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The Evening Item Wright Brothers Newspapers


The Evening Item May 6, 1890

Orville Wright

Wilbur Wright

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Repository Citation Wright , O., & Wright , W. (1890). The Evening Item May 6, 1890. .

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Vol. I. DAY'£0N, pHIO, TUESDAY, MAY 6, 1890. .No. 6.

testimony ctonl<'d any tlCr 1 "Thi' :ll>o\'!' i~ 1n·avti!':tlly all that :lfr. Can:II :it• 1 denial of :-.:ltor's a•'l]ttai111tt11t•t• wit.; 11ot G t C 11 ] D J t} Clc>l'el:ind mid rcf!ardi11~ thP Pditor o( I QuidltiY le th1· Sun. T!tc illll'J'l'il•\\' ~id not end Pre1)arin o· for Senator I true. .Sitt· was fri;;ht1'IH'd Wlil'll giving Can Equal c s tl·stfmony. It was :111110\lllt:t'd thi~ Dirc<•t Dt•nl<'l' in ul ! thl'n'. howe\'t'J'. I askpd l11m what he ~ hf'r R t Goods I St•ll thought o! the l'l'C!'llt eledions through- Funeral. aftt'rll'.Hlll by w. II. IL Clayton that ~lll- epor er Beck's bPforn out the eountry, a11d !'S!Jl'Ckilly In Rhode ple endt•11cc• w1,Hld b<' tutrocluf'~d !f}'JE 01:.a ~El.:.J}J.'Bl.:.E <:ommittl'l' showiug tlmt liooµPr was Island. a.11d bow hi' rPga.rd!'d tho practi· tho wno w:Il.OTE T!IIJ NOW FAMOUS N. l'IA?\ 0 AND ORGAN HOU3E i:al working of the L>allot rC'form l11w. REPUDLICANS ARRANGING FOR as his rl'Sifay 6.-F. A. IY:ilton, the remain~ or tho latr S1•1111tor Dock. ford, who intcrvluwc<.l e:1.-J-'rcsidtint ctiivcd her<' front \\':ighlHgL011 say~ the Pn.cllic <'XPrt'l'~ emlwzzl<'r. ha~ a.r­ Gkvcla11~ !111• J:ritbh 111inist1•r is wuiti11g in· caskot and Iii~ curly gr1!y IH«td is sup- again,t Ashton. Brady 11nd otlwrs. who Building Association fit to de11y e1•rt:\in portions or the iutcr- ~lructio.i:is fru:u Eugl:rnd. ported l.Jy a. sllkC'11 covcr1•d pillow. On stoic SS,000 of the loot from him. view with hilll 1rnl.Jlishf'd in tho World tho ooflfo llos ~>t. Androws' <:roS6 of 1033 WEST TIIIRD STREET. alllwuld l.J<· IJl'l'lJJil tP•I to ~talo An Ai:o,l Fa.rmei· Riddlod With Buck- been made to havr h{s l1ody pays a semi-annual dividend of shot by ills Proteea. burned so ·oriously that e carried out. llls daughter A California Leper. rniu Uoylcs, wa~ shut a11d ktllt1d by Mich- ;J.C. l'utt0non, E:cc. aud Atty l wish to ":1'' th" 1 l u111 d"t'µly gr·'tef l does not like tho ld<'I\ of her father lying ST. Lon,;. :llar G.-Ah 81ng, or San . ) " , "" " c · , :. u acl Co1111or. ~lc~fan 111·~ was upward or to my 1wwsfi:tP•'l' fril'utls and otlil!rs for 11,ll night IL1 tho gre:tt lmwly building. Franci -co, was todtty se•nt to th" ll•per James 1V. Booi.11, Treas. eig 1tty y1•ar~ ur :~gp u JJvn 1:0111i11g to tlil'ir kindly l!XIJl'l'~sionR of conlidcnco in Natumlly, tho 1·cmJJ11ltl!•<' will coincido wnrd at 4uurnuti11c. Tlw doC'tors pro­ this 1·111111try .na11r r1-;irs ago lw assumed ------·----- my int<'grity I 'lS«•rt on my honor th t with the \'kws of ~Ir~. Goocllo1., aud the nounce his condiliun 1\ \1'<'11 deli!led l':l.Se · - · '· · :\ th<· 'mini" 11r llorl<·s. and brought with F. M. N~FCEN, l\Ir. Clond1i11d was currectly reported iu him a wnui:rn who wa• lntrodur<'cl as hls n•ma.ins will b1· ttn<.lislurlH'il untll to- ef leprosy. Denler Jn M lLl thn.t th<' i11ten·iew i11 q1wstion; he wll.S not wife. iu1rEWSLE~~. the udsn•1Jl'~st•11ted in auy particular. I did 'No. 1 fllll in ltlJJIL':lram·P and chilmed the time :i.11 nndf't'l:~lwr will tra.nsport DRUGS, MEDICINES. uoL write all tl1•t L'l"V('i"lld •01'd b + body from It~ JJr•·~tJJtl ito111P to 111" 111,.. 1·ble Rock llro~ .. Charl1·1·r1t11l.Jlt• 1 0 posed to bu from llldlamt. • • • • - • Ing on 01w of Boyle's farrns, hll.Ll somo " ' able journal. Tlw 1·ir1·u111slt111ccs attend- w!I! I.JI! Ol>t"ll at 11 .,',·I wl, t 11 ll1osn h:i.viug Anderson Colr.mn.11. J.fartf1,svill!!, i~ trouble• with him, itt:d sl•uking ~Ilchael Ing the intcn·iew wl're :i,,; follow~: t_ickels of 1;dntis,io11. Th<' diplomatic JOHN PREZEL Conner, 11, youth of sixtePu yt>ars, who chargPd with •rllin;; lib rnt1· ror a tBn "April l(i I 1·~1·1·1·1· •cl · t b"'1iller.v will h1~ l'<·.'i<'l'\'l!tly Filled. In the 8uu of thaL j l . J C 1 Slt1tl' for d1str1lrntlo11. l :Lin1lws of the the ~tory publlshod our11ev o l 1us p 1a<·«. ,ow an<1 onnor . . . whllo l.Joll!n.g soav O\'cr ga~ rt;~aw" iu the J will 01·cu1Jy day, to the Pffcrt th1i~ the t'x-PrP~iclent 1 l.J<'iug :~wiin• or the fact, a shot LJJJ loaded 111·1,~1dl'11t u.11' Henry lj' •RE·1 PlfOPLE'S 1AUNDRY 111s t('.'ih. I :irrivod at his oflic(• and sc>n' of youn!{ Connor, who !Jiid in ambush 11• :ull1·,i !!':dl.,ry :i1al ti.in l'lt~t rc- II. l\.e1ley, hN' hu..;b;wd, u.11d .John :>laus, 1 ; · fJ ii lll0Y card to him as a rnprl.'senta.tiv•' or tho until u1telP Jlmrni<• had iasscd hlm SL'_l'l'<'d g:d!Pry will lw u<'•'lliJl"d l.Jy tho 1 for $6,000 dam:H~<'~ for duraaJ;ltlon of I G j'/ ;< <' : 11(/ '\l"orJ;s l!!:J1 n· . ' ' ,, orld. ThCl'l' eou]d have been no mi:i- I l )' a l.J l - d , . d" ct' Wl\'l'S or ~en:ilors, llJl'lllU(jrS ur the House chu.ra.e•tor. e>st 1 lilr. ofLaunclry '\l'ork In l"ir ·t- uature of my the gun. Thu outirc load Jasst•d lnto o . I!Pprcs~·nltLLJl'1•~ illld of tho a!'l!l'l'he11s1011 .as to tlw Thc caso of Ed \'3.r1l A11z11mun. who CluRH styl<'. N ns1t. It wtig 111 no sen:oo social or per- th, i t h Id d tll tl chief just1cl'll a11d :1.;soc:latc jus- ' c I' g 1I s OU llr II.It 1roug1 I 10 i ! I murdered Ill!rtha BltT. 11.n. ~011~ 1. \\ o were togethor for no&rlf J u d t cc>< o t te su IJ1'<•11to court. The ruport- seutencu secured :l rtlhl':lrill~, is Sl'l down fl' fil fS' fiA throo qun.rters of an hour, and :\Ir oLyo. d C b l'· f 1 . e1·~· ga.llt•ry ,,,-ill bc1 l'<'~t·n·od for " · w a,u onnors arc o u sa o n jn.i 1 20. Clowl:\nd talked frcoly a11d omplnticnlly d L I f d ' 1·oproscntat!ves or tlw prl•~~. but other fodfay e:;;. 