Tools assessment Zambia Feasibility study Full report for investment to improve May 2019 agricultural risk information for meso-level stakeholders International Fund
[email protected] Contacts for Agricultural Development (IFAD) PARM Secretariat Via Paolo di Dono 44 - 00142 Rome (Italy) @parminfo Platform for Agricultural Risk Management Managing risks to improve farmers’ livelihoods Platform for Agricultural Risk Management | Managing risks to improve farmers’ livelihoods Tools Assessment Zambia Feasibility study for investment to improve agricultural risk information for meso-level stakeholders Full Report May 2019 Authors: Grace Obuya, Ngao Mubanga and Prof. Idowu Oladele 4 Zambia | Feasibility study for investment to improve agricultural risk information for meso-level stakeholders | Full Report | May 2019 Platform for Agricultural Risk Management | Managing risks to improve farmers’ livelihoods Foreword The Platform for Agricultural Risk Management (PARM) is an outcome initiative of the 2010-2013 G8-G20 dis- cussions on food security and agricultural growth. It was established in December 2013 through a multi-do- nor partnership between the European Commission (EC), the French Development Agency (AFD), the Italian Development Cooperation (DGCS), the German Cooperation (BMZ/KfW) and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). PARM works in strategic partnership with the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) and other development partners to make risk management an integral part of policy planning and implementation. This feasibility study report on “Agricultural risk information for meso-level operators in Zambia” responds to one of the risk management priority areas proposed in the World Bank agricultural risk assessment of 2018 . The report was prepared by Grace Obuya with co-authorships of Ngao Mubanga and Prof.