%050Rtaden Middiemx County's Only #«6dbridge, Sewaren, Fords, Weekly Newspaper fwil*lawn, Keasbey, Port Published Friday Kikding, Avenel, lselin Morning and Colonia WOODBRIDGE, N. J., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1934 PRICE THREE CENTS f^IFTH YEAR Echoes 1 Town Council Passes Resolution To •"] Ot nizid sudium Commiuce Swingi Into row s Provide Special Discount on Taxes Action Determined to Establish Athletic Center Heard As Township Pays 0ver$%5 Paid In Advance In Cash For 1935 .osts As Ordered By Supreme Court IN CHARGE OF LIONS APPOINTED CHAIRMAN! ANNUAL XMAS PARTY Cue Goes Back To 1878 Other Discounts Also OF PRESIDENT'S BALL When First Writ Was Offered If Back lot nMpf governmental Obtained By Morris And budget* have to I* Taxes Are Met. Sons wife whic-ii it FIGHT ONLOAD WIDTH »JB alrt to do simply I* 4m*. Some cupful- SCHEDULE VARIES . wttch • white a«o Residents Opposed Town's included M • matter of Taxpayers Must Take tswe mm to be ques- Move To Pave Street at NM0BI7 nmul new Advantage of Offer Fifty-foot Width . WttBHUe* I* cut bat th* actual expend- Befor^Dec. 31 tflMrt JWU- ttfve to be WOODBRIDGE. —Echoes W0UDBK1DGE.—To en- of tho famous Grove avenue extension case, that iroes • * • • courage the pre-payment of however, that the BC Township taxes anil to back over 50 years, wew f. Cftee as speaker of aid property owners to bring heard this week when the _,J1 iiesult In much arrearages of tuxes as far as township of Woodbridge In Trtnton. Dr. Cle* I possible up to date, two res- paid John Stockel, of Perth a political novic olutions were pftssed by tho Amhoy, $966.67 for cost of ., w _._JH|ture experience courts as ordered by Justice i It is pointed out that he wl Township Committee, Mon- « a diflcU.t time ln handlin day night at an adjourned Parker in 1931. The soste > numerous practical luds at tiu meeting, which provide for wore ordered after the su- itate's capital. special \discounta if pay- To Reproduce South River's Stands Here premo court handed down ments made before Decem ,, by the slaillum committee anopinion that the principals fkmH M JoaM *p<MtiiiiKMi woomtiunoK. A stadium *>$ Tliirt p.iii>niltti'i> would then | were ffuilty of delay in al- wilt wend fve thrilling days her 31. for W n ml bridge is t.xlay out of Wtirk under the supervision of the 'rom an nthletlc fund. To create The first resolution provides his fund, srKunlzutr.'mH through lowing the matter to rest for dM#JR tMWrtQf the-wood* th<: dream category, A group of Township Committee with author- 1 of fee «M» Mum t»» dwr hat the lax Collector be author ! progressive township citliens and ity Io establish an athletic plant Dilt till; township Will In called over a Half of century while ;ed to accept in cash only, the JTDOR H. W. VOOEIi upon to sponsor several benefits ta MMtti «fi«w iwM | taxpayers Raw to that. Far at provided \w increase IH created In STHI*HK\ HRX1SHA the property changed hands . or assessment due or nhftiit woonnnm'iK -.iu<in> H. w. _n the lorni J( amateur theatricals ?, Dtttember 17. T*ie !Informal iiieetlug Friday night, the tax rate or any sum added ieveral times, . Mfca ttei* tot hunting will become due fur 1SKI5, aucli VOKOI, has been named chairman 1 which wa attended by leadeis of to the budget. dances, caiid parties mul moving WOODIIltllMlV. Tho Wood- ;inh payment to bo made in full s picturo shows. Hu I/«ig Hlirtorjr. aOatttne MUl FrMay, D«- of the local I'rMl.'lenl'H ni'„',*.!ball to \K! I various township oreanlzatlons, 1'renent plans of the Stadium I bridge Ulons' Chili In in the baslH of 80 per cent of theheld on President Kwsevens e case goes back to 18,7 8 •mbw SL, Report* received lplan8 were advanced t0 yrMeed Committee call far the purchase of Conmiltteemn Harry M. (Jeriw """'J'"' "' will a^alnA fiwn «b« State (Jam* itmi- H\ levied for 1934. For any such n' oito t« be paid for by the com-was named temporary chairman ' 'w wtien one Thomas Morris, former tSwt tlic inpayment of taxes the collector .