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Name Sequence Name Sequence PART I: NAME SEQUENCE Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates : Emirate) Afghanistan [a-af] ã USE Ab Z. aby (United Arab Emirates : Africa [f] Emirate) Africa, Central [fc] ã Ab Z. aby (United Arab Emirates: Emirate) UF Central Africa Assigned code: Africa, East [a-ts] United Arab Emirates Assigned code: UF Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates : [fe] Africa, Eastern Emirate) UF British East Africa Abyssinia East Africa USE Ethiopia Africa, Eastern [fe] A.C.T. UF Eastern Africa USE Australian Capital Territory Africa, Equatorial Açores USE Africa, French-speaking Equatorial USE Azores Africa, French-speaking Equatorial [fq] Adamawa (Emirate) UF Africa, Equatorial Assigned code: French Equatorial Africa [f-cm] Cameroon French-speaking Equatorial Africa [f-nr] Nigeria Africa, French-speaking West Aden Assigned code: [Coded [a-ys] (Yemen (People’s [fw] Africa, West Democratic Republic) before Oct. 1992] UF French-speaking West Africa Assigned code: French West Africa [a-ye] Yemen (Republic) Africa, Italian East Aden (Protectorate) USE Africa, Northeast [Coded [a-ys] (Yemen (People’s Africa, North [ff] Democratic Republic) before Oct. 1992] UF North Africa Assigned code: Africa, Northeast [fh] [a-ye] Yemen (Republic) UF Africa, Italian East Aden, Gulf of East African Horn Assigned code: Italian East Africa [mr] Red Sea Northeast Africa UF Gulf of Aden Africa, Northwest Admiralty Islands (Papua New Guinea) Assigned code: Assigned code: [ff] Africa, North [a-pp] Papua New Guinea [fw] Africa, West Adriatic Sea UF Northwest Africa Assigned code: Africa, South [mm] Mediterranean Sea USE South Africa Advanced countries Africa, Southern [fs] USE Developed countries UF Southern Africa Aegean Islands (Greece and Turkey) Africa, Southwest Assigned codes: USE Namibia [e-gr] Greece Africa, Sub-Saharan [fb] [a-tu] Turkey UF Sub-Saharan Africa UF Islands of the Aegean Africa, West [fw] Aegean Sea UF British West Africa Assigned code: West Africa [e-gr] Greece Alabama [n-us-al] [a-tu] Turkey Alaska [n-us-ak] Afars and Issas, French Territory of the USE Djibouti MARC Code List for Geographic Areas page 11 Name Sequence Alaska, Gulf of (Alaska) Antarctic regions Assigned code: USE Antarctica [pn] North Pacific Ocean Antarctica [t] UF Gulf of Alaska (Alaska) [Coded also [t-ay] (Antarctica) before Albania [e-aa] Mar. 1988] UF People’s Socialist Republic of UF Antarctic regions Albania South Pole Alberta [n-cn-ab] Antigua Alderney (Channel Islands) Assigned code: Assigned code: [nwaq] Antigua and Barbuda [e-uk-ui] Great Britain Antigua and Barbuda [nwaq] Miscellaneous Island Antilles, Greater Dependencies [Coded [nwga] (Greater Antilles) before Algeria [f-ae] Mar. 1988] UF People’s Democratic Republic of USE West Indies Algeria Antilles, Lesser [nwla] Alps [ea] UF Lesser Antilles Amazon River [sa] Appalachian Mountains [n-usa] America Appalachian Mountains, Southern Assigned code: Assigned code: [n] North America [n-usa] Appalachian Mountains [s] South America Appalachian Region America, Central Assigned code: USE Central America [n-usa] Appalachian Mountains American Samoa [poas] Aqaba, Gulf of UF Samoa, American