11• ~L GG & SON. aro in· He spoke i11 his usual delihcn1te :nanue~· au ow ias eon l'sso · sc•ats 111 th!l ~·1llil'ry will bu OJJ('n to all Jennings county d..r<'tl to be in a perfectly 1101~ THE MIGHTY ARE FALLEN. who h:wo gClll'l':tl tickPt~ for the gallery. strutted ;u ..,"LG I &ttorney gcnemi r.nd Ja,;011 ll. H1·own, ffe?.a l.u ~ llllll condition. Judge Collins, ot the Forty-second 'l'hu 1-'resl rPnorninntt•d Hon. )lith:iul l , Wol'lnl joh1t rc•µrescnt::tiv<• from Cluy, :lfo11t· j __ ' lw li:ul no'. ~!'en tho 8u1t 11rtlcll', (he llO~Ur The judge's insanity WllS the l'OllUlt or fu11crnl OSCOl't will prot•ced to the Balti­ gomcry aud Pntn:rn counties. . l'l':l.d paper, he and would not &n attack of tho grippe'. more a11d Poto1111Lt: ch•pot. Tho funeral !ht• ~11id, Ch.iuuc<'Y KPlll·r. of \Yilli:i.lll~burg, Frpe&".. lifle of Suits a'f\d Pa'J"lt- 11111ciJ it witl1 a p1iir of tongs), u.ud I gav.a Judge Collius Jrn< prosldod ovm· thls train will cousi~t or 1·ornbi11Mlo11 ba.gg-age rc!m••·d to a1J1w:ir udoru tho grn11d jury '"lOC'J1S ip the C:ity. lilrn 1·erba.lly tllf' gist of it. )fr. Clove- otrcuit with dignity and honor for and ~mokiug ~1Lr ;111cit. .• '1 M'U ~ L••• 0 :.. l:LJ' :Lill thief,' l\IuI'lon S1>01·ts iu tho Conuowwo. Cli;irlcs L. Ilu~1·llinson :wd Edson h:01ith l'Ll;:\ID.EJ!S, GAS mul l'iTEAi'\I lTJ'TEHS, Ll tl d 1 • r Q eluding Hoy111· •u1d othL'r members of tho lL Loe;.1..:xsPOB"', I11d., )[,"y G.-.•' "1ir1'11ter were unan:mously n•-('lt•d1•d dir1•ctors a~ w1 s.1 ie 1 a tl, wcro Ju G~t our prices on Water and Gas 0 in ' named ~t. Clair, frout \\'i8co11s1'11, e•111110 wore 11lso tho oP.itcr~ of till' ro:i.<.I. "'l · "v,•·raCl J a•.rcl pro aucl bwords ligurl't.l -- favor of hut 0111• ~IH't>eh from 1·1wlt side ut uo11e of here two weck8 a"o. lie ~t onl!U went P11:es. T<'1t·1ho11(•1Ho. "' r. eve• an s l'L'Iu;u· >s, d1·b:1tP, artl'r which tho tltl"ll of coiu·si• wen• 'Jt L" ' . 1 1 ., for the g1·nernl Honors to Stan!<.:;-. Cudon'fi l!,·i id<'UC'<', 1 lOS. Vii1l"an!s ~t. ,;A• · ·' . · t. 1 ib.i< 1 · into tr11i11i11g, and a m11.td1 for a purse• of I.Jill wn.s to l.Je ta~{l'll 11 p Joi· dt'sc"Jssi'ou ftor the co111·urs:Lt1Uu had !'Outinuod ' LoxnoN, .:\fay G.-~rr, 8tt1nJ1·y wa~ the or twenty minutes Clc\'c- 5100 w11,s arrang1'd L.c•twec11 St. Clair :i.ud under the Ji1·(•-minute rule. After for lift1'e11 ~fr. recipient of di>1ting11lshrd ho11ors toni"ht <1Sked nw wlmt I wu.s going to pub- e. m~n to ~c: backed. by sporttug m1111 o! a long dlscnsshm :i.nd protPsts on l:tucl which were ronfrrr<·d upon hi111 at A!l~·rt TOMPERT lish, :iud I told him tho ,;ub,ta:iccs of :Manon. Ihc .:\in.non men to-d:ty pro- part or tho~h - Di ht> h:id said. lle thcn1 iircw his duccd tlwir sprinll'r. whose nn.mo is certain fr1it11ri's or th1• l.Jill, It was decided DE,\IEU ' ,,,.hat cat Soriety. TIH' Prince of \Y11.:cs pm· . f . given as Jcut,_but r-·ho ts said t6 be Gib- 1 to u.llow four da.i·s for gell('l'lll dl~cussiclll, 1 1 a gold JUPdal to St1rnlry. XPlson, JH'11e1 rom us JlOl!k<'t a.nd, picking np a "uons, an E• 11g l 1s I r 1 pro C'S~ 1oua. 1 s t. Clair to be followl'CI l.Jv l'i"ht d:tys dist•ussion seuted ALL KINDS OF lJ!li I • s:Lid: 'I will write out ~ome•hing ti d l ' b Pa.rkc>. ~itair~. Jl•µsou, all n·cL•il'f\CI 1t1l'd· the Jirst won JC 10 0-yar s r:i.c.:n Pasl y In ton and undur thL' ff1•1' ml:1n1Ps ruh., wlwn the to guide' you.' lit> thou wrolf' 011 hPhaH of FRESH & SALT MEATS 11 quarte•r srconds. Two thousaud dol- prel'ious qtwstion will l.Je COll"lelt•i•nd 01._ a.ls. Bonny ack11owl1•c!i;1•d ° ~ • lwir appr1•e·INr p11r:.igrnph of tl11• pnlilishPd i11lcrview. lars c 11a11g<''I hand,; ou the result. Doth dcrc>d 1L11d a. vol<• t11k<'11 011 bill. Tlio himse•lf o.nd bis comrnd<'s t 1107 West Third Street. Ii:,· the This. . e::

  • JJOSl'd to be "ringers." caucus then a.djourne<.I without further tlon of the honors co?Jfrrn·ia.y 6.-The Cor- Frosh antl ~Hlt Meats. cxcltenwnt, but ;1ll m•r1~ rc·R­ h:id not C'onll1wd his att:u:k l!nvillti Nn.tiona.l llank, of Cot'lluvlllo, li- during tho t I . I! G I Nonu;~YU.L1';, lnd., :!\fay G.-Two curd and broug-ht up to t!Ji~ L'ilr l.Jy the o 11msc · rnu 's WPl'O sure to million trout have beun pl:J.ced tn the linois, ha~ been authorized to commonce 1"tl It I t ... 0 Ilcl1·etia. Choice Meat a Specialty. send ~hs. Cl<'n•lancl <'li1JIJi11-,"~" :wd 1hc.1· '.Vhite riv{;r, 11<·sr t:ds city. They wuro bus1· nuos•• w t a i:np a o "'" , ouo . annoy<'d h1•r \'C'l'Y n111c:h. Mr. C!J·y.,Jand Rnilroad So!d. sa.id dlstiHelly: .. Tho .. __ old thil'f sent out hy th., li~h <:ommi~::ion from CONGRESSIONAL COMMITTDE 7 HOr'l'H BROAD\VA Y. • Washin~to11 1·ity, ;u1d tht• cx111•ri11wnt of CoLl'}I:ll''O, 0.. :l!t~y G.-l'o!tilllhus & Investiga.tin&- the Cbar&'es of F1·aud ia Da1rn, htL·; not lw,;it11t .. c1 111 di':~.; i~t my Mll}'S\'illo rni!ro:iJ Wit~ ~old ll('l'l' at \l'ifl''~ narno intu hi.~ si·urril , atLu·k~. rai~i11g t.llJ'm In 111di;1na. w111.cr~ will bo LittlJ Rock Election. GO TO' 111 auction by U uitl'd StatPs jfar~hal ~im­ LITTLE RocK, Ark., ~fay 6.-The A ma.n who m:ll:cs w:o.r 011 1, .. ,,. 