%050Rtaden Middiemx County's Only #«6dbridge, Sewaren, Fords, Weekly Newspaper fwil*lawn, Keasbey, Port Published Friday Kikding, Avenel, lselin Morning and Colonia

WOODBRIDGE, N. J., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1934 PRICE THREE CENTS f^IFTH YEAR Echoes 1 Town Council Passes Resolution To •"] nizid sudium Commiuce Swingi Into row s Provide Special Discount on Taxes Action Determined to Establish Athletic Center Heard As Township Pays 0ver$%5 Paid In Advance In Cash For 1935 .osts As Ordered By Supreme Court IN CHARGE OF LIONS APPOINTED CHAIRMAN! ANNUAL XMAS PARTY Cue Goes Back To 1878 Other Discounts Also OF PRESIDENT'S BALL When First Writ Was Offered If Back lot nMpf governmental Obtained By Morris And budget* have to * Taxes Are Met. Sons wife whic-ii it FIGHT ONLOAD WIDTH »JB alrt to do simply I* 4m*. Some cupful- SCHEDULE VARIES . wttch • white a« Residents Opposed Town's included M • matter of Taxpayers Must Take tswe mm to ques- Move To Pave Street at NM0BI7 nmul new Advantage of Offer Fifty-foot Width . WttBHUe* I* cut bat th* actual expend- Befor^Dec. 31 tflMrt JWU- ttfve to be WOODBRIDGE. —Echoes W0UDBK1DGE.—To - of tho famous Grove avenue extension case, that iroes • * • • courage pre-payment of however, that the BC Township taxes anil to back over 50 years, wew f. Cftee as speaker of aid property owners to bring heard this week when the _,J1 iiesult In much arrearages of tuxes as far as township of Woodbridge In Trtnton. Dr. Cle* I possible up to date, two res- paid John Stockel, of Perth a political novic olutions were pftssed by tho Amhoy, $966.67 for cost of ., w _._JH|ture experience courts as ordered by Justice i It is pointed out that he wl Township Committee, Mon- « a diflcU.t time ln handlin day night at an adjourned Parker in 1931. The soste > numerous practical luds at tiu meeting, which provide for wore ordered after the su- itate's capital. special \discounta if pay- To Reproduce South River's Stands Here premo court handed down ments made before Decem ,, by the slaillum committee anopinion that the principals fkmH M JoaM *p$ Tliirt p.iii>niltti'i> would then | were ffuilty of delay in al- wilt wend fve thrilling days her 31. for W n ml bridge is t.xlay out of Wtirk under the supervision of the 'rom an nthletlc fund. To create The first resolution provides his fund, srKunlzutr.'mH through lowing the matter to rest for dM#JR tMWrtQf the-wood* th<: dream category, A group of Township Committee with author- 1 of fee «M» Mum t»» dwr hat the lax Collector be author ! progressive township citliens and ity Io establish an athletic plant Dilt till; township Will In called over a Half of century while ;ed to accept in cash only, the JTDOR H. W. VOOEIi upon to sponsor several benefits ta MMtti «fi«w iwM | taxpayers Raw to that. Far at provided \w increase IH created In STHI*HK\ HRX1SHA the property changed hands . or assessment due or nhftiit woonnnm'iK -.iu H. w. _n the lorni J( amateur theatricals ?, Dtttember 17. T*ie !Informal iiieetlug Friday night, the tax rate or any sum added ieveral times, . Mfca ttei* tot hunting will become due fur 1SKI5, aucli VOKOI, has been named chairman 1 which wa attended by leadeis of to the budget. dances, caiid parties mul moving WOODIIltllMlV. Tho Wood- ;inh payment to bo made in full s picturo shows. Hu I/«ig Hlirtorjr. aOatttne MUl FrMay, D«- of the local I'rMl.'lenl'H ni'„',*.!ball to \K! I various township oreanlzatlons, 1'renent plans of the Stadium I bridge Ulons' Chili In in the baslH of 80 per cent of theheld on President Kwsevens case goes back to 18,7 8 •mbw SL, Report* received lplan8 were advanced t0 yrMeed Committee call far the purchase of Conmiltteemn Harry M. (Jeriw """'J'"' "' will a^alnA fiwn «b« State (Jam* itmi- H\ levied for 1934. For any such n' oito t« be paid for by the com-was named temporary chairman ' 'w wtien one Thomas Morris, former tSwt tlic inpayment of taxes the collector .„ -iN>m an anticipated bene- of the stadium commlitee by theplay Simla Claus to hundreds of owner of property now owned by 1 Andrew Keyea, on drove avenue, 4Mp fan* big an UN- vlll allow a llscount at a rate as named, to fund which is to be created organization representatives and Wo.Mlbil.lt' children nt their ann- no[ 'o exceed one half of one obtained writ of certlorari against limiting chairman of the Birthday Ball for obtain figures on various tracts lortly. The acreage acquired E mer J. Vecaey was appointed ual ChrlatnuiH part/ to rip held icr cent per month for each Charles S. HIT. then Clerk of the record kill the PresUent. •if land In -ail! !L°J ••' taken out of taxation temporary secretary. to: month fm-wiitrtr the advanceiraF|T a communication tni 1 I Court of Common PleM, That dli- n a Sites In outlying dlntrlcta, ac- as tnp s"5Fup calls" far ttTjTTtcr Tmoiiff thofle who'llteMM m are made. Mr. Doher- |l* HI :>\ado al a Joint of \ untopute" iroBarosoe fiveover ththe lavlnlayings ououtt of "'""'" "*" •""•'"" l(0 (h LeaderJournal ijient of annual' taxes on the prop day night's session and aided In Further In theresolution it ..,,. Tuesday night utthe road( by surveyors hired by Thrift ebWn tor Governor-Heel ty that at Wty !>y the stadium operators. outlining the plans adopted wer*. the latrM that should the amount so in* Cabin. Each year the the then newly formed road eom- d 0. Hoffman, who recently Oiu'e the land Is purchased, an Arthur 0. Kerry, Frank W. Klrk- laid for 19H5 be In pJicesd ;)f the ,.,,T ')rp''.r.!*rtiion tladdena the mlBSionera. No further action was knpwn htg wishes regarding' tiflon will be made to obtain la- leskl, Stephen K. Werlock, C. W ax levied the tax collector ahall. Hoffman wants bor through the ERA. Application Willlath hearts of Roores of youngstera by taken on tho matter until 1929 or , „ ^ ttw bin ami finpoa #14 -Hlito-t* uuule. la.ilia ..federal•fitTBHinr," •'-!>m»vWo# 4b« With a real bffng-113^0 Kbxa lhe..Tnwmhlp ripclded r government for1 a loan to finance Stern Charles McGettlKan Henry I »H ;>arty. This year Stephen L. to lay the street out to a fifty -t» tare $•< MtMl Inaugural pro- 'LIiid the pxceBS amount paid. If &|* take pMce out of doors, • » (be erection of permanent stands :he payment made >>e UtHiifficlent Qn the type of South River's. Ing It. Mm. Mll wyone who BO desire,, may (i t'e* °*Mn <* "f; In- difference due wfyl he collect- various township ln he th n wl h graphical area, unden the direc- would be formed and granted to the township, will be Jitckaon, promptly at 10 o'dotk Ohriatma* | *» . J .»«*• « «*?• • , Hi through the regular channels. tion of a committee of each area, morninK at the Btate Th«tre «f* "^ th»y ^ fnntwlt- _ o* "maHcloua, vi- Volume of Unpaid Liens gad ~ .unwarranted »i- to rehabilitate their Infantile far where a special moving ploturei^ WoJft MIMI th4> wer* paid, Tli,. second reso.ution provld- l t dl HlWd1l«ar« quoting alyals victims. The balance will go n be nhowB. Thtu ha* bm *°? *•» ^'« " "» »»«« iiiK for the abatement of interest to the National Committee far - l n reei Une whlch •d by ©tttors re- due on past due taxes aot*H the DAY Of DAYS COMES AND SUES WITH G, ALBERT LARSON made pnsHlble through tbe cour-\™ f * * - livery to the President,'to be pre- tw. of A. J. Sabo, owner of the clalmed *"* ownetl- motat unfair at- llnwliit; achedule: y Ruin to «bow C«LS«» on any man jsentej} to a national commission, tliiutretlii'utre, who hat donatedd the "la) The jirlnclpal of taxes which Bft will create, to widen re- A rule tq show cause VM then .Is du't for year 1 !K!0 and Hrfor years IN OFFICE AT SCHEDDLED TIME, RUMORS TO CONTRARY place each year to c.>opera|« with search wRortH to wipe outtho dis- the Uona Club In its good work. , obtained by Henry Bt. C. l*vln without Interest, HUbJ^ct however ease Itself, exactly as medial a;i4 pixwatr) at th* October to co!idiUjn» respectlnR tax liens comlwtted to bring either Committeeman Frederick After the show, each ciltd Everything was in be presented with a tokeh with ' _ ' I* •'(!>) Thti princiiial of taxes smallpox, «Upti»8rla, typhoid fever Wy i i departs and Mi. C. Albert Spencer ur Township Attorney, U'on E. the rmnpHroents o( the UOIIR. •- -•• , • ., ; . . 1 iliii.- for tht; year, 11)31, 75 ;w yellow ffiVert and other maladies. :oraptete readiness tbe inlwum lvicKlroy into the story printed by u con- Campbell and Dodlne, found lh« cent Interest off. Judge Vogel will name Ills com-. Larson, Collector of Taxes for the Town- ItnoiCf 1 Uyr 50 yearn and then come to| for tin: year, l'i'i'1, 60 per cent ln- ;>olnts out that Hie affair will be .hat is what Mr. Larson claims, spiking the "Neither, Mr. McElroy nor Mr. Spencer bridge was played. Gueats of the tlw courts for relief. Judge Pi-... " '*; to ©Woe by the <>- lf»,»'sl oil. strictly non-political and that he have anything to do with the tax sales. It evening were Mr. and Mr* Stephen then cnt««l an order dlsmUs-l "(d) The principal of taxes due will ask members or both political 3tory that he was not in big office at two office md is my job and 1 was here at the specified SomoKyi and Mr. and lira. S. U- ing the apDltoatlon for the rul«| lor the year, 1933, 5 per cent In- partleB to serv© on the committee. o'clock, Saturday December I the time and vine, of l'erth Amboy, Mr. Lcvlne and entered «tt». b M directly m- terest oft." "For once", he said, "politics time, other stories to the contrary." JO* vvctjUHns tkM place set for the tax sale advertised accord- being piesldent of tho Perth Am-1 for aome time It i8 underdt'aod| The above schedule, however, will be forgotten and will all- ing to law. Mr. fencer, himself, was very emphatic b-ay Lions and OomiulttefttnHn iind that the attomen have been en does nut apply to those properties concentrate to secure funds to Mrs'. Harry M. C,ern«. 'deavorlng to collSt the costs »'n» combat infantile paralysis. Interviewed on the matter, Mr. Larson on the subject. where a sae lUW been made to "I have never attended a tax sale, "he the Township. The' Ktt»rneys ar that EHA tlic TownBhlp at any tax sale or said; within their rights nid could o a where the Township may bold tlje said, "and as far as 1 know now, 1 never Police Nab Three tfcoritiw are keepla* a mor< No Possibility Of "Some of the girls in my office worked tain a writ of mandamSis forcing i are on mdplenta of re-rifiht to acquire certificate of tax will attend one." the Townabf* to pay. But- the and said property has not a little overtime onnthe Saturday in ques- r Township Attorney McElroy caivnot'fijj- In Raid Oa Still matter was gtraigbtened out Moo w are uuim i " *~~ ~' ~~ -* —«» M>-DeclaringDividen* d tion and it was after one o'clock when they men higher up, bu''" rt'd«eui*d within two years Ure out how he wag brought into the whole day when the Township turned left. I then worked at figuring my balances In Fords Section over the sura ln Baby Bonds tol / angle o 'TODI.the date o£ sale. In such thing. : Under their control, aselj not more than 50 percent Before Christmas for 1 never leave this office each day be- the attorneys. I „-_ _, that several per- >f such Interest due to the date fore 1 know just what was taken in 'during "They do not have to advise me on any WOODRR1DGE. — A fine of | The entire case was not with-J Vv'OODBRIDGE.—"There Is no 01 "iW« a*»iiioppin| off tbe list of if wch sale, will be abated—pro- tax sales," he declared, "That is the Tax *102.«0 each was lijipcwelinpcwed nponi«ujioni " Its comedy sdside, , DurlngK th chanoo for a dividend being the day. It was close to two o'clock when ,, . „' ,. Z , time of the controversy when th Msfc ntdkly krouiht t0 tuk vided that in no case shall the in- collector's work and Mr, Larson• informs tlinn <\f thn *.-vntrnvorav when th clared' before Christmas". 1 finished it and.I then worked at straight- Marino, 38 and Herbert lTownghlp attempted to »ave »w| gtrllty perioni will be sun- terest on any assessment for local me that he was there on the scheduled Unduraga, 29 who gave tlKMr' |turt llmbere m *kU to the fullest extent of theimprovements be abated. In such So state;! Walter Lewis Receiv- ening out some of my papers. 1 did not - 'ireumstanees the collector muBt er tor the First National Bank time so there will be no need of re-adver- addrffli «« 1» nyan street, »ortp,. , 4 , ^ {et 0, 0roV9 a, leave my office until after two o'clock and by Judgo II. W Vogel n Polio* e \ collect the coat of anyy sale or anyland Trust Company jpt Wopd during that time no one showed up." • tising any list of delinquents as suggested nU() at Rahway avenu by Mr9 court last nlKh for rlo atlon ^f Numbers and Mr. Keyfs to pr ta 4he |Mt (ew amount that may have beeu .- bridgedg,, when asked TttBt ulght Continuing his discussion on the subject, by a local newspaper in its issue of Decem- panded and charged agalnat the whether or not there was any the Townshlj, Liquor ordinance. |ven tt ^th eTownsh Townshljl i tNIfroJm proceed^^ ^ MunUmble taOhluu been g» y Mr. Larson said in his opinion it was unfair ber 7." |u Jm MWttdTithkt Andrew property for searches made pire-uruitrutuh tuo> mthe mimunumorms M.thaOt a dlvi- Tlii- tiitMi we«e arrested at IheIng with the work. p. Dtmnnart, pnatumt at, liminary to the institution of fore'dend would b«* declared before Ilyan street address by Detective Mr. Kpyes bought his 'and from lotMjr, wlU padtlvely se clasure proceedings. [ the holidays. Sergeant (Jcorse E. KeatlnK, Ser- the estate of ThonmB Morrla, plain \o.Ab«temonts After Dec. »1 j "In the first place", said Mr 'OUT Ol'TH'K ItKADV Keant IJi'H Parsons and Motorcycle tiff In {he use-old Supneme FOR CHHI8TMAK HUSH Relief Should Pay rib* Ibooralttf post in next The new schedule of abate- Lewis, "we haven't aulllcient moi Importance of An Officer Colestinn Uomond when action. will alart Monday, Decem-jey to declare another dividend, the three located a still on the Mfl 4MUonUn, MAnAyy of Mr. WOODURIDGB A'tliough 1 III.T 17 and contlnuf to December unit in the second place even i premises. Tho still, made of cop- Dwinmd * Mcodda sUrUyll to th holiday is still over a weak For Medication In follow. 