r- * ■ a mj nvniEM. ISUKINEM» CHANCBH. B1EE1ING8. THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, reach interior markets in the South that cat- WASHINGTON. Personal Published every day (Sundays excepted) by the Dot be reached by lime from THE OLD WORLD. Paragraphs. PEX MONTH, SALARY AND probably shipped éQKA NOTICE. PORTLAND PUBLISHING Bockland. The Oscar Wilde now wears a slouched f[pO»-/V/ commissi η, to competent biwinese COMPANY, Charge· Against De Lons. big for At 97 Exchange and FOSTERS manager this City (or State) Ageucy. Respon- Special IQeeiins «f the Trustee· of Oak Stmjckt, Pobtlajtd. Mk. Washington, Dec. 10.—Messrs. Buchanan, bit, it is reported that his wife « ucuur- sible business a company, practically monopoly, lirore ία Falmouth· Tekjss: Eight Dollars a Tear. To mail BUbeorib- SHIPBUILDING. McAdoo and House committee ou News by Cable from Different ages bim in it. the cash Academy, Boutelle, rivaling Telephone. $5rd Κ—$1100.—Bar-room. flrst-οΐκββ Falmouth, County of Cumberland and State year: paid advance, $2.00 a year. sear: couutry. Nwadotn at the peril of his life to sign the going license. Well-appointed kitchen, room of Maine, on Thursday, the eleventh flay of Dec. A, Advertisements inserted m the 11M a INK St ATT! document. to FOR dining Schooner Win. H. from Me.» Ueographical Murrey. Washington to assume charge of the and 6 lodging-rooMïe connected. All well, I),, 1884, at 7 o'clock in the afternoon, for the fol- Prkhh (wbioh bas a large circulation in part Stuart, Richmond, paying every Capt Wm. W. Spark?, The of Director Powell of the The 13 Affair. Sun's bureau aud Mr. Amos J. Cuu:- liar trade §2 to $4=0 daily. All paying batidaome lowing purposes: of the State) for $1.00 per square lor tirst insertion tounage 559.46, George report geo- agace-Mort· .there, ly Near Northern and horse markeza. 1. To choose a chairman to at said meet- and 60 oonte per square for each Theobald, Richmond, builders. graphical survey for October shows that foer The court qjinss returning after all tbese to his Depot great preside subsequent -Mau| Schooner C. A. from yesterday waived a rale which years Write or cali on A. L. SMITH & 242 ing. 2. To choose a secretary to act at sa d meet- taon. White, Taunton, Mass., Capt. geographical parties the Maanaciiu- would old desk. CO., Washing- H. F. tounaSo composing have required Madame Clevis Hue nee ton ei;eet. Boa Mites. decll-1 ing. 3. To see if said corporation will vote to sell Address all communications to Tripp, 882.44, New England Ship stUs division field work ton, builders. actively prosecuted to be brought into the presence of the corpse and convey any real aud persounl estate owned Building Company, the Queen Victoria's return to Windsor was, by PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. Steamer from during month, and favored by good of her victim. has claimed M. said corporation in Falmouth, aud to de- Morning Star, Boston, Mass., Cant. Nobody Morin's HJU ΜΙ,Κ. aforesaid, Isaac E. weather, made rapid progress. The areas com- and ic be according to the English hastened ter ine the terms of such sale. M»d to authorise ;he Bray, tonnage 471.05, JH. S. B. Co., body will buried at the government's papers, by builders. pleted are estimated at 61)0 or 700 miles signing and delivery of proper thereof. square expense. A bundle of paper· wai found in M. her political anxieties, her not lik- conveyance» WEATHER Schooner C. and the majesty Brief nOrcrtiNrmruu uw iuiM>rtecl un«*w Entr tlii» head «ne week for 25 in the in connection with Hearce, tonnage 660*73, N. E. S. B. Co., 1,000 square miles before the olose of the sea- ent ing away Balmoral when crut», paid meeting and necessary to builders. that the man was engaged in another laud. AnV jour dt-alt-r for this br»» asures. 4.6S L. S. Λ upon the rules the cancellation of CoBsrees St [11.37 P. TowleS, 356.70, Goss, Sawyer Packard, governing crofters, who threaten to resist any force that FOBNALK-In M.] builders. claims iu the lor J application patents: may be sent them. BAIL WAV ΤΙ Α ll'KK* IARnEMTOBBHTOVVperfect order, used but little; must be aold. St. amer Lorenao D. from Boston, against to h. Baker, Capt. While the question as to whether the in I L L I S JE R Y Apply Ο BAI LEV & CO., 414 Btreet. W*.ien F. Gosb & cancellation Congress Wiley, tonnage 966.15, Saw- of all claims works ati of the Aaaaat of the Cost originally $75.00 decU-1 I yer, builders. abandonment applica- Mcetiag* Hut·· St .Uni·· Ι. tion is not free from bave a doubt, iu my claims THE FLAMES. I full lire of Fielding Bros. & Go's "Supe Plaoe of S* Schooner Maud C Bath, D. W. judgment and Kaiicra RwckktMtri. FOB S4I/E.-In tbe new Western 5IS ρ BÎ Dudley,from Capt. are indi