011 i~ in- tried. _ _ _ _ Ce11tral congr1•,;gio11al commltteo exarni11«'d about monH 011 a :mil broui.:J.t br 11111 W. 0. HORRELL !amou~.'" Killod by 11. lio.·so'11 Kick. Trnst CumptL11y. of :\'Pw )'ork. I for two two hnmlrnd wlt11Ps~cfa tod1iy, as to how Cur. Da!P Anrnw and 'Yatn Stn·t·t~ "In tho co11rso of tl11·la~l1•" pnrt. of th• ~:h:n101·n. Jxn .. :ll:ty 11.-lfl'Bl'Y Gor- hundred thuu,,wtl dol !ars iu lJondH. It they l'Oted at the XoVl!mlwr <·lt·ctiou lt1 .Also Stall No. 2 Uentral .M:irket couversalio11 I tuld ~Ir. 1 't,·ro·!~llll r don \1·11.> l:i•·ko•tl i11 !111 l.Jn•:1st hy:.. vicious by E. F. liydL" .John Barker, 1888, Thcr wen• frn111 twlf tow11sllips Jn wa· bomd1t should like lo 11,;c 111or" 111' his 1:Lik th:tn lto1·s1., al:ll ::flf'!' li11;'Priug a few hours in for for Genuine cured II.AJJS \Voodrnff 1·on11ty. l!:viuelll'IJ ·l1ow<•d a a.nd Vr'ill13.m P.irkiH for !Jund h"ldt•rs be• wrote. [ rl'f1•1Tc'll .. ,p,•1·iall~ to tlw . grf':lt :l' 1111)· ,,.,,, li11:Lll) relil'\'l~d by to 550,000. It will pro!J:1iily h1·1•ome part of and BAOO.N'. )'<'Ill'" L>l

    t i:1 g m.iil;HL ('(l~ ! •h'~ ti1~ ... a!H·rnonn anc A HEAVY STORM ignornnL c of priCl'.; and ch i r~l· wa :; iH,;t:tntly J,il11 ·d. Sti-ikes Southern Georgia. a!ld Dlow• I more than the 1e~ular p1ice of UNKNOWN CORRESPONDENCE Down Houses--No Lives Lost 1'111>11 sJJ C'<7 • Getc Mi:is Ritter, of Pioneer, o., ill ATl .. \T.-\. Ga., .\fay G.-A dr.strnct.ive such thin!!:<: in the s tore" across Ev·er) ... IJuy· JS..xeo:>t Sunda.J ... lJy tl»C' Trouble. >li11~ a~ai11,.( l'al·h o~li­ RittPr, a daught<'l' of Willitim 1Utt1•r, of in!.( 1111' ft•111·p .; :1ro11nd 11 ntunl.lnr of farm:;. tha,t place, and a young lady of high lt i~ impo~~ililt• to get full det:i.il~ :is tl10 tor of the ?If. E. (·hurd1. no comm1111i<.:atio11 with mauy 1111' \\"Psi i-;it\l' Fo111· "'1•1•:n~ by mail to any :uldl'l'Ss mil of th" -.;(on·. \\'l'l\' !!;O\'Vrlle il Ii.\' <'Olllpl'1i- To A?ccp! the ~ropositi~n of t~o :l\.1'bi- d11cin g- tlw lll'Cl'S,;;iry ]l:lj)l'rS, lll:tl'l'il'( Thr gt.orm first str11!'k Uw villa~l' ur cit~ 'rh1 .. ·1· :iJonths for 1J111• l'J~iPg Lill~ b!'itle found hPJ'S<•lf itloul' I ginh1 a1'.d (foorgia. The roof of tlw hotel c: ~ nl by ~j,·ju~ unnu·. :'t1·t·P!. atHl nttn1 ,jPI' • · I ~.1 ul lll•sf'l' tl'd liv lu•r hushtt 1d, who at Camilla was blowu o1T :1Jld :1 uumhr.r o( tilt' n•sirll'llC•'. I JiLlence or the buyer.; b e ing thus ldt tl:1 · hotPI a'. 11 1 liYery hill unpaid. of Htores ll<>molished. 8e\·Cl'al pcr$oa~ <> '. :.:i,; .; Hi t : .. :· i'l'turni·Ll to l!Pr i:lth•·r's were badly hnrt but uo los~ or life is yet Jt .. ms fur p11hlication m:ty lw J.·fl :Lt th·· spc·:1 rt•d, I hPy wo11 Id 110 lon~Cl' r1111 Cmc.. ~c:o. :'.\fa;· 6.-Th<' tPn:1 .< s d ~I <'· HH' 11t a<;l'l'('U upon hy th•· a:·h1 tral 1011 hnnlt'. 'T'h e H(·xt day onP {_;a,\\TP~a·•'. a rcporl<1 d. 'rlit'rr· wore 111a.ny n< .. gro ucgro in l'\ <' I'.\' across 1 i\·er for l~\'ery lit t!e otlic•" or be sl'nt b~- nrnil, l.rnt the comrnilt<·e of tlw strikill .'{ <':J. l' iJl'llll'l'S :111u '! d l'l ' [ i\·p fl"llll l'll'\'l'l~rnd. ('!till(' to Bryan c:iblns ~it11:tlPd in tlw jlttlh or th,; storm rasp wlH·rl' it1·ms ar1· s1·nt by mail t'11·y thing !]1p~- wa11te11. The 1ro11hlc lH' 'v hossc~, lL!-1~0<'iatiou \V ~s ~ u l JJnittPd they have snffored this afternoon. and {tfl1•r a stm·111v :t :!ib will l1'-lrik<• AGITATING THE QUESTION OJ!' George w. Childs' $35,000 stable at they s:iy they cannot support tlu·ir famil- TEACHING GERMAN Wooten, Pe11n., burned. Europe over the report that he jl most thing:-.: it \\'ill never be neces­ ies on their present wttgPs. The strik· Jes~o Davis, a lea.ding former, died English squadron will co-operate sary to go across the river to buy er~ have hired till' Clan-n:.i-Urol near Catlin, aged sixty-seven. hall and will hold mP1•tiugs CY<'l'J' day In the Indianapolis Public Schools-A Jacob Rcnsehier was crnshetl to don.th with the Germa11 in the com- j at a rcason'1ble price. According­ 'I tl d'ffi It . IJ t l . Mass Meeting of German Citizens-An- by" der1·ick •t \\'heelirnr, W. Va. Llll t1 le 1 I'll Y 1°' ac us l'C IJJ other Beecher Come to Judgmont• ~ w ~ ing German maneuvers. It. in- ly they tra over 11ow and tltP slrik!! of the masons ha, l!'ir<> at South Orang:<', N. J ., destroyed are on very friendly terms if noth- j here, in the new buildings that completely p11rnlyz 'cl tlH' building ill· S20,000 worlh of yalu;thle bnildings. ,.. f I ·i Ixnux ..\Por ,1s. :\[;~y li.-ThPro is mnch d us t ry. 0 Ill! cu<'l'L Ci l I<' ~'Ll'I '" l11Ls lle<·n Oosh"n will improve its watrrworki ing more thnn this. ha Ye just been or :trc now being to forcP the 1'1\. ' ill~ off of tLll till' hands at agitatiou in this eiry of tlw <111,. ~ tion of · I bl' I I sonicc" and may dig artesia11 w I~. tho Sramans Rubber rnrnimuv'~ works, t l,·ac I 1111g Ol'rman in tie lJtJ 1" .s" 100 s. The clcath of Samnel J. Ran(lall er,•cted, all making as much noise " j 1 l I L f l I J Louisvill<' bucket shops of A. G. )[c. whichhadbt•en~hutdownforrP-:Lrrange- l~ )Oare o ~c.100 comm1,;~wner.s ias and the proL:tblc elevation of )Jr. as vos ible, in the way of' a.dvcr­ ment of the mtwhin.erv. The founa·-. .