The Ocean of Theosophy Is a Classic of Theosophical Literature
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PHILOSOPHY/THEOSOPHY T Mr. Judge’s The Ocean of Theosophy is a classic of theosophical literature. Written in 1893 as a text to explain the broad themes treated in H.P. Blavatsky’s HE two-volume magnum opus, The Secret Doctrine, it has long been regarded by students of the Wisdom Religion as one of the most valuable “keys” to understanding the latter work. O Robert Crosbie described the import of this volume in the following CEAN OF THE OCEAN OF manner: “As the Author’s Preface shows, the book was written in such a manner as to be understood by the ordinary reader; the simplicity of the terms used, however, should not mislead the reader into thinking that the work is an elementary one, for behind and within every statement THEOSOPHY there is a depth of meaning that the careless and superficial fail to perceive. It is really a simplified text-book of the fundamental teachings of Theosophy, and is found by students of the “Secret Doctrine” to be a true abridgment of that great work and a wonderful aid in its T comprehension; it was written with that end in view by the only one HEOSOPHY competent to do so and is there fore earnestly recommended to every student of Theosophy.” Students of every variety will gain enormous benefit from the study of both works conjointly. Mr. Judge’s Ocean provides a high-level overview - the schematic, if you will - of the subject matter treated in great detail in the Secret Doctrine, and is so very useful in keeping in mind the scope of that work. As Mr. Crosbie further remarked: “The passage of years has served to show, not only the value of this little book, but the status of Mr. Judge as a Teacher. Everything he has written bears impress of his deep knowledge to every real student of Theosophy. Even the ordinary reader cannot fail to perceive that only “One Who Knows” could have so applied Theosophy to the B Y circumstances and conditions of every-day human existence. W. Q. J The earnest student will do well to study conjointly the writings of H. P. Blavatsky and Wm. Q. Judge; from them he will learn Theosophy pure and simple; will recognize the community of knowledge and complete accord that existed between them and will more fully appreciate the mission and nature of those two Personages.” UDGE from the Introduction BY Theosophy Trust T WILLIAM Q. JUDGE T T T Books THE OCEAN OF THEOSOPHY Other Theosophy Trust Books Theosophy ~ The Wisdom Religion Compiled by The Editorial Board of Theosophy Trust Books by Raghavan Iyer Mahatma Gandhi and Buddhaʹs Path to Enlightenment The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Meditation and Self‐Study Essays on the Spiritual Life Wisdom in Action Essays on the Spiritual Life The Dawning of Wisdom Essays on Walking the Path Books by H.P. Blavatsky The Voice of the Silence The Origins of Self‐Consciousness in The Secret Doctrine The Key to Theosophy An Exposition of the Ethics, Science, and Philosophy Evolution and Intelligent Design in The Secret Doctrine Other Authors Teachers of the Eternal Doctrine From Tsong‐Ka‐Pa to Nostradamus by Elton Hall Symbols of the Eternal Doctrine From Shamballa to Paradise by Helen Valborg THE OCEAN OF THEOSOPHY BY WILLIAM Q. JUDGE THEOSOPHY TRUST BOOKS NORFOLK, VA The Ocean of Theosophy Copyright © June 21, 2015 by Theosophy Trust All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means ‐ graphic, electronic, or mechanical ‐ including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. Theosophy Trust books may be ordered through,, and other retail outlets, or by visiting: ISBN‐13: 978‐0‐9916182‐5‐5 ISBN‐10: 0991618254 Library of Congress Control Number: 2015942961 Printed in the United States of America Dedicated to all those who seek to unite their minds with Sanatana Dharma – the Eternal Religion. The central tenets of Theosophia are not derived from any ancient or modern sect but represent the accumulated wisdom of the ages, the unrecorded inheritance of humanity. Its vast scheme of cosmic and human evolution furnishes all true seekers with the symbolic alphabet necessary to interpret their recurrent visions as well as the universal framework and metaphysical vocabulary, drawn from many mystics and seers, which enable them to communicate their own intuitive perceptions. All authentic mystical writings are enriched by the alchemical flavour of Theosophical thought. Theosophy is an integrated system of fundamental verities taught by Initiates and Adepts across millennia. It is the Philosophia Perennis, the philosophy of human perfectibility, the science of spirituality and the religion of responsibility. It is the primeval fount of myriad religious systems as well as the hidden essence and esoteric wisdom of each. Man, an immortal monad, has been able to preserve this sacred heritage through the sacrificial efforts of enlightened and compassionate individuals, or Bodhisattvas, who constitute an ancient Brotherhood. They quietly assist in the ethical evolution and spiritual development of the whole of humanity. Theosophia is Divine Wisdom, transmitted and verified over aeons by the sages who belong to this secret Brotherhood. Spritual Evolution Hermes, August 1979 Raghavan Iyer Table of Contents INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................... i CHAPTER I: THEOSOPHY AND THE MASTERS ............................ 