264 Squadron News H M Armed Forces We Defy Jan. 2017 We Defy Issue 1/17 Editor: Geoff Faulkner, 8 Rosamond Avenue, Shipton Gorge, Bridport, Dorset DT6 4LN. 01308 897275 Email:
[email protected] May we wish you a Happy, Healthy and rewarding ew Year Reunions: Facebook or Twitter: As yet I have had only two replies to my query as to I wonder if I missed a trick by not using this internet tool. whether you would like a reunion in 2017 at the Union In fairness, I’m a bit of a dummy regarding this and have Jack Club, so I must assume that there is little enthusi- only just joined facebook and still have reservations asm for it, either because of age, health, distance or ex- over it. It seems that much of it concerns the most inane pence, so I guess we let it slide. No one has suggested articles that are of no use to man nor beast. However, it any ‘get to together’ for the North of England either, alt- can be useful and indeed is used by the Musical Direc- hough we could easily arrange one for the South and tor of the Choral Society I belong to to play music that indeed have talked about it. The thoughts at the moment he wants us to familiarlise ourselves with, prior to a re- is possibly a Premier Inn or similar and book a restaurant hearsal. or maybe hire a room at a decent pub for a meal, it’s a bit Now I don’t know if any of you are members of Face- early to deal with specifics yet.