\t Ex-Spraker Carlisle will b<' natoriai seat of the drnd t;euator National House of Repre.;enta- the idea that they r of tho day here. t1IC' tot.he C'hangr, though it r1·d~H·es ex- stores In Gilbon, N. Y., burned. Los~ leaders they have had for m:.wy ,-.mtag:c. Six of the ltlrgrst tin can m:111nf1icturer~ I pl'nses $li,80U Jl<'r ann:llll. and will. talw $175,000. have shut down owin lo a dcmarn.l. b steps to test tl1c lngnlity of th'.' .a••t1on '.if Bishop Casper llorgoss, of the Catholic years. il', } board. The OC'nnan 1:1t1zens will the men for Jn. ·e to ton C"ents an hour ad· the . , . church, died Saturday at Kalimrnwo, ditional wagPs, which was givPll to tlwm bolt.I a masg ~H.'l'tmg 'Ih.ursda~· uight to Mich., of paralysis. '!'here is a rumor in the air thar : tonight and work will be rc:mmed tumor· grotest ''.gamst _tin• . di~conttuuan~i· '.i! John Walter, an Elkhart s:iwmlll em· row. 'erman rnstruct10n Jn owPr g,·;u p,; Ill ploye badly injured by bl'ill" ru.111jhl 0 u. large m:rnufo.cturing: concern The Grnnd .Jun' is in session at thl' C'itr s(·hool~. An important !Pgal t ' b ' 011 . g 100., At Grnnile 8tone Quarry, 'Voodstoek. t· . . 1 1 . 1 .1. 1.1 1 1 1 e ween r rn .,s. which rec0ntly thrcatene1· c lla, i11ilictin~ a iiainf'ul bnr h.v Lis t1uthonty. A row is c•xp<•ctod. ' arouud. Connellsville, Ohio, to Baltimore, Md. and seems to be de!crniined 111 1 110 means serion,.; injnr.\·. \To!k0:- Harnecs Ma.kers on a Strike. G. If. El~iu. a l<«~cling Baptist minis- Burt Aker~, section boss on IC. N. rall- ·11 tl ·a ll . 1 was t;iken into a s:1loon ne:"tJ' br S-r. Loc;rn, ~Io., 1lfay Ci. - 'l'wo huntlred ter nud diid <·ditor of thr Indiana Hap- road, fired into a passenger train at Clay }10 11 ( on tI te mi ( co 1 n1:n111<.!1. :lll(1 a doctor was c:illed to drc>'s and 1ifty 11arness 111ak1·r» h:wr• strnck for tii;r, diNI in this city, of consumption, City, Ky., and wounded throe passengors, Y., Iler- I,asL year half the boys in town lite \\'Otmcl. It creutePr 1·<·nt. bronght 011 by l;t gripJH'. lk wa>; an At Spragueville, N. Abel About one hm1dr<'d 111ntrryrue 11 allle a.bit• man !~nd prominPnt iu his deuomi- geron poisoned his two children and were wearing straw hats)ong Le- able exc itement ancl quite a crowd went out, demauding a11 iucr<"aso of pay rnttion for many rcu.rs. committed suicide. Wl!e hn.d deserted fore this. 1;oon eollected. 11nd thQ eight ho_i_tr_l_Ia_y. _ Bix ty <·arprnl<'l'~ employPd iu the Xor- him. CINCINNATI, Ohio, .M:1y (i. - l•'ifty em· dykn & :'.\farmon :\Iill works struek today J o.;eph Sewn.rtz, a noted pawnbroker beou indicted The West Side may not Ji:iyc a At the openin!!; of the hlay term ployees of the Ex'l'Plsior fo1111dry strueh fur an i11<·rl'tt.'e of wages. They now get ot Kansas City, Mo., has this morning on tho company's rdus!1l tc twenty to twenty-two <'ents :111 hour, and tor grand larcony and reeeh'ing stolen company with one million dolla.rF, or court 1 Judge Thomp.wn rrn(ler­ grnn t te11 per ceu t. ad van cf'. want tw< ·nt y- two t~ nd :i half to twl'nty- goods. to boom it, as has the East End, elay rnle Orphan's home held a large town aud Dayton View, he will I Anghe inYentecl a plow and called BUSIXEsS' FAILURES. <"llllrl'h :ti'<' e:!dl'avoring to 1·11g-tlf\'P a.< festival at Richmond, at which 51,000 Woocl Dealer Assigns. pastor. prl'ttt•hl'd a trial . ~l'rlllon Hn11day I was realized for the support of tho insti­ be astonished at. the numb ~ r or it the ·.\nglw" plow. This plow l Cor.r;\ums, 0., ~fay u.-.Tohn lLtly ,<;: morning, a!!d was greC'tPd by a lrPlll<'n- tution. , ~ · i1ew houses hein!.!'. built di: .. ·i · nnder this name had been map.u­ Co., wholesah' wood cl<'itl<'r~. have don ..; C'rowd. Thos~· who lil'ard him c·ou· Thomas IIurd, Union county, Ohio, seventy-~e,· rn years old. found guilty of fhe lltlmber of new slrcets L ...... ~ factured for more than twenty assigned. Liabilitles :jf!.) , fJOO; asset! fidl'ntly cl1 1•l:u·l' that a second Bv1•el111· $7,000 • . h:is h1•1•:i found. Il1' is bat thirty-one bastardy upon comphdut of twe11ty-year­ ,1 ] • years a 0'0 n. 1 · t ] l h 3 years, Then seYcral y<«W :1 chi. ,.n:ooth-fatl'd . ~l.ll.,, 1e. 1HO ier 0 lC ct Cl' strrnglh Chic:igo election frauds, it i~ now Sttnfurd Fork m1mlwr. st;dd old church. The sermon crrtttPd a went Insane. has clisiippcared. A~s<'ts pl:Ll'l'tl at ~ name "Augl10'' in conne ction with S!•usu, tiou, and it . <'l'ms that in :Mr. MRS. PO'r't:ER ~.OTESTS l hundred and I.I'll tho11s:L1Hl dtJllars. Lh1· t\ most fortunate discon·ry ha~ Competition in business when lheil'plow<:,cLlimingtl attheywere :'.\I ilh11rn That She Never Denounced the Unitod bilities ~loo,ooc:_ __~-- l)een mad•'- States in a Newspaper Interview. not carried too far is a good thing selling their plo"· on the C'redil of THE MARKETS. RAILROAD RATES RESTORED. 1\1~w Y 01m, l\fay u.-Pri\'atc lettero f.or both biiyer an • • • fhe nc\Y l'Olllp:rny <'la1med that lOc lowu. i:>tl'l'C; ,.'.P~ !Olio:; :!.i; ti .d is and / CmrAc:o, 6.-.\t a nrnPtiug dry t:ows ~~1 ·'iO@:l :W. Ur•''""" IJ1 •d firll' i1rl•sid<'nts ·of Wl'Stl'rn rmtds, it wa~ terview alleged to havr been held with efit the West ~1dc. I cop le helot c as the name wa . not a copyrighted 0 @G }{ @'i ~[ c for sidPs. Cal\·,.,: :'.\larkPt aQ"rcM that mfrs lllU 't l.ln ad,·auel'd, and lier 011 tlll' strP<'t prc1·ious to her clf'par­ buying good~ anywhere like to trade m:irk the court had no right. j finn. Vl'als. :[email protected] 'i'.i; lrntl<•r milk !':tlH's, aftrr th1' \'il'ws of thus(' prPsent w1·re ture fut• ~l('lbou1·111., i11 which she wa; repr1·sent<•d to lmn• made statements dis­ know what they can get iL for at / to prcYent. '. ~ .Aughe from cnll­ $3@3 50. SbcP[l and lambs: ::;ht•1•p olJt1: inl'd it wa' clP<"id<"d to advancf' Col­ wea~~cr; lai.11Js, st1•1ttly. JT11shorn shN•p, omdo rates back to their old standard parngiug Americun people, and in which some other place. When there is i?g: h~s plows from his ow11 namr. $6 377(@7 oo, clipp('d do, ~:-.