Plato and True Names -- Kent Palmer dimensions but their dual. In effect it is the Plato and True Names Pascal simplicies that generate dimensionality by generating the minimal solid of each dimension. If we look at the second table The Foundations of concerning the chiasms or reversibilities then we see that at the first meta-level there is the General Schemas Theory schemas which are the dual of the dimensions generated from the minimal solids at each level Kent D. Palmer, Ph.D. of the pascal triangle. But when we go to the P.O. Box 1632 second meta-level we see that there is Orange CA 92856 USA causality, and we can see that in the unfolding 714-633-9508 of the Pascal Simplicies as well because each
[email protected] line by addition produces the next line by a rule. And when we go to the third meta-level we see there the bits which are the physical Copyright 2004 K.D. Palmer. All Rights Reserved. Not for distribution. basis for the coding, and it turns out that the Started 04.08.12; Version 0.8; 04.08.16; gst05a08.doc Pascal Triangle produces the minimal systems of bit arrays associated with Boolean Logic and Algebra which are used as the basis for our Keywords: General Schemas Theory, Systems computers. Moving up to the fourth meta-level Engineering, Systems Theory, we find there anomalies and it turns out that when we generate the negative pascal triangle that is the dual of the positive Pascal triangle then after passing beyond the Pascal point, True Names there is the void of odd zero, and then the We have established in the last essay that Plato negative Pascal point of the negative triangle has opened up the difference between Logos which is composed of the hyper-complex and Physus through the exploration of the algebras.