The Campus Thiel 24 of Alleghen Y College 1
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ALLEGHENY 32 THE CAMPUS THIEL 24 OF ALLEGHEN Y COLLEGE 1 FEBRUARY 18, 1931. VOL. XLIX. No. 15. MEADVILLE, PENNSYLVANIA COUNCIL PASSES LAW Famous German Tenor LARGE ATTENDANCE AT DEBATERS MEET JUNIATA Paul A. Siple Ends ALUMNI ASSOCIATION ON PLEDGE=BREAKINGIGives Chapel Concert COLLEGE ALUMNI PARTY IN PLAYSIIOP THURSDAY Two-Week Speaking MEETS AT PRINCETON Tour Last Saturday on Last Friday Evening OREGON PLAN TO BE USED BY MISS FRENCH REPRESENTATIVE OTHER COMMITTEE REPORTS ARE PLANS ARE MADE FOR REGULAR ANNUAL SPRING ALLEGHENY STUDENTS OF COLLEGE AT REGULAR TABLED FOR ACTION Before a fairly large and interested Paul A. Siple, a student at Allegheny TOMORROW NIGHT College who was a member of the Byrd ANNUAL MEETING NEXT MONTH group of students and townspeople, MEETING Hans Merx, famous German tenor, iotarct•c Expedition, ended a whirl- gave his third concert here within On Wednesday evening, February Introducing -the "Oregon plan" to wind speaking tour of two weeks when Miss Mina L. French, Allegheny At a meeting of the 'Interfraternity three years in the Oratory of the Col- fourth, 'the Allegheny College Club of district interscholastic competition, he reached Cleveland, Ohio, on Febru- Alumni Office secretary, represented Council, held at the Phi Gamma Delta lege chapel Friday evening, February Pittsburgh sponsored a theatre party the men's debating team tomorrow ary 14, where he was the guest of the Allegheny College at a conference of House last Tuesday evening, Febru- leth, at the Pitt Theatre. The attraction night in the "Little Theatre" defends Cievel'and 'Council of Boy Scouts of the American Alumni Council held at ary 10, several vital issues now con- against Juniata College negative America. and of The Halle Bros. Com- Princeton University on February 6 Merx divided his concert into was "Ladies of the Jury", the delight- fronting the chapters on the hill were speekers the question: "Resolved: pony. 'Miss Veronica Hutchinson, the and 7. four groups of :selectio•s, the first ful comedy in which Mrs. Fiske re- discussed, and the reports of ,com- Prince-ton University proved itself be:ne e ern Schubert, the creator of cently appeared. that the states should enact legislation head of The Halle Book Shop, and mittees investigating these matters for unemployment insurance." This herself the author of six books for a perfect host to the District Number the German art classic. In his second An enthusiastic group of alumni and were heard. The Committee on is the first debate on the campus, and I children, was h-ls hostess during his Two Conference of the American t he grupo he Intended works of some of their friends attended, among whom man Relations,Relations, composed of Fresh- Alumni Council on February 6 and 7. - were Eleanor Arbuthot, Dr. and Mrs. the only home contest on the entire stay in Cleveland. Messrs. John Knapp, Charles Shaw, 'he metier') eorriposers who still write District Number Two includes colleges Win. J. Armstrong, U. N. Arthur, schedule in which a decision will -be Upon his arrival at breakfast, Mr. Robert Bates, and John Coffin was with •Schutert's led 'art" style. and universities in the states of Dela- David and Clifford Behrhorst, James given. Siple was surprised to find two mem- appointed to investigate the present Hiti 1.11:1*(1 grotto. one of modern folk- ware, Maryland, New Jersey. New A. Bortz, Mr. and -Mrs. John H. Bozic, Sanford W. Corcoran and Harmon ,hers -of the Byrd party in the group, rushing system, with regard to the a ngs. was reeeivee enthusiastically by York, Pennsylvania. the Distric: of John E. Brownell, Anne Cochrane, H. Gilbert will represent the Language and to learn that a third Antarctic breaking of pledges, and if possible to the audience; bet his last nurehee• Thiumbia, and the province of Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. John S. Craig. Edgar C. 4-A class, the former's share being to companion, although flying into Cleve- formulate a suitable system of deferred • seirt h were pepular songs of todAy Approximately 75 alumni and T. L. Dehne. Ralph Demmler. Mr. peen the proceedings with a fifteen- land, a as at the other end of his route.lCanada. rushing. The report of this committee which would compare to our jazz, secretaries and alumni office represen- and Mrs. Raymond. D. Evans, Dr. and minute speech prsenting the entire After a joyous reunion, ,Sipie appeared ! will be heard at the next meeting of proved to be the .nost liked of all. in ■ tatives lute together at Princeton for a Mrs. Edwin G. Flint, Dr. Wilson R. affirmative -case. Fallowing a similar at the Halle auditorium at 10:30 the Council. several of ih•ee songs, the German :eel a half to discuss common Club Quinicee joined in on the re Flint. ;Mildred Gilmore, Jahn B. Gor- discussion by the first Juniata nega- o'clock, where he addressed a crowded The problem relative to including . prob lems, exchange ideas, report pro irains. Munilare of this group are don. Dr. Frlward B. Heckel, E. Alex- rive man, Gilbert will conduct the house on his adventures with Admiral the grades of freshmen in fraternity ess of the past year, and to gain a fol.."