Spectrometers - Bioastronomy - Radio Science

Science with Sardinia Radio Telescope (Bologna). The SRT is a general-purpose radio telescope, capable of operating with high efficiency from 300 MHz to over 100 GHz. It will be used for single-dish studies, VLBI, geodesy, and for space Science. To optimise the scientific use of the telescope and fully exploit the SRT capabilities, priorities have to be established in the SRT receiver/backend development. New competitive opportunities will be opened following these general criteria: i) use of SRT at the highest possible frequency, ii) implementation of multi-beam arrays, iii) use of as large as possible banwidths for the continuum and for spectral-line work, iv) ad hoc hardware for lower-frequency projects (pulsars, polarimetry), v) frequency agility. For a detailed overview of the science that can be done with SRT, we refer to the book “Science with SRT” (2006).

Science and Technology with Herschel (Firenze). IRA is involved with the ESA satellite Herschel, both from the technological and from the scientific points of view. The optics/electronics interface for the 50-250 micron imager/spectrometer PACS was designed and realized (in collaboration with industry) at IRA-Firenze. IRA also collaborated on the calibration of PACS itself: in early 2006 a test calibration was performed in Firenze, and after further improvements and fine tuning, in September 2006, the apparatus was transported to the MPE in Garching where the calibration of the Flight Model was successfully performed. Scientifically, over the last three years, IRA has been involved in the preparation of the Guaranteed-Time Observations (GTOs). In particular, we are preparing the observations regarding two HIFI-PACS GTO Key Programmes: (i) Water and (ii) Unbiased Spectral Survey. Line intensity predictions have been derived by using physical and chemical models, and preparatory ground-based observations have also been performed.

9 Frequency Protection for Radio Astronomy (Bologna). The protection of radio frequencies assigned to radio astronomy necessitates of several activities to be performed at several levels, in particular: i) monitoring and recognition of local interferences, i.e. at the instrument sites, and contacts with local administrations, ii) contacts with national Ministry for the interference elimination, iii) international contacts within the Committee for Astronomical Frequencies (CRAF), founded by the European radio astronomical to develop a common European policy.

Computer science (Bologna). Due to the growing request of computing power needed for scientific projects, the institute scientists are working on nodes of parallel computing on high-velocity networks and with new conception software in GRID environment. To this end, a small GRID node has been installed in the Institute in collaboration with the Osservatorio di Trieste and IASF-INAF of Bologna, in order to explore the capabilities of this system in the astronomical field. The computer center activity is aimed at obtaining adequate resources for the Alma Regional Center, analyze the needs for software correlation according to the product developed in Australia at the supercomputing center of the University of Swinburne, optimize the software packages of data reduction, investigate the techniques for displaying and transfer of data, and realize their application to the astrophysics (see also Chapter 5).

ALMA Project: ALMA Regional Center (Bologna). To develop expertise in the field of mm astronomy and to ensure the proper use of ALMA, INAF has decided to participate in the initiation of a European network of ALMA Regional Centers (named ARClets) supported by ESO. IRA has agreed to host the Italian node, which will provide support to ALMA users for the calibration and advanced data reduction. The Bologna ARC will also promote the use of ALMA among the Italian astronomical community. The current activity is aimed at the development of mosaicing techniques and the treatment for polarization data, the development of large-data-storage techniques, and the assessment of scientific topics to be investigated. It is planned that the ARC will be active for at least 10 years after ALMA becomes operational.


At 30 September 2007, the permanent staff of IRA consists of 73 units, distributed in the various divisions as follows (scientists include both scientific and technological research staff):

Bologna: scientists 24, technicians/administrative 8 Medicina: scientists 3, technicians 12 Firenze: scientists 11, technicians/administrative 3 Noto: scientists 4, technicians/administrative 8

The personnel temporarily assigned to the Osservatorio di Cagliari is listed in Annex 2, but is not considered in the present statistical considerations. The diagram in Fig. 1 shows the distribution of scientists (distinguishing scientific from technological research staff), technicians and administrative staff.

Permanent Staff Distribution

Administrative 7% Scientific R. Technicians 45% 36%

Technological R. 12%

Figure 1

The IRA scientific staff has a very limited number of young people with permanent positions (see distribution in Fig. 2). This is due to the fact that the most recent hiring of permanent staff scientists goes back to December 2001. Since then, no new permanent positions were created by CNR despite of the numerous losses of personnel (deceases, moves, retirements). INAF has assigned to IRA a new position last year (2006) for a 3rd level scientist (assistant equivalent) working on VLBI. The job has been obtained by Marcello Giroletti, who however has not yet been hired by INAF, thus he is still funded by a fellowship. Another 3rd level scientist position has been assigned this year to INAF, the competition will be carried out in 2008.

11 It is also clear from Fig. 2 that several people are close to the age of retirement. Indeed, one person from Firenze (Francesco Palagi) has just retired in October, and 2 more persons from Bologna (Alfredo Gallerani and Mario Vigotti) will retire in Spring 2008. .

Permanent Staff Age Distribution








0 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60 +

Scientists Technicians/Administratives Figure 2

Fig. 3 shows the age distribution of scientists in the different career levels. It interesting to note that careers are very slow: only people above 45 are promoted to the medium level (associate equivalent) and only people above 55 are promoted to the highest level (full professor equivalent). Also for the technical/administrative staff, career advancement is very problematic.

Research Staff Age Distribution










0 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60 +

3rd Level (Assistant Eq.) 2nd Level (Associate Eq.) 1st Level (Full Prof. Eq.)

Figure 3

12 In addition to permanent staff, there are staff members with temporary contracts funded by national projects or by EC grants. These people are either technology research staff (SRT, SKADS, Herschel) or technicians/administrators; none of them is a research scientist. They should get a permanent position within 1-2 years according to a recent Italian law. Several University professors collaborate with the scientific staff of IRA. Their activity is very important as they contribute with their expertise, manpower and educational activities (undergraduate students). IRA has a significant numbers of PhD students, Post-Doc and fellows. Most of them are funded by third-part grants (i.e. University, EC, national-based INAF projects) and not out of the institute budget. The distribution of the different categories is shown in Fig. 4.


Permanent Staff 63%

Temporary Staff 9% University Coll. PostDoc 7% PhD Fellows 6% 8% 7%

Figure 4

The percentage of women in the total permanent staff of the Institute is about 20%. Women are present in each category, either among the scientists and the technical and administrative staff (Figs. 5a, 5b). This percentage becomes higher (55%) if one considers only PhD students and Post-Docs (Fig. 5c).

Total Research Staff Technicians/Administrative PhD and PostDocs

Females Females Females 19% 23% 55%

Males Males Males 81% 77% 45%

Figure 5a Figure 5b Figure 5c

13 There are no women among the technological research staff. In the scientific research staff, women are as numerous as men at the top level (full professor equivalent), while they decrease in percentage once the lower career levels are considered (Fig. 5d). This is opposite to what is commonly found in the Italian research (where women are significantly underrepresented at the highest levels), but since we are dealing with small numbers in the various categories, we can consider this as a statistical fluctuation. Globally, it can be concluded that women are reasonably well represented at the IRA.

Figure 5d

The full list of personnel, including permanent and temporary staff, students, fellows and collaborators, is reported in Annex 2. The Annex also lists for completeness the IRA personnel temporarily assigned to the Osservatorio di Cagliari, although it has not been used for the above statistical analysis.


When the institute was within the CNR, the IRA administration followed civil service rules under CNR's central administration control. After the transition to INAF, the institute has to manage its own budget, plus the external funding, issue the contracts and salaries to fellows, etc., even though the administrative personnel has not been augmented. We need also administrative positions in each site. The situation is critical also because the administrative work includes quite complex procedures. Presently, there is one administrative in Firenze, one in Noto.

The standard funding from INAF is divided in two main portions, that for “normal operations” (including utilities, consumables, maintenance, etc.) and that for “research” (including traveling, fellowships, equipment, etc.). This budget includes the normal operation and maintenance of the radiotelescopes. In addition, INAF can assign money for special purposes through the INAF Department of Projects. National scientific projects can be funded following a yearly call, and subsequent evaluation, however the total funding for this aim has been very limited so far. Technological projects can obtain funding from the INAF Technological Innovation Office, again following a peer-review process. The funding obtained since 2004 until 30 September 2007 is presented in Table 1, where a blank line separates different classes of incomes. The first and second line report the INAF funding for normal operations and research, respectively. It decreased with time, although the 2007 funding is not yet the final one (it has been announced by INAF that the 2007 funding for these entries will be the same as that of 2006). Lines 3, 4 and 5 of the table report the money assigned by the INAF Project Department, for the maintenance and upgrade of the VLBI antennas, for the ALMA regional center and for the Sardinia Radio Telescope, respectively. Lines 6 and 7 report the funding from INAF scientific and technological national projects, involving IRA scientists. The scientific projects funded by INAF, in which IRA participates are: Non-thermal phenomena in galaxy clusters; Preparation for ALMA; Interstellar Masers: a critical probe for star formation; The metallicity evolution through cosmic ages. Technological Innovation projects at IRA funded by INAF are: Realization of a board at large bandwidth for radio frequency; Digital Back-ends; Packaging of monolithic devices in cryogenic and spatial environment.

What is relevant for the scientific and technological activity of the institute is the access to external funding, in particular from European Community (line 8) and Italian Space Agency ASI (line 9). EC Projects in various years are: RadioNet, FARADAY, ESTRELA, SKADS, EXPRES, MCCT-SKADS, ARENA. It should be noted that these projects are either technological, or for international coordination activity. A relevant income has been for the SKA Design Study (~ 1 MEUR spread in 2006 and 2007).

15 Projects of the Italian Space Agency are: ITASEL (Italian Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence), Tracing galaxy evolution, Scientific activity for CASSINI, Observations of the Universe from the Moon, Radio relic/merger connection in galaxy clusters, High energy astrophysics, Activity with Herschel, Studies of cosmology and fundamental Physics, Radar Measurements of . Other incomes are from public (as University) and private institutions (as consortia, banks, etc.). The business activity is from the DBBC project (see Chapter 9). The budget assigned by the Ministry for the construction of the Sardinia Radio Telescope is given in the last line (line 14). This is the funding managed by IRA, while the money for the site infrastructures has been assigned to the Osservatorio di Cagliari.

Table 1. Funding (in KEUR)

2004 2005 2006 2007** (CNR) (INAF) (INAF) (INAF)

(1) Ordinary Operation 1621* 1503 1291 1170 (2) Research 235 292 167

(3) INAF-Antennas 406 300 - (4) INAF-ALMA Reg. C. - 40 50 (5) INAF-Sardinia R. Tel. 300 - - (6) INAF-National Projects - 64 - (7) INAF-Technology Innov. 16 37 -

(8) European Community 198 84 498 748 (9) Italian Space Agency 116 125 84 374

(10) Ministry 15 (11) Other Public Inst. 71 60 67 70 (12) Other Private Inst. 29 3 1 16 (13) Business Activity 25 - - 195

(14) Ministry -Sardinia R.T. 6392 1919 10624 10000

Total 8467 4651 13298 12791

Notes. * Actual budget was reduced by 20%, because the last block supply from CNR occurred in 2005 after IRA transition from CNR to INAF, and was never delivered to IRA. ** Funds assigned until September, 2007.


Computer center Since the 80’s, IRA has been the provider of computer services related to image analysis for the Council of Research (CNR) in the Emilia Romagna Region. For this reason, it has developed versatile computer systems capable of satisfying the needs of several users, not only those of the Institute itself. In the 90’s, in cooperation with the CNR, the Institute coordinated the development of the telematic network of the CNR Institutes in the Emilia Romagna region and designed the network in the Bologna Research Area. The computer center currently manages the hardware and software facilities of the Institute, oversees the network infrastructure of the CNR Bologna campus, and hosts the network devices and the servers for the full campus.

Traditionally, the center activity has been devoted to the development of software for the astronomical catalogues and image management. The computing facilities at IRA have been always organized as a centralized server following a “client-server” model. In this way, the various workstations may have different characteristics, but share common software packages, large disk space, data-bases, etc.

It has become clear in recent years that the computing power needs for the scientific projects of the institute are much superior to those of single work-stations. In 2005, the computer center has been equipped with a cluster of 16 high speed machines + the server (named Mach-16) with 2 GBy memory each, connected on a separate 1 Gbit/s network, for the theoretical work and simulations. Moreover the request in computing power for the VLBI correlation in real time is about 103 - 104 times the capacity of the standard CPUs. Thus there is the need for nodes of parallel computing on high-velocity networks and with new conception software in GRID environment. To this end, a small GRID node has been installed in the Institute in collaboration with the Osservatorio di Trieste and IASF-INAF of Bologna, in order to explore the capabilities of this system in the astronomical field.

IRA headquarters in Bologna hosts INAF’s Costing Elaboration Data Center (CED), which is used by about 100 administrative users operating in the INAF headquarters in Roma and all INAF structures in .

In Medicina and Noto there is not a real computer center, but there is local staff in charge of the maintenance of workstations and of the network. The computer devices at these observing stations are mostly devoted to data acquisition from the radio telescopes, monitoring and control of the instruments. The IRA division in Firenze shares the computing infrastructures of the Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri.

17 The situation of computers at IRA is summarized in Table.2

Table 2. Computers of IRA

Type Number Older than 4 Laptops Older than 4 years years Bologna Server 12 8 Bologna Mach-16 17 0 Bologna Test Grid 10 2 Bologna Work Station 93 62 16 6 Medicina Work Station 63 41 11 4 & data acq. Firenze Work Station 19 9 10 1 Noto Work Station 23 18 8 3 & data acq.. Total 237 140 45 14

Working space The total area of the Bologna headquarters is about 2500 m2. There are 35 offices with 1 person, 12 offices occupied by 2 persons, 5 open-space rooms for students and guests, a seminar room, a meeting room, library, store rooms, and laboratories (see Chapter 6).

The are of the Medicina station is about 2650 m2 (including the small VLBI building). There are 15 offices hosting 2 or more people each, plus the laboratories. There is a guesthouse of 4 rooms and 1 flat, hosting up to 8 people.

In Firenze, the working space is within the INAF Osservatorio di Arcetri. The offices are small and mostly shared with at least another person,

The station in Noto has a total working space of about 1350 m2, 14 offices, meeting rooms, and laboratories. There is a guesthouse with 4 rooms and 1 flat, hosting up to 6 people.


Radio Telescopes IRA presently operates 3 radio telescopes: the two 32-m VLBI radio telescopes in Medicina and Noto, and the Northern Cross Radio Telescope in Medicina. The two instruments were born as identical radio telescopes, but in the course of time they evolved into quite different instruments, with distinct capabilities and equipment. Both radio telescopes are equipped with receivers at frequencies up to 22 GHz. The largest differences are: the presence of frequency change agility and fiber optic connection in Medicina, the presence of a receiver at 43 GHz in Noto, combined with the presence of active surface, which guarantees its high efficiency. The future plans are to connect Noto with fiber optic, and Medicina with the high-frequency capability.

Both the Medicina and Noto 32-m dishes are part of the European Consortium for VLBI (EVN), acknowledged as a European large-scale Facility. Most of the time they operate with the other antennas of the Consortium in the interferometric network at the highest level of efficiency. Regular VLBI observations are as follows: - astronomical VLBI: about 3 months/yr within the VLBI network, at frequencies between 1.4 GHz and 22 GHz (3 VLBI runs), plus 43 GHz observations in Noto; - geodetic VLBI: about 1 month/year of geodetic observations (2 runs/month, about 24 h each).

The Medicina radio telescope participates also in the electronic-VLBI (e-VLBI) experiments. The electronic VLBI Interferometer is achieved using high-speed communication networks operating in real-time and connecting together some of the largest and most sensitive radio telescopes (EC project EXPReS). The Medicina dish is one of the 6 European radio telescopes (Cambridge UK, Jodrell Bank UK, Westerbork NL, Torun PL, Onsala SW) which have a 1 Gbs fiber optic connection to the Italian (GARR) and European (GEANT) scientific networks. Regular runs are scheduled since 2006 for about 10 days/yr (10 runs, about 24 h each). In addition, Medicina also participates in tests, e.g. in a recent observation (August 2007) involving Chinese and Australian telescopes. The fiber optic connection of the Noto dish is desirable, particularly because of the 43 GHz observing capability.

In addition to VLBI observations, single dish programs are carried out for about 4-6 months/yr. The single-dish observations are allocated on a peer-review basis, with a call for proposal issued twice a year. Approved projects are both astronomical and geodetical. Some projects require the simultaneous use of Medicina and Noto. About half of the single-dish projects are "monitoring programs" and are part of large projects involving collaborations with the optical and X-ray community. In addition, observational campaigns are regularly performed for experiments of Radio Science. Collaborations are now active with the scientific community of the incoming gamma-ray satellites AGILE and GLAST, for radio monitoring and follow-up projects.

19 A future involvement of the Medicina and Noto antennas with the space VLBI program (VSOP2) is planned, as well as the collaboration for Radio Science experiments with ESA.

Remaining days with no scheduled observations are used for normal maintenance, check of the instrumentation, upgrades and tests of new technologies. Although the two antennas are extensively used for observations, they would need extraordinary maintenance (azimuth rail track in Noto and elevation wheel in Medicina), which has not been done so far because of lack of funding. A big future effort will be devoted to the improvement of the access of these instruments, by unifying the control software, allow remote operations, and arrange data acquisition in a single place.

The Northern Cross radio telescope in Medicina is an instrument owned by the University of Bologna. It is managed by IRA after a formal agreement with the University, which contributes to its maintenance costs. It is presently used for the development of two important technological projects: - test-bed for the Square Kilometer Array (EC Project SKADS). Through the re- instrumentation of part of the Northern Cross, several concepts relevant to SKA are tested (see Chapter 2, Technological Developments); - implementation of a LOFAR remote station by equipping part of the Northern Cross radio telescope with new receivers. This project will enable testing of the performance and results of LOFAR on a ~1000 km baseline, in view of the acquisition of a LOFAR station in Medicina.

For further details about the instrument use, and related research, we refer to the institute web page.

It is worth mentioning here that IRA-Firenze has been running the Italian National Telescope TIRGO (Telescope IR GOrnegrat), which was located at Gornergrat near Zermatt, in Switzerland Alpes, at 3135 m altitude. It was a 1.5m Cassegrain telescope with a wobbling secondary and optimized for infrared observations. Its operations terminated in spring 2005, after about 25 years working.

Laboratories There are laboratories in all sites of IRA, aimed at the development of new instrumentation and the maintenance of present radio telescopes. The main activity is to design and implement receivers, back-ends, autocorrelators, passive components such as feed horns (see Chapter 2), and update the computer network at each facility. Despite of the obsolescence of some equipment, the technological research in the digital field deals with the development of boards using FPGA devices and in the field using MMIC Chips. Both are current state-of-the-art techniques.

20 Table 3 gives a summary of the laboratories at the various IRA sites. Most common are mechanical, electronic, digital electronic and microwave laboratories. The cinematography lab in Bologna is aimed at developing outreach material for INAF. The laboratories in Firenze are shared with the Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri.

Table 3. Laboratories at IRA

Bologna Medicina Firenze Noto

Digital Electronics x x x Electronics x x x Electroforming x Electromagn. Meas. x Mechanical x x x Microwave x x x x Time/frequency x VLBI Electr. Maint. x Clean Room x Cinematography x Computer x


In the framework of the Early-Stage TRaining site for European Long-wavelength Astronomy (ESTRELA) project, a European Community project ``Marie Curie Early Stage Training Network'', which is a collaboration between six research institutes (Jodrell Bank, Max-Planck fuer Radioastronomie-Bonn, , ASTRON- Dwingeloo, JIVE-Dwingeloo, and IRA), IRA hosts at present two Ph. D. students, who do their research in astronomy (mostly astronomy-related technology) under the combined supervision of a IRA project leader and a university professor from the local university. Specifically, one has started in October 2006 (John Morgan under the combined supervision of Mauro Nanni and Daniele Dallacasa - University of Bologna), while the second has started in September 2007 (Rashmi Verma under the supervision of Alessandro Orfei -Medicina, Isabella Prandoni -Bologna and Loretta Gregorini - University of Bologna). The duration of the projects is three years. ESTRELA provides complete financial support for them.

The Institute has a formal bilateral agreement of collaboration with NRAO (USA), India and China. In the framework of these collaborations, there is fruitful exchange of scientists. In addition, IRA is visited by several foreign scientists for data reduction and scientific discussions. Dr. Jun Tao from Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences, has visited the IRA for a year (mid 2006-mid 2007). Shorter visits are very frequent. The following scientists have been guests at IRA in 2006 for about 15 days each: Dr. Michiel Brentjens, Kapteyn Astronomical Institute, University of Groningen (NL), Dr. Tracy Clarke, Naval Research Laboratory (Washington, USA), Prof. Vladimir Dogiel, Theoretical Physics Div., Lebedev Physical Inst. (Moscow, Russia), Prof. Alex Lazarian, University of Wisconsin (Madison, USA), Dr. Miguel Perez-Torres, Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía, CSIC (Granada, Spain).

Currently, Prof. Steven Tingay of Department of Imaging and Applied Physics, Curtin University of Technology (Bentley, Western Australia) is visiting IRA for 3 months. All these visits have been paid from third-party funding, none on the IRA budget.


Each division of IRA has strong interaction with the nearby University, i.e. Bologna (Dept. of Astronomy, Dept. of Physics, Faculty of Engineering), Firenze (Dept. of Astronomy), Catania (Dept. of Physics) and Messina (Faculty of Electronic Engineering). IRA scientists supervise regularly several graduation theses and PhD theses. Several scientists are regularly involved in giving lectures for PhD courses and University Courses (specifically at present at the Bologna and Catania University). The scientific staff of IRA has a representative in the Program Committee for Astronomy PhD of the Bologna University. IRA is among the Institutes recognized by the Physics Department of the Bologna University as a site for training of physics students. IRA- Bologna hosts the field training for radio astronomy techniques for undergraduate students of the Astronomy Department of the Bologna University.

About 60 seminars are organized each year, including those internal, but mostly from researchers of other Italian and foreign institutes.

The IRA personnel has strong collaboration with many others INAF Structures, the National Research Council CNR (Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate, Bologna, Institute of Electronics, Informatics and Telecommunication, Torino), the National Institute of Geology and Volcanology (INGV), the International School for Advanced Studies SISSA (Trieste)

Staff members are interacting and collaborating with scientists in foreign institutions in the following countries: AUSTRALIA (Australian Commonwealth Scientific and Research Organization CSIRO, Australia Telescope National Facility ATNF, University of Western Australia, University of Sydney, Agency Geoscience Australia); AUSTRIA (Vienna University of Technology, Institute of Geodesy and Geophysics); BELGIUM (University of Ghent); CHINA (Chinese Academy of Sciences Astronomical Observatory of Shanghai); FINLAND (Metsahovi Radio Observatory, Tuorla University); FRANCE (LERMA-Observatoire de Paris, Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille, Observatoire Astronomique de Marseille-Provence, Observatoire de Haute-Provence, Observatoire Midi-Pyrenees, CERGA-CNRS Centre d'Etudes e de Recherches en Geodynamique et Astrometrie-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur, Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de l'Observatoire de Grenoble, IRAM Istitut de Radioastronomie Millimetrique LAREG - LAboratoire de REcherche en Geodesie, Service d’Astrophysique CEA Saclay);

23 GERMANY (Max Planck Institute for Kernel-Physics Heidelberg, Max Planck Institute for Astronomy Heidelberg, Max Planck Institut for Astrophysik Garching, Max Planck Institute for Radioastronomy Bonn, University of Bonn, University of Cologne, University of Hamburg, Hamburger Sternwarter); GREECE (National Observatory of Athens); INDIA (Raman Research Institute Bangalore, Indian Institute for Astrophysics Bangalore, Tata Institute for Radio Astronomy Pune); ISRAEL (University of Tel Aviv); JAPAN (University of Tsukuba, National Astronomical Observatory Tokyo); MEXICO (University of Guanajuato, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de MexicoUNAM); POLAND (Nicholas Copernicus University, University of Cracow, University of Torun); RUSSIA (Lebedev Institute for Theoretical Physics Moscow, Central Observatory Pulkovo St. Petersburg); SPAIN (University of Barcelona, University of Valencia, Observatorio Astronomico Nacional Madrid, Observatorio Astronomico Nacional Granada, University of Granada, University of Santander, IAA Instituto de Astrofisica de Andalusia Granata, Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias IAC, Centro Galileo Galilei La Palma, Isaac Newton Group La Palma, Universidad de La Laguna Tenerife); SWEDEN (Onsala Space Observatory, University of Stockholm); THE NETHERLANDS (ASTRON Dwingeloo, Sterrewacht Leiden, University of Leiden, Kapteyn Astronomical Institute, University of Groningen); UKRAINA (Radio Astronomy Laboratory of SRI Crimean Astrophysical Observatory, Main Astronomical Observatory Kiev); UNITED KINGDOM (University of Leeds, University of Cardiff, , University of Manchester, University of Oxford, University College London, University of Sheffield); UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, National Radio Astronomy Observatory NRAO, STScI, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, , Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT, Cornell University, University of California Berkeley, Infrared Processing and Analysis Center IPAC, California Institute of Technology, University of Athens, Georgia State University, University of New Mexico, University of Wisconsin Madison, University of Virginia Charlottesville, Joint Astronomy Centre Hilo, University of Hawaii, Institute for Astronomy Honolulu, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Naval Research Laboratory Washington, ).