@u 00; nn· )fay Hl, aud that the prPsc•nt rate:; it wa~ maliciously stated that sho was to go to on the 1he .Judge held that the name ~horn yParlings, ~7 1~@:3 2;>; <'lipJiNI do, shoultl not be cut. aud that managers accompt1ni<'d by a 11urse maid. no other place 1 SG@':' 00. Spring lamh:;, $7 50Qli9 25. should nwet on. tlw 8th inst., for the pur- Mrs. Potter dt•elprosen­ -,1 ti t t t agcd interview n.s made there, they think they might as j tation worked up by the former ~·ally Assaulted. assoeilttion, and such otlwr busi1wss a;; up of whole rloth and utterly !also ln 1\.:,11,• .'Y. X. Y., ,\fay r cities. She hU! hardwarl' mPu will r::o to Washington to Knitting Mill Emplo:i'e I'.:i!lc

    HO::IIE JllA.TTliRS· :~~~~~! ~:a~·~~.1:~7i \~i-tl~up•• u. 1· r .... \.ra·c-a'1'·'0''1·1·1· LOCAL NEWS The body• .or . .John. Dan11cr who. 11 'l'I te roar o f tl te l'10n 1s. t 11rnetl .into with cheese slioulc.l :il"::i.1 ,; accompany • 1 !tad been nu~ Ill!!: J rom home for I [ L 1 I Beets should be boiled one houl' iu t l . l a «ry 0 rnp:e as 1ie C as 1e' upon womlcuck. Green pea-; and water cres· a1 ion awce;:,wn:10irn1I · vcst,•nay r1· B . t. ju mnu~r ; one hour and a half, or c\·cu 11 1 1 se.,, '"ihl ducks. ~\.pi le ~:wee, turnip>', '[ . . • · ll' 1an; O 1llS Ctl"e. oc J1 \' uOIH1 - two hour~. if large, in wiuter. caLba e, wild or tame i;ee c. H r:>. ~[arquet, of Dakota. treet. m the canal rn an ad\·anl'e l :>b!!;e' . . "' . · 6 · ·t · I . . . 'l'l · n~e is miserable, bu! mtellectual All vegetnLle3 should go iuto fa3t Yr n<>:it :in-1 pretty ho1i:;c shoes mny J:-; (!lll c Sil'\. o 1 11 ec01npos1t10n. tere were no· l i.c.ili:.l..; water, tu be quickly brou;;ht to . . . . • . . Jonda~e worse. In every a "e 111ado cltili!r,•11 uf pa11ts· Funld1 for hea1·y H('\•. c;, ;\. t:h tli. lit'avtJr, c·c 1:ip up au ol 1 '"''" e · • . . . 1 1en• are men >Y o are con cnt to in tl.lc hot w:itcr Lefore boilin;, which tl;at lit~ the olle lllle1:di11~ lo Wt'"!" ~In.> Iii::. hon. l! )1:!Jlt'J'OC1. l lwu;.d1t lo be :l C:l."l' ol Sllll.:H.l'. I l'a ve ti1eu . m1. ncl s . msI ng:g1s . h l )Ond- toughens ,hem :ilitl destroys color and :LS I \',";l. :ixty-ei .. ht year: old. . hotac-ma le arlit'll' :u1 1, I 0 f' " ~· - "\Vhen se\'~ral cups of ten of equal cloLh; Ii:il' "it'• tl:m cl. and bind ctr ~ l"C'<'1, was 1 Y<'ftcr :iy. · :s. Ill. ntciu:'ug t, (;L'l'· old ground. lttakcs a great ;;tnw:- strength are wanlell pour :i little iuto ed;;es wi~h hr.tid ancl deeJrate with a i•it I Mr. Lamson colored, is bui\1- 11n1ulo\\ n :.trL"d, \\'as :.wltlenly g;lt• to free the mind as it took a each t.:up awl l11en till in i1nerse order. (•f c111IJl'oi.lt'ry, ur 11ot, a; you choo.;t-. . ', takt·ll ill Ja,t L'\·~nin!!;. The ic:1 lirst poured fro:ll tho pot i; the Fur soJ,,., 11->e tiw L•>fls <:· \\orn-oul ,1 1 10 ,.~ Ill~ house 011 Baxter st red. great i;lrug!de to free ma11kind weakt•11t uf lite decoctiim. or fine boots ~i· I a.·k, "f Lu .. kskin .. ~"'"'" · Ut'Ol""C Hik\• of Third aml S. L. He!"l' and lJ. H. :Miller ll'l't from human slavery. 'flrnro i:1 nothing that remo\"eS impur­ 1'.. Ycr..1u·"' "Ol'li.. :-""I .. ' I :i11.t at Letcn'rvmanthinko11thisow11 itie, from floor,;, etc., ,;o rapidly as Loil· Ine .. cr.1· Lo~i- .. 1.:11. <.'"Jleci:illy B:-0:1a11011 \'isiling frit>11ccl. nn(l then stand up for it. 101 ..·~-Ja,Jle;omUcd, a Assodatiou will hold their next the hook of nature and the lrn- usinti a Ettie dry btarch or arrowroot chet1ry open n.-,., &111 ill r chilt.lrcn at Burglars got into Beebe anel meeting Thursll the injured pa1t. Thi~ i;hould .' i.1 durini; the e\·ening, :rnd Mrs. ~. l'II. Hoover has obtaineel I John L. Clevin"er, who former- admitted; God is ever in the cter- No m:.iller how l:lrge the spot of oil, no spec:a.1 occupatio:1 prcseat.s ii.self. permit 1o huild two fnune houses ly ]i\'ecl on "'a. hington, but now nal e~ergy from which all things any c:irpct or woolen stuff can Le cleaned ConversatioaHoo.1 lh!!;~. autl ""hat:shoulu 011 C'.vn;s street and two on Uolle;rc tt re itlent of .Jones street, and · ha.-o a frequently 111 nature proceed." All aargl'I' will build "·ho has l>een foreman at :\IcJlose there is behind the power of na- c:trefully, Lrn~hin;:: iL in to a dustpan pro,·e.:1 .Uu~ 1tfle1· a "ho:·t lime and putting on fresh with I.ho young- la•lr wiio liao> a pretty n. ltcn:~c 011 Uawthornc Ftrt>ct. ' & Lyon. for the pa-:t ten year~. ture an invisible, powerful somc- un ti! t Lu oil ha; all Llisappeared. and interesliug piecJ of cm~>roiller_r or OtTI1ccr I'\.('CL l w I10 Ims lJeen at- I ias ·ecureu;i a more I n«ratl\·e· l)Osi- tl11'11• \" It t 1 • f'll d "ti fancy work in lie1· hand~. Sit~ work,i, ;.. 'f e oug 1 O ue l e Wl l 'fo K<'cp l'ie Crusts from CrumLling. - cha.L", la11gl1s, drop; her work, stops to tcn1ling the heat of O/licer 1Ie11· lion in )foncie. Inrli:rna, and will holy fear when we realize we are "' lwn your pit'8 with upper crusts are liste11, re. u111es her work, au,l makes l1cr~;ltol, w:1s off ycstcrela.v and his ·oon mov to tht 111ilk in cup nalnral po.,itic,n. Iler vbitord soon pl::~·c wns ~illf'tl by the ~ne big Complaint i,:; m:hle by ladies obtain a closer relationship. It is of de:rn cloth wet tho upps crust and rim. 