31 inclusive. To take advantage enough money cou'd be secured AthleticStadium is e per and having a capacity of 500 of the special discounts all pay- iway, the W'aodbrldKC Post Of- t;;illons, was coullBCated together Survey of Bettei M«VWbicil«pp<»«.l before Christmas it would be a ments must be made in cash. mechanical imiiosdiblllty to get al Ice has already made full pre- Contagious Cases with 11 barrels of mash; nine 100 *•*'• tone of thb* i*. Stressed At Fete .'iiralions for haml'iiiK the iiouud baga of HUgar, one electric dtK&utag tfae rumors ;bo necessary work completed jven for the preparation of isntl Christmaa rush of mall. motor and pump, one 100 gullon Housing Proj T AOU* or Jotm The volume of mail during So Declares Mayor August receiving tunk and one 20 font M be the logic*l IIIR the divlifcud checks." Prof. John H. Love Urges ERA Openly Wars he ChrifltmAfi spaaon Is nuch F. Greiner At Meeting of 18 inch coppe,,„r .cooler. All thu oC the party. It 1H Gathering at Football Din- .hat a number of extra carrU'TH Starts Next Weel Townahip Board of H*alth oquipment was turned over to TEACHERS HONOR ner to Get Behind Drive and clerku IR required to InHure the ADC Investigator,, headed by MC4tv«d On AH Obtaining for Athletic Field Before eflloli'iicy. Monday Night. — MayCharles Dl Tieplo. WOODHIUrxlR. Twenty med NICKLAS AT TEA secured through the Emergenaj rtMp in tt Woodbridge is "Left Out." The familiar nign "Mail Make a Test Case of it. *x ttWt* is a B Chrlatmad Packages Early' lias A fjlrl, A.nna (lull, who Kellef Administration, will I ttMtt h, will be Aid Fraudulently SEWARKN.—Mrs. William L. already been posted in the the survey af the Township WOODBRIDGE.—A prob ami mi , oflMeoder lu the Little, member of the State Hoard RAR1TAN TOWNSHIP.— Township post offlceB and the day morning ln connection wit k <>( Omuult- 1 of Eduut'lou iiiirt former presi- The importance of an im-public IB urged to eo-o;>erate able test case, to force tho^nrtgrpt, was alBo found on thethe Better Housing Progri"! WOODMUDGhV-Relief official * emerirency relief to provide i premises. She was held on a .UH- with post office -officials in this here. Thls announcement w« urn cai TeachersTher' ' association by the Board of i trouble once before with the l.v association There have been two or three Wedneoday afternoon. The affair Ui'ous speakers at the anuual to Insure delivery. They nu> madILICVUe^ WJ V»iv- *^v«. « --,.- „ bridge proper first, contlnul d* too put up aa determined wag in honor of Supervising Prin- football banquet of the Red bear "Not to be opened untl Healthj if th mgy through frtorda, Avenel, Sewareii cases of person^ obtaining relief Healthj if the Emergency Re «n authorities some timoue tago fltbt to recover pay cuts received fraudulently in tbe Township and cipal and Mm. Victor Nlcklas. Ghosts of Woodbridge High Christmas" on the wrapper lief Administratiodiitti n ddoe s not f''6"8^*""^ out « Port Reading, Uelin. Colon! two yearn ago. In the meantime Ag a member of the state There wl'l be no regula Keasbey and Fords. such peramiH have been dealt with Change its ruling 011 the mat- member,, of the police depart, Board, .Mrs. Little congratulated School held at John's Grill mall service'on Christmas Day Change its ruling 011 the A, ,„ . „ The men will work three da sternly. here Wednesday night. Sev- tP now in effecffett daccordini g The ABC men will take the meat are eagerly awaiting the It is understood that a warrant the teachers of Woodbridge Town except letters and packages outcome, and, la the event the ship on the nob'e way In which enty-five grid warriors, mem marked "special delivery." tetoi ano discussiow in enectn ,nei auoiflinga at aitw inonfoo j,word morninga me|1, lnt whe0 CUhtodn undouby t0t. 6ftcb weekm f bM fmi^r wee MrR . Kre has already been issued' (or n turng w e ma e to This rule ip'yinR medlclneu in cash was stolen from the »• the fact that a man growth in athletics in Woodbrldje ondwl m> wltli « mi*nce In Ihtratkw, ID tbe complainant. Delicious (ref«8hment8 were Month 01 -December for all other cases but has con- home of Ernest Olaueke, of 412„_ an unimproved: piece of tile treasury of well over • Townshit but there is a aad lack Hdsteutly refused to pay for thej Broad ..street. ..,. this plooa. early g^ fl anc any improvements All inveatigatom, on local can served under the direction of U e ttmiMiid dolUrs. In f«ct, the of a suitable place ln which to cost uf medicines In cases where last evening, accaitftn* to a re- complete en, have been ordered to check up MUa 'Ann Cantor and MIBS Mary WOODURIDCK. Municipal w|fhe 4 even t0 the participate in that branch of ei- relief clients have Infectious or i>;>rt made by Olaueke at police (ContlBued on page ft) figure, It hlM been b*ld, was ciuefuHy on every cam, anil per- Qundrum. Mtn. Florence Hobln- and Hoard of Education ciuiiloy- ckwer to II,BOO. Acwrdln(t »on Introduced the apeakerg. uctttloo. conUKlouH diseases. headquarters, The thief sons suspected of obtaining relief will b« ttl> « to ^i) »h |i|)ilig LOST—Boston Brfudle U«ll- to th« iwords tbe money has Tb'oae who poured were: Mlw "I hiive seen the enrollment of "In cases of dlptherla I have the bouse by breaking th« glass whl'e having other sources of In- the high bchool grow from nine- for Ctirlntmaj, us O. J. Mori-aiiuen (n the rear door and turning th* White chest and two white been jtlnyed M»und with » come, will Pa questioned by tbeMargaret Lockwood, Mrs. Frank to use t.H'n immediately," said teen atudenU to that of 1,200 to- treaHurer has uiuumiic- key in. the lo«U. In addition to paws—Answers to nan* Mt lu th« lust few )««. Tbe uiliurltie* and If believed to beffidjar. Mine llerlm Scheruierhorn, Dr. fox, "and the drug supply quesUm lunit arises, U»w MIM Mildrud Ilettman, Miss Mln- day," nald Prof. Love. "More «d Hint imyrolla will U# made out companies want to know who Is the money, u small German-made ^BOOTS''. Rewsrd. I'hone Wl unity, will be prosecuted. schools have been built through camera wa taken. Patrol Driver 8-1232J or call at 82 Main str mwti of lite (uud la teft, add nie Coiupton, Mrs. Mary Duff, week for lh« whjle uinnlU of going to imy for U.I usually am fl ! the year*;" be continuedtid , "bu"bt Andrew Simonten Investigated. jWoodbrldse if there i* any vioray, where Miss EUle Wlttenbert. »i that all payrolls lorced to 'l them to hill tbe William was, rate of the most impwtfmt things board of health, for It I du not it lw, wfco hjw it, etc? Ttte The oonuulttea In charge wit be met w to and IncludlnK In the divelopmett of the . nun secure the neceeawy medication HAVE YOU SEEN'THE CLUB ROOMS OF tbtry In being ducked. We WOODBRIDOIB—Puoer*! ser- [M«. Lester Dlx, Ruth Brb, Pilled* and woman of tomorrow hu December 31. the patient may die." Will let you In on it M It* vices for William Belenfrlend, fa- MlU«r, Dorothy Diets; Grace Hu- BLACK OAT INN iK, and that la a suitable Plans have been made to turn Mayor August I1', (ireliw, de- ther of Mw. Nathan Duff, t ber, Sylvia Tobrowiky, Uri, '). Aver th« iicoeHsuny amount of irH OMK OF TUB BBAUTV SfOTb IN Predmwe. Ann Castor, Mm. Eth-, lu which to tr«ln aud build clared that in his opinion, tho. ym—v avenue, were held Friday our children (or the future." bonds t.) the Hoard of Education, medication for contagious ' dla- Make Your New Year*4 Eve Reservations from hi* lute residue, 38 Baldwin Stem, Mrs. Helen R Ree4, Hel- Odd balances will bep paid in Jum the Place for Private Functions and Card CrltlcUw "It is ridiculous for en M. Rytfi. Marion ail'«tte,

PORT READING NOTES ISELIN NEWS OTE TO THE KIDDIES'! BRISBANE by RITA TONKR by ELIZABETH HEYBOURNE i-OlTH RADIATORS INSTEAD OF F|RE- Woodbridge Ave., Port Reading Hillcrettt Ave., Iselin, N. J. PlACES; AND THESE NEW-FAN0LED THIS WEEK HOMES WITH EH •TTIIXIIXIIIXIIIXXZXIXXXitllllXXXXIIIX » t • • •- MISS VIOLA MOORE, OV FORD Washington su» the President, In MISS JANET PETERSON, OF avenue, l» confined to her home aflniioctiil Imitation of Hamlet, asks Second street, recently enter- with Illness. himself Just now:' "To spend, or tained as hern guest, Mrs. J. • * * » not to spend." If he proceeds with Golden, of Highland Park. .IRS. A. LARSEN JR., OF SUM- the full program of relief, supply- • v * * mlt avenue, was an Elizabeth ing Jobs nnd fond, he must usk con- A SON, LEONARD DAVIS, WAS vis.tor, Wednesday. gress for more billions, perhaps born Sunday to Mr. and Mrs. a • * « nine of them, Sl,0U0,00O,000, Henry Leonard of Richmond MISS SYLVIA DUNHAM, OF If congress says yes, and the au- Valley, New York. Prior to her Hornsby aveaue has returned- thorities foolishly deride to issue niarrlage, Mrs. Leonard v»wjta home after spending several Interest-hearing "Inflation" bonds, Misa Loretta Millet, of Cutter days pisiting at the home o{ that will mean paying not ?U-,H00,- avenue. Miss Kathleen Kel y, of Perth 000,000, but .*l8,O0O,OtHi,(KIO, the » • • • Araboy. • * i, t original plus Interest. MISS MARION ASHLEY, OF Main street, and Miss Maule THE FORDS FIREMEN DID NOT Su livan, of Dunbar avenue, at- re-present their Minstrel show Senator lluey Long of Louisiana tended a theatre performance on December 10, as ;>reviously Distinctive design says he ban enrolled 1,400,000 Amor In Elisabeth Monday. scheduled due to a change in Fa u Itlets performance leans in his "gliiire-tlie-wenltir'plnn. arrangements. Other planB have That seems a small llgure for a been, arranged for the charity Every desirable plan to divide big fortunes, New MR. AND MRS. L. Renner, of fund. King Georges road, are spenl- convenience feature York and Clilcugo had thriving • • » • BUYERS CHOICE ing Beveral days in Pennsylva- "share-the-weulth" organizations be MISS MEREDITH JOHNSON, OF •Hiadiomc all-mii cibia«l, *kb nia visiting Mr. Renner'a aister Hackettstown, was the week- ctxk-praof, fidc-pcoof blind fore Senator Long started his. Some who Is confined, to her home original gentlemen with share-tbe end gueBt of Miss Marie Sulli- Glyptnl eiumel txitt'iat tad icid with illnesB. van, of Dunbar avenue. •ad stain rciiscinf porccliia io< wealth Inclinations are in Atlanta • • < * fetior. G«neroui lloftgf »p4CC. penitentiary, some in a Colorado MISS JOAN REIMAN, OF ELIZA- • Sciiolcii Stcrl Fretier. Will ucruti. 1931-1932-1933 Models prison, some on Alcatraz Island, in beth. was th guest at Mr. and. the bay back of Hun Francisco. e Leisure Time News njureicecubef. • Mrs. John Jago, Sr., ofHcwusby perature Cuotrul with Defroirtr. avenue Tuesday. • SlidlUK Shelve], Fedil Du.it At Tlvoll, X, Y., the courtroom • • • • The winter program sponsored Opener, Automatic latcriuf Likbt- cheered when a Jury acquitted • THE CHRISTMAS SERVICES OF by the Losiure Time Committee ;)f iag oa larife ouuJeli. • the Grace Lutheran Church, of Woodbridge Township Is now quiet, trouble-free teacher, thirty-seven years old, for full swing with various grups [ Only 3 moviun parts. liconumical. We Must Clean ' Out beating a thirteen-year old boy with Fonda, will b6 held Sunday af- ternoon, at 2;30 P. M:, Decem- meeting weekly to pursue their- • rubber hose and allegedly hitting hobby interests. All classdea con-! him with his list, The wan admit- ber 23, instead of in the eve- ning as previous'y planned. A ducted under Leisure Time are ted using the rubber hose, but de pageant Is to be .presented and free and open to the pu.bMc. Scliwt Before the 15th Lied using his flat, recitations given by the children ule of claaseB now operating with lluil he admitted beatlug a youug of the Sunday School. Rev. tlmeaqd place Is as follows: ERE is everything you wtot dog with a rubber hose, the court- Robert Schlotter. pastor of the • • * • H id an dearie f room would not huve cheered, church, will K} the speaker a HANDCRAFT enduring style — all the latest Easy Terms the services. The class in Iselin meets every Convenience feature!—Halpoinl Otwe. reporters tell you, Mrs. Fords - Chevrolets • • • • Tuesday at 2 P, M. at the Library; quality and reliability that will Edythe Townsvnd was rich, a wit, MR. ALEX KISH, OF THIRD Wednesdays at 2 P. M., tfrere is MSUK you of faithful, trouble- a beauty, and a ludy, who visited at street, was the guest of friends a class at the Colonia Community free refrigeration service for the White House, and had arUto in avenel, recently. Center; Thursdays at 2 P. M., at years to come. Before you decide ^crutlc ancestors, 'rt'iey found her • • • • the Avenel school and Fridays at | Plymouths oa toy refrigerator b« lute to look dead, suicide by gas, In a small fur, MHS. K. FEDDER80N, OF Wood- 7:30'P. M., at , the Luthewau I at the beautiful new Hotpoiqt— nlslied room, Slip was fifty-eight bridge, was the dinner guest of church In Fords. This last group | yeurs oitl; and, police said, "ill, lone Mr. and Mhs. Arthur F'edderson Is not in any way confined to the it's t value that cannot be beat. i ly, Impoverished, despondeut." Thol of Evergreen avenue, Sunday. church membershlv. All baiioxraft Come ia-nuk« ut prove ii to vou I four nurds wipe out all past gran ' classes are supervised by MISK deur, flue ancestry, recollections ol MISS ALICE BUCHKO, OF MAIN Sybil Trimble of the Leisure Unusual Bargains wealth. street, entertained the Fords Time staff, Ferns at her home, i'rlday.MUs « * • ' • ~ Senator Borah, a sincere, Inde- Anne Burke, president of th# CONTRACT BRIDGE pendent American, wants the lie club, presided over the business Two classes. In eon tract bridge Qet Our Prices publican parly to reorganise Itsel meeting. PIaug were completed are meeting weekly under the giving Us "liberals" control. * for a Christmas party which is able instruction of Fred lirauae. Woodbridge Electric Co. Ho would drive out the "reaettou to be held soon,, After th« bus- The o'use-u Avonel meetB every iness session a social hour fol- Monday at 1 P. M., and tbe class tries." If fie did that, what and lowed. at the Sewaren Library meets on how many would he hare I eft 7 • * * • Thursday evenings at 9 P. M. Phone 8-0727 9, Kim Fntur« srodloaK, lot, • H'S'l'MrrU* M1S8 KATHLEEN SOMBRS, AND Miss Louise Lengyel, of Wood- bhidge, were the guests of Mien ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Dorsey Used Car Mart The Leisure Tlitte Committee Lorraine Maler, pf Anne street, conducts one claw tu sculpturing recently. with Miy Canella, a professional Just above C.R.R. On New Brunswick Ave. • • » • sculpturer M luutrucfcor. This 99 James St. Woodbridge AMONG THOSE FKOM F0HD8 clans meets every IVIday evening "THE BRIGHTEST SPOT IN TOWN" who attended the Fuotball at Mr. Canella'i studio oo Run- dance given at the Wood bridge way av«uue, Woodbridge. High School JWday, are; the • • .» » Phone 4-2703 Open at Fight & Sunday Perth Amboy Mime* Freda Knudun, Emily JfoWHNJ. LqrrMue M*l«j-,; Sylvia *wrgf Omkm ' t, .* • WOOBRIDGE LEADER-JOURNAL, FK1DAY MORNING, DECEMBER 14, 1984. PAGE THREE