The IRA personnel has taken/is taking part in the following national and international panels/groups/working groups:

1981-present: ISI's 1120 World's Most Cited Physicists (Gioia) 1987-present: Chairman of Committee for Radio Astronomical Frequencies CRAF (Ambrosini) 1991-1999: EVN TOG (former TWG) member (Tuccari) 1992-2005: Italian Representatives (Orfei, Orlati)

24 1997-2007: WG Herschel scientific calibration for PACS (Morbidelli) 1998-2003: Chairman Technical and Operation GroupTOG-EVN (Tuccari) 1998-present: International VLBI Service member (Tuccari) 1999-2004: EVN Consortium Board of Directors (Mantovani) 1999-2006: Board Joint Institute for VLBI in Europe JIVE (Mantovani) 2000-2006: International Square Kilometre Array Steering Committee (Mantovani) 2000-present: Vice-chairman TOG-EVN (Tuccari) 2001-2004: European VLBI Network (EVN) Program Committee (Bondi) 2001-present: Member of the SKA Science Working Group (Feretti) 2002-2004: Time Allocation Committee Telescopio Nazionale Galileo (Gioia) 2002-2004: SCAR Working Group “Atmospheric Impact on GPS Observations in Antarctica” (Sarti) 2003-2005: Time Allocation Committee Telescopio Nazionale Galileo (Brand) 2003-present: Working Group RadioNet Synergy (Mack) 2004: ASI Working Group COFIS (Cosmology and Fundamental Physics) (Carretti) 2004: Spitzer Time Allocation Panel (Hunt) 2004: Chairman International VLBI Service - Digital Backend team (Tuccari) 2004-2005: INAF working group: ``Science with the SRT'' (Mack) 2004-2005: INAF/CNR WG ``Feasibility study on High Energy Astrophysics: field of interest and perspectives for the National Community'' (Brunetti) 2004-2005: INAF working group: ``Science with the SRT'' (Brand) 2004-2005: INAF representative in the International Foundation High Altitude Research Stations Jungfraujoch and Gornergrat (HFSJG) (Mannucci 2004-2006: European VLBI Network (EVN) Program Committee (Codella) 2004-2006: INAF advisory committee for ALMA (Mack) 2004-2006: INAF working group: ``Science with the SRT'' (Prandoni) 2004-2007: Directing Board Internationl VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry (Mantovani Member at Large) 2004-present: Medicina and Noto Time Allocation Committee (Cassaro, Mack) 2004-present: International Earth Rotation Service (IERS) (Sarti) 2004-present: IERS Working Group on Site Survey and Co-location (Sarti) 2004-present: Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) (Sarti) 2004-present: LINC-NIRVANA/LBT scientific working group (Mannucci) 2004-present: WG for GIANO-TNG science and instrument characterization (Mannucci) 2004-present: Member of ARENA network for Antarctic astronomy (Olmi) 2004-2008: Chairman, Science Training Working Group, RadioNet, FP6 (Venturi) 2004-2008: Chairman RadioNet Board (Tofani) 2004-2008: Member RadioNet Board (Ambrosini) 2005: Time Allocation Committee Telescopio Nazionale Galileo (Feretti) 2005-2006: XMM-Newton Observing Time Allocation Committee (Gioia) 2005-2007: Secretary, EVN Consortium Board of Directors (Bondi) 2005-2007: Chairman, EVN Consortium Board of Directors (Mantovani)

25 2005-2007: Board "SKADS" Contract No. 011938 (Mantovani, Vice-Chairman) 2005-present: APERTIF Science Team (NWO - ASTRON, NL) (Giovannini) 2005-present: Coordinator Italian ARClet (Brand) 2005-present: INAF working group: ``ARC-ALMA'' (Brand, Fontani, Gregorini, Mack, Nanni, Prandoni, Rossetti, Zanichelli) 2005-2008: DS6 SKADS Leader (Montebugnoli) 2005-2008: European VLBI Network (EVN) Program Committee (Venturi) 2006 : Observing Program Committee OPC ESO, Panel A (Feretti) 2006: Observing Program Committee OPC ESO, Panel C (Brand) 2006: Spitzer time Allocation Panel (Hunt) 2006: Dark UNiverse Explorer (DUNE) WG on Supernovae (Mannucci) 2006-2007: Time Allocation Committee Telescopio Nazionale Galileo (Stanghellini) 2006-2007: Board ``MCCT-SKADS'' Contract FP6 MSCF-CT-2006-046095 (Mantovani) 2006-2007: Board ``EXPReS'' (FP6), contract number 026642 (Mantovani, Nanni) 2006-2007: INAF WG ``LOFAR perspectives for National Community'' (Brunetti) 2006-2007: ASI-INAF-INAF WG “Observations of the Universe from the Moon” (Brunetti) 2006-2009: National Representative for the International Astronomical Union (Gioia) 2006-present: Instrument and Foreground Working Group of B-POL project (Carretti) 2006-present: Project Scientist of the Sardinia Radio Telescope (Prandoni) 2007: LMT/GTM Large Millimeter Telescope Review Committe (Orfei) 2007: WG ``SIMBOL-X scientific objectives and observational strategy'' (Brunetti) 2007: Effelsberg Programme Committee (Mack) 2007: Technical and Operation Group TOG-EVN (Orfei, Orlati) 2007: WG INSCAF -International Network for the Study of Cosmological Astrophysical Foregrounds Science Roadmap (Carretti) 2007: EVN Consortium Board of Directors (Feretti) 2007: Board Joint Institute for VLBI in Europe JIVE (Feretti) 2007: International Square Kilometre Array Steering Committee (Feretti) 2007: European Square Kilometer Array Consortium ESKAC (Feretti) 2007: Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) Working Group “GPS for weather and space weather forecast” (Negusini, Sarti) 2007-2008: Observing Program Committee OPC ESO, panel C, Chair (Brand) 2007-2008: Board Sardinia Radio Telescope (Feretti, chair, Mantovani)


IRA-INAF is a patentee on active surface for large telescopes in Italy (n. BO2002A000012), Europe (03700051.0-2220-IB0300045), USA (n. 10/495,477) and Japan (n. 2003-558968) (Orfei).

Medicina 32m dish group had, and has, ongoing activities of transfer of knowledge with private companies in Italy (in Bologna and in L' Aquila).

Patent: Digital Base Band Converter (DBBC) System. Italian patent with worldwide extension in course. Collaboration Agreement with Studio Ingegneria e Geotecnica Testa.

Owing to the Institute research activity in the technological field, a transfer know-how is expected. A spin-off activity, related to the technology development in the digital backends area and in the very high speed data transfer (> 10 Gbps) field, is now being established by INAF. This activity will work in strict collaboration with IRA, and will be one of its business arm.


IRA has a long tradition of hosting relevant meetings at national and international level. It is also responsible for several specialist schools coordinated with network activities such as the EVN ones. The following symposia, conferences and workshops have been organized since 2004 by IRA personnel (the large majority are international). Four international conferences are planned in 2008; for the organization of three of them the IRA personnel has a leading role.

2004: Multiband approach to AGN, MPIfR, Bonn, Germany (SOC Member, Venturi) 2004: 40th anniversary of the Croce del Nord, Medicina, Italy (LOC Member, Prandoni) 2004: 7th European VLBI Network Symposium, Toledo, Spain (SOC Member, Mantovani) 2005: First European Radio Interferometry School, Manchester, UK (SOC Member, Venturi) 2005: Science with the Sardinia Radio Telescope, Bologna, Italy (SOC Members, Brand-Chair, Mach, Prandoni, LOC Members, Brand, Mach, Prandoni-Chair) 2005: A Pan-Chromatic View on Clusters of Galaxies and Large-Scale Structure, Int. Adv. School, Tonanzintla, Mexico (SOC Member, Feretti) 2005: The Origin and Evolution of Cosmic Magnetism, Bologna, Italy (SOC co-Chair, Feretti, LOC Members, Bondi, Brunetti, Feretti-Chair, Giroletti, Mack, Neri, Prandoni) 2005: RadioNet Engineering Forum, New Trends In Receiver Developments Medicina, Italy (SOC Member, Cremonini, LOC Members, Orfei, Monari, Poloni) 2005: 17th Working Meeting on European VLBI for Geodesy and Astrometry (Organizer, Tuccari) 2006: From Dark Halos to Light, Rencontres de Moriond, La Thuile, Italy (SOC Members, Feretti, Gioia) 2006: 7th National AGN Meeting, Montagnana, Italy (SOC member Giovannini) 2006: Long Wavelength Astrophysics, Joint Discussion n. 12, XXVI IAU General Assembly, Prague (SOC member, Feretti) 2006: 8th European VLBI Network Symposium, Torun, Poland (SOC Member, Mantovani) 2006: SYNERGY IV workshop, Bologna, Italy (LOC chair, Mack) 2006: Technical and Operation Group TOG Workshop, Noto, Italy (LOC Member, Schilliro')

28 2007: Observation of the Universe from the Moon, ASI-INAF-INFN workshop, LNF Frascati, Italy (SOC Member, Brunetti) 2007: Astrophysics in the LOFAR era, Emmen, The Netherlands (SOC Member, Brunetti) 2007: National ALMA/ARClet-meeting, Bologna, Italy (Organizer Brand) 2007: Second European Radio Interferometry School, Bonn, Germany (SOC Member, Venturi) 2007: MCCT-SKADS First Training School 2007, Medicina, Bologna, Italy (Chair Mantovani, Members, Bianchi, Bondi, Giroletti, Righini, Venturi) 2007: From Planets to Dark Energy: the Modern Radio Universe, Manchester, UK (SOC Member, Feretti) 2007: Northstar tutorial meeting workshop to be held in Bologna, Italy, November (LOC Chair, Mack, Member, Zanichelli) 2008: Science with the new Hubble Space Telescope after Servicing Mission, to be held in Bologna, Italy, January (LOC member, Feretti) 2008: 4th Workshop on CSS and GPS Radio Sources to be held in Riccione, Italy, May (SOC Members, Dallacasa, Stanghellini, LOC Members, Dallacasa, Giroletti, Mack, Neri, Stanghellini, Zanichelli) 2008: IAU Symp 255 on Low-Metallicity Star Formation: From the First Star to Dwarf Galaxies, to be held in Rapallo, Italy, June (SOC co-chair, Hunt, LOC Member, Hunt) 2008: 9th EVN Symposium, to be held in Bologna, Italy, September (SOC Chair, Mantovani)


IRA operates since 15 October 2005 the Visitor Center “Marcello Ceccarelli”, located close to the Medicina Station. One person (Stefania Varano) is responsible for the management and development of the Center. She has been funded by INAF for 2 years, but no more support is currently available from INAF, thus in 2008 she will be funded by a sponsoring Bank. The activity of the Visitor Center relies also on the help of a volunteer collaborator (Daniela Fiorani), and on the contribution of several scientists and technicians of the Institute. The Visitor Center consists of a permanent exhibition of panels and instruments. In addition, guided tours of the radio telescopes are organized for school groups and private people. There about 5000 visitors/yr, 700 of which are private. Outreach events are also organized, as public conferences and discussions. The Visitor Center of IRA has strong collaboration with the Visitor Centres of MPIfR, OSO, JBO, Nancay, Yebes. It also collaborates with private companies for the production of media products for astronomy.

Every year the IRA and Visitor Center participate to the Scientific Week promoted by the Italian Ministry of Education and involving all scientific institutions in Italy, through public conferences and special guided tours. On 2-3 October, IRA has participated to the organization of “Sputnik 50”, a meeting to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Sputnik program and 50 years of space research. The IRA personnel is also frequently involved in educational activity through conferences, visits to schools, interviews on media and papers on magazines.

In future, it is planned to increase the synergy between IRA and the other INAF institutes in Bologna, and the University, to organize common events as a general policy, but in particular in view of the 2009 Year of Astronomy.

As outreach activity, it should also be mentioned the scientific video entitled "Quelli che la fisica" (I picked physics because…), realized by Marco Malaspina (IASF) and Stefano Parisini (IRA) in 2005, which recently obtained the Best video award for Scientific promotional videos (Milan, 2007).

30 Chapter 12. PUBLICATIONS

The scientific production of the IRA can be found at the institute web pages, and is annexed to this report, separated per year: 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2007 (Annex 3, 4, 5, 6, respectively). The total number of publications has largely increased in 2006 and 2007, in particular it is remarkable the increase in the number of invited talks, which indicates a larger international impact of the IRA research. The total number of citations of the IRA personnel is 34,300 for all published publications (3209 papers) and 33,300 for only refereed publications (1483 papers). Normalized citations numbers are 7600 and 7200 respectively. If one considers the citations only since 1997, the same year used by ISI§, these numbers change into 16,100 for all publications (1831 papers) and 15,000 for only refereed publications (843 papers). Normalized citations numbers are 3200 and 2800 respectively. Table 4 summarizes the number of papers in various typologies.

Table 4. Publications

Year 2004 2005 2006 2007*

Refereed Papers -printed 83 71 67 63 -in press/submitted 37 Invited talks - 3 14 13 Conference contributions** 59 42 97 70 Technical reports 5 9 21 7 Other publications - 7 16 20 Books 1 - 2 2 Total 148 132 217 212

Notes. * : publications of 2007 are until September ** : excluding invited talks

§ISI Web of Knowledge or Thomson Scientific is an Institute which maintains a large collection of bibliographic and indexing data for scientific literature and measures the impact and influence of published research.


As shown in this report, the research activity of the Institute is supported by numerous results in areas of both basic science and technology.

In the last years when IRA was an Institute of the CNR, it reached the top level within CNR, thanks to the number of refereed papers, contributions to international and national meetings, patents, educational activity and technological developments. As CNR Institute, IRA was reviewed in 2002 by an international Committee, which gave a very positive evaluation. An Italian committee was appointed in 2005 by INAF for the assessment of the IRA Radio Telescopes and of their use. This too was very positive.

Throughout this report, several critical issues have been pointed out, in particular: very limited funding from INAF for operation (maintenance of instruments, laboratories and equipment) and research (fellowships, guests, postDoc, etc.), old age of permanent scientific staff, too few positions since many years, too many staff members with temporary employment, too little administrative and support staff.

However, the future of the institute could be seen in an optimistic perspective through the continuation of the main scientific and technological research lines, the development of observing programs with the most important current ground and space facilities, the participation to large instrumental projects, the strong interaction with the Italian and international community, the coordination of the activity of young people.

The commitment in the VLBI technique and its use will continue as one of the major characterizations of the Institute. The completion of the Sardinia Radio Telescope will be of great importance for the VLBI and for the further growth of Radio Astronomy in Italy.

32 ANNEX 1

For the scientific and technological research, we refer to the web page of Bologna www.ira.inaf.it and links therein to the individual web pages of the divisions.


The IRA personnel at 30 September 2007 is listed below for the different divisions, distinguishing the staff scientific researchers, technological researchers, technicians, administrative, students, post docs and fellows. After each name of scientists, the career level is indicated (1st level is full professor equivalent, 2nd level is associate equivalent, 3rd level is assistant equivalent). Some additional information can be given between parentheses: TC indicates staff with a Temporary Contract, others notes are self explaining.


























37 CAGLIARI (this personnel is temporarily assigned to Osservatorio di Cagliari, until 31 December 2008)





1. Afonso-Luis, A., Hatziminaoglou, E., Perez-Fournon, I., Gonzalez-Solares, E. A., Rowan- Robinson, M., Vaccari, M., Lari, C., Serjeant, S., Oliver, S., Hernan-Caballero, A., Montenegro- Montes, F. M. (2004), A study of the 15-microm quasars in the ELAIS N1 and N2 fields, MNRAS 354, 961 2. An, T., Hong, X.Y., Venturi T., Jiang, D.R., Wang, W.H. (2004), Extreme superluminal motion in the curved jet of PKS 1502+106, A&A 421, 839 3. Anton S., Browne, I.W.A., Marcha, M.J.M., Bondi, M., Polatidis, A. (2004) The spectral energy distributions of the revised 200-mJy sample, MNRAS, 352, 673 4. Araya E., Hofner, P., Linz, H., Sewilo, M., Watson, C., Churchwell, E., Olmi, L., Kurtz, S. (2004), A search for H2CO6 Centimeter Emission towards Galaxy Massive Star Formation. II., ApJS 154, 579 5. Beltran, M.T., Cesaroni, R., Neri, R., Codella, C., Furuya, R.S., Testi, L., Olmi, L. (2004), Rotating Disks in High-Mass Young Stellar Objects, ApJ 601, L187 6. Bernardi, G., Carretti, E., Fabbri, R., Sbarra, C., Poppi, S., Cortiglioni, S., Jonas, J.L. (2004), A polarized synchrotron template for cosmic microwave background polarization experiments based on WMAP data , MNRAS 351, 436 7. Beswick, R.J., Peck, A.B., Taylor, G.B., Giovannini, G. (2004), High-resolution imaging of the radio continuum and neutral gas in the inner kiloparsec of the 3C 293, MNRAS 352, 49 8. Bolli, P., Gentili, G.G., Nesti, R., Pelosi, G. (2004), Rigorous analysis of electromagnetic coupling between corrugated circular horns, Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters 3, 200 9. Bondi, M., Marcha M. J. M., Polatidis, A., Dallacasa, D., Stanghellini, C., Anton, S. (2004), VLBA polarization observations of BL Lac objects and passive elliptical galaxies, MNRAS 352, 112 10. Bondi, M., Brunetti, G., Comastri, A., Setti, G. (2004), Anisotropic inverse Compton emis- sion in the radio galaxy 3C 265, MNRAS 354, 43 11. Boschin W., Girardi, M., Barrena, R., Biviano, A., Feretti, L., Ramella, M. (2004), Internal dynamics of the radio-halo cluster A2219: A multi-wavelength analysis, A&A 416, 839 12. Brunetti, G., Blasi, P., Cassano, R., Gabici, S. (2004), Alfvenic reacceleration of relativistic particles in galaxy clusters: MHD waves, leptons and hadrons, MNRAS 350, 1174 13. Carretti E., Cortiglioni S., Sbarra C., Tascone R. (2004), Antenna instrumental polarization and its effects on E- and B-modes for CMBP observations A&A, 420, 437 14. Carretti E., Zannoni M., Macculi C., Cortiglioni S., Sbarra C. (2004), Effects of thermal fluctuations in the SPOrt experiment, A&A 428, 781 15. Codella C., Lorenzani A., Gallego A.T., Cesaroni R., Moscadelli L. (2004), The association between masers and outflows in massive star forming regions, A&A 417, 615 16. Combes, F., Garcia-Burillo, S., Boone, F., Hunt, L.K., Baker, A.J., Eckart, A., Englmaier, P.P., Leon, S., Neri, R., Schinnerer, E., & Tacconi, L.J. 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1. Ambrosini, R., Scalambra, A., Roda, J., Mariotti, S., Comoretto, G., Persi, P., Mercolino, M. (2004), A new Ka-band receiving capability at the Italian Noto radiotelescope in 9th Ka and Broadband Communications Conference, Ischia, 5-7/11/2003, 357 2. An T., Hong X.Y., Venturi T., Jiang D.R., Wang W.H. (2004), Tracking the curved jet in PKS 1502+106 in Proceedings of the 7th European VLBI Network Symposium, Eds. R. Bachiller, P. Colomer, F. Desmurs, J.F. de Vicente, 103 3. Bardelli, S., Giacintucci, S., Zucca, E., Venturi, T., Brunetti, G., Ettori, S., Dallacasa, D., Finoguenov A., Rao P. (2004), Multiwavelength view of merging clusters, MSAIS 5, 331 4. Bardelli, S., Zucca, E., Gastaldello, F., Marini, F., Ettori, S., De Grandi, S., Venturi, T., Giacintucci, S. (2004), Merging clusters in the core of superclusters: a multiwavelength view, in Multiwavelength Cosmology , Ed. M. Plionis, Kluwer Academic Publ., ASSL Vol. 301, cdrom 5. Beltran, M.T., Cesaroni, R., Codella, C., Furuya, R.S., Testi, L. (2004), The high-mass (proto)cluster G24.78+0.08, in Star Formation at High Angular Resolution, International Astronomical Union. Symposium no. 221, held 22-25 July, 2003 in Sydney, Australia, Poster meeting abstract 6. Beltran, M.T., Cesaroni, R., Neri, R., Codella, C., Furuya, R.S., Testi, L., Olmi, L. (2004), Rotating disks in high-mass young stellar objects, Poster Abstract Book of the Conference: Cores, Disks, Jets & Outflows in High and Low Mass Star Forming Environments: Observa- tions, Theory & Simulation, University of Calgary 7. Bernardi, G., Carretti, E., Fabbri, R., Sbarra, C., Poppi, S., Cortiglioni, S. (2004), A Tem- plate of Galactic Polarized Synchrotron Emission in the Frame of CMBP Experiments, in The Magnetized Interstellar Medium, Pro. of the conference, held in Antalya, Turkey, Septem- ber 8 - 12, 2003, Eds: B. Uyaniker, W. Reich, and R. Wielebinski, Copernicus GmbH, Katlenburg-Lindau., 207 8. Bianchi, S. (2004), Radiative Transfer in Spiral Galaxies, in: Astrophysics of Dust ASP Conference Series vol. 309, Eds. A. N. Witt, B. T. Draine, G. C. Clayton, 771 9. Bondi, M., (2004), Scintillation in extragalactic radio sources, invited review in the Pro- ceeding of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on ‘The Role of VLBI in Astrophysics, Astrometry and Geodesy” Eds. F. Mantovani & A. Kus, 233 10. Bondi, M., Perez-Torres, M.-A., Dallacasa, D., Muxlow, T. W. B. (2004), A detailed study of the nuclear region of Mrk273, Proceedings of the 7th Symposium of the European VLBI Network on New Developments in VLBI Science and Technology. Held in Toledo (Spain) on October 12-15 2004. Edited by R. Bachiller, F. Colomer, J.-F.; Desmurs, and P. de Vicente, 121 11. Brunetti, G. (2004), Particle acceleration and non-thermal emission from galaxy clusters, Proceedings of the International conference on Cosmic Rays and Magnetic Fields in Large Scale Structure, JKAS 37, 493 12. Brunetti, G. (2004), Non-thermal phenomena in galaxies clusters Review Talk, in IAU col- loquium 195 Outskirts of Galaxy Clusters: intense life in the suburbs, 148 13. Burigana C., G. De Zotti, L. Feretti, (2004), Sunyaev-Zeldovich effects, free-free emission, and imprints on the cosmic microwave background, in: Science with the Square Kilometer Array, eds. C. Carilli & S. Rawlings, New Astronomy Reviews (Elsevier, Amsterdam) 48 (11-12), 1107 14. Capra A., Gandolfi, S., Mancini, F., Negusini, M., Sarti, P., Vittuari, L. (2004), Terra Nova Bay GPS permanent station. Terra Antartica Reports, 9, 21 15. Carretti, E., Bernardi, G., Cortiglioni, S., Sault, R. J., Kesteven, M. J., Poppi, S. (2004), Observations in the BOOMERanG Field at 1.4 GHz, in The Magnetized Interstellar Medium , Proc. of the conference, held in Antalya, Turkey, September 8 - 12, 2003, Eds: B. Uyaniker, W. Reich, and R. Wielebinski, Copernicus GmbH, Katlenburg-Lindau, 201 16. Carretti, E., Cortiglioni, S., Macculi, C., et al. (2004), High Stability and Sensitivity Cor- relation Polarimeters for CMB Polarization Measurements, in Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors for Astronomy II, 23-25 June 2004, Glasgow, SPIE Conf. Proc. 5498, 725 17. Chiaberge, M. (2004) New insights on unification of radio-loud AGN in Multiwavelength AGN surveys Proceedings of the Guillermo Haro Conference 2003 Cozumel, Mexico 8 - 12 December 2003 edited by Raul Mujica & Roberto Maiolino, Published by World Scientific Publishing Company, Singapore, 217 18. Cremonini, A., Carbonaro, L., Cresci, L., Mariotti, S. Natale, V. Nesti, R. Orfei, A., Panella, D., Roda, J., Tofani, G. (2004), Faraday Subproject two: A cryogenic 18-26 GHZ Multifeed array receiver, Sixth European Workshop on Low Temperature Electronics, WOLTE-6 23-25 June 2004, ESTEC Noordwijk, The Netherlands 19. Cremonini, A., Mariotti, S., Orfei, A., Roda, J., Tofani, G. (2004), A 18-26 GHz MMIC InP Low Noise Amplifier for Radioastronomical Applications - MTTW - ESA - ESTEC - Noordwijk,NL - 11-12 May 2004 20. Cremonini, A., Carbonaro, L., Mariotti, S., Natale, V., Nesti, R., Orfei, A., Roda, J., To- fani, G. (2004), Indium Phosphide MMIC Low Noise Amplifier and related cryogenically applications in a Radioastronomical Focal Plane Array Receiver, 12th GAAS Symposium, Amsterdam, 12-14/10/2004, 363 21. Fanti C., Fanti R. (2004), Radio source evolution on small scales, invited paper at the Con- ference Radio Astronomy at the fringe , ASP Conference Proceedings, eds. Zenzus, Cohen and Ros, 300, 85 22. Feretti L., Johnston-Hollitt, M. (2004) Magnetic fields in Clusters of Galaxies in: Science with the Square Kilometer Array, eds. C. Carilli & S. Rawlings, New Astronomy Reviews (Elsevier, Amsterdam) 48 (11-12), 1145 23. Feretti L., Burigana, C., Ensslin, T.A. (2004), Diffuse radio emission from the Intracluster medium in: Science with the Square Kilometer Array, eds. C. Carilli & S. Rawlings, New Astronomy Reviews (Elsevier, Amsterdam) 48 (11-12), 1137 24. Feretti, L., Brunetti, G., Giovannini, G. K. N., Orru‘, E., Setti, G. (2004), Properties and Spectral Behaviour of Cluster Radio Halos, Journal of Korean Astronomical Society 37, 315 25. Foucaud, S., Scodeggio, M., Zanichelli, A., Garilli, B., Giallongo, E. (2004), Observing the high redshift Universe using the VIMOS-IFU, Astronomische Nachrichten, 325, (2), 143 26. Gaensler B.M., Beck, R., Feretti, L. (2004), The Origin and Evolution of Cosmic Magnetism, in: Science with the Square Kilometer Array, eds. C. Carilli & S. Rawlings, New Astronomy Reviews (Elsevier, Amsterdam) 48 (11-12), 1003 27. Giacintucci, S., Venturi, T., Bardelli, S., Brunetti, G., Dallacasa, D., Zucca, E. (2004), Radio halos in merging clusters of galaxies: the peculiar case of A3562, in Outskirts of Galaxy Clusters: intense life in the suburbs , Ed. A. Diaferio, IAU Colloqium 195, 86 28. Giovannini, G. (2004), Observational Properties of Jets in Active Galactic Nuclei, Astro- physics and Space Science 293 (1), 1 29. Giovannini, G., Feretti, L. (2004), Radio Relics in Clusters of Galaxies, Journal of Korean Astronomical Society, 37, 323 30. Goddi, C., Moscadelli, L., Alef, W., Brand, J., Tarchi, A. (2004), EVN observations of H2O masers towards high-mass star forming regions in I colori dell’universo - Astronomia italiana dalla Terra e dallo spazio , Proceedings of the 48th Congresso della SAIt, Mem. SAIt Suppl. 5, 123 (eds. A. Wolter, G. Israel, F. Bacciotti) 31. Govoni F., Feretti L. (2004), Magnetic Fields in Clusters of Galaxies , Int J Mod Phys D, 13 (8), 1549 32. Grueff, G., with Olmi, L. et al. (2004), The Sardinia Radio Telescope, Mem. 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(2004), Optical properties of dielectrics in the mm range: the case of spurious polarization induced by a vacuum window, in Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors for Astronomy II, 23-25 June 2004, Glasgow, SPIE Conf. Proc. 5498, 744 36. Magrini, L., Corradi, R.L.M., Leisy, P., Morbidelli, L., Scatarzi., A., Perinotto., M. (2004), The Luminosity Function of PNe with Different Morphology, Proceedings of the Asymmetri- cal Planetary Nbulae III: Winds, Structure and the Thunderbird , Mt. Rainer, Washington, USA. Edited by Margaret Mexner, Joel H. Kastner, bruce Balick and Noam Soker. ASP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 313. San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 42 37. Mantovani, F., Massaro, E., Fanti, R., Nesci, R., Tosti, G., Venturi, T. (2004), EVN Ob- servations of the BL Lac object ON231, Proceedings of the 7th European VLBI Network Symposium, Eds. R. Bachiller, P. Colomer, F. Desmurs, J.F. de Vicente, 49 38. 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40. Mullis, C.R., McNamara, B.R., Quintana, H., Vikhlinin, A., Henry, J.P., Gioia, I.M., Horn- strup, A., Forman, W., Jones, C. (2004), The 160 deg2 ROSAT Survey Revised Catalog and Cluster Evolution, in Clusters of Galaxies: Probes of Cosmological Structure and Galaxy Evolution, Carnegie Obs. Astrph. Series. J.S. Mulchaey, A. Dressler, and A. Oemler, eds, http://.www.ociw.edu/ociw/symposia/series/symposium3/proceedings3.html 41. Murgia, M., Parma, P., de Ruiter, H.R., Mack, K.-H., Fanti, R. (2005), Dying Radio Galaxies in Clusters, Proceedings X-ray and Radio Connections, Published electronically by NRAO, http://www.aoc.nrao.edu/events/xraydio Held 3-6 February 2004 in Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, (E8.15) 5 42. Nisini, B., Codella, C., Giannini, T., Bachiller, R., Santiago Garcia, J., Richer, J.S. (2004), Physical conditions of molecular bullets along protostellar outflows probed through high-J SiO emission Proceedings of the dusty and molecular universe: a prelude to Herschel and ALMA, ESASP 577, 397, Noordwijk, Netherlands: ESA Publications Division, A. Wilson ed. 43. Olmi, L., Pelosi, G., Piccirillo, L., Saraceno, P., Sironi, G., Storey, J.W.V. (2004), ASO: an Antarctic Submillimeter Observatory, Mem. S.A.It., the Italian Astronomical Society, 5, 368, A. Wolter, G. L. Israel and F. Bacciotti (eds.) 44. Orfei, A., Morsiani, M., Zacchiroli, G., Maccaferri, G., Roda, J., Fiocchi, F. (2004), Active surface system for the new Sardinia Radiotelescope Proceedings on SPIE Conference Astro- nomical Telescopes and Instrumentation, Glasgow 21-25 June 2004, Proceedings of the SPIE 5495, 116 45. Orfei, A., Maccaferri, G., Orlati, A., Mantovani F. (2004), The Medicina station status report IVS (International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry), 2004 annual report, 80 46. Paladino, R., Murgia, M., Helfer, T., Ekers, R., Blitz, L., Moscadelli, L., Wong, T., Gregorini, L. (2004), Radio Continuum and CO emission in spiral galaxies, Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana Supplement 5, 280 47. Prandoni, I., Parma, P., Wieringa, M.H., Gregorini, L., de Ruiter, H.R., Vettolani, G., Ekers, R.D. (2004), Probing the Faint Radio Population: The ATESP 5 GHz survey, in Multiwavelength Cosmology, Proc. of the meeting held in Mykonos (Greece), 17-20 June 2003, (Kluwer) Eds. M. Plionis, Astrophysics & Space Science Library 301, 7499 48. Pushkarev, A. B., Kovalev, Yu., Molotov, I. E., Nechaeva, M. B., Gorshenkov, Yu. N., Tuccari, G., Stanghellini, C., Hong, X., Quick, J., Dougherty, S., Liu, X. (2004), Quasi- Simultaneous VLBI and RATAN-600 Observations of Active Galactic Nuclei, Astronomy Reports 48, Issue 11, 900 49. Richards, A.M.S., Garrington, S.T., Harrison, P.A., Muxlow, T.W.B., Stirling, A.M., Thomas- son, P., Winstanley, N., Allen, M.G., Lamb, P., Power, R., Reynolds, C., Venturi, T. (2004) VO Access to Complex Data – MERLIN and Other Interferometry Archives, ADASS XIII, ASP Conf. Series, Vol. 314, Eds. F. Ochsenbein, M. Allen & D. Egret, 539 50. Sarti, P., Vittuari, L. (2004), La realizzazione e le potenzialita’ delle co-locazioni di alta precisione negli osservatori geodetici italiani Boll. Soc. It. Fotogrammetria e Telerilevamento 3, 129 51. Tucker G.S.,..., L. Olmi, ..., (2004), The balloon-borne large aperture sub-millimeter tele- scope, Advances in Space Research 33, N. 10, 1793 52. van der Hulst, J.M., Sadler, E.M., Jackson, C.A., Hunt, L., Verheijen, M. & van Gorkom, J.H. (2004), From gas to galaxies, New Astronomy Reviews 48, 1221, as part of Science with the Square Kilometre Array , eds. C. Carilli and S. Rawlings 53. Venturi, T., Bardelli, S., Rao, P., Dallacasa, D. Giacintucci, S., Brunetti, G. (2004), Low frequency observations of the radio halo in the galaxy cluster A3562, in Multiwavelength Cosmology , Ed. M. Plionis, Kluwer Academic Publ., ASSL Vol. 301 cdrom

