Report of the Committee on Government Assurances for the Third Session of the Eleventh National Assembly Appointed on Wednesday, 25Th September, 2013
REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENT ASSURANCES FOR THE THIRD SESSION OF THE ELEVENTH NATIONAL ASSEMBLY APPOINTED ON WEDNESDAY, 25TH SEPTEMBER, 2013 Consisting of: Mr M Habeenzu, MP (Chairperson); Ms M G M Imenda, MP; Mr A L Lufuma, MP; Mr J S Zimba, MP; Mr L Evans, MP; Mr M Ndalamei, MP; Mr R Mpundu, MP; and Mr S Chisanga, MP. Following the appointment of Mr L Evans, MP, as Deputy Minister of Tourism and Arts, Mr A Sichula, MP, was appointed to the Committee while the seat for Mr S Chisanga, MP, was nullified by the Supreme Court and the vacancy on the Committee was not filled. The Honourable Mr Speaker National Assembly Parliament Buildings LUSAKA Sir Your Committee has the honour to present its Report for the Third Session of the Eleventh National Assembly. FUNCTIONS OF THE COMMITTEE 2. Under Standing Order No. 155(2) of the House, your Committee is mandated to scrutinise all assurances and undertakings made by Cabinet and Deputy Ministers on the Floor of the House with the objective of ensuring that the same are implemented. Your Committee is also mandated to comment on delays in implementation and adequacy of the action taken as well as exercise such other functions as maybe assigned to the Committee by the Speaker from time to time. As your Committee is a General Purposes Committee, its mandate is not confined to any specific Ministry, but extends to all Ministries provided an assurance made on the Floor of the House relates to those ministries. PROCEDURE OF THE COMMITTEE 3.
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