Personals •:• Fashions NeWS Of Xo All 1 Clubs -:- Churches Mrs R a n d MEMBER OF FAMOUS DANCE TEAM Benefit Woodbridge H. S. R e d £S Again "Tunes and Topics of 19X5" To Be County Press CMb [Party Proves OrchestraPresents wonnjlIll^r-Kol.l h f01ir. Presented by Woodbridge Woman's To Hold Christmas Successful Affair Concert Tonight Hl£!f?;i SsE Club at High School January 17 and 18 Party Next Welt Affair to b« Held At Be*cm v«f $70 Proceed* to be Alumni to Augment Original | TntiPH and Mii^, Mr", AshPV Kit* Ran ToplcM nf linn,11 a ronl, up-to-tho d«l|ih. \hntrman; Mra. Nathan i Grill, Perth Amboy, Mon- )Jt*A U) $hm\*mi*h Linen Orchestra to Seventy Mu in,iiiii,. n'viii", will be presented Diirr. M>H. dforno Urban; ushers, l day Night.—Exchange of Sapplf itf; Perth Amboy sician*. — Many famed so- I'liiirsMiiy iind Friday ntRhts, Jan-, Mifx llnth Krh, clinlrmaA; M,* T. Gift* to bfc One of Fkat-> — Mrs. loists to appear.—Dancing miry 17 mid IN at the Wtwdbrldfiej Ft Jonep. Mrn. 1.. Hnlden, Mro. 0. \ urei of the Eveniag. Hostess. ! in Gym. HiRli School auditorium under T. Krnner, Mrs. A. J. Long. MM (In. mmplces of the Wjoodbrldge Arthur Nelmm, Mrs. H. ft. Ha!lP- I'F.iiTH AM HOY. - The »nnual| .- Over I went y- WOODBIUDGK. -Seventy mus- Wiimans O'uh. The proceed* of well, Mls^ Alida Van Slyke, Mrs, f JoBpnh Diamond, Mra. John Turk. u-iiM.u party of the-Mlddl»jH j'*a!()(jayorfl wore prwnl I'.'IKIIH will »t«p out o" ill* ntnK ' iiw> show wl'l hit divided throe Mrs. V. C. Nlclflaa. inn > I'resjt Club, will bft Hrfll fyj»'flf.itWO*»rtul card party nt of the Woodbridge High Hchool ways. .mo. portion for the milk Cast, Mrs. H. D. Clftrlt, chalrr mi.iv ulfhl :il the Ri>*COI> QHl' ihotneof Mm, Frank l(. Vnlen- auditorium tonight and present fund, nnottier for the student stMet, Saturday, i the annual concert of the Wood- I .-Mil and the third for the club man; Mrn. M. M. Tralman, Mrn. ot Green | I'lt.-rsun \ndi t'W Henly, ot HI $70 will he iised'hrldg High .School orchestra uu- trenmirj. J. I,. McCrcery, Mtig Orace Hu- 0 il'i'iiii Aiiiliny KvcninR N«*i |4e linen supply of!der the direction of Minn Anna lorei costumes and unbe- ber, Mrs. Dean MoCall; cmitiimea. Mr*. Howard Jeniee, chairman; \Us ii.nlni obiott and Edwar liTflrtfc A«tioy Oenr-rnl hosplt-' FrnwT. Thin yean the orchpntrii Ili-vahly professional scenery will i flu- M ,,r Wix-illirldRf Will bi> thi | will bp aiigmefitod by tic uaed In the presentation of Mrs. H. P. Ford, Mrs. Arthur Dunham Mra. Julian Gj-aw. ! luwlH, r "Tunes and Topics of ' 1985." 1 Mm. G« 5Bunter, of town. ° ']' aluntint of Woodbrtdpo Publicity, Mra. Irving Relmcrs. [ \t I hi' Imslnt'PM aewlon furtln "iron th* d and the fl] whirl! will be coached by a mem- lihms will bo made for th« -prn ber of the Rogers Production Co. ohnlrman; Mra. Herbert 11. Rnnk- aW*rd ; to MIBH Virginia! The music that will bB pliiye.l Committees In charge of the ln. Mrs. 0. W. llnrnekov, Jr.. Mra. IMijti'd ti-ntlirlaiiial dinner for ' ferth Amboy. An-'tli!" evening IB entertaining und fiimr I'II-.-I Haral I (!. Hoflman, ,ii show nre aft foJlo»B: Frtitj UrteRB. * tine were Mr*.'Itwntrint;. There wll bo four »r- liiiiuirmy niemhpr of the ,Mldd ' MTH. C. H, clientra numbers anil four solo Jl I (VlllllV [Vt>*R ClUb. n umbers. liming Hie x.'clal hour, (her ;;,ic#*i»;terp, nuule by Mrs. The trumpet HOIOB In the "At- OVER 200 ATTEND DEMOCRATIC GROUP will be an exchange of glft», r« Wfe W. Lewis, luutls Suite" will be plnycd by I ri-whiin >ILK and dancing. K«K', Mrs. Aih«r Fill Randolph " ANNUAL DINNER OF HOLDS DEUGHTFUL MrR. Sldnt-y Prank 11 all m gar In nr, an iilumiiiih tiM'iiilifl inuy Uivlte a Joaejih Klein, and Kdwimd Hlanclk, a I I fl IMcr Aiiii'tlciiii Itwl Cross, lit " EXEMPT FIREMEN CHRISTMAS-SOCIAL Tyroll. Mrs. L. fltiulent. The l''r«n(li hum ill, :iILII*.i;il nii'i'titii; brld M.mdiiy it nl Ilir Wuodbil.lKc Hi(tii 'v fl*!fio^li . George J, Han- HIIIO in the Huiuo nuinber will lir WOODOitlDGK.—OveWOOf r 200 <>x- roitr l!KAI)IN(;.---The Third TESTIMONIAL DINNER played by (Jeorge EHponlto, ' an Ward Detnnrrutlc Women's Cltib irtholomew, Mrs. .,r . | onipt firemen and members of the IS GIVEN ALEXANDER „. H. 8«JUlne, Mrs, Michael Hluninus. Other officers elected . fire company were .present at the lifld u dellRlitful ChrlBtman l'«r- Julian AnJer, a member of the i-e chalrimin. Dr. 1. T. Sjiencw; ty on Tuesday night at the Pern- 'Trtlnerf J4w. tfed J. Adams Mim annual dinner of the Exempt Hro KOHDS, — Over t*enty-flv secretary, Mrs. Lelund F. Rey-I 0. Roacoe tihw*. high Hchoal orchestra, will play men's association held Monday »cral ic headquarterfl on Third coup os were present at a tent the clarlneL cadensa In "The Wed- nolds; treasurer, Mrs. (ieorge Mrs Gertrude Urodhead, Mm. night in the flrehouse on Schoohl l street. The room anl tube wild nmnial llnniT-dnnce Klven by tli Hunter; Junior lied CMBH chair- 1 Qmttf' fitptef. Mr . H. Hollo ilug of the Winds.' street. , bcnutifully decorated In red inul KnlKht und Situire in honor B man, John H. I/Ove; social nrtd ' ' \ Sehoder .Mrs. Dancing will bo held in the green, hi hnrlminy with thn fes- ('.iHimitteeman-elect Charles welfare worker, MUM. A. l Hu- A delicious chicken dinner was h.t,h nchool auditorium Immedi- Jt tlv reiison, The tahl*s were »r- Alexiuidvr, of Fiv.du, at the Hi MISH Gertrude ber; production chairman, Mrs. served by Mrs. John Szurko, of Johnny Carroll maid C. Wolfe, ately after the concert. „„„„ : rutiKi'd in ii "T" Hhnue. with twn l'inea, Metnrhen. Saturday nlnh John K. Ureckenrldge; supply Fulton street, the cafterer for the >»...,.. Severn mun prominent |l»''Kc basketB docorated with rnl WOODllRlrKIK. Jolimiv Car- 1'iamii MI auJ Mnrco (if the Pr liin tap nnd comedy daneliiR start- las, August F. Greiner, Mil's. Char- penlng of u school of diinclni: ill id bis professional career In Thomson, Mlsii Crace tainment was one of the features i from the "grab bundle." Mrj. of Trenton, wwe the i;ue8t epva les C. Jonea. Sub-chairmen for r 01 Main street: I(i2r» Ho Inuftlit dancing on the Mtt. William Benson, Mlas WOODHRIDOK.—A very sue if the affair. ]Margaret Sasso was presented Mr*. Mr. Carroll has just returne.l West c :ist In the famous "MPI;. |j, Virginia WWWMrom, Miss Kath- w»»ful card party was held Krl-, outlying districts; Sewaren with an appreciation gift. Mrs.' MorrUon Christie; Avenel, Mrs. o New Jersey after a successful lin School of Dancing," L. Miss Catherine day night al St, James' auditori- Muck wus given a benutifir cav- Ernest V. Nler; Port Reading, The dancer is now IUIKV •! B. Glllllan, Mil* aeraldlne (}er- um under the auspices of the ROR- Quigley Elected Head i'l, niiide by Robert Christie. A nir of Kurope. He ap;iemre.d In Mrs. J. Hupstak; Iselin, Mrs. D. |ire;>aratloii8 to open the £ jt Mitt AUlt* M I'felfferPfflffer , MrdMrd. ary .Society. Mrs. J. Barron Levl buffet supper was served late in >ond'on, nerlln and played ntx con £ rjty, Mitt AUlt* M Of Holy Name Society Mr, ! M r«. and Mrs. Rdward Colfey we«e IhK Nass; Hopelnwn, Keasbey and the evening. larrd I'll laa.vn, William Unldell k:'.'l, Alfred in the ulinw liiiHiiH'Hs for the past iff. fouls ! co-ctialrnicn. Tnii Sbor pf!2'e wSs" %. Lanirm; ctrto These present wpifc: Mrs. Jc- itougc, In I'arls. In addition hr nia Mrs. Frank Pattlson. WOODBRIDflE. -Hugh Quigley live yearn a-i a professional dun- Mm. Fred A. Brlegs, Mrs. Eil- won by Mrs. N. Albertson and the llcks, Mrs. Muck, of WcwdhrUge; as made two coast t\>u« with a.ieclal prlzo went to Mrs. Kowal- us named head of the Holy Mrn. l-'red Kwrch. Mrs. Rudolph he Paramount l'ublix- circuit, one ccr, will uaslBt Carroll, The school wood S. Joonson, Jr.. Mr*. Annual reports were given by 1 It. JOKMI Karl J. Laniii, Charles] czn. Mrs. A. K. Hubcr and Mrs, Breck Same Society of St. James' church Vnetker, Mrs. DilboiB, Mrs. Pat- with RKO and Loe.w clrcui and will lie known an the Carroll and NiiKy and Louis Walnwrlght, Dubuy School of Modern Dancing. Non-players, Mrs. Anna Langan .nridge. A complete, report of the t the annuiil election of office™ sy Donato. Mrs. Jolly, of Avenel; hree coast to const trips with I'uidn; MIHH I'utrlrla McMahon, Mr*- John Blair, Mn, Itnymoad ;eld Monday night in St. James1 Mrs. J. J. Fox, Miaa Theodore itehrer, Mn ro 1 eall-tstitd, not-be given as all Mr,-'. Morrison Christie, Mrs, John New York City; Miss Carrie Me Wtger, M uditorlum. Turk, Mrs. Nance Moran, Mrs UWIUAUY MKKTS t.i'on, of Itosellc. PfeWer, Ml»s Laura Urod- lfH I-'anr, Mrs. John OToole, Mrs. the returns have not been male Wll lam Gerlty, Mrs. Edward Co- Other officers elected were as Damlch, Mis* Anna Mullens, of Woodbridge Girl Wins Miss Kilna NDUH, Miss He FullertonFl , MI iis yet. 1 ||-he«4l,,Mta Ada OIIOWB: Vice President, James Sowarwi. A'so Miss Irene Olll WOODnRIDOK.—The Lndle-* iHildleltorfftr. Mrs. Cheiter ley, MIHB Ann Langan, John Finn Mrs. Handulj>h expressed her Scholastic Honors At Gerity, Mayor August V. Greln Mrs. C, Meyers. Twenty-four ta- appreciation of the cooperation ardot; secretury, Edward Eln- Miss Lillian Montecalvo, Miss Lau \iixi iary of Congregation Aclatli Miss Kathleen Cunnel'y, Mr. Peek, Mr*. Asher Kiu Randolph, ra (lurney Miss Mary Rchlavo bles of games were In play and received from the press during liorn; treasurer, Michael Kleloy; N. J. C. For Women Israel held Its December meeting Mr*^ J Lester Neary, Mr. Mm. C. "H. Ofltrum, Mrs. (leorge Miss Jonephine Casale, Miss Lll- the following won prizes: the year. narshall. Joseph Dolan; Cliairman Mrs. Clrirles Coffey, John R. Merrill, Mrs. Charles C. Kah- linn D'Apolito, Mrs. Margaret Monday nlsht at the liame.of Mrs. Hunt. .MISH Miriam Harmayan, IJiidge, Mrs. John F. llyan, of reception committee, Chafes NEW limiNSWICK.—A Wood- lert, Mra, Cnauncey C. Baldwin Kiuao, Mrs, Lena Casale, Mrs. A. K. Dernstein, on KdRar street. Wood bridge; Aasemblynian Mrs. Jumes J. Dunne, Mra. Mi- Kenny. bridle girl, Miss Mary Emma Le- Mr*, Daniel P. 01m»te Stephen Hutnlk, Mrs. Jqneph CJII Following a short businesH V. Hiiike, William J. Kl chael J. Tratnei-, Mrs. John Zilal, First Day of Sodality Preliminary plans were made vl of 10 Harrcll avenue, w,ni nc- C. Olwn. und. Mrs. Eml y Dwyer of town. session cafttt were played and Mitts Do;! it hen H. Stock. Abrub Mrs. William Wlia.en, Miss Mar. .'.or a mlnstirel show to be sponsor- demlc honors at New Jersey Col- M|*. Kenneth McComas, Mrs pri?e were, awarded ns follows: H. Hosenbluni, Mlsa. Anne C gaiiet Jordan, Mrs. Raymond An- Bazaar Is Big Success ed by the Holy .Name Society nml lege for Women during the i>a»l C. B. Bothfuss, Mr». W, It. Dey, Mrs. James) Uauchman, Mrs. Jos- d n. Mr, nul Mrs. John Conn derson, Mrs. M. I'. Schubert, Mrs. the Sodality sometime In the near acadinic year, acwrdlng to an- Mr. D. Harry Ford, Mis. A. !\ St JEFFERSON CLUB PUNS eph Herz. Mrs. Maurice M. Ti'i'.l- of l'erth Amboy, Miss Anna Si Mary K. Mack, Mrs. Maurlco P, future. nouncement made tad ay by M.ss field, MiV, Roy Collins. Mrs. Al Affair to be Continued Today inan, Mra. Abraham DulT, Mrs. of Ii.ipeliiwn; Miaa H. Bro-wn, Dunlgan, Miss Marie Grausam, Esther W. Hawes, registrar. Stu- Ired Coley, Miw AgnoH Hnrdltnan and Tomorrow. — Baby XMAS PARtY TONIGHT Stephen H*aka, Mrs. A. Neisa, Metucheii; Miss V. E. flherwo Rev. Charles A. Dusten, Mis dents who have an average, grade B4w»4 Hardlmwi, Mrs. " LASKO ELECTED CHIEF Mrs, FreiJ. Kaufman. Alfred C. Urffer. Theodore ft I Margaret liergen, Mrs. George Contest Awarth Saturday of 1,9 or above are annuu'ly a- P WOODBRlDfiK—The JefTerswi of Rarltan TownshlpiMr. and Night. wrded honors. Sixty-eight seniors, The January meeting will bn OF ISELIN FIRE CO. Club will hold a meeting am Simon A. IJahr, of Trenton, Mr,. Jo"'" J- Klnhorn. Mrs. Nlcbo- forty-five juniars and twenty-four at the home of Mrs. A. 1'atnoi, ot hl.tlstmas party tonight at tit' Miss Helen Repkte, of HahwayJ WOODURIDOE.—The first day sophomores were named for hon- CMeen street. 1 ISELIN. — John Laslto, waa h.mie of Mrs. J. J. Dunne, o; •fel. ! Alberfrten, Mrs ors thta year. of the bazaar of the St. James elected chief of Iselin Fire Co. Jreen street. A. Haystak, Sirs, Joseph Ruth Sodality lit St. James1 auditorium No. 1 ill a regular meeting of the Thomas Leahy, Mrs. Walter Mrs. John V. Ryan Is generp! MISB Levl, a meinber of the yestenluy went off like clock flre company he'd recently at the sopbaniiOre clnsB, holds an ucadem CARROLL AND DUBAY .iray, Mra. Andre.w Ruska, Mrd work, In the early part of the headquarters on Green street. chairman and she is beinf; ass it Charles N. ftujplngton, oseph Ruiiioiiil, Mra. John Ken d by the followiii« committee: Uc scholarship and will have the Haney, Mm. Thamas evening irsu.iper was served. The Other jfllcerK elected were as honor of being a torch beared in an, Wl.iiam Golden, Alben Mrs, Frod Witheridse, Mrs. Hil Mre, Mary B. Mack, Mire. Wilbur entertainment consisted of the follows: President, Michael Lewis the comlns Christmas ceremony. Ti'out, .Mrs. Hugo Gels, Mrs. Mar da Dcniareat, Mrs. It. Thomas SCHOOL OF MODERN DANC1NG| li Roe, Mrt! Qeorge Shurts, Mrs. following: vice president, Barney Flnnegan; She is the daughter of Mir. and in Katb, Joseph Doolan, Mrs. erity, Mrs. Owen S. Dun'Kan, of W. Nortjiey Jones, Mrs. Charles Military tap dance, Mary Patrl treasurer. Richard Roloff; finan- Mrs. George H. Levl and is a grad 101 MAIN STREET, GhrUUan Witting, Mrs. Chris Mai Wloodbrldge; Mrs. Mati'Json W. Mofrultr,.ilrii. M. S. Melnzer, in, Mra. Joseph Maher. Mrs. Ad- \cla Kenny; vocal solo, "Swpetl* cial secreary, Andrew Sedlak; re- uate of Woodbridge HighSchool, TEL. WOOD. 8-2180 WOODBRIDGE, N. J. " B#»trt««'.Rauchman, Mra. W. Pie," Hobby Hooban; vacal solo, cording secretury, Robert Will- Christie, of Sewaren; Mrs. Pa- am Synder. trick J. Donato, of Avenel; Mrs, ', Mn- James lUuioh- Geraldlne Hooban; -vo- iams; assistant chief, Joseph Hl- CHKISTMAS CANTATA. LL typos of stage dancing, musical comedy, eccen- Kuchre, Mlas Uo8t Kelly, Mich- In Old Shanty Town,' an; foreman, Emll Mie'e; ass'at- C. Kutcher, of Ford^; Mrs. An- ael Ferry, I'uter Leahy, Mtsa Mar thony Aqni a, of Iselln; Mrs. WOODBRIDGE — A Christmas A tric, rhythm,' soft shoe, military, stair dance.1 ung, MIBS Anna erry Keating; waltz Dance, ant forman, Nels Ingstrup; trust' cantata. "The Christ Child", ,by buck and \v1hg. Beginners, advanced, adults, chil-l Mrs. aret Relly, Mrs. B. Keating, ,[ary Mcbcrmott, Ellen Connolly ees, Michael Mantrangelo, Albert Scarzenakl, of Hopelawn, MM. James Harding, Mrs. Nathan Hawley, will be given In Trinity dren, clasfe lessons 2Sc. Special rates for routine and| M. Irvtoi BBmaijest, Un. l ean Hooban and Audrey GraJy Roloff; Frank Burgerser Fred Bach member is asked to' bring Episcopal Church, the Sunday ratten, Mrs. Thomas McDerniott, ap dance, Margaret. HUt; soni M^scarelll and Joseph Fllun; war- an Inexpensive gift for the private lessons. Alsb Modern Ballroom Dancing. gar. 