'Vli(•ll Laked it will present a become i11lero~tecl in h~r work, and she, pOhC'em:rn irCHll D:1ytou View. who are compelled to cro.;s the the pure heart which will see Clod. her work and the e\·enmg alto;;CJther a.1 e . , . · j '' · sliiny appearance and will not flake off. cli.muiug. It won Id lie a wi ·e ant.I JauIH'. H the meat should ha Ye to wait ing aafCJ\'eni11g call-protYkitlc,l !ti wt! not i II" ton Co11rt Hou s,• to M:niett n. ! he arl'hc;; of the hrid!!e anu~.;. or some I l'eople arc ('OllIJ>!:dning: or thL· anguage. O~" w 10 Wl pay the 1!i1111er will ccrtniuly be bO much the tasty silk Lag, hn~1d-1i:1inleJ or em- condition or o a brute at b1·oidcrt'c1, and do.;e1l with drawing rib- ·. ,;· ., . t 11 1 i . 1,, 1t,. hcid1t of llepnn·ity arnl the in- physi11ue and Hou-ekeeper> will find the following bnns. A black s:lk ba:;. painted or lS .. l! 1 11l.l l(' l1l 11 ,llH1 \ · Cl · . . • • redpu for cle:11ii11:; p::i11L u.;eful: To a cmbroiderc.1 with purpl..i dover LloJ- a1tllll". a larg:e part or the sir<•('! are Jluence ol a lew dny,; coiduwmcnt heart. To stand up for principh.: pound of .oap uad ha!! :t pount.1 of 1;ul­ som; and linf'l with the o;ame pnrplc heh (lv<'I', l't'lHkl ill~ ii pr:il'tie:ll!.i· mi!.d1t he bene1ieial. is the great bulwark of true manli- vcrizcd pu111ku stone :itlll an u1ual qu~.n­ cJo.,..cr sh::dP.l silk with J'iLL·ms to match, . ., ,, .·i~..; . ... ) T , • ness. Au~ust inc N apolcon Wash- 11 1 tily of Jll'arl ash :it1d mix with hot \\'Ule1· is very pr.,tty. _\.L;o a Libck silk hu;, 0 1 111 ~ he\". ' . 1'. Brown, pa:;tor o1 . · , ' ' · iuto :1 1hi11 pas~c. \Vilh an ordiu::rv lined with buttl'l"Cll[l yellO\\' satin, uutl Amlll"OSC Shan];, n :aks111nn f'or nro:11lw:n· :\LE. l'hurl'h left YCS- m~ton and Earl of Shaftsbury paint Lrush h1y 011 thi~ lllixture over tl;e ribbon,; of :.ame :.hailL', has buttercup l!O()\'('l' ,"Jlaint which rtH1uircs cle:iuin;.:-, and in and d·ibie.; ):\inted th" out;ide .. Uai1w:-:, has hN'll c1u,1.' .t c. noon 01 1ppeca11«c • T . Cl . ' '. · 1 · 011 ' · · •· l I · · 1rn ei::s. • es us inst was a true Ji,·o minutes w,.h iL off with boiling lllack silk l111Ptl mth hlu) a!l<.l pmnt0d c:alled ltorne from D:illns, Texa>', City, to attt>m tie me<'bll" of the . . . . \\"U(er. infor~e.t-111e1;ots ..nrl"n·lwithpinka11d hy the dl•:ith or 11is father, Dr. l\I. J:. ~lini,,terial ~Lsociation of rn:rn .. All h~s enenues aelm1t lus Canaries are often famishet.I for fresh eml>ro1ucre.1 ~a w_ild ro,e~, etc., makes ti, D ·t 1. ·t . ·t f' ti ~· .· ma11l11l('s.;, fhc same hand that cool waler. You se;.i bit.; of sugar and a pretty combination r.,r a work-b.L°". Shnnk, of Trotwootl. lC U) on ( L nt:, o ie llH 111- ·I•· . , I . nati ronfPn'nce. Tlw :t::.SO"iation c t 1c temple blessed the ht- 8p•mge cake and cracker t ucke,l all c.11e1~ Womu11 :.- v~i:e1'"""'"s· Ludy au '} .a r. Slessor discussed the c1ue-:- sug~estivc smells that arc often too pre- · . \.eason ,t l\' verv astor S 1ouhl \\"~ixyour irons thoroughly antl keep them vailing in plw;e, ,11.orc thu c:u·ni\'ori . MrR.'\V~·:-:t1.' of K.alamazoo, l\I1eh- be hi own l~rnng~list." tio~l o~ Capitnl and Labor. l\fass- in a YN'Y dry place. 'l'hb will prevent wuitru.i.;e.. arc :.;c1wrally neat 1~an, .1s ns1trng f~~endt> and rcla-1 - es m Enrope_are_discontented. .\ tlteir sticking. If you find a scorched rneet. 'fhe i1lacc expose it to the hottesL rays of the and trim, too. Th, customers at this tJye,,; 111 Dayton ' !CW. I great reYolnt10n lS innni11ent. The restat:rant aro chiC'fiy 1ln•ss111uker3 aud A • f D 1' J" 11un. lt will he ublitomted in a ::.hort awl shopkeep:?: ' a,,i.;:a its. Perhaps \V m. Bainl, fireman aL the Day- n~1versary O ~vis iterary So- two :;ides m nst meet and consiller tinw. 2:-Jyer cen.t. :~re \\"l)JJ:en. The manager tun View ltoi'e house is taking n.1 oiety at Summit Street B. I the question together. Is it right. machines u. !.!<'fore the days of sewing sa11l he d1t.ln t tlu11k tlwr,) were 111nny I . I Church Monday Evening f" }:l · t 1, h d i·1 ) ~ewiu~ ;;ilk was to Le fount.I in all work­ among hi:; ct1stu1nPr3 wl.o were vegc· Yaen trnn to day. I ' ' or.Jl.. t carnrngs O ue s are a l ;:e. b:1.Sket8. Now machine ~ilk is generally tariau-; from l'o11,·it.:tw.1;. -The~· com? for .Jll'f;. Onn kcl ()f W l•st Set'on use it for lOd; lmttho wo111P:1 only a\·erageGJ." house papered. u'<.•r the "'ave>.: hy :1 quartdte !lJli:' t: ..... natr, ~ ~ v " I Then followed the Rolo of l\Iiss lining inside a. coat skirt gives a coat a 1 tl ' · t t ti l t .c•11cc. Q uar t c t tP.-• · J) ncrn~· o ·''r t I1P \'',, an. .' · Pickert, which was heautifulh· very forlorn look. A good thick satel'll T o 1~'-'"P ic .. :11: a 1 , c;. 1e ~cap I of color s11ilein<> will make one'a !wad, anti Lrnid to 01·atiun. "l'kn fur tlll' Fr.. ,.Ur ncr, of agerstown, four iuchl·8 froni tho husband \"ery happ;. "" the end. '.l'he11 \\"Pt the scalp a11•l \\"ith .Mr. :t!Hl Mrs. George \\'ollanl :1li111l.'" ...... \" .•\. Carlt1111 ~l:trylnnd, a former member of I Ink stnins ca:1 I.Jc taken t•nt the day visitinl! 1 s1•n ...... T. ". ~laun·r \.ft th C ll S l -;\ m ii k is appl ivd to tlw soiled place:1 di­ thoroughly with Lire fi11;.;,•r ..; waHh the . · . . . l'cllo ~olo, _. \"ariatiUlh 'Ill' 'l'IH'llll' .1. er :lllO er e 0 0 0 by .i: fr. recll.