FRIDAY BRIEF WEEK 34, 2015 THIS Week’s Highlights



UNIONS DECLARE A DISPUTE At the latest wage negotiation meeting held on 19 August, 2015 the Unions (National Union for Plantation, Agricultural and Allied Workers [NUPAAW] and the Grain and meat Workers Union of [GRAMUZ]) declared a dispute. The parties will now proceed to a conciliation process. The Unions are demanding a 24% increment, while ZFEA has offered 7% for casuals and seasonal and 8% for permanents and fixed-term contracts, to be implemented in 2 stages: 4.5% in September, 2015 and the balance 6 months later. As employees are due for an increment, ZFEA recommends that members implement a 4.5% increase in September 2015, although members are not legally obliged to do so as the existing Aug-14 minimum wage scale remains in force. Staff should be informed that this is an interim increase and that no minimum wage agreement has yet been reached. As has happened before, the calling of a dispute may be a precursor to industrial action, although there is no legal basis for strike action at this stage. Employees who go on illegal strike or incite illegal strike action should be dealt with according to the disciplinary code.

K27, 000 WORTH OF MILK GOES TO WASTE Continued power outages by ZESCO has caused cooperatives in Monze to lose over K27,000 for the more than 5000 litres of milk which became sour after the milk cooling tank got damaged. The generator, agitator, compressor and fan for the 3000 litres cooling tank got damaged when ZESCO restored power following an abrupt power cut. One of the cooperative with over 300 members has appealed to DAZ to intervene and save smallholder dairy farmers from the pending abject poverty due to lost incomes as a result of the ZESCO power cuts. DAZ and the cooperative leadership are working tirelessly to repair the cooling tank and ensure that 3,000 litres collected from over 470 farmers daily does not go to waste.

TOBACCO FARMERS ASK GOVERNMENT TO BUY THEIR CROP The independent tobacco farmers in Zambia have asked the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock to purchase the tobacco crop which is not contracted by merchants and processors. This call was made during the Tobacco Symposium convened by the ministry today, 21st August 2015, at the New Government Complex, in Lusaka. Independent tobacco farmers told the meeting that over 90 per cent of the crop in Zambia is grown under contract which makes it difficult for non-contract farmers to find market for their commodity. However, merchants indicated that tobacco industry is driven by world demand and that international processors demand traceability of tobacco trading on international markets. Traceability requirements make it difficult for local processors/merchants to trace tobacco produced (by independent farmers) outside contract farming. In order to address this problem, the Minister of Agriculture and Livestock, Hon. Given Lubinda tasked the meeting to constitute a Committee chaired by the Deputy Minister of Agriculture, to come up with proposals how government should deal with tobacco not covered by contracts. The symposium was attended by all players in the tobacco value chain, namely, farmers under out grower schemes, independent farmers, merchants, processors/manufacturers, Minister of Agriculture and Livestock with his two deputy ministers and permanent secretary, Tobacco Board of Zambia Management, Tobacco Association of Zambia, Ministry of Finance, Zambia Revenue Authority, and Ministry of Commerce Trade and Industry.

The symposium also discussed policy issues relating to the production and marketing of tobacco in Zambia. Stakeholders called upon government to ensure that tax policy in Zambia is reformed to provide a conducive business climate in the tobacco sector. The meeting indicated that tobacco production is subjected to 3% presumptive tax by Zambia Revenue Authority when other crops such as maize are not taxed. Stakeholders appealed to government to remove the presumptive tax on tobacco in order to improve the competitiveness of the sector.

WAREHOUSE RECEIPT SYSTEM TO INCREASE ACCESS TO FINANCE The Zambia Agricultural Commodity Exchange (ZAMACE) held Seminars this week to familiarize the various stakeholders on the trading platform. In addition to enhancing trading of commodities, the warehouse receipt system will also enable farmers to obtain credit from financial institutions based on their grain held in one of the certified warehouses as collateral. Live test runs with warehouse operators will be done in September 2015. ZAMACE is currently involved in consultations over the draft rules and regulations for trading on the platform as well as draft requirements for one to be licensed as a warehouse operator. Once the warehouse receipt system is fully operational, the grain marketing system in Zambia will become more transparent and efficient.


