HUNGARIAN STUDIES 19. No. 1. Nemzetközi Magyar Filológiai
ET IN HUNGÁRIA EGO: TRIANON, REVISIONISM AND THE JOURNAL MAGYAR SZEMLE (1927-1944) MATTHEW CAPLES Indiana University, Bloomington, IN USA The journal Magyar Szemle (1927-1944), founded by Prime Minister István Bethlen and edited by the historian Gyula Szekfïï, was the primary forum for the dis cussion of the revision of the Treaty of Trianon and the situation of the Hungarian minorities in the neighboring states. Rejecting all proposals for border revision on an ethnic basis, the journal espoused integral revisionism, or the restoration of the his torical Kingdom of Hungary. The periodical's own position on revision is best illus trated by the "New Hungária" essays of the legal scholar László Ottlik, published between 1928 and 1940, which hoped to win back the former national minorities through promises of wide-ranging autonomy within a re-established Greater Hun gary. Keywords: Trianon, Revisionism, Irredentism, Magyar Szemle, Hungarian minori ties I. Introduction Magyar Szemle (Hungarian Review, 1927-1944) was the conservative journal par excellence and one of the outstanding periodicals of interwar Hungary. In spired by Prime Minister István Bethlen ( 1874-1946)l and for many years edited by the prominent historian Gyula Szekfïï (1883-1955), the journal represented the most significant gathering of conservative intellectuals to be found during the pe riod of Admiral Miklós Horthy's regency (1920-1944). In the wide variety of the topics it covered as well as the quality of its writing, Magyar Szemle far surpassed other conservative journals of the day. In addition to essays on history, literature, art, culture, education, politics, economics and social issues, the journal focused on the pressing questions of Hungarian foreign policy.
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