•. Firnt lay a ::.heet of blotting Oll 111 •E' . . .. t f' I J\11mler, the benediction was pro- head with clean watc1·. Do not try thl'll'. H1tl11non<.l, Inu1ana. I .Jt·o. s,u. J tl!J. f J"Uf(r WIUWt' •• paper O\"er the place to soak up the ink; to Llry it tt;u q11ie:1ly Ly sit tin~ very J l I' 11" l d f Tole lo \ \ 1· l uonnte _ off the pbco with milk, chan;;ing the hair brash. Wipe the hair with a towol who has been Yi siting his 1. other Oration. -··Trul' ~lanli11"'"·"'·...... 1 lo1Ya. li:ttting J, r a clea11 picccl as >.oon as it arnl then if th·~ ti111u c:i:rno~ Le spared to l\lountl street, has gone to · · · · · · · · · · · ·· ·· · · · · · · .C. c,. )Jurphy becomu.1 much soiled. Continue this 011 let it ,Jry nilluralh· Lefore! lloill'.:: it up, a Oratiou.-··Thc Q1wslio11 of th" Day,"' 1~ol·. 'll -.\ siln·r·lll'ac],.d ~ilk umlrn•I until the iuk 110 lunger show8, tLcn wash fon may Le 1be.I. Tho applic:Ltiun of Piqua to work...... •...... •\. E. :"l lo~1~ hair. In a contest bst Thur-clay at ~olo.-"'En.> !IL· ria,'" ...... h.1 rnlli11g tht• lTE)l ;,Iii and l>aying­ "·arm wulcr aud rub dry with a clean for this a1[\"t'rlis1·m .. nt. Bi•marck Wincu. the little col- ...... J[i s .l:tl'!!lll'tilt• Hil"ki-rt cloth. She ;'\fotl~ City IIall, between OF ~°"'OH S.H,J<~-l>t'li\"t'ry if sol In Ilollautl one gets the mo3t clclicious Ma.dam Jult•tlt', the :wllwre~s and orccl l!irls, as to whil'h one was l'HE~. ·;.\1 wx nn·w~a:. wa)!ou, J,\ I,t•\'. L. <>. Burtut"r. l ;-;tH~l' will Sl'!l ClH'ap. l'all al 11 '! l Dutch chccae. 'l'hey take nour ::1ilk and foundt•r of tl:c '."ouvelle lfovuc, of Paris, l ] . l l\f" . is a liamlrnme \\'pman of oO, who dreEse.:; the more gr:\cefu • Jtt e . llllll~' Cl'llo ~olo.-:_ .. Homaun'." Gwrye (;,,/. U1·nua11tow11 s(l'l'!'l. put it in a 111u:ilin bag and han;; it up tir1,,a1rn ..•.....•...• ...\ ••\. Ku11.l1•r o~·er ni:;ht. In tho morning this b a with cxt:l'llent t.1;;te ant.I is no!oJ for her Jones, of l\Iound street, earned off UEX'l'-l•'our room brick hons•· solit.1 mass, but not tough a~ when Loilcd. clt·:~:11H 111:111111·1·-. Her ~uire~, are very the honor;; and receivell ~s ::t prize DE~EDICTIO.'. {i~Olt pol'11l:11·. I Wlllt't make il. S:ilt uu I poppe1· are pulitit.:ally. and for a tricycle. Rev. It Rock gaYe thanks fo1· coin" rl'commt·nllt•d. Apply to Ch>ul\\"h:k adlll•d alll.l a teacup of rich, sw.,et cn.•am hotlr ~ot.:i:dli· :111'1 is stirred iuto, say, a quart of tlw curd, years 8he li:1s l l'l'll un ahidi11g thorn in The oli le of J: ,111arck-)1wof his eueruies aul l e:i~ap. A ,.,. a1 <'I' from n l l pourcJ in ki pt the ~Ir. 'urllo11 made a plea for lhc BUTCHER r-eas are more :ip1u-opriate for H•al, mul- not a 1li1!kul. 1lii:1~ :o 1!0 if yo.1 ha\·e an Cor. Dale and )I •>numental .A ,·enu(•ts. ton or poultry. Corn ~houltl 110,·or aC'· "Yl' 101 il-cau. lw.1_,, lie w,·ll r,lo,·etl ul- pool tolcra bl.\· fre::;h. .\sit is 11ow, free ~om ol" tho min cl. anccome stagnant. the rntcllcdual bonelage of man. Ucntral Market Stall .t:'o. ~ venll!on, c~rrant jelly. Cal>ba_?e,_ ap~~ 61, inclusive, arc ~ostl,r sold !O wowen. 1 THE EVENING ITEM, TUESDAY. l\IAY G. 1890.

    Tlw roof o f u 1. c• \dy 1'' 11"' 1'11 ft• tl :-,t·hnol but. \llCll liH1 l-'.itot tt1tts L l1a\t• l(.Jrtl aun HURRICANE. builcling at Lm\'tHbdllt. • . l.. 1 •u ll: ~ p~<·d, I.1ny urged him to work. they might draw tlic suakc out "ilh the ~ (, Iuj111·ed -- ('hu1·"hcs nnd J>ublic body of ..:\ llliil' :.\loon'. who clcpl1a11t ! Suf'tkieal rnpe for the plll'- . ! "it·l!ool llnilcmoll»ll«d -­ The :\II:~ Oti11•r l'oluts !11 Texas uh;u wa8 drowned two month~ ago in tht• -;\Ii- po;e was lo<>. l'll •d fro111 1ltc deph:rnt's 1 1 1 ::-, u fft.. 1·crs. ami river 1H·m· Lo\ •·land. Oliio, has beeu ~:~ :1;,: \'~ 1 u\ ,'/~. ~,~'.~" 1 ;;:~1i~'.:ic:~'.~,:~~d o;h~ 'S" found by a party of tbl1Prnn•11. · · · l l F 1_iythou's t a il, its n•n :arn111111g ong! 1 'Vll.Sl'OlXT, 'l'Pxa,.;, -;\fay 11.-A hurri· 'I ''"d •·111 fo11rt1"'tl ,., .. ll' ulcl el •t11gl1 ·' :ire ·'~ '' · ~ · ' - ' brougl1t up :.igaiu to !he pad and fastened ca110 stru .. k h"n' :Lt 1:!:30 and c1·cry tel" of a Ca11 atlia11 farutPr. w as bur1wd lo there, thus <.loul>ling its slrcng-th. Now 8UDD1Y house in th .. low11 is nioni rJr l<·s~ <.hun· dC'ath in a lir<' that dPs t r~ y<•tl 11. ma.plo came the tug of war! A i:.tH.lllcn jerk Yon will Find a Full of an a!;'Nl. Two pe·rsuns aro l;ill<'d and scv· sngar shanty on h <' r fatlu·r ·'farm. 1mi••ht lia\·c torn the skin; (It. mahout oral ol111•r" wo11111kd. Th<• kHl"d :~re: Aldl>rmuu Jam<'' :.\fr.\IH·<.· and City wa~ therefore warned tu put on the I :.\ll":<. Bowl'll, l':lu<:l:L 1111d<.•r falling wall Ce•utral Cornmillt•1·n.t:.1.n .\l l« !t at· ~ .l. <" '.n'- strain gradually. Lillie l:i.t we know aad <.'J'11she 1d to d!':Lth. conLu haY<: hf'<'ll i11d1l'!1 ·Jl<'l'. of l'hiladP!phitt. I tig:1lc1· grew the ropes, when "crack" I Fresh from tlie Garden EVEitY l\IORNING. 111 11 Tlw J rnd u.re: pre::;ident of th« PPnlls).·h ;Lui<.• .\.e:Hl1 ·11.1y went 0110 of !h<.·m. t:>till .,the strain was Jack llnllanl, dangerously injured in· of Fine Arb. and pru111u w 11t 111 h11;111cml inn.:aoc acl. He !1 it :i.n ••:tat<' bllaviug tho snake in l\I. B. ::\klllauus, ttrm broken in two i~ '<~lucc utiug atton cy uf St. l'aul. :,[im1., counter miniu;;~111 k11Jod w1l c 1 a large girl, kllled. for th" an••>( of tbl' prominent polltit- i:ms of buckishot. "\\"he 11 measured it was W. 8 • KINC. C. S. KINC. CEO. HUFFMAN. :\[r8. J..'n•emt~n's re•sisca11P iL~ fa.II. Tile .