[Player’s note: These swords range significantly in power. The first are the most famous swords of the isle, the last are famous only in the south, some only in the west of Grozney.]


LONGSWORDS Unless otherwise noted, all longswords are between 39 and 41 inches long and have a blade 33 to 35 inches long.

Joyuese: The of king Delrith. A silver bladed longsword of fine quality, rumored to be a great bane to evil creatures and the goblin races. The sword has a diamond set in the hilt and a platinum falcon head on each quillón.

Grus: An ancient sword belonging to the old high king of the isle before the coming of the Companions. A wide longsword with upturned quillóns, the pommel is a lion’s head, the hilt is made of bronze and the blade is black as death. Legend says the lion’s eyes are made of fire. This sword is often copied.

Heaven’s Will: The sword used by the paladin Dunstan when he helped drive out the demon hordes of Demigorgon almost 600 years ago. The sword has a 7-sided pommel, and qullóns ending in a platinum dragon’s head, each eye deep set with an emerald. The blade shines as silver and places a silvery light throughout the surrounding area.

Fragarach: Another famous sword of a former high king, this sword passes through armour and shields as if they were not there, allows the wielder to control the wind, and forces those to whom it is raised to speak the truth. It is a simple weapon with a well-formed bronze hilt and a sapphire pommel.

Durendal: A visually stunning sword with a mithral blade and a hilt of crystal, Durandal is said to strike at the unliving and even the incorporeal as if they were solid and allows the user to chase them even to the planes of ether.

Tizona: This sword is forged of red steel with a copper hilt and a fiery aura of power. It frightens unworthy opponents from the field and emboldens the wielder’s allies.

Hrunting: This sword is black without adornment. Its quillóns are short, and its hilt is wrapped in black leather. It is said that there is no creature that will not harm, be it demon or angel, dragon or god.


The Three Deaths: Angau Coch (Red Death) – This sword is made of a red copper alloy enchanted to be as hard as steel. Agheu Glas (Grey Death) – The blade of this sword is matte grey, its hilt is steel, and in its pommel is set a smoky crystal. Crocea Mors (Yellow Death) – This sword is stunning to behold with a shiny brass blade and a golden hilt.

Little Death: This shortsword was carried by the famed gnomish assassin, Hedgel the Hand. It has a thin grey blade with a simple steel hilt wrapped in grey leather.



Caudimordax: This was the sword of Caladril, a servant of Dorg the Dragonsbane, who came to the Isle with Delrith to help exterminate the evil dragons. It is said he was killed in an ambush, though his body (as well as his armour and weapons) have never been found. This sword is forged from the steel of a fallen star. Its hilt is made from the scrimshawed femur of a red dragon. It is said that the heat still radiates from the sword. It cannot be sheathed when any non-good dragon (or dragon with hostile intent to the wielder, his friends, or any humans, regardless of alignment) is within 5 miles.

Skofnung: This black bladed sword is forged from metal from the heart of the Earth. Its silver pommel is adorned with holy symbols. It is said that its wounds can only be healed on holy ground or by those who touch the holy stone which shares its name.

Vladislav (“Rules in Glory”): The great paladin Ellard used this sword in more battles than can be remembered. It is said to have protected him from evil and smited his enemies with great effect. Like all of Ellard’s weapons, it is unadorned, a simple crossguard made of blackened steel and a grey hilt and steel pommel serve to set off the splendid glimmer of its blade.

Borislava (“Battle Glory”): A sword with a very small crossguard and a wide thin blade, the blade itself is without decoration, and the hilt is a flat burnished bronze with a single onyx set in the pommel. This sword was used by the knight Jonnanes Braken at the battle of Sunden Hill. Though he fell against the oncoming goblinoid hordes, he killed so many that the enemy army was broken.


Serilda (“Armoured Battle Maiden”): This greatsword has a large ricasso for half-swording techniques, and no fuller. Its hilt is made from the shell of a dragon turtle and its quillóns and pommel all have turtle motifs. The sword is said to move about in defense of its wielder.

Skytor Ovininn (“Fire’s Foe”): The first of the frost brands was said to have been carved from an ancient white dragon’s thigh bone. It is likely that the latter incarnations are but pale imitations of that mighty blade.

Sword of Mo’og: Mo’og’s blade has become somewhat legendary, perhaps as much because it is wielded by a noble ogre as anything else. It is fully 60 inches long with a diamond shaped blade (no fuller). Its hilt ends in a dragon’s head. Rumor has it that those within its presence are protected from fear. It is known for a fact that this is a flaming sword.

Desafiador: The ancestral Sword of the Brajdics. This greatsword is wide bladed with a long fuller of grey steel. The hilt and quillóns are of burnished bronze with an emerald set in the pommel.