Assigned code: Amur River (China and Russia) [aa] [mr] Red Sea UF Hei Ho (China and Russia) UF Gulf of Aqaba Heilong Jiang (China and Russia) Arab countries [ma] Reka Amur (China and Russia) UF Arabic countries Sakhalin Ula (China and Russia) Arab Republic of Yemen Andaman and Nicobar Islands (India) USE Yemen (Republic) Assigned code: Arabia [a-ii] India USE Arabian Peninsula Andean Area Arabia, Southern USE Andes Assigned code: Andes [sn] [a-mk] Oman UF Andean Area [a-ye] Yemen (Republic) Andorra [e-an] Arabian Peninsula [ar] Anglo-Egyptian Sudan UF Arabia USE Sudan Arabian Sea [au] Angola [f-ao] Arabic countries UF People’s Republic of Angola USE Arab countries Portuguese West Africa Arafura Sea West Africa, Portuguese Assigned code: Anguilla [nwxa] [ps] South Pacific Ocean [Coded [nwxi] (Saint Kitts and Nevis) Aran Islands (Ireland) before Mar. 1988] Assigned code: Anhui Sheng (China) [a-cc-an] [e-ie] Ireland UF Anhwei Province (China) Archipel des Marquises (French Polynesia) Anhwei Province (China) USE Marquesas Islands (French USE Anhui Sheng (China) Polynesia) Antarctic Ocean [t] Arctic Ocean [r] page 12 MARC Code List for Geographic Areas Name Sequence Arctic regions [r] Austral Islands (French Polynesia) UF North Pole Assigned code: Argentina [s-ag] [pofp] French Polynesia Arizona [n-us-az] UF Tubuai Islands (French Polynesia) Arkansas [n-us-ar] Australasia [u] Armenia Australia [u-at] Assigned codes: Australia, Central [a-ai] Armenia (Republic) USE Central Australia [a-ir] Iran Australia, Eastern [a-tu] Turkey USE Eastern Australia Armenia (Republic) [a-ai] Australia, Northern [Coded [e-ur-ai] (Armenia (Republic)) USE Northern Australia before June 1998] Australia, Western UF Armenian S.S.R. USE Western Australia Armenian S.S.R. Australian Capital Territory [u-at-ac] USE Armenia (Republic) [Coded [u-at-ne] (New South Wales) Aruba [nwaw] before Sept. 2002] [Coded [nwco] (Curaçao) before Sept. UF A.C.T. 2002] Federal Capital Territory Ascension Island (Atlantic Ocean) [lsai] Austria [e-au] Ashanti Azad Jammu and Kashmir USE Ghana USE Azad Kashmir Ashmore and Cartier Islands [u-ac] Azad Kashmir Asia [a] Assigned code: Asia, Central [ac] [a-pk] Pakistan UF Central Asia UF Azad Jammu and Kashmir Soviet Central Asia Kashmir Asia, East Azerbaijan [a-aj] USE East Asia [Coded [e-ur-aj] (Azerbaijan) before June Asia, South 1998] USE South Asia UF Azerbaijan S.S.R. Asia, Southeastern Azerbaijan S.S.R. USE Southeast Asia USE Azerbaijan Asia, Southwestern Azores [lnaz] USE Middle East UF Açores Asia, Western Babylonia USE Middle East Assigned code: Asia and Europe (treated collectively) [a-iq] Iraq USE Eurasia Bahamas [nwbf] Asia Minor Bahrain [a-ba] USE Turkey UF Bahrein Atlantic Coast (U.S.) Bahrein Assigned code: USE Bahrain [n-us] United States Balearic Islands (Spain) Atlantic Ocean [l] Assigned code: Atlantic States [e-sp] Spain Assigned code: Balkan Peninsula [ed] [n-us] United States UF Europe, Southeastern Atlantic States, South Southeastern Europe USE South Atlantic States Baltic Sea Atlas Mountains [fa] Assigned code: [ln] North Atlantic Ocean Baltic States [eb] MARC Code List for Geographic Areas page 13 Name Sequence Banaba (Kiribati) Bengal, Bay of [ab] Assigned code: UF Bay of Bengal [pokb] Kiribati Benin [f-dm] UF Ocean Island (Kiribati) UF Dahomey Bangladesh [a-bg] People’s Republic of Benin UF East Pakistan (Pakistan) Bering Sea Banks Islands (Vanuatu) Assigned code: Assigned code: [pn] North Pacific Ocean [ponn] Vanuatu Berlin (Germany) Barbados [nwbb] [Coded [e-gx] (Germany) for Berlin as a Barbuda whole; [e-ge] (Germany (East)) for East [Coded [nwbc] (Barbuda) before Mar. Berlin; or [e-gw] (Germany (West)) for 1988] West Berlin before Jan. 1991] Assigned code: Assigned code: [nwaq] Antigua and Barbuda [e-gx] Germany Barents Sea UF East Berlin Assigned code: West Berlin [r] Arctic Ocean Bermuda Islands [lnbm] Basutoland Bermuda Triangle USE Lesotho Assigned code: Bay of Bengal [ln] North Atlantic Ocean USE Bengal, Bay of Bhutan [a-bt] Bay of Fundy Biafra USE Fundy, Bay of [Coded [f-by] (Biafra) before Mar. 1988] Bear Island (Norway) USE Nigeria Assigned code: Bikini Atoll (Marshall Islands) [lnsb] Svalbard (Norway) Assigned code: UF Bjørnøya (Norway) [poxe] Marshall Islands Beaufort Sea Bioco (Equatorial Guinea) Assigned code: USE Fernando Po (Equatorial Guinea) [r] Arctic Ocean Bioko (Equatorial Guinea) Bechuanaland USE Fernando Po (Equatorial Guinea) USE Botswana Bismarck Archipelago (Papua New Guinea) Beijing (China) [a-cc-pe] Assigned code: UF Peiping (China) [a-pp] Papua New Guinea Peking (China) Bjørnøya (Norway) Belarus [e-bw] USE Bear Island (Norway) [Coded [e-ur-bw] (Belarus) before June Black Sea [mb] 1998] Blue Ridge Mountains UF Belorussian S.S.R. Assigned code: Byelorussian S.S.R. [n-usa] Appalachian Mountains White Russia Bo Hai (China) [a-ccp] Belau UF Bohai (China : Gulf) USE Palau Chihli, Gulf of (China) Belgian Congo Po Gulf (China) USE Congo (Democratic Republic) Po Hai (China) Belgium [e-be] Bohai (China : Gulf) Belize [ncbh] USE Bo Hai (China) UF British Honduras Bolivia [s-bo] Belorussian S.S.R. Bonaire (Netherlands Antilles) [nwbn] USE Belarus [Coded [nwco] (Curaçao) before Sept. Benelux countries [el] 2002] UF Low countries page 14 MARC Code List for Geographic Areas Name Sequence Bophuthatswana (South Africa) Bulgaria [e-bu] Assigned code: UF People’s Republic of Bulgaria [f-sa] South Africa Burkina Faso [f-uv] Borneo [a-bn] UF Upper Volta Bosnia and Hercegovina [e-bn] Burma [a-br] [Coded [e-yu] (Yugoslavia) before Oct. UF Myanmar 1992] Burundi [f-bd] Botswana [f-bs] UF German East Africa UF Bechuanaland Byelorussian S.S.R. Bougainville Island (Papua New Guinea) USE Belarus Assigned code: Byzantine Empire [a-pp] Papua New Guinea Assigned code: Bouvet Island [lsbv] [mm] Mediterranean Region Brazil [s-bl] Cabo Verde Brazzaville USE Cape Verde USE Congo (Brazzaville) Caicos Islands British Columbia [n-cn-bc] USE Turks and Caicos Islands British Commonwealth countries Calf of Man (Isle of Man) USE Commonwealth countries Assigned code: British Dominions [e-uk-ui] Great Britain USE Commonwealth countries Miscellaneous Island British East Africa Dependencies USE Africa, East California [n-us-ca] British Guiana Cambodia [a-cb] USE Guyana UF Kampuchea British Honduras Khmer Republic USE Belize Cameroon [f-cm] British Indian Ocean Territory [i-bi] UF Cameroons, French UF Chagos Islands Cameroons, Southern
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