54. Wouterloot, J.G.A., Brand, J., Henkel, C. (2004), The C18O/C17O-ratio in the rho Oph cloud and across the Galaxy, in The dense interstellar medium in galaxies , 4th Cologne- Bonn-Zermatt Conference (eds. S. Pfalzner, C. Kramer, C. Straubmeier, A. Heithausen), CD-Rom file 55. Zanichelli, A., Garilli, B., Scodeggio, M., Rizzo, D., Vettolani, G., Le F`evre, O. (2004), Automated Data Reduction and Analysis Tools for the VIMOS Integral Field Unit, In: Toward an International Virtual Observatory . Proceedings della ESO/ESA/NASA/NSF Conference, Garching, Germania, 10-14 Giugno 2002. Editori Quinn, P.J. & Gorski, K.M. ESO Astrophysics Symposia. Berlin: Springer, 331 56. Zanichelli, A., Fattibene, E., Gregorini, L., Vettolani, G., Scaramella, R., Vigotti,M. (2004), Radio–Optically Selected Clusters at Intermediate Redshift, In: Proceedings della Multiwave- length Cosmology Conference, Mykonos Island, Grecia, 17-20 Giugno 2003. Astrophysics and Space Science Library, Vol. 301 (versione CD-ROM). Editore: Plionis, M., Kluwer Academic Publishers 57. Zannoni M., Macculi C., Carretti E., Cortiglioni S., Ventura G., Monari J., Poloni M., Poppi S. (2004), Thermal design and preliminary performance evaluation of the BaR-SPOrt cryostat, in Millimeter and Submillimeter Detectors for Astronomy II, 23-25 June 2004, Glasgow, SPIE Conf. Proc. 5498, 735 58. Zappacosta, L., Maiolino, R., Mannucci, F., Gilli, R., Finoguenov, A., Ferrara, A. (2004), Detections of Warm-Hot Intergalactic Medium in Modelling the Intergalactic and Intracluster Media, Vulcano, October 1-4 2003, arXiv:astro-ph/0401202 59. Zucca, E., Venturi, T., Giacintucci, S., Bardelli, S., Dallacasa, D. (2004), Radio activity in major mergings, in Outskirts of Galaxy Clusters: intense life in the suburbs , Ed. A. Diaferio, IAU Colloqium 195, p. 83 2004 - INTERNAL REPORTS

1. Ambrosini, R., Bortolotti, C., Roma, M., Mureddu, L., Messina, F. (2004), La quinta Cam- pagna RFI a Pranu Sanguni, SRT Memo Series-RFI-TM-001.1 del 04/06/2004

2. Montebugnoli, S., Bianchi, G., Cattani, A., Ghelfi, F., Maccaferri, A., Perini, F. (2004), Some Notes on Beamforming, IRA 353/04 3. Montebugnoli, S., Bianchi, G., Bortolotti, C., Cattani, A., Ghelfi, F., Maccaferri, A., Perini, F., Roma, M. (2004), Note sul Beamforming per il BEST-1 IRA 354/04 4. Orfei, A., Mantovani F., Sarti P. (2004), The Medicina station status report IVS (Interna- tional VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry) 2003 annual report

5. Poloni, M., Bolli, P., Orfei, A. (2004), Considerazioni aggiuntive sullo studio delle prestazioni EM dell’antenna parabolica di Medicina ed analisi dei fenomeni di bloccaggio, Rapp. Int. IRA 364/04 2004 - BOOKS

1. Gavryusev, V.G. (2004), Measurements and the properties of the space-time, Editorial URSS, ISBN 5-354-00678-3, 176, Moscow ANNEX 4 2005 - REFEREED PUBLICATIONS

1. Adami, C., Mazure, A., Ilbert, O., ... , Zanichelli, A., Bondi, M., et al. (2005), The Vimos VLT deep survey: compact structures in the CDFS A&A 443, 805

2. Araya, E., Hofner, P., Kurtz, S., Linz, H., Olmi, L., Sewilo, M., Watson, C., Churchwell, E. (2005), Discovery of an H2CO 6cm maser in IRAS 18566+0408, ApJ 618, 339 3. Banham, R., Valsecchi, G., Lucci, L.,Pelosi, G., Selleri, S., Natale, V., Nesti, R., Tofani, G. (2005), Electroformed front-end at 100 GHz for Radioastronomical applications, Microwave Journal 48 8, 112 4. Beltran, M. T., Cesaroni, R., Neri, R., Codella, C., Furuya, R. S., Testi, L., Olmi, L. (2005), A detailed study of the rotating toroids in G31.4+0.31 and G24.78+0.08, A&A 435, 901 5. Benn, C.R., Carballo, R., Holt, J., Vigotti, M., Gonz’alez-Serrano, J.I., Mack, K.-H., Perley, R.A. (2005), Outflows in unusual radio BAL quasar 1624+3758, MNRAS 360, 1455 6. Bernardi, G., Carretti, E., Fabbri, R., Sbarra, C., Cortiglioni, S. (2005), The synchrotron foreground and the cosmic microwave background temperature-polarization cross-correlation power spectrum from the first-year WMAP data, MNRAS 364, L5 7. Bianchi, S., Ferrara, A. (2005), Intergalactic medium metal enrichment through dust sput- tering, MNRAS 358, 379 8. Bondi, M., Perez-Torres, M.-A., Dallacasa, D., Muxlow, T.W.B. (2005), A supernova factory in Mrk 273 ?, MNRAS 361, 748 9. Brunetti G., Blasi P. (2005), Alfvenic reacceleration of relativistic particles in galaxy clusters in the presence of secondary electrons and positrons, MNRAS 363, 1173 10. Cappelluti, N., Cappi, M., Dadina, M., Malaguti, G., Branchesi, M., D’Elia, V., Palumbo, G. G. C. (2005), X-ray source overdensities in Chandra distant cluster fields: A new probe to map the cosmic tapestry?, A&A 430, 39 11. Carretti, E., Bernardi, G., Sault, R.J., Cortiglioni, S., Poppi, S. (2005), High Galactic latitude polarized emission at 1.4 GHz and implications for cosmic microwave background observa- tions, MNRAS 358, 1 12. Carretti, E., McConnell, D., McClure-Griffiths, N.M., Bernardi, G., Cortiglioni, S., Poppi, S. (2005), Polarized diffuse emission at 2.3 GHz in a high Galactic latitude area, MNRAS 360, L10 13. Cassano, R., Brunetti, G. (2005), Cluster mergers and non-thermal phenomena: a statistical magneto-turbulent model, MNRAS 357, 1313 14. Cesaroni, R., Neri, R., Olmi, L., Testi, L., Walmsley, C. M., and Hofner, P. (2005), A study of the Keplerian accretion disk and precessing outflow in the massive protostar IRAS 20126+4104, A&A 434, 1039 15. Ciliegi, P., Zamorani, G., Bondi, M., ..., Gregorini, L., de Ruiter, H. R., Parma, P., Zanichelli, A. et al. (2005, The VVDS-VLA deep field. II. Optical and near infrared identifications of VLA S1.4GHz >> 80 µJy sources in the VIMOS VLT deep survey VVDS-02h field, A&A 441, 879 16. Codella, C., Bachiller, R., Benedettini, M., Caselli, P., Viti, S., Wakelam, V. (2005), Chemical differentiation along the CepA-East outflows, MNRAS 361, 244 17. Cohen, A.S., Clarke, T.E., Feretti, L., Kassim, N.E. (2005), Resolving the steep spectrum emission in the central radio source in ZwCl 0735.7+7421, ApJ 620, L5 18. Colombo, L.P.L., Bernardi, G., Casarini, L., Mainini, R., Bonometto, S.A., Carretti, E., Fabbri, R. (2005), Cosmic microwave background polarization and reionization: constraining models with a double reionization, A&A 435, 413 19. Della Valle, M., Panagia, N., Padovani, P., Cappellaro, E., Mannucci, F., Turatto, M. (2005), Why Are Radio Galaxies Prolific Producers of Type Ia Supernovae?, ApJ 629, 750 20. de Ugarte Postigo, A. et al. including Hunt, L. K., Mannucci, F., and 45 other co-authors (2005), GRB 021004 modelled by multiple energy injections, A&A 443, 841 21. Dolag, K., Vazza, F., Brunetti, G., Tormen, G. (2005), Turbulent gas motions in galaxy cluster simulations: the role of smoothed particle hydrodynamics viscosity, MNRAS 364, 753 22. Feng, X.W., An, T., Hong, X.Y., Zhao, J.-H., Venturi, T., Shen, Z.-Q., Wang, W.H., (2005), The radio counter-jet of the QSO 3C48, A&A, 434, 101 23. Feretti, L., Schuecker, P., Bohringer, H., Govoni, F., Giovannini, G. (2005), Diffuse radio emission in a REFLEX cluster, A&A 444, 157 24. Fontani, F., Beltran, M.T., Brand, J., Cesaroni, R., Testi, L., Molinari, S., Walmsley, C.M. (2005), Search for massive protostellar candidates in the southern hemisphere. I. Association with dense gas, A&A 432, 921 25. Furuya, R.S., Cesaroni, R., Takahashi, S., Momose, M., Testi, L., Shinnaga, H., Codella, C. (2005), Relative Evolutionary Timescale of Hot Molecular Cores with Respect to Ultracom- pact H II Regions, ApJ 624, 827 26. Garcia-Burillo, S., Combes, F., Boone, F., Schinnerer, E., Hunt, L.K. (2005), Molecular Gas in Nuclei of Galaxies (NUGA): IV. Gravitational Torques and AGN Feeding, A&A 441, 1011 27. Giacintucci, S., Venturi, T., Brunetti, G., Bardelli, S., Dallacasa, D., Ettori, S., Finoguenov, A., Rao, A.P., Zucca, E. (2005), Spectral properties and origin of the radio halo in A3562, A&A 440, 867

28. Giovanelli, R., et al. including Hunt, L. K. and 38 other co-authors (2005), The Arecibo Legacy Fast ALFA Survey: I. Science Goals, Survey Design and Strategy, AJ 130, 2598 29. Giovannini, G., Taylor, G.B., Feretti, L., Cotton, W.D., Lara, L., Venturi, T. (2005), The Bologna Complete Sample of Nearby Radio Sources, ApJ 618, 635 30. Giroletti, M., Giovannini, G., Taylor, G.B. (2005), Low power compact radio galaxies at high angular resolution, A&A 441, 89 31. Giroletti, M. (2005), Radio Observations of a Sample of BL Lac Objects, Baltic Astronomy, 14, 385 32. Giroletti, M., Taylor, G.B., Giovannini, G. (2005), The Two-sided Parsec-Scale Structure of the Low-Luminosity Active Galactic Nucleus in NGC 4278, ApJ 622, 178 33. Goddi, C., Moscadelli, L., Alef, W., Tarchi, A., Brand, J., Pani, M. (2005), Kinematics of H2O masers in high-mass star forming regions, A&A 432, 161 34. Goddi, C., Moscadelli, L., Alef, W., Brand, J. (2005), EVN Observations of H2O masers towards the high-mass Young Stellar Object in AFGL 5142, A&SS 295, 77 35. Govoni, F., Murgia, M., Feretti, L., Giovannini, G., Dallacasa, D., Taylor, G.B. (2005), A2255: the first detection of filamentary polarized emission in a Radio halo, A&A 430, L5 36. Gugliucci, N.E., Taylor, G.B., Peck, A.B., Giroletti, M. (2005), Dating COINS: Kinematic Ages for Compact Symmetric Objects, ApJ 622, 136 37. Hunt, L., Bianchi, S., Maiolino, R. (2005), The optical-to-radio spectral energy distributions of low-metallicity blue compact dwarf galaxies, A&A 434, 849 38. Hunt, L.K., Dyer, K.K., Thuan, T.X. (2005), The radio continuum of the extremely metal- poor blue compact dwarf galaxy IZw18, A&A 436, 837 39. Hunt, L.K., Maiolino, R. (2005), Improved Templates for Photometric Redshifts of Submm Sources, ApJ 626, L15 40. Huynh, M.T., Jackson, C.A., Norris, R.P., Prandoni, I. (2005), Radio Observations of the Hubble Deep Field South Region II: The 1.4 GHz Catalogue and Source Counts, AJ 130, 1373 41. Ilbert, O., Tresse, L., Zucca, E., ... , Zanichelli, A., Bondi, M. et al. (2005), The VIMOS-VLT deep survey. Evolution of the galaxy luminosity function up to z = 2 in first epoch data, A&A 439, 863 42. Iovino, A., McCracken, H. J., Garilli, B., ... , Zanichelli, A., Bondi, M., et al. (2005), The VIRMOS deep imaging survey. IV. Near-infrared observations, A&A 442, 423 43. Jamrozy, M., Machalski, J., Mack, K.-H., Klein, U. (2005), Ageing analysis of the giant radio galaxy J1343+3758, A&A 433, 467 44. Jamrozy, M., Kerp, J., Klein, U., Mack, K.-H., Saripalli, L. (2005), SO 422-G028: the Host of a Giant Radio Galaxy, Baltic Astr. 14, 399 45. Krips, M., Eckart, A., Neri, R., Pott, J.U., Leon, S., Combes, F., Garcia-Burillo, S., Hunt, L.K., Baker, A.J., Tacconi, L.J., Englmaier, P., Schinnerer, E., Boone, F. (2005), Molecular Gas in Nuclei of Galaxies (NUGA): III. The warped liner NGC 3718, A&A 442, 479 46. Le F`evre, O., Vettolani, G., Garilli B., ... , Zanichelli, A., Bondi, M. et al. (2005), The VIMOS VLT deep survey. First epoch VVDS-deep survey: 11564 spectra with 17.5< IAB <24 and the redshift distribution over 0

1. Bianchi, S. (2005), Radiative Transfer in Spiral Galaxies: Dust Extinction and Emission, in The Spectral Energy Distributions of Gas-Rich Galaxies: Confronting Models with Data, AIP Conference Proceedings, American Institure of Physics 761, 178. 2. Feretti L. (2005), Non-thermal emission from the intracluster medium, 35th COSPAR Sci- entific Assembly, Held 18 - 25 July 2004, in Paris, France, Advances in Space Research 36, 729 3. Feretti L. (2005), Radio Observations of Cluster Mergers, in ”X-ray and Radio Connections”, eds. L.O. Sjouwerman, K.K. Dyer, Pubslished electronically at http://www.aoc.nrao.edu/events/xraydio/[meetingcont/8.2 feretti.pdf] 2005 - CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS

1. Bardelli, S., Zucca, E., Gastaldello, F., Marini, F., Ettori, S., Degrandi, S., Venturi, T., Giac- intucci, S., Molendi, S. (2005), Merging Clusters in the Core of Superclusters: A Multiwave- length View, in Multiwavelength mapping of galaxy formation and evolution, Proceedings of the ESO Workshop held at Venice, Italy, 13-16 October 2003. Edited by A. Renzini and R. Bender. Published by Springer, Berlin, 2005, 353 2. Bietenholz, M.F., Bartel, N., Rupen, M.P., Beasley, A.J., Graham, D.A., Altunin, V.I., Venturi, T., Umana, G., Cannon, W.H., Conway, J.E., (2005), Nine years of VLBI Imaging of Supernova 1993J, in ‘Cosmic explosions, On the 10th anniversary of SN1993J’, Proceedings of IAU Colloquium 192, Ed. J.M. Marcaide, K.W. Weiler, Springer Proceedings in Physics (Berlin) 99, 23 3. Boone, F., Combes, F., Garcia-Burillo, S., Baker, A.J., Hunt, L., Leon, S., Schinnerer, E., Neri, R., Tacconi, L.J., Englmaier, P., Eckart, A. (2005), The Molecular Gas in the Nuclear Region of NGC 4569, in The evolution of starbursts: The 331st Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Seminar. AIP Conference Proceedings 783, 161 4. Brand, J., Cesaroni, R., Comoretto, G., Felli, M., Palagi, F., Palla, F., Valdettaro, R. (2005), Monitoring Water Masers in Star-Forming Regions, Ap&SS 295, 133