1 Theosophy generally defined. The existence of highly developed men in the Universe. These men are the Mahatmas, Initiates, Brothers, Adepts. How they work and why they remain now concealed. Their Lodge. They are perfected men from other periods of evolution. They have had various names in history. Apollonius, Moses, Solomon, and others were members of this fraternity. They had one single doctrine. They are possible because man may at last be as they are. They keep the true doctrine and cause it to reappear at the right time. CHAPTER II: GENERAL PRINCIPLES .............................................. 13 A view of the general laws governing the Cosmos. The sevenfold division in the system. Real Matter not visible and this always known to the Lodge. Mind the intelligent portion of the Cosmos. In the universal Mind the sevenfold plan of the Cosmos is contained. Evolution proceeds upon the plan in the universal Mind. Periods of Evolution come to an end; this is the Night of Brahma. The Mosaic account of Cosmogenesis has dwarfed modern conceptions. The Jews had merely one part of the doctrine taken from the ancient Egyptians. The doctrine accords with the inner meaning of Genesis. The general length of periods of Evolution. Same doctrine as Herbert Spencerʹs. The old Hindu chronology gives the details. The story of Solomonʹs Temple is that of the evolution of man. The doctrine far older than the Christian one. The real age of the world. Man is over 18,000,000 years old. Evolution is accomplished solely by the Egos within that at last become the users of human forms. Each of the seven principles of man is derived from one of the seven great divisions of the Universe. CHAPTER III: THE EARTH CHAIN .................................................. 21 The doctrine respecting the Earth. It is sevenfold also. It is one of a chain of seven corresponding to man. The whole seven are not in a chain separated as to members, but they interpenetrate each other. The Earth chain is the reincarnation of a former old and now dead chain. This old chain was one of which our moon is the visible representative. Moon now dead and contracting. Venus, Mars, etc., are living members of other similar chains to ours. A mass of Egos for each chain. The number, though incalculable, is definite. Their course of evolution through the seven globes. In each a certain part of our nature is developed. At the fourth globe the process of condensation is begun and reaches its limit. CHAPTER IV: SEPTENARY CONSTITUTION OF MAN ............... 27 The constitution of man. How the doctrine differs from the ordinary Christian one. The real doctrine known in the first centuries of this era, but purposely withdrawn from a nation not able to bear it. The danger if the doctrine had not been withdrawn. The sevenfold division. The principles classified. The divisions agree with the chain of seven globes. The lower man is a composite being. His higher trinity. The lower four principles transitory and perishable. Death leaves the trinity as the only persistent part of us. What the physical man is, and what the other unseen mortal man is. A second physical man not seen but still mortal. The senses pertain to the unseen man and not to the visible one. CHAPTER V: BODY AND ASTRAL BODY ...................................... 33 The body and life principle. The mystery of life. Sleep and death are due to excess of life not bearable by the organism. The body an illusion. What is the cell. Life is universal. It is not the result of the organism. The Astral Body. What it is made of. Its powers and functions. As a model for the body. It is possessed by all kingdoms of nature. Its power to travel. The real sense organs are in the astral body. The place the astral body has at spiritualistic seances. The astral body accounts for telepathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, and all such psychical phenomena. CHAPTER VI: KAMA – DESIRE ......................................................... 42 The fourth principle. Kama rupa. In English, the Passions and Desires. Kama rupa is not produced by the body but is the cause for body. This is the balance principle of the seven. It is the basis of action and mover of the will.