Issue 20 Easter 2019 Featured in This Edition
The Dean The Magazine of The Dean Academy Issue 20 Easter 2019 Featured in this edition Mark Thompson tribute National Science Week World Book Day Page 3 Page 12 Page 18 Update from the Head of School Dear Parent/Carers, The school year universities, to name but a few. There has been a continues to fly by, and large array of other trips, sporting events, and our students have had a activities this term, and it has been great to see very successful term. I students getting stuck in. I wish all students and staff have been really going on the trip to Porto over Easter a very impressed with the level enjoyable visit. of learning in classrooms I would like to say thank you and goodbye to all over the school. I try Christine Scott who is retiring this week. Christine has to get into lessons as been working in our school restaurant for an much as possible and we incredible 18 years and her commitment and continue to see the enthusiasm has been second to none. We wish quality of teaching and Christine a long and happy retirement. learning improve. In a It has been a great sadness to the whole school that recent English lesson, I Mark Thompson passed away last month following a observed, for instance, I long illness. Mark was a fantastic servant to the was blown away by the school over a number of years and he is sorely quality and confidence of Year 7 readers. A special mention missed. It was an honour to hear about his incredible must also go to Year 11 students whose commitment and life at his thanksgiving service, and the number of focus in attending a 6th lesson 3 afternoons a week to help staff and students in attendance was testament to the them prepare for their summer exams has been excellent.
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