TIPA: A System for Processing Phonetic Symbols in LATEX Fukui Rei Department of Asian and Pacific Linguistics, Institute of Cross-Cultural Studies, Faculty of Letters, University of Tokyo, Hongo 7-3-1, Bunkyo-ku, TOKYO 113 Japan
[email protected] Introduction TIPA Encoding TIPA1 is a system for processing IPA (International Selection of symbols The selection of TIPA pho- Phonetic Alphabet) symbols in LATEX. It is based netic symbols5 was made based on the following 2 AFONT on TSIPA but both MET source codes and works. LATEX macros have been thoroughly rewritten so • Phonetic Symbol Guide [9] (henceforth abbre- that it can be considered as a new system. viated as PSG). Among many features of TIPA, the following • The official IPA charts of ’49, ’79, ’89 and ’93 are the new features as compared with TSIPA or any versions. other existing systems for processing IPA symbols. • Recent articles published in the JIPA6,such • A new 256 character encoding for phonetic sym- as “Report on the 1989 Kiel Convention” [6], bols (‘T3’), which includes all the symbols and “Further report on the 1989 Kiel Convention” diacritics found in the recent versions of IPA [7], “Computer Codes for Phonetic Symbols” and some non-IPA symbols. [3], “Council actions on revisions of the IPA” • Complete support of LATEX2ε. [8], etc. • • Roman, slanted, bold, bold extended and sans An unpublished paper by J. C. Wells: “Com- serif font styles. puter-coding the IPA: a proposed extension of SAMPA” [10]. • Easy input method in the IPA environment. • Popular textbooks on phonetics.