G. Serra, F. Gaudiomonte e G.Valente
[email protected] Italian National Institute for Astrophysics Sardinia Radio Telescope Astronomical Observatory of Cagliari PhD Summer School “Seminario di eccellenza Italo Gorini” Selargius, OAC, September 8, 2016 In the morning 9:30-12:30, at OAC General talk about radio astronomy and SRT (G. Serra) Introduction to Radio Frequency measurement by Vectorial Network Analyzer (VNA), (G. Valente) Introduction to Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) measurement (F. Gaudiomonte) Labs tour: ◦ VNA calibration and S-parameter measurement of a Low Noise Amplifier (at room temp) ◦ Visit at mechanical shop and electronic/optical laboratory In the afternoon 4-5:30, at SRT site ◦ a close look at telescope, control room and apparatus box ◦ an experience with the RFI mobile laboratory Agenda Radio Frequency Measurements for SRT Radio astronomy in a nutshell ◦ System temperature ◦ Antenna temperature ◦ Large reflector antennas ◦ Radio cosmic signals ◦ Receivers noise temperature ◦ Antenna temperature due to atmosphere ◦ Telescope system sensitivity ◦ Frequency bands allocated to radio astronomy service (RAS) ◦ Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) monitoring Sardinia Radio Telescope Summary Agenda “Radio astronomy is the study of radio waves originating outside the Earth. The radio range of frequency (ν) ( or wavelength (λ)) is loosely defined by three factors” [see http://www.cv.nrao.edu/course]: atmospheric transparency quantum thermal noise current technology “Together they yield a boundary between radio and far-infrared astronomy”: Upper limit: ν~ 1 THz (1012 Hz) or λ =c/ν ~ 0.3 mm (molecular absorption of the atmosphere) Lower limit: ν~ 50 MHz (107 Hz) or λ =c/ν ~ 6 m (ionosheric refraction) c = speed of light Radio astronomy in a nutshell The water vapor start affecting the ground based radio astronomical observations above 10 GHz (λ < 3 cm) Radio astronomy in a nutshell The water vapour (IWV) content is the main limiting factor for ground based radio astronomical observations (at frequency >20 GHz).