5. Brand, J. (2005), Monitoring masers in galactic star forming regions, in Dense molecular gas around protostars and in galactic nuclei, European Workshop 2004 on Astron. Molecules, Zwolle (NL) Astrophysics and Space Science, 295 (1-2), 133 6. Carretti, E., Cortiglioni, S., Tucci, M., Cecchini, S., Macculi, C., Orsini, M., Monari, J., Orfei, A., Poppi, S., Bonometto, S., Boella, G., Gervasi, M., Sironi, G., Zannoni, M., Fabbri, R., Nicastro, L., Tascone, R., Pisani, U. (2005), The Sky Polarisation Observatory (SPOrt) Program, in New cosmological data and the values of the fundamental parameters, IAUS 201, 408 7. Carretti, E., Cortiglioni, S., Bernardi, G., Casarini, L., Cecchini, S., Macculi, C., Ramponi, M., Sbarra, C., Ventura, G., Monari, J., et al. (2005), The BaR-SPOrt experiment: measur- ing the CMBP E-mode power spectrum from Dome C, in Dome C Astronomy/Astrophysics Meeting, 28-30 June 2004, Toulouse, EAS Pub. Series 14, 81 8. Cesaroni, R. (2005), Hot molecular cores, IAUS 227, 59 9. Cesaroni, R. 2005, Outflow, Infall, and Rotation in High-Mass Star Forming Regions, Ap&SS 295, 5 10. Ciliegi, P., Zamorani, G., Bondi, ..., Gregorini, L., de Ruiter, H. R., Parma, P., Zanichelli, A., et al. (2005), Star-forming Galaxies in the VVDS-VLA-02h Deep Field, Proc. of Evolution of Strbursts, The 331st Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Seminar, AIP Conference Proceedings, 783, 419 11. Cristiani, S., D’Odorico, V., Saitta, F., Viel, M., Bianchi, S., Boyle, B., Lopez, S., Maza, J., Outram, P. (2005), Probing the 3-D matter distribution at z 2 with QSO multiple lines of sight, in Probing Galaxies through Quasar Absorption Lines, IAU Colloquium Proceedings, Cambridge University Press 199, 412. 12. Dallacasa, D., Venturi, T., Stanghellini, C., Hong, X.Y., (2005), The youngest radio sources, 2005, in ‘Multiband approach to AGN, Bonn, Germany, 30 September-2 October 2004, Eds. A. Lobanov & T. Venturi, MemSAIt, 76 n. 1, 134 13. Della Valle, M., Panagia, N., Padovani, P., Cappellaro, E., Mannucci, F., Turatto, M. (2005), The Influence of the Environment on the Rate of Type Ia Supernovae in Radio Galaxies, in ”1604-2004: Supernovae as Cosmological Lighthouses” ASP Conference Series, edited by M. Turatto, S. Benetti, L. Zampieri, and W. Shea. San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 342, 133 14. Erben, T., Schirmer, M., et al. with Prandoni, I. (2005), GaBoDS: The Garching-Bonn Deep Survey: IV. Methods for the image reduction of multi-chip cameras demonstrated on data from the ESO Wide-Field Imager, AN, 326 (6), 432. 15. Ferrari, C., Maurogordato, S., Feretti, L., Hunstead, R.W., Benoist, C., Cappi, A., Schindler, S., Slezak, E. (2005), Star formation in the merging galaxy cluster Abell 3921, Cosmology workshop, SF2A-2005, published by EdP-Sciences, F. Casoli, T. Contini, J-M. Hameury & L. Pagani (eds), 713 16. Garcia-Burillo, S., Combes, F., Boone, F., Schinnerer, E., Hunt, L.K. (2005), How to Feed AGN: The NUGA View, in The Evolution of Starbursts: The 331st Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Seminar. AIP Conference Proceedings 783, 196 17. Giovannini, G., Taylor, G. B., Feretti, L., (2005), Proper Motion in the Giant Radio Galaxy B2 1144+35, in Future Directions in High Resolution Astronomy: The 10th Anniversary of the VLBA, Edited by J. Romney and M. Reid, ASP Conference Proceedings 340, 86 18. Giroletti, M., Giovannini, G., Taylor, G.B., & Falomo, R. (2005), Radio Observations of Nearby HST BL Lacs, in Future Directions in High Resolution Astronomy, The 10th An- niversary of the VLBA, ASP Conference Proceedings 340, 62 19. Gonzalez-Serrano, J.I., Carballo, R., Vigotti, M., Benn, C.R., de Zotti, G., Fanti, R., Mack, K.-H., Holt, J. (2005), Decline of the Space Density of Quasars Between z=2 and z=4, Baltic Astr. 14, 374 20. Gregorini,L. (2005), Faint Radio Active Galactic Nuclei, Chinese Journal of Astronomy & Astrophysics 5, 229 21. Gruppioni, C., Pozzi, F., Lari, C. (2005), Predictions for Cosmological Infrared Surveys with Herschel and ALMA from a Mid-Infrared phenomenological evolution model, in The Dusty and Molecular Universe: A Prelude to Herschel and ALMA, meeting held in Paris, France, October 27-29, 2004, Eds.: A. Wilson. ESA SP-577, Noordwijk, Netherlands: ESA Publications Division, ISBN 92-9092-855-7, 283 22. Hughes, D.H., Aretzaga, I., Wagg, J., Olmi, L., Chapin, E.L. (2005), Resolving the FIR submillimetre extragalactic background from Dome-C Antartica, EAS publication series 14, 75 23. Jamrozy, M., Mack, K.-H. (2005), Recurrent activity in radio galaxies, MmSAI 76, 162 24. Lobanov, A., Venturi, T. (2005), Multiband Approach to AGN, Proc. Editors of the meeting, Mem. S.A.It, Vol. 76, N. 1 25. Mannucci, F. (2005), Rates and Progenitors of Type Ia Supernovae in ”1604-2004: Super- novae as Cosmological Lighthouses” ASP Conference Series, Proceedings of the conference held 15-19 June, 2004 in Padua, Italy. Edited by M. Turatto, S. Benetti, L. Zampieri, and W. Shea. San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific 342, 140 26. Mannucci, F., Cresci, G., Maiolino, R., Della Valle, M. (2005), The Infrared Supernova Rate, in ”Cosmic Explosions, On the 10th Anniversary of SN1993J”. Proceedings of IAU Colloquium 192. Edited by J.M. Marcaide and Kurt W. Weiler. Springer Proceedings in Physics 99. 355 27. Mantovani, F., Rossetti, A., Junor, W., Saikia, D. J., Salter, C. J. (2005), VLBA Polarimetric Observations of Young Radio Sources, Future Directions in High Resolution Astronomy: The 10th Anniversary of the VLBA, ASP Conference Proceedings. Edited by J. Romney and M. Reid, 340, 186 28. Markevitch, M., Govoni, F., Feretti, L., Giovannini, G. (2005), X-Ray and Radio Connec- tions, eds. L.O. 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R., Mack, K.-H., Fanti , R., (2005), Dying Radio Galaxies in Clusters, in ’X-Ray and Radio Connections’, Eds. L.O. Sjouwerman and K.K. Dyer, published electronically by NRAO, 32. Nisini, B., Codella, C., Giannini, T., Bachiller, R., Santiago Garcia, J., Richer, J. S. (2005), Physical conditions of molecular bullets along protostellar outflows probed through high-J SiO emission, in Proceedings of the dusty and molecular universe: a prelude to Herschel and ALMA, 27-29 October 2004, Paris, France. Ed. by A. Wilson. ESA SP-577, Noordwijk, Netherlands: ESA Publications Division, ISBN 92-9092-855-7, 397 33. Olmi, L., Pelosi, G., Piccirillo, L., Saraceno, P., Sironi, G., Storey, J.W.V. (2005), ASO: an Antarctic Submillimeter Observatory, EAS publication series 14, 219 34. Perez-Torres, M. A., Marcaide, J. M., Alberdi, A., Mantovani, F et al. (2005), High- Resolution Radio Imaging of Young Supernovae: SN 1979C, SN 1986J and SN 2001gd, in Cosmic Explosions, On the 10th Anniversary of SN1993J. Proceedings of IAU Colloquium 192, 97 35. Prandoni, I., Parma, P., Wieringa, M.H., Gregorini, L., de Ruiter, H.R., Vettolani, G., Ekers, R.D., (2005), Probing the Faint Radio Population Through Multi-Wavelength Information, in Multiwavelength Mapping of Galaxy Formation and Evolution, ESO Astrophysics Symposia (Springer-Verlag), eds. A. Renzini & R. Bender, 446 36. Prandoni, I., Felli, M. (2006) , The working group ’Science with the SRT’: tasks, activities, and results, in: Science with the Sardinia Radio Telescope, Eds. Brand J., Mack K.-H., Prandoni I., MSAIS 10 205 37. Saba, L., Di Martino M., Delbo’, M., Cellino, A., Zappala’, V., Montebugnoli, S., Righini, S., Zoni, L., Orosei, R., Tosi, F., and 7 coauthors (2005), The Sardinian Radio Telescope as Radar for the study of near-Earth Objects and Space Debris, MSAIS 6, 104 38. Saracco, P., Longhetti, M., Severgnini, P., Della Ceca, R., Braito, V., Bender, R., Drory, N., Feulner, G., Hopp, U., Mannucci, F., Maraston, C. 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1. Barbarino, S., Schilliro’, F., Consoli, F. (2005), Studio e progettazione di un filtro a mi- crostriscia HTS (High temperature superconductor) per applicazioni radioastronomiche in banda C, IRA Internal Report Nr. IRA 381/06 2. Bianchi, G., Zoni, L., Montebugnoli, S, (2005), VIIP: a PCI programmable board, IRA N. 374/05 3. Bortolotti, C., Roma, M., Tomassetti, G. (2005), Modifiche all’oscillatore locale del Radiote- lescopio Croce del Nord, IRA 370/05 4. Brand, J., Caselli, P., Felli, M., Mack, K-H., Poppi, S., Possenti, A., Prandoni, I., Tarchi, A. (2005), The Sardinia Radio Telescope (SRT) Science and Technical Requirements, IRA 371/05 5. Olmi, L., Bolli, P., Pernechele, C., Natale, E., Rapporti di attivita‘ mensili del gruppo GAI- 03, dal Dicembre 2004 fino a Marzo 2005 6. Schilliro’, F. (2005), Il sistema di monitoraggio RFI per la Stazione VLBI di Noto, IRA 379/06 7. Schilliro’, F., Nocita C. (2005), Il sistema di movimentazione in asse x del ricevitore 86 GHz in dotazione al radiotelescopio di Noto, IRA 378/06 8. Schilliro’, F., Nocita C. (2005), Performance analisys for the antenna of Noto Station, IRA 380/06 9. Schilliro’, F., Poloni, M. (2005), Progetto e realizzazione di trasformatori di impedenza waveguide-waveguide (WG-WG) e ridged waveguide (RWG-RWG) rettangolari, IRA 382/06 2005 - OTHER NON REFEREED PUBLICATIONS

1. Gaensler, B. M., Beck, R., Feretti, L. (2005), Revealing Cosmic Magnetism With The Square Kilometer Array, American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts Book 207, n. 137.03

2. Gitti, M., Feretti,L., Schindler, S. (2005), VLA radio observations of the X-ray cavity cluster of galaxies RBS797, American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts Book 207, n. 177.13 3. Gugliucci, N.E., Taylor, G.B., Peck, A.B., & Giroletti, M. (2005), Polarimetry of Compact Symmetric Objects, American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts Book 207, n. 127.01 4. Orfei, A., Maccaferri, G., Orlati, A., Mantovani F. The Medicina station status report IVS (International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry) 2005 annual report, 99

5. Orfei A. (2005), Receiving Systems for the Antennas Operated by the Institute of Ra- dioastronomy in Italy, RadioNet Engineering Forum, ”NewTrends InReceiverDevelopments”, Medicina observatory (Bologna), 30 Maggio 2005. Oral contribution 6. Tomassetti, G., Grueff, G. (2005), Calcolo di una struttura Cassegrain, Radio Rivista Vol. LVIII, prima parte Luglio/Agosto 2004, seconda parte Ottobre 2004, terza parte Dicembre 2004, quarta parte Gennaio 2005, quinta parte Febbraio 2005 7. Tomassetti, G., Bolli, P. (2005), Posizionamento teorico-pratico di un riflettore iperbolico in una struttura Cassegrain amatoriale, Radio Rivista Vol. LIX, 12/2005, 32 ANNEX 5 2006 - REFEREED PUBLICATIONS

1. Araya, E., Hofner, P., Goss, W.G., Kurtz, S., Linz, H., Olmi, L. (2006), A new galactic 6cm formaldehyde maser, ApJ 643, L33 2. Araya, E., Hofner, P., Olmi, L., Kurtz, S., Linz, H. (2006), Arecibo Observations of Formalde- hyde in L1551, AJ 132, 1851 3. Beltran, M.T., Cesaroni, R., Codella, C., Testi, L., Furuya, R.S., Olmi, L. (2006), Infall of gas as the formation mechanism of stars up to 20 times more massive than the Sun, Nature 443, 427 4. Beltran, M.T., Brand, J., Cesaroni, R., Fontani, F., Pezzuto, S., Testi, L., Molinari, S. (2006), Search for massive protostar candidates in the southern hemisphere: II. Dust continuum emission A&A 447, 221 5. Benedettini, M., Yates, J., Viti, S., Codella, C. (2006), A detailed modelling of the chemically rich clumps along the CB3 outflow, MNRAS 370, 229 6. Bernardi, G., Carretti, E., Sault, R.J., Cortiglioni, S., Poppi, S. (2006), 1.4 GHz polarimetric observations of the two fields imaged by the DASI experiment, MNRAS 370, 2064 7. Bianchi, S., Guainazzi, M., Chiaberge, M. (2006), The soft X-ray/NLR connection: a single photoionized medium? A&A 448, 499 8. Branchesi, M., Gioia, I. M., Fanti, C., Fanti, R., Perley, R. (2006), The radio luminosity function of the NEP distant cluster radio galaxies, A&A 446, 97 9. Carballo, R., Gonzalez-Serranno, J.I., Montenegro-Montes, F.M., Benn, C.R., Mack, K.-H., Pedani, M., Vigotti, M. (2006) A FIRST-APM-SDSS survey for high-redshift QSOs, MNRAS 370, 1034 10. Carretti, E., Poppi, S., Reich, W., Reich, P., Fuerst, E., Bernardi, G., Cortiglioni, S., Sbarra, C. (2006), Deep 1.4-GHz observations of diffuse polarized emission, MNRAS 367, 132 11. Carretti, E., Bernardi, G., Cortiglioni, S. (2006), B-mode contamination by synchrotron emission from 3-yr Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe data, MNRAS 373, L93 12. Cassano, R., Brunetti, G., Setti, G. (2006), Statistics of giant radio haloes from electron reacceleration models, MNRAS 369, 1577 13. Chiaberge, M., Gilli, R., Macchetto, F. D., Sparks, William B. (2006), Low Radiative Effi- ciency Accretion at Work in Active Galactic Nuclei: The Nuclear Spectral Energy Distribu- tion of NGC 4565, ApJ 651, 728 14. Codella, C., Brand, J., Massi, F., Wouterloot, J.G.A., Davis, G.R. (2006), Inside the large globule CB205: YSOs feeding multiple outflows, A&A 457, 891 15. Codella, C., Viti, S., Williams, D.A., Bachiller, R. (2006), First Evidence for Molecular Interfaces between Outflows and Ambient Clouds in High-Mass Star-forming Regions?, ApJ 644, L41 16. Cresci, G., Davies, R. I., Baker, A. J., Mannucci, F., Lehnert, M. D., Totani, T., Minowa, Y. (2006), Galaxy morphology and evolution from SWAN adaptive optics imaging, A&A 458, 385 17. Cucciati, O., Iovino, A., Marinoni, C., et al., with Vettolani, G., Zanichelli, A., Bondi, M., Gregorini, L. (2006), The VIMOS VLT Deep Survey: the build-up of the colour-density relation, A&A 458, 39. 18. Deharveng, L., Lefloch, B., Massi, F., Brand, J., Zavagno, A., Kurtz, S., Caplan, J. (2006), Triggered massive-star formation on the borders of Galactic HII regions III. Star formation at the periphery of Sh2-219, A&A 458, 191 19. D’Odorico, V., Viel, M., Saitta, F., Cristiani, S., Bianchi, S., Boyle, B., Lopez, S., Maza, J., Outram, P. (2006), Tomography of the intergalactic medium with Ly α forests in close QSO pairs, MNRAS 372, 1333 20. Felli, M., Massi, F., Robberto, M., Cesaroni, R. (2006), New signposts of massive star for- mation in the S235A-B region, A&A 453, 911 21. Ferrari, C. Hunstead, R.W., Feretti, L., Maurogordato, S., Schindler, S. (2006), ATCA ob- servations of the galaxy cluster Abell 3921- I.Radio emission from the central merging sub- cluster, A&A 457, 21 22. Feretti, L., Neumann, D.M. (2006), XMM-Newton observations of the Coma cluster relic 1253+275, A&A 450, L21 23. Feretti, L., Bacchi, M., Slee, O.B., Giovannini, G., Govoni, F., Andernach, H., Tsarevsky, G. (2006), Diffuse radio sources in the cluster of galaxies Abell 548b, MNRAS 368, 544 24. Fontani, F., Caselli, P., Crapsi, A., Cesaroni, R., Molinari, S., Testi, L., Brand, J. (2006), Searching for massive pre-stellar cores through observations of N2H+ and N2D+, A&A 460, 709 25. Foucaud, S., Zanichelli, A., Garilli, B., Scodeggio, M., Franzetti, P. (2006), VIPGI and Elise3D: Reducing VIMOS-IFU data and searching for emission line sources in data cubes, New Astronomy Reviews 50, 401 26. Gavignaud, I., Bongiorno, A., Paltani, S., et al., with Vettolani, G., Zanichelli, A., Bondi, M., Gregorini, L. (2006), The VIMOS VLT Deep Survey: the faint type-1 AGN sample, A&A 457, 79 27. Giacintucci, S., Venturi, T., Bardelli, S., Brunetti, G., Cassano, R., Dallacasa, D. (2006), The cluster relic source in A521, NewA 11, 437 28. Giroletti, M., Giovannini, G., Taylor, G. B., Falomo, R. (2006), A Sample of Low-Redshift BL Lacertae Objects. II. EVN and MERLIN Data and Multiwavelength Analysis, ApJ 646, 801 29. Gitti, M., Feretti, L., Schindler, S. (2006), Multifrequency VLA radio observations of the X-ray cavity cluster of galaxies RBS797: evidence of differently oriented jets, A&A 448, 853, 30. Goddi, C., Moscadelli, L., Torrelles, J. M., Uscanga, L., Cesaroni, R. (2006), Evidence for the kinematic interpretation of water maser proper motions, A&A 447, 9 31. Govoni, F., Murgia, M., Feretti, L., Giovannini, G., Dolag, K., Taylor, G.B. (2006), The intracluster magnetic field power spectrum in Abell 2255, A&A 460, 425 32. Guainazzi, M., Siemiginowska, A., Stanghellini, C., Grandi, P., Piconcelli, E., Azubike Ug- woke, C. (2006), A hard X-ray view of giga-hertz peaked spectrum radio galaxies, A&A 446, 87 33. Henry, J. P., Mullis, C.R., Voges, W., Boehringer, H., Briel, U.G.. Gioia, I.M., Huchra, J. P. (2006), The ROSAT North Ecliptic Pole Survey: The X-Ray Catalog, ApJS 162, 304 34. Hirashita, H., Hunt, L.K. (2006), Time evolution of the radio continuum of young starbursts: the importance of synchrotron emission, A&A 460, 67 35. Hunt, L. K., Thuan, T. X., Sauvage, M., Izotov, Y.I. (2006), The Spitzer View of Low- Metallicity Star Formation. I. Haro 3, ApJ 653, 222 36. Ilbert, O., Lauger, S., Tresse, L., et al., with Vettolani, G., Zanichelli, A., Bondi, M. (2006), The VIMOS-VLT Deep Survey. Galaxy luminosity function per morphological type up to z = 1.2, A&A 453, 809 37. Ilbert, O., Arnouts, S., McCracken, H. J., et al., with Vettolani, G., Zanichelli, A., Bondi, M., Gregorini, L. (2006), Accurate photometric redshifts for the CFHT legacy survey calibrated using the VIMOS VLT deep survey, A&A 457, 841 38. Leto, P., Trigilio, C., Buemi, C. S., Umana, G., Leone, F. (2006), Stellar magnetosphere reconstruction from radio data. Multi-frequency VLA observations and 3D-simulations of CU Virginis, A&A 458, 831 39. Macculi, C., Zannoni, M., Peverini, O.A., Carretti, E., Tascone, R., Cortiglioni S. (2006), Systematics effects induced by a flat isotropic dielectric slab, Ap. Opt. 45, 5168 40. Madrid, J.P., Chiaberge, M., Floyd, D., Sparks, W.B., Macchetto, D., Miley, G.K., Axon, D., Capetti, A., O’Dea, C.P., Baum, S., Perlman, E., Quillen, A. (2006), Hubble Space Telescope Near-Infrared Snapshot Survey of 3CR Radio Source Counterparts at Low Redshift, ApJS 164, 307 41. Mannucci, F., Della Valle, M., Panagia, N. (2006), Two populations of progenitors for Type Ia supernovae?, MNRAS 370, 773 42. Marecki, A., Thomasson, P., Mack, K.-H., Kunert-Bajraszewska, M. (2006), Signatures of restarted activity in core-dominated, triple radio sources selected from the FIRST survey, A&A 448, 479 43. Matteucci, F., Panagia, N., Pipino, A., Mannucci, F., Recchi, S., Della Valle, M. (2006), A new formulation of the Type Ia supernova rate and its consequences on galactic chemical evolution, MNRAS 372, 265 44. Matute, I., La Franca, F., Pozzi, F., Gruppioni, C., Lari, C., Zamorani, G. (2006), Active galactic nuclei in the mid-IR. Evolution and contribution to the cosmic infrared background, A&A 451, 443 45. McConnell, D., Carretti, E., Subrahmanyan, R. (2006), A novel technique for wide-field polarimetry with a radiotelescope array, AJ 131, 648 46. Meneux, B., Le F`evre, O., Guzzo, L., et al., with Vettolani, G., Zanichelli, A., Bondi, M., Gregorini, L. (2006), The VIMOS-VLT Deep Survey. The evolution of galaxy clustering per spectral type to z = 1.5, A&A 452, 387 47. Perinotto, M., Morbidelli, L. (2006), The chemical gradient of oxygen in the Galaxy from planetary nebulae, MNRAS 372, 45 48. Orienti, M., Morganti, R., Dallacasa, D. (2006), HI absorption in high-frequency peaker galaxies, A&A 457, 531 49. Orienti, M., Dallacasa, D., Tinti, S., Stanghellini, C. (2006), VLBA images of high frequency peakers, A&A 450, 959 50. Orienti, M., Morganti, R., Dallacasa, D. (2006), HI absorption in high-frequency peaker galaxies, A&A 457, 531 51. Paladino, R., Murgia, M., Helfer, T. T., Wong, T., Ekers, R., Blitz, L., Gregorini, L., Moscadelli, L. (2006), Thermal and non-thermal components of the interstellar medium at sub-kiloparsec scales in galaxies, A&A 456, 847 52. Peverini, O.A., Tascone, R., Carretti, E., Virone, G., Olivieri, A., Orta, R., Cortiglioni, S., Monari, J. (2006), On-Board Calibration System for Millimeter-Wave Radiometers Based on Reference Signal Injection, IEEE-MTT 54, 412 53. Pollo, A., Guzzo, L., Le F`evre, O., et al., with Vettolani, G., Zanichelli, A., Bondi, M., Gregorini, L. (2006), The VIMOS-VLT Deep Survey. Luminosity dependence of clustering at z = 1, A&A 451, 409 54. Prandoni, I., Parma, P., Wieringa, M.H., de Ruiter, H.R., Gregorini, L., Mignano, A., Vet- tolani, G., Ekers, R.D. (2006), The ATESP 5 GHz Radio Survey. I. Source counts and spectral index properties of the faint radio population, A&A 457, 517. 55. Puls, J., Markova, N., Scuderi, S., Stanghellini, C., Taranova, O. G., Burnley, A. W., Howarth, I. D. (2006), Bright OB stars in the Galaxy. III. Constraints on the radial strat- ification of the clumping factor in hot star winds from a combined Halpha, IR and radio analysis, A&A 454, 625 56. Raiteri, C. M., Villata, M., Kadler, M., et al. with Leto, P. (2006), Multifrequency variability of the blazar AO 0235+164. The WEBT campaign in 2004-2005 and long-term SED analysis, A&A 459, 731 57. Ricci, R., Prandoni, I., Gruppioni, C., Sault, R.J., De Zotti, G. (2006), High-frequency radio observations of the Kuehr sample and the epoch-dependent luminosity function of flat-spectrum quasars, A&A 445, 465 58. Rodighiero, G., Lari, C., Pozzi, F., Gruppioni, C., Fadda, D., Franceschini, A., Lonsdale, C., Surace, J., Shupe, D., Fang, F. (2006), Counting individual galaxies from deep 24-µ Spitzer surveys, MNRAS 371, 1891 59. Rossetti, A., Fanti, C., Fanti, R., Dallacasa, D., Stanghellini, C. (2006), The B3-VLA CSS sample - VI. VLA images at 2 cm, A&A 449, 49 60. Tremblay, G.R., Quillen, A.C., Floyd, D.J.E., Noel-Storr, J., Baum, S.A., Axon, D., O’Dea, C.P., Chiaberge, M., Macchetto, F.D., Sparks, W.B., Miley, G.K., Capetti, A., Madrid, J.P.. Perlman, E. (2006), The Warped Nuclear Disk of Radio Galaxy 3C 449, ApJ 643, 101 61. Trujillo, I., Feulner, G., Goranova, Y., Hopp, U., Longhetti, M., Saracco, P., Bender, R., Braito, V., Della Ceca, R., Drory, N., Mannucci, F. (2006), Extremely compact massive galaxies at z 1.4, MNRAS 373, 36 62. Vazza, F., Tormen, G., Cassano, R., Brunetti, G., Dolag, K. (2006), Turbulent velocity fields in smoothed particle hydrodymanics simulated galaxy clusters: scaling laws for the turbulent energy, MNRAS 369, L14 63. Villata, M., Raiteri, C. M., Balonek, T. J., et al. with Leto, P., (2006), The unprecedented optical outburst of the quasar 3C 454.3. The WEBT campaign of 2004-2005, A&A 453, 817 64. Vink, J., Snellen, I., Mack, K.-H., Schilizzi, R. (2006), The X-ray properties of young radio- loud AGN, MNRAS 367, 928 65. Volvach, A.E. Rumiantsev, V.V., .... Tuccari, G. (2006), Research of the space debris frag- ments at geostationary area, Kosmichna Nauka i Tekhnologiya, Vol. 12, No. 5/6, p. 50 66. Zavagno, A., Deharveng, L., Comeron, F., Brand, J., Massi, F., Caplan, J., Russeil, D. (2006), Triggered massive-star formation on the borders of galactic HII regions. II. Evidence for the collect and collapse process around RCW79, A&A 446, 172 67. Zucca, E., Ilbert, O., Bardelli, S., et al., with Vettolani, G., Zanichelli, A., Bondi, M., Gregorini, L. (2006), The VIMOS VLT Deep Survey. Evolution of the luminosity functions by galaxy type up to z = 1.5 from first epoch data, A&A 455, 879 2006 - INVITED TALKS