'ft*. W. Ouy Weaver, Mra. Harry Van Tassel, Mrs. Charles after Chrlsmas, December 20, at *-••'•• • J; Urban, Mrn. Emll ,nd waltz clog/ "Rock a Bye denV I'red Moscarelli, and CharleB ChristmaB exchange. 3:30 P. M. ' Kenny, Mrs. M. Kerry, Mrs. Ed- toe Fullern; aergeant-at-armn, Nels ward Falconer. " ilaon," Dorothy Langan; C*>yi>e, MTB. John unce, "Surprise Waltz," Jean Ingstrup. Whist, Mrs. William Oolden, Miss Laura Quinn, of Linden ave- MW- James J Dun Hooban, "Santa Claus is Coming Jjseph Orady, Mrs. Anna Hernon, TO PKKSKXT OPERKTTA nue. (ieorge Miller, Mrs. Owen S, Dun! o Town,' Dorothy and Rita Ken- edy. It was voted tj purchase gan, Mrs. M. J. Kelly, Mrs. Louis Christinas seals and to donato to A special matinee will be pre- WOORHRIDGE.—IMAM for an Ilaumltn, Mn<. John Sullivan, Mrs. the1 Woodbridfie. Chapter. Ameri- Michael Coffey, Mrs. August Bau- en ted Fop the school chlhlrtn operetta, "The Christmas Ba?ar" WOODBRIWJE. —Miss Angus- can Red Q;to3B. Many foys were inan, Mrs. Frank Mayor, Mra. A. hia afternoon from ffluit to 9lx to be given at the hifih school Oortss, daughter of brought by the members for dis- J. Thompson. ''clock. auditorium for the I.eslur« Time fir,, of New atrect and Program, Thursday night, l)ecein tribution at Christmas time. i''an-tan, Mrs. Thomas GerJty, All returns for the baby con- Jonh-Qtysaly, of Fulton street her 2(|, were niaae ,at a meeting The next meeting will tie held .^f^s. 11, Leahy, Miss Florence gest must be in by Friday night. were married Sanrday night in of th Little Woman's dub, iVi January 11 at the home of Miss Coley, Mrs. La 1'enta, Mrs. JOB-The awards for the most popular fit. James' church. It«v. Chuiles ay afternoon at the home Jean Aaroe. A. Du*t«n, eurate of the church ei»h Einhorn, Mrs. Timothy J. babies will 1m made Saturday perforped the ceremony Sullivan, Miss Audrey Grady, Mrs, night. - the a^andiM|jtl wore .Mr. am M. CassLdy, Mrs. John Veuerus, .Mttf!*)«pb;«W»'y. The c;>ui»l< Miss Kate Olilott, Mrs. Wilton Bubsci Trill reside OH Fulton street. Keating, Miss Ellen Connolly Mrs. Michael DeJoy, Miss Grace Williiii,', Mrs. I'eten Keatllig, JOESEGAIJ MARGIE'S ("THE SENATOR") SHAMPOO iuire stable h inist Lonipnuy, ot woodbriuge. ine dividend iin,,. '' banking conditions. These are factors that was tne case wnen tne nrat dividend wasaecluruu, M,, ,'' make for confidence as individuals look sent out in lots of 500, until all checks are dplrHjii ! ah«»d and prwrtt spending reflect* opti- j lirsl dividend of tb percent was pawl to depositor , 1AADER-JOUIINAL l'LAi*Oltil mism for 1935. ; oOer, wnich with this dividend will make a total m .,, Iu Woodbridge Township this 'year one percent. » * * • » of HI cr«d* , . ,,o other." So does Npah Webster define the of the Pennsylvania R. R. traces in Avenel. ***** wocd, "service". Taking this as a premise THROWING Decembwr 13, 1929 . .. then, We"ean firmly draw the conclusion THE SPOTLIGHT TT" Hillard Humphreys, 53, of Barron avenue, will M,,,..V|| that the Woodbridge Lions Club is a real" - bv ELMER J. VECSEY -,,,-, local Businessman die^d at three o'clock this morning ;U service club. ' his home after an illness of six weeks. The hit. ii,,. We might just briefly review some of mat tne cold weather is witn us phreys had suffered quite a number of year? fun: I••«\. the good deeds performed by the Lions,— and me iNUUuK season is on, we've been blood pressure and heart trouble and his death \v;> ,,,•„,. and with very little publicity. Annually, nearing a good aeai about the (JUUU VIA) Prof. Constant LeRong ed by a heart attack. these men have sponsored a Christmas par- iMis laieiy. Lveryuociy seems to be doing A Who Knows Leu About More Things Than legislature can give very much but fornttl ratification i- tneir share oi KECALiLlJNU. bspeciany i mi ni-wiinl, r> icing --if , has tried at one lime or (mother •us :^»od. • • • mas token. The Lions realize that Christ- oarge bgan and Andy Simonsen, tne lesser road*. to explain Technocracy. OIK- >f these days somebody is Modern version: "Parents, $279,840 GRANT FOR The total mileage umli-i mas is primarily a children's holiday and nair ot tne team • ol Me-ana-my-brotner. Hut nobody has really done so. solus; id discover that It's about d.ar parents, cimio home with 1 rectlon of the freeholdci-- iiut, all tnis aljone does not bring bacK tne So here it is—In words of one Un\h the country ''gets over Its in" now!" FOR ROAD FUND IN that tiie grownups have a great part in 994 and the county area HI - .syllable. Ev n a child can un-alibis and its technocracies. * • * making it a real success. They know that memories, tor even women's lasiuons KE- t MIDDLESEX COUNTY miles Is 8,224. The ,ioiiu: •.- derstand this clear-out explanation And rolls up Us sleeves unl ikinusr they want much for *LECT the mood. What with the resurrec- little, the rich are aspuileil by the stale is taken fruin il,, the very foundation of the observance of of one of the wor.d'g greatest mys- goes in work. census and is 4,041,3:: > teries. Hie poor, who (lock In clubs Unit NEW BRUNSWICK—Middle- Christmas is giving and without this there tion of PUFFED SLEEVES and what not. When he does, he's liable to promise much for little, • Technocracy is almply_trylng to start .something and forget about sex County, which has 239 jniles i • * * Mrs, Sormle reterwn \V»* ti.-i. would be no Christmas. bo we will attempt to REFLECT a PHASE. b tecfinical aver being crazy. A the depression. ot road mileage, will receive e Thai part of a divorce decree Something about the entertainment of simple study of the word—teclmo, And where will Technocracy be 1279,840 of the proposed appor- which brunts the woman ali- FORDS—Funeral sen In addition to the Theatre Party the La- "technical"—cracy, "crazy". then ? tionment of $6,735,000 to coun- PAST and PRESENT. mony oii(:ht to be called the ties from motor vehicle receipts Mrs. Sophie I'etersen dies Auxiliary in co-operation with the It's as easy m that! Siuitu Ha use. 1 Now take what we should probably term during Jhe next year, or $8,000 wife of Frank Waclie . club members visit scores of homes each Technocracy 18 just another HOFFMAN ASKS RIGID word for the old fashioned, well- less than received in 1934. Of theHornsby street, were l.i- * Christmas with baskets of food and fruit. the FLAPPER and JELLY age. In those N'n one Can figure out why known, often used expression— ECONOMY that New Yorker gave away his amount apportioned, $6,000,000 day afternoon at 2 o'c: These baskets are delivered to those in days when a JELLY took a FLAPPER out "a'lbl." • mlllion-dollarftigacjj. What else is distributed on tb^basis of the house. Rev. Karl Stroiim dire need, but who refuse to go on relief. for the EVENING,somehow or other there Wtfclhe world's greatest excuse TRENTON.—THat civic organl- Would any orfe 8* In these (lays percentage of road ftlleage, pop- of Our Saviors Danlali And as an alibi, it'g Perfect. ations should keep a watchful eye of "Share the Wealth" clubs, ulation and area. The remaining church, officiated. Inten was little thought as to the OVERHEAD It you go around "accusing The La-dies play the major part in this par- en municipal and county budgets poor relations, inheritance taxes $735,000 repreaents a grant or in the Alpine cemeten. somebody of something, you are The sky was the LIMIT, because the JEL- now being prepared and s,ee that and kidnapers? ers were: T. Anderson, •licular work. liable to come home with a black 135,000 to each of th,e counties. II LY'S pockets were lined with GOLD. For they arc cut wherever possible, L. Rubley, E. Ward, il. In a quiet manner, the members of the eye, a swollen Jaw, and maybe n was the statement made recenty Division of the money Is made coup'e of fractured vertebrae. "A substantial reduction In thein accordance with the statutes 51. Petrick. club have been providing glasses for needy instance, let us sum up WHAT IT TOOK. by no\'ernor-elect Harold G. Hoff- Gin $ 3.50 Taxi 1.30 lint you can't set an argument man. In letters to Clinton L. Bar- total cost if all government in the children with defective eyesight. The nam- nut of u machine.. I'II, of thlt= place, president of slate can be brought about and es of the recipients are never made known Flowers 5.00 Nightclub 14.00 Unlesg somebody invents an Ar-tin- New Jersey Taxpayers' asso- at the Ritiiip time we can continue Cigarettes 50 Taxi 70 filing Machine to do all their ar- ciation and Samuel Kenwai'tliy. every necessary and essential gov to the public, and pathetic letters of heart- uuing for them. secretary of *he New Jersey State ernint'iitn! service," he continued. felt thanks is the club's only reward. Taxi 1.50 Speak 4.90 Ami that \vould be the Last l.eaeue of 'Municipalities. Rtraw. "Wide-spread eitipen Interest A Show 13.60 Taxi 36.40 "The condition of our municipal Two or three years ago every- will do quite as much in bringing Ciyicly, the Woodbridge Lions Club has finances and the present burrienlf Gin : _ 3.^0 Aspirin 25 body took an overdose of Laugh- alnut these results aa will the on our ta\pHV'?rs compel ua to r-s also been prominent for years, the service iuii (ifcs, promptly developed amne settiny up of more numerous reg- Total , A PRETTY PENNY. ercise, not in 1936 qr s.ime oilier Bid about the we'1-known "rainy ulations and controls by the state organization fought for some safety de- year*, but now. the i\)OBt careful AW THOSE were the DAZE! day," and emerged with ft new irovernment. vice at the "Y" at Thirsthaven. It did not economy In a'l of our public und- disease. "The preparation of municipal But now with the introduction of TECH- ertakings," Hoffman wrote Bardo. desist in its attempts for some sort of re- "I'rosperitifis." and county budgets and the pro- NOCRACY the PRESENT DAY is DOUR "We must expend evory tav . lief until a resolution passed by the Town- When the gas wore off, we all POKPIL expenditures,') the local and GLOOMY and OVERCAST. The sit- got Technocracy. Jo'lar in su«'h a way as to buy L-orernments wi'l have been deter ship Committee recently made it certain the create.'! possible amount of uation is very different when a SMOOTHIE Hut don't let-it wirry you anv- iiiiiH-d for the ensuing year before "that measures will be taken to. correct the il has about -passed. essential .si-rvlcen and supp'ies. the Incoming administration and takes a LITTLE NUMBER out TODAY' He situation. takes her for a STROLL through Wood- The Lions were also instrumental in se- bridge's $250,000 PARK and she is HAP-j ctoring State police highway patrol here. PY for the BREAK for, someone should be ' Unemployment Insurance Next on New In addition they are ardenj. boosters of the happy as the taxpayers aren't as they cer-j stadium project and have offered their tainly didn't get any break on that lM-i Deal Menu, President Promises whole-hearted support in the campaign. PROVEMENT. Perhaps they walk over T TNEMPLOYM^NT Insurance for Workers'. Unemployment Insur- Woodbridge needs more service clubs and get a LOOK at the new cigarette post- American- workers Is definite-, ance Bill, Introduced during; the last Congress, provided that Un- Hk« the Lions Club. If we did have thenn er that adorns a BILLBOARD or they may, ly on the way., In several recent cle Sam would pay each Job-bereft , we would have an unselfish Christmas and by chance, go over and stand in front of public utterances, President citizen a minimum of $10 weekly, New Year in the Township, remembering the new Quality Bakery and SMELL the Roosevelt has specified that such plus 5't for each dependent, the necessary money to be taken from the words of Him whose birthday we are DOUGHNUTS cooking. Then perchance if legislation will rome before the next Congress. federal funds set aside lor war [•reparation and by. taxation ol J aboiitj.o observe when he said, "It is more Mable Mouse should' stroll along the FEM- A Btaunch believer In this form ME would probably get the thrill of a cig- upper-bracket Incomes. blesied[to give than to receive." of worklugman protection since • • • arette. Yes, the LITTLE NUMBER is in for his New York governorship days, A PLAN looked upon wltb fa- *""" "When a Man Bite* a Dog " a BIG EVENING Aside from the fact that the president does not teel that vor last winter by Preaident the shaken house-of American In- Itoosevelt ind others high In fed There is an old newspaper -saying «ihe might contract FALLEN ARCHES, be- nal circles was that proposed by dustry can be safely and solidly "when a dog bites a man that is not news. „ cause to be ASKED OUT nowadays means Senator Robert Wagner of New rebuilt unless, In Its new fouuda- but if a man bites a dog, that is news." In WALK, WALK, WALK and when the.fes- Vork and Representative David : lion, there to some such provi- I.twls of Maryland. tivitios are over, she cries, "Brother Can , other words, the unique definition is used sion for security of its 40,000,000 Under the Wagner-Lewis bill. V: to explain that the common, every-day oc- You Spare a Dime" for BUS FARE to wage earners. i he federal government would col- PORT READING! Sentiment favoring unemploy- lect an excise tax on employer!' j durances do not make news., but it is the payrolls. Then each employer Has This Year's Christinas ^ Unusual