ZAMBIAN FARMER TV PROGRAMME Don’t miss next week’s episode of the Zambian farmer TV programme titled Village Chicken Production. The ‘’Zambian farmer” is a ZNFU sponsored programme which is aired every Monday at 18:25hrs on the national broadcaster, ZNBC TV1.

You can also buy DVDs of your favorite Zambian Farmer TV program episodes from the ZNFU Head Office or you can make an order through your respective DFA offices.

ZNFU PREPAID VISA CARD Don’t be left out, apply for your farmer prepaid card now!!!!!!


CAZ TRAINS 38 STUDY CIRCLE ORGANISERS IN CENTRAL PROVINCE The study circle methodology has proved to improve the cotton yields through a comprehensive farmer- training program and making use of yield improvement techniques. It is to this effect that CAZ adopted the study circle method as a tool for providing an opportunity for learning and alternative means of addressing educational and information needs to its members. On 10th to 14th August the Cotton Association of Zambia held trainings in Mumbwa and and trained 38 Study Circle Organizers. The newly trained organizers expressed happiness upon completion of the training and committed themselves to work hard in promoting group work through the formation of Study circle groups. It is a well- known fact that poor cotton pricing and farming practices contributes to low seed cotton yields. The main goal of study circle is to contribute to rural poverty alleviation through increased income and improved livelihood of cotton farmers. The sported areas of concern includes land preparation, crop rotation, planting, weeding, thinning, fertilizer application, pest management up to harvesting and inadequate labour as well as use of minimum tillage. The concern for low cotton productivity among small-scale farmers in Zambia resulted in developing a study material that would guide small-scale farmers in the improvement of cotton production and productivity. The study material are preferably used in a study circle group. Notably through study circles, CAZ encourages cotton farmers to observe cotton based farming system of planting cotton, maize, and soya beans in order to improve productivity across the crops in the target areas. The Cotton Association of Zambia this year plans to train additional Study Circle Organizers in Southern and Eastern Province so as to promote group work and interactive participation among cotton farmers.

NEW ZEALAND AID TO SUPPORT DAIRY INDUSTRY IN ZAMBIA The New Zealand Aid Programme has expressed keen interest to enhance growth of the dairy subsector in Zambia. The New Zealand Aid Programme helps to deliver on four flagship programmes including agriculture in general and dairy in particular. New Zealand's estimated Official Development Assistance for these flagships is forecast to reach NZ$120 million over the period July 2011 to June 2015. New Zealand is recognized internationally for its expertise and leadership in the agricultural sector. The agriculture flagship seeks to further harness this expertise to help the developing countries address their rural development challenges. The flagship will draw upon New Zealand’s expertise in areas such as: agricultural research; agribusiness and value chain development; biosecurity, food safety and sanitary and phyto-sanitary systems and agricultural education and training. New Zealand has particular experience in the application of these areas to the development of horticulture and livestock (beef, dairy) industries. DAZ has since been approached by a team from the New Zealand High Commission in Pretoria which is making consultations with relevant dairy stakeholders in Zambia. New Zealand is currently rethinking its Africa Development Programme and dairy is one of the areas it’s exploring to provide useful/needed assistance in dairy extension training especially for small holder farmers. New Zealand has expertise and experience in this field and it is a core part of their development programmes on the continent and beyond.