1. Bondi, M. (2006), BL Lac Objects, in: Exploring the Universe with real-time VLBI, New Developments in VLBI Science and Technology, Proceedings of the 8th European VLBI Network Symposium, Torun, Poland, 26-29 September 2006, 25 2. Brunetti, G. (2006), Diffuse cluster-large scale radio emission at low frequencies, in: Towards a European Infrastructure for Lunar Observatories, Bremen, 23-24 Nov. 2006 3. Brunetti, G. (2006), LOFAR and the lepton energy distribution in radio sources, in: A Science Case for an extended LOFAR, Ed. C. Vogt, Dwingeloo, published electronically at http://www.lofar.org/conference meetings/LOFAR LOBAS Science.pdf, 23 4. Brunetti, G. (2006), Particle acceleration processes in galaxy clusters and future low fre- quency radio observations, 26th meeting of the IAU, Joint Discussion 12, Prague, IAUJD 12, 8 5. Feretti, L. (2006), Radio observations of galaxy clusters: connection to cluster mergers, in: From dark halos to light, Rencontres de Moriond, XXVIth Astrophysics Moriond Meeting, Eds. L.Tresse, S. Maurogordato and J. Tran Thanh Van (Editions Frontieres), arXiv:astro- ph/061218 6. Feretti, L. (2006), Radio emission from the intracluster medium, in: A Science Case for an extended LOFAR, Ed. C. Vogt, Dwingeloo, published electronically at http://www.lofar.org/conference meetings/LOFAR LOBAS Science.pdf, 19 7. Giovannini, G., Giroletti, M., Taylor, G. B. (2006), Multi-wavelength analysis of a sample of low-redshift BL Lac objects, 36th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Held 16 - 23 July 2006, in Beijing, China, 36.1928 8. Giovannini, G., Giroletti, M. (2006), Low-luminosity radio-loud AGNs, in: Exploring the Universe with real-time VLBI, New Developments in VLBI Science and Technology, 8th Eu- ropean VLBI Network Symposium, Torun, Poland, 26-29 September 2006, arXiv:0708.4145 9. Mannucci, F. (2006), Current results on SN rate, in: Supernovae and their host galaxies, EARA workshop, Parigi, 2-4 October 2006 http://www2.iap.fr/users/gam/eara06/ 10. Montebugnoli, S. (2006), SKADS BEST - DS6, SKA Engineering and Joint Working Group meeting, Paris, 4-8 september 2006, http://www.skads-eu.org/PDF/Agenda Paris Workshop 04.pdf 11. Olmi, L., Grueff, G. (2006), SRT: design and technical specifications, in: Science with the Sardinia Radio Telescope, MemSAIt Suppl. 10, 19 12. Prandoni, I., Felli, M. (2006), The working group ’Science with the SRT’: tasks, activities, and results, in: Science with the Sardinia Radio Telescope, MSAIS 10, 205 13. Setti, G. (2006), Synthetic history of the SRT project, in: Science with Sardinia Radio Telescope, MSAIS 10, 15 14. Stanghellini, C. (2006) CSS and GPS radio sources, in: Exploring the Universe with real- time VLBI, New Developments in VLBI Science and Technology, Proceedings of the8th EVN Symposium, 26-29 September 2006, Torun, Poland, 18 2006 - CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS

1. Abbondanza, C., Negusini, M., Sarti, P., Vittuari, L. (2006), Un’ indagine sulla stima dei vet- tori eccentricita’ tra strumenti geodetici co-locati nei siti ITRF, Atti X Conferenza Nazionale ASITA, 14-17 Novembre 2006, Bolzano, 3 2. Abbondanza, C., Negusini, M., Sarti, P., Vittuari, L. (2006), An investigation on GPS- based approach to local tie computation, In: International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry, 2006 General, Meeting Proceedings, edited by Dirk Behrend and Karen Baver, NASA/CP-2006-214140, 162 3. Beltran, M.T., Cesaroni, R., Codella, C., Testi, L., Furuya, R.S., Olmi, L. (2006), Infall and the formation of a massive star, in: Science with ALMA: A new era for astrophysics, International Conference, 13 - 17 November 2006, Madrid, Spain, A&SS, Poster 140 http://www.oan.es/alma2006/show abstract.php?id=poster 4. Benedettini, M., Viti, S., Bachiller, R., Gueth, F., Codella, C. (2006), The blue lobe of the L1157 outflow at high spatial resolution, in: Science with ALMA: A new era for astrophysics, International Conference, 13 - 17 November 2006, Madrid, Spain, A&SS, Poster 141 http://www.oan.es/alma2006/show abstract.php?id=poster 5. Benedettini, M., Yates, J.A., Viti, S., Codella, C. (2006), A detailed modelling of the chemi- cally rich clumps along the CB3 outflow, in: Science with ALMA: A new era for astrophysics, International Conference, 13 - 17 November 2006, Madrid, Spain, A&SS, Poster 224 http://www.oan.es/alma2006/show abstract.php?id=poster 6. Bianchi, G., Catelani, M., Montebugnoli, S., Scarano, V.L., Singuaroli, R., Trotta, I. (2006), Reliability tests and experimental analysis on radioreceiver chains, IMTC (IEEE Instrumen- tation and Measurement Technology Conference), Sorrento Italy 24-27 April 2006, 77 7. Bolli, P., Montaguti, S., Negusini, M., Sarti, P., Vittuari, L., Deiana, G.L. (2006), Pho- togrammetry, laser scanning, holography and terrestrial surveying on the Noto VLBI dish, in: International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry, 2006 General Meeting Proceed- ings, edited by D. Behrend and K. Baver, NASA/CP-2006-214140, 172 8. Bondar, A., Galazutdinov, G., Patriarchi, P., Krelowski, J. (2006), On the homogeneity of the extinction law in our galaxy, Journal of The Korean Astronomical Society 39, 73 9. Bondi, M. (2006), The radio view of the cosmos field in Fenomenologie degli AGN, evoluzione e processi di formazione delle galassie, 7th Italian national conference on AGN, Montagnana, 23 - 26 May 2006, electronically published at http://web.pd.astro.it/agn7/ 10. Branchesi, M., Gioia, I. M., Fanti, C., Fanti, R., Perley, R. (2006), The radio luminosity function of radio galaxies in distant clusters, AN 327, Issue 5/6, 571 11. Brand, J., Codella, C., Di Fabrizio, L., Massi, F., Wouterloot, J.G.A. (2006), Star-forming globules, in: Science with ALMA: A new era for astrophysics, (Abstract Book, eds. P. Planesas, P. de Vicente, F. Colomer), 95 12. Brand J., Mack K-H., Prandoni I. (2006), Editors Proc. Science with the Sardinia Radio Telescope, MSAIS, Vol. 10 13. Brunetti, G., Lazarian, A. (2006), Stochastic Particle acceleration in galaxy clusters, 26th meeting of the IAU, Joint Discussion 1, Prague, n. 13 14. Brunetti, G. (2006), Particle acceleration in galaxy clusters via MHD turbulence, AN 327, Issue 5/6, 615 15. Brunetti, G. (2006), Editor ”The Origin and Evolution of Cosmic Magnetism”, Astronomical Notes 327, 385 16. Brunetti, G. (2006, LOFAR: the new frontier of low frequency radio astrophysics, in Fenomenolo- gie degli AGN, evoluzione e processi di formazione delle galassie, 7th Italian national confer- ence on AGN, Montagnana, 23 - 26 May 2006, electronically published at http://web.pd.astro.it/agn7/ 17. Buffa, F., Deiana, G.L., Gusai, V., Montaguti, S., Negusini, M., Poma, A., Sarti, P., Sorgente, M. (2006) Site monitoring at SRT, in: Science with the Sardinia Radio Telescope, Mem. S.A.It. Suppl. Vol. 10, 31 18. Cassano, R., Brunetti, G., Setti, G. (2006) Constraining B in galaxy clusters from statistics of giant radio halos, AN 327, Issue 5/6, 557 19. Carretti, E., Poppi, S, Cortiglioni, S. (2006), Measurements of polarized diffuse emission with the SRT, in: Science with the Sardinia Radio Telescope, MSAIS 10, 82 20. Cassano, R., Brunetti, G., Setti, G., Venturi, T., Giacintucci, S., Dallacasa, D. (2006), Statistics Of Giant Radio Halos: Expectations, and Recent (GMRT) and Future (LOFAR, LWA) Observations, 26th meeting of the IAU, Joint Discussion 12, Prague, n. 46 21. Catelani, M., Scarano, V.L., Trotta, I., Singuaroli, R., Montebugnoli, S., Bianchi, G. (2006), Reliability tests and experimental analysis on radioreceiver chains, IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference April 24-27, Sorrento, Italy 22. Cecchi, M., Monari, J. (2006), SETI@GRID: exploiting computational grids to boost SETI data analysis, in 57th International Astronautical Congress, Valencia, Spain, Oct. 2-6, 2006 IAC-06-A4.1.09 23. Cecconi, M., Ghedina, A., Bagnara, P., Baruffolo, A., Carmona Rodriguez, C. J., Cresci, G., Diolaiti, E., Farinato, J., Gaessler, W., Gonzalez Suarez, L. C., Mannucci, F. (2006), Status progress of AdOpt@TNG and offer to the international astronomical Community, in: Advances in Adaptive Optics II, Edited by Ellerbroek, Brent L., Bonaccini Calia, Domenico, Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 6272, 77 24. Cenacchi, E., Dallacasa, D. Orfei, A. (2006), OQ208: a possible multi-wavelength polarimet- ric study with the SRT, in: Science with the Sardinia Radio Telescope, Memorie SAIt Supp. 10, 77 25. Chiaberge, M. (2006), Radiatively inefficient accretion disks in low luminosity AGN, in Fenomenologie degli AGN, evoluzione e processi di formazione delle galassie, 7th Italian national conference on AGN, Montagnana, 23 - 26 May 2006, electronically published at http://web.pd.astro.it/agn7/ 26. Codella, C., Beltran, M. T., Panella, D., Cesaroni, R., Nesti, R., Massi, F. (2006), The study of the high-density gas distribution in SFRs with the SRT: the test cases of L1641-S3 and CepA-East, in: Science with the Sardinia Radio Telescope, MSAIS 10, 159 27. Codella, C., Bachiller, R., Santiago, J., Tafalla, M. (2006), The study of protostellar outflows with the SRT, in: Science with the Sardinia Radio Telescope, MSAIS 10, 153 28. Codella, C., Viti, S., Williams, D.A., Bachiller, R. (2006), Evidence for molecular outflow- ambient interfaces in CepA-East? in: Science with ALMA: A new era for astrophysics, International Conference, 13 - 17 November 2006, Madrid, Spain, A&SS, Poster 112, http://www.oan.es/alma2006/show abstract.php?id=poster 29. Comoretto, G., Natale, V. (2006), A wideband spectrometer for the SRT, in: Science with the Sardinia Radio Telescope, MSAIS 10, 141 30. Cosmovici, C. B., Montebugnoli, S., Righini, S., Salerno, E., Zoni, L., Flamini, E. (2006), The Search of Water in Exoplanets, European Planetary Science Congress 2006. Berlin, Germany, 18 - 22 September 2006, 80 31. Cremonini, A., Mariotti, S., Natale, V., Nesti, R., Orfei, A., Tofani, G., Kettle, D.,Roddis, N., Witvers, R., Bij de Vaate, J.G. (2006), State of the art MMIC InP LNA realizations and applications in FARADAY array receivers, 13th Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference (Melecon), 16-19 May 2006, Malaga, Spain, 561 32. Cresci, L., Lucci, L., Orfei, A., Natale, V., Nesti, R., Panella, D., Pelosi, G., Rossi, L. (2006), Front-end design at 22 GHz for the Gregorian focus of the new Sardinia Radio Telescope, in: Science with the Sardinia Radio Telescope, MSAIS 10, 50 33. Di Martino, M., Delbo’, M., Saba, L., Cellino, A., Zappala’, V., Montebugnoli, S., Righini, S., Zoni, L., Orosei, R., Tosi, F. (2006), The SRT as radar for asteroid and space debris studies, in: Science with Sardinia Radio Telescope, MSAIS 10, 180 34. Dugin, N.A., Nechaeva, M.B., Molotov, I.E., Antipenko, A.A., Dementiev, A.F., Kono- valenko, A.A., Gorshenkov, Yu.N., Tuccari, G., Liu, X., Agapov, V.M., Kharlamov, G.Yu (2006), VLBI data processing and determination of space debris object characteristics during their radio location by monochromatic radiation, Abstracts of All-Russian conference VLBI 2012 for astrometry, geodynamics and astrophysics, SPb, IAA RAS, 136 35. Fontani, F., Caselli, P., Crapsi, A., Cesaroni, R., Brand, J. (2006), Searching for massive pre-stellar cores through observations of N2H+ and N2D+, in: Science with ALMA: A new era for astrophysics (Abstract Book, eds. P. Planesas, P. de Vicente, F. Colomer), 94 36. Gervasi, M., Boella, G., Sironi, G., Tartari, A., Zannoni, M., Natale, V. (2006), Measurement of the Sunyaev-Zel’dovich effect with the SRT, in: Science with the Sardinia Radio Telescope, MSAIS 10, 175

37. Giacintucci, S., Mazzotta, P., Brunetti, G., Venturi, T., Bardelli, S. (2006), Evidence of gas heating by the central AGN in MKW 3s, AN 327, Issue 5/6, 573 38. Gioia, I.M. (2006), Chandra X-ray Point Source Counts in Areas Covered by Distant Clus- ters of Galaxies, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, HEAD 9th Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Volume 38, 13.65

39. Giovannini, G., Feretti, L., Govoni, F., Murgia, M., Pizzo, R. (2006), New radio halos and relics in clusters of galaxies, AN 327, Issue 5/6, 563 40. Giovannini, G., Giroletti, M., Taylor, G. B. (2006), The Superluminal Giant Radio Galaxy 1144+35, 26th meeting of the IAU, Joint Discussion 1, Prague, n. 37 41. Giovannini, G. (2006), Square Kilometre Array, international radio telescope for the 21st century, in Fenomenologie degli AGN, evoluzione e processi di formazione delle galassie, 7th Italian national conference on AGN, Montagnana, 23 - 26 May 2006, electronically published at http://web.pd.astro.it/agn7/ 42. Giroletti, M., Giovannini, G. (2006), Sub-kiloparsec scale structures of Low Power Compact radio sources, in: Science with the Sardinia Radio Telescope, MSAIS 10, 115 43. Giroletti, M., Giovannini, G. (2006), Low power compact radio galaxies at high angular resolution, Fenomenologie degli AGN, evoluzione e processi di formazione delle galassie, 7th Italian national conference on AGN, Montagnana, 23 - 26 May 2006, electronically published at http://web.pd.astro.it/agn7/ 44. Grueff, G., Alvito, Ambrosini, R., Bolli, P., Maccaferri, A., Maccaferri, G., Morsiani, M., Mureddu, Natale, L., Olmi, L., Orfei, A., Pernechele, Poma, L., Porceddu, I., Rossi, L., Zacchiroli, G. (2006) SRT project: state and development X giornata di studio sulle mi- croonde, Sardinia radio telescope (SRT): ricerche e sviluppi della strumentazione, Cagliari 13/9/2004 Centro congressi. Pubblicato nel 2006 in ATTI della Fondazione Giorgio Ronchi, maggio-agosto 2006, 305 45. Hunt, L.K., Reynolds, S.P. (2006), Environment and luminosity of supernova remnants, AN 327, Issue 5/6, 448 46. Laing, R.A., Canvin, J.R., Cotton, W.D., Bridle, A.H., Parma, P. (2006), Faraday rotation variations along radio jets: the magnetic field in galaxy and group halos, AN 327, Issue 5/6, 533 47. Leto, P., Buemi, C. S., Trigilio, C., Umana, G., Toscano, S., Nocita, C. (2006), Single-dish continuum observing modes with the Noto radiotelescope, in: Science with the Sardinia Radio Telescope, MSAIS 10, 87 48. Lugo, S.K., Magnani, L., Brand, J., Wouterloot, J.G.A. (2006), Formaldehyde in the Far Outer Galaxy, Bull. of the Am. Astron. Soc., Poster at AAS meeting 207, Washington DC 8-12/1 49. Kliore, A. J., Ambrosini, R., Armstrong, J. W., Flasar, F. M., French, R. G., Iess, L., Marouf, E. A.., Nagy, A. F., Rappaport, N. J., Tortora, P., The Jpl/Dsn Radio Science Support Team, (2006), Overview of Cassini radio science at Saturn, Titan, and the icy satellites, 36th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Held 16 - 23 July 2004, in Beijing, China, 2534 50. Mack, K.-H., Snellen, I.A.G., Schilizzi, R.T., Latanioti, M. (2006), Compact Radio Sources At Low Redshift (CORALZ) - A progess report, in: Fenomenologie degli AGN, evoluzione e processi di formazione delle galassie, 7th Italian national conference on AGN, Montagnana, 23 - 26 May 2006, electronically published at http://web.pd.astro.it/agn7/ 51. Mack, K.-H., Saripalli, L., Snellen, I.A.G., Schilizzi, R.T. (2007), Molecular Gas in Radio Galaxies with New and Re-started Activity, in: Science with ALMA: a new era for Astro- physics, International Conference, 13 - 17 November 2006, Madrid, Spain, A&SS, Poster 265 http://www.oan.es/alma2006/show abstract.php?id=poster 52. Maiolino, R., Nagao, T., Marconi, A., Schneider, R., Bianchi, S., Pedani, M., Pipino, A., Matteucci, F., Cox, P., Caselli, P., (2006) Metals and dust in high redshift AGNs, Mem. SAIt 77, 43. 53. Mannucci F. (2006), A wide area search for z-dropouts sources: galaxies at z 7, in: The fabolous destiny of galaxies: bridging past and present, ed. Le Brun, V., Mazure, A., Arnouts, S., and Burgaryella, D., Frontier Group, Paris, 385 54. Mantovani, F. (2006), The role of the Sardinia Radio Telescope in Very Long Baseline Inter- ferometry, in: Science with the Sardinia Radio Telescope, Memorie SAIt Supp. 10, 98 55. Marconi, A., Comastri, A., Gilli, R., Hasinger, G., Hunt, L. K., Maiolino, R., Risaliti, G., Salvati, M. (2006), Local supermassive black holes and relics of Active Galactic Nuclei, Mem. SAI 77, 742 56. Migenes, V., Trinidad, M.A., Valdettaro, R., Palla, F., Brand, J. (2006), High resolution observations of H2O masers in BRCs, Bull. of the Am. Astron. Soc. 37, 1472, American Astronomical Society Meeting 207, Washington DC 8-12/1, n. 184.06 57. Migenes, V., Trinidad, M.A., Valdettaro, R., Palla, F., Brand, J. (2006), High resolution H2O maser emission from bright rimmed clouds, Rev. Mex. Astron. y Astrof., Poster at XI IAU Regional Latin American Meeting of Astronomy, Pucon, Chile, 26, 161 58. Migliori, G., Grandi, P., Palumbo, G.G.C., Brunetti, G., Malaguti, G., Guainazzi, M. (2006), A New XMM-Newton Observation of Pictor A Radio Lobes Confirms the Non-Thermal Origin of the X-ray Emission, in: The X-ray Universe 2005, Editor: A. Wilson, 645 59. Molotov I.E., Akim E.L., Dementiev A.F., Agapov V.M., Konovalenko A.A., Falkovich I.S., Dugin N.A., Nechaeva M.B., Volvach A.E., Kharlamov G.Yu., Gorshenkov Yu.N., Tuccari G., Liu X., Pushkarev A.B., Stepaniants V.A., Antipenko A.A., Shishov V.A. (2006), Results of navigation experiments on LFVN VLBI network, Abstracts of All-Russian conference VLBI 2012 for astrometry, geodynamics and astrophysics, SPb, IAA RAS, 150 60. Monari, J., Orfei, A., Scalambra, A., Mariotti, S., Poloni, M., Fiocchi, F., Cattani, A., Maccaferri, A., Perini, F., Boschi, M. (2006), The Sardinia Radio Telescope conversion, distribution, and receiver control system, in: Science with the Sardinia Radio Telescope, MemSAIt Suppl. 10, 66 61. Montaguti, S., Negusini, M., Sarti, P., Vittuari, L. (2006), Radiotelescopi di Noto e Medicina: deformazioni gravitazionali valutate mediante un’indagine laser terrestre, Atti X Conferenza Nazionale ASITA, 14-17 Novembre 2006, Bolzano, 1463 62. Montebugnoli, S., Bianchi, G., Perini, F., Bortolotti, C., Cattani, A., Maccaferri, A., Cre- monini, A., Roma, M., Roda, J., Zacchiroli, G. (2006), Italian SKA test bed based on cylindrical antennas, AN 327 (5-6), 624 63. Montebugnoli, S., Zoni, L., Monari, J., Maccone, C., Cosmovici,C. B., Biancu, D., Antonietti, N., Plachino, S. (2006), The ITASEL/SETI-Italia New Programmable Spectrum Analiser, International Astronautical Congress IAF, Valencia, Spain, IAC-06-A4.1.08 64. Montebugnoli, S., Bianchi, G., Zoni, L. (2006), Programmable fast data acquisition system, in: Science with the Sardinia Radio Telescope, Memorie SAIt Supp. 10, 195 65. Montenegro-Montes, F.M., Mack, K.-H., Vigotti, M., Benn, C.R., Carballo, R., Gonzalez- Serrano, J.I. (2006), Multifrequency Studies of Radio-Loud Broad Absorption Line Quasars, in: Fenomenologie degli AGN, evoluzione e processi di formazione delle galassie, 7th Italian national conference on AGN, Montagnana, 23 - 26 May 2006, Poster, electronically published at http://web.pd.astro.it/agn7/ 66. Oliva, E., Origlia, L., Baffa, C., Biliotti, C., Bruno, P., D’Amato, F., Del Vecchio, C., Fal- cini, G., Gennari, S., Ghinassi, F., Giani, E., Gonzalez, M., Leone, F., Lolli, M., Lodi, M., Maiolino, R., Mannucci, F., Marcucci, G., Mochi, I., Montegriffo, P., Rossetti, E., Scuderi, S., Sozzi, M. (2006), The GIANO-TNG spectrometer, in: Ground-based and Airborne In- strumentation for Astronomy, Edited by McLean, Ian S., Iye, Masanori, Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 6269, 41 67. Olmi, L. (2006), Future 3-mm receivers for the SRT, in: Science with the Sardinia Radio Telescope, MemSAIt Suppl. 10, 40 68. 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75. Piro, L., Amati, L., Barbera, M., Brunetti, G, et al. (2006), ESTREMO/WFXRT: extreme physics in the transient and evolving cosmos, SPIE 6266, 16 76. Pisanu, T., Buffa, F., Morsiani, M., Natalini, M., Pernechele, C., Vargiu,G. (2006), How to improve the high-frequency capabilities of the SRT, in: Science with Sardinia Radio Tele- scope, MSAIS, 10, 136