that breaks into print. ment Insurance has grown In leapi wnuld he entitled to • return ot and bounds during the depres ,-, In our opinion the New York Times has BIBLE THOUGHTS FOR TODAY ihe tax up to the amount be had slon. State and federal govern- paid Into a state Insurance fund, Shopping Taught You That... f* the best policy, "all the news that's fit to And he put forth a parable to those ments grasp at It as a means of with extra benefit to him If he .stabilized his industry, print", and the Leader-Journal has always which were bidden; when he marked how averting tremendous relief de- The worker when laid off would mands. And Industry begliu to tried to live up to a similar policy. In the they chose out the chief rooms; saying un- K«t at least 17 a week for 10 . . . having a Christmas j- past the Leader-Journal has tried to pre- tq them. see In it a desirable alternative to weeks of unemployment. Tbt'th» Club Saving* account i» rf lent to the people of Woodbridge Town- When thou art bidden of any man to a coatly federal relief projects spell- «ry of the Wagner-Lewis Betup ncl ing burdensome taxation; and a may have some Influence on the the only wire way « ||»ijbip, real, live news—unusual stories, hu- Insurance measure finally adopt- wedding, sit not down in the highest room; vast supply of purchasing power •impU w»JT ta accum- interest stories and up-to-the-minute lest a more honorable man than thou be ed, even though, recently, the during slack times. lireuldent declared Insurance funds ulate money for your ;ical news. The Leader-Journal has not bidden of him; More than a score of state legl* should come from "contributions, Christmas gift buying? nd will not "make" news, the veracity of tatures hav« in recent mootbi not taxes." Join today—aed be H And he that bade thee and him come • » • studied a host ot proposed jobless is punctured full of holes like a and say to thee, Give this roan place: and prepared next year Insurance measures. There's the 'VHK United States Is (ar behind 9. Th,is paper is convinced that the peo- thou begin with shame to take the lowest the world parade In adopting "European plan'* bill, considered unemployment lusumnot, which of the Township do not care for that •I'uyin. In Ohio, (or instance, under which had He Inception In Europe wine of journalism and will continue to But when'thou art bidden, go and sit employers and employes -Would 31) years ago. Foreign workers lu It countries now baje such pro the news to y»u, uncolored and free contribute In a 24 ratio to a geu down in the low&t room; that when he tectlon. One form of It Is the , petty, personal squabbles. bade thee cometh, he may say unto thee, eral benefit fund. English dole. Railway « • * • Friend, go up higher: then shalt thou have And the "American plan" meas In America, though, the Ides It village cynic CAMludes that there worship in the presence of them that sit at ure, adapted July 1 la Wisconsin, not new. Por tt yean many National Bank by which each employer main Keuator Hubert Wagner, United Stales Induttrles hive i than one born every minute, above, of New York, him been used this method of oroiuctint' meat with thee. tains at a definite level a (und • * .one oi the modi miiv<] advo- their workers during seuonii RAHWAY.N.J. » (or tne beuetlt of MB OWU em- For whosoever exalteth himself shall be cates of fnlrrnl iMiriiiplojiai'iit lay-offs. So, when tbe (overnmeni i fayor private initiative a« luauruuif, wliit-li, I'rettdeut get* ready to launch unemploi abased; and he that humbleth himself gftall IK what was ptrbap* ttw most 1 MEMBER FEDERAL REftfiVE tfSTEM id. Roosevelt prouilMw, will conu m«nt iniura»e«, H mt Sod fl be ltd^ l^Q WdM tiff mtt Cpn^ftwk limit nm*t, • '

-...' ;• ..'... • F.U .;,.••"•• • . • • WOODBRjDGE LEADER-JOURNAL, FRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER. 14, 1934 PACE pivr

IiTTTTTHI Inml ITrnnl ITTTTTT^ 1 hrl the guest of her cousin, H»rry fUhoal, of Carteret. THE JUNIOR HAPPINESS QIRSjf.") • • • t* * ll«?chler, Jr., A junior Naval of Snraren are rchearnlaif lot, Leisure Time News Hfnerre cadet, at the dnlU >nd MISS MARGARET M)CKWOOD, a Chriitmaa play "Van Doreni lontract Bridge] Personals dMice abotrd the I'. S. 3. principal of Sewaren tcbool, Merry CbMntmin" which will b« (Continued from page 2i K llj ( . V Hmvanl Illinois, r»c«nt'y who Uu b««n absent on 4ML pi%»«n(«d ThurMto. Decemtw to, ] leave far the ?a»t two month*, at the Sewn4fchool Proc«*Ji ^IC aicn nici'1 woi'k y ;il the l.ltirary , nUTH WAITK, OP MBTVCHKN, has retimed her duties at the wl I be deed lo purchaw baakcu} W00DBR1DGE a f.irmor rpuldent of Falrvfow local lehool. f.ir thp needy. nii'ki, iiiie illsiriliniloii on Mnmliijfrt'VPnliiKB to rwolvo In- ! fltniMlon in the same of chesH,' REV. HARRY L. BOWLllY, I). avenue. Colonla, wai a iue«t hlcl. It I* ;i piin. On1 playing Mr CnvuiiauKh In tlip instruct.ir. D., or New York, will nxwk of Mr». M. PillUon, of Dover t Count,. unfitly cipnfiiHrH the Sunday night at the First On- road rMfntljr. SOClAI, DANCING gretratlonal church at the reg- Intelligent > without a 1 A rlsus iii Bocinl (Innelng for u nr rhuroh service at 7:45 o - MRS. VtTALE PISA, ol'' MEND- flge 'if lhin count. I'liiyin;: ndulls Is taught every Tuifldny i"lock. ham; will bo the gneit nf hnr I' are all th,. ih.rieen tricks ovonliiK at t|t> COIOMIII Cpmiriuiii- psrents, Mr. and MM. W, H. ; may lie won nr lost In a MtlR KMII.Y MOON, Rolllnson', of DM'er tt>ad. dur- Parrots ty C«iil»»r. fflfls LOII(H(. Morris Is F'Cf bi'ldnc. Tlu-y :ir(. of three ll to nor home at Mum-hunk, Pa.. ing lu> nbiww of her husband -IOIIK curd Irleks, tili.irt ^iimliiy, nftcr visiting with net who sailed Tuesday for Italy. rufllim trlelis mill hnmr u|.Ti., Ml** Laura Itrodhead, lilH'lllvVNON.U. CKNTKH AT of (li'iprn street, for IHliLIN Parakeets It of thirteen cardst Weir weeks. A lull time iVcrenlioiiiU pro- SEW ARE fi 08 equal y us limy he, gram l« curried on at tli,. Young llllln would liolil three Menu Social Club In Iselln un- MltS. KD1TH 0. 1'ItAI.L AND WIU.AHD KANKIN OK KAST h In Ilial null, ilnd the der the direction of Thomas Lini- R >l>rt H. Prall, of Wlllry utreel nnd MIM MargnrPt Mtit- Fmchw Mr. nnd Mm. Edwarl of Itnhway, wliriPMAI the It |B tlilri of Summit over the men interested In sports e between the Chicago rtbtllty of Its taking a week-end. , , of arty fclnd fire Invited to stop at t Hears nnd the New York »?ldtit« AND ,t gives valui th h the center and Join the activities. at the Polo Groiiudtt In Now • In the (Julliertiton Bystem MR. AND MHS. M. J. n.W.t.rNZ- York City Sunday. ;h cwrel of n milt Is fount- COMMUNITY I'AHTV nnd daughter, I'atrlcla. of • • • • i-hai'f ii playUm tricli. UJ.MM UNITY I AJU \ New York nnd Mr. and Mr«. Pets •Mil. AND MltS. 0HAK1.ES WIS- Warren Pntty, of Crnnhn.iry, J» Bultn nhc vnlued at nnel "Tonight therc will be a wm- wall nnd Konn, (Illbert and Law wprp the Suniivy gueata of Mr. " trick, nnd .th card BUUH »'»»tty r&rfy at the ColofrtaCom- leiice, \wre the guesls, .>f Mr. trtckR. Uke nil '"unity Center. A progimn of mjr and Mrs. Joseph Klein, of llar- rllm nl wl11 hp and Mrs, I.oiils llnllant, of Ewever, there are several j ' presented nnd ail Cliff rond. Sunday. (1) If ;i suit IB hid' evening of old faiihioned fun will "SONG BIRDS AND FLOWERS adveiHiiry, you don't'I)H enjoyed. The program has been Mil. AND VITIS. HUHO ENDRBA BRIGHTEN THE HOLIDAY HOURS" PARTY WAH O1V-| long rani 'playing kicks'arranged hy the l-elsur,. Time and dBiightPr, Drtrfliliy. of »ud foim-flttlai lines make Pattern M a en Ml^« Marvurt'l Krewinkel, ult; (2) in Bide aultn <.'i"»iuiitep, and tlie Leisure Time tireut Kills, aiul Mr. mid Mrs. Un llpBtra very atmtotlve slip. Made In crepe-denihlB*, satin, or linen. It of Woodhridge roocnlly at the -FULL LINE OF PETS- Ot trumpm don't count! ' will pay for dancing. Theodore ID linden, .of St. Cpo- A Is shadow proofNeatterns are avutlabl* In «li»i S4 to 62: sl«e 44 horn nf Mlaa Mary Kenutk. <>f tTlckn unless such suit >' wud>»ts of Colonla are wel- rge. were the guents of Mr. anil l oliu Ther lln requires 3% yards of'SS-lnch fabric. Sewaren. Those prenent IticluJ- r by an honor; und CO ' '- e I" admtonlon fee. Mifc. Harry Tappan.-.M Docker «!• Mnrgnnt Krewinklo, and Woodbridge Flower Shoppe jifWd. tnimi» null IM lie/iil- * • * • Almnt as may In mnk*>^ear. and launder U U« mornlm frock place, Sumlay. I Hen Jost. of Woodbrldge; or 1Q-!I, In IK vnlued at • *™"* Tin* Chrt»tni*t l'rii«riuii Indicated as Pattern 392 Th>Hong lines ot the paneled ve»te« dro- PET DRPARTMENT Tg tricli instead of nne-| The I.ltt ,. Womnn'H C.lnh of vide for this dress a slenderizlngMfect, and the simple skirt flarei donation may, but. no one will cards or less. As ''*• excluili'd from the program FASHION BUREAU, 103 PARK AVENUE, NEW YORK to uke The operetta will tie supplement- Enclosed find cents. Please send me the pattern! ihort HiiltH. their valua- ed by thp Leisure Time orchestra. * * + • checked below, at 16 cents each: irally U yovorned by tin- '&£? i'Dt truniiis held, and fur- CALL KOI! OLD TOYS Pattern No. 381 Size CSTABLISHt»«v KVlllg once counted your bii you have any discarded toys AT PRICES it tricks in accordance in your home which are only tn- Pattern No 392 Slie klni; up apace, nnd which, by use- df I min|is. a sec- "WH(M ECONOMY RULES' suit in thi; same han.1 liiK soiiip pa,nt on them miirht Name Address THAT PLEASE YOUR P0CKETB0O! l>fi ;UHHII for siune clilUl for fiWue, bwatiHc you have City *..,. State. ciited vim trumps to Christlliad- It so, would yon kind- llelmr or« h«l a few nj many outilanding ralun you'll y call the Leisure Time, office, find at your A*P h'lwd Slorr. Compart the pricei. Ihort Hiilt. A nhort suit Name of this newspaper rumps lin.s hfr vnlmrnT Wu»dbrnlH8 7-tapH, Wo will Q»U "FANCY" is a word you s i short Hiiit or rulflng val- for them, fix them up to look, al- Granulated Sugar . «49 most like new and make same ,as e child a little happier. Also, the I- A. r-*ei, GRANUIATID 2 lb.||c SlbOA with :t With 4 should know more, about! Committee l» desirous of obtain- I rumps l rumps Jack rro5f SUGAR k 11 k ^o ing some ;ialntfl and brushes with S^= Many women...wise and Ihrifty shoppers, too...never stopped to P B P fl n(4 ii double- which to do the re-decorating. realize the importance of the word "FANCY" as applied to poul- 1 e '.j trick Card In suit I-' I'leuse cull im If you have any try. It isn't merely a descriptive adjective. "FANCY" is a trade Jack Frost Sugar 'TSST" Pkfl o extra paints wMldi we inigljt br- term, and is used Jo designate poultry of the very first quality. It dins a a able lo use. can be used lo describe only plump, well-formed, unblemished Jack Frost Tablet Sugar %Vt (i card In unit 1 1 trick The, Leisure Time Committee, birds. Take these Fowl for example: TheyVe not only FANCY, but trtek C of W-oodbridge Township Is here, they're milk-fed to assure you of meat with fine texture and Eight O'Clock COFFEE wiid0ndM«now ^ 2I holding ;i void to serve everyone, individuals and exceptional flavor. Try one at this special low week-end price. ''cards In a suit) 2 trick 'i C clubs. If you are'planning a pro- Red Circle COFFEE »ch ond Fu»-Bodi.d ib. 23 gram, giving a p ay or organizing COFFEE Sr^andViflorow lb'lin27c honor (ricks, the third recreational activity, we want SdlVlBton of olayliiK tricks, you to feel free to call on the ' i)ft who plays lirklf-'e at all Committee for belli ami sugges- In their va'uatlon, FANCY FOWL Orange-Pekoe V» tions. Notices will he published jis I.a nuiuisilciil count. Cul- the formations of new classes de- Nectar Tea or Ceylon pkg. 15< pkg.-*» ift^tveH certain trick values velop. Watch for the Leisure MILK- ALL 3 I and honor combinations Time, News, a class more, to Tender Leaf Tea ;ir 16= your liking than those listed here Ib. SIZES In same suit may be organized. Ceylon Tea OUR OWN BRAND ^ 2 honor tricks A-K trick Any A White House SSSSK« 4:123c K-Q HKARTS—K, 7, 2 SMOKED HAMS W K-J-x DIAMONDS—K, Q, J, li In The Good Old Days canl c ARMOUR'S STAR, SWIFT'S PREMIUM, WILSON'S CERTIFIED and oilier brandi. Campbell's Beans 3^ 16 ... , Different tiiiitrt CLIU1H-A. I!, 2 Christmas was celebrated with much •; K-x and Q-x , WKST Whole or 10 to 12 Ib. •- - j In H(im« suit HEARTS -A, J, 10, 9 H more pomp and ceremony than it is to- lb Ann Page Beans . . i »»•«>"5c 1V4 honor tricks A-Q Sl'ADKS 10, ti, 5, I! 2 day: but then as now, CASH was a most Either Half Average n> C A-J-10 DIAMONDS --lit Campbell's TOMATO SOUP 3™ 2O K-Q-J CLUI1H—K, 5 welcome gift. Open, or increase a Sav- C Ex Co n orT 6 ,;|i honor trick K-x The Holding ings Account for every one on your Gift SlicedSmoked Ham 39 Heinz SOUDS j*n r ' T O^^S J x West Nortli East '. Q" South List, and we will follow up your gift Dlffi-rent suits 1-1) 1'nss 1—s C rlClllA, JUU|J9 and Clam Chowder * •*•# 2-NT I'IIBS !! -D £'aaa Pork Scusage «. <• 25 ! Q-N and J-x with frequent reminders that the recip- cant c l| e 3—S I'ass :f—NT I'aas HOmiel VegstablaorPeaSoup 2 25 i next the r l ients actively maintain their accounts. Sunnyfield In half Ib. .. This Ironor Pass 1'HSJ SLICES Sugar-cured packages nto bids. R&R Chicken Broth 2 25< 7 Nonni N-Smade, 11 tricks on this hand. The opening lead by W. waR K, Q, R. Westchester Chicken Broth -"9^ H-J. Thin deal shows an Inferen- ffiatpwuj tat (Enjnpang Fancy Mackerel 1O Q. 5, :t tial forcuiK bid of 3-D by N. If KJI DIAMONDS A, 7. i after partner goeti to2-NT, you RAHWAY, N. J. Tomato Juice OLDBS--Q, X, 4 .show a suit other than the oilc EAST ORDER YOUR you originally bid, it farces your Ovaltine h" SPADES !• partner to make another bid. HBAIITS li, 4 Member Federal Reserve Syatp C The lend of H-J l what Is Quaker Oats QUICK or REGULAR p^g- 8 DIAMONDS •••!!, «, 3,2 8 XMAS TURKEY , •» ">. can |3« Vermont Maid Syrup '2«.iu g iv« FLOUR Rajah SyrupA^"™ »- i-15' STANDARDQUALIT y cons c HECKER'S or P^LSBURY'S Tomatoes 3 22 S D 31/2lb b s String Beans S5SS 3-22* Olc ' s > Bag Bag Bog JLV* Beets o^uerkraut SSSlr? 2 Apple Sauce FANCY NY STATE 3. GOLD MEDAL or CERESOTA Fancy Blue Rose Rice . 3Vilb. 7 Ib. Sunsweet v unes . . 2 Pkg 1SC Bag Bag 39c t q.l7 g Mazola Oil pm* can 2OC k 1 C SUNNYFIELD FLOUR Jello or Royal DESSERTS 3 p <> 17 7 Ib. Sparkle?^ Bag Kraft'S CheeSe ENGLISH10' 2 pkgi!