FISP E VOUCHER SCHEME PREPS IMPRESSIVE The Commissioner has reviewed that preparations for Farmers Input Support Program E voucher Scheme are on course and the program is expected to be piloted soon. In a speech read for him by the District Agriculture Coordinator (DACO) when he graced the Kapiri Mposhi District Farmers Association Annual General Meeting (AGM), the DC reviewed that the district has made progress in putting all logistics in place before the scheme is implemented. In a similar development, Ms. Etambuyu Anamela the DACO for urged farmers to find alternative markets for their produce, than depending on Food Reserve Agency (FRA). She further urged farmers to work in groups in order to access better market for their produce. She said this while gracing the Chibombo District Farmers Association Annual General Meeting that was held yesterday, Thursday, the 20th August, 2015. Representing the ZNFU during the Annual General Meetings, the ZNFU Board Director Mr. Richard Lisimba highlighted numerous successes and programs the Union has attained in the past year, he further advised the farmers to take a leaf from the business regulatory act passed recently, which empowered farmers to participate in critical decisions like implementation of grain levy. He further presided over elections which saw Mrs. Grace Kambilombilo return her sit as chairperson for Serenje DFA unopposed and Mr. Michael Mainga elected as the new chairperson for Chibombo DFA. ZNFU Central region held its DFA Annual General Meetings from 17th to 21st, August, 2015 which drew support from Agribusinesses and other stakeholders.


GIZ TO SUPPORT NWK IN EQUIPMENT FINANCING SCHEME The German Government through the Federal Ministry for Cooperation has assigned funds to promote agricultural development in Zambia. In this context, the implementing organizations of German Development Assistance (KFW) and German International Cooperation (GIZ) have partnered with NWK in order to support the existing equipment financing scheme that aims at providing loans for agricultural machines to small scale farmers in Zambia. This came to light when a delegation from GIZ and KFW paid a courtesy call to ZNFU Eastern B Regional Manager. The delegation leader Laura Knierim said the team was in the province to evaluate risks and potential benefits of supporting an equipment financing scheme to small scale farmers in Zambia.

1500 CATTLE EARMARKED FOR VACCINATION AGAINST ECF IN The Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock has embarked on a vaccination program for cattle against East Coast Fever (ECF) in Nyimba district. The program will target to vaccinate 1500 herds of cattle in the district. The District Veterinary Officer (DVO), Dr. Mulipikwa told ZNFU Staff for Nyimba that the vaccination program is a Government program aimed at preventing the cattle against ECF. He further said that it is a requirement that farmers to contribute K15 per animal for their animals to be vaccinated. In a similar development, the DVO also indicated that after the ECF vaccination program, the ministry will embark on Village Chickens vaccination against New Castle and about 50,000 chickens will be vaccinated. However, the DVO also highlighted a number of challenges which his department is experiencing in meeting the set targets such as transportation and farmers not willing to pay their vaccination contribution.


MAL MINISTER FLAG OFF COFFEE EXPORT IN NORTHERN Minister of Agriculture and Livestock Honourable Given Lubinda flagged off the exporting of Coffee from Northern Coffee Company in Kasama on Wednesday, 18th August, 2015. Northern Coffee Company is cultivating 1,500 hectares of Coffee. Meanwhile, on Tuesday 17th August, Honourable Minister toured the Technical Cooperation Project on Community Based Small Holder Irrigation (T-COBSI) sites being undertaken by Japan in collaboration with Zambia Government. The T-COBSI is aimed at promoting and increasing irrigated land through provision of irrigation infrastructure for smallholder farmers in the target areas. The project is targeting 6 districts in the province and 346 households.

MAL IN NORTHERN DISTRIBUTES ICT MATERIALS TO STAFF The Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock in Northern Province has distributed ICT materials to Camp Extension Officers in the Province. Materials which were distributed to Staff are; Tablets and Laptops. This has cheered most of MAL Staff as this will make their job easy and delays in report submissions will be the theme of the past.