77. Poppi, S., Carretti, E., Cortiglioni, S. (2006), A polarimetric facility for the SRT, in: Science with the Sardinia Radio Telescope, MSAIS 10, 73 78. Prandoni, I., Laing, R., Parma, P., de Ruiter, H.R., Wilson, T., Montenegro, F. (2006), A search for molecular gas in low luminosity radio galaxies, in: From Z-Machines to ALMA: (Sub)Millimeter Spectroscopy of Galaxies, Proc. of the Conference held in Charlottesville (VA), 13-14 January 2006, eds. Baker A.J. et al., ASP, ASP Conf. Series 375, 271 79. Pushkarev A.B., Nechaeva M.B., Gavrilenko V.G., Molotov I.E., Kharlamov G.Yu., Tuc- cari G., Liu X. (2006), Results of solar wind and active galactic nuclei on LFVN VLBI network, Abstracts of All-Russian conference VLBI 2012 for astrometry, geodynamics and astrophysics, SPb, IAA RAS, 154 80. Richards, A.M.S., Diamond, P.J., Garrington, S.T., Holloway, A.J., Muxlow, T.W.B., Win- stanley, N., Harrison, P.A., Walton, N.A., Gonzalez-Solares, E., Rixon, G.T., Venturi, T., Reynolds, C. (2006), Painelss Access to Interferometry Images Comes Closer, in: Astronom- ical Analysis Software and Systems XV, Eds. C. Gabriel, C. Arviset, D. Ponz, E. Solano, ASP Conference series, 351, 267 81. Rossetti, A., Mantovani, F., Dallacasa, D. (2006), Linear polarization in small radio sources, AN 327, Issue 5/6, 537 82. Sarti, P., Negusini, M., Montaguti, S., Mantovani, F., Buffa, F., Deiana, G. L., Gusai, V., Poma, A., Sorgente, M. (2006), An overview of the Sardinia Radio Telescope geodetic potential at national and international levels, in: Science with the Sardinia Radio Telescope, Memorie SAIt Supp. 10, 107 83. Serra, G., Montisci, G., Mazzarella, G., Bolli, P., Tuccari, G. (2006), Investigation of a new approach to reflector profile retrieval, in: Science with Sardinia Radio Telescope, MSAIS, 10, 131 84. Simons, J., Bij de Vaate, J.G., Ivashina, M.V., Zuliani, M., Natale, V., Roddis, N. (2006), Design of a focal plane array system at cryogenic temperatures, European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP, 6 - 10 November 2006 Nice, France, Editors: H. Lacoste & L. Ouwehand. Published on CDROM., 36.1 85. Temporin, S., Iovino, A., McCracken, H. J., et al., with Vettolani, G., Zanichelli, A., Bondi, M. (2007), NIR Follow-Up of the VVDS 02hr Field, in: Galaxy Evolution across the Hubble Time, Proc IAU Symposium No. 235, F. Combes & J. Palous, eds., Cambridge University Press, 2007, 432 86. Toscano, S., Buemi, C., Cerrigone, L., Leto, P., Rodono’, M., Trigilio, C., Umana, G. (2006), Radio monitoring of Stellar Activity in Active Binary Sistems, MSAIS 9, 276 87. Trigilio, C., Umana, G., Siringo, C., Buemi, C., Leto, P., Codella, C., Panella, D. (2006), SiO masers in evolved stars, in: Science with the Sardinia Radio Telescope, MSAIS 10, 171 88. Tsarevsky, G., Feretti, L., Andernach, H., Bacchi, M., Slee, O.B., Giovannini, G., Govoni, F. (2006), Radio Relics in Clusters of Galaxies: A unique case of Abell 548b, Bulletin of Crimean Astroph. Obs., 103 89. Tsivilev, A. P., Cortiglioni, S., Poppi, S., Montebugnoli, S. (2006), Radio Recombination Line (RRL) Observations: Primordial Helium Determination and First Results at 408 MHz with the Croce del Nord Radiotelescope, Chemical Abundances and Mixing in Stars in the Milky Way and its Satellites. Proceedings of the ESO-Arcetrie Workshop held in Castiglione della Pescaia, Italy, 13-17 September, 2004. ESO Astrophysics Symposia. Edited by S. Randich and L. Pasquini. Series Springer-Verlag, Berlin and Heidelberg, Germany, 2006, 375 90. Tuccari, G., I. Molotov, A. Volvach, A. Konovalenko, A. Antipenko, L. Xiang, M. Nechaeva, I. Falkovich, Y. Gorshenkov, S. Buttaccio, G. Nicotra, V., Titenko, A. Dementiev, A. Pushkarev, V. Jazykov (2006), e-NRTV - Radar VLBI Network, IVS 2006 General Meet- ing Proceedings, edited by D. Behrend and K. D. Baver, NASA/CP, 236 91. Tuccari G., S. Buttaccio, G. Nicotra, Y. Xiang, M. Wunderlich (2006), DBBC - A Flexi- ble Platform for VLBI Data Process, IVS 2006 General Meeting Proceedings, edited by D. Behrend and K. D. Baver, NASA/CP, 185 92. Tuccari, G. (2006), VLBI Backend System - Perspectives in 2012, Book of Abstracts of the meeting VLBI-2012 for astrometry, geodynamics, and astrophysics, held in St. Petersburg, September 2006, 85 93. Umana, G., Buemi, C. S., Trigilio, C., Leto, P. (2006), The radio morphology of the LBV IRAS 18576+0341, MSAIS 9, 282 94. Venturi, T., Parma, P., de Ruiter, H. (2006), VLBI observations of faint radio galaxies, in: Science with Sardinia Radio Telescope, MSAIS 10, 111 95. Volvach A., A.Pushkarev, I.Molotov, G.Tuccari, X.Hong, S.Dougherty (2006), Research of Active Galactic Nuclei with Low Frequency VLBI Network, in: AGN variability from X-rays to radio waves, eds. C. M. Gaskell, I. M. McHardy, B. M. Peterson, S. G. Sergeev, The Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conf. Series. 360, 145 96. Xiang Y., G. Tuccari, W. Wenren (2006), FPGA Implementation in DBBC, IVS 2006 General Meeting Proceedings, edited by D. Behrend and K. D. Baver, NASA/CP, 190

97. 109. Zacchiroli, G., Fiocchi, F., Maccaferri, G., Morsiani, M., Orfei, A., Pernechele, C., Pisanu, T., Roda, J., Vargiu, G. (2006), The panels for primary and secondary mirror reflec- tors and the Active Surface System for the new Sardinia Radio Telescope, in: Science with Sardinia Radio Telescope, MSAIS 10, 126 2006 - INTERNAL REPORTS

1. Bianchi, G., Calandrino, L., De Berardis, L. Montebugnoli, S. (2006), Undersampling tech- niques in radio astronomical applications, Rapp. Int. IRA 389/06

2. Bianchi, G., Montebugnoli, S., Monari, J. (2006), Analog-Digital Converter Bit Number and Input Power Evaluation Rapp. Int. IRA 390/06 3. Bortolotti, C., Roma, M., Schiaffino M. (2006), Nuovo trasduttore angolare per il puntamento del ramo Nord/Sud del radiotelescopio Croce del Nord, Rapp. Int. IRA 397/06 4. Carretti, E., Poppi, S. (2006), Polarization performances of the new Medicina 5-GHz system, Rapp. Int. IRA 391/06

5. Cenacchi, E., Orfei, A., Mack, K.-H., Maccaferri, G. (2006), Medicina User Manual, URL: http://medvlbi.med.ira.cnr.it/Manuale%20Medicina/ 6. Cenacchi, E., Orfei, A. (2006), SRT: sistemi riceventi multifeed, Rapp. Int. IRA 384/06 7. Maccaferri, G., Orfei, A., Orlati, A., con un’Appendice curata da Orfei, A., Bolli, P. (2006) Calibrazione in antenna del nuovo ricevitore 4.3-5.8GHz per l’antenna parabolica di Medidic- ina, Rapp. Int. IRA 392/06

8. Natale, V., Nesti, R. (2006), Optical performances of thin and composite vacuum windows, Rapp. Int. IRA 383/06 9. Orfei A. (2006), Indagine sui siti di Medicina e Noto per un loro utilizzo nella banda 90GHz (3mm), Rapp. Int. IRA 393/06 10. Orfei, A., Maccaferri, G., Morsiani, M., Roda, J., Zacchiroli, G. (2006), Completamento della agilita’ in frequenza per l’antenna parabolica di Medidicina, Rapp. Int. IRA 387/06 11. Orfei, A., Maccaferri, G., Orlati, A. (2006), Ricevitore 6-7 Ghz per l’antennza parabolica di Medicina nella nuova configurazione di agilita’ in frequenza, Rapp. Int. IRA 388/06 12. Palagi, F., Comoretto, G. (2006), A Basic Class Architecture for Data Acquisition in Astron- omy: I - Requirements and Analysis, Rapp. Int. IRA 385/06 13. Roda, J., Zacchiroli, G., Morsiani, M., Orfei, A. (2006), Lavori di rifacimento del massetto e sostituzione delal rotaia azimutale dell’antenna VLBI di Medicina Rapp. Int. IRA 386/06 14. Schiaffino, M., Cattani, A. (2006), Manuale di lavoro per la modifica del sistema di punta- mento del ramo Nord/Sud del Radiotelescopio Croce del Nord, Rapp. Int. IRA 394/06 15. Schiaffino, M., Cattani, A. (2006), Manuale di lavoro per la predisposizione del cablaggio del ramo Nord/Sud del Radiotelescopio Croce del Nord, Rapp. Int. IRA 395/06 16. Schiaffino, M., Cattani, A. (2006), Manuale di lavoro per la modifica delle linee focali del ramo Nord/Sud del Radiotelescopio Croce del Nord, Rapp. Int. IRA 396/06 17. Schilliro’, F. (2006), Il sistema di monitoraggio RFI per la stazione VLBI di Noto, Rapp. Int. IRA 379/06 18. Schilliro’, F., Contavalle, C., Nocita, C. (2006), Analysis of performances of Noto station radio telescope Rapp. Int. IRA 380/06 19. Schilliro’, F., Barbarino S., Consoli, F. (2006), Studio e progettazione di un filtro a mi- crostriscia HST (high temperature superconductor) per appicazioni radioastronomiche in banda C, Rapp. Int. IRA 381/06 20. Schilliro’, F., Nocita, C., Contavalle, C. (2006), Il sistema di movimentazione in asse x del ricevitore 86 GHz in dotazione al radiotelescopio di Noto, Rapp. Int. IRA 378/06 21. Schilliro’, F., Poloni, M. (2006), Progetto e realizzazione di trasformatori di impedenza waveguide- waveguide (WG-WG) e ridged waveguie (RWG-RWG) rettangolari, Rapp. Int. IRA 382/06 2006 - OTHER NON REFEREED PUBLICATIONS

1. Abbondanza, C., Negusini, M., Sarti, P., Vittuari, L. (2006) An investigation on GPS based local ties and eccentricita’ vector estimation, European Geophysical Union, Geophysical Re- search abstract, Vol. 8, EGU06-A-07906, 324 2. Bernardi, G., Carretti, E., Fabbri, R., Sbarra, C., Cortiglioni, S., (2006), Templates for the polarized synchrotron foreground from the Galaxy in the cosmological window, Review book: Cosmic Polarization, Ed. R. Fabbri, published by Research Signpost 3. Capra, A., Gandolfi, S., Gusella, L., Mancini, F., Negusini, M., Montaguti, S., Vittuari, L., Zanutta, A. (2006), GPS data processing approaches for movements evaluation: Applica- tion to VLNDEF network, Antarctica, European Geophysical Union, Geophysical Research abstract, Vol. 8, EGU06-A-08312 4. Capra, A., Dubbini, M., Mancini, F., Negusini, M., Montaguti, S., Sarti, P., Vittuari, L., Zanutta, A. (2006), GPS multiyear campaigns for the deformation control in Northern Vic- toria Land (Antarctica), European Geophysical Union, Geophysical Research abstract, Vol. 8, EGU06-A-07790 5. Capra, A., Bitelli, G., Casula, G., Dubbini, M., Gandolfi, S., Gusella, L., Mancini, F., Negusini, M., Montaguti, S., Sarti, P., Vittuari, L., Zanutta, A. (2006), GPS multi-temporal surveying and analysis of VLNDEF network for the deformation control, GPS in the IPY: The POLENET Project, Dresden, Germany, October 4-6, 2006 6. Carretti, E., Bernardi, G., Cortiglioni, S., (2006), Galactic synchrotron emission at high latitude and implications for CMB measurements, review book ”Cosmic Polarization”, Ed. R. Fabbri, published by Research Signpost 7. Cortiglioni, S., Carretti, E., (2006), Basic considerations about experimental approaches to the B-mode of the CMB Polarization, review book: Cosmic Polarization, Ed. R. Fabbri, published by Research Signpost 8. Montaguti, S., Negusini, M., Sarti, P., Vittuari, L. (2006), Measuring the VLBI parabolic shape at different elevation steps bymeans of terrestrial laser scanning: the case studies of Noto and Medicina, European Geophysical Union, Geophysical Research abstract, Vol. 8, EGU06-A-08478 9. Montebugnoli, S., Monari, J., Bortolotti, C., Cattani, A., Maccaferri, A., Poloni, M., Pari, P.P., Orlati, A., Righini, S., Poppi, S., Roma, M., Teodorani, M., Caliendo, D., Maccone, C., Cosmovici, C.B., Amico, N. (2006), SETI-Italia 2003 status report and first results of a KL Transform algorithm for ETI signal detection Acta Astronautica 58, 222 10. Montebugnoli, S. (2006), I grandi strumenti per la ricerca radioastronomica di domani, La rivista dell’Unione Astrofili Italiani (ISSN 0392-2308), 2, 55 11. Negusini, M., Sarti, P. (2006), Long time series of GPS-derived Integrated Precipitable Water Vapour at Mario Zucchelli Station, Northern Victoria Land, GPS in the IPY: The POLENET Project, Dresden, Germany, October 4-6, 2006 12. Niell A., A. Whithney, B. Petrachenko, W. Schluter, N. Vandenberg, H. Hase, Y. Koyama, C. Ma, H. Schuh, Tuccari G. (2006), VLBI2010: Current and Future Requirements for Geodetic VLBI Systems, Report of Working Group 3 to the IVS Directing Board, IVS Memorandum 2006-008v01 13. Orfei, A., Maccaferri, G., Orlati, A., Mantovani F., (2006) The Medicina station status report IVS (International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry) 2006 annual report, pag. 67-68 14. Sarti, P., Vittuari, L. (2006), Classical geodesy methods applied to active fault monitoring in Ny Aalesund, Western Svalbard, European Geophysical Union, Geophysical Research abstract, Vol. 8, EGU06-A-09056 15. Tuccari, G.,Nicotra, G. Buttaccio, S. Cassaro, P. Contavalle, C. Nicotra, L. Nocita, C. Pa- paleo, L. Paterno’, M., Schilliro’, F. (2006), Noto Station Status Report, International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry 2005 Annual Report, edited by D. Behrend and K. D. Baver, NASA/TP 16. Tuccari G., A. Whitney, H. Hinteregger, Y. Koyama, T. Kondo (2006), IVS-WG3 Report on Backend Systems, IVS Memorandum 2006-003v01 2006 - BOOKS

1. Brand, J., Mack, K.-H., Prandoni, I. Eds. (2006), Science with the Sardinia Radio Telescope Proceedings of a Workshop held in Bologna, 10-11 May 2005 Memorie della Societa’ Astro- nomica Italiana Supplementi, Vol. 10 (Printed, see also http://sait.oat.ts.astro.it/MSAIS/10/index.html) 2. Beck, R., Brunetti, G. Feretti, L. (2006) The Origin and Evolution of the Cosmic Magnetism Proceedings of an International Conference held in Bologna, 29 Aug-2 Sep 2005, Astronomis- che Nachrichten, 327, WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH and Co. KGaA, Weinheim ANNEX 6 a - 2007 REFEREED PUBLICATIONS

1. Araya, E., Hofner, P., Sewilo, M., Linz, H., Kurtz, S., Olmi, L., Watson, C., Churchwell, E. (2007), First detection of an H2CO 6cm maser flare: a burst in IRAS18566+0408, ApJL 654, L95 2. Araya, E., Hofner, P., Goss, W.M., Linz, H., Kurtz, S., Olmi, L. (2007), A Search for Formaldehyde 6 cm Emission toward Young Stellar Objects. II. H2CO and H110alpha Ob- servations, ApJS 170, 152 3. Bach, U., Raiteri , C., M., Villata, M., Fuhrmann, L., Buemi, C.S., Larionov, V., M., Leto, P., ..., Trigilio, C., Umana, G. (2007), Multi-frequency monitoring of the gamma-ray loud blazars. I. Light curves and spectral energy distributions, A&A 464, 1, 175 4. Beltran, M.T., Cesaroni, R., Moscadelli, L., Codella, C. (2007), The hyperyoung HII region in G24.78+0.08 A1, A&A 471, L13 5. Benedettini, M., Viti, S., Codella, C., Bachiller, R., Gueth, F., Beltran, M.T., Dutrey, A., Guillioteau, S. (2007), The clumpy structure of the chemically active L1157 outflow, MNRAS online early, 838 6. Bianchi, S., Chiaberge, M., Piconcelli, E., Guainazzi, M. (2007), A multiwavelength map of the nuclear region of NGC 7582, MNRAS 374, 697 7. Bianchi, S., Guainazzi, M., Matt, G., Fonseca Bonilla, N. (2007), On the Iwasawa-Taniguchi effect of radio-quiet AGN, A&A 467, 19 8. Bianchi, S. (2007), The dust distribution in edge-on galaxies. Radiative transfer fits of V and K’-band images, A&A 471, 765 9. Bianchi, S., Schneider, R. (2007), Dust formation and survival in supernova ejecta, MNRAS 378, 973 10. Blasi, P., Gabici, S., Brunetti, G. (2007), Gamma Rays from Clusters of Galaxies, IJMPA 22, 681 11. Bondi, M.,Ciliegi, P., Venturi, T., et al. (2007), The VVDS-VLA deep field. III. GMRT observations at 610 MHz and the radio spectral index properties of the sub-mJy population, A&A 463, 519 12. Bongiorno, A., Zamorani, G., Gavignaud, I. et al. (2007), The VVDS type-1 AGN sample: the faint end of the luminosity function, A&A 472, 443 13. Boone, F., Baker, A.J., Schinnerer, E., Combes, F., Garcia-Burillo, S., Neri, R., Hunt, L.K., Leon, S., Krips, M., Tacconi, L.J. & Eckart, A. (2007), Molecular Gas in Nuclei of Galaxies (NUGA): VII. NGC4569, a large-scale bar funneling gas into the nuclear region, A&A 471, 113 14. Brand, J., Wouterloot, J.G.A. (2007), A star cluster at the edge of the Galaxy, A&A 464, 909 15. Branchesi, M., Gioia, I. M., Fanti, C., Fanti, R., Cappelluti, N. (2007), ”Chandra point-source counts in distant galaxy clusters”, A&A 462, 449 16. Branchesi, M., Gioia, I. M., Fanti, C., Fanti, R., (2007), High redshift X-ray galaxy clusters. I. The impact of point sources on the cluster properties, A&A 472, 727 17. Branchesi, M., Gioia, I. M., Fanti, C., Fanti, R., (2007), High redshift X-ray galaxy clusters. II. The Lx-T relationship revisited, A&A 472, 739 18. Brunetti, G., Lazarian, A. (2007), Compressible turbulence in galaxy clusters: physics and stochastic particle re-acceleration, MNRAS 378, 245 19. Buemi, C. S., Umana, G., Trigilio, C., Leto, P. (2007), A 1.2 mm MAMBO survey of post- AGB stars, A&A 462,637 20. Cabrit, S., Codella, C., Gueth, F., Nisini, B., Gusdorf, A., Dougados, C., Bacciotti, F. (2007), PdBI sub-arcsecond study of the SiO microjet in HH212. Origin and collimation of class 0 jets, A&A 468, L29 21. Cappelluti, N., Boehringer, H., Schuecker, P., Pierpaoli, E., Mullis, C. R., Gioia, I. M., Henry, J. P. (2007), The soft X-ray Cluster-AGN spatial cross-correlation function in the ROSAT-NEP survey, A&A 465, 35 22. Capra, A., Mancini, F., Negusini, M. (2007), GPS as a geodetic tool for geodynamics in northern Victoria Land, Antarctica. Antarct Sci 19 (1), 107 23. Cassano, R., Brunetti, G., Setti, G., Govoni, F., Dolag, K. (2007), New scaling relations in cluster radio haloes and the re-acceleration model, MNRAS 378, 1575 24. Codella, C., Cabrit, S., Gueth, F., Cesaroni, R., Bacciotti, F., Lefloch, B., McCaughrean, M.J. (2007), A highly-collimated SiO jet in the HH212 protostellar outflow, A&A 462, L53 25. Cresci, G., Mannucci, F., Della Valle, M., Maiolino, R. (2007), A NICMOS search for ob- scured Supernovae in starburst galaxies, A&A 462, 927 26. Dawson, J., Sarti, P., Johnston, G., Vittuari, L. (2007), Indirect approach to Invariant Point determination for SLR and VLBI systems: an assessment, Journal Geodesy, 81, Numbers 6-8, Special Issue: Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI), 433 27. Donzelli, C.J., Chiaberge, M., Macchetto, D., Madrid, J.P., Capetti, A., Marchesini, D., (2007), Bulges and disks in the Host Galaxies of low redshift 3CR Sources: a near-IR view of their radial brightness profile, ApJ 667, 780 28. Franzetti, P., Scodeggio, M., Garilli, B., et al., with Vettolani, G., Zanichelli, A., (2007), The VIMOS-VLT deep survey. Color bimodality and the mix of galaxy populations up to z ∼2, A&A 465, 711 29. Gavrilenko, V.G., Nechaeva, M.B. et al. with Tuccari, G. (2007), Results of Theoretical and Experimental Studies of Solar Wind and Active Galactic Nuclei on LFVN VLBI Network using S2 Recoring System, Izvestia VUZov. Radiophysika, 231 30. Gentile, G., Rodriguez, C., Taylor, G. B., Giovannini, G., Allen, S. W., Lane, W. M., Kassim, N. E. (2007), Monitoring the Bidirectional Relativistic Jets of the Radio Galaxy 3C 338, ApJ 659, 225 31. Giovannini, G., Giroletti, M., Taylor, G. B. (2007), B2 1144+35B, a giant low power radio galaxy with superluminal motion. Orientation and evidence for recurrent activity, A&A, 474, 409 32. Gitti, M., Ferrari, C., Domainko, W., Feretti, L., Schindler, S. (2007), Discovery of diffuse radio emission at the center of the most X-ray-luminous cluster RX J1347.5-1145, A&A 470, L25 33. Gugliucci, N. E., Taylor, G. B., Peck, A. B., Giroletti, M. (2007), Polarimetry of Compact Symmetric Objects, ApJ 661, 78 34. Heinkelmann, R., Boehm, J., Schuh, H., Bolotin, S., Engelhardt, G., MacMillan, D., Negusini, M., Skurikhina, E., Tesmer, V., Titov, O. (2007), Combination of Long Time Series of Troposphere Zenith Delays Observed by VLBI, Journal of Geodesy 81, 483 35. Hofner, P., Cesaroni, R., Olmi, L., Rodriguez, L.F., Marti, J., Araya, E. (2007), Sub- arcsecond resolution radio continuum observations of IRAS20126+4104, A&A 465, 197 36. Jamrozy, M., Konar, C., Saikia, D.J., Stawarz, L., Mack, K.-H., Siemiginowska, A., (2007), Intermittent jet activity in 4C29.30?, MNRAS 378, 581 37. Krips, M., Eckart, A., Krichbaum, T.P., Pott, J.U., Leon, S., Neri, R., Garcia-Burillo, S., Combes, F., Boone, F., Baker, A.J., Tacconi, L.J., Schinnerer, E., & Hunt, L.K. (2007), Molecular Gas in Nuclei of Galaxies (NUGA): V. Radio emission in 7 NUGA sources, A&A 464, 553 38. Krips, M., Neri, R., Garcia-Burillo, S., Combes, F., Schinnerer, E., Baker, A.J., Eckart, A., Boone, F., Hunt, L.K., Leon, S., & Tacconi, L.J. (2007), Molecular Gas in Nuclei of Galaxies (NUGA): VI. Detection of a molecular gas disk/torus via HCN in the Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC6951?, A&A 468, 63 39. Lilly, S. J., F`evre, O. Le, Renzini, A., et al., with Vettolani, G., Zanichelli, A., (2007), zCOSMOS: A Large VLT/VIMOS Redshift Survey Covering 0 < z < 3 in the COSMOS Field, ApJS 172, 70 40. Longhetti, M., Saracco, P., Severgnini, P., Della Ceca, R., Mannucci, F., Bender, R., Drory, N., Feulner, G., Hopp, U.(2007), The Kormendy relation of massive elliptical galaxies at z ∼ 1.5: evidence for size evolution, MNRAS 374, 614 41. Macculi, C., Zannoni, M., Peverini, O.A., Carretti, E., Nesti, R., Tascone, R., Natale, V. (2007), Systematic effects induced by flat slabs of isotropic dielectrics: From microwave to millimeter wavelengths, New Astron. Rev. vol. 51, 266 42. Mannucci, F., Della Valle, M., Panagia, N. (2007), How many supernovae are we missing at high redshift?, MNRAS 377, 1229 43. Mannucci, F., Bonnoli, G., Zappacosta, L., Maiolino, R., Pedani, M. (2007), A galaxy over- density at z = 0.401 associated with an X-ray emitting structure of warm-hot intergalactic medium, A&A 468, 807 44. Mannucci, F., Buttery, H., Maiolino, R., Marconi, A., Pozzetti, L. (2007), Evidence for strong evolution of the cosmic star formation density at high redshifts, A&A 461, 423 45. Migliori, G., Grandi, P., Palumbo, G.G.C., Brunetti, G., Stanghellini, C. (2007), Radio Lobes of Pictor A: An X-Ray Spatially Resolved Study, ApJ 668, 203 46. Mignano A., Miralles J.-M., da Costa L., Olsen L.F., Prandoni I., Arnouts S., Benoist C., Dietrich J., Madejsky R., Rite C., Slijkhuis R., Zaggia S. (2007), ESO Imaging survey: Optical Deep Public Survey, A&A 462, 553 47. Molotov, I.E., Nechaeva, M.B., et al. with Tuccari, G., (2007), VLBI Radar Method Devel- opment under LFVN Project, Izvestia GAO, 218, 402 48. Nisini, B., Codella, C., Giannini, T., Santiago Garcia, J., Richer, J. S., Bachiller, R., Tafalla, M. (2007), Warm SiO gas in molecular bullets associated with protostellar outflows, A&A 462, 163 49. Olmi, L., Bolli, P. (2007), Ray-tracing and Physical-Optics analysis of the aperture efficiency in a radio telescope, Applied Optics, 46 N.19, 4092 50. Orienti, M., Dallacasa, D., Stanghellini, C., (2007), Constraining the spectral age of very asymmetric CSOs. Evidence of the influence of the ambient medium, A&A 461, 923 51. Orru’, E., Murgia, M., Feretti, L., Govoni, F., Brunetti, G., Giovannini, G., Girardi, M., Setti, G. (2007), Low-frequency study of two clusters of galaxies: A2744 and A2219, A&A 467, 943 52. Paltani, S., Le F`evre, O., Ilbert, O., et al. (2007), The VIMOS VLT deep survey. The ultraviolet galaxy luminosity function and luminosity density at 3 < z < 4, A&A 463, 873 53. Parma, P., Murgia, M., de Ruiter, H.R., Fanti, R., Mack, K.-H., Govoni, F., (2007), In search of dying radio sources in the local universe, A&A 470, 875 54. Piconcelli, E., Bianchi, S., Guainazzi, M., Fiore, F., Chiaberge, M., (2007), XMM-Newton broad-band observations of NGC 7582: N H variations and fading out of the active nucleus, A&A, 466, 855 55. Pozzetti, L., ... Vettolani, G., Zanichelli, A., ...Gregorini, L., ... et al. (2007) The VIMOS VLT Deep Survey. The Assembly History of the Stellar Mass in Galaxies: from the Young to the Old Universe, A&A 474, 443 56. Raiteri, C., M., Villata, M., Larionov, V.,M.,..., Buemi, C.,S., ..., Leto, P.,..., Trigilio, C., Umana, G., .... (2007), WEBT and XMM-Newton observation of 3C454.3 during the post outburst-phase. Detection of the little and big blue bumps, A&A, 473, 819 57. Saripalli, L., Mack K.-H., (2007), A search for molecular gas in restarting radio galaxies, MNRAS 376, 1385 58. Schinnerer, E., Smolcic, V., Carilli, C.L., et al. (2007), The VLA-COSMOS Survey. II. Source Catalog of the Large Project, ApJS, 172, 46 59. Tremblay, G.R., Chiaberge, M., Donzelli, C.J., Quillen, A.C., Capetti, A., Sparks, W.B., Macchetto, D.F. (2007), Isophotal Structure and Dust Distribution in Radio-Loud Elliptical Galaxies, ApJ 666, 109 60. Tresse, L., Ilbert, O., Zucca, E., et al. (2007), The cosmic star formation rate evolution from z = 5 to z = 0 from the VIMOS VLT deep survey, A&A 472, 403 61. Venturi, T., Giacintucci, S., Brunetti, G., Cassano, R., Bardelli, S., Dallacasa, D., Setti, G. (2007), GMRT radio halo survey in galaxy clusters at z = 0.2-0.4. I. The REFLEX sub-sample, A&A 463, 937 62. Villata, M., Raiteri, C., M., Aller, M., F.,..., Leto, P., ..., Buemi, C. S., ..., Trigilio, C., Umana, G. (2007), The radio delay of the exceptional 3C454.3 outburst. Follow-up WEBT observations in 2005-2006, A&A 464, L5 63. Wu, Y., Charmandaris, V., Hunt, L.K., Bernard-Salas, J., Brandl, B.R., Marshall, J.A., Lebouteiller, V., Hao, L., & Houck, J.R. (2007), Dust in the Extremely Metal-Poor Blue Compact Dwarf Galaxy IZw18: The Spitzer Mid-Infrared View, ApJ 662, 952 b - REFEREED PUBLICATIONS: SUBMITTED, ACCEPTED OR IN PRESS