As good a bread as money <"«« buy... Borden's Cheese 'HSF 2 3.J; Grandmother's oven-fresh Bread is made from the very best while ^needa Biscuits ^ 3 ^13 flours and other premium quality ingredients...baked under the p ulof Brondi for C Luieful supervision of our own matter bakers, and then rushed Candies & Gums °p 3 1O fr«h from the oven to your A&P food Sloro Why poy more when /«. uiesiHfieii). ^ ACrcartonof$1.2O iMflMHal OLOGOID.CAMLI, JDKQI. ^^C in' 1 ••'•w bread of this unusually Pine quality can be bought for only 8c. VlyCI'Bl'CS LUCS-«,«,«« *™' All 10 oacki * GRANDMOTHER'S —Sliced or Unjliced S e Lux Toilet Soap X1 PX 6—35 Standard cak>> e WHITE BREAD Large loaf Palmolive Soap . 3 l3 Ivory Soap' i°r«* «k*' 9C Special Values in Fancy Fruits Super Suds 3^*25' C Florida Oranges ,ilSii:i,il , 25 SPEED -SOAP Grapefruit S 3" 10 ChlpSO FL*KES OK ORANMtft SPORTS SPORTS


TnwncKm FiirlifAr* NutClu b Challenges Two st. Stephens PUysFords IBenzing and Martin Pace uuiwers in 1 o wnsnip r ignters ives Fire*. Quintet Tonite gj^ y.^. ^ & ^^ WOODnRIDOK.—Oerity'Uc|J BajketbaU Fivs 3 Main cred Hearts In its opening game Sunday, will oppose the Fonda How'« This For a Team? in l.ATenn FOLLETTE. C.C TENN—No Campt street, Is 'mndllng thP managlni? WOODBRIDGE.—With Captain Martin ami 1 post and Is interested only In ELIZABETH. — Wood- Firemen here tonight In the reg-pacing "Monk" Mesaick's American LeRion niim content w-ttli thr the publicity ravelins tames. bridge's sensational Antlei ular weekly attraction. Did you ever stop and give thought to the wild- given Waodbrldge. New .Jersey, combine, a powerful New Brunswick COIIOKUIH eyed reporter who is seen pulling his hair and aqt- Playing with the Nut Club com Girls basketball quintet con- There Is considerable rivalry through Its football teams at hine U Ringwood, Oerlty, Miller. between the two find a hard was sent back to the county seat on the short M W oodbrldRe High, (be American tinued to rake havoc in the ing like an escaped lunatic, while taking notes on a B. CITIIV and J. Campion. fought game Is expected. 36 t(r 21 score. A good-sized crowd witnessed 11»«- football game? No? Well do sometime. You'll rea- I^plon hasebnll cub and the auto Elizabeth Girls' Basketball panic nf the Soldlrn In thn gym-1 lize then that the newspaper racket is not the "life ures. three brilll&ut fighter* of p. « wx /pa League here Wednesday naslum of the Barron ave. nch'.TOl of Riley" as most of you are apt to imagine. that fltv. who are stationed at night. In turning in its fifthCourt Prospects of Tuesday nlL'ht. In the oprnlnlf tilt the CCC camp here, busted ring consecutive win of the sea- last week, the MeMlckern lout a Maple Leafs Stop As an example of what the sports writer has to titles wide open In I .a hVilli'lte jherman s Dux o son not once being threaten- a tniich battlf to the Fords I-Irp- Contend with, take a football eleven with a repor- ami as a rea. were crowned Red Ghost Team men. i toire of names that would make Notre Dame and its boxing "bjimplong In their rejpec- ed with defeat the Middlesex The bqme team got off to a tit* dlvlMaiHi at lb«r'camp. county lassies pounded the fast start In the initial frame and Crack Maurer A's "Ftghttn% Irish" turn green with envy. The guy hand; Standard Oil femmes into a out Boored the Ttaltora, 11 to 8. However. th tbre Wo-idbrldse In Initial Contest Not Very Brighl ling the pad and pencil must be very diplomatic an" e e Ttila pace wu maintained through be sure that it was Wieczorkowski and not Dymies-. lads weren't the only ones from 17 to 10 submission. out the contest. At the termina- in Overtime Affair iewics who made that all important tackle. New Jtwsejr to disseminate fight- Bv "Breezy" Istvan i' Tlle Mlsses Puccl and Van TR»" WOODmtllXIK. -•• Having de- tion of the half, the college boys ers from here the>= and a'l over wrinnBBirirp After Ist'1 paccd the Wooy«, while the Woodbridge court Beore was tied. Ami |t f.,, left end: Wieczorkowski, South River, left tackle; For the lid lifter, the Sher- bthketeers will give a better ac- overtime period t,, ,|.. . i fnson, of Port Reading, wal'oped man cohorts will face a Next Wednesday night the Ant- sterB were penaliied an even d"Z- ( Hladycz, Perth Amboy, left guard; Wiegolinsky, Car 1 Kd Cynierman of TlufTalo, in th? ilers will again meet up with tho count of themselves than the en times. contest. It was a tin-,! 1034 football Jugglers. team which returniil ! teret, center; Prychoda, South River, right guard; 160-pound final. strong and worthy oppon- \%£Vw ^ ZlT Z Scoring honors went to Denzlng The other two boxera from New ent in the Baraca ClUD Of season's state champions, at Hun- Opening against Keyport at feated, 30-27. Baronzick, Carteret, right tackle; Kozolowski, South who played a bang-up game at 1 River, right end; Treciak, New Brunswick, quarter Jersey ta wiinn are Bill Stanley, of j Iryington, a combine made garian Hall here. This secodd home on January 8, the Barron guard for the winners and at the It took practical ! i.., vccn the two team* with- iboys get going on a schedule that Leafs squad to sulului • ..back; Rakowsky, New Brunswick, left half back; Perth Ambo>oyy, who won the 126- •,„,up' noff fnvrnpformer wplwelil ktinwknownn clash betwee same time brake loose enough ;icund title, defeating Joe Terry, in two weeks ifl due to a change J doesn't seem too hard, yet tough times to reglst&a a half doien Iron men of the invail'i Bksreynslwr&Hrthh ftiv«, rightrigh halt back. mi frnni Wiishlr|gtQn I), C. and Lew- scholastic stars. in the schedule. enough to make It interesting, double-decjrtrfe arrd a pair of fouls Lee club, Alt Tyrell '. i sky, Perth Amboy, full backbk . WhaWh t at team?? is Tihok, .if Perth Amboy, —mtCwrtnww •Hirntrrr. (Imp Ghtimadit, na. j Of thft fifteen-j;am^ .Sfihedule^ fnr . tntal Qf 14 print*. Mart in scoring with it to'ai rlea a number of captured the H0-pound crown :ellar perform- t Ion ally known court luminary six conteatB are slated for The followed with a quintet of deuces Cinii! I'IIT fntlT™, from Jos; Kainkus of Tennessee. ers, \v ho were kuown in i from ppvih Aii..,.,. h?.«. hw>n ' Barron gymnasium, aix' affairs five. They're Called "Dumb Animal*?' scholitsticoi for a total '3* ten. Thompson and state scholastic .p(rc\e8 when they coaching the Woodbridge clan, Is 'away, while three dates remain to Gleason were beat for the losers The y Your commentator took a trip down to Asbury performed for.tVtr respective al-' not uneasy regarding next wwk'B ' be filled. their opening j?am In | I ma matt-rs / with nine and six points respect- e Park Friday and spent the day at the Berkeley-Car- oucome. ChUroadia has doge re- in addition to Keyport on theively. tht Sewaren Blue Uir.l- - • Shell Employees to Leo Dniz*?, left forward on themarkable work liibulldlng up the schedule are found Rahway, MAPLE II,Ms | to, teret^-that is, on elapsed time. During the interim^ team to a point of perfection. Next Tuesday night, the Sold- visiting aggregation, was an all- South River, Carteret, Perth Am- iers will lock horns with the I had dinner at Steve Brady's and the Qolonial Tea state selection three years ago. Antlers (17) boy, St. Mary's and South Amboy. BUIr, f Hi undecistudy, Lefty Frank, is a , strong St. Stephen's Big Five of Room. The object of the above discourse proving Give Benefit Event g Included among the more proru Perth Amboy at the l.)cal gym Gerltv, f former Caldwell High captain, l'ucci, f islng candidates were: Wukovets, Farr, f i to my friends that I cannot afford to stay at the and on Friday, December 21, the SKWAREN.-- Through the ef- Harold Semon and BIng Noll, who l Larson, f - Farr, Krumm, Gadek, Barnes, Levi, f i Berkeley-Carteret. will alternate at center, are form- Van Tassel c Fords Firemen will play hoeta ta forts of the Shell Employees' Aa- Barcellona, Anaker, Dunigan, Al- the locals at Fords. Tyrcll, c The object of my visit was to attend a conven- dociution Santii Clans will visit er Bloomfield High luminaries. In Norman s nmsl Jensen, Peck, Blair, Gerlty Burke, c i In the preliminary tussel Tues- tion, and although this article may have no bearing several of tlif. needy families of ihe hackcourt are two former Irv- Maier, g and Waflren. Meder, g ington captnins, Herb Ehlers and Kitz;>atrick, g day night, the Raritan Shooting Dunigan, g .„ i on sports, nevertheless, a rather interesting incident Woodbridge Twnship Christmas j Others who are aspiring to Day. Georue Kedersha. ' Stars defeated the Dux Club girls Merwln, g i took place at this gathering which 1 felt could not B 17 I lake the varsity are Mslnar De- 11 to 6. Next Tuesday's prelim In order to mak - ihis possible, No (ielinite lineup oi the home Total ...; „ I adek, K i be suppressed from my memory. My only regret in' t available aa Sherman is Standard OH (IO) I ter, Tyrell, Bralthwaite, Kotelvero will be between the Antler Girls the Shell basketba'l team will Miska, O'Nie/, Moore, Urban,' and th Roselle Recs. This will be this case is my lack of literary genius, such as at- Sticking to hig usual po'icy of! g t tl Totals meet the Raritan Arsenal court- Large, Reinhardt, Crane, Takacs, the nrst hxj,mmt tributed to Shakespeare, Browning and others. Bters in a benefit game at thnamine g the starting players just jDrakr-, ft ... 2 0 4 ; MA*HBR A. A. ii;. before game time, which, tamor- jKoblnaon, f ... 1 1 3 Black, Ballinger, Melder, Ant'ers In adWilfeelind However, to go on with the story. The writer, Woodbridge high school gym JFodor, Lund, Petro, Schubert, be an attraction worth seeing;. Tuesday night, Decefber 20. Asrow night, will be 8:15 o'clock. jOlelm, c .... 0 0 0 Stump, f when he first entered the hotel, was a bit. startled to I Feeler, % _. 0 0 0 Burke, Bodeske, Kath, Vogel, Le- LEGION (3«) a preliminary attraction, the On Thursday, the Dux Club will 3 vi, Jiglmski, Esposito, Merlnln, J. Pre«, f „_ see a polite dog roaming around the main lounge. travel to Metuchen where it will !Johnson, i .... 1 1 3 K f tl Shooting Stars, a girls' wiftblne, 1 Algaier, Danko and Pleckta. B. Ur, c J This canine seemed to have a degree of prestige will play the Plalnfleld Woman's meet the Raritan Arsenal quintet- Martin, f 5 0 10Fmr, g and felt very mucih at home. Of course, the dog had Club. The probable lineups for to-Total 4 2 10 Pickens, f ,. 2 0 .4B. Pric*. g iuoiii*ow night's game: HOPELAWN ALL STARS WIN Feinberg, c 12 4 with him a master who held the leash. But I men- The proceeds of the affair will HOPELAWN.— With Frank Dux Club—Knight or Ca»ey, Benzlng, g ...., -. 6 2 14 Totals .'... • ! i tion the dog before the master in this particular tie used, to purchase a number of left forward; Jaeger or Baka, Woodbridge White Owls Xoval, John Kuzrua and Lewia Mayer, g „ _ - 0 0 0 case because that is where he logically fits. complete dinners which will anta r 3cor riiphoiu- Dl'LUTH, Minn.—Jack Murley i Kelly, scorer, F. Wukoveta, 1 1 generally recogniwd .i.- me right, he is matriculating at Brown University. aii Catholic Club SocceS r outlili : i« ih HoU»HU e thithsi week* k*, lumier manager of Billy Petrolle, | SHOOTING STARS (11) Drat haaman in i', • '• wi 1 meet th,e South River hooters- Tra/Ung 11-10 at thf half time, <;itlf)DERS is now 'feeding and rooming about ; : He has written several treatises on dogs and was the ! League, gives I'°"K ' ' organizer of this system of having dogs trained to at the Grove street field this Sun- th(' Vkw took the lcail' in the ISELIN.-—The Long Urancli boxers la the hope - ol Pucd, t credit for teaching inn- day afternoon at 2:30 o'clock in a- ihi \ (iimrter with u rally that; Wildcats were a bit to>J njuch for -des Joying another "Fargo Bui- Gleim, f the tricks of the Inltmi •• help blind youths at colleges. ;eturn eneajjement. In-their pre-'netted twelve points Ueiiys and! the local YounK Menu Social J>re4." BJork, c _ Later in the day, I had quite a discussion with vious conflict, the Brlcktown UK- ^teczak scored elevi-n and nine Club gridders tu handle last Sun- ; Fesler, g this young gentleman and his remarkable dog, If defeated the locals, li-2. jiuinta respectively l-;i le;ul the (Lay. Many Isulinitys atu-uded the Norman, g — Van Tassel, c —————— I'lu-s. Paulrtun <'f the Kambli'i'B game at the shore city only ia see LEGAL NOTICE Walclt, g - any of you who doubt a dog's extensive ability to Head the IJOKler-Journtil was hiyh for his. ie;un with nine. tlieif favorites beaten. ' IN CHANCERY OF MEW JEKSEY. Totals 4 8 11Cinder, g .': understand the human race could have seen this can- Tu ELIZABBTU BRU8HNOSKY. DUX CLUB (6) . ine you would have immediately changed your opin- Lewis and Schucco in Slash Duel also known aa ELIZABETH Totals ..- BRUHHNOW8KY. itnd KAHOL Jafck, f ion. BKUSHNOSKY. . Ki\ By virtue ut tu order of theGray, f "MOW That dog actually'took the man to and from his Court of Cbmicery u( New Jemey, fifth floor room, via the elevator. At meal times, the dated November 22, 19M. nude ID a cuiiM wherein Woodbridg) Building \ master was led to the dining room. In the lobby, she and Loon Auucutlon U cvmpUtnuit, would lay patiently at her master's feet while he l> dui. lauulMud ^uKUlm Mli Mm- •m il HIM |au ifpr«4illl«laJ)r 11 k jmU Mm SV be kept in mind. Foremost is that no buck shall dfr B Uuufa fm M«I ana ikuu amlM — AH exttlltttf Hm4nui*g with less than three ihch hoVns. This law, Uboi.toritj, 400 Madiaon Avt., New York people do not realize, is meant for prote&ion Enckued find $..JL_. .. , tot which pi**u Kfld to tb^ hunter as wqjl as the buck. You can use noth- USTERINE we, pMatpmid; than 1cM#«8» shotgun and are not D lfroi. ilwHiaKfiR @ $l.M TOOTH FASTI Nsm „„ ;_„__ the plaina, AAdnu < ' ' v - »•••>

