United States Patent Office Patented Jan
3,164,611 United States Patent Office Patented Jan. 5, 1965 1. 2 reaction, care must be taken in applying this method 3,164,611 to the oxidation of heat sensitive compounds. OXDATION OF PRIMARY AND SECONDARY AL COHOLS TO THE CORRESPONDING CARBONY These organic base-chromium trioxide complexes are CSCMPOUNDS (USNG A TERTARY AMENE particularly useful oxidizing agents for effecting the oxida (CERORySSJR, TROXDE COMPLEX tion of alcohols having at least one hydrogen atom at Lewis H. Sarett, Friscetos, N.J., assigaor to Merck & Co., tached to the carbon atom bearing the hydroxyl sub Inc., Rahway, N.J., a corporatioia of New Jersey Stituent, i.e., primary and secondary alcohols, to the No Drawing. Fied any 26, 1956, Ser. No. 686,463 corresponding carbonyl compounds. Thus, primary al 13 Caias. (C. 260-349.9) cohols are oxidized to aldehydes, and secondary alcohols IO are converted to ketones. This invention relates to a novel process for the oxida This method of oxidizing alcohols to the corresponding tion of chemical compounds, and more particularly to carbonyl compounds is generally applicable to all pri an improved method for the oxidation of primary and mary and secondary alcohols. Examples of such al Secondary alcohols to the corresponding carbonyl com cohols that might be mentioned are aliphatic alcohols pounds. 5 such as alkanals, alkenols, alkinois, polyhydric alkanols, This application is a continuation-in-part application polyhydric alkenols and polyhydric alkinols; aralkyl al of my application Serial No. 263,016, filed December cohols; aralkenyl alcohols; aralkinyl alcohols; alicyclic 22, 1951, now abandoned, and my copending application alcohols such as cycloalkyl, cycloalkenyl, cycloalkinyl, Serial No.
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