1. Arnouts, S., Walcher, C. J., Le F`evre, O., et al., with Vettolani, G., Zanichelli, A., (2007), The SWIRE-VVDS-CFHTLS surveys: stellar mass assembly over the last 10 Gyears. Evidence for a major build up of the red sequence between z=2 and z=1, A&A in press, astro-ph/0705.2438 2. Battinelli, P., Demers, S., Mannucci, F. (2007), The assessment of the near infrared identi- fication of Carbon stars. I. The Local Group galaxies WLM, IC 10 and NGC 6822, A&A, eprint arXiv0708.1257 3. Blair, S.K., Magnani, L., Brand, J., Wouterloot, J.G.A. (2007), Formaldehyde in the far-outer Galaxy: Constraining the outer boundary of the Galactic Habitable Zone, Astrobiology, in press 4. Bottcher, M., Basu, S.,..., Buemi, C.,..., Frasca, A.,...., Leto, P.,..., Marilli, E.,..., Trigilio, C., Umana, G.,... (2007), The WEBT Campaign on the Blazar 3C 279 in 2006, ApJ, in press 5. Brunetti, G., Venturi, T., Dallacasa, D., Cassano, R., Dolag, K., Giacintucci, S., Setti, G. (2007), Cosmic Rays and Radio Halos in Galaxy Clusters: New Constraints from Radio Observations, ApJL, in press astro-ph/0710.0801 6. Chapin, E., with Olmi, L. et al. (2007), The Balloon-borne Large Aperture Submillimeter Telescope (BLAST) 2005: A 4 deg2 Galactic Plane Survey in Vulpecula (l = 59 deg), ApJ submitted 7. Chiaberge, M. (2007), Where to look for radiatively inefficient accretion flows (and find them), eprint arXiv:astro-ph/0701773, submitted to ApJL 8. de la Torre, S., Le F`evre, O., Arnouts, S., et al.with Vettolani, G., Zanichelli, A., Bondi, M., (2007), VVDS-SWIRE: Clustering evolution up to z=2 of a spectroscopic sample of galaxies selected from Spitzer IRAC 3.6 and 4.5 microns photometry, submitted to A&A, astro-ph/0701713 9. Felli, M., Brand, J., Cesaroni, R., Codella, C., Comoretto, G., Di Franco, S., Massi, F., Moscadelli, L., Nesti, R., Olmi, L., Palagi, F., Palla, F., Valdettaro, R. (2007), Water maser variability over 20 years in a large sample of star forming regions: The complete database, A&A, arXiv:0710.0790 10. Floyd, D.F., Axon, D.J., Baum, S., Capetti, A., Chieberge, M. et al. (2007), HST near-IR snapshot survey of 3CR radio-source counterparts. II. An atlas and inventory of the host galaxies, mergers and companions. ApJ submitted 11. Giacintucci S., Venturi T., Murgia M., Dallacasa D., Athreya R., Bardelli S., Mazzotta P., Saikia D.J. (2007), Radio morphology and spectral analysis of cD galaxies in rich and poor clusters, A&A, eprint arXiv0708.4330, in press 12. Guidetti, D., Murgia, M., Govoni, F., Parma, P., Gregorini, L., de Ruiter, H.R., Cameron, R.A., Fanti, R. (2007), The intracluster magnetic field power spectrum in Abell 2382, A&A, eprint 2007arXiv0709.2652 13. Ilbert, O., Cucciati, O., Marinoni, C., Tresse, L., Le F`evre, O., Zamorani, G., Bardelli, S., Iovino, A., Zucca, E., Arnouts, S., and 41 coauthors (2007), Evidence for environment- dependent galaxy Luminosity Function up to z=1.5 in the VIMOS-VLT Deep Survey, arXiv:astro- ph/0602329 14. Mannucci, F., Maoz, D., Sharon, K.T., Botticella, M.T., Della Valle, M. Gal-Yam, A., Pana- gia, N. (2007), The supernova rate in local galaxy clusters MNRAS, eprint arXiv0710.1094 15. Marchesini, D., Capetti, A., Celotti, A., Chiaberge, M., (2007), Nuclear properties of radio galaxies: an infrared view, submitted to A&A 16. Marinoni, C., Saintonge, A., Contini, T., et al., with Vettolani, G., Zanichelli, A., (2007), Geometrical Tests of Cosmological Models III. The Cosmology-Evolution Diagram at z = 1, A&A, eprint arXiv0710.0761 17. Meneux, B., Guzzo, L., Garilli, B., et al., with Vettolani, G., Zanichelli, A., (2007), The VIMOS-VLT Deep Survey. The dependence of clustering on galaxy stellar mass at z∼1, A&A, eprint astro-ph/0706.4371 18. Mignano, A., Prandoni.I., Gregorini, L., Parma, P., de Ruiter, H.R., Wieringa, M.H., Vet- tolani, G., Ekers, R.D. (2007), The ATESP 5GHz radio survey. II. Physical properties of the faint radio population, A&A, arXiv:0710.5682 19. Molina, M., Giroletti, M., Malizia, A., Landi, R., Bassani, L., Bird, A. J., Dean, A. J., De Rosa, A., Fiocchi, M., Panessa, F. (2007), Broadband X-ray spectrum of the newly discovered broad line radio galaxy IGR J21247+5058, MNRAS in press (arXiv:0709.1895)

20. Molinari, S., Pezzuto, S., Cesaroni, R., Testi, L., Brand, J., Faustini, F. (2007), SED Evolu- tion of massive YSOs, A&A, submitted 21. Orienti, M., Dallacasa, D., Stanghellini, C. (2007), Constraining the nature of High Frequency Peakers. I. The spectral variability, A&A in press astro-ph/0708.3979 22. Orienti, M., Dallacasa, D. (2007), evolution and magnetic field in extreme GPS sources. The case of RXJ1459+3337, A&A, in press

23. Orienti, M., Dallacasa, D. (2007), Constraining the nature of High Frequency Peakers. II. Polarization properties, A&A, submitted 24. Orienti, M., Dallacasa, D. (2007), Modelling the evolution of the radio emission. The role of the Narrow Line Region, A&A, submitted 25. Orienti, M., Dallacasa, D. (2007), Are youg radio sources in equipartition?, A&A, submitted 26. Pascale, E., with Olmi, L. et al. (2007), The Balloon-borne Large Aperture Submillimeter Telescope: BLAST, ApJ submitted 27. Patanchon, G., with Olmi, L. et al. (2007), SANEPIC: a map-making method for time-stream data from large arrays, ApJ submitted 28. Privon, G.C.. O’Dea, C.P., Baum, S.A., Axon, D.J., Kharb, P., Buchanan, C.L., Sparks, W., Chiaberge, M. (2007), WFPC2 LRF Imaging of Emission Line Nebulae in 3CR Radio Galaxies”, submitted to ApJ eprint arXiv0710.3105 29. Trigilio, C., Leto, P., Umana, G., Buemi, C., Leone, F. (2007), The radio lighthouse CU Virginis: the spindown of a single main sequence star, MNRAS, eprint arXiv0710.0817 30. Truch, M.D.P., with Olmi, L. et al. (2007), The Balloon-borne Large Aperture Submillimeter Telescope (BLAST) 2005: Calibration and Targeted Sources, ApJ submitted 31. Umana, G., Trigilio, C., Cerrigone, L., Buemi, C., Leto, P. (2007), ATCA observations of the very young Planetary Nebula SAO 244567, MNRAS, eprint arXiv0710.1145 32. Valdettaro, R., Migenes, V., Trinidad, M.A., Brand, J., Palla, F. (2007), High-resolution H2O maser emission from Bright Rimmed Clouds, A&A, submitted 33. Vazza, F., Brunetti, G., Gheller, C. (2007 in prep), Shock Waves in Cosmological Simulations: Main Properties, MNRAS submitted 34. Vergani, D., ... Vettolani, G., Zanichelli, A., .... Gregorini, L., et al. (2007), The VIMOS VLT Deep Survey: Tracing the galaxy stellar mass assembly, submitted to A&A, eprint arXiv0705.3018 35. Verley, S., Hunt, L.K., Corbelli, E., & Giovanardi, C. (2007), Star formation in M,33: Spitzer photometry of discrete sources, A&A, eprint arXiv:0709.2601 36. Wouterloot, J.G.A., Henkel, C., Brand, J., Davis, G.R. (2007), Galactic interstellar C18O/C17O ratios - a gradient?, A&A, submitted 37. Winnberg, A., Engels, D., Brand, J., Baldacci, L., Walmsley, C.M. (2007), Water vapour masers in long-period variable stars. I. RX Boo and SV Peg A&A, submitted d - 2007 INVITED TALKS

1. Brand, J. (2007), Massive star formation in the Galaxy, 51st national meeting of the Italian Astronomical Society, Firenze (Apr. 2007)

2. Brand, J. (2007), The status of the Italian ARClet ALMA Community Days, Garching (Sept. 2007) 3. Brand, J. (2007), Massive star formation in the Galaxy in Proceedings of the 51st national meeting of the Italian Astronomical Society (Invited talk). Mem. SAIt. (Eds. F. Mannucci, F. Palla, M. Landini), in press 4. Brunetti, G., Radio-mm observations of the Universe from the Moon, ASI-INAF-INFN Work- shop on Observations of the Universe from the Moon, LNF Frascati (Roma), May 2007. 5. Feretti, L., Giovannini, G. (2007), Galaxy Clusters in the Radio: Relativistic Plasma and ICM/Radio Galaxy Interaction Processes. Lecture given by L. Feretti at the International Advanced School in Inaoe, Tonantzintla-Puebla, Mexico, 27th June - 8th July, 2005. To be published in Springer Lecture Notes in Physics, ”Panchromatic View of Clusters of Galax- ies and the Large-Scale Structure”, Editors M. Plionis, O. Lopez-Cruz, abd D. Hughes (arXiv:astro-ph/0703494) 6. Feretti, L. (2007), Radio emission in clusters, Meeting on Simbol-X: the hard X-ray universe in focus, International Workshop 14-16 May 2007, Bologna, Italy MemSait, in press 7. Feretti, L. (2007), The origin and evolution of cosmic magnetism, First MCCT-SKADS Training School, September, 23-29 2007, Medicina, Bologna, in press 8. Feretti, L. (2007), Extragalactic Magnetic Fields, in Astrophysics in the LOFAR era, 23 - 27 April 2007, Emmen (NL), http://www.lofar.org/workshop/Program1.htm 9. Giovannini, G., Giroletti, M. (2007), Low Luminosity Radio Loud Active Galactic Nuclei, Review talk at the 8th European VLBI Network Symposium on New Developments in VLBI Science and Technology, Torun, Poland 26-29 September 2006. To be published in ”Pro- ceedings of Science” (PoS) - a web-based tool provided by SISSA in Trieste. 10 pages, (arXiv:0708.4145) 10. Giroletti, M. (2007), Jet Properties and Evolution in Small and Intermediate Scale Objects, ASP in press (arXiv:0707.3516) Invited talk in ”Extragalactic Jets. Theory and Observation from Radio to Gamma Ray”, 21-24 May 2007, Girdwood, Alaska 11. Giroletti, M., (2007), VLBI observations of HBLs and the special case of Mrk501 at 3mm in the ”VLBI in the GLAST Era”, April 23-24, 2007, NASA - Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD 12. Sarti, P., Vittuari, L., Abbondanza, C., Dawson, J., Johnston, G., Negusini, M., Montaguti. S. (2007), A review about local ties and eccentricity vectors: strategies, results, potentials and open issues (solicited), Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 9, 02706, 13. Stanghellini, C. (2007), Radio galaxy Evolution, invited lecture at the First MCCT-SKADS Training School’ September, 23-29, 2007, Medicina (Bologna, Italy) e - 2007 CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS

1. Abbondanza, C., Vittuari, L., Sarti, P., Negusini, M. (2007), An Analysis of Local Tie Temporal Evolution and Site Stability at Medicina Observatory through Terrestrial and GPS- based Observations, in: Proceedings of the 18th European VLBI for Geodesy and Astrometry Working Meeting, 12-13 April 2007, Vienna, p. 188 2. Beck, R., Gaensler, B., Feretti, L.. (2007), SKA and the Magnetic Universe, in: Exploring the Cosmic Frontier: Astrophysical Instruments for the 21st Century, ESO Astrophysics Symposia, Edited by Andrei P. Lobanov, J. Anton Zensus, Catherine Cesarsky and Phillip J. Diamond. ESO Series, Springer-Verlag, p. 103 3. Benn, C., Carballo, R., Holt, J., Vigotti, M., Gonzalez-Serrano, I., Mack, K.-H., Perley, R. (2007), Unusual radio BAL quasar 1624+3758, Proceedings ‘The Central Engine of Active Galactic Nuclei’, L.C. Ho, J.-M. Wang (eds.) Astron. Soc. of the Pacific Conf. Series, 373, 201 4. Bettoni, D., Falomo, R., Parma, P., Fanti, R, de Ruiter, H.R. (2006), The core fondamental plane of B2 radio galaxies, in: From stars to galaxies: building the pieces to build up the universe, Venezia, 16-20 ottobre 2006, in press 5. Bolli, P., Natale, V., Orfei, A. (2007), Electromagnetic analysis of the Petzval surface for Medicina Radio Telescope ICEAA07, Turin, September 17-21, 2007, in press 6. Branchesi, M., Gioia, I.M., Fanti, R., Fanti, C. (2007), High redshift X-ray galaxy clusters: the L-T relationsgip revisited, in “Tracing Cosmic Evolution with Clusters of Galaxies: Six Years Later”, Sesto Pusteria, Italy, June, 25-29, 2007 electronically printed, http://www.si.inaf.it/sesto2007/contributions.htm

