TRUSTEESHIP COUNCIL Wednesday, 3 March 1954, Thirteenth Session at 2.15 P.M
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UNITED- NATIONS 507th Meeting TRUSTEESHIP COUNCIL Wednesday, 3 March 1954, Thirteenth Session at 2.15 p.m. OFFICIAL RECORDS NEW YORK CONTENTS Page ticular, he doubted whether all the possible solutions would be presented to the people. In fact, the choice lay General Assembly resolution 750 (VIII) : the Togoland unification problem (concluded) . ...................... 195 between the complete absorption of Togoland under Examination of conditions in the Trust Territory of Tan- British administration by the Gold Coast, whereby the ganyika: (a) annual report (T/1083); (b) petitions Trust Territory would lose its separate identity; the circulated under rule 85, paragraph 2, of the rules of partial preservation of its political identity by associa- procedure tion in a regional organization ; a combination of either Opening statement ................................. 199 of those alternatives with the unification of the two Togolands; and, finally, the attainment of independent President: Mr. Leslie Knox MUNRO (New Zealand). status as a sovereign State by a unified Togoland. 5. The Syrian delegation believed it to be the duty of Present: the Administering Authorities to acquaint the people The representatives of the following States members with all the possibilities in order that they might express of the Trusteeship Council: Australia, Belgium, China, their wishes freely, in full knowledge of the facts, in ac- EI Salvador, France, Haiti, India, New Zealand, Syria, cordance with the principle of the self-determination of Cniun of Soviet Socialist Republics, United Kingdom peoples. At the same time, if it were true that the people of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United States of Togoland under British administration genuinely of America. desired continued association with the Gold Coast, the Togoland problem would resolve itself into the problem General Assembly resolution 750 (VIII): the of Togoland under French administration. In that Togoland unification problem (concluded) respect, as the United States representative had said, it [Agenda item 11] was important to avoid unequal development among ad- jacent Territories in West Africa. The Council should 1. The PRESIDENT recalled the proposal made by therefore be informed at once of any measures of politi- the United Kingdom representative at the 506th meet- cal advancement which might be taken in Togoland ing that further discussion of the item under considera- under French administration. tion should be deferred until the next session of the 6. In any case, before the General Assembly took any Council. decision on the fate of the two Trust Territories, it 2. Mr. ASHA (Syria) expressed the gratitude of his should satisfy itself as to the real wishes of the people. delegation for the statements made by representatives of Those wishes could probably best be expressed through the Administering Authorities and by the petitioners the re-establishment of the Joint Council for Togoland who had come to plead before the Council. They could Affairs, and it would be well for the Trusteeship Coun- be assured that his Government had their best interests cil to request the Administering Authorities of both at heart and wished to see them ultimately attain com- Togolands to submit, for discussion at the Council's next plete independence. session, a full report on the establishment and operation 3. There could be no doubt, as he had stated at the of the Joint Council, on the results of the Gold Coast 499th meeting of the Council, and as the United Nations elections and on any other political developments in the Visiting Mission to Trust Territories in West Africa, two Territories. It should also request the Standing 1952, had recognized, that the issue of unification was Committee on Administrative Unions to make a prelim- intimately bound up with the question of the political inary study of the information available and to report future of Togoland under British administration in its thereon to the next session. The Council could then relations with the Gold Coast, especially after that coun- make recommendations, as appropriate, either to the try had become fully self-governing. The question arose Administering Authorities or to the General Assembly. whether the Trust Territory could continue to be ad- 7. Mr. PIGNON (France) assured the Syrian repre- ministered in accordance with the terms of the Trustee- sentative that his Government fully intended to submit ship Agreement after completion of the transfer of the report which he had mentioned, although he could legislative and administrative powers to a representative not guarantee that it would be ready to be circulated be- Gold Coast government. It had also to be decided, on fore the opening of the fourteenth session of the Council. the one hand, whether the Togolese people wanted com- 8. Mr. SCOTT (New Zealand) said that a solution plete integration with the Gold Coast or merely associa- of