-fis.s Alberta Argow, Miss Ruth Sund- ander Hill. R. E. Wert, Robert In- cross-exa'm'ination. 1Jyrd and his party at the South Polar gr averages was discussed and the gram, Grace A. Jenks. Mabee King, region. broader concept of what an alumni lowing rule u;as adopted: that for the jback, Kermit Kelley, Russell Chilcote, This feature ,is peculiar to an Oregon secretary's job is. Many of the repre- Everett B. Kunselman, Donald W. style debate. During a 10 minute per- A luncheon at Boy Scout Headquar- sentatives who were present have been first semester of each year, men on and William ;Hunter. Leeper. Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Lewis. pledge on or after December 1St shall Mr. Merx was !brought to Allegheny iod the speaker may ask his opponents ters, as 'the guest of the Eagle Scouts, in alumni work for several years, and under ehe a.nspices et,. the German Linnie E. Louden, John H. Louthan, any question he likes; answers must preceded an afternoon spent in auto-, count. and that for the second seme.s- Mr. and Mrs. A. D. P. Miller, Grace others were visiting the conference for Ciub, his visit constituting the occasion be brief. in no case to exceed one min- graphing copies of his book, "A Boy the first time. Newcomers could not ter of each year. men pledged on or Mrs. L. for the club's regular monthly meeting. Miller, Mary Louise Murphy, u-te. From the responses the (Ines - after the dale of the official resumption S. McKeever, Alice McQuiston, John Scout with Byrd," which has been re- help -being impressed with the earnest- tioner is privileged. to make any deduc- ceutly placed on the market. The ness, faithfulness, and enthusiasm with of classes after the Spring recess shall After the •micert the group gathered Porter. Judge and Mrs. 'Thomas T. - L. Lions possible to the furtherance of hook proved very popular in -Cleveland, which these workers among alumni (stunt in the fraternity averages. It at`Die Myford's Allegheny Inn for Prather, Gerald Prather, Dr. Theodore his own cause. Juniata is also alloted and about a thousand copies - is believed that this rule will eliminate refreshments and good old German M. Redman, Mrs. Glenn C. Reiter, were sold tackle their jobs. It may be surpris- a great deal of the misunderstanding s 10 minutes for a counter-attack, and during the course of the afternoon. ing to some fr. know, too, that there Nellie K. Reiners, Caryl rM. 'Reynolds, the meet will then come to a conclu- that has been encountered in the past Dr. L. A. Schafer, Martha Schwartz, After closing time at the Halle Book were as many men at the conference on this question. sion with a 5 minute summary of each woue All sessions of the con- DR. R. M. FRESHWATER William A. Swick, Donald S. Thomas, side's arguments, handled for the Shop, Mr. Si-pie was escorted by The Committee on Chapter Finances, Samuel Davis .and Joseph Vigrass, ference were very informal and Mrs. Thomas H. Tucker, John B. and affirmative by Gilbert. composed of Dean Schultz, Irwin DIES ON FEBRUARY 13 Ruth Townley, Mr. and Mrs. Hatry M. members of Phi Iota chapter of Alpha friendly, thus giving opportunity for Winters. and Harmon Gilbert made a White, Irene Wood, S. Adino Wood, Roth Allegheny speakers have served Chi Rho of Allegheny, to the Hotel questions •no discussions at all times. reoprt. which was tabled for discus- William Wycoff, Helen E. McLain, long and brilliant apprenticeships Rev. Dr. 'Robert M. Freshwater, 85, Stotler, where he was the honored Mr. Thurston Davies, alumni secre- sion at the next meeting. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Pratt, and Robert uponu the rostrum, and are thoroughly guest of the -Cleveland Allegheny Club tart' at Princeton University, with the Kenneth Showers was Chairman of former busines agent of St. Luke's entitled to their place in the spotlight. Hospital and former Cleveland pastor, W. Pratt. at dinner. In his honor, several other, assistance of Mrs. Davies, greeted the the meeting. The next meeting will The committee in charge of ar- Gilbert made his mark two years ago guests had been invited: Miss Hutch- conference guests when they reels- be held at the Delta Tau Delta House died on February 13 at his home at rangements included Judge Thomas J. when. although only a freshman, he inson, his hostess -while in Cleveland; tared at The Princeton Inn on Friday on March 10, with John Knapp as New Philadelphia, Ohio.