7. Brand, J., Felli, M., Cesaroni, R., Codella, C., Comoretto, G., Di Franco, S., Massi, F., Moscadelli, L., Nesti, R., Olmi, L., Palagi, F., Palla, F., Valdettaro, R. (2007), A 20-year H2O maser monitoring program with the Medicina 32-m telescope in ”Astrophysical masers and their environments, IAU Symp. 242, Eds. J. Chapman & W.A. Baan, in press 8. Brand, J., Codella, C., DiFabrizio, L., Massi, F., Wouterloot, J.G.A. (2007), Jet-driven outflows in star-forming regions in ”Science with ALMA: a new era for Astrophysics, in press 9. Brunetti, G., Cassano, R., Setti, G. (2007), Hard X-rays from Galaxy Clusters & SIMBOL-X, in the proceedings of Simbol-X Workshop, Bologna, May 2007, MemSAIt in press 10. Buemi, C.S., Leto, P. (2007), Flares in binary system as seen by ALMA, AP&SS, in press 11. Burigana, C., Umana, G., Dickinson, G., Giardino, G., Gonzales-Nuevo, J., Green, D., Har- rison, D., Jones, A., Leto, P., Massardi, M., Paladini, R., Procopio, P., Reach, W., Solheim, J. E., Trigilio, C., Buemi C. S., Hora, J., Manzitto, P. (2007), Late stages of stellar evolution, Proceeding of ”Planck Consortium Meeting 2007 - 18/20 June, Toulouse France, in press 12. Carretti E., (2007), Future surveys of polarized diffuse components, in ”Towards the B-POL mission for the Cosmic Vision program of ESA”, 29-30 March 2007, Roma, in press 13. Carretti E., (2007), Galactic polarized diffuse emission with MeerKAT, in ”MeerKAT Science Workshop”, 20-21 April 2007, Amsterdam 14. Carretti, E. (2007), Limits on CMBP B-Mode Measurements by Galactic Synchrotron Ob- servations, in: Cosmology, Galaxy Formation and Astroparticle Physics on the pathway to the SKA, Oxford, 10-12 April 2006, Klockner, H.-R., Rawlings, S., Jarvis, M. & Taylor, A. (eds.), April 10th-12th 2006, Oxford, United Kingdom, in press 15. Carretti, E., McConnell, D., Haverkorn, M., Bernardi, G., McClure-Griffiths, N.M., Cor- tiglioni, S., Poppi, S. (2008), The Parkes Galactic Meridian Survey (PGMS), in: Mapping the Galaxy and Nearby Galaxies, Ishigaki, 26-30 June 2006, Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings, Wada K. & Combes F. Eds., 2008, XII, in press 16. Cesaroni, R., Galli, D., Lodato, G., Walmsley, C. M., Zhang, Q. (2007), ”Disks around young O-B (proto)stars: observations and theory” Proc. of the meeting Protostars and Planets V. V, B. Reipurth, D. Jewitt, and K. Keil (eds) University of Arizona Press, Tucson, 951, 197 17. Codella, C., Cabrit, S., Gueth, F., Bacciotti, F., Cesaroni, R., Lefloch, B., Panoglou, D., Garcia, P., McCaughrean, M.J. (2006), The molecular jet driving the HH212 protostellar outflow, in: Science with ALMA: A new era for astrophysics, International Conference, 13 - 17 November 2006, Madrid, Spain, A&SS, in press 18. Cucciati, O., Iovino, A., Marinoni, C., et al., with Vettolani, G., Zanichelli, A., Bondi, M., Gregorini, L. (2006), Witnessing the build-up of the colour-density relation, in: From dark halos to light, XXVIth Astrophysics Moriond Meeting, 12-18 Marzo 2006. Eds. L.Tresse, S.Maurogordato and J. Tran Thanh Van (Editions Frontieres), in press, astro-ph/0612120 19. Desmurs, J.-F., Codella, C., Santiago, J., Tafalla, M., Bachiller, R. (2006), AU-scale colli- mation of protostellar outflows from H2O masers, in: Science with ALMA: A new era for astrophysics, International Conference, 13 - 17 November 2006, Madrid, Spain, A&SS in press 20. Di Martino, S., La Delfa, S., Patane’, G., Negusini M. (2007), Studying the geodynamics of the Etnean area by means of VLBI and GPS, in: Proceedings of the 18th European VLBI for Geodesy and Astrometry Working Meeting, 12-13 April 2007, Vienna, p. 147. 21. Engels, D., Winnberg, A., Brand, J., Jimenez-Esteban, F. (2007), Variability of masers in cir- cumstellar shells on timescales of decades in ”Astrophysical masers and their environments”, IAU Symp. 242 Eds. J. Chapman & W.A. Baan, in press 22. Faulkner, A.J., Jones, M.E., Alexander, P., Kant, D., Patel, P., Picard, P, Keller, R., Mon- tebugnoli, S., (2007) Design Consideration for a SKA quality, cost effective phased aperture array, EMTS Ottawa (Canada) July, in press 23. Fontani, F., Caselli, P., Crapsi, A., Cesaroni, R., Brand, J. (2007), Searching for massive pre-stellar cores through observations of N2H+ and N2D+ in ”Science with ALMA: a new era for Astrophysics”, in press 24. Gavrilenko, V.G., Nechaeva, M.B., Pushkarev, A.B., Molotov, I.E., Tuccari, G., Chebotarev, A.S., Gorshenkov, Yu.N., Samodurov, V.A., Hong, X., Quick, J., Dougherty, S., Ananthakr- ishnan, S. (2007), Results of theoretical and experimental studies of solar wind and AGN on LFVN VLBI Network using S2 recording system, Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics, Vol. 50, No. 4 25. Gavryuseva, E., Gavryusev, V. (2007), Where the global topology of solar magnetic field is originated from and how does it interact to the neutrino flux variability? 13th Lomonosov Conference on Elementary Particle Physics Moscow, Russia, 23-29 August 2007, in press 26. Giacintucci, S., Venturi, T., Bardelli, S., Dallacasa, D., Mazzotta, P., Saikia, D.J. (2006), High sensitivity low frequency radio observations of cD galaxies, in: Heating vs Cooling in Galaxies and Clusters of Galaxies, Eds. H. Boehringer, P. Schuecker, G.W. Pratt, A. Finoguenov, ESO Astrophysical Symposia, Springer Verlag, in press 27. Giroletti, M., Giovannini, G., Millimeter VLBI detection of the TeV blazar Markarian 501, in: Exploring the Universe with real-time VLBI, New Developments in VLBI Science and Technology, 8th European VLBI Network Symposium, Torun, Poland, 26-29 September 2006 ”Proceedings of Science” (PoS) - a web-based tool provided by SISSA in Trieste, PoS(8thEVN)074 http://pos.sissa.it//archive/conferences/036/074/8thEVN 074.pdf 28. Giroletti, M., Giovannini, G., EVN and MERLIN observations of nearby BL Lac objects and multiwavelength analysis, in: Exploring the Universe with real-time VLBI, New Develop- ments in VLBI Science and Technology, 8th European VLBI Network Symposium, Torun, Poland, 26-29 September 2006, ”Proceedings of Science” (PoS) - a web-based tool provided by SISSA in Trieste, PoS(8thEVN)075 http://pos.sissa.it//archive/conferences/036/075/8thEVN 075.pdf 29. Giroletti, M., Giovannini, G., Taylor, G.B., Low-power compact radio galaxies at high angular resolution, in: Exploring the Universe with real-time VLBI, New Developments in VLBI Science and Technology, 8th European VLBI Network Symposium, Torun, Poland, 26-29 September 2006, ”Proceedings of Science” (PoS) - a web-based tool provided by SISSA in Trieste, PoS(8thEVN)022 http://pos.sissa.it//archive/conferences/036/022/8thEVN 022.pdf 30. Gregorini, L., Jamrozy, M., Klein, U., Mack, K.-H. Parma, P.(2007), Spectral Aging in the Relic Radio Galaxy B2 0924+30, in Exploring the Cosmic Frontier: Astrophysical Instru- ments for the 21st Century. ESO Astrophysics Symposia, European Southern Observatory series. A.P. Lobanov, J.A. Zensus, C. Cesarsky and P.J. Diamond eds. Springer-Verlag, Berlin and Heidelberg, Germany, p. 133 31. Gregorini, L., Prandoni, I., Mignano, A., Parma, P., de Ruiter, H.R., Wieringa, M.H., Vet- tolani, G., Ekers, R.D. (2007) Radio and Optical Properties of Faint Radio Population, Proc. of the Conference “The central engine of active galactic nuclei” held in Xian (China), October 2006, ASP. Conf. Series 373, 738 32. Guzzo, L., Le F`evre, O., Meneux, B., Pollo, A., Marinoni, C., Cappi, A., Cucciati, O., Garilli, B., Iovino, A., McCracken, H. J., Bottini, D., Le Brun, V., Maccagni, D., Picat, J. P., Scaramella, R., Scodeggio, M., Tresse, L., Vettolani, G., Zanichelli, A., (2007), “Studying the evolution of large-scale structure with the VIMOS-VLT Deep Survey”, astro-ph/0701273 33. Haverkorn M., Carretti E., McConnell D., McClure-Griffiths N.M., Bernardi G., Cortiglioni S., Poppi S., (2007), ”The Parkes Galactic Meridian Survey: The Polarized Galaxy From Plane To Pole” American Astronomical Society Meeting 210, n. 21.02 34. Heinkelmann, R., Boehm, J., Schuh, H., Bolotin, S., Engelhardt, G., MacMillan, D.S., Ne- gusini, M., Skurikhina, E., Tesmer, V., Titov, O. (2007), Combination of long time-series of troposphere zenith delays observed by VLBI. Journal of Geodesy, 81, Numbers 6-8, Special Issue: Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI), 483 35. Jamrozy M., Klein U., Mack K.-H., 2007, Study of extragalactic sources with extended radio emission, Proceedings ‘Exploring the Cosmic Frontier — Astrophysical Instruments for the 21st Century’, Lobanov, Zensus, Cesarsky, Diamond, eds., ESO Astrophysics Symposia, p. 135 36. Jamrozy, M., Konar, C., Machalski, J., Mack, K.-H., Saikia, D.J., Sieminginowska, A., Stawarz, L., ‘”Recurrent activity in radio galaxies”, Proceedings ’Extragalactic Jets: The- ory and Observation from Radio to Gamma Ray’, T.A. Rector, D.S. De Young (eds.), ASP Conference Series, in press 37. Le F`evre, O., Cucciati, O., Guzzo, L., et al., with Vettolani, G., Zanichelli, A., Bondi, M., Gregorini, L., The VIMOS VLT Deep Survey: clustering and the role of environment in galaxy evolution, Proceedings Conf. Cosmic Frontiers, August 06, Durham (UK), in press 38. Lombini, M., Ragazzoni, R., Arcidiacono, C., Baruffolo, A., Cresci, G., Diolaiti, E., Falomo, R., Gaessler, W., Mannucci, F., Vernet, E., Vernet, J., Xompero, M. (2007), Layer-Oriented MCAO Projects for 8-m Class Telescopes and Possible Scientific Outcome in ”Exploring the Cosmic Frontier: Astrophysical Instruments for the 21st Century” ESO Astrophysics Symposia, Edited by Andrei P. Lobanov, J. Anton Zensus, Catherine Cesarsky and Phillip J. Diamond. Springer-Verlag, Berlin and Heidelberg, p.59 39. Maccone, C., Pluchino, S., Schilliro’, F., Maccaferri, G., De Rosa, L., Firrone, M., The Tiny of the Moon Studied by virtue of the SMART-1 signals, in ” To the Moon and beyond”, 14-16 March, Bremen, Germany, in press 40. Maccone, C., Schilliro’, F., Pluchino, S. (2007) ”Spectral Line Measurements in Exception- ally Low SNR achieved by virtue of the KLT (Karhunen-Loeve Transform)” in Molecules, Microbes and ExtraTerrestrial Life, Bioastronomy 2007- July 16-20, San Juan Puerto Rico, in press 41. Macculi C., Zannoni M., Peverini O.A., Carretti E., Nesti R., Tascone R., Natale E., (2007), Systematic effects induced by flat slabs of isotropic dielectrics: From microwave to millimeter wavelengths, New Astron. Rev., 51, 266 42. Mack, K.-H., Vigotti, M., Gregorini, L., Klein, U., Tschager, W., Schilizzi, R.T., Snellen, I.A.G. (2007), The B3 VLA sample at low frequencies: results from a survey at 74 MHz, Pro- ceedings ‘Exploring the Cosmic Frontier - Astrophysical Instruments for the 21st Century’, Lobanov, Zensus, Cesarsky, Diamond, eds., ESO Astrophysics Symposia, p. 137 43. Mack, K.-H., Saripalli, L., Snellen, I.A.G., Schilizzi, R.T., (2007), Molecular Gas in Radio Galaxies with New and Re-started Activity, Proceedings ‘Science with ALMA: a new era for Astrophysics’, Astrophys. & Space Sci., in press 44. Mack, K.-H., Jamrozy, M. (2007), ”Low-frequency emission from restarting radio galax- ies”, Poster presented at “Astrophysics in the LOFAR era”, Emmen, The Netherlands, 23 - 27 April 2007, published electronically by ASTRON, Dwingeloo, The Netherlands, URL: http://www.astron.nl/ 45. Mancini, F., Negusini, M., Zanutta, A., Capra A. (2007), Vertical Motions in Northern Victo- ria Land Inferred from GPS: A Comparison with a Glacial Isostatic Adjustment Model. U.S. Geological Survey and The National Academics, USGS OFR-2007-1047, DOI: 10.3133/of2007- 1047.srp073 http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2007/1047/srp/srp073/index.html 46. Mannucci, F. (2007), The Star Formation Density at z=7, in: At the Edge of the Universe, 9-13 October 2006, Sintra, Portugal, October 2006, astro-ph/0611878, in press, 47. Mannucci, F. (2007), Mass-metallicity relation and dynamical masses of LBGs at z>3, in ”Galaxy Growth in a Dark Universe”, in press 48. Mannucci, F., Panagia, N., Della Valle, M. (2007), The bimodality of type Ia Supernovae in ”Supernova 1987A: 20 Years after Supernovae and Gamma-Ray Bursters”, Feb 19-23, 2007, Aspen, CO 5th AIP conference, in press 49. Marinoni, C., Le F`evre, O., Meneux, B., the VVDS team (2006), Evolution of the Non-Linear Galaxy Bias up to Redshift z=1.5, in: From dark halos to light, XXVI Astrophysics Moriond Meeting, Eds. L.Tresse, S. Maurogordato and J. Tran Thanh Van, Editions Frontieres, in press 50. Migenes, V., Trinidad, M.A., Valdettaro, R., Palla, F., Brand, J. (2007), Low mass star formation in bright rimmed clouds in ”Astrophysical masers and their environments”, IAU Symp. 242, Eds. J. Chapman & W.A. Baan, in press 51. Migliori, G., Grandi, P., Palumbo, G.G.C., Brunetti, G., Stanghellini, C. (2007), An X-ray view of Pictor A radio lobes: a spatially resolved study, in the proceedings of Extragalactic Jets: Theory and Observation from Radio to Gamma Ray, Girdwood (AK), May 2007, in press 52. Montaguti, S., Vittuari. L., Sarti, P., Negusini, M. (2007), Medicina and Noto VLBI Radiote- lescopes: gravitational deformations evaluated with terrestrial laser scanning, in: Proceedings of the 18th European VLBI for Geodesy and Astrometry Working Meeting, 12-13 April 2007, Vienna, p. 4 53. Nisini, B., Codella, C., Giannini, T., Santiago Garcia, J., Richer, J., Bachiller, R., Tafalla, M. (2006), Probing the excitation conditions of molecular bullets associated with Class 0 outflows through multi-frequency SiO observations, in: Science with ALMA: A new era for astrophysics, International Conference, 13 - 17 November 2006, Madrid, Spain, A&SS, in press 54. Olmi, L., Saraceno, P., Candidi, M., Busso, M., Marchori, G. (2007), An IR and submil- limeter telescope for Dome C, 1st ARENA WOrkshop on Large Astronomical optical/IR infrastructures at Concordia, EDP Sciences, EAS Publications Series, Volume 25, 333 55. Panagia, N., Della Valle, M., Mannucci, F. (2007), Type Ia Supernova Rates Near and Far in ”The multicolored landscape of compact objects and their explosive origins” AIP Conference Proceedings, 924, p. 373 56. Pollo, A., Guzzo, L., Le F`evre, O., et al., with Vettolani, G., Zanichelli, A., Bondi, M., The VIRMOS-VLT Deep Survey: the last 10 billion years of evolution of galaxy clustering, in: At the Edge of the Universe, 9-13 October 2006, Sintra, Portugal, astro-ph/0612335 in press 57. Pollo, A., Guzzo, L., Le F`evre, O., Meneux, B., the VVDS team, The VIMOS-VLT Deep Survey: Dependence of Galaxy Clustering on Luminosity, Proc. Conference Cosmic Frontiers, Durham, aug 2006, in press 58. Prandoni, I., Laing, R.A., Parma, P., de Ruiter, H.R., Montenegro-Montes, F.M., Wilson, T.L. (2007), A molecular gas study of low luminosity radio galaxies, in: ’The fate of Gas in Galaxies’, Eds. R. Morganti et al., NewAR, 51, 43 59. Prandoni I., Laing R.A., Parma P., de Ruiter H.R., Wilson T.L., Montenegro-Montes F.M. (2007), A molecular gas study of low luminosity radio galaxies, in: Science with ALMA: a new era for astrophysics, Proc. of ALMA Conference, Madrid (Spain) 13-17 November 2006, ApSS, in press 60. Prandoni, I., de Ruiter, H. R., Parma, P. (2007), Modeling the Faint Radio Population: The NanoJy Radio Sky, Exploring the Cosmic Frontier: Astrophysical Instruments for the 21st Century. ESO Astrophysics Symposia, European Southern Observatory series. A.P. Lobanov, J.A. Zensus, C. Cesarsky and P.J. Diamond eds. Springer-Verlag, Berlin and Heidelberg, Germany, p. 139 61. Prandoni I., Laing R.A., Parma P., de Ruiter H.R., Montenegro-Montes F.M., Wilson T.L. (2007), A search for molecular gas in low luminosity radio galaxies, in: From Z-Machines to ALMA: (Sub)Millimeter Spectroscopy of Galaxies, Eds. Baker A.J. et al., ASP Conf. Series, 375, 271. 62. Richards, A.M.S., Garrington, S. T., Harrison, P.A., Muxlow, T.W.B., Stirling, A.M., Win- stanley, N., Allen, M.G., Vollmer, B., Venturi, T., Lamb, P., Power, R., Walton, N.A., Padovani, P., The Avo Team, The Astrogrid Team (2007), ”Virtual Observatories and Access to Radio Interferometry Data, in ”Exploring the Cosmic Frontier: Astrophysical Instruments for the 21st Century”, ESO Astrophysics Symposia, European Southern Observatory series, Ed.A.P. Lobanov, J. A. Zensus, Cesarsky, c. Diamond, P.J, Springer-Verlag, Berlin and Heidelberg, Germany, p. 81 63. Saikia, D.J., Konar, C., Jamrozy, M., Machalski, J., Gupta, N., Stawarz, L., Mack, K.- H., Siemiginowska, A. (2007) Episodic activity in radio galaxies, Proceedings ‘The Central Engine of Active Galactic Nuclei’, L.C. Ho, J.-M. Wang (eds.) Astron. Soc. of the Pacific Conf. Series, 373, 217 64. Skulachev, A. D., Soglasnov, V. A., D’Amico, N., Montebugnoli, S., Maccaferri, A., Cattani, A. Toscano, S., Trigilio, C., Umana, G. (2007), Coherent Dedispersor for Observation of Pulsars, Radioastronomical Tools and Techniques, edited by N. S. Kardashev and S. A. Dagkesamanskii. Published by Cambridge Scientific Publishers, Ltd., Cambridge, UK, 2007, 277 65. Tresse, L., Ilbert, O., Zucca, E., Zamorani, G., Arnouts, S., Bardelli, S., the VVDS Team, Studying the evolution of multi-wavelength emissivities with the VIMOS VLT Deep Survey, in: From dark halos to light, XXVI Astrophysics Moriond Meeting, 12-18 Marzo 2006, Eds. L.Tresse, S.Maurogordato, and J. Tran Thanh Van, in press Trigilio, C., Palumbo, M.E., Siringo, C., Leto, P., Search for CCO and CCCO in low mass star forming regions, AP&SS, in press 66. Tuccari, G., Buttaccio, S. Nicotra, G., Alef, W., Keller, R, Nalbach, M. Wunderlich, M., DBBC: A Flexible Environment for VLBI and Space research: Digital Receiver and Backend Systems, Proceedings of the 18th European VLBI for Geodesy and Astrometry Working Meeting. Geowissenschaftliche Mitteilungen Heft Nr. 79, eds. J. Boehm, A. Pany, H. Schuh, 45 67. Umana, G., Trigilio, C., Buemi, C.S., Leto, P., Cerrigone, L., Manzitto, P., Studying stellar ejecta with ALMA, AP&SS, in press 68. Vazza, F., Brunetti, G., Gheller, C., Shocks in Eulerian Cosmologiacl Simulations of Galaxy Clusters, in: Origin, Propagation and Interaction of Energetic Particles, 4th Korean Astro- physics Workshop, 17-19 May 2006, Daejeon, Korea, in press 69. Venturi, T., Bardelli, S., Dallacasa, D., Giacintucci, S., Rao, P., Zucca, E. (2007), Radio View of Merging Clusters of Galaxies, in ”Exploring the Cosmic Frontier: Astrophysical Instru- ments for the 21st Century”,. ESO Astrophysics Symposia, European Southern Observatory series, Ed.A.P. Lobanov, J. A. Zensus, C. Cesarsky 7 P.J. Diamond, Springer-Verlag, Berlin and Heidelberg, Germany, p. 141

70. Wezgoviec, M., Jamrozy, M., Mack K.-H. (2007), Diffuse cocoons around extended giant radio galaxies, Poster presented at “Astrophysics in the LOFAR era”, Emmen, The Netherlands, 23 - 27 April 2007, published electronically by ASTRON, Dwingeloo, The Netherlands, URL: http://www.astron.nl/ f - 2007 INTERNAL REPORTS

1. Bolli, P., Gallerani, A., Mariotti, S., Tomassetti, G. (2007), Progetto e realizzazione di uno strumento per olografia a microonde IRA Internal Report No. 398/07

2. Cenacchi, E., Orfei, A., Mack, K.-H., Maccaferri, G. (2007), ”Manuale utente Medicina 32m, 1a parte”, IRA Internal Report No. 401/07 (in Italian) URL: http://www.ira.inaf.it/library/rapp- int/401-07.html 3. Cenacchi, E., Orfei, A., Mack, K.-H., Maccaferri, G., (2007), ”Manuale utente Medicina 32m, 2a parte’”, IRA Internal Report No. 402/07 (in Italian) URL: http://www.ira.inaf.it/library/rapp- int/402-07.html 4. Montebugnoli, S., Bianchi, G., Monari, J., Perini, F., Schiaffino, M., Zacchiroli, G.P., Naldi, G., (2007) Square kilometre Array (SKA): il radiotelescopio di prossima generazione e tec- niche di multibeaming, MECSA Salerno (I) 5. Morbidelli, L. (2007), A Beam Splitter in the 60-210 um band for PACS calibration, IRA Internal Report No. IRA 407/07 6. Orfei, A., Bolli, P., Cremonini, A., Mariotti, S., Monari, J., Natale, V., Nesti, R., Poloni, M., Scalambra, A. (2007) Feasibility study for a multifeed in the 43 GHz band, IRA Internal Report No. 400/07 7. Righini, S., Orfei, A., Carretti, E., Maccaferri, G., Mack, K.-H., Mantovani, F., Orlati, A., Zanichelli, A., (2007), ”ESCS (Enhanced Single-Dish Control System)” URL: http://www.med.ira.inaf.it/ManualeMedicina/ESCS SystemRequirements.pdf g - 2007 OTHER NON REFEREED PUBLICATIONS

1. Abbas, U., Le F`evre, O., deLaTorre, S., Marinoni, C., and the VVDS collaboration, “Evo- lutionary Behaviour in the HOD from the VVDS Data”, 2007 AAS/AAPT Joint Meeting, American Astronomical Society Meeting 209, n. 171.06, Bulletin of the American Astronom- ical Society, Vol. 38, p.1146 published abstract 2. Abbondanza, C., Negusini, M., Sarti, P., Vittuari, L., VLBI-GPS Eccentricity Vectors at Medicina’s Observatory via GPS Surveys: Reproducibility, Reliability and Quality Assess- ment of the Results in IAG Symposia - Springer Series 3. Brand, J. (2007), The ARC node in Italy 2007, in European ALMA Newsletter, nr. 13 (Aug. 2007), p. 2 4. Brand, J., Felli, M., Cesaroni, R., Codella, C., Comoretto, G., Massi, F., Moscadelli, L., Olmi, L., Palagi, F., Palla, F., Valdettaro, R. (2007), A 20-year H2O maser monitoring program with the Medicina telescope in ”Astrophysical masers and their environments”, IAU Symp. 242, Alice Springs, Australia (12-16 March 2007). Abstract Book (ed. J. Chapman), p. 32, published abstract 5. Blair, S.K., Magnani, L., Brand, J., Wouterloot, J.G.A. (2007), A Survey of Formaldehyde in the Far Outer Galaxy AAS Meeting Abstracts, Vol. 210, p. 12.09 published abstract 6. Engels, D., Winnberg, A., Brand, J., Jimenez-Esteban, F. (2007), Variations of masers in circumstellar shells on the timescale of decades in ”Astrophysical masers and their environ- ments”, IAU Symp. 242, Alice Springs, Australia (12-16 March 2007). Abstract Book (ed. J. Chapman), p. 107, published abstract 7. Gallerani, A., Minarelli, G., (2007) A multiplying interferometer for 1.3 GHz using two Yagi antennas, Meas. Sci. Technol. 18 N41-N46 doi:10.1088/0957-0233/18/7/N02. Design Note. 8. Gregorini, L., Zanichelli, A., Grassi, L., et al., with Vettolani, G., Bondi, M., (2007), Radio properties of galaxies in the VVDS Wide fields, Poster presented at the NRAO 50th An- niversary Science Symposium ”Astrophysics Across the Electromagnetic Spectrum”, Char- lottesville, USA 9. Migenes, V., Trinidad, M.A., Valdettaro, R., Palla, F., Brand, J. (2007), Low mass star formation in bright rimmed clouds in ”Astrophysical masers and their environments”, IAU Symp. 242, Alice Springs, Australia (12-16 March 2007). Abstract Book (ed. J. Chapman), p. 127 10. Negusini, M., Sarti, P., Montaguti, S. (2007), Italy INAF Data Center Report, in: Interna- tional VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry 2006 Annual Report, edited by D. Behrend and K. Baver, NASA/TP-2007-214151, p. 166 11. Negusini, M., Sarti, P., Montaguti, S., Abbondanza, C. (2007), Italy INAF Analysis Center Report, in: International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry 2006 Annual Report, edited by D. Behrend and K. Baver, NASA/TP-2007-214151, p. 212 12. Negusini, M., Sarti, P., Montaguti, S., Abbondanza, C. (2007), Italy INAF Analysis Center Report, in: International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry 2006 Annual Report, edited by D. Behrend and K. Baver, NASA/TP-2007-214151, p. 212 13. Saikia, D.J., Konar, C., Jamrozy, M., Machalski, J., Gupta, N., Stawarz, L., Mack, K.-H., Siemiginowska, A. (2007), Episodic activity in radio galaxies, in: The Central Engine of Active Galactic Nuclei, L.C. Ho, J.-M. Wang (eds.) Astron. Soc. of the Pacific Conf. Series, in press 14. Sarti, P., Negusini, M., Lanconelli, C., Lupi, A., Tomasi, C. (2007), GPS derived Integrated Water Vapour content and its relationship with 6 years of surface radiation balance at MZS (Terra Nova Bay), GPS in the IPY: The POLENET Project, Dresden, Germany, October 4-6, 2006 Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol 9, 06253, 2007 15. Schilliro’, F., Poloni M., Progettazione di transizioni guida coassiale ’Electric Probe’ per applicazioni di tipo generale, in preparation 16. Schilliro’, F., Maccaferri, G., Pluchino, S., Cassaro, P., Lo spettrometro SPARKLE (SPec- trum Analyzer using maRK 5 fir Line Emission), in preparation 17. Schilliro’, F., Trigilio, C., Natale, E., Di Benedetto, R., Progettazione e realizzazione di un back-end digitale per osservazioni in continuo al telescopio di Noto, in preparation 18. Tresse, L., Ilbert, O., Zucca, E., Zamorani, G., Arnouts, S., Bardelli, S., the VVDS Team, Studying the evolution of multi-wavelength emissivities with the VIMOS VLT Deep Survey, in: From dark halos to light, XXVI Astrophysics Moriond Meeting, 12-18 Marzo 2006, Eds. L.Tresse, S.Maurogordato, and J. Tran Thanh Van, in press 19. Zanichelli, A., Vergani, D., Mack, K.-H., Gregorini, L., Parma, P., de Ruiter, H., Vettolani, G. (2006), Unveiling the dumbbell cluster galaxy properties, Poster presented at Galaxies and Structures through Cosmic Times, Venezia 26-31 marzo 2006 20. Zanichelli, A., Vergani, D., Mack, K.-H., Gregorini, L., Parma, P., de Ruiter, H., Radio- optical properties of Dumbbell galaxies in nearby clusters, Poster presented at “Tracing Cosmic Evolution with Clusters of Galaxies: Six Years Later”, Sesto Pusteria, Italy, June, 25-29, 2007 h - 2007 BOOKS

1. Capra, A., Dubbini, M., Galeandro, A., Gusella, L., Zanutta, A., Casula, G., Negusini, M., Vittuari, L., Sarti, P., Mancini, F., Gandolfi, S., Montaguti, S., Bitelli, G. (2007), VL- NDEF project for geodetic infrastructure definition of Northern Victoria Land, Antarctica, in: Geodetic and Geophysical Observations in Polar Regions: Overview in Perspective of the International Polar Year (IPY) (A. Capra and D. Reinhard eds) 2. Sarti, P., Negusini, M., Tomasi, C., Lanconelli, C., Lupi, A., Cacciari, A. (2007), GPS and radiosonde derived Precipitable Water Vapour content and its relationship with 5 years of long-wave radiation measurements at ” Mario Zucchelli” Station, Terra Nova Bay, Antarctica, in: Geodetic and Geophysical Observations in Polar Regions: Overview in Perspective of the International Polar Year (IPY) (A. Capra and D. Reinhard eds.)