Stribog: This sword’s hilt is made of white gold and platinum, and its pommel is set with a single large diamond. The sword’s value as jewelry alone is supposed to be substantial. It is said that she brings her enemies to a cold death.

Alonza (“Eager for War”): This sword was used to defend the city of Bradenburg during the Vari’shan invasion. Its wielder was the captain of the city watch, a commoner named Matija. When the town walls were breached, he stood in the breach and held them back while a barricade was built behind him. While his body and armour were recovered, his sword and shield were not. The sword was reputed to be set with a fire opal in its pommel and to have a copper hilt and quillóns ending in flames.

Dur Ruth (“Dark Anger”): A weapon of Grey Elvish make, this sword is thinner than many longswords. It is ideal for thrusting as well as slashing. Its name is engraved upon its blade on each side, and its pommel is set with a yellow topaz which seems to sparkle in any light. This sword was carried in the Great War by the great grey elf knight Erin Dur. The sharp smell of a lightning strike (ozone) is said to follow this blade.

Clotilda: This sword has a silvered hilt and straight quillóns, each with 4 sides. The blade is long, more than 36 inches after the hilt. This sword was forged by the dwarven smith Ral Silverbeard for his friend the Viktor, Warden of the Duchy of Tamosia to better protect himself from the poachers and monsters of the land.


Alyoius: This sword belonged to the Helard family. It was a well-made weapon with a fluted steel pommel and long straight steel quillóns. The hilt was wrapped in leather on top of wood. The blade has a fuller which runs three quarters of the blade’s length.

Alonso (“Eager for War”): This sword has a flat blade with 3 fullers. Its quillóns are short and thick. The bronze hilt is covered in a soft green leather. It once belonged to the Lambert family before that line was extinguished.



Helgarecompensa (“I Sanctify Justice”): This sword is fully 41 inches long with a black iron hilt in the shape of a scale (with the quillóns as the arms of the scale). The blade itself is forged with its name engraved on the fullerless blade. "Helga" currently resides with the courageous and humble Sir Briggette Bellyn von Zurwald, and together they deal swift justice to evil-doers in the name of St. Cuthbert.

Mechanics: +1 longsword, when wielded by a person representing justice it does +2 to damage (untyped— this plus does not apply to attack rolls), flares with a blue light with the strength of a torch. This light cannot be suppressed as this sword was intended to bring the light of justice to the world.

Tharuil (“Noble Vigilance”): This sword is short for a longsword, barely 36 inches long, with a matte gray blade and a dull bronze hilt, with a large tiger eye in the pommel. It was lost at the battle of Thorbin by the knight Tyreece Lepescu who held off the advancing foot of the enemy while the smallfolk of his lord Count Zurwald entered the Castle. It is said this sword increased the vigilance of its wielder.

Adelard (“Brave Noble”): This sword is 39 inches long with a single fuller down ¾ of the blade. Its hilt is gold with a lion headed pommel. The hilt is covered in scarlet leather. It was carried by the paladin of Tyr, Gavin, when he defeated the Ravager band attacking a band of Halfling tinkerers.

Gilfred (“Oath of Peace”): The ancestral sword of House Zurwald. This sword is fully 40 inches long with a grey blade with a long fuller. The hilt is made of white gold, and each of the quillóns ends in a roaring bear’s head. The pommel is set with a large emerald.

Ortruda (“Serpentine”): A flaberged longsword. This blade is wavy and has a slight reddish tent to the steel. The hilt is bronze with different colored leather stapes quilted in a pattern over it. The quillóns too are wavy and the pommel is fashioned in the form of the head of a fanged snake. Legend says this sword was forged to slay those creatures which use poison.

Misty: This sword is 38 inches long and has a matte finish on the blade. Its hilt is of nickel and burnished and in its pommel is set a large smoky quartzes. This sword is said to be able to call upon the mist of the sea to cloak the wielder.

[These swords were made by the famous armourer, Reginald Stronghammer. They were made as a set. Each is said to have a power related to its name.]

Dawn: This sword is 40 inches long and has a fuller along its blade. The blade itself shines with a polished glint. The hilt is polished brass that never tarnishes, and its pommel (half round) is shaped as a rising sun and is wrapped in iridescent leather.

Noonday: This sword’s blade is golden with a wide and shallow fuller. Its hilt is polished gold with silver inlay (which never tarnishes). The pommel is in the shape of a blazing sun. Noonday is shorter than her sisters. only measuring 35 inches from tip to pommel.

Evening: Dawn’s opposite, this 40 inch sword with no fuller has a dull blade with a hilt of burnished bronze wrapped in grey leather.

Night: This sword has a black blade and hilt and is wrapped in black leather. In its pommel is set a large jet. Like noonday, she is 35” long.