WOODBRIDGE LEADER-JOUUNAL, FRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 14, 1994, PAGESEVM wo Outstanding Features Booked at Rahway^ Theatri

AT THE RJTZ THEATRE, ELIZABETH LIBERTY THEATRE—Elli.b«H» flop* KI«M down In the middle of » atlrrittg footbl'l wt- H»II oomc, l'«r»ni>unt'H giddy and Mlntlllatlng comedy, "Col- TACE i>y, niiyiiim." now at the Liberty Thentrt, to show Ju»t what run be done with football, properly n»lx#d with girl*. Hollywood Highlights AND SCREEN i>w I'enner mvd a whole b«vy ot Paramount tUw. M.p-artn* in h . nrst featured picture Joe Pen««t> c<}fl| g ^ Mi|, ig afeout lo laund, ^ production of mother wltH Ooo^X) and hi. fttWto ffc^y hit, to .uPp6rted ^ ,ft^h tac, of whjch he is m* fllrnomThil r RITZ THEATRE-Elixabeth l.y i. cast thnl Itfclu.lwi l.anny ROM, Jack Oakle, Helen Mack, time he has advance d about a thousand years -beyon d- hi- ~| Htiirtliip Saturday, December Kith, for a fnin iluy <•»- I.ydft Robertl and Mary Brian. | most recent film, "Cleopatra" and-nlaiiH to make "The unly, th> Itlti! Theatre la proud to present Duk»> Bl- The story opens with "Love and KJnea" Flnnefun, (Jack sades" on quite another key. Wnere "Cleopatra" w« JlngtOM and bl» world famous Orchestra and Revue.'of tMfJy Oakle) atreftklnt up the n«ld with StaU'r irlnnlaf touchdown, Him of regal splendor, hi» latest venture is to be mMcu RtarH. Well known throughout the entire world tor hie whlb> Mary Brian exult* and Lanny Ron, w,hQ.,$lar* a plecolo line, infuaed with exultation and with a sonorous qtulit IMIIDH ami flw*»t niuilr, Duke ha* become Imninimely In the band, burns, noth boyi we In love with M»ry. of faith* Or w say the prophet*. through bis personal appearances, countless broad Their college feud Is cai/IM ovtr Into the buslnewi world million records. Aside 'from being an accomplished «'hen the two bays, together with Penner, kW?ei» »nd guardian i<( ilie tram's mascot dti<*V. go to work In Stacey'i department Another film underway that is creating interest in H , Mr. Kl'iiigton la also well known for hl» popular mu- -i'.r" Chock Ui 1 of Idcns they be(:ln to traniform the store lywood is Warner Brothers' production of Sh&keapcakt camposlllonB. Several ot his best known are: 'Illaek nnd :>inl what a >oh they do! "A Midsummer Night's Dream." The cast includes Jtme ita on the air, for several pictures and through hla sale of Hefore they are finished. Stacey'i italj and decorou* Initl- Cagney as Bottom, Joe E. Brown as Flute, Dick Lowell Fantasy,' 'Doing t!ie Voome', 'Creole Rhapsody', 'It D'm't tutlon in transformed Uito a college Jamboree with banner*, Lysander, Ian Hunter as Theseus, Ross Alexander M " a Thing." 'Mood Indigo' and 'Sophisticated Lady1. chorus girls, bands and a ii'al football game. metrius, Hugh Herbert as Quince, Frank MeH^gh $s> Before Attaining such serious recognition In muBieal rtr- Kvcry <>!ic». In n while there appear* on ttt« Hollywood Snout, Jean Muir as Helena, Mickey Rooney as Pud Duke Ellington rose to fame In the famous Cotton Club horizon a* story M such merit that If the right player Is cast Anita Louise as TiUnia, Grant Mltchel as Egeus, ar Harlem. Then he was featured in Florenz Zlegfelri'a musical In ilie leading ro'p, a new star It almost sui> to be the result. other w_ell known screen stars in the other important chftl edy, "Show Girl", and was assigned with his orchestra to Si>i M. W«r(«-1, Fo\ Him producer, bellevci that "Elinor acterizations. Amos V Andy featune picture', "Check and D»ub\e Cheek", Norton," by Mary Roberta Rlnehurt, coming tomorrow to' the p«ople who had gune to see Atnog \n' Andy went Imme Liberty Thpalro, Is Ju»t such a utory, Following the completion of her part in Edward G R« t Dulte Ellington and hip band. Thii adaption by How Franken, author of "Another l.an- binson's "Money Man," Bette Davis will be featured The flrat Starring film of Btiinle Barnes, gjfttt1oroun star cuasc. anJ Phillip Kloln, li said to be a mMterty one. "The First' Nfttionft) in m film of "Th« Gmn Hat" \ .British Rtage and screen, will receive Its Initial showing on 1 •-rii-..|i •\\nyi afl it stands. Is reitaln star making mated a ." tinental play by A. M. Willner and £. Rubicius, urday at the Rtz theatre, It was announced today by the Timt is the Hollywood verdict. er of the theatre. The picture Is Universal^ "One Ex- Nearly every actress on the Fox Film p.wtract list put In Charles Laughton expects to leave Hollywood in ,ne Adventure" with Nell Hamilton and Paul CavanaRh, and a bid for the title role, and agents for fre% lance players | very near future tor England wtiere he is to play the titjj BarTtes portrays tbe role of the moat sensational and \in- buzzed, (or weeks around Wurtiel'a office. ' role m "Sir Tristam Uoes West," which will put iff ia.1 adventures to be depicted by the cinema. A t WW RLLJNGTON _ ^ | At last Claire Trevor was selected—and It 1B this young production the first of the year. **MISB 'Durflta was fcken ftf'Hollywood by I'nlfcrsal r6r iielnMi tiiVhe WlnU^,^ ^TM>tifl. TJirftcjnr' HamlHon Jftip^ail- iere"B Always Tomorrow" after she had won European rec- and his world famous orchestra will appear tomorrow at i den and others, who Is destined to bP the new star on the Fox Eddie Cantor, famous stage and screen comedian, sail«| Ition in Ibo London production of "Cavalcade" and attract- the Ritz Theatre, Elizabeth : lot no a result. recently for a vacation in Italy. He expects to visit Mua world-vlde attention In, "Henry Vlfl" and Douglas Palr- _ ... _. _. i lini And perhaps write an article about the Italian die ks' 'Private Life of Don Juan.' Her work was so outstand- "Wlagon Wheels", the drtimalio account of th(. ndventureg of B that she was Immediately starred In "One Exciting Adven- breezy fashlan. Those who enjoy «ame hotel. Byron lbvltea Craven tor before returning to this country. the first wagon train to CTOBH the country to OroRon In 1S44 slapstick and nonsensica' farce to vUlt him at his home and Cra- ***** which comes tomorrow to the Ruhway Theutrc. will probably like ll- Tho first ven does ao. He oventaya bis wel Katherine Hepburn is in New York, having complet With Guil Patrick Monte Blue and Raymond Hatton in half Is anuisInK but the last be- come and become9 obnoxloua be- coineB drajjgy. The romancf In cause of bis suggestion about her work on her latest him for RKO Radio, "the Lit THEATRE—Rahway tbe chief supporting roles, the film also presents the IK'W- pleasant but not exciting. family matters. Craven Is sincere Minister." est discovery anr.mg child actors, llttle four-year-old Billy Lee. Snitab'e for children. In hla desire to help, however, and ***** < 'v : Will HOISTS, 'Whose soul is America,' as someone lias who plays an important role as Gall Patrick's son. succeeds In straightening out sev- Janet Gaynor, Spencer Tracy and Koger lmhof will! eral difficult situations. pointed nut, 'U«II» hnncr-row at CuruvuHR'11 mrt flUili'tg Hie liairtahivi. PWiteund n> ihe Rahwiiv Tlu-atro, and In BO doing gives to the screen one ton. mantle lives of the atundy, adventuring ploneer8 who helped to t'Wly wood entertainment bas- "The Captain H*te« the 8M" (Co- irf his greatest |iorfoittnances. forge an empire by theli' conquest of the West. wl on an Interesting story. The lumbia) with John Gilbert, Vic Warner Oland has been signed to make srfmore Chi A sleepy Kentucky town of the early nineties supplies the main characters are entirely sym- tor McLaglen and Helen Vfat- lie Chan films, besides his latest, "Charlie Chan in Parisj background for the newest Rogers vehicle fashioned from the 1 pathetic. The second half appeals which is now in the making. I ami Ililef (Warner III**.) which shou'd ap.pe:tl mare to to the emotion of sympathy and Pairly good entertainment bas- famous Irvln S. Cobb stories of the small-town judge ami hla with Mnry Astor anil Rlcardo nnn udults. The otory l» sim- a hold one in tenBe suspense. whose action takes place entirely Civil War cronies. The dim Rives Rogers probably th,- tlnest CtortM. ple, not particularly exciting, "out aboard a ship. There is no con- James Barton ,who played the role of Jeeter Lester opportunity of his screen career. Just fair—& murder mystery ;iart9 of it are Rood. Human in- ":M5 Siichtd hi Hollywood" nected story; it la Just a aeries inerteat aroused by the Hero'B "Tobacco Road", on Broadway, is in Hollywood where Rlcliei1 In flavor even than tbe shrewd. Yankee horse trader crook melodrama, wtileh some- with Janufi Dunn and of incidents affecting different peo times becomes too Implausible for attempts to secure money for bia began work on RKO Radio Pictures in "The Taming of "David Harum," the Iowa farmer of "State Fair", or the I'aye. I pie. It holds the Interest fairly Intelligent audiences. Some of the college professor's sick wife. The A fair comedy with nurlcJ well as some of thp situations are Zenas Henry," a story of Cape Cod, wise and patltmt. Westerner of "They Had to See Paris", the situations, Involving the theft of a romance Ujnlldly interesting. Whilo the story isn't new, most, exciting while others are patbetic Sultab'e"*'f.)T children. drawling but quick-witted southern jurist Is a memorable ad- famous necklace, are quiet excit- Tans will be Interested In seeing' or comical. Since the film was M dition to the Rogers gallery of 'Representative Americans.' ing. lu>w motion pictures are mad(> aa| actually photographed on a ship, "Kentucky Kernels" (RKO) with tho action revolves mostly around It makes the action more realistic Randolph Scott, tall and. handsome Paramount adventure 'ltachek>r K>x,) with WWeeler and W" ((VMiimbla) with Frank Cmv«. Believes Byrns .STARTS TOMORROW A fairly good domestic program PARFUM comedy which should please the Portable Counterfeiting Plant masses. The comedy Is provoked by the friendship between Craven nnd Arthur Byron which began while both were guests at the ClHi

This famous French fragranccj Music No Othir Bui Cm Pltjl beloved of every woman.raake Special 1! possible most generous giving. SAT. & SUN. yet so inexpensively. EndurJ ingly popular, of matc^ss det-j Ijist Complete icacy, long-lasting-f'JU cat Sbow 11:13 P.M. 4 Stage Shows give nothing DAILY more welcome f :4,5 — 4:20 «:45 — HAUIM'f ARISTOCRAT OF Mil DUKE .Snlllctciit voles liave been Parfum maj iilit pli'ilKt'd to him to assure bis tli'ctlon ;ia niit'iiki-r ot the House had ('• a damly of Ki'i>n-3('iiliilivc!i, Hi-proaonta- fmnttin vamlli f$rtutt 11 v •! Jdrti-jili llynis, above, ot Tflllll-HSt I , luiH U:;!1UUIH'I'(1. Byrns' |>pii<'luul oDPotutnt for tjquipiiient for mukhiK bogus tbu lioHt la Heprt'Hfiitatlve Sum u;is diHcuvered by federal Uiiyburn of Texas. • up ;in extern counterfeitui'i mix <\i|it. \\'illi;i[i! I! 11 ..IK- IIUIM, I'lilhidi'lpbla Sei-h't Service In'iul, in >!i"«n w illl the iiiiiiiiiiiii1!- "ni'itii-y Dialling" plant. A lot of children who hava m stayeii up Christmas Kve to cutch a Rllinpst' of Santa (H.-ina DJAmOUS BAND THINGS THAT NEVER HAPPEN will euvy Baby Lelloy lily tete- WITH a-tete with the great man Hut RAHWAY By GENE BYRNES Master LeRoy aecms tuu awi'd 1)/ the occasion to aiiurei'tatt: his I VIE ANDERSON gift. THEATRE m Original "MINNIE THE MOOCHER' KltlDAV and SATl'HDAY WILLIE TUCKER Original "SnoU-hipi" daixtr LIBERTY 'AGE OF INNOCENCE" , N. J. •with 4 "STEP' BROS. KNT1RE WKKK STARTS SAT. KNl; l»l N\ & JOHN ItOI.KN 2 - SMASH HITS - 2 % ALL ^COLORED REVUE ZAXK (iUKVS this Ne ON THE SCREEN Chrome Plated GEM 'Wagon t Wheels' ixcmnG I'O.MlNl! Sl'NUW H*»r Uu»e New *«%»: "Kl«y Will Rogera HwwH tut You Are", ' Take ADVENTURE a.M umber Froui 1 u> 10" with BINNIE BARNES HAMILTON PAUL CAVAINA(H "JUDGE GEM M K R ? .\\ M T