\frthodist clmrch 1 KING & HUFFMAN, and public school building were com- The crcditon of th<• dl'f11net 1lr111 of I ue1· s ourirn . I Henry S. Iv<'« & Co. hnn· a!!rl'l'Jo. +West End lumber Yard,+ housos WN"l' nnroofed 1111cl all thl' goods Clinton town:hip. a suburb of Colnrn- Judge Arnold, iu Pie old court house, they conlainod b:1clly dnmagrcl. The bu~, Ohio, has passP11 £1ncl JJJJ11cls, Found Dead in Bed. ticular. A stylish young woman had 1 SAD ACCIDENT. NEWAillC • • .•J., :'.\lay :i.-A man wh" been sworn. :mre a printer, bnl is unid tili C' d. "that this wi t 11<>~; di I not ki:;.q tile book. H co., nut in motion wl1c11 ht· stu.rtcd to cross Dr. Cronin'• Burial. I would not do it citli ~ r , tL tlirty book the trar:k, but 11 U. R. & I. frcight:tru.iu, I CHIC.A.Go, )lay !i. --Fully lf\t• thousand like U1at. Thii cu,1<.•11.1 .i ;. a rcl.ic of which it Is suppo~rd ho did not see, was :people a.ttendc·d the ei•rcmony .if ]Jlacing idolatry, ai;k be· J R CE RIES aud among The tlultan awoke .,·itb a stltl"d sorea.m, plied: earthly sc<•ncs on Iy a 1lOUt t h1rty. llliuutcs 1119 nerves we.a shocked by a t<'n.rtul dream. f "I mean t l ia t it was e:; t :t 11> is· d l b 1c y ti \e l ------~------from the ti mo of the ~ad u.c~cld<•nt. :Mr. An omen ot terrible Import n.ucl doubt, church to bhow the h11111ili:tlion or the IF• s·~ k -u~ b ·1·1· llursh was 29 year:; of age and lea\'C8 a Hla teeth all ill one moment C!!ll out. people l>efore the fir~t jutlg? · ~· who wore IDB ll ID ro ~ s Tlle Sandusky Fish Market wife a.uIUbled al brot\k or da.~·. clcricti. lt hns been abolt~110Ll Ill Eng- - ~ u_ Cl • Ill b I Id l\I And stood at tho throne In •olomn t\rray: I · .-Tho Kl'ntnck} · d o..,,,, Thou sba.!L see all thy ldndrnd die." his physical c. apacity to resist.pain an. AND REPAIR! NC D "C: Ke1lt by delegation in congrl·><~ and a 11nmb<'r of 1. t f l ti d t AT THE FACTORY Wroth was the Sultan.: he iraa~h e d his teot.h, torture.; vut 11..s ~,· ors. e.::i urc.1s ie 1r > • • . •• . • 111 and soothe, and wh1cl1 1s 1mpa1tcd to the thnn an" hc>JC ebc .1t visitors from that stitto met tu}-1~ { And ill\"e him a hundred strltx-s for bis pal no. from dirty '.ntne~ses, an<.! 1 not only .i. • _ .... )._ ..J -'' his rc>ma.lns to Lexington, where burial I I 1· ' l t b k b t I 1:!10 ·w. 'l'hircl :st.. D:iyton, o. The wise men shook as the Suttnn'• eye wou u no os.i sue 1 a 00 ·, n iave a :1.~:1. E.1 ST FII' TII ST. will take ]Jlitcl'. 8crvicc•s will be held in l:!wcpt 'round to 800 who n~xt woulm, Hcpplng before t e t ru.. , I •rt · 1·k ti 1~ ( kt" 1' ' brnss dr,n 1,n t i"• ,'lC t1'on. un1tr." i ·1-11ilc we no Exclaimed. In o. loud sud Joi·ou~ tone: ' ll I ·o l~ c .• Sovlll O S~ Ill-, . " ..11 " v ' by i~ special train which will arrive at toC's of gra,·en image~; rnme wors111pers ridicule the canon of Zlramat il' criticism, Yidt• i11to picc.: ;_>..;. Iloll or drcclgo in i.our Lexington Wcrsd11y. A committee "Exult, o. head of ll havi>r •t .. tc! kiss the tl>e until it i;i "orn sm ooth, which would s:wrific0 seJB <' aml iu t1· re~t and fry t0 a 1~oldc•11 brown. Arrange from the 8Cnatc an<.1 one' from tho houso I Rejoice, 0, heir ot a glorious Cato! while others only stoop tlo\\'ll aml pre- to Jll"C'se:·n · the "unitie~." dYilization. as neath· on a dish ancl pour over it a drcss- wlll be named tomorrow to act u.s a.n cs- .. :!!'or this is the to.1·or tbo<1 bhalt win, ccud to kiss il. They al'e jtbt a< devout we see it. has not yet in it:; pro<"',, of ing- 11; a 11!' fa ('ll]> of cream brought to t 'l'I t Ill bably a.cljo O. Rultlln, to out.live 01 mg porn · Ill u "" 11c 1 r .u tomonow as a token of rcs1Ject. l Plf'n.sed wu tTJO Sultan. nml r.•ltcd n slave. lips, but they have too much r ~;.; ard for troy:; the uel'essity of unity in tlw art of the beaten yolk:: o'." two eggs, salt and 1 0 NEWS IN .A NU:I'SHil!LL. And a lluntlro.d crown• to the " " nurn gnve. theu· health to to1; c l1 tlll'ir li p'l lo the m;1111wr,;. To .lut\"C' one ~;e t of n~anncrs }W]l Y' r aucl a frw dri>ps of lemon, l:dug 1 But tbc courtu·rs.nwl. wll h uru1·c" sly winks, . spot '"here thou~aml :i of olll ·r.; have fol' thP ll ra w rn .~ -roo m. another for the i;areful that it does not curdle or get too I Thor<' arc> !Ptirs of a co~! famine In ,\nd each one whisper• what cncb one-thlnka · 1 been. i; ln•l't and con'aet witlt strangl'r. .;, a man- thick. Garnish with par~lcy. if likod, J ollct, Ill. "Well can the ~ul.tnn rewo.rd and blame; , "l think swearin:..?; on the Biblo should iwr l'or womeu and nue for 1111' :1. al way~ and :;en·c at oncl'. - [Cclc;:;•e Fel'rel, 'Yest Forest llrns are doing grf'at d~ ...... ;c .o Didn't> both thew111c nll'n foretell tbo ~!liner lle nboliohe,1. A w1t1ie:;• c:m take just C"hanµ;ing. chamPIL•on like. t o s uit the Ya. \Yiscousln. Quoth tho crnfly nlN1d on the way" tblng•t1 8.$ on the Diulc. "-ll' liihdelphi:i Pre6,;. lJUently st'en <•ven a m on.~ ueople reputed from one quart of oyster.; :tJH! put it on Of cil'StllutJon. said!" -IH•brow Journ1LJ.. t-0 lie well breil. b au l'Y idence of lacking the ,;to,·e to hPa '.. 8killl it and add a Wisconsin Ropubll<'an8 will not mr.ke JOTTINGS I'OU nousintE.El'Elt!I. in 1hiH very thing. To he one a!Hl the small piPce of lmtt<·r. a cup uf cream. aml GKTTI:XG A Hl'fCJI 0 . . ,\. PYTilON. thr BN1111•tt t•clucalional law an lssuP. same to frirncls an1l str:mgers in eonrtc>sy, peppN to fastl•. \Vlwn it come:'.l to a. boil, A wa..•li ol equal parts of glycerino · f i· r · ti t l l ti ti! .f Only