„ -iN>m an anticipated bene- of the stadium commlitee by theplay Simla Claus to hundreds of owner of property now owned by 1 Andrew Keyea, on drove avenue, 4Mp fan* big an UN- vlll allow a llscount at a rate as named, to fund which is to be created organization representatives and Wo.Mlbil.lt' children nt their ann- no[ 'o exceed one half of one obtained writ of certlorari against limiting chairman of the Birthday Ball for obtain figures on various tracts lortly. The acreage acquired E mer J. Vecaey was appointed ual ChrlatnuiH part/ to rip held icr cent per month for each Charles S. HIT. then Clerk of the record kill the PresUent. •if land In -ail! !L°J ••' taken out of taxation temporary secretary. to: month fm-wiitrtr the advanceiraF|T a communication tni 1 I Court of Common PleM, That dli- n a Sites In outlying dlntrlcta, ac- as tnp s"5Fup calls" far ttTjTTtcr Tmoiiff thofle who'llteMM m are made. Mr. Doher- |l* HI :>\ado al a Joint of \ untopute" iroBarosoe fiveover ththe lavlnlayings ououtt of "'""'" "*" •""•'"" l(0 (h LeaderJournal ijient of annual' taxes on the prop day night's session and aided In Further In theresolution it ..,,. Tuesday night utthe road( by surveyors hired by Thrift ebWn tor Governor-Heel ty that at Wty !>y the stadium operators. outlining the plans adopted wer*. the latrM that should the amount so in* Cabin. Each year the the then newly formed road eom- d 0. Hoffman, who recently Oiu'e the land Is purchased, an Arthur 0. Kerry, Frank W. Klrk- laid for 19H5 be In pJicesd ;)f the ,.,,T ')rp''.r.!*rtiion tladdena the mlBSionera. No further action was knpwn htg wishes regarding' tiflon will be made to obtain la- leskl, Stephen K. Werlock, C. W ax levied the tax collector ahall. Hoffman wants bor through the ERA. Application Willlath hearts of Roores of youngstera by taken on tho matter until 1929 or , „ ^ ttw bin ami finpoa #14 -Hlito-t* uuule. la.ilia ..federal•fitTBHinr," •'-!>m»vWo# 4b«u With a real bffng-113^0 Kbxa lhe..Tnwmhlp ripclded r government for1 a loan to finance Stern Charles McGettlKan Henry I »H ;>arty. This year Stephen L. to lay the street out to a fifty -t» tare $•< MtMl Inaugural pro- 'LIiid the pxceBS amount paid. If &|* take pMce out of doors, • » (be erection of permanent stands :he payment made >>e UtHiifficlent Qn the type of South River's. Ing It. Mm. Mll wyone who BO desire,, may (i t'<iual the assessment far 1935, The repayment of the loan, if As usual thft event Till »t»rti1IM\ MJ' Ke>e* °*Mn <* "f; In- difference due wfyl he collect- various township ln he th n wl h graphical area, unden the direc- would be formed and granted to the township, will be Jitckaon, promptly at 10 o'dotk Ohriatma* | *» . J .»«*• « «*?• • , Hi through the regular channels. tion of a committee of each area, morninK at the Btate Th«tre «f* "^ th»y ^ fnntwlt- _ o* "maHcloua, vi- Volume of Unpaid Liens gad ~ .unwarranted »i- to rehabilitate their Infantile far where a special moving ploturei^ WoJft MIMI th4> wer* paid, Tli,. second reso.ution provld- l t dl HlWd1l«ar« quoting alyals victims. The balance will go n be nhowB. Thtu ha* bm *°? *•» ^'« " "» »»«« iiiK for the abatement of interest to the National Committee far de- l n reei Une whlch •d by ©tttors re- due on past due taxes aot*H the DAY Of DAYS COMES AND SUES WITH G, ALBERT LARSON made pnsHlble through tbe cour-\™ f * * - livery to the President,'to be pre- tw. of A. J. Sabo, owner of the clalmed *"* ownetl- motat unfair at- llnwliit; achedule: y Ruin to «bow C«LS«» on any man jsentej} to a national commission, tliiutretlii'utre, who hat donatedd the "la) The jirlnclpal of taxes which Bft will create, to widen re- A rule tq show cause VM then .Is du't for year 1 !K!0 and Hrfor years IN OFFICE AT SCHEDDLED TIME, RUMORS TO CONTRARY place each year to c.>opera|« with search wRortH to wipe outtho dis- the Uona Club In its good work. , obtained by Henry Bt. C. l*vln without Interest, HUbJ^ct however ease Itself, exactly as medial Ue a;i4 pixwatr) at th* October to co!idiUjn» respectlnR tax liens comlwtted to bring either Committeeman Frederick After the show, each ciltd Everything was in be presented with a tokeh with ' _ ' I* •'(!>) Thti princiiial of taxes smallpox, «Upti»8rla, typhoid fever Wy i i departs and Mi. C. Albert Spencer ur Township Attorney, U'on E. the rmnpHroents o( the UOIIR. •- -•• , • ., ; . 1 iliii.- for tht; year, 11)31, 75 ;w yellow ffiVert and other maladies. :oraptete readiness tbe inlwum lvicKlroy into the story printed by u con- Campbell and Dodlne, found lh« cent Interest off. Judge Vogel will name Ills com-. Larson, Collector of Taxes for the Town- ItnoiCf 1 Uy<sl ' y0U couiti no|s |PPp on yOur r;( f <tf to *rtl- "(O Th princtpHl of taxes due ntttee some time next week. He j temporary. Ifjftota, tf» tax collector wlio i» e ihip of Woodbridge, was there. At least After the busintnH st-ssion f,>r 50 yearn and then come to| for tin: year, l'i'i'1, 60 per cent ln- ;>olnts out that Hie affair will be .hat is what Mr.
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