Pwk, Esrl Smith. Anthony Col- 23rd, IMS, on lands In th« Townahip IMS. to December 31. 1SS6. lncluilvd, of Woodbrldgv, In lhe County o( Mid- tn the , followtn* f»rb»«<> collection umbettl Kutreth Caeelou, Lntt dlesex »nd 9ute of New Jersey; «nfi dlstrlctx AS Kt forth In an ordinance ground inten bv Munch B&rtba. Joteph Birth*, HsJrvey you, Hurry Robert Murch Uid Mrt. •ntltled, An Ordlrance to cr»»t« Oar- Lund Wl'llam Toth, Mantftr Harry Robert Murch, his wife, arc bare Collection Dlftrict*," sdoptcd made defendant* b««us* Harry Rob- February 18th. 1924, dhd ameixW ^ Karl ,Janke and CapUln-elect From Our ert Murdi In the owner of record of Fybruary 7th, 1925; February 8th. 1926; .Stephen Markulln. said mortgaged premises and Mr».December 13th. 1936: January Mth, SSfiL- Harry Robert Mun* la the wife of Hlr 1927; February 28th, 1977; February Back Commissioner Mars D. McCialn ry Rnr#rt Murch and claims to h»v« 24th, 1930. and January 30th, 1981. '•'• ""<••... I =: cliilrmsn of the athletic commit- some Interest In aaid lands nanuly: *«om,d ,o the b, Dated: December frth, 1934. TownshlB to to i» inlerf,i ,,'f'V' 1P. of the 'ftwd of Education, Dlitrlct No. 1, Woodbrldie an amend- Dated December 3. Window arted in the capacity of toutmas- 8TANLEY F. KACZMARKK, ed December 13th, 1S26. B ter and made an excellent matt«r Solicitor of Complainant, District N» 3, Fords u<4 Hofietitwn. 217 Smith Street. of rprpmonie*. His humorous rs* Perth Amboy, N. J. District No 4, Avenel Park, as am- ended February 9th, 1925. Mayor "Augie", in mark,; Intermltently Injected lato 4T-12:U,21.28:1:4. the iTcnlngi fottlvltlM prorMel District No. 6, Fort Readini, at answer to • lady who amended. February Ith, 1896, and the hilarlotn ancle. January 30th. 19*1. declared she did not LEGAL NOTICE Other npeaken during th« Diatrlct No. 8, Iielln, as amended like the pink gavel his con me «( the affair Included Cat>- IN GHANCEBY OF MKW JKBMT February 24th. 1980. honor uses at Township iii!n Wukoveta Captaln-e'ect Mar To CHARLES BBUNSKT District No. 7, Sewiren. as amended NAME February 21th. 1927. meetings, said be be- ku!in. CommlMloner Roy Ander- and KATIE BEL1NSKT The following terms shall be observ- ro WHOM 1T MAY lieved be would have to »nn. Supervising Principal Victor By flrtue at tn order of the Court ed: (V Nicklas, Principal Arthur C. of Chancery of New J«rMy, dtttd The collection and removal la to be get a new one with a DKMIIHI 8. IBM, made in t ctUM Ft rry. Cominssloners 'Wlllard Dun wherein Woodbridfe Bulldlnf uid made in accordance with the propoaal heavier handle anyway tmm. Morrlnon Christie and R. W. Loan Association li compltlnant, and and specifications for garbage removal approved Feb"',fr"v you «nd otlrerit «re defendanU, you dated December D, 1M4, now on file htr b for next year, as he ex- Mundy; Coach Klrklatkl, Faculty In the ofn« ut the Township Engineer, «h«ll apply 't"o th*e y Mi«id Manager, Stephen K. Wwlock, an rmfulred to appcu- u>d trover to pected to use it more. the bill of the uid complainant, on oi Separate olds shall bt submitted for Court of Common p"»,H,,( _ Dr. Henry H. Belaftky, Maurice before the 4th day of February nut, each district, tu be made on forma to be furnished by the Township Engi- I X Doiwliue and Klmw J. V«S- or iuch decree may be made n|?aln«i House In th* city uf N, . .. .. * • • neer. 1 '•ey. you ag th« Chanoeilor pbnll tliEnM eq on th. «j ,i.y of }[Z*y "Vi ;;* • And one of the committee-/! ultable ana Ju«t. A certified check of 10 percent ol the ten o'clock In the forenoon , f' thereafter ., rK«y The itld bill In filed to forr-V-« p amount of (he bid to the order of tb« cmnilti men has it that the "show'/j. Township Treasurer Is to accompany thereon, for an ord«r to am Li "' ; certain mortgage made by rii c •<•• I! won't be the same next year Bellmky and Katie Bcllntky. liln w«f- each bid together with a certificate to assume another name t from a surety company, slating that n»me of Oabrlel White ' ' ' ' as the two "endmen" will WUL ---Eft to the complainant, dated December 1!) Church News 1928, and recorded In Beok 688 p>(ethe surety company wilt furnish aald bidder with a bond U> the amount of OABRIEL WOYTfl.in. I,- be missing,—Committeemen h SHINY NEW 476 of MlddlCKex County MortfagM, U4 Cornell slr,.,. NOW WHAT CO*AO corerlnf premlaea In the Townihip of the bid, conditioned In accordance William P. Campbell and FIRST Woodbridgp, In the County of Middle with the form of bond attached to tpe> Dated: November 7th iwJ" N ' rtflentlons arid propoMls, Howard Madison. BE NICER. ? DIME F'HKSHYTERIAN CHURCH ter and 8tate of New Jersey, known 11- 90; U: \ 14, Jl n* Lot 8 Block 227 on the Wnodbridre • * * • Townahip Anaesament Map on the Mlntaor: Rarl Harainm nolherly ildc of Spu Sprint Hoad. . John Ringwood's ex- Woodbridje. and ymi Charlea Bellnaky j Morning Wonihlp, 11:00. Ser- and Katie Bellnsky ntr made defendy- cuse for missing a fire mon Topic. "The Foolish Innkeep- ants because you are the present o$*V DO YOUR HOLIDAY SHOPPING AT I the other A. M., was erA of SHiU premises 'A that be was away shop- ng Worship, 7:45 Sermon MARTIN A RE1LEY, Solicitor* for OompUlnant NEWARK HARDWARE CO, , ping for whiskers and !bI u.yv the Rev. P. W. Johnson New- 744Brc«d Street, Newark. N. J boots to complete his lark, N. J. PERTH AMBOY, N. J. Jj T Snf-cl Christmas Music will Santa Clans outfit Yes, Dated: December 1934. be played and Bung at both of Fees: I1S.M. Virginia, there is a San- theB,, Bcrvlces. The program ,i* as [WHERE WOODBRIDGE BONDS ARE ACCEPTEDMJ ta Claus.—The boy* all follows: AND ALL MERCHANDISE GUARANTEED t have the laugh on Morning LEGAL NOTICE "Cherry." It appears Orpan Prelude, "Ave Maria" Sehu NOTICE TO CONTRACTOR!! FULLY ENAMELED that "Cherry" actually bert. Of(pratory "SountoK", Our- SEWAREN WOMAN lltt. Anthem, "Beautiful Savior'' flAKBAOK COLLKCTIOV BII>S enjoyed a pork supper, GRAND JUKY INDICTS Relief Should Pay Cbrtatinni)^, An(h.«in ''f^dfi, the • STRUCK BY, AUTO 'Mh 'and really tBought it 1 IN*REUEF FRADDi (NuitlQUfd 'L'rurldlt here I nand", Barn 9olo,r NOTICE 18 HEREBY OIVSIN that Washing Machines * i was chicken. "The Birthday of the King" Neld- iiled bids will be rrcclvd by lil-YKAR C.l'AUANTEE .SEWAREN. •- Mrs. Kliiabeth lief proposition and he felt that Township Commlttc* of tb Township NEW HRfNSWICK.- -Edward Hnger. —Miss Marie Leldal. of Woodhrldge In the County of Mld- Horvath, 57, of 78 Robert Btre«t. Casy. formerly employed by the tliul if '.he relit f administration lude, •March" Hollander. Blesei. at the Memorial Munlclptl did not si* thelight that the Evening Building. In said Township on Monday Here's one for Ripley : Val!lhi» place was painfullfy Injured Ami-rlcan Stores irt Woodbrdne SPECIAL AT $39.50 1 lowriKliiii wou'd December 171h, 19M. «.t 8 P. M. for and J. McDevltt. formerly empl }' have "to go to Organ Prelude —"the Christmas the removal of (tarbajre of all kinds. Brown, John Baka, "Crab"ilaBt n'«ht shor"y MV* clock when nlie was struck by a vA l>> tlie Butler Stores, v. .--iv In- bat ami make a test case of It. Bells' Cad?- Offeratory— "Berce- Including ashes, for a period of nine Hunt, "Buck" Weaver and; Sn.vs Farewell \ - j ,|( Anthem — "The and one-half months from March 1$ !car operated by Ke'der Peterson, iicted by the ftrand Jury Monday UK K en Ed Olsen playing "mum on the charge of conspiracy In Committee-man Harrj' M. Gems. Holly and The Ivy", English FVk OTHER HOLIDAY SPECIALS i> a. *L o L i i. 4. c of 205 Freeman street, Wood- OIL HEATERS AND GASOLINE HEATERS X pool at the ocnOOl Street fire bridge. )n Woodbrldgp avenue. defraudinR the ERA tbrouga the outgoing committeeman of thejSonfr. Anthem — "Blessed sale of relief slips. first ward, said a formal farewell .Night" Offcnbach-Shephard. AB- FOR STORE OR HOME house. Imagine,this crew be- Mi*. Horvath was walking Ilith moti are at larxe an.l w:u(o the MM-mljera of the board. jtbeni "Silent Night" German ing together and not being a]onf, tlle rjgr,t Hilie or the road »o«#r OIL BURNERS ^iKln+n gay a _ iwijiuiuivti toaJaftfteiioi; "Aa this is my iMl.JJJssUJ K It Is alleged that Casey and Mc-TlJeTTourrl of Health/' said the Choir. SINCLAIR Bengal Gas Ranges and Bengal Gai and was |jroccedlHR In an easterly di- rommitti'cman, "I want to take Rlludi- "March Pontifkla!" rection tfhen the accident oecurei. Devltt nurked with Mrs. DiMv n< It Touliy, 'vho received a sentence this opportunity of telling you Ooun i Coal Combinations 11'oternon took the Injured woman Rumor hat it Henry of a vim In th- workhome re- how iiiiii'h I enjoyed serving on SunJay school—3:46. Interme- to Dr. C. H. Kothfuss who treated X Brown, of Fulton street, "ontly, in the ^ale of stolen relief th,, b.iuid with all of you. It waadiate C. E.. 2:30. Junior C, E. Oils - Greases tier fjr hiceratlona of the acalp 3:00. Senior C. E. (L30. will be a candidate for fill.lF ' a pleasure to work with Mr. anil nliraHionB of the left shoulder. Bailey and the nurses, Mrs. Onley The regular iiionthly meeting the school board in Feb- 1'ntrol Driver Andrew Klmonsen ; IHKLIX MAN HURT and Mrs. Lelimun and 1 am sorry of the Deacons will be postponed. Gasolines NEWARK HARDWARE CO. \ ruary. — More orchids invc«tlt,'ated for the police de- to say goodbye to all of you." Tlie Iiuschman Guild will meet Telephone P. A. 12 for Mickey the Barber partment. Monday night at the church for + * * ISKMN—Harry Leinchak, 19, Howard Madison, of the second their annual Clilrntiiias Party. ,379-381 STATE ST. PERTH AMBOY, N. for the way he take* of Wilson avenue and Trento ward and Committeeman William GOODRICH ; , PORT KEADINO. The honor The Breckenridf,'e Auxi'lary will care of his customers. street, this place, was cut on the P. Campbell of the third ward, li period ig announced aB follows: of Mrs. John Breckenrldge on the tar In which he was riding, onded Mr (!trns' sentiments. AND TUBES Th!l(1 Green street f;>r their annual The Hopulawn Welfare' |[S cllo, Mlohael Kollar, Anna IlO2on, dent and failed to repjrt it to pol- >/f Chancery (if Xew Jersey, made un 1 we set aside a place at once, we'll Municipal If Andy could hit the Elvira Cromwe! , Marie Pellegri- ice. be left out as all suitable proper- lhe day of thi- date hereof. In a cause no. wherein Fords-Liberty Realty Co.. 'head-pin, and if Farkas ties are being utilized for homo Inc.. ft corporation of New Jersey, is didn't go over the foul Fifth Grade: Anthony CuiffJ, WAYNE T. COX, CHAIRMAN of iev.tilopment." complainant and Anders Soren Nielsen Maple & FayeHc Sti. [-3500 Perth Amboy the Middlesex County Leisure find others are defendants, >u tire Service Station line and if the MtiLaod* (ieorKe Govelitz, Itobert Zullo, Cnnch Frank W. Kirkleski an- required ti> appear and answer the , Dorothy Hubanlrh, Doiiathy Sam- Tln'e Committee announce that nounced and Introduced the var-intended bill ut complaint of said were not such good complainant, un or before the 7th day Rahway Avenue and ons, (lloria Basso, Mary Gronsky. the group wl 1 broadcast a sity [I'ayi.'ts who will receive their bowlers, the pinsters of Christmas program over station of January, nexi, or the said bill will Dorothy Sornowal'.i, Vincent Ciar- letters in football at a stuient lit' taken 113 confessed against you. WOH tomorrow morning from Main treet Woodbridge's finest r "Tnirtti" T?.n,l>l r.i,n nf nn,. l it-'»ch, Edna ?'erlo'l, Geaa Csch, ins hi» lion-owing under this JUlCy taubl, one of OUl Angelo Pellegrino.'Holen Demeter plan does not exceed 12.000. If Township of Woodbridge demon lineotype operators, < Anna Cavallaro. he doesn't want to put a building walking about with his head ,in hlR 'and, he may finance all in the air you can hardly MRS. C. H. ROTHFUSS AND Mra softs of property Improvements Under date of Nov. 26th 1934, a size- Hdward P. Klein, of town, at- such as setting out shrubbery, "Oh Yes. Don't Forget to Send blame him. "Juicy," we un- tended the case conference ol grading, building' walks, drives able group oi voter*, r«*id*nU MMI ptopt- derstand, walked away with th Church- Mission of Help, in tenruees or even setting up water the show, "Page.the Prince" Elizabeth, Monday. fountains or bird baths to in net A Few Kilowatts ol Kleetricity* ty owners of fhe Edgar Hill section of the which was presented in • » * * • his esthetic taste. Third Ward in the Towmhip of Wood- Perth Amboy Monday and MHS. A. H. BOWERS AND SON "The modifications have been Suppose you had in anticipate your usage of electricity as yon Albert, of Kidgtidale avenue, Tuesday. As Prince Ali Oop, intended to make it possible for bridge, respectfully petitioned of the Board visited Mr. and Mlrh, John tt. proverty owners and banks to do do beans and potatoes! What if you would occasionally run out "Juicy" was the hit of the Strome, of Dnretownl over the more business together," said Mr. of electricity as you Jo e^gs and milk and had to borrow • few production. w