the problem of the Ewe peoples and the two Trust tion with that country, and, on the other hand, whether Territories must be based- and that was a principle or not there was any strong desire for the unification of which his delegation had always maintained- upon the the two Togolands in the near future. wishes of the majority of the people, freely expressed 4. With regard to the first question, the representative in accordance with the Charter. It would therefore be of the United Kingdom had promised at the 50Sth meet- premature for the Trusteeship Council, the General As- ing that a study would be made of the constitutional sembly or, indeed, the Administering Authorities to issue; that study would be awaited by the Council with propose a solution at the present stage, and any attempt the utmost interest. With regard to the second question, to impose a solution would be doomed to failure. he doubted whether the forthcoming elections in the 9. The elections to be held in the Gold Coast in May Gold Coast could be taken as a referendum : in par- would undoubtedly serve as an indication of the trend 195 T/SR.S07 of public opinion in Togoland under British administra- 14. There was striking proof of the United Kingdom tion, and public opinion in Togoland under French ad- Government's attitude in the "most secret" document ministration would react simultaneously. It appeared (T/PET .6/L.11) of which one of the petitioners had from the report of the Visiting Mission (T/1034), from spoken in the Fourth Committee at the eighth session of the statements of petitioners and from other sources of the General Assembly. The United Kingdom and Gold information that there was no wide support in the Terri- Coast Governments had denied all responsibility for that tories for any particular solution, and that there was document, but it was characteristic that the plan of indeed strong opposition to the proposal for the unifica- action set out iri the document was being methodically tion of the two Togolands. His delegation was not in carried out by the Administering Authority. That plan principle opposed to unification, but it was not unaware was directed at preventing unification and furthering the of the appeal which association with a self-governing absorption of Togoland under British administration by Gold Coast would have for the people of Togoland under the Gold Coast. It outlined a series of measures to British administration. The statements of the petitioners prepare public opinion in the Trust Territory and mis- from the Territory had only confirmed that impression. lead the United Nations about the wishes of the popu- Further and more drastic constitutional reforms in the lation: the Trusteeship Council was to be "bombarded" Gold Coast had been promised. with petitions, followed by the personal appearance of 10. In all those circumstances, therefore, he believed selected spokesmen of the Convention Peoples' Party. that the Assembly should suspend judgment and he That was exactly what the Council was now witnessing. agreed with the United Kingdom representative that the The purpose of the campaign was to induce the Unite.d Trusteeship Council would be well advised to defer Nations to agree to the integration of the Trust Tern- further consideration of the matter until its next session. tory with the colony of the Gold Coast and terminate the Those considerations should also apply to the work of Trusteeship Agreement, thus removing Togoland under the Standing Committee on Administrative Unions. By British administration from the International Trustee- that time those bodies would be in possession of in- ship System. A parallel process was taking place in formation adequate to enable them to carry out the task Togoland under French administration, where the enjoined upon them by General Assembly resolution French Government was making every effort to 750 C (VIII). integrate the Trust Territory in the French Union. If 11. Meanwhile the petitioners from Togoland under those efforts succeeded, Togoland would be cut in two British administration could be assured that their forever and all trusteeship would be at an end. evident sincerity had impressed the Council and that 15. The purpose of the International Trusteeship Sys- their views would be given the fullest consideration; he tem, as set out in Chapter XII of the Charter, was to was confident, too, that whatever the outcome of the lead the peoples of the Trust Territories towards full May elections, they would continue to work for the good self-government and independence. Obviously, trustee- of their peoples. ship must not be allowed to continue indefinitely; on 12. Mr. TSARAPKIN (Union of Soviet Socialist the other hand, it must not be terminated before the Republics) said that from the time the Togo land unifica- purposes of Chapter XII had been achieved. Trustee- tion problem had first come before the United Nations ship would ipso facto end once the Trust Territories in 1947 difficulties had been raised by the two Adminis- had become fully self-governing and independent.