RICE PRODUCTIVITY PROJECT UNDERWAY IN MUNGWI The Zambian government in partnership with the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has launched a project which seeks to enhance productivity of the rice in 3 districts; Mungwi, Kasama, Chinsali. The project is called “Strengthening Rice Seed Production and Enhancing Extension Services to Increase Rice Production in Zambia”. The main goals at the end of the two years is to improve the quality of the grain produced by farmers in the 2 implementation sites namely Mumba and Chisali camps in through improved extension services, as well as the provision of improved seed varieties.


MAIZE MARKETING COMMENCE IN MUCHINGA The Food Reserve Agency (FRA) in Muchinga has commenced the exercise of purchasing white grain maize from smallholder farmers for the 2015 marketing season. Confirming the development to ZNFU staffer in the Mpika, FRA Muchinga Provincial Marketing Coordinator Mr. Mukololo Musiwa said that the crop purchasing exercise officially commenced on Monday 17th August, 2015. has a target of purchasing 50,000 metric tons to contribute to the national target of 500,000 metric tons. In a check carried by the ZNFU Mpika office this week at Malashi and chishibesonde satellites depots revealed that farmers were busy taking their produce to the satellite depots and those farmers talked to expressed happiness with the increment of the maize floor price from K70.00 to K75.00 per 50kg bag and appealed to government to speed up payments this season so as to help them procure inputs in good time and meet their loan obligations.


SOLWEZI WOMEN FARMERS TO GO INTO CASSAVA PRODUCTION A newly established company in Solwezi called PREMIER-CON is in the process of establishing a cassava processing plant and wants to engage Solwezi famer’s preferable women farmers in the production of cassava. The company intends to run an out-growers scheme starting with farmers surrounding Kalumbila Mine area i.e. those that were displaced and other farmers within the district. It is targeting to start with a minimum of about 400 hectares of cassava for this farming season. The farm gate price will be K 0.50/kg. PREMIER-CON is already in talks with the Lweendo women group under the Farmers Association in Kazhiba Resettlement scheme to pilot the project.


ZNFU/MAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP TRAININGS CONTINUE The combined teams of the ZNFU and the MAL through the Agribusiness department are training farmers in entrepreneurship skills and record keeping. This month, trainings were conducted in Chavuma central and Sewe areas and farmers have since welcomed the trainings saying the knowledge gained will improve their farming businesses.


VISA CARD SENSTISATION MEETINGS CONDUCTED MAL and ZNFU this week held sensitization meetings on FISP E-Voucher Pilot project in both Mazabuka and Chikankata District, all MAL staffs including agro dealers were sensitized and advised on how to go about the FISP E-Voucher system pioneered by the ZNFU, which was implemented under Lima Credit Scheme. MAL will ride on ZNFU E-Voucher platform. Following the FISP E-voucher sensitization meetings, Monze is almost ready to implement the system. The district is one of the selected districts to pilot this system this year.

IOD TRAINS MANYONYO & NZENGA BOARD MEMBERS The Board members for Manyonyo Irrigation Company Limited were this week trained by the Institute of Directors of Zambia in Corporate Governance. The African Management Services Company (AMSCO) facilitated the 2 days’ workshop in Lusaka, and the ZNFU is among those serving on the Board.

AGRICULTURAL CONSULTATIVE FORUM (ACF) CONDUCTS A BASELINE SURVEY The Agricultural Consultative Forum held its baseline study validation and inception workshop this week in Namwala. The workshop was aimed at strengthening organizational and advocacy voice of small and emergent beef producers in Namwala and Itezhi-Tezhi districts. It is a pilot project to be undertaken in two wards and later up-scaled depending on how farmers will embrace it. The meeting was officiated by the District commissioner who thanked the ACF for coming to Namwala in supplementing government efforts in addressing the challenges beef Farmers are facing. Among the many services ACF is trying to address include the following, Provision of extension services to the beef farmers, to provide capacity building on value chain addition, trying to engage government on the issues of regulating the standards by the abattoirs and also ensure that these operations are done successfully. The project is funded by World Bank and is expected to run from September 2015 to December 2016.